#Centre Point
charitabledirection · 2 years
November 5th, 2022: The charity Centre Point thanked Harry Styles today on its Twitter account for donating to them the fee that was paid for the use of his song Treat People with Kindness. Indeed, a new Christmas ad by the Marks and Spencer Group features Harry Styles’ song Treat People with Kindness, which means this company had to pay a fee to Harry for the use of the song. Marks and Spencer Group is a major British multinational retailer that sells clothing, beauty, home products, and food products. The thank you tweet by Centre Point says “Thank you @Harry_Styles for donating the fee for the use of your song to Centrepoint for @marksandspencer’s Christmas ad! Your support will help young people facing homelessness find a place to be treated with kindness this Winter.“
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alexsmithson · 9 months
London’s Architectural Aesthetic!
The best thing about London is its architectural aesthetic: the endless beauty of the various buildings, each with exquisite architectural appeal! #shotoniphone #photography #london #architecture #aesthetic
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thefollyflaneuse · 10 months
Spike Milligan: 'Follies of the Wise'
As the festive season approached in 1970, families would have pored over the special edition of the Radio Times to see what treats the three television channels could offer. If on New Year’s Eve had they walked across the room to warm up the set, and twiddled the knob to find BBC One, they would have seen a programme called Follies of the Wise presented by Spike Milligan. The writer, actor and…
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tuyetnhivincity · 1 year
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sophsun1 · 1 year
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#oh how the power dynamic has changed
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Reading Red Robin is like-
fandom really played like a long game of telephone with this run because almost every popular trope that fanon likes to explore is like taken out of context from red robin
for example, back when i read fanon i would eat up the "Damian cut Tim's line" fics where it's like sad boy Tim and mean Damian and Dick finding out is always such an important plot line in these
but then in the actual book:
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Damian cutting his line is a minor moment and immediately followed by them fighting physically with Tim winning
And the only reason Damian even did that is that Tim was still mistrusting him
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and Dick knows about the whole thing-he helped solve the problem
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there is also the fanon storyline of like Tim feeling super betrayed because no one believed him until they actually got Bruce back.
which is just. not what happened. at all?
Dick is always willing to believe him
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and when Tim actually explains himself Dick listens and trusts him
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Then Tim's characterization in fanon is also just like flanderised version of rr!Tim
Fanon is basically someone seeing a vaguely worded list of plot points in red robin and then making shit up from there and it so funny to me
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auspicioustidings · 2 months
It's good for the soul when you make Gaz an evil little shit sometimes. Like don't get me wrong, he is my sunshine boy, but also I let him abduct and dollify pretty office workers sometimes as a little treat y'know?
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obsessedbyneon · 3 months
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Fairview Centre, in Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada. 1985
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stubz · 1 month
"Hello Max, I'm here to surprise Pollix with a early pick up."
"Oh how nice, although I don't know if he'll want to go right now."
"Why not? Is he in the middle of a game?"
"No, its story time."
The tighalax smirks. "You really think he won't want to come because of 'story time'?" he laughs.
"Just look and see." the human smiles.
The teacher leads the giant feline being through the child centre to a corner where a colorful and beautiful plush carpet lays on the floor. Not that you could see it as it was covered by sitting younglings. All entranced by the human standing before them telling them a story rather animatedly and loudly.
"Pollix, lets go." calls Dux, looking at his cub.
Not even a glance.
An ear twitch but still no look.
The whole class looks including Kim.
"Oh, Pollix, your dad is here."
"Papa, not yet! The story isn't done." whines the cub.
"...you want to finish the story?"
"Pollix wants to finish the story! Jax and Morgana are fighting the monster now!" cries Nova.
"...is it almost over?"
"Oh, um, almost but, Pollix I can tell you the rest tomorrow-"
"My Papa says its okay!" Pollix cries interrupting Kim
"...is it okay if I...?" trails a very embarrassed Kim.
The tighalax nods and actually goes to sit next his cub. The sight making Max snort as the 8 foot tall feline like being towers over the younglings. After he settles in and Pollix snuggles in on his Papa's lap he gives Kim the okay to continue.
"...story teacher!" whines the children, their teacher taking too long for their liking to continue the story.
"Oh...right...okay then." she mutters, face red from nerves and embarrassment. This was the first time a parent saw her tell a story.
"...the monster roared at our heroes, swinging his mighty axe down at them. Flung into the air our hero, Jax, is grabbed by the giant's fist and thrown into the monster's mouth." The cubs gasp as the human acts out the catching their hero. Her voice slowly getting louder again.
"What does Morgana do?!"
"Is he dead?!"
"Morgana, seeing that the villain ate her friend charges at him as soon as she lands. Her sword drawn and ready, her face angry, eyes full of tears, and with a mighty cry leaps at the giant." She begins to act out the story, going back to her story telling enthusiasm.
