#Central Gospel Music
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ntgospel · 9 months ago
Douglas de Oliveira aposta no pop moderno na canção autoral “Resistir”
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Douglas de Oliveira aposta no pop moderno na canção autoral “Resistir”
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Com quatro singles lançados pela Central Gospel Music, o cantor e compositor Douglas de Oliveira presenteia o público com mais uma canção autoral pela gravadora. Disponível em todas as plataformas digitais, Douglas apresenta a faixa “Resistir”, que conta com a produção musical de Lucas Rodrigues.
– A principal mensagem dessa canção é nossa proximidade com Deus, ouvir e falar com Ele, pois Ele é um Deus presente e quer de nós um relacionamento verdadeiro. Eu a escolhi porque achei necessária para esse tempo onde achamos que pessoas que estão distantes são as que estão fora da igreja, mas muitos de nós nos encontramos distantes mesmo estando dentro desse convívio – resume Douglas.
Produção Musical
“Resistir” bebe das influências do pop e tem alguns sintetizadores para trazer uma certa modernidade à música que foi escrita enquanto Douglas de Oliveira estava na igreja. Conforme o cantor, “ela veio direto do céu”.
– A canção foi sendo construída conforme eu ia cantando e, aos poucos, ela foi se formando como uma mensagem sendo enviada. Minhas expectativas para esse lançamento são grandes, pois trouxe uma canção mais moderna, porém com uma mensagem confrontadora e de reflexão.
Juntamente com o single, “Resistir” também ganhou um videoclipe que está disponível no canal da Central Gospel Music no YouTube. A direção é de Filipe Dias, da DMS Filmes, com quem Douglas já trabalhou em outros projetos.
Confira o lançamento de Douglas de Oliveira:
Ouça também em sua plataforma de streaming favorita: https://onerpm.link/DOUGLASoliveira
Douglas de Oliveira
Missionário da Igreja Assembleia de Deus Ministério Restaurando as Famílias, mais conhecida como ADMRF, Douglas de Oliveira é casado com Mirian Almeida e os dois são pais de Enrico. Envolvido com a música por influência do pai, ele lançou seu primeiro projeto – o álbum “Permanecer” – aos 17 anos. Contratado pela Central Gospel Music em 2022, ele já lançou os singles “Glória”, “Por Amor”, “Sentimentos” e “Tempo”.
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man-down-in-hatchet-town · 1 year ago
Hey, you!
Yeah, you!
Do you crave more ✨canon queer stories✨ in your fandom experience? Are you begging for more major character representation that you don’t have to headcanon for yourself?
Then have I got the kickstarter for you!
The Tin Can Bros (a comedy trio and makers of live theatre, digital sketches, webseries, you name it! You might know them from all the work they’ve done with Starkid—founding Tin Can Brothers Joey and Brian played Ron and Quirrell in A Very Potter Musical) are launching a brand new season of projects, most of which contain QUEER MAJOR CHARACTERS AND THEMES. These guys have got gays, they’ve got lesbians, they’ve got trans and gnc characters, they’ve got wholesome first love and Hannigram levels of fucked-up toxicity. It’s a whole cornucopia!! They’re planning to produce work in Los Angeles, NYC, London, Edinburgh, and Adelaide, but there will be digital tickets so you can watch where ever you are!
We’ve got:
-Two Rocky Horror-style concerts of the cult-hit, spy-movie parody musical Spies Are Forever. Gay protagonist who will sear himself into your heart! Seriously, his relationship with fellow spy Owen will emotionally destroy you for at least seven years.
-A concert of the developing musical This Could Be on Broadway, which follows a group of high school kids putting on a production of The Matrix: The Musical (not a show in real life) in their theatre department. A bunch of the central kids are canonically some flavor of queer, and there’s a central, very sweet lesbian romance that includes a trans character. She’s played trans actress Esther Fallick, who also worked with TCB as a consultant to make the character and show as authentic as possible. Seriously, if you want to see a trans teen thriving in their own skin, this is the show for you.
-An Edinburgh Fringe Fest production of The Solve It Squad Returns, a Scooby-Doo parody that follows the parodic versions of the Scooby Gang when they reunite as fucked-up adults to finally confront the almost-twenty-years-past traumatic murder of their dog Cluebert. I promise it’s funnier than it sounds. Esther, the Velma-esque super genius, is gender non-conforming and identifies with they/them pronouns. They also have a girlfriend WITH a boyfriend!
-A workshop reading of the QUEER SCI-FI TELEVISION COMEDY PILOT Intelligent Life. Unlike the other projects I’ve mentioned, this one is new to the TCB fans, but will follow a pair of ex-boyfriends forced to survive together in an extra-terrestrial colony. From the sound of it, there will be plenty of queer supporting characters as well. This frankly sounds like it could be tumblr’s dream show, and it’d be great to support its development.
-The Great Debate—a live comedy game show where comedians debate silly things. While this obviously won’t have narrative gay rep like the other projects, it will showcase gay talent (at the very least, Tin Can Brother Corey will participate in every show) and may include debates involving queer topics.
-Gross Prophets, in which three wannabe gurus/cult leaders lead a seminar on the path to enlightenment. This is a completely new stage musical so I honestly don’t know if it will contain any queer characters or themes. But the TCB queer track record is pretty good!
Guys, I’m so genuinely so excited by this season. But all this awesome queer art won’t happen unless we get their kickstarter funded. And they need our help! So let’s get fundraising!!
TLDR; Comedy group Tin Can Bros are attempting to fund a season positively filled with queer stories and characters, and they need help! If you want to support the creation of queer theatre and the development of queer TV, consider checking them out and giving to the kickstarter!
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rrcraft-and-lore · 10 months ago
Monkey Man and why I loved the heck out of it
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At it's core, it's a Bollywood flick presented to the West with familiar nods to previous action films - I definitely picked up hints of Tony Jaa's influence on Asian action flicks throughout.
