boomstyle · 2 years
Our Little Stroll (Anti Sonamy Boom)
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Hey guys! This is my anti sonamy boom au drawing. I want to write Boom Sonic and Boom Amy's evil counterpart in their own Anti Sonic Boom zone or Boem zone. They are proud to be the evil twins, after all, their boom counterparts are indeed twins anyway. If we put aside alignment, moral, technogical advances and economy of the dimension, they have shared history and culture. I always picture them to be a partner in crime and childhood sweetheart similarly if they're their anti counterpart.
While their archie version showed them to be in toxic pschopathy relationship which Rosy was obssesed with smashing Scourge after the exposure of a special ring got Rosy insane. I didn't think this relationship would fit better if this is Anti Sonic Boom dimension. After all, in the Sonic Boom series, Sonic and Amy had a secret crush on each other while their age gap was only 3 years different. Boom Sonic and Boom Amy never have chase and run relationship. Boom Amy was not obsessed toward Sonic like the Earlier archie issues and earlier Sonic games showed. This is what I thought. Plus, it would be interesting if the Anti Sonamy Boom couple meet with the Sonamy Boom couple. Personally, they would have a frenemy relationship more than a foe relationship since the two same couples from their respective dimension had similar relationship history, genuine feeling and relationship toward each of their respective partner.
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allielleaf · 2 months
Do you remember?
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The day you held my hand to your chest, telling me how fast you had to run to get back here on time. It was pure puppy love — the day you got stuck in my head. It was cliche. It was childish. The way you were so eager to prove just how fast you can run — it was sweet, enough to touch my heart. Because I knew that was completely different from the behavior others know you have.
All that's left in childhood, though. We no longer speak to each other — only small glances here and there. I don't know if you do too, but I often wonder if your mind still runs the way mine does.
You fell first, I fell too hard.
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maryrebeccawrites · 21 days
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My Childhood Crush is a Selkie
See all available chapters here. This is the last one :)
Chapter Thirteen: Shapeshifters
Even if I didn't linger on the edge of the beach, I found it difficult to drive away. I had a vision of myself getting out of bed the next day, heartbroken but ready to move on with my life. I would quit my job. I would go find a better one. I would tell Sophie and Katrina everything.
But the reality wasn't as simple as that. I arrived back to my car and placed my head on the steering wheel. I would just need to make it through one moment at a time. And in this moment, I needed to put my head on the steering wheel.
"I'm guessing this means you don't want to come to the cabin again this weekend." Quinn's voice came through my open window.
I wanted to throw the door open and throttle him. At the very least, I wanted to drop-kick him all the way into the ocean. If I were being smart, I probably would have just driven far, far away, but then I ran over his words again.
He continued to say something—some forlorn and useless apology—but my mind had latched onto the image of his cabin. Very slowly, I realized that there might be some kind of solution after all, not to bring Del back necessarily but something that would improve this wretched situation for everyone.
"On second thought," I said, "I think we should go to your cabin right now."
It was one of the stupidest things I had ever done. But in the end, I wasn't doing it for Quinn, and I wasn't doing it for Del. I sat at the edge of the little river just as I had only a few days ago.
My heart pounded in my ears, but I attempted to look as placid as possible in a green sundress. Pretty soon, the warmth of summer would fade from the nights, and autumn would begin to seep in at the edges. But I tried to savor what I could now, allowing the heat to sink into my skin.
I heard him before I saw him. There was a faint sloshing of water that could have been dismissed as a small wave, but I knew the sound now, and I could hear the accompanying fizzle. My eyes stayed planted on the stars, however, until I could no longer avoid the sight of his face in my line of vision.
His cocky grin was blinding and a little difficult to ignore. He and Del possessed a similar confidence, but while Del's knowing grin made my stomach flutter, Logan's made it turn.
My heart began to pound in my throat out of fear. I took several deep breaths, not willing to betray it. I couldn't betray it. He needed to be still.
"I wondered if you'd come back here," he said.
Just like Del, he gesticulated rather wildly when he spoke and seemed to find it difficult to stay still. "I heard about my cousin's transformation. A shame not all of us possess the power to come to land whenever we want, but I suppose he does come from one of the lesser families."
Was being patronizing to Del really how he thought he would win me over.
