#Caseys Steddie fics
kcsplace · 2 years
Eddie, head over heels for Steve and all at sea about how to deal with that, asks Steve for advice on how to date.
Steve, equally besotted and equally stupid, agrees despite his Robin's qualms about the whole thing.  He knows its moronic to do it to himself, to prepare Eddie to date someone else but if it means getting to spend more time with his friend?
He’ll take the hit.
He’s used to it after all.
Its starts with clothes.  Steve takes Eddie shopping but has to steer him away from the polo shirts and khakis he’s inexplicably gravitating towards because "if you can't be yourself, Eds, there's no point.  the right person will love your ripped jeans".  Though he does emphasize that *clean* clothes are a must, because yesterday’s mustard stains? Not so romantic.  
They move on to tips on small talk.  Sharing interests, like music, is great but try to tone down the forty minute monologues that are odes to Dio and how he's the greatest metal vocalist of all time.  They're a smidge much for a first date, even though Steve finds it weirdly charming.
And a little arousing but that’s between Steve and God. 
The conversation about hair is shut down immediately when Eddie suggests cutting his hair.  If Steve had his way, scissors would be banned within a five mile radius of Eddie and his stupidly soft hair.
Steve, in a self-sabotaging mission to break his own heart, even offers to help Eddie cook for his date.  This results in the pair being pressed close together in the trailer's tiny kitchen, steamy and sweaty, Eddie placing his hands on Steve's hips to move him this way and that to get at crockery, cutlery and the one spatula that he's sure Uncle Wayne has in there somewhere
Two hours, one mental breakdown for Steve and two smoke-breaks for Eddie during which he ordered away his erection through sheer force of will , dinner is ready, the rickety little table is set and Steve is loitering near the door.  He really doesn't need to see who managed to catch Eddie's eye, doesn't need to compare himself to them in every respect because it's not him, and he absolutely needs to drive to Robin's right now to cry about it.  Or at very least get audaciously and heroically shitfaced.
Which is when Eddie, red-faced, sweating more than he did when standing over a pot of boiling water, and fiddling nervously with the tab of his clean vest, asks him to take a seat, dinner is served.
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kennahjune · 3 months
Teen Dad AU
Part 7!! (??)
I’m losing track.
More Steddie interactions (kinda?)! Plus Steve and Louie and the kids :))
I’m so excited for this one aaahhhhh!!!!!
I’m starting this on my 15th bday lmaoooo
(Update it is now 2 months after my bday, HAPPY pride month everyone!!)
Tag list:
@cam-cat-writer @jackiemonroe5512 @finntheehumaneater @irregular-child @grimmfitzz @fantrash @bookworm0690 @fiddledeedee85 @hunterbow04 @strangeforest @just-a-tiny-void @jaimeweasley13 @thelittleclare @rebellatio-03 @sirsnacksalot @geekyfifi @sapphireoceansoc @salty-h0e @dragonmama76 @mentallyundone-blog @lingeringmirth @moomkin77 @netflixisacopingstrategymom @jaytriesstuff @goodolefashionedloverboi @hellfirebaby-86 @blu3stars @blackpanzy @strawberryyyenthusiast @lololol-1234 @thestarslittleking @silenzioperso @forest-fogg @bebopbabyy @lawrencebshaggoth @stevesbipanic @dauntlessdiva @live0rdive @y4r3luv @jonesn4coffee @sofadofax @sensationalsunburst @scarlet-malfoy @l393ndjean @asspirin-s @fandomz-brainrot @mugloversonly @virginlemontea @littlebluejane @paintsplatteredandimperfect @astrid-nomically-steddie @maferisa-7 @phantomrose17 @thoughtfulbreadpolice @fandomnerd103 @atemisiscursed @croatoan-like-its-hot @myownworstenemyyy
Steve didn’t want to leave the kitchen.
“Get the hell out there, Harrington!” George scolded him. “It’s a bunch of middle schoolers!”
Yeah, Steve refused to serve a table of middle schoolers. Because they weren’t /just/ middle schoolers.
They were his middle schoolers.
Accompanied by Miss. Byers and Jonathan.
Steve internally groaned. He had been completely avoiding and refusing to tell any of them where he worked and had sworn Hopper to secrecy. Dramatic? Sure. But valid? Absolutely.
Those kids were menaces. Even Will in his own way, giving Steve one of those sweet smiles of his to get him to give them rides almost whenever. Ugh.
The point is; Steve didn’t want to the Brat Bridge to know where he worked. Because then they’d come just about everyday to harass him.
But a teasing comment about “Scaredy Steve” from Mason had Steve punching Mason in the arm and marching out into the actual diner.
Gwen walked past him into the kitchen with a tray of dirty dishes. She clapped him on the shoulder with a sly smile. “Good luck, they’re a loud bunch.”
Steve sighed. “Trust me, I know.”
Five kids, one teen, and one adult. Steve would be fine. It’d be totally fine. He sees these people like every goddamn day—
He’s been spotted.
Steve gave a strained smile to Dustin, who was actually bouncing in his chair between Mike and Max, who were both looking at him like a freaky big they’d never seen before.
“What are you doing here?” Lucas chirped, across from Dustin, grinning ear to ear. Will sat quietly next to him but smiled at Steve when they made eye contact.
Steve crossed his arms and popped his hip, a small grin of his own plastering his face. “I work here, Sinclair. Now what does the Brat Pack want?”
A chorus of shouts of different menu items flew at Steve all at once. He chuckled quietly, and then groaned louder— just to be a dramatic shit.
“One at a time! You learned how to take turns in kindergarten, didn’t you? Or are you guys still there?”
Dustin and Mike immediately protested, Max making a dig at Steve’s “elementary school IQ”. While the three of them argued with a not-listening Steve, Steve turned his attention to Will and Lucas.
Orders were placed quickly after. Steve turning to Jonathan and Joyce after the kids.
When he gave the paper to Mason the raised eyebrow he got back held thousands of questions. Questions Steve ignored with a smirk and wave of his hand.
His shift that day was rowdy and filled with teasing and laughter. Not much different than usual but it was warmer. More comforting. The kids didn’t leave with Miss. Byers, opting to stay behind with Jonathan and wait until Steve’s shift ended.
Allya and George waved Steve off about closing, insisting they’d get to it themselves.
