#Central Ministers
infocoverage · 3 months
Full List of Cabinet Ministers with Portfolios in Modi 3.0 Government
Full List of Cabinet Ministers with Portfolios in Modi 3.0 Government: General Election of India 2024 result announced on 4th June 2024 and BJP became the single largest party with 240 seats and NDA got majority to form government with 292 seats. Prime Minister Narendra Modi took the oath with his 71 ministers for a third consecutive term. The swearing-in ceremony of the PM and his cabinet…
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workersolidarity · 8 months
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🇭🇺🇸🇪🇺🇸 🚨
Hungary's Foreign Minister, Peter Szijjarto, slammed the United States Thursday for giving orders to Hungary demanding the Hungarian parliament quickly ratify Sweden's admission into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Speaking on Wednesday, U.S. National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, warned the Hungarian authorities that American patience has its limits and that Washington is waiting for Hungary to ratify Sweden's ascension into NATO.
In response to Sullivan's comments, Szijjarto dismissed U.S. concerns and slammed Washington for interfering in Hungarian affairs, telling reporters with Russian news agency Ria Novosti, "First of all, I want to be clear: everyone must understand that Hungary is a sovereign country. And it is not only that everyone must understand this, but that everyone must respect it. Regardless of whether it's a superpower of the East, a superpower of the West or any other country, they must respect that Hungary is a state and the Hungarian parliament is a sovereign body," adding that Hungary will never act on instructions coming from another nation.
"These kinds of statements are completely unnecessary, they show disrespect for Hungary. We never criticize US decisions. We never criticize congressional decisions. We never interfere with what they put on the agenda or what they don't included in it. And we expect the same from others,” Szijjarto warned.
“So, to be honest, we are not concerned about such instructions. Because we are not the 51st state, but a very sovereign country,” the Hungarian Foreign Minister added.
Previously, the Hungarian parliament failed to pass Sweden's admission into NATO due to a "lack of quorum" resulting from a boycott by opposition parties in Hungary's main governing body.
Turkiye's Grand National Assembly previously ratified Sweden's bid to enter NATO in mid-January, meaning Hungary remains the last holdout for Sweden's ascension into the alliance.
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mira-likes · 2 months
There are two pairs of co-parents fighting in s1 ep21:
Lin Ruofu and Li Yunrui go at each other about Wan'er's future and disagree about whether she should marry Fan Xian
Chen Pingping and Fan Jian go at each other about Fan Xian's future and disagree about whether he should inherit the Imperial Treasury or the Inspection Bureau
A+ parallels, would watch again
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br0k3nthoughts · 8 months
The Game (you just lost it)
In the 2000's, shouting the phrase "I just lost the game!" in a crowded room would garner cries of dismay. In the 2020's, it's more likely to be met with looks of confusion. The Game is a mind game in which players try to avoid thinking about The Game. If a player thinks about the Game, they lose, and must announce it in some manner, furthering the ripple effect of losses. The Game's origins are still unknown. Its first online mention occurred in a blog post in 2002. Some believe its roots stem from another game called Finchley Central which has similar gameplay mechanics. What's the point of the Game if you can't win? And why did people play it? One reason for its popularity may be that it encouraged players to creatively prank each other using hidden notes, graffiti, or unexpected mentions of the Game in media or online spaces. Reportedly an Ohio high school banned the Game and threatened its students with suspension due disruptions and an inundation of notes littering the campus. While there is no official way to win the Game, some players have stated it will end when the Prime Minister officially states "the Game is up." On March 3rd 2008, webcomic artist xkcd posted "Anti-Mindvirus", releasing players from the Game, which may explain the decline of the Game's players thereafter. Points of Interest - Official Website - Ironic Process Theory (IPT) - Hank Green discussing the Game
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xtruss · 1 year
Playing Victim
— Liu Rui | July 09, 2023
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Illustration: Liu Rui/Global Times
Lying Not To Make America 'Great Again'
— Published: 07 March 2020 | Pang Xinhua | Sunday July 09, 2023
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U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo attends a daily briefing at the White House in Washington, U.S., June 7, 2018. /Xinhua
"I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole… we had entire training courses." This is a line from a speech made by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Texas.
