#Carnatic UK
carnatic-circle · 11 months
Sita Rama Kalyanam in Bhajan Sampradayam, Coventry
Schedule is below 1) 10.00 – Ganapathi puja 2) 11.00 – Unchavriti with Thodaya Mangalam  3) 11.30 – Guru Dhyaanam 4) 12.00 – Deepa Pradakshinam (Divyanaamam) 5) 13.45 – Bharatanatyan performance 6) 2.00 – Kotnotsavam or Muthu Kuthal with Rokkili/Ural 7) 3.15 – Yajman sankalpam 8) 3.30 – Sita Rama Kalyana Vaibhavam 9) 3.55 – Nalangu 10) 4.15- Anjaneyar Dhyaanam 11) 4.20 – Mangala Arthi 12)…
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chokrihizem · 3 months
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Creating new carnations from cuttings is a simple and affordable way to revive old plants. By adopting this technique, you can easily refresh your garden with lively, fresh carnation plants, guaranteeing ongoing beauty and wellness in your outdoor areas!
How To Propagate Carnations From Cuttings
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planet-gay-comic · 5 months
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Make Love not War
Historical Peace Movements and the Ongoing Relevance of War and Peace Since antiquity, philosophers and state leaders have grappled with the concepts of war and peace. Early on, thinkers like Plato and Aristotle recognized the destruction that wars can bring and advocated for peace as the ideal state for humanity. In the Middle Ages, the Church played a significant role in promoting ideas of peace, including through the 'Peace of God movement', which aimed to minimize wars among Christians.
The modern era saw the emergence of organized peace movements, particularly in the 19th century, when societies such as the American Peace Society and the British Peace Society were founded. These organizations advocated for the peaceful resolution of international disputes and laid the groundwork for later international cooperation to prevent conflicts.
The 1960s: A Turning Point The 1960s marked a high point of peace movements, driven by the shadow of the Cold War and the fear of nuclear annihilation. In the UK, this led to the founding of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) in 1958, whose peace symbol became a global sign of resistance against war. In the USA, the Vietnam War mobilized wide sections of the population, especially young people and students, who through organizations like Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and others, initiated massive protests and demonstrations against the war.
The Carnation Revolution: A Peaceful Overturn A prominent example of a successful and predominantly peaceful revolution is the Portuguese Carnation Revolution of 1974. This revolution not only ended nearly five decades of dictatorship in Portugal but also inspired movements worldwide that saw changes could be achieved through nonviolent means. The soldiers who carried carnations in their gun barrels became a lasting symbol of peaceful change and demonstrated that the military can play a constructive role in promoting democracy and human rights.
Current Situation: War and Peace in the 21st Century Today, at a time when conflicts are increasing in many parts of the world, the issue of war and peace remains of crucial importance. Regional conflicts, the risk of escalation of violence, and the humanitarian crises caused by wars call on us to learn from history and strengthen active peace efforts. The lessons from movements like the Carnation Revolution and the protests of the 1960s show that societal and international pressure can be crucial in bringing about political changes and securing peace in the long term.
Base image generated with DALL-E, overworked with SD-1.5/SDXL inpainting, manual editing and composing.
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canmom · 6 months
<stream> end of NieRRein
So. There's a NieR gacha. I've talked about it now and again on here.
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In contrast to other games in the NieR series, which were in narrative structure reasonably traditional action-RPGs, following a small group of characters... NieR: Re[in]carnation is something a bit more like an anthology of short stories, all eventually tied together in an elaborate frame.
Over the course of the story, you are led to explore a vast collection of memories inside something called the Cage, a huge Ico-like stone structure full of gorgeous, moody environments...
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...intermittently diving into the most dramatic moments of an impressively varied collection of characters, each portrayed in a cutout theatre style. They're a diverse bunch! Robot cowboys. Mountain climbers. AIs both kind and ruthless. Dark wizard yuri. Arabian Nights pastiche. Chuuni soldier boys. Elegant assassins, living weapons, disposable clones. Some are fantasy, some science fiction; some weave together and others sit apart.