So, Steve and Jonathan split the brats up between their cars; Lucas, Mike and Dustin with Steve, Max and Will with Jonathan.
“Steve can we go to your house? Please?” Dustin begged, hanging off of Steve’s arm while they all walked to the cars. Steve pretended to think about it, already knowing full well that he’d give in and let them storm his trailer.
He sighed dramatically, just for shits and giggles, before agreeing. Because he’s a giant push over.
Steve and Jonathan split the kids up and Jonathan followed Steve all the way to trailer park.
“Hang on—“ Dustin slapped Steve’s arm from his seat in the passengers side. “Don’t you live in Loch Nora?”
Steve huffed, his irritation flaring at the reminder. He quickly tramped it down, refusing to be angry at Dustin for being curious.
“Used to. Moved out once I got Louie.” He explained, barely even a lie.
Mike and Lucas shared a glance in the back seat. Steve narrowed his eyes at them before quickly returning his gaze to the road. He’d have a talk to them later about trying to play detective.
Jonathan and Steve pulled in side by side in the driveway. The kids got out one by one, rushing to the porch and waiting impatiently for Steve to open it for them.
Steve smiled a small smile at the antics, before catching Jonathan staring at him out of the corner of his eye.
Steve turned to him with a confused raise of his eyebrows. Jonathan raised his own eyebrows and looked pointedly to the trailer before back at Steve.
So it wasn’t Lucas and Mike playing detective, it was Jonathan.
Steve rolled and eyes and made a very pointed and obvious “later” look before pushing through the kids and unlocking the door.
The kids discarded their shoes haphazardly and spread out in the living room, looking at everything.
“I’ll be right back. Break anything and I’ll break your asses.”
Max and Mike rolled their eyes, disappearing with Will down the hall to no doubt look around more. Dustin and Lucas stayed in the living room.
“Where are you going? And where’s Louie?” Lucas asked suspiciously.
Steve rolled his eyes fondly. “Wow ok. More interested in my kid than me, Sinclair?” Lucas spluttered a reply, but Steve waved him off with a chuckle. “I’m kidding, doofus. Louie’s up at Gran— er, Margaret’s, because I had work.”
Lucas deemed this an ok answer and let Steve go.
He knocked on Gran’a door three times before she opened, Louie on her hip and the twins right behind her. Noah and Casey immediately ran out the door to hug Steve on the small porch, each hanging off of a different leg as Steve reached out to take Louie from Gran.
“Heya, baby!” Steve greeted the now teething infant. Teething, as Louie immediately stuck Steve’s shirt collar in his mouth to chew on.
Steve smiled at Gran, letting her know the brats were over but that they could still have dinner together that night if she was ok with an extra five kids (and Jonathan).
Grab waved him off. “The more the merrier, dear.”
Noah and Casey followed Steve home, Gran having to go run some errands and taking advantage of Steve finally being home. Steve didn’t mind.
He’d just made it to the bottom of his porch when something caught his eye across the street; leaving his own trailer was Eddie Munson, his hair thrown half-up-half-down and his shirt and jeans ripped to basically scraps. He was grinning and talking while walking backwards, supposedly to the old man standing in the doorway.
Eddie turned around just in time to make eye contact with Steve, raise an eyebrow, and grin devilishly. He stuck out his tongue, and Steve and Louie both giggled.
Steve broke the tension-filled eye contact to look down at little baby Louie, who was still chewing on his shirt. Louie grinned back at him, his little teeth nubs shiny. When Steve looked back to Eddie, the van was gone and the pretty metalhead was nowhere in sight.
“Steve! Why are you withholding the child?” Max demanded.
Steve snapped back to reality just enough to glare over his shoulder at her.
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grandwretch · 2 years
Eddie is used to shouting. Its maybe not the healthiest way to deal with his frustration, but it comes naturally-- Sometimes he does it without even noticing; The end of his sentences echoing around him. He's just a loud person by nature, really. Wayne is used to it, and they squabble together. Dustin and Mike and Erica all yell back, even with smiles on their faces. No one pays much mind to it, no one's feelings are hurt. Eddie is just loud.
Steve shuts down. Every time. It doesn't matter whether Eddie is obviously joking or actually upset, the moment Eddie shouts, Steve goes quiet. He'll mumble back a few bitchy comebacks, but the longer it goes, the quieter he gets. It gets worse, when they start dating-- Steve is more inclined to just give in, agree with whatever Eddie is saying with a blank face and a clenched jaw. Which only serves to make Eddie more upset, because he doesn't get why his passionate, opinionated boyfriend has been replaced with a robot.
For months, Eddie just doesn't get it. Because it's not that Steve hates loud voices; He and Robin and all the kids have been in epic yelling matches. Eddie has seen them, usually on long car rides. Steve never flinches.
Eddie honestly thinks it might be a him problem, which is worrying, considering Eddie has kind of planned on sticking around, but one day Hopper yells-- not even at Steve, at Dustin and Mike for breaking something of Jonathan's --and Steve just leaves. Just stands up and leaves, not just the room but the house entirely. Eddie watches Jonathan and Steve sit on the front porch for half an hour, neither of them saying a word.
He never really gets to the bottom of it. He can make some assumptions, based off the little Steve has told him about growing up as a Harrington and Eddie's own childhood. So, yeah, there are theories, but nothing he can ever prove. He tries to ask Steve, once, and Steve refuses to say much of anything except that he isn't afraid of men, Eddie, don't be ridiculous.
(Except he follows it up with, "I'm just tired of it, Ed," his eyes lined with pain, and that might be worse. Eddie feels sick for the rest of the night.)
So Eddie tries. He tries not to choose angry over scared, every time his heart whispers, 'this is when he leaves you'. He tries to tell Steve what scares him before it gets to that point. Tries to be honest about what pisses him off. Learns the kids are more afraid of whispered threats, anyway.
And its weird, you know, because Eddie always promised himself that he would never stop being loud. Not for anyone. He was proud of being loud, safe and protected behind a wall of obnoxiousness. But when Steve rolls his eyes at Eddie's polite request that they please listen to something that Casey Kasem didn't personally sign off on, please, Stevie, baby, please-- Maybe this wasn't a surrender.
