#Childcare in Frederick
Day care center
Website: https://thelearningexperience.com/centers/lake-linganore-md/
Address: 6101 Meadow Rd, Frederick, MD 21701
Phone: +1 888-991-4222
We make early education and daycare joyful, engaging, and fun for infants, toddlers, and preschool-aged children! Since 2002, The Learning Experience has been positively impacting the lives of children ages six weeks to six years by developing and implementing ground-breaking childcare and early education programs. Our proprietary curriculum encourages children to learn in their favorite way: by exploring and doing. This forms a foundation for kids to Learn, Play and Grow under the care of our nurturing teachers. The Learning Experience curriculum is created to meet or exceed nationwide standards and it’s all-inclusive—with all curriculum programs and enrichment programs like music, engineering and fitness, offered at no additional charge.
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educationaldm · 1 year
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“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken adults.” ~ F. Douglas
TTRPGs build Resilience. Things go wrong, and they learn that when those things happen, just as exciting things may result.
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stargaze5969 · 8 days
So I got 6 hours of sleep last night because of this idea so APPRECIATE WHAT YA GETTING XD /j
This AU is still in the works, but all the info in this post is set information, send me your ideas in the comments or in asks, I'd be more then happy to hear them! ^^
I didn't get to draw anything for this sadly, but I picture them looking like @eechytooru 's humanizations of the two,
Now, narration mode on-
Warning for one f bomb I guess xD
It's the beginning of a new semester, Fear's a young college teacher in the mathematics faculty. He's been working there for about 3 years. Anxiety is a new teacher and this is her first semester teaching, she's a history teacher in the human science department.
Fear is just finishing up a lecture, when Anxiety barges in holding her material, her coffee and her notes. Her glasses are tilted and her hair's clipped up in it's usual messy style. When she looks up, she sees a full classroom of adults and a startled Fred looking straight at her.
Oh my bad, forgot to mention their human names hehe. Fear is Frederick Fitzgerald, because it's silly but trying to be serious, like him, and Anxiety is Anna-lee Tyson, just cuz I like how that sounds lol. Back to my narration,
She scrambles with her things and apologizes profusely to Mr. Fitzgerald. He urges her not to worry as he was just giving his ending speech and he dismisses the class. Anna awkwardly says goodbye to the students as they are leaving, while Fred starts packing his things. She approaches the front desk and sets her things down. They start up some small talk.
At this point, Fred has seen Anna around campus. He's found her little quirks fascinating; how she always carries too much in her arms, how she presses too hard on her PC's keys, how she supplements her coffee with energy drinks. It makes his stomach twist in a way that's farmiliar to him, but he denies putting any feelings forward to keep things professional. Anna rarely pays attention to her surroundings, she stays in her head much of the time, so this is her first time meeting him.
"I'm sorry again for the interruption," she repeats herself.
"Oh there's no need to apologize, Miss?"
"Tyson, Anna-Lee Tyson," she started to organize her supplies.
"Charmed, Frederick Fitzgerald. I've been interrupted by far worse. Students, other staff, KIDS EVEN!" He continued putting away his personal items.
"Yes, sadly, some single parents have to bring their children to class from lack of available childcare."
"Ugh, childcare should be more accessible to single parent students," she protested.
Fred shock his head in agreement.
"... Do you have any children M. Fitzgerald?"
He was taken aback by this question. Fred is a little ashamed he doesn't have kids at his age. He thinks if he had a partner by now, he probably would have-
Seeing his awkward reaction, she takes back the question:
"I'm sorry, you don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable, I-"
Fred laughs it off, "No no, it's OK but... do I look that old to you?"
"No! I mean- of course not!" She assured him, although it seemed more as if she was reassuring herself.
And he laughs some more, "You would probably guess correctly to be frank."
"... Are you daring me to guess your age?"
"Yes, go on," he smiled, amused, and leaned on the desk.
So she tries to guess: "... 40?"
Fred jerked back and put his hand to his chest dramatically.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She apologized once more, shaking her hands nervously.
He chuckles, "No, you weren't too far off! I'm 37."
"Oh! OK, I got close!"
"Ya! May I try guessing your age?"
"Sure, go ahead," she smiled.
To this, he leans back on the desk and strikes a thinking pose dramatically, guessing 25 in a flirtatious manner.
She giggles, "You're kind M. Fitzgerald, but seriously though."
"Ok ok... 32?"
"Oh, so close, I'm 34!"
"Darn!" He says and they both laugh.
He looks at her laugh, it almost turns into a squeak. Something about her makes him feel like he could talk to her for hours and she'd listen. Her nose scrunches and it makes her round glasses tilt upwards; he pushes his own glasses up.
"And I love your smile..." he whispered under his breath mindlessly.
"Oh hm, it was very nice meeting you Ms. Tyson!" He held out his hand to her, quickly responding to avoid suspicion.
"It was!" She agreed, shaking his hand firmly.
After an awkwardly long handshake, which she didn't register as such, he finished packing his things and headed out, wishing her a great start of the semester. She returned the gratitude. Leaving the lecture hall, he held his hand up to his face to hide the glow he felt on his cheeks.
Fuuuuuuck- he doesn't swear much, but this time called for it; she had a strong affect on him and he was going to have a difficult time trying to hide it for the rest of the semester-
And ya that's it! Had to get this scene out of my mind and into the world or it would have consumed me a swear XD
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curiousb · 2 years
The Dashwood Family Album: Volume II
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Happy birthday, Esther! She gets cake and a party with the extended family.
