#Celestial Essence Perfume
josephkravis · 10 months
Celestial Essence
Ok, why create wonderful scented creations?
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mammonscheeks · 2 months
brothers reaction to mc with a long skincare routine
✎ warnings: the word blood
"Finally!" You grinned to yourself, hauling a large package on the HoL dining table. Inside were all of your favorite products; hair oils, body scrubs, perfumes, face washes, serums, and the like.
Since you had been summoned unexpectedly to the Devildom, you were forced to use the oddest local products; a facewash that burned your flesh, deodorant that smelled suspiciously like blood, and hair masks that were green and slimy.
As much as you loved Devildom culture, it was tough to find products that didn't harm your human skin and hair, even with Asmodeus's help. So you were glad when Barbatos personally cleared your package from the human world at Devildom customs, where it had been stuck under inspection for the past month.
Later that night while you were indulging in your products, a certain brother came to visit you in your room.
LUCIFER would probably sigh at the number of products you use. he watches you layer serum over serum on your face with a judgemental expression.
"this long of a routine is a waste of time and money, mc. you could be studying right now.
then you walk by him, sending a wave of the honey-scented body scrub you use in his direction. his resolve threatens to break as his face grows warm. thoughts of running his lips over your sugar- scented neck plague his mind. the next day, lucifer visits the human world to buy everything you use, so you never run out in the Devildom.
MAMMON initially comes to your room to see if you have any luxury items worth much. however, he curiously watches you as you go through your hair and skincare routine, and asks if he can try some products out. he's adorable, obviously excited to be involved in whatever you're doing, and not wanting to be left out.
"can you put that on me too, mc? oh, and that? what does this one do?"
before long, you and mammon are cuddling in bed and watching a movie, waiting for the pink glittery face mask on both of your faces to dry.
LEVIATHAN would be interested in the packaging of your skincare, especially if its those asian brands with anime and hello kitty packaging. he'd declare that he's going to buy skincare products with ruri-chan packaging! he probably won't ask to try your products, since Devildom products work better for him, but he wouldn't protest when you put something on him, just to get one of those stereotypical scenes from romance anime, where the protagonist leans in close and...
"MC, I know you're trying to put serum on my lashes, but y-you're too close!"
SATAN inspects the packaging and ingredients of your skincare, thinking back to his research in chemicals and potions classes. He suddenly cups your face, running his thumb over your soft skin.
"MC, why are you so flustered? I'm just trying to understand your skin composition."
the next day, he uses his knowledge in potions and with a list of the chemicals in your products, recreates all your products, so that you can get them for free.
"S-stop grinning like an idiot, MC. I just did this to expand my knowledge on human products, that's all."
he did it because he loves you
ASMODEUS is absolutely DELIGHTED that your package has come. he had helped you this past month, trying to find products that worked for you in the Devildom, but to no avail. he definitely uses popular human world products as well, but not nearly as much as you. he literally wants to do EVERYTHING with you that night, from showering together to skincare.
"MC, show me absolutely EVERYTHING you do, step by step! We can do our routines alongside each other!"
the two of you have so much fun comparing products and being beauty product nerds together. he promises to give you the angelic essence serum he smuggled from the celestial realm, but only if you get him that a tube of that korean sunscreen he's been eyeing.
"my beautiful angel MC! you're glowing!"
BEELZEBUB would try and eat your products. they just smell so good, like candy, honey, and flowers! after preventing him from gobbling them down in one bite, he curiously watches you. he probably wouldn't ask you to put any products on himself, but he wouldn't mind if you do. he provides emotional support while watching you, completely entranced with how your face glows after every step.
"MC, I know you wanted to put this face mask on me, but I keep licking it off..."
after you're done with your routine, expect a clingy beelzebub, who keeps nuzzling your neck and face for a sniff of the sugary products you use.
BELPHEGOR upon watching your routine begins to feel tired. He doesn't understand why humans (and Asmodeus) need to go through so much effort and products before going to bed. On top of that, humans have to be patient and wait between steps, so their skin absorbs the serums properly!
"I feel sleepy just watching how long your routine is, MC. Doesn't it take too much energy to do so much?"
In an effort to show him that skincare is relaxing, you lay him down in your bed and start running a gua sha on his face. In 5 seconds flat, he's passed out (snoring and everything), from the ice-cold sensation on his jaw as well as your soft hands on his face.
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awkwardoutsidely · 7 months
What do the Hazbin Hotel residents smell like??
Alastor: The obvious would be blood, because of his eating habits and activtes, and I agree there would be a metaltic tinge to him, but I personally thing he smells like a fireplace, smoky, maybe a speck of tabacco, also being the radio demon I'd like to think he has an air of ozone to his person, with all the that static going around him. 100/10.
Husk: He drinks, yes and he spend majority day around alchchol, so yes that high octane is def around his person. but with the terroity that comes with being a cat demon, comes with the stight musky scent of cat fur, pleasant in my opinion. very cuddly boy 10/10.