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mythtakxn · 3 months
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i was clearly slacking on reading books this month cause i just read a ton of buddie fics so lol feel free to send me book recs (or fic recs)
✶ book goal: 38/30 ✶ ✶ good reads ✶ all links ✶
i kissed shara wheeler - casey mcquinston | 3.75 ☆
how to excavate a heart - jake maia arlow | 3.5 ☆
✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶
i have a full spread sheet with links, word counts etc. to all the fics I have read. i started this spread sheet when i started reading steddie fics. you can sort each column (a, b, etc.) alphabetically to sort the title, fandom, or ship.
barefoot in the kitchen (sacred new beginnings) - therainbowsedge
Buy Back the Secrets - allyasavedtheday
Cover Me - saminwunderland
Eddie Begins Again - saminwunderland
fall right into me - therainbowsedge
house of forgotten memories - not1_2write
i don't want you like a best friend - Ink_Dancer
I'll Feel You Forget Me Like I Used To Feel You Breathe - turningthepages
if you leave the light on - cloudydaisies
It's Not A Couple's Costume - therogueheart
It's Not What It Looks Like - therogueheart
Last First Date, The - CaptainDam
Leave the Light On (I'll Be Coming Home) - HMSLusitania
shape of everything, the - evanfixes
Something To Do Today - therogueheart
stuck now so long, we go the start wrong - Daffi_990_ao3
Talk Dirty To Me - therogueheart
Tight Spaces Breed Consequences - therogueheart
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poussacha · 2 years
My 2022 Fanfiction Breakdown
Many of you may or may not know this about me, but I am a lover of spreadsheets and numbers.
So, every year, I track my reading. For fanfictions and books alike, but the book tracking is done by my beloved Storygraph, so I don't have to get too in-depth there.
However, I go all out for my fanfiction tracking.
First, it all starts in airtable. If you're not familiar with airtable, it is a very pretty collaborative spreadsheet that a lot of people use for book tracking, work projects, or comic guides.
My fanfiction airtable from 2022 looks like this:
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I track things like fandom, ship, author name, and month read. (This year in 2023, I'm doing something a little more involved, but that's a story for another time).
I also track word count and number of fics read. So I can track my reading habits over the course of the year.
Then I take my raw data from my airtable and put it in a Google sheet to create graphs. Because of course i have graphs.
Last year I read roughly 14,259,415 words.
My goal was 15 million. And I got pretty close..
Here's my breakdown:
Monthly word count breakdown by # and graph
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As you can see, my busiest month for reading was August with nearly 4 million words read.
I had a major uptick in reading fanfiction July-November with each month hitting at least 1 million words.
Weekly word count breakdown by #s and graph
Please note, I didn't start tracking weekly count until August. And prior to that, my data wasn't clear enough. So this isn't a full year collection.
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As you can see, my busiest week was September 26-30 with just over 1 million words. I'm still not sure how that happened.
Fics read by # (count and graph)
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As you can see, the most fics I read was in August with 103.
I read 487 fanfictions in 2022.
Now, while this data is certainly interesting. I did also breakdown my Ships, Fandoms, and Authors. Though, the authors read is less interesting since it just looks like a mess. So I'll only share Ships and fandom breakdown.
Ships Breakdown Graph
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As you can see, my most read ship last year was Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, taking up 77.8% of my reading maerial.
The next closest is Derek Venturi/Casey McDonald with 3.1%.
Fandom Breakdown Graph
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To the surprise of absolutely no one, my biggest fandom last year was Stranger Things taking up 79.8% of my readership.
The next highest was Life With Derek with 3.1%.
I went in HARD on the Steddie hyperfocus for a large chunk of 2022.
I'm working on a Steddie Gudie. It's sort of long, but I hope to have it out in the next few months.
If y'all found this interesting, I can and will show you how to create your own. It's VERY easy to do, but you have to set up your raw data correctly to be able to run these numbers.
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bookgeekgrrl · 11 months
My media this week (22-28 Oct 2023)
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🙂 The Golden Spoon (Jessa Maxwell, author; full voice cast narration) - a perfectly cromulent book: totally predictable to anyone who's read more than 1 mystery but still entertaining in both characters and plot. Gerald, my autistic king, you were definitely my fave. [I did like the idea of having a different voice narrator for each character, since the chapter POVs switch, but the narrator for Stella sounded like the Tiktok automated voice about 90% of the time. I could tell I was going to get annoyed with that & with the way audio draws things out when I can read text so much faster and it became clear the plot was going to be so predictable, so I switched over to reading text ~35%.]
🙂 The Sleeping Beauty Curse (who_la_hoop) - 152K, drarry, accidental soulbond
😍 i come back to the place you are (pizzabones) - 211K, steddie canon-divergent post s4, extremely satisfying slow burn, loved the dual POV structure with eddie in a coma for the first 10 months the fic covers
💖💖 +79K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
soldier keep on marching on (waiting on that morning sun) (songofswiftsunrise) - LOTR: gen, 4k - lovely 'Boromir Lives' AU, inspired by emily martin's incredible art
Pursued by Bear (Zenaidamacrouras1) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 19K - reread, forever fave, inspired by that tweet about the UFC & Shakespeare conventions occurring in the same hotel
A Tricky Bit of Spellwork (AidaRonan) - OFMD: gen, 1K - legit the only way I'll accept Izzy not being dead is this
Ready for Love (idiopathicsmile) - Singin' in the Rain: Cosmo/Don/Kathy, 13K - the Singin' in the Rain OT3 fic I didn't know I needed
Mock The Week - s21, e2
The Graham Norton Show - s31, e3 (Laura Linney, Dawn French, London Hughes and Adrian Edmondson)
Taskmaster - s16, e5
QI - series J, ep 12; series T, ep 1-2, 4
Shakespeare & Hathaway - s1, e1
Murdoch Mysteries - s15, e18-24; s16, e1-5
Dirty Laundry - s3, e4
D20: Burrow's End - "Last Bast" (s20, e4)
D20: Adventuring Party - "The Bast of Us" (s15, e4)
Our Flag Means Death - s2, e8
⭐ Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford - Oil and Blood: The Osage Murders
Shedunnit - Spooky Sleuthing
Submitted for the Approval of the Midnight Pals - Teaser 11: Shirley Jackson
⭐ Decoder Ring - The Fast Decline of the Slow Dance
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame
⭐ Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Auto-Tone
⭐ Song Exploder - Kesha "Eat The Acid"
⭐ Hit Parade - This Ain’t No Party?! Edition
Re: Dracula - October 24: Not Yet Reported
Into It - Britney Was Always Trying to Tell Us Who She Was
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Venturing Into the Twilight Zone with Susan Casey
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Frasier
Submitted for the Approval of the Midnight Pals - Teaser 12: Bram Stoker
Ed Zitron's 15 Minutes In Hell - Episode 12 - Kari Byron
Simply Reflecting - Are We Back?
