#Cass is now Mari's sister
demonic0angel · 30 days
DPxDC Next Generation Kids (click for clarity)
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Continue reading for notes and introductions :)
1) Jove Bryce Wayne (11) - Steph and Cass’ adopted son. He trains under Cass and Bruce, and is widely admired by the other kids for creating his own fighting style with the dancing skills he gets from practicing with his mom (to his delight). Fun fact, he is albino!
2) Marillyn “Mari” Maddy Grayson-Nightingale (10) - Dick and Dan’s daughter. She was an accidental pregnancy, but both of her dads love her very much. Fun fact, she gained her baba’s personality and is rather rebellious and mischievous, which causes Dick to feel sympathetic for Bruce.
3) Elinor “Ellie” Catherine Nightingale (9) - Jason and Jazz’s eldest daughter. She, along with Mari, train under Dick, Jason, and Jazz in order to protect themselves. Fun fact, she looks and acts just like Jason when he was young.
4) Thomas “Tommy” Bruce Drake (5) - Tim, Dani, and Kon’s oldest son. He is an evil genius who uses his cuteness to take over the world. Fun fact, the entire PhantomBat family have given up on convincing him not to, so now they’re just trying to instill morals into him and stall for time (they still love him tho).
5) Marianne “Ann” Talia Nightingale (5) - Jason and Jazz’s youngest daughter. She is Alfie’s twin and is the fun and sunshine to Ellie’s seriousness and Alfie’s gloominess. Fun fact, she got her blonde hair from Sheila Haywood, but she doesn’t know that.
6) Alfonso “Alfie” B Nightingale (5) - Jason and Jazz’s youngest son. He is Ann’s twin and is rather gloomy and antisocial compared to his sisters. Fun fact, he supposedly looks like Bruce when he was young, so he gets away with a lot when dealing with Alfred.
7) Rain Axel Nightingale (4) - Danny and Valerie’s son. He is Misty’s twin and can be rather mischievous, often causing trouble and chaos for the fun of it. Fun fact, he often teams up with Mari to prank everyone in the most ridiculous ways possible.
8) Misty Lilith Nightingale (4) - Danny and Valerie’s daughter. She is Rain’s twin, and is even more shy than Alfie and can start crying when stressed. Fun fact, although she can be anxious easily, her temper is even worse than her mom’s.
9) Ken-el / Kenneth “Kenny” Clark Drake (1) - Tim, Dani, and Kon’s youngest son. Since he is the youngest, he is doted on the most. Fun fact, he has already unlocked most of his halfa abilities due to his Kryptonian heritage.
+ Jove’s name relates back to Cassandra’s because they are both names of mythological characters. Jove is another name for Jupiter (AKA Zeus).
+ Both of Mari’s names are actually a weird, mashed up version of Madeline and Mary (and also inspired by Mar’i cough).
+ Jason and Jazz’s daughters are named after Elinor and Marianne from Sense and Sensibilities and their middle names are from Jason’s mother figures in life. I imagine that Jazz had a falling out with Jack and Maddie, so she didn’t really care.
+ Alfie’s name is inspired from Alfred and his middle name is only “B” because Tommy was born first and Tim took the “Bruce” middle name.
+ Alfie and Ann, and Misty and Rain are inspired by Misty and Jackson, the canon kid characters of Sam and Danny. Both pairs of twins have an 8 month difference of age.
+ Why so many twins?? I used the twin idea first for Jazz and Jason, but when I thought of Danny and Valerie, I kept switching between ideas, so I eventually settled on twins for them too. Trust, it was a weird coincidence for Danny and Jazz too when they had twins at nearly the same time.
+ Misty and Rain’s middle names come from Tucker and Sam (Axel Foley and the episode “Life Lessons”). Their first names are inspired by Misty Fenton and I just found another name for Rain to match the theme.
+ Tommy and Kenny technically have different dads, (Tommy is Tim and Dani’s, and Kenny is Kon and Dani’s), but it doesn’t really mean anything, since they don’t pay attention to it.
+ The idea of Tommy, who is like Tim’s clone and absolutely evil, was so funny to me. He’s prob my fav child OC. His entire family know about his manipulative tendencies but he loves them so they let it go. (Damian and Dan have already pledged their allegiance to their future overlord.)
+ The short period of time where Jazz, Dani, and Valerie were pregnant at the same time was hell on earth for everyone.
+ Technically, Bruce only has 7 grandchildren (he cries when he thinks about it a little too hard), but bc they’re so close to Rain and Misty, Bruce thinks of them as his grandchildren too, so he always says he has 9. Danny and Val are like ??? But Rain and Misty totally believe that he’s their grandpa (which he is delighted about).
+ Damian is married to Jon and they have no kids, unless you count the farm they inherited and all of the animals that Damian adopted as his fur babies. However, Damian was young when the kids kept coming, so he became the designated babysitter and then the favorite uncle, which all of the other Batboys despise and are jealous of.
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thedeviltohisangel · 6 months
All The Things I Did (5): I Hope I Don't Lose You
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a/n: THE SEXUAL TENSION IS PARTIALLY BROKEN. let us all rejoice! light smut ahead but so worth it for these two to finally make each other cum, okay? this should mean inbox is open for sexy times discussions. i promise cass will let john love her soon, she is just scared, ok? they have their first fight but we will survive. standing by to chat//accept blurbs and asks and prompts. love you guys xoxo
warnings: smut
Cass was at a table in the corner of the social club when John and Curt entered. She had skipped out on interrogation, more curious about the envelope Mary had said had come for her marked as urgent from Washington. In it was the identity of the new Commanding Officer for the 100th Bomber Group, slated to arrive the next day. It was none other than Colonel Chick Harding. 
She had met Chick Harding in London on her way to Thorpe Abbotts. Her first test as a field officer was to conduct a suitability assessment of a RAF officer one of her colleagues at the embassy was hoping to turn into a source. Cass had been making great progress, her nerves fading the longer she realized she was good at this, when Colonel Harding had made his presence known. 
Since she was a teenager, Cass was used to men of all ages flirting with her. Remarking on her dress or her hair or her smile. It always made her feel icky but her older sister told her it was the price for being pretty. Harding had flirted with her, hadn’t tried to hide it, but it was different. Not forceful. Not relentless. Not like he was trying to use his rank to convince her of a certain outcome. After the circumstances under which she had left South Carolina, the attention had been welcome. Reminded her she wasn’t soiled goods. She knew it couldn’t be more than that and was on her way to her flat for the night when the Colonel had slipped a piece of paper into her hand. It made her laugh, the instructions on where she would be able to find him after the party. She hadn’t used them but they had made her feel giddy. And now it looked like Colonel Harding was set to become a more permanent presence in her life. 
“You’re looking particularly pensive tonight.” She looked up from the packet at the sound of John’s voice, a glass bottle of Coke placed in front of her and two rocks glasses of whiskey placed across from her. 
“Huglin’s been relieved of his command. Just reading some background on the new Colonel.” He pressed a thumb to the crease between her eyebrows to smooth it out. 
“No talk of work,” he muttered as he leaned in for a kiss. She obliged him gently and let him pull her off the chair. “You know I love this song.” 
“You love every song,” she giggled as he led her into a spin. He caught her against his chest and shared in her laugh.
“With you as my partner, how couldn’t I?” Their lips met halfway and he lifted her slightly to save the strain of going on her tippy toes. “I always ask you to dance but somehow we always get distracted from the actual dancing.”
“I’ve been told I have that effect on people. Handsome men in particular.” 
“Ah, you talk to a lot of handsome men recently?” He dropped her into a dip playfully. 
“I’m surrounded by them but one in particular…one in particular has caught my eye.” Her forehead rested against the side of the neck as he pulled her back up. 
“Tell me about him.”
“He’s one of the most intelligent men I’ve ever met. Has this little curl that falls onto his forehead that drives me crazy. Says things he means and makes me feel…,” she swallowed thickly and John nodded. He was giving her permission to say it. Validating that it was true. “Loved.” The sound of the band and the bartender pouring drinks and the white noise of conversation faded into the sound of her heart beating in her ears.
“Cass,” he started, ready to say those three words. Once and for all get them off his chest and into the atmosphere. Relieve himself of the burden of knowledge and hopefully accept hers in return.
“Not yet.” He froze and took a step back at her words. “I know you tried the other night and I just opened the door again but not yet.” Not when the other paper in that folder had said what they had. That she was selected for an operation into Berlin. An operation that had been unsuccessful three previous times. An operation where the last agent had come home draped in an American flag.
“Right. You say all those things and I’m just supposed to keep suffocating on my own words.” He backed away from her, Cass not used to this sense of dread in her chest. “You know, emotions aren’t inherently dangerous. You’re allowed to have them, Lieutenant.” She almost recoiled from the use of her rank. He downed his two previous glasses with ease and moved towards the bar to refill them.
“John, it’s for good reason. Trust me,” she pleaded as she reached for his arm. 
“I’m sure it’s too classified for someone like me. I’m not worth the risk, right?” 
“What? I’ve brought you in as much as I could! Shared everything with you-” One more glass of whiskey went down his throat. “You were the one I asked for when I got off that plane. The one I reached for because I knew you would make me feel safe.” A single tear rolled down her cheek and she wiped it away with anger. Another whiskey as he clenched his fist at the memory. 
“That feeling I had running towards you. That feeling I had when that son of a bitch got in the way of reaching you.” He brought her hand to rest flat against his chest. “The way I felt when you told me I was yours. That is what is trapped in here, Cass. That is what you aren’t letting me express to you.”
“If you do, and something happens to me, I’ll never forgive myself.” John was Air Exec. He’d be safe on the ground, in a control tower, locked away in an office to wait out this war. He had an after. Cass wasn’t so sure she was guaranteed the same. 
“What aren’t you telling me?”
“I got my next field assignment.” She didn’t elaborate any further but he thinks he was reading the implications behind her eyes. 
“When do you leave?” he relented. He regretted spending even a second angry with her now. Regretted being the cause of her tears. Wanted to spend the rest of the night apologizing. 
“Soon. They are sending me with a partner for this one, waiting for his arrival.” Cass hugged her arms around herself. She felt cold. Something missing between her and John that had been there earlier in the night. A distance between them she wasn’t used to and didn’t like.
“You going to say goodbye this time?” His fingers twitched to reach out and touch her but it felt wrong. Like the tether between them had snapped and needed more than the setting had to offer to fix it. 
“Never goodbye. A see you soon.” John looked up at the ceiling with a pitiful laugh. 
“Fuck, Cass, what are we going to do? A flyboy and a spook. We make quite the pair, don’t we?”
“I vaguely remember asking if you were a hotshot the first time I met you.”
“Only one of us has ended up in the medical wing.” Cass snorted and looked away from his analytical gaze. “I’m sorry.” There was a lot left unsaid but it was a start. She opened her mouth to respond when Curt’s voice echoed across the bar.
“Bucky! Round on me, let’s go!” 
“I’ll be over in a minute!” He wanted to fix things first. Get back to where they were at the beginning of the night.
“Go. I’ll catch up with you later.” She was reminded that the 100th had lost more than a few men that day and they were there to mourn them in the first place.
“You sure?” She nodded, John leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead. Cass gripped his chin before he could pull away.
“Kiss me properly, Major.” He grinned wickedly, his heart returning to it’s normal rhythm, surging forward to oblige her request. It was hungry and all consuming, frantic and frenzied. John pushed her hair over her shoulder to get a better grip around her cheek and groaned as her hands slid up the front of his chest with a deliberately slow pace. They only separated when the whistles pierced through the veil, John going back in for one, two, three more pecks to her lips before he fully pulled away. 
“Does that work?” Her lip slipped between her teeth and she nodded.
“Until later.” His knuckles brushed against her cheek longingly before he disappeared to the other end of the bar with his men. Cass grabbed her folder from the table and disappeared out the back door, ready to retire for the night. A couple hours of sleep would do her and emotionless heart some good.
She woke before the sun, the look in John’s eyes seared into her memory. Maybe it wasn’t worth trying to stop him from saying he loved her anymore. Maybe her worry about breaking his heart was misplaced. Cass thinks he would be strong enough to handle it. The longer he was out here, the better he would get at compartmentalizing his emotions. The losses for the 100th had only just begun. She didn’t know how she was supposed to watch him wear them. 
Cass needed some fucking air. Hopeful the cold would shock her back into her usual, even keeled self, she slipped her silk robe over her nightgown and stuck her feet into her boots before finding her way outside. She wasn’t surprised to hear voices, assuming Lemmons and his men were up early to work on the planes, but she recognized them with a furrowed brow as she got closer and two figures on top of the plane came into focus. Clearly it had ended up being more than one round. 
“Do you feel anything?” That was John. He was holding a bottle of whiskey and his uniform jacket was billowing in the breeze.
“Yeah, I miss those guys,” Curt responded.
“I don’t feel a thing anymore. Unless I’m with Spook.” He smiled wistfully. “With her, I feel everything.”
“She’s good for you. She’s keeping you sane out here.”
“Driving me insane more like it.” He needed to snap out of it. “Can you do me a favor?”
“I want you to hit me. I want you to land one right on my beak.” She considered stepping in but was curious to see this play out.