Angel: I acutally think Angel would smell great, probably wears a great perpume, a some floral notes, for sure maybe some sweet notes too! they're miight me and undertone of cigerette smoke from a certain overlord. 8/10
Charile: Sweets, and sugar, gumdrops and rainbows, bursting with pure happiness, and of course sulfur, fire and brim stone. 7/10
Vaggie: In short she probably smells alot like Charile, because she spends so much time together with her, and probably share some of the same products. However being an ex-angel probably adds some resudial 'celestial essence', very clean, very good hygiene too. 7/10
Sir Penious: This master of engineering and inventing , probably smells, a lot like motor oil, and ink from drawing up blue prints for his inventions, he is a little old fashion victorian boy so probably does everything by hand, when it comes to document his inventions, and the obvious snake demon sssscent that come along with it ie musk etc. 6/10
Nifty: The murderous lil bundle, probably smells of one thing. Cleaning supples. Bleach. Toliet cleaner. Mop water. Glass cleaner. She practially bathes in the stuff, On top of the blood of her enemies, I suppose she may smell like what ever Al is cooking in the kitchen when she helps him. 2/10
Lucifer: This short king of hell, like his daughter probably has alot of sweet undertones, very syurpy, apples etc, on top of having the scent from his workshop, paint, glue, gaseoline. On top of the usual fire and brimstone. 9/10
Rosie: Welcome to Cannibal Town! This dame smells of the latest perfume that's popular around town, a subtle smell of flowers, and maybe something citrus-y, along with the smell of baked goods and tea. Yknow to mask the the smell of the blood and organs, but you know that adds to her charm.7/10
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litchiteany · 6 months
Cycle of Souls
In the vast tapestry of time, souls unfurl,
Fractured shards within the cosmic swirl,
From critters small to towering trees,
In whispers of breeze, our essence frees.
As humans fall, our essence scatters wide,
In cosmic choreography, we cease to hide,
Phantoms in the sky, we soar and glide,
In luminous orbs, our spirits collide.
Among the clouds, where sorrows softly weep,
As tears of heavens, our secrets they keep,
Nourishing the earth, with love so deep,
In fruits and flowers, our essence seeps.
Energy eternal, within life reside,
Ever shifting in celestial tides,
Fireflies flicker, perfume of in jasmine bloom,
In sentient forms, our souls resume.
Though forms may change, our essence prevails,
In every being, our spirit hails,
For energy, is neither created nor destroyed,
In life's grand cycle, we're forever employed.
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synthizedarchive · 2 months
꩜ ⋆࿔* : HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS - & my heart is with you. here, in this place of sanctuary, safe, surreal to find myself in such wonderous adoration. as if i walk in as your church, you the worship that falls to her knees & prays. have always prayed for this, i would hear the whimpering cry that settles in blanketed burden across your shoulders. yet , as all grand things in this cosmos, the devoted fate of You & Me & Us written amongst the stars is sealed. the front door locks, @luanizm , i'm home.
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❝ you've been experimenting again -- ❞ softly spoken through gentle smiles as i enter the living space ( scratch absent as work takes them away from Us ) , noting you resting 'gainst the nearby kitchen counter. scent of rose petals & nicotine that radiates from your wonderous essence the usual perfume 'gainst my ( for now ) mortal sinuses. yet, something else, tinged in saccharine sweet // heart skips dreamy beat & neurons spark, answer a quick gift from the cosmos. ❝ cherries, really ?? that's my thing, lu. ❞ you meet my distance, glossy lips willing to part - the simple hellos that ache 'gainst my soul, the delicacy in your compliments, your love that i can feel nestling -- home, home, home -- 'pon the edge of your tongue. yet syllables cascade into gentle gasp as my hands palm 'neath the loose cloth of your blouse, cool palms meeting the gentle warmth of softened stomach. though muscles of starlight tense romantic 'neath my wandering hands, tiptoes to press my cherry-glaze lips 'pon the underside of your jaw. ah, yes -- there it is. new perfume, savour of a life familiar echoes in the celestial pores of your ageless skin. ❝ you miss me that much ?? ❞
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author-of-all-sins · 6 months
My girl on the moon..
In the stillness of night's embrace, My mind takes flight to distant space. A solitary wanderer, I seek, A face elusive, a dream unique.
With closed eyes, I delve within, Memories stir, where to begin? A fleeting encounter, a touch so near, Yet vanished like whispers in the air.
Yearning fills the silent night, For the girl who shines in lunar light. Unknown origin, yet deeply felt, In her essence, mysteries dwelt.
She dances amidst celestial gloom, A vision rare, a lunar bloom. Amidst the stars, she finds her tune, My ethereal girl on the moon.
Night descends once more, unchanged, Yet hope within me remains unstrained. For in the darkness, a glimmer shines bright, Guiding me towards her, my heart's delight.
Amidst uncertainty, doubts may loom, But I'll chase the shadow of her perfume. For in the vast expanse, beyond the gloom, Lies my cherished girl on the moon.
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auburniivenus · 7 months
❛  we’ll see where the night will take us.  ❜
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In   an   epoch   of   strife,   plagued   with   clangorous   discord   and   essence-draining   frays,   one's   burden   morphs   into   sacred   jubilation   as   victory   dawns,   obliterating   the   malignant   tendrils   of   umbrage.   It’s   in   such   halcyon   moments   that   a   symposium   bathes   in   affable   conviviality,   buoyed   by   the   spirit's   ascendant   flight,   while   plenitude   reigns   and   scarcity   is   exiled   to   mere   memorie.   In   harmony   lies   she,   momentarily   captivated   by   the   siren's   susurrus   erupting   from   the   adjacent   cascade,   a   sound   ordained   by   aeons.   With   an   elegance   eschewing   mundane   fatigue,   she   divests   herself   of   her   habiliments   with   a   felicity   that   rivals   the   muses.   Her   apparel,   a   cascade   mimic,   finds   repose   upon   terra   firma.   Oblations   unto   the   divine,   her   hands   caress   each   garment   into   submission   before   setting   it   as   an   offering   upon   an   altar   of   stone,   while   she   herself   succumbs   to   the   crystalline   grasp,   an   aqueous   cosmos   unadulterated   by   basal   touch.   Therein   she   becomes   silhouette   and   sylph,   swimming   and   seraphic,   aquiver   in   purificatory   solace   that   strips   from   her   the   very   echoes   of   bellicosity.