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And as you play further, you can unlock further stories, in various forms. All sorts of illustrations, all sorts of prose. The framing stories - the story of the girl Fio and the monster Levania who stole her body, the story of the violently estranged siblings Yuzuki and Hina, the story of the mysterious nature of the Cage, of its collapse, and the desperate bid to escape - all are very rich. The final chapters, where the characters are all finally brought together, are fantastic.
Not to mention - everything is voice acted, and generally very well (in Japanese at any rate, the English is more of a mixed bag). All is accompanied by a huge amount of gorgeous music by Keiichi Okabe et al., wrapping you in that mysterious, layered atmosphere. The UI design is magnificent. On an aesthetic level at least, there is a great deal to recommend here.
As a game, NieR Reincarnation sadly left a lot to be desired. The gameplay is intensely repetitive, the strategy more to do with unlocking the right characters and grinding to level them up. Understandably, a lot of people bounced off it.
And now it's coming to an end.
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In just a couple of days, the final chapter of NieR Reincarnation will be released. A month later, the game servers will be shut down for good! Perhaps, years in the future, they will release some kind of remake - but we can't count on it.
But don't imagine you can just jump in and experience it all right now. A great deal of material - the Dark Memories, the Recollections of Dusk - is gated behind a considerable investment of time and a strong team. There's a lot of events you'll simply have missed.
However... I have, perhaps unwisely, sunk the time into unlocking most of what can be unlocked in this game. I think it would be a shame not to get to experience them, and I love getting to share NieR games. These stories take some wild turns, and I think it would be a blast to watch together.
So here's the plan! Starting this weekend, and going on for as long as necessary over the next week, I'll be streaming the entire story of NieR Reincarnation on my twitch. Main story, character stories, EX stories: the whole lot, arranged for narrative flow. All the fun spicy parts and none of the grind, and you get to enjoy it with friends.
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If you've been here for previous NieR game streams... well, I hope you had as great a time as I did. I fucking love NieR. For the other games, I would dig into the side material, read out fan translations of the stories, and do everything I can to give you the complete experience of the game. Here, there's not so much in the way of side material, but the game contains a lot on its own - and I want to share it all, the gut-punch parts and the goofy ones alike, because it all adds up.
Think of it kinda like an Animation Night if you want! An anthology series to enjoy together, just like the Animator Expo.
The first stream will begin on Saturday, 6pm UK time. I'll be making recordings and writing a guide to the story of the game too - but there's something special about watching something together, so I'd really love to see you there ^^
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jokeroutsubs · 11 months
Joker Out in Tvornica Kulture - Jokeroutmania
On Friday, the first of two sold out concerts of the Slovenian music sensation, Joker Out, was held in Tvornica Kulture. 
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“This is the first post-Yugoslav Slovenian band that sold more than 50 tickets in Zagreb”, Ivan Ramljak, a longtime music journalist who has since turned into one of the best domestic documentary film directors, jokingly commented to me on Facebook. The truth is an inseparable component of every good joke, including the joke mentioned above.
The last post-Yugoslav Slovenian band that performed in the same concert venue was the band Siddharta, who also filled Tvornica Kulture, two decades ago, but in unusual circumstances in which a considerable amount of buses full of their Slovenian fans also came with the band. In 2003, at the peak of their career, Siddharta filled Bežigrad Stadium in Ljubljana and their loyal followers really followed them everywhere, and to Zagreb as well. That was the only night in Tvornica Kulture in Zagreb when I couldn’t hear Croatian spoken in the audience almost at all, so in that sense maybe the theory that the Zagreb public didn’t buy even 50 tickets was correct, despite the euphoria that dominated in a full Tvornica. 
