#you lead rebekah on and your last name gets wiped
5 Favorite & Least favorite characters of The Orginals and why?
Oh dear anon.
I do wish I could give you a real answer on this, but I haven't actually seen The Originals. The first season, but that's it. I could give you better answers about The Vampire Diaries (favorite and least favorite characters, ships, friendships etc.) if you wanted but I can do my best based on like 20 episodes of watching season one. And with the caveat that maybe some of what I liked or didn't like would change with the coming seasons.
Favorite (in no order)
Davina - Can't blame her for how she acted during the sacrifice. I mean, I doubt she thought it would be so violent. I feel like a lot was withheld from her and the rest of the Harvest girls in general. She's young and naïve and has this rebellious streak where she doesn't seem to enjoy being told what to do. Good for her.
Rebekah - Not shocked that she brought Mikael to NOLA, shocked that Klaus gave his approval for her love life only after she made a move against him. Very bold and honestly, I would have supported her doubling down on her decision. Rebekah deserves to run NOLA.
Thierry - Idk. I just love his whole forbidden romance vibe with Katie at odds with his deep friendship with Marcel. I do wonder what he felt about the witches and how he justified his actions against them to Katie or maybe she wasn't okay with the Harvest either? Who knows. I just wish those two had left NOLA together to live their pretty people lives out somewhere in France.
Celeste - I get it, she's the villain. But honestly, love how deeply committed she was to her vendetta. That line she delivers to Elijah about how every woman he falls in love with from now on he has to wonder if it's her. Sick. I do love that for her. It is very Rumors album and I just have to clap at the level of commitment to ruining the Mikaelsons. And she could have done it to if it wasn't for those meddling kids! (Monique).
Sophie Deveraux - She just reminds me so much of Jenna. I was rooting for her to make it out of town! Trying to do what she thinks is the right thing and paying for it. She should have been around longer! It also would have been interesting to have her around as a love interest after Rebekah leaves.
Least Favorite (in no order)
Monique - Honestly, just the whole killing your aunt because you are a zealot kills my vibes. And then listing her as things you lost to the coven? Ma'am, you did that! Own it! Your mom, yes. Your aunt, no. Move on. The actress does a great job with that blank, nothing behind the eyes zealot thing. Kudos. It just feels like they wrote her character to fill in whatever they needed her to fill in, ya know?
Hayley - I just....she just...seems like such a different character than the one we got in TVD? Like when she made an impassioned plea on the life of innocents, I snort laughed. This from the same girl who (less than 6 months prior?) had bonded, trained and ultimately led to the slaughter 12 hybrids and then had sex with the man who did it? Idk...I guess I just thought she'd be way more ruthless and unfeeling about the causalities on her way to what she wants. Was the implication that impending motherhood softened her? Cause it shouldn't have. Imo, it should have hardened her. Amplified her cruel streak. That would have been interesting.
Cami - I almost hate to put her here cause I think she's got interesting stuff you know? Solving the mystery of her brother and dealing with her family's long history of complicity in the city. All very cool. But towards the end of season 1 I was just, not into her? Her morality seems to fluctuate and I'm just confused. Maybe the theme here is that Julie & Co don't write female characters with a perspective in mind, but rather what the male characters need from them?
Oliver - Honestly how cold blooded do you need to be to kill your old friend and then claim it was for the good of the pack? Another character that I'm just confused about what his motivation and perspective were. Working with the witches against Rebekah and Hayley (and by association his bff Jackson)? And also plotting against his own people to stage a coupe against said bff which idk about TVDU werewolves in a pack but I feel like the fight for alpha would be to the death and then what about your bestie? Huh! What about your bestie Ollie? Also he did my girl Rebekah dirty.
Marcel - I am sure this would change! Cause I adore him, truly. But why the hell did Rebekah leave town and he's all "It's my city" like he's Batman? The writers couldn't come up with a better reason why, after all this time, he finally gets the girl and he says no thanks I think I'll just stay here in this warehouse and get my best friend killed. Couldn't possibly rule a city in a different part of the country with my hot vampire wife! I am confused and a little salty about that so please forgive my bias. Was it really just the city? I know it all depended on the actors but come on! Give the man a better reason to deny the love of his life! It's giving me Season 3 Stefan "Go to Denver to resolve your feelings about my brother" Salvatore vibes.
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auroracalisto · 4 years
a bolt from the blue
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pairings: klaus x reader, rebekah x reader
word count: 2.5k words
warning: dead body, uh, blood, threats?
author’s notes: is this confusing?  i feel like this is confusing.  here is a run down: reader is new to mystic falls.  from colorado.  they are an officer.  they find a dead body.  believe it’s vampires.  they find an invitation that is inviting dead person to a ball.  they believe they will get answers by going to the ball.  they go and niklaus and rebekah are immediately smitten by them.  
If someone had told you that your job would entail bodies drained of their blood, you would have told them they were crazy.  And yet, here you stood, flashing your flashlight over a dead body that was completely pale and cold. Two holes were poked into their neck.  Your partner came up beside of you with a worried look.  You looked up at him and rose an eyebrow.  
“Yeah, uh, sorry, I just,” he took in a deep breath.  “I’m not really into this sort of thing.”
You snorted and stood back up.  “You and me both.”
“No, I—look, they’re gonna have you rule it as an animal attack, okay?” he stared you down for a moment.  
“What kind of animal could do this?”
“That’s the point.  It wasn’t an animal.  Okay?  Just… I’ve seen this before.  My last partner died like this.  We still haven’t found what it is, but…”
“Are you going to be able to work this case?”
“Not much of a case,” he worriedly spoke.  “Like I said.”
You frowned at him, wondering how in the hell the town would be able to rule this as an animal attack.  
Sure, you were new to the area.  You had moved from a small town in Colorado to come to Virginia.  This wasn’t a new job for you.  But you’d be damned to say this wasn’t a new situation to you.  
You bent back down and looked at the body.  Your flashlight hovered over the body and you frowned—an invitation was sticking out of the dead man’s coat. You pulled out one of the gloves stuffed in your own jacket pocket and you quickly pulled it on before you leaned down and grabbed the envelope.  
You are cordially invited to the Mikaelson ball, which will be held on Saturday.  
You rose an eyebrow.  “Saturday?  A ball?” you looked over at your partner.  
He frowned at you.  “Yeah, uh,” he cleared his throat.  “The Mikaelson’s.  Come in and out of here like the own the place every now and then.  They must have a great plastic surgeon because they all look the same as the last time they were here, to me—”
“—or it could be their genes.”
His eyes widened a bit.  “Right, uh, well, they usually hold balls when they’re here.  Like really formal dances.  Lots to eat and drink.  Lots of wealthy, higher up people who attend.”
“So, like everyone from Mystic Falls is invited?”
“Well,” he looked towards the dead body.  “Everyone with money.  This was Dr. Lee.”
You rose an eyebrow and you bent back down to look at the corpse.  
“Well, Peter,” you looked at him.  “Looks like we’re going to a ball.”
“Tell me again why we’re doing this?” Peter nervously stood beside of you as the two of you ventured towards the refreshments table.  
“Because we both know that it wasn’t an animal attack.”
“And you’re thinking someone here did it?”
“It’s a start, isn’t it?”
Samuels scoffed.  “Okay, I think I’ve broken my partner.  I know I said that it wasn’t an animal attack, but I—”
“—it could be anything.  Never have a closed mind,” you looked at him.
“Officer Samuels,” a voice came from behind the two of you.  “It’s a pleasure.”  
You turned to face a man who curiously tilted his head at you. 
“And who might this be?”
“Officer [Last name],” you replied, keeping your eyes on him.  
He smiled.  “I didn’t know the two of you would be in attendance.  I suppose some of the invites went out to the police station then, hm?” he chuckled softly, as if finding it funny.  “My name is Niklaus.  I do hope to see you around, tonight, Officer,” he said, keeping his eyes on you before he left to greet other people.  
You cleared your throat and grabbed a glass of champagne.  You didn’t know where to start, but one thing was for certain; vampire movies were adamant. Hell, Twilight was more popular than you ever thought would have been possible.  And the bite… well, a part of you wanted to call yourself crazy.  But the ethereal Mikaelson’s you see before you were changing your mind.  
You looked towards your partner with a frown.  “Look, you don’t have to stay. Just have your phone on you in case I need you, okay?”
He gave a small nod.  “Yeah, uh.  I’ll do that.  I’m sorry, I just don’t feel comfortable staying here.”
You smiled at him.  “Don’t worry about it.”
And with that, your forever anxious partner had left the party.  
You sighed and walked towards the center of the ballroom, where people danced to the music and others stood at the edge to watch. Having come just a little late, you stood behind a couple of women, who ogled over the handsome men.  You rolled your eyes as you listened to their conversation, and you even let out a curt laugh.  
“What’s so funny?” a voice came from behind you.  
Your eyes widened and you quickly turned to look at a blonde woman.  You began to blush.  She was beautiful.  
“Um, I was just, uh, listening to them—some of the things they said…”
“Shameful,” she sweetly smiled at you.  “It’s hard to believe my brothers aren’t paying them a lick of attention.  Instead, they all have had their eyes on you. Niklaus said you were an officer?”
You couldn’t wipe the surprise off of your face, even if you tried.  
“What?  Wait, uh, I’m so sorry, who are you?”
“Rebekah.  Mikaelson.” She smiled, holding out her hand to shake yours.  You did so, but the first thing you noticed was how cold her skin was.  
You smiled at the woman, but you didn’t say anything about the coldness.  
“It’s nice to meet you.  I’m [Your full name].  I don’t believe I told… Niklaus about my first name,” you couldn’t help the soft laugh that escaped you.  “He was nice, but he left before I could say much more.”
“That’s Klaus, alright,” she smiled.  “I was wondering, [Your name],” she kept her eyes on you.  “How did you get an invite?  I’ve never seen you around before.  In fact, there are rumors floating around that you’ve only just moved here.  Is that true?”
“Uh,” you cleared your throat and looked away, your eyes catching with yet another gorgeous person—you could only assume that they were also a Mikaelson.  But no one came to your rescue.  You were being interrogated by this beautiful blonde woman, when the interrogating should have been left to you.  You silently cursed yourself for letting Samuels go just moments before. “Honestly, yes. I did just move here a couple of weeks ago.  I’m from Colorado.”
“Huh,” her smile faltered.  “That doesn’t answer my other question.”
“I’m sorry,” you smiled in return.  
“Tell me,” Rebekah spoke, gently taking ahold of your hand as she kept her eyes on yours.  You didn’t know what was going on, but a shiver ran up your spine and you couldn’t look away from her.  “How did you get the invitation?”
“Off of a body,” you breathed out, captivated by her.  “There was a call for a dead man.  I went out on it with my partner.  The body had marks in his neck and our technician said he was completely drained of blood.  I saw the invitation sticking out of his coat, so I grabbed it. I don’t know why, but I thought I might be able to figure something out if I came here.  I’m starting to think that it was a bad idea.”
Rebekah’s smile completely fell at this point.  “Well, [Your name],” she sighed softly.  “Come with me.  I don’t want to have to do anything to you.  You seem like such a sweet person.  And you’re awfully beautiful, too.”
“What?  What do you mean, do anything?”
Rebekah held onto your hand with an ironclad grip.  You weren’t going to get away.  She led you up a staircase and you couldn’t help but notice the three men that soon followed suit.  Klaus had led up behind, dismissing him and his siblings as he smiled at the partygoers.  He did, however, inform them to keep on dancing, that they would just be a minute.  
As soon as you were in a room, Rebekah led you to sit down.  
A man spoke up, his eyes glaring holes into your head.  “I say we kill them. Problem solved.”
Your eyes widened as you stared at him.
Klaus quickly looked at him.  “Kol, watch yourself.  We…” he looked back at you.  “We will have them on our side,” he smiled at you.  He came over and sat down beside of you.  
“Niklaus,” Kol snorted.  “You are seriously smitten by a person you’ve just met? I mean, yes, they’re quite a catch, but you can’t possibly be telling me you’re not going to do anything to protect us.”
“Kol, they believe that it was us who killed Dr. Lee,” Klaus frowned over at him. “We just need to lead them in the right direction.”
You squirmed in your seat, uncomfortably looking from the people in the room. “What, uh, what’s going on?”
A man, who stood by the door, cleared his throat and frowned.  “I apologize for the idiocy you’ve had to deal with this evening.  We can only assume that you are going to pinpoint the murder of Dr. Lee on us, yes?  We know who did it,” he spoke, coming over to you.  “But it seems that Klaus and Rebekah want to keep you safe and alive.  So, Kol and I will take care of the killer.  You will stay here, with them, where you will be safe.”
Your eyes widened but you couldn’t stop yourself from nodding.  “Okay.”
In an instant, Kol and the other man were gone.  
Niklaus still sat right beside of you and Rebekah had taken a seat across from you.  She smiled kindly at you.  
“It’s not every night that I meet someone as perceptive as they are attractive,” she obviously flirted.  
Klaus rolled his eyes and he cleared his throat.  “I need to know,” he said.  “Do you know what we are?”
“Should I be worried you’ll kill me?”
His eyes widened a bit, but he couldn’t help the playful smile that formed on his lips.  “If I am being honest, Officer [Last name], I’ve always wanted to kill people when I first meet them.  But I suppose that there is a first time for everything, including wanting to keep someone alive.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” you awkwardly smiled.  
“[Your name], what he’s trying to say is, you really don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.  We’ll take care the killer.  We knew who it was, anyway. Kol had a new one running around, and she got her hands dirty.  But it’s all taken care of.  Truly, and neither of us know why, but we are captivated by you.”  
Klaus looked towards his sister before he once again laid his eyes on you.  “I’d advise you to leave your job.  You’ll only be hurt by those who’d like to hurt us.”
“And why is that?”
He smirked at you.  “Might I add that those who hate us are also here at the ball.  If they see you with us, they might use you against us.”
You looked at him in confusion. 
Rebekah spoke up again.  “It’s like he’s speaking in tongues, isn’t it?” she asked, reaching out to take ahold of your hand.  “We’ll protect you.  But you have to tell us.  What is it about you that is so… captivating?”
“Riveting,” Klaus grinned.  “You came in thinking that you would find the culprit. I would have thought you were a strong headed individual and yet here you are, putty in the hands of my sister and I.  Maybe we’re not the only ones captivated by the officer who wanted to put our heads on a pike—”
“—I never wanted to that,” you quickly said.  
“Yes, yes, well, in all due time, I suppose,” he chuckled softly.  
“No, really, I—” you stopped yourself and closed your eyes, gathering your thoughts before you spoke.  “Yes, I came because I thought that you might have something to do with him.  I mean, he just got the invitation, right?  But as soon as I stepped into your home, I just, I don’t know… something felt different. And I thought that perhaps maybe it had been you all who had something to do with it.  It was my only lead.  Although, I realize, maybe it was just a bad timing sort of thing,” you frowned to yourself, looking towards Klaus. 
He grinned.  “I knew as soon as you stepped into the ballroom, you were going to look for answers.  It’s a shame that you believed it was us.”
“Should I have had a reason to think that it wasn’t you?” you softly questioned.
Your usually confident nature had left you—it went south for the winter, and it wasn’t coming back any time soon.  
“Well, you have every right to believe that it was us,” Rebekah suddenly said.  “I am glad that it wasn’t us, or else you might not have been very taken with me when I introduced myself.”
You blushed and looked away, frowning.  
“Are you guys going to do something to me?  Why am I still here?”
“No, we’re not going to do anything,” Rebekah said, before Niklaus could say anything else.  “Why don’t I take you to your home, [Your name]?”
You gave a small nod.  
In a matter of just half an hour, you were standing in front of your home. Rebekah smiled sweetly at you.  
“[Your name],” she said, keeping her eyes trained on yours.  “You should quit your job.  I want you to remember tonight.  To remember me.  But quit your job. I don’t want you getting hurt,” she said.
You blushed softly and you gave a small nod.  
“You cannot tell anyone about what we are.  I know you know, it’s quite obvious,” she grinned.  She held onto your hand for just a second more.  “Go. I’ll be in contact with you, shortly.  Let no one into your house until I come back for you.  In fact, Klaus might actually come for you instead of me.  Be wary.  No strangers.”
“But aren’t you a stranger, Rebekah?”
She smiled at you and pressed a kiss to your cheek.  She left a red lipstick stain.  As she let go of your hand, you turned to face your door so you could go in.  But as soon as you turned to face her, just to say goodbye, she was gone.  
You unlocked your door and walked in, the confusion of the day finally weighing down on your shoulders.  
What the hell have you gotten yourself into?  
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For her safety (Elijah Mikaelson) #1
A/N: This is my first Elijah Mikaelson fanfic, so please be patient with me. I try to stay to his character the best I can, but I’m not perfect! I’m not necessarily following the Vampire Diaries or the Originals story line at all. 
I also write for Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds). Here is the fanfic I’ve just completed:  
Off Limits (Spencer Reid)
I am currently taking requests for: 
The Vampire Diaries: 
Elijah Mikaelson
Damon Salvatore 
Criminal Minds: 
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan 
Summary: The two of them fall for each other. He’s managed to keep his and his family secret from her. One night that changes and he knows for the safety of his family and her, he has to let her go, even if that means she has to forget him.
y/n takes a trip to New Orleans for a... special reason. She runs into a man who she knows she’s met somewhere but she can’t put her finger on it. Slowly, she begins to get flashbacks, everything coming back to her as the compulsion wears off.
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Elijah Mikaelson stared at her lovingly as she stood in the mirror, straightening out her dress. She’d chosen a red dress with lace overlay. It had a sweetheart neckline, with thin straps coming over her shoulders. It had a fitted bodice and a long, flowing skirt. Her y/c hair was braided back into a neat bun.
She huffed a little as she struggled to latch the necklace around her neck. She looked at him from the reflection in the mirror with pleading eyes. He chuckled and pushed himself off the doorway, where he’d been leaning on, staring at her, and walked up behind her. He takes the necklace in his hands and he latches it with ease. He puts his hands on her shoulders, placing a soft kiss on her neck, “Darling, you look exquisite.” He resisted his intense urge to sink his teeth into her neck.
He’d managed to keep that secret from her in the last 6 months of them being together. He wasn’t sure how, especially with his siblings and the way they start trouble. She was innocent to all the evil him and his family possessed.
In all the years that he and his family had moved around, trying to stay in front and hidden from their enemies, he’d never grown close to anyone. It was the rule the family put into place to help keep them safe. They were not to have any relationship with anyone. Love causes problems. Love makes you weak. Atleast that’s what his brother Niklaus had preached to him over and over. He had to admit, his brother was right. When you love someone, it makes them an easy target for the Mikaelson’s enemies.  
He’d broken the rules when they arrived in Mystic Falls. He couldn’t help himself when he saw her. Their meeting had only been an accident. He was walking into Mystic Grill in search for his brother, when she ran right into him, spilling her drink down his very nice and expensive suit.
“I am so sorry!” She quickly apologized, grabbing a pair of napkins that sat at the table near them.
He chuckled, humans, such a clumsy bunch, “It’s quite alright.” As soon as his eyes had met hers, he was hooked. She patted at his suit, to try to erase the mistake she just spilled on him, and he grabbed her wrist to stop her, “Darling it’s quite alright.”
When she looked at him, she was blushing, “I’m really sorry. Please let me at least pay for it to be dry cleaned or something?”
He slowly let go of her wrist and gave a small smile, “Between you and me, I hated this suit anyways. If you’d really like to make it up to me, how about I take you out for dinner?”
She leaned back into his chest, “do we have to go to this party?” She turned to face him, grabbing his suit jacket, “I’d much rather stay up here…”
He chuckles, taking her hands in his and kisses her knuckles, “Rebekah would kill us both if we missed this grand party she’s planned.”
She groans and puts her forehead against his chest, “Fine. You know how much I hate these big parties.”
He places a kiss on her head, “The night will be over before you know it. And I’ll be by your side the whole time.”
The two of them walk down the grand staircase hand and hand, all eyes on them. She blushes at the attention she’s gained, “Why is everyone staring at me?”
He leans closer to her, “Because you look stunning in that red dress.”
He leads her to the bar and grabs two glasses of champagne, handing her one. Rebekah makes her way over, “You’ve outdone yourself little sister.” Elijah comments.
Y/n nods, “It’s a beautiful party.”
Rebekah smiles, “Thank you.” She looks around and her eyes find someone in the crowd, “I see someone I think I want to speak with. Excuse me.” She quickly rushes off.
Elijah slips his hand around Y/n’s waist, pulling her closer to him, “Would you like to dance?”
She quickly downs her glass of champagne, “I would love too.” He holds his hand out for her, which she happily takes, and he leads her to the dance floor. As they step onto the dance floor, he twirls her and then pulls her to him.
She giggles, slipping her hand around his neck as his finds her waist, pulling her closer, “Is there a reason you throw these fancy parties all the time?”
He licks his lip a little, his eyes scanning the crowd for Niklaus, “We enjoy a good party.”
He couldn’t tell her the truth. This party had a purpose behind it, and it was to lure out a few threats that had entered into Mystic Falls. Niklaus was to signal when they had the enemy captured and Elijah was to help dispose of him.
“I can’t imagine what this costs you guys.” She glances around, “You practically have one this grand every weekend.”
“Money is no problem for us, love.” He spots Niklaus in the back near the hallway, giving his signal. He looks down at Y/n, “Forgive me, I need to go help Klaus with something.” He stops dancing and steps away from her.
“I’ll go wait at the bar for you.” She smiles as he takes her hand, placing a kiss to the top.
“I won’t be long.”
He follows Niklaus to the room in the basement to deal with the enemy. As they finish up, he wipes the blood off his hands with his handkerchief. His vampire hearing picks up an ear-piercing scream and a yell for help. He immediately recognizes it. Y/n. He uses his vamp speed to where she is. A vampire has her pinned against the wall; his teeth sunk into her neck. She’s screaming, trying to push him off.
He can feel the anger rising, the veins surround his eyes and his fangs show as he rips the vampire from her and throws him against the wall. He plunges his hand into the vampire’s chest and takes his heart in his hand, ripping it from his chest with ease.
Y/n slowly slides down the wall, her hand covering her neck. She watches in horror at what is before her. Elijah has just ripped someone’s heart out. That someone who just had their teeth into her neck, sucking her blood. The man slumps to the floor and Elijah lets the heart roll out of his hand. When he faces her, his face is completely different than what she’s ever seen. It’s similar to what the man’s looked like before he bit her.
She’s terrified as he comes closer and screams, “N-No! Stay away from me!” He stops in his tracks, his face going back to normal as he calms down, “Y/n. Darling please.” He holds his hands out.
She shakes her head and scurries to her feet, using every inch of power she can to run out the back door and down the stairs. As soon as her feet hit the grass, she’s met with hard chest. Elijah.
Elijah saw the terror in her eyes and knew this was it. She would never forgive him for this. She would never be able to accept this.
“You know what you have to do brother.” Klaus warns. He’d just watched the scene unfold. He warned his brother about falling for a petty and weak human. She would never accept them. It would be a never-ending cycle of Save the human! Save the girl!
She screams and thrashes in his grip.
“Just calm down!” The blood trickles off her neck and he has to hold himself back from sinking his teeth into her wounded neck. He quickly shakes his head and bites into his wrist, forcing it against her mouth. Her eyes are wide and grip at his arm, trying to push him away, but he doesn’t move at all. He grips her chin to look at him and his eyes intently meet hers. He knows what he needs to do and it’s going to break his heart to do it. It’s for her safety. She can’t live in a Mikaelson’s world. She’ll be a walking target. 
“You won’t remember anything from tonight. You won’t remember the Mikaelson name.” His eyes fill with tears, “You won’t remember me. You won’t remember us. There was no us. You never met me.”
She stops her fighting and slowly nods, whispering, “I never met you.”
Let me know what you think! Also, send in your requests :)
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Caught In Between 16. False Promises
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Summary: Athena Dumont has finally found a place to call home after many years of foster homes and traveling. She had finally tamed her supernatural side and just wanted to live a normal teenage life. She quickly discovers that there is nothing normal about her hometown, Mystic Falls and gets sucked right back into the supernatural world.
Post Date: 09.01.20
Word count: 2.7k
Based off: 03x13 “Bring Out the Dead”
CIB Masterlist
The next few days I stayed in my room as I continually heard Klaus making visits to the Salvatores. I wanted to stay out of the mess, to keep my temptations towards Klaus at bay. But clearly that didn’t work as I heard a knock at my door. And to no surprise at all it was Klaus.
“What?” I ask as soon as I notice it’s Klaus.
“I just wanted to see how mon petit tournesol is doing. I’m sure after our little conversion the other day, you’ve had a lot to think about. I’m sure that’s why you’ve locked yourself up here,” He says looking around my room.
“Stop, Klaus. Stop with the nickname, stop with the taunting and stop trying to win me over. You killed the people I cared about like I’ve said a million times already, I can’t forgive you for that,” I say feeling the rage boil inside of me.
“You can’t fight it forever,” He says clearly gesturing to the sire bond. “I just wanted to come and tell you that I just finished renovating and that I’ve made a room for you there. You’re always welcome,” He says before walking off. I quickly shut the door hoping that I can just ignore what just happened.
The next day I kept myself locked into my room all-day again. And again I heard a knock on my door, “Klaus, I told y--oh Damon. What do you want?” I ask noticing that it was him and not Klaus.
“Wait Klaus visited you? Nevermind that, get dressed in something nice, were going to a little dinner party,” Damon explains.
