#Chase jumpscare
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aroaceleovaldez · 11 months
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was thinking Pipercabeth thoughts yesterday so take some doodles. i just think they're neat.
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gauntletqueen · 8 months
Segment in a horror game where you explore a haunted house in which people have gone missing. The music that plays here isn't like an ambient track or only a sad creepy violin, but consisting of several instruments, including soft vocals harmonizing and a slow percussion instrument of some sort, repeating roughly the same note every second. As you explore the house, no big scares happen, maybe a sudden rat or some creepy imagery scratched into a wall. You may find newspaper articles about the house, testimonies saying they've heard footsteps from inside the house. But you hear no such thing, only the music.
After a while, so slowly you might not realise at first, instruments in the track begin to fade away, until only the percussion remains with its slow, repeated thumping. You may begin to think, when isolated like this, it sounds very similar to footsteps, when-
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The idea of MC 'working' for Skull is sweet but I can imagine her trying to at least do something. Picturing her serving Skull tea and a lunch she prepared him because damn it, she's earning her paychecks! And Skull is just completely enamored because his wifey made him food and she's so pretty and he's just heart eyed.
I love the thought of Mc being on a mission to secretly do chores behind Skull's back. She finds out he's fallen asleep in his chair, and she immediately sneaks out of the room to run downstairs into the servant quarters and help with whatever they're doing. They often have an apron waiting for her so she can get straight to work. If Skull discovers she's disappeared from the room (she's well-trained in moving silently around a big house) the first place he checks is the kitchens.
I think that even well into their marriage, when she's the lady of many beautiful houses and technically part of the aristocracy, Mc still wouldn't be able to shake off the need to assist the workers hands-on whenever she can. Sorting linens, helping during laundry day, clearing out the fire coals herself in the early morning because her body is still trained to wake up with the sun. She carries a rag in her pocket, and quickly polishes silverware or tabletops when she's got a passing moment. Her new life is comfortable... she's not used to comfortable.
She still has nightmares that she's in trouble for falling behind on her chores. She'll wake up in the middle of the night and start dressing herself in a teary panic, mumbling incoherently about needing to go scrub the pantry stairs before the housekeeper wakes up. Skull, used to nightmares of his own, is very good at gently shepherding her back to bed.
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tmntismdoodls · 1 year
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familial affection? in MY ‘87 April? more likely than u think.
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chiprewington · 3 months
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Hi, frat boy!
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ophii · 5 months
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i love him
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i-got-a-tummy-ache · 8 months
Don't know if this hc makes sense or not but I feel like a few kids of the aphrodite cabin would probably be like one of those early morning people because of their extensive skincare routine. Like these bitches really be up at 5am in the morning washing their face and everything. Basically those skincare obsessed girlies.
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ricegod56 · 3 months
If an author writes a book without descriptions about the characters cause it's in first person and the main character already knows everyone in the cast and Chase goes into the book. Two scenarios come to mind. First: they just look like mannequins. Second: the keys uses the user's memories to use for the characters. The first one would be creepy but the second one, oh boy. Chase wake up from the bed confused and startled until he remembers the book start with him going to school. He starts brushing his teeth until he hears a voice that shouldn't be there. He finish the morning routine The voice yelled to his character "Hey sweetheart, if you don't come down faster, you're going to be late." Chase walks down and suddenly freezes. His face turn pale as if he saw a ghost. To be fair, his deceased dad counts as one. His mind began racing this thoughts- Why is he here, What do I, Is he real. His dad begun talking "Charlie, are you okay?" Chase starting bawling and hugging him. "Dad, I thought I never hear you say that again." "Charlie, did you have a nightmare." His dad began embracing and patting him. Another person spoke. "Honey, hurry up and eat breakfast." Chase turn around to see a healthy version of his mom. "Mom, you're actually in good shape." "Charlie, why wouldn't I." His mom smiles at him. It was a moment that Chase would never forget. His dead dad and sick mom talking and laughing with him. After so many years, both of his parents was with him.
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phantombre · 2 months
I've found Mr. Romantic.
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I think he has seen better days. RIP.
That's a cool ass hat, though. Can I borrow it?
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Rome does look pretty good with that dope hat (probably because I made him bard-like and bards always have dope hats), but I don't think I'll add it to his main design. I do like it, though. However, I think I went overboard on the design of it. Looking back, it's not nearly as complicated. I don't even think it has a feather. Oops...
One would think that Smitten would have no reason to enter Spooky's mansion. (Like, what? A trivial prize for a thousand-room expedition? I've better things to do.) But rest assured. He doesn't have just one reason. Depending on what game mode you play, he can have three to seven reasons to enter.
Here are the reasons:
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There they are! Peak beauty!
I mostly wanted to see if I could sketch them, and this was a pretty good excuse to do so.
I'm warming up to this crossover idea, but I gotta put it on the back burner. I need to finish the voices. Ack.
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greenyoshi72 · 8 months
I’m hearing people joking about putting My Shot or something into the lotus casino scene. No, no, no my friends. We are thinking too small:
Put “The Club” from In The Heights.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
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Revisited my old vld au (i blame @jankwritten) and remade my old character sheets about it. tweaked some things, struggled to remember what the hell all my notes were about from like 5 years ago, etc etc. Much happier with the set-up now honestly.
Stars vs circles indicate designated paladin/main pilot of that lion. Or castle in the castle's case.
feel free to ask about it cause I have a lot of random notes jotted down.
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hivepixels · 3 months
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sapphicauntie · 7 months
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this is the kind of thing that scares the shit out of you
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xxcherrycherixx · 15 days
Can we talk about how disappointing both the other raptor handlers are compared to the handler in chaos theory?
Like owen and soyona are nowhere near as powerful as her when it comes to the control of the raptors. Owen's ones literally tried to kill him and the special one who is meant to care about him still tries to fucking kill him occasionally! (I mean understandable, chris pratt has a very killable face)
Soyona is meant to be all about breeding them to be loyal- yet the atrociraptors have to use lasers and audio to attack? What? they likely dont even like her- we never see her interact with them, shes always far away from them which makes me believe she has barely any control of them- she has to use recorded raptor calls to even call them, they arent coming to her, theyre coming to what they think is another raptor.
Now the handler- that woman is everything those two wish they were. The only character in the entire franchise to have an actual bond with a carnivore. Actually, not just one carnivore- but atleast THREE of the fuckers. To make it even funnier- its the exact same group of atrociraptors that soyona fails to have any sort of bond with! The atrociraptors have no need for recorded raptor sounds or lasers- they follow simple whistle command, and not evwn just commands for attack, no they also respond to commands to retreat and follow.
But guess what, it gets crazier. Because not only do they follow commands- they are shown to actually like their handler. They arent just following commands because they hve been trianed to like with owen and soyona, they follow the commands because they actively see the handler as their leader and part of the family. They alert her to things, they surround her protectively from threats, they show fucking actual affection to her. They will let her pet them and hold their faces, allow her to rub her face against their own- scratch that they enjoy when she presses her face against theirs and even cuddles into the touch!
basically, how the fuck am i meant to think of owen or soyona as great raptor trainers, when theres a woman who actually has full control over her raptors? How am i meant to find soyona an intimidating villain when theres another woman who does a much better job than her at using the atrociraptors as loyal hunting dogs?
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ashironie · 8 months
Percy Jackson fan art!!!
Spoilers for ep3 of the show
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