“Don’t give me ‘Major.’” He threw his jacket to the ground. “Ranks off.”
“Stop horsing around.”
“Horsing around? I’m not a horse.” Cass watched him goad and goad Curt until his fist snapped forward and John’s hands flew to his nose.
“Bet you felt that.” She emerged from her hiding spot behind the tail of the plane and John smiled. 
“Lieutenant Cooper, can I trust him in your hands for the rest of the night?” Curt hopped down from the wing as she nodded. A kiss on his cheek as a thank you and he was off to try and catch a few moments of sleep. 
“Baby, come up here.” He moved to the edge and gripped under her arms, lifting her onto the wing of the plane with an ease that had her feeling warm in the cool early morning air. “What’re you doing out here?” John nuzzled his nose against hers lovingly. It had only been a few hours but he had missed her.
“Going for a walk when I heard a couple of hooligans and decided to check it out in spite of my best judgment.”
“This hooligan never got the chance to properly apologize to you earlier.”
“You have nothing to apologize for.” Her hands rested against his chest and she looked up at him with adoration. “I shouldn’t have shut you down. Losing you scares me more than I know how to say and I’m not used to being scared.” Or used to being in love for that matter.
“My little Spook,” he traced his thumb along her bottom lip, “you don’t have to have your armor up around me.”
“I’m working on it. Just have to be patient with me.” Cass welcomed his kiss and recognized the pleasant ache that was settling between her legs. This man was making her feel things no other had in more ways than one.
“You take all the time you need. I’ll be here.” Call it the effects of alcohol or lack of sleep but John was feeling weightless. Like if he didn’t have her right then and there, he’d float away. “We’ll figure it out together.”
Testing the waters, she undid the knot of his tie. He watched in a daze as his mind tried to catch up with what he thinks she was asking. She tossed it in the same direction he had thrown his jacket. 
“John,” she cooed as his mouth watered at her robe slipping off one of her shoulders. “I need you.” 
“Tell me where you need me.” Her frustrated groan was swallowed by his kiss, his hands slipping from the small of her back to grab at her ass, his lips moving to latch onto her neck with the goal of leaving a mark. 
“Need you everywhere,” she gasped as his tongue soothed over the blossoming accessory he had added to her throat. Cass moved his hand to the hem of her night gown and guided it up and up until his fingertips met her hip bones. He moaned into her kiss as his fingertips teased along the top band of her underwear, tracing down the front of them until he found the spot that made her hips buck.
“Ah, right there?” John removed his hand and caught her as she collapsed into his chest. “I’m going to take care of you, baby, promise. Just not out here.” He jumped down from the wing, reaching to lift her down after him. As soon as her feet hit the ground, her lips were back on his and her fingers were undoing the buttons of his shirt.
“When I said be patient with me I didn’t mean at a glacial pace,” she quipped. He laughed, one thumb stroking over her pulse point in her neck and the other hand pushing her robe off her arms the rest of the way.
“You know how to climb into a B-17 or do you need a hand?”
“I think I’ve made it very clear I need your hand.” She stepped towards the open hatch and gripped the edge before tucking her feet in line with her head and landing in the hull. John can’t deny he got a little harder at the sight. He followed suit and welcomed her into his lap with no reservations now that they were away from any potential prying eyes. 
“A dream come fucking true,” he whispered as she stradled him and he got a good look at her. Chest flushed. Hair wild. Nightgown strap slipping down her arm. John hooked a finger under it and slowly helped it the rest of the way, goosebumps sparking on her breasts as they were exposed to his gaze. “Beautiful.” His lips latched around one nipple, her breath catching and back arching to press further into his touch. 
“That feels good.” Her voice had an edge to it that drove him wild. His tongue was soft as it lavished against her and her blood rushed between her legs at the thought of what it would feel like there. Where she needed him the most. John hummed as they popped out of his mouth like a lollipop. 
“Been dreaming about having you like this,” he whispered as she nipped at his bottom lip. “Dreaming about what was under that lace in your office that day. About the sounds you make when I kiss you…right…here,” his lips attaching to the spot on her throat in question and the moans that gave him a reason to live were music to his ears. And he hadn’t even gotten her sleepwear off yet.
“What else have we been doing in your dreams?” she asked as they kissed languidly. John pressed forward until she was laid gently on her back and her knees fell to the side to accommodate him. He shrugged off his button up and lifted his undershirt over his head, Cass sitting up to kiss across his chest before using his dog tags to pull him back down with her. 
“Going to take more than one night to show you.”
“Good,” she smiled sweetly in direct contrast to the sinful state she was in, “I was hoping to keep you around for a little while.” He started at her lips and worked his way down to gently tug her nipples with his teeth before bunching her nightgown at her waist and settling where he had left off on the wing of the plane.
“You always sleep in these delicate, little things?” Of course John had thought about ravishing her. Thought about what she would look like in a thin, silk nightgown in the moonlight. Thought about what might be underneath it. If anything. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” He would. Desperately. But he settled for kissing the skin where it met the lace, Cass squirming at the affection. “Yes.”
“Yes, what?” he asked without looking up. The tip of his nose found the spot from earlier, a smirk lighting his face.
“Fuck, John, yes. Yes, I always dress up for bed.” There was something domestic about the notion that tickled a satisfying corner of his soul. He liked learning the nooks and crannies of her. Liked the idea of getting to know her routines and habits. Of learning how to merge their lives together.
“I like that. Easy to see how wet you are.” John pressed his thumb to the front of her panties and circled slowly and gently. “Look at me.” Cass propped herself onto her elbows and reached to push the curl that had fallen onto his forehead back into its place. 
“I’m looking and I like what I see.” Flushed and drunk on love, John Egan looked like he was exactly where he belonged. He pressed harder with a cheshire cat grin as her head dropped back.
“I like what I see too, gorgeous.” The lace slid down her legs slowly and his lips followed down, the undergarment over his shoulder and forgotten, then back up so no inch of her skin was left untouched. 
“John Egan, an attentive lover,” she teased. 
“Only for you.” Only for the girl he was in love with. Thinks he loved her the moment he saw her. Knew he would love her forever. “Are you going to behave?”
“Not if you make me wait-” Her words faded into a sigh as he finally flicked his tongue against her. His hands hooked over her thighs, he spread her open as he coaxed sounds of heaven from her mouth and a sensual writhing of her hips. 
“Taste like a fucking goddess,” he groaned, dipping a finger into her as her breaths came quicker. 
“John.” God, he could fucking die at the sound of his name coming out of her mouth like that. A second finger. “Fuck.”
“You going to cum for me?” He rested his cheek against her thigh and admired the view. He wanted to sear this moment into his memory. The moment he saw her with no walls. Completely vulnerable. Trusting him with seeing her like this. This version of her was the one he was fighting for. The one he would die for.
“Only for you,” she said, echoing his earlier statement. Promising he was the only one who would be with her in this way. Promising a forever of nights like this. John understood the sentiment as it settled in his chest. 
“My pretty, pretty girl,” he cooed before his lips closed around her clit and pushed her over the edge. His hands pressed down on her hips to keep her from escaping his mouth as she came with a call of his name and a tug of his hair. She shivered as he kissed the insider of her thigh, between her breasts and onto her lips. “Did so good, baby.”
“Who would’ve thought. A flyboy and a spook.” Her eyes twinkled with mischief as her hand moved towards his belt buckle, his hand on her wrist stopping her.
“Who said I was done with you?” And if Cass called his name into the night a few more times before the sun rose, that was between them and the moon. And if John learned her tongue could charm a sinful symphony from his lips, that was between them and the stars. And if Ken Lemmons stumbled upon their discarded clothes and folded them neatly by the wheel while they slept in each other’s arms, only the sun and the clouds needed to know. And if John woke before her and held her tighter and kissed her forehead with a promise and a prayer, a promise to protect her and love her and a prayer that he would have the opportunity to do so, well that was between him and the man upstairs. John Egan just hoped He was listening.
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estrellami-1 · 8 months
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 51 | Part 52 | Part 53
“You wish,” Steve teases, then looks wide-eyed at Robin. “What about all the pictures we have?”
“We’ll take new ones,” she assures him, then grins. “And hey, maybe Starcourt will be built, without the Russian base underneath.”
Steve hums. “Maybe then I could avoid one of the concussions from Billy.”
Robin freezes suddenly. “Steve,” she says, “is it a good idea for the party to meet Max? Because of the first concussion from Billy? That wasn’t Upside Down related, was it?”
Steve grimaces. “He’d been Flayed at that point, yeah. Even if he is a racist asshole, I can’t imagine him coming after us like that again.”
Robin hums. “But if he does-”
“Tell me,” Eddie says suddenly, “does he like Mary Jane? Because I can make sure he never sees her again if he goes after Steve.”
Robin blinks at him, then begins to grin. “Sorry, Stevie, Eddie’s my new favorite.”
Eddie laughs and fist-bumps her. “Likewise, Birdie.”
“Hey!” Steve says, faux-affronted. It’s ruined by the grin he can’t hide.
El pokes gently at Steve’s arm, then the waffle iron when he looks at her. “It’s done.”
“Ah,” he says, opening it. “Thank you, Ellie. Mind getting me a plate?” He grins at her. “Without grabbing it?”
El grins. Without moving, she opens a cabinet, floats a plate out to Steve, then shuts the cabinet again. She wipes underneath her nose, then grins at Steve. “No blood!”
“That’s great!” He celebrates with her, offering her a high-five. “You think you’re ready?”
“I’m still scared,” she tells him. “But yes. I do.”
“Y’know something else?” Steve asks. “Vecna needed four more years to be strong enough to do what he did. You needed two more days. I think you’re much stronger than he is right now.”
“Speaking of the big bad,” Eddie interjects, nibbling on a corner of his waffle, “shouldn’t we go over the plan?”
Steve sighs. “Probably,” he agrees.
“I think we should wait for everyone,” Alli says. “Let’s just have as normal a morning as we can for right now.”
Steve smiles at his sister. “Sure, Al,” he says, then rolls his eyes when she pulls him into a hug and ruffles his hair.
“Love you, Bubba,” she murmurs into his ear, and he can’t help but to melt into her hug.
“Love you too, Al,” he murmurs back, then grins at her. “How about grilled cheese when we all make it outta this intact?”
“I think that sounds like an excellent idea,” she nods, then steps away. “I’m gonna call Cass. Come and get me when everyone’s here?”
“Will do,” he nods, and she smiles in response as she walks off.
Eddie pulls his feet up onto the counter he’s sitting on, looping his arms around his knees. “So, Cassidy is Alli’s-?”
“Girlfriend,” Steve nods. He takes another waffle out of the iron and scrapes the last of the batter into it. “It makes me wonder how I would’ve ended up, if I had her the entire time, y’know? Cause I know I was an asshole. And I’m trying not to be anymore.”
“You’re succeeding,” both Robin and Eddie say at the same time, then excitedly point at each other.
Steve laughs and shakes his head. “Thanks. But I wonder, if I’d had her the entire time, would I have ever gotten as bad as I did? Would I have ever worked at Scoops or Family Video and met you, Robin? Would any of his have ever happened in the first place?”
He only notices his hand is shaking when Robin gently takes his fork and puts it down, then grabs both his hands in hers. “Squeeze,” she requests, and he does, letting out a harsh breath and resting their foreheads together.
“Sorry,” he mutters.
“Shuddup,” Robin says. He laughs.
After a few seconds, he pulls away to look at her. “Am I being crazy?”
“I think you’re being exactly as sane as taking this mission in the first place makes either of us, Dingus, I don’t think either of us were all there in the first place.”
Steve giggles. “I think you may be right.”
“Maybe you would’ve been different,” Eddie says. He’s taking the last waffle out of the iron. “Maybe you wouldn’t have. Maybe all of this would’ve happened, and maybe it wouldn’t have. Maybes aren’t gonna change anything that’s currently happening. All we can do is our best to get through it.”
El slips between Steve and Robin and wraps her arms around Steve’s waist. “I can do things you can’t,” she says quietly. “But I can’t see the future. I don’t know what could’ve happened. But I know I’m glad that you’re here now.”
Steve sighs contentedly and wraps her in his arms. “Me too.”
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mmelionsblog · 10 months
Shh, Shh, I’m right here [Dean Winchester x Reader]
warnings⚠️: panic attack
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You smiled brightly at the all too familiar home of your parents. You were what the hunters called, lucky. Your whole family was untouched by the supernatural, excluding you. You got into the business because you and your friends at the age of 14, decided to play the infamous game of ‘Bloody Mary’. Bobby singer and an old friend of his saved you— the last friend standing, from Mary who was out to get you as he used you as bait after explaining everything.
Dean got out of the Impala, closing the loud creaking door. “Let’s go meet your parents,” you haven’t seen your parents in about a year or two (you don’t recall the last time meeting them), due to the important job you had and wanting your family to stay safe away from the monsters that you brought into your life. Of course, Castiel always checked up on them from far away.
You and Dean had gotten an iMessage from your sister, Alessa, saying that she got married and at least wanted to see the two of you in the after party.
So there the two of you were, standing at your aunt’s house where every holiday was spent in your family. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Birthdays, you name it.
