#Car Detailing Layton
Top Mobile Car Detailing Kaysville Mistakes To Avoid
There are very few people in the world who don't have a genuine love for their cars. And when you make so many amazing memories with one vehicle, you try to ensure that its frame as well as its interiors always look amazing.
For those who don't have a clear idea, mobile car detailing in Utah is when professionals come to your house to clean and make your car look shiny, inside and out. They also polish and tidy your car without you driving anywhere.
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This is the future of car maintenance and it is everywhere! At the same time, these professionals must avoid certain mistakes to get a good response from clients.
What Not To Do During Mobile Car Detailing Kaysville
Not Providing Paint Protection
Without paint protection, harmful UV rays and contaminants cause irreversible damage. We have also seen that during the cleaning process itself, a lot of harmful chemicals come in contact with the car. So if we don't provide enough paint protection, how will our car look like new anymore?
A protective coating helps prevent scratches and maintains the vehicle’s value over time. Without it, even though services like mobile car detailing in Layton can improve the vehicle's appearance, the protection won’t last as long.
These professionals stress the importance of protective coatings. Applying a quality paint sealant or ceramic coating safeguards the finish maintaining its showroom shine and preserving its resale value.
Ignoring Interior Detailing Needs
Do you pay attention to the interior of your car? Letting this day in a bad state can automatically age your car. Not only does dirt and dust accumulate on surfaces and in crevices but also wear and tear becomes an everyday thing in such cars.
Interior detailing can be done once every few months for the benefit of your car. This enhances the vehicle's interior integrity and resale value. Quality interior care ensures a clean and inviting driving environment.
Dirty air vents and crevices harbor allergens and bacteria. Professional detailers emphasize interior cleaning to maintain hygiene and aesthetics.
Ineffective Drying Techniques Used
Improper drying methods can leave vehicles with lasting damage. Water spots and mineral deposits form when moisture isn't removed correctly.
Ineffective drying techniques used after washing cause paint to dull and become vulnerable. Micro-scratches and swirl marks appear as water evaporates unevenly.
Professional detailers prioritize precise drying to prevent water spot formation. Effective drying techniques maintain paint clarity and shine. Proper microfiber towel or air blowout usage safeguards surfaces from damage and ensures a flawless finish.
Using Wrong Cleaning Products
Our premium vehicles do require meticulous care to maintain their shine! And using the wrong cleaning products instead can damage paint coatings. This can also harm interior materials.
Harsh chemicals can strip wax protection and discolor surfaces. Incompatible products can leave residue or streaks compromising the vehicle's appearance.
Mobile car detailing professionals must choose cleaning solutions that safeguard surfaces. Proper product selection ensures a flawless finish and preserves the vehicle's value. Quality-focused detailers prioritize product compatibility.
In Closing…
Dedicated professionals in the field of car detailing services in Lehi have enhanced this industry into a work of art. Due to the detail-oriented nature of this profession, even the small mistakes listed above can lead to great problems for the car owner. By supervising your car detailing sessions, you can keep such unfortunate instances at bay and have the experience you deserve in all areas of the detailing session!
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justkillingthyme · 5 months
What's wrong with the Diabolical Box train car art?
Ok I think I phrased it weirdly so sorry bout that. It’s just really inconsistent and I noticed it a while ago and it bothered me
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The left side curtain does not reach the center pane, and there are no visible window latches. There is no picture on the center shelf, and the shelf is above the height of the armrests. Side cabinet has a panel before the door. Side cabinet has 14 slats, the peg is about halfway through above it. Two teacups to the left of the pot on the tray, creamer(? Don’t know what to call it), to the right. Tray appears to be circular and small. Left picture frame is full. Paneling splits the wood in two at the center (visible behind the left armchair). There’s nothing on the couch.
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Not mentioning that the art on top doesn’t match (cutting them slack with contraints on space for detail). Curtain is in the center pane, visible window latches. Blue picture frame on center shelf, shelf rests below the height of the armrest. Side cabinet has one one panel on the door. Side cabinet has 10 slats. The peg is above the edge of the cabinet. Visible lamp above cabinet, hanger on third peg. One teacup is right of the teapot, the other is left. The creamer, left teacup, and pot are all on the tray, which is rectangular and large with a lip. Creamer to the left of the teacup. There’s a red book on the table, Luke’s suitcase is on the couch, Layton’s is on the floor next to the couch. There is no break in the wood paneling
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Left curtain extends to the center pane. Blue picture frame on center shelf, shelf is below the height on the armrest. No (visible) teacups, creamer is to the left of the teapot on the tray. The tray is large and rectangular with a lip. There is a red book on the table. Left picture frame is empty. Luke’s suitcase is on the couch. Wood paneling is not split in the center.