It's heavily focused on police corruption, something commented a lot about in India, and here, more importantly, Indian films. Just like America has its love affair with mobster flicks, Bollywood has a long history featuring films that showcase police corruption, sometimes tied into political extremism, fanatical or greedy religious leaders, and Monkey Man comments on all this as well and pays nods to that commonality. We've got televangelists and religious leaders in the states funnelling money, preaching prosperity gospel, and using it to influence politics and fund lavish lifestyles here.
Monkey Man shows this happening in India, and is filled with Indian culture and symbolism through out. The focus on Hanuman, the god and one worshiped by the strong, chaste, wrestlers, champions, and fighters. It's a common thing to have a household deity if you will. Some families might choose to focus worship on Ganesh, others Hanuman, some might do Mata Rani or Lakshmi. Here, it's the divine Vanara (monkey people race) - one of the Chiranjivi - immortals/forever-lived.
Hanuman. Themes of rebirth, common in South Asian history and mythology are present from Kid being a ringer, beat up fighter getting whooped for money to being reborn and facing his trauma through a ritual/meditate process that I don't want to get too much into to not spoil the movie. Post that, he begins his own self alchemy to really become the true Monkey Man. Nods to Ramayama, and an unapologetically Indian story featuring dialogues throughout in Hindi - don't worry, there are subtitles.
And of course a love for action flicks before it, all the way back to Bruce Lee. A beautiful use tbh of an autorickshaw (and you might know them as tuk-tuks in Thailand) which are popular in India with an added kick...I swear, that thing had to be modified with a hayabusa motor. Which is an actual thing people do - modding those dinky rickshaws with motorcycle engines, and considering they weigh nothing at all, they can REALLY FLY once you do that.
Monkey Man brings to the big screen other elements of India people might not know about, such as the gender non conforming and trans community that has a long history in India, presenting them as action stars as they go up against a system of corrupt elites oppressing part of the city, marginalized communities, and minority voices as depicted in the film. I'm not sure if people are going to get all of that without having the context, but I love that it does it without holding anyone's hands.
It's a fun action flick to see in the age of superhero films, and I say that as an obvious superhero/sff nerd. Also loved that Dev included a little bit about Hanuman's own story in the film, and the loss of his powers - almost mirrored by Kid's own loss of self/skills, strength until he confronts his trauma and is reborn, and in fact, remade (not necessarily the same). Also, the use of music was brilliant, including one scene with a tabla (the paired hand drums of south asia) - and Indian music is central to Indian stories.
This is a culture with evidence going back to the Paleolithic with cave murals showing art of Indian dance nearly 30,000 years ago. Yeah, that far back. As well as Mesolithic period art depicting musical instruments such as gongs, lyres, and more.
Indian music is some of the earliest we can find that has high developed beat and rhythm structures such as 5, 7, 9 and now the extremely common and known 4/4 and 3/4 - which so much of Western music is built upon. The foundations and experimentation of/in Jazz. John Coltrane and John Cage were heavily inspired by Indian music and incorporated a lot from it into their works. And Monkey Man blends Eastern and Western music through the narrative as comfortably as it does an Indian story in a very familiar Western accessible structure.
Dev did a wonderful job. And thanks to Jordan Peele for bringing it to screens.
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faithfullyfound · 9 months ago
Don't Put God On Hold
Recently I've felt far from God. I feel like my testimony is a series of highs and lows. Moments when I'm full of the Holy Spirit and moments when I'm full of my flesh. Recently I've been very worried about what college life will entail. I'm worried that I will fall victim to sin or that I'll miss out on "college milestones" as a result of my being a Christian. I'm worried I'll be labeled as weird prudish or even judgemental. However, it is silly to be worried about things that have not even happened. As I began to be worried I stopped reading my Bible, began listening to sinful music again, and giving in to my other common sins.
Despite all of this God was still close by. He hadn't left. I kept seeing reels about Jesus. I kept hearing those around me at Church spread the Gospel. And I kept wishing to feel the love and peace I felt when my heart was on fire.
Today it was through reading Colossians 1:13-20 that I saw the centrality of Christ not only in my life but in the universe and existence itself.
13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. 15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.
Christ has never left me ever since I committed myself to Him. I know that I am overburdened by my worries and that I often am lazy when it comes to my faith. I tend to not read my Bible for weeks and then go crazy reading scripture and repeat. This cycle occurs because I continue to give in to the same sins. The same fears. The same sadness. By pushing Him to the back I've pushed myself over the edge. God is my strength. For HE IS THE BEGINNING. HE IS MY BEGINNING AND ENDING AND EVERYTHING. I cannot live without Him. My time away from Him (evident in my absence in positing) has shown me that even when I'm far from God I'm still thirsting after him because he is the only one who satisfies.
Colossians 1:9-12 is a prayer for spiritual strength, knowledge, and wisdom of God. I pray this over myself and over every one of you who reads this. Know that God loves you and once you commit to Him even in your worst times He is just waiting for the moment for you to reach out to Him.
 9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.
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Translation - in New York with Akimi Yoshida
Harlem has a different type of charm from New York, there you can feel the black culture, history and life.
“I’ve come to Harlem once before. A person who lived there took me here but after that I haven't come here so it's been a while.” - Yoshida
There really were men like Cain the boss of black group. At one time Harlem was a place that tourists were advised to stay away from. But walking around during daytime isn’t that dangerous. Rather, you can enjoy an atmosphere you won't feel elsewhere, it’s another face of New York.
“New York is divided into areas where the rich live just across the street where the poor live. Harlem as well, if you cross a street, you don’t know what you’ll find.
It’s like these extremes coexist, accepting everything, it really represents what a true city is supposed to be like.
It makes you realize that cities are places to have those kinds of extremes, the “light and darkness’’ - Yoshida
-texts around photos-
I saw a man who looked just like Cain from Banana Fish come to life, at Harlem’s Main Street 125th district.
There are churches scattered around Harlem. You can hear gospel in these churches every week on Sunday. page 2
Harlem is located on the North side of Central Park, in the northern area of 110th Street. It’s a place were a large number of Black and Hispanic live. Black Harlem, the area where Black live, spreads around 125th district. The roots of jazz and soul music are here as well.