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Twenty years later, Joker Out is a whole different story. Maybe it wasn’t obvious this summer, when they were the opening band for the popular Serbian duo Buč Kesidi at Šalata, but it definitely was at Špancirfest in Varaždin before Franz Ferdinand’s concert. To picture it, it’s enough to retell the story from the backstage, where the Scottish stars arrived right when the audience was screaming, saying goodbye to Joker Out. Alex Kapranos was delighted and surprised by it at first and asked if people were really so excited for Franz Ferdinand, but his mood was ruined when he got the answer that the reaction of the public was towards the opening group. On the other hand, maybe that was one of the reasons Franz Ferdinand delivered an excellent performance that night. Competition is a good thing. 
The Zagreb promoter of Joker Out’s recent concerts was also very surprised when the tickets sold out and the decision to add another date was made. The tickets for that concert sold out as well, and the final tally is approximately 3,400 tickets sold for Joker Out.
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The Croatian general public found out about Joker Out from Eurovision, where this band represented Slovenia. “They’re really handsome guys. We’d love to play around with them, if we find the chance. Maybe we’ll stick carnations up our asses or have group sex”, Mrle from Let 3 joked around in his usual fashion, but in a somewhat patronizing way. However, now at the end of the year there’s no joking around with this Slovenian band, who’s not only in demand in our region, but also more widely, from Scandinavia to Gibraltar. In addition, they recorded the song “New Wave” together with the legendary Elvis Costello, and a fairly well known British agency took them under its wing. Translated from the promoter’s language: If you want to book Joker Out, calling Ljubljana won’t work, for that you’ll have to dial a number in the UK and agree on their terms and prices. Sharp, isn’t it?
Now, it’s not exactly appropriate to stick a carnation up someone’s ass when they can teach about success in jumping to the most lucrative position in show business, which is being a teen rock star. Carpe Diem? Joker Out have definitely ‘seized their day’.
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The Zagreb concert, scheduled for 21:00, started at 21:00, accompanied by screams of the entire Tvornica Kulture. Yes, screams that are an integral part of the song “Sunny Side of London”, which starts with a Beatles polyphony from Joker Out, followed by a ‘Beatlemania’ from the audience when the frontman Bojan Cvjetićanin appears. Basically, a ‘Jokeroutmania’, without exaggeration. I haven’t seen or heard that kind of mutual engagement in a long time.
This wasn’t a case of initial enthusiasm, which usually lasts for 10-15 minutes and then the band has to pull it on their own in order to raise the tension again to a new peak, according to the invisible sinusoidal rule. No. Last night, the venue sang with the band from the first until the last song for almost two hours, and when “Sunny Side of London” was performed as the last encore, it was followed by even louder screams than at the beginning. As if the enthusiastic and adrenaline-charged youth in Tvornica Kulture didn’t dance and sing the whole time in between.
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I dare to say that the Slovenian language has never been sung so heartily and accurately in Tvornica. English as well, and we can’t even talk about “Demoni”, which is in our language. The band itself is full of first-class musicians, and one of the more experienced visitors said that evening: “We watched far more unstable British bands at INmusic festival”.
Of course, Joker Out’s songs are in the rock sphere, which massively attracts the teenage audience. But these songs are neither bad, nor do they bring with them the well known “stink” of pandering to the public. Joker Out believes in their songs. There’s no fraud with them, and their strongest “joker up their sleeve” is Bojan Cvjetićanin, who is a born frontman - he learned all the lessons, and managed to maintain naturalness and spontaneity, especially in communication with the audience. 
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With the exception of drummer Jure Maček, who cannot move around the stage due to “his job description”, the entire line-up alongside Cvjetićanin, i.e. guitarists Jan Peteh and Kris Guštin, as well as bassist Nace Jordan, formed a barrier at the very edge of the stage during the entire concert, which was an added bonus to the euphoria. No one turned their back to the audience during the performance, on the contrary, they were “on the front line” from the beginning until the end.
