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courage-a-word-of-justice · 5 years ago
HGPC 17 - 21 | Koi to Producer 2 - 6 | Appare 5 - 8 | Fugou Keiji 4 - 6
...only just realised I was missing some tags. They should be there now or soon.
Why do I get the feeling the Sawaizumi family will be held hostage one day…? (Maybe I’m just being negative?)
The episode title mentions Chiyu by name, so I wonder why the translation didn’t…
Customer service! You can’t get away from it, even in COVID times…! (Impressive!)
Hmm…you can actually read part of the booking for the Smiths in the book if you know the kanji.
I thought the Smiths would speak in English, but they actually speak in fluent Japanese if the word “susume” was any indication.
Ah, Sukoyaka sweet buns! (from the other episode about the festival)
Don’t burn down your house with scented candles, kids!
Also remember to use your knees when lifting heavy boxes! (<- says a charity store volunteer, who does this stuff on the regular)
These days the mascots usually have a human form. I wonder if this is implying that particular direction…? (I woke up today and was craving a certain oneshot I’d read during my scanlation days…if it is, it would fill that niche nicely.)
I wonder if the kids will recognise this Ashita no Joe parody…?
“…since you were young?”
Oh! Element of Wind again!
Koi to Producer 2
This almost feels like Victor is assigning a school project to Protag-chan…it’s a bit sad, really.
It’s nice they let Protag-chan have a personality.
It’s fine if you can’t read the katakana, but Gavin’s name is Haku in Japanese, so it throws out the immersion somewhat…also, I know I shouldn’t be complaining – I’m the target audience here – but do these guys look kinda similar or what…? (partially kidding)
High school sweethearts, huh? “Childhood friends” is my favourite angle of a romantic relationship, but it gets so overused by harems it comes around to being boring…!
I-Is this Stand My Heroes…?! (LOL…?)
Can we not with 1st person cam…?
As cute and dorky as this stuff gets…how does Gavin never get found?! Does nobody ever look up in this city?!? (I thought Evolvers were meant to be a secret…?)
GPS tracker? That’s no better than large corporations using your location data…Isn’t that creepy…?
Hold on, when did she get his phone number? You would assume it was before this entire chase after the boy happened, but still…?
LOL, the English on the board.
This anime is gonna cause me some frustration, but it gives the good stuff in roughly equal measure. It seems to omit the fact you interact via phone with your bois for intimacy (in the game).
Koi to Producer 3
LOL, that’s so clearly Gavin…
By googling, you find out Uptown and Queens are in New York.
Ohmygosh! Did the creators know I love the trope where only people with superpowers can move in certain circumstances?!
Uh…his name is Kira in Japanese? Did someone read the katakana wrong?
Pictured: Depressed bishonen eating bad pudding. (…That joke sounds better in my head. I forgot what meme I was meant to be parodying there, but I had a meme in mind.)
Lemme guess…this man (I dunno if it’s one of the previous bishies with an identical face or a new one) is looking for MC-chan. *sigh* Update: Yep, just Victor again. To be honest, I don’t like anyone who calls harsh words “their sign of love” – love should be honest and upfront. That’s how it becomes heartmelting.
Koi to Producer 4
Okay, in order, it seems to be hexadecimals, Javascript (you can tell from the “const”), some kind of profiles which are apparently for human lab rats (which seem to have some kind of nonsense filler text), a DNA model and DNA bases (ACGT).
The text on the screen says something along the lines of this being an official broadcast of this man’s arrest and this man was a genetic researcher. Obviously, if I wanted to put more attention into what it meant, I would, but I won’t sweat the details this time (because it doesn’t seem to impact the plot).
The guy’s name is Minor because minor key (geddit?)…that’s my guess.
I started playing the game due to this anime, if you didn’t know, and I unlocked an expert in ch. 2. I thought he was Minor, but turns out his name is Spine (an older man).
The diary, true to form, contains details about either one case or several cases, two involving children. The bottom of the 1st page says “if it’s fake, I’ll laugh”.
Hey, I once told Crunchyroll I wanted an anime about hacking (so is this a dream come true? I reveal all in the next sentence!). Hackers don’t congregate like this…they’d be too conspicuous, even with the secret hideout!
The code in the top left appears to be…C? I think? (Note they declare “unsigned int”.)
Kiro sometimes reminds me of Masayoshi (SamFlam)…it puts a derpy smile on my face.
