portraitsofsaints · 10 months
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Saint Leonard of Port Maurice
Feast Day: November 26
Patronage: parish missions, missionaries, preachers, Imperia, Italy
Saint Leonard of Port Maurice was a Franciscan friar of the Strict Observance who lived at the monastery of St. Bonaventure in Rome. He preached on devotions to the Blessed Sacrament, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Conception of Mary and the Stations of the Cross, even building almost 600 stations in Italy, including one in the Colosseum. He was ordained in 1703 and became a sought after preacher of parish missions and retreats. The strain of his missionary labors and his mortifications had completely exhausted him when he died in 1751 at his Friary.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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eric-sadahire · 9 months
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You finally confess your attraction to the hot priest and he's like "oh darling, I thought you'd never ask" and proceeds to bite you on the neck and turn you into another Catholic Priest.
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wcatradio · 1 month
In this episode of The Catholic Bookworm, Kiki Latimer interviews Fr. Julius Leloczky, O. Cist. on his book All is Grace: My Life. Son of a baker, Julius Lelóczky was supposed to continue the family business, the French style patisserie. He instead felt he was called to be a monk and priest, during a time when in communist Hungary all religious orders had been suppressed. By God’s grace, he was able to join the Cistercian Order which continued to operate underground. After living as an underground monk for three years until the 1956 Hungarian Revolution against the mighty Soviet Union, since at that time the western border was open, he (with other young Cistercians) was sent to Rome to study, then to Texas at the Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian Abbey, founded by refugee Hungarian monks during the 1950s. Fr. Julius has been living at this monastery and teaching at the Abbey’s prep school for nearly fifty years. Read about the exciting and perilous young life of this Hungarian American priest and the interesting transformation of a refugee ethnic religious community into a flourishing American monastery. https://enroutebooksandmedia.com/allisgrace/
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frnwhcom · 8 months
The tale of Father Juan Severino Mallari is a haunting and enigmatic one that defies easy explanation. It serves as a chilling reminder of the complexities of human nature and the capacity for darkness even within those who are expected to embody virtue and moral guidance. Father Mallari’s transformation from a Catholic priest into a…
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Bishop Albert from Holy Family South Pasadena.
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sutrala · 2 years
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Reposted from @endtimeheadline Two nuns have come forward and have accused a priest of manipulating them to have sex with him, saying they would replicate the three-way relationship between God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. #nuns #priest #pope #catholicpriest #catholics #catholicsm #fallingaway #daysoflot #endtimes #church 🚩 Check out the entire story by clicking the link above found in the “Latest News” section#entertainment #news #lifestyle ©Copyright ÄRÇ ÄÑGΣL ÇRØWΣ® | Sutra LA® | Planet Chrisley® | All Rights Reserved. https://www.instagram.com/p/CmgHxyVOmag/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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undercovercannibal · 11 months
The one decision I simply cannot make (do I want to be the one being corrupted? Or the one doing the corrupting?)
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Day 30 — Double Penetration
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Pairing || Beefy!CatholicPriest!Bucky x Inexperienced!Innocent!Virgin!Female!Reader
Word Count || Around 4400
Contents & Warnings || Smut, Dark/Taboo Themes — NSFW, 18+ Only, Minors DNI, non-con, explicit content/language, pet names, religious themes, blasphemy of religion, sacrilegious acts, biblical references, sexual content involving a catholic priest, strict/religious parents, age-gap (Reader is early 20s, Bucky is early/mid 30s), Father kink, priest kink, size kink, corruption kink, authority kink, inappropriate/forceful touches, begging, double penetration (in two holes), vaginal fingering, vaginal penetration with sex toy, anal play, anal fingering, anal sex, intense orgasm, squirting, no loss of virginity, mention of bodily fluids.
Disclaimer || English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
Kinktober Masterlist
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Every Sunday after mass, you would happily accompany Father James in tidying up the church.
It had become a routine—a secret ritual almost for you and him to clean and organise, which would inevitably lead to him creeping up behind you, disturbing whatever you were doing, so that he could continue his corruption on your body and soul which he had done so for the past few weeks now.