And of course, Joker Out are far ahead of similar bands that use pre-recorded instrumentals and samples during their performances. Namely, they have that old school, organic approach, which brings success in a time when there is a lot of talk about the popularity of trap music and similar genres, and about the lack of relevant young guitarist bands that could attract significant interest, primarily from a young audience.
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And finally, we’re not talking about a band that was created as a project before the Eurovision Song Contest and is now flying on the wings of that success, but about the guys who have been working since 2016 on something they were recognised for across Europe six years later. As much as I appreciate Let 3, I have to express my doubts about who has better “group sex” with the audience. The only thing I have no doubt for is that Tvornica Kulture will be on fire tonight as well. The teenage audience chose their heroes and they didn’t choose wrongly.
Original article Ravnododna (11.11.2023)
Translation credit @moonlvster
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delta-pavonis · 1 year
🦅 15
Im so curious for that Hob 👀👀
Bless you for asking about my OC. *pets Sandro* None of this has been published yet.
This is gonna be in the middle-ish of my WIP, so background is that Hob found out that someone who sounds like his Stranger is being kept in a basement back in the UK. He heads back to Sicily to get the gear he literally buried when he left Cosa Nostra and who is driving the car that picks him up? Well, of course it is Alessandro, the Capo's son and Hob's ex. Sandro refuses to let Hob go out on a murderous rampage on his own, so now they are holed up in a safehouse in Amsterdam working out a plan of attack for their descent on Fawney Rig. Their past catches up with them. Okay okay okay. I know this is supposed to be SOFT. But this *IS* soft, for these two. 😅 A bit NSFT, a bit of an old D/s relationship, a bit of dark Hob. (The prompt is 'it made me think of you.')
Hob is hunched over the far side of the dining room table, hands holding the edge, elbows locked so that he forms a large triangle in the darkness of the pre-dawn morning. The red-orange glow of the cigarette that hangs from his lips is the only light other than what comes in the open window from the moon. Sandro knows that there are maps and blueprints and photographs scattered across the table's surface, but there is no way Hob can truly see them with so little light.
Sandro slides out of bed, doesn't bother to put on clothing, and opens the glass French doors that allowed him to see Hob from their bedroom in the first place. He plasters himself across Hob's bare back, hooking his chin on Hob's shoulder. "Come back to bed, Bettino. All you are doing right now is risking burning a hole in one of the blueprints when you forget about your cigarette." Sliding around to Hob's side, Sandro plucks the offending item from Hob's lips and takes a long drag.
"That'll kill you, you know." Hob speaks but doesn't move other than to turn his head to Sandro as the younger man leans against the table. It makes his profile catch in the moonlight and if Sandro could engrave that image onto the insides of his eyelids he would.
Instead he takes another drag and blows the smoke up towards the ceiling. He knows the moonlight will illuminate the stretch of his chest, making the eagle that soars around his shoulder and across one pectoral shine silver and gold. "I hope I live long enough for lung cancer to kill me."
Hob makes a scolding noise with his tongue, grabbing the cigarette and pinching the lit end between his fingertips, snuffing it out before flicking it away into the darkness of the room. With a large sweep of his arm Hob shoves papers aside and then lifts Sandro by the hips to sit on the edge of the table, nudging himself between Sandro's knees. He grabs high on Sandro's thighs, pawing possessively. "You're with me now. You don't get to say shit like that anymore." Sandro looks away but Hob leans in, nuzzling just beneath the corner of Sandro's jaw. "No, no. Don't doubt me now. You said you wanted out. So I will get you out. Guaranteed. You know that there is no one who can best me. I haven't been out of the Business that long."
Sandro doesn't look back to Hob, just closes his eyes and gulps, trying to swallow down his building tears with it. It still doesn't feel real, feels too good to be true: Hob came back. Despite everything that happened, Hob is still willing to get him out. Hob will use his skills - skills he very seriously and purposefully abandoned eight years ago - to not only rescue his Stranger, but also to protect Sandro.