Your family has never met Dean, except through your iPhone FaceTime calls whenever you got the chance with them. He’d pop in with Sam, saying hello then dipping. Anytime the two brothers did that, questions from your family was always after they left the room.
You knocked on the brown wooden door in front of you. The house looked brand new, even though it’s been in the family for decades.
Looks like they remolded, again. You knocked and knocked again, sighing in annoyance. “It’s open!” You hear your cousin’s voice yell from the other side of the door, and you rolled your eyes. “Of course it’s open,” you mumble. You opened the door, placed a smile on and greeted your family members.
“Congratulations little sister.” You spoke to Alessa, giving her a big gigantic hug and spinning her around. Dean said the same thing. “Oohoho, is this the hunk of a man you’re always with on the phone?” Your grandmother looked at you, then looked at Dean with a look.
“Cougar much?” You laughed, “yes. This is Dean, my boyfriend.” Gasps could be heard through the house. You have never brought a boyfriend home with you in any holiday event, or just in general. “WOW you must be a lucky one,” your uncle spoke.
Your aunt chipped in, “she’s never brought guys over. So Dean, tell us about yourself.” And so Dean spoke about himself, not mentioning what type of job he does, ignoring the comments your family brought up about his parents, and going full detail with his little brother that he’s so proud of. “I’m so telling Sam that you’re gushing about him.” You spoke, he rolled his eyes. “You wouldn’t dare,” you shrugged with a smile.
“Where is Sam? By the way.” Your mother asked. “He’s on this job with two of our other friends right now. We would’ve gone, but we needed a break.” You told her. “Two other friends?” Your cousin, Sofia, asked. “Jack and Castiel. Yall would love to meet them. They’re super sweet, but sometimes… they don’t really understand much.” You hummed. Dean chuckled, “we had to teach—” you shook your head at Dean with your eyes wide open.
“Don’t just embarrass Cass like that. So rude,” you playfully slap his shoulder.
Everything was going so fine, until one moment somebody asked a question that made you stop working like clock work. The voices seemed so far away as your eyes teared up, you backed up from the crowded room, unbalanced, as you stumbled out.
. “Oh god. Sorry— uh I should’ve mentioned about that. We don’t ask that question, ever.” You could barely hear what Dean was talking about. “Is there a quiet place somewhere around here?” He asked, holding you close to his chest. Your aunt pointed down the hallway and he nodded, helping you move your feet as he opened a door to one of the rooms and closed it.
“Hey,” Dean’s voice got muffled into your ears. “Hey, hey. You in there?” He brushed your hair with his hands, giving you a kiss on the forehead. “Shh, shh. It’s okay. I’m right here. I got you baby.” He brought you close to his chest, your face getting squished with his gray tshirt he had on.
Dark water spots on the center of his chest just because of your tears falling down onto him. “Sorry,” you hiccuped, wiping off your tears. “It’s okay babe. M so sorry, I should’ve mentioned it before it got to that question.” His hands rested carefully on the side of your cheek, his thumb softly rubbing off the dry tears.
You leaned into his touched, all warmed up by him. “It’s fine, they didn’t know. It.. it just threw me off guard.” You whispered. He kissed your forehead once more, “I know I know. But still I should’ve given them a look or something, could’ve stopped—” 
you place your index finger onto his lips, “all I need right now is you. And you’re doing just that, a great job at that. The past is the past- no matter how painful it is. I have you by my side right now comforting me and that’s all I need.” You spoke.
Dean smiled, hugging you as he brought you up to his chest. “I love you,” he whispered, kissing your cheek. “I love you too.”
“Now let’s go enjoy ourselves okay?”
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dessarious · 2 months
What Makes a Family? Pt27
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Marinette walked down the stairs to find Cass scowling at Bruce and signing rapidly. Selina was whispering with her Maman, who looked far too amused, so Cass had to be laying into him pretty hard. Damian was looking on in confusion, but the other boys were nodding along with whatever her twin was saying. She really needed to have Cass teach her to sign. Chloe appeared next to her.
"I'm actually learning new terms. You sister is extremely creative with swearing." Of course, that would be what impressed Chloe. Mari had to wonder how much of it was just not knowing common terms, so she made up her own.
"I don't want to mess up her relationship with him." Chloe scoffed.
"Given the way the others are reacting, this isn't the first, or worst, of his overstepping. I'm thinking this is a long overdue rant."
"You did what when I was with Babs?" Dick's indignant shout startled most of the room. "Yeah, I'm never bringing anyone home ever again. Not unless I've been married for two years." Mari sent Chloe a questioning glance.
"Trust me, you don't want to know." Yeah, if Chloe was saying that... she really didn't want to know.
"You've never known when to butt out, old man. The difference this time is that you don't have any right to butt in in the first place." Jason's tone was downright hostile.
"She's my daughter."
"A biological connection doesn't mean you own me. I'll be eighteen in three months anyway and I'm completely financially independent, so if you want any type of relationship with me, it's going to be on my terms, Mr. Wayne. Those terms will include not interfering in my relationships with others, romantic or otherwise, and not telling me how I'm allowed to live my life." He looked like he was going to argue, but Cass signed at him before standing beside Mari. He looked at the boys for help, but the only one not glaring at him was Damian.
"Marinette, you're young. You have no idea the danger-"
"Do not pretend you know anything about me or my life, let alone what I do and do not know. I assure you, I know what I'm doing, and Luka and Kagami are not a threat or a problem. If you can't accept that, then you can leave." She hadn't wanted to get to this point so soon, especially since it put Cass's ability to stay in question. Unfortunately, she also wasn't willing to set a precedent with him by letting him think he could act this way with her. She'd been around enough powerful people to know that if she didn't set boundaries now, she'd never be able to enforce them. Jagged was proof of that.
"Perhaps we should discuss this privately." No way was that happening. She could almost see the hero lecture waiting to burst out of him.
"After what you just tried to pull, and your apparent history of browbeating your kids into things, we're not about to let that happen." Tom's voice was harder than she'd ever heard it. "If you won't respect my daughter's boundaries, you'll be asked to leave." The emphasis he put on 'my daughter' caused Bruce to flinch. She would feel worse about it if not for the fact that all her siblings, besides Damian, seemed to approve of it.
"I think we should separate for the time being, and try this again later. Tempers are high, so we all need space to calm down." Sabine sounded cheerful enough, but there was a hard edge to her words that everyone caught. As much as Mari thought it was a good idea, they were in a bit of a time crunch.
"Given that they're only going to be here for a week, it might be best to get things settled. But, if Bruce isn't willing to compromise, there's not much point in continuing this discussion." She could hear how tired she sounded and given the concerned looks at her and glares at Bruce, everyone else could, too.
"By compromise you mean letting you decide everything." The sulkiness in Bruce's voice made her roll her eyes. Yes, this had to suck for him, but he couldn't honestly expect her to let him just take over her life.
"No, but there are going to be things that aren't negotiable. I'm not going to tell you how to live your life, and I'd appreciate the same courtesy. We know next to nothing about eachother, and until we do it's not really fair to have an opinion on each other's lives." He didn't seem to know what to do with that. She was sure that, for a man used to being in charge, it wasn't something he had experience with. "I want to get to know you, all of you, but I'm not going to change who I am or how I live my life to do it. If you can't accept that, you can leave."
Cass hugged her from behind, and Mari could feel her twin glaring at Bruce. As much as she had hoped it wouldn't be necessary, it was obvious who Cass would side with in this. Of the boys, Jason seemed firmly entrenched on her side, Dick and Tim were more of a neutral, and Damian just seemed confused, but he'd most likely side with Bruce for the time being. Hopefully, it wouldn't destroy her chance of getting to know him permanently. When it became obvious Bruce either couldn't or wouldn't back down, Selina went over to start whispering in his ear. Alfred had been scarily silent through everything, and Mari really wasn't certain what to make of it.
"You need my help." Selina rolled her eyes, and Alfred just shook his head. The man really needed to learn when to back down.
"I need Cass. That's it." He flinched, and even the boys were trading looks. Bruce was closing off. She could see it. "I need to show Cass her new school. Why don't you take the evening to think things over? We can try this again tomorrow when everyone is calmer." Bruce looked about ready to explode.
"That sounds like a good idea. Master Bruce, we should head back to the hotel." The glare Bruce sent Alfred didn't phase the man at all. The stern look he sent back had the boys looking like they were ready to wet themselves.
"Fine." Bruce signed something at Cass and she felt her twin stiffen up behind her. Chloe looked like she was about to start screaming at him, too.
"Miss Cassandra will be staying with Miss Marinette. Indefinately." Alfred's tone was frigid and just about everyone seemed to be cowering or eyeing the man like he was going to explode. Even Bruce hunched in on himself a tiny bit. "Now we really should be on our way."
Mari had a feeling Alfred was going to be having a long conversation with Bruce. She just hoped it had the desired outcome. The man obviously had control issues, and she couldn't afford to have him try to take over her life. She had a feeling she was already going to have a major issue with Batman trying to step on her toes once he actually went through an Akuma attack. She couldn't count on there not being one before he and the others went home. Not to mention, if she'd heard right, he could just use some tech the Justice League had to teleport back at any time. She'd have to ask Cass about that, too.
Selina practically pushed Bruce out the door, while the boys followed under Alfred's gaze. Before going joining the rest, Jason shoved a piece of paper in her hand with a wink. She had a feeling he was one brother she could count on not to run to Bruce with information.
Once they were all out of the door, Mari felt herself relax. She felt terrible that things had gone downhill so quickly, but there really wasn't another option at this point. She couldn't afford to show weakness. There was far too much at stake, both in her personal life and as a hero. Cass tightened her hold on Mari.
"He needs time. He'll calm down."
"Unfortunately, time isn't something we have right now. If this doesn't get better, I'm going to have to force him to leave Paris before Hawkmoth is back in fighting form." She didn't even want to think about how much that would piss him off. She had a feeling Batman's ego wouldn't take too well to being thrown out of a city by another hero. Alfred and Selina would take her side... at least she thought so.
"Alfred will make things right." She wasn't quite sure what Cass meant by that, but she hoped she was right. She opened the paper that Jason handed her and heard Cass giggle behind her.
If you need someone to help you hassle B, give me a shout. ~Jason
It had five phone numbers on it. If she didn't know his 'occupation', it would seem excessive. It did mean she had at least one of her brothers on her side when it came to Bruce though. Whether that was a good thing or not was yet to be determined.
"Why don't we head over to the school? There are a few clubs meeting, so I know the building is open. That way, you can get a feel for the layout before tomorrow." She knew it would stress Cass out if they didn't scope out the building. It was going to be bad enough being around so many new people.
"You don't want to eat first?" Given the looks her Maman was shooting at the door, she was more worried about them running into Bruce than the actual food, but it was a good idea anyway.
"Of course, Maman. We wouldn't want it to go to waste." Especially since she made enough to feed the whole city again. Maybe she should text Jason and see if he wanted to meet them at the school and they could bring him some. "Maybe we could take some to go as well. I wanted to show Cass the houseboat, and if it's late enough, we might stay there." It wasn't a lie, just not the whole truth.
"Probably a good idea. It'll give your father and I time to talk to Bruce should he decide to come looking for you." She really hoped he didn't. Her Maman might actually kill him. She would text Selina or Alfred to make sure he didn't come over, but she had a feeling that would have the opposite effect she was looking for. After they ate and while her Maman was boxing up food, her Papa motioned her out into the hallway.
"What's wrong?" She heard the panic in her own voice and her Papa winced.
"Nothing's wrong. I didn't mean to worry you. I just wanted to make sure you were handling everything alright. I know things have been tense, and you tend to overthink everything without letting anyone know." She leaned forward slightly, and that's all it took for him to envelop her in a hug. Her Papa gave the best hugs.
"What if he makes her go back?" She knew it was an irrational thought, but it wouldn't go away. Her Papa hugged her tighter.
"That's not going to happen. We won't let it, and more importantly, Cass won't let it. I truly don't believe there's a force strong enough to separate the two of you. And if there is, Plagg will get rid of it." Marinette started giggling and couldn't stop. It was a little disturbing that she found the image of Plagg getting rid or Bruce amusing, but she was willing to chalk it up to stress.
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starwarsmum · 7 days
And we're going into the final ten days of Maribat BioFamily September! The prompt from @maribat-calendar-events today is Meet My Partner
Marinette was excited for the gala. It was her official introduction to Gotham society and she was ready to mingle. Telling the rest of the Wayne family about dating Damian had gone better than she could have expected, and she was optimistic about the gala.
As soon as she was dressed, she skipped her way along the hall to Damian's room. She knocked lightly and he opened the door almost instantly. She gave him a once over, marveling at how well the suit fit him. She forced herself to be critical for a moment, checking the fit against his shoulders and around his waist.
Damian smirked down at her as she ran a hand firmly along his back and she faltered slightly. She smoothed her hands down his lapels before pulling him down into a kiss. They pulled apart after a few minutes and Marinette felt like she was walking on air as she pulled him along the corridor to meet with the others.
Now that they were officially a couple as far as the others were concerned, she took a lot of pleasure in simply holding his hand, or cuddling with him while watching a movie. The others had accepted it with a lot of grace and now it was time to introduce Damian to the only person who hadn't given his stamp of approval - Adrien.