But this time, it was different. This time, as soon as the town had said their blessings and goodbyes to Father James, he was right on you with his wicked plans and corruption—tidying not on his agenda for today.
“Come,” he held out his colossal hand for you to take, but all you did was stare at it in confusion with big soft eyes. His face held no emotions—not the wicked kind nor the sweet kind which he indeed possessed as well at rare times, making it hard for you to read him on what his intentions were.
“Um, a-aren’t we going to clean a-and tidy up, Father?” You mumbled.
He shook his head no while a hint of a smirk twitched on his lips—revealing that his purpose for you may be unholy and ungodly after all.
“Not yet. Now come with me.” He further extended his hand to you, insisting that you take it and let him lead the way.
You hesitated only for a second or two more before you lay your smaller shaking hand in his larger grip—not wanting to disappoint Father James in any way if you didn't do as he willed. His tender hold on contrasted with how he usually handled you—determined and forceful.
You weren't able to revel in the sweet touch for too long before he pulled you with him—through the nave, up the altar, into the sacristy and up the stairs that led to the second level of the holy church, which you had never been to. He stopped in front of a door and let go of your hand before he pulled out a key from his front pocket.
You stood a few steps behind him, fidgeting with your fingers and looking down at your shoes as he unlocked the door. The heavy wooden door creaked as it opened, and you peeked up to see what was held behind. It looked to be a room—his room, his sleeping quarter.
Why had he brought you here?
“Please, come inside,” he smiled warmly at you as he presented his arm into the room, gesturing for you to enter.
You dragged your feet across the creaking floor while still looking down, shy and not daring to look up at him as you entered the room and came to a halt in the middle of it. He closed the door behind himself, and you turned your head slightly to glance at him, still with the same warm smile on his handsome face.
“It's ok. You can look around if you'd like. I'm just going to grab something.”
Your eyes scanned around to take in his personal space. It looked pretty generic and boring—not much going on in the small room except for a desk, a wardrobe and a bookshelf. What did catch your eyes almost immediately was the bed in the corner, and you were intrigued to investigate closer. Your legs carried you effortlessly to it, and you stood at the foot of the bed as you examined the space further.
A bible lay on the side table, along with some personal books and his rosary beads. Jesus on the cross hung on the wall; looking down at what you found the most interesting—his bed. The white linen was ruffled, and the pillow still had an indent from his head lying upon it. The faint aroma that exuded was that only of Father James—a musky scent of heaven or perhaps even hell. Your mind started to wander to scenarios other than him sleeping in the bed—reading, praying, touching himself.
You hitched an inhale as you thought about it—him lying naked on the soft sheets, writhing in pleasure as he touched and pumped his thickness—heavy moans and groans bouncing across the walls as he neared his end. You wondered if you and he ever pleasured simultaneously late at night, reaching that heavenly state together.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of creaking wood slowly approaching. A growing sinful manifestation lurked behind you as Father James neared where you stood. Not even looking at him, you could tell that that sweet and warm smile he displayed when you entered his room was long gone, replaced with his signature wicked smirk that meant corruption and authority.
His broad torso ever so lightly grazed your back—a significant contrast to the way his hand grabbed your clothed hip in a harsh grip, making an inaudible gasp slip from you. His lips ghosted your earlobe, and his warm breath made your skin tingle in fear and excitement.
“You still won't let me corrupt your innocence, huh, sweet thing?”
He's been on you for weeks, practically ever since you and he started your sexual adventure together, about your virginity—wanting to take and destroy it, but you still couldn't find the nerve to go through with it, even though your primal urges begged and yearned for it. It was just too deeply ingrained in you that sex before marriage was a great sin and, definitely, a one-way ticket to hell in doing it with a man of God.
“I-I can't, Father, I-I just can't. I'm sorry….” you mumbled in shame—ashamed once again that you couldn't give him the satisfaction of taking your virginity which he so desperately desired.