“And what makes you think that’d drag me out of here?” I question crossing my arms.
“I think you’d actually like to come to this one,” Damon responds.
“You’re not gonna tell me who we’re having dinner with?” I ask.
“I think you’d like to find out for yourself. Not get ready we’re leaving in 15,” Damon says walking off.
I find a semi-casual outfit for the dinner and head downstairs to wait to leave. Once everyone was ready we head over to wherever we’re going. Once we make it to the door, Stefan rings the bell. And to my complete surprise, the most unexpected person opened the door.
“Elijah?” I question as I feel my eyes start to tear up a bit.
“Niklaus, our guests have arrived,” He smiles. 
Damon, Stefan, and I walked inside the house to find Klaus standing in the dining room, “Damon. Stefan. Athena,” Klaus says acknowledging our presence.
“I’m sorry. But can I steal Elijah for a little,” I say choking on my words a bit.
“Of course, I’m sure you two have lots to talk about,” Klaus responds as Damon and Stefan nod.
“We won’t be long,” I say and pull Elijah back outside and shut the door. The first thing I do is throw myself into his arms.
“I’m so glad you’re ok,” I say feeling a slight weight lift off my chest.
“Me too. I’m glad you’re safe,” He responds pulling away.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t keep him at bay. I tried my best but he just kept pressing. And now he made me a hybrid and I’m trying to fight this sire bond as hard as I can but it’s getting--” I start to word vomit and feel tears fall down my cheeks.
“Athena...Athena. It’s ok. I know you only did the best you could. You still kept your promise. But more than anything I’m glad you’re not hurt,” He says with his soothing voice.
“I missed you,” I smile.
“I missed you too. Now let’s get in there and have a lovely dinner, ok?” He says wiping the tears from my cheeks. We head back inside and find Stefan and Damon still standing in the hall.
“Ah, they’re back. Now we can discuss the terms of our agreement like civilized men,” Klaus says. 
“It’s better to indulge him,” Elijah says walking into the dining room.
“I didn’t come here to eat, Klaus. In fact, I didn’t want to come here at all. But I was told, I had to cause’ you would hear us out,” Stefan says making his way to Klaus whose standing in the dining room.
“Hmm. Well, we can still sit and eat. Or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides. Choice is yours,” Klaus then comes to me and presses his hand on the lower part of my back and leads me to my seat. I don’t pull away or act out to keep the peace, but feel my self become tense at the comment he made. 
He then sits beside me, soon enough everyone else sits down. I have Elijah on the other side of me while the Slavatores are across from me. Clearly a show of who I belong to, even though I’d rather not even be here. 
Their little servants pour us some wine as we start to eat, “Thank you, love. Hmm,” Damon says to the woman pouring his glass.
“You lost your appetite,” Elijah points out Stephan, who hasn’t touched his food.
“Eat. I thought we agreed that we would leave the grumpy Stefan at home,” Damon says. After a few moments of thinking, Stefan picks up his utensils.
“That’s the spirit,” Klaus says back. “Isn’t this nice? The five of us dining together. Such a treat. Is this what you had in mind when you pulled the dagger out of my brother?” Klaus asks.
“Well, I know what he felt about you, so I figured, the more...the merrier,” Damon responds.
“I’m glad you brought Athena along as well. Although you seem to be very quiet, love,” Klaus says putting his attention to me.
“Well, I didn’t think this is where I’d be tonight,” I respond.
“I’m sure this is a nice change of pace though. After locking yourself up the last couple of days,” Klaus smiles, but I continue to eat ignoring the rest of Klaus’ comments. “Well, Elijah and I had our share of quarrels over the centuries, but we always make it through,” Klaus states looking at Elijah on the other side of me.
“Kind of like, uh, you and Rebekah, right? Where is she, by the way? Last I checked she was still daggered because you were afraid to face her.” Stefan states.
“If you’re referring to the fact that Rebekah knows I killed out mother...I’ve already come clean to Elijah,” Klaus explains.
“Hey, Stef, remember when you killed dad? Might want to dial down the judgment till dessert,” Damon says clearly getting annoyed.
“We’re here to make a deal, Damon. Doesn’t mean we need to kiss his ass. For seven courses,” Stefan responds.
“I’m just saying we have a long evening ahead of us. Pace yourself,” Damon says back a bit calmer.
“Stefan, where is the lovely Elena tonight?” Elijah asks breaking a bit of the tension.
“I don’t know. Ask Damon,” Stefan answers.
“I’m sorry, you missed so much,” Klaus says laughing. “Ah, trouble in paradise,” Klaus smiles.
“One more word about Elena, and uh, this dinner is over,” Stefan threatens.
“You know what, probably best just to keep Elena in the do not discuss pile,” I say finally speaking up.
“You’re probably right,” Klaus agrees and takes a bite of his food. “It’s just the allure of the Petrova doppelganger is still so strong. What do you say, brother? Should we tell them about Tatia?” Klaus says clearly not letting the topic go.
“Now why should we discuss matters long since resolved?” Elijah asks tossing his napkin on the table.
“Well, given their shared affection for both Elena and Katerina. And of course Athena’s care for Elena, I think our guests might be curious to learn about the originator of the Petrova line,” Klaus states.
“Well, we’re not going anywhere, Elijah. Please, do tell.” Damon responds clearly wanting to indulge in the two brothers.
“When our family first settled here, there was a girl named Tatia. She was an exquisite beauty. Every boy of age desired to be her suitor. Even though she’d had a child by another man. And none loved her more than Niklaus,” Elijah says. I look over to Klaus in surprise that he could actually love someone besides me, which I still didn’t believe to be true.
“Oh, I’d say there was one who loved her at least as much,” Klaus says looking up from his downward stare.
“Wait a minute, so you both loved the same girl?” Stefan chuckles.
“Our mother was a very powerful witch. She sought to end our feud over Tatia, and so she took her. And Klaus and I would later learn that it was Tatia’s blood that we consumed in the wine on the night where our mother performed the spell which turned us into vampires. Tatia wouldn’t make a decision between the two of us, so for a time, Niklaus and I...grew estranged. Harsh words were traded. We even came to blows. Didn’t we, brother?” Elijah asks not wanting to tell the whole story himself.
“But in the end, we recognized the sacred bond of family,” Klaus finishes the story.
“Family above...all,” Elijah adds picking up his wine glass.
“Family above all,” Klaus picks up his own and looks at me to do the same. I look between the brothers as they gestured for me to do a toast with them. But I just lean back and let them do so.
“So why don’t we move this evening along and discuss the terms of this proposal?” Elijah asks as the servers remove our plates.
“Well, it’s very simple. Klaus gets his coffin back. In exchange, he and the original extended family, leave Mystic Falls forever. Me, Stefan, and Elena live happily ever after, no grudges,” Damon explains.
“I think you’re forgetting another part of your proposal. And she’s sitting right here,” Klaus quickly says gesturing to me.
“Ok, if you want to hear what I want to say. I want to be left alone. To make my own choices. That’s all I want,” I state.
“Deal sounds fair, brother,” Elijah states.
“I don’t think you understand. I can’t do that because Elena’s doppelganger blood ensures that I will always have more hybrids to fight those that oppose me. And I’m sure my brother can agree to this, but we can’t lose you again, Athena. You’re family. I will never leave them behind,” Klaus states and gets out of his seat. 
“Let’s say I do leave Elena here, under your protection. What then? How long before one of you turns her into a vampire? Or worse. How long before she dies. Caught between your feuding? You see, each one of you truly believes that you’re the one that can protect her. And that is simply a delusion. Gentlemen...the worst thing for Elena Gilbert is...the two of you,” Klaus states looking at the Salvatores. “And Athena. If you stay here. Who’s to say you won’t feel the pull to us. You’re sired to me, you’ll want to be with me. I’m sure you’re feeling that pull right now. And I know you care for my brother and I’m sure he can’t bear to leave you either,” Klaus finishes. I stay silent not wanting to provoke anyone as he just smiles at me.
“I’m going to get some air,” Damon says and leaves the table.
“Let me deal with this,” Elijah then follows Damon.
“Mmm. Hmmm. All this talk has made me thirsty. What do you two say? Can I interest you in a little after-dinner drink?” Klaus asks biting into one of the servants. “Mmm. Delicious. Aged to perfection,” Klaus says pulling away from the woman’s neck and letting her drop to the floor. I try to keep the urge at bay but it’s so strong as I have only been drinking from blood bags, but I keep myself from feeding.
“Well, I guess the only reason you agreed to this evening, Klaus, is to drive a wedge between Me and My brother. As well as gain Athena’s trust,” Stefan says getting up from his seat.
“Oh, no, you’re doing that well enough on your own. Because of Elena, you’re going to lose your brother, and you’ll only have yourself to blame. And Athena here,” He brings his hand under my chin to look up at him.  “She belongs with me, she is my love, mon petit tournesol,” I felt another flutter in my stomach as he said my nickname.
“I told you to stop calling me that. You destroyed any chance to reconnect when you killed my pack and me,” I say getting up from my seat.
“What do you say, Klaus? It’s time for you to put something on the table. We’ve made our offer. Now you counter,” Damon says walking back into the room with Elijah. 
“Ok,” Klaus agrees sitting back in his seat. I offer Elena’s future happiness. You see, what she needs right now is to be rid of you lot. And to fall in love with a human. Maybe that nice football player, you know the blonde one.” Klaus says looking to Elijah.
“Matt Donovan? Really?” Damon questions.
“Yeah, why not? They’ll marry, live a long and fruitful life, and pop out a perfect family,” Klaus explains.
“And continue the Petrova bloodline, ” I point out.
“Every few hundred years, you’ll have a new doppelganger to drain and never run out of your hybrids. Right, Klaus?” Stefan adds.
“Consider it a small return on my investment in her well-being. See, after you hand me back the coffin, I’ll ensure her safety for the rest of her natural life. You know it’s what’s best for her. So… what do you say, Stefan?” Klaus asks.
“And me?” I ask before Stefan responds.
“Ah, yes. If you truly believe that it is best for you to stay away from us, then I shall let you. But if not, then you are always welcome to stay with us. I’m sure neither Elijah and I would mind. Do we have a deal?” Klaus states as Klaus and Stefan meet by the fireplace and put eachother hands out to shake.
“Nice try, Klaus. But no deal,” Stefan finally says. Klaus quickly breaks Stefan’s arm and leg. He then pushes Stefan’s arm into the fireplace. Elijah rushes and pushes Damon up against a wall behind him.
“What are you doing?!” I ask rushing towards Elijah, but Klaus holds me back.
“Stop!” Damon yells.
“Now bring me my coffin, before I burn him alive,” Klaus demands keeping ahold of Stefan’s arm.
“I’ll get it,” Damon thankfully agrees.
“Go with him, brother. You keep him honest. When you return, I will make good on my promise to you and I will hand over our family,” Klaus says and Elijah heads off.
“Go ahead, kill me. I know you’ll do it when he brings the coffin,” Stefan says in pain.
“I swear Klaus. If you kill him. You’ll lose me forever,” I state, but only realize what I actually said after saying it. Klaus pulls Stefan up and holds him by his shirt.
“You really have given up, haven’t you, huh? Where’s the fight? Where’s the ripper?!” Klaus says disregarding what I said, but I knew he was thinking about it. Stefan pushes Klaus off.
“Elijah. Why haven’t you left?” Klaus says noticing Elijah and Damon walk back into the dining room.
“Well, where are your manners, brother? You forgot dessert,” Elijah states and pulls a cloth off the platter a sever is holding which reveals two daggers.
“What have you done?”  Klaus questions.
“What have you done?” Elijah counters. “See, I’ve learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We’re doing this on my terms now,” Elijah says and a man walks up from behind him.
“Kol,” Klaus says.
“Long time, brother,” Kol says. 
Klaus rushes towards the platter but another man grabs a dagger before he can, “Finn, don’t!” Klaus pleads. Finn then plunges the dagger into Klaus’ hand as he lets out a scream. Klaus rushes away behind himself but finds Rebekah in the way. 
She then plunges another dagger into his abdomen, “This is for our mother,” She states and pushes him back into Kol’s grasp.
“You’re free to go. This is family business,” Elijah states as I and the Salatores make your way out of the house.
Damon and Stefan take me back to their house as they go to check on Bonnie and her mother.
“Will you be alright?” Damon asks before they head out.
“I’ll be fine. Just go do what you gotta do,” I say and the two brothers head out.
A/N: So, in all honesty, this part was a filler but it was semi-important. I hope you guys are ready for what comes next and enjoyed this part!
🏷: @tristanacarry​ | @commentaryfanfic​ | @april-14-blog​ |  @simonsbluee​ | @awkwardspontaneity​ | @keiko0​
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tanjamikaelson · 4 years
As the sun started to rise in the sky and light started to pour into the room through the blinds Natali started wake up from her slumber. She reluctantly opened her eyes but as soon as she noticed that Kol wasn’t next to her she fully woke up. She then got out of the bed and went to the bathroom hoping that Kol was there, but he wasn’t. She turned on the shower, discarded her clothes and stepped into the ray of warm water. 
When she finished in the bathroom she went back to bedroom and looked for the clothes she is going to wear. Few moments later someone opened bedroom door and she saw it was Kol.
  - “Kol where have you’be been?” Natali asked.
  - “I was out for a few hours.” Kol told her.
  - “For a few hours? What have you been doing?” Natali questioned.
  - “Taking care of some things before we leave.” Kol replied, “I killed that boy Davina was dating. He was asking around and getting too close.”
  - “How do you know that?” Natali asked him.
  - “Eric saw him lurking close to the Fangtasia.” Kol says, “And before I killed him he told me that he saw Davina leave and didn’t saw her since then.”
  - “Oh yeah, I woke up in their bed, but I thought he was asleep.” Natali says.
  - “Well he wasn’t.” Kol told her, “We should leave before Marcel or Josh start looking for her.”
  - “We can leave in a few hours.” Natali told him.
  - “I will go to our apartment and get your stuff, and then we’ll leave.” Kol told her and before he left he kissed her forehead softly.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
  - “Easy with that wine. You’re in a human body now, remember?” Natali heard Rebekah saying before she sat next to her.
  - “And drinking in the early morning, someone could say I’m an alcoholic.” Natali remarks.
  - “Well.. it’s not far from the truth.” Rebekah tells her.
  - “Haha.” Natali laughs, “How’s your mark?”
  - Rebekah shows her her wrist, “It’s okay for now.”
  - “We don’t know how long a spell can last. It could be hours or it could be days.” Natali tells her.
  - “Guess we’ll find out.” Rebekah says.
  - “Kol and I are going to leave New Orleans.” Natali told her.
  - Rebekah wasn’t surprised, she knew Kol wouldn’t want to be around Finn and Natali is stuck in the house if they don’t want anyone to find out that she is in Davina’s body, “When?” she asked.
  - “Soon. In an hour or two.” Natali replied.
  - “I’m afraid that’s not quite possible.” They’ve heard Elijah’s voice from behind.
  - “What do you mean by that?” Rebekah asked him with concern.
Elijah walks over to them and shows them a phone. There was a video of Vincent, it was a message.
  - “I know we are not on the best of terms, but I need you to listen to me, okay? Um, we're in serious trouble. The Ancestors got me on the hook doing some pretty twisted magic, and I want no part of it, but they're forcing me to help Lucien Castle. And, if you don’t help me, Freya Mikaelson is gonna die.” hearing her name, they both frown in concern as they continue to listen to the video, “Before they forced me to take her, they had me put up a cloaking spell, so we can't be tracked. Now, Lucien's taking us out of town someplace, I don't know where.. but there's a loophole.”
  - Elijah pauses the video and says, “Finn is the loophole.”
  - “How is he the loophole?” Rebekah asks him.
  - Elijah look at Natali because he knew that she know the answer, “Last year, when Esther brought him back, he got housed in one of the most powerful witch bodies in the city - Vincent's. And, even after all this time, there's still an echo of a body-soul connection between them.” Natali says.
  - “Now Vincent doesn’t know that you’re not in your body, but he needs a powerful witch that’s off the Ancestors’ radar.” Elijah tells her, “He left us his blood so you can find him.”
  - “When did Lucian took Freya?” Kol asked, he heard everything Elijah told them.
  - “Last night.” Elijah tells her.
  - “Bloody hell.” Kol exclaimed knowing that this is ruining their plan to leave.
  - “We’ll find them. I will need Finn’s blood and I will be able to track Vincent down.” Natali told them.
They called Finn to come into the room where they were and explained him a situation.
  - Finn looks upset as he paces around the room, “I should have sensed something was wrong when Freya didn't call. Now Lucien has a head start.” He looks over at Natali before saying, “Go, witch. Tend to your spells. I won't rest until she's found.”
Kol scoffs in disbelief as he looks around the room at Finn and the others, visibly having difficulty keeping his temper in check.
  - “Behold, the selfless martyr! First, he wants to rip Natali’s head off for trapping him in his body. Now he can't wait to be spelled.” Kol says.
Finn walks over to Kol, staring him in the eyes in a challenging manner, just as Elijah sighs and stands to his feet, ignoring Kol's outburst.
  - “Finn.. you and I shall go together. Kol, you stay here with Natali and Rebekah.” Elijah says.
  - Kol was shocked, “You're going with him? So, the two people responsible for not destroying the white oak when they had the chance, thus putting us in this bloody mess, are now off to try and fix it. That's just marvelous. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?”
Kol storms over toward Finn and Elijah, but before he could do anything Natali takes him by the hand.
  - “Kol, look at me.” Natali said causing him to turn back to look at her, “I need your help with this.” then she leads Kol out of the room.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
Natali was in the middle of performing her own spell with Finn and Vincent's blood to try to track Vincent down. It involved placing their mixed blood in a metal funnel attached to a string, which she held above a map of the United States, allowing the blood to drip on the map. Kol is pacing around the room while he waits for answers.
  - “They should keep heading northeast..” Natali says.
  - Kol looked confused “What? Northeast? They've been driving northeast for an hour, love. We need to get a tad more specific before they hit the Atlantic Ocean.” 
  - “The soul-blood connection is not as strong as a locator spell. The most I can narrow it down to is..” she paused in shock upon looking down at a map.
  - “Is what?” Kol asked taking a step towards her.
  - “Virginia. Northern Virginia.” Natali replies.
  - Kol's eyes widen in shock, “You're bloody joking! We were turned into vampires there. That's too much of a coincidence. Can you please be a little more precise?”
  - “No.” Natal said frantically, “I need to boost the signal somehow. Bring me a blood rider. That’s like an echo chamber, with Finn’s blood we can amplify the connection he has with Vincent.”
Kol nods in an agreement and leaves to find the dark object.
It didn’t take him long to come back. As soon as he did Natali poured Finn’s blood into bowl. Kol crouches down so he's at eye-level with Natali, who is sitting at a small end table and has just picked up a mallet to make the bowl sing.
  - “All right, let go of everything. Feel the vibration.” Kol told her calmly.
She does as he told and uses the mallet to create a tone with the bowl.
  - “Now, harmonize with the cadence of the drone.” Kol says.
Natali starts to hum as she searches for the right tone and Kol moves behind her, pressing his chest against her back, firmly pressing on the arm she's using to hold the mallet with one hand while helping her make the bowl sing with the other so she can focus more of her energy on the spell.
  - “And once they're both in harmony, it should continue by itself.” Kol whispers in her ear.
Natali opens her eyes and turns her head slowly so that their faces were millimeters away from each other.
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- “And it's up to you to concentrate, to amplify it.” Kol says and she looks away from him then successfully amplifying the connection.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
Freya and Elijah have just returned to the compound and are struggling to carry the writhing Finn into the living room as he shouts incoherently.
  - “Don't leave me in here! Don't leave me alone!” Finn yells.
  - “Put him down.” Elijah says to Freya and she does as she's told and sets Finn down on the couch.
  - “Hey, hey, hey. You're not alone, Finn. I'm here.” Freya tries to calm him.
Elijah tries to help steady him, and Finn grabs him tightly by the hand and stares him in the eyes.
  - “Don’t leave..” Finn says weakly.
  - “Why is he talking like this?” Freya asked worriedly.
  - “It's hallucinations of our betrayal. It's his nightmare.” Elijah says.
Just then, Kol, Natali and Rebekah walk into the room. Kol looked unbothered by the sight of Finn's discomfort as he heads straight for the opposite couch, where he flops onto his back.
  - “Well, he looks awful.” Kol remarks, “Werewolf bite. That's got to hurt, mate. So, Lucien's a bloody hybrid?”
  - “We don't know what he is. His venom seems to work twice as fast.” Elijah tells him.
  - “That's good. Maybe it'll work through his system twice as fast.” Freya says.
  - Kol gets up and shrugs nonchalantly as he turns to leave the room, “Or it's twice as lethal. Now, if Niklaus doesn't get here in time, he might die. With a bit of luck..”
  - Freya gets up and punches Kol in the face, causing him to vamp-out at her, “What is wrong with you?” she says.
  - “Behave yourselves! Both of you.” Elijah tells them.
  - Just then, Klaus walks in from the opposite door and breaks up their argument, “Sibling squabbling. How familiar. Although, the teams seem to have changed.. Someone care to tell me why?”
  - “Our brother needs us.” Elijah says firmly.
Finn moans and wheezes from the couch, and the sight of him wipes the smirk off of Klaus' face. Klaus looks between Finn and Elijah for a moment before sighing in exasperation and walking over to Finn. He rolls up his sleeve, bites his wrist, and feeds Finn his blood while the others watch in varying states of surprise.
  - When Finn stopped feeding on Klaus’ blood he sighs in relief, “Thank you, brother.”
  - “How are you feeling?” Rebekah asked him.
  - “I feel.. strangely euphoric.” Finn replies.
  - Klaus smirks, “I've been known to have that effect.”
  - Kol, who has been watching from afar, claps slowly and dramatically, “What a precious family moment. Pardon me while I go and gouge out my eyes with a hot poker.”
His siblings are clearly not amused by his attitude, but Finn just looks at him with a serious expression.
  - “I thank even you, Kol.” Finn says then glaces at Natali, “Your little witch actually came through.” he sighs deeply for a moment before continuing, “Today.. I saw a glimpse of your coveted “Always and Forever.” He looks up at Klaus, who smiles at him, “And.. I..” He's cut off by an intense coughing fit that causes him to throw himself over the edge of the couch as he coughs up a large amount of blood. Klaus rushes over to him, followed quickly by Elijah, Freya and Rebekah.
Finn grunts in pain as Freya and Elijah once again hold him down as he thrashes on the couch. All of the Mikaelson siblings look panicked as they watch helplessly.
  - “What's wrong with him?” Elijah asks.
  - Freya was horrifies, “His body, it's dying..”
  - “No! No, it's not possible! I cured him!” Klaus says.
  - “If your blood can’t heal him, the only other cure was me.. but I guess now we know one more reason why Renee killed me.” Natali tells them.
  - Finn wheezes and claws against their grip, “Freya..” he grunts.
  - Freya is wide-eyed as she desperately tries to hide her fear, “Hey! It's going to be alright, brother. We'll fix this, you'll see. Okay?” She turns to her brothers, “Get my pendant.”
  - “It won't work! I fused his soul to his body.” Natali tells her.
  - Freya was frustrated, “We've got to try! There's no Other Side! No Ancestral well if he dies.”
  - Klaus' tone is desperate as he turns to Natali, “No. Natali will undo what she's done! Finn, you will drink from the source until Freya can move you.” Klaus goes to bite his wrist, but Finn stops him.
  - “I’m sorry, but there’s no undoing for that spell.” Natali says.
Freya grabs Finn's right hand and squeezes it, just as Elijah takes Finn's left. Klaus, standing behind Finn's head, reaches out and puts his hand on his chest, while Rebekah crouches next to him and Finn smiles weakly when he realizes he's not alone. Kol, looking guilty, reaches out and gently puts his hand on Finn's leg as Freya breaks down in sobs. Elijah grips Finn's hand tighter and does his best to keep himself from crying just as Finn looks up at him one last time before his skin desiccates and turns gray, the life slowly leaving his eyes. Freya and Rebekah break down and tears start to fall down Elijah and Klaus' cheeks. Even Kol can't help but shed a tear at the loss of his brother and the sadness his siblings are feeling as they slowly let go.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
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despressolattes · 4 years
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
In a week, Lilah practically jumped at any chance to be the one who was looking over Rousseau's. It felt weird for her to be in the same room as Lorelle. It was different than the way it was with Elijah. Elijah didn't know about her, but Lorelle was fully aware she had a daughter before she died. The mother-daughter duo being around the Mikaelsons, both holding in a secret that deep, seemed to be like a ticking time bomb.
She was, however, hanging out with Roman Bauer. It felt almost casual, the way neither of them talked about any of that much substance, but it seemed fun that way. There was always a mysterious and flirtatious air when neither of them knew the specifics about one another's past. Like all that really mattered was what they were doing in that moment.
The Mikaelson girls wanted to meet him. Rebekah and Davina claimed it was unfair that Josh got to know what he looked like, yet they didn't. Freya just wanted to know all about "the boy who sweats diamonds." Though, every time Lilah asked him if he wanted to have dinner with them, he said he had something else he had to do.
She assumed it was because it was intimidating being invited to dinner with the Mikaelsons, so she never pushed. They weren't really dating either, so it shouldn't have been that big of a thing for him to come home, meet the family and friends. They were just enjoying one another's company.
Totally casual. And honestly, casual and not mixed in with the Mikaelsons was a good thing. There had been an occasion or two when Lilah had a date—but she never developed feelings for anything in a few hundred years, or so she thought—that would end up ending in a dark manner. Which was normal when the Mikaelsons were involved.
