#Catholic school boards
renshengs · 4 months
sometimes you're just a rich handsome 27 year old graduate from south korea's most prestigious cop school with a glacial relationship with your big powerful cop dad and then you move to a small town substation in the countryside for work where you spend the next entire month being an uncooperative asshole while accusing your new 40 year old coworker of mass-murder before he helps you catch the actual mass-murderer and then afterwards you need to take a 3 month vacation about it because you realize being around him is changing you for the better and also you're falling in love with him at breakneck speed
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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ave-immaculata · 11 months
if a teacher at a Catholic school is a poor role model of the moral life in a public way, they should be fired, simple as. if a teacher at a Catholic school cannot accurately describe and vocally affirm the teachings of the Catholic Church when asked, they should be fired, simple as. if a teacher at a Catholic school is known publically to be a non-practicing Catholic, they should be fired, simple as. Close schools if there aren't enough staff. I don't care. I'm sick of our Catholic schools disobeying the Bishop, the Church at large and pushing relativistic nonsense onto students as Catholicism.
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ef-1 · 7 months
A day after Daniel fucks over Yuki, you post a photo of yourself wearing enchante,, you're not slick
Skinny white girl like Ricciardo? Ground breaking lol
it's so tragic how you're just gonna have to die mad about it 💋
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edwinisms · 3 months
question that I could look up but im lazy: do we know (from the comics or otherwise) what charles’ parents occupations were? or their household’s economic status (ie; middle class, working class, etc)? if not, does anyone have any good guesses based on the details we see of charles’ life?
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wiisagi-maiingan · 1 year
Man, it's such bullshit that I was never actually Christian and the closest I've ever gotten was rare and unpleasant church visits with extended family members but I still ended up with Catholic trauma just from the nature of being Native. I want a refund.
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Addison Kliewer at KOCO:
The Supreme Court of Oklahoma ruled Tuesday that the nation's first religious charter school is unconstitutional.
The St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School in Oklahoma City was set to open its doors in the fall for the 2024-25 school year. The court ruled that a charter school, which is publicly funded, must be nonsectarian, or not religiously affiliated. In its ruling, the six-justice majority said that St. Isidore, because it is sponsored by the Catholic Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, will evangelize the Catholic faith while being funded by the state. "This State's establishment of a religious charter school violates Oklahoma statutes, the Oklahoma Constitution, and the Establishment Clause. St. Isidore cannot justify its creation by invoking Free Exercise rights as a religious entity," the ruling said. "St. Isidore came into existence through its charter with the State and will function as a component of the State's public school system."
The court directed the Oklahoma Statewide Virtual Charter School Board to rescind its contract with the school, which was approved in June 2023. The lawsuit was filed by Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond last year, claiming the school violates both the state and federal law, which the court agreed with.
The Oklahoma Supreme Court rules in Drummond v. Oklahoma Statewide Virtual Charter School Board that the St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School, the nation’s first religious charter school, is unconstitutional based on violating the Establishment Clause.
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Courtyard of the St. Joseph Catholic boarding school in Saint-Omer, Artois region of northern France
French vintage postcard
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aliverockstr · 4 months
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I sing the body electric
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tkachunk · 1 year
I think we, the hrpf community, should be spending more time unpacking the fact that Brady and Matthew went to Catholic school
i definitely feel like there are people already doing that on tumblr.gov but I am all for new sources of angst to draw from
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travisdermotts · 1 year
i'm just so tired of pride nights being diluted thanks to bigots being given a voice. If your organization isn't prepared to fully stand with and protect LGBTQ+ people in the face of adversity then why even have one? If you as a team have stopped to consider how homophobes feel during pride nights and your next step is to make changes to accommodate and make space for them, then you've failed. Until teams and leagues stop siding with the oppressors, their claims of being safe and inclusive continue to be empty
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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pipitwrites · 10 months
OO how about 10...or 16....🤭
"cherry" by fletcher feat. hayley kiyoko // "religion (you can lay your hands on me)" by shura... phoebe... your mind...
It is wholly unfair, in Pierre’s humble opinion, that he should be the only one punished to be trapped indoors on what looks to be the last good day for the juicy dark cherries which are his favorite. The other boys will have picked them all off the trees hanging over the edge of the crumbling wall at the edge of the school grounds by the time Pierre has finished reshelving all the oversized books in the back of the library to Mother Superior’s satisfaction.
“I am right here with you, Pierre.” Charles has grabbed a stack of fading periodicals.
Pierre scoffs. “Only you would choose to stay indoors on a day like this, Calamar.”
Charles mumbles something unintelligible that breaks off into a coughing fit and Pierre gives him a hearty thump on the back. It would be just like Charles and his bad luck to catch a summer fever—the back of his neck looks alarmingly flushed.
“Maybe you should go back to the room,” Pierre says, worried. His hand slides to Charles’s perpetually wrinkled collar, straightening the back of it.
