#Celeste Deveraux
keepsdeathhiscourt · 7 months
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Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Original Female Character
Rating: Mature (18+ Only)
Story Summary: It's been ten years since Lucie LeMarche last set foot in New Orleans. But when she's forced to return to bury the woman who raised her, she finds herself pulled into the midst of rising supernatural tensions in the city. Entangled in a web of intrigue and seeking answers, Lucie must learn to navigate a powder keg of warring factions, family secrets, and old wounds if she hopes to survive.
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Language, Death, Mourning, Mental Health Issues, Family Drama, Gore, Depictions of Violence, Death
Series Masterlist
Read on AO3
Chapter 4: Between the River and the Road
Jane-Anne Deveraux is feather-light in his arms as he transcends the invisible barrier that protects Lafayette Cemetery from unfriendly creatures. 
Elijah is more well-versed than most in the ways of witches. He has faced the Strega of the old world, witnessed the potent magic of the Bennet lineage firsthand, and learned about ancestral magic from an Elder of a proud lineage. A millennium ago, he matured alongside the primal incantations and runic rituals of his druidic kin. The magic of witches had crafted him into an eternal predator and trailed him like a specter across the centuries of his immortal existence. Thus, Elijah understands the significance of his invitation into the sacred sanctum of the New Orleans covens—it reeks of desperation, a last resort in dire times.
He traverses between towering rows of family crypts with as much reverence as he can muster. In the shadows of cracked stones and weathered marble, he senses the spirits of three centuries of dead witches laid to rest here. They watch him with a thousand unseen eyes, suspicious and angry. 
He can feel their accusation even as he passes by the carved names of generations of those come and gone, knowing he has befriended some and killed others. Knowing that as they turned to dust, he would live on. Knowing only a few miles away, in a secret place, the bones of Celeste DuBois rest unconsecrated, depriving them of her magic, her soul. 
He adjusts the bundle in his arms and hopes that this gesture of goodwill, a drop in the bucket against the ocean of wrongs he and his family have brought upon them, would be enough at least to bring about the beginning of an alliance that might spare Hayley and her unborn child from the consequences.
Even this gesture, however minute, is the result of an evening of precarious negotiation with Marcel. Elijah had expected a certain level of vexation at his presence and that was before Niklaus had given into his more dubious urges and, in a fit of temper, bit one of Marcel’s men. That had complicated matters considerably. However, Elijah is a firm believer in finding moments of opportunity within a crisis. He knows that every disaster, every outburst of emotion, offers an advantage. And Marcel Gerard, in his fury and concern, had revealed a glaring vulnerability. One that Elijah exploited to his favor. 
And so, they exchange the body of Jane-Anne Deveraux for the antidote to the venom ravaging Marcel’s man. Bringing him one step ahead in the chess game of New Orleans’ supernatural politics.
Which brings Elijah to the present moment. 
The church clock tolls, brash and baleful, announcing the deadline for their deal. As he rounds the corner, his ears catch the frantic murmur of conversation. 
“His time is up,” says a woman’s muffled voice from somewhere within a grand mausoleum. “What’re you going to do now, Sophie?”
A pause, then another voice he recognizes as belonging to Sophie Deveraux replies, “I’m going to do what I said I was going to do.”
He’s close enough to catch the uptick in Sophie’s heartbeat. If they were paying any attention, they would catch the dark lines of his shadow. But as it is, they are too engrossed in the matter at hand to notice. And so he listens, gathering as much information as possible, and waits for the opportune moment. 
There’s a scoff from a third party. By now, Elijah can make out the silhouette of the woman from his first night in town, Sabine. 
“What, kill the girl? Kill yourself?” she says, and Elijah goes still. The information isn’t surprising. The witches had been implicitly clear from the start about their intentions toward Hayley and the baby, should he or his brother fail to keep up their end of the bargain. The knowledge does nothing, however, to temper the murderous flare that bubbles at the surface.
“Klaus does not care about the child.” Agnes reminds the others. 
The matter of Klaus’ emotional involvement in the survival of his child is a matter of some conjecture, one that’s been plaguing his thoughts since he found out about the werewolf girl and her predicament in this very cemetery only days ago, his position is crystal clear. 
“I do,” he says, stepping into view. All heads turn towards where he stands at the entrance. “And I bring proof of my intent to help you: the body of your fallen friend, which I procured from Marcel himself.”
It was the right thing to do, an inclination only confirmed by the misty look in Sophie’s eyes when they flit from his face and then onto her sister’s body, with a shuddering exhale of her name.
But this was far more than a matter of morality, and Elijah’s intentions were far from selfless. 
“May she be granted peace,” he murmurs, crouching down to shift the dead woman into her sister’s arms. “Klaus will agree to your terms. I just need a little more time.”
“You had your time,” The Elder, Agnes, juts her chin in defiance he would find admirable if they weren’t on the same side. 
He’s not the only one bemused by the outburst, for Sabine snaps, “Shut up, Agnes.”
The older woman’s posture remains ramrod straight, eyes fixed on him, but she steps back. He meets her steady gaze, head tilting in assessment. Perhaps, he thinks, they may be on their way to understanding one another. 
“For now, accept the deal,” he commands in a voice that brooks no argument. “The girl and the child remain unharmed, or Klaus will kill you all.” He turns to leave, then stops. “And I will help him.”
Better to remind them that Marcel Gerard is not the only danger in the city.
He feels no sense of relief as he leaves Lafayette Cemetery and makes his way back toward the French Quarter, and any satisfaction he might have gleaned from his success is short-lived. Yes, he has taken a significant stride in stabilizing tensions in the quarter, another small move towards ensuring the safety of his family. But there is nothing so foolish as a premature celebration, not when there is still work to be done. 
The spell linking Hayley to Sophie Deveraux- the one that Jane-Anne sacrificed herself to complete- still stands. With witches dropping like flies, it’s a connection he would prefer to sever as soon as possible.  
There is also still the matter of what had driven the witches to such lengths in the first place; Marcel’s secret weapon. In his long life, he’s encountered a few things that would enable someone to track the use of magic, but none with the magnitude or immediacy to fit with what he had witnessed the other night.
Despite a year in subjugation, the witches seem just as perplexed about the source of Marcel’s power as Elijah. Still, he cannot shake the feeling that they are holding back something critical, some vital piece of information that will solve the puzzle. And while he lacks any leverage that might encourage them to be forthcoming, it does not matter. He’s already found his way in and that is Lucretia LeMarche.
The night he had seen her fleeing the Quarter, he had tasked his contacts with delving into her background. The passage of a few days had yielded little, but what they had unearthed was more than enough to confirm that his suspicions were not unfounded.
The family name alone speaks volumes. He recognizes it as belonging to a magic bloodline that traces back to at least the eighteenth century. He was familiar with a few of their ancestors. 
They were a proud lot, as he remembers them, fiercely loyal to their kind, wary of outsiders, with a zealous devotion to tradition. Yet even upon his departure, as more witches flocked to the cemetery to consecrate Jane-Anne Deveraux, her face had not been among them. For a family and a coven bound at the rootst, he knew there could only be two explanations for her absence; she was either uninterested or unwelcome. Given the report of a heated encounter with a cousin earlier, he would put money on the latter. 
It’s an interesting consideration, especially with the routine isolation he had witnessed in his ventures past her hotel. But for now, Elijah knows there is nothing to do but wait for an opportunity to present itself. 
All that leaves is the problem of Niklaus. 
He does not doubt that getting his willful brother on side will be challenging. Mistrustful and paranoid, he sees everything as a threat, a nudge towards some larger plot to destroy him. Often he is right; never mind that many are traps of his own making. 
He finds Niklaus amidst shuttered stalls and stacked crates in the French Market. The bottle dangles from his hand. He takes a long swig, so drenched with the smell of alcohol that Elijah briefly considers leaving him to his brooding. 
“Have I not made clear my desire to be left alone?” Klaus asks, his back to him.
Elijah steps into the light. “Oh, you demand to be left alone at least once a decade. Your words have ceased to have impact.”
His brother smashes the bottle against the ground, projectiles of glass scattering to every corner. 
“Why must you keep harping on about the baby?” He shouts, cutting to the root of the impending confrontation. “That child will never be born. In fact, Hayley is probably dead already.”
The obstinate self-pity is too much for Elijah, another spark in a long burning fuse. Years spent chasing his brother, cleaning up his mistakes and offering forgiveness, hoping to catch a glimmer of the boy he once knew. But to turn his back on something Elijah knows he wants and endanger his greatest chance at redemption is a step too far. 
He careens into Nikalus at full speed, hand at his throat as a millennium of anger and frustration bubbles to the surface. “You will not walk away from this.”
“Let. Me. Go.” Niklaus warns. The flash of teeth may be enough to frighten lesser vampires, but it does nothing to intimidate Elijah. 
“I WILL NOT!” He roars, throwing his brother to the floor. Before he can launch a counterattack, he heaves him up again with an iron grip.
Niklaus glowers at him. “Don’t make me say it again."
“I will not let go. I will never let go.” his voice cracks even as he shuts over the simple words so loaded with meaning. 
He knows his brother hears it. It’s why he retaliates with heightened fury, grasping Elijah by the lapels of his jacket and hurling him across the floor. The iron rod fence is unforgiving as it cuts through his clothes and his skin. A warm sensation at his back tells him he’s bleeding, but by the time he gets to his feet, any wound sustained has already healed. 
He steels himself, chest heaving. “Even if I have to spend eternity saving you from your own stubborn, petulant, vile self…”
The errant rod he had picked up bites into his fingers as he rushes forward. It reverberates as it crashes against Niklaus’ front.
“If I have to beat you as father used to beat you, to remind you of your own humanity–,” Another blow, “–to care about anything…”
He punctuates with another swing, but Klaus is faster. The iron bar stops in midair, snatched in the center by its intended target. It’s out of his hand in an instant, slamming into his back with a force that knocks him to the ground. Chest heaving, he stays there, peering up at his brother with a furrowed brow. The bar hits the concrete with a thud. 
“You’re beyond pathetic, Elijah,” Klaus says, closing some of the distance.
“Well, who is more pathetic? The one who sees hope to make his family whole, or the coward who only sees the world through his own fear?”
“I haven’t cared about anything for centuries.” His gaze is sharp, but Elijah can see the embers of vulnerability. “Why on earth do you?”
“Because I failed you. Because the first time our father laid a hand on you, I should have struck him dead. I made a promise to you: always, forever, family above all.”
Niklaus laughs then and Elijah doesn’t miss the fondness behind it. He knows that all is right between them, at least for now. He confirms the inkling by extending his hand to help him up. 
“You are a sentimental fool,” Niklaus says, hauling him to his feet. 
“Perhaps,” he concedes. “But I’ve lasted this long in spite of it, haven’t I?”
A moment passes between the brothers, for in this moment that’s what they are. Not adversaries, not rivals, just two men bonded by blood and time. He walks away from the market, leaving Niklaus alone to reflect.
Elijah has only gone a block when he hears a commotion upriver.
The breezy idyll of the picturesque afternoon yields to an early autumn storm front. As night falls over the Mississippi Delta, the air is thick with the mingled scents of atmosphere and rich earth. The trees shudder, shaking off shriveling leaves that hiss as they settle, discarded, to the ground. And the moon fights a losing battle with the encroaching cloud coverage, its light is wan and thin. 
A cargo ship bellows in the distance. The prow cuts through the silver glass water on its way to the Gulf. Mist closes in on river and city alike like a burial shroud, distorting the steel prow and sharp angles of shipping containers until it’s only a boxy silhouette with yellow fog light eyes on the horizon. The wind picks up, running its fingers through murky waters and churning the placid surface until choppy waves lap at the shoreline in short, staccato bursts before settling into lazy ripples. 
Lucie pitches forward across the railing on the mostly abandoned Riverwalk, her stomach churning like the river as she empties its meager contents into the depths below. She wretches until there’s nothing left and then she wretches some more, until all that’s left in her aching gut is bile and acid. 
Sweat prickles, cold on her brow. She pulls away, wiping her chapped lips with the back of a clammy hand. Blinking, she catches the eyes of a jogger who shoots her a look that’s half sympathy, and half disgust before they disappear into the mist. She should feel mortified. But as it stands, she’s too wound up to care.
The flare of her lighter keeps the fog at bay, a temporary force field against the dark until the cigarette lights. She presses it to her lips and inhales deeply, eager to rid herself of the bitter taste in her mouth. 
Fog mutes and muffles every sign of life. Even the majesty of the cathedral vanishes until all but its highest steeple is swallowed up. And the silence hums. The city rests in a liminal space between evening and the late hours, the street lights straining against the mist. She flicks the ash and watches their orange halos shimmer and distort.
Her stomach settles, the edges of nausea losing their edge until only a vague queasiness remains. That and the anger. 
That part is simple. She leans into it like a crutch, fanning the flames to keep the embers smoldering. Because deep down, she knows that what lies underneath the rage is a mess of emotions she can’t even begin to untangle.
So she sits and seethes and remembers. 
She recalls coming into her magic. It was the same summer she’d gotten her first period, and at fourteen, gawky and awkward, it had been just as mortifying. Fluctuating hormones were hard enough, but paired with burgeoning powers, it made for a rough summer break. But Violette had been over the moon, practically radiating with pride. And so, while Lucie had never particularly dedicated herself to the craft, she threw herself into learning all she could, eager to please. 
It's the reason she now understands why the girls agreed to be part of the Harvest. She knows all too well the blind trust and desire for approval that the Elders could evoke in a teenager. But what’s harder to wrap her head around is the way the coven leaders had taken that trust and twisted it into something so vile. Or why Violette had allowed things to go so far. 
Her temper flares then wavers with doubt and the nagging feeling that she’s missing something important. So much about what Arabella had told her was strange. She couldn’t wrap her head around Violette’s complicity in something so cruel, and then there was Jane-Anne. Every thread she pulled seemed to lead back to her. 
Monique’s death and Jane-Anne’s suicidal gambit were too close for coincidence. And for the first time, Lucie wonders what became of the final Harvest Girl.
She’s thinking about Davina Clare when the man appears, ambling out of the mist as if made from it. 
Dull and hollow, the church bells chime.
She listens to the even gait shuffle in tandem with her thumping heart, so in sync that she can scarcely distinguish one from the other. And then footfalls taper of altogether and she stares at a pair of worn leather workman’s boots. The man clears his throat, hands stuffed into the pockets of his corduroy pants. Her eyes drift to a youthful face that seems out of place alongside the frayed hems of his corduroy pants or the loud pattern of a silk button-down shirt. He tosses the hair out of his eyes, blond, and parted down the middle with long sideburns. Lucie can’t shake the impression that looks more suited to a speed club in a trashy 70s flick than standing like a specter on the Riverwalk. 
He doesn’t move, only lifts the corner of his lips in a crooked smirk. She wonders if he’s going to ask her for a light, or maybe some change. But the possibility withers to dust when she catches his eyes. They’re gray and indecipherable as the river behind her, but it’s the glint in them that makes her hair stand on end. They sparkle with amusement and something she can’t quite name… anticipation ? 
“‘Evenin’,” he drawls with her the honied twang of the bayou counties. “Didn’t think anyone, but myself was crazy enough to venture out in this.”
He casts a sidelong glance over the edge of the walk, where the river is now all but undetectable save for the soft churning of the waves. 
