#Chauffeur Inde
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www.chauffeurenindedunord.com est un service de chauffeurs privés pour vos circuits au Rajasthan en parallèle avec. Driver in bharat tours nous sommes une compagnie privée familiale mettant à disposition un véhicule confortable adapté à vos besoins avec un chauffeur parlant anglais, ou selon vos besoin aussi avec un chauffeur francophone.Nous sommes le meilleur chauffeur en Inde du Nord.Pour lire plus, cliquez ici.
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L’Inde du Nord et surtout le Rajasthan ont beaucoup à offrir à chaque voyageur. Des sites fantastiques de renommée mondiale, des traditions anciennes toujours vivantes et une nature magnifique vous attendent. Peu importe que vous visitiez Delhi, Agra, le Triangle d’or ou tout le nord de l’Inde – il existe un large éventail d’opportunités pour vous d’explorer ce pays à couper le souffle. Mon objectif est de répondre à vos souhaits et à la hauteur de vos attentes de vacances reposantes. Pour lire plus, cliquez ici.
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Jaisalmer, connue sous le nom de « Ville dorée », célèbre pour sa riche histoire, son architecture époustouflante, notamment le fort de Jaisalmer et son paysage désertique unique. Jaisalmer est une ville de l’État du Rajasthan, en Inde. Le meilleur moment pour visiter Jaisalmer est pendant les mois d’hiver, lorsque le temps est doux, évitant ainsi la chaleur et la pluie extrêmes. C’est une période où vous pourrez pleinement profiter du patrimoine historique de la ville, de ses merveilles architecturales et de son paysage désertique unique.
En plus des lieux incontournables de Jaisalmer tels que le fort de Jaisalmer, Patwon Ki Haveli, les dunes de sable de Sam, le lac Gadisar et le musée de la guerre de Jaisalmer, la ville recèle de nombreux joyaux cachés à découvrir. C’est pourquoi il est considéré comme l’un des meilleurs endroits à visiter à Jaisalmer pour les couples, la famille et les amis.
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anshikazenith · 1 year ago
Trouvez le meilleur circuit du Triangle d'Or avec Varanasi Khajuraho
Visitez notre site Web pour trouver le meilleur circuit du Triangle d'Or avec Varanasi Khajuraho avec Namaste Voiture Chauffeur Inde. Si vous souhaitez plus d'informations, vous pouvez visiter notre site Web-
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locationvoitureeninde · 1 year ago
Location de voiture en Inde
Content Source: https://locationvoitureeninde.medium.com/location-de-voiture-en-inde-b886ad937930
Nous proposons le location de voiture en Inde – Souhaitez-vousréserverune voiture enInde ? Dans de nombreux pays du monde, explorer avec votre propre voiture est un excellent moyen de connaître le pays et ses habitants.
À notreavis, un circuit avec une location de voiture en Inde du Nord estrecommandé. Nous vousconseillonsdonc de réserverunevoiture  avec location de voiture en Inde.
Si vousavezl'intention de voyager seul à travers le Rajasthan, quel que soitl'itinéraireprévu, c'estgénéralement un grand avantaged'avoirune voiture avec un chauffeur fiable à voscôtés. L'équipe Location de voiture en Inde est le partenaireidéal pour vousen matière de location de voitures en Inde. Nos chauffeurs viendrontvouschercher à l'aéroport de Delhi et vousaccompagneront pendant la durée réservée et souhaitée du voyage.
Que cesoit pour le trajet de l'aéroport à l'hôtel, un court séjour touristique, un tour de villeou un tour privé de plusieurssemaines, l'équipe de Location de Voiture en Inde se fera un plaisir de vousfournir le service de chauffeur adapté. Nous organisons un véhicule de la taille et de la classesouhaitées et, en plus de chauffeurs fiables et expérimentés, garantissons des arrangements fiables pour le début et la fin de votre voyage.
Diverses voitures telles que l'Indian Ambassador, la Tata Indica, la Cheverolet Tavera, la Toyota Crysta, Mercedese, BMW, Audi,  la Tempo Traveler (9 places), le minibus (18 places) et même les autocars (28 à 35 places) sont à votre disposition via Location de Voiture en Inde. Sur demande et réservation à temps, nous serons égalementheureuxd'organiser des vélos, et motos pour l'itinéraire et la durée prévus.
Veuillezcomprendrequ'iln'est pas possible d'indiquerclairement les prix au kilomètreen raison des taxes sur les véhicules et du prix de l'essence qui fluctuentcontinuellement. Nous serons heureux de vous faire uneoffre sans engagement et vousverrez que ce service en Inde estmoinscher que prévu!!!
Si vousêtesintéressé par notre service de chauffeur, vouspouvez nous contacter à tout de moment enutilisant les coordonnéesfourniesici.
Toyta Etios
La nouvelle Toyota a étédéveloppée au Japon et la voiture reflète la qualité, la durabilité et la fiabilitéreconnues du constructeur automobile de renomméemondiale Toyota. Tout dans la voiture semblerobuste et le véhiculeoffred'excellentes performances.
Des boîtes à gantsréfrigéréessontproposées dans certains types de voitures, la suspension de cette voiture estsuperbe, l'audio avec Bluetooth, USB, AUX-In, etc. est disponible. Les siègessontconfortables, l'éclairage bleu estagréable dans l'obscurité. Avec un moteur diesel D-4D (1,4 L) et une carrosserie amortissante, cette voiture peutparcourir de longues distances très confortablement. Nous recommandonscette voiture milieu de gamme pour 2 à 3 passagers.
Toyota Innova et Toyota Crystal
L'Innova et Crysta de Toyota estl'une des voitures les plus élégantes et les plus puissantes de cettecatégorielouées aux touristesen Inde. Il offre beaucoup d'espace pour les familles et vosbagages. Les manèges sontsiconfortables grâce aux siègesconfortables que vouspouvezfacilementparcourir de longues distances. L'intérieurimpressionneparticulièrement par son design pratique et offresuffisammentd'espace pour ranger d'autres petits objets sans sacrifier le confort de voyage.
Grâce à la puissanteclimatisation, vous ne vousfatiguerez pas même pendant les mois les plus chauds, tandis que les grandesfenêtresoffrentunevueimprenable sur les rues et les paysages de passage.
Le Tempo Traveller
Le Tempo-Traveler est un van confortable pour un groupe de 6-10 personnes maximum et estutilisé par nous depuis des années pour de petits groupes et des voyages enfamille.
Grâce à son grand coffre, qui peutfacilementaccueillir 10 grandes valises, c'est le véhiculeidéal pour les touristes qui voyagent avec beaucoup de bagagesou qui prévoient de grandesvirées shopping en Inde. Comme il n'y a malheureusementpratiquement pas de voitures accessibles aux personneshandicapées, elleoffreégalement les meilleures conditions pour permettre aux personnesen fauteuil roulant de faire un voyage agréable. En supprimant les rangées de siègesarrière, l'espace de rangementpeutêtreagrandi à volonté.
Mercedes Benz
En Inde, de plus en plus de nouveaux modèles du constructeur automobile allemand Mercedes Benz sontactuellementproposés, maismême les types de véhiculeslégèrement plus anciensreprésententtoujours un luxe et uneclasseabsolus.
