#Chaos Goddess! Diana
Cosmicverse Music
(Daft Drifter)
All levels: Big Rig getaway.
All playable characters: Jackrow, Beta! Uzi, Luz, and Chaos Goddess! Diana.
Objective: Survive the onslaught of furious bandits trying to steal back their tech.
Jackrow, after setting the truck to auto pilot: Remind me again on "Why" we stole from these bandits exactly??
Beta! Uzi, after shooting a bandit point blank with a glyph-shot: Cuz the base they were squatting in had very good tech that's perfect for rocket stuff! And I've been itching to steal from those buggers for a while~!
Diana, after shooting at a bandit who got too close for her liking: Yep, you're definitely an alternate version of Uzi.
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nordseehexe · 4 months
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the-booty-crusader · 29 days
All right fellow DC fanfic enjoyers, I require help with my writing in a Tim Drake (but he’s Diana and Bruce’s kid) fanfic.
Say an angry group of superheroes and demigods decided to kick Hecate, Goddess of Magic’s ass (maybe kill, maybe just beat her so bad she can’t stay a goddess etc)
Who would make a good candidate to take her place among the cast of DC magic users (or perhaps as one person suggested, “tech wizards”? I might have a fun idea but it also feels a bit… over the top considering the rest of the fic, so any ideas are welcome!
I’ve considered Zatanna and Raven, but idk if they’re a good fit since their role in the story has been near 0 and John Constantine… well… NO. Klarion same and I think Nabu might be a bad choice too, any of the chaos vs order magic users are a bad pick. Other than that I don’t really know that many… help?
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My name's Taco!
I'm a minor that loves tacos, cats, and marvel. And roleplaying like I'm in the mcu myself! That's what I use this blog for.
Info below the cut!
A bit about 'me':
Adopted by: @your-fav-russian-assassin, @fox-barnes + @laufeykid-loki
alternative caretaker: @notquitebuckybarnes
Friends: @official-pietro-maximoff @the-real-peterparker @official-buckybarnes @prophet0bamas-left-toe @goddess-of-birds @thebolter1904 @nyxe-dragonetti @yeahimdarcy @wolverineofficial @your-darling-gaze @goddess-of-chaos-and-destruction
Pets: @scruffy-stray-cat (Tortilla), a duck named Noodle (no blog for it)
Approximate age: 12
Eye color: a brown I'm not sure how to describe. Like amber, but dark, but not dark enough to be medium brown... The fact they have gold, yellow, and green along with brown in the sun doesn't help.
Hair color: Light brown. It looks gold in the sun :)
Skin tone: Olive-y tan
Hair texture: Curly wavy
Height: 5'1
Pronouns: She/they
Birthday: December 16
Powers: Fire manipulation
Looks like:
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Tacos, animals, messing with people (in a friendly way), making risky decisions, Tacos, Math, Donuts, reading, lifting weights, Tacos, pranking, annoying people, Bucky, being called kid/kiddo, scaring @0din-borson and tacos.
"I told you so", small dogs, Gen Z slang, Geography, waking up before 8:30, running, smarter people, child-proof caps, carrots, and having knives taken away from them.
Will very much randomly give you a name if she doesn't remember it. Such as!
@thebolter1904 = Ikea
@goddess-of-birds = Stitch
(ooc- if any of you ever do not like these names or want to change them to something else, PLEASE tell me!!)
Tacocat (given by @fox-barnes
Tacos (given by @prophet0bamas-left-toe
Taco Bell (given by @official-buckybarnes)
Cat (given by @diana-astra)
Tic Tac (given by @official-buckybarnes)
Tacito (given by @ducktamer415)
'if I fits, I sits'
Screeches like a pterodactyl when excited, surprised, or overjoyed
Loves making bad decisions. Especially where I'll get hurt.
Thinks it's not okay to cry. (It's okay if other people do it, though.)
Mind is constantly in at least 4 places at once
Can't function without music
Laughs when people fall
Will beat you up if you touch me without my consent. Which you may never get. (This includes having your elbow be an inch too close to mine.)
Forgets directions seconds after they're given.
It's not good if I speak/act formally.
May act a little psychotic at times. Your sign to run is sudden giggling.
And that's all I can think of! Have fun with your life!
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thevirginwitch · 8 months
Current Reads + Book Reviews
To stay more up-to-date with what I'm reading, and to see my book notes, be sure to check out my Patreon!
last updated April 5th, 2024
Current Reads
Queering Your Craft: Witchcraft from the Margins by Cassandra Snow
Queer Magic: Power Beyond Boundaries edited by Lee Harrington and Tai Fenix Kulystin
The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft by Ronald Hutton
A History of Witchcraft: Sorcerers, Heretics, and Pagans by Jeffrey Burton Russell
Elemental Witchcraft: A Guide to Living a Magickal Life Through the Elements by Michelle Heron
The Black Arts: A Concise History of Witchcraft, Demonology, Astrology, Alchemy, and Other Mystical Practices Throughout the Ages by Richard Cavendish
Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America by Margot Adler
New World Witchery: A Trove of North American Folk Magic by Cory Thomas Hutcheson
Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magic by Phil Hine
Weather or Not: Two Books About the Magic of Timing & the Timing of Magic by Katrina Rasbold
Coven Craft: Witchcraft for Three or More by Amber K
Read Recently + Reviews
The Everyday Witch's Coven: Rituals and Magic for Two or More by Deborah Blake
Traditional Witchcraft for Urban Living by Melusine Draco
Urban Magick: A Guide for the City Witch by Diana Rajchel
Postmodern Magic: The Art of Magic in the Information Age by Patrick Dunn
The Crooked Path: An Introduction to Traditional Witchcraft by Keldon
Psychic Witch: A Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick and Manifestation by Mat Auryn
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ultravioletqueen · 3 months
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After much reflection I finally said "you know what? Fuck it everything, I'll do my redesigns of the main cast" and here we are! starting with the undeveloped girlfriends.