Lilah walked into Rousseau's, the keys to the restaurant dangled in her hands. As she shut the door and turned around, her already-dead heart nearly had a heart attack. Sitting down at the bar was the brunette whom Lilah got some of her physical features from.
"Your breakfast seems to still be on your lips," Lilah said, her eyes scanning over her face to see blood dripping from the side of her lips onto her jaw.
Lorelle reached up with a napkin on the bar top, attempting to wipe her face.
"How'd you even get in here?" Lilah asked her, going behind the bar counter to switch on the lights.
"Through the back door," she said, and Lilah frowned.
She knew that meant that Lorelle must've broken something to get in. Sometimes, she wished vampires needed permission to also enter restaurants, but she knew it just wasn't reasonable.
"Wonderful," sighed Lilah.
She had her back to Lorelle, starting to get the things in the bar ready for opening.
"You're her, aren't you?" Lorelle questioned, her voice seeming to echo in the empty restaurant.
"I'm who?" Lilah asked, swirling around and playing dumb. She placed her arms on the counter, leaning over on her elbows.
"My daughter," Lorelle stated, looking at Lilah in the eyes.
Her facial expression faltered, and Lorelle had her answer.
"Why didn't you tell the Mikaelsons that you had a daughter?" Lilah questioned, still refusing to answer her question.
"Why haven't you told them that you are that daughter?" Lorelle asked back, raising an eyebrow as she spoke.
While looking at the brunette in front of her, Lilah saw the parts of her own personality that she had in comment with Lorelle. She took after her mother in a lot of ways, not just their physical appearance. Looking at her, she knew that she had been the perfect combination of Elijah and Lorelle. She had Elijah's facial structure and Lorelle's hair and height. She had the Mikaelson fire and temper, but what seemed to be Lorelle's sarcastic personality and bluntness.
She was reminded of the conversation she once had with her father about her reminding him of what he liked about being human. Perhaps, combined with being like his own daughter, her resemblance to Lorelle also had something to do with his statement. Though part of it was his bond with Lilah herself, the Mikaelson girl had a feeling a portion of that statement had to do with Lorelle.
"How'd you know?" Lilah asked her.
"Esther and I discussed your name before I had given birth to you," she said. "And the necklace you're wearing. I had that exact necklace made when I found out I was pregnant, wanting my baby to have something of me when she was taken away."
Her right hand went up to touch her daylight amulet, which she wore as a necklace. It was given to her when she was little, back when it was just a necklace. Something Dahlia let her have as a child, then enchanted so that Lilah could walk in the sun without harm—even if sunlight wouldn't kill her.
"I had that exact necklace made when I found out I was pregnant, wanting my baby to have something of me when she was taken away," Lorelle explained, but she got no answer from her daughter.
Lilah remained standoffish, trying her hardest not to show any emotions towards the woman. Despite her being her mom, Lorelle was practically a stranger in her mind. Just like she had been with Elijah when she first met him, she had her guard up. Even though she was the closest to Elijah, he was also the one she took the most time getting to know.
Her phone went off, the chiming almost scaring her. She took her phone out of her pocket to see Josh's name. She slid to decline, but before she could put her phone back into her pocket, Josh called again. She slid to answer it, placing the phone to her face.
"Hey, Josh, what's up?" Lilah asked, trying to calm herself down and not seem irritated over the phone.
"I'm on my way to Rousseau's, you might want to head to the Mikaelson compound and fast."
"What, why?"
"They had Roman hostage. Won't tell me why."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
On Lilah's way to the Mikaelson compound, slightly irritated. The Mikaelson siblings had done something similar to that before. Lilah was never the type to be in any type of serious relationship, but there had been a time a few years prior that she had been involved with a vampire, and they ended up dubbing him unworthy of him and tossing him away into the dungeon. Most of it was Klaus's idea, the same way he had always decided no guy was good enough for Rebekah.
She stormed inside, looking around at the Mikaelsons as they looked like they were in deep thought, discussing something. Roman was nowhere in sight. Something in her head was telling her to save him. She didn't even wait for anyone to say anything to her before she started to make her way to Marcel's old vampire prison.
"Lilah," Rebekah called when she noticed him, the siblings and Davina following the girl as she walked down the stairs.
"Where is he?" Lilah asked, looking around for Roman.
"Lilah," Rebekah said, grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards her.
Lilah shoved her off, the blonde hitting a wall.
"You guys do this all the time, don't you?" Lilah questioned, shaking her head. "Unbelievable. I thought with Klaus gone, maybe I could actually be involved with someone and let you know."
She turned back around, but Rebekah sped in front of her.
"How about you stop and just listen to what I have to say?" Rebekah shouted. "We didn't even know he was your Roman until Josh saw him!"
"I don't want to hear it, Bex!" she shouted back.
"He's a Sienna, luv," Kol said bluntly from behind.
Lilah made an 180 degree turn, standing so she could look at both Rebekah and the others. She quirked up an eyebrow at him at the last name. "A Sienna? As in Antoinette Sienna? As in Greta Sienna, the girl who killed Hayley?" She watched everyone nod. "No," she shook her head. "He told me his name was Roman Bauer."
"Honey," Freya said, holding a hand out and stepping forward. "I know what he told you, but he lied. He's Greta's adoptive brother."
"And we have reason to believe he might've helped Greta," added Davina softly.
"Reason to believe? I saw him in town that same week that Greta and Emmett were riling up all the vampires!"
Lilah turned away from the others and looked at Rebekah. Despite the information she was being given and wanting to be angry with him, her conscience was telling her that she had to make sure she left with him, safely. In a chillingly calm voice, she said slowly, "Where is he?"
Rebekah sighed and started walking, leading to where Roman was, locked behind a door. She opened it, holding it open as Lilah rushed inside.
"Roman!" she yelled, running to his side.
He was unconscious on the floor, his face against the dirty floor. She grabbed him, placing his head in her lap as she sat on the floor. She ran a hand through his hair comfortingly as the boy groaned at her touch. She saw marks along his arms. It looked like they had poured vervain on him. The marks would take time to heal.
She looked at his hands, seeing that he had no daylight ring.
"Where's his ring?" she said, looking up and at the door to the Originals and Davina. When she got no answer, she repeated, "Where? Is? His? Ring?"
"You might want to calm down," Rebekah said, rolling her eyes at her friend's attitude. "You're getting your panties in a twist for a boy you rarely even know! We're practically your family, Lilah."
"This torturing people thing you Mikaelsons do has to stop," Lilah stated. "It has never gotten any of you anything good."
She stood up, bringing the unconscious Roman with her, supporting his weight as she draped one of his arms over her shoulders. When she took a few steps towards the door, Rebekah blocked it.
Lilah got in her face, staring down the blond.
"I suggest one of you hands me his ring and lets me pass. I'm not leaving here without him."
"Just give it to her, Bex," Kol sighed, walking away from the door and leaning against the wall parallel. "She's not gonna let up."
Rebekah let out an angry puff but she dug in her pocket, placing a ring into Lilah's hand. Once she got the ring back onto Roman's hand, she sped out of the compound with him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
please send in asks and talk about what parts of the story you like! here’s some questions we can discuss :)
· the reference to roman being the boy who sweats diamonds :') one of the cutest freya-hope scenes for the show but freya-lilah scenes for the book is when freya would tease lilah about roman being the boy who sweats diamonds, even though it was something hope said
· well shit is starting to pick up! opinions on lorelle?
· oh no, roman's been found out
· why do we think Lilah was willing to anger the Mikaelsons to take Roman out of there? Especially when they were just "casual" friends.
so this has nothing to do with the story but i'm writing an original book (like a book that is mine, not an originals fanfiction) and i'm trying to give a nod to my first favorite OC, which is (you guessed it) Lilah! i'm unsure whether to give her a new last name or to call her lilah desmarais, but there ~is~ a character named roman archibald who only calls her by her last name... soooo should i give her a new last name or dedicate her completely to this lilah?
also enjoy this PSA i wrote on my tumblr blog (follow me at hopesoriginal) since half of this fandom seems to hate roman with a fiery passion for no fucking reason
f you hate roman sienna for "his part" in hayley's death (even though greta lied to him, and he was told hayley and hope wouldn't die) then KEEP THAT SAME FUCKING ENERGY towards:
KAI PARKER for being responsible for in jo's death, for being responsible for luke's death DAMON SALVATORE for being responsible in lexi and tyler's death, for leaving enzo at augustine during the fire, for his part in vicky's death STEFAN SALVATORE for being a FUCKING ripper, for being responsible for enzo's death, for his part in vicky's death KLAUS MIKAELSON for being responsible in elena's death (even though she survived), roman's adoptive father's death (even though he was an asshole), MULTIPLE PEOPLES' DEATHS C'MON PEOPLE, carol lockwood, mason lockwood ELIJAH MIKAELSON for being responsible for one of davina's death, thierry's death, tatia's death FREYA MIKAELSON for being responsible for one of davina's death KOL MIKAELSON for his part in helping esther and finn katherine pierce/katerina petrova for being responsible for turning caroline into a vampire and sparking the reason why the originals came to mystic falls wanting to kill elena, in one of jeremy's deaths DAVINA CLAIRE for being responsible for bringing mikael to new orleans MARCEL GERARD for being responsible for jane-anne's death HOPE MIKAELSON for her part in accidentally killing bill
y'all notice how LONG most of these lists are? yet all of these people are fandom faves, despite the fact that many of them killed other fandom faves. damon somehow deserved happiness with his brother's girlfriend after having killed his brother's best friend. elijah and freya killed their little brother's wife. but roman brings hayley and hope somewhere because his mother asked him to, promising him no one would get hurt... and he's the fucking asshole who doesn't deserve redemption? make it make fucking sense.
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tvdversefanfiction · 5 years
Canary Carnage
Fandoms: Arrowverse, DC Universe, TVDverse and The Originals
Chapter Twelve: A Far Cry from Earth X
Warnings: I don’t own any of the rights, content or characters belonging to any of the DC content I use within the story along with not owning any rights, content or characters within The Vampire Diaries, Originals or Legacies.
18 Rating: Moderate/Graphic displays of violence, sexual innuendos, sexually charged scenes, SMUT, mention of Nazi’s due to Earth X storyline, strong language and potentially triggering scenes.
Pairings: M/M, F/F, M/F.
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Lucas Thomas Wayne may have been the Earth X doppelganger of Lucas Lance, but they were to very different people Lucas Lance was the Red Canary and Lucas Wayne was the Blue Canary.
Lucas Thomas Wayne was dumped on the doorstep of Earth X’s Batman after his biological mother Earth X’s Laurel Lance aka Siren X abandoned him to continue her ruthless crusade. He is the biological son of Earth X’s Bruce Wayne aka Batman and was raised by his father eventually joining him in his crusade to make Earth X a better place.
Earth X’s Lucas was resilient, strong and ready to save his world from the darkness that surrounded it under the guidance of his father Batman but having the same meta-human power as his mother leading to Batman himself naming him the Blue Canary.
Lucas Lance was the villain and Laurel Lance was the hero in that story whereas on Earth X Lucas Wayne was a hero and his mother Laurel was the villain on an earth with far too many villains so when the fate of the multiverse was at risk it was only a matter of time before Earth X would be no more.
Unbeknownst to him his father had planned a back up plan so that he could live after hearing rumors about Earth Blood from other earths he had visited in the past and eventually learning that somehow Earth Blood existed out of the multiverse meaning if all else failed he could at least save his son and all else did fail.
Lucas Thomas Wayne couldn’t be any more different than his doppelganger who died on Earth Blood but he was soon about to learn all about him as he found himself teleport-ed to Earth Blood via a fail-safe breaching device that his father had installed into his phone scheduled to teleport him after Earth X was wiped out by anti-matter.
A lot had changed on Earth Blood over the five years that went by following the death of the Red Canary: the entire vampire community now knew the Black Canary as Laurel Lance spent most of her time travelling the world and using her superhero alter ego and Sara Lance had taken over New Orleans Voyage Hotel renaming it the New Orleans Lance Hotel in honor of her family deciding to stay in New Orleans and adjusting to no longer being the White Canary and being a vampire.
The Mikaelson family were of course still the Mikaelson’s as immortal beings who lived for over a thousand years, five years wasn’t really much to them although they did have some momentous changes such as: Kol Mikaelson reuniting and marrying his true love Davina Claire, Hope Mikaelson being accepted to and now going to Columbia University in New York City, Rebekah getting her revenge on Marcel Gerard by trapping him for good and the tragic and shocking death of Hayley Marshall which left everyone devastated especially Elijah and Hope.
The last thing the Lance sisters or the Mikaelson family were prepared for was the return of Lucas, or rather their introduction to Earth X’s Lucas Wayne the heroic Blue Canary who was ready to cause all kinds of carnage to any wrong doers.
“Where am I?” Lucas Wayne wondered as he opened his eyes to find himself in a hospital room laying in a hospital bed with a nurse standing over him. “What’s going on?”
“You were found on the side of the road unconscious but we’re as of yet trying to find out why you were there.” The male nurse replied to him. “Do you know your name?”
“Last thing I remember is being at home with my dad…” Lucas began to say before he realized Earth X was no more before tearing off the cables connected to him, climbing off the bed and rising to his feet much to the nurse’s concern.
“I’m going to have to ask that you sit back down! You’re not in a state to be going anywhere.” The nurse advised him, as Lucas was too concerned looking at his hospital gown which revealed a little too much in the back.
“What earth are we on?” Lucas asked, knowing the chances of the nurse knowing anything about the multiverse were slim.
“Yeah I don’t know what you’re talking about…I’m going to need you to sit back down!” The nurse answered the Blue Canary, eager to get his patient back into his bed.
“I figured that was a long shot…well I’m going to need my clothes.” Lucas replied to the nurse before looking him up and down. “Your clothes will do if you can’t find mine.”
Lucas Wayne waited for a moment as the nurse stared him down making it clear he wasn’t going to let him go easily forcing Lucas to release a canary cry in his direction with just enough force to send the nurse flying into the corridors giving him just enough time to make an escape and try and figured out what the hell was going on.
Lucas knew that for him to be on this strange earth that his own earth must’ve been destroyed by the anti-matter waves and wherever he was now was going to have to be his new home but he had no idea of the people he lost or the people he was about to find.
It was the fifth year anniversary of Lucas Lance’s death and although he died on Lian Yu, Laurel decided to have him buried in Lafayette Cemetery within New Orleans where she would reunite with her sister Sara each year on Lucas’ anniversary to mourn him as they honored not what he became but who he once was.
It was a tradition that brought Laurel comfort and helped eased her guilt, regret and pain about losing a son and choosing not to return to Star City to stop him even being born knowing saving the world had to come before being a mother but that didn’t make her feel any less guilty.
At first she had no idea why her younger sister Sara Lance chose to stay in New Orleans despite the fact she was hated by the Mikaelson siblings for killing their beloved sister Freya Mikaelson but as the years went by their hate for Sara grew smaller as Rebekah Mikaelson surprised them all by forming a friendship with the White Canary, a strong friendship built on forgiveness, loss and honesty.
Laurel Lance knew there was good in Rebekah and Elijah from the start and following his marriage to Davina Claire she learned Kol had good in him too as she began blurring the lines between good and evil, learning that the world itself was not so black a white which was a lesson she wish she had learned five years ago.
“I had a feeling this is where you would me Miss Lance, it’s always a pleasure to be in your presence.” Elijah greeted Laurel as he sped into the cemetery to stand beside her, as Laurel stood in front of her son’s tombstone.
“I don’t even understand why I always come here each year I mean with the way the future changes he’s probably vanished by now just like Talia al Ghul did when he died.” Laurel admitted with a saddened sigh, freely opening to the noble original before turning to face him. “I enjoy your company too Elijah.”
“It’s soothing to have a place to grieve for what we’ve lost and also a place where we feel we can reconnect with them momentarily at least.” Elijah replied to the Black Canary. “I may not have been with you in your choices with your son, but I understood them, nonetheless. You can’t keep torturing yourself forever Laurel.”
“I could say the same to you over Hayley it’s not on you what happened to her and it’s not on you to keep your life on hold because she’s gone…you two weren’t even together in the end.” Laurel told him, trying to comfort the original why he tried to comfort her. “You two shared a great and epic love for each other but that doesn’t mean your life has to be over…you’ve lived on pause for a thousand years Elijah maybe it’s time to press play.”
“We are as bad as each other.” Elijah admitted with a sly laugh, smiling at Laurel. “Neither of us will take the other’s advice and yet we keep advising each other anyway.”
“Well that’s where your wrong as of today my days as the Black Canary are well and truly over I’m even considering joining Sara at the hotel I mean she wants it to remain somewhat of a family business…the irony being my son literally murdered his way into owning the hotel.” Laurel replied with a sly smirk.
“This world needs the Black Canary don’t let her go for some attempt at a normal life you were never meant to be normal Miss Lance.” Elijah advised Laurel, hoping she didn’t give up being the Black Canary, knowing how much it meant to her.
“How is your brother Klaus?” Laurel asked, instantly making Elijah chuckle, both knowing she didn’t care about Klaus, she just wanted to change the conversation.
The Lance sisters had grown closer to the Mikaelson over the last five years to the stage where both Laurel and Sara even tolerated Klaus which to them was quite the hard task but Laurel and Elijah wound up getting a little too close and that’s where their problems began.
From the moment they met they had buried feelings for each other feelings that they eventually acted upon which would have been perfect if their moment of passion didn’t happen the same time Hayley Marshall was killed making Elijah blame himself and his feelings for Laurel for not being there for his former love’s death.
Both Laurel Lance and Elijah Mikaelson were both filled with guilt over their past, but both wanted to help each other and so they were at a painful halt in their angst-ridden relationship with happiness for either seeming highly unlikely.
Klaus Mikaelson was king of New Orleans once again thanks to Rebekah’s revenge against Marcel and although he was particularly thrilled that a man he once loved like a son was wiped off the map or the fact Rebekah wouldn’t reveal his exact location he was more than thrilled to have New Orleans to himself.
Marcel Gerard was the only thing on that entire earth that could kill him and him being out of the equation made the original hybrid and his siblings truly immortal once again or so that’s what he had come to believe.
Klaus walked the streets of the French Quarter like he did many nights taking in the city he loved so much when he noticed Lucas Wayne for the first time stood next to a jazz band performing a musical ensemble in the middle of the street.
Immediately he believed that Lucas Lance either survived the day he died and deceived everyone including himself or that the Red Canary had somehow found a way back to the living, knowing the canary was capable of both.
“I didn’t take you as a lover of music, but you always were full of surprises.” Klaus said to Lucas after walking over to stand next to him, as the two of them continued to listen to the beautiful jazz music being performed live.
“You’ve clearly mistaken me for someone else or rather the same person but different earth.” Lucas replied to the original hybrid. “Tell me who am I to you in this strangely fascinating world?”
“Are you seriously expecting me to believe that you’re a doppelganger of Lucas Lance?” Klaus scoffed, believing Lucas was trying to trick him somehow, after all he was quite the master of manipulation in the past.
“Seriously? You know who I am in a world that’s already much better than my own and nobody has heard about breaching devices which allow you to jump portals?” Lucas quizzed the strange man he was highly suspicious of. “Clearly you either know about the multiverse and are lying boldly to my face or you are somebody completely useless to me…no offense meant unless you’re a liar that is.”
“Are you really not the same man who died at my sister’s hands five years ago?” Klaus wondered, struggling to know whether to trust Lucas’ words.
“This world really is fascinating!” Lucas said with excitement in his eyes as an innocent smile appeared across his face making Klaus realize this wasn’t Lucas Lance. “I’d love to hear the story of how this earth’s doppelganger met their demise seems like there’s a chance of a lesson being learned there…tell me stranger do you know Bruce Wayne?”
“I have no idea who he is, but your mother is in this very city in fact she’s only recently returned.” Klaus informed the Blue Canary, as he tried to work out what Lucas’ otherworldly doppelganger was doing in his world. “Sara Lance too.”
“Figures the man whose sister killed me works alongside Siren X makes sense that ruthless bitch would survive the literal end of the multiverse. I just need to find out if I’m on this supposed Earth Prime or this Earth Blood my father talked about.” Lucas revealed to the original hybrid just in time for the band to take a break. “You better tell your boss I’m coming for her and this canary isn’t so easy to kill.”
Before Klaus Mikaelson could even process the realization he had just met the doppelganger of a former flame Lucas Wayne sped his way out of sight clearly without a worry of being noticed for his powers which was a far cry from the other canaries arrival on Earth Blood.
Klaus had no idea what world this Lucas came from but he already knew this one was different to the Lucas Lance of his past despite their many similarities and he couldn’t help his urge to want to find out more like; was this Lucas also the Red Canary? How different was he to the Lucas he knew? What the bloody hell was Siren X? Was Laurel or Sara Siren X on this Lucas’ world? Was this Lucas a threat to his loved ones and beloved city?
Klaus knew one thing for and that was it was time to sit down with the two canaries in the city that he did know, knowing either Sara, Laurel or both Lance sisters would quickly solve the mystery of Lucas 2.0.
To find out the brother you grew up with was actually your son was a reveal very rare but it is a discovery Laurel Lance made before she went on a mission to kill that son for the greater good only to later on reconsider what was good and evil and whether her son truly deserved to die.
Laurel Lance was still traumatized from watching her son Lucas Lance die at the hands of Rebekah Mikaelson, so traumatized that when she learned of the news about a doppelganger of her son now being in New Orleans it had her reliving all the pain and regret once more as she began to fear what awful fate this version of her son would meet and whether she or her loved ones would be the ones to deliver it to him.
She wanted so badly to run away and continuing running so she never had to face another Lucas or her duties as the Black Canary ever again but deep down she knew that despite everything she was first and foremost a canary and she needed to make sure this Lucas wasn’t a danger to others or himself, hoping desperately this outcome would be better than the last time she had to put a world before her own child.
“I can’t believe that there’s another version of Lucas out there…although with all the parallel universes it makes sense that he’d be born in at least a few other worlds within the multiverse but what doesn’t make sense is why the hell he is here.” Laurel reluctantly confided in Klaus, as the Black Canary and the original hybrid sat on the edge of his bed within his room in the compound both nursing a glass of whisky each.
“He said something about the multiverse being dead that there was only Earth Prime and Earth Blood now which I found rather strange, but I don’t pretend to understand the multitude of worlds that you meta-humans come from.” Klaus replied while taking a sip from his drink. “He also mentioned Siren X he believes I work for this person I believe he’s referring to either you or your sister.”
“Me…or at least the Earth X evil doppelganger of me.” Laurel revealed to Klaus. “Figures some version of my son would be working alongside an evil version of me.”
“I don’t know he didn’t seem like a big fan of Siren X if anything I think he’s more than likely an enemy…he had a look of hate when mentioning her name and that particular look can’t be faked.” Klaus informed Laurel as he finished the whisky in his glass. “Maybe in this bizarre world he comes from the roles are turned around between you and him.”
“You mean in a world literally run by freaking Nazi’s my son is a hero?” Laurel laughed at Klaus before downing her drink. “Why tell me about this? You’re not one to tell me anything especially regarding my son.”
“I wanted to know if it was possible or if Lucas was just playing yet another game with us all.” Klaus admitted as he stood up from the edge of his bed. “I don’t particularly want to play in the past not when the future is mine!”
“It’s highly possible my Lucas is back but it’s also highly possible that this isn’t my Lucas.” Laurel replied to the original hybrid as she too stood up from Klaus’ bed. “I’ll meet with this Lucas but if he’s not my son then he’s your problem not mine.”
“In other words, if you don’t kill him I should.” Klaus answered with a sly smirk.
“You were the one trying to save him last time around so don’t start playing the big bad wolf to me Klaus!” Laurel snapped at him. “I said I’ll sort it and I will.”
“Yes, well Lucas Lance amused me and that’s rare for anyone to do but if this isn’t him then he’s merely some cheap copy from some maddened world that I don’t intend on getting to know.” Klaus replied, making it clear to Laurel he was ready to kill if he needed to.
The mere idea of Klaus Mikaelson killing her son infuriated her and not because his sister Rebekah had already murdered one version of him before but because it seemed so easy for him, which served to strengthen her dislike for the original hybrid as she continued to believe he was more monster than man.
Laurel Lance doubted any chance of any version of Lucas being a hero having dealt with the Red Canary’s crimes first hand but this wasn’t the Red Canary and this wasn’t the son from her future or even her world and if she was to take him out then she would in fact be the villain this time around.
Lucas Wayne grew up in a cruel world a world in which the Nazi’s had won but that didn’t stop his father Bruce Wayne from donning the cape and suit and becoming Batman if anything it drove Batman to be the hero not only Gotham City needed but the world itself as he worked alongside a group of freedom fighters eventually enlisting his own son Lucas into the group under his heroic alter ego Blue Canary.
Earth X’s Batman had traveled to many different worlds most far better and some far worst but he never gave up on the hope of one day saving his own earth that was until he heard tales of the death of the multiverse and everything changed for him and his son.
The Blue Canary had turned down many of his father’s pleas to go to either Earth Prime or Earth Blood with a device that not only allowed him to breach to another world but also transport him to another time but Lucas Wayne was very much like his father and wanted to save his earth, the problem was Bruce was never going to allow anything to happen to his son meaning Lucas Wayne was now in a different world in a different time completely and utterly alone.
Lucas wanted nothing more than to return to his awful world just to be reunited with his father but he knew Earth X was gone now and if he was going to honor his father’s sacrifice he had to continue being a hero no matter what world he was in.