She traces the hard lines of his profile with wary eyes, waiting for his next move. He opens his mouth to speak, then pauses, eyes alight with recognition. 
“There you are! Thought you must’ve gotten yourself lost on Bourbon.” Her head cocks in confusion, toying with the idea that he’s off his rocker when she realizes he’s not looking at her, his gaze fixed just beyond her shoulder. And that is so much worse. 
She smells the second man before she sees him. Mildew and mothballs and something coppery announces his presence. It’s followed by a sharp exhale, so close she feels the balmy heat of his breath. 
With a cry of alarm, she wheels around, scrambling to put as much distance between them as she can before the cold damp metal of the railing halts her retreat.  
Tall and thin, the second man wavers like a cattail in the breeze. The tattered ends of his duster flutter about his long legs, only adding to the inclination that a stronger gale might bowl him over. Older than the other by a decade if she had to guess. His face is gaunt and deep-lined near his eyes. Eyes so fathomlessly dark that they don’t shine, just seem to absorb all the shadows into the void. They leer down at her in a way that can only be described as hungry.
She swallows hard.
She doesn’t need to wait for blackening veins or a flash of fangs. She knows a vampire when she sees one.
But there’s a feverish, feral glint to their eyes, and an agitated jerkiness to their movements so unlike the controlled poise of Marcel Gerard or the polished violence of his crew, so off that it distracts her momentarily from her fear.
Her palms drop to her sides, searching for anything she might use as a weapon, but finds nothing but the chipped guardrail.  She could jump. They likely wouldn’t see it coming and she could vault the rail before either could stop her. But the water is treacherous in its own right and won’t deter them for long enough for it to matter. No, running won’t be an option. 
When the taller one, tired of waiting, lunges at her, he strips the choice from her. 
Lucie only has enough time to squeeze her eyes shut and brace herself for the steel of sharp teeth tearing her flesh. But when a second passes and then another and it still doesn’t come, she opens them again. 
He’s close enough that if he were to reach a willowy arm out, she’s sure the tips of his bony fingers would brush against her jacket. A hand clutches at his shoulder, tethering him to the spot. The other man must have crossed the sidewalk because the hand belongs to him and he’s hovering just behind the towering frame. 
 “Teagan, that’s no way to behave. Look,” he chides, with a nod towards her. For the first time, she notices a strange lilt to his cadence. “You’re frightening the poor lamb.”
‘Teagan’s’ gaze drifts from Lucie to his friend and then back, head tilting to the side. 
The younger man laughs, clapping him on the back like he isn’t a rabid dog on a fraying tether. “Don’t mind my friend here. We’ve been out of the city for a while now and his manners are a little rusty.”
His tone is reassuring, his posture relaxed. Yet she doesn’t miss the way he maneuvers around the larger man, angling himself just slightly ahead. 
“I’m Adam and this is Teagan.” He flashes his teeth, laugh lines creasing at the edges, in what could be called a charming smile, under different circumstances. When he extends a hand, she dodges the touch, steadying herself on heavy limbs. 
“No need to be so shy. We’re all friends here,” Adam says with a sidelong smirk, tucking the hand back into his pocket. “Isn’t the right, Teag?”
The other vampire’s lips contort into a grim facsimile of a smile. 
“It’s a little late to be out here all on your own.” Rocking back on his heels, nonchalant when he asks, “Why don’t you let us take you somewhere warm?”
She doesn’t answer, but it doesn’t matter because it wasn’t a request. 
Apprehension is a viper coiled in her belly, urging her body into high alert. Adrenaline floods her veins. They shimmer, warm and bright, as if full of champagne as magic stirs up her blood. She reaches out, pulling it forward like a rope in a deep well. It surges in veins and then, and suddenly, the rope jerks taut. Like there’s a weight at the end, caught on an edge and preventing her from drawing anymore up, barred from the font of ancestral power. It won’t be enough, but maybe if she can take one of these assholes with her, the next victim might have a fighting chance.
Her right hand curls in on itself and the vampire, Adam, tutts. “I don’t think you want to do that, little witch.”
“You drain me dry now or Marcel kills me later. I’m dead either way.” She dips her head to the side, stretching the straining muscles in her neck. 
“I ain’t talking about Marcel or his rules,” he scoffs, visibly bristling. 
She puzzles at his meaning. There isn’t time to ask. The horn from a passing ship pierces the tension. His head flicks to the side for just a moment and Lucie finds her opening. Her right-hand raises in front of her as the familiar words of the spell follow, spilling from her lips like water. 
Adam turns to her, eyes cold and angry. “I thought I warned you-”
He staggers, the train of thought lost as he clutches at his head. 
She jerks her raised arm to the side, and he crumples to the ground like a rag doll. He howls in pain, the sound garbled in the mist like a soundproof room. It sends a shiver of satisfaction through her, but it’s short-lived. 
She bounds over him and across the sidewalk, desperate to cross the railway tracks and into the more populated refuge of Jackson Square. A few yards away, the green traffic lights glow like a beacon. Her joints ache as her feet jolt against the pavement at a brutal pace. It’s a small price to pay to survive the night. 
She’s close enough now to see the deep parallel grooves of the steel rails. All she needs is to descend the steps down to them, pass over, and -
A gust of wind flutters behind her. She has less than. a second to react before the hair at the base of her neck is pulled taut and then wrenched backward. The force knocks her off balance, boots scrabbling for purchase on the concrete. Her scalp screams as she’s jerked back, fast enough to give her whiplash. 
Then, the hand wrapped around her hair eases, but the change in momentum tells her she’s not free yet. Instead, it urges around and she’s forced to follow until the train tracks are back behind her and the edge of the river some distance ahead. 
The skeletal fingers wind in her hair and she knows it’s the tall vampire, Teagan, that has her. Behind her, he pulls her back until she’s flush against his chest. Her heart pounds in short, stuttering bursts as she feels his nose press against her hair, hand releasing her hair to wind around her throat. 
She feels more than hears the steady inhale as he breathes in her scent. Fingers press gingerly into the soft flesh of her neck like icicles as he whispers, “I bet you’ll scream so pretty when I drain you dry.” 
It’s the first time she’s heard him speak, and she wishes she hadn’t. The voice is thin and reedy as the rest of him, soft from disuse. If a corpse could talk, she knew it would sound like the vampire in her ear. 
“The others don’t like witch blood. Call it bitter.” The pressure around her throat increases ever so slightly. “I call it an acquired taste.”
His breath is hot on her neck, sickly sweet like dust and death. Her stomach turns. She calls on another burst of magic, but there’s no response besides a faint flickering.
Panic yields to white-hot pain when his fangs pierce the delicate flesh at the base of her neck. It burns like fire, then like ice, the sensation too overwhelming for her to cry out. Her veins are freezing over and then sharp pain relents to a thrumming sort of numbness. She feels the vibration as the vampire moans into her neck, greedy fingers holding her in place by her neck, her hip.
Her fingertips tingle. She thrashes against his grip, but all she can muster is a sluggish lurch from her leaden limbs. The edges of her vision are swimming, blackness creeping in at the corners.
“Teagan!” The voice comes to her from underwater, slow and distorted. “You’re…killing…”
She can’t make out the rest, her eyelids are too heavy and her body is too tired to care. She wants more than anything to let herself slip under, to sleep. 
Blissful oblivion is within reach when she’s cruelly jostled back into reality. It’s a struggle to open her eyes, but when she does, the world is blurry and off-kilter. Emptiness rushes around her and she realizes she’s falling. Pain blossoms in her shoulder, her ribs, her side as collides with the pavement. Hard. 
The worn boots in her direct field of view tell her that Adam has found his feet, now locked in a scuffle with the other vampire. The protective stance strikes her as strange, but her sluggish brain can’t seem to decide why. 
Before she can figure it out, a lean form skids to the ground in a heap nearby and she’s tugged roughly to her feet. 
Her captor spins around to face him, her stomach protesting. Adam’s gray eyes are hard, all pretense of friendliness gone. 
“I ought to make you suffer for that stunt you pulled, witch bitch,” he grits out. He’s close enough that she sees his jaw tick. “But just ‘cause I can’t kill you doesn’t mean I can make you wish you were dead. You understand me?”
His fingers dig into her upper arms hard enough to bruise through her leather jacket, giving her a shake that makes her teeth clatter. She’s sure it’s all that’s keeping her on her feet, but she manages a nod. 
The crumpled heap rustles. Teagan, rising back to his feet, levels his companion with a murderous glare. He wipes at his mouth, the back of his hand coming red. It smears streaks of red around the corners of his lips, on his chin -blood, her blood?
“You just stay out over there,” Adam commands, shuffling her behind him. She wavers, leaning against his back for support. “You hear me, Teag?”
Teagan sneers, lips curling into a snarl, but stays put. “I wasn’t going to kill her. Just wanted a taste.”
“That’s not part of the arrangement.” Adam shifts, boots scraping the concrete. “Unharmed or we get nothing. That was the deal.” 
The words land like a series of blows. Even in her stupor, the renewed threat sets her heart racing once more. 
Teagan looks ready to pounce, and Lucie runs through ways to keep out of a scuffle between the two vampires. But just as violence is about to break out, the atmosphere changes. 
Adam goes rigid, tensing as both he and Teagan angle toward the sound of approaching footsteps. 
It’s hard to make out through the fog and around the solid form in front of her, but she glimpses dress shoes, shiny and black. They click like a metronome, drawing closer to a steady beat. 
“Get lost,” Adam barks at the stranger. He shifts and Lucie spies a dark suit jacket and white cuffs. Her dread rises, leaving a bitter taste in her throat. “Don’t want to get blood on that pretty white shirt.”
The immaculate tips of the shoes stop, pointed towards Adam. 
“I thought Marcel’s nightwalkers were better behaved,” she hears a man’s voice say, even and calm. There’s an edge though, an air of vague disapproval. “It seems someone was let off-leash prematurely.”
She imagines him wrinkling his nose in disgust. 
Adam stiffens. “I don’t answer to Marcel,” he spits, “or any damn Original.”
“Spare me the arrogance of young vampires,” he mutters, exasperated. It only confirms her fears, her face hot and her ears ringing with panic. 
He tips his head to the side, a flash of dark hair in her eyeline. “I’ll make this simple for you. Hand over the girl and I’ll give you a head start.”
If squaring off against two nightwalkers was bad, being in the clutches of an Original would be catastrophic for her chances of survival. She doesn’t have any idea how. All she knows is that she needs to get out of here. Now.
The second she jerks to the side, though, arms ensnare her waist in an impossible grip. It tightens like iron bars around her, caging her in. No longer obscured, she finds herself face-to-face with the Original vampire. 
It only takes a cursory glance, a brief survey of his dark eyes, the angles of his jaw for recognition to dawn. The man from the bar, the shadowy figure on the street beneath her window. Not a figment of her imagination, but flesh and blood only a few feet before her. 
A hand curls around her neck, with none of the gentleness of the other vampire. His nails are sharp, grip vice-like. It leaves her vulnerable; his shield before the firing squad. “How about you crawl back to wherever you came from and I don’t snap her neck like a twig?”
Lucie can’t help the little yelp that escapes her throat as his grip tightens. Her arms sweep up, tugging against his forearms in an exercise of futility. 
Something flashes, dark and dangerous in the Original’s eyes, gone as fast as it came. His face is a cool mask, expression indecipherable. 
“Now, why would you go through all the effort of keeping her alive, only to kill her now?” He muses, thumbs hooking in the belt loops of his pressed slacks. 
“You calling my bluff?” 
The Original shrugs. And if Lucie wasn't so frightened, she would be offended by his willingness to gamble with her life. 
She takes a shaky breath, gathering as much focus as she can muster. Her fingernails dig into the flesh of her captor’s forearms, not strong enough to register on his supernatural pain scale. At least, not until the skin beneath her palms starts to smoke and sizzle. 
He drops her, curses pouring from her mouth. She darts forward like a rabbit in a den of foxes, leaving the acrid smell of burning flesh in her wake. 
She’s quick, but not quick enough. Long fingers ensnare her ankle and she topples, chest colliding with the ground. Her jaw clamps shut from the impact, teeth sinking into her tongue. She tastes blood. It doesn’t matter. 
Teagan leverages his grip, flipping her onto her back. She scurries up onto her elbows, kicking wildly as he advances on her. In a flash, he’s bearing down on her. His weight is an anvil on her chest, pressing her into the pavement, pinning her in place. Over his shoulder, she can vaguely make out rapid movements, the sounds of a struggle. 
Lips pulls back, revealing razor-sharp fangs as he forces her flat. His legs hold her in place. He catches both her wrists in one massive palm, holding them in place against her chest. And he speaks, in that horrible ashen voice, “No one to save you now, little lamb.”
He dives forward to meet her neck and her eyes slam shut. Adamant that the void of his black eyes, his greedy face, isn’t the last thing she sees, she conjured up images in her head. Imaginary hands reach for memories, pulling them to the surface. Arabella’s laugh, Vivienne’s freckles, the perfume of wisteria, and the taste of Violette’s sweet tea. She burrows herself in them, waiting for an end that doesn’t come. 
Something hot and wet splatters her skin, bursting into her refuge. There’s a garbled noise in her ears, a heavy choking sound -also wet. Then the weight on her chest increases tenfold. If he’d been an anvil before, he’s a streamliner of dead weight- |
Dead weight. She freezes, gathering the willpower to open her eyes. Black irises reflect her face back at her, empty and glassy as marbles made of pitch. His mouth hangs open at an odd angle as if stuck in a silent scream. 
Dead. He’s dead. The thoughts bounce around her skull, directionless and chaotic even as the weight leaves her chest, even when she stares up into a dark, starless sky instead of lifeless eyes. 
She pushes herself back onto her forearms, propping herself up just in time to see Teagan’s body land off in the grass, to catch the disembodied heart hit the ground with a wet squelch. 
“Now I do hate an unfair fight,” the man in the suit says, turning towards the remaining vampire. “Don’t you?”
Adam doesn’t speak, gaze drifting from the corpse and back to its killer in abject horror. 
“I suggest you run.” 
And he does. In a flash color so fast that her eyes can’t keep up. And for one moment, she thinks he’ll get away. That the Original will let him leave. 
Until the Riverwalk echoes with a sound she doesn’t have a comparison for, like splintering firewood, but…wrong. A blond head hits the ground with a thud, rolling to a stop at the juncture between the grass and the sidewalk. The body wavers, a few feet behind, wobbling in a macabre sort of shuffle before collapsing like a marionette with the strings cut. 
He never stood a chance.  
He makes quick work of the bodies, the Original, handling them with an efficiency only born of practice. Only once their remains have vanished into the black water does he turn his attention towards Lucie. 
The commanding force of his dark eyes roots her to her spot on the ground, all the while the most primal part of her brain screams at her to run. She can’t seem to make her shocked system move, can’t do much of anything but watch as he advances on her with exaggerated slowness, like he’s approaching a wounded animal. There’s no anger in his eyes, but the damning specks of blood on the collar of his pristine dress shirt scream at her. And she notices how his cuffs are now stained a deep, violent red. 
It lights a spark in her, just enough to find her feet, supporting herself on the back of a park bench. 
“It’s alright,” he says in an even tone, stopping an arm’s reach away, clearly for her comfort. She has no illusions about his ability to dispatch her in seconds at any distance. “You’re safe now. I swear I won’t harm you.”