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Left curtain does not reach the center pane. No visible window latches. No picture frame on center shelf, shelf is above the height of the armrests. Side cabinet has 10 slats, peg towards the right side. One teacup to the left and right of the teapot, creamer in front of it. No tray. Left picture frame is full. Nothing on the couch.
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Latch on the windows. Sixe cabinet has a panel before the door. Side cabinet has 13 slats, and the peg is to the right side. There is no hanger, and no lamp. One (visible) teacup to the right of the teapot, no tray. Luke’s bag is on the couch. No split in the paneling.
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angelbellelc2 · 10 months
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I just finished the doing the toy car mini game and look at this! Luke and Professor Layton appear when you finished all 10 courses. I love how you mostly see Luke and part of Professor Layton's arm which means it's him driving. This is such a nice little detail.
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multiversal-madness · 6 months
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Professor Layton Au - How Things Change Au
Part 1 - Part 2 - ???
(Similarly to Pandora’s Call, I’ve made an intro post for this before but that was ages ago and things have changed so here we go again)
After the five of them die in the Azran Sanctuary, Luke wakes up alone and confused in a forest. With no signs of the others, the sanctuary or even snow, he decides to pick a direction and start walking, hoping to find anything really. Eventually, he runs into a young boy who introduces himself as Leon.
They talk for a bit, Leon pointing out an injury on Luke’s face that he hadn’t noticed and Leon decides to take Luke back to his house to get some help from his parents. Luke agrees to go with him and let’s Leon lead him, but things start seeming off.
Leon’s using slang and phrases he’d usually hear from people several times his age, as they reach a road the only cars present are decades old and when Luke sees a calendar or newspaper or ad dated 50 years ago, he starts to panic (though he tries his best to hide it).
When they reach Leon’s home, his parents patch up Luke’s cheek and Leon’s mother starts talking to him, which triggers the second big realisation. She introduces herself as Detective Valarie Bronev, which means that her son Leon would be Leon Bronev.
The leader of Targent, the man who had stabbed Aurora, the Professor and Descole’s biological father, was the same person as this boy two years younger than him that was now looking at him with concern.
Worried about how pale he was getting, Valarie and Clayton (Leon’s dad) let Luke rest in Leon's room while Valarie goes to see if there's any reports of missing children in the area.
She looks for Luke's parents and where he came from for a long time while Luke pretends not to remember but eventually she has to give up the search. You can't exactly find people who haven't been born yet.
During this time Luke had been looked after by the Bronevs, so when the search remains fruitless, Valarie and Clayton adopt Luke. Luke becomes Luke Bronev, Leon's older brother.
I've added some more details under the cut, mostly what's changed from the last time I posted about this au for those interested:
In the original version of this au, Clayton had died when Leon was five, but after actually designing Clayton and giving him a personality I've grown attached so he gets to live this time
Valarie is a Private Detective instead of a police inspector and Luke won't become a police inspector either, instead he'll be an author who just so happens to also solve mysteries
Luke gets keep both his eyes! Yay! He gets more mental trauma instead
Leon does not encourage Randall's obsession with the Azran, in fact he stays as far away from the Azran as possible ever since Luke was kidnapped
Luke's Targent code name won't be 'Jay'. I don't have an idea for what it'll switch to yet, but Jay doesn't have the right vibes
that's all for now, I'll be posting a lot more about this au in the future (because it has consumed my brain-).
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crystalpallette · 1 year
I've seen aus where either luke or layton go back in time but what about emmy huh?? gotta do everything myself?? anyway au where emmy goes back in time (more thoughts under cut, this is definitely something I've just been rotating in my mind not too much thought or detail yet. warning however that it is a bit long, i ramble a lot)
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- set a couple years after azran legacy, the og trilogy has already happened (and maybe nwos too? idk how many years it should have been tbh)
- emmy's traveling for an article for the world times, stops by [an antique store? a place to develop photos that also has a corner where they sell kitschy stuff?] for the hell of it and discovers a red butterfly pendant
this pendant is clearly something different from the other cheap things on display, it seems higher quality and there's just Something about it that emmy can't ignore
"the professor would have loved this," she thinks, can't help but reminisce about her history with the professor and luke and the adventures they had and suddenly the gem glows hot, and she's back years into the past as dean delmona welcomes her into the staff as professor layton's new assistant. she'd think it was all an elaborate dream or hallucination except- the butterfly is still clutched in her hands. she stumbles through the rest of the pleasantries and moves out of the office, back to where she remembers parking her scooter, and through sheer autopilot drives back to her old flat. tomorrow is the day she meets professor layton, chases after him on her scooter, meets luke and the specter and-
- the last specter happens as she remembers, except for one thing. as loosha slips into the sea for the final time, she can't help but wish they could have saved her this time around
and then she's back in the professor's car as they pull up to misthallery.