Following a burst of laughter from the audience as a response to that line, Pompeo hastened to add: "It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment."
If lying, cheating and stealing do not sound outrageous for someone working at the CIA, what makes it less sensible though is that after becoming Secretary of State, Pompeo has done little to change what he's learned from those "training courses," but carried the practice even further.
His attacks on China are exact proof of that. At all times and in all places, Pompeo never forgets to lash out at China, using nothing other than lying and cheating as his weapon.
For example, he alleged that Chinese investments in Africa pose a risk to the sovereignty of African states, pushing them into a debt trap and breeding corruption and dependency. He criticized China's Xinjiang policies by claiming that China is "trying to erase Muslim culture and religion" and also noted that China is an unreliable partner that spreads chaos in Latin America. While in Munich, he accused China of encroaching on the exclusive economic zones of Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia. And in many other places, he said Huawei is dangerous and a "Trojan horse for Chinese intelligence".
Trump's campaign slogan was "Make America Great Again," but what his Secretary of State has done so far makes people look at it with disbelief.
"A Slip of the Foot You May Soon Recover, But a Slip of the Tongue You May Never Get Over." — Benjamin Franklin
First, lying undermines the foundation of international relations. The concept of bonafide in international law, meaning good faith, is a universally recognized principle that underpins the formation and fulfillment of international legal obligations and lays the bedrock for international exchanges.
Playing the role of foreign minister, the U.S. secretary of state is, supposedly, responsible for promoting relations between the U.S. and other states. However, Pompeo, on top of his lack of good faith and integrity, is also a habitual liar that is bent on stoking up conflicts around the world. He is exactly the one who is hindering the U.S. from getting along with other countries.
Currently, the U.S. relations are strained not only with world powers such as China and Russia, but its relations with almost all its allies including Britain, Germany, France are also tainted by constant discordance. Pompeo, the chief U.S. diplomat, is undeniably responsible for that. Given such an international environment, how could America be great again?
Second, Pompeo has poisoned America's international trade environment. In international relations, politics and economy are two sides of the same coin. In the Munich Security Conference, Pompeo, on the one hand, blatantly sold his lie that "the West is winning," and on the other hand, he aggressively pressured its Western allies in issues related to Huawei's 5G network, threatening sanctions on Nord Stream 2, a natural gas pipeline project involving Germany. No wonder Donald Tusk, former president of the European Council, once made the sharp remark that "With friends like that [i.e. America] who needs enemies?"
Pompeo recently made a three-nation trip to Africa. In the face of numerous China-Africa cooperation projects and facts, he even denigrated China's aid to Africa as "empty promises." African leaders categorically refuted his nonsense.
"I Was The CIA Director. We Lied, We Cheated, We Stole…………………. We Had Entire Training Courses." — Mike Pompeo
As the second largest economy in the world, China has contributed over 30 percent to global growth for 13 consecutive years. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, China's imports and exports to the U.S. totaled 3.73 trillion Yuan in 2019. The two countries are economically complementary, with China being the third largest market for U.S. exports of goods and services. With its economy deeply intertwined with that of China, the U.S. would hardly achieve significant economic growth without trading with China.
However, Pompeo still clings to the Cold War mentality and keeps throwing mud at China, or even demonizing China, seriously damaging the trade relations between the two countries.
Today, globalization is intensifying the division of labor around the world. How could America be great again without the contribution made by its global trade partners including China?
Confucius, A Sage in Ancient China, said: "If a Person Lacks Trustworthiness, I Don't Know What He/She Can Be Good For."
Third, lying runs counter to American cultural traditions, upending the world's perception of the U.S. culture. In the U.S., lying and cheating are offenses. For people across the world, the image of the hard-working Uncle Sam is widely associated with America.
After the Cold War, as the only global superpower, the U. S. has gained its cultural dominance in the world. Integrity, being part of the American culture, is also one of the most important virtues shared by nations worldwide. Benjamin Franklin once said: "A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get over." Confucius, a sage in ancient China, also said: "If a person lacks trustworthiness, I don't know what s/he can be good for." What the Chinese people believe is: "Be true to your words and be resolute in your action."
As the Chief U.S. Diplomat, Pompeo spews lies at will. How could he be trusted by anyone who has dealings with him?