I smiled, hoping that it seemed more genuine than it felt. "I thought you came from the same family," I said, conversationally.
"Oh, very distantly related," he said, his eyes roaming up and down my body far too many times. I knew what he said to be untrue. They were direct cousins.
I wondered what his father had done to gain such power. I didn't want to know.
He stood above me now, hands on his hips.
"Well, you must come from a truly amazing family if you're allowed to come here as much as you want," I said.
He laughed a little, and I didn't like the sound of it. "Allowed? No one allows me to do anything. I just take and do what I want. My father is our king's right-hand-man."
"Is that so?" I asked, painting disbelief on my face.
He nodded and finally moved down to sit next to me. As soon as he was seated, guard down, there was a sharp whisking sound. The dart landed in his neck.
He fell to the ground with a thud. Quinn emerged from the bushes.
I didn't expect anything else to come of it. I had done it for the women of Greyport and that was more than enough for me.
Without his skin and his selkie powers, Logan would be stranded on land, less able to run from any mischief he created and without a powerful family to support him.
Quinn, moreover, with a selkie skin in hand, could stay as the hunter in town. Even if he couldn't change his own family's cruelty, he could at least give the selkies several decades of peace and safety, but I had to accept that Del might still not be permitted to return.
Even if it was safe—even if Quinn wouldn't let the other hunters hurt him—he had made a blood oath to stay below the ocean's surface, and his mother had had so little time with him.
So when I went to the beach that afternoon, it wasn't to find him. I just wanted to see the wide expanse of ocean for what it was, knowing now that what lurked beneath it was not so different from my own world. It didn't stop me, however, from gazing upon it with some sense of wonder—from still grieving the life that I had given up.
As I sat on a rock and watched the waves come and go, the composure I had been able to adopt began to crumble.
On one hand, I knew that I would be okay. I would claw myself out of the deep well I had fallen in over the past few years, even if it took me a lifetime to do so.
I would stop trying to prove something to my parents and start looking for jobs at nonprofits. I would try to keep my heart open—to spend more time with Sophie's friends and maybe make some more of my own. I would introduce her to Katrina.
I would be alright. I knew I would.
But that didn't really matter in this very moment, and I knew there was no sense in pretending that I was, at that moment, alright.
I was furious and heartbroken. In the past, I might have fought off these uncomfortable feelings and dismissed them, but I now allowed my devastation to wash over me. An enormous sob pulled through me like a tidal wave.
I sat and wept on the rock, the tears splattering against the ocean's surface. I clutched my stomach like I had been stabbed, because it felt like I had been.
I still, beneath it all, ached desperately to be a part of the water before me. It was so difficult sometimes to feel so small and easily battered by the world around me.
I wanted my limbs to melt to water and my eyes to become rocks. I wanted to shape and mold the world instead of allowing it to carve into me. I wanted to become one of them, even if I knew I wouldn't.
My tears were pulled in with the waves, and the calm, sunny day quickly grew overcast. I was about to turn around and begin my walk back home.
There was a rumble in the distance, and my eyes scanned the gathering dark clouds.
My crying dissipated with the sudden shift. My heart began to race, and my eyes scanned the surface of the water, catching on a shape in the distance, just near a tall jutting of rocks.
I stood to my feet, tears streaming down as his smile came into view. I stood, frozen in his gaze. He climbed onto the rock and pulled me in his arms, his skin cold and silky, and I held onto him like I would never let go.
His hands found my face, pulling back from me a little, and I couldn't tell what was the ocean and what was our tears, but I surged up to press my lips to his.
He kissed me with gentle urgency, and everything was warmth and salt and water, and then it was all grinning teeth, and we were both smiling too much to kiss anymore.
"What do you think?" Sophie asked, her eyes and smile wide. We were standing in a bright, vacant space downtown. It was raining outside, but nothing seemed to be able to dampen our moods.
It had been five days since Del had come back to me.
He was required to return to the sea at least four nights a month. He was also required to stay in Greyport and the neighboring towns under Quinn's jurisdiction, but we were already hatching plans to make more and more of the coast safe for selkies.
Right now, he and Quinn were at the beach, talking things over. There was still anger and hurt between them, but Quinn had too much power to not attempt to build a business partnership of kinds.
And I was with my best friend. I had applied to a few jobs and was still waiting to hear back, but I was content. I had convinced Sophie to start looking at spaces where she might open her own shop.