She had invited him to the gala and he had responded with an enthusiastic yes. She had hardly seen him since defeating Hawkmoth, other than at the trial and she missed him. They had been best friends for so long, and now that she didn't even have the semblance of a crush on him, their camaraderie was easy.
“Alright lovebirds,” Jason said when they finally joined the rest. She rolled her eyes at him but didn't move away from Damian. “Are you ready for tonight? Because it's one thing to find out Tim has a little sister but the minute they sniff out your relationship it'll be a free for all.”
“Surprisingly yes, I'm ready for it,” Marinette said, smiling up at him. “I'm actually just really happy to be going public with it, especially since all of you are cool with it. And it'll be nice to actually wear some of the formal wear I make.”
“With how much Jagged Stone raves about you, I'm surprised he hasn't dragged you to a party like this before now,” Tim mused, pulling at his hair.
“Oh, he tried but he's not exactly discreet? I reckon my identity as MDC would have lasted three minutes total before he blew it. Anyway, it doesn't matter because I'm here for this gala, and we're going to be late if we don't get moving soon.”
“Aw, it's fine Mari,” Dick grinned, pretending that he was going to muss her hair. She slapped his hand down and glared at him with enough ferocity that he held his hands up in surrender. “The party can't kick off properly until we get there, and there's a reason people say ‘fashionably late’.”
After several more minutes they made their way to the cars waiting for them. Marinette was bundled into a car with Damian, Tim, Cass and Dick while everyone else piled into the other.
When it came time to exit the cars at the other end, Marinette felt all of her nerves crash into her at once. She was going to tell the whole world that she was a Drake. And because Tim was adopted by the Waynes, it was going to be huge news.
Stepping out into a crowd of reporters and flashing lights made her flinch, but Damian had a hand on the small of her back and she let the warmth of it strengthen her. He smiled at her encouragingly, a small secret thing and she felt her heart lift. She managed to smile weakly at the crowds, waving a hand to wave before Tim offered her his elbow.
The following hour or so was a blur of meeting people, introducing herself and smiling. She was exhausted by the time she was asked to give a short speech about who she was. And by the time that was over, she was ready to call it a night. 
But the doors opened again and a familiar blond boy stepped into the room. Marinette squealed and rushed over to greet Adrien with Damian trailing slowly after her. They had been inseparable all evening and he didn't seem willing to let her out of his sight. 
“Adrien, I'm so happy to see you!” Marinette cried out as she flung her arms around his middle and squeezed. She only relented when he gave a mock-gasp and gave him a stern look. “Har har, very funny. How are you? How's everything been at home over the summer? Are Amelie and Felix still settling in well? And, mon dieu, who on earth put you in that suit.”
“I'm fine, everything's going well - the gang misses you but they know you're getting to know your brother and his family - Amelie and Felix are the same as ever and I put me in the suit. Given everything my dad put me through, I should be allowed to dress badly if I want.”
“But I'm your best friend! You wouldn't be dressing well for him, you'd be dressing well for me!” Marinette pouted, looking distastefully at the suit Adrien was wearing. “I can't believe you would do this at my own gala.”
“I do not understand,” Damian said, frowning. “He is dressed appropriately; his suit is black, he is wearing a shirt and tie and his shoes are not heinous. Why are you upset with him?”
“Dami, please, I love you, but don't,” Marinette said sternly, continuing to glare at Adrien. The glare got even fiercer when Adrien raised an eyebrow at her. “No, you knew I would hate the suit when you put it on. If you wanted to do a massive middle finger to your dad, why didn't you ask me to design a suit for you?”
“I didn't want to take time away from your new family! But since we're on the subject of clothes, why aren't you matched with your actual brother if you're going to match with Damian here? It gives the wrong message and you should know that.”
“It gives precisely the right message,” Marinette snarked back, slipping her arm into the crook of Damian's elbow. “God, what is it with people thinking I don't know what colour matching means? I live and breathe fashion. If I want to match with my boyfriend, I damn well will.”
“Whoa, hold up, seriously?” Adrien looked stunned, but not unhappy. His eyes moved back and forth between the pair for several seconds before a grin split his face. “Maribug, did you seriously snag your brand new brother's youngest adopted brother as your new beau? Not only that, but the most notoriously difficult to impress teen in Gotham?”
“Oh please, Damian's a sweetheart,” Marinette scoffed. She laughed at Adrien's disbelieving look, snuggling in closer to Damian. “Honestly, you can't believe everything you read in the news, Adrien.”
“Oh yeah? What about the fact that he threatened to stab Chloé when we were thirteen because she dared to greet him with une bise?” Adrien rebutted, face completely deadpan. Marinette blinked at both boys before he continued, “Pretty sure he called her a harlot, too.”
“I mean…” Marinette trailed off, suddenly inspecting her shoes. Adrien let out an exasperated groan and she got defensive. “Oh come on, she was an absolute brat, you know she was horrible to me all the way through collége. I can't fault Damian for being a good judge of character.”
“Mari, that's not being a good judge of character! Ugh, fine, whatever. But as your best friend, I invoke the right to speak with him privately,” he said, motioning his head for Damian to follow him. When nobody moved, he gave another exasperated sigh and looked pointedly at Marinette. “Bugaboo, come on, you know I'm right. Tell him to leave you alone for five minutes so we can talk.”
Sighing and letting go of his arm, Marinette encouraged Damian to follow Adrien to the drinks bar. She smiled at them as they walked away before allowing Adrien to have the privacy he wanted and glancing around the room.
She knew there were more people she had to greet, but she didn't move from her spot. If they wanted to meet her then they were going to have to make their way over to her themselves. Apparently this approach was the right one because a boy around her age broke away from the group he was with and made his way over to her.
“It's so nice to finally meet you!” The tall dark haired boy said, making Marinette squint up at him. He didn't look like the rest of the stuffed-shirt, pompous brats who had approached her so far, looking to rub elbows with her to get in with the Waynes, but she wasn't sure. “I'm Jon, Damian's friend.”
“Jon? Oh! Jonathan Kent, right? I've heard so much about you,” she said warmly, thinking about all the anecdotes that Damian had told her about his best friend. They were often told in a deadpan tone, but Marinette could tell he cared about the other boy. So she was determined to make a good impression on him, so that he wouldn't think she was no good for Damian. “I didn't know you were coming tonight, or I'd have introduced myself sooner.”
“It's no big, I don't think I mentioned to Dames that I was coming, and he never brought it up either. He's been very tight-lipped about Tim's little sister coming to stay with him,” Jon said, giving her a one hundred watt smile. “But because he didn't mention the gala, I wanted to come over when he broke off and introduce myself without him here.”
“Yeah, he's been really sweet, sticking by my side this evening. He knows big crowds make me a little anxious and he's doing his best to keep me calm,” Marinette admitted. “But I'm glad you came over to say hello! Dami said that you've been friends since he was, like, ten?”
“Yeah! Wow, so he actually talks about me?” Jon looked a little starry-eyed and it made Marinette giggle softly. “Sorry, sorry, it's just that he doesn't often admit that we're friends so this feels pretty huge.”
“Tt, I continue to deny any friendship on my part, Kent, particularly when you wait until my back is turned and you decide to insert yourself into my personal business. I was unaware that you were planning to attend this gala.”
Damian and Adrien had returned and Marinette turned and smiled at them both before turning back to Jon. Damian made a point of placing himself between the pair, glaring at his friend mutinously.
“Yeah, well, you've been kind of busy this summer,” Jon said drily. “But dad's here reporting, you really thought I'd miss it? Plus, it beats working on ma and pa Kent's farm for the next couple of days.”
“You're an honest-to-god country boy?” Adrien asked, his face lighting up with enthusiasm. Jon nodded and Adrien grabbed his hand to shake it. “Oh thank god! Not that I haven't enjoyed getting back in touch with everyone I've met in Gotham before but…honestly, it's always tired me out. I'm Adrien, Adrien Agreste.”
“Nice to meet you, Adrien, I'm Jon,” Jon said cheerfully, before his eyes slid back to Marinette. “And I totally get it, galas are filled with some of the absolute worst of Gotham's upper crust. I'm only here because Damian's my best friend and our dads get on.”
“Wow, so you have a friend?” Adrien said, a snarky grin directed at Damian. Jon tensed but Damian merely glared daggers at the blond boy, instead of pulling one of the ones Jon knew had to be hidden on his person somewhere. “At least I won't be third-wheeling all evening then.”
“Third…” Jon's eyes widened and his head whipped around to stare at Damian. “No way. You're telling me that the reason you didn't introduce me to Tim's new sister is because you've been too busy dating her?”
Damian sighed and gave Jon a pointed look. “I knew you would be insufferable the moment you discovered the nature of our relationship. It cannot truly be that shocking that I chose to keep it from you. Besides which, we have only just informed my family of it.”
“Yeah, but I'm your best friend!” Jon said indignantly, pouting. Damian kept a completely straight and unamused face. Eventually Jon made a dramatic sigh and stared off into the distance. “Besides, she's great! It would've been nice to get to know her sooner.”
“Tt, obviously she is wonderful, but I was not prepared to share her attention with you until now.” The tone of his reply was much milder than Jon would have expected, and he hoped that this girl stuck around for Damian because she was clearly a good influence.
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lily-drake · 2 years
Part 4 of timinette siblings with Kon and Bart coming over and bonding?
Maybe they were on an off-world mission of something and they video-called him
A second Anonymous person asked: If you make a part 4 (you do not have to) for the sibling Tim and Marinette, I think its time we see some protective big brother Tim moments don't you think? Stepping in when he spots a guy crowding his sister to suing Lila and Alya when he discovers the bullying, and the blog. Helping Mama Sabine bring evidence to the school board over the mistreatment of Mari, maybe his reaction to hearing Damien calling Mari a 'harlot' or 'tramp' (Tim totally goes to Luka for 'how to be best big bro' advice)
So I’ve decided to put them together. Enjoy!
Siblings Don’t Stand Back and Watch, They Always Get Involved
First <> Previous
Tim absolutely ADORED his sister.  She had done so much for him and he could never thank her and her their parents enough.  Tim had gone from hating who he was and feeling like a tool to be used and tossed away to knowing that he was loved and needed not for his intellect and what he could give, he was needed because he existed and they enjoyed spending time with him.  They were all so supportive of him and his choices, and he almost cried when they said it was okay if he didn’t want to talk some days and just silently stayed with him. No interrogation, no forceful tactics, not even a hint of manipulation, they just loved and cared for him.  
He had explained all of this to Cass during a lunch they had together while Marinette was at school.  She had smiled brightly at him and said,
“Happy for you Little Brother.  They good for you.”
Her tone was gentle and he could hear and feel the joy and love that she felt for him.  Once he was finished retelling everything that had happened since they had seen each other in person he asked her about her time in Hong Kong and about all of the different things she had done and learned there.  He loved the way her eyes lit up as she signed out all of her experiences.  The way she moved her hands with such excitement and the swiftness showed just how much she loved the new city she called home.
After they finished their lunch Cass asked if they could surprise Marinette at school.  Now that Tim thought about it, he’s never actually been to Marinette’s school before, and it had been months.  He quickly nodded and they headed to Collège Françoise Dupont to surprise their little sister at her school.  Once they got close enough to the school they could hear a loud commotion which worried Tim.
“Look at Maritrash!”  
“Where are your bodyguards now, huh?”  
“Not so invincible now, are you?”
“I can’t believe she would do that to Lila!”
“What happened to the sweet girl we once knew?”
Tim and Cass made eye contact for a moment before both rushed through the crowd and through the school in search of the small bluenette.  He had heard things here and there about how cruel some of the people here could be, heard about the girl that could twist anything, but it seems that it was extremely downplayed if this was what was happening during their lunch hour.
They shoved their way toward the center of the gathered mass of students to see Marinette in the center, food completely covering her, and every time she took a step toward the crowd in hopes of an opening to escape, she was pushed back and something else was thrown at her.  And near the center watching what was going on with a face full of sorrow, but eyes full of gleeful malice and Tim snapped.
He yelled while rushing towards her which caused her gaze to snap towards him.  He quickly pulled her to his chest which caused her to start shaking, her breath spiking slightly, his shirt becoming damp.  He needed to get them out of Paris and quickly before Hawkmoth got the opportunity to use her rightful emotions against her.
“Cass, I need you to call Kon.”
He yelled over the cacophony of people yelling and shouting profanities toward him.  He couldn’t focus on that right now though, he had to stay vigilant and protect his sister.  She was priority number one at the moment.  He wondered where the others were, but then recalled that Chloe, Adrien, and Kagami were on a business meeting with their parents out of the country.  It didn’t help that Kagami and Luka were out in different schools, but that didn’t explain where Juleka was, and he couldn’t find her in the crowd at all.  He could feel things begin to hit him, but that didn’t matter because they weren’t hitting Mari.
The entirety of the school froze and turned toward where the noise had come from.  Teachers began to pile out of the room with looks of fury and outrage even before they noticed the crowd of students, but once they did their looks made even Tim shiver in fear.
“So you think it’s funny to trap the entire faculty in the boardroom just so you could cause havoc?  Well you’ve all got another thing coming to you.”
The girl with sinister tear filled eyes spoke, clinging to another student.