Re: Dracula - October 25: To His Doom
Vibe Check - I Put A Spell On You
Shedunnit - Bonus: A Haunting in Venice Review
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Great Plains Dinosaur Museum
⭐ Decoder Ring - When Art Pranksters Invaded Melrose Place
Switched on Pop - Chartbreakers: Mitski tops the TikTok chart
⭐ Today, Explained - Why does the US always side with Israel?
Ologies with Alie Ward - Teratology (MONSTERS) with W. Scott Poole
Re: Dracula - October 26: Continue Our Watching
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Art of the Heist with Noah Charney
99% Invisible #557 - Model Village
Off Menu - Ep 211: Steve Coogan
Into It - We Will Never Recover From What Justin Did to Britney or: the End of 'Into It'
Dear Prudence - I’m Making Bitchy Comments to A Dog! Help!
What Next: TBD - Self-Driving Cars Crash Into Reality
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Naked Attraction And What's Making Us Happy
Endless Thread - Endless Dread: Campfire Chills
Re: Dracula - October 28: Awful Straits
Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford - Killers of the Flower Moon: Osage Chief Jim Gray In Conversation
Overinvested - Ep. 287: The Exorcist
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - Bernie Taupin
Hit Parade - The Bridge: Down at the Rock n’ Roll Club
Land (1975-2002) [Patti Smith] {2002}
Presenting Talking Heads
Presenting Blondie
Mania [Ramones] {1988}
Nightmare City Punk
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chasing-chimeras · 2 years
and here are some random things to start a conversation
what is your favorite band/singer?
here are mine: girl group: little mix. boy group: all time low/mcfly. singer: taylor swift/ed sheeran
i wanna thank you again for your little comment on my fic, it was so cute that I melted reading it. i'm really glad you liked it. i was influenced by the writing of t-swift and casey mcquiston bc one last stop was the last book i read.
what ships do you write about? is it just thiam or do you write about others too?
i think theo, tracy, and malia would make a really cool chaotic trio --- with tracy being the smart one for... reasons (as much as liam and hayden would make a chaotic duo --- not romantically, bc, well. thiam. like i said in my last post i'm still watching s4 but i still remember the reaction i got when hayden was talking about her bad idea of ​​getting a ghost rider captured and liam was asking if the idea could work and hayden said something about agreeing and the idea being terrible and all and liam was like "great" and that gives me a lot of chaotic duo vibes
ab theo, tracy and malia... well they already have the connection and everything, which i love. I just think they would be a really cool and fun trio. and come to think of it, when I was jotting down some stuff for one of my thiam ideas that I haven't put into practice yet, I ended up falling in love with malacy (yes, I made up a name at my 3am brainstorming party in my head)
as you can see, i have soooo many thoughts jsjhzbsbsj 😂🤭
I love this 🖤 I always love seeing everyone's music tastes, bc I've found so much great stuff this past year from all of you. Ummmm as far as favorite singer, I think I've gotta go with either Conan Gray or Taylor, very basic 💀 I have a lot more less predictable stuff on most of my spotify playlists and neither of them were in my top 5 which was weird, but I think I'd say I like their voices the most
ofc I loved reading it, I had to leave all my thoughts 🖤🖤🖤
As of rn I just write thiam, but I've thought about some others. I could see myself writing Nabrielise (Nathan/Gabriel/Annalise) from Half Bad (pls watch if you haven't!!!! it's so good!!!!!), Kiribaku from MHA, or Steddie from Stranger Things, but no plans any time soon.
I love a throuple and you're right, there's definitely chemistry there. And yeah Liam and Hayden are an incredibly chaotic duo, I just started my season 6 rewatch after finishing Half Bad, and watching them drag Theo around and trying to capture a ghost rider has been great lol
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callunavulgari · 1 year
Scrapbook 2023 | Pt II
For anyone that’s new to this, this is how I keep track of all of the things that I enjoy and/or create throughout the year. I have literally been doing this since I had a livejournal.
It’s a nice little snippet of my life and helps to organize my brain.
A reminder:
Normal font - Indifferent/Neutral Italicized font - Enjoyed bold font - Loved with an asterisk* - All time favorite (bracketed titles) - Re-watches/Re-reads strikethough - Disliked
Goals are: read 65 books, finish 4 video games, write more than 20 fics or something larger than 20k, and expand on your original novel outline to the point that you START WRITING.
Past Years
Avatar: Way of Water
(LotR: Fellowship of the Ring)
Antman and the Wasp: Quantumania
(LotR: Return of the King)
(Pride & Prejudice)
Puss and Boots: The Last Wish
Miraculous Ladybug: The Movie
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 3\
Queer Eye, s1, s7
Our Planet
Planet Earth II
(Stranger Things, s4)
Bee and Puppy Cat
The Diplomat
(Suits, s1)
The Witcher s3
Queer Eye: Japan
The Witcher s3
The Wheel of Time, s2
Interview with the Vampire, s1
Fionna and Cake
Watcher: Worth a Shot, s2
Watcher: Mystery Files, s1
Imamu Room, Episode 43
Beryl Shereshewsky
Beryl Shereshewsky
Watcher: Puppet History
Beryl Shereshewsky
Watcher: Puppet History
Beryl Shereshewsky
Watcher: Ghost Files
Imamu Room
Icebreaker by Hannah Grace [Fin]
The Monster Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson [Fin]
Beyond the Wand by Tom Felton [Fin]
Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim [Fin]
Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
Milk! A 10,000-Year Food Fracas by Mark Kurlansky [Fin]
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas [Fin]
Cod by Mark Kurlansky
Cod by Mark Kurlansky
Whiskey, Words, and a Shovel by RN Sin [Fin]
Irish Wedding Traditions by Shannon Lichte [Fin]
A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon [Fin]
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson [Fin]
Witch King by Martha Wells
Daisy Jones & the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid [Fin]
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia [Fin]
Legendborn by Tracy Deonn [Fin]
Witch King by Martha Wells
Cod by Mark Kurlansky [Fin]
Impact Winter by Travis Beacham [Fin]
The Adventure Zone, Vol 5 [Fin]
The Kingdoms by Natasha Pulley [Fin]
Violet Made of Thorns by Gina Chen [Fin]
The Return of the King by J.R.R Tolkien [Fin]
Thistlefoot by GennaRose Nethercott [Fin]
Saturday Night at the Lakeside Supper Club by J.Ryan Stradal [Fin]
Emily Wilde’s Encyclopedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett [Fin]
Witch King by Martha Wells
(Red White & Royal Blue by Casey Mcquiston)
(Wolf 359)
The Silt Verses
The Silt Verses
(Wolf 359)
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, all the hours
Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, all the hours
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, all the hours
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
so damn sloppy | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 4,557 words | Steve smiles, leaning forward just a little bit, and is rewarded by the sight of Eddie swaying towards him as if hypnotized. “We gonna stop pretending that I’m here just for a movie?”