Amidst   the   fluidic   dance,   her   vision   alights   upon   a   celestial   metamorphosis.   This   frieze   of   turquoises   manifesting   into   twilight-born   purples   and   emerald   greens   could   be   Gale’s   work.   Healer   remains   beneath   temporal   torrents;   such   grandeur   could   emanate   only   from   his   arcane   dalliance.   Emergent   from   her   baptismal   resurrection,   she   dons   her   attire   once   more,   embarking   upon   a   pilgrimage   toward   his   presence.   Auburn   locks   caressed   by aqueous   fingers   stream   as   celestial   trails   with   jasmine   whispers   interloping   with   nocturnal   earth-musk.
At   destination   met   by   fortune   or   fate   aligned,   they   commune   beneath   the   aurora. "Beneath   this   prodigious   firmament,   we   unite   again."   Her   utterance   perfumes   the   air   with   joy's   essence,   while   her   countenance   reflects   rhapsodic   splendor   at   Gale's   articulation.   "Let   us   partake   in   exploration   unfettered."   Breathed   forth   barely   audible.   “You   live,   thus,   all   is   within   the   realm   of   possibility.”   Against   Gale's   figure,   she   leans,   uniting   them   in   tranquil   symbiosis   beneath   star-wrought   tapestry.
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sonics-atelier · 3 months
Gaea's Embrace: A symphony of Death and Decay.
Summary : The product of Lord Huron and Hoziers Songs, which I drew inspiration from and you can listen to below -
a/n : Blame @achaotichuman for encouraging me, also I wrote this in a flurry, not proofread.
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Beneath the crescent moon, a solitary figure wandered through the enveloping shadows of the forest, where the crackle of dried leaves and the soft sigh of the wind were the only audible companions in the stillness. The air hung heavy with the scent of damp earth and decay, a fragrance both alluring and ominous, weaving through the ancient trees whose gnarled branches etched dark silhouettes against the starlit heavens, as if recounting tales borne in the Chaos of distant epochs.
With deliberate steps, the figure moved as if in reverence, each stride a deliberate caress of the earth beneath. Eventually arriving at a clearing, where wild grasses sprawled untamed, a verdant tapestry amidst the heart of the woodland. Here, they reclined, surrendering to the cold embrace of the soil. Above, the night sky stretched like an infinite canvas adorned with countless celestial jewels, forging a fleeting connection with the boundless Ouranous.
In this sacred stillness, the flora and fauna of the shadowed ecosystem stirred. Mosses of deepest green and black crept nearer, their tendrils delicately entwining around limbs with a gentle, persistent touch. Luminous mushrooms bloomed nearby, their caps casting ethereal glows in the moon’s pale embrace, their spores perfuming the air with an otherworldly aroma. Fungi in shades of violet and bordeaux wove intricate patterns amidst the grass, their presence a haunting blend of beauty and eeriness.
Unseen, yet omnipresent, bacteria began their silent choreography, dismantling the boundaries between the figure and the earth. They murmured of the secrets veiled within the dark loam, of the eternal dance between life and demise. The figure listened, finding solace in their whispered revelations, feeling the ancient rhythms pulse beneath their form.
Drawn by the inevitability of transition, denizens of the forest’s depths approached. Beetles with iridescent carapaces, worms aglow in moonlight, and other inscrutable beings commenced their ritual feast. They moved with a grace that belied their task, stripping flesh from bone in a solemn communion, drawing sustenance from the essence of the figure. This process, neither rushed nor cruel, unfolded as a natural ballet—a reverent return to origins.
The earth seemed to exhale in acceptance, enfolding the exposed bones in a gentle shroud of soil. It consumed them with fervor, reducing remnants to dust and earth. No fear lingered within the figure, nor regret; only tranquility, a profound merging with Gaea’s dark heart, an acceptance of the inevitable cycle.
As the night progressed, the clearing underwent a metamorphosis. Where once a solitary figure lay, they now melded seamlessly with the earth, indistinguishable from the mosses, mushrooms, fungi, and verdure that surrounded them. The soil whispered of its sacred offering, of the new life poised to burgeon from this communion with mortality. The forest, ensconced in its spectral allure, thrived amidst the poignant beauty.
Thus, the figure’s essence became an integral thread in the tapestry of eternity, their final thoughts not of loss, but of profound unity. They had surrendered to the radiance of perfection, willingly merging with the chill embrace of the earth, discovering a hauntingly beautiful eternity within Gaea’s embrace.
