artcher-artwork · 3 months
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Chimkin! Patreon
Coloring sheets
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avernine · 11 months
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chookum doodle!
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theboxfort · 8 months
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OC dump because I did an OC ask meme thing on twitter
In order of the images, the questions were:
"Are any of your OCs parents?" > Those guys
"Oldest and Youngest OC" > Striker and Kite are the same age, so I added both of them
"Weirdest OC" > Two random chickens I keep drawing over and over when I'm bored
"Shortest and Tallest OC" > Egg Timer and SL, no contest. Also added a few other OCs (and my irl) heights for reference
"Oldest OC" > Nova the Fox. He used to be named Blue because. He's blue. Yeah!
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sistersatan · 2 years
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chick-it-out · 3 months
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whoa!!!! chickin handkerchief!!!
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my buddy sent me some lovingly crafted embroidery 😭😭😭
i love the colors i love thos little guys... individual shots below:
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syreok · 7 months
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just a motherhen and his chicks
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baliportalnews · 2 years
Dikunjungi Presiden, Start Up ini Kasih Solusi Terhadap Isu Ketahanan Pangan
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Bangga!, demikianlah yang dirasakan Tubagus Syailendra, CEO Chickin, start up jebolan Kompetisi Ide Bisnis Mahasiswa Pertamuda (Pertamina Muda) 2021 saat booth Chickinnya dikunjungi oleh Presiden Joko Widodo  usai membuka kegiatan BUMN Start Up Day di ICE BSD didampingi oleh Menteri BUMN, Erick Thohir; Sekretaris Kabinet, Pramono Anung; Wakil Menteri II BUMN, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo; Pj Gubernur Banten, Al Muktabar; dan Bupati Tangerang, Ahmed Zaki Iskandar di Kompleks Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang, Banten, Senin (26/9/2022). “Kami sangat antusias bahwa Pak Jokowi memberikan perhatian terhadap isu ketahanan pangan. Pemerintah diharapkan bisa berkolaborasi dengan kami dalam menjaga harga pasar agar tetap stabil melalui rekomendasi data input yang kami dapatkan di lapangan untuk pengambilan kebijakan, sehingga supply and demand nasional lebih terukur dan terjaga dari fluktuasi yang terjadi,” ungkap Tubagus. Corporate Secretary PT Pertamina (Persero), Brahmantya Setyamurti Poerwadi atau kerap disapa Tyo, menyampaikan, Chickin merupakan start-up yang dibina oleh Pertamina di bidang solusi teknologi peternakan ayam berbasis Internet of Thing (IoT). Chickin Indonesia bergerak sebagai perusahaan teknologi peternakan dan distribusi daging yang memiliki 2 produk unggulan yaitu chickin Smaft Farm, dan Chickin Fresh dengan menggunakan software as service (SaaS) dan Hardware untuk mengontrol cuaca, dan energy meter yang dapat meningkatkan produktifitas penghasilan peternak hingga efisiensi budidaya. “Sehingga dengan teknologi ini, diharapkan dapat menjaga ketahanan pangan di Indonesia dengan memanfaatkan teknologi sehingga pemenuhan pasokan daging ayam menjadi lebih inklusif dan berkelanjutan,” ujar Tyo. PT Pertamina (persero) mengusung lima start-up jebolan Pertamuda 2021 di ajang kegiatan BUMN Start Up Day. Selain Chickin, empat tim start-up yang lain seperti Tekpang, Analitica, Biojel dan Pottani juga hadir. Dan beberapa diantaranya mendapatkan peluang kerja sama dari BUMN lain.  Tekpang misalnya, yang merintis bisnis start up nya dibidang pupuk nitrat yang ramah lingkungan berhasil menarik perhatian dan mendapatkan peluang kerja sama dari PT Pupuk Indonesia, dan PT Perkebunan Nasional Sementara Analitica, yang merupakan gabungan mahasiswa Univeristas Airlangga Surabaya yang bergerak dibidang bisnis rintisan berupa platform edukasi dan tryout online yang dirancang khusus untuk persiapan ujian, mengaku mendapatkan peluang kerja sama juga dengan Telkomsel. Start up Pottani merupakan platform start-up digital transformasi pada sector budidaya agrokomplek di Indonesia. Sedangkan Biojel merintis bisnis di bidang pengelolaan larva dan minyak Jelantah sebagai alternatif energi terbarukan ini membawa maggot atau larva hidup. Pertamina mewujudkan tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan (SDG’s dan ESG) khusus di poin 4 yakni pendidikan yang berkualitas bagi seluruh warga negara Indonesia, dan point 8 dalam menciptakan lapangan dan kesempatan kerja, dan berdampak signifikan bagi upaya mengentaskan kemiskinan. “Kita akan terus mendukung tumbuhnya start up yang berpotensi besar menghidupkan roda perekonomian nasional yang berkelanjutan,” pungkas Tyo.(bpn) Read the full article
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chickin-nuggest · 11 months
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Stand by me. / But I bet that I'll never be back.
