#Child Mal and Ben
lexihowardhoney · 1 year
sometimes i just sit and think about that how good descendants story could be. how it could be about that not everything is black or white, that there are multiple shades of grey when it comes to morality. but then, i'm getting hit by the fact that descendants is just another classist story
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shanleenkinnjaskey · 1 year
Good Enough (Ways To Be Wicked Part 1/?)
Little Mix
Am I still not good enough?
Am I still not worth that much?
I'm sorry for the way my life turned out
Sorry for the smile I'm wearing now
Guess I'm still not good enough
Everything's been boiling for months.
It started with the coronation, with Auradon’s reaction after Carlos showed up in pictures after the very public defeat of Maleficent with Ben's ring on his finger. Gossip sites featured headlines like cruella’s child corrupting the prince and de vil’s the devil. Carlos had ignored them at first, bolstered by the support of his best friends, his new friends (Doug and Jane, who had been incredibly kind to a strange kid from the beginning), and, of course, the boy he loves. Ben had been the bright spot in a sea of dirty stares, the constant in a world of cruelty.
He’d been fine for a few weeks- settling into dating Ben, being free from the weight of his mother’s wishes, and having dinner with the Queen and King twice a week. Tuesdays involved all the Lost kids, and those were often insane fun, but Saturday nights were just him, Ben, and Ben’s parents. The first one had been insanely nerve wracking, with Carlos half expecting the King to get mad at some mistake and beast out at any moment as well as the fact that Ben’s parents are the King and Queen as well as the fact that these are Ben’s parents, and he’s never had to try to impress anyone’s parents before. Even after a few weeks of such dinners he’s still somewhat on the edge of his seat, half-expecting them to insult and punish him over some perceived slight. Months away from home haven’t relieved him of a lifetime of Cruella’s cruelty, and no matter how kind Ben’s parents are he’s still never completely at ease.
(Still, he’s adjusting.)
The problem had truly begun when he'd gotten a video message from his mother a few weeks after the Coronation. He remembers her shocked expression at the news, her sneered comment about never expecting the brat to make it anywhere, 'specially not near the throne. He was cast back to the years on the Isle when the only friends he'd had were Jay, Mal, and Evie. He remembers the fact that the only one of them to be truly loved by a parent had been Evie (though the Evil Queen had definitely had her own ways of showing it). Jafar and Maleficent, though never loving, had been fond of Jay and Mal, treating them like apprentices rather than children but still treating them with some sense of caring.
Cruella de Vil, however, had treated her son like a slave, a creature that existed to serve her every whim. Carlos's earliest memories are scuttling about the Isle, fulfilling her every whim as she barked insults at him. If it hadn't been for him bumping into Mal, the head of a small gang of kids (Jay, Evie, and Uma until she'd broken off to follow in her mother’s footsteps and started terrorizing sailors), he'd probably (definitely) still be in that position today.
Over the past few weeks Cruella’s words have been waiting in the back of Carlos’s mind, combining with the words of the media and the whispered gossip in halls to create a poison in Carlos's head. Even kissing Ben, cuddling with him in bed, going swimming with him, hadn't helped. Normally he'd be nothing but happy when spending time with his boyfriend, but right now all he can focus on is the words pounding through his head.
You're pathetic.
Scrawny. Weak. Young. Villain.
Not as talented as the others.
The final straw had been at today's Visiting Day. He'd been alternating between Ben's side and hanging with his friends, even ending up in a intriguing​ conversation with Doug's Uncle Doc and Evie about the hydraulics operating the most outside the Academy. For the first time in weeks he'd been having a good time, enjoying himself and talking about the things he loves.
He'd taken a break, intent on heading back to Ben to talk to his boyfriend about their plans for dinner with his parents (and Maurice, who was so incredibly awesome that it erased the anxiety of spending time with the Queen and King just a little bit) that night, when he’d heard Queen Hilde, Audrey's grandmother, talking to Chad.
“-That son of Cruella's a corruption, you know,” Queen Hilde says, and Carlos freezes, half way to Ben. He’s used to reading the words online, used to thinking them, but he hasn’t heard anything like it aloud since they all left the Isle. “It would have been better for everyone if he'd just stayed on the Isle. No wand fiasco, no villains dirtying up our lawns, and King Ben would still be dating my granddaughter instead of villain parasite.”
“Couldn't agree more, Your Majesty,” Chad says, haughty tone in place. “The villains have been nothing but trouble- cheating in class, being undeniably rude at their first Visiting Day, even going so far as to interrupt Ben’s coronation in the way they did. I do believe that they’re taking advantage of our good King and Queen, especially that de Vil brat. Leeching off Ben like that? It’s despicable. When he was dating Audrey we were ensured of someone respectable on the throne.”
Queen Hilde smiles. “You do know how to flatter my family, young man.”
Though Carlos can't help but feel resentment to the words- he and his friends have been trying to improve themselves, whatever Queen Hilde may think- there's a certain truth to what they say. Audrey and Ben were the ideal couple, as Audrey is so fond of reminding him- they're both born royalty, raised by heroes and taught the right thing. They're both perfectly poised, always knowing to say the right thing to sway a conversation (rather than just rambling until someone has to shut them up), and they even look good together.
(And, above all, Audrey can provide Ben with wealth, support, and a biological heir. Carlos can only give himself, and that's not enough.)
(Not for Ben, who deserves the world, and certainly not for the kingdom he is destined to rule.)
“Carlos?” Ben asks from behind him, and Carlos whips around to face his boyfriend.
He smiles, frayed nerves soothed mostly by Ben's smile. “Yes?”
“I was wondering if you'd like to speak with Lonnie's mother? She's visiting for Family Day and she'd like to meet you.” Carlos almost shakes his head no (he'll embarrass Ben with his rambling, he knows he will) before Ben adds the kicker: “She says she wants to meet the man who stole the heart of her dearest godson.”
And Ben's looking at him with gorgeous smile, blue eyes sparkling, and there's no way that Carlos can say no. Ben offers his arm out to Carlos, who loops his arm around his elbow. Ben then leans in and presses a kiss to Carlos’s cheek (leading his embarrassing blush to come running back) before leading his boyfriend over to meet General Li Mulan.
Everyone’s words linger in the back of his mind throughout the rest of the afternoon and evening, festering until they’ve hit a monstrous growth and they’re all Carlos can focus on.
“You okay, darling?” Ben asks as they pull up to the castle for dinner. He puts a comforting hand on Carlos's thigh. “You've been kind of quiet.”
Carlos lets out a startled laugh. Normally people want him to be quiet. Even the Isle kids sometimes express frustration with his babbling. Ben's different, though- he’s never told Carlos to shut up, instead smiling fondly whenever Carlos speaks. It's no wonder I'm in love with him. “It's fine. Just been thinking, that's all.”
“Thinking 'bout what?” Ben asks, genuinely interested, and Carlos could nearly cry with how perfect this boy in front of him is.
“You,” he says, mostly-honest.
Ben blushes, and for such a normally confident man it's really kinda cute. “Really?”
“I'm sorry,” Carlos whispers as he slips out of Ben's arms, “But you deserve better.” He’s determined not to cry, but he can feel his eyes burning. He leans forward and gently brushes a kiss against Ben's cheek. “I love you.”
Carlos grabs his satchel, complete with Mal's Emergency Isle Return™ potion, and slips out the door.
He’s going back.
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heliads · 1 year
I love you writing and I was hoping you could write Ben Florian x VK!Reader the reader is Lefou's kid. A soulmate AU where the negative things you think about yourself are marked on your soulmate's skin. Reader only has one or two things because Ben is from Auradon and has a good life and family. While Ben has around half a dozen. Reader is the one who gives Ben the love potion. During the lake scene they notice Ben is their soulmate and tries (but fails) to hide it thinking he deserves better
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There really is no good place for a prince. They are political figureheads in every sense of the phrase— too young to actually rule, too old to be allowed to skip state functions. They sit in corners of expensive meetings and cut ribbons in front of newly opened buildings, but they can’t do a whole lot except smile and pose. 
Shame your friend seems so fixated on capturing one, then. It feels like you’ve just barely left the Isle of the Lost, only bid farewell to the entirety of your prior life experience hours ago, and yet already Mal is scheming about how to best tear down everything around you. If Prince Ben is the best way to fulfill her nefarious plans, then so be it.
The only problem is that you’re now involved in all of this, too. Mal wants a wand and so she’ll take a prince to get there, but as one of her best friends, you’ve been drafted into the plot to catch a prince. Ben won’t have any idea what’s coming. Shame, he would probably run if he had any clue.
Mal’s good at covering her tracks, though, she always has been. You can remember elaborate plans from when you were much younger to steal cookies or cloaks, spellbooks and shoes. At this point, hearing Mal tell you that she’s going to bewitch the crown prince of Auradon into falling in love with her shouldn’t surprise you, just the fact that she’s taken this long to come up with the idea.
Usually, you have no problem going along with Mal’s little adventures. They’re entertaining, at the least, a good way to pass a few days when you’ve already gone over every alleyway and hiding place on the Isle at least a dozen times in the last month. The issue is that you’re not on the Isle anymore, and maybe– just maybe– disrupting everything here isn’t entirely what you want to do.
Mal doesn’t know this, of course. None of your fellow VKs do. Every time they monologue and moan about how they can’t wait to get out of this place, you find yourself holding your tongue, biting back your real thoughts about how the school isn’t actually as bad as you feared. Sure, the constant judgment from the other children of princes and princesses isn’t all that fun, but Auradon Prep has its positives, too. For one thing, you think your soulmate might be here.
What a terrible thing for the child of a villain to prioritize. You’ve heard Mal scoff at the idea of a soulmate, and although Evie is certainly more interested in the idea than some of your other friends, you’re still not sure that you’d find a welcome audience amongst their ranks when it comes to tracking down your soulmate. After all, the odds of that soulmate being from Auradon and not the Isle are pretty high. They’ve all but told you that themselves.
All things considered, for a society with such control over magic and spells, it’s pretty difficult to find your soulmate. You’d always wondered why those in charge couldn’t shorten the whole affair to something more simple– a name on the wrist, perhaps, or an invisible string that only the two of you could see– but instead, soulmate magic went the complicated route. How lovely.
The story about the origin of the soulmate magic is convoluted and ancient, going back generations and changing with each family. The general consensus is that soulmates were created to preserve the sanctity of true love, with the idea that soulmates should be able to love each other entirely, flaws and all. So, when you think something negative about yourself, those very same thoughts will show up on the skin of your soulmate, something like a warning label for what they’re going to get themselves into.
This is all well and good for people with few negative thoughts, maybe they’ll have something here and there about a bad sports result or a poor test grade that their soulmate can chuckle over before meeting them. For you, though? You, the child of a villain, cursed to live forever on a too-small island with the other convicts and criminals, you have had more fears and hated things about yourself than most. Your soulmate must be covered in unhappy musings, which only makes you feel worse about yourself than before. A self-perpetuating cycle of the worst kind.
By contrast, the startling absence of your soulmate’s negative thoughts on your own skin makes you certain that they couldn’t be from the Isle of the Lost. There are only one or two fears on your skin, proof of loving parents and a stable home, and they’re minor things like a bad hair day or a fear of not doing their absolute best. These change, often leaving every few months to be replaced by something else insignificant.
What makes you most certain that your soulmate is the child of a royal is the one negative thought that has stayed on your skin since the very beginning. Your soulmate, whoever they are, is terrified that they will let down the king and queen. Only someone with close ties to the royalty could have such a fear, so it’s proof that your soulmate is somewhere here on Auradon.
