Hiccstrid Drabble | A Difficult Interview
“Mr. Haddock - if you please, there are a few questions I-”
Hiccup Haddock, heir to ‘Vast Inc.’ and celebrity amputee, whirled around to glare at the reporter, his stunning green eyes flashing dangerously.
“I don’t care,” he grit out, “I’m in no mood for an impromptu interview.”
“Sir, this is by no means impromptu; I scheduled this meeting with your agent two weeks ago-”
Haddock sighed, cutting off the fierce blonde reporter yet again. “For the last time, I have zero interest in sharing my story with anyone, and WestWings should know this, considering I’ve turned down their offers hundreds of times.”
She straightened, adjusting her notepad and tucking her pen back behind her ear, her thick braid holding it in place. “With all due respect, Mr. Haddock, the four different reporters they sent were unable to retrieve your intriguing story, but they sent me now. And I have a . . . highly successful record in being able to extract difficult information.”
He scoffed. “I’m sure you do, looking like that,” he commented snidely. Her carefully polite expression shifted into one of furious outrage.
“Excuse you,” she hissed. “Would you care to elaborate on that?” Her voice was dangerously low. He was completely unaware, rolling his eyes and continuing in a patronizing voice.
“Not at all, you only have that awful scary look on your face that strongly suggests death if I don’t spill all my secrets to you so you can broadcast my personal struggles to the rest of the world,” he snarked.
She drew back, surprised. “Oh.” She had been expecting a different explanation. So many people she interviewed thought the only way a beautiful professional woman was successful was by sleeping her way up to the top.
He blinked, noticing her expression for the first time. His eyes widened. “Oh. Oh. Oh no, I - I’m so - I didn’t mean to imply that you . . . uh, no. Sorry. I’m not hitting on you or anything. I mean, you’re plenty pretty but I’m sure that’s not - I don’t - ugh.” His throat bobbed in apology and for the first time, she supposed she could understand some of the tabloids gushing about his good looks. He wasn’t wearing a full suit, only a crumpled white button up shirt with no tie and untucked out of his trousers. His green eyes were definitely pretty, she decided, especially when coupled with those high cheekbones.
“You know, I think I’m going to take that as a compliment,” she said easily, smoothing over the awkwardness. “Now, if you’d be so kind as to answer a few questions-”
“Fine. One.” she bit her lip against the annoyance that bubbled at his incessant interruptions. “As an apology,” he continued.
“I don’t need a pity answer,” she tried not to snap. She exhaled sharply. “Anyway, Mr. Haddock, where would you like to start?”
“Let’s start with losing the ‘Mr. Haddock’ crap. Makes me feel like my dad. You can call me Hiccup.” Interesting insight into his relationship with his father; more to unpack there. “And how about somewhere not in the open lobby?”
“Very well, Hiccup,” she said, trying out the name. “You can call me Astrid. But I’m not leaving here until you answer that one question you promised me before you can escape behind made up excuses and appointments.” He smiled wryly.
“Caught on, didn't you?” he huffed. She smiled at him.
“I did. Which is why I believe I’m the best person to pass your story to the rest of the world. Whether you like it or not, things will make themselves known, and you can either have people put together a distorted version of everything, or share an accurate, clear account of what happened. We can work together, Hiccup,” she persuaded him, leaning forward, letting that passionate side of her weave into her voice; it was her true secret of how she could obtain any information, infusing her subject with ardor until they were sharing everything, too caught up in the eager flow of their own words and emotions. She saw the effect on him, how he stood a little taller, the spark in his own eyes.
“You’re really good with your words, Ms. Hofferson,” he chuckled. “But you’re right, and I do believe I can trust you enough with my story to not tarnish it with overly dramatic details.” Astrid shrugged an elegant shoulder, pleased she’d broken through his unreceptive exterior.
“I can understand if you’re uncomfortable imparting your story in what seems like an unfeeling and formal environment. Would it be better for us to arrange to meet in a more casual setting? Perhaps a coffee shop?” She was willing to make accommodations if it led to the result she wanted.
Hiccup’s eyes flicked up to meet hers uncertainly. “Professionally,” she clarified. He nodded, ducking his head slightly so she couldn’t quite catch the expression in his eyes. Was he . . . disappointed? Astrid was certainly not averse to getting to know him more . . . privately, after she completed her article about him and solidified her career.
“That sounds good,” he agreed. “Now, as for that one question . . .”
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httyd-art-requests · 7 months
Happy Leap Day everyone! And...
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Happy Birthday Hiccup!
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jackshiccup · 9 months
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wickedcriminal · 7 months
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February 29th: the day which an idiot named Hiccup and his friends raid a public library for a special book, on his birthday no less! Which Hiccup was he again?
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nextstopparis · 11 months
you know how in httyd after hiccup gets really good in dragon training and stoick comes back from his failed nest hunt and everyones congratulated him like “we’re all gonna throw a party” and “no ones gonna miss that old nuisance” and the most probable reason for Those Reactions to him was that HIS KID DIED. like what the FUCK was that LOL.