For Charlie i changed her name to Aradia thanks to discovering the existence of this figure from Italian mythology of the same name, who is the daughter of Lucifer with the goddess Diana, in this mythology she is the mother of witches since she taught women how to use magic to protect themselves from the church and the freer of slaves (one of her favorite offerings was the liberation of these people) and I thought it would be interesting to use this reference character for the new Charlie.
Her personality is still happy and optimistic, but her priority is not the sinners but the hellborns, the reason for the existence of the Hazbin Hotel is to make the population of sinners smaller and the hellborns can recover territory that belongs to them, apart from that she does a lot of charity work for the hellborns, so that although the sinners do not take her seriously, the hellborns have her in high esteem since, unlike the supposed rulers of hell, she does do something to improve their living conditions, tries to protect them from sinners and try to have the slavery of the imps abolished (it's like Padme Amidala from Star Wars).
She treats the sinners more similar to how a veterinarian treats a wild animal, with caution, care, and since it is not your usual animal, a little rejection, but she reminds herself that this is necessary for the hellborns and if she has to bring all the psychologists from the ring of sloth so SO BE IT.
Aradia is not a fan of senseless massacre, her reason for the disgust she has for exterminations is because of the massacre of hellborns also since exorcists do not usually differentiate sinners from hellborns (because let's be honest sometimes you don't know difference at all) and that is why Aradia is looking for a less violent way to solve this problem because 1) she is a diplomat, not a genocidaire and 2) she knows that if she uses violence she would lower herself to the level of exorcists and sinners alike.
As I said, Aradia is optimistic, kind, happy and determined, however she would not allow herself to be trampled on by anyone, much less the scum of sinners.
Now let's focus on Vaggie or in this case Violeta, she was an angel who in an extermination was attacked by a group of cannibals who ate her wings and left her to her fate, she was found by Aradia when she went to Pentagram City to do the damage control.
She was found dying by Aradia who used healing magic to help her even though she knew she was an angel (she still had the uniform and parts of her wings, even though they were bones), at first and for obvious reasons Violet did not trust Aradia, but with Time softened with her when she saw that she REALLY didn't want to hurt her or use her, it even made her reflect on the massacre of the hellborns by showing her the consequences of the exterminations even if it was for the imps and other hellborns (destroyed houses, families innocents dead, chaos and misery, etc).
This made Violeta have her redemption arc helping those born from hell with Aradia, helping her with charity work, rebuilding houses, among others.
This helped them both see that they were not so different, they were both ambitious people who wanted to protect their people (Aradia to the hellborns and Violeta to the winners) and they began to have respect for each other and this respect turned into love.
Violeta is a tough woman, who doesn't take shit from anyone and who has very clear goals, she wants to be able to return to heaven one day but first she wants to redeem herself for the damage she caused to those born from hell, she longs to be able to return to her family but At the same time, she doesn't know if they would accept her after seeing what happened to her, so she is very conflicted.
Violeta does not like sinners at all, but she knows that they are the necessary steps to complete her mission of compensating those born from hell for all the evil she has done to them. She feels responsible even though she does not admit it and hides it with a tough facade.
Violeta is more compassionate than she shows, she always thinks about the well-being of others and in one way or another looks out for the people close to her even if she does it in a semi-tsundere way (but not to a toxic degree, but rather tough love type), she has a great sense of justice and will always fight for the oppressed (this is why she empathize so quickly with the hellborns).
They are the dynamic of sunshine x sunshine protector done well, since although Violeta is very protective of Aradia, she knows that she can handle herself well and that she did not need constant care, just as although Aradia likes that Violeta is independent, she too wants to take care of Violeta, even if it is simpler things like taking her to bed when she is tired (despite being thin she is very strong), preparing her favorite food when she is in a bad mood, treating and disinfecting her wounds even though she insists that She can do it alone, etc. They both take care of each other without suffocating the other.
AAAAAAAHHHHH i love how this turned out!
depsues de mucha reflexión por fin dije "¿sabes que? a la mierda todo, hare mis rediseños del cast principal" ¡y aqui estamos! empezando con las novias no desarrolladas.
a Charlie le cambie el nombre a Aradia gracias a que descubri la existencia de esta figura de la mitlogia italiana del mismo nombre, que es hija de Lucifer con la diosa diana, en esta mitología ella es la madre de las brujas ya que les enseño a las mujeres como usar magia para protegerse de la iglesia y la liberadora de esclavos(una de sus ofrendas favoritas era la liberación de estas personas) y pense que seria interesante usar este personaje de referencia para la nueva charlie.