Les voitures sontgénéralementtoutes très modernes et de grandequalité et offrent un confort de voyage maximal. La location de cetteenseigneestdoncrelativementchère.
Si vous ne vouleztoujours pas renoncer au confortmentionné ci-dessus et êtes prêt à payer un prix élevé pour cela, nous vousrecommandons sans réserveune Mercedes Benz pour votre voyage à travers le Agra, Varanasi et Rajasthan ! En raison du petit nombre de modèlesen question, nous vousdemandons de ne pas soumettre de demandes à court terme. Réservez dès maintenant sur https://Locationvoitureeninde.com et embarquez pour une aventure unique en Inde avec Voyages Inde par Shankar. Vivez l'Inde comme vous ne l'avez jamais vue!
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hawkinsquarry · 10 months ago
all things must pass (steve x reader)
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summary: steve makes you leave him at the end of the world.
contains: steve x reader; gender unspecified reader; no pronouns used for reader; post-st4; unresolved angst; probably too much swearing :/
i miss this guy and i’m feeling insane over him so have some angst with an ambiguous ending 🫶🏻
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Steve’s feet feel particularly heavy when we steps across your foyer. And the packet he has in his hands feels even heavier. He brushes off a few specs of ashes before slamming them down on the table in front of you, lazily eating cereal.
“What the hell is this?” you ask after a moment, grabbing the ledger on top. You know immediately it’s an airline ticket. It makes you feel sick and you push your Cheerios away as your eyes scan the details.
You want to fucking kill him but you don’t have a chance as he breezes past, grabbing your suitcase out of your walk in closet.
“You depart in twelve hours,” he starts. He recited it in his head the entire way over to make the conversation easier, but the words are hard to get out. “Only take your essentials. When you’re there, a chauffeur will pick you up and take you to the - the - the location.”
“Steve, I’m not fucking going -“
“Yes, you are.” He says sternly. Like you’re a child.
“I’m not going anywhere without you!”
And he know this was coming - this cyclical argument you’ve been having for the last three weeks, your tears, the lump in his throat, uncertainly fogging both of your vision. But it doesn’t make it any easier, any less frustrating.
He says your name low and quiet. A plea. “This is safe. This is where the - the - the people I know told me to send you. That it’s the safest place.”
“And we’re trusting those people now?”
“No. W-well, yes! It - it’s - just - trust me, not them. Okay?” He settles your suitcase on the couch and starts moving around your living room for things he knows you’ll need. A blanket. Medicine. “Anywhere away from here is better, anyway.”
“So you admit it isn’t safe?”
Steve sniffles. “I never said it was.”
You follow him to your bedroom where he begins ripping clothes from your closet. He doesn’t miss the hoodie he leant you a few months ago. It’s laid on top of your suitcase with more shirts and pants.
You grab his arm and try to force it to fall back to his side, but he’s too strong, god damn him. “Steve, quit!” you beg, digging your heels into the ground and tugging on him. “I’m not leaving, Steve. I’m not going unless you go with me.”
“We talked about this.”
As nauseam, in fact. Until the ache in Steve’s throat was excruciating. Until your voice was hoarse and you were heaving. He’s not leaving, and you are.
You tug on him again. “I’ll keep talking about it until you listen to me!”
He doesn’t say anything. Just keeps moving back and forth between your closet and the suitcase. You cry, as hard as you try not to. You really are like a petulant child, stomping your foot, throwing a tantrum. You feel like it’s the only way he’ll listen, but you know the reality is that he still won’t.
“What about me?” you cry. You’re so angry at him, want to say something that’ll make him hurt. That’ll change the expression on his stoic face. You find it in you to refrain. “What about us, Steve?”
Keeps packing. Head down. Jaw clenched tight. He was ready for this fight when he walked in.
“Steve, let the goddamn military handle it. Do - do you honestly think you’re going to save the world?”
“No,” he snaps.
“Then what?”
He doesn’t answer because you already know why. Because he can’t leave Dustin, and Dustin can’t leave El, because apparently she can save the world. And Robin won’t leave Steve who won’t leave Dustin who won’t leave El. And Nancy fucking Wheeler won’t leave Mike who won’t leave El.
It makes you feel insane. Your blood boils and spills over, and over, and over, and it never just depletes. You keep going, keep arguing, trying to talk him out of it until your voice is hoarse. It’s hoarse now, in fact. Last night Steve held you until you shut up, until you cried yourself to sleep, and you had no idea he had already got you a plane ticket out of here. You feel so betrayed it makes your stomach twist and chest ache.
“I can’t live without you,” you try. It’s the third time you’ve pulled this and it seems to get him the most. “Steve, I don’t know what I’d do if - if….”
Steve bites his cheek, stilling, his hands clutching one of your sweaters.
“Why don’t you care?” you push.
He sniffles again, pinches his nose. You’d prefer it if he’d just let himself cry. He’d give in, then, if he let his emotions take over.
“Don’t you love me?”
“Jesus, yes,” he grits, finally looking at you. His eyes are red. “Why do you think I’m makin’ you leave, huh? Why do you think I’m staying?”
“Because you think you’re something you’re not!”
He runs a big hand through his hair so harshly you fear it’ll get tugged out. He walks towards you, holding his arms out, murmuring, “honey,” and as much as it pains you, you back away.
“Don’t,” you say sharply. Your throat aches. “Don’t do that, Steve.”
“I love you.” He sounds exhausted. “I love you, please believe me.”
“If you love me, then come with me.”
“There won’t be a world for us to live in unless we stop this.”
“You aren’t going to save the world.” You’re so desperate for him to listen to you. “The chances are so slim, Steve. Why can’t we love each other while we have time?”
Steve takes a shaky breath. “I won’t let you die without doing something about it first.”
You stare at each other. It’s suddenly dawning on you that nothing you’ll do will ever change his mind. That his chances of living through the next few days are slim. That this is the last time you’ll get to see him. While he’s packing for you and forcing you to take a plane to California.
There’s nothing romantic about it. It’s not like what you’ve seen in the movies you rented from Family Video when Steve had a shift. Before he was yours. When you went because the forest green vest looked so good on him, and he always had some goofy recommendation, and he let his hands touch yours when giving you your change for a moment too long.
You’ve hardly even had him.
“So that’s it?” You can hardly hear yourself.
“I’m doing this for you. I’m doing everything for you. And - and i-if it works, I swear I’ll make it up to you. I swear, angel.”
You shake your head, hot tears making their way down your jaw. “No.”
He stills. Looks a little like a deer in headlights. Caught off guard, shocked. Mouth parting slightly before closing again, like he wants to argue but can’t.
What is there to say?
“If you make me get on that plane, Steve….” You shake your head again, swallowing the ache in your throat down.
You stare at each other again. His eyes are one of your favorite things about him. Those saccharine, chestnut and moss colored irises. They scrunch up when he laughs. You used to think about leaving Hawkins and moving somewhere nice, so far away from all of this that Steve grows up to have crows feet around his eyes. That you’d be the one who put them there. And this is the last time you’ll see them.
“You have to go,” he eventually sniffles.
“Please,” you try, for the final time.
He blinks slowly, frowning, chest rising and falling slowly. “I love you,” he whispers. “Please believe me.”