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yilingpapi · 1 year
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stickersgeorg · 1 year
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Sticker page of stickers by @chick-it-out!!!
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nanstar200 · 2 years
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Also I need to draw more smurnkly Spamton 💔💔
Some memes 2 cuz the brain rot is strong and never ending
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blues-of-randomness · 2 months
Wondering if I'm coming back... (Kickinverse oneshot)
"Why are there doors sprouting up everywhere?" Smokin asked no one in particular as he watched the Bigger bodies Kicken duck down into order to go through one of them. Selfish nticed the doors and spoke up "Oh it seems that it's time for everyone to back home now." Smokin looked at Selfish in confusion. "usually we fall into the void that we've made into a tree house and then we all get to go home through our respective doors." he explained further, making no less sense than he did before.
"I wish the fun didn't have to end..." Yellin mumbled, his voice wavering slightly. "I don't like being alone..." "aw don't worry, Yellen." Doodle said patting Yellen's back a little bit. "if what I heard is true, we'll all be reunited very soon." Selfish nodded, smiling smugly. "Yeah, maybe we'll be able to do more than share a smoke riiight, Smokin?" Smokin was staring at a door with a deadpan look on his face, he could smell smoke and booze from the other side. Yup, that was his door alright. "Smokin? Smokin, hey!" Smokin flinched as Selfish clapped a hand on his shoulder, making him turned around to face. "Hey, I'm trying to say bye to ya or see ya later rather." Smokin looked at Selfish and his eyes drifted back to the door, his sneer deepening. Selfish shook Smokin's shoulder a bit to get his attention. "you gonna say anything or ignore me like a douchebag?" Smokin once again didn't answer and pulled away from Selfish and put his hand on the doorknob. "fine, be that way, but a will see you again right?" Smokin turned the knob nad opened the door. "no." Selfish froze, his eyes widening as he remembered certain events from earlier. "what do you mean no?" Smokin stepped inside his dinky coop, not paying attention to Selfish's calls. "Smokin what do you mean no?!" Again, no answer as he started closing the door. "SMOKIN-" the door closed and he couldn't hear Selfish or the others anymore, he shuffled over to the couch kicking over discarded alcohol bottles as he sat down on the couch.
Yellen felon belongs to @portalling101
Doodle belongs to @funny-critter-blog
Selfish kickin belongs to @smilingcrittersthingig
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yagirlyubnub · 5 months
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chick-it-out · 2 years
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seepylilthing · 3 months
Wimpin x Dumbba? Peak yuri if you ask me
GODDD okay so
Yaknow how bubba is probably super in love with kickin bc of how stupid kickin is ?
Well here it's the reverse . Dumbba is a dummy but she's so carefree and fearless and those are traits that Wimpin really admires and wants for herself . But it also comes with a lot of worries because dumba probably has a tendency of accidentally getting into danger , which could lead into some cartoonish shenanigans with Wimpin trying to keep her safe .
It also takes forever for wimpin to get it across that she loves Dumbba because Dumbba just Does Not Catch On . But it's okay , wimpin will be patient <3
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