Su personalidad sigue siendo alegre y optimista, pero su prioridad no son los pecadores sino los hellborns, la razon de la existencia del hazbin hotel es para hacer que la poblacion de pecadores sea menor y los hellborns puedan recuperar territorio que les pertenece, aparte de que hace muchos trabajos de caridad para los hellborns haciendo que si bien los pecadores no la tomen en serio los hellborns la tienen en alta estima ya que a diferencia de los supuestos reyes del infierno ella si hace algo para mejorar sus condiciones de vida y trata de protegerlos de los pecadores y trata de hacer que la exclavitud de los imps sea abolida(es como padme amidala de star wars).
ella trata a los pecadores mas similar a como un veterinario trata a un animal salvaje, osea con precaución, cuidado, y como no es tu animal habitual un poco de rechazo, pero ella se recuerda que esto es necesario por los hellborns y si tiene que traer todos los psicológos del anillo de la pereza pues QUE ASI SEA.
aradia no es fanatica de la masacre sin sentido, su razon por el disgusto que tiene a las exterminaciones es por la masacre de nacidos del infierno tambien ya que los exorcistas no suelen diferenciar a los pecadores de los hellborns(porque seamos honestos a veces no se diferencian en absoluto) y por eso aradia esta buscando una manera menos violenta de resolver este problema porque 1) es una diplomatica, no una genocida y 2) sabe que si usa la violencia se rebajaria al nivel de los exorcistas y los pecadores por igual.
como dije Aradia es optimista, amable, alegre y determinada, sin embargo ella no se dejaria pisotear por nadie, mucho menos la escoria de los pecadores.
ahora enfoquemonos en Vaggie o en este caso Violeta, ella fue un angel que en un exterminio fue atacada por un grupo de canibales que se comieron sus alas y la dejaron a su suerte, fue encontrada por aradia cuando ella fue a pentagram city para hacer el control de daños.
ella fue encontrada moribunda por Aradia que uso magia sanadora para ayudarla aun sabiendo que era un angel(todavia tenia el uniforme y partes de sus alas, aunque sean los huesos), en un inicio y por obvias razones violeta no confiaba en Aradia, pero con el tiempo se fue suavizando con ella al ver que ella REALMENTE no queria lastimarla o usarla, incluso le hizo reflexionar sobre la masacre de los hellborns al mostrarle las consecuencias de los exterminios aunque sea para los imps y otros nacidos del infierno(casas destruidas, familias inocentes muertas, caos y miseria, etc).
esto hizo que Violeta tuviera su arco de redención ayudando a los nacidos del infierno junto a aradia, ayudandola con los trabajos de caridad, reconstrucción de casas, entre otros.
esto ayudo a que ambas vieran que no eran tan diferentes, ambas eran gente ambiciosa que querian proteger a su gente(Aradia a los hellborns y Violeta a los winners) y empezarán a tener respeto la una por la otra y este respeto se volvio amor.
Violeta es una mujer ruda, que no toma mierda de nadie y que tiene metas muy claras, ella desea poder volver al cielo algún dia pero primero quiere redimirse por el daño que causo a los nacidos del infierno, ella ansia poder volver con su familia pero al mismo tiempo no sabe si la aceptarian al ver lo que le paso, por lo que esta muy conflictuada.
Violeta no le agradan los pecadores, para nada, pero sabe que son los escalones necesarios para poder completar su mision de compensar a los nacidos del infierno todo el mal que les ha hecho, ella se siente responsable aunque no lo admita y lo oculte con una fachada de tipa dura.
Violeta es mas compasiva de lo que deja ver, ella siempre piensa que en el bienestar de los demas y de una u otra forma vela por las personas cercanas a ella incluso si lo hace de forma medio tsundere(pero no a un grado toxico, sino tipo amor duro), ella tiene un gran sentido de la justicia y siempre peleara a favor del oprimido(por esto empatizo tan rapido con los nacidos del infierno).
ellas son la dinámica de sunshine x sunshine protector hecho bien, siendo que pese a Violeta es muy protectora con Aradia ella sabe que puede manejarselas bien sola y que no necesitaba cuidado constante, al igual que si bien Aradia le gusta que Violeta sea independiente ella tambien quiere cuidar de Violeta, incluso si son en cosas mas simples como llevarla a la cama cuando esta cansada(pese a ser delgada es muy fuerte), preparar su comida favorita cuando esta de mal humor, tratar y desinfectar sus heridas pese a que insista que puede hacerlo sola, etc, ambas se cuidan la una a la otra sin sofocar a la otra.
¡AAAAAAAHHHHH amo como me quedo esto!
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derangedanomaly · 4 months
Is Chaos Nightmare's lost twin brother...? They're so look alike
Ah, hello! You must be new here.
Let me explain, Chaos is Nightmares clone! He was originally created to serve as an inconvenience to Nightmare. His main and only goal was to ruin Nightmares reputation, and because they were so alike, it wasn't really a hard task.
Chaos was created by the goddess of copy, Diana, and was taken care of by her servant, Blake. Diana gave Chaos one goal in life, and that is to ruin Nightmares reputation.
Chaos had pieces of Nightmares memories, when he was first created, the memories that came to him, were of Nightmares transformation, when he was killing off his bullies.
Chaos didn't see/know about what happened to Nightmare before the apple incident, he just thought he hurt innocent people. And that added fuel to the fire.
Chaos was more motivated to ruin Nightmare, because he thought he deserved it. He took his team with ease, earned his brother's trust, and much more.
Ruining Nightmares reputation was going smoothly, but that changed, when Horror (Horror's name in my AU is Ted) came up to Chaos, and explained him about Nightmares "past". Well, he himself didn't know much about Nightmare, but he did try to piece together the story.
Chaos took pity on Nightmare, and decided to make peace with him. Before making peace with him though, Chaos didn't have any hobbies or interests, simply because he only served as a by-product of Diana. He was only a veil.
Nightmare taught him some things, in return that Chaos would help him earn his trust back.
Chaos' code started changing, the more he swayed away from being Nightmares clone. And with his code, came changes about his appearance too.
Over time, he had his own hobbies, and personality, which made his code, a completely new one. Now different from Nightmares code.