Something akin to concern seems to dance behind his eyes as he gives her a once-over. 
“I..you…you killed them.” It’s all she can muster.
“I did.” His tone is matter-of-fact, eyes drifting down. She follows the trail of his gaze from the ripped shoulder of her jacket, the rust-colored blood drying on her shirt, and back up again until she feels them settle somewhere around her neck. She remembers intruding fangs and imagines the remnants of carnage he must find there because his mouth pulls in a hard line.
He steps forward and a slow steady hand rises to ghost over the junction of her neck. She notices that beneath his spoiled cuffs, his hands are pristine. When had he found time to clean them?
When she winces, the hand drops back down, hovering somewhere near her upper arms. Confusion stirs, then understanding. He’s afraid I’m going to fall. 
She watches his lips move with a fuzzy detachment that probably has a lot to do with all the blood loss. Sees him mouth, “Are you alright?” more than hears it. 
She knows she should respond, but can’t seem to find the right response. “Hmmm?”
There’s a sigh, not quite impatient but certainly long-suffering. Twin pressures register at the tops of her shoulders, holding her in place, keeping her from drifting off into outer space as the adrenaline leaves her exhausted body.
“Look at me,” he prompts. 
And she complies because, despite the gentle delivery, there’s an innate authority to it that her subconscious responds to even in her present state. 
The scene beyond is blurry, but she blinks his serious features into focus. His finger catches her beneath the chin, urging her to look up into his eyes. 
“Are you going to kill me?” she asks, with a dreamy disinterest. 
“Oh,” is all she can manage, and wonders if she imagines the way he winces. The veil is fading fast beneath the warmth of his hands, the steadiness of his gaze. Something warning her she’s still in danger. 
“Who are you?” Suspicion prods at the corners of her tired mind even as the hand at her chin glides down to examine her bleeding neck. His fingers ghost over the wound and she shivers. 
She knows the truth, even as he speaks the words to confirm it. 
“I’m an Original, but I think you already know that. My name is Elijah. I take it you’ve heard of me.”
Klaus. Rebekah. Elijah.
Lucie swallows down her fear and nods. 
“Good, that’ll save us time,” he says. “We have a lot to discuss, Miss LeMarche.”
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cest-tragique · 4 months
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Full Name: Chloé Celeste Deveraux
Nickname(s): Chlo
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Rouen, France
Date of Birth: June 25th
Star Sign: Cancer sun, Pisces moon, Aquarius rise
Species/Race: Human
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 118lbs
Skin Color: Fair
Hair Color: Blonde, brunette (changes from time-to-time)
Eye Color: Green
Features: Prominent cat-like eyes, full lips, beauty marks. Several tattoos, piercings.
History: Her parents were French diplomats, lots of traveling between New York City and Paris. They were mostly absent from her life due to their busy schedule, she unfortunately fell victim to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse at the hand of their live-in au pair. Chloé spent her free time at ballet, in art galleries, and began dabbling in drugs as she got older. Her parents got caught up in an arms-dealing business on the side, eventually tried fleeing France altogether and took their daughter to the US with them. The cartel that was after them brutally murdered her parents in front of her, and human trafficked her for a period of time. The cartel was eventually busted, and Chloé began suffering from biploarism and visual/auditory hallucinations accompanied by her depression and anxiety. Due to her mental health and the fact that she was actively using drugs and having issues withdrawals, the state decided to hospitalize her in a co-ed psychiatric ward where she meets Eric.
Relationships: None.
Family: Mother and father deceased, disowned by both ends of the family.
Love Interest/Crush: Eric Draven
Likes: Romance novels, art history, sunshine, ballet, sketching.
Personality: Incredibly stand-offish, prefers to observe a situation versus interact. Quiet, treads carefully. Unbearably sweet once Eric opens her up a bit. She has a silver tongue, quick to defend the people she cares for.
Dislikes: Loud noises, angry men, chemical restraint, cold weather.
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thechaosmuses · 8 months
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Below the cut is a list of all my canon characters, from every fandom, organized by such. I figured I would go ahead and put this up, as well as an oc muse one, for my oc and canon starters so that way it's easier for y'all to see who is included without going to every separate muse list.
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The Vampire Diaries
Freya Celeste Mikaelson Elijah Daniel Mikaelson Niklaus Ryder Mikaelson Kolton Nathaniel Mikaelson Henrik Alexander Mikaelson Hope Andrea Mikaelson Malachai Silas Parker Olivia Mae Parker Silas Xavier Salvatore Damon Luca Salvatore Stefan Lance Salvatore Jeremiah Steven Gilbert Katherine Maria Pierce Qetsiyah Zione Bennett Bonnie Sheila Bennett Marcel Leon Gerard Hayley Jane Marshall Elizabeth Anne Forbes Josette Olivia Saltzman Ryan Nicholas Clarke Landon Maxwell Kirby Aurora Violet De Martel Aiden Matthew Lawrence Tyler James Lockwood Alexia Rae Branson Sebastian Killian Jones Milton Gabriel Greasley Benjamin James Kenson Lorenzo James St. John Vincent Keith Griffith Sean Kieran O'Connell Lucien Maverick Castle TEST MUSES Dorian Lee Williams Sophie Danielle Deveraux Monique Marie Deveraux Evangeline Amaya Sinclair Inadu Tayen Labonair Rafael Alexander Waithe Finch Taylor Tarrayo Cleo Ada Sowande Penelope Eden Park Jade Ivy Young
Jake Holden Riley Katie Selene Frank Jana Christine Mayfield Teresa Violet Keaton
Teen Wolf
Mieczyslaw Noah Stilinski Scott Gregorio McCall Christopher Henry Argent Allison Artemis Argent Lydia Sophia Martin Jackson William Whittemore Derek Samuel Hale Cora Avery Hale Camden Matthew Lahey Isaac Michael Lahey Vernon Dallas Boyd Danny Keahu Mahealani Malia Elizabeth Tate Kira Jade Yukimura Theodore Christian Raeken Jordan Tyler Parrish Aiden Jacob Steiner Mason Cade Hewitt Brett Lee Talbot Garrett Cole Williams Nolan Andrew Holloway Bobby Adam Finstock Marin Sophia Morrell Braeden Valerie Bardot Deucalion Damien Hemming
Dean Michael Winchester Castiel James Novak Claire Grace Novak Jack Kellan Kline Gadreel Dustin Ward Rowena Jane MacLeod Fergus Roderick MacLeod Belphegor
DC Comics
Bartholomew Henry Allen Nora Francine West-Allen Bart Joseph West-Allen Sara Caitlin Lance Dionysus Arbios Kara Aileen Danvers Winslow Jordan Schott Jr. Clark Joseph Kent Mon-El Lar Gand Querl Dox Music Meister Harleen Frances Quinzel Pamela Lillian Isley
Joaquin Miguel Torres Peter Django Maximoff Pietro Django Maximoff Wanda Marya Maximoff James Buchanan Barnes (pre-serum and super soldier) Steven Grant Rogers (pre-serum and super soldier) Michelle Julia Jones-Watson Peter Benjamin Parker Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy Peter Benjamin Parker Jonathan Spencer Storm Kate Bishop Natalia Alianovna Romanova Yelena Fyodorovna Belova Brunnhilde Valkyrie Loki Laufeyson Stephanie Grace Rogers (genderbent steve) Jamie Belladonna Barnes (genderbent bucky) Samantha Trinity Wilson (genderbent sam) Theodosia Audra Odinsdottir (genderbent thor) Lady Loki Laufeyson (genderbent loki)
Stranger Things
Jonathan Ross Byers Nancy Diana Wheeler Steven Michael Harrington Robin Rae Buckley Edward Joseph Munson Argyle Eduardo Diaz Jane Eleanor Hopper Dustin Jace Henderson Lucas Charles Sinclair Maxine Elizabeth Mayfield
Nicholas Sean Miller Winston Saint-Marie Schmidt Reagan Marie Lucas Leonardo Winston Hamato Michelangelo Chandler Hamato Samuel Nicholas Drake King Benjamin Florian
Athena Grant Howard Han Henrietta Wilson Maddison Juliet Buckley Evan Jones Buckley Edmundo Anthony Diaz
Book Babes
Major Jay Kitahara Lieutenant Lorelai Cathwell Sergeant Major Alary Johann Corporal Erik Mendel Devin Nesta Archeron Elain Archeron Feyre Archeron Rhysand Darling Azriel Cassian Amren Morrigan Gwyneth Berdara Eris Sargon Vanserra Lucien Vanserra Helion Luciano Meridian Tamlin Avri Desrosiers Thesan Addae Koitla Viviane Anera Agnarrson
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hollyoaksloversx · 4 years
Silas Showdown...
Rounding up a week in Hollyoaks (4th-8th January 2021)
He may be one of Hollyoaks most fearsome villains, but this week saw Silas slope off with more of a whimper than the bang some of us may have been expecting. As the week began, Mercedes was eagerly anticipating Bobby’s return from Spain, but was worried that Silas was lurking outside ready to pounce. So, she decided to install CCTV cameras both inside and outside the flat, however, she was furious to realise later that the cameras has been hacked. Believing that a family member must have leaked the password, Mercedes set a trap in order to find out their identity. Calling each person one by one, Mercedes gave each one the name of a different villager that she’d supposedly cheated on Sylver with, ranging from Luke to Grace to Walter. Later, right on cue, the doll sprung to life, and demanded money from Mercedes in exchange for their silence. Doing what she should have done all those months ago, Mercedes demanded proof that the blackmailer knew her secret and when they gave Luke’s name, Mercedes knew she had her culprit...
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Mercedes and Sylver went to confront Theresa and they were quickly interrupted by Seth. As Theresa tried to defend herself, she realised with horror that Seth had been working with Silas and found herself ostracised by the family. Attentions soon shifted to Bobby’s return, but Sylver returned from the airport and revealed that the youngster was nowhere to be found, with airline crew stating that he’d been collected by another family member. Over at the folly, it was revealed that Silas had miraculously been able to collect Bobby and he soon sent him off on a treasure hunt before summoning Mercedes to meet him...
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Mercedes went to meet with Silas and pleaded for the safe return of Bobby. However, Silas offered Mercedes a deal; he would return Bobby to the family on the condition that she allowed him to kill her. Mercedes eventually agreed to Silas’ demands but before Silas could kill her, they were interrupted by Theresa, who whacked Silas over the head. Mercedes and Theresa left the scene and Silas was later found by Bobby, who performed CPR and managed to revive him. Mercedes was then reunited with her son, who informed her that Silas had gone. There was still the small matter of Theresa, though, and despite Seth urging her to leave the village with him, she decided to stay and face the music, hoping that she could be forgiven. However, Mercedes refused to have anything more to do with her and told her she never wanted to see her again. 
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Meanwhile, Cleo was going on a date with Toby, which was causing Felix, who knows his son’s true colours, great concern and he warned Celeste to keep an eye on him. Unfortunately, Cleo and Toby’s date didn’t go very well, and Toby ended up storming off in a huff when Scott kept pestering them and Cleo became distracted by her phone. Elsewhere, there was also relationship dramas for Joel as he avoided meeting up with girlfriend Goldie. After a chat with Warren, Joel went to meet with Cleo, and told her it was her he wanted to be with before the pair shared a kiss. Well of course Joel and Cleo are going to get together! Real life couple = no pesky social distancing! Unfortunately, Celeste had spotted the pair kissing and was worried about how Toby would react. Toby did find out, but news soon filtered through that Bobby had gone missing and he offered to go with Cleo to search. Hunting for the missing child proved to be quite the bonding exercise and Cleo and Toby agreed to put the past behind them and start again. However, at The Dog, Joel was busy breaking up with Goldie... 
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Finally, the village was reeling following Jordan’s murder, and things looked bleak for Juliet and Charlie, who were both facing prison sentences. As Darren and Nancy blamed each other, Mandy was blaming Charlie for getting Ella caught up in county lines. Mandy’s angry ranting eventually got too much for Ella and she told Mandy that she had killed Jordan. Mandy initially struggled to process what she was being told and ran off, but she later told Ella that they had to keep quiet about what had really happened.
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This Week’s Cast:
Bobby, Celeste, Charlie, Cleo, Darren, Ella, Felix, Goldie, Jack, James, Joel, John Paul, Juliet, Mandy, Mercedes, Nana McQueen, Nancy, Peri, Ripley, Scott, Seth, Sid, Silas, Ste, Sylver, Theresa, Toby, Verity, Walter and Warren.
Blasts From The Past:
Justin Burton, Patrick Blake, Carl Costello, Heidi Costello, Jason Costello, Riley Costello, Becca Dean, Mitchell Deveraux, Kyle Kelly, Lisa Loveday, Mitzeee Minniver, Breda McQueen, Carmel McQueen, Jacqui McQueen, Kathleen Angel McQueen, Myra McQueen, Myra-Pocahontas McQueen, Barry ‘Newt’ Newton, Jordan Price, Anita Roy,  Dodger Savage, Stuart Sumner, Calvin Valentine.
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5 Favorite & Least favorite characters of The Orginals and why?
Oh dear anon.
I do wish I could give you a real answer on this, but I haven't actually seen The Originals. The first season, but that's it. I could give you better answers about The Vampire Diaries (favorite and least favorite characters, ships, friendships etc.) if you wanted but I can do my best based on like 20 episodes of watching season one. And with the caveat that maybe some of what I liked or didn't like would change with the coming seasons.
Favorite (in no order)
Davina - Can't blame her for how she acted during the sacrifice. I mean, I doubt she thought it would be so violent. I feel like a lot was withheld from her and the rest of the Harvest girls in general. She's young and naïve and has this rebellious streak where she doesn't seem to enjoy being told what to do. Good for her.
Rebekah - Not shocked that she brought Mikael to NOLA, shocked that Klaus gave his approval for her love life only after she made a move against him. Very bold and honestly, I would have supported her doubling down on her decision. Rebekah deserves to run NOLA.
Thierry - Idk. I just love his whole forbidden romance vibe with Katie at odds with his deep friendship with Marcel. I do wonder what he felt about the witches and how he justified his actions against them to Katie or maybe she wasn't okay with the Harvest either? Who knows. I just wish those two had left NOLA together to live their pretty people lives out somewhere in France.
Celeste - I get it, she's the villain. But honestly, love how deeply committed she was to her vendetta. That line she delivers to Elijah about how every woman he falls in love with from now on he has to wonder if it's her. Sick. I do love that for her. It is very Rumors album and I just have to clap at the level of commitment to ruining the Mikaelsons. And she could have done it to if it wasn't for those meddling kids! (Monique).
Sophie Deveraux - She just reminds me so much of Jenna. I was rooting for her to make it out of town! Trying to do what she thinks is the right thing and paying for it. She should have been around longer! It also would have been interesting to have her around as a love interest after Rebekah leaves.
Least Favorite (in no order)
Monique - Honestly, just the whole killing your aunt because you are a zealot kills my vibes. And then listing her as things you lost to the coven? Ma'am, you did that! Own it! Your mom, yes. Your aunt, no. Move on. The actress does a great job with that blank, nothing behind the eyes zealot thing. Kudos. It just feels like they wrote her character to fill in whatever they needed her to fill in, ya know?