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- @sonics-atelier 2024 ( do not repost or reuse in any way shape or form, I will decapitate you )
( dividers by @cafekitsune 🫶 )
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msbrandan · 1 year
"I believe in God, in Mozart and in Beethoven; I also believe in his disciples and in his apostles; I believe in the sanctity of the essence and the truth of the one and indivisible art... I believe that this art is of divine origin and that it lives in the hearts of all men illuminated by the celestial splendor; I believe that after having savored the delights of this great art and having fatally surrendered to it, one can never deny it; I believe that everyone, through his intermediation, can achieve holiness.
I believe in a final judgment, in which all those who in this world have dared to traffic in sublime and chaste art will be sentenced to terrible penalties; all those who have prostituted or degraded it with the baseness of their feelings, with the vile greed, with the infamous concupiscence of material enjoyments.
And, on the contrary, I believe that the faithful disciples of the great art will be glorified and that wrapped in a celestial tissue of rays, perfumes, and melodious chords, they will return through eternity to the bosom of the Divine Mother of all harmony."
Richard Wagner
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myfragrancesample · 10 months
GRAVITÉ- Particle Fragrance for Men
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Experience the enigmatic allure of the Gravite Particle Sample. This captivating essence embodies mystery and sophistication, a fusion of celestial intrigue and earthly resonance. Delve into a cosmic blend, where ethereal particles converge, creating a scent that defies gravity. Envelop yourself in its enigmatic aura, a harmonious interplay of cosmic elements. Unveil the essence of celestial energy captured within a fragrance. Explore the mystique of the universe, encapsulated within this alluring Gravite Particle Sample. Don't wait any longer to find your perfect perfume - call us at 4435675663 or order your sample today from My Fragrance Samples website.
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attarperfume1 · 2 months
Discover the Exquisite Essence of Jannat Ul Firdaus Attar – A Fragrance from Paradise
Fragrances have always played a significant role in human culture, symbolizing beauty, spirituality, and personal expression. Among the myriad of scents available today, Jannat Ul Firdaus Attar stands out as an exquisite essence that truly captures the essence of paradise. This attar, with its enchanting aroma and deep cultural roots, offers a sensory journey that is both captivating and memorable.
The Origins and Significance of Attar
Attar, also known as Ittar, is a natural perfume oil derived from botanical sources. It has been an integral part of Middle Eastern and South Asian cultures for centuries. The art of attar making dates back to ancient times, where it was used in religious ceremonies, medicinal practices, and as a personal fragrance. The word “attar” itself is derived from the Persian word “itr,” meaning fragrance.
Jannat Ul Firdaus: The Fragrance of Paradise
Jannat Ul Firdaus, translating to "Paradise of Heaven," is a name that evokes visions of celestial gardens and divine beauty. This attar is renowned for its Jannatul firdaus attar complex, rich, and long-lasting scent that has captivated the senses of those who experience it. The fragrance is a harmonious blend of various aromatic ingredients, each contributing to its unique profile.
The Scent Profile
The scent of Jannat Ul Firdaus Attar is a mesmerizing combination of floral, woody, and musky notes. It opens with a fresh burst of citrus and green notes, creating an invigorating and uplifting effect. As the initial freshness settles, the heart Best buy firdaus attar of the fragrance reveals a bouquet of exotic flowers, including jasmine, rose, and lily, which lend a sweet and intoxicating aroma. The base notes consist of precious woods, amber, and musk, providing a warm and earthy undertone that lingers on the skin for hours.
Cultural and Spiritual Significance
In many cultures, particularly in the Islamic tradition, fragrances hold spiritual significance. Jannat Ul Firdaus Attar is often associated with purity, divinity, and a connection to the divine. It is commonly used during religious rituals, meditation, and personal prayer as it is believed to elevate the spiritual experience and create a serene atmosphere.
The Art of Application
Applying attar is an art in itself. Unlike alcohol-based perfumes, attars are highly concentrated and require only a small amount to be effective. A single drop applied to the pulse points, such as the wrists, behind the ears, or on the neck, is enough to release its captivating aroma. The warmth of the skin helps to diffuse the fragrance, allowing it to evolve over time and reveal its intricate layers.
Natural and Sustainable
One of the most appealing aspects of Jannat Ul Firdaus Attar is its natural and sustainable production. Unlike synthetic perfumes, which often contain harmful chemicals, attars are made using traditional methods that involve steam distillation and hydro-distillation of flowers, herbs, and other botanical ingredients. This process not only preserves the purity of the fragrance but also supports sustainable practices that are gentle on the environment.
Jannat Ul Firdaus Attar is more than just a fragrance; it is an experience that transports you to the serene gardens of paradise. Its exquisite blend of floral, woody, and musky notes creates a scent that is both captivating and enduring. Embrace the essence of Jannat Ul Firdaus and let its heavenly aroma elevate your senses, connect with your spirituality, and enrich your daily life.
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iconoclast-infidels · 2 months
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ARCHANGEL SAMAEL Ruler of the Fifth Heaven - The Mathey, the Grigoris' Prison The Guardian Angel of Esau and Patron Angel of the Roman EmpireSAMAEL: סםאל Aliases/Nicknames: Known on Earth as SAMAEL JÄGER CHAIKIN (He chooses Hebrew/Italian middle and surnames - Jager means The Hunter - and Chaikin ironically means Life. He is Samael, the hunter of life) "Uncle Sammy" Species: Archangel Is your character immortal? Yes Age: Timeless - Born of a Tuesday - Earth alias celebrates on March 9th, 1976 - Appears as a 38 year old male FC: Viggo Mortensen Residence/s: Heaven, The Mathey, State Forests, homeless shelters. Occupation: Samael stays "off the grid" with no commercial job or career, lives off the land when he takes to human form. Alignment: Pure Good (but often mistaken for evil)
Appearance: And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. - Revelation 19
Powers/Weaknesses: Samael is Mars and Ares. They are the same force and they wage war against the ego. He wages this war on God's behalf and never for selfish gain. Never will indiscriminate punishment pass him, all his doings have permission from God and for the good of all. He is the will of God. He has at his command, gifted to him, by god, armies of celestial spirits loyal to God's good name.