Diana doesn't like that though..not only that, but she was set to destroy him the moment he started acting out of his goal. She sees Chaos as her mistake. He was never meant to be created. He was a foolish mistake of hers, and she would do anything if it was for him to die. Chaos doesn't know that though...Chaos wouldn't suspect his mother of thinking like that..
You can read about it more in these masterlists:
1. Masterlist
2. Masterlist
3. Masterlist
4. Masterlist
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the greek/roman gods
Format is GREEK NAME/ROMAN NAME: description
starting at the beginning,
CHAOS: the void, everything and nothing, sometimes a deity, sometimes a stasis.
then there were the Primordials, that arose from Chaos and were more concepts than gods,
EROS (the elder)/PHANES: love and procreation
TARTARUS: the original deity/representation of the underworld
GAIA/TERRA: mother earth, the ultimate creator
EREBUS: darkness
NYX: night
AETHER: child of Erebus and Nyx, day
HEMERA: child of Erebus and Nyx, light
MOROS: child of Erebus and Nyx, doom
THANATOS: child of Erebus and Nyx, death
KER: child of Erebus and Nyx, violent death
MACARIA: death of the blessed
HYPNOS/SOMNUS: child of Erebus and Nyx, sleep
MOMUS: child of Erebus and Nyx, mockery and blame
GERAS/SENECTUS: child of Erebus and Nyx, old age
OIZYS/MISERIA: child of Erebus and Nyx, misery
NEMESIS: child of Erebus and Nyx, retribution
PHILOTES: child of Erebus and Nyx, affection
APATE: child of Erebus and Nyx, deceit
ERIS/DISCORDIA: child of Erebus and Nyx, strife
MOIRAI/PARCAE: child of Erebus and Nyx, the three fates
CHARON: child of Erebus and Nyx, ferryman of the Underworld
CHRONUS: the elder primordial of time
OUREA: created by Gaia, the mountains
NESOI: child of Ourea, the islands
PONTUS: created by Gaia, the sea
THALASSA: child of Pontus, a sea goddess
NEREUS: child of Gaia and Pontus, god of the sea
CETO: child of Gaia and Pontus, sea goddess
THAUMUS: child of Gaia and Pontus, a sea god
IRIS: child of Thaumus, goddess of rainbows
OURANOS/CAELUS: created by Gaia, the sky
TYPHON: son of Gaia and Tartarus, volcanic forces, the father of all monsters
CRONUS/SATURN: son of Ouranos, god of the harvest, slayed/castrated his father
then came the Titans, the children of Gaia and Ouranos (unless specified otherwise),
RHEA/CYBELE/OPS: goddess of fertility
OCEANUS: god of the oceans, conceived the Oceanids with Tethys
TETHYS: god of the rivers
TYCHE/FORTUNA: one of the Oceanids, goddess of good luck
STYX: one of the Oceanids
HYPERION: god of light, but more in a sunlight sense
THEIA: goddess of light, but in a light of the blue sky sense
HELIOS/SOL: child of Hyperion and Theia, god of the sun
SELENE/LUNOS: child of Hyperion and Theia, goddess of the moon
EOS/AURORA: goddess of dawn
CRIUS: god of the constellations
EURYBIA: child of Pontus, sea goddess
ASTRAEUS: child of Crius and Eurybia, god of stars and planets
PALLAS: child of Crius and Eurybia, god of war
PERSES: child of Crius and Eurybia, god of destruction
THEMIS: goddess of law and order
IAPETUS: god of mortal life
ATLAS: child of Iapetus and Asia (an Oceanid), carried the celestial sphere, god of astronomy
PROMETHEUS: child of Iapetus and Asia, god of foresight, creator of man and giver of fire to humans
EPIMETHEUS: child of Iapetus and Asia, god of hindsight
MNEMOSYNE: goddess of memory
COEUS/POLUS: god of the celestial axis
PHOEBE: a moon goddess
LETO/LATONA: child of Coeus and Phoebe, goddess of motherhood
ASTERIA: child of Coeus and Phoebe, goddess of falling stars
HECATE/TRIVIA: child of Asteria and Perses, goddess of magic, ghosts, and necromancy
ZEUS/JUPITER: god of sky, weather, and kingship
then the "modern" Pantheon,
ATHENA/MINERVA: sprung from Zeus' head, goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts
APOLLO: child of Leto and Zeus, god of the sun, healing, prophecy, music, and poetry
ASCLEPIUS/AESCULAPIUS: son of Apollo and a nymph, god of medicine
ARTEMIS/DIANA: child of Leto and Zeus, goddess of the moon, hunting, and the wild
HERMES/MERCURY: child of Maia and Zeus, messenger of the gods and patron of thieves and travellers
PAN/FAUNUS: child of Hermes, god of nature and shepherding
DIONYSUS/BACCHUS: child of a mortal and Zeus, god of wine, festivity, and madness
DIKE: child of Zeus and Themis, goddess of justice
EUNOMIA: child of Zeus and Themis, goddess of good laws
EIRENE: child of Zeus and Themis, goddess of peace
HERA/JUNO: goddess of women and marriage
ARES/MARS: child of Hera and Zeus, god of war and courage
EILEITHYIA: child of Hera and Zeus, goddess of childbirth and midwifery
HEPHAESTUS/VULCAN: child of Hera and Zeus, god of blacksmithing and fire
HEBE/JUVENTIA: child of Hera and Zeus, goddess of youth, cupbearer of the gods
DEMETER/CERES: goddess of agriculture
PERSEPHONE/PROSPERINA: child of Demeter and Zeus, goddess of springtime and queen of the Underworld
POSEIDON/NEPTUNE: god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses
TRITON: child of Amphitrite and Poseidon, messenger of the sea
HADES/PLUTO: king of the Underworld and god of the dead and wealth
HESTIA/VESTA: goddess of the hearth and home
APHRODITE/VENUS: sprung from the sea foam created by Ouranos' body being thrown into the sea, goddess of love, beauty and pleasure
HERMAPHRODITES: child of Aphrodite and Hermes, god of androgyny
EROS/AMOR/CUPID: child of Ares and Aphrodite, god of love
NIKE: child of Styx and Pallas, goddess of victory
ZELUS: child of Styx and Pallas, god of zeal
KRATOS: child of Styx and Pallas, god of strength
BIA: child of Styx and Pallas, goddess of force
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littledigest · 2 years
Asteroids Related to the Night
For those in love with the Moon and those who find comfort in the dark of the night. 🌙
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1298, 3908, 658, 69, 714, 8962, 713, 105, 78, 580
100, 3271
Nocturna 1298
Meaning nightly
Think of the word nocturnal, meaning active at night
I have Nocturna conjunct NN and Chiron. I am for sure nocturnal. I focus better and am more creative at night. I don't think I slept early, even as a child.