“You know you were always pretty morbid but visiting your own grave is a whole other level even for yourself Lucas.” Sara told Lucas after vamp speeding into Lafayette Cemetery to stand beside him, finding Lucas stood in front of his own grave, or what she believed was his own grave.
“I don’t know why I was drawn here but I was…it was like his spirit was calling out to me somehow.” Lucas replied as he continued to look at Lucas Lance’s tomb, looking haunted by his own doppelganger’s grave.
“I heard your playing the doppelganger card, but I’ve got to admit you’re really committing to the role little brother.” Sara said completely disregarding the theory that this wasn’t the man who she was raised with.
“Brother?” Lucas stated as he turned to face the White Canary. “In my world I’m an only child well I was the only surviving child…yet you know me as brother and I’m not aware of any siblings looking like you which only means you’re her daughter.”
“What the hell are you talking about Luci?” Sara questioned him, not sure whether to be more confused or more suspicious by Lucas’ words.
“My name is Lucas Wayne…I’m guessing yours is Sara Lance which means you are my half-sister I won’t blame you for your mother considering she’s mine too or at least she is on my now extinct world.” Lucas replied to the woman he believed was this earth’s Laurel Lance’s daughter.
“Wayne…shut up!” Sara said in shock, realizing this version of Lucas wasn’t her Lucas. “You’re the freaking son of Batman!”
“I guess identities are just as badly hidden in this world.” Lucas scoffed. “Yes, I am but, on my Earth, they tend to call me the Blue Canary…tell me are you evil like our mother or is this a world where she’s a canary instead of a siren?”
“Firstly, Laurel Lance isn’t my mother she’s my sister, secondly I’m the White Canary and I’m not your sister I’m your aunt.” Sara informed the Blue Canary, while trying to get her head around his revelations. “Also, this isn’t my earth or Laurel’s but we’re both the good guys here…this world isn’t like the others.”
“Well I gathered that on the whole fact that there’s only two worlds in existence now within two entirely different multi-verses which I know is as confusing as it sounds so I’ll just ask is this Earth Prime or Earth X?” Lucas replied with more questions for the White Canary.
“Earth Blood…What do you mean the other worlds are gone?” Sara quizzed her nephew’s doppelganger, desperate to find out more about the supposed death of the multiverse.
“Do you always answer questions with more questions?” Lucas retorted with a smile on his face.
“I could say the same for you…my sister says you come from Earth X or at least that’s what she suspects considering the Siren X name drop you gave to Klaus.” Sara stated to him. “Are you as batshit evil as my Lucas was or did Batman become a good influence on this version?”
“I do come from Earth X yes but I’m not part of the evil that world is run by your sister is however, I worked alongside my father until…” Lucas began to explain before taking a painful pause, as he was reminded of the death of his father, his friends, his loved ones and the only world he had known as home.
“Until the death of the multiverse…you’re the only survivor from your earth, aren’t you?” Sara asked sympathetically, knowing the answer by the pure look of devastation of Lucas Wayne’s face and the tears forming in his eyes.
“All the worlds from our multiverse are gone…completely wiped out except for the newly reborn Earth Prime…in time there will be more reborn, but our worlds are gone forever!” Lucas cried. “I knew it would one day come to this, but I thought I’d be gone too.”
“We should probably go somewhere to talk about all this something tells me we’re both going to need one hell of a drink.” Sara suggested to Earth X’s version of her Lucas, wanting to stop his cries, distraught to see a soft side to any version of her brother.
“My father said not to trust anyone…but he was highly paranoid, and you are a fellow canary after all.” Lucas replied while drying his tears. “Let’s just keep your sister out of this one!”
Sara Lance had sought out Lucas fully expected to find the man she loved like a brother to be fooling them all but instead she found a good hearted and vulnerable Lucas Wayne, one not too dissimilar to the Lucas Lance she once knew before becoming the Red Canary.
She knew she could trust the Blue Canary as she recognized the pain in his eyes, the loss he must of felt and the loneliness he was now suffering from following the death of his entire world but just because she was willing to trust Lucas Wayne and he was willing to trust her didn’t mean it would be so easy for everyone else.
Sara Lance had been convinced that the man she found in Lafayette Cemetery was in fact the Earth X’s Lucas Wayne, the Blue Canary and the son of batman and decided to take him back to her own Lance Hotel within the French Quarter of New Orleans going as far to take him up to her own private bedroom within the hotel so they could have some privacy.
Sara ordered some much needed beers for them both via room service before they both walked out to Sara’s private balcony, both holding bottles of beers as they looked down on the city of New Orleans taking in the beautiful view that the city had to offer.
Lucas Wayne was taught to never trust anyone but he wasn’t anywhere near as distrusting as his father in fact he liked to believe he was a great judge of character and his judgement for Sara Lance was that he could trust her, a gut instinct which he wasn’t wrong about as she willing divulged information about his doppelganger Lucas Lance.
“I don’t mean to be cruel but I can’t help but see irony that the Laurel you know was determined to stop your Lucas’ evil ways considering I’ve spent most of my life cleaning up after a mother who abandoned me and the evil acts she committed on my earth.” Lucas scoffed at Sara while taking a sip of his beer. “Although I guess your Lucas was also abandoned by his Laurel in a way luckily, I had my father to raise me honestly and not under a cloud of deceit.”
“It wasn’t exactly like that it was a future version of Laurel in our world and she was trying to protect you.” Sara defended her sister while still feeling sympathy for this version of her nephew. “I know you’ve lost a lot and I know Siren X was a wicked bitch but my Laurel’s not like that she’s a hero…just like you.”
“It must’ve been difficult being part of a mission to kill a loved one for the great good I’d like to believe I’d be that honorable if I were ever in that situation.” Lucas replied with sincerity, making it known to Sara he didn’t hold her or Laurel responsible for his Earth X fate. “My whole life has been a never-ending battle fighting side by side with my father with the quest for freedom and now the war has ended…everyone lost…and all I want to do is find another battle to fight.”
“I get that for many years I was an assassin with the league of assassin’s my life was far less honorable but it was a never ending battle nonetheless and upon leaving the league I had to fight someone I called a brother.” Sara comforted Lucas before they both took drinks from their bottles of beer. “My war ended about five years ago and it was hard at first…don’t get me wrong things are never quiet around here, but this life really is an improvement to my previous even if I am a vampire.”
“You’re a vampire!” Lucas said in shock before laughing at the White Canary. “I think I can safely assume that this is Earth Blood then.”
“Lucas…” Laurel spoke with a sense of shock and heartbreak in both her voice and on her face, as she walked into Sara’s hotel room forcing both Lucas and Sara to walk back in from the balcony to greet the Black Canary.
“Judging by you looking not much older than I am that I’m also in the past instead of the present of Earth Blood.” Lucas stated, correctly assuming where and when he was, while Laurel continued to look at her son with tears forming in her eyes.
“He’s not our Lucas, he’s really not but he needs us Laurel.” Sara revealed to her older sister. “I think we need him too…I think you need him too.”
“So, you’re really from Earth X then?” Laurel managed to say as she held back her tears. “You must hate me even more than my Lucas did.”
“Well as long as you don’t try to kill me on numerous occasions, I’m fairly sure you and I will get along in some shape or form.” Lucas replied to the good doppelganger of his evil mother. “You’re not her I can’t hate for actions someone else made.”
“Wow you really aren’t my Lucas!” Laurel both cried and laughed, unsure if she was happy or not by the discovery of the good doppelganger of her evil son.
It was hard for Sara Lance not to see the little brother she grew up alongside when she looked at Lucas Wayne knowing that despite him looking exactly like Lucas Lance he wasn’t that man but he did share many similarities with who her adoptive brother Lucas was before becoming the Red Canary before Lucas Lance gave into evil.
Laurel Lance was resistant at first to get to know this doppelganger of her son but she knew he was innocent and as long as any version of her son needed her help she was going to be there for him even if it caused potential carnage between her and her bonds with the Mikaelson family, knowing Klaus would definitely have something to say about another Lucas being in New Orleans.
Nyssa al Ghul had decided to stay on Earth Blood five years previous creating a league of assassins of her own and claimed the island of Lian Yu for herself and her assassin army using her chance to break free from her father once and for all and both Sara and Laurel had been living on Earth Blood for quite some time too but they were far from alone.
Upon the death of the multiverse Lucas Wayne wasn’t the only one to find a way of escaping erasure by the anti-matter wave and Bruce Wayne wasn’t the only one to learn about the strange world of Earth Blood and the Blue Canary wasn’t the only one who used this world as an escape from their own deaths although he was the only one anyone would be happy to see.
In fact quite a few people from multiple worlds managed to find some way of escaping the death of the multiverse bringing them all to Earth Blood which may not have been a huge concern for the Mikaelson’s but it was certainly about to put the lives of all the canaries in definite danger.
“Well Puddin you don’t quite look like my Mr J but you sure as handsome!” Harley Quinn stated as she walked up to the gates of Lafayette Cemetery to find a different version of The Joker stood there waiting for her, knowing by the look of him he was just as sinister as The Joker she knew.
“Well you look exactly like the Harley Quinn I’m used to.” The Joker replied as he walked slowly towards a doppelganger of his sinister lover. “Now don’t tell me you’ve disappointed me and came alone now.”
“Don’t be silly now I’m a very smart broad and I know if we’re going to take this city by storm then we’re going to need accomplishes…although alone time with you is definitely on my schedule right after some chaos and carnage.” Harley answered with a menacing look in her eyes as Poison Ivy, Ra’s al Ghul and Killer Frost appeared from out of the shadows, each of the three looking just as sinister as delighted with themselves as the others.
The Joker simply replied with a manic and continuous laugh clearly beyond ecstatic to have escaped death once more, eager to rid this world of any good that resided within it knowing his twisted team were more than prepared to take out anyone that got in their way even if Batman himself somehow managed to follow them.
Now truly was the time for some true carnage and The Joker was more than ready to inflict it on everyone that got in his way.
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geekofmanyforms · 5 years
New Beginning
Chapter Nine
*This chapter has been edited by my Beta Casey. Thanks for the follows, reviews, and favorites. Please let me know if you think things are progressing too slowly. Im worried that everything isn't running as smoothly as I hoped. Constructive criticism is always welcome. Your feedback gives me motivation, so don't be a silent reader. I promise I don't bite...too hard;)*
I opened the door to the house just as Jeremy was heading upstairs. I tossed my bag on the couch and followed him up. Oddly enough, he made his way into Elena's room. I had thought they were on the outs, but they were talking as I walked in. I ignored whatever they were saying and threw myself on Elena's bed. I wasn't much for open displays of affection, but after the crap day I'd had to deal with, I could really use a little sibling time.
"Gah, this day sucked, Lena!" I said, throwing my head in her lap and ignoring the oomph of protest that escaped her.
I covered my face with my hands and listened to her and Jeremy's conversation.
"Is Vicki in there?" she asked, nodding her head in the direction of his room.
My eyebrows rose at the revelation. Well, well, well little Jer getting it on with naughty Vic...
"You and Vic? Wow, I hope you wrapped it, Jeremy," I said without thinking.
Elena's mouth shot open, and she grabbed her pillow and used it to pummel me in the face.
"Ewww! Ellie that's disgusting. I don't wanna hear about what our brother does with Vicki or anyone else!" she shouted.
Jeremy was laughing loudly at our little display. I pulled myself away from Elena and jumped up beside Jeremy.
"What!? It's a valid and important thing to ask. I don't wanna be an auntie yet! Plus, Vic is...experienced. I just wanna make sure he is being safe," I tossed the nearby pillow at her face, then looked at Jeremy with a fixed expression. "So, you are being smart, right, Jer?"
He tried to hide the red shade the was beginning to cover his face without success. He put his hands over his eyes with a grumble. I laughed at his embarrassment and pulled his hands away, revealing his cherry red features.
"Ya know Jer, they say if you're too embarrassed to discuss sex than you're too young to be having it." I joked.
He pulled away from me and threw himself on Elena's window seat with a huff.
"We are being careful, El, and I know all about her past — it doesn't bother me," he said, indignantly
I sat back down beside Elena and laid back in her lap, shrugging.
"Okay then, that's all I wanted to know,"
Elena ran her fingers through my hair as we were all quiet for a moment.
"God, isn't it weird how adult our conversations have become? I can remember when we were all fighting over each other's toys. Where did the time go?" Elena asked.
Jeremy and I looked at her, our faces overcast with memories.
"We grew up, Lena. I miss our childhood as well but try to remember that we get to experience new things now. Like college, marriage, children," Jeremy said. "there is still so much to come,"
I quickly wiped the tears from my face as I imagined their lives. It was a sad and beautiful thought. I only wished I could be there to share it all with them.
"Ugh, enough of the heavy stuff. Now, how about we discuss why Lena is a pouty potato?" I said in a sing-song voice.
Elena smacked my forehead and sighed deeply. "I'm miserable," she said petulantly, her bottom lip sticking out a bit.
"Aww, poor little Lena. What happened?" I asked playfully.
I was hoping to lighten the mood because I knew exactly what was wrong with her. Stefan was still continuing to hide everything from her. She continued to play with my hair and looked down at me with a sullen expression.
"Stefan and I had a fight,"
My thoughts were confirmed. My eyes shifted to Jeremy, who had been tapping his foot impatiently. I could tell there was something he was hiding.
"Well, you should go get something to eat," he said.
I gave him a quizzical look as I slipped off of Elena's lap. I grabbed her hand and pulled her off the bed.
"Jeremy is right. I'm pretty sure I saw some strawberry ice cream in the freezer," I said.
I pushed her out the door and down the stairs. When I made to follow her into the kitchen, Jeremy grabbed my wrist and held me back. He put his finger against his lips and smiled at me. We waited in the living room, and I understood why as soon as Elena said Stefan's name. Jeremy pulled me back toward the stairs.
"He is gonna fix her dinner as an apology. He asked me if I'd help lure her downstairs," he said.
I shook my head and bit my bottom lip as we headed back up the stairs. "I really wanted that ice cream," I said, longingly.
Jeremy's laugh was all I heard as I pouted all the way into my room.
I was looking at myself in the mirror, eyeing my purple and black two-piece with a hateful glare. Why had I allowed myself to be talked into this stupid car wash? I wasn't even a cheerleader! I pulled at the top trying, in vain, to cover more of my cleavage. I felt incredibly exposed. My suit was just an average two-piece, apart from the black jewel placed conveniently between my breasts, but I still felt like I was basically naked. I mean, I could remember the days when a woman would be called a whore for revealing her legs, and here I was now, leaving very little to the imagination.
Damn Caroline and her shopping addiction. I should have known she had ulterior motives for offering to buy me a swimsuit. I gave the suit one last spiteful glare before throwing on my purple shorts and a tank top. Gods, this is gonna be so humiliating...
I grabbed my matching purple flower-shaped sunglasses and hooked them onto my shirt. I quickly braided my hair and sprayed on some sunscreen before headed downstairs. Elena and Bonnie had left five minutes ago, so according to 'Caroline Standard Time,' I was running late.
I yelled my goodbyes to Jenna, who was still somewhere in the house and made my way to my car. I hopped inside and winced as my skin met the hot leather. I turned the air on full blast and switched the radio on.
I was already nodding my head to the beat of the music as I pulled out of the drive. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel, singing along to the music when a black blur sped past my window. I screamed and tried to keep from swerving when I noticed a crow flying towards the windshield.
At the last minute, it changed direction and once again flew past my window. My breathing was rapid and substantial as I tried to calm myself down. My mind raced frantically when I realized that the crow had been much more than a bird. It was Damon.
I turned into the school parking lot and parked my car. I leaned into the steering wheel and let a few tears escape. He was calling for me, but what could I do? He was dangerous and explosive — he would be out for revenge, and that would lead to so much unnecessary loss. I heard a loud whistle and wiped my face before looking out my windshield to see Caroline. She threw up her hands and ushered for me to get out of the car. I waved and took a deep breath as I climbed out. I locked my car and ran over to Caroline, who was talking to a small group of people all wearing their own suits of torture.
"No friend discounts. No freebies. No pay-ya-laters. We are not running a charity here," Caroline barked, her hands on her hips, "No, we are not,"
I stood next to Elena and Bonnie, both smiling at Caroline in exasperation.
"No, we are not," Elena whispered, with barely restrained laughter.
I kept my mouth closed; too many thoughts stole any amusement I could have felt at Caroline's forceful attitude. Caroline looked down at her clipboard and began barking orders. I looked over to see Stefan heading towards us and sidestepped away from him. I wasn't ready to talk to him yet. My guilt was still too thick. I wasn't sure what he would do if he knew Damon was calling out to me. Luckily I was distracted by the hurricane that was Caroline Forbes.
"The event is called Sexy Suds, ya know. Why are you still dressed?" she asked.
I looked down at my shorts and tank top with a sigh and pulled my shirt off over my head. As I was slipping off my shorts, I could see Elena and Stefan kissing off to the side. I almost tripped in a mild shock. It was so strange seeing them kiss. All I could see was Katherine, which confused me because oddly enough, I never saw Katherine when I looked at Elena...until now.
"Okay, put your clothes in your bag and head over to Bonnie and Matt. You'll be pairing off with Matt while Bon works with Tiki and Tyler," Caroline ordered.
I looked away from the little public display of affection that had me baffled and moved over to Matt. I could see Matt was feeling just as sick by Elena and Stefan's presentation as I was.
"Uh-uh, no. None of that tortured pining stuff," Bonnie told him.
I couldn't help but smile at this.
"I'm just observing," Matt said.
I patted his shoulder as I passed him. I put my clothes in my bag and laid it on the ground next to Bonnie's stuff.
"Okay, let's get soapy," I said, earning a laugh from Matt.
I grabbed a sponge and began washing the red car in front of me. I ignored the stares I was getting from the guy we were washing the car for. I jumped slightly when the grey figure of Rebekah appeared beside him. She was looking him over with disgust on her face.
"God, look at this guy, Ellie — as if he'd ever have a shot with you. Ugh, he is disgusting!" she said aghast.
I bit back my retort, knowing how crazy I would look just carrying on a discussion with an invisible person. I continued to wash the windows trying to avoid the water Matt was flinging at me.
"Ya know, I have a few brothers that would love to meet you. One in particular," Rebekah said to the man who was now greedily staring at my ass.
I stood and adjusted my suit in embarrassment. Matt noticed my unease and grabbed the bucket of water that sat between us. He caught the eye of Tyler, who was standing behind the guy. They both tossed their buckets of water at the creep. Rebekah jumped out of the way, even though she didn't need to, just as the water hit him. He screamed in surprise and started to chase Matt and Tyler around the car. They were both laughing and shooting me smiles. I giggled along with Bonnie, who had used her powers to splash a rude Tiki after she had started whining about us mistreating the customers. Our fun was quickly ruined when Caroline stomped towards us in a blonde storm of fury.
"What are you guys doing?" she yelled.
We all looked at one another, all speaking at once. Caroline grabbed the creep by his ear and pulled him towards his car.
"Get outta here," she said.
The guy flipped her off and jumped into his still soapy car and sped off.
"Elena is out of towels and those shimmy things," Caroline told me pointedly.
I nodded sheepishly, "I'll go get some," I said, smiling back at Matt and Tyler.
They saluted me as I walked away and towards the school. The cold air greeted me and sent a shiver down my spine as I entered the empty halls. The eeriness of it all made me jump when my shoes squeaked on the freshly waxed floor. I kept my head down and tried to ignore the weird feeling that walking through the halls at school in my bikini gave me. I could honestly say it was an experience I never wanted to repeat. Finally, I reached the supply closet. I made to open the door when a shadow at the other end of the hall made me stop.
"Hello? Care?" I said, squeezing my eyes shut in annoyance.
I was the dumb girl at the beginning of every scary movie ever. I grabbed the handle of the door and pulled it open — I was not getting killed today. I grabbed what I needed and kicked the door closed behind me. I quickly headed back the way I came when I heard a familiar, pleading voice behind me.
Slowly I turned around to see a flickering version of Damon.
"Elandra. Elandra, help me. Help me,"
I stomped my foot down in anger when the image flickered again and disappeared. He was totally gonna make me regret this. I dropped the towels and ran outside to my car.
I sped towards the Boarding House, slamming my hands on the wheel repeatedly.
"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" I yelled with every hit.
What the hell was I doing? He was going to hurt people! Yet, I couldn't turn around, not after hearing his voice call to me. He was still my Damon and was once my best friend, and I would be damned if I left him to mummify and suffer.
I wasn't the kind of person to leave him like this — It was almost like another curse. I trusted and saved people until I had nothing left to give. Angry tears filled my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I would just have to deal with whatever this caused. I could bury the guilt — I had too.
My tires squealed as I sped into their drive. I had to hurry; I wasn't sure how long Stefan would be gone.
Stefan, Gods he was gonna hate me.
I shook my head forcefully, I didn't have time for depressing thoughts. I entered the house quickly and scanned my surroundings for Zach. Luckily I found him on the couch asleep. I quietly stepped beside him and touched his head, causing him to fall into a deeper sleep — I didn't want him to get hurt. I would hate to be the reason the Salvatore bloodline was lost.
"Elandra, please," Damon said, his voice lilting through the air almost seductively.
I ran to the cellar door and carefully took the narrow steps one at a time. I finally made it to the door and looked in through the tiny window.
"You called?" I said sarcastically.
His eyes were lifeless, and his face was a sickly pale color. He licked his dry, cracked lips, and I could see his hunger. I felt pity surge in me, and I started to unbolt the door. I stopped and looked him over again.
"Don't kill me, Damon," I said.
His blue eyes cleared for a brief moment as he took in my words.
His weak face turned grave, " I would never hurt you, Elandra," he said, his voice dry.
The corner of my mouth lifted in a sad smile, "Now we both know that's not true, Damon," I whispered.
He turned away from me and started to fall, his strength giving out. I swung the door open and lowered myself down next to him, only just then noticing I hadn't changed from my bikini. I shifted slightly and felt the rush of blood in my neck and face. I sat on my knees and lifted his heavy head onto my shoulder.
"Damon, Damon! I'm gonna need you to drink, okay," I said.
His eyes were closed, and breathing was erratic. I looked around in panic. My gaze landed on a jagged stone by my foot, and I grabbed it in determination. I held the cold stone in my shaky hand and took a deep breath.
"Okay. Okay, I can do this," I whispered.
I took the sharper end of the stone and laid it against my neck, I dug it into my skin and let out a rush of air through my teeth. I could feel blood trickling down my throat as I tossed the rock behind me. Grabbing Damon's head, I laid his lips against my neck. I let out a relieved laugh as he started to lick the blood from my skin. I kept my eyes on the wall in front of me when he began to hold his own weight. A jab of pain told me he had finally inserted his fangs into the small gash I had made. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close as he drank my life's blood. The hand I had on his shoulder started to falter as I grew weaker — he was taking to much.
"Damon," I murmured, barely able to keep myself awake.
Slowly he pulled away, allowing me to see his vampiric face. It was frighteningly beautiful. In my weakened state, my mind was having trouble processing what was happening, but I was almost certain he let out a pained moan when I ran my fingers across the black veins under his eyes. My eyelids fluttered closed, and my hand dropped from his face.
"El, stay with me. Here, drink," Damon rushed out.
I could feel his wrist on my lips, and I parted them as best I could as the salty, coppery taste of his blood filled my mouth. I gagged and tried to spit it out, but he kept my head still and bent down to my ear, "You have to swallow it, sweetie. I took too much, and you're weak," he mumbled in my ear.
My mind caught up finally, and I allowed myself to accept his blood. I instantly felt better and let him help me sit up. I ran my hand across my mouth and wiped the red liquid from the lips. I looked up at his nervous face and couldn't help but grin at him.
"Well, that was something," I said.
He chuckled and stood up in front of me, offering his hand.
"Thank you for helping me, El," he said.
I brushed off the dirt from my legs.
"But, you didn't have to dress so...provocatively," he slyly said, obviously knowing how uncomfortable I felt.
I slapped his arm and growled, less than menacingly, at him. A noise from above drew our attention to the fact that we were not alone.
"That's Zach. Please don't hurt him, Damon. He is still your family, please," I begged him, taking hold of his arm.
He pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head.
"Okay, as long as he doesn't try anything, I will let him live. But, Stefan is gonna pay, El," he said menacingly.
I looked up at his face the pale grey look was gone. He was back to his annoyingly beautiful self.
"Just leave Elena out of it," I said.
He kissed my head again, lingering for a brief moment before, with a rush of air, he was gone. I looked around at the dark and empty cellar with dread filling me. Things were about to go to hell.
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fandomosity · 6 years
The Other Girl in Town
Part 2
Loosely based on Season 3 Episode 8 “The Other Girl in New Orleans” in which Aurora, Rebekah’s first sire and Niklaus’s first love, takes Klaus’s favorite person in attempt to eliminate the competition for Klaus’s love.
Summary: Aurora arrives into your town after hearing Klaus has fallen for someone new. That someone being you, who has been with Klaus for nearly five years and has been Rebekah’s best friend for longer. You are no stranger to being kidnap since Klaus is the most powerful and feared original with enemies all across the world.
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Part 1,
“Hi, your Y/N? Right?” she says with an accent similar to Rebekah’s and you get a sudden chill. Her smile widens and you nod your head. “Good, my name is Aurora. We have a lot to discuss don’t you think?” the hand that she stuck out for you shake suddenly grabs your throat.