As a State of Ceremonies, China attaches great importance to diplomatic etiquette. Thanks to Pompeo's repeated lies, China's State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the following statement at the Munich Conference: "I'd only like to say that all his accusations against China are lies. They are not true. But if the U.S. was the accused, then all this would be true."
More Than A Century Ago:
U.S. President Abraham Lincoln Said: "You Can Fool All the People Some of the Time and Some of the People All the Time, But You Cannot Fool all the People all the Time."
Hope Pompeo, whose lies have repeatedly fallen flat across the world, could one day realize that ‘Lying Will Not Make America Great Again.’
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defensenow · 10 hours
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rightnewshindi · 24 days
मणिपुर हिंसा मामले में भाजपा विधायक की अमित शाह से बड़ी मांग, कहा, केंद्रीय बल हटाकर मुख्यमंत्री को सौंपे कमान
Manipur News: मणिपुर के भाजपा विधायक राजकुमार इमो सिंह ने केंद्रीय गृह मंत्री अमित शाह से पश्चिम इंफाल में ताजा हमलों के बाद राज्य में जारी हिंसा के खिलाफ तत्काल कार्रवाई करने की अपील की है। उन्होंने केंद्रीय बलों की मौजूदगी के बावजूद जारी हिंसा पर गंभीर चिंता व्यक्त की है और केंद्र सरकार से आग्रह किया है कि अगर इनकी मौजूदगी प्रभावी नहीं है तो इन्हें मणिपुर से हटा दिया जाना चाहिए। अमित शाह को…
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May 28, 2024
Member Loyola: They pick fights with Ottawa on a whole number of issues, and now they want to turn around and basically tell local authorities what to do instead. Well, where I come from, you know what that’s called? It’s called authoritarian, and it is a characteristic of dictatorships. That’s exactly what it is, and that’s why I’m calling a spade a spade right here today on the record. It is authoritarian.
Mr. Loewen: I hear them talking about criteria for emergencies, talking about water transfers, talking about Bill 18 and Bill 20, talking about shovels or spades or something. I’m not even sure what that commentary was about.
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thehansindiaseo · 2 months
4G services across country by March: Pemmasani
Union Minister of State for Communications Dr Pemmasani Chandrasekhar said that the Central government has decided to expand the 4G services across the country. He said by September they will cover 70 per cent and by next March they will cover the whole country.
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townpostin · 3 months
Jharkhand CM Unveils Eco-Tourism Project at Burudih Dam
Soren Criticizes Central Government, Promises Development Jharkhand Chief Minister Champai Soren announced plans to boost tourism through the proposed Van Shri Eco Cottage scheme at Burudih Dam in Ghatshila. MOUBHANDAR – Chief Minister Champai Soren addressed a gathering at Maubhandar, unveiling plans for an eco-tourism project at Burudih Dam in Ghatshila and criticizing the central government’s…
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4rtheyenews · 8 months
रायपुर ब्रेकिंग: लोकसभा चुनाव को लेकर बीजेपी की तैयारी तेज,मुख्यमंत्री विष्णुदेव साय करेंगे बीजेपी के केंद्रीय कार्यालय का उद्घाटन
भारतीय जनता पार्टी में लोकसभा चुनाव को लेकर तैयारीयां ज़ोरों शोरों से शुरू हो चुकी हैं। आज मंगलवार 30 जनवरी को बीजेपी के केंद्रीय कार्यालय का उद्घाटन किया जायेगा। कार्यालय का उद्घाटन छत्तीसगढ़ के मुख्यमंत्री विष्णुदेव साय के द्वारा किया जायेगा। बीजेपी का केंद्रीय चुनाव कार्यालय राजभवन के पास स्थित है। उद्घाटन के लिए खेल मंत्री टंकराम वर्मा, शिक्षा मंत्री बृजमोहन अग्रवाल, सांसद सुनील सोनी, विधायक…
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minnesotafollower · 10 months
Analysis of Cuba’s Current Economic Crisis 
“Cuba is going through the worst crisis it has experienced in decades, with widespread shortages of food and medicines, rolling blackouts and a sky-high 400% annual inflation rate. The calls on the communist leadership to open up the economy to the market are getting loud, even from close political allies.”[1] “But deep divisions at the top of the regime regarding how much freedom to give the new…
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apacnewsnetwork0 · 1 year
The International Conference on Dam Safety (ICDS) was organized by the Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti at the Rajasthan International Centre (RIC) in Jaipur on September 14-15.