"What do you think?" I asked.
Sophie grinned. "It's perfect, but I could never afford it."
She took a seat on a stool, which was one of the only things in the room. I sat on the other one. It was a bright, roomy space, right on main street. The blank walls promised possibilities.
I shrugged. "What if you started with an online store?"
"I've considered that, but I don't know," she said, looking around. "I would need to quit working for Ruth to really dedicate myself to something like that."
"Then maybe you should," I responded.
She sighed. "Something really crazy would need to happen for me to do that."
I grinned.
"I might know just the thing," I said. She tilted her head. I took a deep breath. I had decided to tell Katrina first last week. She had deserved to know the truth about Logan.
She had been suitably freaked-out, but with time and a couple of shapeshifting demonstrations from Del, she was more filled with questions than anything.
Diana imagined that Sophie would be all questions from the get-go.
"Would you like me to tell you something that will shift your entire reality?" I asked, because there was nothing like discovering that magic was real to make you assess your priorities.
Eagerness washed over her face, and she opened her mouth, but I spoke again before she could. "I'm serious. You might not even believe me at first, and once you do, your entire perspective on the universe will probably change, so don't answer lightly."
At first, she looked at me with a bemused expression, but then she seemed to sense that I was serious.
Her expression became a little more serious, but it only lasted for a moment. For a split second, I wondered what she would have done if confronted with the same choice. Would she have become a selkie? She was in love with the sea, just like Del and I were.
It was probably why I had fallen in love with her in the first place—that longing in her eyes.
Maybe none of it would be a shock to her after all. "I enjoy having my reality shifted," she said. "So go ahead. Consider me warned."
I smiled. "I think I should tell you this story down by the water. Wanna get ice cream?"
T H E  E N D
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lademonio · 7 months
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Five Villain Daddies Are Fighting To Spoil Me - Details (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1256878483-five-villain-daddies-are-fighting-to-spoil-me?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=lademonio111 Ye Sang's five daddies were all villains wicked beyond redemption who were doing bad things in the world. Eventually, they were all killed by the male lead! And so, she had to hug onto their thighs tightly to prevent them from courting disasters and instead rise to the peak of their lives. ...... Number one, the biggest influence in the business industry: "The weather's getting cold, it is time for the Duan family to be bankrupt." Number two, the smartest villain: "Imma teach that Duan guy a lesson today." Number three, a genius in the medical field: "I've reincarnated and I will make him pay." Number four, the god of Esports, and number five, the god of acting: "Today, only one shall fall and one shall stand." Their little ball silently hugged one of their thighs. Daddy, Sangsang hungry~ All the villains who were on their way to take revenge immediately thought, ... screw that, I'm busy spending time with my daughter! And then, the entire City A found out that these five vicious and merciless villains weren't scared of anything but their daughter crying. Everyone who saw this thought, ...wait, why does this scene look so strange? Why are all these great villains busy raising their daughter? ...... All these villains who could cover the sky with their hands never thought that the cute daughter they raised could be stolen by the Duan family's little wolf!!! Duan Jinyan hugged the girl tightly in his arms, "Why are you running? Sangsang, call me brother and my everything will belong to you." Associated Names: 我被五个反派爸爸争着宠 Note I DO NOT OWN EITHER THE WORK OR THE TRANSLATION. Credit to the rightful owners- [author(/s) + translator(/s)] The published work is only for offline purpose. Please do read on the official sites to support the author(/s) and the translator(/s). Author: Meeting Jinzhao For The First Time 妗昭初见呀 Translation: Exodus Tales
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sarahrcubitt13 · 1 year
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Endgame; House of Anubis *B3* - [17.2] House of Hustle ~ Pt 2 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/732272703-endgame-house-of-anubis-b3-17-2-house-of-hustle-%7E?