Nyx 3908
Named after Nyx, the Greek goddess of the night
Born from Chaos, Nyx gave birth to many gods and goddesses related to daytime, nighttime, light, and darkness.
Asteria 658
Named after Asteria, the Titaness
Her name means of the stars, starry one
Known for being one of Zeus' conquests, she became a bird and then an island. As an island, she saves her sister Leto after Leto is impregnated by Zeus and cannot find a safe haven due to Hera's wrath
Hesperia 69
Named after the Hesperides in Greek mythology
Hesperides are the nymphs of the evening and the golden light of sunsets
They tend the garden and sing
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Ulula 714
Named after the genus of owls
Owls are nocturnal birds, hunters, and symbols of wisdom in Western culture.
In African and Native American cultures, owls are symbols of death.
In Asian cultures, owls are symbols of good luck.
Noctua 8962
Named after a species of owl called Athene noctua or Little Owl (owl of Athena, owl of Minerva)
Commemorates Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, war, and handicraft
Luscinia 713
Named after the genus of nightingales
Known for their singing and frequently used in literature and other works of art
Sing both day and night; songstresses of the night.
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Artemis 105, Diana 78
Named after Artemis, the Greek goddess of the Moon, the hunt, animals, wilderness, and children, or Diana, her Roman counterpart
Her twin is Apollo 1862, who is associated with the Sun
Artemis is also associated with the menstrual cycle and childbirth
I have Artemis conjunct my Moon. Still trying to figure out if this has been expressed in an obvious way in my life yet...caring for animals, children...
Selene 580
Named after Selene, the Greek personification of the Moon
Means light, brightness, gleam
Drives a chariot across the skies to bring the night
Her brother is Helios, the Sun god, who drives a chariot across the sky to bring the day
I have Diana (above) and Selene conjunct with each other and my Neptune and sextile Saturn. Saturn sextile Neptune could refer to materialization. My ideas may be best developed at night (?) under the moon (?)
Hekate 100
Named after Hecate, the Greek goddess of crossroads, entryways, magic, witchcraft, the night, and the Moon
She is depicted with three bodies; all-seeing, transitional, liminal
A triple deity associated with the moon (Selene, Luna), hunting (Artemis, Diana), and herself as the underworld
Associated with dogs as well (thinking dogs and wolves howling at the moon)
Ul 3271
Named after a Melanesian lunar deity
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adracat · 1 year
Notrette: The Mother of Abominations, Queen of Heaven and Space
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"This is the Mystery of Babylon, the Mother of Abominations, and this is the mystery of her adulteries, for she hath yielded up herself to everything that liveth, and hath become a partaker in its mystery. And because she hath made her self the servant of each, therefore is she become the mistress of all. Not as yet canst thou comprehend her glory.
Beautiful art thou, O Babylon, and desirable, for thou hast given thyself to everything that liveth, and thy weakness hath subdued their strength. For in that union thou didst understand. Therefore art thou called Understanding, O Babylon, Lady of the Night!" — The Vision and the Voice (12th Aethyr)
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Thelema is an esoteric and occult philosophy founded by Aleister Crowley. That name may be familiar to those who've read any of my gwitch hermeticism posts. Thelema draws heavily from ancient mythology, among Greek/Egyptian in particular, and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Alchemy, astrology, and geomancy are among the crafts they practiced. Thelema asserts following one's True Will is the path to self-realization and fulfillment, gaining the Great Work or Magnum Opus. See my posts here for more on this.
Babalon is the Great Mother. She is Nott and Nuit; the Night. She is the Whore of Babylon that reins the Beast of Revelation. She is the Bride of Chaos, the primal light of the soul and where life began. She is Mother Earth, Gaia, in her most fertile sense. She is Lilith (etymology-'female night being/demon') the fell consort to Samael. Notrette is indicated by her name, derived from Nott the Norse personification of Night, and taken epithet Anesidora (Demeter, Pandora, and Gaia) to be Babalon.
And I believe in one Earth, the Mother of us all, and in one Womb wherein all men are begotten, and wherein they shall rest, Mystery of Mystery, in Her name BABALON— Gnostic creed
We never see her in the show, save one image. What is there speaks plenty to her place as this occult figure. And perhaps her link to Prospera most of all.