*blah blah blah I’m Key* - Wuh…? F*** you, Kiro!!! (There is such a thing as piling too much cool stuff on to a character, y’know – I’m guilty of it in my own writing.)
3684 isn’t a very safe password (says someone who once aspired to be in cybersecurity).
What bugs me is that Simon is a perfectly fine name…it’s just a bit boring. Kiro/Kira I get (a bit), but Lucien/Simon…? *shrugs*
Ohh! Based MAPPA! Thank you for making this adaption look great!
Koi to Producer 5
Oh, I got an SR in the game recently and it has a line like, “Only a fool stays up all night to do others’ work. Victor talks like that a lot…
The sign so obviously says “Renka”, meaning “love flower”. “Loveland” really is a step down from that…
Where’s Gavin’s guest badge…?
“Happiness Noodle Store”…?
“…the end of our first year…”
If this weren’t a Chinese work by origin (or Japanese work by translation), I’m sure Protag-chan would have gone after Gavin, despite being told the contrary.
Kanya = Minor. I’ll take a note of that.
One of the books behind Minor says “Gale Start”…hmm…
That GPS tracker is still unintentionally creepy, IMHO.
Koi to Producer 6
…oh. (dejected) Probably a beach episode or something.
What the actual heck was going on with Lucien…? It’s like he was having a tiny stroke there…
Lucien’s power is listed as “???” in the game. I thought he was an aura-reader when he said “show me your colour”, but that shield thing he did means he might just have various psychic powers…? *shrugs* We’ll find out eventually.
Running in heels is hard…
LOL, that’s so clearly recreating a CG from one of the cards.
This is the 2nd time this has gone pseudo-isekai. As much as I like to joke about it…I fully expect someone to be sent to another world at this point.
I couldn’t possibly see Victor on any kind of game show, come to think of it.
Appare 5
This guy’s middle name is “Rich”! That’s silly!
A boombox from the 19th century…makes sense, somehow.
I only just (?) realised Al has a tiny tie on his usual outfit.
Back to the beginning already…just start!
Appare 6
…I just realised Appare mouths “I got it!” in the OP.
Al Lion (sic…?)
Isn’t Sofia in that train…? Update: She might have been, she might not. Hard to tell when they don’t confirm.
This series seriously could’ve done with a dub…Even with weird hokey Hetalia accents, it would be good stuff.
These bunches of people at designated points…reminds me of the book I was reading while in Japan. The Long Walk by Stephen King (part of a compilation). It still gives me shivers down my spine when I remember it.
This “leave in the middle of the night” thing reminds me of the Amazing Race.
“Valley of Despair” is made-up, but Death Valley exists. It’s one of the hottest places on earth, hence the name.
LOL, Kosame scores himself one (1) prarie dog and two (2) Hototos.
I thought Appare was being inconsiderate at first…but he’s being considerate, in his own way.
Oh! I didn’t realise, but Saito Soma is Al.
Appare 7
“It’s not one plus one, but one times one!” – LOL.
Hybrid engine? In the 1900s? Hmm…
LOL, I think Al just did a hadouken.
This stuff’s like an animated Galaxy Brain meme! It’s amazing!
I managed to successfully predict – without watching ahead – Appare would catch himself with his traps.
Kosame with his hair down…is rare. Not exactly attractive because we have to care about the racers rather than lust after them (and the artstyle actually prevents me from doing so, because it’s deliberately quite cartoony), but it’s rare.
Appare is surprisingly childish…that’s what makes him more than a Sheldon Cooper, I think.
The spelling of the place is actually “Ely”, if Google-sensei is any indication. C’mon, subbers! You’re American (most likely)! Can’t you put in the legwork (or the Google-fu) to discover what place in Nevada this is?!
Subbers make characters say “shit” a lot in this show, hmm? (contemplative)
Now this evil guy here *points to screen*…that’s hair I like.
Appare 8
I just love this OP…don’t you?
I like how the steam/gas boat/car has Chinese numerals on its dial.
Kosame means “small rain”, so “heavy rain” is obviously to contrast that.
The Hototo joke never gets old.
I thought I just saw someone leave the saloon…
Nice hair + terrible face = bad equation.
I can almost imagine the wee-oo-wee-oo-ooooooo…wah-wah-wahhh…(You know the one sound snippet, right? The one theme from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - or whatever movie it is – that maybe involves a tumbleweed rolling across the screen, and then a huge shootout? If you don’t know it, play a sample on this Wikipedia page!) playing in the background.