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heliads · 2 months
May I have 💌 for hiccup ? ❤️
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Hiccup’s stuck in his own head again. It’s not exactly an uncommon occurrence, but this time, he’s not thinking about his dragon or his village, but a girl. He’s known Y/N L/N all his life, but Hiccup is finally realizing that he is extraordinarily lucky to know her.
It’s long after nightfall in Berk, and Hiccup is sitting at one of the outdoor cooking fires, watching the sparks and smoke wind up to the stars above. Every now and then, the constellations are blotted out by the dark shape of a dragon flying by far up in the clouds, but for the most part, the skies are clear. At the beginning of the night, many of Hiccup’s friends had joined him around the fire, all talking and laughing together, but they’ve slowly filed away, dispersing to homes and roads past his line of vision.
Now, only Hiccup and Y/N are left. They were squeezed together when there were more bodies around the fire, but even after everyone disappeared, they’ve remained side by side, close enough to touch. Close enough to make Hiccup think of nothing else but being able to touch her.
Y/N’s head is tilted up, staring at the sky. “The stars are beautiful tonight, aren’t they?” 
“Yeah, they are,” Hiccup says, and it’s true. He can see them reflected in her eyes, along with the warm glow from the fire that paints brushstrokes of gold over her cheeks. He’s known her since they were small, but Hiccup swears he only started learning how to look at her just recently.
Y/N glances back at him, catching him in the act of staring, but she doesn’t tease him for it. Instead, she tilts her head to the side, curious. “What’s going on in that mind of yours?”
Hiccup is at a loss for words for a while. Eventually, once he remembers how to talk when she’s looking at him, only a breath away, he chokes out, “You.”
It isn’t what he was supposed to say. Hiccup was meant to deliver some witty joke about the weather or the dragons, a usual bit of his stupid sarcasm. The truth, however, has a way of getting in the way of things.
As it turns out, the truth is exactly what Y/N wants to hear. Her face splits in a delighted smile. “Yeah? What about me?”
“Just– I’m glad to know you, that’s all. I never thought I’d find someone so like me in Berk of all places.” Hiccup stumbles over his words, but from the way Y/N is beaming at him, he might have delivered a masterpiece of a speech.
“For what it’s worth,” Y/N says, leaning closer still to him, “I’m awfully glad to have you too, Hiccup.”
He’s close enough to think her eyes are brighter than the stars above. Close enough to make a wish on the dark spread of eyelashes blinking at him, and he does:  He wants this, forever. 
requested by @hope92100, i hope you enjoy!
disney tag list: @blondsauduun, @lovesanimals0000, @mayfieldss, @eclliipsed, @faerieroyal, @goldfish4403
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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000marie198 · 1 year
Friendship restored
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1000dactyls · 2 months
i want to consume your art into my very soul by the way. it’s amazing and you draw them so well!!!
also yeah i love seeing your headcannons and ideas about trans astrid because i feel like we don’t get that a lot in the fandom. it’s very interesting to see how you perceive astrid’s growth as a character from building herself into the most fearsome warrior of her generation and that all being torn down, and how she finally has her girlhood but doesn’t know what to do with it
anyway ty for reading this rambly ask!!
hello i am so sorry for having this sit in my inbox for so long!!!! I really wanted to think of a good response to this ;___; it means a lot that you enjoy my art and how i draw them. I’m still working on aligning the dragon riders’ younger teen selves to how they appear in httyd2, i think, but hopefully drawing more of them will mean that their shape language also begins to come naturally to me…. I HOPE……….
i think trans astrid having 3 fics on ao3 is hugely a shame and the lack of it in the fandom makes me so sad. not that i think a lot of astrid characterizations are the best, anyways… astrid is one of those characters that i think is hard to nail down, in part because canon itself doesn’t really know what to do with her — is she the girl that the hero gets? is she the heart of the team? is she a girlboss? is she a damsel? the series kind of loses itself here trying to answer these questions. but i think the most compelling and consistent narrative about astrid is her coming of age: how she navigates being a member of a community shaped overwhelmingly by loss now faced with sudden abundance
and i think trans astrid in specific is one of the most fun lens you could explore that arc through, in part because you get to explore the httyd-verse with questions like “how are queer people who are not the child of the chief of berk treated” (not that berk, in my head, cares all that much for what bits you’re born with). but if astrid’s most consistent piece of core characterization is her finding her way to adulthood when she hasn’t quite fleshed out what childhood means to her, then giving another layer to her finding out what exactly “girlhood” means in all senses of the word can only be a fruitful experience.
at least, that’s the way i view it! especially since astrid is so much the it girl on berk — except berk’s it girl can’t cook and puts on smudgy dark eye makeup and wears skirts that seem impossible to sit in and reaches up to touch the clouds that always seemed impossible to reach. so in some ways, astrid’s figured out bits and pieces of what girlhood means to her. now she just has to figure out the rest of it
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poibynt · 11 months
The GNCness of hiccup horrendous haddock the III can be so personal actually. Yeah that preteen is a mother what of it.