Recently there’s been large-scale development in Black Harlem and crime rates are going down. But compared to Middletown, the public safety is unstable. It’s dangerous for travelers to wander around.
Again, East Harlem that stretches eastward from Fifth Avenue, the Hispanic live there and the public safety is very poor. Don’t step foot in there. Subway A, B, D, 2,3 line 125th Street Station. Thank you @fly-boy-in-the-sky for providing the scans from Banana fish Memorial 1999 magazine!
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justforbooks · 4 months ago
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Paul Frederic Simon (born October 13, 1941) is an American singer-songwriter known for his solo work and his collaborations with Art Garfunkel. He and his school friend Garfunkel, whom he met in 1953, came to prominence in the 1960s as Simon & Garfunkel. Their blend of folk and rock, including hits such as "The Sound of Silence", "Mrs. Robinson", "America" and "The Boxer", served as a soundtrack to the counterculture movement. Their final album, Bridge Over Troubled Water (1970), is among the bestselling of all time.
As a solo artist, Simon has explored genres including gospel, reggae and soul. His albums Paul Simon (1972), There Goes Rhymin' Simon (1973), and Still Crazy After All These Years (1975) kept him in the public eye and drew acclaim, producing the hits "Mother and Child Reunion", "Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard", and "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover". Simon reunited with Garfunkel for several tours and the 1981 Concert in Central Park.
In 1986, Simon released his most successful and acclaimed album, Graceland, incorporating South African influences. "You Can Call Me Al" became one of Simon's most successful singles. Graceland was followed by The Rhythm of the Saints (1990), and a second Concert in the Park in 1991, without Garfunkel, which was attended by half a million people. In 1998, Simon wrote a Broadway musical, The Capeman, which was poorly received. In the 21st century, Simon continued to record and tour. His later albums, such as You're the One (2000), So Beautiful or So What (2011) and Stranger to Stranger (2016), introduced him to new generations. Simon retired from touring in 2018, but continued to record music. An album, Seven Psalms, was released in May 2023.
Simon is among the world's best-selling music artists. He has twice been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and has been the recipient of sixteen Grammy Awards, including three for Album of the Year. Two of his works, Sounds of Silence and Graceland, were inducted into the National Recording Registry for their cultural significance, and in 2007, the Library of Congress voted him the inaugural winner of the Gershwin Prize for Popular Song. He is a co-founder of the Children's Health Fund, a nonprofit organization that provides medical care to children.
In 2012, in an interview reprinted in American Songwriter, Simon discussed the craft of songwriting with music journalist Tom Moon and talked about the basic themes in his songwriting: love, family and social commentary, as well as messages of religion, spirituality and God. Simon explained how he wrote his songs. "The music always precedes the words. The words often come from the sound of the music and eventually evolve into coherent thoughts. Or incoherent thoughts. Rhythm plays a crucial part in the lyric-making as well. It's like a puzzle to find the right words to express what the music is saying."
When Simon moved to England in 1964, he met Kathleen Mary "Kathy" Chitty at the first English folk club he played, the Railway Inn Folk Club in Brentwood, Essex, where Chitty worked part-time selling tickets. She was 16 and he was 22 when they began a relationship. Later that year they visited the U.S. together, mainly touring by bus. Kathy returned to England and Simon followed some weeks later. When he returned to the U.S. with the growing success of "The Sounds of Silence", Kathy, who was quite shy, wanted no part in success and fame and they ended their relationship. She is mentioned by name in at least two of Simon's songs: "Kathy's Song" and "America". She is also referred to in "Homeward Bound" and "The Late Great Johnny Ace". There is a photo of Simon and Kathy together on the cover of Simon's 1965 album The Paul Simon Songbook.
Simon has been married three times, first to Peggy Harper in 1969. They had a son, Harper Simon, in 1972, and divorced in 1975, inspiring the song "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover". Simon wrote about this relationship in the song "Train in the Distance" from his 1983 album Hearts and Bones. In the late 1970s, Simon lived in New York City next door to Saturday Night Live creator Lorne Michaels, who has been described as Simon's "best friend" during the period.
He and Shelley Duvall lived together as a couple for two years until she introduced him to her friend Carrie Fisher. Simon and Fisher became a couple, and his second marriage, from 1983 to 1984, was to Fisher. He proposed to her after a New York Yankees game. The song "Hearts and Bones" was written about their time together, and the song "Graceland" is believed to be about seeking solace from the ending of the relationship by taking a road trip. A year after they divorced, Simon and Fisher resumed their relationship, which lasted for several years.
Simon married singer Edie Brickell on May 30, 1992. Brickell and Simon have three children, Adrian, Lulu, and Gabriel. On April 26, 2014, Simon and Brickell were involved in a domestic dispute. Each was issued a summons to appear in court on disorderly conduct charges.
All four of his children are now adults and are musicians.
Simon and his younger brother, Eddie Simon, founded the Guitar Study Center sometime before 1973. The Guitar Study Center became part of The New School in New York City, sometime before 2002.
Simon is an avid fan of the New York Rangers ice hockey team, the New York Knicks basketball team and the New York Yankees baseball team.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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eatmangoesnekkid · 9 months ago
Sunday morning 90 minute hot yoga is purely divine. It is like the new Sunday Church Services. If my teacher played gospel music, the holy spirit would certainly pulse its light through the central channel of my spine with every bend and twist. I would dissolve into ecstasy on my mat. Little puddles everywhere. Hot yoga is one way we can recalibrate our bodies to open up w-i-d-e- and opening up wide means that we are capable of TRULY RECEIVING the intimacy of new life. Hot yoga stretches our capacity due to the healthy stress from practicing in elevated temperatures. It is a practice of death (emptying out) and creation (creating space). As long as we mindfully engage our breath, in every posture we experience a flow of latent deffered joy, resilience or excitement but also embedded grief, sadness, anger, etc. The more the old comes up and out, the more space is created for us to receive what we truly desire in our lives and in this world. As we breathe while bending and twisting, greater blood flow, lymph flow and vitality reaches deeper congested cells and stagnated tissues. We then grow our body’s frequency and capacity to hold MORE life force. As we start drawing closer and closer to creating what we desire in our lives and in this world, we then will have the physiological capacity and longevity to enjoy it for a long time. We can create our bodies, our lives, and a world we are in love with once we make more space, a metaphysical truth that has been hidden from us for far too long. -India Ame'ye, Author
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Loki Episode 3 Reactions (Less Coherent Edition)
Lots of caps lock today. Spoilers for Loki.