“M-Marinette did it!  We tried to get her to-to stop, bu-”
“I’ve heard enough from you Rossi!  After a similar stunt was pulled we were able to get the camera footage sent directly to our phones, we know exactly what happened, and so will your parents.”
At that the girl paled, and Tim felt a vindictive satisfaction.  There was a small yank on his sleeve and he looked to the side to see Cass pulling him towards the doors.  Kon must have arrived.
“Hey, I have a few friends that want to meet you.  Follow me.”
He whispered softly into her ear.  She nodded wordlessly and let herself be pulled along as they traveled past all of the students who were still being yelled at by the teachers and staff.  Once they made it to the stairs Kon ran up to them and looked all three of them over, slightly panicked.
“What happened Tim?”
“Can you take us to the tower?  We need to get out of here quickly.”
Tim urgently replied.
“Lila might become Akumatized.”
Marinette murmured against his chest.  Tim ran his fingers through her hair and whispered,
“It’ll be you if we don’t leave now.”
Tim gently pushed her towards Kon and looked him directly in the eye,
“This is Marinette, take her first and make sure she’s safe.”
Kon nodded and waited till Marinette came towards him before he picked her up and left.  Tim slowly clenched his fists and took in long slow breaths before relaxing them again.  He needed to be level headed right now, he needed to tell their parents about what happened.  Sabine had told him all about how she, Tom, and many other parents protested against the school to the school board and how, because of that, the school had gotten new administration and a stricter zero-tolerance policy.  They needed to know about this.
Cass placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, grounding him, keeping him present.  He carefully placed his hand atop hers, taking one last calming breath before giving her a small nod.
“I need to go tell Tom and Sabine about what’s happening.”
Cass gave a serious nod and once Tim released her hand they made the quick walk to the bakery.
To say Sabine was upset would be the understatement of the century, she was enraged.  
“I knew it!  I knew that it wouldn’t be enough.  We are either transferring to homeschool or to a new school completely.  Kagami said that the school she attends gives out scholarships, I just know Marientte would be able to get one with her designs.  She is never going back to that Hell Hole ever again!”
Sabine yelled as she paced anxiously around the apartment flat.  She made a quick turn and looked Tim directly in the eyes, her face softening as she did so when Tim flinched back.
“Sorry dear.  Thank you for saving Marinette.  Please make sure that she’ll be okay for us.”
Tim nodded.
“Of course.  You’ve all helped me so much, and I’d do anything for her.”
Sabine pulled him into a tight hug that he quickly returned.
“I’m so proud of you Tim.  You truly are one of the greatest souls to be on this Earth.”
Tim could feel his eyes water, but he quickly pushed them back feeling Cass’s gaze on the two of them.  He could feel the soft smile she was sending the both of them.  Sabine pulled away a few moments later only to leave a gentle kiss to his temple.
“Tell Marinette that she can stay with your friends as long as she would like.  It will take some time for me to complete the transfer process, but it will happen.”
Tim nodded, his eyes showing a determined fierceness.
“Of course.”
Tim felt his phone buzz.  Kon was back.
“Be safe.  I love you Tim, and please tell Marinette that I love her too.”
Tim nodded shyly, still unused to the open shows of affection.
“I will.”
A pause.
“I love you too.”
It wasn’t the first time he had told them that, but the words still felt foreign on his tongue.  Sabine softened a little more, placing one last kiss on his temple before she stood up and left.  And with that, Cass and Tim left the small apartment to meet Kon who was waiting for them right outside.  
“How is she?”
Tim immediately asked.  Kon stared at Tim in shock, his heartbeat was through the roof.  
“She was very distraught, but Cassie is taking care of her right now.”
Tim let out a sigh of relief.
“That’s good, Cassie should be able to help her.  Alright, I need you to take us.”
Kon raised a brow, he had so many questions, but from the panicked look on his friend’s (practically brother’s) face, he knew that he wasn’t going to get them until this was resolved.  He bent down slightly, letting Tim climb onto his back before he scooped Cass up and they flew to Titans Tower.
Marinette paced around the room like a caged animal.  There was so much that could go wrong, and she was stuck here unable to do anything.  Cassie and Bart watched her with concerned eyes.  Kon had only given them the briefest rundown of everything, saying that this was “a friend of Tim” and that he had asked for him to bring her here.  
“She doesn't seem very crash.”
Bart stage whispered as he snacked on a bag of potato chips.  Cassie rolled her eyes at her friend,
“No, she doesn’t.”
Marinette wasn’t paying attention to their words though, she wasn’t even aware that they were talking.  All she could do was listen to the thoughts in her mind telling her that something bad would happen and it would be all her fault.  That because she was gone she would not be able to help or save her people if there was an attack which would make her the worst and most useless hero in the world!  Then she would lose her Miraculous, Chat would demand that she pass on the guardianship because of how irresponsible she was, Tim would abandon her when he realized how useless of a sister she was and-
Warm arms wrapped around her causing her racing mind to pause.
“I need you to breathe Mars, I know you’re scared, but everything is going to be okay.”
Marinette sucked in a deep breath, she wasn’t even aware of how shallow they had been, but now that she thought about it she had been seeing small black dots in the corner of her vision.
“That’s it, you’re doing so good now.  I’d never leave you Marinette, you and the others, you’re the last bit of family I have left.  Even if you weren't, you're still my sister, and that means everything to me.”
Tears welled up in her eyes, but she needed to fight them back, she couldn’t have strong emotions, those emotions would attract,
“It’s okay to cry now.  You’re not in Paris, if you need to cry I’m right here.”
She heard a door slide closed behind her, they were moving.  When had they even started moving?  Her body was gently moved down and she could feel herself sitting on her brother’s lap, her head resting against his chest letting her hear the steady beating of his heart.
Thump thump,
Thump thump,
Thump thump.
It was a steady rhythm, soothing in more ways than one.  Gentle fingers brushed through her hair and the dam broke as tears fell down her cheeks and sobs wracked her body.  It wasn’t fair.  She had done everything right, she was kind, patient, tried her best not to cause a scene, she forgave others, she helped them even when they didn’t like her, she had done everything right!  So why did they all hate her then?  What had she done, what was so bad about her, what did she do to make others hate her so much?!
“You didn’t do anything.  It’s all on them, you are so good Marinette, far too good.  They don’t deserve you, I don’t deserve you.  But we’re going to get through this, we’re going to do it together.  I’m not going to leave you to suffer on your own, I’ll stand by you, I’ll be your shoulder as long as you need me.”
Marinette clutched onto her brother, letting her hands fist around shirt.  Marinette didn’t know how long they were there, how long she spent ruining his shirt with her tears and snot, it could have been a few hours, minutes, even a day.  Despite that fact, Tim never once left her, always either rubbing her back, running fingers through her hair, humming, whispering comforting words, and just being the comforting presence that she needed.  It made her heart warm and helped to silence the sobs and slow the tears.  Tim loved her, he was here for.  She had Adrien, Chloe, Kagami, Luka, and her parents too.  She wasn’t alone.  Marinette slowly lifted her gaze to stare at her brother where he gave her the softest most loving smile she’d ever seen on him.
“You feelinging any better?”
He asked.  Marinette nodded, wiping the tears away with the back of her hand.  Tim leaned backwards and grabbed a box of tissues from some corner of the room they were in.  
“Thank you.”
She whispered hoarsely, using the tissues to wipe her eyes and a few more to wipe her nose.  Now that she was thinking a little clearer she began to look around the room.  A mess would be an understatement, but a pigsty would be an overstatement as well.  She could tell it was a form of organized chaos, papers scattered across the floor, boards covering each of the walls with red strings wrapped around them, pens were scattered everywhere on the desk as well as stacks of manila folders filled to bursting with different papers, and when she looked up there was another board up there, this one was empty though, which was strange.  It kind of looked like her room, except it was mostly paper rather than bolts and scraps of fabric.  
“Is this your room?”
She asked, sniffling slightly.  Tim blushed a little in embarrassment as he too looked around his room.
“Yea.  It probably looked a lot worse before.  I have no doubt that one of them was nice enough to clear out all of the trash and coffee mugs.  I’ll be doing the dishes for a month.”
He replied, grumbling the last sentence.  Marinette let out a small hum, leaning into the warmth that was her brother.  So who are your friends?  Tim smiled at that before he let out a long sigh.
“The one that took us here was Kon, he’s the one that we saved from that lab I told you about.  The blonde is Cassandra Sandsmark , though we call her Cassie.  She’s an Amazionian fighter, Wonder Woman’s sidekick, I think you too would get along really well.  Probably too well.”
He mumbled.  Clearing his throat he continued,
“The last one, the one who’s going to absolutely talk your ear off, is Bart.  He’s a speedster from an apocalyptic future that is living here.  So if he says something you don’t know or understand, there’s a high chance we don’t know either.”
Marinette giggled at that, causing time to smile as well.
“Your-er, Mom,”
She snickered again causing him to roll his eyes.
“Mom told me to let you know that she is going to try to transfer you to Kagami’s school.  She’s probably already called her by now to ask her about scholarships and admissions.  I’ll help of course, you deserve the best.”
Marinette sniffled again at that.  She would be leaving her old school then.  It wasn’t technically a bad thing, but it was still a foreign concept in her mind.  That she would be able to leave and escape the cruelty there.  She still had two years of school left and she had a feeling that they would be well spent at Kagami’s school, even if she did have to wear a uniform.  She had once asked Tim why he wasn’t in school, she had learned that he had actually skipped three grades and instead of graduating, like he should have, got an online GED.  He said that it didn’t matter to him since he “was running Bruce’s company before he even graduated”.  Sabine and Marinette had not been thrilled to hear that.
“Can I meet your friends?”
Tim smiled at that, he knew she was just trying to change the subject but he would let it go.  She deserved a break anyways.
“Yea, I can also get you some water since they’ll probably be in or near the kitchen anyways.”
With that marinette slowly stood up, Tim followed after her though he stretched his legs first before he opened his door and began his tour of his home-away-from-home.  
Tim watched from the sidelines with a smile as he watched his friends/family talk with Marinette.  He had no doubt that they would all get along, but it was still a relief and a weight off his shoulders to truly see it happening.  He watched Kon whisper something in her ear, Marinette glanced at him for a second and Tim felt nervous.  The next thing he knew Marinette burst out laughing and Tim was blushing despite the fact that he had no idea what was said.  He glanced over at Kon to see if he could get a hint of whatever story he was telling but only got a sly smirk and sideways glances from a chuckling Cassie.  He didn’t know if he wanted to know what story they told her.  They had so many stories, most of which he didn’t even remember due to his sleep deprived state that it was frankly concerning.  For him at least, they seem to enjoy holding these stories over his head whenever they need something.  
Slowly, Tim approached the group, his family, and hesitantly asked,
“What exactly did I miss?”
Kon shook his head and placed a finger to his lips, smug smirk still firmly in place.  Marinette’s eyes glittered with mirth as she followed suit and shook her head.
“Sorry Tim-Tam, can’t say.”
“And why not?”
He asked, crossing his arms and lifting a brow to look at all of his team members.  Bart zipped right next to him, causing a small breeze in the room before rushing out,
“It’s a secret story.  Maybe one day you’ll be able to find a way to unlock it in one of your side quests.”
Cassie snickered as Tim pouted.  He honestly hadn’t played one of his open world adventure games in a while.  He mostly played any version of UMS with Marinette and her their family. Tim sighed, dropping his hands to his side casually enough as Bart placed an arm around his shoulders.  He could tell that there was some sort of trap here, they were holding out on something but he couldn’t tell what yet.  The kitchen was clean (that was a first); Kon, Cass, and Cassie were all gathered near Mari; and there was nothing that could be considered suspicious on the counters.  There was just a bag of flour, one on his side of the counter and one in hers.
Oh no.  Tim could tell that Marinette knew that he figured out what she planned to do.  So with almost inhuman speed she lord the bag and threw a handful of it at Tim.  He quickly closed his eyes as the dusted wheat hit him square in the face.  Quickly reaching for his own bag he began to throw flour at her, only missing and hitting Cassie instead.  The fight went on for a while, everyone getting involved until they were all white as ghosts.  Marinette and everyone else was laughing, he knew that this was her idea. Probably revenge for the last time he initiated this same kind of fight.  It was worth it though.  She was happy, she wasn’t worried about a thing, and hopefully she can accept his friends.  Let them be a part of their small found family.  Tim never liked standing on the sidelines before.  But just watching her, seeing her happy like this even if it wasn’t fully him that made her smile like that.  Maybe he could make an exception for his dislike, but only if he could see her like this more often.
@aespades @adrestar @astrynyx @doll246 @queenz-z @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @seraphichana @dorkus-minimus @mysticsoulgirl @ritacrow-blog @snow-leopard-777 @fidget-eep @sometandomstuff333 @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @shreeing @achaoticmess1 @miraculous-ninja @liquid-luck-00 @buginetye @stainedglassm @prettylittlebutterflie @laurcad123 @iloontjeboontje @heartsong18 @raeuberprinzessin @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @jennifer-rose123 @moon5608 @corporeal-terrestrial @skitarii-alpha-c6-555 @saltysugarysembei @phantom120 @kking13 @depressed-bitchy-demon @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @trippingovermyfeet @maribatforever @miraculous-ninjabird
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ali-annals · 5 months
it's a small world after all
Pairing: Jason Todd x Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: G | Ao3 | TW: - | WC: 2.1k
Jason brings his fiancee home to meet his family. She gets along great with everyone! There's just one problem… They've met her before.