Bride of Samael
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Prospera is unmistakably the Great Deciever. Her name before Vanadis' fall was Elnora, which means Shining One. The same as Lucifer, the morning star. It matches the name of Dellingr, Nott's husband in norse myth. However, Delling is a red herring and perhaps the slight change in name is intentional. Prospera is the true Satan, who fell from grace and now rebels against God. Considering Dominicus and Delling are both coded with divine authority, this seems to be the point. If Notrette is Anesidora, then Prospera is Phosphoros. In my Prospera analysis, I noted she's bedecked in Hecate symbolism. One of Hecate's epithets is Phosphoros, light-bringer, signifying Hecate, Diana, and Eos/Aurora; goddess of the dawn. Another parallel with Nott's mythic husband. Phosphoros/EOSphoros is the greek name of the morning star. Perseis, another Hecate epithet is synonymous with Perdition. The name Satan took after falling. She has also cast aside her original shining name to be Prospera
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The planet Venus is historically 'morning star', one of the wandering stars in astrology, and Elnora is similarly coded with Venus parallel. Consider the sign Pisces, which is Venus and her son Eros fleeing to safety. (The Prologue events) The events of episode 17 onward easily fit Venus' role in the story of Eros and Psyche.
Crowley asserts Babalon and the biblical Scarlet Woman are separate and the latter enacts the will of the former. Prospera wreaking her havoc on Earth and Space is certainly fitting with Aerial as the Beast of Revelation.
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So how does this relate to Notrette? Because she is the Bride of Samael/Satan, Lilith, who rebelled against Adam and was banished from the Garden of Eden. As Babalon/Babylon, she is the mother of harlots and revels in adultery. We already know Quiet Zero was her project. She is a gifted geneticist and the only person explicitly fiddling with biometric code... The Mother of Abominations can easily apply to Aerial and replichildren. Something we already suspected, but seems confirmed. She is indeed the Angrboda to Prospera's Loki. After all, in the Tempest Caliban is the child of the Devil and a witch.
Consider fell Lilith, the first wife of man who was formed from the same clay as Adam and unleashed horrors upon humanity. This tale mirrors Pandora, another Anesidora. The first woman in Greek mythology molded by clay who unleashes horrors from her jar. Mothers of Abominations both. Some occultists view Lilith as a former agricultural and fertility goddess like Demeter. Anesidora is Satan's bride, Lilith.
Potnia (Mistress), an epithet of Demeter, can also be taken as indicative of the great Idolatress
Queen Nuit
The highest deity of Thelema is Nuit. She is the naked Great Mother dressed in the stars. She is infinite space and infinite possibilities. They name her Our Lady of the Stars, Queen of Space and Queen of Heaven. Greek Nyx, Norse Nott, and Egyptian Nut are all her names. Her consort is Hadit, the embodiment of causality; '"the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star." And causality is the method to which Prospera works her curses upon the cast.
Notrette is metaphorically a queen before her death. Married to psuedo king Delling, she is the G-Witch Queen of Heaven and Space. Her name hard placing her as Nott just drives the point home.
Daughter of Babalon
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But casting aside speculation, well-founded as it is imo, let's take a look at her canonical child; Miorine. Thelema also speaks of her and cements Notrette's true identity.
And this palace is nothing but the body of a woman, proud and delicate, and beyond imagination fair. She is like a child of twelve years old. She has very deep eyelids, and long lashes. Her eyes are closed, or nearly closed. It is impossible to say anything about her. She is naked; her whole body is covered with fine gold hairs, that are the electric flames which are the spears of mighty and terrible Angels whose breastplates are the scales of her skin. And the hair of her head, that flows down to her feet, is the very light of God himself. Of all the glories beheld by the Seer in the Aethyrs, there is not one which is worthy to be compared with her littlest finger-nail. For although he may not partake of the Aethyr, without the ceremonial preparations, even the beholding of this Aethyr from afar is like the par taking of all the former Aethyrs.
The Seer is lost in wonder, which is Peace.
And the ring of the horizon above her is a company of glorious Archangels with joined hands, that stand and sing: This is the daughter of BABALON the Beautiful, that she hath borne unto the Father of All. And unto all hath she borne her.
This is the Daughter of the King. This is the Virgin of Eternity. This is she that the Holy One hath wrested from the Giant Time, and the prize of them that have overcome Space. This is she that is set upon the Throne of Understanding. Holy, Holy, Holy is her name, not to be spoken among men. For Kore they have called her, and Malkah, and Betulah, and Persephone.— The Book of Thoth, Aleister Crowley
In the show she is given Kore/Persephone symbolism as explored in my Miorine analysis. As the daughter of a Demeter it felt fitting, but it's now doubly significant. The Hebrew words Malkah and Betulah mean 'Queen' and 'Virgin' respectively.
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With this wealth of context, I can't help but wish Notrette made a full appearance. Yet I understand both production meddling and perhaps symbolic intent may have led to her remaining unseen. Babalon is Mystery. And her glory cannot be comprehended.
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buddy-trench · 2 months
The Jealous Lover of the Sun
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"In legend, the Sun and Moon worked effortlessly across the stars together as a couple. The Sun Goddess' given name was Eosa Sol, also known as Creator of Mankind of our world. The other was the Moon Goddess, known as Diana Selene, or 'The Angel of Rebirth' due to some myths that relate to worshippers being reborn into her eternal servants once they die. But none is known what had happened to her since the day humanity fell between chaos and with only five apostles of the Sun Goddess remaining. And that... It seems odd how none remember that day either. Strange I say." -Mister Trench
yup, this time I have lore! And hopefully this might inspire me to continue storytelling, as I'm starting to drift away from storytelling...
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roy-dcm2 · 2 years
Circe should be Diana's Arch
Like every comic book fan, I have my own ideas on how to change a character, and, for me, one of the biggest oversights is that The Cheetah is often depicted as Wonder Woman's archvillain.