into the unknown | LoZ | Zelda/Ganondorf/Link | 8,017 words |  “What do you think, princess?” Ganondorf asks, cocking his head.
Steve/Eddie Canon-Divergent PWP, 4350 words [Posted]
Ganon/Zelda/Link Political Marriage AU, 5k
Ganon/Zelda/Link Political Marriage AU, 5k
Ganon/Zelda/Link Political Marriage AU, 8k
Steddie Hitchhiker AU
Fanmixes/Spotify Playlists/Graphics
Speechless - Vampire Novel
Shot Right Through by entanglednow | Stranger Things | 5k | Steve overhears a conversation between Eddie and Robin, and then spends a few weeks trying to think of anything else.
Color Correction by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 3k | Steve can always be relied upon to help a friend out, and it makes a nice change to be the one with the answers.
Long-Distance Call by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 3k | In which Eddie is subjected to Steve earnestly trying to fix his mistake, and worries about making one of his own.
The Royal Flush by entanglednow | Stranger Things |Steve/Eddie | 1k | Eddie had thought he was good at noticing people like him, you have to be since no one is sharing that shit out loud, not in this town at least.
Of Stars in Infinite Universes by lily_winterwood | Harry Potter | Draco/Harry | 21k | Harry Potter is asked to find a missing Draco Malfoy.
status quo by jilliancares | Marvel | Peter/Wade | 7k |  Somehow, the components of Peter’s secret identity keep crumbling all around him.
By the Laws of Magic by Lenore | The Sandman | Dream/Hob | 32k |  It’s 1959, and Hob Gadling is working at a London auction house, amazing his colleagues with his uncanny knowledge of art and artifacts from the 14th century on.
Always one foot on the ground by PhyllisDietrichson | Watcher | Ryan/Shane | 8k |  Moving the Watcher office desks to the second floor leads to unforeseen consequences.
shelter by paxlux | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 27k |  "’86 is your year!” and goddamn is that a sentence with a price tag on it. ’86, his year to die and be resurrected, shiny and new and what will he do now.
Danger Zone by WeirdAn | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 2k | There's something wrong with Steve Harrington.
in every version but one (there's you and i) by Percyjacksonfan3 | Stranger Things | Eddie/Chrissy | 6k | Eddie Munson dies. Chrissy Cunningham lives.
This Number Is Not In Service by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 3k | In which Steve needs to stop kissing people and then running away, and Robin needs a good night's sleep.
Dawnshot Through the Heart by sir_not_appearing_in_this_archive | Mistborn | Wax/Wayne | 19k - WIP |  Ten years ago, Wayne fled instead of letting himself get arrested for murder.
Infinite Dreams by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 4k | Steve sleeps in Eddie's bed and Eddie doesn't lay a finger on him, he's not sure that helps in the end.
The Walls of Camelot by spqr | Merlin | Merlin/Arthur | 13k | “Camelot will fall tomorrow,” Arthur says, on the first day of the eighth month of the siege.
A Sweet Romance by tirsynni | LoZ | Ganondorf/Link | 1k | Ganondorf meets Princess Zelda's bodyguard and the Hylian Champion and is instantly charmed. Link meets the lone Gerudo voe and is far, far less charmed.
You Have One New Message by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 3k | What's that famous saying 'once is an accident, twice is coincidence, three times -' But that's where the thought breaks down, because Steve is not going to kiss him again.
Hurry Hurry (what a mess!) by Pip (Moirail) | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 7k | Lan Zhan needs a curse breaker, and Wei Ying's pretty sure he's just the guy for the job.
Cross Road Blues by WeirdAn | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 7k | Billy sells his soul to Steve Harrington at the crossroads.
Outlier by spqr | Star Wars | Obi-Wan/Cody | 7k | A custom codpiece was what Cody had requested from the armorer – the standard-issue was too small, and Obi-Wan remembered OUTLIER stamped on Cody's medical records and felt his whole body turn hot.
the fair and the brave and the good must die by Lise | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 12k | Rumor carries word of a ghost in Yiling to Cloud Recesses. Lan Wangji follows.
One Size Fits All by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 5k | Steve just wanted to do something nice for a friend, he doesn't mean to get Eddie's ring stuck on his finger, and it's definitely not his fault that everyone he knows is jumping to conclusions.
This Might As Well Happen by skoosiepants | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 22k | That time Steve accidentally gets knocked up by Billy... IN SPACE!
Sweet Thang by MajaLi | Suits | Harvey/Mike | 13k | Mike hates spending money on himself. Harvey, on the other hand, loves it.
we were walking with a benediction on us by hygarden | The Bright Sessions | Damien/Mark | 6k | Mark tries not to think about it.
fly me to the moon by apocryphal | The Sandman | Dream/Hobb | 12k | Dream discovers that after being locked in a cage for a century, it turns out he's contracted the mortal affliction known as claustrophobia. Inconvenient.
Call And Connect by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 6k | After an accidental kiss, a brief crisis, some miscommunication and two swift exits, there is finally a first date.
you are spring by Wildehack (tyleet) | Supernatural | Cas/Dean | 20k | God makes a wish. His parents work some things out.