So maybe you don’t want to leave this place, not yet. Not until you can learn who your soulmate is. It’ll be almost impossible to track them down on this information alone, but supposedly that’s how the whole thing is supposed to work. You learn about the worst parts of your soulmate, and then you get to love the best of them. The only problem is that you’re fairly sure that if your soulmate is a royal, they won’t want to love you at all.
It’s easier to ignore the whole affair. Easier to agree to Mal’s plan when she proposes enchanting Prince Ben. At least another one of your friend’s schemes will keep your mind off the soulmate affair.
That’s what you tell yourself, at least, but your conscience is starting to get steadily more vocal as the days go by. Ben is a nice guy, which hurts, surprisingly. Although the love spell may have been cast on Mal, as one of Mal’s closest friends, you’re around the two of them all the time. The boy you see is someone that you wish could be your soulmate. He may be a prince, and you may be a villain, but he makes you want to believe in love after all.
You certainly have the capacity for such musings. For some reason, the love spell didn’t take all that well, and although Ben is now compelled to stay with Mal more than he was before, it’s not like he’s totally obsessed with her as Mal had hoped. Mal claims it’s because love spells can never work fully due to the soulmate issue, like having a soulmate is a kind of shield to protect you against that sort of enchantment, but regardless, Ben has just enough independent thought that he can tell you jokes and try to make you smile like– well, like he tries to do with Mal.
The realization that Ben is a genuinely good person, and worse, someone you don’t want to trick, haunts you as you fall further into Mal’s scheme. You’ve been trying to push the whole thing from your mind, letting Ben join your soulmate in the depths of your mind you don’t want to touch, but your train of thought keeps circling back to him despite your best attempts otherwise.
Besides, it doesn’t help that Mal keeps trying to involve you in the plot. Right now, the two of them are at the Enchanted Lake, out on a cute little date. Mal had been making mock disgusted faces at you the whole time she was getting ready, but some part of yourself can’t stop whispering that this doesn’t seem so bad, actually, that the thought of being out here alone with Ben would make for a wonderful day instead of the tedious chore Mal is making it out to be.
Ben doesn’t know you’re here, though. Mal wanted backup in case something happened, so you’re lingering in the woods to keep anyone from stumbling upon the scene and also holding onto more magical baked goods in case Mal feels the need to renew the spell. It’s kind of like torture, strolling through this beautiful forest, knowing that Ben is so close and you are helping hold him under the thrall of this plot.
The storm in your mind must be thundering too loudly for you to think straight, because you lose track of yourself and accidentally walk too close to the lake. You weren’t supposed to be spotted, but before you can back away and melt back into the foliage, Ben looks up and sees you. You panic, immediately heading the way you’d come, but you hear footsteps after you moments later and Ben manages to track you down before you can go too far. Mal is so going to kill you for messing with her plan.
“Sorry,” you murmur, eyes wide when he finally catches up to you, “I didn’t realize the two of you were– I’ll go now.”
Ben shakes his head. “No, no, it’s alright. It’s not like we have a monopoly on the woods.”
He’s dripping water, most likely due to a recent dip in the lake, and you can’t seem to stop your gaze from following the path of the droplets as they cascade down his shoulders, across his hands, and, most importantly of all, over the swooping letters of the fears of his soulmates. 
Usually, Ben wears long sleeves or something else to hide them. You can see why now– there are many of them, many more than you, perhaps half a dozen in all. You can’t read all of them from where you’re standing, just snippets about how a villain’s kid shouldn’t have a soulmate, how they’ll never amount to much, things like that. Things like what you’ve been thinking recently.
Ben must catch on to your train of thought, because he smiles weakly, absentmindedly scratching at a sentence proclaiming that his soulmate isn’t worth the good luck they get. “Yeah, my soulmate’s a little stressed, I guess. Hopefully, I can talk about that with them soon. I want them to know that they’re worth it, wherever they are.”
It had never occurred to you that hating yourself would make your soulmate this obsessed. You have no proof that Ben is your soulmate but– 
But, as you watch, you can see a new fear appearing out of nowhere, wrapping itself around Ben’s left wrist. I’m not good enough for a soulmate this good. Just what you were thinking mere moments ago. It’s like proof.
Ben looks up slowly, and although you were never blessed with the ability to read minds, you swear you can tell exactly what he’s thinking right now. “Are you–” he starts, ends, tries again, “Do you know who your soulmate is?”
You can do several things at this moment. You can confirm what you’re mostly sure is true, you can lie, you can pretend you hadn’t heard him. You spot movement in the trees behind him, a flash of purple, and remember belatedly that Mal is still somewhere at the Enchanted Lake, waiting for Ben to come back and wondering why you’re holding him here for so long.
All of a sudden, the reality of the situation comes crashing down around your shoulders. This is not something that can happen. Ben is a prince. You are the child of a villain, and the friend of another VK who’s counting on you to continue fooling Ben so she can pursue her latest mad plan. There is no world in which this works out.
So, you force a smile, banishing all thoughts back into the deep recesses of your brain once more. “No,” you say, “I don’t know. I think they’re a VK, though.”
Ben’s face falls in a flash. “Really? Because I thought–”
You shake your head quickly. “I don’t– it’s not me. I think Mal is waiting for you, though. You shouldn’t keep her for long.”
Ben glances back over his shoulder in memory of the girl he’s left somewhere in the woods behind him, and when he looks back, you’re gone. You’re good at running. It’s a skill you’ve perfected over the years. You just never thought you’d have to use it now.
Prince Ben is your soulmate. Impossible. True. Mal comes back later that afternoon, tells you the date went splendidly despite your accidental intrusion. Ben must not have let the brief moment in the woods faze him for long. It hurts more than you care to admit.
There is only so much running a VK can do, try as they might to pretend otherwise. You avoid Ben at all costs, hoping that whatever foolish war is currently being fought inside your heart will come to a tolerable ceasefire if you just ignore it long enough. Mal tells you that the plan is going swimmingly, she’s never seen the prince more excited about the VKs and the upcoming coronation. You nod and smile and tell her that you’re glad everything is going to plan, but inside, you cannot seem to stop your mind from screaming. 
And then, all of a sudden, despite your best attempts to remain out of sight, Prince Ben finds you. It’s completely out of the blue, so casual that you almost don’t realize it’s happening until he’s sitting down at your table in the library and it’s too late to run. 
You feel like an animal caught in a trap. He’s just smiling like nothing is the matter. “I know it’s you,” he says by way of hello. 
Your heart is stuck in your throat. “What?”
“I know it’s you,” Ben repeats, “I know you’re my soulmate. I had the Fairy Godmother do a little spell so I could check for you, but I think I knew since that day at the lake.”
You frown. “You can do that?”
He shrugs, looking a little embarrassed. “Not everyone can, I think. But I, uh, insisted.”
You grin. “Prince privileges?”
“Something like that.” He’s smiling, though, maybe pleased that you’re not trying to run off this time. “But you knew even without the spell, didn’t you?”
That does shake your uncertain sense of calm. “Yes,” you admit, “but I didn’t think you— I didn’t think it would work out.”
The look on Ben’s face is genuinely heartbreaking. “What, just because I’m a prince?”
He says it so casually, it’s almost funny. “Yes, Ben, because you’re a prince and I’m a VK. I mean, my dad was Lefou. He literally tried to ruin the happy ever after of your parents, why would you want someone like me to be your soulmate?”
“Same reason you shouldn’t be afraid to want me. You’re not your father, Y/N, and I’m not my parents. We’re just us, and I know that I want you to be my soulmate. I have since the start. I was hoping you would tell me you knew, but after a few days went by and you still said nothing, I figured I had to take matters into my own hands. Even if that meant using a spell or two.”
You keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, for him to laugh in your face and tell you it’s ridiculous to think that he would ever want a VK as a soulmate, but he doesn’t. In fact, you don’t think he ever will. As impossible as it seems, Ben wants someone who isn’t from a perfect fairy tale. He wants you. And that, lovely and wonderful and absolutely crazy, sounds like a fairly good happily ever after for you. 
disney tag list: @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @mayfieldss, @eclliipsed
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infiniteimaginings · 6 months
Can you do a evie x reader fic where the reader hasn’t seen evie since she’s lefted and they reunite again but under distressing circumstances?
You Forgot About Me (Evie x GN!Reader)
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Summary: Evie decided to help Ben find Mal on the Isle of the Lost and bring her back to Auradon. She didn't expect to see you, because she had never planned on returning. What will she do when she sees you again? Pronouns: You/Yours They/Them Warnings: None, it's angsty though! Word Count: 3.0k A/N: I'm back!
Mal was currently being punished like a child in her shared bedroom with Evie, scolded like a child. She rolled her eyes slightly, pushing an ombre blonde to purple lock of hair behind her ear as she sat on the bed, hands clasped together as she listened to Evie tell her about what she did wrong. 
Evie was pacing, sighing heavily, holding Mals spellbook in her hands, close to her chest. “This,” The blue haired princess spoke, holding the book tighter, “is confiscated until further notice.” She told her best friend, pinching the bridge of her nose with her fingers. 
Mal rolled her eyes, pushing herself off the bed, hands on her hips. “Evie, I’m sorry, okay?” She mumbled out, “It’s just a lot of pressure and I just…” Mal trailed off, looking out the window to the groups of people walking by, laughing. They were enjoying their day, they knew what they were doing, who they were…Mal didn’t know any of that. She looked back to Evie who gazed upon her with concern. Mal sucked in a breath, “I just don’t know how to do the princess thing.” She continued on, slightly hugging herself. 
Evie frowned at her and walked over to her, placing the spell book down, placing her hands on Mals shoulders. “This is all still pretty new to you, to all of us.” Evie spoke out, rubbing Mal's arms gently. “You’ll get the hang of it.” She continued, pulling Mal in for a tight hug, the soon to be princess, queen, hugged her back softly. Her gaze was elsewhere, but Evie couldn’t see it.
“You’re better at being a princess here.”
Evie pulled back with a sad smile, “And you’ll be a better queen than anyone.” She told Mal, fingers combing through her friends' curls. Mal tilted her head with a smile, biting the inside of her cheek and scrunching her nose. “I’ll try.” She told Evie who nodded, taking the spellbook with her to the door, “Just take a minute to breathe, okay?” Evie explained to Mal who nodded, sitting back on her bed.
Before EVie left Mal called her name, causing her to look back into the room, “Yeah?” Evie asked, tilting her head, holding the book securely. Mal took a deep breath, looking at her hands, “Do you ever miss the Isle?” She asked, eyes following up to see Evie shaking her head.
“Not really.”
Mal was shocked at the answer really, she picked at her nails. “Nothing at all? The wildness of it, the rule breaking?” She asked, her thoughts screaming, 'The feeling of being free?’
Evie leaned on the doorway, “No, Mal.” She told her honestly, shrugging, not even thinking about it. “I don’t miss anything about the Isle.”
Evie left Mal alone with her thoughts, explaining to their friends that the press and expectations are a lot for Mal. They understood how it was to go from being on the Isle of the Lost to going to Auradon Prep randomly one day. They didn’t understand how it was to be the daughter of Maleficent and the stress of becoming the new queen of Auradon. All they could do was sit by and be supportive, helping out and showing Mal they cared about her.
