#Carlos Whump
detective-giggles · 1 year
Another not WIP Wednesday!
Okay, to be fair, I have been working on a super-secret fic for a dear friend. I’m just playing in their sandbox for a bit and so I don’t want to share anything until it’s done and they approve.
But thank you @sanjuwrites for the tag! And thank you @noxsoulmate for the quick beta.
Coming in at an even 700 words: a request to fill kissing prompt #5 ( kissing them softly when they’re hurt ) from this list, from @rubinsteinsilva126. Thank you, my friend! 💜💜💜
Carlos sighs and shifts uncomfortably. His phone keeps vibrating in his pocket; his partner, he’s sure of it, but his head hurts too much to look, so he just ignores her.
He squeezes the mostly-melted ice pack in his hand and then drops it on his lap. He’ll ask for a new one when they come check on him, if they come check on him. The ER sounds crazy busy, and he’s just grateful he has a room and isn’t sitting in a hallway somewhere.
Carlos hears TK before he sees him, and a moment later his husband rushes in with messy hair and an AFD hoodie clearly quickly thrown over, and Carlos feels bad. He realizes he has no idea what time it is, but clearly TK had been trying to catch a few hours of precious sleep on his shift when he got the call.
“Hey, baby,” TK says softly. He cradles Carlos’ face in his hands and presses a gentle kiss to his lips, then one to his cheek as he wraps an arm around Carlos and hugs him tightly. He pulls back, holding Carlos at arms length and Carlos knows he’s checking for additional injuries he hadn’t yet disclosed.
He fires a few questions at him, too many all at once, and Carlos just gives him a blank stare while his brain tries to catch up.
“Okay, then,” TK grabs his chart and frowns as he looks over the chicken scratch.
“I want to go home,” Carlos whines as he shifts and attempts to swing his legs over the side of the gurney. The ice pack falls and makes a sad plop on the ground.
“They want to do a CT scan and then I think they’re admitting you,” TK says, settling him back onto the bed. He grabs the ice pack off the floor and shakes his head. “Gimme a sec.”
“Don’t leave,” Carlos begs.
“I’m gonna get you another. Give me just a minute.”
TK disappears and is back in less than a minute with a fresh ice pack, a little paper cup with a couple of pills, a plastic container of pudding, and a spoon.
TK shrugs and smiles slyly. “Amber’s working so I-”
“You flirted?”
TK shakes his head and hands over the Tylenol. Carlos swallows them dry before TK can hand him a cup of water.
“I did not flirt.”
Carlos winces as TK places the ice pack behind his head. “Thanks,” he murmurs. He reaches up and holds the ice himself. As soon as TK’s hand is free, he gives Carlos’ thigh a squeeze and then grabs the pudding.
“Amber said they’re going to get you back for tests soon, and then they’ll get you upstairs for the night.” He carefully pulls the lid off the cup and sticks the spoon inside, offering it to his husband.
Carlos hesitates and TK sighs as he sits on the edge of the bed. “Come on, you’re always a little queasy after Tylenol on an empty stomach and it was either this or orange jello.”
Carlos wrinkles his nose. Orange is the worst. He nods and TK takes the spoon, feeding him a bit of the pudding. He’s almost done with it when the nurse walks in pushing a wheelchair.
TK sets the cup aside and stands close by as Carlos transfers himself from the bed to the wheelchair. He manages to make it without help but reaches for TK as soon as he’s settled.
“I’ll be up as soon as they get you into your room.”
“You should go back and get some sleep,” Carlos says. “I’ll be fine here.”
“Absolutely not!” TK says. “I am, however, going to call your mother if you haven’t already.”
“Absolutely not!” Carlos echoes. “You should save that for tomorrow after I’m home because my head hurts too much to deal with her tonight.”
“It’s fine, Carlos, I can handle your mother,” TK assures him, pressing one more kiss to the top of his head. He pulls out his phone but watches as they wheel Carlos out of the room and into the elevator before he slinks into the waiting room to call his mother-in-law.
Taglist: @chaotictarlos @noxsoulmate @sanjuwrites @meditating-honey-badger @plaidbooks (if you want to be added please let me know!)