"Alessandro," Hob's voice is low and careful, his touch gentle on Sandro's chin as he turns the younger man to him. He searches Sandro's face and whatever he finds colors his warm brown eyes with determination. "Tell me why the tattoo on your thigh is globe amaranth and pink and green carnations and coral honeysuckle and dog rose. You have avoided my question three times since we left Palermo."
He feels dizzy with the change in topic, but Sandro suspects Hob has purposefully tried to spring it on him when he is vulnerable. He has just enough of his wits left to keep eye contact while staying silent.
Hob pulls Sandro roughly by hip and thigh, jerking him forward so he hits Hob's body and stays pressed there. "You know I lived through Victorian England. You also know that I worked as a florist in the 1840s and 50s." His voice is sharp, demanding, and Sandro feels a whimper barely crawl its way out of his throat. He could never, ever resist Hob, not for long. Not when he spoke like that. Based on the pounding of his heart, this does not seem to have changed. "But you need to say it, my pretty bird. Let me hear you, bell'uccellino."
That breaks him. Sandro's eyelids droop and he is transported back a decade and he oh-so-willingly obeys. "They make me think of you." His hands find their way over Hob's shoulders and he uses that as leverage to hitch the tattooed thigh in question over Hob's hip. "You left and all I could bring myself to permanently engrave into my body were ways to remember you."
Hob traces the petals of a single flower with the tip of his middle finger, then identifies it without even looking down, as if in the past three days he has already memorized the entire tattoo from hip to knee. "Coral Honeysuckle." His tone brooks no argument.
"Pursue your desires. Experience pleasure." He answers easily and Hob trails his finger to the next species of flower.
"Green carnations."
"Homosexuality." Sandro closes his eyes and lists forward, drawn even closer to Hob.
"Dog rose."
"Pleasure..." He presses his temple to Hob's cheekbone. "and pain." Hob's chest rumbles with a growl.
His lips are brushing Sandro's ear now, his voice dark with command. "Pink carnations."
At this one a sob catches in Sandro's throat, making him choke on the admission. "I'll never forget you. Ardent love..." Sandro arches, neck curving back. "Devoted love."
"And globe amaranth, for immortality. Immortality and?" Hob's voice surrounds him, lilting on the question.
"Unfading love."
Finally - finally - Hob is kissing him, kissing him with wild abandon and feral hunger, kissing him like he should have been kissing him for the past three fucking days. Kissing him like he is supposed to. Kissing Sandro like he owns him.
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kquil · 1 year
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ALIAS NAME : Kquil | AGE : 22 | PRONOUNS : she/her | BIRTHDAY : Sept. 12th
I AM ALSO A . . . virgo ☀︎ ; cancer ⇡ ; leo ♀ ; enfj ; ravenclaw/slytherin (i keep getting confusing results on quizzes) ; a james potter simp ; a marauders whore ; a fanfiction fluff writer ; a fluff reader who occasionally dabbles in angst ; a procrastinator ; filipina living in the UK
I LIKE TO . . . read, write fanfiction, organise things, cook, bake, eat, go on long walks by the river, watch sunsets, swim, spend time with family and friends, listen to horror stories, watch true crime content, do personality quizzes for fun, have deep conversations, draw, do laundry, origami, bullet journal, be delusional, flirt on character ai, make things pretty/aesthetic, write on and take notes in books...