You’re not sure if you can.
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stoookes · 9 months ago
Umm... No. VK has legit evidence with Nathan, Carey as well as Usman 😭😭😭
For Nathan:
https://www.hindustantimes.com/cricket/virat-kohli-will-say-nathan-lyon-disagrees-with-experts-gives-stunning-take-on-umpire-nitin-menon-s-controversial-call-in-india-vs-australia-2nd-test-101676723517251.html (Lyon giving his opinion on one of VK's controversial dismissals in the BG trophy)
https://www.indiatoday.in/sports/cricket/story/virat-kohli-has-provided-me-with-the-best-challenge-in-test-cricket-nathan-lyon-2334983-2023-02-15 (Lyon saying that bowling to VK and Sachin is a tough challenge, but he likes it, and that once you get either of them out, you become public enemy no 1)
https://www.timesnownews.com/sports/cricket/ind-vs-aus-4th-test-day-3-virat-kohli-engages-in-banter-with-nathan-lyon-video-gets-caught-on-stump-cam-watch-article-98568390 (VK STOP FLIRTING WITH THE OPPOSITION!!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️)
For Alex:
https://www.indiatoday.in/sports/cricket/story/india-vs-australia-virat-kohli-is-a-class-player-and-he-didnt-give-us-a-chance-says-alex-carey-2345705-2023-03-12. (alex heaping praise on vk after he scored a century)
https://thecricketlounge.com/alex-carey-revealed-how-virat-kohli-advice-is-helping-him-in-ashes-2023/ (Aw this is actually cute... VK giving Alex some batting advice 🥰🥰)
For Usman:
https://youtu.be/9sdywle2xVA?si=DmF0yIxWWEDT3TGu (Well, a 6 min long video of Uzzie telling it all about his friendship with VK 😳)
https://www.hindustantimes.com/cricket/watch-video-virat-kohli-s-gem-of-a-reaction-after-usman-khawaja-spoils-his-instructions-to-ashwin-during-india-vs-australia-2nd-test-101676654846387.html (VK was telling Ashwin how to get Uzzie out, remaining oblivious of the fact that Uzzie can speak Hindi 😂😂😂)
https://thesportsrush.com/cricket-news-virat-kohli-who-loves-long-drives-had-usman-khawaja-as-his-chauffeur-in-australia-before-india-debut/ (VK man 😭😭😭😭 you're insufferable 😭)
VK, honey, I'm in awe of what a whore you are 🤣
Told ya 😂
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photos-car · 1 year ago
Mercedes Maybach Classe S 2021 - Le summum absolu du luxe Mercedes
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Mercedes Maybach Classe S 2021 : la nouvelle référence en matière de luxe
La Mercedes-Maybach Classe S 2021 a été révélée un peu plus de deux mois après les débuts de la Classe S de nouvelle génération . Suivant les dessins de la bande de roulement de la classe S sortante Maybach - dont Mercedes-Benz a vendu plus de 60000 unités dans le monde depuis 2015 - la nouvelle classe S Maybach promet de déplacer les objectifs des limousines de luxe en offrant un plus grand espace intérieur et une surabondance de nouvelles fonctionnalités axées sur le confort. - La Mercedes-Maybach classeS 2021 a un empattement de 3396 mm de long - Comprend des sièges Executive inclinables, une compensation active du bruit de la route - Vraisemblablement rejoindre la gamme de classe S en Inde d'ici 2022 Galerie Photos / Maybach Classe S
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Dimensions et design Comme il sied à une limousine, la nouvelle Mercedes-Maybach Classe S est une voiture longue . À 5469 mm, il est sensiblement plus long de 180 mm que la version à empattement long de la nouvelle classe S, et tous ces 180 mm sont entrés dans le nouvel empattement du Maybach, qui mesure 3396 mm de long - 31 mm de plus que même le Maybach S- sortant. Pour mettre les choses en perspective, une Maruti Suzuki Alto ne mesure que 49 mm de plus. Intérieur et caractéristiques Bien sûr, l'action avec la nouvelle Mercedes Maybach Classe S est à l'intérieur. Il conserve le design intérieur minimaliste de la nouvelle classe S! ainsi que son système d'infodivertissement MBUX de deuxième génération; son écran d'infodivertissement OLED de style tablette de 12,8 pouces; un écran d'instruments numériques 3D de 12,3 pouces et jusqu'à trois écrans pour le siège arrière. passagers. :arrow: Découvrez aussi : Mercedes Maybach GLS 600 2021 Les finitions en bois pour les dossiers des sièges avant sont spécifiques à la version Maybach! avec une finition assortie également appliquée à la console arrière centrale. De série, la nouvelle Classe S Maybach est dotée de sièges arrière individuels «Executive» et d'un pack Chauffeur de série. Le dossier des sièges Executive peut_être incliné jusqu'à 43,5 degrés! et le dossier du siège passager avant peut être incliné vers l'avant jusqu'à 23 degrés pour libérer encore plus d'espace à l'arrière! permettant au passager arrière pour vraiment s'étirer. Une fonction de massage intégrée Le pack comprend également une fonction de massage intégrée aux repose-mollets des sièges arrière; une fonction de chauffage de la nuque et des épaules pour les passagers arrière; un éclairage arrière adaptatif; une ouverture et une fermeture électriques des portes arrière; un compartiment de réfrigération arrière en option entre les sièges Executive et actif. La compensation du bruit routier, qui utilise le système audio Burmester 4D pour produire des ondes sonores en contre-phase.
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Un représentant Mercedes nous a informés que la Mercedes G650 Maybach Landaulet ne sera pas disponible aux États-Unis. Le nouveau Mercedes-Maybach G 650 Landaulet, le cabriolet le plus exclusif, le plus dispendieux et le plus original au monde, fera ses débuts mondiaux officiels au Salon de l’auto de Genève 2017 en mars. Il existe également un système d'éclairage ambiant actif, qui utilise 253 LED; un affichage tête haute avec réalité augmentée; ainsi qu'une fonction d'assistance intérieure en option! qui utilise des caméras pour suivre les mouvements des occupants de la voiture et déclencher de manière proactive certaines fonctions. Par exemple, le système activera la rallonge automatique de ceinture de sécurité du siège arrière! une première pour une berline Mercedes-Benz - s'il détecte que le passager atteint la ceinture. Moteurs et technologie La nouvelle Maybach dispose d'une poignée d'options de moteur! toutes assistées par un système hybride doux 48 V 'EQ Boost' qui peut fournir jusqu'à 20 ch en courtes rafales. Une boîte automatique à 9 rapports est de série, tout comme la transmission intégrale. Comme sur la nouvelle classe S, la Maybach 2021 dispose également d'un système de direction sur l'essieu arrière. Les roues arrière tournent dans le sens opposé de l'essieu avant lors du stationnement, et dans le même sens à grande vitesse. Cela contribue également à donner à la nouvelle Maybach un rayon de braquage plus serré (11,2 m). La nouvelle classe S Maybach est équipée de 18 airbags, dont des coussins gonflables frontaux pour les passagers arrière. Read the full article
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south-india-voyages · 10 days ago
voiture avec chauffeur inde du sud
South India Voyages vous propose une expérience inoubliable avec une voiture avec chauffeur inde du sud. Explorez les destinations incontournables du sud de l'Inde, telles que Chennai, Madurai et Coimbatore, tout en étant conduit par un chauffeur professionnel et expérimenté. Profitez de la commodité et du confort d'un transport privé tout en découvrant la culture vibrante et les paysages époustouflants de cette région fascinante.