He can call forth holy weaponry. His most used is the Scythe of Passing which shears through the soul to separate spirit from body so that they can pass on to the next plane. His favored is a trusty sword he uses in hand to hand combat, battling with a magic blade of the strongest metal. It's a magic sword and each side of the blade hold a different power. One side can kill, the other heal.
He is often seen with fire behind the sockets instead of eyes. He is the source that ignites flame and controls elements.He is the ruler of the solstice, and the west wind. Samael is a magical being, an active source of occult powers like amulets. He also has a kinship with the serpent and speaks it's tongue.
Samael is also inherent truth, and was given the power of the Tree of Knowledge. He is essence. He can with a breath leave knowledge, esoteric real knowledge, not just acquired learning, but things earthly spirits can't know without belief or faith. This is known as the "perfume of God" and catching it's scent and taking it into your system becoming one with it. This experience can cause great shock to the soul due to intensity and can poison and terrify the ego depending on the life you've lived or it can illuminate the soul into greatness.
He is the embodiment of physical courage and overcoming enemies. Any plans related to war and masculine energy is his vibration. He is the power behind endurance and competition. He governs ritual, military organization, physical strength, surgery, revenge, political aggression, sports, male sexuality, courage, protection, help in overthrowing enemies, aggression, ambition, arguments, conflict, destruction, energy, goals, strife, struggle, upheaval, and victory.
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The Archangel Samael has gone by many faces, many names, and many stories of dark and light. This causes many to believe he is evil, even call him a demon, but not just a demon, thought of as Azazel and even Satan himself takes Samael's name. It's a burden he will probably bear for as long as time transcends. His strength in God's love and trust in his intentions are never questioned and can handle the misinterpreted personal attacks on his reputation. But, as written in the Zohar, "There is Samael and there is Samael, and they are not all the same." He is known as the destroyer and the punisher. When God needs to send a heavenly force to pass judgement or punishment, it is Samael he sends. Samael is one of the "angels of judgment" and works closely with Micheal as prosecutor and defender before God's dwelling.
Samael was there riding the serpent that tempted Eve. Satan and Samael are often thought to be one and the same but they are wrong. The texts of Deuteronomy distinguish them as separate. He was there to bear witness for further prosecution, often invisibly by Satan's side. He was there as part of the force of the first passing over of truth from the tree of knowledge, good and evil, and a god of war against the ego this would open for human kind. He's been there from the beginning of all humanity's toils. He's there near many of the demons when they take to the earthly plain in the outer realm bearing witness to all.
Was he the Samael that became companions with Lilith? Yes he was. Samael was there when the serpent led Adam and Eve to sexual awakening. But, Lilith was the first female made from the dirt by God's hands, Adam's first wife. But she fled the garden and God sent three angels to fetch her. Samael was one of them. When they caught up with Lilith she refused to come back because she felt that God only created her to afflict babies with fatal disease up until their eighth day for males and twelve for females. She rejected the inequality. The angels wouldn't leave her until she swore on God's good name that whenever she saw an amulet that bore their essence or had their protection she would not possess it, for they could not bring her back as God ordered. Then they left her. That is, all but Samael, who eventually took her as a wife. This was what led to Samael losing 6 of his twelve wings. He never was a fallen angel, he took her as a wife and that is acceptable by God under intent. This angel that represents male sexuality, it wasn't lust he sought. He had been mated to Eisheth Zenunim, Na'amah, and Agrat Bat Mahlat, but it was Lilith he took as a bride. He cared. But, in his caring he defied God's original orders and this would be the first, last, and only time he would ever cross him. God tore the wings from his back leaving but bloody stumps that eventually healed over. He felt God's wrath and love during that same moment. For this was also when Samael was given the key to the Tree of Knowledge opening Samael up to all the esoteric inherent knowledge so that he could have understanding of all things. It only made his loyalty stronger. It made him understand his placement and the role he's needed for and why it had to be him. God allowed him wisdom in that truth and Samael returned to Heaven. There is much lore that leads people to believe Samael and Lilith are one entity, two sides of one being, living in one body, but this isn't so. It was this incident that eventually led God to give Samael the duty of over-seeing the Mathey, the Fifth Heaven. He would oversee the Grigoris' Prison, for he could have easily been one had he stayed the path, for he knew the world of the flesh that not all angels had experience with yet at that time. He was forgiven and the lord was merciful and presented him with new duty and wisdom and trust, born again.
Forgiveness wasn't just a word or a concept. He felt the massive power forgiveness could be and in this has always kept a soft spot for Zadkiel, the Archangel of Forgiveness. He was the Lord's high representative on the matter and knew it was this that kept him in the Lord's loving hands. He would look to Zadkiel with wonder from then on and keep with him in his heart the truth of this power. The pair work closely quite often as Death and Forgiveness. For it when one is on their deathbed that many finally seek in prayer to repent their sins. Samael stays his hand as Zadkiel is there beside him waiting for the prayer's confessions and for Zadkiel to bless these souls with God's forgiveness if it's truly in their hearts. That's when Samael will swipe the spirit from body letting them pass over.