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chaotictarlos · 2 years
Searching for my heart
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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Rating: Mature | Warnings: Season 4 Speculation, Carlos Reyes Whump, Feral TK, Hostage, Kidnapping, Kidnapped Carlos, Feral TK Strand
Summary: Carlos goes missing. Episode 4 x 03/4 speculation
Authors Note: that synopsis is to blame for this fic. I have others I'm working on - including coda's for episode two - but I had to write this too. 😂😂😂😂
thank you to @noxsoulmate for the beta
“...she was fine when I talked to her, Carlos,” TK says, walking after his fiancé as he storms through the house, clearly on a mission.
Carlos whips around and glares at him. “She’s not fine now, TK. She’s missing and I’m not just going to sit around and not go look for her, not like last time.”
“Carlos, you barely know her now, how are you going to be able to find her?”
TK watches as Carlos angrily yanks on his jacket. “I know enough about her and who she used to be. I’m going to look for her and I’m going to find her.”
“Carlos, please just think about this,” TK tries again, an edge of desperation in his voice. He doesn’t have a good feeling about any of this. “Please, just let the police do their jobs.”
“I am the police, and I am going to go look for her,” Carlos says.
“Carlos-” TK tries, but Carlos is walking out of the door, slamming it shut behind him.
TK runs a hand over his face and lets out a frustrated groan. He’ll give Carlos a few hours to cool off and then he’ll call him and get him to come home.
They’ll talk through things then.
tags: @strangefurychaos @ronensass @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan @angeltk @noxsoulmate  @beautifulhigh @rangergurlgleek1211 @detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @thebumblecee @mooshkat @importantbailiffpaperpony @cowlos-reyes
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9-1-1 : Lone Star 4x04 Opening Scene | Carlos being held in hostage by t...
This is so fucking nice 🥹 That show is pushing so many of my whump buttons, man. 
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noxsoulmate · 1 year
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And we're back to Tarlos whump 😁 this time on Carlos' part, the 3rd most voted option on the poll.
Thanks for tagging me, @carlos-in-glasses 😘
If ever Lexi was grateful for not having the 126 present at a scene, it’s today. Not because she doesn’t like them but because she’s sure she wouldn’t be able to look any of them in the eye. “Lexi, will you please calm down?” “I am calm,” she replies automatically but looks at him nevertheless. Her partner is giving her his puppy eyes and even though his face is currently half hidden behind the hands of the paramedic working on him, she still knows that look far too well not to react. Groaning, she gives up on her pacing and steps over to the ambulance, leaning against the open door. “It really wasn’t your fault,” Carlos tells her even though the evidence is right there. She points at his head where the medic is still taking care of the wound on his temple, his eye slightly swollen from the blow he took. “Your bleeding face and that shiner you’ll get beg to differ.” “It was an unpredictable situation. Home invasions always are, if I may remind you.” Lexi rolls her eyes, not deterred so easily. “I was supposed to have your back and–” “And you did,” Carlos interrupts, reaching for her hand to squeeze it. “You all but pulled a 300 pound guy off of me before he could kill me.” She shouldn’t even have let the guy get on her partner in the first place, is the problem here. She should’ve seen the guy coming, should’ve prevented this from happening instead of just rushing to her partner’s aid. She’s about to say all that when Carlos squeezed her hand again. “You saved my life, Lexi, that’s all that matters.” Instead of arguing, she nods. She knows her partner is too good a human being to ever blame her for what happened, no amount of arguing will change that. Maybe she’s looking forward to seeing her partner’s husband after all… at least he’ll probably rip her a new one, just like she deserves.
@heartstringsduet, @catanisspicy, @chaotictarlos, @detective-giggles, @ravens-words, @sgirl18, @bonheur-cafe, @firstprince-history-huh, @rangergurlgleek1211, @shadesofdeviant, @actuallysara, @paperstorm, @wtfuckevenknows, @lightningboltreader, @meditating-honey-badger, @just-inside-her, @alidravana, @morganaspendragonss, @lire-casander, @otter-love-asl, @ramblingdisaster73, @first-kanaphan, @xtltokio, @buckybarnesalways, @mangacat201
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whatthetumblfck · 2 years
You Didn’t Have a Choice
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Notes: I started working on this one a while ago and was suddenly inspired to finish it. Enjoy!