I DONT LIKE . . . being a bad friend, breaking/broken promises, liars, people who waste my time, people who are mean to animals, people who are inconsiderate, people who are mean to my friends or family, back pain, very very spicy foods (only moderate spice please), 'pick-me's, 'dry' hot weather, being anemic, being lactose intolerant, bugs, humid weather, being sleep-deprived, stress, being sick
THINGS I LIKE . . . rain, sunsets, donuts, cheeseburgers, danish pasteries, noodles, ambient lighting, animals (especially the cute ones), good music, headphones, aesthetic set ups, routine, organisation, thunder and lightening, fireworks, flowers (tulips, roses and carnations are my faves - in that order), anything lavender, anything tea tree, anything peppermint, snow, cold weather, christmas, autumn and spring months, the colour orange and green, gold jewellery, collecting notebooks, harry potter, anime, kpop, frogs, koi fish. . .
that's all for now~ tell me if we have something in common or not o( ˶^▾^˶ )o
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oceanmoss · 2 months
most important thing to do once i do arrive to the uk if everything works well etc is go see carnation, lily, lily, rose irl <3__<3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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voidmuseum · 9 months
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Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose
John Singer Sargent
“Around 1885” (as according to Google A&C) London, England, UK
Oil on canvas
Ahhhhhhh, this is probably one of my favorite paintings of all time and I only found out about it recently. First off, the skill of the painter being able to create a totally realistic image from very unstructured brush strokes is mega impressive. More than that tho, I’m blown away by the way Sargent captures the exact shade of color that you only get on some random Thursday while you’re biking home and you just have to stop for a second because it’s a rare moment where everything is peaceful and filled with a warm glow.
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theretirementstory · 4 months
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26/05/2024. Oh my goodness, I am inside my own four walls, waking in my own bed and relaxing in my own chair and it is just wonderful! Okay, so I only got home on Wednesday evening and have to visit the hospitals in Paris and Troyes over the next few months but who gives a fig, I will say it once again, I AM HOME 😁.
The beautiful card, pictured, was made for me by a friend in the UK, she had hoped it would arrive before I went into hospital, however it was a wonderful surprise to receive it when I returned.
My garden, which I had been longing to see, is still waiting for the gardener to arrive with his mower. He now assures me it will be Monday or Tuesday, it really needs to be otherwise I may need a goat to clear “the pasture”.
The irises are all dead now, I did a little dead heading yesterday. There was a weed (it wasn’t there before I left) which, if left, could have grown into a tree. However the root system was not deep and I removed that very easily. I noticed that one of the hellebores was flowering and am praying that when the gardener does arrive that he doesn’t mow over the top of it too. The œillets (pinks/carnations) are starting to flower and I really would like to try and reclaim my borders which are full of weeds and grass. The cherry tree has the most cherries on that I have ever seen, my neighbour tells me they are not ripe yet, I think by the time they are the birds will have eaten the majority. Noticed a blackbird in the tree gorging itself on them. I need to take things slowly and so I will need to, eventually, do a little bit at a time.
My peonies have not flowered again this year (well they are only young). On Thursday I took a telephone call which was from one of the florists in town. She said she had a delivery for me 🤔 I thought, who would be sending me flowers? The bouquet arrived, six beautiful pinky/white peonies oh my goodness who had sent them? I read the card that was with them and promptly burst into tears. The bouquet was from “The Trainee Solicitor” and “The Reconnect Navigator”. What a wonderful surprise 🥲.
Anie had been shopping for me on Wednesday and kindly brought the shopping down around 8pm. She also brought me a bunch of œillet from her garden. She hugged me (we both had masks on so I guess that was alright). Monique had volunteered her help, I just have to ask. Lots of people want to come and see me but until I get a programme of where I am and when, it’s a little difficult to organise. Well it is early days too I suppose.
The dietician had a laminated sheet on the back of the door in my room, it showed things that I was allowed to eat, on there were Mars bar, Twix and Kitkat. I have dreamt of Mars bars and Kitkats, still not had one but think I may treat myself next week.
Yesterday was the BBQ for the association, of which my knitting group is part. I received a photo and was totally surprised to see that numbers have dwindled so much that everyone attending seemed to be just around one table. it looked as if there were only 14 people in total. it really is quite sad as before Covid the groups seemed to have such a large number of members.