Samael has a way of being distant with others even when present and speaking directly to someone. His heart has not been hardened by his grave duties to God and his will is good, but there is a heavy seriousness to him whether in angelic or earthly forms. When he does let his hair down and tips a smile indulging in his passion for life he can seem a little awkward to the modern age. He's kept to living off the land and as huntsman of the forest he's not as attuned to modern conveniences. But passion for life is exactly what makes his job a heavy cross to bear. He may know the soul goes on and it's all part of the circle of God's plan. But, he sees the aftermath his strikes leave behind for the living to contend with. He even knows this holds it's own purpose and still he watches the suffering he brings. The cycle is viscous and never ceasing, but his will is strong. He loves with all his heart and can't help but smile when he watches his heavenly brethren indulge in the earthly gifts like decadent foods or other luxuries. Living completely off the land he tries to convince that this is all anyone needs, but about the time Zadkiel is waving fast food or take-out in his face he's the one who's mouth is watering and trying to sneak bites when people aren't looking, only to laugh when he gets caught. His Archangel brethren are his closed kin and has the tightest bond with. It's usually one of them, if not someone anyway that has to remind Samael to put his feet up and just relax to take some time for himself. Tunnel vision of the mind, especially when focused on death, usually isn't the best place to linger.
He's sentimental and soft inside despite the hard exterior of a soldier ready for battle at any given moment. Even the slightest kind gestures are held in his heart everlasting. He has a tendency to crack jokes that may take a moment for other's to get and are possibly so out of date it's a wonder he can blend in with society at all. He gets very excited when he does try new things and can give the feel of a big kid trying something new. He has that appeal of the big burly guy that acts sweet, but it comes and goes as the spirit of Mars and embodiment of all things masculine. He's competitive with Olympic spirit and ready to create games to unite people with for sport. If someone says rock. He'll be the one jumping up and saying let's see who can throw it the furthest, or hardest. He has an uncanny way of turning even the smallest things into sport to rally team spirit and encourage competitive play.
He governs ritual and in that will never be seen eating without prayer first. Traditions of all kinds are strictly kept. But also related to this magic, ceremony, cleansing the mind, meditations, and mantras he'll chant to himself every morning upon waking.
He's very independent, analytical, and determined individual. He values structure and is a long range thinker and will do whatever is needed to turn idea sparks into solid plans of action. He's mentally quick and able to see possibilities in almost anything, seeing beauty in the dark, but finds ways to see the light through it.He values competence, and has little patience with inefficiency.
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Planet: Mars Station: Archangel and Teaching Angel Rules: The Fifth Heaven, Machon, The Mathey, Grigoris' Prison Metal: Bronze, Iron, and Brass Day: Tuesday Gems: Bloodstone, Diamond, Garnet, Jasper, Ruby and Topaz Candle Colour: Red Symbol: Five Pointed Star Tarot: The Tower Struck by Lightening XVI Magical Note: G Insect: Scorpion, All stinging insects except Bees Animals: Rams, Sheep, Horse, Bear, Wolf Composition: Red ink with white paper (uses his magical ink) Astrological: Aries and Scorpio Trees: Acacia, Horse Chestnut, Hawthorn, Holly, Mistletoe, Monkey Puzzle Rowan, Tree and Thorn. Flowers/Herbs: Belladonna, Cardamom, Daisy, Devil's Claw Root, Nettle, Poppy, Plantain, Red Rose, Rue, Thistle, Thyme, Wormwood, Wild Rose and Woodbine Numbers of Mars: 5, 25, 65, 325. Elemental: Fire and Water Armor: Breastplate is bronze engraved with a pentagram Annointing Oil: Base Oil: Mineral Oil - Dragons Blood, Rue, Peppercorns, Basil, Corianderand Ginger. Talismanic Incense: Wormwood, Black Peppercorns, Dragon's Blood and Rue Essential Oil: Citronella Magical Ink: Lampblack (soot), Waters (Spring), Dragon's Blood, and Gum Arabic Perfume Ingredients: Hellebore, Patchouli, Carnation, Asafetida, Basil, Calamus, Caper, Cardamom, Catmint, Coriander, Dragon's Blood, Garlic, Ginger, Hyacinth, Myrrh, Opoponax, Onion, Pepper, Turmeric, Wormwood, Sulphur and Lodestone
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perfumes002211 · 3 months
Sophisticated Scents: Top Tiziana Terenzi Perfumes for 2024
Discover the essence of luxury with Tiziana Terenzi's exquisite perfumes. From the celestial allure of Orion to the rugged charm of Maremma, each fragrance captivates with its meticulous blend of notes. Arethusa embodies feminine grace, while Gold Rose Oudh exudes opulence. Kirke enchants with its mystical forest notes. Crafted with the finest ingredients, Tiziana Terenzi perfumes offer an unparalleled olfactory journey for every occasion. Embrace sophistication and indulge in the artistry of fragrance-making as you explore the diverse collection tailored to elevate your senses in 2024. To Know More: https://frenchfragrance.com/blog/embrace-luxury-5-best-tiziana-terenzi-perfumes-to-try-in-2024
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A Tapestry of Natural Wonders: The Ghorepani Ghandruk Trek
Imagine a world where every step unveils a new canvas of awe-inspiring vistas, where the symphony of nature's elements orchestrates a journey like no other. Welcome to the Ghorepani Ghandruk Trek, a breathtaking odyssey through the Annapurna ranges that will leave an indelible imprint on your soul.