“Well, aren’t you just adorable?” Aurora’s voice eases you from the sleep she’d put you in. You find your hands and feet tied and panic settles in your bones. “I want to have a chat with you,” her fingers trail your hairline. “I’ve been watching you for a week, now, and noticed a hybrid a few paces behind you but today nothing.” her hand slips to your throat again as you raise your eyes to look at her. “Care to explain?” her tone was harsh and the headache you had from crying seemed to worsen. “I have a thing for honesty, I suggest you answer honestly.” she smiled menacingly.
“I snuck out.” whether you were honest or not you knew that she would never know because you could lie better than ever. But this-this wasn’t technically a lie. You knew when Rebekah or Freya woke up they’d have seen you left and would search for you. They, even if their brother Klaus had abandoned you, wouldn’t let you disappear.
“What I want to know…” she trailed seemingly in thought. You look at your hands tied together with thick, disgustingly smelling rope and you wondered what Klaus had done this time. “What do we have in common?” her question took you by surprise and by the look on her face she wasn’t pleased. “You and I? What made Klaus like you so much he’d grow so protective over you?” when you shrugged your shoulders she slams your head to the wall behind you. “He loved me first, you know, he still loves me. You are just his pet, his human to feed on.” her tone caused you to flinch. Never in all the time, you’d know Niklaus had he ever mentioned her or anyone else before you.
“I don’t know what we have in common, why don’t you ask him?” you say itching to free your hands from the rope around them. She smirks though and it is enough to make you visibly shrink.
“If you give me his number I’d be glad to ask him.”
Freya woke about lunch time with her stomach in knots. Never had she seen her brother so torn. Of course, he wanted to go with Y/N but last night he was vulnerable and wouldn’t let himself lose what he loved most. He’d spent hours with Freya and Rebekah gushing about how he wanted to spend eternity with you. Freya stood outside of Klaus’s room she knew that it wasn’t what you had said to Klaus that upset him it was that he knew you were way too good for him to keep forever. So, the task of getting him to talk it out with you felt impossible. She said a silent prayer though, hoping she’d get his sensitive side and he’d leap into action to apologize.
“Go away.” Niklaus’ voice was hoarse and instead of going in she put her back to the door and slid down finding a spot on the floor.
“Just apologize.” she softly hummed. Twisting her head to listen through the door. Silence. All around her was silence.
Rebekah, on the other hand, had just knocked on your door before taking a deep breath and pushing the door open. When she took in the bright room she saw nothing. No one on the couch snoring, no one sitting behind the desk no one. Nothing. No dogs were roaming the house since none had greeted her as she called out. Rebekah’s fingers tapped the desk impatiently. Where could Y/N be? You hadn’t popped out the bathroom nor had you been seen in the kitchen as she passed it. Your phone laid on the desk as you had been nowhere to be found. Her eyes found the papers one with Klaus written on top and the other with Rebekah. Her fingers tore it open.
Don’t worry I’m at Alex’s. Don’t tell anyone where I am. Call her when you get this if you want to hang out as I will not take my phone. I will not talk about Klaus so don’t bother setting something up if that’s the case. Tell Freya I’m fine and I love her, also, I’m not sure if you met him but my friend, Malachai, is coming over to practice protection spells with Freya. Please reminder her.
Love you,
Unlocking your phone Rebekah dialed your sister. To say that she was beyond furious was an understatement, she couldn’t believe that you wouldn’t tell her face to face that you were leaving and you were going to get an earful when she got a hold of you.
“Hello? Y/N,” your sister Alex answered the phone.
“Alex she’s with you, this is Bekah.” Rebekah’s blood boiled. There was a long silence and finally, Alex let out a sigh.
“She’s not with me Beks. I’m home and no one has walked through the front door. Are you sure she’s not with you? That place is a mansion.” Alex let out a defeated sigh before switching the phone to her other ear.
“No, she isn’t here. She wrote a note saying she would be with you.” Rebekah gritted her teeth. She wasn’t necessarily mad anymore but worried. You weren’t the type to run off let alone not be where you said you would be. “Are the dogs there?” there was a shuffle on Alex’s side of the line as she moved around the house and even looked in the backyard.
After a quick no, Rebekah’s patience began running thin. “Okay call me back when she gets in,” Rebekah whispers hanging up, not bothering getting Alex’s response.
Rebekah made her way back up the stairs slowly. She didn’t exactly know what you had written to Klaus and she didn’t know if you had wanted him to notice you were gone or if you wanted her to tell him. Either way, she was nervous. Beyond so. When Freya and Rebekah’s eyes meet she breathes in.
“Will you do a locator spell?” Rebekah whispers as she shows Freya the small paper with Klaus’s name on it in her hand before the door swung open. Freya fell backward and Klaus glared at the two of them.
“Go away, I can’t do a locator spell I am not a witch.” his voice came out sharp like a blade and both girls flinch.
“I didn’t mean you, Nik,” Rebekah said quietly. Her hand with the paper waving as if to tease him. Freya realizing the mistake she reached out taking Rebekah by the shoulders to turn her away.
“What is that?” Nik’s voice softens and Rebekah can feel his heartache at the loopy letters. She doesn’t say anything as she hands him the paper. Freya squeezes Klaus’s arm before leading Rebekah away.
It isn’t until the reach Freya’s bedroom and is safely inside before Klaus lets out a loud howl or cry neither really know which is more accurate. Freya sets up a map and Rebekah sits quietly in the corner watching as Freya starts the chanting.
“I want her found!” Klaus yells so loudly Rebekah notices the small shake of the powder on the map. “No one rests until she’s found!” like a war leader Klaus commands his hybrids and it no doubt startles Elijah and Kol awake.
“I can’t connect to her,” Freya whispers to Rebekah as the powder ignites a flame on the map. Rebekah puts out the flame as Freya sets out another map and collects a small red vial. The smell hits her nostrils as Freya rubs your blood on her hands. She chants screwing her eyes shut in concentration. The blood on her hands turns black and the smell is putrid. “I don’t- something is seriously wrong, Rebekah, either someone has expertly cloaking her or-” it’s barely a whisper but Freya and Rebekah know Klaus heard.
“Don’t finish that sentence-” Rebekah is startled by the door swinging open and to her relief Kol strides in. “try again, please.” by now Kol is used to them ignoring him, used to everyone judging him and looking past him but he knows for a fact you wouldn’t just disappear like that. It scares him, scares the three of them.
Freya wipes her hands turning the towel black and she lets out a frustrated sigh. “I can’t.”
What neither of the Mikaelsons knows is that you left of your own accord only to be taken in an effort to mess with Niklaus. You sat across from Aurora repeating the same numbers you’d dial in dreams and you listened as she’d get voicemail after voicemail.
“Well, this isn’t working. Give me your phone. I’ll call him from there.” her hand was held out and as you rolled your eyes she saw the truth you didn’t have your phone because you were hiding. “Where is it?” her tone becoming thin.
“I left it at the house.” you were tired. Tired of having your wrists tied together, tired of her giving you image after clear image of Niklaus and her in love, making love and pinning over another. She had a field day when she realized she could tell you all about their romantic relations to torture you just a bit more even as she banged your head against the wall repeatedly. “Call it if you don’t believe me.” you rattled off your own number and in the far distance as Aurora walked away you hear the click answering letting you know she had a new audience to entertain.
“Who is this?” Freya said into the speaker. Her hands still searching the map and Rebekah ran vamp speed to get Klaus.
“Why don’t you ask Rebekah or better yet Niklaus.”
“I don’t have time for games.” Freya gritted her teeth. She was angry, she couldn’t even do a simple locator spell why was she on the phone.
“Hand me the phone, Freya.” looking up both Kol and Freya realized how relaxed Klaus was how he moved with the storm avoiding them and hitting the enemy instead. “Hello.” his voice was strong and determined. He’d find you even if you clearly didn’t want to be found.
“Oh? Hello darling, did you miss me?” Klaus knew full well who spoke with such delight in her voice.
“Why are you calling this number, Aurora? What do you want,” he spoke so cooly Kol shuddered. He’d been on the other end of Klaus’ vengeance before but this was too organized he almost grew scared at what his brother was capable of.
“I wanted to talk to you but you didn’t answer.” they could practically hear the pout on her face.
“Do you have her?” the rage in Klaus was settling all over.
“Maybe, maybe not what do you care?” her tone was playful and that only infuriated Klaus more. “If you’re really worried, why don't you come find me?” and with that, the call ended and the treasure hunt for you was just getting started.
“Well, I dare say he didn’t sound too happy.” Aurora smiled at you and you couldn’t help but bare your teeth like a dog ready to rip something apart. She slammed your head against the wall the sound echoed in the room before your eyes fluttered closed.
Freya set up a protective barrier around the house to keep a safe space. It wasn’t until Malachai arrived stopping at the boundary around the home that Freya felt like she could find your location.
When you had awoken you were sitting in a glass rectangle. A tank? You thought to yourself. No one but a man with sharp features was in the room sulking. It was your chance to escape. The problem was that you were stuck in the glass tank magicians used. Your hands were free but you noticed the small trickle of water slowly filling the small tank. Your hands pushed and shoved against the glass trying to break it but your actions were not enough.
“No use. I think we should start the live stream don’t you think?” he spoke with such assurance in himself.
“Klaus will murder you.” your words strung together so quickly you almost questioned why you allowed yourself the thought of Klaus avenging you when you clearly meant nothing to him. “Rip you limb from limb.” the words gush out of your mouth fear 'settling in your bones.
“If he can catch me, maybe.” the man laughed and you notice the water falling in faster than before. “Welcome to the show.” his hands waved in front of your glass and you wondered what was happening. “The Mikaelsons will be glad to see you alive a few minutes more.” your head shook violently. No, you thought. This can’t end like this. Your hands pound on the walls as you got up to kick the glass. The water barely covering your feet made you shiver. It’s when you watched the water trickle in that you saw your pendant still around your neck.
Ripping it from your neck you held it in your hands like you were about to say a prayer. ‘Please, Malachai. Please hear me.’ your words mumbled so far below your breath the man stood in front of you amazed at your faith. The live stream setup connecting to the Mikaelson home showing Kol and Freya’s worried expressions.
“She’s going to die,” Kol whispered as he watched the screen showing them you in a tank that slowly filled.
“No, she’s not,” Freya said as she held her hands up to try her magic through the screen.
“Wait-” Kai had just realized what you were doing. You weren’t on your knees praying to a god you were using the necklace he’d gifted to you in case of emergency. Which was a good deal of the time since you were almost always used against the Mikaelsons as they had grown so close to you?
“I can’t send my magic through,” Freya said slipping to the floor on her knees feeling helpless.
“Let me borrow some of your magic, Freya.” Kai was already reaching forward ready to place his hands on her. When she gave him some of her magic he vanished. Both Kol and Freya looked at you now kicking the glass with the water filled to your knees.
“Klaus-” Kai appeared in front of Niklaus out of thin air nearly starting a fight at Klaus’ irritation. “Come with me.” the magic was wearing thin but they transported an abandoned building just outside of town.
“What is this!” Klaus demanded as he stared into Kai’s smiling face.
“The gift you told me to give her,” Kai took the pendant that matched yours from his neck and gave it to Klaus. “It worked. She sent a distress signal.” Kai smiled as he shoved Klaus forward to lead the way to you.
“Stop, please,” you screamed. It wasn’t that water was now waist high that you pleaded for him to stop it was the screen in front of you. He’d changed your screen from seeing Kol and Freya to apparent live footage of Aurora and Klaus naked laying in your bed. The witch took pleasure in showing you exactly what you dreaded seeing. Everything from Rebekah searching for you to Freya trying and failing her locator spells and now to Klaus’ apparently fast emotional switch no longer caring for you since he was in bed with another.
Your fists were sore with each bang hitting the glass. You needed to get out if not for you for Rebekah, Freya and Kol who had taken you under their wings enabling you to learn about the history each sibling had shared with another until they had met you. You couldn’t die without a word to either. Your hand wrapped around the pendant pleading with it to break the glass or stop the water or even bring Malachai himself to your rescue. Your foot stomped against the glass repeatedly. You wanted to break through even as your hopes of doing so slowly faded.
Klaus’ hand squeezed the heart of Aurora as she looked at him with clear admiration and a bit of fear. Aurora had walked out into Klaus’ path so willingly, so sure that he’d choose her that she hadn’t thought about his loyalties being with anyone but her.
“I’m doing us a favor Niklaus. Your pet will die and we can be together without distractions.” Aurora felt her smile falter as she looked Klaus dead in the eyes that tinged yellow as his wolf nature emerged. “I have to say-” Klaus squeezed tighter making her chest ache. “That I was a bit jealous that you had settled for her instead of finding me.” Aurora reached out her hand that wasn’t clenching his arm to touch his neck. She knew exactly how to calm him back nearly a millennium. Now though her movements only angered him and it was only when he jumped into her mind she saw his destruction, his brutal violence against her brother and his first sire.  She saw his willingness to annihilate any threat that came to you like how her brother had spread a rumor he’d take you only to be met with death by Klaus’ hand.
“You mean nothing to me. If a single hair on her head has been harmed you’ll begin to associate my name with pain so painful even the devil himself will weep.” Klaus was beyond angry that Aurora has weaseled her way into his kingdom and threatened your life without blinking an eye. Before he could second guess himself he bit her allowing the werewolf venom to steep into her bloodstream.
“Klaus?” Aurora’s plea was quiet as fear of death clouded her brain. “I’m sorry to interrupt, Klaus, but if we want Y/N to live we’ve gotta go.” Kai shuddered as he took in the bite on Aurora’s arm which looked disgusting as the venom made the area look like rotting skin.
Kai navigating the building as Klaus took out vampires and everyone else who stood between him, one by one. Ripping out their hearts or cutting off their heads.
The water was just over your head and you were forced to float if you wanted air. It felt like it was over. Surely you couldn’t survive with the last bit of air left for longer than a few minutes and with the screen still in front of you showing Aurora and Klaus fucking you weren’t exactly sure you wanted to survive. With your last gulp of air, you slid down one last time banging and kicking the glass. Your thoughts were everywhere as the witch smiled his wicked smile at you only to widen his eyes in surprise. The air leaving your lungs made a tightness stretch across your chest thinking about the water beginning to fill your body. You struggled to hold the last bit of oxygen in your lungs but you kicked and kicked the glass. Survival mode leaving you close to death.
When Kai and Klaus entered the room only one person besides yourself was there. “Y/N!” Kai yells. The small man who smiled so cruelly at seeing you flail your arms in hopelessness. Klaus reacted first throwing the pendant against the glass tank breaking it with such ease everything came out full force. Your body was thrown to the grown across the broken glass as you inhale oxygen quickly trying to calm your racing heart. You head pounding as the oxygen began returning blood into different areas of your brain.
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nolaimagines · 6 years
Request: “Hello! May I please have a Kol Mikaelson imagine. They were together and in love way in 1100’s and he witnessed Klaus kill her, not knowing Rebekah’s blood was in her system(she was always extremely close with Rebekah) and she lived. She runs into Kol in the Quarter. He instantly recognized her, but she thought he was happy(seeing him happy with his family)and ignored his calls for her. You can choose the end. Feel free to edit and change anything you wish. Thanks love! ❤️”
Notes: I know it has been a while but this has been in my drafts for a while and so I thought I would finish it and post it. I hope you enjoy it!
“I wish my father would stop forcing me to marry someone I do not know. All he wants is power…I just want love…” You sighed, swaying your hands in the tall grass of the fields.
Rebekah sighed, “I know but you could have it worse…at least your father isn’t hunting you down with the intention of killing you.”
You immediately regret what you had said, forgetting that your best friend’s family was being hunted down.
“I wish you could stay here longer…we could protect you…my fathers army…” You tried your best to convince Rebekah but it was no use. Metal done minimal damage to vampires.
Rebekah laughed softly, “I wish it were that simple. But Mikael will stop at nothing to kill us, and anyone we know. He will do anything to get to us…”
“What is it Rebekah?” You looked at her, worried.
“Lets do it, tonight. I’ll give you my blood now. When it comes to dinner, go to your quarters early, and after dinner I will complete the transition…then by the time we have to leave…you can come with us. If Niklaus says no, you and I will runaway elsewhere…”
You nodded quicker than the words came out of your mouth, “Okay.”
Rebekah scanned the surroundings before biting her wrist and holding it up to your mouth. You took a deep breath before closing your eyes, and drinking her blood.
Ever since the Mikaelson’s had moved into your city, you had quickly grown close to Rebekah. You trusted her with everything, and within time she trusted you with everything, including their vampirism. You got along with most of her siblings. Klaus was difficult, but he had been with everyone, but you had a love hate relationship with him, which was of course frowned upon by your own father. Your father had his own intentions of who you were to marry. Your father wanted someone of royal blood, someone with a courageous heart, brave and strong. But it wasn’t Klaus you were in love with. It was the youngest of the Mikaelsons, Kol. Which was why in fact Klaus hated you. You had managed to soften Kol in a way that no one ever could. Kol had his eyes on you. Any man you were forced to dance with, would soon die a mysterious death – an animal attack, which lead to the castle grounds being shut down for your own protection. As the next heir to the throne, you were to be kept safe. But little did your father know, you were planning to run away with your best friend, and boyfriend.
“What are you two doing out here? If your father knew you were out here, do you have any idea of what he would do?” Kol’s voice interrupted the silence. You looked up and smiled, as he sat beside you.
“Well unless you are to tell him, he will never know I am out here, will he?” You smirked a little. Outsmarting Kol only ever annoyed him, because he was so protective over you, even if he was the one behind the ‘animal’ attacks.
Kol bit his tongue, giving you a warning look, “Okay, darling. Anyway, I couldn’t help but hear there is something you wanted to tell me.” He looked at you, then Rebekah, then back at you.
You cleared your throat, as you added another daisy to your growing daisy chain, “I…”
“I am going to turn Y/N into a vampire. She wants it. I have told her the bad things as well as the good. She isn’t taking no for an answer.” Rebekah sighed, “Besides, we can run away from all this. You and I will be free of Nik’s control, Y/N’s father will stop harassing her about marrying the right guy, when all she wants is to be with you-“ Kol’s head snapped your way.
“You want to turn to be with me, darling?” Kol sounded shocked.
Rebekah took the silence as an opportunity to excuse herself and leave.
You nodded, “Yes. It’s all I want. My father has been arranging for all these men to have my hand in marriage, and he won’t ever stop, he has even tried to convince Klaus. But ever since you have walked into this city…I have wanted you. Rebekah’s showed me everything there is to know about being a vampire, even the bad so that I know what I am getting myself into.  I love you Kol Mikaelson…with all my heart.”
Kol smiled, snaking his arms around your waist and pulling you into his lap, “I will do it tonight, for you my love.” He kissed you deeply, lying down in the grass pulling you with him, as his hand pulled your dress up, his fingers trailing your legs.
Dinner had passed, and you were heading down the halls to your room.
“May I escort you to your room, love?” Klaus held his arm out as he caught up behind you.
If you were to convince Klaus that nothing out of the ordinary was happening, then you weren’t to reject him, “Yes, how kind.” You smiled as you held onto his arm.
Klaus smiled, and faced forward walking at an appropriate speed, “I see you have grown fond of my youngest brother, Kol.”
You looked down at the floor, almost shy, “Yes, I guess I have.”
“And I understand my sister has trusted you with our family secret?”
You nodded, keeping quiet.
Klaus sighed, “Can never really trust Rebekah. Always drags someone in. Someone to weaken us, someone who can easily get us all killed. Don’t get me wrong love, I do like you but I cannot have a weak link in my family. I cannot risk my family’s lives because I have let a human into our family. If Kol was to die because of you...”
It was at this point that you realized that Klaus has taken you to a different part of the castle, somewhere where only you and Kol knew of, “Klaus…I don’t intend on getting you killed. I love Kol, I would never want to hurt him.”
“By simply knowing of us, is enough to get us killed. Rebekah hasn’t told you about our father. Of course, she would leave out the one piece of vital information…” Klaus chuckled, and pushed you against the wall, quite harshly.
You yelped at the force, and struggled in his grip, “Klaus please…”
Klaus’ face hardened, the veins under his eyes making an appearance, “I will always protect my family…whatever it takes.” He growled, tightening his grip on you. You struggled against his grip, but it was no use. 
“You’ll lose Kol if you kill me...” You gasped out, his grip becoming tighter. 
“I’ll lose him and Rebekah if you stay alive!” Klaus growled, plunging his hand into your chest.
You screamed and gasped. Tears flooded your eyes, “Please…” you knew it was useless but you still tried. You looked up at Klaus who was only filled with anger, but you swore you could see a little sorrow.
“NIKLAUS! NO!” Kol’s voice echoed as he shouted his brothers name. Klaus’ head turned to look at his brother, while removing his hand along with your heart. Kol screamed, lunging himself at Klaus but he vanished leaving your body and heart in the grass. Rebekah called after Kol but halted seeing Kol on his knees hugging your body close to himself. “She’s gone…he took her from me! She…I loved her…” Rebekah wiped her tears away, staying silent. Being the new vampire she was, she didn’t know how long her blood would stay in your system.
--[Present day]-
Kol sighed, setting his glass down, rather harshly, as he swallowed the last gulp of his whiskey. He stared hard into empty space, wishing that today never existed. Today was the day that he lost you, or so he thought. He remembered the day of your death so clearly, so vividly. It replayed in his mind over and over. Your body falling to the ground lifeless, your eyes glancing over at him one last time as life left your body.
“Kol, why are you being like this?” Davina’s voice filled his ears, pulling him back to reality, “I’ve booked a night out for us, a night of dancing just like you asked. So, come on. We have got to get ready-”
“Davina, today is not the day.” Kol avoided eye contact with her, before setting a $100 bill on the counter and walking back to the compound where he fell onto the sofa, staring into space. 
Davina groaned, following Kol, determined to find out why he was being like this. “Kol...” 
“Don’t bother, Davina. Leave him alone today.” Rebekah stood beside Davina, turning towards Kol, only to see him moping around on the couch. 
“Why? What’s wrong with him? I’ve never seen him like this. He’s never cared about anyone, or anything so why now? What’s happened?” Davina was losing her patience. 
Rebekah frowned, “You mean to tell me, he hasn’t told you?” 
“No, of course I haven’t bloody told her.” Kol sat up, fed up of his new girlfriend, and sister talking about him as if he wasn’t listening. 
“Why not?” Rebekah questioned, “She deserves to know.” 
Kol growled, “Davina isn’t my girlfriend. I don’t have to tell her anything!” He snapped as he downed the rest of his drink, “Both of you just leave me alone. If you know what’s right, you will both leave me alone!” He grabbed his jacket and stormed out of the compound, desperate to be alone. 
--[days later]-
4 bottles of bourbon later, Kol went back to his usual self of carelessness and fun, but the memory of his loved one will always remain in his mind.
The Mikaelson Family and their significant others were Rosseau’s, celebrating the defeat of their evil Aunt Dahlia. Various citizens of New Orleans surrounded the vampire family, to make it look of a more natural party.
You opened the door to the bar slowly, and stepped inside asking for a bourbon, before leaning against the bar. You sighed, setting your phone on the bar counter, slowly sipping at your bourbon as your eyes scanned the people. You were quick to find the Mikaelsons before you made contact with Kol, who you found staring directly at you.
It was only a matter of seconds before he was standing next to you, his hands cupping your face gently, “Y/N...”
You looked up at him, and take his hands in yours, “Hi Kol...” 
“Darling...how are you even here? I thought Niklaus killed you...” Kol’s voice was just as soft as it was 1,000 years ago, “I saw him rip out your...” his voice trailing off, not wanting to relive the memory for the millionth time. 
“I had Rebekah’s blood in my system already...I take it Klaus didn’t know...so here I am...but I see you are happy with your family. I’m glad things have worked out for the best between you all...” You force a convincing smile, as you sip at your bourbon.
“Darling...” Kol interrupted your words, “Don’t let 5 seconds of laughter fool you. We have just defeated my Aunt Dahlia...long story that can wait for another day...for now, we must go. I just want to be with you.”
“And your girlfriend?” You take another sip at your drink, motioning at the brunette he was sitting with.
Kol shook his head, “She is just a friend. I promise. My heart has always belonged to you, and to you only.” 
“Kol, aren’t you going to come back and join the celebrations, or are you leaving us already?” Another british accent sounded from behind Kol. You could easily recognise who it was. 
Kol turned, and in doing so revealed you standing there. Klaus’ face went from shocked to anger in a matter of seconds, “How are you alive. I killed you. Ripped your heart out.” 
You shrugged, “Maybe you’re just seeing things, Klaus. Or maybe you just aren’t as good as killing as you thought.” 
Klaus growled, but switched his attention back to Kol, “Well? Are you coming back to join your family, or are you leaving us for her...oh wait it seems she isn’t staying...” 
Kol frowned, and spun around, scanning the bar for you, “Y/N!” 
“Looks like we are both seeing things...” Klaus chuckled, and he went back to sit with Camille with the rest of his family. 
Kol growled and stormed out the bar.  He looked in all directions before seeing you walking off in the distance
“Darling! Wait!” He called out to as he used his supernatural speed to catch up to you, “Why did you leave?”
You shrugged, “Seeing everyone...it felt weird. The last time I saw Klaus, his hand was wrapped around my heart...quite literally. That was also the last time I saw you...I mean even if I am here now...things can’t go back to  how they were can they?” You looked up at him, meeting his eyes.
“Isn’t that what you want?” Kol questioned, you could see the hurt in his eyes. All Kol ever wanted was to have you back in his arms. To hold you, and protect you from the world.