It was a full five days work last week for “The Trainee Solicitor” and “The Reconnect Navigator” so this long weekend (Bank Holiday Monday) is going to be a nice break again. There were plans afoot to sort out the garden hedge etc but not sure if that got started yesterday although grass seed (?) had been purchased so it may have found it’s way from the box to the ground by now 😉. “The Reconnect Navigator” had been and had her nails “done” and very nice they looked too.
“The Photographer” has been to London for a few days. He went to meet up with a guy he had worked with. He had a good time but didn’t appear to do as much as had been mooted. He visited his Aunt and Uncle too which was another nice visitor for them. He has got a few irons in the fire with his photography so that is interesting. His children are away on holiday with their Mum and Grandad who is visiting from Vancouver!
“The Jetsetter” back from her adventures in Vancouver, has been back at work. It won’t be for much longer though as another holiday is beckoning.
Onto the music slot this week, I am reminiscing over holidays long gone but memories are wonderful things. Numerous visits to Sousse in Tunisia, nights spent in “La Grotte” disco, taking over the dance floor to tracks like “I Surrender” by Rainbow, released in 1981 or the song I loved so much from 1976, “If You Leave Me Now” by Chicago.
It’s Fetes des Meres here today (as it is in a number of countries) so I am happy with my Mother’s Day present of the beautiful peonies. Well they were really to wish me well on the road to recovery but have been given a dual purpose now.
Bon Dimanche
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revindicatedbyhistory · 6 months
random question but would you say gibraltar and the malvinas are similar situations? like how the uk keeps its hold on the malvinas to "check things out" in south america, much like they used gibraltar to "check things" (with gunboats) in iberia after the carnation revolution and after spain's so called transition to democracy
the situation with ceuta and mellila i think are a bit different? so i don't compare them with those
i dont really know enough to make any analysis, sorry
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taylortruther · 2 years
I connect Maroon to Cornelia Street due to dancing barefoot in NY and because Joe is the only ex I can see having a roommate and was in his 20s when they dated. In my mind, Maroon is happening when they broke up in Hits Different & it’s still raw (and maybe inspired DBATC too). Also, carnations signifying death is a thing in UK iirc. Could be wrong though but just my 2 cents.
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taylor's like, the sky was red... the wine was red... my cheeks were red... it was soooo red... the hickey was red... our long distance breakdown was red... my/your lips were red... my tears were red... the flowers were red... your memory is red... so very very red...
but yeah, it's probably not related to red at all
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madanimalscientist · 1 year
Ok the joke about Bobby guest judging on Drag Race was funny but you know which mutants would absolutely slay as DR judges? (besides Jumbo Carnation who is kind of an obvious choice)
Emma Frost - style icon, I feel like she and Michelle Visage would get along really well actually
Roberto Da Costa (on either the US or Brasil, or por que não os dois?) - style, money, sense of humor, could probably win an X-Men reading challenge (def would do the best out of the New Mutants)
Storm - she is Mother
Northstar (on DR Canada) - Olympian, queer icon, and it'd be cute for him and Kyle both to guest judge
Betsy Braddock would be fun on DR UK as a guest judge given former model + now a superhero (tho I think Meggan would be hella fun to see on it, especially given her love of media)
Nightcrawler would be great at judging an acting/comedy challenge given his background and sense of heart/humor and also he's a total thirst trap and the queens deserve that. As do the viewers ;p
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galaxia-art · 2 years
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some doodles of sir and ichor. just some older golden guys with less than legal activities and some cool scars.
some notes on ichor:
He has golden blood with healing capabilities, hence why he has so many scars. Visually the scars are supposed to look like kintsugi (because it looks cool)
but that's not how scars work, i dont think blood colour factors into it so tbh his scars are probably closer to scabs than anything?