“It's ok,” he murmured before kissing behind your ear. “There are still lots of ways for me to have your body and holes while still keeping your purity,” he growled against your neck as he skimmed his lips on your sensitive skin, making your whole body shudder. He pulled you flush against his broad torso while his hand that held your hip crept downwards to grope your covered core, making you sob at the cruelty of his grip.
“Will you let me do as I want, sweet thing?”
He chuckled at your struggle to find words to speak your mind. “I'm going to do whatever I want either way. Whether you want me to or not,” he spoke, and before you knew it, you were tossed down frontal onto the soft mattress by Father James' forceful hand, making you gasp at the unexpected action.
He pressed his heavy weight on you as he pinned you further down—trapping you so there was no chance for you to escape his wicked grasp.
“W-what are you doing, Father?” You sobbed in fear as this was quite a new scenario he'd ever put you in, and there was no telling what he could do to you in this power stance.
He kissed your cheek lovingly, but the words he uttered against your heated skin were nothing but evil and impure. “I may not be able to take your virginity, but my God, sweet little thing, am I going to defile your precious soul in another way. I'm going to fill both your pure and innocent holes up until I have you a pretty and whiny mess for me on my bed. I’ll have you riveted in such extraordinary pleasure that I'll make you see God, trust me.”
You've never heard him utter such filthy words before. Frankly, you didn't even quite know what he meant by some of them, but with the way you felt your panties dampen with arousal and excitement, had you know that your body had a strong desire for this, despite your mind not being entirely on board with the idea.
“B-both h-holes?”
“Yes,” he growled through gritted teeth as he started to hump his covered front against your backside, his hardness rubbing against you, making you softly moan in need. “But don't worry, my sweet little thing, I won't stick my cock in your tiny little innocent cunt. But I will stuff your pussy with this.” He held something that resembled a penis in front of your face. Not as big as Father James, but it definitely wasn't small either.
“W-what is that?” It scared you. The thought of him inserting something so life-like into you had you fear about your virginity and whether it would be broken or not.
“It's a special little toy I bought for you, sweet one. You can even take it home with you after and play with it as much as you want, but I'm the one that's going to fuck you with it first.”
“B-but will I still be a virgin after, Father?”
“Don't worry, my little angel.” He kissed the corner of your mouth tenderly and sweetly while he uttered some reassuring words. “I swear this won't corrupt you in that way.”
You tried to open your mouth to say something more—beg him to stop or encourage him to go on with his vile plan, but all you did was stay silent as you felt paralysed due to his assertive promises on your frail body.
He got up from his position on top of you and raised your hips in the air while he found his place behind. You felt very unsteady in this bent form—face pressed into the mattress and your backside up in the air. It was new and uncomfortable, thighs shaking slightly, but after a couple of seconds, you managed to ground yourself.
He lifted your dress to reveal your panties damp with your arousal, making him chuckle at you being a needy little angel for him. “I knew you'd be wet, sweet thing. Such a dirty little girl you are for wanting a man of God to perform such vile acts on your innocent body.” He hooked his fingers in the hem. Your panties clinging to your sticky folds as he peeled them off and let them fall down to your rested knees.
“Thank the Lord,” he mumbled as he inspected you, his hands caressing your hips very delicately, leaving a trail of goosebumps on your skin. You closed your eyes in shyness and shame and nibbled on your bottom lip at being so exposed to him in such a lewd state. All the passages in the bible about whoring perfectly embodied you at the moment.
“Where do I even start with you?” You felt his warm breath on your left cheek, followed by a series of sloppy kisses on your skin. “I want to eat all of you, sweet thing.” His words tingled against your holes as he ghosted his lips on them, making your breath hitch in your throat and your walls flutter around nothing. Father James had never had his mouth on you like that, and you wanted him to devour you and show you a whole new sensation that his fingers could never emulate.
He licked a broad stripe through your mess, making you gasp in delight at his delicious tongue on your most sensitive part. “So good and tempting,” he murmured before laying a kiss on your needy nub, “but I think I want to leave that for another time. I just want to get right on and destroy your little angel holes.”