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sayruq · 4 months
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The United Nations said Tuesday it suspended food distribution in the southern Gaza city of Rafah due to lack of supplies and insecurity. It also said no aid trucks entered in the past two days via a floating pier set up by the U.S. for sea deliveries. The U.N. has not specified how many people have stayed in Rafah since the Israeli military began its intensified assault there two weeks ago, but apparently several hundred thousand people remain. The World Food Program said it was also running out of food for central Gaza, where hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fleeing Rafah have sought shelter in a chaotic exodus, setting up new tent camps or crowding into areas already devastated by previous Israeli offensives. Abeer Etefa, a spokesperson for the U.N’s World Food Program, warned that “humanitarian operations in Gaza are near collapse.” If food and other supplies don’t resume entering Gaza “in massive quantities, famine-like conditions will spread,” she said.
The prosecutor at the International Criminal Court cited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for alleged “use of starvation as a method of warfare,” a charge they and other Israeli officials angrily deny. The prosecutor accused three Hamas leaders of war crimes over killings of civilians in the group’s Oct. 7 attack. The U.N says some 1.1 million people in Gaza – nearly half the population — face catastrophic levels of hunger and that the territory is on the brink of famine. The crisis in humanitarian supplies has spiraled in the two weeks since Israel launched an incursion into Rafah on May 6, vowing to root out Hamas fighters. Troops seized the Rafah crossing into Egypt, which has been closed since. Since May 10, only about three dozen trucks made it into Gaza via the nearby Kerem Shalom crossing from Israel because fighting makes it difficult for aid workers to reach it, the U.N. says. For months, the U.N. has warned that an Israeli assault on Rafah could wreck the effort to get food, medicine and other supplies to Palestinians across Gaza. Throughout the war, Rafah has been filled with scenes of hungry children holding out pots and plastic containers at makeshift soup kitchens, with many families reduced to eating only one meal a day. The city’s population had swelled to some 1.3 million people, most of whom fled fighting elsewhere. Around 810,000 people have streamed out of Rafah, although Israel says it has not launched the full-fledged invasion of the city it had planned. The United States has said Israel did not present a “credible” plan for evacuating the population or keeping it safe. The main agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, announced the suspension of distribution in Rafah in a post on X, without elaborating beyond citing the lack of supplies. U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said the UNRWA distribution center and the WFP’s warehouses in Rafah were “inaccessible due to ongoing military operations.”
An absolute nightmare
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insidecroydon · 1 year
MP Jones given new brief to avoid her dealings with 'Rimmer'
Political editor WALTER CRONXITE on the latest job switch for one of Croydon’s Labour MPs New job: MP Sarah Jones When it came, it had all the hallmarks of an after-thought. A dozen shadow cabinet appointments were announced just after 5pm yesterday, more than a day after the Labour Party leader, Keir Starmer, had revealed his “Blairism on steroids” new top team. And there in the middle of the…
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banglakhobor · 1 year
চব্বিশে 'মোদিই হচ্ছেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী', লোকসভায় অমিত শাহ! I.N.D.I.A জোটকে কটাক্ষ
নয়াদিল্লি : বিরোধীরা জোটের ‘জুজু’ যতই দেখাক, আর যতই করুক হইচই, ২০২৪ সালে নরেন্দ্র মোদিই ফের প্রধানমন্ত্রী। বৃহস্পতিবার লোকসভায় দিল্লি বিল নিয়ে আলোচনাকালে এমনটাই দাবি করলেন কেন্দ্রীয় স্বরাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী অমিত শাহ। এদিন তিনি কংগ্রেস তথা ‘ইন্ডিয়া’ জোটকে নিশানা করে আরও বলেন, দিল্লি বিল একবার পাশ হয়ে গেলে আম আদমি পার্টি আর জোটে থাকবে না। বিরোধী সাংসদদের উদ্দেশে তিনি বলেন, দিল্লির কথা ভাবুন, জোটের কথা…
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