Hayley - I just....she just...seems like such a different character than the one we got in TVD? Like when she made an impassioned plea on the life of innocents, I snort laughed. This from the same girl who (less than 6 months prior?) had bonded, trained and ultimately led to the slaughter 12 hybrids and then had sex with the man who did it? Idk...I guess I just thought she'd be way more ruthless and unfeeling about the causalities on her way to what she wants. Was the implication that impending motherhood softened her? Cause it shouldn't have. Imo, it should have hardened her. Amplified her cruel streak. That would have been interesting.
Cami - I almost hate to put her here cause I think she's got interesting stuff you know? Solving the mystery of her brother and dealing with her family's long history of complicity in the city. All very cool. But towards the end of season 1 I was just, not into her? Her morality seems to fluctuate and I'm just confused. Maybe the theme here is that Julie & Co don't write female characters with a perspective in mind, but rather what the male characters need from them?
Oliver - Honestly how cold blooded do you need to be to kill your old friend and then claim it was for the good of the pack? Another character that I'm just confused about what his motivation and perspective were. Working with the witches against Rebekah and Hayley (and by association his bff Jackson)? And also plotting against his own people to stage a coupe against said bff which idk about TVDU werewolves in a pack but I feel like the fight for alpha would be to the death and then what about your bestie? Huh! What about your bestie Ollie? Also he did my girl Rebekah dirty.
Marcel - I am sure this would change! Cause I adore him, truly. But why the hell did Rebekah leave town and he's all "It's my city" like he's Batman? The writers couldn't come up with a better reason why, after all this time, he finally gets the girl and he says no thanks I think I'll just stay here in this warehouse and get my best friend killed. Couldn't possibly rule a city in a different part of the country with my hot vampire wife! I am confused and a little salty about that so please forgive my bias. Was it really just the city? I know it all depended on the actors but come on! Give the man a better reason to deny the love of his life! It's giving me Season 3 Stefan "Go to Denver to resolve your feelings about my brother" Salvatore vibes.
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jackbatchelor3 · 4 years
“Then I will.“ - Warren Fox
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elcnasxltzman · 4 years
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robronotics · 5 years
I’m no expert. I’ve never been pregnant and I never plan to be pregnant, however, I was under the impression that while pregnant, mothers of twins/triplets/etc, got larger than average for a regular pregnancy. So it seems a little odd that Martine would have no idea she was pregnant until 5 months along. That’s without even considering not having her period for that long (which as someone who was highly irregular for a long time, I know happens). Am I wrong in thinking someone carrying triplets would be showing (and likely REALLY showing) by 5 months?
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victoriahazelnut · 3 years
Beautiful Unisex Names☂
I got inspiration from my non-binary friend who recently changed their middle name. I thought this would be a neat little post💜
☂️ Atticus Jade
☂️ Ash Lupin
☂️ Bellamy Rose
☂️ Blue Maddox
☂️ Cypress Thorn
☂️ Celeste Autumn
☂️ Dean Grey
☂️ Drue Kingsley
☂️ Ellis Monroe
☂️ Eden Amory
☂️ Francis Ezra
☂️ Frost Rosario
☂️ Genesis Onyx
☂️ Grizzly Harlow
☂️ Hayden Night
☂️ Harley Amber
☂️ Indigo Knightley
☂️ Ira Angel
☂️ Jude Lennon
☂️ Jamie Valentine
☂️ Kirby Alex
☂️ Kameron Castiel
☂️ Lee Clement
☂️ Lavern Noel
☂️ Marilyn Lynx
☂️ Mischa Robin
☂️ Neut Theo
☂️ North Windsor
☂️ Ocean Shiloh
☂️ Oakley Rome
☂️ Phoenix Sterling
☂️ Peregrine Wren
☂️ Quinn Dusk
☂️ Quincy Amour
☂️ Rain Bloom
☂️ Reagan Evermore
☂️ Shay Deveraux
☂️ Storm Voss
☂️ Tatum Darcy
☂️ Tempest Brighton
☂️ Virgo Linden
☂️ Valen Page
☂️ Winter Rowan
☂️ Woods Umber
☂️ Yuki Willow
☂️ Yuri Valour
☂️ Zorion Jackie
☂️ Zero Blake
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bonniebird · 2 years
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Fandom List: The Originals
Please remember to send your requests in with the full name of the character or it won’t be accepted.
Names with a cross through mean I’m not writing for them at the moment but I may write for them again soon.
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🆕 - New characters
💋 - Characters I write smut for
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⛔- Character has no fics written for them
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The Originals Masterlist
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💋📓📕Klaus Mikaelson 
💋📓📕Elijah Mikaelson
💋📓📕Rebekah Mikaelson
💋📓📕Kol Mikaelson
💋📓📕Freya Mikaelson
💋⛔Finn Mikaelson
💋📓📕Hayley Marshall-Kenner
💋📓📕Marcel Gerard
💋📓📕Davina Claire
💋📓✔️Hope Mikaelson
💋Camille O'Connell
💋📓📕Lucien Castle
💋⛔Vincent Griffith 
💋⛔Sophie Deveraux
💋⛔Jackson Kenner
💋⛔Tristan de Martel
💋⛔Aurora de Martel
💋⛔Josh Rosza
💋⛔Celeste Dubois
💋⛔Eva Sinclair
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Keeping Secrets Ch. 51
Keeping Secrets Masterlist
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A/N: According to the TVD universe timeline I’ve been using, Hayley was pregnant with Hope for like, a year and a half or some crazy crap. So just so you guys know in this story, Baby M. was conceived in late March, putting Katie’s due date in late December or early January.
Late October (The day after Rebekah left)
Katie, sleeping with her back to Klaus’s chest, was woken up by the feel of him slipping his fingertips lightly up her bare arm, skipping over the strap of her pajama top as he moved them over her shoulder and across her chest. Curious about what he’d do next she kept her eyes closed, pretending to still be asleep. He traced back over his previous path then down her side and over her thigh that he gently gripped. The touch sent a tingle throughout her body, but she tried her best to hide her reaction.
Since that didn’t wake her he slowly moved his hand up and under her pajama shorts and she almost had to bite her lip to hide her reaction to his teasing. He knew she was awake, not from her relaxed face or slow even breathing, but from the beat of her heart, that skipped at his tempting touches. With his hand now on her hip he pulled her closer then went back to lightly slipping his fingertips over her smooth exposed skin. When he moved his hand back to her chest and pressed his palm to it, his fingertips touching the hollow of her neck, her heart skipped again and he couldn’t hold back his chuckle. “You are an amazing actress, Little Phoenix, but the beating of your heart betrays you.”
She smiled, but didn’t open her eyes. “I’ll work in it.”
“Why do you attempt to fool me?” he asked, letting his eyes skim her face.
“Because I’m afraid if I open my eyes you’ll stop touching me like that.” she answered then opened her eyes to see him studying her face. “I missed you.” he placed the backs of his fingers on her cheek and stroked it with his thumb. “When those witches took you I…” she narrowed her eyes and shook her head, “I hated not being able to help you, not knowing where you were or what they were doing to you. How did they manage to take you down anyway?”
“While Elijah was saving you from that burning house, Sophie Deveraux stabbed me with Papa Tunde’s blade. I passed out and woke up in the sanatorium.” He answered then dropped his hand to rest on the side of her neck.
“Well, the next time I see her I’m going to bust one of Bonnie’s magic muting bombs in her face and break her neck.” Katie said through gritted teeth.
“I would pay to see that, Little Phoenix, however someone beat you to the punch.” He told her getting a curious look from her. “Sophie is dead, Elijah didn’t tell you?” he asked and she shook her head no.
“So what happened to you, at the sanatorium?” Katie asked, getting back on topic.
“Genevieve shackled me to a chair, took the blade out, kept me weak and linked my mind to Rebekah’s. While we were linked Genevieve forced Rebekah to take a walk down memory lane revealing her betrayal.” he answered.
“Why? What did Genevieve get out of it?” Katie asked with a frown.
“Revenge against Rebekah.” Klaus answered.
Katie gave him a confused shake of her head. “I know Rebekah used her to bring your father here, but that doesn’t seem reason enough to completely wreck someone’s family.”
“When Genevieve found out exactly who she brought to town and that Mikael would kill me she threatened to come to me and beg for forgiveness for what she had unknowingly done. Rebekah could not let that happen, so she infected Genevieve and her nosey little friend with Spanish influenza and had them locked in quarantine until they died.”
“Do you happen to know the name of the friend?” Katie asked curiously.
“Clara I think.” He answered, “Why?”
“Things are making so much more sense now.” Katie said with a look around and a shake of her head. “In 1919 Celeste was using Clara’s body. Both Celeste and Genevieve were victims of Mikaelson mistakes and Bastianna went along with everything because she was mad at Father K. and Marcel for screwing up the harvest ritual.”
To change the subject Klaus slipped his hand over her growing stomach and asked, “How is our little princess?”
“I haven’t felt her move in a while. I’m worried.” Katie admitted as she slipped her hand over his and looked down at her dark blue pajama tank top covered stomach.
“Her heartbeat is as strong as ever.” He told her as he brushed his thumb back and forth over her stomach. “We can find a doctor in town to take you to if you need more reassurance.”
She was about to take him up on the offer when the baby kicked hard, making their hands move. “Nope, I think I know what the problem was.” Katie told him as she gave his shoulder a push then moved to straddle him.
“Yeah?” he asked, placing his hands on her hips as she settled into his lap.
“She, like her mother, simply missed you.” She was about to lean in and kiss him when her phone on the bedside table chimed so she leaned over and grabbed it.
“If that is Nate I’m going to get jealous.” He told her with a bit of a smirk.
“It’s Hayley.” She replied as she opened the text. “Did you know the crescent wolves have been cursed to only be human on the full moon?” she asked and he shook his head no. “Elijah told me about it and Hayley came to me the day before yesterday asking for information in exchange for helping keep the peace between us and the wolves. Turns out Celeste cursed them while hopping a ride in a Deveraux witch’s body.” Klaus slipped his hands up her sides as she read the text, going back to caressing her like he had been before they started talking. “According to this message Hayley got to Celeste before Elijah killed her and got what she needed to cure her people.” Katie texted back, “Awesome.” and a smiley face emoji then put her phone away. “On the subject of Nate, who’s not gay just so you know,” Klaus gave her an I-knew-it look. “Oh don’t look at me like that. Straight or not he’s not interested in me like that. Besides, I doubt I’ll be talking to him anytime soon considering he’s been banished from the quarter. It seems it’s not meant for me to have friends here.”
“Why not get Bonnie to make a daylight ring for Josh?” Klaus asked. “He’s completely loyal to Marcel and you’ve expressed the desire for his friendship in the past.”
“Bonnie doesn’t make those rings for just anyone. She didn’t even want to make one for me, but Damon and Elena talked her into it and I had to promise that I wouldn’t feed on people before I could have it.” she said with a shake of her head. “And I kept that promise up until I stopped clinging so tightly to a relationship that was doomed from the beginning.”
“So that’s why your compulsion sucked when we first met.” He said with a small smile at the memory of the guy that Klaus almost killed at homecoming.
“Pretty much.” She nodded. “And after getting compelled by Elijah I have to wonder if all compulsion feels that invasive and violating or just what he compelled me to do.”
“You’re livid with him for that, aren't you?” he asked, seeing a spark in her eyes.
“Livid is an understatement.” she answered with a nod as she dropped her eyes to his shirt covered chest. “That slap was not satisfying enough.” She looked into his eyes. “I’m guessing you’re mad at him for defending Rebekah.”
“As well as a plethora of other things.” He replied then slipped his hand over her cheek and pulled her down for a slow, sweet kiss. “Less discussion.” He whispered then started kissing his way to her neck, pulling a sigh from her when he grazed his teeth over the sensitive skin. “Show me how much you missed me.” he whispered then kissed her earlobe as he threaded his fingers through her long, wavy auburn locks at the nape of her neck. She pulled back and looked him in the eyes as she grabbed the hem of the grey wife beater he’d worn to sleep and pulled it over his head. His hands settled on her sides as she tossed the shirt aside then turned her eyes to his torso, slipping her fingertips over his shoulders, his collarbones, down his chest, over his perfectly toned abs and around to hold his sides. She leaned forward and kissed his chest slowly working her way up to his neck where she nibbled, pulling a sigh from him as his hands lightly squeezed her hips.
She kissed just below his ear before she whispered, “Tá tú gan locht.” “You are perfect.” Her words, spoken seductively in her native tongue, made a toe curling groan slip from his lips and he wanted to take her right then, but after two nights without her, he wanted to make the moment last. So she kissed down to his chest, "tá tú dathúil." "You are handsome." she kissed over to one of his nipples and swirled her tongue around it making him sigh and back to the nape of her neck, his fingers tangled in her hair. "Tá tú blasta..." "You are delicious..." she pulled back and looked into his lust veiled eyes, “and...Kingdom or no kingdom…'' She moved to sit on her knees beside him, "village or no village," removed the blankets from his lap then slipped her fingertips up his inner thigh stopping at the line of his boxers then leaned up and caught his lips in a kiss that quickly heated up. When it finally broke she opened her eyes, her bright greens meeting his steel blues, "beidh tú i mo rí go deo." "you will forever be my king."
A gasp left his lips as he whooshed to his knees, one hand still on the back of her neck and the other pressed to her lower back, holding her as close to him as her belly would allow. Her hands pressed into his back as he caught her lips with his. Every ounce of passion, how much what she said meant to him washing over her like a tidal wave. As his tongue found hers her hands slipped down to his lower back, lightly scratching him as she moved her hands to hold his sides, steadying herself. He broke the kiss and cupped her cheek in his large hand as he looked into her equally lust clouded eyes. “Tá tú, mo bhanríon, ar meisciúil.” “You, my queen, are intoxicating.” She’d known he could understand her when she spoke Irish, but she didn’t know he could speak it and doing so caused an overwhelming amount of love and desire to wash over her.
A smile spread over her lips before she bit her bottom one and let it slip between her teeth. “Say that again.”
“Tá tú meisciúil.” “You’re intoxicating.” He repeated as he brushed his thumb over her cheek.
“The other part.” She told him with a smirk.
“Mo bhanríon.” “My Queen.” He picked up her left hand from his side and looked down at the tiara on her finger, sat it and her other hand on his shoulders then grabbed her butt with one hand and her back with the other, picking her up. A laugh left her lips as she wrapped her legs around him and he laid her back cutting off her laugh with his lips on hers.
Katie stood in the kitchen making a late breakfast when Elijah walked in. “Where is Niklaus this morning?” he asked as he leaned on the frame of the archway that led into the room.
“His studio.” She answered flatly, not looking up from the banana she was slicing. She was hoping he’d go away in pursuit of Klaus, but instead he walked over to stand beside her, leaning his hip on the edge of the counter.
“I owe you an apology.” He told her as he set his hand on the bar next to the cutting board.
She flipped the knife around in her hand, slammed it down into the back of his hand. He looked at his hand and the knife that she still held onto then back at her. She looked into his brown eyes with a glare that he was unfortunately getting used to being aimed at him. “I am getting, so sick of your apologies.” She told him through gritted teeth. “Thanks to you, in the back of my head I am still unwillingly coming up with ways to excuse what Rebekah has done.”
“You are the one person he listens to. I needed you to talk him down.” Elijah reasoned.
“Playing mediator was not my job or my wish at that moment.” She argued angrily as she jerked the blade out of his hand and tossed it into the sink. “He looked like death warmed over and all I wanted was to be there for him, however he needed me. Rather that was simply nursing him back to health or talking him out of killing his sister.”