It’s convenient the prarie dog didn’t appear when Hototo (old) had his revenge spree.
I noticed there’s a bit of a mark under Kosame’s left eye…it suggests that he’s been crying (or maybe it shows tiredness from the race…?), but it’s not that noticeable.
So that’s the real Gil…and tose were his henchmen that threatened to hang everyone bar Kosame. Got it.
(notes to self) So, for charting a course with Appare Ranman!, it’s Los Angeles -> Death Valley -> Ely -> Denver -> ??? -> New York. Got it.
Fugou Keiji 4
“Daisuke-sama” isn’t “Lord Daisuke”, it would be “Sir Daisuke”, I think…but “lord” has a proper translation in Japanese.
The truck has a Shinagawa licence plate. Anime really does like Shinagawa, huh? (Based on ID: INVADED and this.)
I think it’ll be interesting to see Kambe handle this without HEUSC.
The board for Sanchome (which is equivalent to a suburb…or a county, I guess?) has posters saying stuff like “take your dog poop home” and “let’s protect the environment!” (technically, it says “let’s protect the region/area!”, but that doesn’t translate right. There’s even a flea market. Still, those posters don’t have any big hints…not that I know of so far.
I kind of forgot that dude was the gardener for Kambe’s house…er, mansion.
I noticed a poster in the kouban says haru (spring) on it. That’s probably the same one that Haru’s name is signified by, assuming that’s not in combo with another character or few.
Oh great…the sister is an overbearing one.
Ahh…he doesn’t like natto. So that’s the problem. Daisuke is childish (like Appare)…Note I don’t like natto either, but I wouldn’t run away from home (or similar) because I was fed natto.
I noticed Kambe uses shinseki (which doesn’t refer to close family). “Relative” is a correct translation of that word, I just wanted to check that word was the right one for the context.
There’s a green tea bottle by the sink…I don’t think I’d mistake that shade of green for anything else.
LOL, I didn’t think we’d actually get to see Kambe with his hair “down”, so to speak. It’s…an interesting look, for sure.
Oh my gosh! It cost him (Haru) $15!!! (LOL, cheapskate…says the cheapskate…*suddenly droops and stops laughing*) Update: Sorry about the sudden downer there. I was having what the kids these days call a “woke moment”…at least, I think that’s how they use that term.
…I’d watch that crime drama. It’s funny.
Just realised Kato has an older model of phone than Kambe does.
This episode was kinda like a Tokyo Sonata kind of thing, huh? The sensational in the middle of the not-so-sensational…”sensational” for this show, anyway.
Those kids look like the ones from Erased.
*lightbulb goes off in brain* What if the dog went to Kambe’s…?
Can Suzue actually hear HEUSC while Kambe is using it…? $2.46 though…that is cheap, in comparison to the ham.
This was the cheapest episode so far (about $550)…probably because it was an insight into Kato’s life, more than Kambe’s.
Fugou Keiji 5
The flag seems to be based on Cameroon’s (which is in Africa, not America) and the “Arita Kinen” seems to refer to Arima Kinen, meaning this episode is set around Christmas-ish. Credit goes to Kambe Zaibatsu on this show.
I-It’s a Humvee!
Polyadoll (sic)…?
The Poliador guy speaks perfect Japanese…(?)
The star! It’s a key thingy!
I thought Kamei was the 1st Division dude with the reddish hair. Turns out it was the blonde…? Update: Redhead is Hoshino.
Ummmmmm…he was reading porn…? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh…okayyyyyyyyyyyyy…
…oh, the costs for Kambe’s tuxedo are on there. So’s the cost for repairing the bike Suzue rode.
Fugou Keiji 6
I never knew there were so many money proverbs to be used as episode titles…
What is Kambe doing with his hands…? He’s not even using the computer.
Imura seems to use a Windows 10 with Cortana on the taskbar.
What’s with all the Naruto running this episode…?
(no notes, sorry!)
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courage-a-word-of-justice · 4 years ago
Appare 9 - 10 | Fugou Keiji 7 - 9 | Koi to Producer 8 - 9
Appare 9
Now that I have a subscription, I can actually be caught up with some anime…! (As in, I can access the episodes as soon as they come out on the streaming service without an additional wait.)
The birds are cute.
I ended up reading some spoilers on who Gil is…so now I can’t get them out of my head…
This anime really does remind me of the Amazing Race…right down to the breaks mandated by the higher-ups. (I’ll have you know, if you don’t know already, that I love the Amazing Race.)