kinda went with vaguely greek/roman fashion for his costume, because his name is ichor because of his golden blood
funnily enough, there is a blood type known as golden blood! Rh-null, and apparently less than 50 people have that type. i think it would be funny if ichor was one. nominative determinism
some notes on sir:
costume mostly based off magicians and old timey butch lesbian fashion. thankfully both these options were suits so it was pretty easy to do
the flower is a pansy because i was looking up gay flowers but i needed one that came in yellow but lavender, violets and green carnations are, well, exactly the colours their names imply, so pansy won by defualt
he doesnt wear his costume anymore because he's retired from actual super stuff (most likey was a vigilante). plus he thinks the magician stuff was cooler when he was younger.
if i had to pick a name for whatever his previous alias was, i'd go with "palone-omi". the reason for this was trying to design a younger appearance i was like "well he's a he/him lesbian and i put a welsh flag on his wall so lets quickly look up lgbt welsh history and i remembered this one gay shop in cardiff that had some words (like gay and lesbian ect) in another language and at the time i assumed that was welsh.
anyway turns out it wasn't, it was polari, which is a mixture of different romance languages, slang, yiddish, and theives cant, and was used in the uk and ireland and was used in gay subcultures (as well as fishmarkets, the navy, circuses, ect) because yknow, it was illegal. but anyway i thought it was pretty cool
anyway palone-omi means lesbian in polari.the language did fall out of use in the 60s so around the time he would have been born but guess that means he's into history then
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dracoslittleangel · 1 year
since you're bored............
all 25 >:D
and because im bored: rose - describe your crush. i don't have one😭
cherry-blossom - do you believe in love at first sight? yes kind of.
daisy - what’s your best childhood memory? probably the time i spent in school and watching cartoons.
daffodil - which colour suits you best? red/white
peony - do you put more value in honour or truth? truth because i hate lies.
iris - favourite 90s song? don't speak by No Doubt
sunflower - sun or moon? moon always
narcissus - your best physical feature? eyes
freesia - are you still friends with the person you considered your best friend two years ago? yes my friend group's been the same for the past 6 years.
orchid - favourite fruit? mango?
violet - have you had your first kiss? no :/
gypsophila - do you prefer many distant friends, or a few close friends? i think a bit of both, like a few distant and maybe a few close idk.
gerbera - neon or pastel? depends on my mood
carnation - does true love exist? i wouldn't say it doesn't exist but its very rare to see, one in a million(atleast according to my definition of true love)
alstroemeria - dream vacation? france/spain/rome/italy/monaco/uae/uk
anemone - were you ever interested in greek mythology? ofc😭greek mythology has some good names. cymbidium - sexuality? heterosexual
rhododendron - what’s your biggest fear? rn its failing to make a good career.
tulip - lucky number? idk im very unlucky
gladiolus - who do you look up to most? my father?
snapdragon - favourite mythical creature? unicorn/mermaid/fairies/griffin/kappa/sea serpents/dragons
hydrangea - proudest moment? winning dance competition/having my name on the notice board for academic excellence/winning art competitions. heather - what’s your favourite musical? tick,tick...boom!
delphinium - what’s your star sign - does it suit you? cancer and yes, very much
ginger - least favourite food? i cant think of anything rn :/
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aquarioencadenado · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Gucci “Envy” Fragrance 1997 featuring Georgina Grenville & Jason Fedele. Photography by Mario Testino. Scanned from Vogue UK October 1997. Gucci “Envy” for Men Fragrance 2002. With top notes of ginger, cardamom, lavender, pepper, mahogany, coriander, and mandarin orange. Middle notes included sandalwood, cedar, carnation, jasmine and Rose. And base notes of incense, vanilla, tobacco, amber, patchouli, leather and musk. Scanned from Arena S/S 2002. Gucci “Envy” for Men 1998. Featuring Jason Fedele. Scanned from Arena Homme Plus F/W 1998. Gucci “Envy” Fragrance 1999. Featuring Lisa Winkler.
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