~ Aries 6 / 7 / 6 / 4 / 6
~ Heavy Sleeper / Disciplined / Handy
~ OTH: Tinkering
~ Favourite Colour(s): Red
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Esther immediately challenges her Uncle Christopher to a game of chess - despite being only five years old, she seems to be giving him a run for his money!
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Meanwhile, Margaret - who already knows that one day she’d love to have a family of her own - quizzes her Aunt Elinor on childbirth. Elinor confirms that it does, indeed, hurt like hell.
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The cousins play happily together. :)
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Charming, Edward.
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Science-fan Robert considers Simthropology - especially courtship rituals - as an area of future study.
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When it comes to chess, Esther is prepared to take on all-comers.
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With the kids becoming more independent, Edward has more time on his hands, so he decides to invest in an eyesore for the driveway.
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Alegra the Stray casts a critical eye over his work: “well, I wouldn’t do it like that, if I were you.”
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A cheeky make-out session before the kids walk in the door from school.
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One thing leads to another...
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Elinor has this pregnancy thing sussed by now.
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Young Robert has the dubious honour of being the only one present when Elinor goes into labour.
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He has another sister! Please welcome Keziah Dashwood.
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And he’s growing up fast.
Robert’s teen stats:
~ Libra 9 / 5 / 7 / 3 / 6
~ Dog Person / Perfectionist / Vegetarian / Frugal
~ OTH: Science
~ Favourite Colour(s): Red / Green
~ Aspiration: Knowledge / Family
~ Turn-ons / -off: +Alien / +Intellectual / -Laid Back
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Testing out his strength on dad.
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With four children together, why wait any longer? On a perfect summer’s day, Elinor Dashwood marries Edward Ferrars in a simple ceremony, with their friends and family around them.
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Marianne demonstrates kicky bag in a bridesmaid’s dress - not sure how that one works.
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Oh no, who invited serial pickpocket Abhijeet Deppiesse?
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He even tries his luck with the bride! How low can you get? I’m pretty sure she hasn’t got any pockets in that gown (she also doesn’t seem to be wearing a bra)...
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Robert is more than happy to roll up the sleeves of his suit and pitch in with childcare on his parents’ big day.
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But what no one spotted - except me - was this little liaison in the front garden before the ceremony began! Oh, Frederick, Fanny, I couldn’t be more disappointed in both of you! 😯
They’ve been good friends since their uni days, but now suddenly seem to have decided to turn their solid friendship into something more. 😟
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And what of oldest girl Clara? She’s just happy getting on down to the beat in her bunny slippers.
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jenplayssims · 2 years
1900s: The Thorpe Legacy
Part 19
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Frederick spends a little time with baby Lydia before she ages up into a toddler. He spends most of his waking hours writing novels and is not as involved in childcare as his own father was. He knows that his best chance to remain in the spotlight as a published author is to keep churning out books for the public to read. 
Lydia soon ages up and her parents believe her to be one of the cutest toddlers around (a sentiment I also share)
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She’s generally a calm and patient toddler, content to occupy herself if need be. Sybil is nearing the end of her second pregnancy and appreciates that Lydia is such an easy baby. She fears the next one may not be as mellow!
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amarguerite · 4 years
hi, idk if you're still taking those--top five most beautiful sentences you've ever read (if you keep notes of beautiful sentences!). If not, top five favorite moments/interactions between characters that you love. Cheers
Gosh I wish I did! But I don’t. Uuuh hm, this is a tough one but I think:
1) The little shrug and smile Captain von Trap gives Maria after he plays Edelweiss for the first time in The Sound of Music. A sort of shrug-and-smile ‘not bad, eh?’ that lands as such a quick, intimate inside joke. It does SO MUCH in just a few seconds. Causes Maria to show she’s in love because he shares this thing that she loves and uses to connect with other people; shows that the captain has moved on from the loss of his wife; shows off his talents; signals to the Baroness that the captain is opening up and in love with Maria, not her... I could go on but won’t cause I have four more moments, haha.
2) The bit in Pride and Prejudice where at Netherfield, Lizzy runs into Darcy, Caroline and Louisa. They urge her to come walking with them, and she says, and I quote:
“No, no; stay where you are. You are charmingly group’d, and appear to uncommon, advantage. The picturesque would be spoilt by admitting a fourth. Good bye.”
She then ran gaily off....
I love this because she’s referring to Gilpin’s doctrine of the picturesque where three is considered a good grouping, but with four you may have trouble... but Gilpin was talking about groups of cattle. What a classy, esoteric way to call a bunch of people you don’t like cows-- through an art history joke! 
3) The bit in Persuasion when Anne’s toddler nephew is clinging onto her back while she’s tending to her other nephew with a broken collarbone, and Frederick just comes over and takes the kid off her back and entertains said kid without being asked or seeming to think it’s an imposition. I almost never see fictional men just taking on childcare like that, and it’s such a matter-of-fact moment of heroism. It’s like... you know that tumblr post about like, “oh he’s read Marx but does he do the dishes?” Captain Frederick Wentworth always does the dishes. He never has to be asked. There is a very even distribution of household labor in that marriage, I am sure, and he’s probably gonna be a hands-on dad who solves problems as soon as he spots them. Love Frederick Wentworth. 
4) Henry Tilney teasing Catherine Moreland in Northanger Abbey. It’s honestly hard to pick a favorite, but I particularly love his long parody of people making ordinary conversation in Bath, particularly his faking surprise because it’s the easiest emotion, and his final, “Now I must give one smirk, and then we may be rational again.” 