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From the bustling city streets of Pokhara, your adventure begins as you venture into the embrace of lush alpine forests, where the air is perfumed with the scent of rhododendrons and the melodic calls of exotic birdlife. With each stride, you'll find yourself enveloped by a tapestry of verdant hues, woven together by cascading streams and towering pines that stand as silent sentinels.
As you ascend, the landscape transforms into a kaleidoscope of natural wonders, unveiling vistas that will leave you awestruck. Peaks clad in eternal snow pierce the heavens, their icy crowns reflecting the golden hues of the rising sun. Beneath their watchful gaze, ancient villages cling to the slopes, where the echoes of timeless traditions reverberate through the valleys.
The journey's crescendo awaits at Poon Hill, a vantage point that offers a panoramic spectacle unlike any other. Perched atop this natural balcony, you'll bear witness to a celestial dance as the first rays of dawn caress the mighty Annapurna and Dhaulagiri massifs, painting the sky with a symphony of vibrant hues.
But the adventure doesn't end there. As you descend into the tranquil haven of Ghandruk, you'll find yourself immersed in a world where ancient Gurung culture thrives, where the rhythms of village life unfold amidst terraced fields and stone-paved trails that wind through verdant hills.
It is here, in this harmonious fusion of natural grandeur and cultural richness, that the Ghorepani Ghandruk Trek reveals its true essence – a journey that transcends mere physical boundaries and becomes a celebration of the human spirit's unbreakable bond with the natural world.
So, gather your resolve, lace up your boots, and prepare to be swept away by the sheer majesty that awaits. For in the embrace of these mountains lies a tapestry of wonders that will etch itself into the fabric of your memories, forever transforming the way you perceive the world around you.
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pavitrtimes · 7 months
Embracing the Auspicious Aura of Mahadev on Maha Shivratri
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Lord Shiv, also known as Shiva, holds a pivotal position in the Hindu pantheon. He is venerated as the embodiment of the formless, transcendental, and all-encompassing divine. Amidst the echoing resonance of chants and the tranquil tapestry of spirituality, Lord Shiv reigns over hearts with his serene yet powerful presence.
Maha Shivratri – The Great Night of Lord Shiva
Maha Shivratri is a significant Hindu festival celebrated with profound enthusiasm and reverence to honour Lord Shiva. This year, the auspicious occasion falls on the Chaturdashi (14th day) of the dark fortnight in the month of Phalguna (February-March). Devotees observe fasts, perform ritualistic poojas, and chant hymns through the night, meditating upon the formless Sadashiva.
The festival symbolizes the victory of light over darkness, virtue over evil, and truth over ignorance. It is believed that on this holy night, Lord Shiva performed the cosmic dance of creation, preservation, and destruction, the Tandava. Offering special prayers to Shiva on this night is said to bestow spiritual growth, fulfillment of desires, and absolution from sins.
Maha Shivratri Wishes in Sanskrit
As we seek blessings from Lord Shiva, here are some Maha Shivratri wishes in Sanskrit, the ancient and pious language, to imbue our greetings with the essence of spirituality:
महादेवस्य आशीर्वादः सदा युष्माकं सह अस्तु। Mahadevasya Aashirvaadah Sadaa Yushmaakam Saha Astu. May Lord Mahadev's blessings always be with you.
शिवेन तव जीवनम् सुखमयम् भवतु। Shivena Tava Jeevanam Sukhamayam Bhavatu. May your life be filled with happiness by Lord Shiva.
शिवरात्रेः पावन्याम् सर्वे शिवमयं जगद्भवतु। Shivaratreh Paavanyaam Sarve Shivamayam Jagadbhavatu. On the auspicious night of Shivratri, may the entire world be enveloped in the divine presence of Shiva.
आप्तकाम्यः तव सिद्धियताम् शिवस्य प्रसादतः। Aaptakaamyah Tava Siddhiyataam Shivasya Prasaadatah. May all your wishes be fulfilled with the grace of Lord Shiva.
शिवरात्रौ आत्मनः तत्त्वम् अनुभूयताम्। Shivaratrou Aatmanah Tattvam Anubhuyataam. On Shivratri, may you experience the essence of your soul.
सर्वत्र सुखिनः सन्तु, सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। Sarvatra Sukhinah Santu, Sarve Santu Niraamayaah. May everyone be happy everywhere, may all be free from illness.
शिवस्य स्मरणम् सर्वदा मंगलम् प्रदायकं भवतु। Shivasya Smaranam Sarvadaa Mangalam Pradayakam Bhavatu. May the constant remembrance of Shiva always bring auspiciousness.
Celebrating Maha Shivratri
As we weave through the narrative of this celestial event, devotees are encouraged to dive deep into the ocean of faith. Temples glow under the watchful eyes of the moon, bells chime, and the air is perfumed with the scent of flowers and incense.
Here are suggestions to immerse in the celebration:
Fasting and Nightlong Vigil: Many devotees observe fasting throughout the day and night, staying awake during the night in a state of heightened awareness and devotion.