Unfortunately being caring and supportive for Mal didn’t work and the next thing they knew, she was gone. Ben had no idea where she was and he was pacing around the office of the castle, silently cursing himself for not noticing how she was feeling. When Evie walked in, he was hoping for good news but with the look on the princess’s face it was clear that wasn’t the case.
Evie was frowning, “She went back to the Isle.” Those words sent Ben into a spiral. He thought about all the dress fittings, the paparazzi, the students, his parents, the world staring at her, saying how she was VK and was going to be with him. He thought about how he never noticed how pressured she was due to such a big change, and he wanted to slap himself. How do you not notice when someone you love is feeling overwhelmed? With that, he decided he was going after her, to show her he loved her, to show her he was there for her. 
Evie immediately knew that was a terrible idea because he had no idea what the state of the Isle was, and he was a prince. She knew if he went there alone, everyone would pick pocket him, manipulate his ideas, or somehow find a way to never return him to Auradon.
She also knew she couldn’t be the only one to go with him, so she went to the two people who knew Mal best, other than her. The two people who also knew the Isle best, just like her and Mal. Their friends Carlos and Jay, the two who were with them when they were first chosen to go to Auradon Prep.
She walked into the boys room, explaining the situation to the two who were sitting, staring at her blankly.
Carlos blinked, “You’re telling me that Mal is…” He paused, leaning forward, “missing in action?” He asked and Evie nodded, “Yeah, she went back to the Isle and I don’t want Ben going by himself.” She explained, sitting in the arm chair across from them. Jay stood up, now leaning on the bedpost, face twisting as he began to understand, “Because he’s never seen the Isle personally.” He thought aloud to which Evie confirmed with a head nod.
The three continued to discuss the idea and Evie finally asked, “So, you’ll come?” and the boys looked at each other with furrowed brows, back to their best friend. “Obviously.” They spoke simultaneously, blinking because they didn’t expect her to ask, it was just assumed they would be tagging along regardless. 
The plan was almost perfect, but good enough for them. They would go to the Isle, hide the limo, find Mal, convince her to go back, and return to their lives. 
Unfortunately, it wasn’t that simple. They had to show Ben what it was like to be on the Isle, which was something in itself. Showing him the darkest parts of themselves that they never wished to resurface, was hard, no matter how much Ben thought he knew. Children were robbing the people of the Isle, people lived in dirt and grime, there was no sort of prestige there. There was only survival, there was no best version of yourself. On the Isle, the only way to grow was to be the worst version of yourself and make people fear you.
Evie walked with the group, making Ben stand in the middle of the group so that those from the island could at least cover him a bit. As they walked, Evie saw a glimpse of someone familiar. Everyone on the island was slightly familiar, you know almost everyone on the island if you grew up there, but this person she just couldn’t ignore for some reason. She told Jay to stand in front of Ben while she checked something out, and she would meet them at the hideout. He didn’t question it and continued on with Ben and Carlos, walking out of sight.
The blue haired princess maneuvered through trash and people, looking around for that person until her eyes set on you moving some boxes around. She walked closer to you, the sound of the ground crunching made her flinch due to the volume, but when the person looked over, she relaxed a bit. 
That person was you, you looked at her and a smile brought its way to your face. You put down the boxes, “Evie?” You asked, taking off your gloves, walking over to her. She nodded quickly, mirroring your smile, meeting you halfway to engulf you into a hug. 
You returned the hug, face deep in the crook of her neck, arms around her waist, “It’s been a lifetime.” You mumbled into her shoulder, holding her even tighter.
Evie felt warmth on her face as your voice vibrated through her body, she hugged you sweetly, not really wanting to let go. The two of you actually stayed in that position for quite a bit. The only reason the two of you pulled apart was because she had a flash of a memory from not even two days ago. The memory of when Mal asked her if she missed anything from the Isle and she said she didn’t miss anything without missing a beat. Evie pulled apart from you, looking into your eyes, and she felt regret because how could she forget you?
You stood with a smile, looking around the area, your eyes shining. Your hands were on Evies waist, hers were on your shoulders, rubbing your arms. “I knew I saw Mal earlier!” You spoke, the comment snapping Evie out of her thoughts. “Are Carlos and Jay with you?” You asked, looking around, fingers gently rubbing along Evies sides, causing her to shiver. 
She inhaled sharply, nodding a bit, “Yeah, we need to get Mal back to Auradon, she kind of ran out on us.” She explained briefly, a small summary of the events. Your fingers loosened on her waist, your brows furrowing, “I’m sorry?” You asked, smile faltering. Evie didn’t notice really, she played with your sleeves a bit, nodding with an airy laugh, “There’s a whole thing to that, but, where’d you see her?” She asked, remembering how you said you had seen her earlier. 
You had a frown on your face, brows knitted together, “No.” You spoke in a harsh mumble, the tone change caused Evie to finally look at you properly, without thinking about anything else. “I mean, you’re leaving?” 
Evie tilted her head and nodded as if it were obvious, “Well, we have to go back home.” She spoke without thinking.
“This is your home.”
“That’s not what I meant to say-”
You dropped your hands from her waist, eyes narrowing in shock, “Yes it is.” You spoke lowly, licking your lips a bit. Evie bit the inside of her cheek, trying to find a way to explain herself, “I have to-” You cut her off.
“No, you don’t, you want to.” You told her, looking her up and down. “There’s a difference.” You spoke in a blunt manner, eyes now half lidded, unimpressed, disappointed, unsurprised.
Evie blew air through her cheeks as she rubbed your arms, “Come on, that’s not fair.” She tried to smile but truthfully, she was a little nervous.
You scowled at Evie, your eyes narrowed and you stepped back out of her gentle grasp on your shoulders. “You think just because you go to Auradon Prep, now that you’ve left the Isle…” You paused, breathing out an airy laugh, “You think everyone is just what? Below you?” You asked, head tilting. Evie dropped her hand, taking a step back at your words, biting the inside of her cheek. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, “That’s not what I meant by it.” She spoke slowly, eyes opening to reveal her saddened dark brown eyes.
You shook your head, pointing at her accusingly, “You probably didn’t even give us a second thought when you walked onto that campus, did you?” You asked her, arm dropping, falling into a crossed motion. 
Evie couldn’t say anything, because to be fair, you were right. She was so excited to go to Auradon Prep, she didn’t even think about the Isle and the people when Mal asked or before.
You shook your head, a smile of disbelief etched onto your face, “Evie, you need a reality check.” You snarled, words spitting into Evie who flinched at your words in confusion. You stepped towards her a bit, body leaning forward, “You weren’t picked because of your fashion or your personality, you were picked because of dumb luck.” You reminded her of what everyone on the Isle knew, the truth all of the VKs on their dark and grim island knew, the truth no one would ever forget. No kid of a villain is chosen for their potential, because they had none.
When Evie didn’t respond, you simply continued on. You saw how her eyes widened, how her lips parted, she clearly wanted to think differently but deep inside, she knew it. You continued on, words cutting deeper and deeper than ever before, you knew it was wrong to hurt her, but she was leaving you. People don’t leave and get to be happy, it’s not fair to the kids who are stuck on that stupid island. 
You glared, sucking your teeth at Evies’ still figure, like she was scared to move. “Prince Ben chose the daughter of the Evil Queen, because he thought she was one of the worst villains here.” You spoke, facial expression one of anger, filled with emotion. “He wanted to prove a point, he didn’t pick you because you were worth it, he picked you because he felt sorry for you.” You spat, face contorting in betrayal.
The blue haired girl was silent, still, in shock. Her heart was pounding, her chest was aching, she felt dizzy, but she just couldn’t move. She wished you would stop talking, but of course you had to keep going. 
“You’re not a hero and you will always be a VK from the Isle.” You told her, but your words were muffled to her. She looked at you, she looked through you as you spoke and her voice picked up volume, but it was only slight. Evie trembled as she spoke to you, “I wasn’t trying to erase that.” She whispered out, brown eyes glossing over with tears. You dropped your arms at her response, staring at her blankly, “You’re clearly trying to erase the rest of us.” You told her, frowning. “You’re trying to erase me.” You mumbled out the last part of the sentence. The anger that was in you seemed to disappear right in front of the princess, it seemed to fade into a great sadness you had been holding onto for almost a year since Evie had left.
Evies nostrils flared, she pushed her hairs off her shoulder, “No I’m not.” She said through gritted teeth.
“I bet you’ve found your true love since I wasn’t worth it, hm?” You asked, hands on your hips, “Since clearly I wasn’t enough to even think about.” You continued on. 
Both of you were angry, but at your comment Evie just sighed, frowning. Her beautiful brown eyes were teary, she sniffled, moving her blue hair out of her face. You expected her to prove you wrong, to tell you that she loved you, to hold you. 
“I can’t love you how you want me to.” She told you, the words cracking your heart as they echoed in your mind. Her voice was quivering as she said it, she walked forward to you, you didn’t move. Your eyes were watering, you kept your lips tight in a frown so you couldn’t break out into sobs. Evie knew better, she held her hands out, gently holding onto your face, looking into your eyes.
It was then that your lips parted and you cried, tears pouring, hiccups escaping, your cheeks were wet, your face warm from the feeling of crying. Evie nodded, stroking your cheek, her own tears streaming down her own face, she bit her lips as she looked at you. “They need me there.” She whispered to you, cupping your face with her hands as you cried.
You tried to pull back, you tried to walk away, but her gaze kept you right in front of her. You shook your head, her hands moving with your head, her palms never leaving the warmth of your cheeks. Her thumb gently wiped your tears away, but more fell. Your vision was blurry when you tried to make eye contact with her, “And I need you here, is that not enough?” Your voice cracked as you spoke, lip shaking, arms crossing so she wouldn’t see your hands trembling. “Am I not enough?” You asked, blinking rapidly, trying to keep yourself together.
Evie couldn’t say anything when she heard footsteps coming near the two of you. She jumped back, putting space between the two of you and you wiped your tears, keeping your mouth closed. You crossed your arms, looking down, kicking to the ground so whoever came would just pass through. 
You looked up and saw familiar white hair, a freckled boy who looked to Evie. “Evie, we have a problem, we have to go.” He spoke seriously. He noticed that Evie was looking across from her so he turned in the direction and saw you, his eyes widened with a shine to them. “Hey!” He grinned, walking to you, hugging you softly even though he was in a rush. You nodded to him, smiling a bit and returning the gesture, “Hey Carlos.” You whispered out, wiping your tears discreetly. “I can’t chat, I was just leaving, but we should catch up.” You told him, nodding when the two of you pulled apart and he agreed. He scrunched his nose, patting you on the back, “I’ll know where to find you.” He smiled, shooting you finger guns as you left, walking away with a sniffle.
Carlos walked back over to Evie, hands on his hips, “I haven’t seen them in what, like a-'' He began but Evie cut him off, “A year.” She spoke bluntly, staring at the direction you walked off to. Carlos noticed the difference in her mood from before, but before he could ask about it she shook her head to bring herself back to reality., “What’s going on?” She asked him, wondering what was so urgent.
Her friend frowned at her but understood, “We found Mal, but Ben said she wasn’t coming back.” He explained to which Evie nodded slowly, suspecting there was more to this. Carlos sighed out a bit panicked, “We can’t find Ben.” He spoke quickly and Evie's eyes widened. 
Now wasn’t the moment for heart to hearts, now was the moment to find their friend and get out of there. 
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Random Descendants Incorrect quotes
(with ships)
Queen of Hearts: Why are you drinking, Red?
Red: I don’t drink anymore, so don’t start with that.