He’s so much fun. Why can’t more heroes be like Henry: snarkers with hearts of gold, who are very aware of structural inequalities. 
5) Not... technically a character interaction but it sort of is, in that Laurie is reflecting on past interactions with his new boyfriend, and on the idealized images of each other they’ve long carried in their minds! There’s a long bit in The Charioteer after Laurie sleeps with Ralph for the first time where he wakes up in the middle of the night in a 
noose of solitude. But it was only he who was alone. Ralph lay quiet with the image he had created, the beloved and desired, for whom nothing was good enough, of whom nothing was demanded but to trust and receive.
It can be good to be given what you want; it can be better, in the end, never to have it proved to you that this was what you wanted. But Laurie was unhappy with this thought and pushed it away, for Ralph had been very kind to him.” 
It goes on for a bit as Laurie thinks about how he has to now live with the knowledge that he’s gay, and his guilt at feeling like he exploited all his own personal neuroses to get Ralph to more-or-less confess he loved him (i.e. “Not satisfied with the sufficient evidence of his senses, he had longed to prove that he wasn’t receiving only kindness; he needed the affirmation of power. At some stage of a broken midnight conversation, [Laurie] had said, “I’ve often had a feeling that there’s nowhere I really belong.” He had hardly known himself what he wanted; but Ralph had said, without a moment’s hesitation, “You belong to me. As long as we’re both alive, this will always be your place before anyone else’s. That’s a promise.” His voice had been free of emotion, almost businesslike. He might have been speaking to his lawyer about his will.”) And I love how complicated his feelings are! Laurie feels happy and triumphant but at the same time guilty and kind of confused by all that’s being offered without any expectation of return, and all this means for his conception of himself and his conception of Ralph, to whom the vestiges of schoolboy idolization still cling. I think here Laurie is uncomfortably realizing that though he wants romantic and sexual relationships with men, and probably wants one with Ralph (though he’s still unsure about this) this particular relationship dynamic of lover and beloved isn’t gonna quite work for him, but he’s too new at same-sex attraction to figure out why, and too focused on the fraught question of his own identity to see how all this effects Ralph-- except to know that he, Laurie, can hurt Ralph very badly now, and that knowledge frightens him. 
These lines always get me: “When he moved away, Ralph’s eyes had opened. They were smiling, and with fear Laurie daw in how deep a happiness, too silent and too deep, eating like rust the core of his defenses.” 
Just!!!! God damn for a scene that doesn’t actually contain any sex, what an intimate wallop! 
(Also great? This line about Ralph: “He had considerable skill and experience, and his heart was in it.”) 
It’s so complex and complicated and at the same time very sympathetic to both characters, who are in this situation largely because what they both want is legally criminal, and the legalities of that impact how they morally conceive of themselves and each other, and-- ugh. It’s the best kind of relationship tension, imo, where there are deep-seated psychological reasons for the characters to feel the way they do, that come broth from their own personal histories and social pressures. The conflict isn’t because of a dumb miscommunication! It’s because they are both struggling to express a love that dare not speak its name at the time, using the classical template that was their only proof that the love they both wanted existed, in a non-sordid way, but realizing that the Platonic ideal is, well, an ideal. There’s a middle way between sordidness and the ideal and they both have to figure out their own paths to get there. 
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greyscalesound · 6 years
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Episode 1: Fred
From a creaky door in a group home, to the flash of a gun in the dark, to a face-to-face meeting with the man who thinks you killed his brother, this is the story of Fred Clay. His episode airs on the anniversary of the day he was sentenced to life without parole —​ for a crime he didn't commit.
“From Boston, Massachusetts, this is Mass Exoneration, a new podcast about people convicted of crimes — crimes they never committed — and what happened next, for them, and for the people they had to leave behind. At first, no one believed they were innocent. Now, they’re free to tell their stories — and so are their children, their parents, their lawyers. Everyone who lived through it, from arrest to exoneration,” reads the Mass Exoneration website description.
“From a black teenager arrested for a taxicab murder, to a Puerto Rican man found screaming outside a burning building, to a gay childcare worker scapegoated by a small town, these are stories of criminal justice gone horribly wrong — for the wrongly accused and those who loved them.”
The first episode will feature the story of Frederick Clay, who was freed in August 2017 after spending 38 years in prison for a murder he did not commit. Clay was exonerated based on discredited witness identification and police tactics.
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heavyarethecrowns · 7 years
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People that have married in to Royal Families since 1800
Princess Astrid of Sweden
Astrid of Sweden was Queen consort of the Belgians as the first wife of King Leopold III. By birth she was a princess of Sweden's royal House of Bernadotte. Her grandsons include King Philippe of Belgium and Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg. Astrid was also a maternal aunt of Harald V of Norway.
Princess Astrid was the third child and youngest daughter of Prince Carl of Sweden, Duke of Västergötland and his wife, Princess Ingeborg of Denmark. Her father was the third son of King Oscar II of Sweden and Norway by his wife, Princess Sophia of Nassau. Her mother was a daughter of King Frederick VIII of Denmark by his wife, Princess Louise of Sweden. Her father was a younger brother of King Gustav V of Sweden, and her mother was the younger sister of King Christian X of Denmark and of King Haakon VII of Norway. Astrid had two elder sisters Margaretha, Princess Axel of Denmark and Märtha, Crown Princess of Norway and a younger brother Prince Carl Bernadotte (prev. Prince Carl of Sweden, Duke of Östergötland).