If I heard the audio right, I think it said “900 kilometres” rather than “900 miles”…which is a bit of a difference.
Aw, poor Seth got his dreams crushed and that’s why he’s so uptight now…(partially sarcastic, partially genuine)
Just realised TJ wears bullets as a necklace…no wonder he never seems to run out of them (LOL…?).
I never noticed Dylan had an earring until now. It’s kinda cute.
“Life isn’t easy.” – I swear, my dad says the exact same thing.
The character on Xialian’s father’s outfit is the first character for “laundry” in Japanese. It means “to wash”, IIRC.
LOL, Thomas Edison.
Hototo the prarie dog came too, I see.
…thank you, Hototo the prarie dog, for not having to let me see Kosame’s butt. Then again, I wouldn’t mind seeing Kosame’s butt…*raises eyebrows suggestively*
Dylan is surprisingly aggressive. Me likey. *raises eyebrows suggestively*
Appare 10
The boat/car seems to be called the Appare…(geesh, Appare is a narcissist after all.)
Reisman really manspreads…it bothers me a bit. (LOL…?)
That whistling is kinda scary…when you can hear it. (Had to turn the volume on to get the right effect going.)
That one guy looks like Usagi from Aoharu x Kikanjuu! LOL!
…*some line about “mama’s titties”* - Uhhhhhhh…can we not with an insult like that?
Seems Xialian has studs as well. Why do so many anime characters have earrings…?
“Place of Safety”, my butt.
…wow, that is one nasty cliffhanger. I’m glad I jumped the paywall for that.
Fugou Keiji 7
Reading Japanese Wikipedia reveals the Kambe dad’s name in the source novel was “Kikuemon”.
One of the places Nakamoto (Cho-san) stopped at was an internet café.
The people in the background…Haru and Cho-san (older), right?
LOL, they even factored in the cost of the drones.
Fugou Keiji 8
LOL, Takei must know what COVID-19 lockdown feels like.
Naengmyeon. Never heard of it until now, but then again, I haven’t heard of a lot of Korean things.
Even the whiskey is accounted for in the costs, LOL.
Fugou Keiji 9
“There’s no door that money can’t open.” That’s what it means by “golden key”.
Ah, it’s basically the crowdsourcing thing from Lupin III!
Koi to Producer 8
…oh, that explains the stupid English name.
Ah, I just realised the eyecatches might be R cards.
Koi to Producer 9
Some of the scenes in the OP are probably SR cards.
Notice the “Curiouser and curiouser” on the billboard…
The one thing I haven’t figured out so far is Lucien’s Evol. I thought it was shields like that one, but I keep doubting myself on that.
Idiots, I know what “iridescent” means.
I always find it better when they adapt the main story, as opposed to what Merc Storia did by adapting event stories…that’s why, even if this adaption isn’t the best, it’s still something I treasure (and that’s not just because it got me to play the game, haha).
Why does Lucien want Protag-chan to be so passive – as in, avoiding danger outright, rather than attacking it? It’s a bit weird…(Lucien’s my favourite, btw, followed by Gavin, which is why I have these opinions. I’ve got two Victor SRs and Victor’s so tsundere, I can’t like him much.)
Have you noticed these boys have never met each other, despite Kiro being so popular and his Evol being as such?
Did Protag-chan put her shoes back on?
So…is Lucien’s power power copying? Shields?
Oh, a double personality. I should’ve seen that coming…
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courage-a-word-of-justice · 5 years ago
I7 S2 3 - 4 | Appare 2 - 3
These anime have no more notes than this because of COVID-19.
I7 s2 3
Misunderstood my own notes…this is halted as of ep 4, so I have more than enough time to catch up. (Thing is, I was binging other anime for Chibi Tamago and April limited access plus I lost access to my usual doc for a bit, so I’ve fallen behind at this point in typing.)
Eyyyyyyyy…if you need a guy to look good, put him in a suit. (Either that, or glasses. Or both.)
The upright stalk in the tea…it’s good luck, I hope.
When did Yamato start calling Iori “Ichi”? I know why that is, but not when.
Hmm…I don’t think I ever noticed Sougo and Tenn looking similar until now.
They’re trying with the comedy this season, huh…?
*muffles laughter* Trigger got all the sexy ads, I see.
Hmm…come to think of it, I thought Iori was the centre before getting to know Riku, because he’s got the number 1. I can’t really see an I7 without Riku as centre though, now that I’ve been through more than 17 eps with that.