Word Count: over 3k
Warnings: Whump because it’s what I do, blood, injury, some angst, medical drama, some swearing (also because: me)
Summary: Carlos agrees to help TK with a charity event, but finds himself in the middle of a “mass” shooting. There will be whump and when you think the whump is done, there will be more.
Carlos briefly opened his eyes, squinting as they met the mid-morning Texas sun shining through the cracks in the blinds. He was completely exhausted. A few hours earlier, he had finished his 5th night shift this week. The overtime was mandatory, but he didn’t mind, as long as he had off to help TK with the annual AFD charity event tomorrow. He closed his eyes again and nestled further under the mound of pillows and blankets occupying his bed, allowing his thoughts to drift. He had every intention of getting several more hours of sleep, but he was suddenly struck with panic. Carlos’ eyes shot wide open. “SHIT!” Today’s not Friday. It’s Saturday. With all the extra hours he pulled this week, he completely lost track of what day it was. He grabbed his phone. 10:30. No messages from TK. He breathed a sigh of relief. He had 30 minutes before he was supposed to help set up the event.  TK was relying on him to pick up pamphlets from the printers across town. Carlos threw on a plain white tee and jeans before rushing out the door. He was only a few minutes late and TK either didn’t notice or didn’t mind. Carlos let out an exhausted sigh as he sat the box of pamphlets on the table next to TK. The adrenaline from the morning rush was wearing off and fatigue was hitting him hard. “You okay?” TK asked as he studied the dark circles under Carlos’ eyes. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired.” He managed to get out before stifling a yawn. “Are you sure? You look like shit.” TK cracked a smile as he reached out to squeeze Carlos’ hands. “Gee, thanks.” Carlos responded with an eye roll.  “I had to pick up another shift last night.” Their shifts hadn’t been matching up much the last couple of weeks so they caught up with each other as their schedules allowed. “Aw, babe, I’m sorry. I never should have asked you to help with—“ TK started. “TK. I told you I would help you with this weeks ago. I want to be here. I promise.” The corner of Carlos’ mouth curled up in that half-smile TK can’t resist. TK leaned in for a quick kiss before getting back to work. Carlos kept himself busy with whatever TK needed help with. The park was beginning to fill with people and even though Carlos wasn’t as mentally sharp as he’d like to be, the interactions were enough to keep his eyes open.  The temperature was peaking, and TK left to grab a couple of drinks from a vendor a few booths down.  Carlos took this opportunity to find a chair and close his eyes for just a few seconds. That’s when he heard the unmistakable sound of gunshots, followed by screaming. His blood ran cold. He couldn’t see TK. Where was TK? His police training kicked in as he took cover and unholstered his off-duty pistol. He frantically scanned the crowds of terrified people as they scattered, not knowing which direction to run. Eventually, his eyes focused on what he was praying he wouldn’t find: a victim. She was lying face down on the ground and Carlos couldn’t tell if she was breathing. He needed to get closer. With a final scan of the field, he was about to run towards the injured woman when he spotted TK, ducked behind a display. Before he could even fully process that TK was alive and well, Carlos watched as TK bolted towards the woman, followed by Tommy rushing in from a different direction. He silently cursed them for having no regard for their own personal safety, but knew deep down, they were doing their jobs, same as him. He ran as quickly as he could towards TK. He reached them within a few seconds, his eyes making contact with TK’s for a moment brief enough to watch the relief wash over TK’s face at knowing he was okay, before scanning the area again for the shooter. “I don’t like this. We’re out in the open. Can she be moved?”. The words rushed out of Carlos’ mouth as Tommy and TK continued to assess the woman. TK and Tommy exchanged glances before Tommy made the call. “Let’s do it. Quick and easy.” TK hooked his arms under the woman’s shoulders while Tommy grabbed her legs. Carlos watched as they made a beeline from the open field to take cover behind a food truck. What Carlos didn’t realize was that the gunman had been watching him. He stayed low to the ground as he moved, eyes searching the park, as more gunshots echoed through the air. He couldn’t tell where they were coming from. There were so many people running and screaming, he didn’t know where to focus his attention. Then he heard a noise that didn’t fit the chaos that had unfolded. It was a voice. Calm and assertive. “Think you’re better than