“Of course it is! But it has been 1000 years, Kol. I am not the same girl I used to be...I’ve done some awful things. Things I never imagined myself doing...” You began to panic. The past 1,000 years have been eventful to say the least. The torture, the running, and lying, the hunting...all because you knew of the Mikaelsons. Klaus was right...knowing of them came with consequences. But it was nothing you weren’t willing to go through for the man you loved. 
“And so have I, darling. We aren’t all perfect. We are vampires and it comes with consequences let alone we, the Mikaelsons, are the most hunted down vampires. I can’t say I haven’t done everything by the book...well I’ve lived by my book...” He chuckled softly, in which you laughed too. 
Kol smiled, holding out his hands, “Darling, I love you. I always have. Lets go somewhere together. I have a house in Europe, where I lived before I was dragged back into the family drama...I want you to come with me.” 
You smiled and took his hands, which were just as soft as they were a thousand years back, “So let’s go.”
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childoftimeandmagic · 6 years
“I kissed you goodnight once and now I can’t be alone with you without wanting to do it again.” + Klaroline + Roommates/Drunk acquaintances/Frenemies/Or whatever you want them to be AU 😂
So you can read it here since I posted it to AO3 while at work…
@austennerdita2533 I present you a one shot….cause we’ve just found out that I can’t write drabbles….
“Care, we shouldn’t,” his voice was soft and low as his breath tickled her ear. Moaning Caroline had leaned up for a second kiss, his taste driving the faint traces of tequila from her lips. His hands were keeping her pressed against him as they stood in the entryway of their apartment. He groaned softly and took her bottom lip between his teeth.
“My room’s closer,” Caroline once he’d let go of her lip and suddenly he tensed before slowly pulling away her skin suddenly colder where his hands had been.
“I want to do this right. I can’t-not like this,” he said pulling away as he ran his fingers through his hair and shook his head. “You need to go to bed.”
Caroline watched him walk away her heart in her throat and she could feel tears forming. She’d dashed into her room and slammed the door embarrassment and shame flooding over her. She fell onto her bed after kicking off her heels and willed herself not to cry. Sleep came quick and welcome.
Caroline sat up quickly  glancing around to see if she was in her own bed, breathing a sigh of relief she leaned back on her pillows and looked around the room. Her purple accent wall stared back at her. Caroline covered her face and tried not to groan out loud. This never would have happened if Katherine hadn’t insisted on pre-graduation drinks last night. She held her breath listening for sounds that her roommate, and man most definitely on her ‘do not fuck list’, Klaus was up yet.
Not hearing anything she grabbed a hoodie and sweatpants and slowly opened her door and glanced around the common area of their shared apartment. Not seeing him she tiptoed over to her bag and pulled out her phone. Scrolling through the texts she had sent she breathed a sigh of relief, maybe that kiss and those hands had all been a dream.
She had texted him. She’d insisted he come out to the bar and dance with her. Biting her lip she walked over to the coffee machine and started to get it set up. Taking a deep breath she slipped her phone into her pocket and waited for an acceptable amount of coffee to fill the pot before pouring herself a much needed cup. Walking into their joint bathroom she slipped into the room and locked the door.
Placing the mug down on the ledge she got into the shower, standing under the hot water she ran through the events of last night over and over again in her head. Honestly she blamed Kat for all of it.
“Care, you’re twenty-three. You are graduating college with your bachelors and masters two years ahead of schedule and you have a job just up town so you don’t have to move,” Katherine said through Caroline’s bluetooth as she walked home from her last final and thesis presentation.
“I just, I need to get a good night’s sleep, I am so anxious about graduating. Caroline said softly as she weaved and bobbed through the typical Thursday traffic of Manhattan around her.
“You need to come out for drinks with me and Bonnie,” Kat argued her voice steel even over airwaves.
“One drink,” Caroline relented as she slipped into her apartment building and up the stairs to her apartment on the fourth floor.
“Awesome we’ll see you at Jimmy’s at 9,” Kat sang before hanging up.
Four hours later found Caroline, Kat, Bonnie and Rebekah dancing at a club after drinking tequila shots at Jimmy’s. Rebekah had mentioned finding an amazing club and with the alcohol clearly in the driver’s seat for all of them, they’d quickly agreed.
Caroline had moved over to their table and was taking a sip from her water bottle when Kat joined her. “You aren’t going home already?”
“Kitty-Kat, I said one drink and that was hours ago,” she groaned pulling her phone out to let her roommate and other best friend know that she was coming home.
“Care!! Is that Nik?” Beks voice interrupted them as the other blonde came bounding over drunk and over excited.
“Yea, I’m going home,” Care said grinning at her roommates little sister.
“Boo you whore.” Beks pouted arms crossed looking at her best friend.
Caroline felt herself caving, “I could ask him to join us?”
Kat made a face of disinterest, Bekah was clapping excitedly and Bonnie just shrugged having joined late in the conversation. Caroline switched gears, Bekah’s excitement contagious as she texted Nik to join them for drinks and dancing.
An hour later they’d cheered as Nik approached, the added alcohol of the passed hour lifting their spirits as they danced. Dressed in a black button down and his typical black jeans he had smiled at their excitement.
He and Caroline had danced tight and close for the rest of the night, their hips grinding and their hands around necks or on hips. By the time they’d gone home, Caroline had convinced herself to go for it. What was the worst that could happen. Then the worst had happened.
Klaus was mortified, he’d been coerced out to the club and the rest of the night had been a whirlwind and a dream he’d found himself dancing with Caroline in his arms, something he’d only allowed himself to dream about. He didn’t want to ever make her feel like he’d only been her friend because he wanted to sleep with her. If he was honest it had been the exact opposite reason.
He’d been dating a redhead named Aurora and she’d been with that fratbro Tyler, their freshman year when they’d met. Fast forward three years and they were roommates and best friends. They’d had different relationships with other people and never been single at the same time. This past year had been the first time they’d both been single at once. He’d only realized that he was in love with her when he’d started to go on dates with blonde girls who were pale imitations of her.
Laying in bed he waited till he heard the shower start, to sneak out into the kitchen and get a cup of coffee. Leaning against the counter he sipped it slowly and sighed as the caffeine chased away the small hangover he had. Groaning he rubbed his face and looked around their apartment. They had without realizing it completely intertwined their lives, it was hard to see in the shared space where she stopped or he started. It was simply theirs. Now he’d fucked it up.
As he started back to his room to change, the bathroom door flew open with a burst of steam and Caroline walked out in a towel. Jumping back so as not to get hit by the door he barely stopped a groan as she looked so lovely just in a towel as she stood there. Her hair faintly starting to curl and her lips full, just waiting for him to kiss her. Shaking his head he stepped around and ducked into his room, not saying a word.
Caroline blinked and looked at the closed door her heart beating a mile a minute. He’d been shirtless, and in the sweatpants that tended to slip off his left hip. She hadn’t heard him over the sound of the running water and had hoped he was still asleep. Caroline was a little hurt that he’d been too disgusted to even pause and talk to her. Slipping off to her room she grabbed a fresh set of panties, tank top and her favorite lounge pants. No sense in wearing a bra if she was just lounging around the house.
Once dressed she walked out into their living room and laid on the couch while she sifted through her social media and texts from everyone from the night before. Two hours later and he still hadn’t come out of his room and Caroline was starting to feel hurt. Was she really that unattractive that he’d rather avoid her than talk about what happened.
Nik and her had met in their intro to communication a prereq for both their majors and become fast friends. Soon they were studying and just hanging out together when they weren’t with their respective partners. Klaus had been with that insipid bitch Aurora, and she’d been dating Tyler. Somehow while their romantic relationships hadn’t continued, their friendship had. They’d gotten an apartment off campus sophomore year and spent the last three years making it their home.
Caroline had realized she was falling in love with him when she’d gotten the flu last year and he’d canceled everything to take care of her. Something not even Bonnie was willing to do. Caroline was a terrible patient. Yet, Klaus hadn’t even blinked, he’d taken all her bitching, crabbiness and illness in stride.
Now she’d ruined everything by thinking that he felt the same way. He couldn’t even look at her without bolting. Pulling a pillow over her face she groaned out loud cursing the stars and gods for her bad luck. Sitting up she took a deep breath. She was Caroline Marie Forbes, she could fix this.
Walking over to his door she pulled it open and walked in closing the door behind her. Klaus glanced up, his eyes wide and he cleared his throat before shoving his sketchbook behind him.
“Why don’t you want me?” she asked her arms crossed glaring at her supposed best friend. “Am I not attractive enough for you?”
Klaus blinked caught off guard and confused before her words made sense and he opened and closed his mouth like a guppie. “Excuse me luv.”
“Why won’t you sleep with me?” she asked her glare sharpening at him as she started to feel her lower lip tremble. “Why is Cami good enough for you, but I’m not?”
Klaus was off the bed and taking her arms to lead her to the side of the bed and sitting her down next to him on his comforter. “Luv, I am head over heels in love with you, I have been for the last two years. I didn’t want to take advantage of you last night.” He ran a hand over her shoulder and wiped a few stray tears away from her eyes. “Also Cami and I never slept together.”
“She told the fifth floor of Whit-hall, that you two had sex over parents weekend,” Caroline sniffled feeling mortified for having fallen for such a stupid rumor. Still she allowed Klaus to hold her and she felt better.
“She wanted too, but I couldn’t bring myself too. Not when I was thinking of you the whole time,” he said softly looking down at his best friend. Smoothing her hair back he offered her a small smile, “I didn’t want our first time to be when you were drunk.”
Caroline brightened at that and wrapped her arms around his neck. “So you’ve thought of a first time with us?”
Klaus chuckled wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her onto his lap. “Oh sweetheart, I’ve dreamed of being your last for a long time.”
Caroline squeaked when he picked her up like she weighed nothing and allowed herself to be pulled onto his lap. Looking into his eyes she bit her lip and looked around his bedroom. “Well what if we have our first time now?”
Laughing Klaus rolled over so she was between the bed and him and placed kisses all over her face starting on her forehead and working his way to her lips. “Luv I thought you’d never ask.
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xxafterthestormxx · 7 years
Sooo I missed out on Klarolineauweek because I was in the process of moving house and unfortunately my new house didn’t have wifi yet :( Anyway I did promise some Klaroline, so here’s what would have been my contribution for day 1- Crossovers and Fusions. I recently reread the Luxe Series by Anna Godberson and was inspired!
“I’m not entirely sure that you should be doing that inside.” She directs towards the dark haired beauty reclining elegantly on one of the chaise chairs, a lacquered ebony cigarette holder perched between perfectly manicured fingers.
Katerina Petrova lolls her head lazily to the side, dark gaze fixing upon her in that intense way of hers that made her feel out of step.
Katerina was the oldest daughter of the wealthy Petrova family, an old European name that had been around for hundreds of years. They were ennobled aristocracy back in Bulgaria, but it had been Katerina’s great grandfather that had secured the family fortune with a rather large success with shipping.
Katerina was never afraid of displaying her wealth, nor flaunting the rules if it served her. Smoking- a vulgar habit for young ladies of their breeding and upbringing, was only done in secret places, not in the parlour of a well established mansion on Park Avenue.
“Relax a little Forbes. God you can be so uptight sometimes.” Katerina drawls in the odd accent that is part American part Bulgarian. The other girl returned to Bulgaria at least once a year, and usually acquired a somewhat stronger accent while she was there. It took her some weeks to lose it. “Are you sure you don’t want one?”
Katerina offers her the embossed tin, the Petrova family crest evident on the expensive metal.
She shakes her head in refusal, because honestly her mother would murder her.
“I think my mother would dig my grave for me if she smelt the smoke on me.” She replies lightly with a quick smile for Katerina, pink lined lips quirking just slightly as she scrunches her nose.
It’s with languid movements that Katerina stands, the folds of her waist skirt draping elegantly towards her feet as she moves towards the window, already cracked open to offer some reprieve from the Indian Summer they’d been experiencing recently.
She just fans herself with the ivory handled fan her father had brought back from Paris for her. Bill Forbes might not always be around to spend time with her and her mother, but he was there when it counted, and he brought the most exquisite gifts.
Katerina leans out the window, shoulders and neck exposed to the sun as she takes another lazy puff of her cigarette.
If she’s being honest with herself, she’s still not quite sure why Katerina had chosen her of all people to be friends with. Her family were new money, having only just recently made their fortune with oil, and she knew that them moving into Park Avenue into the obscenely big mansion had caused an absolute scandal.
Perhaps that was what had attracted Katerina. The other girl, older than her by only a year, had always seemed to have a wildness in her that was alluring and alarming all at once. There was no end to the suitors knocking on Katerina’s door, except she only seemed to have eyes for one man- Elijah Mikaelson.
He was the eldest son of the Mikaelson family, set to take over the family business when his father was ready to step aside. The Mikaelson’s were from England originally, but had very quickly established their places in the New York power set.
They threw the best parties, had the most expensive clothes, and the biggest house. She’d met Elijah only once, and Rebekah a few times, although she knew that the blonde Mikaelson absolutely loathed her for some reason that she still couldn’t quite figure out.
“God this weather is horrendous.” Katerina comments with a sigh, pressing her hand to a flushed cheek as she stubs the cigarette out on the window sill, sweeping the ashes out into the air and wiping any residue away. “I do hope it cools down a little later.”
“You’re eating into your preparation time.” She points out teasingly as Katerina rolls her lined eyes towards her.
“I’m well aware of that Caroline darling. But how else was I supposed to spend time with you? You’ve hardly had a moment to spare lately. What on Earth has that mother of yours roped you into?”
She stands, smoothing down the front of her own skirt.
“Finding me an eligible husband it would seem. At 21 I’m practically a spinster in her eyes.”
Katherine just sighs, slipping her cigarette holder and tin into the purse she carries around her wrist.
“You are absolutely not a spinster, and there is a dashing young gentlemen out there for you somewhere. Perhaps you’ll meet your match tonight, at the ball.”
She had been surprised to receive that invitation in the mail. The Mikaelson’s parties had been legendary in the past, but a slight altercation with an intoxicated Rebekah at the previous one had led her to believe that she’d be barred from the guest list forever more.
It had only been Kol’s intervention that had saved her from a rather embarrassing scene, steering his sister away with an apologetic smile.
She snorts, a rather unladylike gesture all things considered.
“Yes I’m sure a handsome Prince Charming will come and sweep me off my feet.” She pretends to swoon as Katerina catches her, a familiar routine for both of them whenever they make a mockery of the society that they’re forced to be a part of. “What was the reason for this particular party anyway?”
“The prodigal son returns.” Katerina drawls. “Niklaus. He finished his schooling last year and was doing a world tour. Now he’s in New York doing god only knows what.”
“Do we know anything about him?” She asks curiously, because she had no idea that there was another Mikaelson running around.
“Tall, blonde, a bit of a bad boy if any of the rumours are true, which they usually are.” Katerina leads the way towards the front door to where carriage would be no doubt waiting to spirit her away to her own mansion.
“Are they?” She arches an eyebrow, well aware of the rumours that seem to follow around Katerina Petrova like a grey raincloud.
Katerina just turns and gives her a slow, smouldering wink.
The party is in full swing when she and her mother arrive, her father choosing to stay in for the night to get some more work done.
Her mother, looking resplendent in a gown of grey, sticks to her side like glue, hissing at her to stand up straight and put her chest out so as to display her best assets.
“No one is going to marry you if you slouch like a serving maid.” Her mother had admonished her on more than one occasion.
She can't help but roll her kohl lined eyes to the ceiling silently, moving forward into the party silently, skirt fishtailing dramatically behind her.
The cerulean colour she’d chosen for her gown was in stark contrast to the muted pastels that the other young ladies of her set chose to wear, Elena Gilbert among them.
The girl had recently celebrated her engagement to Stefan Salvatore, who everyone agreed was much more amiable than his older brother, Damon.
Even Katerina, so resplendent tonight in her scarlet red gown, had harboured a brief period of affection for the youngest Salvatore, before discovering what a complete and utter bore he was.
“I’m going to pay a visit to Mrs Lockwood.” Her mother admits grudgingly, gathering her skirts in one gloved hand before moving off to greet the woman in question, the matriarch of the formidable Lockwood family.
Blessedly alone, she makes a beeline for Katerina, who gives her an approving once over accompanied by a wink.
“Ms Forbes you look lovely as always. A new gown?” Katerina asks knowingly, fan fluttering elegantly next to her face to ward off the sticky heat.
“Direct from Paris. A gift from my father.”
Katerina fingers the material of her skirt between gloved fingers.
“Exquisite. And no sign of the mysterious Niklaus I’m afraid. I must admit I am rather curious to see if the handsome features run in the family.”
“Elijah not here tonight?” She asks innocently of Katerina, who just gives her a smirk.
“I saw him earlier. So much easier to slip away unnoticed when everyone’s attention is focused on darling Elena and her oblivious fiance. Honestly he’ll die of boredom before he dies of old age.” Katerina drawls, gaze landing on the lady in question, who was beaming with happiness across the room, Stefan on her arm.
“Don’t be unkind Kat.” She admonishes her friend gently, with a soft rap of her fan on the other girl’s wrist. “As long as she’s happy. He certainly seems to be.”
She and Elena had been friends once, before Elena had been sent away to France for finishing school and had become obsessed with becoming a lady and being good mannered.
They’d lost touch while she’d been in France, and Elena had been somewhat wary of her friendship with Katerina since she’d returned.
Katerina just rolls her eyes with a teasing smile.
As the night wears on, she finds herself caught up in the arms of many of the young men who made up their set, the young and the rich, one of whom her mother would expect her to make a match with.
Tyler Lockwood with his handsome features was charming as always, if not a little insincere with his compliments as they waltzed together. Matthew Donovan, heir to the Donovan fortune, was kind if not a little shy as he offered her a drink.
Katerina commanded most of the attention in the room, Elijah at her side. They certainly painted a handsome picture, and she expected an engagement announcement would be imminent, if the satisfied smile on her best friend’s face was anything to go by.
“May I have this dance?” An unfamiliar voice at her side causes her to turn, and then look up into the face of the tall, sandy blonde haired man who was looking at her expectantly.
“Of course.” She replies, placing her gloved hand into his waiting one. “I must admit however, that I don’t think we’ve been previously acquainted.”
He just smiles to himself as they take their place on the floor, his hand on her waist, the other squeezing her hand tightly.
“Niklaus Mikaelson at your service, my lady. And you are?” He replies, a single eyebrow raised as they begin to move together.
“Caroline Forbes.” She replies after a beat or two. “So you’re the reason why this party is taking place. I suppose a welcome home is in order.”
“Had I known that there were such beautiful ladies waiting, I would have hastened to return sooner.”
It’s a line, and an obvious one. She can’t help but let out a short burst of laughter.
Niklaus wrinkles his nose at her outburst.
“Too obvious?” He asks innocently, even though he knows exactly what he’s doing.
“Maybe just a little.” She replies as he twirls her suddenly. She allows the movement, enjoying the feel of her skirt fanning out around her legs. “How was your tour?”
The far off locales beyond the shores of America had always held a certain sense of mystique for her. While she’d been to Paris once with her father, she’d not ventured beyond that.
She’s surprised at how easy it is to fall into conversation with him as they dance, the rest of the room seeming to melt away around them.
He’s not what she expected. He seems genuine and charming, a warm smile in his face and a somewhat mischevious twinkle in his eye as he steals her for the next dance, and then the next. She can practically feel the disapproving gaze of her mother burning into the back of her neck as he continues to twirl her under the brightly lit chandelier.
Perhaps realising the impropriety of his behaviour, he steps away from her after the music fades away, sweeping her a low bow before melting into the crowd.
It’s only when she disappears that she realises just how much her heart is racing.
“Well, it seems like you and Niklaus got along swimmingly last night.” Katerina hits her over the head with a pillow as she groans and pulls the duvet over her head.
Katerina had always been an early riser, herself less so. She’d come to accept that she was never going to be a morning person, and since society deemed it perfectly acceptable for her to lay in bed for hours the day after a big party then she wasn’t going to fight it.
“Go away Kat.” She swats at her best friend, who remains frustratingly persistent, ripping the duvet away from her face and exposing her to the weak daylight filtering through the still shut curtains.
Her maid would be here any moment with chocolate and iced water, but she can’t bring herself to even want either of them at this point.
Katerina wrestles her to a sitting position, a newspaper tucked under her arm.
“Don’t you want to see what the papers are saying?” Katerina begins, shaking out the paper with a dramatic gesture.
“Not particulary.” She replies bluntly.
She’d been subject to a few mentions in the newspaper, most positive, some less than favorable.
Katerina clears her throat, glancing down at the paper.
“Last night saw the return of Niklaus Mikaelson to New York City after a period abroad. Welcomed back into the fold of New York’s elite, he seemed particularly enamoured with a certain blonde beauty  who is favourite here at the Times…”
“Ugh.” Is all she says in reply as Katerina raises a perfectly arched brow.
“Please, he’s one of the most eligible bachelors in New York, at a marrying age, and obviously attracted to you, if the way that he was devouring you with his eyes last night was anything to go off.” Katerina remarks knowingly.
A gentle tap on the door announces the presence of her maid, who moves almost silently into the room, depositing her water and chocolate onto her night stand with a shy smile.
“Thankyou Claire.” She murmurs with a nod of her head, the other girl blushing under the attention of her mistress.
“I’ve been instructed to give you this Miss Caroline.” Claire replies, bobbing her a short curtsey before reaching into the pocket of her apron, producing an envelope with her name scrawled on it in elegant cursive.
“Thank you.” She repeats once more, taking the envelope.
Claire beats a hasty retreat as Katerina snuggles in next to her.
“Go on then.” The other girl jabs her in the ribs with a sharp elbow.
She opens the envelope, taking out the two pieces of paper folded within.
The first is a rather impressive likeness of her, her head thrown back in laughter, her profile sharp and clearly defined.
The second is just  a sentence or two of elegant writing, but it’s enough to make her heart beat faster in her chest.
It was enchanting to meet you last night. I hope we have reason to cross paths again very soon.
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misssophiachase · 7 years
Caroline's ex sells her stuff and klaus ends up buying a painting that was a heirloom. Caroline tracks him down.
In Loving Memory
Thanks luv! What an amazeballs prompt, I hope I did it justice : )
Sante Fe, New Mexico - 106 degrees
To say Caroline Forbes was a little frustrated was an understatement. Canyon Road seemed to stretch for dusty, red miles and one art galley seemed to turn into another. Pity none of the ones she’d already passed were her destination and the fact the weather was a dry 100 plus degrees and steadily climbing was doing nothing to help the situation.
Granted, yes, she was a highly strung individual but after searching for months and making the long trip from mild Boston to claim what was rightfully hers, Caroline figured she’d been unusually patient. Now was the point she was beginning to lose it. 
“Looks like you could use some water,” an unexpected voice said under the verandah. She stared blankly at the stranger, a little girl with messy, blonde pigtails and big, brown eyes. “You know agua?” She persisted, pretending to drink from her hand. 
“I’m..” she paused, her eyes landing on the street number and realising this was her destination. Finally. “Actually, yes, that would be nice.” The girl gestured for her to come forward, excitedly waving her hand and racing inside.    
She ascended the four steps and followed her inside, the cool breeze from the air conditioner welcome in her current frazzled state. The floors were polished hardwood and the walls littered with paintings, not that she was expecting any less. She was taken aback by just how stunning they were. Each landscape and portrait seemed to come to life in front of her eyes. 
Caroline shook her head, telling herself that she was here for a purpose. Unfortunately she hadn’t managed to find what she was looking for on the walls. 
“Here.” The little girl interrupted, shoving the glass into her hands. She sent her a small smile and took a sip, relishing in the relief she felt as it cascaded down her dry throat. 
“Thank you…”
“Lexi,” she finished. “That’s my name.”
“Well, hello there Lexi,” she offered her free hand and shook her tiny one gently. 
“What’s your name?”
“It’s Caroline,” she explained. “I’m actually looking for someone. I was wondering if you could help me?”
“Niklaus Mikaleson, do you happen to know him?” The little girl giggled mischievously, her cheeks colouring slightly. 
“That’s my dad but most people call him Klaus. Well, except for my Aunt Rebekah when she’s mad and my Uncle Kol when he’s teasing and my Uncle Elijah pretty much all the time.”
“Sounds like you’ve got a big family there,” she chuckled as the little girl nodded, her pigtails bobbing up and down. She’d arrived in such a hostile mood but for some reason this little girl bearing agua had made her decidedly less grouchy. “So, where is your dad?”
“He’s out the back, painting again.”
“You mean he did all of these?” She squeaked, taking in the combined beauty of the surrounding artwork. 
“Pretty much, dad says it makes him feel good.” Caroline wished at that point she had something to make her feel good. Lexi took her hand unexpectedly and lead her through the hall and into a Spanish style courtyard. If the scenery over the valley from this vantage point didn’t take her breath away the man standing by the easel did. 
He was staring intently at the canvas, paintbrush in hand. If the crimson lips, stubble and dimples weren’t enough of a distraction, his white shirt was only half buttoned, a toned chest peeking out from within.  
“Dad!” Lexi yelled, breaking not only her trance but his obviously. His blue eyes flickered over her body curiously. Caroline suddenly feeling a little underdressed in her short, floral dress.  
“Let me guess, she lured you in with that whole water excuse?” He asked, pointing to the empty glass in her hand. 
“I was thirsty,” she offered a little defensively, wondering where her bold, negotiating skills had disappeared. Maybe if he’d just do up a few more buttons she could retrieve them. 