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=SarahRCubitt13&wp_originator=mpn3KuDmwBEL%2FblXRRA%2BuVt2JV%2BTXab9pi4iZwYNif%2Feano2Yikzy1SQPGw5iTmG9ddgvP1%2B22Ffmbcixa%2BwERBB2ly8IHBVOhcQGcbGXBwdJEgRPYc8v97dtm3UD7Vj endgame /ˈɛn(d)ɡeɪm/ noun the final stage of a game such as chess or bridge, when a few pieces or cards remain. The Sibuna gang are back for yet another year, however, Nina Martin has not returned with them, but there are some fresh faces to make up for her absence. Eddie and Camilla both seem to be having visions of new girl KT's dying grandfather giving her a key and telling her to go to Anubis House; which means that Camilla is dragged into yet another mystery at the school because like hell she was going to let her Osirian go get himself killed because if she has learnt anything from 2 years of adventures... nothing is what it seems at their school. Plus a new teacher Miss Denby seems to hang out with Victor and Mr Sweet way too often to be normal and Camilla is sure they aren't just having tea and talking their favourite Opera. On top of all that Camilla finally finds out the truth behind her magic and her destined future. If she thought her family were Egypt mad for no reason she was soon going to learn their connection to the Egyptian times is not as superficial as just her family being fascinated by the past. If you like this book you should check out the rest of the series: Book 1: Impossible; House of Anubis Book 2: Unsteady; House of Anubis Book 4: Sibuna; And The Son of Osiris Book 5; Sibuna; And The Book of Thoth Book 6; Sibuna; And The Curse of The Pharaohs Cover by SarahRCubitt13 *Disclaimer, I do not own House of Anubis. All of that belongs to Hans Bourlon and Gert Verhulst. I, however, own Camilla-Anne Rutter and her little storyline :P I hope you enjoy it!*
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topazs-stuff · 2 months
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The Dream We Promised (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/370432770-the-dream-we-promised?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=TPATOPA                                                                                                    Alex, haunted by guilt and grief over the tragic death of his beloved Meera, struggles to find peace. As he navigates the turmoil of his emotions, he begins to experience mysterious and unexplainable occurrences that suggest Meera's presence might still be influencing his life. This first part delves into the complexities of love, loss, and redemption, blending subtle supernatural elements with heartfelt human experiences.
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allthingsdarkanddirty · 3 months
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lia-cstreets-blog · 4 months
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The Playbook - #1 Of fears and tears (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1400256754-the-playbook-1-of-fears-and-tears?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=ECStreets 
Laia has come back to her childhood home after many years with a backpack full of secrets and a hope to bury them. 
But, meeting her childhood crush, dashing and cold football player Austin seems to awaken new feelings that endanger her wish to live a peaceful life. 
Hot-headed, dreamy, and with a taste for the forbidden, he takes this new opportunity the universe has given them to drive her crazy. 
Can Laia resist him? Can they work through the ghost of their past? Or will they be consumed by the fire of the present?
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joyffree · 5 months
Redemption, a second chance romance from Laura Lee out now! Pick up this emotional childhood sweetheart romance today!
USA Today Bestselling author, Laura Lee, brings you a standalone story about love, loss, and second chances.
I fell in love with Beckett Armstrong before either one of us knew what that meant.
He was my first kiss. My first love. My entire world.
We promised each other forever, and we meant it wholeheartedly.
But unfortunately, when tragedy struck, love wasn't nearly enough to save us.
Little did we know… it would only get worse from there.
Twelve years later, Beckett and I wear our scars like finely crafted armor.
We've been in survival mode for so long, we've forgotten how to live.
After everything we've endured, can we move beyond the pain to forge a future together?
Or are we destined to repeat the mistakes of our past?
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mikeewrites · 5 months
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One Day Millionaire (Childhood Sweetheart Series #1) - Chapter 2 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1436514987-one-day-millionaire-childhood-sweetheart-series-1?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=MikeePalmones Vera won a lottery and got betrayed by her boyfriend who ran away and took away her price money. She then seeks for a legal help so she could sue her boyfriend. Unfortunately, her lawyer is going to be her old crush Declan who broke her heart before. Now, she is thorned between continue filing a case or turning back and just forget about her money.
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chenford-expert · 1 year
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The Love We Shared - Chapter One (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1362916617-the-love-we-shared-chapter-one?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Diana_Vivar&wp_originator=rMAUKaA%2BnQQSKehwzGTboSXMFmIntcyYb2h35CD%2BdObFUMjlpHF1CRe4fiLg5mIGHAnZB0zSoSWk4R5wzLYm%2B9S1FqS7%2F8JxcT%2B0PVdiYKwLZAdd2okFd4x2JUwTQK52 Athena and Sebastian attend marriage counseling, where they recount memories of how they fell in love to discover the downfall of their marriage.