me.”, followed by an unhinged bout of laughter. Just as quickly as he heard the voice, a chill ran through him and he turned his body to face it, gun taking aim. Everything happened within a few seconds, though it felt like time had slowed. Carlos spotted the shooter emerging from the crowd several meters away, his rifle pointed directly at him. Fuck. He started to squeeze the trigger when he heard the other man’s weapon discharge with a loud and violent bang. The large caliber bullet struck Carlos in the right side of his chest with enough to force to knock him off his feet. His pain-filled howl was cut short as his back slammed hard into the ground, knocking the wind out of him. Carlos took a ragged breath, trying to gather his strength. He stretched out his arm, weakly dancing his fingers through the grass trying to find his gun, to no avail. Panic rose in his chest. Carlos knew the gunman would be on him at any moment. Dizziness washed over him as he struggled to take in each breath, straining his neck and arching his back in an attempt to fill his lungs.  He was starting to feel very tired when his attention was drawn to the sound of hurried footsteps approaching him. This is it. He should have paid more attention to his surroundings, been more alert. Maybe if he had, none of this would have happened. He wouldn’t be laying here, with a bullet hole in his chest, waiting for the shooter to come finish the job. He couldn’t move, didn’t have the strength. He closed his eyes, willing himself to accept his fate. “Carlos? ……CARLOS!” That voice…is….familiar. But Carlos couldn’t find the strength to open his eyes. He felt himself slipping further away. “Shit….Tommy!” TK? That’s TK. “Carlos! Baby, open your eyes!” A sudden grinding pain on his sternum pulled him to the surface, compelling his eyes to open as he curled his arms into his chest, a groan escaping his throat. “Carlos! Look at me, baby. I need you to stay awake.” “TK…” Carlos managed only a whisper. Why was it so hard to breathe? Something happened, but he couldn’t quite remember the details. He blinked a few times, trying to clear his blurring vision.  Hands placed an oxygen mask over his face. His mouth felt dry, and he thought he tasted something metallic in the back of his throat. A dull, aching pain in the background was instantly given his full attention as TK applied more pressure to the wound on his chest. The now searing pain seemed to shoot across his chest and down his side.  A groan emerged from Carlos’ throat, and he clenched his jaw as tears slid down the side of his face, disappearing into his hair. “I’m sorry, baby. I know it hurts-just breathe, okay? You’re going to be okay.” TK’s voice cracked at those last words. “RA is two minutes out.” A different voice, but also familiar. Tommy? Carlos’ eyes slowly searched his field of vision until they landed on Tommy. Then he noticed the blue tourniquet on his arm. Tommy was inserting an IV into the crook of his left elbow. He couldn’t feel it, which might have concerned him if he had the strength to care…… “Hey. Hey! Keep your eyes open!” TK urged, tapping his cheek. Carlos opened his glassy eyes ever so slightly. He didn’t realize he closed them. He’s tired. He’s cold. His chest hurts. He can’t breathe. HE CAN’T BREATHE. If breathing was hard before, it felt impossible now.  A wet cough forced its way out of his lungs, splattering the oxygen mask with blood, staining his teeth and lips. As the edges of his vision darkened, he glanced up at TK, selfishly admiring his blue-green eyes. If these were his final moments, he wanted TK to know how much he loves him. “TK…I…-“, he started. Carlos couldn’t get the rest of the words out before his vision became black and he slipped into unconsciousness. —————————————————————————————————————————————— TK kept one hand firmly pressed to the wound on Carlos’ chest and reached to grab the bandage scissors from Tommy’s jump bag. Several ambulances and police units arrived at once. A couple of paramedics that TK didn’t recognize came rushing to his side. “Take over pressure,” TK instructed. As he prepared to cut Carlos’ shirt open, he noticed his hands were trembling. He hesitated at the sight of Carlos’ blood covering his hands and soaking through his white t-shirt, the stark contrast only accentuating the growing patch of red.  He swallowed hard, fighting back the urge to vomit. He forced himself to finish cutting open Carlos’ shirt when— “TK….I…-“ TK looked up at Carlos’ face and gazed into his beautiful, brown eyes. Eyes that, then, unexpectedly, became unfocused and vacant. “Carlos? Carlos?!?” He’s not breathing, TK realized. “He’s not breathing!” TK immediately placed his fingers on Carlos’ neck. “Still has a pulse, but it’s thready.” Tommy had already positioned herself at Carlos’ head. She gently lifted his chin and opened his mouth, using the laryngoscope to visualize the tube advancing down his throat. Another paramedic connected the Ambu bag and began breathing for him. Meanwhile, TK was connecting the LifePak leads to Carlos’ chest. “He’s tachycardic…lost too much blood.  