A bottle opened up, and a globby slickness of some sort fell on your puckered entrance before it slowly trickled down and coated your folds as well. It was not saliva but something unfamiliar.
“W-what is that, Father?” “Just something that will make it less painful, sweet angel.” “P-painful?” “Don't worry, sweet one. I'll be ever so gentle with you, I promise. You're in the safe hands of God.”
This felt more like the Devil's.
He circled the pad of his thumb on your puckered hole, making you gasp and jerk your hips forward due to the alien and slightly uncomfortable sensation. “It's ok, sweet thing. Relax for me” His other hand caressed your hip to soothe and comfort you as he continued his stimulation. You took a few deep breaths and tried to loosen the stiff muscles in your body.
Slowly, he pushed through the tight barrier, making you clutch the sheets in your grasp at the knee-buckling and slightly painful sensation. “I-it hurts,” you sobbed into the mattress once the tip of him was inside your heat. It was too much, and you feared how it would be to have his thick length split your flesh in half.
“Shhh, it's ok. It will feel better soon. You're doing such a good job,” he praised as he began a slow, steady rhythm of thrusting the tip of his thumb in your tight warmth. It began to be less painful and more pleasurable the more you got used to the new stimulation, making you sigh in relief.
With his other hand, he ran his fingers through your sticky and messy folds before he circled your aching little pearl, making you mewl at the all-so-familiar sensation that ascended you into pleasure, and with them two combined, it was like reaching a new state of euphoria. “T-that feels so good, Father,” you moaned as your eyes fluttered and your skin shivered in delicious tingles all over.
“It gets better, sweet one,” he uttered as he teased your quivering opening before inserting a finger deep into your drenched walls while simultaneously pushing his thumb further into your heat, reaching knuckle deep, making you cry aloud while your knees trembled. Both your holes clenched around him so tightly, but with the help of Father James' once more reassuring words, you managed to relax and revel in the complete fullness. “That's it, my sweet little angel. Relax and take it all in.”
At the same time, he pulled out his digits from your tight holes, teasing your openings in circles before slowly pushing in again, making you hiss at the burning sensation, eyes rolling back and toes curling as they sheathed themselves entirely in you.
Father James begins pumping his two digits in and out of your tight and warm holes, curling them against your inner walls. The tips of his fingers meet each other with each deep thrust, making your eyes see stars at the earth-shocking sensation it brings. The delicious stimulation had that buzzing passion in the pit of your stomach rapidly build up with each pleasurable push into your insides.
As you were on the brink of a heavenly release of bliss, all stimulation on you ceased to a halt, making you whine in protest at his Godly fingers stopping his Unholy corruption on your innocent holes.
Father James chuckled at the state he's made of you with only his digits—already a pretty little mess for him, as he told you would be. “I've barely started, sweet thing,” he sneered as you heard him take off his pants behind you. You tried to lift your head to see him spring to life, but you were too weak to bring yourself up.
Your tight little flower gushed in need to be stuffed and filled once more, while your throbbing and dilated heat ached just the same to feel fullness again.
“P-please, Father, I-I want you to fill me.” You weren't used to begging in such a dirty manner, and once the words left your mouth, you became so flustered with shyness and awkwardness that you buried your face into the mattress in shame.
“My, my,” he growled deeply like he was possessed by Satan himself. He leaned over you and lifted your face off the mattress by your neck, and turned your head so you could stare directly into his dark eyes with your hooded and weak ones. “Not such a sweet little angel anymore, are you? Such a dirty little demon I've made of you, little girl,” he chuckled before letting go and returning to his assertive and towering stance over your frail and helpless body.
He grabbed both of your cheeks in a forceful grip and spread them, making him growl as both of your throbbing holes opened more up for him. “Such tight little holes begging to be stuffed and abused, sweet little thing.” You hummed your approval at his dirty statement, wanting nothing more at the moment than to have your holes split in half and destroyed.