“I am fine.” Charles shakes away Pierre’s hand. “It is just the dust.”
“If you are feeling so fine, you should have gone out and saved some cherries for me,” Pierre grumbles. He just knows they will be all gone.
“We shouldn’t be stealing from the farmers anyway,” Charles says peaceably, which is just not right. For all his angelic choir boy charm may work on the good Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Christ, Charles had been right there with Pierre when he had snuck out to the movie theater in town. If only the Mother Superior had seen the way Charles’s face had screwed up in disgust when he had tried the first of the pack of cigarettes that Pierre had managed to flirt off the girl at the concession stand.
Pierre knocks his shoulder into Charles. The first few journals at the top of the stack in Charles’s arms slide off, falling to the ground in a cascade. Charles yelps but Pierre’s attention has already been taken elsewhere.
“Now how did this get here?” Pierre hums, kneeling down to pick up the out of place magazine on the floor. There’s a close-up of a dark-haired model looking back at them from the cover, mouth parted in a coquettish moue.
Red-faced, Charles looks around in alarm. “You are going to get us in trouble again,” he hisses. “Put it back.”
“Charles, I don’t think it belonged here in the first place!” Pierre laughs at him, turning the page, and Charles makes a strangled noise. Ready to tease him further, Pierre looks down again at the magazine but the words die in his throat. It’s definitely the same model again, judging from the color of the eyes and the insanely long lashes framing them, but below the thin pieces of lace framing his flat chest and slender hips, his hand is wrapped around his cock, the dark pink head poking out over the top of his fist.
Oh, Pierre thinks. Beside him, Charles shakes, the warm column of his body coming so close that Pierre could swear that he can feel Charles’s heat against his shoulder.
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saint-starflicker · 8 months
Armchair Character Psychoanalysis of Peter Simmonds from Bare: a Pop Opera (Peter's Motivation)
I don't know the specific creative process that went into this show. Peter's parents being divorced could have been a detail thrown in there via spitballing, like Aaron Wells from fifth grade or the option to send Peter to Conversion Therapy camp. It could have been what details stuck versus what was cut depended on the vibe at the time to the power of what the rest of the show could get out of it—not necessarily that the choice of this detail was a deliberate statement or message.
I do want to say that I find a strikingly coherent thread that explains a lot about Peter Simmonds, if we read between the lines about his home life.
His grandmother is still alive and on chatty-lunches-out terms with his mother, if Claire is to be believed on that point, and in some versions Peter has a sister implied to be younger than him. I think that's the Holy Trinity that Peter thinks of as home, which is why his first prayers in the show and the plot-significant religious hallucinations are Marian venerations, rather than visions of Jesus like in the Putnam County Spelling Bee or Hamlet 2. (He switches to the Pater Noster prayer after the anachronistic and Roman Catholic Canon Law-breaking nightmare of a woman officiating his wedding, replaced by a priest officiating Jason's wedding. I think that symbolizes Peter's leaving boyhood behind and stepping into a role of maturity, that he's going to take initiative and charge on ahead completely alone instead of needing support and approval to get more approval and more support: "See Me" and "Absolution". But this is a tangent.)
If Claire's asides are anything to go by, it takes plenty of nagging to get Peter's father involved and as we can guess from "Epiphany", Peter might still feel that his father's rejection and absence in Peter's life is Peter's fault.
Unlike Jason (who provided "an escape grown from seeds that you planted" and slew all Peter's giants), Peter's father seemingly never provided Peter any reassurance or closure regarding the abandonment/divorce upheaval.
This point about what Jason did right—getting Peter to feel okay with his own gay even as they pray—is about to become very, very important.
Catholic culture rather prides itself on orthodoxy, so I would think there would be plenty of social stigma that Peter actually internalizes when it comes to being from "a broken home". Obviously he loves his mother, because he tells her almost everything, but there's things he can't tell her and I think that fact weighs in his heart right beside the concept of "divorced families are broken homes to the children" stereotype that pervades the culture of many Catholic communities.
Ever wonder what might fix that feeling? An idea that's just wild and crazy enough to work, and worth the risk to Peter? Because Peter still gets nightmares about his friends calling him out about his parents, his dad, and his broken home for some reason. Wonder what will ever undo the sense of brokenness that marred his life and sense of wellbeing for at least 10 years without relief?Wonder if there's anything that can be done to make this family be whole and complete, such that Peter won't so desperately need emotional validation from his dad anymore?
Introduce boyfriend to mom.
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shieldofiron · 2 years
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Catholic Boarding School AU
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fraternum-momentum · 1 year
HI YOUR KYLAR ART MADE ME DESCEND SO BADLY i love your art youre so fuckin silly too (also i recognized the st. isko uniform w sydney but i may be wrong)
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but ! i do miss that school a lot, made a lot of fun memories :] and thats where i had my first gay crush too ! i think i alr mentioned this but f!syd reminds me of her so thats why she's one of my favorites AHSHA
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