Rituals and Offerings: The Shivalinga, a representation of Lord Shiva's energy and potential, is bathed with milk, honey, water, and adorned which is believed to purify the soul.
Chanting and Meditation: The chanting of 'Om Namah Shivaya' resonates in the hearts of the devotees, calming the mind and fostering a connection with the divine.
As Maha Shivratri approaches, let us intone the sacred syllables and invoke the blessings of the destroyer, the re-creator, and the supreme ascetic—Lord Shiv. May this Maha Shivratri illuminate your path with spiritual bliss and eternal peace.
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yelenaparker22 · 8 months
Show Your Love: Unique Birthday Gift Ideas for Your Girlfriend
In the countdown to your girlfriend's birthday, the excitement and anticipation are palpable. While wedding gifts in Sri Lanka like flowers and chocolates are undeniably sweet, this year warrants a celebration that goes beyond the ordinary. Imagine the joy of surprising your girlfriend with a unique and thoughtful gift that not only mirrors your love but also stands out as a testament to the uniqueness of your bond. In this article, we will explore an array of one-of-a-kind birthday gift ideas, ensuring your girlfriend's special day is nothing short of extraordinary.
1. Personalized Jewellery:
Jewellery, as an expression of love, has endured the test of time. However, personalizing a piece elevates it to a new level. Consider investing in a bespoke item such as a custom-made necklace or bracelet or add them to a gift box in Sri Lanka. The real charm lies in the opportunity to engrave it with a significant date, a heartfelt message, or perhaps both. Picture the delight on her face when she realizes that the piece isn't just beautiful; it is a tangible symbol of shared moments and a keepsake that she can carry with her, forever reminding her of your love.
2. Experience Gifts:
For a birthday celebration that transcends the material, consider gifting your girlfriend an experience that will leave an indelible mark on her heart. Plan a surprise weekend getaway to a destination she has always dreamed of visiting or take her on a breathtaking hot air balloon ride. Alternatively, secure tickets to a concert or show featuring her favourite artist. These experiences create lasting memories and underscore the significance of the time you spend together, making her birthday truly unforgettable.
3. Customized Artwork:
A piece of commissioned artwork adds an exquisite touch to your birthday gift. Collaborate with a local artist to create a personalized masterpiece that encapsulates the essence of your relationship. Whether it is a portrait of the two of you, a representation of your favourite spot, or an artwork symbolizing shared interests, this unique gift will serve as a constant reminder of your deep connection and the artistic beauty you have created together.
4. Subscription Box Tailored to Her Interests:
Step away from the ordinary with a monthly subscription box tailored to your girlfriend's passions. Whether she is a skincare enthusiast, an avid reader, or a connoisseur of gourmet chocolates and exotic teas, there is a subscription box that aligns with her interests. The arrival of a carefully curated box each month will not only bring joy but also highlight your thoughtful and considerate gift-giving skills, reinforcing your commitment to understanding and celebrating her unique tastes.
5. Personalized Star Map:
Celebrate the cosmic alignment of your lives by gifting a personalized star map. These intricate prints capture the configuration of the stars on a specific date and location significant to your relationship. Whether it is the day you first met, your first kiss, or the moment you officially became a couple, this unique piece of celestial art adds a touch of romance and nostalgia to her special day, symbolizing the timeless and enduring nature of your connection.
6. DIY Memory Book:
Craft a DIY memory book that serves as a tangible timeline of your journey as a couple. Fill it with cherished photos, ticket stubs from memorable dates, and small mementos that hold sentimental value. This labour of love not only demonstrates the depth of your emotions but also provides a tangible keepsake, allowing her to flip through the pages and relive the beautiful moments you have shared, reinforcing the narrative of your unique love story.
7. Customized Perfume:
Engage her senses with a customized perfume such as a Giorgio Armani Perfume in Sri Lanka, a gift that lingers in her memory. Many fragrance companies offer personalized perfume services, allowing you to choose specific notes and ingredients to create a signature scent tailored to her preferences. This intimate and thoughtful gesture demonstrates your attentiveness to her unique tastes, making it a truly special and personal birthday gift that she can carry with her, a fragrant reminder of your love wherever she goes.
This year, go beyond the expected and make your girlfriend's birthday truly exceptional with a gift that speaks to the depths of your connection. Whether it is personalized jewellery, an extraordinary experience, customized artwork, a tailored subscription box, a star map capturing your celestial connection, a DIY memory book, or a signature scent, the key is to choose something that resonates with her on a personal level. These unique birthday gift ideas are not just presents; they are heartfelt expressions of your love, ensuring her special day is as extraordinary as she is. It is a celebration of the unique and beautiful love story that the two of you continue to write together, each gift adding a new chapter to the narrative of your shared journey.
In concluding this exploration of unique birthday gift ideas for your girlfriend, it is essential to recognize that the true essence of a gift lies not just in its material form but in the sentiment and effort behind it. The love shared between you and your girlfriend is a story constantly evolving, a narrative written with shared moments, laughter, and the occasional challenge. Each gift you present becomes a chapter in this beautiful saga, a testament to your thoughtfulness and commitment. As you celebrate her birthday, remember that the most cherished gifts are those that reflect the depth of your connection, resonate with her unique personality, and, above all, are given with love. May these gift ideas not only make her birthday memorable but also contribute to the ongoing tale of your extraordinary love story.
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