That same bottle as before opened up, and you heard him smear his length with the same slickness as he had done you. His thick and heavy size rested against your cheek, so close to your aching heat, his pre-cum leaking all over your skin.
He grabbed the toy he presented to you before and gently tapped it against your little pearl, making you lean more into its delicious touch. He ran the length of it against your slick folds before teasing your opening with its bulbous head, preparing to penetrate your gushing flower.
Slowly, inch by inch, he buried the toy into your walls. You've never had anything so significant inserted into you before, only being used to a finger or two. The stretch was burning and uncomfortable, making you emit a cry in pain as your eyes brimmed with tears. “Shhh, it's ok, sweet thing,” he comforted along with a soft touch on your skin with his free hand.
Once the toy was sheathed into you to the hilt, nudging your sweet spot, you exhaled a content sigh, slowly getting accustomed to the delightful fullness. He slowly started thrusting the toy in and out of you—easy and short strokes to begin with, getting your walls familiarised with the stretch before he could fully pump the toy in and out of you in long and deep movements. Your soft purring had Father James twitch against you as more of his slick moisture leaked on your skin.
You had gotten so accustomed to the toy in your velvet walls, driving itself in and out of you in riveting movements, that once his swollen tip gently rubbed around your puckered hole, you gasped in surprise. Father James prodded your entrance, preparing to add more stimulation to your already overwhelmed and sensitive body. So he slowly, and so very delicately and safely, pushed through the tight barrier, making a cry rip your throat and grip the sheets harshly at the invasive and dirty stretch.
His soft lulling, and comforting caress on your smooth hip made you ease down to the best of your abilities and open yourself up for him to take you as he wanted.
“God, so tight, my sweet little thing.” Once his swelling head was nestled in your heat, a thick and heavy lust-filled grunt rumbled in his throat, and it went straight to your tingling nub that begged to be played with and stimulated—jealous of all your holes getting the attention.
It was like he intruded your mind because his hand, which was once on your hip to soothe and comfort, went underneath you to caress and massage your deprived nerve—easing some of the discomforts.
He pushed through a little bit more, about halfway, before slowly pulling back till only his tip rested inside your warmth. Each time he delicately thrusts into you, he gets a little bit further, a little bit deeper.
The toy inside of you kept a steady and delicious pace, all while his girth kept accommodating to your tight heat, and before you knew it, he was finally buried to the hilt inside you, making you feel every single inch of him. “God, sweet thing. Your tight little ass feels so good wrapped around my cock,” he groaned in satisfaction at being buried so deep.
You were left so taken aback and overwhelmed at being so filled and stretched in both your holes that the moans of pleasure and pain you emitted didn't even sound like you—the tone laced with filth and sin.
How you were and sounded at the moment was nothing like the innocent little girl your parents raised you to be. This type of corruption from your unholy priest left a significant dirty stain on your innocence, and you feared you would never again be pure and righteous in the eyes of God due to this major violation of your body and soul, despite still keeping your virtue.
He pulled you out of your wandering thought as he peppered soft and wet kisses on your shivering spine. “Good girl,” he praised, making you hum at his rare loving nature surfacing. The action of his kisses were so tender as opposed to the sinful degradation of your holes.
“Do you want to continue?” It was rare of him even to ask since he usually just did as he pleased, and you would always acclimate to what he was doing. You nodded, incapable of forming your words for him to continue his delicious corruption.
With a feral grunt, he pulled out his length and toy simultaneously before thrusting them both inside, making you yelp and fist the sheets tight to brace yourself for the forceful and intense push. The toy inside of you started to pump with ease—deep and whole, while his thrusts in your heat were slow to begin with as it's the most invasive and hurtful, making tears spill from your eyes and stain the sheets.
But once Father James senses that you were starting to relax and enjoy yourself, he picked up the pace, slipping into you with ease, making the bed squeak with each thrust.
The tantalizing rhythm his hips hold as he smacks into your behind was so incredibly lewd and sinful. His girth sheathing into your heat that wrapped so perfectly around him, had him relish in pleasure as he voiced his praises quite lively. “So tight, my sweet thing. God, you're so good. You love having my cock buried so deep in your little ass, don't you? All while fucking your needy little cunt with the toy?”