In her childhood, Astrid studied French, piano, and ballet. Astrid also studied sewing and childcare.
As an eligible princess, Astrid was mentioned as a potential bride for a number of princes including the future Edward VIII of the United Kingdom and the future Olav V of Norway. Astrid's successful suitor was Prince Leopold of Belgium, Duke of Brabant.
In September 1926, their engagement was announced. Theirs is a true union among people with the same inclinations." Queen Elisabeth, incorrigible romantic that she was, insisted in saying "It is a marriage of love... tell it to our people. Nothing was arranged. Not a single political consideration prevailed in our son's decision."
In Stockholm on 4 November 1926 civilly and in Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula, Brussels on 10 November religiously, Princess Astrid married Prince Leopold.
Astrid was enthusiastically adopted by the Belgians. She was widely loved for her beauty, charm and simplicity. Her public and official engagements radiated enthusiasm. Leopold was her most fervent admirer. The love shared by the young couple was evident to all. On more than one occasion people could see them holding hands, even during official engagements.
At Stuyvenberg, not far away from the Royal Castle of Laeken, the young Duchess of Brabant, raised in the simplicity of the Scandinavian courts, joyfully raised her growing family. At a small villa in the palace grounds, Astrid cooked for her family. And every time she could, Astrid would stroll along the Avenue Louise with her children. The Court Marshall vehemently protested against these promenades. "They break protocol," he would say. Yet in her simplicity, Astrid would retort by saying "But I'm just another mother, am I not?" She even went as far as joining the crowds during a military revue in an effort to see her promenading husband at the head of his regiment.
Raised as a Lutheran, Astrid converted to Catholicism after marrying Leopold. She had initially considered converting to Catholicism, simply because it was the religion of Belgium, but the priest she consulted, Father William Hemmick, told her not to do so until she genuinely believed it was the true religion. Astrid learned more about Catholicism and, several years later, in 1930, converted from genuine conviction. Her decision made her happy, and she confided to a close childhood friend: "My soul has found peace."Her father-in-law, King Albert I, who was very devout himself, repeated, on the day of Astrid's conversion: "I am glad, very glad. Now all the family is united in the same religion."
In August 1935, the King and Queen went incognito to Switzerland on holiday. Prince Albert remained in Brussels. Only one year old, he was considered too young for the journey. Joséphine-Charlotte and Baudouin had travelled with their parents to their holiday home, Villa Haslihorn in Horw, Switzerland. The children were sent back to Belgium with their nannies on 28 August.
On 29 August 1935, the King and Queen decided to go for a last hike in the mountains before returning home. Their chauffeur was sitting in the back of the Packard One-Twenty convertible, the King was driving and the Queen looking at a map. As the Queen pointed out something to her husband the car went off the road, down a steep slope, and slammed into a pear tree. Queen Astrid had opened her door to try to get out, but she was thrown out upon impact. Her body collided with the trunk of the tree, while the car slammed into a second tree. King Leopold was thrown out of the car as well, but he was only lightly injured. The car went on, only to stop in a lake.
The Queen died from her injuries at the scene of the accident at Küssnacht am Rigi, near Lake Lucerne, Schwyz, Switzerland. Queen Astrid is interred in the royal vault at the Church of Our Lady of Laeken, Brussels, beside her husband, King Leopold III of the Belgians, and his second wife, Lilian, Princess of Réthy.
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iplanetsacademy · 4 years
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The National Black Farmers Association (NBFA) is a non-profit organization representing African American farmers and their families in the United States. As an association, it serves tens of thousands of members nationwide. NBFA's education and advocacy efforts have been focused on civil rights, land retention, access to public and private loans, education and agricultural training, and rural economic development for black and other small farmers. 
 iPlanets Academy Pre-K Kindergarten Childcare Hybrid Homeschool Summer Camp Overnights Vacations Weekends Date Nights Mom's Day Out Shelter Foster Care
 We are open 24 Hours to serve our families!
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devereauxsdisease · 7 years
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Day 3: Thought I'd leave Hannibal alone with Mini-bal and Frederick. He...is not a natural babysitter. I may have to rethink my childcare in the future. @wrathofthestag, @electrarhodes, @disraeligearsgoestumblin, @somebodyhelpthenotdeadfreds - any thoughts for a constructive activity?
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rowanewhv758-blog · 5 years
A Divorce Attorney Is Crucial To Getting A Divorce
When there is disagreement in a marital relationship separation, the one at the a lot of downside is the kid in the mediation family near me family or kids for that matter. Couples get divorce every day across the nation. They see it in tv every day also, from tv series to films and celeb chatter. You would think that children are currently unsusceptible to this sort of social standard. Regrettably, not all children can deal with spending a month with their dad and another month with their mother, independently. Some even bring the distress even as they mature as grownups and have families themselves.
What Should You Do When Child Protective Services Knocks On Your Door? (Updated)
The very first thing that you need to decide is whether you really wish to represent yourself. Thinking about the very truth that laws referring to these concerns are very complex ones, it is constantly recommended that you work with a family mediation attorney to manage your case. The only reason that some individuals choose not to employ them is that they charge a really high amount of charge. separation mediation Royal Leamington Spa, there are still some individuals who choose to represent themselves in the court even if they feel that they comprehend their situation better an attorney can. If you are representing yourself, it is said in legal terms that you are doing it "pro se" i.e. for yourself.
Best Way To Get Divorce Easily
What's more, mediation also takes much less time than the court litigation process. The typical mediation procedure takes 10-12 weeks-- much shorter than the 18 months divorce cases take in courts. And yes, that means a lot more cost savings for you.