Obtenez plus d’informations sur: www.southindiavoyages.com/location-une-voiture-de-luxe
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satnamtravels · 7 months ago
Discover the Best Audi Car Rental in Jaipur with Satnam Travels
Jaipur, the vibrant capital of Rajasthan, beckons with its rich heritage, majestic forts, and bustling markets. If you're planning a visit to this enchanting city and wish to explore it in style and comfort, look no further than Satnam Travels for your Audi car rental needs. Renowned for its impeccable service and luxurious fleet, Satnam Travels ensures that your journey through Jaipur is nothing short of extraordinary.
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Why Choose Satnam Travels for Your Audi Rental in Jaipur?
Premium Audi Fleet
Satnam Travels boasts an impressive lineup of Audi vehicles, catering to diverse preferences and travel requirements. Whether you prefer the elegance of the Audi A4, the versatility of the Audi Q5, or the spaciousness of the Audi Q7, Satnam Travels has the perfect Audi to complement your Jaipur adventure. Each car is meticulously maintained to deliver optimal performance and comfort, ensuring a seamless driving experience as you navigate Jaipur’s streets and beyond.
Convenient Booking Process
Booking your Audi rental with Satnam Travels is simple and convenient. Their user-friendly website allows you to browse through available Audi models, check rental rates, and select your preferred dates. Alternatively, you can contact their dedicated customer service team, who are readily available to assist with any inquiries and ensure a smooth booking experience. Satnam Travels understands the importance of flexibility and transparency in bookings, making it easy for you to plan your trip with confidence.
Transparent Pricing and Competitive Rates
At Satnam Travels, transparency is key. They offer competitive rates for Audi rentals in Jaipur, with no hidden fees or surprises. Before confirming your reservation, you can inquire about pricing details, including insurance coverage, mileage limits, and any additional services you may require. This clarity ensures that you can budget effectively and enjoy your Audi rental experience without financial concerns.
Exceptional Customer Service
One of the hallmarks of Satnam Travels is their commitment to exceptional customer service. From the moment you inquire about Audi rentals to the completion of your journey, their team of professionals is dedicated to providing personalized assistance and ensuring your satisfaction. Whether you need recommendations for local attractions, assistance with your rental agreement, or support during your trip, Satnam Travels strives to exceed your expectations and make your experience memorable for all the right reasons.
Additional Services for a Complete Experience
Satnam Travels goes beyond just renting cars; they offer a range of additional services to enhance your Audi rental experience in Jaipur. You can opt for chauffeur-driven services, airport transfers, and even customized travel itineraries tailored to your preferences. Whether you’re visiting Jaipur for leisure, business, or a special occasion, these supplementary services add convenience and luxury to your journey, allowing you to focus on enjoying every moment in the Pink City.
Positive Reviews and Testimonials
The reputation of Satnam Travels speaks for itself through glowing reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers. Travelers commend the reliability, professionalism, and quality of service experienced with Satnam’s Audi rentals in Jaipur. These testimonials serve as a testament to why Satnam Travels is a preferred choice among discerning travelers seeking luxury car rentals in Rajasthan’s capital city.
Secure and Enjoy Your Audi Rental
Once you’ve secured your Audi rental with Satnam Travels, you’re all set to embark on a remarkable journey through Jaipur. Upon arrival, simply collect your Audi from their designated location, familiarize yourself with its features, and set off to explore the city’s iconic landmarks, including the Hawa Mahal, Amber Fort, and City Palace. Whether you’re discovering the historical marvels of Jaipur or indulging in its vibrant culture and cuisine, your Audi rental from Satnam Travels ensures a luxurious and comfortable travel experience every step of the way.
Planning Your Next Luxury Adventure
As your Jaipur adventure draws to a close, consider Satnam Travels for Audi rentals in other cities across India. Their commitment to excellence extends beyond Jaipur, offering you seamless luxury travel experiences wherever your explorations take you next. Whether you’re planning a road trip through Rajasthan’s desert landscapes or exploring the bustling streets of Delhi, Satnam Travels guarantees the same level of quality and service that has made them a trusted name in luxury car rentals.
Discover the best Audi car rental in Jaipur with Satnam Travels and elevate your travel experience to new heights of luxury and comfort. Whether you’re visiting Jaipur for business, leisure, or a special occasion, Satnam Travels ensures that your journey is not just about reaching your destination but enjoying every moment along the way. Start planning your dream getaway today and indulge in the sophistication and reliability of an Audi with Satnam Travels by your side.
For more information and to book your Audi car rental in Jaipur, visit Satnam Travels’ official website or contact their customer service team. Experience Jaipur like never before with Satnam Travels – where luxury meets convenience, and every journey is an unforgettable adventure.
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researchgroupreports · 1 year ago
India Car Rental Market Share, Size, Revneue, Forecast 2023-2028
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IMARC Group, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “India Car Rental Market: Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2023-2028.” The car rental market size in India is projected to exhibit a growth rate (CAGR) of 16.80% during 2023-2028.
Car rental is a service that allows individuals and companies to temporarily lease vehicles for various purposes and provide an efficient transportation solution. It has a wide range of options, ranging from compact cars for daily commuting to luxury vehicles for special occasions and business trips. It allows individuals to rent vehicles on a short-term or long-term basis, depending on their specific needs, making it a convenient alternative to vehicle ownership. It enables people to explore destinations, visit multiple locations, and avoid the limitations of public transportation. It also provides access to a well-maintained and reliable vehicle that reduces the risk of breakdowns or unexpected maintenance issues during your rental period. It offers cost-effective and flexible transportation solutions for individuals attending meetings, conferences, or conducting sales visits in different locations. It plays a valuable role for people who require temporary transportation solutions. It assists in providing enhanced convenience and flexibility as it allows individuals to pick up and drop off the vehicle at their preferred location and time. As it is beneficial in offering high safety and reliability to with industry standards, the demand for car rental is increasing in India.
Request for sample copy of this report: https://www.imarcgroup.com/india-car-rental-market/requestsample
Key Factors affecting the  growth prospects and trends in the India car rental industry:
Presently, the rising demand for car rentals during holiday travel and peak vacation periods represents one of the crucial factors propelling the growth of the market in India. Besides this, the increasing utilization of car rentals at airport locations for travelers is contributing to the market growth in the country. Additionally, there is a rise in the need for flexible transportation solutions among business professionals attending meetings and conferences. This, coupled with the increasing adoption of rental cars among tourists and travelers seeking convenient and flexible transportation options to explore destinations, is offering lucrative growth opportunities to industry investors operating in India. In line with this, the growing demand for car rentals equipped with advanced technology, like a global positioning system (GPS) navigation on account of rising safety concerns among people is positively influencing the market in the country. Moreover, the wide availability of online booking platforms and mobile apps is making it easier for people to rent cars and enhance their convenience, which is supporting the growth of the market. Apart from this, the increasing adoption of car rentals with entertainment systems to improve the traveling experience is bolstering the market growth in the country. In addition, the introduction of eco-friendly electric vehicles (EVs) in rental fleets that align with sustainability goals and benefit in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is strengthening the growth of the market. The escalating demand for car rentals, as they offer extended rental periods, along with rising preferences for urban living without vehicle ownership among individuals, is also offering a positive market outlook in India.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
Booking Type Insights:
Offline Booking
Online Booking
Rental Length Insights:
Short Term
Long Term
Vehicle Type:
Application Insights:
End-User Insights:
Regional Insights:
South India
North India
West & Central India
East India
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
About Us
IMARC Group is a leading market research company that offers management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.