Queen of Heart, holding an empty water bottle: So why was this under your bed?
Queen of Hearts: NOT IN MY DAMN HOUSE!
(such a great mother)
Red: If a demon possessed me, I’d just be like, “Okay, take it from here, good luck man.”
Dizzy: Truth or dare?
Chloe: Truth!
Dizzy : Do you-
Red: I dare you to kiss me.
Chloe: *kisses Red*
Dizzy, to Celia: They said “truth”, right?
(pretty sure it was a dare 👀)
Chloe: So you like cats?
Red: Yeah.
Chloe: *tries to impress them by slowly pushing a glass off the table*
(Chloe is jealous of Earl getting Red's attention. Context here)
Celia: Dumbest scar stories, go!
Maddox: I burned my tongue once drinking tea.
Dizzy: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and it burned.
Chloe: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade.
Chad: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it in my hand and I got a really bad burn.
Red: I have emotional scars.
(that's Chad in college)
Ben: Hey, what have you two been up to?
Carlos: We were helping Evie write their vows, but they kicked us out because Jay was making inappropriate suggestions.
Jay: How is "Mal, I love your sweet ass” inappropriate?
(why kick Carlos out tho 😪)
Uma: Welcome to Fucking Applebees, do you want apples or bees?
Mal: Bees?
Mal: Wait-
*Harry approaches, shaking a jar of bees menacingly*
(yeah. Ouch)
Mal, gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe?
Jay: Yeah, sure.
*A few minutes later*
Jay: Here you go.
Ben: Why am I here?
Merlin: Fay, you'll be working with Maleficent and Hades.
Fay: Alright! My fantasy threesome!
Everyone else: *blank stares*
Fay: ...Of people on a team.
(I understand lol)
Morgie: *Takes a sip of milk and gags*
Morgie: Oh my god, is this expired?
Morgie: *Takes another sip of milk*
(Morgie why are you so relatable)
Mal: I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you.
Ben: That's great, Mal. Especially considering the fact we've been married for 6 fucking years.
*Bridget sneezes*
Ella: Bridget, are you sick? Here, let me wrap you in a blanket and hand-feed you some warm soup while singing you a lullaby!
*Charming sneezes*
Ella: Oh my god. Shut the hell up.
Bridget: I eat cheerios because they’re heart healthy.
Bridget: And my heart has been severely damaged, so Ella, if you’re out there—
(This makes me imagine that Bridget confessed her feelings to Ella at Castlecoming, Ella took it well but doesn't feel the same and also avoids Bridget while at the dance. Bridget was heartbroken but accepted it, then she got turned into a monster. Ella has been avoiding her and didn't go to help. I don't know how feelings work lol. You make it make sense)
Chloe: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.
Red: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely*
Chloe: That one. I want that one.
(let's hope the caterpillar wasn't smoking)
Mal: Do you always have to attack me with your words?
Audrey: Would you prefer me to use a brick?
*The Squad is on the bus, and a child is crying*
Uliana: *rolls eyes to the sky*
Bridget: *makes funny faces to get them to stop*
Hades: *puts their earphones on at 100% volume*
Hook: *doesn't mind, doesn't bother*
Morgie: *is the reason they're crying*
Maleficent: *enjoys in silence*
(Morgie accidentally scared the child)
*when a child starts crying in public*
Charming: *tries to make the child laugh*
Tiana: *tries to play a game with the child to make them calm down*
Fay: *gives detailed instructions to the parents*
Ella: *ignores the child*
Jaladdin: *is the reason why the child is crying*
(I'm the baby. And that reason is valid)
Fay, entering Maleficent room: Hades did it again.
Maleficent: Peace disturbance?
Fay: What no-
Maleficent: Arson..?
Maleficent: uh....Attempted murder?
(Yeah they live together. So what?)
Fay: Can I bother you for a second?
Hades: You're always bothering me, but go ahead.
(Yeh. Basically)
The end of the beginning.
I'm tired so I shall sleep 😪.
I wanted to add more but I shall post it now already.
Ok byeee
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amethxxt · 4 months
i'm ranting about descendants again and this is a long one
Alright, I talked a little bit about this on twitter literally yesterday (https://x.com/amethxxt/status/1798768561613361458) but I wanted to do it here too, so here we are!!
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I think everyone has seen these pictures by now. It's from Descendants new book "The World of Auradon: Royals & Villains".
Now, at first, I got really excited (in a way, I still am) because it'll probably give me more material to use in my fics. Also, Uma looks absolutely stunning, so I immediately began reading her page and... Well, it's not the nicest things, right?
Like I said on twitter, I can't be the only one who sees the majorly different ways they talk about Uma and Mal.
With Mal, they start saying she's a "confident natural leader", and like- no, she's not, far from it.
I think the best version we got from Mal was on D1. She was such a good character and that's when I think the writers succeded the most with her - I believe it was hard to find someone who actively disliked or simply hated her.
When D2 came out, things went slightly downhill. Mal's inner conflict of not being the picture perfect Lady of the Court and feeling that the odd one out because she wasn't doing well in Auradon when compared to her friends is very realistic.
The pressure that she was feeling to be perfect and all the new things that came with being the King's girlfriend makes you understand why she was so anxious and wanted to leave. Now, I think we should all understand that this makes Mal a very insecure person.
She's insecure, she's flawed and runs away the first chance she gets because everything becomes too much. And if they wrote her like that, how is she a confident natural leader?
When the Core Four and Ben go after her, it's when things begin to change. Mal has a few moments in this movie: running away and leaving just a note to her best friend, claiming Dizzy was going to be fine when Evie felt sorry about leaving a child in the abusive place they all grew up in, betraying Uma's trust. Yeah.
I'm gonna make it very clear that I really like Mal as a character. I criticize her a lot because the writers started putting her in a pedestal, overpowering her and trying to erase anything that could be seen as bad.
Why would they have Mal apologize for using a love spell on Ben when they make such a cute couple and would be endgame anyways?
It gets worse in D3. I remember watching them announce that Hades was Mal's father and being like "No fucking way" because you want this girl to be not only half-fairy but a half-god?? Was this the only way to have his ember in the story?
Well, I think we got used to that plot after a while, but then - Oh, Mal's also Lady of the Court, she'll be a part of the decisions that concern the Isle of the Lost and a voice for the other VKs.
Yes, Mal is "a confident natural leader" who turns her back on her people and comes up to the idea of closing the Barrier for good to protect Auradon citizens.
Why do they refuse to bring up the fact that it was her idea?? Nevermind the fact that her and Ben weren't married yet, she was not the Queen and had absolutely no power to make that decision. They make Ben so useless, a King with no voice because he's not the main character, right?
So she makes a decision that's not up to her and proceeds to lie to all of her friends, makes empty promisses to both Celia and Uma, and when shit hits the fan, nothing happens.
Having Evie confront her about it is one of my favorite scenes, but what are the consequences? I understand that it was the final movie, but it's so rushed that makes everyone else feel out of character.
Mal and Evie can be the best of friends, but you can't tell me Mal would be like "I was wrong, I have to be a voice for everyone and I shouldn't have lied" and Evie would be just "Ok, perf".
And what about the opposite? When Mal betrays Uma for probably the third time, Uma has no trouble forgiving her? Of course they don't mention what happens in the books, they don't mention Mal trying to hurt Evie (or even get her killed lol) and they don't mention the "shrimpy" incident with Uma.
They don't talk about Mal's wrong doings the same way they talk about Uma.
Uma, according to the new book, is a "confident and resourceful VK with a major mean streak". Sorry, Uma has a mean streak? I don't think so. What Disney and Descendants keep doing is use the definition of a villain for a character who's an antagonist.
Villains have malicious intentions, they are evil. You're gonna tell me the girl who simply wants for all the children to get off the Isle, a place they were forced to live in along with murderers and other criminals, some of those who happened to be their parents, all while surviving off of the garbage that came from Auradon, is the evil one?
That is not to say Uma doesn't make mistakes or does bad things. Mal and Uma have the common point of using a love spell on Ben, which is awful and should be acknowledged as that, but they only do it in Uma's case.
"When Mal and her friends successfully freed Ben, Uma took it one step further by putting Ben under a magic love spell" x "She [Mal] used spells to mess with other students, to convince Ben that he loved her, and to change herself in order to fit in as Ben's girlfriend. But once she realized she needed to ditch the spell book and learn to survive without magic, she was able to become the queen she was always meant to be"
Those... are not the same to me. They detail every thing Uma does during D2, making it clear that using a love spell was worse than the previous actions of kidnapping him, but with Mal it almost feels like they excuse her actions because, eventually, she learned that magic wasn't the way to become who she was meant to be.
Also, what do you mean Mal felt guilty about the other VKs who were left behind? Mal didn't even look sad when her and Evie were leaving Dizzy behind! Evie was the one to come up with the idea to bring more children to Auradon, and when that magically turned into the VK Day (my arch-nemesis plotline along with Merlin Academy), she didn't look worried at all that it would them so long to free all the kids if they were going to pick 4 each time.
And again, her idea to close the Barrier for good (with no way in or out) would mean that eventually, everyone left in the Isle would die. I know it's Disney, and they would never make that happen, but if you're not going in to even leave your trash there (aka their food source), yeah, they're all dying.
Now, with Uma, they point out how she wanted to escape and get revenge on Mal, but like...... not really? Of course she mentions in D2 how she wants Mal's new turf and tries to make a deal with her to leave with her crew, but when she's actually free and we get into D3, it's been months (I think) and while Auradon's scared she's going to do something, we find out Uma spent all that time looking for a hole in the Barrier to get the kids out.
When she makes another deal to help Mal, all she asks for is the guarantee that every kid who wants to leave the Isle is able to do so. Who breaks that promise? The "villain" with the major mean streak or the confident natural leader?
I'm not saying that Mal is real villain, because she's really not. But she's far from how they describe her and if you're gonna tell me she's a natural leader, I better not see her bringing down the Barrier, letting both the kids and villains out, and acting like it's the right thing to do.
VK Day wasn't the answer to free the innocents, but bringing down the Barrier isn't it either! Mal doesn't "help convice Auradon citizens to accept all VKs into Auradon Prep" she just decides to do that lol
And again, that decision is not up to her, she had no legal right to do it. She was just Lady of the Court and nothing else.
Like I said on twitter, Disney and Descendants like Uma because she's a fan favorite, she was one since they announced her as a character. But they insist on the idea that Auradon changed her for the better, as if she was never someone who fought for what was right. She's not perfect either, but they can't write about her in a way that makes her look better than Mal.
How did Mal stop her at the end of D2? Mal didn't do anything, they were fighting, Ben made a speech, Uma turned around and left. That was it.
How did Auradon transform her? Of course they are implying that because of Rise of Red and her becoming the new principal, and even though this plot still kinda confuses me, it still seems like all the wants is for Auradon to be a fair place that doesn't discriminate against anyone.
I now this is getting too long, but I really like ranting about descendants. It's my comfort franchise but there's so many things wrong with it lol
And I also know I'm probably looking too deep into it, but I don't think I'm the only one who sees the ways Disney has always treated Uma and Mal differently.
I want to get this book and see if there's anything else about them. I really wished Disney and Descendants treated Uma better, though.
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that1geek06 · 1 month
Hi, how are you? Could you write Harry Hook and male reader? The reader is Audrey's brother and super shy, and he meets Harry when the group of VKs went to save Ben.