Jason squeezed Marinette’s hand gently and smiled reassuringly at her. 
“They’ll love you, I promise. And if any of them offend you, let me know. If you get tired or overwhelmed, tell me, and we’ll leave–whenever it is.”
She patted his wrist. “You can relax, Jay. I’m sure I’ll be fine. You’re more nervous than I am,” she giggled.
Jason opened the door and they stepped into Wayne Manor’s deserted foyer.
He led her down hallways till they reached an empty room set up with gymnastics and trapeze equipment. “My older brother–”
“Dick!” Marinette exclaimed, watching the acrobat flip towards them. He twisted and stared.
“Dick, it’s Marinette! Remember my Nonna Gina would bring me with her while she visited Pop Haly? And you’d take me for rides on Zitka?” Her blue eyes lit up as she reminisced about her childhood visits to Haly’s Circus.
“Mari?” Dick came running up and hugged Jason’s girlfriend. 
Jason frowned.
“Mari! It is you! What are you doing here?”
“I’m meeting Jason’s family as his fiancee. So you’re his older brother, huh?”
“I am, as much as he hates to admit it,” Dick grinned and ruffled his hair, and Jason slapped his hand away.
“Congrats on getting Jason to let us meet you! How’d you two meet?”
“Nonna introduced us, of course. I still don’t know all the details because those two like giggling about their little secret adventures behind my back, but it was some life-threatening situation, of course.”
“Of course,” Dick nodded.
His phone buzzed and Dick excused himself to answer the urgent call.
Jason led Mari to the next sibling. “It’s not personal if he doesn’t like you; he hates everyone,” Jason warned. “Don’t let the sword fool you; he’s just protective of our family.”
Marinette stepped cautiously into the old art studio. 
“Akhi altifl!” Marinette swept Damian into a warm hug. “You’re Jay’s Little Demon, huh? I should have guessed when he said ‘sword’,” she grinned. “But I thought you were with your ummi, what happened?” she frowned and pulled away to look him over critically.
“Tt. Ummi sent me to Father. You are marrying Todd? You could do worse, I suppose,” he sniffed.
“Thanks, bat altifl. That actually makes a lot of sense,” she muttered under her breath. “Bat altifl, Batman…”
“How do you know my little brother, who has not been out of one of our sights since he came here from the League?!” demanded Jason, thoroughly confused.
They both looked at him unimpressed. “My maman is good friends with Talia al Ghul, as they used to work together. I visited the League often when I got older, and Dami and I are quite good cousins, I would say.”
“Tt. Not blood cousins,” Damian took pity on Jason’s breaking brain.
“I had a good friend there before Damian was born, but she left a while ago. I was overjoyed for her sake; her training was…” She shook her head sadly.
Jason blew out a breath and shook his head. “Of course you know two of my siblings. You always know everyone somehow, and I don’t understand it,” he muttered as he led her down yet another hallway.
Mari dropped his hand and tackled a shadow. “Cass!”
“Of course, you know Cass, too,” sighed Jason, leaning against the wall as he watched the two embrace and break into body language and some spoken communication.
“Now there’s only B and Replacement left to meet; they should be home from work soon,” said Jason after Mari met Babs, whom she did not know, much to Jason’s relief. “I suppose you’ll be Timbourine’s long-lost sister or B’s goddaughter? You’d better not be B’s daughter, is all I can say. That would be a little too weird, even for this family.”
Mari giggled. “I’m 99% sure that I am not biologically related to your dad. Oh no.”
Jason turned to her, a little panicked after the events of the day. “What is it?”
She smiled innocently up at him. “Nothing, I just remembered something I forgot to do. I’m a little hair-brained because I knew I was going to meet your family.”
Bruce and Tim walked in the door as the couple descended the staircase.
“Mari, this is Bruce, my dad, and Tim, my brother. B, Timtam, this is Marinette, my fiancee.”
Bruce smiled happily at Jason calling him ‘dad’. “Hello, Marinette. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Thank you, you as well,” she smiled and shook his hand. “I told Jay it was better to meet before the wedding, but he said if we met after the wedding I couldn’t be scared off! I’m still here, though, so I think he was just being dramatic,” she winked conspiratorially.
Tim stepped forward and took Mari’s hand. “Hi, I’m Tim Drake. Do you have any embarrassing photos or stories about Jason?”
She grinned evilly. “Plenty, but we’ve got loads of time to share them. I hear your family is awfully fond of blackmail.”
Alfred announced dinner was ready, and the family gathered around the dining table. They got into a slight scuffle as to who would sit beside Mari, especially as Jason wouldn’t budge from her left-hand side. 
Damian won the privilege of sitting on Mari’s right, and Dick and Cass sat opposite her. The others scattered to their usual seats.
Bruce shook out his napkin, frowning in puzzlement at his children’s strange antics. “Have you met my children before, perhaps?” he asked Marinette.
“Some of them. Cass and Dami I met in the League, and Dick and I used to play together at Haly’s when it was in Europe before they came to America.”
“The League…?”
“Of Assassins,” Mari finished cheerfully. “My mother used to work with their mothers, and I often trained during summers at a League base with them. Also, I know you’re Batman, just so we can get the elephant out of the room. I love Zitka, but she would make eating a bit squished,” Mari flashed a smirk at Dick, ignoring Bruce speedrunning the 5 stages of grief.
(Why had he thought Mari was a perfectly lovely young woman and why had he been so pleased when Jason introduced them, again??)
“Don’t worry, I won’t do anything about your little secret,” she pledged. “I figured it out because Dami would never pass up an opportunity to–mmph!”
Damian shoved a bun in her mouth and glared at her. “Don’t say another word if you value your life,” he threatened.
Mari removed the bun and smiled sweetly at him. “But I don’t, bat altifl. I have 0 self-preservation instincts whatsoever and throw myself into threatening situations on the regular. Besides, I think I could take you on and win.”
She turned back to Bruce. “So, your youngest son here could never resist telling me all about his father and how amazing he was and how he was going to inherit the mantle of Robin, although somehow that came out as being renamed Robin. Anyways, baby Dami was adorable,” she cooed.
Damian pouted and she kept an eye out for flying swords after supper.
When Jason took Marinette back home that evening, she pulled him inside and sat him down. “Okay, I have a couple things to tell you, please hear me out to the end, okay?”
“Okay,” he took her hands in his and softly stroked the backs of her hands with his calloused thumbs.
“You know how you joked that I’d better not be Tim’s long-lost sister?”
“...you aren’t.”
Mari winced. “My full name is Marie Annette Drake.”
“You’re serious?”
“Yeah, I’m Jack and Janet Drake’s firstborn. I went with them to Paris for my seventh birthday and an archeological conference. My tutor was half-French and spoke it around me, so I grew up bilingual. It was easy enough to hide from my parents and let them fly back to Gotham without me. Someone found me, and I ended up adopted by the Dupain-Chengs. 
“Timmy was three and left with a nanny, and I always felt guilty for leaving him behind.”
“Oh, Pixie…I’m sorry you had to go through all that.” Jason slid closer and wrapped his arms around her. “Thank you for telling me.”
“Do you think Tim would like me as a sister? I know I’ll be his sister-in-law, but would he appreciate me telling him I’m biologically related to him? Would he hate me for leaving him and never telling him, preferring to never know about me? He looks happy with you guys.”
“Well, Timbrie’s abandonment issues would not like being told another person left him, but he’s logical, so once he got past that, he’d see you weren’t leaving him but your parents, and you were only a kid yourself. Who knows what goes on in that kid’s head, though,” he shuddered.
She groaned and dropped her head to her knees.
The next week she texted Tim.
M: Hey, it’s Marinette. Can we talk?
T: Sure, what time?
M: I think you’re busier than me. When works for you?
T: I have 30 min on Tuesday from 12 to 12:30
M: Perfect, thanks so much. See you at WE?
T: I’ll tell my PA you’re expected in my office
M: Should I bring lunch?
T: Batburger and jokerized fries?
M: You got it ;)
At 11:59, Marinette arrived at the top floor of WE and made her way to Tim’s private office.
Tam Fox, his PA, greeted her and let her in.
Marinette gave him his lunch and took her own, sitting across the desk from him in a comfy chair.
“So, why the meeting?” asked Tim around a mouthful of his burger.
“Er…how much do you remember of your childhood?”
He narrowed his eyes. “Enough. Why?”
“Do you remember playing with a girl called Marie?”
“I have a few memories of her, yes. Again, why?”
“I was Marie.”
Tim blinked. “Oh, were you Mrs. Mac’s granddaughter or something?”
“Mrs. Mac? Was that your nanny’s name? No, I’m…your sister.”
Tim blinked again and swallowed. “What?”
"My biological parents are Jack and Janet Drake. You’re my little brother.”
“You’re serious?” Tim shook his head in disbelief.
“I am. Jack and Janet took me to Paris for my seventh birthday. I stayed behind because I couldn’t stand being with them anymore. I got adopted by a lovely couple there. Aunt T wiped any traces of my existence as a Drake, but if you want proof, I can call her. I’m sure she has a backup somewhere. I’m willing to take a blood or DNA test or answer any questions you have. Or, if you’d rather, we can ignore this and pretend I’m only your sister-in-law.” Marinette gulped for air after she nervously monologued without stopping to breathe.
“I’m sorry for leaving you behind, Tim. I always felt guilty about that.”
“Tell me stuff only my family would know, then,” Tim challenged.
“You were born on July 19th. Your middle name is Jackson, which is a little on the nose in my opinion. You love photography-- even as a kid you loved looking at photos and playing pretend photographer. Your bedroom paint was robin’s-egg-blue– ironic, huh? Jack and Janet’s walls were an ugly mustard-coloured wallpaper. I taught you how to make KD, but I never let you make it by yourself in case you got hurt. Your secret teddy bear was named Mr. Cuddles. The Drakes’ motto was ‘Never bring shame on the Drake name’.”
“I never told anyone about Mr. Cuddles,” Tim said slowly. 
”I gave him to you when you were born,” Marinette reminisced.
The DNA test came back, confirming Tim and Marinette as biological siblings. “Hey, I’m the only one with a bio sibling,” realized Tim. 
“I’ll be Mari’s favourite now,” he boasted to the others, sure he finally had the secret code to win the quiet competition to become Marinette’s favourite.
A throat cleared behind him, and he turned to see Jason and Mari standing there, Jason’s arms crossed over his chest.
“Sorry, my favourite is Jason,” Marinette defended him.
He very maturely stuck his tongue out at the others.
“Wait, Jason’s marrying my sister!” Tim exclaimed in dawning horror. “I’m feeling the urge to deliver a shovel talk.”
“I’m your brother!” said Jason.
(“And that’s not weird at all, Tim’s sister marrying Tim’s brother,” said Babs to Cass as they watched the altercation.)
“I’m shockingly gonna agree with Demon Spawn here and say blood comes first,” Tim said.
Jason gasped. “Betrayal!”
Damian came charging, sword drawn, and the room devolved into chaos.
Mari stood back and snickered at the chaos with Plagg.
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datura-tea · 5 months
ok this has been brewing in my brain for a while now and i need to put it down somewhere, so... have the romantic relationships of my courier ocs (moz, kiwi, and avery) hehe
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gabe -> first love, childhood sweethearts; they almost became teenage parents. they broke up because moz wanted to explore the wasteland and gabe wanted to stay in their town. for a while, they would hook up whenever moz would come home but eventually stopped when gabe wanted to get serious with his eventual spouse. here's their ship tag (#when forever was us)
sydney -> first girlfriend; they met when they were matched at the boxing ring. moz won the fight, sydney bought her a celebratory drink, and they spent the night together. they got really serious really fast, and were talking marriage about six months in. things ended when sydney threw a boxing match and left in the night with both of their winnings
allie and bien -> moz was only dating allie; she didn't know that allie was in an open marriage with bien, who knew about moz but didn't want to get involved initially. but when moz and allie started to get serious, bien wanted to get involved. allie's big reveal (that she was married, that her wife wanted to join in) didn't go as planned; moz freaked out at first, but was convinced to try being a throuple. it didn't work out, mostly because getting a third made allie and bien's marriage stronger, and they realized that they didn't really want another person in their relationship. they still keep in touch with moz. she visits them sometimes
arthur -> stabbed moz in the thigh after a big fight, then apologized profusely while calling over the resident doctor. once she was ok, moz punched him so hard he blacked out. she broke up with him right after, and swore off serious relationships for a while
a series of situationships and one night stands -> most of them are still friends with moz :) ringo is among this group, as is cass (they were a thing for a couple of months, then moz went to the big mt for a month, and cass moved on; here's their ship tag (#hangover heart))
ulysses -> oh you know ulysses and moz!! theyre the loves of each other's lives 💖 here's their ship tag (#we are bound by symmetry)
jamey -> first kiss; jamey grew up with kiwi - his sister, marie, is kiwi's best friend. their relationship was nothing serious, just some teenage experimentation, significant only because it was the first for both of them
flirtations and flings -> kiwi has never taken anything seriously in their life, most of all romantic relationships. they flirt with every man they meet, regardless of their interest in the man. they constantly flirt with arcade just to rile him up even though theyre both not attracted to each other at all haha
the king -> kiwi's longest casual relationship, which only became more and more serious until eventually they get married. the king still has his groupies. kiwi still has their flings. they're both very happy with the arrangement here's their ship tag (#vegas royalty)
river -> best friend, unrequited first love; avery had always had a crush on river, but river didn't return it. they used to practice kissing on each other though. unfortunately river discovered that he was very straight, while avery realized that he was a gay man. they stayed platonic friends
casual relationships -> having been on the run since his teens, avery never has the time to fully stay and develop a long-term relationship. but he doesn't like to be alone. so in every place he stops at, he manages to find someone to hook up with for a while. then, eventually, he leaves
ulysses -> casual on avery's side; serious on ulysses' side. they're bitter exes and ulysses actively wants avery dead. however, thanks to benny's bullet, avery only has vague memories of his time with ulysses. can't even remember his voice. oops! here's their ship tag (#so bury me in memory)
boone -> nothing happened between them but there was something between them. yknow how when you're freshly out of the grave and need a stoic man to snipe enemies for you because you can't even aim your gun and he's so big and capable and strong and protects you so well? yeah
arcade -> they clicked immediately, but avery fumbled arcade, but then they got back together before the battle for hoover dam, but then avery went with an ncr-run vegas so arcade had to go into hiding, but then avery went out after him, striking out into the unknown. it took a few years before he finds where arcade was hiding and a few months of groveling before they get back together :) here's their ship tag (#poor confidants)
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sboochi · 2 years
Omg had a heartbreaking idea. So you when the TTS gang is all stranded on the island, and they find that device that shows them their happiest moment over and over again. What if
A - it doesn’t work on Jack because he’s the Guardian of Fun, and so the magic is too similar and it protects him from seeing anything.