IMARC Group’s information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology and novel processing methods are at the top of the company’s expertise.
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driverinbharat · 1 year ago
Chauffeur Inde du Nord - Explorez la Région en Toute Sérénité
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Profitez de l'Inde du Nord avec un chauffeur expérimenté. Découvrez les trésors culturels et les paysages magnifiques en toute tranquillité. Réservez votre chauffeur dès maintenant pour une expérience de voyage inoubliable.
chauffeur inde du nord
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anshikazenith · 1 year ago
Tour du Triangle d'Or avec Khajuraho
Commençons notre voyage à travers le Triangle d'Or de l'Inde avec Khajuraho et plongeons-nous dans le riche patrimoine culturel de Delhi, Agra et Jaipur. Découvrez la grandeur de monuments emblématiques comme le Taj Mahal, des palais majestueux, des bazars animés et des temples antiques. Emerveillez-vous devant les temples à couper le souffle de Khajuraho, ormes de sculptures complexes. Cette expédition promet un voyage inoubliable à travers l'histoire et la culture. Réservez votre voyage des aujourd'hui pour découvrir les merveilles du Triangle d'Or indien avec Khajuraho
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locationvoitureeninde · 5 months ago
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who-is-olivia · 5 years ago
Track 9. Woman
Harry Styles x OC x Fionn Whitehead
Harry has a fit of jealousy during the Dunkirk premiere so Olivia teaches him how to share. [5.6k]
Genre: smut
Warnings: sexual language
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  July 2018
  Harry’s getting ready for the Dunkirk premiere in his London flat, where Lou Teasdale and Harry Lambert made their HQ. When he’s finally done, he waits for Olivia. He had Harry design a custom gown specially for her, he hasn’t seen it yet so expectations are high.
  First come the footsteps, heels clicking against the wooden floor. His eyes shoot up to the hallway and there she is. A deep red velvet gown contrasts with the clear pattern of the walls, bodice hugging her chest tightly as the skirt leaves a gap through which her leg shows. Her dark skin glistens on the ceiling lights, only her jewels shine brighter: a Cartier choker and bracelet, nothing more. Harry can’t stop that silly grin from showing, it’s inevitable.
“I know, I look so good!” she teases and they all laugh at her unbridled pride. “Really, I look like a skanky witch!”
“That’s what I was channeling for the dress” Lambert comments through his giggles.
“You can’t even tell I gave birth like... few months ago”
  Harry can tell she’s still a bit insecure about her body but if not she looks even more gorgeous. The baby didn’t take as much of a toll on her as she thought it would. She did gain weight but she was way too skinny to begin with so if anything she looks an average size. Right now, little Rio is spending some quality time with her nana and Harry has to hold himself as to not keeping calling to check on her. Last time he checked, she was sleeping soundly and eating everything her crazy aunt Gemma was preparing.
“You look amazing” Harry hugs her waist and pecks her cheek, holding her possessively. Right on time, Jeff walks through the front door.
“The car is waiting outside, is everybody ready?”
“Yes, coming in a minute, go ahead” Olivia hurries to pick her bag and give Lou a warm and thankful hug.
  After all the goodbyes are over, Harry rests a hand on her exposed back and leads her out, making sure she’s always at arm’s length. When they’re in the elevator, she adjusts her braids in front of the mirror and, on the corner of her eye, notices he’s staring. Instead of messing with him she just winks at his reflection.
  He loves it, the whole outfit, but the dress makes him a bit uncomfortable. He can see it already, all those pretty young actors running their hands on her bare arms and hugging her bare back, their indiscreet glances towards her cleavage. Harry clenches his fist involuntarily. Calmness resurfaces naturally, but then he remembers Fionn.
  Fionn Whitehead made very clear during the shootings of “Dunkirk” that he had eyes for Olivia. By that time they were not married yet but they were in a good moment, so she came over during her weekends off just to visit him and get to know a bit of France. It was a bit of a strike to his ego to know Fionn had the hots for her, not only because of the threat he supposedly was but because Harry also had the hots for him – and no shame of it. Now they’re about to meet again, and Oli looks impossible not to look.
“Earth to Harry” she waves at him when they arrive at the parking lot, “you okay?”
“Sure, love” he holds her hand and brings the back of it to his lips.
“How’s Rio? Everything alright?”
“Right as rain, mum’s loving it” he chuckles.
“I miss my baby” she pouts playfully and he mimics her, like two children mocking each other.
“We’ll pick her up first thing in the morning, until then we got a Christopher Nolan premiere, can you believe?”
“Still trying to process that... look, if I try to grab Cillian Murphy, please stop me”
“I promise I won’t” he mocks and she chuckles fondly. He does know her so well.
  Harry rushes to greet the chauffeur with a handshake and open the door to Olivia, helping her inside. He then walks to the other side of the car, adjusting his fist cuffs before sitting beside her.  She holds the excess of fabric so he can snuggle in and wrap an arm around her shoulders. The way she crosses her legs makes her knees and calf slip through a gap in the skirt, she doesn’t mind it but he does. It’s impossible not to stare in awe at how sexy she looks in this dress. When the soft material slips, it creeps to reveal her thigh, soft against the velvet like a jewel inside its box. It’s getting harder to focus elsewhere, so he gently rests his hand on her exposed knee making her turn.
“You look amazing in that dress” he whispers on her ear, biting just a bit of it. She chuckles darkly  and gets more comfortable against his side, feeling the heat in the car rise instantly as he nuzzles the side of her neck. “Can’t wait to get it off-“
“You two, behave!” Jeff takes the front seat of the car and they part slightly, finally taking the streets.
Olivia clears her throat. “So, what’s the movie about again?”
“It’s about the evacuation of Dunkirk beach, when these small civilian ships went to rescue the English soldiers” he briefly explains.
“Why did they have to be rescued?”
“Because the Germans invaded France and surrounded them”
“Ok, but why the civilians? Where was the navy?” she shakes her head confusedly and he giggles.
“I thought you were good in history”
She takes a bit of distance and smugly claims: “I am, I know my history, thank you very much”
“Alright, fair enough” he quits arguing, knowing better than to step on her national pride.
“Who do you play in the movie?”
“He can’t disclaim that” Jeff interrupts and they turn their eyes to him.
“I think I can disclaim that to my wife” Harry shrugs in disbelief.
“No, that’d break the contract, you can’t disclaim that” he sticks a finger in front of his nose. “Don’t make me get you out of trouble”
“Alright, grandpa” he mocks and turns back to Oli who grins amusedly.