HOWDY THERE, I'm alright thank you for asking :D I hope your doing good as well, but I can DEFINITELY do this, I'm so happy that my descendents work has been liked by the fandom and its time for the FIRST ROMANTIC FIC YAYYY so I apologize if its not amazing, lmk if there's anything I can do betterr
Harry Hook x Male!Reader
Warnings: None (lmk if that's wrong)
Audrey Rose, the most popular and recognizable child of Aurora and Phillip. But not many people know or realize that she has a twin brother, Y/N.
He doesn't blame people for not knowing his lineage, he was the complete opposite of his sister. He preferred comfort over style, singularity instead of popularity, and quiet rather than loud. The only one Y/N really talked to was Ben, who would often hang out with the twin when he courted his sister. But even when the VK'S came and he got with Mal, Ben still showed his friendship and even introduced him to the darker group.
And Y/N loved the VK'S.
They just didn't care, and he admired that, without having to talk to much he became close to the small group. They almost took him under their wing and looked out for him. Basically, he never had any issues with Chad once the VK'S started hanging out with him.
So when he heard about Mal running back to the isle and the plan to get her back. He begged to go along. Ben disagreed at first but with some convincing Y/N was allowed to go with.
He had never been so excited for something before, as Evie dressed him and Ben up the clothes felt so nice, the darker tones of red and grey felt suiting, she even made his outfit to be incorporated as a hoodie which he loved.
And then finally they were off.
Ben was very nervous about being there, but with some guidance from Evie, Jay, and Carlos, they got the ways down quite quickly.
They finally made it to Mal's hideout, and Ben went up to talk to her. Y/N waiting for him to return at the bottom of the steps with the others. Though the stomping of his footsteps proved their conversation didn't go to well.
"She's not coming." Ben said annoyed and stomped off through the streets. The others paced and tried to get the attention of Mal. But Y/N ran off to catch up with Ben.
After a small jog he's back at his side, "T-try not to worry to much Ben. Mal's going through a lot, I'm sure she'll come around here soon." He said in a soft tone, trying to comfort the soon to be king.
But Ben just sighs and shakes his head, "I doubt she will, I pushed her to far.."
The two turn a corner, when suddenly they see 2 other shadows, with a low chuckle one spoke. "Well ain't this just perfect, Uma will be please with this catch. A king and a prince, aye now that's somthin' special."
They step into the light, the taller one had a kind smile on his face surprisingly, his eyes set on Ben. "I knew I recognized you Ben! My dad wishes yours would rot in the underworld by the way." Y/N was confused by the guys happiness, and turned to look at the one the spoke earlier, only to find his eyes already on him.
The boy in the red coat smirked, twirling the handheld hook in his hand. "That you did Lad. Now, lets get this crown an' beauty to Uma." And then everything went black. But Y/N wasn't scared, he only thought one thing.
Did that VK really recognize him?
Y/N slowly opens his eyes, the smell of salt water stinging his nose. He squinted and looked around, eyes adjusting to the light, he tries to move, but he finds himself tied up to a pole.
A light chuckle makes him look up, "Welcome back sleepin' beauty, sorry ya didn't geta kiss like your mum." The boy from earlier smirked, but instead of feeling threatened, Y/N's heart skipped a beat, cheeks turn a light shade of red.
"...w-who are you?" He asks in a small voice, earning a large smile from the other boy. "How rude of me, tha names Harry, and I'm sure this piece o' metal can help ya fill in the rest." He answers, twirling it around once again.
He just nods, putting together he was Captain Hooks son. "Your a quiet one aint ya. Never really talkin' much at those fancy meetings up there." Harry comments, a teasing smirk on his face as he looks him up and down.
Y/N's eyes widened at that, "You've.. noticed me? You know who I am?" He asks in such a quiet voice it was barely a whisper. And he watches as Harry's face falls for a second. He goes to answer when Ben starts to wake up. And that crazed facade comes back as he turns his attention onto the young king.
After a few minutes though the other boy who helped capture him who he learned to be Gil announced Mal and the groups arrival. They had actually brought the wand. But when she pretended to use it on dude, Y/N knew that something wasn't right.
But Uma believed it.
Harry cuts the ropes off of Ben and Y/N, complaining about how his fun was ruined, though it felt almost as if his touched lingered a little longer than normal when he cut the ropes off of Y/N.
Then Mal and Uma trade, and the two royals were back with their group.
Mal starts trying to rush Ben away as Uma attempts to use the wand, and like he suspected, it didn't work. And then a big fight breaks lose.
Y/N fights, but nothing to harm anyone, he couldn't do any such thing. Finally they get space between them and the pirates and are getting ready to make an escape, until-
"BEAUTY!!" Y/N hears Harry yell, he looks back and makes eye contact with him, the pirate smirks, still dripping wet from grabbing his hook out of the water, clothes clinging to his body.
"I always noticed ya!" He yells again, answering Y/N's question from before.
He felt is face flare up and his heart drop as he stare into the other boys eyes. Only for the contact to be broken by Jay pulling him to follow out.
In a daze Y/N followed, mind and heart hooked on the pirate that had noticed him..
YAYY I loved this sm I hope you do tooo, and anon I hope this makes your day dreams a little easier to imagine <3
-Also, if anyone's interested, I'd be willing to make this a part two?? Tell me if I shouldd-
Lmk if there's anything I can do to improve I welcome any and all help, also, PAUSE. RN. GET A SNACK. Reading is so fun on a full stomach, but anyways, HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT MY GOOBERS, happy readingg 👾
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fashion-foxy · 3 months
You know something that's odd to me? How weirdly the child of the Beauty and the Beast get handled in media. (Obviously, my only examples are EAH and Descendants, but walk with me on this.)
The Beauty is someone who will, for better or for worse, always see the best in everyone. They are kind and good-natured but is usually someone who still holds people accountable for their actions and intentions, not what the Beauty thinks their intentions are.
The Beast is someone who typically does not look past the surface level of a person out of stupidity or willful ignorance. The Beast is also very selfish ,closed-minded , and stubborn. Unfortunately , that means in retellings, the Beast is the only one to go a character arc, and the Beauty comes off as judgmental or too forgiving.
Both characters being foils means that it could be a bit challenging to portray a character that is a result of both of those personalities, but if done right, it creates a very interesting character!
So, what did EAH and Descendants do with what they were given?!
Well, for starters, a bad job, but you already knew that. Let's take a look at Rosabella Beauty and Benjamin Florian No Last Name Given. (Idk most Descendants characters don't have last names)
Rosabella is judgemental, which could definitely actually be a super cool thing that she got from her dad, but based off the fact that she didn't go on an arc and it didn't get presented as a character flaw, I suspect this was accidental. Which is real shame. It would've been a really cool concept to explore Rosabella actually being the Beast.
She is also, by not getting any meaningful character development, giving off major 'I could fix him' vibes with Daring. Except, she's ignoring what's actually wrong in his life and looking at surface level interpretations of what she thinks he's like. Then, deciding he's a self-centered narcissist who she needs to fix so he meets her standards. Hey, wait a spell. She kind of seems to embody more of the Beast characteristics than the Beauty's. I wonder if the writers might have had other plans but were forced to change her into something else or perhaps Mattel wanted to sell a doll of her and Daring so they had to awkwardly force a relationship and not use their original plans?
Ben is way too forgiving. When we first see him, he says that he wants to give the Isle kids (kids who were born to villians who've been trapped in a magic prison all their life) a chance at a normal life, which is great! It's probably one of the best things a 16 year old king could do. So when's the next time he forgives someone? When he tells Mal that he knows she drugged him. So, it's at this point where you kinda realize that he isn't being too forgiving he's trapped in an abusive relationship. Once he sees that Mal realizes the implications of that, he goes back on it, and he tells her that it's not that big of a deal that it's ok that he still loves her.
When's the next time something like this happens? When Mal tries to erase some of his memories after catching her lying about using magic. He obviously yells at her because that's a fucked up thing to do. She downplays the situation and makes excuses. Shortly after, she runs back to the Isle. Ben, assuming that she had the best intentions, blames himself and ultimately gets kidnapped and then drugged again. All of these interactions are all portrayed as 'his fault' and that he'd deserved everything that happened to him because he was holding Mal responsible for her actions. In the third movie, he even stops doing it. Hades asks him why an Auradon kid gets to be excused and why everyone on the Isle doesn't, and he looks at Mal but ignores the question. Mal doesn't answer because she's the reason this Auradon person (Audrey) is hurt because she ruined her life and is currently being excused by everyone, including the writers, but Audrey won't. Ben definitely won't.
So, aren't these the best portrayals of the Beauty and the Beast characteristics? Because mixing the traits incorrectly. If Ben was given more Beast characteristics than just roaring sometimes. Mal wouldn't be abusive if their were actually moments where Ben was being unreasonable and too quick to draw surface level conclusions.
Rosabella wouldn't come off as rude and judgemental if she was given more Beauty characteristics. If Daring was actually self-centered and Rosabella considered others and thought about others instead of drawing conclusions.
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corgiplays · 1 month
Did anyone else think that Ella would disappear after they changed the timeline? Like not disappear, but like not be married to Charming?
Me and my friend thought of that once the movie finished and now I'm back to thinking about it.
Ella Tremaine worked until both of her step sisters got married and left the house and when her stepmother died soon after the girls kicked Ella out forcing her onto the streets with her young daughter. That Chloe didn't know safety or what a full stomach felt like. She worked with her mom from a young age and would hear stories from Ella about how their life could have been different. This Chloe wasn't kind, she knew life as unfair and cruel, she grew up fighting with the other street kids, taking their money or pickpocketing the rich.
She despises royalty and thinks that they should focus on the people in their kingdoms who need help; not party with one another.
So when she does get accepted into Auradon Prep on a scholarship program to bring in less fortunate kids she hates it. She hates how the villains got everything for just existing, she hates how the current king left his people back under his father's rule as he travels the world to unite more kingdoms when his is in shambles and she hates her roommate who's gotten everything in her life on a golden platter.
Chloe hates Red, despises her for being rebellious and never suffering the consequences. She hates how her roommate pities her and offers to spend money on her, money she hasn't had to steal, work for, or end up bloodied over. She hates how she cares and supports her no matter how illegal or dangerous her plans are.
She hates her.
Chloe hates how her roommate looks so peaceful and cute when she sleeps, how she looks wearing Chloe's worn and oversized clothes, how she softly scolds her for each fight she starts while cleaning her wounds, how she makes up any excuse to spend money on her.
She loves her.
So maybe when she saves enough money to buy Red a gift, a thin titanium chain with a ring that has a red and blue band in the middle, apologizing that it's probably not a extravagant or expensive as her other jewelry it brings Red to tears.
Fuck- does Chloe love this girl.
And when the inevitable happens and King Adam declares a second war on Wonderland in his son's absence Chloe risks her life to make sure Red gets back home before being captured.
She doesn't break as the "King" tortures her to find anything information about Red, Wonderland, or anything else. When he takes in her mother as leverage no one expects it when she snaps and kills him, haven been underestimated. And when she goes on an assassination spree of killing royals until she's the one with power no one fights against her.
The people love their dark Queen who has made their lives better, even though Red doesn't see the girl she fell in love with. Red becomes her Queen, because Chloe is still Chloe with her, ruling in blood tainted gold as the riches of the royals run through the streets to those in need. No one needs to know of Chloe's soft side to Red, the only person who sees Chloe for who she is; a child who would rather burn the world to the ground than watch another suffer her faith.
Ben and Mal can keep their fantasies of uniting Kingdoms under one rule. Their kingdom does not exist anymore.