B- He still doesn’t see anything, but that’s because his “happiest moment/greatest desire” is so impossible for the magic of the talisman that it isn’t strong enough to conjure it. Plus, Jack still doesn’t remember a lot about himself. So it’s like trying to use his memories from the tooth box, but if the tooth box was broken. He hears Mary (his human little sister’s voice) again and just sees a shadow. The shadow glitches a lot before disappearing. What would that should be? Jaime and the guardians? Or Mary, and the answer to his question of what she looked like (cause he only got a glimpse) and her name.
c - It DOES work and you have a very very very depressed and bipolar Jack on an tropical island which is now turning into a winter doomsday and no one else gets a turn because Jack is literally so desperate for answers he will in fact snap to get them.
Which tbh I feel like since Merida has her villain arc later, Hiccup has his depression arc without his emotional support dragon, Rapunzel with Varian and Cass, Varian with his Dad and villian arc, Cass with her Villain arcEugene with the whole Dark Kingdom being his birthplace, I would very much like to see Jack go through the runner and I don’t know if it’s here on the island of misfit toys or in Athollhan that he snaps and breaks down crying and causes the universe to go “yikes.dot.yikes”
You know, I've thought about the Happiness is... episode before, and the interesting thing is this: the idol seems to focus on temporary needs and desires.
Eugene sees himself as captain of a ship, not him happily married to Rapunzel in a big castle. Rapunzel sees her parents, not the black rocks mystery solved. Cassandra's vision is the one that feels more deeper-desire-y.
So considering that, I think Merida would see some adventurous scenario where she'd get to run around doing fun action stuff and Jack would see an apparently innocent snowball fight with the Burgess kids and the Guardians, because this is when he'd really start getting nostalgic for home.
That leaves out Hiccup, who at this point has spent the first third of the season sulking and being really depressed.
And not only I've been neglecting his part in the story, with the antagonist!Merida plotline and moonstone!Jack shenanigans, but this is the perfect moment to put Hiccup under the spotlight. Because of course he'd see Toothless.
And after a healthy amount of yearning, self-doubt and guilt, really making him feel terrible, and the reveal that it was just the idol making him see things, he snaps. But not in the tragic way. Instead, this is what shakes him up and makes him find the will to fight again.
Cue epic construction montage where Hiccup builds a boat/raft helped by everyone, so they can finally leave the island.
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Fury storm alternative version
FANFICTION: Au concept you are Lord Baratheons daughter, Maris and your peaceful day gets interupted by a awful dragon with an even more awful rider.
Aemond x reader
Furys storm (the first Aemond fanfic I made!🥺❤❤)
Dark warnings and non con warning apply.
You are enjoying a nice breakfast with your family. You, your mother your sisters and your father. 'My darling girls,' your father finally speaks. 'It would appear that dark times are soon ahead of us. King Viserys the Peaceful has died a few days ago, and now it's time for a new monarch.' You sip your tea, letting your thoughts wonder everywhere else but Westeros and its damned politicing.
'Yes, a first in history. A Queen. She will do amazing.' Cassandra says with a smile when she picks out the best apple out of the basket to devour. You groan as you are presented the left overs.
A loud roar can be heard outside and for a moment the whole castle shakes at its core. Your mother looks at the courtyard. 'What in the seven hells was that?' Your father roars, getting up from his seat at the table. He storms off and leaves you and your sisters be.
Your mother gives each and every one of you a kiss and hurries off after him. Ellyn plays with her long hair. 'I have a bad feeling about this.' You roll your eyes. Its always something with her.
Floris is away in dreamland probably daydreaming about her handsome bastard guard that she started dating secretly.
Your mother comes rushing back in not too long after. She is out of breath from running. 'Girls! Finest dresses. Now.' She then rushes back to your fathers side. You can instantly tell when something is wrong and this is very wrong.
There is a man downstairs. He talks with your father and they seem to hit it off. When he notices the four of you entering his only good eye briefly switches between you, taking you all in.
'Girls! We have a very important visitor. An emboy from the king!' You see Cassandra freeze next to you and quickly squeeze her hand. 'Cass,' you softly whisper at her. You know what she is thinking. If the Queen of the seven kingdoms cant even become queen of her own kingdoms, why would she ever become Lady of Storms end?
You are not sure what the silver haired one eyed prince wants but that it's a plot to overthrow his elder half sister is very clear to you. He finds it very curious and definitely noticed cassandras reaction. Wonderful. 'He is here for father. We are just fun accessories.' You softly whisper trying to comfort her.
Your sis cracks a joke like she always does when she is upset. 'Why, I was planning on riding today.' Your eldest sister whines like a little girl. You hide your smirk.
'Pray tell me; is this a horse or a boy that should prepare itself?' You whisper soft and grin.
Cassandra has trouble containing her laugh.
Your mother shoots you a glare. 'Maris, don't be rude and greet our guest. Prince Aemond came from far to see us. We dont get visitors like this everyday.' You force yourself to walk over to Aemond and make a curtsy. He barely looks at you.
Ellyn speaks. Very out of character for her doing. 'What brings you to Storm's end, my Prince?' Always the diplomat. Or just the curious one.
'There is a war coming. We personally wanted to see if Storm's end is choosing the right side.' The right side. His side. He thinks he will win. He is dragging you and your sisters and your house everything you hold dear into a civil war because his sister wasnt born with a cock.
'What side is that?' Cassandra asks to clarify but she is not stupid. You can tell by ber angry eyes that she figured it out too.
Aemond grins. 'My brothers side. Against the whore Rhaenyra Targaryen.' He really did just call the rightful queen a whore. This is serious.
Ellyn pouts. 'We sworn an oath-'
He cuts of her off right away getting in her face. 'Your grandfather did. You didnt swear anything.'
You hold back Cassandra subtly holding her hand. She looks like she can kill him any moment. 'They're quite spirited. Except that quiet girl.' The prince tells your father. He sounds disapproving.
Floris looks up, finally freeing herself from the love spell Eyden storm put on her. The guard himself stands unnoticeable in the middle next to the doors by your side.
Floris come closer. She is the smallest of you all and next to Aemond that is even more clear. 'Forgive me, I was just noticing your dragon, my prince. Does she maybe like a snack?'
His good eye blinks. 'That is very kind to offer, but I'm afraid Vhagar does not like regular snacks. She likes to eat cow. Whole cows. I can't ask that.' a whole cow? For that beast?
'Of course you can. Bring the prince's dragon a cow. She must be starving after flying here.' Floris orders some servants around who run off fetching her a cow.
You roll your eyes. She already has Eyden. When will it be enough? 'I do have one request. I can't engage myself with someone I dont know. I am responsible for many things as prince...'
'Speak plainly.' You have a bad feeling.
Aemonds good eye hungry looks at the four of you. 'I'd like to try them out a bit. I will need to judge whoever will make the best wife but how can I do that when I haven't seen them do the most important job: granting me heirs.' Wife? That is news. You and your sisters eye each other uneasily.
'You want to lay with all my daughters?' Your father roars out. He will do much for a crown but not this.
Ellyn growls at aemond. 'Did that dragon perhaps hit you?'
He smiles creepily and Ellyn backs off crying. 'Careful or I'll fuck you first.' He grins darkly.
'Not to lay, perse. I want to at least taste them. Properly. A kiss will be more suited, I suppose. It will save us all some awkwardness at the wedding.' He came here for a wife.
'Unless you like me to roast your pretty daughters or feed them to my dragon. That can be arranged as well.' Aemond speaks very coldly and you realise it was a mistake to assume you would be allies. He is not looking for wives or allies. He is looking at conquests like his ancestors did.
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lailawinchesterr · 5 months
Part three, Angel douchebag
Summary: Melissa and Mary get the closure they want, at the expense of putting themselves on the Winchester’s hit-list.
Dumah’s faceclaim; andrew garfield.
series masterist
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Sam and Dean slowly regain consciousness, looking at their surroundings. They try to get up but quickly find out they're tied to chairs in opposite directions.
"Sam? Sammy, you okay?"
"Doing great." Sam's sarcastic reply makes Dean let out a sigh of relief. If he was well enough to make jokes, he was well enough to try and get out of these ropes.
"You're awake," both men's attention snaps to the door and they see Mary making her way to them.
Sam takes in the place for the first time and almost immediately recognizes what is it. The beige walls with stacks of books everywhere, control panel and demon traps in every pet of the room. This is one of the bunkers that the Men of Letters had built.
"Is this—"
"A Men of Letter's hideout like yours? Yes. I'm glad you noticed, maybe it'll make Dean finally stop praying to Castiel. He can't hear you."
Dean groans and rugs at the ropes, "You bitch—"
"We've established that, yes." Her voice isn't as sweet as Mel's, they notice, it's rougher. Still soft, but it has more edge to it, like she doesn't want to be doing this, not enjoying it.
"Why are we here, Mary?" Sam says softly. He can sense that if one of the girls didn't want to do this, it'd be her. She could get them out of here. "We didn't leave your mother, whoever told you that is a liar. Besides, this happened 4 years ago, why are you coming to us about it now?"
"Here's why I think you're lying to me, Sam," she stepped closer to him, putting a hand on the chair so she can lean on it a little, closer to him, "your grandfather came and had a little chat with me and Mel last night, quite the charmer, and more than ready to sell you two out."
"What? Samuel is dead."
"Yeah, you all have a knack for dodging reapers. Anyways, he came and talked to us, told all us all about your adventures together a couple of years back. You even left your own brother for dead, you let him turn into a vampire, which really is harder to believe than my parent's story because I thought you two loved each other." She shrugs, moving away from the chair, "but if that's what you're into, I guess."
"What are you talking about?"
Dean intervenes, "Damn it, woman, he didn't have a soul."
"He what?" Her expression did a full one-eighty as she walked over to Dean's side to hear his story. She knows if Mel could see her right now she's yell at her for listening to them, but she's not like her sister. She needs to know the truth from all sides.
"Sam he... I don't know why we're telling you this, you and your sister—"
"Have you in a hideout where we could leave you for dead. Tell me."
"Son of a bitch," he mutters under his breath and she lets him regain his words for a moment before he sighs and keeps going, "Sam stopped the apocalypse by throwing himself into this dungeon thing that Lucifer was trapped in with Lucifer in him. Cass got him out but couldn't bring his soul with him so Sam was walking around for the better half of two years soulless. He did some pretty awful things and he's trying to make up for it, but you can't hold that against him."
"What about you?"
"What about me?"
"Where were you?" She asks, her voice vastly softer than it was before and it gives both of the boys hope.
"I don't even remember what you're talking about, I wasn't there. I didn't see Sam except a year after he was out."
She nods once then takes a deep breath before landing a punch to Dean's face. Which really is a shame because she's learned to like it so much, not that that matters to her. She keeps going, blow after blow. Sam starts yelling at her to stop while he tugs in his ropes.
She only comes back when someone holds her back, both hands on her waist. "Why are you doing that?"
She almost punches Dumah too, but she's not stupid, it wouldn't do anything and she did need to eventually get off Dean.
"You know," Dean says after he spits the blood that's pooled in his mouth, "Bobby's gonna find us, and he ain't gonna be happy about this little set up you have."
"Yeah? You son of a bitch," Mary's crying now, actual full tears, "let him come find you, all he'll find are your bodies anyways."
