dark & twisty
18 posts
codename : harlequin
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darcydisaster · 5 years ago
4th floor sometime during day 2
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“PLACE YOUR BETS EVERYBODY!” Jai yelled from outside the common room door. “Will we be out here by Tuesday? Wednesday? Next month?” He even had a little notebook and a pencil where he had written down a couple names already, had a little baggie with the bills he’d picked from those same names. “You may be right, may be wrong– very little to lose, but lots to win! Place your bets!”   (( @gallagherstart​ ))
Darcy’s hand shot out in front of Jai’s face, between her finger was a crisp twenty dollar bill. “I’ll bet that we don’t make it out at all.” Her eyes cut over to him. “Just when it seems like we’re going to get out, the lights cut out, and a Jason-style killer finishes the job.” Well, that or the aggravated group of mentally damaged super spies actually went after each other’s throats. “And what are you getting out of being bookie?” 
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darcydisaster · 5 years ago
                delilah huffs at how BOSSY darcy’s being.  “ you didn’t pick up the first one, what was i supposed to do ? “  she tells her, but it’s only a slight irritation.  she can’t be COMPLETELY mad at the brunette, not when she has something she wants.   “ where are you ?   just tape it on the back of the robot, and i will grab it.  he won’t have to know.  something to make this a PARTY is preferable. “ 
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“That is because I was already on the phone. You could have waited more than two seconds to see if I would call you back.” As much as she hated to admit it, Darcy had grown accustomed to this sort of behavior. “But it’s fine. No harm, no foul. Just try to avoid this number in the future if you would be so kind.” She stood and went to reach under her bed for her stash. It was kept in a lock box that was inside another lock box. The inner one being fit with biometric locks. “I’m in my room, and I’m not taping anything to the robot. Literally anyone could see if and grab it.” Then that would be a fun explanation. “You want pills, plants, or tabs?”
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darcydisaster · 5 years ago
darcy > tori
tori: i will take 2 then.
tori: don't worry about it.
darcy: you have a preference in flavor?
darcy: i only take cash
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darcydisaster · 5 years ago
  “Have you thought about letting NASA study it?” Jake questioned, taking a closer look at the environment around the girl, pleased to know that she was obviously a student of Gallagher. “You mean like the band? Oasis? Liam and Noel?”
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“Well, I don’t think my cat is an alien... so no. Even if I did think my cat were an alien, I don’t think I’d let NASA study him. I mean, they’d just try to cover him up. I could spit and hit more talented researchers.” Darcy’s sense of humor had always been pretty dry. Most people found it hard to tell when she was joking. “Do you go to Liam and Noel Gallagher? Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m asking. Grammatically, it makes perfect sense.”
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darcydisaster · 5 years ago
  “Hello?!” Jake repeated it a second time after taking a video call from someone who didn’t have the contact saved on his phone. Considering that he had just woken up and read the fateful email, any attempt of contact from his friends would be gladly accepted. However… What he saw was a bunch of hair. “Your cat is really evolved, for a moment I thought it was someone’s hair, I don’t know.” He rubbed his hands over his eyes, forcing himself to wake up at once. “I think I’ve seen you somewhere.”
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The face on the other side of the screen seemed vaguely familiar, but Darcy couldn’t put a name to it. Since he’d been an accidental call and it didn’t appear that he was programmed into her phone, there was really no way to tell where she recognized him from. “I think it’s safe to say that my cat is more evolved than most human people.” She said with a smile. Pi was her favorite living thing on this planet. Darcy tickled behind the cat’s ears and noticed the familiar architecture of the room he was in. “Do you go to Gallagher?” 
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darcydisaster · 5 years ago
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he looked up to see darcy peeking in right as he was in the middle of his first sip of water . after he was done , he nodded . “ yep , that’s me . “ as far as he knew , he was the only rizo ( heck , only rizalino ) in the entire school . it was easy to find him . after hearing what she had to say , he paused , shrugging after a few seconds . “ i don’t feel like working on homework all of a sudden , so absolutely . “ he gave her a friendly smile . “ what’dya got ? “
Darcy entered the room, debating the best way to broach this subject. It might actually take a little more convincing than merely asking. “I’m Darcy.” She said by way of introduction. “And I think we can all agree that we’re sick of being stuck in here.” She said, the corner of her mouth curling up slightly. “So the locks in this building are connected to a central server. I’m not saying that you should hack in and open up the doors to the outside, but maybe open the stairwell so that we can at least move floors. Is that possible?”
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darcydisaster · 5 years ago
Eilis 📲 Darcy
Eilis: Is now too late to give up on becoming a spy?
Eilis: Because I'm seriously considering running away to a cabin in the woods like Thoreau.
Darcy: who the fuck is thoreau?
Darcy: is he that bitch who whined about butterflies?
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darcydisaster · 5 years ago
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              “ what other one ? “  she said absentmindedly, not remembering very much about what darcy said.  “ you sound so UNHAPPY to hear me.  should i be upset ? “   but delilah’s glancing down at her nails as she speaks, very much unconcerned.   “ do you have anything FUN i can play with ? “   drugs, she means drugs – darcy’s one of the few people she knows on campus who has them on hand.