“You made it perfectly clear you had no intentions of that.” Elijah pointed out.
“I was angry with her and pissed at you for stabbing him!” She yelled at him, but she stopped, closed her eyes and placed her hands on the bar as she took a deep breath then let it out. “I said things I didn’t mean. If you seriously think I’d ever really want him to kill her,” she looked back up at him, “for him to live, knowing that he was the one that took her from this world…then you really don’t know me at all.”
“Yes, well, you were not the only one who was angry.” He pulled the handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped the blood from his hand where she had stabbed him.
“Oh I’m aware.” She used her hand to scrape the banana slices off of the cutting board into a bowl of honey nut cheerios. “Klaus and Rebekah aren’t the only ones who inherited the Mikaelson temper. You, in your anger, kicked a friend of mine out of this house.”
“You made a friend amongst the riffraff. Why does that not surprise me?” he asked, his air of superiority pissing her off.
She grabbed the jug of milk out of the fridge and took the cap off. “Just because they were loyal to Marcel and Klaus does not make them unworthy of being in the presence of the holier-than-thou Elijah Mikaelson.” She poured some milk in her bowl then capped it and looked at Elijah. “My friend's name is Nate and he is welcome here anytime I damn well please.” She grabbed her bowl of cereal and took a bite.
“If I find out he has less than honorable intentions for you I will put an end to them.” Elijah warned her.
“I’ve come to expect no less from you.” she replied and started to walk off.
“Katie.” She turned back to him with a sigh and an eye roll. He walked over to her, placed his fingertips on her cheek then looked into her eyes. “You are free of my compulsion.”
She blinked out of the compulsive state then took his hand off her face. “Thank you. Now, if you ever compel me again, you can expect more than a slap to the face and a knife through your hand.”
Later that evening Elijah led Katie to the court yard where Nate stood near the fountain. “He asked to speak to you.” Elijah told her as they walked down the stairs.
“Nate, what are you doing here? Elijah could have killed you.” Katie asked as she walked over to him and the other two vampires.
“I don’t want to leave the quarter. It’s my home.” Nate answered. “Most of the others are across the river following Diego, but I have a different leader in mind.” He made a motion at her with his hand.
“Me?” Katie asked with raised brows and a disbelieving tone. “You’ve got to be kidding.”
“Hear me out.” He told her defensively. “I understand that you have Klaus and Elijah, but they can’t always be with you. You’ve complained in the past about not being about to go out and about without one of them with you to make sure the witches leave you be. You need a body guard since your dad left. Besides, I kind of thought we had become friends and I don’t leave my friends even when an original tells me to.” He glanced at Elijah who was standing behind Katie then back at her.
“Don’t you have friends amongst the people that you’re leaving behind for me?” Katie asked with a narrow eyed head shake.
“Not really, no.” he answered as he tucked his hands into his pockets. “I’ve lived here for five years. Only a year of that has been spent with Marcel and his people and the whole time I was with them I never felt like I was one of them. You’re the first friend I’ve had here.” He finished with a shrug.
“Then how did you get a daylight ring so fast?” Katie asked.
“I was a vampire before I moved here. Not all witches hate vampires, as you well know.” He pointed out with a motion to the daylight ring she still wore. “If I have to follow a leader to live in this city then I choose you.” he told her with a shrug.
“I say he can stay.” Klaus’s voice hit their ears and they both looked at him as he walked down the stairs to stand beside Elijah. “Though, I’m not sure my opinion is the one that matters at the moment.”
“I would like him to stay here and be able to come and go as he pleases.” Katie said with a look at Elijah.
Elijah frowned in thought and crossed his arms over his chest. After a few seconds that felt like minutes he gave Katie a nod then looked at Nate. “Do not make me regret letting you stay.” Nate gave him a nod.
A Week Later
Katie sat at a chair at the hair salon in the quarter, the hairdresser cutting her long hair that hadn’t been cut in over a year, back into the style Katie preferred which was shoulder length with layers and side bangs. Nate sat in a chair outside keeping an eye on every person that entered the salon while pretending to read a newspaper.
“You know,” Genevieve said as she sat down in the empty chair next to Katie that wasn’t being used by a hairdresser, “You may have Klaus wrapped around your finger, but I’ll have that little knot untied in no time.”
“Excuse me?” Katie asked with raised brows as she looked at Genevieve out of the corners of her eyes, not able to turn her head for fear of messing up her stylist.
Genevieve propped her elbow up on the armrest of the chair. “Once he sees how powerful I am and that I can offer him things you could never dream of, he’ll realize you are nothing more than a has been.”
“You’re forgetting two little problems with your theory.” Katie pointed out, turning her head while her stylist sprayed her hair with water, to give Genevieve a glare. “I’m pregnant with his daughter, and he loves me. He’d never leave me for an overconfident little witch bitch like you.”
Genevieve looked at her painted red nails and shrugged. “We’ll see about that.” she gave Katie a confident smirk as she stood and walked away.
Not two seconds later Nate sat down beside her. “I tried to stop her, but she did that stupid thing witches do where they make it feel like your head’s going to explode.” He told her with a rub of his temples.
“It’s fine.” She told him with a shake of her head.
“Are you gonna tell Klaus?” he asked, sounding worried.
“That a witch got past you or that said witch is out to snatch him away from me?” she asked with a look at him before the stylist asked her to look straight ahead. So she did.
“Um…both?” he answered though it sounded more like a question.
“I have to warn him that she’s after him, even though she could try as hard as she wanted to and she’d never come between us.” she answered. “Don’t worry about Klaus. Unless you do something incredibly stupid like side with our enemies, you’re safe.”
Present Time
Elijah stood in the doorway of Katie’s recording studio watching her where she sat on the couch in the control room, practicing guitar that she’d been getting lessons to play. She’s also been getting lessons on recording and writing music. “What is that you’re playing?” he asked curiously.
“You mean other than a guitar?” she asked then looked away from her fingers on the guitar strings to give him a smile that let him know she was joking with him. He gave her a small, fleeting smile back as he walked in and sat down in the chair at the control table, facing her. “It’s a song of mine, ‘Lonely’.” She answered.
“May I hear it?” he asked hopefully.
“Mmmm…I don’t know…” she answered with a draw. “It’s kind of depressing and I’m not that good yet.” She reasoned with a motion to the guitar.
“I promise not to judge.” He told her with a serious look then gave her a small smile.
“Fine…” she sighed then turned her attention to her guitar and started playing a slow, melancholy tune and sang. “I’m slowly killing myself. Trying so hard at the back of the shelf. It’s just the same every day. I’m writing these songs that will never get played. I get told what’s wrong and what’s right. I don’t have a fantastic life. Everyone’s dying so I keep on trying to make ‘em proud before they’re gone. Can’t someone help me, please, someone help me. I don’t care, anyone or anything ‘cause I’m so sick of being so lonely.” She finished at what she had learned to play then looked at Elijah to see him frowning. “It sucks, I know…” she sighed and set the guitar on the couch beside her.
“No, it was good.” Elijah countered still with a frown on his face. “When did you write it?”
“The end of sophomore year, right after Elena’s parents died. Why?” she asked with a frown.
“Because what I just heard was a literal cry for help.” He told her, sounding really worried.
“Let me guess you thought I’d been feeling neglected by Klaus and lonely because he’s been…entertaining, Genevieve.” She said with a smirk that told him he was being ridiculous. He just nodded. “I knew what I was getting into when we started this whole thing. He’s not neglecting me. I still get just as much time with him as I always did. She gets his days, I get his nights and after Klaus’s wolf relatives and the crescent wolves have moonlight rings on their fingers…she gets dropped on her bony little ass.”
“You are aware that in order to keep up the charade Klaus will eventually be required to give her some of your nights, right?” Elijah pointed out.
“I’m aware.” Katie nodded.
“She will grow suspicious if she even so much as suspects that you and Klaus are still together.” He reminded her.
“And have I not played my part perfectly?” Katie asked, getting irritated with him.
“You have, which is what confuses me.” he told her with a frown. “How are you okay with him indulging her?”
“Because I know where his heart truly lies and that everything that happens between them means absolutely nothing to him and everything to her.” Katie argued.
“How can you so callously crush someone’s heart when yours has been broken so many times?” Elijah asked.
“Because after torturing him and Rebekah, threatening to take Klaus from me and therefore break up yet another part of his family she deserves to get dropped on her ass.” Katie answered then decided to change the subject a bit. “So how’s it going with your end of things?”
“I have gotten the new faction leaders to agree to a meeting this afternoon.” He answered. “Would you like to join me in leading it?” he asked, catching Katie a little off guard. “Diego and Hayley respect you.”
“Yes, but Genevieve will be there representing the witches. Witches, who I need not remind you, I have a special hatred of. Putting the two of us in one room together will be like putting two angry vipers in a tank and watching them fight to the death. It will be counter productive to the mission.” Katie pointed out.
“Yes, you are probably right about that.” he agreed.
“Is she gone yet?” Katie asked, missing the enhanced hearing she once had as a vampire.
Elijah listened for a moment. “No. She and Niklaus are talking, but it’s nothing of import. Would you like me to interrupt and urge her to leave?”
“Yes, please.” Katie told him with a thankful look.
That afternoon, while Elijah and Genevieve were at the summit, Katie and Klaus had lunch together. “So, how are things with Genevieve?” Katie asked before she took a bite of her b.l.t. sandwich.
“I believe she has grown suspicious.” He answered making Katie give him a curious look. “I noticed a willows hoop dream catcher, adorned with the bones and feet of a chicken, on a shelf in our quarters.”
“She’s spying on you.” Katie observed getting a look from Klaus that asked how she knew about the witch’s use of dream catcher spy glasses. “Fiona’s mother used them all the time to keep tabs on my father. That way she wouldn’t get caught healing my back.”
Klaus looked at her with sadness in his eyes and she knew it was because he too knew what it felt like to have his flesh split open with tiny strips of leather. He took a deep breath, then let it out and took a bite of his lunch. “Yes, she is spying on me. So we can no longer sleep in our quarters.”
“Because if you move or destroy the dream catcher it will only further her suspicions.” Katie sighed.
“And I’m afraid her suspicion stems from the fact that she and I have been taking it too slow. My actions do not match my reputation.” He added. “It is time I took the next step with her…”
“Well,” Katie paused to swallow the food in her mouth then continued, “we knew this was going to happen sooner or later.” she pushed her empty plate away and took a drink of water from the clear wine glass.
“I can not tell if you are hiding your resentment with indifference or if you truly do not care rather or not I sleep with Genevieve.” He observed.
“Klaus…” she sighed as she stood from the chair and walked around the table to lean her butt against it as she looked down at him, “I truly don’t care if you have sex with her. If you’re comfortable using it as a tool of manipulation then so am I.” she assured him. “All of this…Elijah working to unite the factions, us empowering the werewolves and manipulating Genevieve into doing so…it’s all to achieve one main goal.” She placed her hand on his cheek. “Create a safe environment for our daughter with you and the werewolves at the top of the totem pole. It will take time, but I have all faith that we can make it happen.” He scooted his chair back and grabbed her hips as she slid to stand in front of him. “I’ve asked you before and I have to ask again…are you comfortable using sex to manipulate her?”
“It’s nothing I haven’t done a thousand times before.” He answered as he slipped a hand over her stomach. “It’s easy when she means absolutely nothing to me.” she gave him a look that asked him to give her a straight answer. “Yes, I am comfortable with it.”
“Then we have nothing to worry about.” She told him then leaned down and pressed her lips to his. “Though I worry a little,” she made a pinching gesture with her thumb and pointer finger, “that she will be better than me, all things considered.” Her eyes glanced down at her massive stomach.
“You needn’t worry about that.” Klaus assured her as he stood up and looked down at her.
“But I do.” She replied as she slid her hands up his chest. “I can hardly breath these days much less satisfy you…” her eyes slipped from his to look at her hands on his chest. “Besides, you clearly have a thing for redheads considering I found a painting you made of a very beautiful woman with long, wavy, red locks in the attic.”
“How do you know it’s one of mine?” Klaus asked with a tilt of his head.
“Because I’ve watched you paint enough to know your brushstrokes when I see them.” Katie answered.
“I’ll admit to having a predilection for red hair.” he told her before he pecked her on the end of her nose, “However, you…are the red head I crave every second I am away from you.” he leaned down and caught her lips in a long, slow, sweet kiss.
When it broke she looked into his blue eyes. “I love you, Big Bad Wolf.” He just smiled and slipped his thumb over her cheekbone. “So…how’s Father Kieran?”
“His lucidity is slowly deteriorating.” Klaus answered. “I’ve heard talk of him being replaced as the leader of the human faction.”
“By who?” Katie asked with a frown.
“Francesca Correa.” He answered. “She is the city’s leading philanthropist.”
“So she’s a do-gooder like Father K.?” Katie asked curiously.
“She also owns the biggest casino in the city and is the matriarch to a rather sizable drug trafficking empire.” He added.
“Okay…definitely not a do-gooder.” Katie drawled. “Have you spoken to Cami?” Klaus just shook his head as his cell phone dinged in his back pocket.
“The summit is over. No doubt Genevieve will be here soon.” He told her.
“I will be so glad when this is all done and she is banned from this house.” Katie sighed.
“That makes two of us.” Klaus told her then pecked her on the lips. “Until then we all have our parts to play.”
Katie simply blew air between her lips as she led her head fall forward to rest on his chest. Knowing what she was feeling he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
With Nate at her side Katie looked through maternity dresses on a rack in the local maternity boutique. “So why are you going to this party?” Nate asked as he looked through a rack then held up a black dress and she shook her head no.
“Because it’s partially my responsibility to help Klaus and Elijah make this place safe for my child to grow up in.” She answered and he held up another dress. “Ooh, I like that one.” She took it from him when he held it out to her and draped it over her arm. “And you wonder why I thought you were gay when we first met.” She commented with a playful smile.
“Hey, a guy doesn’t have to be gay to know what will look good on a woman.” He defended.
“Oh I’m aware.” she replied with a laugh.
“For curiosity’s sake why did you think I was gay?” he asked as he held up another dress that she liked and tossed it over her arm.
“You’re pretty for a guy.” She answered and he gave her a “get serious” look. “And I mean that in a very…Jensen Ackles kind of way.”
“Thanks…I think.” He told her as he held up another dress and she shook her head.
“You’re welcome.” She told him then looked at her arm to see that she had way too many dresses stacked on it. “I’m going to go try these on.” After waiting for what felt like forever for her to be done she stepped out of the dressing room in a dark blue form fitting dress that stopped just above her knees with a deep v cowl neckline and long sleeves. “Be honest, what do you think? Is it too plain?”
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“I think if you wear that dress every male at the party as well as some females might have heart attacks.” He answered.
“Is that a good thing?” Katie asked with an unsure look down at the generous amount of cleavage that the dress revealed.
“Yes.” He answered. “And no, it’s not too plain.”
“It doesn’t look like I’m trying way too hard to be sexy when in reality I look like a blue whale?” she asked self-consciously.
“No.” he answered. “If your goal is to make Klaus remember what he left for a shapeless bean pole with no personality setting other than bitch, then this is your dress.”
“What would I do without you?” Katie asked fondly.