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The budding flower of Hearts
Descendants x male Oc (you can read it as a self-insert if you want)
Next Chapter
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An: This will be a teaser to a fanfic I'm planning to start. It’ll be a descendants fanfic with a male oc who is the child of the queen of hearts (yes i saw descendants 4, i think i won’t like it nor use it. I’ll centre more on descendants 1, 2, & 3). This won’t be beta read, I'll be the one who’ll mostly check for mistakes but if you do see some, maybe comment and I'll try my best to edit! Hope you like it!
1.5k words. No Trigger warnings that I know off.
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“And who might you be dear?” The lady in a metallic blue dress asked; She was Fairy Godmother. The school’s mere environment with all its beautiful architecture, clear blue skies, greenery which was a far cry from the deserted land me and the others came from; just a few minutes ago.
“Eli” I muttered, lost in the new environment. Taking in the beautiful clear sky that looked so polluted and clouded back then, It was this beautiful blue now.
I was pulled back to focus when I felt a bump by Carlos, I was asked again. “Eli?”
“Ah! Sorry, my name; it's Eli des Lamproca Van Der Heart.” I tried to push through with how long my name was. “Please just call me Eli!” with a greeting of a low nod and a smile. My heart painted lips curving. They were staring at our alien appearance compared to them.
“Eli, a lovely name.” The Fairy gleefully said with her high pitched voice, doing her best to greet the weird kids who just showed up. “Welcome to Auradon prep! I'm Fairy Godmother, headmistress.”
Mal then quickened “The fairy godmother? As in, "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo"?”. “Bibbidi-bobbidi. You know it.” The Fairy replied with a smile.
Everything else was forgettable, for I was annoyed that Jay was eying a random girl next to the Fairy. He was skittish and all that nonsense while loudly chewing the gum he had in the limo. I sighed as I continued looking around and noticed Carlos was still trying to fix his clothes with chocolate still in his lips.
I was then brought back to the conversation when the man spoke. “It's so good to finally meet you all! I'm Ben.” I then slanted my head wondering who this ‘Ben’ was. I saw his gaze go to mine.
“Prince! Benjamin. Soon to be king.” The girl next to him followed up quickly, so he was the reason we’re here. 
“You had me at prince. My mom's a queen, which makes me a princess.” Evie walked forward towards him, spinning around a bit and showing him her hand.
The girl then shook her head “The evil queen has no royal status here” Then i saw it “And neither do you.” her smile widened. She had this look in her eyes, gleeful to say the next line putting Evie in her place.
I pulled Evie back a bit next to me. Ben then awkwardly laughed and introduced this girl “This is Aubrey….”
“Princess! Aubrey.” she said while pointing her finger. She was reminding him, she was also royalty. “His. girlfriend.” she was wearing this fake smile. While Ben continued to look at her awkwardly. He isn’t fond of her. It seems so. “Right benny-boo~?” Ben was feeling uncomfortable while she wrapped her hand towards his.
Mal and I smiled back at them. I truly didn’t care for the next gibber gabber of the Fairy with all that talk about some library in the end. 
Ben was behind her and I noticed Aubrey trying to take his hand once but he harshly took it back not wanting to be all touchy in front of us it seems. After the fairy walked away, He stepped forward and offered his hand towards Jay to shake.
 “It is so, so, so good to finally me-meet you all.” Jay, that idiot. He pushed him away. But smiled back at him, He didn’t want to shake his hand while he shook his head. He continued to Mal and shook her hand then stared a bit…
“This is a momentous occasion,” he continued while Mal then shakes her hand like it had been infected “and one that I hope will go down in history. Is that chocolate?” What a mess; Carlos with his already messy face had chocolate covered hands; But then the prince licked his finger clean, and gave me a look. Weird. “As the day our two peoples began to heal.” He shook Evie’s Hand while Aubrey behind him eyed her as she stared at him.
He finally reached me, “What was that pause earlier with Mal?” I asked him while we shook hands and he stared at me and smiled brightly “Ah. nothing! It wa-was nothing. Eli right? Beautiful name”. Weird. 
Aubrey was getting a bit annoyed at him staring at us, but now more so at me. “Hey! You're the mad queen’s son right?” she directed towards me while I nodded with a fake smile; with Ben still staring at me but still wasn’t letting go of my hand. What exactly is going through his mind? “Yeah, you know what? I totally don’t believe the rumours, you’re not that insane!” 
What a bitch. 
Ben then was back to reality when he saw my smile fade a bit and realizing the situation while finally letting go of my hand. I just said nothing since if I did I might have slapped her. He was now looking towards Aubrey and seemed to be thinking of something.
“And you! You’re Maleficent's daughter, aren't you?” She then directed at Mal and stepped a bit closer to her. “Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff.” she rambled.
“Oh! my mom's Aurora. Sleeping~” She proclaimed, faking dumb; she stared at Mal insuating for her to continue. “Beauty!” Mal continued the atmosphere now being awkward.
“Yeah, I've heard the name. You know, and I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to their stupid christening.” They smiled back at each other. “Water under the bridge” Aubrey replied smiling. “Totes!” Mal wasn’t backing down. 
What plastics honestly.
Ben grabbed Aubrey away from us and continued while defusing the situation “Okay! So, how about a tour?” We all were silent. So was I. I was just observing really. “Yeah?” He showed us forward and we walked behind him. Evie continued to walk beside me and linked our arms; while Mal was in front of us behind Ben and Aubrey. With Jay and Carlos messing around with each other behind us.
“Auradon prep, originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school by my father wh-” 
The yapping of Ben faded as Evie gave me a look of concern. She began “Do yo- Do you think other royals will hate us?”. It was a genuine concern, both me and her were of true royal blood. “Do you think your father will hate you?” I asked her, she was a child of not only the 'Evil Queen' but also the King. She and Snow White were half-siblings.
“I haven’t really met him, I’ve never had…” She continues on. She asked me “Do you think your aunt will hate you?”. The White Queen, the sister of my mother. The one who sentenced her to the wastelands for unity with the other nations.
“Mother said she would have loved me. Though, we haven’t met either” I was going to continue but then we all came to a stop. Ben saw Carlos.
“Carlos.” He said. Carlos was behind Jay’s back, now terrified of the bronze? Statue that was earlier a man now a beast. Carlos must be afraid since it looked like a dog. “It's okay.” He was trying to reassure him to not be that fearful.
“My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible.” His father. The king of this united land. I heard of his father’s tale with the beauty that is belle. “Do you resent the witch who cursed your father?” I remembered the beginning of the tale.
“Do you even know the witch? I never heard of them just of their curse towards him”
He laughed again before answering, but now it wasn’t a forced one like earlier with Aubrey. “For the first question, no. I don’t resent them. For the second. I think… even my father doesn’t know them?” He started to scratch his chin while thinking back. Aubrey asked back “Why ask Eli? Why so curious about curses?”
It was clear my curiosity was for him and the witch itself, not the curse. She was clearing trying to put words in my mouth. I laughed a bit at her question, I replied with a smile. “Why not? Scared of my madness?”
“So you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon?” Mal asked changing the topic while we continued walking inside the school, clearly ignoring the conflict while also using it as a time to gain some information. “Like wands and things like that?”
Ben stole a glance at me before answering Mal’s question. At first it was Mal he was staring at, now me? “Yeah, it exists of course, but It's pretty much retired.” he smiled a bit. “Most of us here are just ordinary mortals.” He nodded with us now being inside the school and at the center of a grand hall with large staircases leading to places we haven’t seen yet.
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im sorry if you wanted more and etc. but i just wanted to show just this and i might even change some more stuff in the future just in case too.
If its bad just tell me so I can delete this since I am just generally shy since its my first time posting stuff like this
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Any headcanons for Harry and Uma's kids?
Might be more about Harry and Uma as parents, but anyway:
The kids are spoiled. Not by their parents – much – but by their pirate crew. Uma would like it to stop.
It will not stop. Cos, c'mon. This is Uma's kid. The pirates adore the kid.
The Lost Revenge crew also collectivelly answers to Auntie/Uncle, though Uncle Gil has special privileges.
Gil is also one of the few people allowed to babysit.
He takes the kids on carefully prepared "treasure hunts" to bring "treasure" for mom and dad. It's incredibly fun and if he's not sure the difficulty level is okay for kids, he check with someone else. Jane's been pulled into preparing the adventures few times.
Out of people actually realated to Uma and Harry, only Harriet is actually allowed to babysit. She's knows how to keep children alive and her younger siblings are the proof. (...helps a lot that Anthony is there to regulate the more dangerous activities.)
Only when the kids are old enough, they can hang out with Auntie CJ alone. (They're the ones sublty supervising she doesn't commit burglary and/or hight treason on camera, not vice versa.)
Somehow, James Hook and Alala manage to cancel out eachother's vices to be at least reasobably safe to be around. They do keep telling the kids that "murder is okay if they're annoing enough" tho.
Ursula doesn't like kids all that much and Uma likes her mother even less.
Oh, there is a considerable overlap between "daddy's bedtime stories" and "mommy's family drama". Let me tell you, the kids are confused.
Uma and Harry remain very uncensored around the kids in general. They're pirates, they'll tough it out. Result is about like this:
Bal baby: "Are you having a little sibling too?"
Huma baby: "Yes."
Bal baby: "you see, the stork arrived and droped a diamond under a cabbage leaf and that diamond turned into a baby! Now I'm having a little sibling!"
Huma baby: "...my parents had sex."
You see, Mal is slightly overcompemsating (again) and Ben is avoiding The Talk like the plague; Evie and Jay are having way too much fun to stop it. (Carlos would rather die than explain sex to a child that can repeat his words to its mother, that is, Mal).
I'd also like to state that sex ed among the pirate crews consists largely of Bonny (the medic) throwing a scavenged "safe sex" leaflet at peoples heads and screeching "I'm not paid enough to be a fucking midwife!"