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maryrebeccawrites · 2 months
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My Childhood Crush is a Selkie
See all available chapters here.
Chapter Eight: Katrina
The next morning I awoke earlier than everyone else. I had barely slept, but I couldn't bear to be in the little cabin anymore, pretending everything was normal.
Sophie and I shared one of the little rooms with two twin beds, and I managed to creep out as quickly and quietly as possible and climb into my car.
The sun was just rising, and its golden-pink glow was too much for me. I pulled on my sunglasses and turned the music high, trying to drown out all thoughts.
When I arrived back at my apartment, I threw all my things down and drew all the curtains. I fell into bed with the fan on high and slept, because I didn't have the energy for anything else. My dreams were strange and fractured, although I had no memory of them upon waking. They held me in their thrall before slowly releasing me.
It was the early afternoon when I finally decided to rise. My phone was flooded with texts from Sophie. There were also a couple from Quinn and Yasmin, but there were none from Del.
I realized that I didn't even have his new number, but he could have easily asked for mine from Sophie, as others apparently had. He was giving me space, just like I had asked.
But now that I had that space, I wasn't sure what to do with it. I paced like a caged tiger most of Sunday. I read just about every article I could find on the internet about selkies before going to YouTube and watching every video I could find after that.
The main theories about selkies aligned alarmingly well with what I had seen and learned, but the details were difficult to grab onto. There was an abundance of information on selkies but not nearly as much information as there was on other mythical creatures like mermaids and fairies.
I shut my laptop in frustration and stood by the window. It was past seven o'clock, and the sun was starting to set.
My phone buzzed, and I nearly ignored it, but then it kept buzzing. It was a phone call. I glanced down, expecting to see Sophie's name on the screen.
I was surprised to see Katrina's instead. My finger hovered over the screen, but then I declined the call, as if on instinct. To my surprise, the phone began to ring again. I wasn't sure that Katrina had called me once in the last five years, let alone twice.
"Hello?" I asked, a little impatient and a little worried.
There was the slightest hesitation on the other end. "Hey, Di," Katrina said finally.
"Everything okay?" I asked.
"Sorry to be pushy. I just wanted to see you," she said, sounding a little breathless. "Are you around?"
I glanced around my messy apartment, but it was difficult to find the energy to care about any of it. It was difficult to care about making some excuse not to see her. At the end of the day, she sounded worried and exhausted, and I would always be her friend. "You still have my address?"
Katrina gripped the little tea cup in her hands like it was some kind of lifeline, her blond hair a curtain over her slightly bowed head. It was a surprisingly chilly evening, the rain sprinkling down in cold, sharp bursts as the falling sun danced in and out of the clouds. The sky was transitioning from warm tones to cool ones as it dipped lower and lower.
I had managed to pull on something resembling an outfit. I couldn't help but think that if I had invited Katrina over in high school, I wouldn't have bothered. We wouldn't be drinking tea, either. We would be lounging on the couch with sodas in our hands, discussing our chemistry teacher's latest haircut or that film we wanted to go see next weekend.
It wasn't high school anymore though. Each of our reunions just consisted of catching each other up on what we had missed last, our encounters nothing more than recaps.
I realized, sitting here, that losing her slowly through the business of adult life and smalltalk had been just as painful as losing Del. I just hadn't noticed, because it was happening gradually.
"I'm sorry," Katrina said, and she winced a little before looking up.
I looked up in surprise. "For what?"
"For canceling last week. I really wasn't doing too well," she said. I could sense that this wasn't all she wanted to say about the matter, so I waited. She sounded so serious that I felt horrible for not believing that she had actually been ill.
Her face seemed drained of all color, and when she looked at me now, pain was clear on her face. I was surprised by it.
She was usually so reserved and sometimes standoffish when it came to telling me about personal things, but I could tell she was preparing herself to explain.
"You know how I've been working at that grocery store?" Katrina asked, and I nodded.
Katrina still lived in my hometown. We had met when she moved for high school, just weeks after Del left. We had instantly bonded over a contradictory disdain for the school system and a desire to succeed. I'm not sure how I would have made it through high school without her.
We had no excuse not to see each other more often. Before proceeding with her story, I saw something like doubt flicker behind her eyes.