I am convinced that the only reason Cheetah gets the spotlight is because she was on the Superfiends cartoon half a century ago. But it doesn't make any sense. An archvillain should be the hero's opposite, look at the other members of the DC Trinity -
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Batman / Joker = Order vs Chaos
Superman / Luthor = Brawn vs Brains (or Altruism vs Selfishness)
Wonder Woman / Cheetah = Truth vs FURRY?
(Or you could make the stretch and say Peace vs Violence, or Humility vs ... doing things the easy way, which is what WW1984 went with.)
It feels so forced.
If I was in charge of DC Comics, I would put more emphasis on Circe, the Sorceress, as Wonder Woman's true archvillain. Think about it... what is Circe most famous for? She's a mythological character that transformed Odysseus' men into pigs during the Odyssey.
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These transformations are lies. They're not a person's true self.
And Diana is the Spirit of Truth. She was even the Goddess of Truth, for a bit.
See how it makes for a better dynamic?
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Not only that, but being an all powerful sorceress, Circe has access to more resources than the Cheetah. If Circe can't conjure something with her Magic, she can enchant people to do her steal it for her. She can turn men into beast warriors to serve as an army, or impart powers on women. (Like, I would change Silver Swan to be one of her minions.)
Finally, and the most controversial change, I would make Circe every bad idea about Wonder Woman.
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Ignorant people have a skewed perception of what Wonder Woman is - a man-hating, lesbian that thinks women should be in charge, preaching peace through violence. (That's fascism.)
(You could also maker her a TERF)
Expanding on that, Circe thinks men are worthless, but regular women are still beneath her, and she can be vain and shallow. She mainly appreciates beautiful women, as long as they don't displease her. She likes to turn men into animals, but women she'll turn to stone, so she can still appreciate their beauty without having to put up with their personalities.
They say the opposite of love isn't hate, it's control. Circe wants to control everyone, make them bend to her will.
Diana's philosophy is "loving submission." Both partners need to out their trust in each other to look out for one another.
It would be a controversial change, since Diana's arch would come off like an obsessed, jilted lover, but here's always been homoerotic tones underneath Joker and Luthor's obsessions with their archrivals. In this modern era, we can get away being more upfront about it. You just got to tread lightly.
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DC has played with it a little bit, using Circe as Diana's rival in the DC Trinity comic, but her appearances are still few and far between. Plus, we had Cheetah in the WW1984 movie, giving the audiences more exposure to that dead end.
Oh well, now that I said it, it'll never happen, but I like Tumblr as a place to post my fanfiction ideas.
What do you think? Who should be Diana's archrival? Are you a fan of the Cheetah. Feel free to leave a comment.
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fastestmanalive333 · 5 months
Earth-1987 Files: Donna Troy
Donna Troy
Age: 28
Relations: Roy Harper (significant other) Hippolyta (Adopted Mother) Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (Adopted Sister) Terry Long (Ex-Husband, deceased) Robert Long (Son, Deceased)
Affiliation: Justice League of America, Teen Titans, Titans
Donna Troy was saved by Wonder Woman as a baby in a fire she was then taken in by the amazons, Hippolyta raised her, nourished her, trained her to be a hero.. she became her second daughter, until one fateful day at the age of 9 Donna went wandering in the woods where she came across a cave which laid the Titan Goddess Rhea... she snatched the child away.. the Queen and Diana were distraught, little did she know Donna was taken to New Chronus along with other abducted children to become Titan Seeds, there she was bestowed the power of the gods, until the age of 13.. she came to earth.. looking for her long lost sister, there she met the Titans the ones who would grow to be her family.. Dick Grayson, Roy Harper, Wally West and Garth... becoming a founding member of the teen titans even suggesting the name off a residual memory she adopted the identity of Wonder Girl, after their first mission and battle with the Antithesis she reunited with Diana who embraces her long lost sister, and allows her to continue on with the titans, together they went on many adventures, even falling in love with her fellow teammate Roy Harper, as they grew so did the team and the Teen Titans broke up.. Roy went to drugs and cut himself off from his team.. and Donna on her first year of college began a questionable relationship with older college professor Terry Long, she joined the New TeTitans became friends with Koriand'r... and ended up marrying Terry, before the wedding Roy came to her wondering if she is sure she wants to marry Terry, Donna is skeptical but goes through with it.... but before leaving Donna kisses her real love on the cheek and walks off, further the marriage went the more controlling and manipulative Terry became.. Donna was then pregnant with a baby.. her son Robert, this incited the Team Titans group from the future to confront her, claiming that her son would threaten the future as Lord Chaos. Donna voluntarily gave up her powers to prevent this, one day Terry would be revealed to have been beating Donna inciting kory to come in and kick his ass they would divorce soon after, terry as a result would take custody of her child away from Donna seeing her as a danger, Roy moves in with Donna along with Lian to provide her comfort.. she'd join the Darkstars and Roy's titans.. where she'd meet Kyle Rayner where they would start a brief romance, ultimately ending when Terry, Robert and his daughter Jennifer die in a car accident.. ultimately broken and torn.. the tragedy caused the Goddess Thia to appear.. she fled earth and returned to new chronus the titans of myth realizing that she was the child who was destined to save them from some impending threat, brought her to New Cronus and implanted false memories within her mind to make her she was the original Goddess of the Moon and wife of Coeus. The Titans of Myth incited war between other worlds near New Cronus in order to gain new worshippers. They used the combined power of their collective faith to open a passageway into another reality, where they would be safe from destruction. Donna was another means to that end, until she was found by the Titans and The Outsiders who restored her true memories. Donna would banish the Titans of Myth to Tartarus and return to earth, Roy Harper and Donna would begin their relationship anew.. wherever they go from here is up to them now..