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Descendants Rambling Masterlist
♡Welcome to my page/Master list♡
My Requests are always open
I'm willing to write readers with she/her, he/him, or they/them pronouns
I'm willing to write 1-2 love interests
I only write for villains/vks unless it's a VK x reader x Ak situation (ex: mal x reader x ben, Jane x reader x Carlos)
I'll make suggestive comments/make out sessions but I don't write smut, these characters are all underage regardless of their actor's age
♡ personal favorite
✎ least favorite (i might eventually rewrite)
⋆ head canons
♤ AU
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𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻
Mal Bertha
Game Planner (He/him) After finding out how much she misses Halloween on the Isle, Mal's boyfriend does everything he can to bring her a slice of home. - Written 10/2021
Candy Apple (She/her) Evie's family history leads to her trying to back out of a chemistry project. - Written 09/2021
Carlos de Vil
Saved ♤✎ (She/her) Going back to the Isle leads to the Hook!Reader being kidnapped by her own brother, leavig Carlos to save her. - Written 10/2017
Carlos Having a Crush on You ⋆(she/her) Ben's Twin!Reader x Carlos -Written 12/2017
I've Got You✎ (She/her) Carlos has a nightmare about his mother. (Trigger Warning!!)- Written 07/2018
PB&J (They/Them) Finding out their boyfriend hates their favorite holiday leads the reader to graveling to give him a good Halloween. - Written 09/2021
I Loved You First ♡ (They/Them) Inspired by "Loved You First" By One Direction. Carlos didn't expect them to wait for him to come back to the Isle, but that doesn't make it easier to see them with someone else. (minor Gil x reader) - Written 10/2021
Dating Jay ⋆ (no pronouns used but the reader wears leggings) Jay x Cheerleader!Reader - Written 10/2018
Spidermonkey (she/her) Gothel!Reader has Jay surprise her when he sneaks through her window. Loosely inspired by twilight- Written 04/2020
Stuffed Spook (They/Them) Jay's partner gets excited by a stuffed bat and he's determined to win it. -Written 09/2021
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𝓢𝓮𝓪 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮
Letters to the Sea♤♡ (They/Them) Soulmate AU: everything you write on your skin appears on your soulmate's skin too. Uma and the Reader write letters until they can meet. - Written 07/2021
Baking (They/them) Uma watches her partner try to prepare for the Halloween escape room. Evie's Sibling!Reader - Written 10/2021
Hook's Daughter ⋆ (She/her) Harry's younger sister is Gil's closest friend (minor Gil x Jay) - Written 07/2021
Orchard (They/Them) Gil's partner takes him apple picking during his first September in Auradon - Written 09/2021
Harry Hook
Jafar's Child ⋆ (They/them) A flirty joke leads to Harry dating Jay's sibling - Written 07/2021
Fever ♡ (She/her) Harry and Captain take care of his sick girlfriend (requested) - Written 06/2021
Haunted Castle (He/him) Harry drags his scaredy-cat boyfriend to a haunted castle - Written 09/2021
Making a Splash (she/her) One wrong move leads to two people panicking and one person hurt on the docks. Jay's Sister!Reader. (Requested) - Written 12/2021
Flirting Pirate (She/her) She only hangs around the fish and chips shop to watch after he brother, it would be easier if she didn't have to deal with the flirty first mate. Gil's Sister!Reader (Requested) - Written 02/2022
Sealed With a Kiss ♡ (She/her) Ben's twin gets kidnapped with him by a pirate who's had a crush on her his whole life. Ben's Twin!Reader (Requested) - Written 04/2022
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𝓓:𝓡𝓸𝓡 𝓥𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼
Morgie le Fay
Sunday Night ♡ (She/her) After his friends let him down, Morgie runs to his girlfriend for comfort. - Written 08/2024
In Another Life (he/him) When Rapunzel's son gets thrown back in time he finds himself to be the object of two villains' affection. Minor James Hook x Reader (Requested)- Written 08/2024
I Would Be Yours (he/him) He never thought the lips he spent years thinking about would appear to him again 3 years later. Sequels to “In Another Life” (Requested)-Written 09/2024
True to Heart (he/him) Without the pressure of parents and villains, how hard is it to be true to heart? Especially when you’re holding a book that tells you your truth. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Tree Bark (they/them) Everyone deserves their time alone, sometimes though that well deserved time alone has to be interrupted by the sound of animal noises coming from a tree. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Crushing (they/them) Morgie had never been good at hiding when he had a crush on someone, and they don’t mind playing the long game with his affections (requested) - Written 08/2024
Win You Over (they/them) Magical history had always been their favorite class, but this assigned partner situation had the ability to dampen that. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Mindless Touch (she/her) Morgie hasn’t meant to upset her, he only wanted to have his hands on what was his. (TRIGGER WARNING: body image issues) (requested)-Written 08/2024
The Dominant Type ⋆(no pronouns used/GN reader) Hook x reader x Morgie head canons with a dominant leaning reader (requested) - Written 08/2024
Warm Greens (she/her) Red discovers she has a secret aunt when she sees her face next to the people who ruined her mother’s life. (Requested)-Written 09/2024
One Sided (he/him) If he has to listen to Morgie talk about Uliana one more time, he’s going to be sick (requested) -Written 09/2024
Love Letters (he/him) Morgie was growing far too attached to those little silver envelopes (Requested)-Written 09/2024
Babydoll ⋆(no pronouns used/GN reader) Hook x reader x Morgie head canons with a submissive leaning reader (Requested) -Written 09/2024
Scales (They/them) Morgie could think of 100 things he would rather do than parent a dragon with the sweetheart of Merlin Academy (requested)-Written 09/2024
Doesn't Matter (he/him) Morgana le Fay is coming to Merlin Academy's family day, and she has no idea that her son's boyfriend is a prince (Requested) - Written 09/2024
James Hook
Call of the Sirens (She/her) As Hook sells his ship to Uma, he and his wife recall a time that she had to save him back in their prime. (Requested)- Written 08/2024
Side Effects (she/her) If Hook knew the side effects that came with those Malibu sprites, would he take them? (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Red Dress (she/her) He hadn’t meant to upset her when he picked the dress out, now Hook was set on making her see how good she looked in it. (TRIGGER WARNING: Body Image issues) (Requested) - Written 08/2024
The Dominant Type ⋆(no pronouns used/GN reader) Hook x reader x Morgie head canons with a dominant leaning reader (requested) - Written 08/2024
Eyes on Me (They/Them) The fairy wasn’t thinking about the pirates past when they excitedly called for him. They definitely didn’t mean to upset him. (TRIGGER WARNING; animal attacks and panic attacks) (Requested)- Written 08/2024
Wake Up Slow ♡ (she/her) Everyone needs a place to fully relax, and he found his in a heavy duvet and needy hands (Requested)-Written 09/2024
Babydoll ⋆(no pronouns used/GN reader) Hook x reader x Morgie head canons with a submissive leaning reader (Requested) -Written 09/2024
Bloody Charming (they/them) Hook’s flirting leads to an argument being blown way out of proportion (TRIGGER WARNING: just, yeah. I got a little too silly) (Requested)- Written 09/2024
Studious ♡ (they/them) Hook might not mind tutoring, as long as it’s for them. (Requested)-Written 09/2024
Body Better (he/him) Sometimes the weight of life can lead to your insecurities coming out in peculiar ways. (TRIGGER WARNING: Body image issues) (Requested)- Written 08/2024
Let me See (she/her) Her need to be independent keeps getting her hurt, and she really did it this time. (Requested) - Written 08/2024
Play With Fire (they/them) their mother warned them not to play with fire, now look at them getting burned (requested) -Written 09/2024
Family Lines (she/her) After seeing Bridget's sister at Family Day, Uliana will do anything to earn the girl's affection. Even being nice to her ray of sunshine sister. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Rivalry (She/her) It was only a matter of time until the two groupd of VKs either came together or tore themselves to shreds. (Requested) -Written 08/2024
Double the Trouble (she/her) Uliana might be able to date Hook’s sister, but that doesn’t mean she’s able to make Hook like the whole ordeal. (Requested) -Written 08/2024
Breathe (they/them) Sometimes the biggest villain is not knowing how people see you. (TRIGGER WARNING: Anxiety attack) (Requested)-Written 09/2024
Stylized (she/her) Artistry is the highest form of flattery and Maleficent has found herself as a princess’ muse. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Play (she/her) watching your girlfriend study can get just so boring (requested) - Written 09/2024
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𝓝𝓸 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
Descendants, Not Made for Kids ⋆ Changes I'd make if I made the Descendants movies as a series for teens or adults. - Written 06/2021
Style Headcanons ⋆ How I'd restyle the main characters from the OG Descendants movies - Writen 06/2021
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heliads · 5 months
Aaaaah so glad I made it in time x3 your writing is godsent and being able to request something fills my cold heart with joy!
Okay so I rewachted Descendants and just... imagine if Carlos has to live together/spend time with a villain kid that got adopted and raised by the big bad wolf (I checked and yes that is a Disney villain!).
For some plot... (my mind comes up with something funny so do not expect too much lol) maybe taking place during Descendants 2 (with Uma) and somehow the crew has taken Carlos and Little Bad Wolf has to keep an eye on him? Except that little bad wolf gets seasick "Dude this ship isnt even on open sea, how are you feeling sick?" "shut up!"
'get him back' - carlos de vil
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The pirates never should have taken Carlos.
It was a stupid move, really. Stupid to get Mal on their bad side, but even worse to kidnap Carlos. As if Mal wouldn’t do anything in this world or the next to get her friend back. As if anyone who dared to stand in her way would not find themselves lost to the salt of the sea if they didn’t immediately back down.
Uma didn’t learn that lesson soon enough, but she will. It doesn’t matter that she was a formidable foe, the moment she made the fight personal by kidnapping Carlos, it was all over. Mal’s got an unsettling edge to her voice, the sort of dark and twisted tone that makes you follow her orders without question. Villain kids don’t like doing what they’re told, but in this case, you’re all of the same mind. What matters the most is getting Carlos back. Your egos can wait until after your friend is back by your side.
Uma’s ship came by in the dead of night and took Carlos when he was walking around unawares. They must have all attacked at once, half a dozen pirates against one boy, because there’s no way Carlos would go down without a fight. There are clear signs of a scuffle on the roads where they took him away, obviously not the clean abduction Uma was hoping for, but the facts remain. Carlos is gone, and you need to get him back as soon as possible.
Mal has already drawn up a rescue plan. She’s enchanted a small boat to be silent and almost invisible in the dark waters; once night falls, you’ll sneak up to Uma’s ship and get your boy back. One of you will sneak on board and find Carlos, then dodge the pirates meant to be guarding him and bring him back to your ship. You’ll have to wait until the right time to make your escape, though, so you can immediately land at a local deck and make your getaway. Uma can beat you in water, but you’re faster on land, so everything has to be timed perfectly.
You’re the one who’s been assigned to the difficult task of slipping onto Uma’s ship. As the adoptive child of the Big Bad Wolf, you’re well trained in the art of sneaking around and blending in. You’re the perfect spy, so to speak, so you’re the best bet the VKs have at going unnoticed by the pirates on that ship.
Even though you know the official reason for your selection is simply that you’re the best among Mal’s VKs at staying under the radar, you can’t help a rush of pride at being the one selected for the task. When Carlos looks up to see his savior, you’re glad it’s going to be you. You want to be the one on his mind when he thinks of safety. You, not Evie or someone else. Just you.
The credit for this rescue, though, should rightly be shared among all members of your friend group. Right now, Mal, Ben, Jay, and Evie are on Mal’s cloaked boat, drawing close to Uma’s ship. It slides by before you, cresting the indigo waves, so close you could reach out and touch it with one hand. Right under it, you’re struck by the size of the ship. Carlos could be anywhere. This might take longer than you thought.
Mal nods at you. “It’s time.”
You nod back, standing up carefully and reaching for the rope ladder one of the pirates forgot to pull up on the side of the ship. Tugging it quietly to test its strength, you pull yourself up slowly hand over hand, pausing just before you reach the top so you can survey the deck and see how many pirates are there.
Not expecting an attack this late at night, Uma’s crew has left the deck mostly unmanned. Two pirates are idly chatting near the helm, keeping the ship on its course, and there’s a guy up in the crow’s nest, although he’s nodded off instead of keeping a good watch on any possible intruders. You crawl over the railing as quietly as you dare, sticking to the shadows to avoid notice. Oil lamps cast pools of sticky yellow light on the ground, and you skirt them as best you can, all the while making for the stairs leading to the lower parts of the ship. Your steps are silent, each taken with the fear of causing a loose board to creak and alert the crew to your presence.
Once belowdecks, you can breathe a little easier. Most of the sounds you hear are of snoring and sleeping pirates, although a few still remain awake even despite the late hour. Without the stars and moon bleeding white light overhead, the halls are darker, giving you more room to bleed into the shadows and avoid detection. A few times, someone pokes their head out of their door or shifts around a little, causing you to freeze in your tracks, heart hammering in your chest, but you still manage to come out of each close shave without getting caught.