BP is 86/52. He’s in shock. Bolus the fluids. Cap, we need to go now!” They rolled Carlos onto his side long enough to slide the backboard in place. By that time, the other paramedic had come back with the gurney. “On my count,” Tommy started. “One-two-three.” They quickly made their way into the back of the ambulance. It was only when the doors closed and they started moving, that TK felt the gravity of the situation come crashing down on him. He didn’t realize tears were already streaming down his face when a sob ripped from his chest. Tommy put her hand on his knee to comfort him as she methodically squeezed the bag, watching the rise and fall of Carlos’ chest. They sat in distressed silence, eyes flicking between Carlos and the heart monitor. TK was the first to notice the sudden spike in Carlos’ heart rate. He looked down and saw Carlos blinking his eyes open, the confusion painted across his features, turning to fear. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Carlos was dreaming, he thinks. But he can’t remember what he was dreaming about. It felt like random memories coming together, but not making any sense. All he can focus on now is this incessant beeping. He feels drawn to it, somehow, and as he gets closer to this sound, he becomes more aware of other things. He feels a strange sensation in his chest and there’s something in his mouth- no- his throat. Carlos pries his eyes open. He doesn’t recognize where he is. His legs and chest are strapped down and he can’t move. He becomes painfully more aware of something stuck in his throat. He feels like he’s choking. He wildly brought his hands to his mouth, fumbling desperately to remove whatever he was choking on. He, then, felt someone grab his wrists and hold his hands down. His eyes flickered upward and he realized it was TK. “Carlos! Baby, you gotta calm down. You stopped breathing so we had to intubate you.” Stopped breathing? What the fuck? What happened? Carlos tried to search his memories, but came up empty. He suddenly noticed a funny feeling in his chest and his eyelids felt very heavy, then…..nothing. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— “Carlos? You still with me?” TK prompted. But Carlos gave no indication that he heard him. The Lifepak monitor began to alarm, startling TK. “He’s in V-tach! Lost a pulse. TK- start compressions!” Tommy ordered, as the ambulance stopped at the entrance of the emergency department and the back doors swung open. TK quickly jumped onto the gurney, straddling Carlos, breathlessly counting to himself as he continued chest compressions. A tear escaped down his cheek as he felt one of Carlos’ ribs crack under his hands. He didn’t dare stop or ease up as they rolled through the doors of the ER. “What have you got?” “28 year old male, off duty APD, at the park shooting. Through and through GSW to his right upper chest from a large caliber rifle. BP was 90/56. We had to intubate in the field and he went into v-tach as soon as we arrived.” TK hopped off the gurney so the trauma team could take over. Tommy guided him to an empty hall, just in time for TK’s knees to give out. He reached out his hand and caught himself, crashing into the wall and sliding down to the floor. That is where he stayed, sobbing uncontrollably. He couldn’t hold it back any longer. Tommy kneeled down beside him, rubbing small circles in his back. “Carlos is strong, TK. He’s going to make it.” Tommy affirmed, silent tears now gathering in her eyes. TK didn’t look up at her to notice. He felt himself disconnecting as he stared at the blood starting to dry on his hands. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Several hours later, TK found himself shifting uncomfortably in a plastic chair. He glanced up at Carlos, who lay motionless in a bed in the intensive care unit, still intubated, still unconscious. The doctor had left a few hours ago, but TK couldn’t help replaying the words in his mind over and over again.         