Child Support - The Dads' Rights Association Of New York City State
You can't hide from your kids. Lots of habits issues are found to be the outcome of kids acting out in reaction to what they feel is a risk of divorce! If you and your partner have chosen to call it stops, you need to comply where the children are concerned!Most likely neither of you remain in a cooperating mediation families mood by the time you decide to divorce. Possibly just one of you wants the divorce. Whatever your scenario might be, you ought to BOTH put your children initially.
Kid Custody: 25 Dumb Errors To Prevent!
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You are probably feeling anger, animosity and shock if you did not see the breakup coming if your relationship has just broken down. It is hard, however you need to completely forget all the unfavorable aspects of the relationship.
Child Custody: 25 Foolish Mistakes To Prevent!
In order for Family mediators Frederick, MD to work with households, however, all celebrations must want to do so. They should be ready to come together through the private representing the child and discover an option. If both can not agree, then there is no point of attempting to work this out together. family divorce mediation near me, if both parties rely on a family conciliator, the child's benefits remain at heart. The result is often a much better scenario for all included.
Ri Divorce And Kid Custody-The 10 Rules!
You need to be the one checking out the bedtime stories and embeding. You need to be at any parent/teacher interviews. Do not miss any of your kid's special activities. Take your child for medical and oral visits. Look after them when they're sick. I know this is simply regular childcare however lots of parents simply do not do it.
16. Gisele Bunchen. Model, Gisele Bunchen, is number 16. She is 26, single and has no kids. her net worth is approximated at $70. The Victoria's Secret model is the highest paid model on the planet.
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seanhcolclough · 7 years
Hurricane Irma Update from City of Orlando – Please read
Citizen Information Line Activated
View this email in your browser
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September 13, 2017 – ORLANDO, FL – The City of Orlando would like to share some important information as Hurricane Irma storm recovery continues.
The City of Orlando’s water reclamation system is working overtime and experiencing high water flow due to Hurricane Irma.
Because of this, the City is urging residents and businesses to minimize water use at home and offices to reduce the risk of sewer system backups.
This includes the use of dishwashers, sinks, washing machines, showers, and toilets.
City contractors have started removing debris from roadways and public right-of-ways to ensure the safety of vehicle and pedestrian traffic. This process is expected to take several days to complete.
Debris pickup for residential and commercial yard debris is expected to begin next week. Due to the large amount of debris, we ask residents to please be patient as cleanup crews cycle throughout the City to pick up yard debris.
Debris should be placed at the curb and not in the streets or blocking sidewalks.  Items placed in the street can block access for solid waste trucks and clog storm drains.
It is very helpful if customers can separate vegetative debris (tree limbs and yard waste) from building/construction materials (fencing, drywall and shingles).
Orange County has opened several sites for debris drop off.  City of Orlando residents may bring only vegetative (trees/yard waste) debris to one of these 10 locations daily from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Residents will need to provide proof of Orange County address to gain access.
Debris drop-off sites are:
Barnett Park – 4801 West Colonial Drive
Conway Water Treatment Plant – 3590 Manatee Street
Cypress Grove Park – 290 Holden Avenue
Fort Christmas Park -1300 Fort Christmas Road
Harrell Road – 8503 Trevarthon Road
Meadowoods Park – 1751 Rhode Island Woods Circle
NW Water Treatment Plant – 701 West McCormick Road
Rose Place Park – 8200 Old Winter Garden Road
Across from Eastern Regional Park – 3800 South Econlockhatchee Trail
West Beach Park Addition – 9227 Winter Garden Vineland Road
370 trees down and blocking streets
70 involve power lines, which we are working with OUC to address
45% of city roadways with tree blockage have been cleared
Over 500 reports of structural and electrical damage to homes or businesses.
It’s important that this type of damage be reported to the Citizen Information Line (407.246.HELP) so that a City inspector can assess the damage and the City has proper documentation of the damage.
162 intersections reported as damaged or without power.
78 of these signals are damaged
Residents are reminded that an intersection with a broken signal should be treated as a four-way stop.
8 Neighborhood Centers are open for child care from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Callahan Center
Citrus Square
College Park
Ivey Lane
Jackson Center
Dr. Smith Center
Parents must bring a lunch and snacks for their kids.
Recreation and community centers not listed here will be closed until power is restored.
All parks open for normal operating hours
3 closed due to on-going cleanup efforts
Wadeview Park
Langford Park
Dickson Azalea Park
Closed Public Park Restrooms
2 open:
Park of Americas, Lake Eola
Some restrooms at Bill Frederick Park
All other public park restrooms are closed
Decisions to open other restrooms will be on an individual basis as conditions allow.
All 3 off-leash dog areas are open:
Park of Americas
Lake Druid
Constitution Green
The City urges everyone to be cautious and take note of on-going cleanup efforts.  If anyone notices an unsafe condition in a park, please call the Parks Division at 407-246-2283 or the Facilities Hotline at: 407-246-3860.
Leu Gardens is expected to be closed for at least week due to extensive damage to the grounds. Please contact Leu Gardens at 407.246.2620 regarding scheduled events.
Wednesday, September 13  – City of Orlando offices and services have resumed normal hours of operation
The City’s Emergency Operations Center remains at a Level 1 Full Activation.
Citizen Information Line
Open today, Wednesday, September 13 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Residents should call 407.246.HELP (4357) to report damage, downed trees, traffic lights that are out and get information.