If we don't go to the World's Fair today I'm gonna riot.
If said World's Fair is not in Chicago I'm gonna riot
Oh FUCK YES just saw the screenshot
The fucking music oh my god
oh okay I will casually throw aside the large rock. It's 1868. Maybe ya'll did do your research. I SAW THE TRAILER THOUGH SO I'M NOT SO SURE
OB that was not simple enough for me
Are we in 1868 or 1893, then, boys, I have to know for the historical accuracy of these building materials.
THANK YOU, MOBIUS! [He mentioned the Fire and I felt vindicated.]
Yes, how could you have forgotten?? MOBIUS I LOVE THAT YOU LOVE THE WORLD'S FAIR
I MEAN FLAMES BUT IT WAS EITHER NOT REBUILT OR LEVELED AGAIN FOR MIDWAY [side-eyes the parallels of the history of Central Park in NYC to Hell and back] [I don't know for a fact if that is accurate but I wouldn't be in the least surprised if it was.]
okay the vintage transition made me unnecessarily excited
MOBIUS do not rationalize your snack addition [you don't need to, you're perfect]
Also Cracker Jack is nasty
Thanks Loki
The commentary on the global exhibits is the shit
fuck yes post credit scene
I'm just saying it's not that far outside the realm of possibility for Theo to be here [I was going to continue to explain this but then got distracted by:]
Loki is fucking panicking
Wait goddamn please let's not do this shit again
Mobius just take her bag. You're a clever boy, I'm sure you can think of something.
This guy grew up in Chicago. Why is he talking like that?
"The wizard gentleman" I'm dying
Okay but this is not a Wisconsin accent either.
"Lower taxes" MOOD
yeah Miss Minutes you keep trying to take credit for this, you wanna be the one that fucks him? Because that's the direction this shit is moving [Apollo please I'm begging you to pass me over. Ugh.]
Squall squall squall
Oh shit I didn't see THAT coming though damn [I was trying for a shipwreck but then they just sent Renslayer adrift in Lake Michigan.]
The writers: Okay so everyone betrays their lover in the end; Me: Okay one, are y'all okay? And two, y'all read Oscar Wilde's "The Ballad of Reading Gaol" and took it as gospel, huh? ["Yet each man kills the thing he loves/By each let this be heard,/Some do it with a bitter look,/Some with a flattering word,/The coward does it with a kiss,/The brave man with a sword!"]
eew what the fuck is happening
Rav I'd say kill Minutes but we need her
Wait I just thought of something and I HATE IT SO MUCH (sorry to not tell you but I'm gonna think on this for a few days and then post a theory)
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brookston · 2 months ago
Holidays 12.6
Abolición del Ejército (Costa Rica)
Adore You Day
Armed Forces Day (Ukraine)
Christkind (Central & Southern Europe)
Dia de la Constitucion (a.k.a. Constitution Day; Spain)
Dogecoin Day
Dubrovnik Defenders’ Day (Croatia)
Ed Tech Appreciation Day
Encyclopedia Britannica Day
Give a Secret Gift Day
Gorse Day (French Republic)
Gospell Day (Marshall Islands)
Gramophone Day
Halifax Explosion Anniversary Day (Canada)
Ice Cube Day (Astronomy Club)
International Bad Hair Day
International Desk Day
International Femicide Remembrance Day
International Memecoin Day
International Sweater Vestival
Main Directorate for Drug Control Day (Russia)
Miner's Day (West Virginia)
Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies Day (Azerbaijan)
Mitten Tree Day
Musical Instrument Gift Day
National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women (Canada)
National Microwave Oven Day
National Miner's Day
National Pawnbrokers Day
National Sunnies Day (Australia)
National Tell Your Best Friend You Love Them Day
National Travis Day
Prosecutor’s Day (Kazakhstan)
Put On Your Own Shoes Day
Sindhi Topi and Ajrak Day (Pakistan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Make & Bake Day
National ‘Cook For Christmas’ Day
National Gazpacho Day
Pizza Day (Google)
Samichlaus Day
Independence & Related Days
Åland Islands (from Russia, 1917)
Bophuthatswana (from South Africa, 1977)
Constitution Day (Spain)
Finland (from Russia, 1917)
Ireland (from the UK, recognized in 1922)
Kingdom of Titan (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Quito Day (Ecuador)
Western Province Day (Solomon Islands)
1st Friday in December
Bandcamp Friday [1st Friday]
Bartender Appreciation Day [1st Friday]
Comfort Food Friday [Every Friday]
Eccentric Day (Bell's Brewery; Michigan) [1st or 2nd Friday or Another Day]
Farmer’s Day (Ghana) [1st Friday]
Faux Fur Friday [1st Friday]
Five For Friday [Every Friday]
Flashback Friday [Every Friday]
Friday Finds [Every Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
Gospel Day (Marshall Islands) [1st Friday]
International Sweater Vestival [2nd Friday after Thanksgiving]
National Salesperson Day [1st Friday]
Open It! Weekend begins [1st Friday]
Purple Friday (UK) [1st Friday]
Saba Day (a.k.a. Flag Day; Netherlands Antilles) [1st Friday]
TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) [Every Friday]
Weekly Holidays beginning December 6 (1st Full Week of December)
Deck the Halls Weekend (Seneca Lake region, New York) [thru 12.8]
Festivals Beginning December 6, 2024
Candlelight Christmas Walk (Augusta, Missouri) [& 12.13]
Christmas Town Festival (Bethlehem, Connecticut) [thru 12.7]
Colisium International Music Forum (Novosibirsk, Russia) [thru 12.7]
Country Christmas Lighted Farm Implement Parade (Sandusky, Michigan) [thru 12.7]
German Christmas Market (Augusta, New Jersey) [thru 12.8]
Gingerbread Celebration and Holiday Mart (Gettsburg, Pennsylvania) [thru 12.8]
Gingerbread Village (Caro, Michigan) [thru 12.7]
Kimmswick Christmas Festival (Kimmswick, Missouri) [thru 12.8]
Medora's Old Fashioned Cowboy Christmas (Medora, North Dakota) [thru 12.8]
Night of the Proms (Munich, Germany)
Oslo Christmas Market (Oslo, Norway) [thru 12.7]
PAX Unplugged (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) [thru 12.8]
Salon du Cheval de Paris (Paris, France) [thru 12.8]
Southport Holiday Stroll & Cocktail Crawl (West Lakeview, Illinois)
Stockbridge Main Street At Christmas (Stockbridge, Massachusetts) [thru 12.8]
St. Paul Ice Fishing & Winter Sports Show (St. Paul, Minnesota) [thru 12.8]
St. Petersburg Fall Seafood & Music Festival (St. Petersburg, Florida) [thru 12.8]
Tree Lighting and Holiday Parade (Batesville, Indiana)
Feast Days
Abraham of Kratia (Christian; Saint)
Aemilianus (Roman Catholic Church)
Akibasan Gongen Hibuse Matsuri (Fire & Water Festival; Japan)
Bodhi Season, Day 6 (Buddhism; Secular Date) [Leading Up to 12.8] (a.k.a. ... 