We were able to shock his heart back into sinus rhythm and the surgery went well. He did lose         a lot of blood; he’s stable for now, but still in critical condition. TK reached out and held Carlos’ hand, giving it a squeeze and praying for a response. He got none. He studied the features of his face. His skin was pale, lips dry. There were still spots of dried blood on his neck and ear. TK shuddered as he remembered the feeling of Carlos’ blood slipping between his fingers, the way his eyes went blank and the feeling of breaking his ribs as he tried to pump blood through his body. Carlos was able to be extubated the following morning, the intrusive tube being replaced by a nasal cannula. TK refused to leave Carlos’ side for longer than a few minutes at a time. He eventually drifted off to sleep the following afternoon, resting his head on the bed, but it didn’t last long as he was awoken by the harsh sound of someone gasping for air. __________________________________________________________________________________ Carlos first became aware of a dull pain. It was quiet. He tried to open his eyes, focusing all his energy on this formerly simple task. He first glanced down at his chest, the source of his pain, noticing it was covered in bandages, stickers and wires. He shifted slightly, but abruptly stopped when this caused pain to flare in his ribs. His eyes drifted to the IVs in his arms before falling to TK’s sleeping form by his legs. Oh, shit. He recognized that he was in a hospital, but he had no recollection of how he got here. Regardless, he worried about TK. How long must he have been here to have TK sleeping at his side like this? Feeling slightly more alert, he reached out a hand to run his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair. TK stirred at the touch but didn’t wake. Carlos gently cleared his throat, preparing to speak, but found he couldn’t get the words out. The dull pain in his chest quickly became a sharp, stabbing pain and he found himself feeling short of breath. He removed his hand from TK’s hair and brought it to his chest, trying to rub the pain away. Carlos took a sudden sharp breath in that caused TK to wake and turn his head to him with wide eyes. At the same time, the monitor beside his bed began to alarm. TK looked at Carlos, whose brows were furrowed. His eyes gazing forward but were hazy. Looking at the monitor, TK saw the oxygen saturation dropping. 94……90….87….84…….
“Carlos?! Baby! Tell me what’s going on! Are you having chest pain?”
Carlos snapped his eyes to TK’s and weakly nodded before adding, “…can’t….breathe…” It was barely a whisper. The room was suddenly flooded with nurses and doctors, and when TK turned his head back to Carlos, he saw his eyes start to close as his head fell back against the pillow, his arms laying limply by his sides.
TK was guided to the hallway as Carlos was worked on. He stepped back until his back hit the wall and he slid down, pulling up his knees and resting his head between them. He knew Carlos wasn’t out of the woods yet, but it felt like this nightmare would never end. He balled his shaking hands into fists, gripping the hair on the back of his head. He’s not sure how he stayed in that spot when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
The following day, Carlos opened his eyes again. This time, TK was awake and watching him.
“What happened?” Carlos croaked.
“Which time?” TK challenged playfully, a half-hearted smile hanging from his face. He was met with confused eyes.
“Babe…you scared the hell out of me.” TK dropped his head slightly and sighed before continuing.
“We were at the AFD charity event and there was a shooter. You were shot in the chest and…um…you almost died. I got to you, but then you, uh, stopped breathing and..um…then you arrested on the way to the hospital…..God, Carlos, I thought I was going to lose you..” TK choked back a sob.
“I’m sorry,” Carlos offered and squeezed TK’s hand.
TK laughed lightly through his tears. “Did you just apologize for almost dying?”
“Yeah, sorry,” he breathed, closing his eyes to rest for a moment.
When TK was sure Carlos was still conscious, he continued. “That was a few days ago. But, um, yesterday….your lung collapsed again. So you are the owner of a brand new chest tube.” He tried to smile.
“Was anyone else hurt?”
“Uh, yeah, but they’re okay. It was only 2 others. We actually have you to thank for that.”
Carlos turned his head to look at TK. “What do you mean?”
TK paused a moment, considering how to resume. “Apparently, you were able to fire a round just before you were shot. It hit him center chest. He was pronounced at the scene.”
TK watched as Carlos’ face shifted from confusion to disbelief to remorse, his eyes darting back and forth, remembering. No officer ever wants to have to take a life. Carlos could suddenly feel the grip of his pistol in his hand, the slight kickback after squeezing the trigger, the air rushing out of his lungs when he hit the ground. The panic. The fear. The taste of blood. The pain. It all came back to him at once.
“Who…..who was he?” Although, Carlos didn’t think the answer would make him feel any better.
“He was ex-military. Applied to the APD, but was turned down after failing the psych eval. Turns out, he was dishonorably discharged from the army…..Babe..this could have been so much worse. He was out for blood, targeting officers. One of the other wounded was also an off-duty officer and the other just got caught in the crossfire.”