"The monster in turn swings his axe at her, with her in the air it will definitely hit her. The axe hits Morgana and she falls to the ground badly hurt...but not without killing the beast. At the last moment she gathers all her magic into her sword and throws it at the giant monster, piercing his evil heart!" cries Kim, thrusting her hand out as if she had just thrown the very sword.
"...and then..." whispers Nova.
"The monster fades away, revealing a hurt but alive Jax. Seeing Morgana he drags himself to her and they hug, happy to see each other again. Even if they're both not in one piece. The healers arrive and the two head home where they continue the rest of their adventure together, as they were always meant to be. The end."
The cubs cheer with most asking for another story.
"No, no more stories for today. Let's give Kim a break, okay, she's already told you 4 stories." Max ushers the kids towards the toys.
"That was a very good tale teacher Kim, I never knew Earth had such interesting history."
"Hmm? Oh that wasn't our history."
"A legend or folktale then?"
"No, just a made up story."
"Ah, could you tell me the name of it? I would like to read it to Pollix at home, it sounded very interesting."
"Oh uh, I actually just made it up." the human smiles.
"You made it up!? How long ago? Must have taken you ages." Praised Dux, tail flicking in excitement.
"Actually I just made it up now, I make the story up as I go."
"...you make it up as you go...y'know that offer to quit your job and join my pack still stands right? Our planet and culture greatly value Storytellers such as yourselves, you could even make a great living if you worked for me."
"Thanks but I don't think I could ever do that, I hate public speaking!" grins the human.
"...but you just-"
"Children are the exception."
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surreal-duck · 5 months
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june brides in may
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no thoughts just comparing the deliberate parallels between the concerned comments layla, faruzan and paimon make to kaveh which are used to contextualise alhaitham’s comments to kaveh during a parade of providence
In the desert, layla who previously had issues with dealing with anxieties, received dubious advice from kaveh about equating worries to that of a sickness for that which is no cure, therefore you have to let its run its course
Layla reveals that this advice isn’t suitable for her, since the cause for her anxiety was solely because she didn’t have a clear goal for herself. She states that therefore, if this advice is something kaveh adheres to, then this is ultimately worse for him, as kaveh claims to have a set goal - as in, he wants to win the interdarshan chanpionship.
She notes that kaveh seems conflicted, and that this could stem from some inner sadness which he suppresses with a façade of happiness.
This points to kaveh’s internal conflict being between that of his guilt complex brought about by his perceived involvement in his father’s passing, and his genuine desire to help others at the cost of himself. Kaveh cannot balance the two in ways that will allow him to prioritise his own needs and desires
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Kaveh’s internal conflict is pointed out later on in the same quest by Faruzan, who highlights kaveh’s title as a genius being incongruous with his problem solving abilities after kaveh passes out in the desert due to giving his food and water to the disturbed foxes and going out of his way to lead them to safety, putting himself at risk and jeopardising his place in the competition
However, Kaveh states that his title of a genius has nothing to do with this situation, and although he admits it wasn’t the most practical solution, it was dually his conscience that ultimately caused him to act and perceivably the guilt that would come from not attempting to help
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After the second round comes to a close and faruzan inadvertently informs alhaitham of kaveh’s “tribulations”, the player gets to hear alhaitham’s reactions to kaveh’s decision through kaveh, as kaveh and alhaitham have discussed the events in the desert offscreen
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Paimon points out that this is definitely ‘something’ alhaitham would say due to the blunt manner of speaking and the dryness of his words - this contextualises how kaveh receives them, as personal goading
When looking past this and focussing on alhaitham’s actual words, the real meaning can be found, and it is even a point in this scene that paimon offers the exact same comments, drawing direct parallels between her and alhaitham’s words, and therefore establishing the same concerns
Alhaitham points out kaveh’s unreliable problem solving abilities being incongruous with his title as a senior - directly paralleling faruzan’s comments in which she highlighted how kaveh’s decision making abilities were at odds with his title as a genius
As well as this, alhaitham alludes to kaveh’s guilt complex being the reason why he exerts himself for others at his own expense - which is a point that the traveller and paimon directly follow up on
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Kaveh responds to their questioning amicably despite the sensitive nature of the conversation, just as he did when faruzan pointed out kaveh’s problematical decision making, and this is because of their apparent concern rather than actively seeking offence, with paimon protesting when kaveh asks: “don’t tell me you think i have serious personality flaws, too?” With the ‘too’ clearly referencing alhaitham and the conversation the two had prior to the traveller and paimon turning up
Kaveh can understand the concern in others’ words when they question his problem solving skills and the sense of his inner conflict stemming from guilt, however, when alhaitham makes the same comments, kaveh sees this as a form on animosity and personal critique
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Because of alhaitham’s manner of communication and kaveh’s apparent distrust of alhaitham, the two cannot reach a mutual understanding - despite alhaitham expressing the same concerns as three separate characters within this quest
It is telling then that when kaveh gleans an otherwise unseen meaning in alhaitham’s words is when alhaitham changes his method of communication and directly, and intimately, addresses kaveh by using a script that only the two are privy to
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Kaveh still doesn’t wholly understand alhaitham’s meaning, but the switch up in communication method is enough for kaveh to question alhaitham’s sincerity and not attribute it to alhaitham mocking him
Kaveh continues questioning the cause for this throughout the remainder of the event, being seen to question why alhaitham left the notes for him and whether if it was a coincidence or not. He concludes that it wasn’t a coincidence and then states “then…”, inferably questioning why alhaitham left the notes for him and what the meaning of his words were, in a script only kaveh would understand. Additionally, kaveh mentions wanting to ask alhaitham what the meaning of his notes were when at dinner after the closing of the interdarshan championship, as the uncertain meaning of his words has seemingly left a profound effect on him
Alhaitham changing his manner of communication, which kaveh usually perceives as negative, causes kaveh to question alhaitham’s sincerity, and therefore causes doubt in whether alhaitham is patronising him or not. This in turn can cast obscurity over kaveh’s assertion that alhaitham holds “disdain” for him due to Alhaitham’s expression of concern which kaveh cannot perceive due to the abrasiveness of his words. Alhaitham conveying his concern in a roundabout way only allows for kaveh to misinterpret him, which kaveh perceives as “disdain”.