Principles: Perfection
Secular: Trip to Your Bodhi Day Place
Eightfold Path: Awakened Effort
The Heart Sutra: Issue Me Ke Kanaka Wai Wai (Jesus and the Rich Man)
Crossover Doozer (Muppetism)
Day of the North Wind (Pagan)
Days of Reckoning Begin (Shamanism)
Denise and companions (Christian; Saints)
Dionysia, Dativa, Aemilianus, Boniface, Leontia, Tertius, and Majoricus (Christian; Martyrs)
Doug Marlette (Artology)
Eliot Porter (Artology)
Frank Springer (Artology)
Frédéric Bazille (Artology)
Gamera Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Henk van Woerden (Artology)
Insult a Religious Fanatic Day (Pastafarian)
James Bernouilli (Positivist; Saint)
János Scheffler (Christian; Blessed)
Joyce Kilmer (Writerism)
Mall Nukke (Artology)
María del Monte Carmelo Sallés y Barangueras (Christian; Saint)
Masami Kurumada (Artology)
Math Ap Mathonwy (Celtic Book of Days)
Nicholas of Myra (Christian; Saint) [brewers]
Nicola De Maria (Artology)
Peter Paschal (Christian; Saint)
Pirate Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Rudolf Schlichter (Artology)
Shio Satō (Artology)
Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch (Christian; Saint)
Thor's Day (Norse)
Turnover (The Seasons of Earnings begins; Church of the SubGenius)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [35 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [28 of 30]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [56 of 60]
Adaptation (Film; 2002)
Aeronauts (Film; 2019)
As Good As It Gets (Film; 1997)
Beggar’s Banquet, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1968)
Bullseye Bullwinkle, or Destination Moose (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 3; 1959)
Cinderella (Ub Iwerks Disney Cartoon; 1922)
Cock-a-Doodle Dino (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1957)
Day Tripper, by The Beatles (Song; 1965)
A Dopey Hacienda (Tijuana Toads Cartoon; 1970)
DuBarry Was A Lady (Broadway Musical; 1939)
Dumb and Dumber (Film; 1994)
Ferry Cross the Mersey (Documentary Film; 1964)
The Fox and the Grapes (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1941)
Gimme Shelter (Concert Film; 1970)
Going To A Go-Go, by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles (Song; 1965)
The Hand of Oberon, by Roger Zelazny (1976) [Chronicles of Amber #4]
A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1962)
The Hep Cat (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1946)
Hip Hip-Hurry! (WB MM Cartoon; 1958)
King-Size Canary (Tex Avery MGM Cartoon; 1947)
The Lake District Murder, by Ernest Elmore, writing as John Bude (Novel; 1935)
Live at the BBC, by The Beatles (Compilation Album; 1994)
Mary Had a Little Lamb, recorded by Thomas Edison (Song; 1877) [1st Recording of the Human Voice]
Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree (Muppet TV Special; 1995)
The Night Before Christmas (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1941)
19th Nervous Breakdown, recorded by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1965)
One Droopy Night (Droopy MGM Cartoon; 1957)
Out of an Old Man’s Head (Swedish Animated Film; 1968)
Popeye (Film; 1980)
Red Bank Boogie, recorded by The Count Basie Orchestra (Song; 1944)
Rubber Soul, by The Beatles (Album; 1965)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Animated TV Special; 1964)
Running on Empty, by Jackson Browne (Live Album; 1977)
Sixteen Stone, by Bush (Album; 1994)
Smoke on the Water, recorded by Deep Purple (Song; 1971)
Squeeze Play or Invitation to the Trance (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 4; 1959)
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (Film; 1991)
Still Crazy After All These Years, by Paul Simon (Album; 1975)
The Story of an Hour, by Kate Chopin (Short Story; 1894)
The Stroll, by The Diamonds (Song; 1957)
Sympathy for the Devil, by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1968)
Tommy Tucker’s Tooth (Disney Cartoon; 1922)
Turn! Turn! Turn!, by The Byrds (Album; 1965)
We Can Work It Out, by The Beatles (Song; 1965)
Whole Lotta Love, by Led Zeppelin (Song; 1969)
Today’s Name Days
Denise, Henrike, Nikolaus (Austria)
Nikola, Nikolai, Nina (Bulgaria)
Nikica, Niko, Nikola, Nikša, Vladimir (Croatia)
Mikuláš (Czech Republic)
Nikolaus (Denmark)
Klaus, Laas, Laus, Nigul, Nigulas, Niilas, Niilo, Nikolai, Nils (Estonia)
Niila, Niilo, Niki, Niklas, Niko, Nikolai, Nikolas (Finland)
Nicolas (France)
Denise, Henrike, Nikolaus (Germany)
Nikolaos, Nikoleta, Nikos (Greece)
Miklós (Hungary)
Nicola (Italy)
Klāvs, Niklāvs, Nikolajs (Latvia)
Bilmantas, Mikalojus, Norvydė (Lithuania)
Nikolai, Nils (Norway)
Dionizja, Emilian, Jarema, Jarogniew, Mikołaj (Poland)
Nicolae (România)
Mikuláš (Slovakia)
Nicolás (Spain)
Niklas, Nikolaus (Sweden)
Nicholas (Ukraine)
Claus, Ira, Nicholas, Nichole, Nicholet, Nick, Nicklaus, Nickolas, Nico, Nicolas, Nicole, Nicolette, Nikki, Niko, Nikolas (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 341 of 2024; 25 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of Week 49 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 11 (Bing-Zi), Day 6 (Jia-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 5 Kislev 5785
Islamic: 4 Jumada II 1446
J Cal: 11 Black; Foursday [11 of 30]
Julian: 23 November 2024
Moon: 29%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 5 Bichat (13th Month) [Römer / Bradley]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Autumn or Fall (Day 75 of 90)
Week: 1st Full Week of December
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 15 of 30)
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sharktunes · 2 months ago
Echoes and Vibes: Breaking Down Freudian
Daniel Caesar’s debut studio album Freudian is a soulful and deeply emotional project that explores themes of love, faith, vulnerability, and self-discovery. Released in 2017, the album blends R&B, soul, and gospel elements to create an intimate and timeless listening experience. Known for his smooth vocals and thoughtful songwriting, Caesar delivers a project that resonates with raw honesty and heartfelt lyricism.