Dumah walks her out of the dungeon, leaving the two boys in the dark room once more. Sam tried to control his breathing as he looks for anything around him he can use to cut these ropes.
Lucky for them, Dean's plan worked out perfectly. "Dean?" Sam calls when he feels his brother pulling at the ropes holding their hands tightly together, "what are you doing?"
"Snatched her necklace while she was too busy hitting me. It's glass."
"Well don't break it, you asshole."
"I didn't, it's pretty damn sharp." Sam sighs and leans his head back so he's staring at the ceiling.
"Why didn't you tell her?" Sam asks, but he almost regrets it the moment he does. They could be listening in right now, it's more than likely, but he needs to know why he's lying to the girls.
"You know, man. Why didn't you tell her you killed them?" Dean shakes his head but he remembers Sam can't see him and opts for freeing his hand quicker instead. He doesn't want to have this conversation while the girls are outside.
A minute later, they're both free and rubbing their wrists. "Why didn't you tell her?"
"Tell her what? 'Sorry I stabbed your parents, they were a couple of demons'? Besides, what kind of hunters don't have anti-possession tattoos? It's all kinds of wrong, man, and i don't wanna piss these two off more than we already have." Sam nods as they both try to open the door quietly.
"You know our excuse was stupid though, our stories don't match up at all."
"Yeah, we tried."
"Also Samuel's alive, how is that possible?"
"Maybe Crowley's doing?" Sam nods again in agreement as dean finally gets the door opened fully. They both step out trying to make as little noise as possible and they start looking around the bunker for the exits.
The bunker was made to be like a panic room, so the exits are all obvious. Both boys make it there quickly, and easily.
Almost too easily.
"Hey, Dean." The older Winchester nods, trying to be quiet.
"Don't you think it was a little too easy? I mean, this place has an angel and two very skilled hunters who trapped us, how did we find the exits and leave in five minutes?"
"I don't know, Sam, luck? Whatever it is, we don't question it till we get the hell out of here and back to Bobby's." But it isn't enough for Sam, especially not when he's figured it out.
"Remember Gabriel?"
Dean groans, fed up either way his brother's unnecessary conversations, "Shut up, Sammy, will you?"
"Remember him?"
"The angel? Yes, of course."
"He was a trickster too, could make you think you were anywhere you wanted." Dean nods again, too busy picking at the lock of the exit.
"Yeah, yeah, interesting stuff, give me a hand?"
"Dumah! Give it up!" Sam yells to the sky, looking nowhere in particular. Dean's eyes widen as he looks at his brother like he's crazy.
"What are you—"
"Shut up. Come on, i figured it out, let us go so we can all talk." And just as easily as they found that door, they're right back to the dungeon where they started.
"Goddamn it! Another trickster? Do you angels never stop being douche bags."
"Sorry, boys. We needed to know the truth." Mary's once sweet voice is now much more like it was the first time they all saw each other.
"So none of it was real? We never talked? You never hit Dean?"
"I would never hurt that pretty face, now would I?" She taunts, letting her finger trace Dean's jawline while he glared at her.
"And Samuel?"
"No idea who that even is. I was gonna make it your uncle but I didn't know if John had brothers."
"If you say bitch, I'm going to punch you for real this time. Get a new nickname, man, we get it." She moves to whisper something in Dumah's ear and he leaves so she's alone with both of the boys.
"Sam, Dean, I don't want to keep you here, I really don't, but you lied to us." She walks over to Sam's side much like she did in the fantasy Dumah made up for the boys, "and I don't like liars, especially ones that admit to killing my parents. You do know exorcisms exist, right? You don't kill people because they have demons inside of them."
"Actually," Dean mocked, "that's exactly what you do."
Mary's eyes darken as she lets out a noise that's something between a scoff and growl, but it's Melissa's broken voice that speaks from the door's entryway, "You have no respect for them, do you? They were hunters! They helped kill demons by your side and you killed them. Now their daughters are trying to understand what happened and you lie to us? You disrespect them over and over again? What's wrong with you?"
"Melissa." Sam whispers exactly what the girls need to hear, "we're sorry. We're so sorry."
They had said it once, back at Bobby's house, but it was out of fear. Sam says it for a completely different reason that time.
For closure.
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lifeexperience · 2 years
Brucie Wayne and his only "normal" child - extra notes
So I worked on the Valentine day's special and I started to note some interesing things and I remembered someone asking about them, but I didn't answered for reasons I didn't know why... And I completely forget where was that question (in Ao3 or here or anywhere other)...
So I made a overview that isn't as unreadable as my handwriting to answer that....
For everybody information, this only my headcanon in this particular fic, however I tried to base it somewhere between the story needs and the canons (as both ML and DC). So there are some comic/show accurate things or there are some not so much comic/show accurate stuff here.
So it's under the 'keep reading'...
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the age gapes between the batkids are kinda accurate: Damian+5y=Tim=Stephanie ; Tim+~2y=Jason=Cass ; Jason+~5y=Dick ; Dick
Raptor relation to Dick is he was in love with Mary Loyd (Dick's mom) who fell in love with John Grayson (Dick's dad)
using Athanese as a middle name for Adrien (in the show) is good referencing to the comics because there is a sister of Damian whose name is Athanasia
to me Cyborg is a Titan, not a fucking founder of JL
the greens are the positive main characters, the reds are the negative main characters in the published part of the fic
(I easily made mistakes but I am not in the right tired mind to notice them, so sorry about them. And my hand are really better, like I am able to type for hours now again.)
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cantsayidont · 2 months
There may not be a dance soiree, but there is hateration and holleration:
THE JETTY (2024): Exasperating new BBC miniseries, created by Cat Jones and directed by Marialy Rivas, about a detective constable named Ember Manning (Jenna Coleman), raising her teenage daughter Hannah (Ruby Stokes) in the small Lancashire town where she grew up, where everyone knows her and no one takes her very seriously. When Ember realizes that a recent arson might be connected to the past disappearance of a girl named Amy (Bo Bragason), who went missing when she and Ember were teenagers, Ember tries to reopen the case, and butts heads with a crusading true crime podcaster (Weruche Opia), who's also interested in the story and has information about it that she won't share. Ember also realizes Amy's disappearance may have something to do with her daughter's now-dead father, who got Ember pregnant when she was only 17. The story alternates between engaging if uncomfortable drama (like an ongoing flashback sequence about Amy's manipulative flirtation with her friend Kitty (Laura Marcus), who was shyly in love with her despite Amy using her as cover for her secret affair with a shitty older man) and a boatload of stupid pseudo-true-crime white libfem copaganda. It's hampered at every turn by Coleman, who's not nearly as good an actor as some of her costars and seems completely out of her depth playing a cop in what wants to be a socially conscious procedural. CONTAINS LESBIANS? Yes, and if the story had focused more on Amy and Kitty, it might have made its points without all the copaganda horseshit. VERDICT: Some of the segments not centering Coleman are compelling, but Coleman is awful, and the script's fundamentally reactionary mindset and its preoccupation with imputing carceral solutions to misogyny are both clumsy and distasteful (not least because Jones uses one of the story's only Black characters as a rhetorical prop). CWs apply for grooming and sexual violence.
THE LITTLE GIANT (1933): Edward G. Robinson branched out into gangster comedy with this comedy of manners about a notorious Chicago bootlegger, one Jim "Bugs" Ahearn, who decides to retire to Palm Springs with his most loyal stooge (Russell Hopton), where he crashes polite society and falls for ostensibly respectable society dame Polly Cass (Helen Vinson). Meanwhile, Bugs' new housekeeper/girl Friday Ruth Wayburn (Mary Astor), a bankrupt heiress whose family home Bugs has just bought, plays Cyrano de Bergerac while trying to bite her tongue about Polly, whose family is nearly as crooked as Bugs. Not nearly as silly or chaotic as Robinson's later turn in the conceptually similar A SLIGHT CASE OF MURDER, and its pre-Code indulgences are pretty modest, but it's an enjoyable romp with some amusing social satire. I ended up wishing the script had made more of the relationship between Bugs and Ruth, although Astor is great as always and her rapport with Robinson is one of the film's best features. CONTAINS LESBIANS? No, although Robinson does use the f-slur at one point. VERDICT: Enjoyable, but not as essential as the sillier A SLIGHT CASE OF MURDER.
MATINEE (1993): Delightful comedy about a shlock movie impresario named Lawrence Woolsey (John Goodman) — an obvious pastiche of real-life producer/promoter William Castle — who pulls out all the stops for the premiere of his new Grade-Z sci-fi/horror epic, MANT, at a movie theater in Key West, Florida, during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, setting into motion all manner of chaos. As with the tonally similar A CHRISTMAS STORY, MATINEE is sort of notionally a kids' movie, about two friends (Simon Fenton and Omri Katz) who have each managed to score a date with a cute classmate: horny good girl Sherry (Kellie Martin, who at this age could have plausibly played Sara Michelle Gellar's younger sister) and budding leftist Sandra (Lisa Jakub), who begins to movie by getting herself suspended for protesting that bomb drills would be useless in an actual atomic attack. However, the movie is really aimed as much as adults who nostalgically remember that age (and/or era), and it's an affectionate, in-joke-laden homage to a now mostly vanished genre of cheesy cinematic nonsense (embodied in the clips we see from the MANT film-within-a-film, which are very funny). Goodman is wonderful, as is Cathy Moriarty as his weary girlfriend/star. Robert Picardo pops up in a supporting role as the hysterical theater owner, who's built a bomb shelter in the basement because he's convinced the world is about to end. CONTAINS LESBIANS? Nah. VERDICT: Great fun.
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highlifeboat · 10 months
This blog should be renamed "Max and his wives", fr fr😌
Listen, people wanted me to watch Hocus Pocus. I did. Now I can't stop thinking about it
And the consequence of that is a queer throuple with a boy crazed witch, a bug woman, and the only man in a 500 mile radius. /lh
To talk about someone else tho:
I do think Mary would find Melony adorable. I don't think Cass would ever go for a polycue, though (and honestly Mel probably wouldn't either.) So they aren't like... dating or anything but Mary viewing Melony as just some "Little Guy" seems funny.
Like she looks at Melony and goes "Sisters! Tis but a tiny lady. So cute." Because Mel is physically tiny compared to them (even though she's only like 2 or 3 inches shorter than all the sisters)
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undeadvinyls · 2 years
hiii 👀 can you a give a brief bio for each of your teenage pvz OCS? i don't know much Abt them 💥
OH YEAH!!!! let me just say it's NOT going to make sense, any of it, it's kinda like tf2 (As in, you can add as much bullshit as you want and it will still make sense lmfao)
betty - or by her full name, beatrice, is the child of electric boogaloo and my oc dazzling starr. with a talent for playing the drums and fashion. a total grunge/riot grrrl. bisexual disaster. dating jules. she gets her father's electricity powers and a bit of her mom's music powers. daddy's girl. rlly likes to sew as well!! most of her clothes are DIY she made out of junk or upgraded
paul - betty's twin brother, full name, paul lee. hes very talented in chemistry and biology. he also likes to play acoustic guitar and sometimes even banjo. just like his sister, he rlly likes fashion too and is NOT going to walk in some trash, even if he's a zombie. he's a mama's boy on the other hand and he gets more of dazz' powers.
jules - by her full name, julianne, science girl from the neighborhood with the highest GPA/best grades in the whole school/z academy. a snarky filipino with love for alternative rock. she's the vocalist in betty's band, hex graves. also loves skateboarding a lot, and watching old anime (her fav is sailor moon and revolutionary girl utena) she's also M.D. Livings' niece and he loves her dearly even if he's mf medic tf2 zombified. huge lesbian.
cass - full name, cassandra, chilean jock who loves a good game of sports, but loves filmography way more. she likes to make experimental films by herself with the help of her besties. she also has 2 moms she got adopted by :] she plays the guitar in the band. her music taste is like early 2000s punk rock/pop punk. pansexual and dating graham.
harper - actually named hajnal, as she's part hungarian, but prefers her nickname. the zompire coming from a family of aristocracy but hates it. doesn't like to be put in 16th century dresses and prefers to dress like an emo kid straight from the 2000s; the same for her music taste. my chemical romance is her unlife. she can and WILL fashion police everyone. also a huge fan of sculpting and art (she has mary sue ocs). aroace :] shes also the bassist of the band
graham - a total punkass, but his scary appearance is just a facade; he's a big sweetheart deep down and he has a big love for literature (but he writes self insert fanfics abt historical periods like his most popular 10,000 word trojan war fic). he LOVES punk rock and especially the stuff that goes extremely hard. oh, and daddy and mommy issues. A LOT. anyways he's pan + ace and dating cass.
zach - full name, zacharias, he comes from a big family of pirates. he rlly likes chemistry too but for different reasons; he simply wants to know what to put in bombs. the reason he has 4 arms and glowy eyes is cuz his mom got "cursed" that her next child would look like that, but now he's living his best unlife not caring a bit. he also rlly likes board games and literally you cant beat him in them. he has 5 siblings, roger, nick, taylor and hazel who are older and a younger brother. hes gay and dating paul :]
thats all!! tysm for asking i know some stuff might not make sense but trust me you can put as much bullshit as you want into pvz and it'll STILL make sense lmfao.
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