A parade of providence establishes the cause for the rift in alhaitham and kaveh’s relationship mainly to be perpetual misunderstanding in communication, and sets out to propose a solution being that a change of communication.
By using a language that only the two of them know shows that for kaveh to fully understand his meaning, alhaitham must meet kaveh on his own terms when it comes to communication - the two must be on equal and frank level. this could allow a potential rebuilding of intimacy the two once shared when initially learning the language, and thus overcome the idea of “mutual disdain” which kaveh asserts due to his fundamental misunderstanding of alhaitham which alhaitham seems to reinforce with his typical language
(Update: For more analyses like this, the essay this is taken from is now uploaded! It can be accessed here and here as as a pdf <3)
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synthetic-rust · 7 days
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Doing some thinking about how I want to draw Skarloey n Rheneas
Rheneas… he’s so goddamn difficult to get right for me but I will figure it out
I want them both to look similar but still distinct (I am thinking too hard about this probably)
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The culprit of all this (ignore the guy to the left he’s for perspective reference)
the above image is still a wip
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alexsmithson · 9 months
London’s Centre Point Stands Tall!
The Centre Point 34-storey tower block in Central London stands tall with a 9-storey block to the East comprising of offices, retail units, maisonettes and shops, with a linking block between the two at first-floor level! #shotoniphone
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A walk in the historical centre of Athens
Photos by Vera Bousiou
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theirloveisgross · 2 months
guys, did you see us in lthq's post???
we're all right theeeere!
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we're all inside this little phone!!! 😭😭😭
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griancraft · 3 months
I'm struggling to word this but I'm finally ready to talk about it and I want people to listen.
I've noticed a type of racism in leftist communities I don't see talked about a lot. I am Quarter Japanese and I am visibly mixed, but a lot of leftists see "quarter" and assume that I don't have the right to an opinion on issues that effect me. The sentiment I've gotten from mostly white leftists is that I'm not "POC enough" for a lot of discussions.
There's this weird thing in a lot of leftist spaces where your appearance and percentage, not your experiences based on your race, are considered above all.
Meanwhile, in reality, all aspects of my identity are affected by my race and my family's experience with Japanese internment. An event which stripped them of any wealth they had acquired since moving to Canada over 50 years before the war.
An event that cause the intermarriage rate of Japanese-canadians and white Canadians to be over 90 percent post internment because we viewed proximity to whiteness as safety. An event which left them in severe poverty until my dad and aunt worked their asses off to get a degree. The generational trauma goes so deep my dad didn't want me transitioning because he was worried about what the government would do to me.
Because of my race I experienced negligence from authority figures related to pretty severe racially based bullying at 12. That negligence could have killed me. I've had to deal with microaggressions and straight up racism related to my last name on multiple occasions.
One time I was out with a friend and he grabbed my arm tight and dragged me to walk faster. A man wearing a white lives matter T-shirt was standing in the middle of the path looking directly at me when I turned around.
I'm pretty sure this wasn't based on me being feminine and goth that day, I live in a city with a decent amount of people in alt subculture and my friend was way more gothed up and queer than me. I was barely passing as a guy at that point so it wasn't because I was a man in a dress. I know this is a weaker point, but it made me realize just how unsafe I am in my own community even though I'm a mixed person in a heavily multicultural city.
Obviously, this isn't on the scale of someone who is less white passing than me and/or has more compounding marginalizations. However I've found that the fact I'm mixed race has been used against me to devalue my experience and knowledge regarding what it's like to be a POC in Canada.
I can assure you I am aware of how bad it is, and I am aware of how good I have it. I also want you to be aware that it's not all sunshine rainbows and bunny farts to be more white, it doesn't make the racism go away. It often just makes it more covert and easy to explain away because I'm "not really Japanese"
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