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"Get You" (feat. Kali Uchis) – 10/10 This song is a perfect opener with its sultry production and Caesar’s heartfelt delivery. Kali Uchis’ feature adds an ethereal quality, making this one of the standout tracks.
"Best Part" (feat. H.E.R.) – 10/10 A stunning duet that feels both intimate and transcendent. The chemistry between Caesar and H.E.R. is undeniable, and the minimal instrumentation keeps the focus on their voices.
"Blessed" – 10/10 A highlight of the album, this song feels like a personal prayer or confession. Caesar’s sincerity and the lush production make it unforgettable.
"We Find Love" – 9.5/10 A heartfelt ode to love and heartbreak, this track combines gospel influences with Caesar’s trademark emotional delivery. It’s both uplifting and bittersweet.
"Freudian" – 9.5/10 The title track ties the album together, offering a meditative and reflective close. It encapsulates the album’s central themes beautifully.
"Neu Roses (Transgressor’s Song)" – 9/10 A deeply emotional and introspective track that showcases Caesar’s vulnerability. The layered production and lyrical depth stand out.
"Transform" (feat. Charlotte Day Wilson) – 9/10 This song explores transformation and growth with a gorgeous arrangement. Charlotte Day Wilson’s feature adds a haunting quality.
"Hold Me Down" – 8.5/10 This track blends gospel-inspired elements with modern R&B. The transition between the mellow verses and powerful chorus is smooth, though it feels slightly less impactful compared to the album’s highlights.
"Take Me Away" (feat. Syd) – 8.5/10 A smooth, jazzy collaboration that feels laid-back and effortless. While enjoyable, it doesn’t hit as hard as some other tracks.
"Loose" – 8/10 This song has a stripped-down, dreamy quality that makes it feel personal and raw. While beautiful, it may lack the replay value of some other tracks.
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Overall Rating: 9.5/10 Freudian is a masterful debut album that cemented Daniel Caesar as a significant voice in modern R&B. With its emotional depth, rich production, and stunning vocal work, it’s a project that invites listeners to feel deeply and reflect on their own experiences of love and growth. For fans of intimate and soulful music, this album is a must-listen.
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ntgospel · 10 months ago
LC21 se une a Mattos Nascimento e lançam nova versão do clássico “Sou de Deus”
Confira a novidade em https://ntgospel.com/musica-gospel/lc21-se-une-a-mattos-nascimento-e-lancam-nova-versao-do-classico-sou-de-deus
LC21 se une a Mattos Nascimento e lançam nova versão do clássico “Sou de Deus”
O duo LC21, formado pelo pastor Artur Filho e sua esposa Renata Ramos, apresenta sua nova música de trabalho pela Central Gospel Music, que é uma releitura do clássico “Sou de Deus”, escrito e gravado originalmente por Mattos Nascimento e faz uma participação com a dupla no single. 
Mattos é membro de uma das famílias mais respeitadas no cenário gospel e é irmão dos cantores Rose, Marcelo, Tuca e Marquinhos Nascimento. 
– “Sou de Deus” é uma música que fala da alegria de desfrutar das bênçãos recebidas por todo aquele que se encontra com Deus por meio de Cristo Jesus.
Já há algum tempo tínhamos o desejo de chamar o Mattos Nascimento para participar de uma música conosco, por isso escolhemos esta canção, que se trata de uma das mais belas e mais conhecidas dele e faz parte da nossa história. Já ouvimos e cantamos “Sou de Deus” muitas vezes na igreja – explica o LC21.
Confira o lançamento de LC21:
Ouça também em sua plataforma de streaming favorita: https://onerpm.link/LC21eMATTOSnascimento
Roupagem Moderna
Com uma pegada pop-rock, a versão atualizada de “Sou de Deus” ganhou uma roupagem moderna atualizada pelo próprio Artur Filho, que também fez os arranjos da faixa. Conforme o casal, a expectativa é que as pessoas sejam abençoadas com esse novo projeto pela Central Gospel Music.
– Nosso desejo é que muitas pessoas que ainda não conhecem a Cristo possam entregar suas vidas a Jesus através da mensagem desta letra – ressalta.
“Sou de Deus” conta ainda com um videoclipe gravado no Riomar Studios e com direção de Vlad Aguiar. O resultado pode ser visto no canal do LC21 no YouTube.