1,447 calls received to date
800 calls from City of Orlando residents
Residents can continue to get updates from the City on Hurricane Irma recovery from the City of Orlando through Social Media at:
City of Orlando Facebook page: facebook.com/cityoforlando
Spanish – facebook.com/ciudaddeorlando
City of Orlando Twitter account: @citybeautiful
Additional updates and information on the City of Orlando Emergency Operations Emergency Status will be posted on the City’s website at:cityoforlando.net. 
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source http://www.orlandoflhomesandland.com/hurricane-irma-update-city-orlando-please-read/ from Orlando Florida Homes And Land http://orlandoflhomesandland.blogspot.com/2017/09/hurricane-irma-update-from-city-of.html
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heavyarethecrowns · 7 years
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People that have married in to Royal Families since 1800
Princess Astrid of Sweden
Astrid of Sweden was Queen consort of the Belgians as the first wife of King Leopold III. By birth she was a princess of Sweden's royal House of Bernadotte. Her grandsons include King Philippe of Belgium and Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg. Astrid was also a maternal aunt of Harald V of Norway.
Princess Astrid was the third child and youngest daughter of Prince Carl of Sweden, Duke of Västergötland and his wife, Princess Ingeborg of Denmark. Her father was the third son of King Oscar II of Sweden and Norway by his wife, Princess Sophia of Nassau. Her mother was a daughter of King Frederick VIII of Denmark by his wife, Princess Louise of Sweden. Her father was a younger brother of King Gustav V of Sweden, and her mother was the younger sister of King Christian X of Denmark and of King Haakon VII of Norway. Astrid had two elder sisters Margaretha, Princess Axel of Denmark and Märtha, Crown Princess of Norway and a younger brother Prince Carl Bernadotte (prev. Prince Carl of Sweden, Duke of Östergötland).
In her childhood, Astrid studied French, piano, and ballet. Astrid also studied sewing and childcare.
As an eligible princess, Astrid was mentioned as a potential bride for a number of princes including the future Edward VIII of the United Kingdom and the future Olav V of Norway. Astrid's successful suitor was Prince Leopold of Belgium, Duke of Brabant.
In September 1926, their engagement was announced. Theirs is a true union among people with the same inclinations." Queen Elisabeth, incorrigible romantic that she was, insisted in saying "It is a marriage of love... tell it to our people. Nothing was arranged. Not a single political consideration prevailed in our son's decision."
In Stockholm on 4 November 1926 civilly and in Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula, Brussels on 10 November religiously, Princess Astrid married Prince Leopold.
Astrid was enthusiastically adopted by the Belgians. She was widely loved for her beauty, charm and simplicity. Her public and official engagements radiated enthusiasm. Leopold was her most fervent admirer. The love shared by the young couple was evident to all. On more than one occasion people could see them holding hands, even during official engagements.
At Stuyvenberg, not far away from the Royal Castle of Laeken, the young Duchess of Brabant, raised in the simplicity of the Scandinavian courts, joyfully raised her growing family. At a small villa in the palace grounds, Astrid cooked for her family. And every time she could, Astrid would stroll along the Avenue Louise with her children. The Court Marshall vehemently protested against these promenades. "They break protocol," he would say. Yet in her simplicity, Astrid would retort by saying "But I'm just another mother, am I not?" She even went as far as joining the crowds during a military revue in an effort to see her promenading husband at the head of his regiment.
Raised as a Lutheran, Astrid converted to Catholicism after marrying Leopold. She had initially considered converting to Catholicism, simply because it was the religion of Belgium, but the priest she consulted, Father William Hemmick, told her not to do so until she genuinely believed it was the true religion. Astrid learned more about Catholicism and, several years later, in 1930, converted from genuine conviction. Her decision made her happy, and she confided to a close childhood friend: "My soul has found peace."Her father-in-law, King Albert I, who was very devout himself, repeated, on the day of Astrid's conversion: "I am glad, very glad. Now all the family is united in the same religion."
In August 1935, the King and Queen went incognito to Switzerland on holiday. Prince Albert remained in Brussels. Only one year old, he was considered too young for the journey. Joséphine-Charlotte and Baudouin had travelled with their parents to their holiday home, Villa Haslihorn in Horw, Switzerland. The children were sent back to Belgium with their nannies on 28 August.
On 29 August 1935, the King and Queen decided to go for a last hike in the mountains before returning home. Their chauffeur was sitting in the back of the Packard One-Twenty convertible, the King was driving and the Queen looking at a map. As the Queen pointed out something to her husband the car went off the road, down a steep slope, and slammed into a pear tree. Queen Astrid had opened her door to try to get out, but she was thrown out upon impact. Her body collided with the trunk of the tree, while the car slammed into a second tree. King Leopold was thrown out of the car as well, but he was only lightly injured. The car went on, only to stop in a lake.
The Queen died from her injuries at the scene of the accident at Küssnacht am Rigi, near Lake Lucerne, Schwyz, Switzerland. Queen Astrid is interred in the royal vault at the Church of Our Lady of Laeken, Brussels, beside her husband, King Leopold III of the Belgians, and his second wife, Lilian, Princess of Réthy.
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awesomely-awosome · 3 years
I’m just so proud of this and really like it !