Putting The Work In by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 2k |  Steve had mostly been letting Eddie's half of the conversation wash over him, enjoying the faint buzz that alcohol and weed had left in his head.
vanilla and honey by LazyBaker | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 1k | “I’m too hot to be nice, sweetcheeks.”
Frequencies by Trelkez | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 27k | WIP | If ghosts were real, wouldn't they know about it by now?
Notoriety by RC_McLachlan | Good Omens | Aziraphale/Crowley | 9k | As it turns out, Aziraphale has a bit of a reputation in Heaven.
I'm the treasure baby, I'm the prize by stereobone | Good Omens | Aziraphale/Crowley | 9k | Or, Crowley is very good at faking sex work, as it turns out.
Interim by starkraving | LoZ | Ganondorf/Zelda/Link | 96k | She has no throne. Girls without thrones should not have knights, but hers won’t go.
Imprimatur by Closer | Suits | Mike/Harvey | 22k | Mike was raised to believe Imprint was a life-changing event for those few lucky enough to experience it.
more than you can chew by three-fingered (calciseptine) | Spiderman | Miguel/Peter | 6k |  "Do you ever take anything seriously?" Miguel hisses as he stands over Peter.
 Danger Comes In Many Forms by quackers | Spiderman | Miguel/Peter | 15k |  Miguel O'Hara is a walking ball of angst, regret, and muscle.
Red Skies by quackers | Batman | Tim/Jason | 8k | When Tim- openly a siren in a world hostile to those who aren't human- goes feral, Jason is the only one who can bring him back.
the one with the selfies by noctiphany | Batman | Tim/Jason | 5k | Thanks for the spank bank material, replacement, but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t meant for me.
Honeymoon by cinnamon_skull | Batman | Tim/Jason | 14k |  Tim and Jason go undercover as a just-married couple celebrating their honeymoon in order to catch a high-profile drug lord.
one hundred years past by tciddaemina | LoZ | Ganondorf/Link | 38k | Link wakes up a century early. It changes everything. 
Whole Lotta Love by stereobone | Stranger Things | Eddie/Steve 9k | | Steve scoffs. "I think if I was dating someone, Robin, I would be the first to know about it."
Turn Your Back on Mother Nature by gr0gu | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 17k | It wasn't supposed to go like this.
The wild phonemes of 40 Eridani Keid by astronicht | Star Trek | Kirk/Spock | 9k |  Jim goes on shore leave to Vulcan, where a disaster half-happened.
Step Right Up by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 3k | Steve had mostly given up on trying to meet anyone new after everything, but it's been six months and his friends had started giving him pointed nudges to get out there again.
the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it’s you by greatunironic | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 35k |  Sixteen years after the world didn't end for the last time, Max Mayfield showed up on Steve’s doorstep and said, “You gonna walk me down the aisle in May or what?”
so leave it on the table if you hot and bothered by greatunironic | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 9k | In which Stevie Harrington has a habit of making out with people at the end of the world.
A Little Mishap by Asidian | BG3 | Astarion/Wyll | 14k | When the dust clears – and it is a frightful amount of dust, all told – Astarion is marginally surprised to see that no one has been left a bloody smear on the cave floor.
Fight Night by rlnerdgirl | Teen Wolf | Derek/Stiles |  Stiles starts fighting in college.
strange fear i ain’t felt for years by Sister | Batman | Tim/Jason | 31k | Tim’s benched with a broken arm and starts playing Jason’s personal Oracle. Things escalate.
Steve Harrington's Guide to Touch by how_about_no | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 19k | Eddie won't stop touching anyone and everyone, except for Steve. He has a plan to change that.
Eddie Munson | Like A Record, Baby!
Baby Girl - A "The Last of Us" Edit
Rhaenyra Targaryen - The Black Queen
Main To Party Kar Rahi Thi - Marvel Remix (2023)
MARVEL || BRAzilian Phonk Mano
Multifandom || Get Ready
Waymond Wang [EEAAO] || laundry & taxes
ARCANE | Are You Curious?
The Last of Us | REMEMBRANCE
Royalty - Egzod, Maestro Chives
Main to Party Kar Rahi Thi - UlluMinati
Brazilian Phonk Mano - Slowboy, lucaf
Get Ready - Night Panda, BEGINNERS
Electricity - Billy Elliott
Forest Temple - Jokabi
You’re Gonna Be Okay - Ashh Blackwood
Call on Me - Eric Prydz
Unknown/Nth - Hozier
We Didn’t Start the Fire - Fallout Boy
Hold Me Like a Grudge - Fallout Boy
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pacinglikeghosts · 2 years
about time i properly introduce myself, huh? 
Personal Info: 
she/her, bisexual 
library science master's student
oxford comma and em-dash enthusiast, classic literature elitism believer 
frequent migraine haver
“#kats comments” for personal thoughts! 
former theater kid that occasionally dips back into the old ways
tv (primarily the bear, stranger things, chilling adventures of sabrina, sex lives of college girls, and many others)
movies (primarily bottoms [2023], do revenge [2022], tangled [2010], 10 things I hate about you [1999], and studio ghibli. Think of this like my personal letterboxd)
webcomics (mostly check please! and the osemanverse)
fragrances/perfume (#Kat talks fragrance for all matters related to that!)
queer pop/indie pop enthusiast
And several other things depending on my interests and moods so buckle in
my main ao3 acc is melodicchaos , and all my fics are under #melodicchaos fics
if you’re here, you probably know me from one of the following: 
“does he know you’re out (and i want you so bad?)” – fruity four fake dating fic. ronance and steddie, with platonic/peak best friendisms steve & robin and nancy & eddie
“a love that came and left with this train”  – one last stop by casey mcquiston ronance au. a bit of time travel, a lot of found family, and tons of useless info on the subway system in boston. 
"if i didn't love you, it would be fine (i know that's a lie)" – sydcarmy fake dating fic, where everyone thinks they're dating so they lean into it.
"i could never give you peace (would it be enough?)" – sydcarmy fic with a single father!carmy and teacher!syd, who meet because carmy's daughter is in syd's class. sparks fly and former passions arise. ongoing, and cowritten.
i occasionally post snippets of fics and also constantly promote them! check under the tags related to it (i usually tag #fic: [first few words of the title]) for promos, rambles, and snippets!
anyway, that’s it! feel free to stick around and hang out while i talk about whatever’s rattling around in my brain, and join in if you’d like <3 dms and asks are always open if you’d like to join in the fun!