The further you go into the ship, though, the worse you feel. Despite living on an island for most of your life, you never really had a chance to get on a boat before, and you can say decisively that you don’t enjoy the feeling. You like solid ground, a floor that doesn’t rock, and the stability of knowing there isn’t empty water under your feet at any moment. Uma’s ship lilts and turns every few seconds as it crosses the waves, and it leaves you feeling drained of all strength before you’ve even spent ten minutes inside.
You’re not here to complain, though, you’re here to rescue Carlos. You push past your growing nausea and keep peering in doors, searching for the room holding your friend. Before long, you spot it– a locked door at the end of the hall, a flash of white hair inside. It’s meant to be guarded by two pirates, but they’ve obviously grown bored of their post and settled in for a game of cards a few paces away. Perfect. You cause a small distraction by knocking a can to the ground down the hall, and hurriedly pick the lock while they go rushing off in the opposite direction. 
You swing yourself inside the cell and shut the door again just before they look back. Grinning, you allow yourself one moment of quiet victory before you’re engulfed in a rush of red and black and white.
Instantly, your body is on high alert, but you manage to calm down when you realize you’re not being attacked by a pirate but one of Carlos’ fierce hugs. He pulls back a second later, beaming ear to ear. “Y/N! What are you doing here? How did you find me?”
You laugh quietly. “You can thank Mal for that, she dropped everything to come rescue you once we found out you’d been kidnapped.”
Carlos punches the air triumphantly. “Perfect! Let’s get out of here. Pirates stink.”
You shake your head. “It’s not that simple, unfortunately. We have to wait an hour or so for Uma’s ship to pass by land. That way, we can escape onto the peninsula without trying to sail back or she’d catch us.”
Carlos’ face falls. “You’re telling me I have to stay in this rat’s nest even longer?”
You frown sympathetically. “I know, trust me, but we have no choice. She’d catch us if we tried to just sail away. And believe me, I’d like nothing more than to get out of here. I hate this ship.”
As if proving your point, the ship hits a sudden burst of waves and you nearly lose your balance and your dinner along with it. Carlos catches you before you fall, hurriedly bringing you over to a small, hard looking couch along the side of the cell. 
“Hey, easy there. Don’t go getting sick on my watch. You can lie down and try to regain your spirits while we wait for Mal, alright?” He says.
You close your eyes gratefully. “Thanks, Carlos.”
He giggles. “No problem. Although I can’t believe you feel this bad already, we’re not even out of the bay. This ship isn’t in the open ocean, how are you seasick? The water is practically dead still.”
“Shut up,” you mutter under your breath, fighting another bout of nausea.
Carlos laughs again, but thankfully remains silent. You have no doubt that he’ll be bringing it up again soon, though, probably to win an argument about which VK is the toughest.
You’d like to clear your good name, of course, but the rocking of the ship silences you again, keeping you absolutely still and silent on the tough couch. Carlos, sensing your obvious discomfort, tries to distract you by talking. He keeps his voice quiet so he doesn’t attract the attention of the guards outside, and the soft lull of his words spilling out into the darkness of your lidded eyes makes you wish for sleep. 
Carlos talks about how surprised he was when he was kidnapped, how glad he was to see you, what he plans on doing after you break him out of here, what he was supposed to be doing when Uma and her pirates took him in the first place. Carlos has always been a good talker, but you’re extra glad for it now.
When he pauses for breath, you laugh quietly and say, “I thought I was supposed to be the one saving you, but it looks like it might be the other way around.”
Eyes still closed, you can tell Carlos is smiling by the soft exhale he lets out. “I’d say freeing me from a pirate ship is a bigger deal than distracting you from seasickness. I’ll still give you this win.”
“That’s awfully generous of you,” you hum.
“Yeah, well, I’m a generous guy,” Carlos tells you. “It’s no problem when it’s you, though. I’d do anything for you.”
When you dare to crack open your eyelids, he looks more serious than you’ve ever seen him. All of a sudden, the breath is low and careful in your lungs not because of the churning waters beneath you, but because of him. Always because of him.
“Carlos,” you begin quietly.
“No,” he says, more determinedly, “I’m serious. I like you, Y/N. I really do. Seasick or not. I’ve liked you for a while, and if I was going to be stuck in a cell in a pirate ship with anyone, I’d want it to be you. You were the best part about the Isle of the Lost and the best part of Auradon. I can go anywhere if you’re with me. You don’t have to feel the same, I just– I thought you should know.”
You sit up carefully. “I do feel the same way.”
Carlos’ mouth drops. “Really?”
“Is that so much of a surprise?” You ask, laughing slightly. “I’ve followed you everywhere since we first met. We’re practically inseparable. The only reason I wasn’t kidnapped along with you is because I got distracted by Evie needing help finding a pair of matching shoes. You’re my home too, Carlos. You always have been.”
His smile is brilliant in the darkness. “I couldn’t be happier to hear it. Except maybe when we get off this ship.” He extends a hand to you. “How about we make our escape?”
You take it, letting Carlos pull you up. “I’d like nothing more.”
It feels like your entire life has opened up before you. If it takes a kidnapping, a pirate ship, and terrible storms for the two of you to finally confess your feelings, it might just be worth it after all. You’ve got Carlos, and that’s worth more than all the treasure in the world.
requested by @reinekes-fox, i hope you enjoy!
disney tag list: @blondsauduun, @lovesanimals0000, @mayfieldss, @eclliipsed, @faerieroyal, @goldfish4403
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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kneesheee · 16 days
The fact that Ben stays king after D2 is really just disney logic.
Chad brings up a good question of who inherits the crown if something happens to Ben who honestly should not have been King.
1. Love potion in D1.
He misinterpreted why Mal love potioned him, but it also doesn’t change the fact that she did. I get not telling anyone that happens means that they don’t get set back to the Isle. The Core Four also prove themselves to be good when they defeat Maleficent. Cool.
2. Running off to the Isle.
Awww, true love.
Aww, a shit show waiting to happen.
Lonnie and Chad know that Ben has been kidnapped. Lonnie goes with them, and it could be assumed that she was ordered by him to keep it a secret on their way back to Auradon.
Chad wasn’t ordered. He ran off to help Audrey. He’s distracted, but again, he was not ordered to not speak about it because he was not there.
The king went to the Isle without informing anyone. He then gets kidnapped. He took wards of Auradon alongside the daughter of respected generals.
Ben is lucky that Uma and the Wharf Rats wanted the wand instead of just killing him.
Who inherits the crown next?
Who is next in line because it’s set up as Ben inherited from Beast despite it being a unification of kingdoms.
With the way that it’s very hyped up that Mal is his Queen and the figurehead for the VKs, then it can also be assumed that their child would be the one to inherit Auradon because honestly, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal if it was just the Florians’ personal kingdom.
Is it Audrey? She has two kingdoms already so she’s prepared to run more than one single kingdom though she does have a maternal cousin that is also in line to inherit her mother’s kingdom.
She has what sounds like an arranged marriage with Ben so if she is the next to inherit, then it would make sense if she was the next to inherit because either way, she or Ben would get the crown.
Let’s not forget that in D1 Belle says “Well, I never wanted to say anything, but I always thought that Audrey was a little self-absorbed. A fake smile, kind of a kiss-up.”
Which goes back to the first book Isle of the Lost where Audrey is presented as the epitome of kindness and sheltered that the mere mention of dragons terrified her. It also goes back to the quote in D4 that I mention in a previous post where Cinderella says: “Some people act mean at fist cause they're too afraid to feel. It's survival, it's protection. That's why roses grow their thorns.”
Ben brings over the daughter of her family’s biggest enemy; a dragon.
Again, there is also a presumption of an arranged marriage so yes, she would kiss up especially since people can sense when their partner’s parents don’t like them.
Honestly, Ben says he’s bringing over the biggest threats when bringing over Gil and his brothers would have had a big effect also. Because let’s be honest, Hades or Ursula are bigger threats than Cruella, and in the first book, we already know that Hades has a child that is not Mal.
Hadie does existence.
But back to the main point, if this is a unification of kingdoms under one name which sounds like the USA, then that should mean the ruler of the entire thing is voted on because I do not understand why any of them would allow to someone else to be their ruler. They have all this territory and then allow someone to tell them what they can do in their own kingdom?
That has to be a vote.
Beast is the first king simply because it was his idea. The second king should have been a vote; some tests of valor to choose the next ruler.
Then it would make sense that Ben was the prince of Auradon.
So, if that is the presumption which fanon takes it to be, who inherits the crown next? Why was Ben not voted out and forced to step down after the endangerment he placed Auradon in when he went to the Isle?
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not-logan-paul · 1 year
I just got cast as Jane in Descendants the Musical, so heres some Decendants Characters as some quotes I've heard recently
Ben: That is ILLEGAL
Jay: I just had a thought that I CANNOT share with the class
Evie: Well you didn't wake up on the right side of the bed this morning
Carlos: I didn't even wake up on the bed
Mal: I am going to murder a small child
Chad: Did you just ate a rock?
Audrey: This quote book is the only thing I can commit to
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caliburn-the-sword · 2 months
one of my faults with the new descendants movie is that significant character development/changing dynamics seemed to ONLY happen during song. like you would start a song with a character having one opinion, and then you would finish the song and you’d have a new one
it almost feels like the movie was originally planned as a tv show but then changed to be a movie, and to save on time they just turned anything taking up too much time in a song. even tho I don’t imagine this was the case at all
the two major offenders being the conflict of red and chloe thinking they were enemies was immediately resolved it in the duration of the song fight of our lives, and in a similar sense, chloe learns about moral ambiguity only during the get your hands dirty song
love ain’t it and perfect revenge and life is sweeter are stronger songs to me because for love ain’t it, it just goes “look, here’s how the queen of hearts feels about love, and here is how red feels about her mother”, and a very brief how red and chloe feel about each other, but doesn’t immediately dive into anything and just sets up room for conflict in the rest of the story
similarly, life is sweeter is like “here are the idealogical differences between bridget and ulyana. But also: this is also here specifically contrast love ain’t it, to illustrate the stakes of red and chloe have in their mission because THIS is what they have to lose”. and then perfect revenge is like “here’s how ulyana feels about bridget: she fucking hates her”. which like. i love bridget but it's a based af song
and then there are a lot of people that are mad that the shuffle of love song was cut and only appeared as diegetic sound when bridget was showing off her little dancey dance, but actually, I see why it was cut. while it was a fun song that I enjoy and listen to, it didn’t tell us anything new about bridget's feelings
in the first 3 descendants movies the songs were more to like. To examine a character’s inner feelings as a musical SHOULD be, but like the development happened across the duration of the movie. song didn't exist solely to fastforward the plot. did i mention is like “look ben is really fucking in love with mal”. evil like me represents mal’s inner struggles (I HATE when people thought maleficent ACTUALLY appeared in auradon to personally talk to mal about her self esteem. Even as a child it was glaringly obvious that it was literally mal’s musical equivalent of “hmmm what would my mum do??”). what’s my name communicates uma’s dislike of the isle. even queen of mean demonstrates audrey’s bitterness, one kiss conveys evie’s fears about love because she’s NEVER experienced real love before, and night falls conveys the conflict between the core4 and uma’s trio WITHOUT IMMEDIATELY SOLVING IT IN THE SAME SONG unlike fight of our lives, and they spend the entire movie butting heads and learning to respect and trust one another
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