Now I have HypMic…lessee…Tenn = Ramuda. Gaku = a less severe Samatoki and Tsunashi = a more polite Ichiro, or maybe Hifumi.
Hey, Iori! You hypocrite!
If you didn’t get it, the gesture is them asking each other out for drinks.
I7 s2 4
Sometimes this show seems a bit documentary-like…but not as much as ARP Backstage Pass.
Even Kinako is sad…
Koi no Kakera…I don’t know it by heart, but I know it exists from the official Spotify playlist.
Ooh, blackmail. Nasty, nasty Yuki. (somewhat scolding, somewhat joking)
I feel like COVID-19 impacted this back part of the episode, where the art suddenly became more childlike.
Appare 2
This OP is cool. I heard it during AMQ once, so I remember it better than some of the other OPs this season.
“They aren’t hiring where I want to work and I don’t want to work where they are hiring.” – My ethos exactly, bruh.
This GM dude reminds me of Doug (from Double Decker).
Iron = Ford, GM is…well, GM.
I can’t believe Kosame is taking this so seriously he rolled across the floor…LOL.
“What’s impossible and what’s thought of as impossible are two different things.” – Appare Sorano
Uh, random question, but…has Xialian never heard of a bra?! (It bugs me, as you can tell.)
How did Kosame and/or Appare learn enough English to know what to change on the “hit me for money” signs…?
Oh? I thought this show had only scrolling credits…
Appare 3
Aw, dang. If more shows were dubbed this season, this should be one of them. Of course, current COVID-based conditions mean it’s just not possible though.
BMW, much…?
This blonde kid reminds me of Tchaiko (from Classicaloid). Rubs me the wrong way already.
Why is Al so interested in these swords, anyway…?
I dunno why, but Appare on a steampunk Segway makes me giggle so, so much.
Kosame, a pure idjit if you ever saw one.
Come to think of it, how do Kosame and Appare understand English, full stop? Al and Sofia probably only know English, right…?
…Appare didn’t even notice Hototo riding the Segway, LOL.
Do a barrel roll, Al!
LOL, what a red paperclip scenario.
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courage-a-word-of-justice · 5 years ago
HGPC 15 - 16 | Muhyo and Roji’s s2 2 (14) | God of High School 2 | Deca-Dence 2 - 3 | Fugou Keiji 3 | Appare 4
Is this Element of Water? Or Element of Plants?
I sort of suspected the three broke up because it would have been like someone stole Fumi from Tetsuya…and I was right. You know that myth about how guys and gals can’t be friends ever? It seems to be in service of that.
It’s Nodoka Hanadera.
…I wonder if this vow will become relevant later?
There was a poster for the Ojamajo Doremi project, Looking for Witch Apprentices (Majo Minarai wo Sagashite). Makes sense though – they’re by the same studio.
Fest = festival, although not in the matsuri sense of the word. It’s more like a smaller, non-seasonal matsuri.
I wonder if the tree will be attacked?
I’m still wondering…how does a penguin have paws?
Is there a tiny tree?...Yep. Just a small sprout, but it is a new tree.
Muhyo and Roji’s s2 ep 2 (14)
…and they continue to misgender Goryo…the manga’s finished translation, so I don’t see why the translator couldn’t go and get a copy to check. (Unless I remembered wrong and misgendering him was actually something they did up until a point? Looks are deceiving, especially in anime…) It’s even on the Shonen Jump website.
I realised that I’m the only Muhyo and Roji’s fan, possibly in existence, in the English world right now…if I were to leave this show alone, it would die alone…and that would be far too sad.
The Showa era was a time of great Japanese prosperity, so it makes sense that there would be lots of building projects too.
“Working from home” – Makes more sense in this day and age.
Oh, I didn’t expect them to put in a really close reference! This probably refers to Minky Momo, except that seems to be an 80s series.
…if this were any other series, this girl would get isekaid.
Japanese doesn’t have a lot of gender-specific words, like I know Italian does. When Ebisu says “Ma’am”, he’s going “yes?” in the Japanese and Nana goes “kono hito…” (This person…) rather than “This woman…”…If they’re going to dub it with all these references to Goryo being a woman intact, then I suggest they not dub it at all.
I think this is the first time Muhyo’s thrown the orb he generates…
I know all this misgendering is going to bug me, but…this is one of the first series I finished. I can’t get in touch with the translators to tell them they misgendered a character, because I have no authority – if I, a rookie translator, went up against pros, based only on what I know of the Japanese language and my memory of the manga…I’d be toast!...However, I shall try, for the sake of the manga I still cherish the memories of.