“How did he- if we weren’t in uniform?” Carlos hoped he understood what he was trying to say.
“They think he was scoping out the station, after they rejected him. He had been planning this for a while.” TK frowned as he thought about how much worse this could have turned out.
“Oh my God..” Carlos couldn’t get a grip on his emotions. He was glad everyone was okay; he was glad there weren’t more people injured and no one was killed, but wait. That’s not true. Someone was killed. He killed someone. Someone is dead because of him.
TK could see him spiraling. He knew exactly what Carlos was thinking and it broke his heart to see him struggle.
“Hey, Carlos…no. Look at me. Don’t do that to yourself. You didn’t have a choice, okay? He was going to kill you and so many more people if you hadn’t stopped him. You did what you had to do, what you were trained to do.”
Carlos nodded his head as tears spilled over and streamed down his cheeks. TK was now leaning over him, embracing him as gently as he could, attempting to offer whatever comfort he could. Carlos had a lot of healing to do, not just physically, and as TK looked down at him, gently pushing his brown curls away from his face, he knew he would never have to do it alone.
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alidravana · 2 years
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Congratulations on 150 followers! You're amazing, and I'm so glad 149 people other than me have found out!
Can I have "I know I shouldn't be here" from the soft angst starters for Tarlos?
You asked, and I think this definitely delivers in the angst category Lire!
“I know I shouldn’t be here,” TK mumbled, having ducked into the hospital room after Carlos’s parents had left for a break.  He didn’t know what he was doing, but when he received a teary voicemail from Mitchell, Carlos’s partner, saying that the two of them had been in a robbery gone wrong, TK’s only thought was that he had to get to the hospital.
But now he was here, and he wasn’t sure that he should be.  
TK took a few steps closer to the bed, glancing at the chart hanging at the end; TK wanted to know more about Carlos’s condition, see how the surgery went, but knew that he had lost the right to look at anything that personal.  He placed his hand on the bed rail instead, to stop himself from reaching for the chart, his foot tapping nervously on the ground.  
“I-I know that I hurt you,” TK choked out, his free hand reaching up to wipe away a few tears that started to form.  “I lash out when things start to go right, because I’m so used to them going wrong not long after.  And I know that you’re not like Alex, you’re not like any of my past boyfriends…but I got scared.” 
He reached back behind him, finding the arm of a chair and let himself collapse into it, his trembling legs no longer able to keep him standing.  
“I don’t…I can’t even hold your hand, Carlos.”    
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tarlos-spain · 2 years
Whump Tarlos Week Day 4
Wednesday, Nov 2 Prompts: TARLOS WHUMP: Car Crash
Title: If I don't remember you
"Are you all right, son?" Gabriel asked him.
"Mom, why should TK come to the ranch? You said TK is fine and he has Owen to take care of him."
Andrea and Gabriel looked at each other, neither wanted to say what they were thinking, but they both had the same thought in their heads, they feared the same thing. Andrea sat on the bed and caressed her son's cheek.
"Carlitos, mijo, what day is it today?"
Chaos came without anyone seeing it coming. A normal shift; Carlos and TK had time to talk, text, joke and think about the dinner TK wanted to cook for Carlos.
"I'll help you, don't worry."
"But that's not making you dinner.
"No, that's neither of us ending up in the hospital with food poisoning."
"Ha ha, very funny."
TK was happy, Carlos was happy. He had spent a couple of hours the night before looking at things for the wedding and wanted to tell him some things he had found interesting.
He texted him at lunchtime. "I have a couple of ideas for gifts for the guests. I'll pass you pictures."
"I'm driving the ambulance today." TK told him at lunchtime. "I'll look at it and we'll talk about it tonight. I love you."
"Love you, talk to you later."
Twenty minutes passed.
A stop sign that a stranger didn't respect. He was being chased by the police, Carlos was there, TK recognized his car just before disaster struck. The suspect did not stop, he ran a red light together when the ambulance was passing and hit it.
Carlos watched as the creep he was chasing for robbing a bank collided with the ambulance and if TK had recognized his patrol car, he recognized his fiancé's vehicle. He saw him being thrown off by the force with which the car pushed him and crashed into several other vehicles on the other side of the street.