Kayla Muzquiz
Government 2305-027
May 8, 2021
Private and religious exemptions enable discrimination in our welfare system. From congregate care facilities and foster homes to adoption agencies, all are legally allowed to operate under religious/private waivers that exempt each entity from abiding by rules and regulations the federal government has implemented over time. The first amendment and the individual state rights play a significant role in in the dispute of allowing the federal oversight or authority in these sectors of business. When it comes to the welfare of vulnerable children, we as a country have a responsibility to put the best interest of the child before theological beliefs or business interests. Especially if the federal government is fitting the bill. All businesses affiliated with foster care programs in the welfare scope of things should be considerate of equal and civil rights, no matter the state or religion. This is concerning because the impact this is having on the youth is dehumanizing and only further damaging our future as a country.
In the History of Foster Care, Voices for Children (2020) we can conclude that many practices are imported, so was the indentured services of English Old Law in 1562 to the colonies, as it pertains to dependent children and cheap labor. By 1853, Charles Loring Brace founded a religious program called Children’s Aid New York due to the increasing numbers of neglected and homeless children in the streets of New York. This program pioneered the blossoming of orphanages in the Midwest and initiated a controversial approach by sending kids from overcrowded cities to rural areas. In Orphanages, Nurith Zmora (2004) elaborates how the industrialized world contributed to the catalyzation of childcare institutions, and how the after math of plagues, wars, and migration caused religious entities to respond by creating a plethora of orphanages.
Voices for children (2020) expresses that the Children’s Aid New York program pushed state and local agencies to intervene in the placement of foster children. There was a movement that became actively involved in where these kids were going, who were in strong favor of licensing, subsidies, and regulations that influenced the laws to shift in the child’s best interest instead of the guardians was pivotal in the progress we have in our welfare system today. Local agencies in the beginning of the 20th centry began regulating the foster parents and funding the financial needs of the children when placements were made. This was a start for foster parents to move away from individualized and separate institutions and become part of a “foster care” system. Brace, Charles Loring (1826-1890) Lori Askeland (2004) Governmentalization slowly began to harness the radical influence religious operations like Children’s Aid Society and others modeled like it had on poor demographics and migrant orphans who were being funneled through The Children’s Bureau as it was part of the United States Department of Labor to “clean up” overcrowded cities all while using children for much needed free labor in the Midwest.
By 1935 the Social Security Act was passed, and the United States federal government took over. They provided the very first federal grants for child welfare services. There were stipulations of state inspections to be done before placing children in foster homes though. We have been dealing with these issues for centuries to be frank. Forward to today’s model where people and states being left to their own devices (privatization) and the room to manipulate loopholes in the laws of our constitution has unfortunately gone rampant with religious discrimination.
Uncertain of when privatization through religious freedoms made a full circle back to individualized and separate entities were enabled, but they were. Now foster care’s outsourcing to theses independent contractors of businesses once again threatens the safety and wellbeing of our country's youth. Foster care plan under review, Austin American-Statesman (2006) In 2006 there was a postponed contract that was the initial proposal for privatization initiatives to be outsourced in the San Antonio area. State Representatives and nonprofits expressed concerns towards this approach due to the murder of sixteen-month-old Christian Niteo by his foster mother. Further emphasizing the lack of accountability held to private contributors and the reality of inevitable future deaths.
Foster system faces scrutiny, Schnell, Lindsay (2020) In recent news, a sixteen-year-old boy named Cornelius Frederick was murdered by an inappropriate restraint in a foster care group home in another conservative state of Kalamazoo Michigan for throwing a sandwich in the cafeteria. This is another privatized organization that validates the warning given by those in Texas who were weary of this type of outsourcing. Nonprofits and Oregan state senators are liberally trying to bring more awareness to the public and legislation to the nation on their worries about the expansion of adolescent youths being disproportionately fed to for-profit industries. This is a violation of children’s civil rights. As states struggle to screen and evaluate potential foster parents, institutions like these are our only viable option. Increasing the recruitment of foster parents would be alleviative and a more humane resource, but engagement of all demographics become difficult when dealing with conservative states.
"Fulton v. City of Philadelphia." Oyez (2021) Is a supreme court case that is still pending. It goes to show how granting special privileges to a group of radically prodigious and discriminatory people can escalate when we are not allowing equal rights to same sex marriage couples in the chance of becoming foster parents through Catholic services. Pleading that your religion is why you cannot consider same sex marriage candidates is a dangerous plea to try and bargain, because the federal level has already amended that type of discrimination. It should be mandatory for all affiliates in the foster care scope of this business to fallow federal laws and constitutional rights. This is where the judicial branch can step in and provide a very much needed review of the foster care system and resolve this unnecessary conflict. Basic protections against the privatization and discrimination within the mesh of this network should be applied. Adopting a nationwide policy that puts families over facilities and foster home like settings instead of institutional environments that are detrimental to the psychological development of our youth imminent. Welfare children need to be fostered in a way that fits their individual needs. Shifting towards the best interest of the child should be a priority going forward as all children’s circumstances are unique and valuable.
(2020) https://www.speakupnow.org/history-of-foster-care/
ZMORA, NURITH. "Orphanages." In Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood: In History and Society, edited by Paula S. Fass, 638-640. Vol. 2. New York, NY: Macmillan Reference USA, 2004. Gale In Context: U.S. History (accessed May 13, 2021). https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX3402800308/UHIC?u=txshracd2479&sid=UHIC&xid=85e708d2.
ASKELAND, LORI. "Brace, Charles Loring (1826-1890)." In Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood: In History and Society, edited by Paula S. Fass, 113-114. Vol. 1. New York, NY: Macmillan Reference USA, 2004. Gale In Context: U.S. History (accessed May 13, 2021). https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX3402800072/UHIC?u=txshracd2479&sid=UHIC&xid=21875c3f.