God of High School 2
Apparently this dude *gestures at this bespectacled man in the first few seconds of the episode* is Iron Man (well, Robert Downey Jnr.)…but also the POTUS. Yeah, that’s confusing, but I’m just parroting what I’ve heard.
Okay, someone explain to me what “charyeok” i-Oh. It’s a concept endemic to God of High School. You could’ve translated the Korean term, people.
Mujin…that sounds familiar…ah! The organiser of the GOH tournament! That’s why.
LOL, there’s a “Yes Man” in the brackets, paired off with Daewi.
Mori is eating a banana, huh? Way to play up the monkey imagery.
Slipper jerk…? (I admit it’s been a few weeks and several anime since I saw the last episode, because I was working on the boss battle for the AniList watching club, so remind me whio that is…?) Update: That would be Manseok.
I would assume the flashbacks are actually the characters’ introductions in the webcomic, if Mori’s was any indication.
LOL, I forgot how much advertising they put all over this thing…
So Mori uses taekwondo, but what’s Daewi’s style again…?
I would assume this refers to the Korean War if it’s referring to anything real. I’ve never heard of a properly-named style of anything which was an “anything goes” style, unless you count the various wacky martial arts in Ranma ½.
Geesh, Elfen Lied with its gore was a breeze to get through, but seeing scenes like Nozomi getting tortured (in Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka) and Gamdo getting his arm twisted here…that’s nasty…
Uhh…I swear this is just Hisoka (from Hunter x Hunter)…or Chrollo (from the same series). (LOL…?)
Deca-Dence 2
W-Wuh? You mean, Deca-Dence is a game of sorts?! VR or something?!
This aesthetic is very much like neurons…and cartoons…
(Spoilers for Kado!) If you’re wondering what’s going through my head right now, I feel similar to when Kado became a a fighting show and zaShunina the villain.
Ah, giant ball trackpads (trackballs). I miss those…
I think “The Power” is “ka no chikara”, but I might be wrong. Update: Yup, that’s what the site says.
This ED is interesting, visually speaking.
Deca-Dence 3
I get the feeling the girl – the friend - was programmed to say things to dissuade people from joining the Power.
A lesser show would discard Fennel, I think. See, he popped up in conversation the other time and now here he is in the…uh, digital (?)…flesh.
Sounds like AI, doesn’t it?
This guy reminds me of Kamina from Gurren Lagann…then again, so do the Inferno Cop sunglasses on Hugin.
Those rings on the white-haired guy’s hands remind me of Hifumi’s…for some reason, the host has them.
Pipe is a Gadoll, but he (?) reacts terrified to the yell of “Gadoll!”, hmm?
Fugou Keiji 3
It’s backkkkkkkkkk!
Ooh, mooncake! Also, Daisuke…okay, calling Kambe by his first name is weird, so Kambe…only has one stud in his left [ear]. That’s interesting.
Notably, there is no age listed for Kambe on the official website. We only know he’s < 30.
…LOL, Kambe is such a petulant child.
Ah? Rounin? (That’s what you call someone who failed to get into uni and tries again.)
Atsuta Jingu. It’s in Nagoya.
LOL, got in trouble for a barrel roll. (partially joking)
Ah, so that’s what Onuki and Miyano (voices of Kambe and Kato) were talking about at the con – the fact the director says a lot with a little.
Huh? Is this like that one killer who was streaming their stuff online to garner fans for the YouTuber PewdiePie? (I forget which prolific case that is, though.) Update: I think that’s the Christchurch bombings.
The stud seems to be Kambe’s connection with HEUSC.
The group’s name is read “Yokoitsu”.
Those missiles were just for producing smoke, it seems.
I just realised the finger gun from Kato in the ED looks a lot like Spike Spiegel’s (Cowboy Bebop).
Appare 4
I missed this anime as well! AMQ makes you miss shows even more than usual, it seems.
I love how they made a Red Stapler incident (see TV Tropes on an explanation for that) out of this one boat-car.
Not even tea can convince the great Appare…(partially sarcastic)
You need a big imagination to do a test run of a car in your head…
The song “I got it!” seems very appropriate for a moment like this (Xialian’s racing debut).
I’m worried David will ram Xialian’s car…
…I predicted it. What’s going to happen now…?
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