– A gravação aconteceu num clima de muita alegria e com muitas risadas. Fizemos questão de mostrar um pouco dos bastidores ao longo do vídeo, o que trouxe uma emoção especial para o clipe – finaliza.
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omegaphilosophia · 5 months ago
The Philosophy of Jazz
The philosophy of jazz is a rich and complex topic that encompasses the cultural, social, and musical dimensions of jazz as an art form. Jazz is not only a genre of music but also a way of thinking and being, reflecting values such as spontaneity, creativity, individuality, and community. The philosophy of jazz explores these themes, often connecting them to broader philosophical questions about identity, freedom, expression, and the nature of art.
Key Themes in the Philosophy of Jazz:
Spontaneity and Creativity: Improvisation is central to jazz, emphasizing the importance of spontaneous creation and the ability to express oneself in the moment. This process challenges traditional notions of composition and performance, highlighting the dynamic interplay between structure and freedom.
Philosophical Reflection: Improvisation in jazz can be seen as a metaphor for life itself, where individuals must navigate unpredictability, make decisions on the fly, and adapt to changing circumstances. It reflects a philosophy that values flexibility, responsiveness, and the capacity to create meaning in real-time.
Freedom and Expression:
Artistic Freedom: Jazz has often been associated with the idea of freedom, both musically and socially. Musicians are encouraged to express their unique voices, experimenting with form, harmony, and rhythm. This freedom of expression is a core philosophical value of jazz.
Social and Political Dimensions: Jazz has historically been a voice for marginalized communities, particularly African Americans. It has been a medium for expressing resistance, resilience, and the struggle for civil rights. The philosophy of jazz, therefore, often intersects with discussions of freedom, equality, and social justice.
Individuality and Community:
Balancing the Individual and the Collective: Jazz is both a highly individualistic and a deeply communal art form. While it celebrates the unique contributions of individual musicians, it also depends on the interaction and collaboration within the ensemble. This balance reflects a philosophy that values both personal expression and collective harmony.
Dialogical Nature: The interplay between musicians in a jazz ensemble can be seen as a form of dialogue, where each musician responds to and builds upon the others' contributions. This dialogical aspect of jazz fosters a sense of community and mutual respect, where each voice is heard and valued.
Innovation and Tradition:
Respect for Tradition: Jazz has a deep respect for its roots and traditions, drawing on blues, gospel, and earlier jazz forms. Musicians often pay homage to past masters while exploring new directions, creating a dialogue between the old and the new.
Philosophy of Progress: At the same time, jazz is characterized by its constant innovation and evolution. The philosophy of jazz embraces change, experimentation, and the breaking of boundaries, reflecting a commitment to progress and the exploration of new possibilities.
The Blues Aesthetic:
Emotional Depth and Authenticity: The blues is foundational to jazz, bringing with it a philosophy that values emotional honesty, resilience, and the ability to find beauty in adversity. The blues aesthetic in jazz emphasizes the expression of deep, often painful emotions, and the transformation of those emotions into something meaningful and uplifting.
Existential Reflection: The blues, and by extension jazz, often grapples with existential themes such as suffering, loss, and the search for meaning. This reflects a philosophy that acknowledges the complexities of the human condition and the power of music to address and transcend those complexities.
Time and Rhythm:
Philosophy of Time: Jazz’s approach to time and rhythm, with its syncopation, swing, and complex rhythmic patterns, reflects a unique philosophy of time. Jazz often plays with the conventional understanding of time, stretching, compressing, and manipulating it in ways that challenge the listener's expectations.
Temporal Experience: This manipulation of time in jazz can be seen as a reflection on the fluidity of time itself, offering insights into how we experience and perceive time. It highlights the possibility of multiple temporalities coexisting, resonating with broader philosophical discussions about the nature of time.
Cultural Identity and Global Influence:
Jazz as a Cultural Expression: Jazz is deeply rooted in the African American experience, and its philosophy often engages with issues of cultural identity, heritage, and the diaspora. Jazz reflects the blending of African, European, and American musical traditions, creating a unique cultural expression that speaks to issues of identity and belonging.
Global Impact: Jazz has become a global phenomenon, influencing and being influenced by musical traditions around the world. The philosophy of jazz includes an appreciation of this cross-cultural exchange, recognizing the music's ability to transcend cultural boundaries and create a shared human experience.
Ethics and Aesthetics:
Moral Dimensions: The philosophy of jazz also includes ethical considerations, particularly regarding authenticity, integrity, and respect for the music and its practitioners. Issues such as cultural appropriation, commercialization, and the role of the artist in society are relevant to philosophical discussions about jazz.
Aesthetic Values: Jazz challenges traditional aesthetic values by embracing dissonance, irregularity, and complexity. It often defies conventional notions of beauty, proposing instead an aesthetic that values the raw, the real, and the unexpected.
Jazz and Existentialism:
Existential Themes: Jazz, particularly in its emphasis on freedom, individuality, and the search for meaning, shares affinities with existentialist philosophy. Both jazz and existentialism explore the human condition, the experience of alienation, and the quest for authenticity in an uncertain world.
Living Authentically: Just as existentialism advocates for living authentically in the face of an absurd or indifferent universe, jazz musicians often strive to find and express their authentic selves through their music, creating meaning through their art.
Jazz as a Way of Life:
Philosophy in Practice: For many musicians and fans, jazz is more than just a genre of music—it is a way of life, embodying a particular attitude toward life that values creativity, spontaneity, and the pursuit of excellence. This philosophy encourages living in the moment, embracing uncertainty, and finding joy in the process of creation.
The philosophy of jazz is multifaceted, touching on themes of freedom, individuality, community, creativity, and cultural identity. It reflects a way of thinking and being that is deeply intertwined with the music itself, offering insights into both the human experience and the nature of artistic expression. Jazz philosophy encourages an open, responsive, and innovative approach to life, celebrating the beauty of improvisation, the richness of diversity, and the power of music to connect, challenge, and inspire.
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lboogie1906 · 9 months ago
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Sommore (born Lori Ann Rambough; May 15, 1966) is a comedian and actress. Known as the “Diva of Contemporary Comedy.” She first gained fame as the first female host of the long-running ComicView, as well as one of the four female comedians who headlined The Queens of Comedy tour.