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guardian-angle22 · 3 months
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This or That: Tarlos Edition -> Monster Inside (1x08) or Push (3x04)
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letthewhumpbegin · 4 months
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911 Lone Star, s2e8
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where-is-my-whump · 20 days
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9-1-1 Lone Star Season 5 whump preview
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detective-giggles · 1 year
Okay- so it’s definitely past my bedtime, but it is still Wednesday for another hour and ten minutes. This is in the works to become my longest fic, and I’m very much stressing about that.
@bonheur-cafe , @marchingatmidnight and @noxsoulmate, thank you all for the tags!
I’m sharing a small snippet of the AU weekend fic. I have two sections to go (it’s a 5+1) but also, I guess I should check, I really hope they do AU weekend again!
“Hey, baby,” he murmurs, kneeling at Carlos’ side as he gently smooths Carlos’ sweaty curls back.
Carlos’ hands are shaky and blood-stained as he reaches for TK and lets out a relieved sob.
“TK, I-”
“I know,” he whispers. “Come on, we need to get you up. Can you stand?” TK asks.
Carlos shakes his head and lets out a whine but then swallows hard and huffs out a few shallow breaths, “If it gets me out of here, yes.”
It’s so late, I’m not going to tag anyone, but if you see this and want to do it, please do!
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chaotictarlos · 2 years
without you, what's the point?
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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rating: mature | warnings / tags: Carlos Whump, Blood, Shooting, Feral TKSad TK Strand, Established Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Carlos Reyes Needs a Hug (9-1-1 Lone Star), TK Strand Needs A Hug, Carlos will be fine, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Tarlos - Freeform
Authors Note: thank you to all who have been reading this and @noxsoulmate for beta'ing! Thank you to all of the lovely anons and people who are enjoying this story! Leave your thoughts when you read!
Chapter 2/3
“You’re so incredibly frustrating sometimes, Carlos! Not everything has to be perfect!” TK snaps, after the hundredth time Carlos had come up with a different way to approach the wedding. He knows that wedding planning can be hard and stressful, but wedding planning with Carlos was almost like pulling teeth.
Carlos rubs a hand over his face. “I just want this to be perfect, TK. We both deserve to have a perfect wedding.”
TK sighs, continuing to pull on his work uniform. “I know that, but it doesn’t have to be this level of perfect. I just want to marry you and we could do it down at the courthouse and I would be okay with that.”
“I know you would be, and I… I could be okay with that too.” Carlos sighs and TK can hear the frustration. “But I want you to care about this as much as I do.”
Read More on AO3
tags: @strangefurychaos @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan @noxsoulmate   @beautifulhigh @welcometololaland @rangergurlgleek1211 @detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @thebumblecee @mooshkat @antihero-buckleys @jcams88
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strandedbuckley · 9 months
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TK STRAND IN EVERY SCENE 1.08: monster inside
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noxsoulmate · 2 years
My friends, I need your opinion about something to do with Tarlos whump. Would rather
Read a 5+1 fic with different scenarios that are loosely connected with each other or
Have a series with an indefinitely amount of whump oneshots?
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lunavagans · 10 months
Okay but like
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Why haven‘t I seen anybody talk about how uneven the red is on his cheeks? And he looks like he‘s about to cry? I‘m connecting the dots, and it‘s unpleasant.
EDIT BECAUSE HOLY SHIT THIS STILL HAUNTS ME: The job of painters usually is also to make someone look better than they actually do, meaning this being shown was a deliberate choice. It‘s not just that Gepetto hit him. It‘s that he chose to show it, too. What the hell
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ramblingdisaster73 · 4 days
A Not So Lazy Morning.
One morning TK wakes up to find out that his husband has decided on a new hobby, unfortunately for TK, the mishaps that follow lead him back to a hospital bed.
TK woke up to the scent of coffee coming closer to him, he opened his eyes to see his husband standing next to the side of their bed with two steaming mugs. “Have I told you that I love you lately?” TK asked as sat up to take the mug from Carlos’ outstretched hand.
“Yes, you have but, you can say it as many times as you want. I love you too.” Carlos told him as he leaned over for a kiss. “Now get up and get in the shower, we have plans.”
TK arched a brow, asking “We do? Are they fun plans or errands?”
read more here
written for the @lonestar-s5countdown fic exchange for @decafdino
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