 They arrive at the red carpet and leave the fancy car, Harry once more walking around adjusting his suit before opening the door for her and helping her out. The cameras follow them from their first step, capturing how he keeps a hand on her back at every move, making sure he’s the only one to touch her.
“If you get tired of the pictures, let me know” he says in her ear before laying a small kiss on her cheekbone.
“It’s ok, Haz” she smiles and follows him to the first step of the red carpet: the fans. His fans are not exactly fond of her, but she understands that nobody will ever be worthy of their idol so she doesn’t take it personally. But she also knows some of his fanbase follows her musical career as well and appreciate it, so is no surprise when they ask for pictures with her.
  They go forward on the red carpet path paying attention to who calls their names, she reaches the end sooner than he, as she has less demands, and greets some of Harry’s co-stars.
“Hey Oli, remember me?” a young man with dark hair and fancy suit asks.
“Fionn, right?” she makes a fake guessing antic. She knows precisely who he is, as she hardly forgets someone so pretty and so devastatingly charming. They met when she visited the set in France, watching him from a distance and low-key hitting on him. She assumed Harry didn’t mind, after all he also had a huge crush on his co-star.
“Yes” he smiles and hugs her, pulling away a bit to chat but she holds his hand in a friendly manner.
“Sorry, you guys all look so alike, I’m still trying to figure it out” they laugh. From a distance, Harry divides his attention between the fans and their cameras, and Fionn placing a hand on Olivia’s bare back, leading her away to meet the cast.
  When she meets Cillian Murphy, it’s hard to tell who’s more excited: Oli for meeting her idol or Cillian for meeting such a gorgeous woman. Harry thought he would enjoy the scene but it couldn’t be more of the contrary. When they part, he smiles and lays an earnest kiss on the back of her hand. Something inside him immediately ticks and he doesn’t like it. He rushes through the last pictures and autographs, keeping track of her hugging and laughing with the guys. He tries not to get cranky and maintain a soft smile, but it’s getting under his skin. When Fionn leans to whisper something in her ear, hands stroking her waist over the velvet and pulling her close, it’s the last drop.
  Harry excuses himself and skips a whole section of fans to make his way to Olivia, putting on a mask of civility but internally burning Fionn with his eyes. He first takes Oli’s hand and kisses her forehead, then stares down at his co-stars, catching one of them staring down her cleavage.
“How you doing chap?” Harry offers a hand for him to shake and dragging his eyes away from her.
“Harry” he nods, shaking his hand.
“Think you all know my wife, I need to steal her for a moment” he tugs on her hand and urges her to follow.
“Nice to meet you, guys!” They get in the queue for the photographs and before they even stand in front of the cameras, he wraps an arm around her possessively. “Why are you jealous?” she whispers between them.
“I’m not jealous...?” he clumsily denies.
“You just used the W word like a dominant alpha male” she smiles vaguely amused while he chuckles embarrassedly. “I know you like the back of my hand, Edwards”
“So do I, Maria” she makes a mock betrayed face but laughs all along. “Let’s never use middle names again, please”
“Let'sr... but really, Haz, what’s under your skin? You’re acting weird”
He sighs, knowing better than to keep it inside. “I don’t like the way he’s touching you”
She turns her head to the cast gathering. “Who? Fionn? I thought you liked Fionn” she whispers between them, “like... really liked Fionn... what’s the word for that? When you got the hots for someone?”
“Alright, I might fancy Fionn, but I fancy you even more and I don’t like it when he gets familiar” he explains candidly, making sure they’re the only ones listening to the conversation.
“What if I like it?”
He chuckles, not expecting that answer – although he should. “Then let me know” he smirks.
“Harry, you’re up” Jeff indicates, guiding both of them to the designated spot.
  He poses in a relaxed manner, holding her close against his side like a proud peacock showing off his mate. In his mind, there’s hardly any woman as stunning as her in the red carpet, so when the cameras flash in their direction, he knows she’s glowing. He can’t help but look at her in awe and happily let the cameras capture every ounce of love pouring down his eyes as she smiles confidently to the photographers.
“Everything ok?” he asks discreetly.
“My irises are burning” she sings the last word and he chuckles, pulling her away from the blinking lights and to the movie theater’s doors where the last pictures are supposed to be taken. “Harry, where are you!? Gah, I can’t see anything!” she plays, blinking mockingly.
He laughs and pulls her against his back, her makeup staining his dark suit but they don’t mind. “Hold on, love” she envelops him by the waist, not so shy when it comes to public displays of affection. Holding on to his back, she tries to mimic his steps like a child until they have to pose again. “Last one, I promise”
  They take few last pictures with her snuggling his side and him holding her embrace, both smiling wide and proud for the world to see. When they’re done, Fionn shows up again, straightening his front buttons like a classy gentleman.
“You doing any interviews now?” he asks Harry.
“Yeah, just a couple ones” he replies.
“‘Right, I’ll walk in and take a seat. I can take Oli if you want” for a moment, Harry’s brain almost fires a violent chain reaction, but she leans a hand discreetly on his chest to calm him down.
“I can take myself, thank you very much, but I’ll take the company” she nods charismatically then turns to give jealous-boy some attention. “I’ll wait inside, be nice!”
“I’m always nice” he steals a kiss from her lips and grins smugly, watching her take Fionn’s arm and walk inside the movie theater.  
  The movie is a tragically beautiful tale of patriotism and hope, and despite belonging to a completely different culture, Olivia gives credit to the pride and heroism of the British people. She stands up to clap at the end, turning to praise all the actors and specially Harry, whose narcissistic side doesn’t mind being pandered to. After the screening, the crew serves a flute of champagne for the guests as Chris Nolan makes a grand toast, extending the reception for a couple more hours of refined chattering.
“Fionn!” Harry laces the man’s shoulders, pressing him in a strangely intimate way. “You were bloody brilliant”
“You’re drunk” he laughs, feeling his alcoholic breath fan across his face.
“I’m not, I’m just a bit cheery. Listen, they’re almost wrapping up, do you wanna come over to my place?”
“Sure, I mean... is Oli okay with it?” he stutters a bit. Fionn is very fond of the couple, and they’ve been really friendly so far, he would dedicate a couple more hours of his life to spend some time with them.
“Of course”
“Alright then, but I can’t stay long, I’ve got a flight in the morning”
“We’ll just get some wine, it won’t take long. I’ll just say goodbye to everyone”
  The three of them are thrown over the back seat of a limousine, a bit more giggly than usual but still able to hold a conversation. They struggle to get to the door and unlock it but eventually they make it and get comfortable on the living room. Olivia lays over the black fabric of the sofa, laughing at some witty commentary Fionn just made while Harry pulls her shoes off. He knows she’s really weak when it comes to alcohol, it’s better to just leave her light and jolly on the living room than to make her break things in the kitchen.
“Thanks sweetheart” she smiles endearingly to Harry as he turns to reach the kitchen and serve them some appetizers.
“Is he some kind of slave?” Fionn mocks, undressing his suit’s jacket.
“Sure, he’s my white slave. It’s historical justice” she fires back, sitting up straight to look at him. “You can sit down”
“I should help Harry in the kitchen”
“Nonsense, you’re our guest” she holds him and pulls him by the hand to sit beside her, while she supports her arm on the backboard and turns her body towards him.
“I don’t know, I think he’s mad at me or something. Don’t you think he’s acting weird?”