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steddieasitgoes · 2 years
this is a tag thing! wow! 15 Q / 15 Tags?
holy shit how did I miss this mention from @eddies-artofsuffering  !! first time doing something like this. here i go.
Nickname: Dani, Dani Girl, I used to have curly sue as a baby so Curly Sue for a bit, 
Height: 5 feet nothing
Last thing I googled: The crying laughing face emoji because I don’t have emojis installed on this computer yet
Song stuck in my head: End of Beginning by DJO which is fitting lmao
Number of followers: Almost at 600 which is wild
Dream job: I want to get paid to write from home and never have to leave my house unless I want to. 
Wearing: Pajama pants and a Mickey Mouse Walt Disney World crewneck 
Book or movie that summarises you: Oh man that’s a tough one. My gut instinct is to say To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before because I am very similar to Lara Jean 
Favourite song: Take a Breath by Jonas Brothers (I have it tattooed on my like every basic Jonas Brother fan!)
Aesthetic: I don’t know if I personally have an aesthetic. I’m like a walking contradiction ‘cause part of me is into the whole all blank, dyed hair, tattoos and then I also walk around in head-to-toe Disney merch lol
Fave authors: Rachel Lynn Solomon, Casey McQuistion, Emma Lord, Emily Henry are some of my favorite YA and Contemp. Adult writers. As for fic, well, there’s just too many. The steddie fic writers are just so talented
Random fact:  I’ve had one childhood birthday party end in a literal fire and one that almost ended in a fire! 
Listen I love steddie tumblr so much and want to get to know all of you so if you see this and you want to do it, do it! and please tag me!
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firstprince-ao3feed · 9 months
Spotify Wrapped Writing Challenge 2023
Spotify Wrapped Writing Challenge 2023 https://ift.tt/T45mjK6 by Crazy_Comet_97 Crossposted from Tumblr: Send a pairing and a number between 1-100 for a minific based on that song. (Currently doing Steddie, Narlie or First Prince!) Words: 1537, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English Series: Part 44 of 🛢️ Lucky Dip 🛢️ Fandoms: Heartstopper (TV), Heartstopper (Webcomic), Stranger Things (TV 2016), Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi Characters: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Short, short one shots, Short & Sweet, Random & Short, Meme, Memes, Request Meme, Tumblr Memes, prompt fics, Tumblr Prompt, prompt fills, Spotify Wrapped Writing Challenge, Spotify Wrapped Writing Challenge 2023, Mini fics, Narlie, steddie, first prince, Work In Progress via AO3 works tagged 'Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor' https://ift.tt/SbtELQP December 11, 2023 at 07:33PM
0 notes
kcsplace · 2 years
Steve gets started attending Community College,but he doesn't tell anyone, embarrassed that he might fail, that they'll tease him, that they'll be embarrassed by him.  Nancy is going to go off and change the world, Jonathan's photography talent is gonna get him into art school somewhere, Robin is having colleges trip over themselves to offer her scholarships and Eddie's band is starting to draw crowds that aren't just about "checking out the maybe-possible-kinda-murderer-dude". 
Why would any of them want to hang out with a loser like Steve?
Steve, madly desperately and stupidly in love with Eddie even if he hasn’t said anything thinks that means he can't have kids now, but he knows he's good with them.  He also knows what its like to go from hero to zero and just how easy it is to be a shit in school and how important it is to change.  So he thinks he could be a good guidance counsellor.  He thinks he could help those kids out.  Kids like Max and Eddie that don’t have all the things he had growing up, kids like himself who didn’t have positive role models, kids like Will and Robin that are a little different.
His father shat all over that dream, told him he'd be shit at it, just like everything else he tried - he can’t even win a championship in four years of trying -, and so he's not paying for it.  As a result, sure in his decision, Steve's been working to pay for college (much easier in the 80s admittedly and at CC) but he's burning the candle at both ends, especially working for the credits to transfer as a junior into a four year college. 
Eddie finds him asleep in his car outside his latest job, all his textbooks on the seat next to him.  He lets himself into the car, wakes Steve up, all the textbooks in his lap, flipping through their pages in the dim illumination provided by the dome light.  Steve thinks Eddie's gonna mock him, tell him he's gonna be bad at it, he won’t be able to hack community college let alone a four-year, and even if he could, what school would hire a loser like him to help kids? He’s waiting to hear all about how stupid Steve is to think that just because he kept a couple kids alive, he thinks he can guide them during their most vulnerable times.  Steve tries to steer it off, starts blathering out that its nothing, just y'know, Robin tells him all thetime its good for the brain to learn and his dad’s been riding him to grow up and shit and that it was just an available course, but Eddie isn't actually dumb.
He starts dropping off notebooks to Steve's work, new stationery, he likes the feeling that his gifts help Steve get his grades, that Steve's working toward his future with the pens that Eddie gave him.  Its stupid little shit but seeing the pens that Eddie gave him shoved behind Steve's ear or him chewing on them while he studies...it gives Eddie the warm and fuzzies OKAY? he doesn't wanna talk about it
Seriously, Robin, he doesn’t wanna talk about spending a quarter of his legally obtained paycheck (fuck you so much, Sheriff) on shit from Ink Spot and he isn’t gonna.
after six months of keeping Steve’s secret, Eddie heads over to the Harrington house for some movies and weed - its not a school night after all - only to see Steve’s textbooks sticking out the trash.  He finds a dejected Steve sitting by the pool, and drops them all in his lap.  Turns out, after weeks of work and research, Steve had gotten a C on an important essay. 
“So you just quit?”
“Why not? I clearly can’t handle it.”
“Y’know, maye you should.”
“’Scuse you?”
“The kids deserve better than some iidiot that just quits the moment shit gets tough.”
“Glad you agree.”
“Or, you could let me help you.”
“You. the guy that took three goes to graduate?”
“Just proves I stick to shit until it’s done. And I’m gonna make sure yu do the same.”
One year, countless study sessions, one immense blowout fight over the Oxford comma, and a loyalty card to the Ink Spot later, Steve turns up on Eddie’s doorstep with an envelope that he thrusts at Eddie.  Tearing into the envelope like a gremlin, Eddie stares at the words in front of him.