“You would be a hopeless mess too scared to leave the compound.” He answered, then smiled and shook his head. “Na, you’d be just fine, friendless, but fine. Now go change, I still need to buy something to wear to this fancy pants shindig.”
She ducked back behind the curtain of the changing room. “You’re coming tonight?” she asked knowing that parties weren’t usually his thing.
“You think I’m going to let you walk into a room of witches, werewolves and vampires without a bodyguard?” he asked as if her question was silly. “No. I’m your self appointed friend date.”
Katie just laughed to herself at his silly over protectiveness. “You know both Elijah and Klaus will be there right? Neither of them will let anything happen to me.”
“Yes, but Elijah will most likely be working the floor ensuring that everyone gets along with each other and Klaus will have his head up Genevieve’s butt.” He pointed out.
“Okay, fine, you can be my friend date.” She told him as she pulled her maternity shirt over her head then stepped out of the booth and shrugged her jacket on.
Loud dance music floated upstairs from the party that was kicking off downstairs and into the bedroom that was attached to the nursery where Katie stood at a vanity fastening a shimmering bracelet around her wrist. When it was secured she took off the necklace Klaus had given her and added some small shimmering beads to the chain dressing it up to match the form flattering dress. Klaus let himself in and quietly closed the door. Katie turned to see him dressed in a black suit with a black dress shirt and a black and gold printed tie. “Hello handsome.” Katie greeted with an appreciative tone that suggested if she had it her way they wouldn’t leave the bedroom at all tonight.
Klaus growled, low and deep, as he sat his hands on her waist then slid them down to her hips and caught her lips with his. “Was it your intention, when you chose that dress, to torture me all night?”
Katie laughed and he noticed a devious tone in it. “I chose it to show Genevieve that regardless of what she thinks even eight months pregnant I’m still sexier than she’ll ever be. Torturing you and making you think only of me all night was just a happy side note.”
He gave her an impressed look with his lust filled eyes. “You haven’t peeked at the nursery have you?” he asked considering he knew it was tempting to do so, but he hadn’t finished it yet and didn’t want her to see it until he was done.
“I promised you I wouldn’t.” she told him with an eye roll and he gave her a look that told her to be honest. “No, I haven’t peeked at your unfinished project.”
“And you remember your role for tonight?” he asked, getting back to business.
“Yep, hang out with Nate, look defeated when I see you with Genevieve, help keep an eye out for tension and if need be distract Genevieve catty, immature banter while you’re talking to Jackson who is the alpha of one of the two branches of crescent wolves.” She answered then slid her hands over the smooth skin of his neck.
He smiled down at her but it faded when an uncomfortable look flashed across her face and she placed her hand on her stomach. “What’s wrong?” he asked, suddenly concerned.
“It’s nothing.” She assured him with a shake of her head as her face relaxed.
“Katie.” He drawled in a warning tone.
“Klaus.” She mimicked back. “It’s just Braxton hicks.”
“You’re sure?” he asked with wide worried eyes.
“I’m sure.” She assured him then dropped her hand from her loosening stomach. “I know what contractions feel like. I’ll tell you when I start feeling the real thing.” He breathed out a heavy breath and rested his forehead on hers. “I know you grow more anxious the closer we get to the due date…” she sighed as she grabbed his hands off of her hips and threaded their fingers together as she looked into his steel blue eyes. “But we’ll be okay.”
It was rare for him to let her see him vulnerable, but every time he did it just reminded her how much he cared for her and trusted her. Eventually, as the music outside grew louder, Klaus let go of her hands and pecked her on the lips. “Let’s get this show on the road shall we?” he asked as he held his hand out to the door for her to go first.
Katie and Nate were sitting at a table munching on some hors d’oeuvres when Genevieve and the three harvest girls walked in from one entrance. At the same time, a group of people led by two rustically handsome men, one with long blond hair and the other with shorter, but still long brown hair, came in from the second. “I’m guessing those guys are the crescent wolves?” Katie asked Nate.
“Yep. Something tells me it’s only a matter of time before this party gets interesting.” He answered then noticed her plate was empty so he grabbed his then motioned to hers, “you done with that?” she gave him a nod so he went to pass the plates off to a waiter. While he was gone she watched Elijah join the party and Katie was going to go talk to him and compliment him on his party planning skills, but another woman beat her to it and started flirting with him. “Feeling jealous?” Nate asked as he joined her at the tall table and handed her a champagne flute of sparkling white grape juice.
“What?” she asked looking away from the woman and Elijah, to a smirking Nate. “Why would I be jealous?”
“Um, probably because you two were a thing once upon a time.” He answered getting a frown from Katie considering she never told him about her past with Elijah. “It’s kind of public knowledge that you were soul bound to him and the link only broke because your soul shattered. The recovery from which led to you being able to get knocked up by Klaus when you were still a vampire.”
“My life’s story is public knowledge?” she asked with raised brows and he nodded. “Wow, that sucks. But to answer your question, no I’m not jealous. I’m curious.” She told him with a sigh then looked to see that Elijah was elsewhere, but the woman still stood at the table choosing desserts.
“You’re curious?” he asked disbelievingly.
“Last I heard he was dating Hayley. So when I see him flirting with whoever that chick is, yeah I get a touch curious.” She defended.
“That chick is Francesca Correa.” Nate informed her with a smirk.
“Would it completely and totally annoy you if I asked you to be nosey and tell me what Elijah and Diego are talking about?” Katie asked with a nod of her head at the two men.
“Not at all, I love being nosey.” He told her with an interested smirk then noticed her giving him a look. “What, guys can be nosey too.”
“I knew there was a reason I like you.” she told him with a laugh that he playfully shushed.
“Elijah is telling Diego to be polite and welcoming to the wolves, but they killed Diego’s family and would have killed him too had Marcel not saved him.” Nate told her while continuing to listen then Katie watched as Elijah said something to Diego and walked away.
“What did Elijah say back?” Katie asked, but when she looked at Nate she saw that he was looking off to the side and up. She followed his gaze and realized he’d noticed Klaus and Genevieve standing on the upper balcony talking.
“Elijah used fancy words to tell him to suck it up and Genevieve just called you a walking incubator with trashy taste in fashion.” He answered. The insult didn’t bother her, it wasn’t anything she hadn’t heard a thousand times before in her life. What bothered her was when Klaus placed his hand on Genevieve’s shoulder and said something to make her smile before he kissed her.
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It wasn’t passionate or even a lingering kiss, but it was still a kiss and the first time Katie had actually seen them together. “If you squeeze that glass any harder it’s going to break and slice your hand open. I don’t need to tell you how bad that would be given the amount of vampires in the building.” Katie tore her eyes off of Genevieve, who’d seen her giving them a glare that if looks could kill would have Genevieve coughing up blood, then set her flute of juice on the table. She flexed her fingers and took a deep breath. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” She answered. He ducked into her line of vision and raised his brows at her. “No, but…I have to be.” She told him with a sigh. “Otherwise I’m not and I can’t deal with that right now.”
“Well, I would offer you a drink, but…” he motioned to her stomach.
“Yeah, trust me, if I wasn’t pregnant I would have found my way to the nearest container of bourbon and drank half of it already.” She told him with an aggravated look then picked up her glass and downed it.
“You know they say the last month of pregnancy is all hormones and mood swings. So, just, keep that in mind.” He told her in an attempt to make her feel like less of a crazy person and she gave him a thankful look.
An hour later, Nate had left her to dance with a witch that had been eyeing him all night. So Katie stood at the table by herself watching him dance with the witch and Elijah dance with Hayley. She was supposed to be keeping an eye out for fighting or tension, but so far the entire party had been going according to plan. So when Jackson, the rustically handsome brunette werewolf, interrupted Elijah and Hayley and Hayley started dancing with him, Katie left the table she’d been hanging out at to go to Elijah. “Save me from my boredom?” she asked with her hand held out to him.
“Gladly.” He took it and gave her a spin before she placed her other hand on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her waist.
“Did she just ditch you?” Katie asked with a glance at Hayley.
“She just informed me that she and Jackson were betrothed right after their birth and considering she is eight weeks pregnant with his child they are going through with the ceremony.” He told her with a displeased look.
“But Jackson and the other crescents haven’t even been cured for a full month.” Katie thought out loud. “So that means…” she couldn’t make herself finish her sentence. It meant that Hayley has slept with Jackson while being courted by Elijah. “I warned her-”
“It’s fine.” He cut her off.
“She cheated on you. That’s not okay in my book.” Katie argued with a frown and a glare at Hayley who saw and averted her eyes in shame.
“They got caught up during a full moon and sparks flew.” He defended Hayley. “I can’t say I do not know the feeling.” She knew from the look in his chocolate browns that he was talking about the sparks that once flew between the two of them. “I just did not feel it with her.”
“What about Francesca Correa?” Katie asked and he narrowed his eyes and shook his head not knowing what she was talking about. “I saw you two flirting earlier.”
“She flirted first and I flattered her because she is the new head of the human faction.” He explained.
“Either way, she has a thing for you.” Katie told him noticing Francesca gave Katie the stink eye. “She doesn’t like that I’m dancing with you.”
“Well, you are incredibly threatening to the entire female population in that dress.” He replied purposely making it a point to not look any lower down than her eyes.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” She told him before he gave her another twirl making her smile.
Katie was dancing with Nate when a confrontation between the blond werewolf guy, who’s name she’d learned was Oliver, and Diego broke out. As soon as Diego threw Oliver into a glass table, shattering it, Nate whooshed Katie up to the second floor away from the fight. Soon after, Elijah pinned Oliver’s head down on a table while Jackson held Diego against one of the wooden columns with a stake on his chest. “This ends now. I won’t ask again.” Elijah told Oliver.
“Oh we’ll end it alright.” Jackson said, making Elijah look over his shoulder to see that he had Diego pinned down.
“So end it.” Katie spoke up as she left Nate and started walking down the stairs and into the middle of the courtyard. “Kill each other. Get it all over with.”
When she walked past Klaus where he had been talking to Francesca she heard her ask him, “Shouldn’t you intervene or something?”
“Why would I? This party just got interesting.” Klaus replied. “Besides, I want to know what’s going to come out of that talented little mouth of hers.”
Katie ignored him and kept her eyes on Elijah and Jackson. “Except that it won’t be over. It will just be one more hate crime to add to the long list. Let’s take a look at the “crimes” each of the factions shall we?” She air quoted the word crimes as she looked at Jackson and Oliver. “The werewolves have a natural and uncontrollable tendency to turn feral one night a month and tear people to shreds. Therefore getting on everyone’s bad side and we all know that the wolves and vampires have hated each other since the creation of time.”
She turned her eyes to Elijah and Diego. “Then there's the vampires who ticked off the witches by throwing a wrench into their harvest ritual and using one of their own to control them. And, well, they anger the werewolves and humans simply by existing.”
From there she looked at the witches. “In retaliation for the vampires and the leader of the human faction getting in the way of them gaining more power with their ritual, the witches hexed not one, but two humans. Long before that they also cursed the werewolves to live in their wolf form save one day of the month. And to top it all off they’ve angered the original vampires with their repeated attempts to get rid of my unborn child.”
Lastly she looked at Francesca, “Then there’s the human’s…” she sighed. “From what I’ve seen they turn a blind eye as long as the money keeps rolling in and when it stops they go on a killing spree of whatever faction cut them off.”
“Are you approaching a point?” Elijah asked, still pinning Oliver’s head to the table.
“My point is…” she turned to look at everyone else in the room, now speaking to them. “We all have reason to hate each other, but we need to put the past in the past, step out of the hate tainted shoes of our ancestors and come together to create a thriving community. Not just for ourselves, but for future generations as well. Otherwise we will constantly be looking over our shoulders waiting for the next war to break out…the next crime to be committed, and I don’t know about all of you, but that doesn’t seem like much of a life to me.” she paused and looked at the four men still frozen in place with their eyes on her. “So, boys, what’s it going to be, murder and war… or peace and hope for a better future?” she asked and the men let go of one other and brushed themselves off. “Alright then,” she looked at the DJ standing at a table in the corner of the silent courtyard and made eye contact with him. “laissez le bon temps rouler!” she waved her finger in the air in a wrap it up manner and the DJ turned the music back on kicking the party back up.
Klaus gave her a proud smirk when they caught each other’s eyes as she turned and headed back up the stairs where Nate still stood. “You are aware that you just did a New Orleans style mike drop right?”
“I’m not sure I’m aware of anything that just came out of my mouth.” She answered as she turned her back to the crowd, leaning on the wooden railing then stared off into the distance. “I hate being the center of attention.”
“Then what possessed you to stick yourself in the limelight?” Nate asked curiously.
She shrugged and shook her head. “I don’t know, I just…I saw Elijah slam that werewolf’s head into a table and Jackson threaten to kill Diego and something in me just…snapped.” She explained then met his green eyes.
“Well, this is your home now and you’re not just a human, you used to be a vampire and you’re carrying a baby that is three out of the four factions. You have good reason to want them to all get along.” Nate pointed out.
“Yes, but that doesn’t give me the right to jump onto a soapbox and lecture them like I’m some kind of high and mighty, all knowing-”
“Queen?” she heard Klaus ask and looked to her left to see him walking over, “May I steal a minute, mate?” he asked Nate who nodded and walked off.
“I’m not a queen.” She told him with a head shake.
“That speech you just gave suggests otherwise.” He countered. “You may not see it, but everyone else does. You were born for this role. All you have to do is open your mouth and people respond.”
“Born for it or not I wasn’t born into it.” she argued as she turned around and looked down at the crowd. “This has only been my home for a little under eight months. Those people have lived here their whole lives.” Genevieve, standing at a table with the harvest girls, minus Davina, looked up at them and Katie frowned. “Queen or not we shouldn’t be talking right now. So,” she gave Genevieve a challenging look as she turned from the crowd to face Klaus and placed her hand on his shoulder. She started seductively talking to and touching him, “I’m going to flirt with you like the desperate, has been, walking incubator she thinks I am and you’re going to look at me like I’m pathetic, reject me then walk away.”
His face took on a look of disdain as he removed her hands from where they were slipping under his suit jacket then towered over her as he grabbed her face in his large hand and looked her in the eyes. “I love you.” from far away, especially from the angle Genevieve was viewing the exchange from, it looked like Klaus had told her he loathed her.
Katie’s face twisted with a pained look and she surprised even herself with the tear that slipped down her cheek as he let go of her face, turned his back on her then walked away. She kept her eyes on him as he made his way to Genevieve then asked her to dance to the slow song that was playing. While they were dancing Genevieve glanced up at Katie and gave her a snooty, ‘I win’ smile then slipped her eyes back to Klaus. “Wanna take a walk, get some fresh air?” Nate asked as he walked over and stood beside her.
“Fresh air would be nice.” She answered as she took her eyes off of Klaus and Genevieve to look at Nate as she wiped the tear from her cheek.
They were on their way to one of the main exits when she heard Elijah call her name and stopped as he walked over to her. “May I have a moment?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.” She answered, wondering if she’d said something in her speech that pissed him off, then looked at Nate who had also stopped, “I’ll meet you outside.” he went ahead and she turned her attention back to Elijah who placed his hand on her shoulder and walked her over to the desserts table. “What’s up?”
“First,” he grabbed a slice of cheesecake and a metal fork and held them out to her so she took them with a roll of her eyes, “I haven’t seen you eat much tonight. Also, I have been talking to the faction leaders and we all agree that you should join us in signing the treaty tonight. They believe you should take a seat at the table.