“This is my daughter’s ploy to try and bring in extra business,” he explained, giving Lexi a knowing look. “I’ve told her it’s incredibly misleading.”
“What does misleading mean?”
“You know exactly what it means,” he chided. “You’ve been around Aunt Rebekah for too long.”
“The one who calls you Niklaus when she’s mad?” Caroline asked, noting the slight blush that crossed his face. Like father, like daughter. 
“Did I mention that my daughter loves to talk?” Lexi gave an exasperated sigh. 
“I don’t know, she seems to be the best asset you’ve got,” Caroline grinned, sending Lexi a knowing smile. 
“Ouch,” he groaned, thumping his bare chest and pretending to be wounded. “Any chance you could get me a glass of water, sweetheart?” She regarded him dubiously before running back inside. 
“I think someone is intimidated by his own daughter,” Caroline raised her eyebrows. 
“You don’t know the half of it,” he sighed, placing his brush on the nearby table and moving towards her. “Is there something I can help you with, love?”
“I’m looking for a painting.”
“Well, you came to the right place,” he smirked, wiping his paint stained hands on his jeans. “Anything in particular that took your fancy?”  
“Actually something has,” she began trying to ignore his increasingly close proximity. “But it doesn’t seem to be here.” He looked at her quizzically. 
“Well, then I’m not sure I can help you then,” he shot back, his tone telling her that she’d offended him. 
“These artworks are beautiful,” she said, attempting to placate him. Given she wanted something, offending the owner of her much loved painting wasn’t the best way to go about it.
“Okay, what do you really want then?” He asked slyly, almost like he could read her mind. 
“The Bill Forbes original,” she managed to utter, her father’s name still causing numbness. “It should be mine.”
“I’m sorry?” He asked, taking a seat at the nearby table. “Last time I checked, I paid handsomely for that painting.”
“I know,” she conceded, joining him on the other side. “But I’m willing to buy it for whatever price.”
“If I could give you any tips, I’d suggest you don’t offer anything, you know it’s called bartering.” She didn’t respond immediately, in fact she was madly trying to keep her composure. This ass had no idea what this painting meant to her but she wanted it back. Caroline wasn’t quite sure she could live without it in her life, it meant too much.
“How about we cut the bullshit,” she muttered in frustration. “I’ve travelled all the way from Boston. Just tell me how much you want?”
“I’m sorry you’ve come so far, Miss, but that painting isn’t and never will be for sale.”
“But I need it,” she implored, her blue eyes boring into his. As if the struggle to find the painting hadn’t been enough but now she had to endure another setback. It was almost too much to comprehend. 
“Excuse me?”
“Well, you seem extremely attached to it and I’m wondering why?”
“I am,” she rasped almost helplessly. “If you insist on goading me then I’ll tell you. Bill Forbes was my father.”
“You mean?” He asked, clearly shocked and leaning forward in his chair. “The little girl in the painting is…”
“Me.” Caroline was on the verge of crying but for some reason she didn’t want him to see that so kept her eyes downcast. 
“But why…”
“Don’t I have the painting?”  She asked, predicting his question. “Someone sold it without my knowledge.”
“But how?”
“My ex boyfriend Stefan thought it would be a novel thing to do seeing as I called it quits. Funny joke, hey?” She could feel a hot, salty tear followed by another running down her cheeks. So much for keeping her composure. “And I’ve been trying to get it back ever since.”
“Now I understand,” he murmured, his hand reaching out for hers. Caroline would never forget the feeling of his rough and calloused fingers on her skin. “And not just because your ex-boyfriend is a serious ass.“
“That’s putting it nicely,” she muttered.
“But just so you know, I’m going to need some identification for handover. As much as I love my daughter’s intuition, she’s only six.”
Caroline wiped the tears from her eyes and finally met his gaze, even through the waterworks, she knew he was being sincere. “How much do you want?”
“Nothing,” he answered. “But how about a date?” 
“I’m deathly serious,” he smirked, squeezing her hand. “I haven’t been on one in over six years so if you could show me the ropes, I’d appreciate it. If not for me then my nosy siblings and daughter.”
“I suppose that could be arranged,” Caroline grinned, realising that if his hand stayed on hers forever she wouldn’t mind. “But I’m curious.”
“Why did you want that painting so badly?”
“That father-daughter moment reminded me so much of me and Lexi,” he admitted, his hand still firmly placed upon hers. “I didn’t want to forget the way she looked at me so adoringly and that picture was exactly what I needed to know even if she grows up we’ll still share that moment.”
“The terrible teens?” Caroline joked. “Okay, so how about we organise a sharing arrangement?” She proposed, her fingers exploring his skin freely now.
“Between Massachusetts and New Mexico?” He baulked.
“I’m sure we can make it work somehow.” Their hands were now firmly entwined and for some reason it didn’t feel like that bond could ever be broken. 
Turns out it wasn’t that difficult to manage especially with the little girl that brought them together unbeknownst to them. Lexi loved to claim credit and funnily enough no one was going to argue. The painting that brought them together was hung in pride of place and, believe it or not, they lived happily ever after.  
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teamkaiforever · 7 years
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WAR OF HEARTS                    - PART VII
wiping his face with his hand. He was shirtless and Hayley was a few steps behind him trying to suppress a laugh. Finn was standing on the other side of the stair railing with a shocked expression , not because of what was happening downstairs but because of what he had heard Y/N say. “Great. My embarrassment grows by the second.” muttered Y/N. Rebekah laughed , hugging her from behind. “Nothing embarrassing about it. So … are you going to tell us how it was ?” “You want me to discuss sleeping with your brother and my best friend because of some magic charm bracelet your other brother left just to teach me a lesson ?!” asked Y/N shocked looking at the Mikaelson’s expressions. At that moment Kai screamed and Y/N’s eyes returned to the scene downstairs , widening after seeing Kol’s hand in Kai’s chest. “OK enough of this.” muttered Elijah getting ready to jump over the railing. “Got it covered.” said Y/N raising her hand making both Kai and Kol drop on the ground at the same time , holding their heads and screaming in pain. She stopped the spell making both of them look up at her. Y/N turned towards pretty much the entire Mikaelson family except Klaus who was probably with Hope keeping her away from all the drama. Surely his daughter had woken up. Y/N was pretty sure all of New Orleans was awake now. “A little privacy please?” “You know we are vampires right ?” said Rebekah. “Even if we are not in the room we will still -” “Now please.” insisted Y/N and everyone walked back to their bedrooms. She walked down the stairs towards Kai and Kol who were starring at her , then glanced at each other clearly hating the other more than before. Great. Not only I blew up my relationship with both of them but now they hate each other even more. she thought. “Y/N , I -” started Kai but she just walked past him , completely ignoring him as if he were cloaked. Kol grinned at her reaction and tried to touch Y/N , only to find himself flying across the room with a spectacular witchy headache to go with his newly bruised shoulder. “You are going to sit down and we are going to talk. Understand?” she said calmly. Kai nodded and sat on the couch while Kol sat on one of the comfy chairs on the other end of the room just so he is not tempted to try and kill Kai again. Y/N didn’t sit. She kept pacing back and forth trying to gather her thoughts. “Are you OK?” she asked Kai concerned. “Me? Yeah … I’m … I’m fine.” he replied a little confused. “Y/N I want to apologise , I don’t - ” “Not now. We are going to talk about what happened last night in a moment.” she said turning towards Kol who kept looking at the ground. “You. I get that you don’t like him and that things are beyond confusing right now but … trying to KILL MY BEST FRIEND ?! That’s not going to slide down into the ‘I’ll forgive you after a bouquet with flowers’ pile.” Kol sighed , getting up and taking a step towards her but she stepped back from him. “I’m sorry. I .. .” he said sincerely and then lost it again. “He took advantage of you! Can’t you see it ?! I am your boyfriend. You should be defending me. You should be asking me if I am OK.” “You are right.” she sighed. “I should be defending you. I should be worried if you are OK. Except Kai is not the one who tried to kill someone I care about less than 5 seconds ago.” Y/N sat on the opposite end of the couch holding her head in her hands. Her embarrassment had grown into anger seeing what Kol had tried to do and also unimaginable pain at the thought of losing Kai for good. In the Prison World , he hadn’t been able to die but here - things were different. Dead meant dead. “I am sorry … about what happened yesterday.” she sighed heavily , roughly running her fingers through her hair. “I am sorry for leading you both on. I love both of you more than I care to admit and I have been so selfish because of it. Wanting to keep you both in my life …” she said turning to her best friend. “Kai … please , go home. I will come over in a few. There is something I have to talk to about in private with Kol.” “Um yeah okay.” said Kai nervously. “See you later , I guess…” Kai managed a weak smile , glancing at Kol wishing he had been able to kill him. But even in his anger and frustration in that moment , Kai knew that way he’d lose Y/N for good. He walked outside , the streets still empty as the day was just beginning. For a while he roamed the streets , thinking or at least trying to think. Snapshots of what had happened the night before flashing in his mind - the way her eyes had glowed while moaning his name. Her lips on his , biting his lower lip when he had his fingers inside her. Kai had overstepped with the kiss , but he hadn’t been able to stop himself. Everything had felt magnified to the max. Kai was afraid she’d tell him their friendship was over. How could he be around her anymore without wanting to do those things all over again ? Minus Kol , of course. After Kai had left , Y/N turned towards Kol motioning for him to sit on the couch. “I hope  you know I would never cheat on you.” she said quietly. “I am not that kind of person. What happened was because of your brother Klaus and that enchanted bracelet he left me as an early birthday present. "I .. I don’t regret what happened because it was … amazing , really.” Kol smiled at her , feeling her hand taking his. “But ?” He could feel the ‘but’ coming from a mile away. Kol was aware he had crossed a line and was more than surprised when she kissed him for a brief moment. “No 'but’ , there is a however …” she smiled nervously. “I love you , I will probably always love you Kol. You have made me happy in so many ways and I wish I could’ve done the same.” “What are you talking about darling ?” he asked confused. “You have made me the happiest man alive. Reminded me of what love feels like. My heart was broken and you found a way to mend it.” Y/N smiled at him , feeling the pain of what she was about to say. “I love him.” she said with tears in her eyes.  "It’s always been him .. I didn’t realise it until … I saw your hand in his chest about to rip his heart out.“ "Woaw. Had I know I’d lose you to him by shoving my hand in his chest , I never would’ve done it.” muttered Kol. “I’m sorry.” she said. “I never meant to hurt you…and somehow I have managed to do just that.” Y/N wiped a few tears away from her cheeks. Kol pulled her into a hug unable to watch her suffering. Even tho it hurt him , somehow he had known it all along. “I will find a way to make it up to you.” she muttered. “I promise.” “I um … I’ll go have words with Klaus.” said Kol awkwardly getting up and heading up the stairs in vampire speed. Y/N stared after him , tears rolling down her cheeks. She curled up into a ball on the couch not even bothering to wipe away the tears. A few minutes later someone sat on the opposite end of the couch , making her look up.  It was Hayley , a small smile on her face and two packs with ice cream in her hands. “You look like someone who needs a shoulder to cry on.” she said handing Y/N one of the ice creams. “..and ice cream.” Y/N smiled through tears , slowly sitting up. Hayley pulled out a tissue from a box on the small coffee table handing it to her. “Th-thanks.” “Kol will forgive you.” said Hayley rubbing Y/N’s back in slow circles. “He managed to forgive Freya and everyone else for what happened to Davina. What you did was nothing compared to that…” “Davina ..” started thinking Y/N and suddenly got up. “Oh my God , Hayley ! Thank you for being so nice to me after everything and for the ice cream and coming to talk to me… but there is something I have to do…” she hugged Hayley and rushed upstairs. Y/N knocked on Finn’s door. He opened pretty quickly , still with a shocked expression on his face. Clearly back in his time things like a threesome weren’t tolerated at all. He was so old school but she couldn’t blame him for being shocked. “Hey.” she said. “I need your help.” *        *          * A few hours later Y/N walked to Kai’s place and knocked on the door. Kai had already compelled someone to have it fixed by the looks of it. She felt more than nervous about coming to his place than she had ever felt about anything in her entire life. Just as she was about to knock again , Kai opened the door looking as nervous as she felt. “Hey.” he said stepping aside , letting her in. “Do you want a drink ?” Y/N noticed the glass in his hands and shook her head. “I want to be sober for this and so do you…” she took the glass from his hands leaving it on the fancy table by the couch. “I’d actually rather be drunk. It would dull the pain of you kicking me out of your life for good.”  he said quietly. Y/N looked at him , he looked like a lost puppy. So sad and heartbroken. She sighed. At first she had hoped to explain to him what had happened but her heart broke seeing him like this - the glow in his eyes missing , his smile replaced by a frown. There will be plenty of time to explain things to him later. she thought  and jumped into his arms , her lips smashing against his. Kai looked a little startled at first and then pulled her closer to him until she backed him onto the couch , climbing on top of him. His hands slid up and down her back pulling her body closer to his before he pushed her away. “Is this a goodbye kiss?” “I love you.” she said suddenly completely avoiding his question. “Wh-what ?” “I love you. I have loved you probably since the day we met.” she said smiling. “It took me so long to realise it and I -” Kai smashed his lips against hers not letting her finish. He had expected her to say and do everything else but this. The night before , however strange it had been , was one of the best in his life because he had been able to touch and kiss her. Hearing her say that she loves him , meaning it in a more than a friend way , made him feel happiness he never thought possible. “I love you too Y/N.” he said smiling widely. “I love you and I want the whole world to know… I LOVE YOU.” said Kai raising his voice and Y/N had to cover his mouth. “Shhh you will scare everyone with  your shouting.” she laughed. “I don’t care.” he said pressing his lips against hers again. “All I care about is YOU. You being here.” he kissed her again “Being able to kiss you and touch you.” … and again until she had to push him away for a moment to take a breath. Kai was smiling widely and Y/N couldn’t stop smiling either.  It was the happiest she had ever seen him - his eyes were glowing and his smile was wider than ever. “What about Kol?” he asked suddenly. “I don’t want to -” “We broke up. Kai , you are the only one I want to be with.” she said softly. “Now , always and forever. I … I am sorry for all the pain I caused you -” “You haven’t caused me any pain sweetheart.” he said brushing his fingers through her hair. “In fact you have made me the happiest person on the planet since the day you walked into my life. Can I tell you something ?” asked Kai. “Yeah. What is it?” “You know the picture you gave me yesterday ? The one from the day you fell off the clock tower?” he said suddenly nervous. Y/N nodded with a curious look in her eyes. “That’s the day I knew … that I love you.” “It is ? Wh-why didn’t you tell me ?” Y/N thought back of that day , it seemed like it had happened yesterday but it hadn’t. It had been weeks. The look on Kai’s face when she had opened her eyes…How hadn’t she seen it ? “I was afraid I’d lose you.” he said simply. “You are so good , so pure. I am the exact opposite.How could you love me?” “Because you are good and pure , Kai. You might not see it but I do.” Kai brushed his palm against her cheek , a small smile showing on his face. He was looking at her with longing loving eyes making her heart flutter , sending butterflies in her stomach. “Klaus was right ..” “Yeah … ” she said playing with her hands , laughing nervously. “He has that annoying habbit of being right. Kai ?” “Yes princess.” said Kai kissing her neck gently. “There is something I want to do for Kol … and I’ll need your help.” *    *    *Y/N and Kai walked into the compound , finding Kol and a bunch of his murder victims laying around. He looked up at them , blood dripping down his chin as he was just about to drain another one. His eyes darted between Kai and Y/N who were standing a few feet apart. “You might want to go and clean yourself up.” said Y/N. “What for love? It’s not like I am going anywhere today.” said Kol letting down the girl he had been feeding on drop on the ground. “Why is he here ?” Y/N sighed , stepping over body after body listening in for heartbeats. Whenever she found someone who had survived  she bit her wrist feeding them her blood , leaving for Kai to compell them afterwards.   “One last time , just do this to me for one last time.” she smiled taking his hands. “Trust me , you don’t want to be covered in blood for what happens next.” Kol sighed and whooshed himself off the living room to clean up. Meanwhile Y/N and Kai had to drag the lifeless bodies away. “This would be so much easier with magic.” muttered Kai. Y/N laughed. “I am just saying.” “Fine. We’ll do it the easy way.” she smiled. A few minutes later everything was cleaned up as if nothing had happened and just on cue Kol came down the stairs - his face washed up , wearing a white shirt with his jeans. “Are you going to tell me what this is about ?” he asked half annoyed half curious. “Not me.” smiled Y/N as Kai wrapped his hands around her from behind , his hands meeting on her stomach. “She will.” Kol looked at her confused , realising the way Kai had wrapped his hands around her. So they are together now. he thought. “She ? Who is-?” “Kol ?” The wildest of all Mikealson’s froze on the spot , turning towards the direction the voice had come from. Less than 10 meters away stood Davina Claire with a wide smile on her face. Kol smiled ear to ear running towards her as she ran towards him. “Davina !” In a second Davina was in Kol’s arms. Kol spun her around , both of them smiling and laughing , happiness radiating from them before they kissed. Y/N and Kai watched smiling , Kai pulling her closer to him. “That was very nice .. what you did for him.” “I figured I owed him for breaking his heart. And I couldn’t have done it without you.” said Y/N turning towards him , their lips meeting in a gentle kiss. __________ MASTERLIST March / April 2017 MASTERLIST MAY 2017 MASTERLIST JUNE 2017
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justfangstvdto · 7 years
Open Coffin | Chapter 02 “Here to pick up the pieces” (Part 1)
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Pairing: Kol x Reader (eventually)
Chapter Summary: Y/N gets pulled right into her brother´s drama as a certain original hybrid visits the Mystic Falls Highschool, looking for the very much alive Elena Gilbert.
Warnings: skipping a few scenes since you all know the canon info´s anyway, blood, abusive parent, typical tvd violence
Word count: 3437
Tags & Author Note at the bottom. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
Open Coffin Masterlist
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Mystic Falls 1852
“It wasn't on purpose, I swear,” Stefan assured the broken glass of your father's bourbon decanter in his hands. There is a fairly deep cut on his right hand with blood running down his fingers “It just slipped out of my hand.”
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“It´s alright, Stefan.” You reach for the hem of your dress and tear a piece of cloth away and gently wrap it around Stefan's hand.
There are footsteps heard from above and it seems someone is tumbling down the stairs. Stefan´s eyes widen in fear, knowing all too well that if your father comes in here and sees what Stefan had done, he would go ballistic.
“Go to mother and let her tend to that wound.” you say taking the fault for Stefan's accident.
“No! I won't let you take the blame, I-”
“Go, Stef.” you repeat “ I can handle him.Go.”
With one swift motion the door opens and in tumbles your slightly drunk father and his disoriented gaze falls upon the broken decanter “What is going on in here?” he slurs his nostrils fluttering with anger “Who is at fault for this?
Stefan opens his mouth ready to admit that it was him who dropped it, but he closes it shortly after,, scared of what your father would do to him.
“It was me, father.” you step in front Stefan and gesture him to leave the room through the door behind you “ I was cleaning and I..slipped.”
You push Stefan back once more and he finally sneaks out of the room. He hides behind a door that leads into the living room as well and opens the door a crack and peeks through it. He witnesses how your father throws his glass towards you and how you dug just in time to avoid it hitting you, followed by endless screams and threats until he grabs you by the wrist and drags you down the cellar and locks you up in one of the cells he finished building a few years ago. He said you would not get out until you have paid for what you have done, which means you´ll be held in the cellar with no food and no company for as long as your father thinks it´s necessary.
You lean back on the cold stone wall, your ears ringing from your father's loud voice. You hear rustling outside and you assume it is your father coming back to scream at you some more. However, it is Stefan that drops down next to the door “I´m sorry.” he says his voice full of regret.
“It´s alright, Stef.” you assure him moving over to the door resting your back on it “You know I am always going to protect you, right? Even if it means I´ll have to pick up the pieces from messes you made. Nothing is going to change that.”
You swear you could feel the smile forming on his face through the thick stone walls and you know that protecting him today, and the countless of times before that was worth it.
Elena | Mystic Falls High
It is prank night in Mystic Falls and the gang is occupied with turning the High School into a maze filled with traps and scares. Elena skips through another set of doors and heads through the school gymnasium when suddenly she bumps into a hard chest. “There's my girl.”
“Klaus!” Elena whimpers.
“You are supposed to be dead” Klaus exclaims cocking his head to the side “What are we going to do about that?”
Damon | Random Highway
Damon is driving down the highway at an illegal speed limit, as per usual, with Katherine sitting next to him, riding shotgun.
“Are you hungry?” Katherine looks over, .playing with the tips of her hair “Let's stop for a bite. A truck stop. Or a trucker.”
“Oh, stop being cute.” he mocks throwing her a glare.
“It's not possible,” Katherine smirks.
“We've been driving around aimlessly for hours. Where are we going?” Damon eyes her curiously.
“Far enough away so that you can't go running back.” she replied bluntly and turns her head to look out of the window.
“Not to worry. “Damon pauses “Mystic Falls and I are on a bit of a break.”
“You and Mystic Falls, or you and Elena?”
“Let's just say Elena and I are having a bit of difference of opinion on how I should behave,” Damon replies, not feeling like digging any deeper into this topic with Katherine.
“Ooh. Let me guess…”Katherine purrs “Elena wants you to be the hero, and you don't like playing pretend.” She turns so she is facing him to cup his cheek with her hand-
“Something like that.” Damon mutters, his eyes leaving the road to gaze in her brown eyes
Her loss.” she whispers and leans in to press her lips against him, which soon turned into an open mouth kiss. Though, what she did not anticipate is Damon shoving her off of him 
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“What are you doing?”
“I thought I'd give it a shot.” he shrugs wiping her lipstick from his lips ”Truth is, you just don't do it for me anymore.” Damon smirks.
Y/N | Truck
You and Stefan wake up in the back of the truck your neck aching like you have been headbanging on a concert for a week straight.
“Oh, they live.” Rebekah exclaims resting on a crate.
“What happened?” Stefan asks rubbing his neck.
“Klaus happened.” you reply.
“You two took a beating. My brother's been breaking your necks all afternoon, mostly yours, Y/N.” Rebekah informs “What on earth could you have done to anger him that way?” she adds sarcastically.
“You know all too well what I did.” you remind her “ and I also know what you did.” A flash of regret flickers over her eyes, but she shakes it off with a spiteful smile.
“We all did something, can we please get back on topic? Stefan intervenes rather rudely “Why did Klaus bring us back to Mystic Falls?”
“Because he enjoys Virginia's famous cherry pies, Stef.” you deadpan throwing him a glare “Why do you think?”
“You can stop playing dumb, Stefan. It didn't take him long to figure out what you've been hiding.” Rebekah shrugs.
I'm not hiding anything.” Stefan replies shortly, denying everything even though he fears they already know the truth “ I've done everything Klaus has asked me to.” It was true, he never disobeyed him and did whatever Klaus wanted.
“No, you just failed to mention that the doppelgänger's still alive.”
“Where is Klaus now?”
“With any luck, ripping that cow's bloody head off.”
Stefan zips towards her and they both fly out of the truck and onto the ground, him on top of her.
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“Where is she?”
“Guys, I like violence as much as the next person,” you intervene “but is this really necessary?”
She gets up and pushes Stefan against the truck and punches him “You really do love her, don't you?” she asks, completely ignoring your interference. You hop of the truck and rush towards Rebekah.You grab a fistful of her hair and yank her away from your little brother. Admittedly the hair pulling might be a little below your standard, but it is very effective. Until Rebekah throws her head back and it meets with your nose. You stumble backwards, stars dancing shortly behind your eyelids, your nose already gushing out blood.
Rebekah uses the distraction and zips towards Stefan and wraps her hands around his neck and breaks it in one swift motion. She sooner vamp-speeds away as Stefan´s unconscious body hits the ground.
“Oh, Stefan. I still have to clean up your messes, don't I?” you sigh looking at the school - or more like a lion's den- you are about to walk into, attempting to save your brother´s girl you care so little about…
Meanwhile in the Gym..
Klaus holds onto Elena's arms and marches her through the school hallways
“You put a rather large kink in my plans, sweetheart.” he looks down at Elena “The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids. I haven't been able to do that. Now my bet is, it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing.”
“If you're going to kill me, just do it!” Elena hisses.
“Not until I know I'm right. But I do have ways of making you suffer.” Klaus smirks and kicks the door open with his foot and enters the Gym.A few students are there setting up pranks.
Attention, seniors. You have officially been busted. Prank night is over. Head on home.” Klaus suggests, using a fake American accent. His eyes fall upon Dana, a student he compelled while he inhabited Alaric's body.
“You two.” he approaches them “ I remember you.”
“I'm sorry. Who are you?” she asks.
“Oh, don't worry, I wasn't in my right head last time we met.” Klaus smirks and begins to compel her “Lift your foot up, please, Dana.” She complies and Klaus then turns his attention to the confused guy next to her “If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to beat her to death. Understood?”
“Don´t Klaus. You don't have to hurt anybody.” Elena says.
“Of course he does.That's all he´s good at.” you enter the gym earning surprised looks from everyone except Klaus. He must have known you would barge in once you are awake again.
Damon | In the middle of nowhere
Damon stops the car and gets out and Katherine follows suit. “Why are we stopping?” she asks
“I thought we might want to stretch our legs. Take a break from the sexual tension.” Damon offers ”I'm tired of driving. It's your turn.”