She appeared in Friday After Next, Soul Plane, and Dirty Laundry and has received the Richard Pryor Award for Comic of the Year.
She graduated from Morris Brown College where she studied Business Administration. She worked various jobs such as retail, employment consulting, and as an Algebra instructor before progressing into her successful comedy career.
She loves gospel music and her idol is Karen Clark Sheard.
She has appeared on various shows including Def Comedy Jam, Showtime at the Apollo, ComicView, and BET Live from L.A. She has done guest appearances on The Hughleys and The Parkers and she has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show. She appeared on the Comedy Central Roast of Flavor Flav. She appeared as one of the mob members on several episodes of the game show 1 vs. 100.
Her film appearances include A Miami Tail, Friday After Next, and Something New.
She launched the worldwide premiere of “The Queen Stands Alone.”
She was a winning participant in the sixth season of Celebrity Fit Club. She lost 11 pounds during the show.
Her 2015 special Sommore: The Reign Continues was aired in 2018.
Her father was the poet Doughtry “Doc” Long and her sister is an actress, Nia Long. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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mtaartsdesign · 2 years ago
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Last week’s #MTAMusic Auditions were a blast! Approximately 45 performers took the stage at Grand Central Madison, and we are excited to announce that 24 of them have been added to the Music Under New York roster. Illustrations by Joan Chiverton capture the energy of the auditions and each musician’s style. Congratulations to the new additions:
Afro Dominicano – Latin fusion band
Augie Bello – saxophone
Brass Queens – female brass band
Petro Drozda aka GooD MooD – accordion
Antonio Figueiredo da Silva aka Tony Boka – jazz guitar
Roy Futaba Jazz – jazz trio
Jerald Graham aka FlyBayJay – R&B singer
Rorie Kelly – vocals, keys, guitar, beatboxing, looping
Davide Laura – violin looping
Corcel Magico – folk rock band
Gabriel Mayers – singer-songwriter
Von Middleton – entertainer
Jeremiah Moore aka Jem Bleu – R&B, pop, singer-songwriter
Alejo Portela – Vallenato accordion
Sean Rosenberry – Irish & folk fiddle
Raphael Batista Silva aka Raphael Batista – violin
Edgar Suarez – salsa & merengue vocalist
Subterranean Jazz – jazz band
Triad Brass – brass band
Villagers Brass Band – brass band
Devon Webster aka Maestro Kaiso – violin
Denise Weeks – gospel & soul singer
Samoa Wilson aka Fatboy Wilson – folk & blues singer
Mehmet Akif Yuksel aka YoSoyAkif – violin
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mannytoodope · 5 months ago
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Charles Hardin Holley (September 7, 1936 – February 3, 1959), known as Buddy Holly, was a central figure of the mid-1950s rock and roll. He grew up in a musical family, first playing music with his siblings. He was influenced by the music around him, including gospel, country, and R&B music. He started a band with his high school friends. Holly made his television debut in 1952 for a local station. He then formed his first county group, Buddy and Bob. After opening for Elvis Presley in 1955, he chose to seek a music career. Holly was able to open up for other big names at the time. He eventually shifted his sound from county to the rock and roll sound we know. He formed his second band, The Crickets, before going solo. He wrote, recorded, and produced his material during his short career. He is seen as one of the artists who helped define traditional rock and roll and pop music.
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omg-hellgirl · 5 months ago
You probably heard of Anna Wohlin, I just wanna know what you think of her?
For me personally, I have mixed feelings... i do feel bad for her. My only problem is that she's not really a reliable source and most of the things she said on her book about Brian is made up 😬 I know a lot of Brian fans seems to take her word for anything but considering they only dated for weeks, it's hard to believe it... I just wanna get this off my chest, I apologize for this
I've heard of Anna, but I've never read her book. I've never read any books about Brian, so I don't really think much about her. I don't know if I remember correctly, but I think she also lost a baby after Brian's death, and she says he was getting better and had a lot of plans for the future. I certainly feel bad for her because apparently she had hope, and losing all hope (+baby) after your boyfriend dies (or is killed) is very cruel. 
This is something I've said before; the words in these books should not be taken as gospel, not even the autobiographies. If I may mention an example, Chrissie Shrimpton mentions that Keith Richards was upset when his parents divorced, although he didn't say so in his book. He barely talks about this divorce. He chose not to talk about it in his autobiography, or maybe this was just cut by the publisher to make the book smaller.
Another example: Marianne Faithfull said to Hotchner that she talked to Marsha Hunt at some point about Mick, and yet she left it out of her autobiography. The thing is, even in autobiographies, their central figures can leave out whatever they want, so I don't like it when someone accuses legitimate authors of doing a bad job just because the content has a source other than the person directly involved. 
When you don't tell your story, someone else will do it for you, and that's what happens with Mick; people are telling his story because he refuses to do it (it's a legitimate decision; he can choose that, but he's been a public figure for over 50 years and a music icon, so... it is what it is).
As for Anna, I understand your point, and if I were reading this about Brian, I would compare the things she wrote with other books and with other sources. I understand that she may have seen more of Brian than anyone else in the weeks leading up to his death, so I suppose there is some truth to the things she said, but I would still consider the opinions of other people around him. The closest truth will probably be somewhere in between these two or more versions. 
Just to complete, this does not come from a place of superiority in any way, but it's just my opinion, and I hope you don't take it the wrong way. Angie Bowie, Cynthia Powell (Lennon), Chrissie Shrimpton, Marianne Faithfull, and other ex-girlfriends of famous singers have the right to tell their version of the story and deserve respect. Calling any of them liars for saying bad things about your idols — which are probably real...
Anyway, Anna has the right to tell this part of her story. It is up to readers to exercise discernment and not blindly believe the things she says but to take into consideration what seems likely and is supported by other people who have insights into Brian's personality besides at least giving her the benefit of the doubt.
Thank you so much for the ask!!! You don't need to apologize. Feel free to send other asks if you want. I love chatting about it 🤗
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