You had trouble finding your words as the sensation of having both holes used and abused left you a cross-eyed, drooling and blubbering mess. But after trying a few times, all you managed was to give him a weak “yes”, which had him chuckle at the messy state he's made of you as he leisurely continued his pace with both his girth and toy into your quivering holes.
The tip of the toy nudged and stimulated your swollen sweet spot each time it filled you up, and along with Father James and the toy brushing against each other between the thin wall of your insides, it had you see stars as waves of your moans and whines were muffled into the sheets.
And the way his colossal fingers stimulated your engorged and overwhelmed bundle of nerves tied it perfectly together. All three stimuli brought forward a sensation that could only be described as pure paradise.
You don't know how long this sinful violation went on as you all but ascended into a haven of burning pleasure that Father James acted upon your body.
And without warning, your senses were rocked by an intense and violent orgasm that consumed the entirety of you.
Your vision turned bright white like you'd ascended into heaven as the electrifying buzz coursed through each ending of your nerves. You convulsed and cried on the bed as a gush of wetness exploded out of you, making Father James curse and pull out the toy from your quivering walls and furiously rub your throbbing pearl while still continuing his thrusts into you, which made your gushing walls clench around nothing. At the same time, your tight heat squeezed him harshly.
With a guttural and feral groan, he pulled out of your used hole, making your weak knees collapse and hips hit the bed as you lie limp on the soft surface, still twitching from the earth-shattering aftershocks while your chest lifted erratically to catch your breath.
You heard him pump himself to completion as he uttered nothing but filthy words. “So wide and open for me, baby,” he grunted as his holy seed spilt and coated your pulsating and dilated hole. “God, look at that. Your little ass is so hungry for my seed,” he finished himself off entirely with heavy moans.
You were so weak and dissociated as you were still floating somewhere far above due to that soul and body-wracking orgasm. You’d never experienced anything like that before.
It was only when Father James softly caressed your waist and peppered comforting kisses on your spine that you got pulled back into reality, hissing and whining when he touched your tender skin. His twitching girth rested comfortably against your used and abused heat.
“You did so well, sweet one,” he murmured against your skin, making your already sensitive nerves burn intensely. “I'll clean you up, and then we can rest.” You clutched the sheets and shut your eyes tight as he wiped down your holes since they were so oversensitive and raw from the violation he'd done on you.
Once he was done, he pulled your weak and trembling body further up the bed, laying you on top of his broad and firm chest as he held you close. Softly stroking your back and kissing your forehead. You revelled in the gentle care and love as it was something Father James rarely showed.
“F-Father,” you murmured, barely above a whisper into his skin.
“Yes, sweet one?”
“A-am I dirty now?” Those thoughts you had before about your innocence forever being stained and God not seeing you as pure and righteous anymore clouded your mind, making tears spring from your eyes that you may never recover from this great sin, no matter how much you repented or pleaded for forgiveness and blessings.
“Hey,” he softly stroked your tear-stained cheek while you peered up into his crystal eyes that now held nothing but sincerity and tenderness. “I promise, sweet one, that we did nothing wrong. You’re still a virgin and pure and whole in the eyes of God.”
“A-are you sure, Father.” You knew you should never question the authority and words of a priest, but you had to be sure that your virtue and innocence were still intact.
“Sweet one, you are forgiven, and you are whole and perfect. God loves you and forever will.”
“T-thank you, Father,” you breathed a sigh of relief at the blessings and forgiveness. Now, you could rest comfortably against Father James, knowing that you were still loved and treasured by God.
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Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
I don’t do taglists so please follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
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sunshinebuckybarnes · 2 years
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And that's a wrap on November ✨ another month, another rec list. Please make sure you give these gorgeous stories and writers the love they deserve. As always, you are responsible for your own media consumption. This blog along with the majority tagged are 18+ only and contain adult themes.