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zerogate · 1 year
The religious condition of a great city in the third century must have presented a strange spectacle. ‘Let us suppose,’ says Cumont, ‘that in modern Europe the faithful had deserted the Christian churches to worship Allah and Brahma, to follow the precepts of Confucius or Buddha, or to adopt the maxims of the Shinto; let us imagine a great confusion of all the races of the world in which Arabian mullahs, Chinese scholars, Japanese bonzes, Tibetan lamas, and Hindu pundits would be preaching fatalism and predestination, ancestor-worship and devotion to a deified sovereign, pessimism and deliverance through annihilation—a confusion in which all these priests would erect temples of exotic architecture in our cities and celebrate their diverse rites therein. Such a dream would offer a fairly accurate picture of the religious chaos of the ancient world before the reign of Constantino.’
In a modern city thus divided, every pulpit would thunder with denunciations of the soul-destroying errors taught in the next street, and the old state church, if there was one, would be most bitter of all. But at Rome the new gods fused easily with the old; no difficulty was felt in identifying a virgin goddess with the Mother of the gods. Isis could be adored as Venus, Minerva, Ceres, Diana, according to the pleasure of the worshipper. Wendland prints at the end of his book an extraordinary statuette of Fortuna Panthea, who is loaded with the characteristic emblems of Fortuna, Isis, Nike, Artemis, Asclepius, and the Dioscuri! The Oriental cults were not quite so complaisant to each other; but even in them there was borrowing, as when the lore of the Chaldæans mingled itself with the Persian religion. Paganism had no horror of heresy.
The deity, said Themistius, takes pleasure in the diversity of homage. Paganism had no dogma and no church. It showed a kind of wisdom in tolerating Lucian, who made few disciples, and persecuting the Christians, who made many. There never was one pagan religion. The common folk maintained their simple sacred holidays through all changes till the victory of Christianity—and long after; the philosophers turned the myths into allegories and so speculated without restraint. The official religion was really dead, as dead as the republican magistracies, the titles of which were kept up for the sake of old associations. The Romans had no objection to make-believe of this kind, and distinguished men were quite ready to accept dignified priesthoods without believing anything.
-- William Ralph Inge, The philosophy of Plotinus
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wearethekat · 1 year
May Book Reviews Overview
The Castaway Prince (Isabelle Adler)
Path of Honor (Diana Francis)
The Exile Prince (Isabelle Adler)
The Throne of the Five Winds (SC Emmett)
Path of Blood (Diana Francis)
Sword Dance (AJ Demas)
Uncommon Charm (Emily Bergslien)
Salt Magic, Skin Magic (Lee Welch)
Only Bad Options (Jennifer Estep)
Miss Pym Disposes (Josephine Tey)
Saffron Alley (AJ Demas)
Honey and Pepper (AJ Demas)
Illuminations (T Kingfisher)
Something Spectacular (Alexis Hall)
Kaikeyi (Vaishnavi Patel)
There Before the Chaos (KB Wagers)
The Fiancee Farce (Alexandra Bellefleur)
Strong Wine (AJ Demas)
Six Wakes (Mur Lafferty)
Dragonfall (LR Lam)
Daughter of the Moon Goddess (Sue Lynn Tan)
The Poison Prince (SC Emmett)
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derangedanomaly · 4 months
Regarding my AU, "Over-copy", I'm almost done writing the scripts for the comics, so I've gotta say...
I've noticed that I had a lot of nonsensical things in this AU, that didn't made sense. (Like wtf is the goddess of copy?? Why did she even teach Chaos something, if she wants him dead?) These kinds of things didn't made sense to me, I'm also really unsatisfied with the lack of screentime I'm giving some characters, that are pretty important.
So for that, I'm gonna tell you about some things you can look out for (I don't know when they'll be done though, so don't expect everything ON TIME)
1. I'm gonna create the comics starting from the VERY start.
Why did I do this change? Because there's a LOT of things that are left unexplained in this Au. Like, how did Chaos even get to Nightmares castle? What did the creation look like? This is all going to be explained in the comics.
2. Will the comics have any influence on the asks?
The answer is no. The comics of the main story, won't influence the asks, like they did to this very point. It was very stupid of me to connect the asks to the main story.
3. Will the designs change?
No! The designs will stay the same! Except that they'll all change their looks based on how far the story is. Like for example, Chaos. Chaos had the BIGGEST redesign out of all my characters. And I want to keep this aspect in the final story too! (HIS DESIGN STILL STAYS!)
I want to change Chaos the more he strives away from his purpose/code. That will pretty much stay the same!
As for the other designs... (Blake, Diana) I want to change their designs COMPLETELY. I'm not very satisfied with them. I mean, Diana looks like she came out of Disney's movie...
Yes, that's right. There'll be a new character, coming into the picture. Someone entire new. Someone you didn't see before. But I'm not gonna reveal any more! ;)
I'm gonna be releasing all the reference sheets, before the story starts! That's probably where you'll meet/see the new character.
6. When will the comics come out? How many parts will it have?
I don't have a date set for the release of the comics, but I do have the parts written out! So far, I have 10 ACTS written.
7. What about the masterlists?
The masterlists will still stay! And I'll still add new asks to it, but the comics of the story, will have a SEPARATE masterlist! (It's also gonna be a less of a mess)
You can ask me any questions if you have any! I'll gladly answer you! I think you have a lot to be excited about!
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