“What?” she asked around a bite of the plain cheesecake.
“With Rebekah no longer in the picture, the people see you as the Mikaelson matriarch.” He explained. “Not to mention you put things in perspective and gave them the final push that led to them all agreeing to sign the treaty tonight.”
“You call me a matriarch, Klaus calls me a queen, both are flattering, but insanely inaccurate.” She said with an animated shake of her head not understanding why Klaus and Elijah kept putting her on a pedestal.
“Katie, you are standing in a unique place of power as an important member of this community with the fresh, un-bias, view of an outsider. We are simply encouraging you to embrace it. However, it goes without saying that you do not have to do anything you do not want to do.” He told her diplomatically.
“Can I think about it?” she asked as she dropped her eyes to her cheesecake.
“Of course.” He answered, happy that she was even thinking about it. “We’re meeting here in the courtyard at 11 if you decide to sign it.” she just gave him a nod and headed outside where she found Nate sitting on a bench.
“So, what did Elijah want?” he asked as she sat down next to him.
“He asked me to sign the treaty.” She answered with a sigh as she slipped her hands over the itching skin of her stomach.
“Are you going to?” he asked curiously.
“I don’t know.” She answered with a shrug. “On one hand I’m flattered and I want to step up to the plate, but on the other I just want to be a good mother.”
“You know, this is the twenty-first century, you can choose to be both.” He told her, making her look at him across her shoulder. “I think I speak for the masses when I say I think you should go for it. Take your place at the table and use your voice to make a difference.”
Katie took in a deep breath as she lifted her shoulders then let them fall as she let it out.
Elijah gave Katie a surprised look when he saw her walk into the courtyard and join him, Francesca, Genevieve, Diego, Hayley and Jackson where they all stood around a table that held the new treaty, a bowl and seven silver daggers. Diego was the first to pick up a dagger and cut his palm. Everyone else followed suit then held their hands over the bowl, creating the ‘ink’ they would sign the treaty with. Elijah dipped a quill pen in the blood then handed it to Diego who signed then handed it to Francesca who passed it off to Genevieve then on until Hayley handed Katie the pen. So Katie dipped it then signed her name and handed it to Elijah, the last to sign.
After a few words from Elijah the meeting dispersed. Katie and Genevieve headed for the stairs at the same time and bumped shoulders. Katie bit her tongue, gave Genevieve the most polite smile she could muster for such a horrid person, then stepped aside and waved for her to go first. “You know,” Genevieve started as they neared the top of the stairs, “you can flash your cleavage and flirt all you want, but you’ll never win him back.”
“Yet, I believe you’re time with him is limited and you know it.” Katie replied with a condescendingly chipper tone and her head held high as they came to a stop at the top of the stairs. “After the birth of our child he’ll be so wrapped up in his daughter and me, aka his family, that your little love spell on him will break and he’ll forget all about his witchy little play thing. So enjoy your borrowed time in our bed while it lasts.” Katie told her with a smile as she walked past her. “Goodnight.”
She knew she shouldn’t say things like that since it was technically true, but she was ninety percent sure that Genevieve saw her as a giant joke no matter what came out of Katie’s mouth.
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lalosalamcnca · 4 years
The Originals 1x09-1x16 Review
So I watched TVD during quarantine last year, and even though I swore to never watch another Julie Plec show again, I’m giving TO a chance! I thought I’d share my thoughts, let people know whether Plec has disappointed me again or how much I love Rebekah Mikaelson. You can also find my 1x02-1x08 review on my blog. 
No one looks happy to be at Klaus’s dinner lmaoo 
I knew the waiters would be the food…I hate that it looks so cool 
Ooh so Marcel picked up the coin for a reason!! I should’ve known that it was part of a bigger plan
KLAUS IS GOING TO KILL ALL THE WEREWOLVES?! These people really get put through the ringer 
So who’s still in the coffins?? Why bother keeping them around if Kol and Finn are dead?? (Even if they do come back, I still don’t see the logic)
I admire Cami’s resourcefulness, she’s definitely good at working around Klaus’s compulsion
Klaus, don’t call Davina an artist…she can’t draw
Clearly I underestimated the humans!! That’s my bad lol
Davina is really not intimidating at all 
Not sure what Hayley’s plan is for her, Davina and Josh…maybe they want to play scrabble or bake beignets 
I hope that human general gets killed first 
Looks like my wish came true!
A co-leadership between Klaus and Marcel? I can’t see this ending well 
Klaus and Hayley’s relationship is definitely getting interesting, I like their dynamic
Clearly Josh is the only person who isn’t trying to use Davina 
And now Davina’s realized that she’s been played by Marcel…
Klamille is really drawing me in….still, I think she should leave
Oh yeah, Hayley definitely wants a kiss from Elijah  
So…I guess Tyler just dipped?
Ok, Rebekah’s French was at least better than Klaus’s counting
Surely Marcel or Klaus could easily listen in on Rebekah and Hayley’s conversation?? 
My crackship partnering up together…I like it
FINALLY we’re checking back in on the witches, wtf have they been doing this whole time
DIGGING UP CELESTE’S GRAVE?! Very cruel and disrespectful
Tim’s back! He’s probably gonna suffer or maybe die
This is a really smart move, showing Davina the garden and how Marcel can be cruel 
Yup, makes sense that Klaus had an insurance for whether Davina lives or dies 
Father Kieran, really?! Sean’s death is really not that complicated
Clearly Elijah and Marcel should be the ones running NOLA
Danielle Campbell is a pretty good actress, I definitely felt her pain when Tim died
Wow, those are supremely terrible drawings…you think that evil would look a lot nicer 
Ah yes, I’m sure the whole world will totally believe that vampires exist, Cami
Did not expect Rebekah to be talking to Thierry 
Wow, so Davina actually drew something somewhat good
Wow Davina went right in with attacking Marcel
“Poisoning [Davina’s] one true love” well this isn’t going to age well
Hayley is really just being shunted off to the sidelines 
Looks like we’re entering the water stage… 
I’m glad that Marcel is learning from his mistakes
I like that quote, “kill a demon today, meet the devil tomorrow”
Davina’s eyebrows look so nice
Poor Davina, quite a brutal death 
I feel for Sophie Deveraux too, all alone
CMD is giving a great performance!! I ACTUALLY TEARED UP A LITTLE
Yeah, you definitely don’t give Rebekah enough credit, Klaus 
Whatever this witchy ritual is, it looks fun
Oh come on, Klaus, let Marcel grieve Davina
Ofc my girl Rebekah is being smart about the witches, this is why I love her 
Elijah, Klaus is doing THE BARE MINIMUM. I’m sorry but it’s true, it’s been 1000 years, it’s not a bad thing to be harder on him 
I literally forgot about Hayley…
Marcel’s right, Klaus is pretty indestructible, Cami won’t even make a dent 
Marcel looks so cute with his clean-shaven, soldier look 
FINALLY Elijah found Rebekah 
Ngl, I like the father-son references about Klaus and Marcel…they’re kind of heartwarming
So what if you were to try to stomp on a candle that’s involved in a spell? Would it work or would you just bounce right off it?  
Klaus looks kinda jealous of Cami and Marcel….I like it
Oh Klaus…really, take a leadership course or something 
I love that both Marcel and Klaus were watching Cami
Marcel has great sass too, Marbekah is clearly a perfect match
Great, Father Kieran’s been hexed too…this man cannot catch a break
Surely Elijah suspects that Sabine is Celeste? He should know her characteristics and mannerisms 
The witches are putting A LOT of faith in Cami, what if she ends up handing over the blade?  
WOW, I LITERALLY PREDICTED IT…unless it’s a fake
I’m happy that these werewolves get to have fun, they deserve it
The music coming in…they’re already setting up the Hayley x Jackson ship
The baby bump is so confusing, I feel like it’s been inconsistent
Oh no, Elijah’s been hexed
I love that all this shit is going on and Klaus is just hanging out in a church with Cami and Father Kieran
Loved? I would not venture as far as to say that Elijah loves Hayley
Could the werewolves really have taken the vampires?? We’ve already established that vampires are stronger 
I’m sorry, this whole arranged marriage thing is not as romantic as they’re making it out to be 
There’s something fitting about an old plantation burning in a fire
I actually liked Sophie, she tried so hard to get Monique back and all so she could die… 
The witches are honestly horrible, Bonnie Bennett supremacy
My poor Rebekah going through all this hardship
Rebekah looks amazing as a nurse, she looks good in everything
Elijah unbuttoning his shirt, I approve 
Don’t be afraid to examine him too closely, Hayley…I know I would
1920s Marbekah are definitely cute 
I’m loving this recovering Klaus look  
I’m LIVING for this Elijah and Marcel team up!!! 
I’m guessing Clara was that friend of Genevieve’s, the other nurse 
I do feel bad for Klaus, a betrayal like that….even if Klaus has treated Rebekah badly, it’s clear that calling Mikael is next level
I admit, Celeste’s plan is pretty smart in unravelling the Mikaelson family
Ok, that’s a pretty terrible way for Genevieve and “Clara” to die
Klaus has such nice cheekbones
Damn this klebekah chemistry
Elijah once again proving why he’s my favourite Mikaelson man
YAY we’re back in a flashback 
These Mikaelson men look so hot in these 1920s outfits
Well, Elijah’s right about Cami being the best person to greet Klaus
Idk who plays Sabine/Celeste but she’s doing a great job
Oh Rebekah…by bringing Mikael to town, you basically ruined your own happiness… 
Mikael looks very classy in his 1920s outfit 
Not a great plan if Klaus has already sniffed out what Rebekah and Marcel plan to do
That grimoire page looked so ratty…the text barely looked legible, how can Monique read the instructions
I find it ironic that Mikael calls Klaus an abomination, even though the witches say the same about vampires
That is literally so awkward, Haylijah’s having their moment and Celeste is just hanging out beside them  
Why is Hayley walking away? Where’s she going? 
Celeste is VERY cunning, her plans are top notch 
Damn, Joe’s acting…Klaus’s face when Mikael came over, like he could sense him  
Wow, Mikael is PURE EVIL
Oh damn, Celeste is dead 
The eyes are less creepy now that I know Monique’s motives 
Klaus found Rebekah…looks like we’re about to get a showdown
Little Rebekah and Klaus are so adorable
Klaus’s amber eyes and black veins are so fkn cool 
Father Kieran is right, Klaus will be a lot less merciless to Marcel 
I love that Klaus is posing on a grave and doing a mock trial 
Klaus can be mad, I get that, but he played a part in bringing Mikael to town. He’d constantly kill Rebekah’s suitors, mistreat her, judge her way too often, everyone reaches a breaking point 
Davina’s right, she’s back to being used and if anything she’s in more danger now than before
Klaus, don’t insult Elijah’s suits. They’re tasteful, and not everyone can pull it off
THANK GOD Rebekah isn’t dead 
Oh klebekah…I can see the chemistry but I don’t want to  
Where is Hayley?? I’ve forgotten about her
Rebekah and Elijah’s relationship is too precious  
I have a bad feeling about this Marcel and Klaus meeting
Marcel seems to be complying…? I’m sure he won’t though
Klaus needs to go feel the baby kick or read some pregnancy books, de-stress or something 
GODDAMNIT, WHY CAN’T MARCEL JUST GO WITH REBEKAH…I get why he can’t leave, but still
MY CRACKSHIP SAYING GOODBYE, and finally we know where Hayley is 
Auntie Bex is such a cute name aww
You’d think that Klaus would be wondering about Hayley by now
Goodbye Rebekah, I’m gonna miss you
1x17-1x22 coming soon! Please, DO NOT POST SPOILERS OR HATE COMMENTS. I don’t expect people to agree with my opinions, but being rude is not going to get me to change mine. I haven’t seen the show before, my opinions are probably going to change over time as I keep watching. If you want longer notes on any of the episodes, please ask or message me, I’d be happy to share them. 
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confettihipster · 3 years
imagine if they completely massacred brody’s character for the stupid surrogacy plot and sienna doesn’t even get to kidnap the baby. ffs. 
hats off to demarcus. there have been four ludicrous socially distanced action sequences lately and he has been involved in two of them. the boat thing is still undoubtedly the most amazing closely followed by timmy pushing juliet down the stairs
toby feuding with a child is extremely on brand. i don’t understand this kidney plot at all. aren’t felix and celeste supposed to snitch after he gives walter the kidney? but surely they both know toby is crackers and will never pass this psychiatric assessment? so it’s supposed to be that toby fails and felix goes oh, my bad, toby killed lisa. and walter is in jamaica right now? with simone? and is simone not bothered about her daughter disappearing? every time i think about what they did to lisa it makes me so angry. the deverauxs are the best family in the show but if you think about it for more than a second it’s like why did you do all this insane shit with felix selling the kids and then with lisa and mitchell and now you have to row it back. why is this show so insane
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telenoveladamore · 3 years
//TUTTI I MORTI DI TELENOVELA D'AMORE NEL CORSO DEGLI ANNI (aggiornato ad oggi alla morte di Tini Light)
Kally Chiummi figlia di Max Chiummi, la prima moglie di Gianni Foresta morta di leucemia.
Davenigh Deacon che fingeva da anni di essere Anita Foresta (una figlia di Stefaliana ed Errico Foresta) presumibilmente morta in un incidente d'auto.
Slay Deveraux morto nell'incendio del suo locale dopo lo stupro di Jennifer Foresta.
Lorena Vanderwulf la bellissima modella della Foresta sgozzata dallo stilista folle Anthonio Armani ai fini di far incastrare Thot Foresta.
Say Fending il fido collaboratore di Sacca Specchio morto in concomitanza con la sua vita reale.
Adriana Arengo la ragazza di Dixon McCall precipitata dal terrazzo durante una colluttazione con Tina Mure.
Grary Chambelt, ex marito di Carmen morto di cancro dopo aver sposato Mary Alexandra.
Becca Mure la cugina di Tina e moglie di K.J. Garryson morta di cancro subito dopo le nozze.
Mary Alexandra ex moglie di Thot Foresta e moglie di Dixon McCall che già creduta morta una volta e "presumibilmente" morta durante un attentato mafioso mentre si esibisce nel locale di Oscar Marconi.
Mirko Foresta figlio di Gianni Foresta e Laura Humilton morto investito dalla madre ubriaca Laura durante una notte di nebbia mentre il ragazzo era in compagnia della sorella Claudia Foresta sulla trafficata Pacific Highway.
Linno McCrow ex vagabondo e unico testimone dell'incidente di Mirko Foresta è morto in un incidente stradale.
Leo Ligin fratello di Carmen, Lina e Angelica Ligin morto suicida per donare il cuore alla sorella minore Angelica del quale ferimento si sentiva responsabile.
Claudia Foresta figlia di Gianni e Laura morta in un brutto incidente d'auto durante una furibonda lita con Josh Foresta figlio di Carmen mentre si svolge il ricevimento di fidanzamento del padre con la stessa Carmen.
Annata Donglas morta di embolia a Malibu tra le braccia delle sue due figlie: Stefaliana e Pierina.
Bech Ligin, madre di Carmen, Lina e Angelica, moglie di Stephan Ligin morta in piscina annegata per raccogliere un centrino lanciato da Stefaliana Foresta dove Bech aveva cucito le foto della sua famiglia.