“Fine.” she nods and prepares herself to catch the car keys but Damon unexpectedly throws them into the distance “Hey! I-”
“We're not going anywhere until you spill your guts.” Damon demands, staring her down with his blue eyes.
Fine.” Katherine hisses and reaches into her pocket and shows him Elena´s necklace “Do you remember this, hmm? A little birdy told me that Klaus wants to get his hands on it.��
“Why would Klaus want Elena's necklace?”
“Does it matter? He wants it, and I have it. It's leverage, Damon. Always stay one step ahead of your enemy.” she shrugs.
“I'll keep that in mind.” he eyes her knowing all too well that he has to be on guard around her.
“But more importantly, when I stole the necklace from Bonnie, I found out something else...Something better.” she smirks.
“Oh, yeah? What's that?” Damon cocks his eyebrows and crosses his arms over his chest.
“Are you willing to do whatever it takes to stop Klaus? No turning back?” Katherine asks. She needs to know if Damon will be on her side on this.
“I'm not turning back.” he assures.
“Good. Because this isn't going to win you any points at home.” she walks to the trunk of Damon´s car and opens it to reveal an unconscious Jeremy lying in there
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“Jeremy?” Damon scoffs “Really?”
Y/N | Mystic Falls Gym
“Y/N. I thought you would be indisposed a little while longer.” Klaus sighs.
“Sorry to disappoint.” you reply and shoot him a false smile. You feel Elena´s eyes on you, who´s head is probably spinning wild trying to figure out who you are “So you're the precious Elena, huh?
“And who are you?” she asks, her voice slightly shaking.
“Y/N Salvatore. I would say I'm charmed to meet you, but I am really not.” It's not a lie. You really are not charmed in the slightest meeting another woman who yet again demands so much from Stefan. And a little birdie told you that it seems that Damon has a thing for her too. So much for their claims never to repeat that mistake again.
“Salvatore as in-”
“Yes as in Stefan and Damon.” you finish her sentence “They never mentioned me, did they? Figures.”
Suddenly the gym doors swing open and Elena's friends Bonnie and Matt enter, shocked to see Klaus.
“Bonnie, get out of here!” Elena yells and Bonnie´s eye grow wide when she sees the smile on Klaus' lips.
“Ah, I was wondering when you´d show up. Now we can get started” he looks over his shoulder and gestures Dana and Chad to sit down for a moment “I assume you're the reason Elena´s still walking around alive?”
“That´s right.” Bonnie nods, a look in her eyes that could scare the toughest of people “If you want to blame someone, blame me.”
“Oh, there's no need for blame, love. Just your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects. And since you caused the problem, I'm going to have you find the fix.” he finishes the sentence and as if on cue, the door swing open and in walk Rebekah pushing another one of the gang, Tyler, with her.
“Get off of me!” the young werewolf orders.
“Okay that went on long enough.” you sigh and walk a few steps towards Klaus “Let them go.”
“And why would I do that?” he asks “because you have your silly diamond? Newsflash, love. The diamond is worthless without my brother's help and as you well know, he is rather indisposed at the moment.”
“Are you so sure that the diamond is worthless?” you bluff, and Klaus´ smile falters almost unnoticeable “I think you and I should consider a deal, wouldn't you say? But first, let these kids go. That´s my price for now.”
“No deal.” he says returning the false smile you gave him earlier and turns his attention back to the others. You probably could have tried to bargain again or you could have even attacked, but it most likely would have ended in your death.
“I´d like you all to meet my sister Rebekah. Word of warning ..she can be quite mean.” Klaus nods and throws her a smirk.
“Don´t be an ass.” she hissed and throws Tyler towards her brother.
“Leave him alone!” Elena yells without much effect.
“I´m going to make this very simple..Every Time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid they die during transition. It´s quite horrible, actually.” he notes and bites into his wrist forcing Tyler to drink from it “ I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler´s sake...you better hurry.” With that, he snaps Tyler´s neck and drops onto the floor.
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Matt squats down to Tyler´s now dead body “He killed him” he whispers looking at his friends.
“He's not dead” you interfere “Klaus´ blood will turn him into a vampire..” Elena´s friends look at you with the same questioning look “Oh right. I´m Y/N Salvatore. And yes, as in Stefan and Damon. And you must be Bonnie, Matt and Tyler, right?”
“How do you kn-” Matt begins, but Klaus cuts him off.
“Are we done with the introductions?” Klaus hisses impatiently “ If Bonnie is successful, Tyler will live through the transition. Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what-not. I´ll hold on to Elena..for safe-keeping.”
Bonnie nods and grabs Matt´s arm and hurries out of the room. They have a quite literal deadline and their worry for their mutual friend makes it even harder to concentrate.
“So this is the latest doppelganger. The original one was much prettier.” Rebekah comments and you can´t hold back a small giggle. One can say about Rebekah what one wants but she does have her wits “Oh, Y/N you're still here. Don´t you have somewhere else to be?”
“No, I don't and I don't plan on going anywhere either.” you reply.
“Enough Rebekah.” Klaus interferes “ Take the wolfboy elsewhere, would you?” Klaus orders and Rebekah grabs Tyler's ankle and drags him from the room “Just ignore her. Petty little thing.”
Damon | Middle of nowhere
Katherine and Damon are sitting atop a picnic table whilst they wait for Jeremy to wake up “I´m listening.” Damon says.
“What if I told you there was a way to kill Klaus? And not Dagger dead. Dead dead.” Katherine looks at him with another smug smile
“I´d say you were desperate and lying.” Damon hisses “Or drunk. Or desperate, lying and drunk” Damon looks at her curiously, but she only snickers gently.
“Do you remember my friend Pearl?” she asks.
“Vividly.” Damon nods.
“Centuries ago, she told me about a vampire who knew how to kill Klaus. Then she wouldn't tell me any more.”
“Well, why not?”
“Because it was her leverage.” Katherine sighs “ She knew it was valuable information, and wouldn't share it with me.”
“Well this is great...but she's dead.” Damon replies shortly with his usual sarcasm.
“Which is why I never brought it up. Because she only ever told one other person.”
“Who?” Damon asks creasing his eyebrows.
“Her daughter. Anna.” she replies.
“Also dead.”
“Which brings us back around to…” Katherine stops and waits for Jeremy to wake up. He heard the entire conversation and lets out a sigh.
“To me. Back around to me” Jeremy whispers.
Y/N | Mystic Falls
The gym doors open once more and Stefan walks in with a determined, yet worried look on his face.
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“Stefan….” Elena whispers.
“Stef” You stand in his way “ turn around and go. I can handle this.”
“No.” he shakes his head and walks past you. You grab his arm but he shrugs it off “Klaus I came to ask for your forgiveness and pledge my loyalty.”
“Well, you broke that pledge once already,” Klaus notes.
You´re not a man of your word either, Klausy-Klaus.
“Elena means nothing to me anymore.” Stefan states and Elena at him, hurt by what he just said “And whatever you ask of me...I will do.”
“Fair enough. Let´s drink on it. Kill them.” he looks back to Chad and Dana and gestures over to them
“Klaus stop this nonsense. Leave these high school kids be. They did nothing to you. Unlike me.”
“You´re right. You did.” Klaus recalls and Stefan looks back at you with a questioning look on his face.”And to be perfectly clear, you will answer for that bur right now you rather annoy me, so.. “ he moves closer to you and his pupils dilate “I want you to start walking and don't stop until you reach the next town borders.” he smirks as you nod and turn around.
Normally you would have been protected by the small amount of vervain you take in every day, but being locked up in the back of a truck prevented you from doing that.
“There is nothing worse for you than abandoning your brother who is about to dig into his true nature, now is there?” Klaus adds smirking in triumph.
No there certainly is not.
Chapter 03 —>
                                                           Open Coffin Masterlist
Author Note:  I decided to split this one into two parts since it would have gotten way too long otherwise. Do let me know what you think and if there’s anything you want to see, just shoot me a message or write it down yourself in my Google Doc
Open Coffin Tags:
Special thanks to: @shadyladyperfection @laitalianax3 @newurleans
@originalbish98 @christinalibertymikaelson @alfrette @bonniebird @imnoaingeal @onlygodcanjudgeme-sh @vaniileiinkeks  @codename-petrova @piercethepottorff @maliae14 @codename-petrova @5-seconds-of-animals @captain-amelia-bradley  @flymeawayworld @givemesomehybrid  @rock-n-magick  @mikealsonlover 
If you want to be tagged in this list, just shoot me a message.
Thank you for reading. Have a lovely day/night and I hopefully see you next chapter ;)
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forevercaroline · 8 years
Klaroline in Nola chapter 2
Warning there is mentions of rape. Caroline tells when she is human. Flashback a couple of weeks ago: "Caroline I need your help its life or death." Caroline has never heard Klaus sound nervous. " Klaus what is wrong?" "Elena and Jeremy are trying to kill Kol and I can't get in the house but you can, Can you go in get Kol out and if you could hurt Elena and Jeremy that would be much appreciated." Caroline gets to the Gilbert house when she enters she sees Elena and Jeremy holding Kol down. Kol has a butcher knife in his shoulder and vervain on him. Jeremy has the white oak stake in his hand. Caroline vamps over to him and breaks his arm and snaps Elena's neck. Klaus gets to the door and sees Caroline taking the butcher knife out of his brothers shoulder. Kol can't believe Elena and Jeremy tried to kill him and that Caroline had saved him also that Klaus is there to make sure he is ok. Kol and Caroline are walking to the door to join Klaus when Jeremy on the floor gets up. " Caroline what are you doing we need him dead?" " No we don't you and Elena want him dead so you can get something that only Elena wants because she can't handle be a vampire." Jeremy picks up the White oak stake and tries to stake Kol again but Kol vamps behind him and puts him in a headlock. " I know I can't kill you but that doesn't mean I can't hurt you." Caroline joins Klaus on the porch. Kol breaks Jeremy's other arm and drops him to the floor. " Thank you Caroline I owe you my life." " Your welcome. When Klaus told me I couldn't let my friends brother die." Klaus pulls his brother in for a hug "I love you Kol. I don't want you to die." Kol knows his older brother hides his feeling so it took a lot for him to say that. " I love you too Nik." Caroline smiles at the touching brother moment. Klaus looks at Caroline " Sweetheart I love the outfit." Kol smiles " Yes it's very cheerful" Caroline looks down at her black sleep shorts with the word cheer on the butt and a pink tank top with flip flops. "I was in my pajamas painting my nails when you called I put on shoes and left to go save your brother." Kol puts his arm around Caroline " I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship darling." Xxx Present: An hour and a half later Caroline hears klaus car pull into her driveway and gets her stuff downstairs. Klaus takes her stuff from her and puts it his car " Ready to go my love?" Caroline loves her new nickname " I want to say good bye to my mom." Caroline goes to Liz room and is surprised that she's there wakes her mom up. Liz not used to being woken up in the middle of the night. Wakes up and grabs her gun off the nightstand " Mom it's me." Liz turns on the light and sees Caroline standing in front of her " Caroline is everything is ok what's going on?" Caroline sits in front of her and takes her hands " Mom I wanted to say goodbye I'm leaving Klaus invited me to New Orleans and he told me he loves me I will be back for graduation." " Sweetie your still in high school and Klaus is the enemy. I know you see the good in him but he is still bad." "I'm done with classes and he's different with me." Liz hugs her daughter " I know I haven't been the greatest mother and when you became a vampire I didn't react very well but I love you Caroline and I want you to be happy and if you are happy with Klaus than I'm happy for you." You have been the best mom and me being vampire you eventually accepted me, I am happy I love him. I love you mom." Xxx Liz and Caroline come down the stairs and they see Klaus sitting at the table. Liz still has an arm around her daughter looks over at the original " I never thought that my daughter would turn into a vampire and fall in love with one of the first vampires ever." Caroline smiles and goes to the fridge and gets a couple of blood bags and heats them up, puts them in coffee cups and hands one to Klaus. Liz sees her daughter is happy. " Klaus if Caroline gets hurt or killed in New Orleans I will come down there and kill you myself." Klaus stands up to face the sheriff " You have my word sheriff Forbes that Caroline will not get hurt or killed." Liz can see how much Klaus cares for her daughter and knows he will protect her. Liz walks Caroline and Klaus outside to the car and hugs Caroline one last time. "Call me when you get there and call often I love you." Caroline starts to tear up again. " I will and I love you mom." Xxx " Are you look comfy my love?" Caroline looks down at her outfit matching white Pajamas shorts and sweatshirt with with a pink tank top under the sweatshirt. " I am were going to be on the road for a long time and I'm going to sleep." " Do you know your New Orleans history?" Caroline getting comfy in the passengers seat "No but I have a feeling your going to tell me?" " It's a good think your comfy because the history of New Orleans is a long one." Xxx Flashback 300 years ago Mississippi River A group of men come downstairs of a ship and look around and find two coffins one guy opens a coffin and inside is a daggered Kol the guy gasps "'What the hell." They hear a whoosh and a guy from their group is gone, they hear another whoosh and another guy is gone, then another until there is only one guy left the one that opened Kol's coffin. Rebekah comes out of the shadows wiping blood off her chin wearing a big blue dress, her hair is curled on the top of her head. " So nice to see such a handsome face after a long journey can eat him brother?" Elijah comes out of the shadows wearing a white ruffled shirt and a black jacket with tan pants. " I rather you didn't there's no need to be afraid as long as you do everything I say." Elijah compels the guy " You will remember nothing nothing now we had a very long journey where we lost all of our crew so please transport our belongings to the shore." " What kind of hell demons are you?" Rebekah behind him " We're vampires darling the original vampires Rebekah, Elijah our dear brothers Kol and Finn may they rest in peace." Klaus interrupts " Are we saving the best for last." Rebekah looks back and up where klaus is dressed in a blue coat and a white ruffled shirt "Our half brother Niklaus ignore him he's a beast." klaus laughs and drops the guy he killed down the stairs. " We fled Europe and survived the seven seas would you rather I arrived hungry on the shores of our new home land." "Niklaus as always your manners are without equal." Elijah compels the guy again "Sir please tell us where have we landed." " On the shores of a town they have named New Orleans." " Excellent and you might want further assistance with the luggage my sincerest apologies." Xxx Present " Is there more?" " Yes but it's not just my tale its also Elijah and Rebekah's." Caroline scoffs " Your going to make me wait until they get here." " Yes." Caroline rolls her eyes " Not fair." Klaus laughs and Caroline looks over at him " Why are you laughing?" Klaus tries to stop laughing " It's just sometimes I forget that your an eighteen year old baby vampire." Xxx Mystic falls later that morning: Rebekah tries to sneak in the house because she doesn't want Kol to make fun of her like he did after mothers ball. She goes into the kitchen and sees Elijah sitting at the table reading the paper and next to him is Katerina wearing one of Elijah's dress shirts. " Elijah what is Katerina doing here?" "I was leaving Klaus a note when Elijah caught me and one thing lead to another and we slept together." Rebekah looks disgusted " First Klaus and Caroline and now you and Katerina is there something wrong with the blood in this house?" "I thought you were with Stefan and did you complete your day as human?" "I am and I didn't. I feed April young my blood to heal her." Rebekah looks around seeing that there missing people. " Where is Klaus and Caroline?" Katherine who has been listening starts laughing. " Klaus is with Caroline this is perfect." Both Mikaelsons look at her " What are you talking about Katerina?" " I turned Caroline into a vampire to give her to Klaus so he can use her in his hybrid sacrifice and now he's dating her. He should give me my freedom just because I handed him Caroline on a a silver plater." Rebekah gives Elijah a look saying she's your problem. Elijah turns towards his sister. " The note Katerina left Niklaus said that there's a witch in New Orleans that has information for him. He took Caroline and they left late last night." Rebekah going to the fridge to get some blood. " New Orleans so when are you going and are you taking Kol and this one?" she points to Katherine. " Rebekah in the name of our family if one of us is in danger we help." " I agree, but I want to graduate, Stefan and I were going on a trip this summer." Elijah knows Rebekah wants a human life but he also has Niklaus in New Orleans with witches trying to kill him. "How about this sister Kol and I will go to New Orleans and after your summer of fun you and Stefan if he wants to can join us." Rebekah thinks about it "Deal." Xxx "Katerina would you accompany me to New Orleans I can't promise you won't get death threats but we will be together." " I would love to accompany you and everyday I get death threats." Xxx "So when are we leaving Elijah I am so done with this town." Elijah looks at his younger brother who a couple weeks ago could of been killed. Putting his luggage next to Elijah's. " We will leave after Katerina comes down." "Really we have to bring her?" Elijah glares at his brother "Yes Katerina is coming maybe this fresh start in New Orleans will be good for you nobody knows you there so nobody will try to kill you when we get there." "The only reason nobody knows me there is because the two hundred years we were there I was only alive three times and for short amounts of time." Elijah remembers Kol getting daggered in New Orleans he always held Kol's arms while klaus daggered him. " This time will be different Niklaus has not daggered any of us in a while I think Caroline is his redemption." Kol comes out of the kitchen when Katherine is coming down the stairs wearing a green blouse, black skinny jeans, a black leather jacket with black ankle heel boots."Lets go boys." Xxx Caroline has fallen asleep and is curled up in the passengers seat of Klaus Lincoln Navigator. Klaus looks over and pushes the hair out of Caroline's face and runs a finger down the side of her face. Caroline wakes up a couple minutes later. " How much longer?" "We're almost there." " So what do we do when we get there do you have a plan or are you just going to find this Jane Anne and kill her?" Klaus has spend most of the trip thinking this over on one hand he wants to find Jane Anne and question her but on the other hand he just wants to kill Jane Anne and take Caroline somewhere beautiful like Paris. " We need to find her and ask her what information she has that will shock me to the core after we find out then we can kill her." Caroline knows that being with Klaus she is going to have to be a real vampire and have to kill people she just doesn't know if she can she has in the past but that was different. Klaus glances over at Caroline and puts his hand on hers "What's wrong my love?" " I was just thinking I don't know if I can just kill someone for being them like you do." Klaus pulls over to the side of the road and takes his seat belt off and turns to her and takes her hands in his. "My love I don't expect you to become me that's one of the things I love about you. You are so similar to me but so different there's a light in you. I know you have killed people I buried the bodies, but I'm not going to ask you to kill a random person I will ask you to kill the person if she or he is hurting one of us." " Ok it's all about embracing being a real vampire." Klaus puts one of his hands under her chin and lifts her face so he can see it. " You are a real vampire you just need help to unlock that part of you." Xxx " So sweetheart tell me about when you became a vampire?" Caroline turns to him surprised she doesn't like talking about when she became a vampire. " Why?" " Why not I don't know the story and from what I overheard your mom didn't take the news of you being a vampire well." Caroline playfully shoves his shoulder " Hasn't anyone ever told you it's rude to eavesdrop." " Maybe once but the person who told me got killed shortly after and has anyone ever told you don't shove someone driving a car." Caroline rolls her eyes " Fine I will tell you the story but it a long one and there's much more to it than just me turning." Klaus glances at the hesitant look on Caroline and puts his hand on her leg." Hey it's ok." Caroline takes a big breath. " It all started when Stefan came to town I saw him first and thought he was really cute he told me it's never going to happen a few days later I met Damon." Caroline has never told anyone about what Damon did to her and starts to tear up. Klaus looks over at her and pulls over again and pulls her into a hug. " It's alright I'm here you can tell me." Caroline cries " It's horrible." " You forget who your talking to I do horrible things all the time." Caroline looks into his eyes " I doubt you have done this." Klaus wants to know what Damon did to her to make her act this way." Caroline please tell me." Klaus calms down Caroline and kisses her and continues driving. Caroline takes a sip of blood and a big breath and finally reveals what Damon did to her. " Damon compelled me, he raped me, and drank from me. He came back to get Katherine out of the tomb but he needed Bonnie's necklace. He made me his delivery girl he compelled me to be his girlfriend and at night he would rape me and drink from me. I woke up once with dried blood on my neck, I tried to sneak out of the room and I got to the door when Damon was in front of me, I picked up a lamp and threw it at him he pushed me on the bed and drank from me I was screaming he just put his hand over my mouth. Stefan saved me he put vervain in my drink so that night when Damon tried to kill me again he drank vervain in my blood. Stefan put him in the cells in the boarding house but he called me to get him out and because I was compelled I had to go." Klaus is gripping the stirring wheel so hard he doesn't know why it hasn't broke in two yet he knew there was a reason he never particularly liked Damon. Klaus brings her hand up to his mouth and kisses it. " My love I am so sorry he did that he will pay for what he did to you. Your right I never did anything that horrible." Caroline wipes her tears " When I turned all that he compelled me to forget came back." Xxx " Kol I need a favor." Kol is lounging in the backseat of Elijah's black Mercedes Benz when his phone rings. " What favor." Klaus looks over at the broken Caroline "Are you still in Mystic Falls." " Nope just left why?" " Is Bekah in Mystic Falls?" " Yeah will you tell me what's going on? " "I want Damon Salvatore." " I will text bekah one problem you, Elijah and myself are all on our way to New Orleans and Bekah is consumed in her relationship with Stefan and graduating. How are you going to get Damon?" Caroline is curled in a ball her back towards him he can hear her sniffling." Caroline is going back for graduation and that is when I will see him and he will beg for death." Xxx Klaus puts his hand on Caroline's hip. " Continue your story." Caroline turns towards him. "There was this device that Bonnie was supposed to deactivate but she didn't. When It turned on if you were supernatural you would hear it and fall. I was in a car with Tyler and Matt, Tyler heard this noise and crashed the car, while Matt was checking on Tyler I passed out and woke up in the hospital, in an effort to save me Elena convinced Damon to give me some blood he did. Later that night Katherine came into my room and suffocated me with a pillow. I woke up alone I didn't know what was going on and I was so hungry. The nurses told me it was the middle of the night go back to bed, I felt this strong urge to go into this other room and as I was looking at this bag of blood when the nurse found me and told me to go back to my room. When I got back to my room I pulled a blood bag from my pocket it felt like something was calling me to it. I drank the blood and it tasted horrible, I threw it on floor and there was an urge I couldn't control I finished the bag. After the bag was empty I felt a lot of pain in my gums I went over to the mirror and watched as my fangs came out for the first time I didn't know what was happening to me. The next morning I realized I couldn't go in the sun I burned my hand, I was putting my jewelry back on and when I put on a necklace that Elena gave me it burned me, a nurse heard me yell and came in to see if I was ok I bit her. That evening I compelled her to let me out of the hospital and I drank from her again. I went to the school carnival and I confronted Damon and I killed someone, then Damon tried to kill me again. Stefan saved me, Bonnie found out I was a vampire and wanted nothing to do with me. Stefan told me he would help me. Days later Stefan finally convinced Bonnie to make me a daylight ring she did but she told me if I kill someone she will kill me. When my mom found out I was trying to save the Salvatore's my mom wanted nothing to do with me. I was kidnapped by werewolves and tortured because they wanted the moonstone and Tyler had it. When he came he didn't help me out of the cage they had me in the Salvatore's saved me. When my dad found out he tortured me saying he was trying to get the monster out of me, He took off my ring and let the sun burn me and vervained me my mom and Tyler found me. Then Tyler bit me and you saved me and have been saving me since." Klaus can't believe she has been through all of this. " My love I promise I will make Damon and Katerina pay for hurting you and no one will hurt you ever again." Caroline leans over and kisses his cheek. " Thank you." Xxx "I can't believe we're finally here." Klaus looks over at Caroline and can see she happy. He pulls up to a big white colonial house with columns and black shutters he gets out and opens Caroline's door and gives her a hug. " Welcome to New Orleans my love and i am sorry you were tortured." " It wasn't your fault I was tortured my dad hated vampires and those werewolves just wanted the moonstone." Klaus takes Caroline inside and Caroline is amazed right when you walk in there's a Chandler hanging from the ceiling and everything is so grand. " Did Rebekah design this place?" Klaus has his arms around her " Actually sweetheart this was the governors mansion we lived in another house but when we went passed it I saw that someone else was living there so we will have to add that to the list of things we have to do." Caroline nods and goes into planning mode. " First you need to sleep you have been driving all night, while you sleep I will shower and change, then we can go look for Jane Anne and find out who is living in your house." " I'm fine I don't need sleep." " You might be a thousand years old and a hybrid but your still a person and people need sleep." "How about I sleep for two hours." "While you sleep I will get the bags and organize and put things away and look around the house." " Why don't you let me show you the house later. There's a lot of history here I can explain first hand." Caroline shrugs " Fine but get your hybrid butt upstairs to bed." Klaus halfway up the stairs turns around " Thought you liked my hybrid butt." Xxx Katherine and Kol are bored " Elijah when are we going to be there?" " Nine more hours." Elijah's driving, Katherine is in the passengers seat, and Kol is lounged in the back seat. Elijah looks in the rear view mirror at Kol. " What did Niklaus want?" " Damon Salvatore." Elijah is confused, Katherine's not even paying attention she's reading a magazine they got from a gas station. " Why does Niklaus want Damon Salvatore?" " I don't know he didn't tell me all he asked was if we were still in Mystic Falls is Bekah with us and when he comes back to Mystic Falls for Caroline's graduation Damon is a dead man." Elijah knows his brother and knows that he can kill without reason but there must be a reason to want Damon dead and when they get to New Orleans he will ask Niklaus. He looks over at Katherine who is haphazardly flipping through the magazine. "Katerina why don't you sleep it will make the ride shorter." Katherine looks over at him with a dumbfounded expression." I am not falling a sleep in a car with two originals I love you Elijah but that is so not happening." Kol in the backseat laughs. Elijah just continues to drive.
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