“The number that’s programmed in your phone as ‘Darcy’, not the one that says ‘Darcy - DO NOT CALL’.” She’d given Delilah the number originally in case there was some sort of emergency or a deal went very sideways, and Darcy needed an extra set of vindictive hands. At least Delilah would know it was her calling and not a telemarketer. Whether or not she could be relied on to help remains to be seen, but Darcy felt certain she could rely on that thinly veiled bloodthirst. “Do I ever sound happy?” She retorted easily, picking up her cat. Well, it turned out that Delilah had technically called the right number afterall. “You know I do, but it’s not going to be easy to get them to you. I doubt Greg will be so obliging.”
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darcydisaster · 5 years ago
“Hello?” Darcy swore that she heard someone talking in her room, but was shockingly alone save for her cat. “If you’ve learned how to talk Pi, we’re going to be rich.” This time she heard a distinct ‘hello’ come from under the cat’s butt. The brunette walked over to see what was going on and realize that her facetime had connected her to someone. “Hey. Sorry. My cat called you.”
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darcydisaster · 5 years ago
darcy > tori
darcy: it's 1 for 40 and 2 for 60.
darcy: can't deliver until later this week tho.
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darcydisaster · 5 years ago
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“Your name is Rizo, right?” Darcy asked, peaking her head into the dorm room. She wasn’t very familiar with the R&D students. They tended to all be... a lot. She had no interest in talking their language, nor did most of them have any interest in hers. “I’ve heard you’re a half-decent hacker. I have a project for you if you’re willing to give it a go.”
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darcydisaster · 5 years ago
The sound of cards slapping on each other broke the silence of the common room. It would seem that everyone was slowly dissolving into a bored coma. Darcy took a seat at the coffee table and began dealing the cards back and forth. “Sit.” She instructed and nodded to the area across from her. “Do you know how to play speed?”
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darcydisaster · 5 years ago
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Dary sat on her bed holding the closed textbook from the work she’d just finished when her roommate reappeared in their doorway. “I might be caught up on my homework for the first time since I was twelve.” Less of an exaggeration than one might think, considering her alternative schooling. “Anything going out there or just the same bullshit that’s going on in here, but with the added misfortune of other people?” 
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darcydisaster · 5 years ago
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“For the last time, I can’t make it. It’s a school emergency. You can do it on your own. Text me the results-” A beep interrupted her call. Darcy checked her phone to see Delilah’s number ringing in. “-I gotta go.” She said without waiting for a response. The incoming call connected in her ear. “I thought I told you not to use this number anymore- only use the other one.” Darcy sighed. “Well you aren’t among the deceased. I would think that’s all you could ask for, but I have a feeling I’m about to be wrong. What d’you need?”
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darcydisaster · 5 years ago
The smell caught his attention right away. It wasn’t a cigarette, but it was something not so far from it. He connected the sight with the thought right away, judging the joint hanging from her lips. And here he was, trying to be a decent human being without smoking indoors. He figured people had their breaks too. “Something like that,” he said, his mouth watering at the thought of something to smoke at this point. “I don’t know–” he said, reaching for the joint. “I’ll owe you one,” he said, slowly taking a drag.
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Well, at least she knew that he wasn’t going to try to rat her out or stop her (as if he could). Darcy had never been too stingy with her supply. It wasn’t as if she couldn’t get more. She passed the joint over. “Can I come with?” She asked, looking out the slightly cracked window. There was no way whatever outside the building was more dangerous than all the people in it. She’d survived New York as a homeless teenager. There was very little she feared now. “Well, if you decide that you need anything in particular, I may be able to assist.”
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darcydisaster · 5 years ago
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Margaret Qualley as Amelia in The Nice Guys (2016)
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darcydisaster · 5 years ago
second floor, common room around 5pm
“fuckfuckfuck–” he’s mumbling under his breath as he attempts to open yet another window, some ventilation would be fine. at first he thought it was just a need for smoking, but it became a little bit more as the time went on. his hands were shaking, he had even started sweating cold. he hadn’t talked to anyone about it, and refused to, so he was trying to avoid all human contact that he could before it became to evident he was not okay. “shit–” he curses again, giving up on the window before he steps back, turns around and realizes he’s not alone.  (( @gallagherstart​ ))
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Darcy observed the obviously nervous kid as soon as she walked in the room. A joint was hanging lazily from her lips as she approached the window he’d taken a step back from. Wordlessly, she lit up and took a deep drag before blowing it out the window. The relief was instantaneous. If she’d gone any longer cooped up with this many intense personalities, she was likely to be the cause of another death on campus. She offered the joint to Leo. “You sneaking out?” Her tone was calm and even, there wasn’t even a hint of pleasant curiosity in her words. He was sweating and looked on edge. “Is it cause you’re claustrophobic or because you’re in withdrawal? Either way, take a hit. It could be your best friend at this point.”
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