Happy reading 🌹
Bucky Barnes ✨
Thunderstorms and rainbows by @summerofsnowflakes
Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Mafia!Bucky by @angrythingstarlight
Mafia!Bucky x Reader
A correspondence of obligation by @pellucid-constellations
Prince!Bucky x Princess!Reader (Royal AU)
Fear and degradation by @groupieforbucky
rockstar!bucky barnes x innocent!female reader
Priest!Bucky by @bucky-barnes-diaries
Beefy!CatholicPriest!Bucky x Inexperienced!Innocent!Virgin!Female!Reader
Your filthy heart by @sweeterthanthis
Stepdad!Bucky x 18+F!Reader
Steve Rogers ✨
(She moves with) shameless wonder by @ussgallifrey
Steve Rogers x Female Reader
Waiting for this by @musingsinmoonlight
Alpha Steve Rogers x omega female reader
A good 'bad idea' by @late-to-the-party-81
MeanDom!Steve x Bratty! SHIELD Admin Reader
Lloyd Hansen ✨
Sad girl by @onsunnyside
dark!bodyguard!Lloyd Hansen x reader
Have a taste by @navybrat817
Lloyd Hansen x female reader
Ari Levinson ✨
Biker!Ari by @angrythingstarlight
Biker!Ari x Reader
Room with a view by @biteofcherry
dark!Ari Levinson x female reader
Hold on by @maladaptivexxdaydreaming
boyfriend!Ari Levinson x reader
Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers ✨
Love's eternal kiss by @jobean12-blog
Stucky x reader
Steve Harrington ✨
Waiting for a girl like you by @traitorjoelite
steve harrington x fem!reader
Eddie Munson ✨
Dirty little secret by @jobean12-blog
Eddie Munson x reader
Roll play by @jobean12-blog
Eddie Munson x reader
Take it slow by @munsonquinns
Eddie Munson x fem reader
Andy Barber ✨
Keep the change by @navybrat817
Sugar daddy!Andy barber x female reader
Silence in the library by @angrythingstarlight
Dark!Professor Andy Barber x reader
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 3 months
faith homestuck au . john's a human , chumhandle catholicPriest , derse , prince (or heir?) of void . gary's a rust+fuchsia , trollhandle garyLovesYou (he doesnt gaf about handle rules) , derse , lord of doom . amy's a human , derse/prospit dual dreamer , heir of void . father garcia's human , derse , theif of doom . gary's godtiered throughout the whole session . john godtiers after the super miriam fight . gary's a server player for john and amy , garcia and gary accidentally double-server-player john
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nova-starstruck · 15 days
I may not be Christian anymore but I still find all these funny asf
0 notes
wcatradio · 5 months
In this episode of The Catholic Bookworm, Kiki Latimer interviews Michael Lichens on Fr. Amorth's book Get Behind Me, Satan (May 10, 2024)
Primer on the reality of evil and how we should respond
Written by the Pope's Exorcist, Fr. Gabriel Amorth
Equip yourself and your loved ones for spiritual battle
Key ways to protect yourself, lessons from saints, causes of diabolical disturbance & more
By one of the most renowned exorcists in the history of the Church
Fr. Gabriele Amorth, known as “the Pope’s Exorcist,” exposes the reality of evil and lays out what our response should be in a time when the devil appears more powerful and cunningly alluring than ever. Our age, Fr. Amorth explains, is seduced by the wiles of the enemy — either through fascination with the occult or through willful ignorance. There is, however, nothing to fear when we put on the armor of God. In these absorbing pages, Fr. Amorth offers ways to equip yourself and your loved ones for the spiritual battle that all humans are destined to face — and to attain victory. From the pen of the legendary priest exorcist, you will learn gripping details about:
The figure of Satan and key ways to protect yourself from diabolical snares    
The role of exorcists — past and present — and their discernment in counseling afflicted souls     
Lessons from the saints in overcoming the temptations and attacks of the devil    
Six types of disturbances that the devil can provoke (Can you guess them?)    