Schnell, Lindsay. "Foster system faces scrutiny." USA Today, May 19, 2020, 01D. Gale In Context: U.S. History (accessed May 13, 2021). https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A624352135/UHIC?u=txshracd2479&sid=UHIC&xid=caf7b518.
"Fulton v. City of Philadelphia." Oyez. Accessed May 13, 2021. https://www.oyez.org/cases/2020/19-123.
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epistolizer · 4 years
Hit & Run Commentary #129
Apparently women that don’t cook from scratch are failures for violating Biblical admonitions regarding taking care of their families because processed foods and preservatives are not mentioned in Scripture. Utilizing such logic, does that make one a failure as a man if you cannot get his woman to comply with this objective? More importantly, aren’t you a failure if you propagate your decree by any method other than the sort of parchments upon which the original canonical texts were written upon?  It is at this point where the condemnation starts rolling in for hashing out where such presuppositions end up.
To keep the flames of racial animosity and resentment stoked, the Washington Post published a supplement 9/4/19 titled “Teaching Slavery”.  An interesting fact contained within was that at one point in his life Ulysses S. Grant owned slaves. As such, shouldn’t all statues of him on public land and in parks be removed?  And if Andrew Jackson must be removed from the twenty dollar bill over his shortcomings in terms of race relations to be replaced by Harriet Tubman, shouldn’t Grant be similarly removed from the $50 and replaced with someone like Frederick Douglas or Sojourner Truth?
National Review has published an analysis titled “Walmart’s Retreat On Guns Means Woke Capitalism Is Here To Stay”.  Ironic that those supporting this use of corporate policy to alter the ethical landscape by denying access to perfectly legal products used to rampage the most about the impropriety of someone imposing their morality upon someone else.  
An infant changing table was erected in the stall of a men’s room. On it was a warning reading, “Never leave children unattended.”  Yet neither of these things were that worthy of note.  What leapt out about the situation was that the warning was printed on the hygenic fixture in Braille. The blind of course need to change their children like anybody else. But are you going to tell me that they are going to run their hands all over the changing table in pursuit of that message?
Home school activist Kevin Swanson admonished believers not to grumble about persecution and tyranny.  No doubt he would have also believed the wrought iron words on the camp gate “Work set you free”.
So are these global warming brats going to surrender their posh lifestyles and pursue careers of subsistence agriculture rather than degrees in useless academic majors such as minority or gender studies?
Outrage has erupted over anyone that has responded to Greta Thunberg and her brand of Young Pioneers with anything other than abject acquiescence.  WiIl similar condemnation be leveled at the pedagogues and propagandists that manipulated her into such a froth in the first place?
Outrage has erupted  against those that have given anything but the benefit of the doubt to Young Pioneer Greta Thunberg.  Yet these are no doubt the same ones that rhetorically called for the scalp of the Maga hat Catholic lad that did nothing more than look on with a perplexed smirk on his face as some American Indian beat a drum in his face like some sort of lunatic.
If at 16, Greta Thunberg is apparently too young to handle criticism of her call for planetary revolution and the upending of the contemporary socioeconomic system, why ought we to assume that those of the same age are capable of deciding matters of abortion and contraception for themselves?
If Greta Thunberg and her band of Young Pioneers are really all that concerned about pending environmental collapse, why did they nor prevent the unnecessary expenditure of fossil fuels by addressing Congress and the United Nations through virtual telepresence rather than by personal appearance?
If authorities across Europe punish Christian parents homeschooling their children over violating compulsory attendance laws, why aren’t the parents of Greta Thunberg as vigorously prosecuted for being even more neglectful for allowing her to miss academic instructional time in favor of subversive activism?
If Comrade Thunberg is going to invoke autism as an excuse to deflect analysis of her policy proposals, what is so wrong with pointing out she has a mental illness?  Doesn’t her sort constantly remind the general population of their neurological state when attempting to get their handouts denied everybody else and at times even why they should not be required to abide by the standards of conduct by which the remainder of us are expected to comport ourselves?
Outrage has erupted over a Michigan ruling deciding that faith-based adoption agencies can refuse to place children with gay prospective parents. Will those feigning concern over the civil liberties implications of such a verdict get as jacked out of shape over religious foster parents and assorted childcare providers forbidden from teaching the youth in their care as to what constitutes a morally proper family and carnal relations?
In criticizing the feminist criticism of the Joker film, Rush Limbaugh closed his morning update remarking in regards to comic book movies that these productions are signs that people need to grow up. What about himself? Limbaugh is the one that has had four wives, the latest nearly thirty years younger than himself. Limbaugh ridicules entertainment derived from comics.  Yet he is on the record as being such a fan of the series 24 that there exists a photo of him just about playing tonsil hockey with the actress that portrayed the character Chloe when both appeared at a Heritage Foundation panel discussion examining the conservative fan base that developed surrounding that drama. Can it explained how Jack Bauer is any different than Batman or at least the Punisher?
By Frederick Meekins
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blairemclaren · 4 years
Cornelius Fredericks Death | Obituary - Died After
Cornelius Fredericks Death | Obituary – Died After
Cornelius Fredericks Death | Obituary – 16-year-old boy died after being held in the restraint for more than 10 minutes for throwing a piece of bread, according to report.
Fredericks made plea hundreds of miles away as staff at the childcare facility he lived at used their body weight to pin him to the floor, according to a Michigan state report and a lawsuit filed by his family.
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