“Dear Mister Harrington, we are delighted to inform hmpffff-”
Eddie might not have been prepared for Steve to kiss him, but he got on board real quick.  Literally.  Dropping the letter and its promise of a place at Purdue for Steve to transfer to complete his degree, Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve’s neck, hopped and wrapped his legs around the man’s hips.
“Never made out with a college boy, before.”
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ao3feed-narlie · 9 months
Spotify Wrapped Writing Challenge 2023
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/t7DnFWl by Crazy_Comet_97 Crossposted from Tumblr: Send a pairing and a number between 1-100 for a minific based on that song. (Currently doing Steddie, Narlie or First Prince!) Words: 1537, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English Series: Part 44 of 🛢️ Lucky Dip 🛢️ Fandoms: Heartstopper (TV), Heartstopper (Webcomic), Stranger Things (TV 2016), Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi Characters: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Short, short one shots, Short & Sweet, Random & Short, Meme, Memes, Request Meme, Tumblr Memes, prompt fics, Tumblr Prompt, prompt fills, Spotify Wrapped Writing Challenge, Spotify Wrapped Writing Challenge 2023, Mini fics, Narlie, steddie, first prince, Work In Progress read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/t7DnFWl
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divinerivals · 2 years
Thanks for the tag @jemdeserveslove
fav colour: literally can't choose between blues and greens both are gorgeous. And rose gold pink
currently reading: I kissed Shara Wheeler by Casey McQuiston and fanfic
last song: Figure it Out by Djo
last movie: It
sweet/savoury/spicy: savory
currently working on: plotting some Steddie fics
Tagging: @bookologist @moononastring @witching-by-the-willow @useraelin @ghostevie @thenancywheeler @ghostfacemunson @literalspookyprincess
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sparklyslug · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Tagged by the darling @emilianadarling! Ty baby! Happy to get to know you better too!
Favorite color: 🧡💛🧡💛💛🧡🧡
Currently reading: I am in between books at the moment! Just read In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado (extremely beautiful and harrowing, highly recommend) and Evil Under the Sun by Agatha Christie (a solidly medium Christie). Started the new Jasmine Guillory, violently hated it and gave up 30 pages in. I still need to read the new Holly Black and Casey McQuiston, they’re my beach reads for this weekend. Fic-wise, u know I got like fifteen steddie tabs open in my phone right now.
Last song listened to: Heaven Nor Hell by Volbeat 🤘🤘🤘🤘 (it’s on my steddie playlist, which has been on repeat all week pls contain your shock)
Last series watched: Stranger Things s3 (again I say, pls contain your shock)
Last movie watched: I am preeeeetty sure it was Elvis with @hannibalsthembo (TCB babyyy⚡️⚡️)
Sweet/savory/spicy? I have a mother of a sweet tooth, but I think actually more than savory or spicy I really tend to crave bitter/sour/vinegary.
What I’m working on now: the next round of steddie fun with @greenlikethesea has already started! In the same universe as IYWHCACL but with less Tolkien talk, at least so far. I make no promises that something won’t sneak in along the process tho.
Tagging, but feel free to ignore obvs if it ain’t your bag: @kirkothy @lakeshor @andropogonfalons @greenlikethesea @hannibalsthembo @teaspoon82 @dallae @fickleobsessions @shoutatthedark @pieplease
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poussacha · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 307 times in 2022
106 posts created (35%)
201 posts reblogged (65%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 297 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#marvel - 58 posts
#marvel comics - 57 posts
#ofmd - 46 posts
#the infinity queue - 36 posts
#our flag means death - 34 posts
#mcu - 27 posts
#steddie - 24 posts
#fanfiction - 17 posts
#the swamp - 16 posts
#stranger things - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
#01101101 01100001 01101001 01101110 01110100 01100101 01101110 01100001 01101110 01100011 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101
My Top Posts in 2022:
Okay hear me out
Steve and Eddie start having threesomes. Because they're Good Bros.
Meanwhile Eddie, who knows he's bisexual, is completely in love with Steve. And Steve, who doesn't know he's bisexual, is completely in love with Eddie and has no idea that what he's feeling is romantic and sexual love for his friend.
So they hang out a lot and keep ending up in situations where they end up together with a woman between them. Usually when the tension snaps taut between them because this is the only thing Steve understands.
Until one night they're just alone together and Steve is frustrated and blurts out: "it would be so much easier if it could just be the two of us. No one else."
And Eddie is like...what.
Just like. A thought or whatever.
88 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
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See the full post
100 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
No one:
Me: *slaps the top of Steve's head* this bad boy can fit SO MUCH TRAUMA
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118 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
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See the full post
145 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Best of Dasey: An Essential Fanfiction Reading Guide
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I read every single fic in the Dasey tag on AO3, so you don't have to! Instead, here's my guide to the best of the best Dasey fics in the tag.
This guide does not include Derek/Sally/Casey, only Derek/Casey. So, if one is missing that you think should be here, that's probably the reason.
(Note: if a fic has a * at the end, it's a sequel and the first in the series will be above it.
If a fic has ** at the end, it's unfinished, but it's on this list because it is THAT GOOD.)
Best of Casey Goes to New York
this damage you did to me
by theredhoodie | rated E | 12,403 words
It’s been over a year since Casey left her life in Canada and moved to NYC. Derek shows up unannounced at one of her performances wanting to talk about his feelings, while in contrast, Casey’s all about avoiding those feelings.
Who will win this fight, and is there even a fight to win?
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5/5 stars
Best of Dasey Sharing a Bed
break the silence
by illicitaffair | rated M | 12,368 words
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5/5 stars
"Prove it.”
There was a beat of silence as Casey stared up at Derek in confusion. “What?”
“If you really have your life planned out and you’re sure you wouldn’t have any fun engaging in some teenage rebellion, then prove it,” Derek said. He drew in his bottom lip to bite and Casey inhaled sharply.
alternatively: three times derek and casey share a bed and one time they make out instead.
Your Heart Says Otherwise
by abitofstardust | rated G | 10,023 words
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5/5 stars
"Derek and Casey were doomed to hate each other for eternity, or at least pretend to do so. Falling in love with her stepbrother was never in her plans, and she hated when things escaped her control. Except this. She didn’t hate this. Not one bit."
See the full post
387 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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