Three things that cause a soul to fall into diabolical disturbances    
Signs of diabolical possession and the view of science in such cases An invaluable collection of tried-and-true traditional prayers is also included for protection against the devil and liberation from his bondage.
Fr. Amorth further explains the origin of Hell and the primary tactic the devil uses in pursuit of souls. He also provides a brief overview of the history of exorcism from the earliest centuries of Christianity and describes the ministry of exorcism, yesterday and today. Drawing from the riches of his experience, Father clarifies how he evaluates whether an individual is suffering due to preternatural causes and reveals the only authentic proof of malevolent influence. See how the ability to cast out demons testifies to Jesus’ divinity and will discover ways that all of the faithful can intercede for the afflicted. Above all, you will be consoled by the power of Christ over the enemy and learn to rest safely in His care while trusting that by His Precious Blood shed on the Cross the triumph is already won.  An informative read for Catholics who want to equip themselves for spiritual warfare and a relevant primer for our times.  Amazon.com: Get Behind Me Satan: 9798889111207: Fr. Gabriele Amorth: Books
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fatherscurti · 9 months
PREPARING OUR HEARTS Christmas 2023 Homily from FR LOUIS SCURTI on Vimeo.
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crimechannels · 1 year
By • Olalekan Fagbade I disguised as beggar to teach Christians kindness     Catholic Priest reveals what he was trying to do when he disguise as a beggar               A Catholic priest and Spiritual Director of Jesus and Mary Adoration Ministry, Nnewi, Anambra State, Rev Fr Thadeaus Ilechukwu, has explained why he often disguise as a beggar to test his congregation. According to The PUNCH, a video resurfaced on social media recently showing the Catholic priest who disguised as a beggar at the gate of a church. Explaining the reason behind the move, the cleric said: "I am the Parish Priest of St Monica’s Catholic Church, Nnewi. I am popularly known as ‘Father Egwu Mmonso’ which means ‘terror to demons’. People call me this name because of a particular kind of deliverance we carried out in 2015 when the ministry was still in Amichi. "The video first went viral precisely on July 7, 2018, but it was shot on July 5, 2018, at Jesus and Mary Adoration Ground when I was at St James’ Catholic Church, Amichi, before I was transferred to St Monica’s Catholic Church in Nnewi. The person that captured the video posted it online on July 7, 2018, and then within 24 hours, it made over one million views. It started trending again in 2022 during the Lenten period and it has started trending now. Many people have been calling me to tell me that this video is trending again. It keeps trending as if it is new because of the teaching and the message it carries. "I got that inspiration when I went for an assignment in Lome, Togo. It was impromptu. I did not see it in a movie. The thought just came and I decided to try it in Nigeria. In June 2018, I preached about charity and giving. Every month, we have a monthly declaration and assignment and I told the congregation that in July, every adoration member must be charitable and do works of charity by giving to the poor and the needy. I told them that everyone must have something to give and that they must not be very rich before they give because there are people poorer than them. So, on the first Thursday of the month (July 5, 2018), I wanted to have a unique way of disseminating this gospel of charity. What came to my mind was to disguise as a beggar and sit among the adoration members and beg or to disguise as an ordinary person and sit among the members and beg. I knew that if I disguised myself as an ordinary person, people would easily recognise me. He further explained: "As the thoughts of the method to adopt were running through my mind, I came across a lady who is a makeup artist in Lagos. I saw her on Facebook, so I contacted her and eventually, she agreed to come down to Anambra State and do the makeup for me. So, that day, she applied makeup on me, wore me a wig, attached beards that made me look like Abraham, and gave me tattered clothes," he added. #beggar #Catholicpriest #disguises
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blakhanside00 · 2 years
Watch "A QUESTION FOR THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH! | @LanceScurv #drmalachiyork #catholicpriest" on YouTube
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curiouscatalog · 2 years
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From: Lambert, John, active 1806-1811. Travels through lower Canada, and the United States of North America, in the years 1806, 1807, and 1808. London : Printed for Richard Phillips, 1810
E41 .L22 1810
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