"I know it's random to tell you all of this, but all my other friends haven't really been around, and I just need—"
"It's okay," I said. "You can tell me anything. You can always tell me anything."
She considered me for a moment, and I tried not to take her trepidation personally.
She inhaled and exhaled deeply, and it was a practiced action. We had often breathed like that before tests in high school or when things grew really difficult for one of us at home, which was often. I felt guilty, suddenly, for not checking in on her more.
"Well right at the beginning of summer, this guy came in by himself, right near the end of my shift. And oh my god, Diana, he was the most beautiful person I've ever seen," Katrina said. This wasn't what I was expecting her to say.
Her brown eyes lit up the way they often had in high school when she had a new crush, which happened very frequently.
I remembered, however, that these crushes were always unresolved. Kat was adorable but always incredibly quiet, and she never made a move or recognized when boys were flirting with her.
So I was surprised by what I heard next, which she relayed in one long gasp: "Well, he asked me to hang out with him after work, and I agreed to. We went to the beach. It was really nice. We saw each other a few more times. He was just visiting family from out of town, but he told me he was considering moving here. He told me that I made him want to consider moving here. Things happened so quickly, and he made all these promises, and then..."
She took a deep, shaky breath, and I waited.
"And then he just disappeared," she said, shaking her head. "Tale as old as time, I know. But he wouldn't answer any messages. He just ghosted me."
"Don't blame yourself," I said, feeling anger rise in me on her behalf.
"I was hoping I would feel better by that evening, but honestly I just couldn't. I know it's stupid. I barely knew him, but—" Her voice broke, and tears began to roll down her cheeks. Her eyes grew red-rimmed. "And it's not just that. I think it was kind of like the last straw, you know? Everything else has just been so disappointing lately, and this was the cherry on top, and I could barely move for days."
"Oh Kat," I said, moving to sit next to her and taking her hand. The guilt that had prickled began to well until it overtook my aching heart. Everything else I was going through seemed to take a backseat. My voice was thick when I spoke."I'm sorry I haven't been here for you. You deserve the entire world, and I've been such a bad friend."
It was strange how those three phrases seemed to break some of the walls that had built up between us over the years. They didn't fix everything, but they were a start.
Very slowly, she rested her head on my shoulder. She smelled like she always did, like summer strawberries. I leaned my head against hers.
"No, you've been fine. I've been the bad friend," she said. "It's just so hard to answer texts and get myself out of the house, you know?"
I nodded, thinking of my own phone, bursting with messages. "I know. And you're not a bad friend because of it. Really, you aren't."
She released a long sigh, somewhere between pained and relieved, and for a moment, it felt like everything would be okay.
I really, really wished I had been there for her, but I hadn't been, and there was no changing that now. "I'm so glad you're here," I said. "Do you want to talk about it more? About what you've been going through? Or anything at all?"
Her voice was small when she asked: "Can I just stay the night?"
I felt myself smile a little.
"Absolutely. Let's get you plenty of ice cream and some cheesy movie," I said. The final rays of the sun shot through the window, making me feel warm and safe and sleepy.
"Nothing too romance-heavy, please," she said, and her smile was watery.
"Amen to that," I said, and I rose to make preparations, realizing that I was probably out of ice cream.
We were silent for a moment. I searched for sprinkles and chocolate syrup.
I felt her eyes on me as I dug through the freezer. I normally didn't like to be scrutinized so heavily, but it felt alright with her. She wouldn't judge me.
"How have you been, Di? Really?" she asked.
I didn't even consider lying for a moment. "Generally feeling like I've wasted my youth away and am continuing to waste it," I said, but I laughed at the end to try to soften the blow.
She nodded. "Wanna talk about it?"
"I suppose it would be very mature of us to talk about it at some point, but maybe we should just stick to the ice cream for now," I said. "Not really feeling up to heavy introspection at the moment."
She nodded. "Me neither." She collapsed back onto the couch. "But I'm always here whenever you are."
I felt a strange myriad of motions at the sight—sad that she had been through so much, elated she was here now, furious with the jerk who had left her.
With this last emotion, I realized there was something tugging at me—something strange in the pit of my stomach that I needed to dislodge. I paused in front of the freezer, probably just looking defeated by the lack of ice cream.
It could have just been a coincidence. There were so many men who behaved that way. Most of my female friends had a story that was at least somewhat similar.