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saturnniidae · 3 months
Hiccup and Toothless are the same age but I feel like Toothless is older by a few months
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p-artsypants · 10 months
Blurb #2
I'm going to try to share 70 blurbs from my WIPs and unfinished fics to celebrate reaching 70 posted fics! To help with this endeavor, please feel free to send me a word or a fandom you know I write for, and I'll share the blurb. IDK if I'll get 70 prompts, but let's try it! Send as many as you want!
The male doctor was speaking, in a foreign language he had never heard before. “I’m going to increase the dose by one step, but anything more will put him to sleep.” The woman nodded, then turned her attention back to Hiccup. “I know it a lot to take in. And no one expecting you to accept it right away. But for your own safety, please try to relax.” Hiccup swallowed, his throat dry. Relax? Relax?! This woman was insane if she thought he would just relax. In fact, this whole thing was insane! Frozen for a thousand years? He should be dead! That’s it. He was dead. He had to be. This was some weird thing happening in the afterlife…right? He already lost his dad. Now Astrid, Gobber, and the others? His mom, who he just got back? And…Toothless. Tears leaked from his eyes as panic ran through him like an angry bull. His Toothless, his best friend, he couldn’t lose him. He just couldn’t. “John, I think it’s best if we put him under.” The woman said. “Tooothless…” Hiccup whispered. “Did you say something, dear?” “Where’s Toothless?” The woman seemed perplexed by this, like she didn’t know what he was trying to say. “My dragon. Where’s my dragon?!” His voice cracked. He fisted his hands and pulled against the restraints. “Shh,” the woman soothed. “The black dragon you were frozen with?” His eyes widened. “Yes! Is he alive?! Is he okay?!” “I’m going to keep telling you to relax. Your body can’t take much strain.” She reprimanded. This woman was frustrating, but she had his answers, so he’d cooperate. He unfurled his clenched fists and exhaled. “Good.” She praised. “The dragon is alive. He’s at a different wing in the facility. He has not awakened yet. But his vitals look good.” The other doctor, John, looked confused and a little impatient. “What’s going on?” “Seems like the dragon is this Viking’s pet. A different theory than we had.” “Seems so. But that works to our advantage. He’ll be able to keep it calm and maybe even agreeable.” As the man, John, spoke, he kept a close watch on Hiccup and the heart monitor. “I haven’t the slightest idea of the behavior of Dragons.” “Well, considering up to three months ago, they were a myth, I think you’re fine not knowing.” Hiccup glanced between the doctors as they talked. If this ‘New York’ was far away from where Berk was, chances are, most people spoke this language. And a thousand years? Who knew what Norse sounded like now? “Alright dear,” the woman, Helena, said. “I don’t want you to strain your voice, but can you tell us your name?” That was easy. “Hiccup.” The woman smiled, “Hiccup?” “Yes.” She turned to the man, amusement in her eyes. “His name is Hiccup.” “That’s so mean.” “No I mean it! That’s what the word translates to!”
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hiccupbutpurple · 1 year
My Vigcup playlist is at 11 hours and 3 minutes…..i wonder how long till it’s 24 hours
And it’s just the songs I wholeheartedly associate with Vigcup, not just the way that every song can relate to every ship if you imagine hard enough - there’s a bit of that but still lol
Edit: screenshots in a reblog if anyone’s interested lol
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westwindy1 · 7 months
I'm JUST getting all the Hiccup birthday posts on my feed... A day late. Happy belated birthday to the dummy
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valengory1234 · 1 year
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Happy Caturday from my baby dragon Hiccup!
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evilwriter37 · 2 years
Winter Whumperland 2022
Prompts: Forced Celebration | Public Whump | Comfort: Getting a Letter in the Mail
Rated: mature
Warnings: rape/noncon elements, implied/referenced rape/noncon, noncon kissing, noncon touching, broken bones, kidnapping, captivity, ableism
Pairings: Viggo/Hiccup
Word Count: 4,181
Summary: Hiccup is Viggo’s “special guest.” Viggo is throwing a Christmas party and forcing Hiccup to attend. Will Hiccup be able to follow all his rules?
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A Strange Celebration
Winter Whumperland 2022 Day 3!
Summary: Written for Whumperland 2022 Day 3. Set after THW, the dragons never left. The bigger Hiccup’s foes get, the more people who know of him and his dragons. Many people are happy to see Drago and his goons gone, while others are worried something just as bad is merely on the horizon. And they deal with him.
Warning: Implied torture
Rating: Mature
Characters: Hiccup, Astrid, Valka, Gobber, Toothless, Snotlout, Spitelout
Pairing: Hiccstrid
Words: 3272
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: Forced Celebration, Public Whump, Comfort: Getting a letter in the mail
Whumpee: Hiccup, Astrid, Valka
Author’s Notes: Enjoy!
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