“I’ll tell you a secret” she leans very close to his ear. “He’s jealous”
“Why would he be jealous?” he asks with a curious grin.
Her dozy eyes look at him amusedly as she bites her bottom lip, like a child boasting about something. “He doesn’t like other men touching me”
“That’s silly”
“I know, but he can’t help it. He just needs to learn how to share...” his words die on his throat as his drunken brain works through the meaning of her words. Now he’s excited to know how this night is going to end.
Finally Harry walks in with a plate of snacks and three glasses. Fionn attempts to put some distance between him and Oli, but she holds him back with a playful look. “Here we go, I’ll get some wine. Do you like rosé, Fionn?”
“Uh- sure”
“Great, it’s all we’ve got” Harry reaches the nearby wine rack, turning back to the two of them in the sofa. “Oli doesn’t like red wine, so it’s either that or white”
“I don’t mind, mate” he helps himself with a handful of nuts while Harry pours the rosé in their glasses.
“Shall we make a toast?” Olivia gets up and takes her glass, raising it to both the men. “Here’s to your brilliant performances and to the beautiful mastermind of Christopher Nolan”
“I wanna raise a toast” Fionn interrupts, “to the two of you, one of the loveliest couples I’ve ever met. Cheers guys”
“Cheers mate” they clink their glasses and down the contents in few sips, falling back on the couch right after. The way they seat has Oli in the middle, her back thrown over Harry’s chest and Fionn right beside her.
“Did you like the premiere?” he asks.
“I did, it was really fancy... I would’ve enjoyed more if Harry wasn’t so moody”
“I’m not moody” he defends himself, making a nonsensical antic to Fionn.
“I can’t greet a couple of handsome young men that you immediately put on a pout”
“One of these young men was staring at your tits”
“Who was it?” the gossipy bitch inside Fionn begs to know.
“Jack, that creepy pervert”
“Don’t be so harsh on him, he just went through puberty” Harry laughs, “he’s still nervous around pretty girls”
“Why thank you Fionn” she regards his implicit compliment.
“My pleasure, Oli” he shoots her a charming grin and hold her eyes for ransom, making the air heavy with tension.
“Get a room, you two” they laugh at Harry’s taunting until Olivia decides to spice up the game.
“Why a room” she crawls to straddle Fionn’s lap, keeping a respectful distance in a disrespectful position. “You know I like it better in the sofa”
“Is that so?” Fionn raises a brow, deciding to tag along. Instead of breaking the act in on itself, Harry decides to push it as far as it goes and flex the stiff attitude that bugged him all afternoon.
“Go on then, don’t mind me” he pours some rosé in his glass before returning to a comfortable position in his seat.
  Olivia smirks at him before looking down at Fionn, brushing her lips against his teasingly, making him reach up for her, only then does she concede for theirs lips to touch. It starts like an innocent kiss, but then she slowly runs her hips up and down Fionn’s, testing his restrained control. Harry bites the inside of his cheek, determined not to be consumed by jealousy but entertained by his cheeky wife’s little game, even as Fionn runs his hands over her velvet covered ass. She pull his hair down, exposing his neck to her tender sensual kisses and Fionn basks in her affection, all worries about taking it too far are gone from his mind as long as she takes the first steps. She runs her lips over his jaw, smudging it with lipstick until she finds his mouth again and kisses it through a grin, she’s loving it. But it can get better.
Still straddling Fionn, she turns to Harry with a tempting smirk. “You’re just gonna watch?”
“If you insist” he gets up, leaving his suit jacket on the sofa’s armrest. He stands behind Olivia, gathering her braids and resting them over a shoulder, exposing the other one for him. He lets her dress strip slide down her arm, grasping her waist as his lips lay waste to her shoulder and neck, leaving little love bites on her dark skin. Fionn makes himself useful leaning over her and running his lips over the whole extent of her cleavage, savoring the salty taste of her skin comparing to the bittersweetness of her wine flavored lips.
  At some point, Fionn nuzzles in Harry’s cheek and he presses a kiss to it, giving Harry the queue he was waiting for. He licks Fionn’s lips unapologetically before they share a steamy kiss against the shell of Oli’s ear. She smiles to herself, proud of accomplishing a little treat for herself and also for her husband, whom she knows takes great pleasure in the company of both men and women. They never thought their marriage should be restrictive, little games like this just prove the point.
“This is what happens when you share, Styles” she laughs to herself and the men stop the kiss to join her.
“As usual you were right, love” he pecks her cheek, “now why don’t we take this to the bedroom?”
“Yeah, that’s better” Fionn agrees and supports Oli while she straddles out of him, walking towards the hallway in a nearby corner of the flat. Harry and Fionn look at each other with lust before following her and shutting the door.
“Before we start, a few rules” Harry walks to his bedside table while Fionn crawls over Oli on the bed. Before he can kiss her sweet lips again, a small pack hits his head. “If you’re gonna fuck my wife, wear a rubber”
“Such a drama queen” she chuckles at her theatrical life-long partner.
“Also- look at me” he cups Fionn’s jaw and pull his attention, “If anyone wants to stop, we all stop”
“Fine by me” he reaches and bites Harry’s lip teasingly. They both start to undress their formal buttons shirt, standing shirtless over a gasping Olivia who is still dressed in a fancy gown. Fionn leans over Oli and rolls her over to straddle him now without any concern for a respectful distance, so she unapologetically rubs her panties against his growing bulge, he shuts his eyes and sighs, imagining how her cunt would feel around him. Harry drops his pants to the floor, crawling on his boxers until he reaches the close of her dress, sliding down the zipper so the fabric pools on her waist revealing her round breasts. He cups them from behind and they fit perfectly in his hand, specially when he traps her nipples between his fingers making them hard as rock.
  Oli stands over the bed, letting the velvet slip to her feet before discarding it on the ground. On her absence, Harry reaches for Fionn, climbing him and ravishing his body from his chest up to his lips with tantalizing kisses and love bites. In return he cups his ass cheeks, reaching under the waistband to creep between them and sliding a slim finger in there, something Harry didn’t get in a long time. With his moaning consent, Fionn sticks said finger in his entrance, playing in and out as he cries in pleasure only with a small teasing, sparking his curiosity to explore his body as well as Olivia’s. For a moment she doesn’t participate, just sits on a bed corner pleasing herself at the sight of her gorgeous husband being finger fucked by a really handsome and charming man.
“Look at that�� Fionn nods in her direction and Harry turns to look, finding his wife reaching inside her panties to touch herself away from them. “Fuck Harry, you’re wife is so hot” he whispers, turned on by her quiet moans.
“I know” he holds Fionn’s hand away for a moment just so he can pull Olivia closer, snatching her hand out of her pants and laying her on the duvet, joining her in a sandwich between her and Fionn, allowing him to tease his ass while he pays attention to his wife. Harry slides a finger inside her mouth and she sucks on it sensually, running the texture of her tongue against his salty skin before it leaves her lips with a pop. She makes herself more comfortable in his arms while he takes his slick fingers where her hand previously was to stroke her folds and flick the swollen nub between them. The sensation of her on his finger tips isn’t enough, he needs to taste her, but at the same time Fionn replaces his finger with the head of his cock, pressing its entrance on the difficult spot until the muscle relaxes and he buries his length inside Harry. “Mhmm fuck...”