Stefaliana Donglas Foresta moglie di Errico Foresta morta di cancro tra le braccia della sua nemica Carmen Ligin.
Camilla Young figlia di Liam e Bethany Young, sorella di Sam, Allison e Sophia, ex stilista della Foresta ed ex ragazza di Louis Chiummi morta precipitata dal terrazzo durante una colluttazione con Serena Foresta.
Alexandra Foresta figlia di Thot Foresta e Veronica Celeste morta durante una colluttazione con Stefania e Serena Foresta, sbattendo la testa contro una roccia sulla trafficata Pacific Highway.
Sophia Young figlia di Liam e Bethany Young, sorella di Sam, Camilla e gemella di Allison, è morta per un colpo di pistola durante una colluttazione con Quinn Shiley.
Logan Shiley, fratello di Lisa e Quinn Shiley marito di Donna Foresta morto subito dopo le nozze, dopo il tentato stupro di Theresa Foresta.
Maya Carver la ragazza di Louis Chiummi morta strangolata con una corda da Samuel Young davanti agli occhi di Serena Foresta.
Bethany Young madre di Samuel, Camilla, Allison e Sophia Young, moglie di Liam Young, morta durante il matrimonio tra sua figlia Allison e Jake dopo una caduta di un grosso lampadario architettato tutto da Alisa che era intenzionata a distruggere il matrimonio.
Donna Foresta figlia di Jennifer Foresta e Dylan Shaw, sorella di Drew, Theo e Theresa, ragazza di Luke Chiummi morta durante una brutta colluttazione con Theresa Foresta sulla trafficata Pacific Highway sbattendo la testa contro il vetro del cofano davanti sfondandolo della macchina di Theresa.
Alexia Spencer la fidanzata di Adam Young morta di tumore al colon dopo aver partorito la piccola Emma Young.
Jason Cooper padre di Scott e Addison morto per alcuni colpi di pistola da parte di Ally James dopo lo stupro di quest'ultima.
Clare James, cugina di Ally James e fidanzata di Noah Chiummi, è la prima vittima di Brody Young uccisa con lo strangolamento.
Dave Milkon ex marito di Amanda Wood, fidanzato di Stephanie Young, padre di Jake, Ethan, Austin e Chad Milkon morto in ospedale dopo una caduta dal terrazzo della casa della sua ex moglie Amanda.
Amanda Wood moglie di Dario Milkon e madre di Jake, Ethan, Austin e Chad Milkon morta in un brutto incidente d'auto dopo l'esplosione.
Veronica Celeste ex segretaria e assistente fidata di Sacca Specchio, ex moglie di Thot Foresta e moglie di Philip Young, morta investita da Theresa Foresta sulla trafficata Pacific Highway durante una notte di nebbia.
Chad Milkon, fratello di Jake, Ethan e Austin Milkon, ex fidanzato di Stephanie Young, è la seconda vittima di Brody Young ucciso con lo strangolamento.
Hope Foresta figlia di John Foresta e di Abby Logan, sorella di Janet, Hayley, Cooper, Jared e Charlotte Foresta, moglie di Luke Chiummi, è la terza vittima di Brody Young uccisa con lo strangolamento.
Ryan Walter figlio di Matt Walter e Adrianna Gonzalez, fratello di Billy, Daniel e Shawn Walter, marito di Sabrina Specchio, morto tra le braccia del fratello Daniel durante il matrimonio di quest’ultimo per dei colpi di pistola da parte di Katie Wood.
Claire Horton la cugina di Jessica Horton e moglie di Cooper Foresta, morta per un colpo di pistola da parte di Rodrigo Wood.
Alex Gonzalez, fratello di Rafe, Xavier e Jan Gonzalez, marito di Jen Horton, morto per un colpo di pistola da parte di Rodrigo Wood nel tentativo di salvare la moglie Jen.
Kally Chiummi Jr. figlia di Kerin Chiummi, ex moglie di Josh Foresta e Gianni Foresta, fidanzata di Drew Foresta, madre di Donglas Foresta, morta a causa di una trombosi.
Erik Foresta Jr. figlio di Erik Foresta I e Shauna Walker, fratello di Brittany, Juliet, Mark, Aurora e Caitlin Foresta, marito di Viktoria Stevens, morto dopo le nozze dopo l’esplosione della sua auto con lui dentro a causa di Alisa Stevens.
Jayden Walter padre di Clay e Ronan Walter, fratello di Matt Walter, marito di Sabrina Specchio, morto durante una colluttazione con il nipote Vincent Walter cadendo dal terrazzo per colpa di Vincent della casa della moglie Sabrina Specchio.
Jane Milkon figlia di Dario Milkon e Taylor Wood, sorella di Jacob e Josh Milkon, la fidanzata di Adam Young morta in un brutto incidente d'auto mentre era in compagnia dell'amica Stephanie Young.
Emme Barton la nipote di Jame Barton, morta in un incidente stradale finita fuori strada con la sua auto finendo in un burrone per colpa di Drew Foresta.
Natalie Wood sorella di Raphaela, Nancy, Nora e Natasha Wood, la fidanzata di Rafe Gonzalez, uccisa con una bottiglia di vetro dal fidanzato Rafe Gonzalez dopo il rapimento di Jasmine Horton.
Adam Young figlio di Andy Young e Brenda Mitchell, marito di Sonia Evans, fratello di Nathan, Brody, Steph e Aiden Young morto sparato in fronte da Jake Milkon nel tentativo di salvare la fidanzata Stephanie Young sorella di Adam.
Aurora Foresta figlia di Erik Foresta I e Shauna Walker, la fidanzata di Noah Chiummi, morta pugnalata da Rey Donovan.
Hayley Foresta, figlia di John Foresta e Abby Logan, ex moglie di Luke Chiummi e moglie di Luca Chiummi, morta bruciata viva e nuda legata ad un albero da parte di Rey Donovan.
Belle Chiummi figlia di Noah Chiummi e Quinn Shiley, morta in tenera età investita accidentalmente per sbaglio dallo zio Lucas Chiummi.
Charlotte Foresta Young figlia di John Foresta e Abby Logan, moglie di Nathan Young, morta nel sonno per un arresto cardiaco.
Alisa Stevens figlia di Justin Stevens e Ava Halls, ex moglie di Scott Cooper e moglie di Shawn Walter, che già creduta morta una volta e presumibilmente morta nella vasca affogata uccisa dalla perfida e psicopatica Joss Foresta.
Jasmine Horton Chiummi figlia di Julian Horton e Jackie Malloy, ex moglie di Daniel Walter e moglie di Luke Chiummi, morta suicida per donare il cuore al fratello maggiore Jeff della quale ferimento si sentiva responsabile.
Taylor Wood Milkon la figlia di Rodrigo Wood, moglie di Dario Milkon morta di tumore al pancreas subito dopo le nozze.
Clara Light Young figlia di Owen Light e Quinn Shiley, moglie di Brody Young morta di avvelenamento da parte di Joss Foresta poco dopo le nozze.
Lucas Chiummi figlio di Louis Chiummi e Annie Cup, ex marito di Ally James, ex marito di Serena Foresta e marito di Theresa Foresta, morto sotto alle macerie dopo l'esplosione di casa Chiummi per colpa di Quinn Shiley.
Krystal Horton figlia di Jason Horton e Clarissa Taylor, la fidanzata di Kyle Avery, morta uccisa dai mafiosi.
Kyle Avery il fidanzato di Krystal Horton, morto ucciso dai mafiosi.
Tim Sawyer l'ex psichiatra di Joss Foresta, morto per un colpo di pistola da parte di John Foresta per legittima difesa.
Dinni Dinto marito di Nicole Gonzalez, morto dopo le nozze con una sparatoria in gola da parte dello psicopatico Scott Ligin.
Jeff Horton figlio di Julian Horton e Jackie Malloy, ex marito di Theresa Foresta e marito di Viktoria Stevens, morto di arresto cardiaco (cede il cuore che gli aveva donato sua sorella Jasmine Horton) a seguito ad un litigio e scontro verbale con il suo ex migliore amico Cooper Foresta.
Amelia Wood Young figlia di Rodrigo Wood e moglie di Andy Young, morta suicida in un brutto incidente stradale d'auto dopo l'esplosione.
Nadya Foster Foresta la moglie di Jason Foresta morta sbattendo la testa su un masso di pietra uccisa dal marito Jason Foresta nel tentativo di salvare il fratello Cooper Foresta dalle grinfie di Nadya.
Sarah ex stagista della Foresta uccisa da Ally James per legittima difesa dopo il rapimento di Theresa Foresta.
Vince Walton migliore amico di Drew Foresta, morto suicidato.
Mark Martinez il figlio di Raul Martinez e Ariana Madley, morto ucciso da Jos Ryder dopo aver tentato di stuprarla.
Tini Light la figlia di Brad Light e Tania Robinson, la fidanzata di LJ Shiley, morta con un colpo di pistola in fronte da parte del cognato psicopatico AJ Young.
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hollyoaksloversx · 4 years
It’s All Kicking Off...
Rounding up a week in Hollyoaks (7th-11th December 2020)
If Edward’s antics weren’t farcical before, they certainly became so this week. As the week began, Diane was seething with jealousy after wrongly assuming that Tony had slept with Maxine. Tony soon put Diane straight, and told her she was the only one he wanted to be with. Back at the flat, Verity found out what had gone on and accused Edward of attempting to stir up trouble between Tony and Diane but he soon shocked his daughter by announcing his intention to propose to Diane. Verity was horrified by Edward’s plans and Father and Daughter became embroiled in a bitter argument, resulting in Edward telling Verity that he wished he’d saved her mother over her in the plane crash. Hurt by her Father’s words, Verity decided that it was time Diane knew just what Edward had been up to...
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Diane was understandably sceptical when Verity told her about Edward’s behaviour but soon came to see that she was telling the truth and headed off to confront him. Edward told Diane that he had only acted out of love, but Diane refused to have anything more to do with him and went to inform Tony of what a bastard his Father was. Diane arrived at the caravan but received no answer. It was then that Edward snuck up behind Diane and mounted a socially distanced attack with a briefcase. Edward then placed a weapon next to an unconscious Diane before fleeing the scene. A short time later, Tony discovered Diane lying outside the caravan, just as Edward and Darren arrived. Diane was rushed to hospital, whilst Tony found himself the prime suspect in his wife’s attack and was promptly arrested. 
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After being questioned, Tony was released on bail, whilst Verity confronted Edward, accusing him of attacking Diane. However, Edward turned the tables on his daughter, revealing that he’d used bribes to get her ahead in her career, and that he could take it all away by reporting her for fraud if she dared to say anything. Verity wasn’t the only one who was suspicious of Edward though, and Kurt soon confronted him over what he’d done. However, Edward was able to get one over on Kurt by telling Tony and Verity the truth about his scam business, resulting in Kurt fleeing the village. 
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Meanwhile, there was drama for the Deveraux’s when Walter suddenly collapsed, and Misbah informed the family that he was experiencing kidney failure and would need a transplant. Martine summoned Toby and Celeste to the hospital and informed them that the whole family would need to be tested to see if they were a match, but Martine’s talk of tracking down Mitchell left Toby seething. Once alone with her Brother, Celeste warned him to keep his anger under control, resulting in Toby trapping her hand in a door (well that went well, didn’t it?) Grace soon arrived on the scene, and took Celeste to get her hand seen to before phoning Felix to let him know what had happened. Celeste eventually revealed that Toby was the one who had injured her, leading to a furious Felix wanting to confront him. However, knowing how dangerous her Brother was, Celeste tried to convince him to stay put, and ended up revealing that he was a killer. Felix later confronted Toby over Celeste’s claims and threatened to go to the police. Unfortunately, he was prevented from doing so when Martine arrived and revealed that Toby was a match for Walter...
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Elsewhere, Peri was furious to discover that Juliet was still involved with drugs and reacted by getting back together with Jordan. Later, Victor offered Jordan his patch back, and Jordan was soon settling back into his old role by ordering Charlie and Ella to bring in more money. Ella was clearly frighted of Jordan and Victor and Charlie attempted to stand up for her, but the pair took no notice. Later in the week, Darren and Mandy were too busy discussing their mounting money worries to notice Ella doing a drug deal in the village. 
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In other news this week, Brooke, Imran and Sid started a band and offered to perform at Tom and Yasmine’s wedding, whilst Sienna was forced to put on a brave face as Brody was invited to spend some time with Faith. Mercedes was delighted when Sylver moved the rest of the family into The Dog and finally, as Ollie’s drug use continued, Cindy was concerned by Luke’s worrying symptoms and tried to get him to see a doctor.
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This Week’s Cast:
Brody, Brooke, Celeste, Charlie, Cindy, Damon, Darren, Diane, Edward, Ella, Felix, George, Goldie, Grace, Imran, Jack, John Paul, Jordan, Juliet, Kurt, Liberty, Luke, Mandy, Martine, Mercedes, Misbah, Nancy, Oliver, Peri, Sally, Sami, Sid, Sienna, Sylver, Toby, Tom, Tony, Verity, Victor, Walter, Warren and Yasmine.
Blasts From The Past:
Mitchell Deveraux, Kyle Kelly, Lisa Loveday, Breda McQueen, Finn O’Connor, Harry Thompson
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galvanizedfriend · 5 years
Fic: The Wolf
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Summary: When Caroline wakes up shackled, powerless and very far away from Mystic Falls, she knows she's in serious trouble. But when a woman named Sophie Deveraux reveals the reason why she's been kidnapped and taken to New Orleans, she realizes things are far worse than she could've ever imagined.[It's The Originals Season 1, but Caroline is a witch and she's pregnant with Klaus' child. That's it.]
S01E11: Après Moi, Le Déluge
Elijah's gonna be so, so mad when he finds out...
She has been trying to tell him all morning, waiting for an appropriate moment, but there never seems to be one.
Is there a right way to tell someone that you betrayed their trust and accidentally put in motion–
"Huh?" She snaps out of her trance to find Elijah staring at her. "Sorry. What were you saying?"
"I was just asking if you know anything about ancestral magic. It's what anchors the witches of this city, and I don't think there's ever been an all-powerful witch before, until Davina."
"Who is now tucked in, safe and sound down the hall, under my protection," Klaus says, walking back into the room. Caroline didn't even see him leave. "Your Celeste was quite beautiful," he says, taking a good look at the sketch. "And a portent of evil, according to our volatile artist in residence," he adds, grinning at his brother.
"Perhaps Davina has mistaken what she calls evil for power. Celeste was quite powerful in her day, but she has been dead for 200 years. I don't understand why all these sketches now."
Caroline swallows down hard.
"Why does any witch do anything? Care to enlighten us, love?" Klaus muses, smirking at Caroline. It is so very ironic that the one day Klaus decided to wake up in a good mood is precisely when Caroline feels so sullen.
"To annoy entitled vampires, of course," she sneers. Klaus chuckles, amused, and Caroline can't help but return the smile.
Read the full chapter 11 here @ AO3 or here @ FF.net.
Or click here or here to start from the beginning. 
A/N: As always, thank you to @itsnotacrimetoloveyou for awesome beta services and for having an infinite patience. And to @klaroline-fantasies for the beautiful cover art.
Your comments/reviews/DMs are very much welcome and appreciated, and so is your reblog! :) If you read and if you enjoy it, don’t forget to drop me a note to make ficwriter’s day brighter. =)
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