"Kat?" I asked.
"Yeah?" she asked, eyebrows raised.
"What was his name? The jerk?" I asked.
We knew each other so well that she didn't seem to find my question strange. If I was asking, there would be a reason.
"His name was Logan," she said.
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tiffknights · 2 years
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VDay Young Kbnz👧🏻🎀😈💗👦🏾📱🐲 Happy (late) Valentine’s Day everyone!!, Here’s an artwork of Young Paige and Young Raihan when they were kids back then. I want to make a romantic story about Paige and Raihan being childhood friends and sweethearts because their mums are also best friends too. I don’t want to miss out so I am in a big rush due to the sickness I have but I’m glad I’m back. This is a great romantic story about a dark girl and a dragon I hope you like it. P.S. Young Raihan is not mine, I borrowed it from friedpotat on Twitter. I think he’s cute in his young self. #kbnz #paige #piers #pierspokemon #pokemonpiers #raihan #raihanpokemon #pokemonraihan #young #children #childhoodfriends #childhood #childhoodsweethearts #happyvalentinesday #valentines #valentinesday #valentinesday2023 #happyvalentinesday2023 #twitter #pokemonswordshield #pokemonswordandshield #swordandshield #swordshield #holdinghands #genderbend #genderswap #childhoodromance #twohearts #hearts #anime https://www.instagram.com/p/CpPWoiquXeU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sarahrcubitt13 · 4 days
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Endgame; House of Anubis *B3* - [24.1] House of Greed ~pt1 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/617280296-endgame-house-of-anubis-b3-24-1-house-of-greed?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=SarahRCubitt13 endgame /ˈɛn(d)ɡeɪm/ noun the final stage of a game such as chess or bridge, when a few pieces or cards remain. The Sibuna gang are back for yet another year, however, Nina Martin has not returned with them, but there are some fresh faces to make up for her absence. Eddie and Camilla both seem to be having visions of new girl KT's dying grandfather giving her a key and telling her to go to Anubis House; which means that Camilla is dragged into yet another mystery at the school because like hell she was going to let her Osirian go get himself killed because if she has learnt anything from 2 years of adventures... nothing is what it seems at their school. Plus a new teacher Miss Denby seems to hang out with Victor and Mr Sweet way too often to be normal and Camilla is sure they aren't just having tea and talking their favourite Opera. On top of all that Camilla finally finds out the truth behind her magic and her destined future. If she thought her family were Egypt mad for no reason she was soon going to learn their connection to the Egyptian times is not as superficial as just her family being fascinated by the past. If you like this book you should check out the rest of the series: Book 1: Impossible; House of Anubis Book 2: Unsteady; House of Anubis Book 4: Sibuna; And The Son of Osiris Book 5; Sibuna; And The Book of Thoth Book 6; Sibuna; And The Curse of The Pharaohs Cover by SarahRCubitt13 *Disclaimer, I do not own House of Anubis. All of that belongs to Hans Bourlon and Gert Verhulst. I, however, own Camilla-Anne Rutter and her little storyline :P I hope you enjoy it!*
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splendeurcaisse · 2 years
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From Wall Street Journal Bestselling author Kristen Proby comes a small town, second chance romance! Fernhill Lane is the newest installment in the Huckleberry Bay series! Fernhill Lane by @kristenproby is now LIVE!  Download today on Amazon, Apple Books, Audible, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo!  Amazon: https://amzn.to/3HK1kBB Apple Books: https://apple.co/3N6zPmV Nook: https://bit.ly/3OtWE4O Kobo: https://bit.ly/3n2MnRy Audible: http://bit.ly/3fWa0LO Narrated by: Andi Arndt & Gomez Pugh Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/39AMUHi #kristenproby #huckleberrybayseries #smalltownromance #fernhilllane  #ContemporaryRomance #ChildhoodSweethearts #CloseProximity #ReturningtoHometown #SecondChance #SmallTown #StartingOver #valentineprlm @valentine_pr_ https://www.instagram.com/p/ClENHmMrPMZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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strawberrybyers · 1 year
el and mike are not #pinterestcouplegoals #childhoodsweethearts #povyoureinthebestrelationshipever
el and mike are a “10 Signs It’s Time To Break Up” 13 minute long youtube video
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