The wave of pleasure that hits him distracts him from the finger work he was doing on her. “Hey, don’t stop” she whispers cupping his cheek. Still a bit dazed, he sticks two fingers inside her and do the best he can to please her, alternating between languid teasing strokes and fast hard stocks. Fionn thrusts mercilessly into Harry, holding up a thigh to get a better angle while he comes undone in his arms, but at one point he has to take a break, leaning across Harry to kiss Olivia. She smiles through the kiss, giving him those big brown lustful eyes before they shut in a spasm of pleasure. If he wasn’t so tucked inside Harry, he’d fuck her right now.
“Fuck, you’re so good” he whispers on the shell of his ear before thrusting hard and deep, wrenching a groan from him before returning to a faster pace. The quicker Fionn gets, the more Harry works his fingers in Olivia, to the point her walls clutch him throbbing in pleasure and she cries out one last time finally reaching the first orgasm of the night. Harry comes right after, pressing his head on her chest and moaning one long note of ecstasy while Fionn kisses his back and Olivia his lips. Fionn doesn’t want to cum inside Harry, so he pulls himself out and do so in his hand, looking down on the other two immersed in their embrace. He already pleased Harry enough, now he wants Olivia. Fionn crawls back in bed beside her, cupping her other cheek so she can face him. “May I?”
“Absolutely” she leans to kiss him while Harry stands to his elbows.
“Oi... you didn’t ask before you fucked me” he complains with a hint of mockery and Fionn clumsily breaks the kiss to answer.
“Sorry mate, I’ll ask next time” he smirks, pulling her panties down while staring at Harry. He reaches down to kiss her hip, throwing the piece of lace on the ground before placing himself between her thighs. Fionn can feel her cunt still throbbing from her previous orgasm, it won’t take much for her to cum again. He tries to look at her before he kisses her folds, but Harry covers his view as they make out right in front of him, so he carries on giving her one long teasing lick  savoring her sweetness, then flicking his tongue against her pulsing clit. She hums against Harry’s mouth, kissing him harder when Fionn traps the nub on his lips and suck on it, letting go with a plop. The soft pad of his tongue against her sensitive bundle of nerves is driving Oli insane, that and having Fionn trapped between her thighs. She’s about to cum for the second time when he keeps flicking on her, she’s so close, she can feel his warm mouth humming in pleasure as he tastes her, her hips twitch and her muscles tense, wanting to press him harder then physically possible. Harry notices her spurring and looks down at Fionn ravishing his wife. A spike of jealousy hits him as she comes undone beneath him, he wants to make her cry in pleasure like this, coming so hard she’s a bumbling mess after.
“You like that?” he asks while Fionn wipes her cum from his chin.
“Fuck yes” she gasps as he lays closer, making her sandwich between the two. Harry pulls him for a quick kiss, tasting his wife from another man’s lips is strangely sensual to him. But Fionn doesn’t indulge Harry for long, he has other things in mind regarding Olivia.
  Fionn runs his touch up her chest until he cups her jaw and kisses her lips teasingly, licking her bottom lip before sliding his tongue on her mouth. He rolls over parting her legs to better accommodate himself not breaking the kiss, then runs a finger between her crease feeling how wet she still is from his mouth. She feels so warm under his touch, so eager, he’s aching hard to fuck her ever since she walked in the red carpet in that sinful velvet dress, now that she’s under him legs wide spread, he’s already on edge. Harry helps Oli to lay her head on his shoulder as he watches the whole thing go down. Fionn reaches the silver pack and slides the rubber carefully before finally burying himself deep inside her throbbing cunt until his base hits her clit, and he has to keep the instinct of immediately bobbing his hips, just a bit of friction will end him. So instead he swirls his hips, taking just a bit of his length out before sliding back in languidly.
“Oh fuck... Fionn...” she whimpers at his tortuous delicious pace.
“You want more?” he thrusts harder causing her to gasp each time their hips collide. Where before she was wet now she’s dripping, so tight he even struggles to pull out, not on his wildest dreams did her pussy feel so fucking good. “You like that, huh? Finally a different cock to make you cum” she moans, feeling him pick up the pace and almost hit her tender spot. The anticipation for him to hit makes her toes curl, nonetheless his size feels incredible rubbing in and out of her, specially when he spreads her legs wider making him reach even deeper. He loses his pace for a moment, holding a knee under his arm and thrusting a little slower, giving her the chance to breath because she knows the moment he picks up that pace she’ll cum. “You feel so good, taking me cock like that, do you want more?” he thrusts harder and her orgasm starts to build, "you want more huh?” somehow he goes even faster, burying his entire length violently and clashing their hips with a dirty sound, but not as dirty as her gasps of pleasure, building up to a point when she clutches him even tighter and screams, her orgasm eminent.
“Right there... oh fuck! Yes! Right- oh!” she cries, the spasms taking her on a high that ends with an exhausted sigh and the unclenching of her cunt right after he also cums inside his rubber. “That was amazing” she struggles to say as he falls over her chest, stealing a kiss from her. The last thing he wants is to remove himself from her warm pussy, but then he notices Harry’s not so amused face.
  He can’t imagine how that must feel: having your best friend buried deep inside your wife, someone with whom you have so much experience and a love so intense you choose to spend your life together. He knows Harry is easily jealous, he also knows he’a overly indulgent to his wife, so of course he’d play a sex game just to entertain her – and take bit of enjoyment for himself as he did love being fucked on the ass. But maybe fucking her so hard was too much. Harry would never say so, again, doing his best to indulge his wife, but he wasn’t ok with that. So he pulls out and decides it’s time to go.
He climbs over Oli to kiss her delicious pump lips one last time. “You guys are amazing” he pants, leaning to kiss Harry as well, “I’ll never forget this”
“Neither will we” he replies.
“I better go now, I’ve got a flight to catch in the morning” he excuses, looking for the missing parts of his suit.
“So soon?” she asks sitting up.
“Yeah, I’m sorry guys”
“No problem man, I’ll take you to the door” Harry dresses a house robe and waits for Fionn to properly collect himself. He kisses Oli on the cheek to say goodbye and follows Harry out.
“You know we have a lot of interviews together this week?” Fionn comments to lighten the mood, although Harry doesn’t seem moody, on the contrary, he’s grinning.
“That’ll be interesting” he opens the door and hugs him goodbye.
“Thank you for that... I hope I didn’t overstep or anything-“
“You didn’t, you were great” Harry smiles and kisses the crook of his neck playfully. “Right, off you go now”
“See you around, Harold” he winks walking out the door and leaving the events of the night behind. When he walks inside the uber, he closes his eyes and let them all come crashing in with a boyish smile.
Olivia walks to the kitchen on her house robe, watching Harry close the door and walk up to her. She serves both of them a rosé glass with a tiny smirk creeping on her cheeks. “So... is he as good in the back as he is in the front?” he laughs at her spontaneous commentary, “Welcome to my TedTalk”
“You’re crazy” he hugs her back tightly, “crazy and deranged... and brilliant”
“Why thank you” she hands him a glass of rosé and they clink, no need to verbalize what they’re toasting before drinking the wine.
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