(whats the butterfly pendant, I hear you ask, and the answer is I don't know yet! some sort of ancient artifact or something, in the first draft it was meant to be a "wishing star" but then I remembered the butterfly effect and realized wouldn't that be cooler, and now it's a butterfly.)
- through trial and error emmy realizes that butterfly she picked up is able to transport her back through time, with limitations ofc
things she's discovered include:
- she can only move to the past, not the future (once she goes back, she has to relive everything again to get to the point where she reset)
- she can never go back further than the day she became the professor's assistant
- while everything else around her stays the same, she remains consistent. the very first time she'd gone back she had changed back to her game-canon appearance, but as she keeps going back she realizes changes to her specifically still apply
so emmy, realizing all of this, rolls up her sleeves and gets to work. the future holds quite a bit, and she's determined to get everyone to as happy of an ending as she can manage.
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shittyclive · 11 months
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this is our guy. vincent :-) this isnt a proper reference bc of. the messy details, and hes missing buttons on his jacket but. um. i write a infodump under the cut okay?
okay let me go consult the google doc that we havent updated in ages umm.
Vincent Krasnoff (he/it/she in order of preferences. he could not describe what type of queer he is to you OR itself) is a student at Gressenheller who is majoring in psychology but is also taking layton’s archaeology class. for fun! the archaeology interest is much more casual than his interest in the human mind though. criminal psychology is a particularly interesting subject to it, and would probably be his main study focus if he didnt know cops were bastards! instead he just watches many commentaries on criminal cases, and tries to get into their heads (i guess this is a more modern au for layton...??? just so youtube can exist... laytonverse sneegsnag... (also because of his stupid gay raccoon tails)). anyways i made him like that because the idea of someone who is fascinated in getting into peoples heads and understanding their motivations for things meeting clive (and hershel "repressed trauma" layton) was sooooo funny to me. lol.
you might recognise him from the daily clive 9/11 yuri image. no comment.
uh! he is from a town in laytonverse scotland called Snowsburgh! this is also where the professor's next adventure would lead him. vincent, who is fascinated by the professor's autism, decides to volunteer to act as a tour guide for the professor! layton doesnt want to be lost this time (seriously. why does he just wander around like that. i cant stand this. please just have a guy who knows things around. oh my god.) so he lets her tag along for extra credit :-). ^_^.
vincent is very relaxed! he is constantly masking (autism) so he always tries to make a conscious effort to have a nice polite smile. when he gets distracted or lost in thought he looks like this
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resting bitch face supreme. um. projection powers activate.
he likes being very laidback, though he is known to tease people after figuring out how to get under their skin. she is aware that most people think shes actually kind of cool when they first meet her, and would like to Keep It That Way. he realises wayyyy too late on the car/train ride to snowsburgh (we have NOT decided how theyre getting there yet) that his childhood friends are going to EMBARRASS him. SAD. unfortunately it is simply karma.
he gets along fine with anyone but theres always a level of detatchment. is he Hiding something? other than his childhood friends bullying him lightheartedly like friends do? he just doesnt talk about himself more than he has to.
hm! weird! im sure hes normal actually. anyways image of him that got irradiated by @emmejayy andthen i squished him
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merquplex · 9 days
~ some nwos demo thoughts... ~
I absolutely love how the map, background and puzzle artwork looks! It's soo gorgeous and I'm glad they're keeping it hyper detailed and quirky like all the other Layton games
I know a lot of people were worried about the puzzles for this game (rightfully so). But personally, ever since we saw the door puzzle last year I've had no doubts. And from the looks of things in the recent demo, quizknock still seems to be creating actually functioning puzzles!
A couple of days ago I realised I really didn't like the 3d character models; their noses would disappear randomly and the colours looked far too saturated when compared to the background. They also had very minimal changes compared to what we saw last year, which concerned me. However, fully seeing them in motion has restored my faith a little! Luke's expressions were adorable and really brought life into his model! I'm just hoping they add some much needed texturing like their other new games have, then I will have no complaints!
I really like that coindar gives you a little 'riddle' to solve when looking for hint coins, it's way more engaging for me personally than tapping every nook and cranny on screen (and also better for my wrist haha)
The environment feels nice and lively so far, lots of cars driving around and people going about their daily life. It's obviously unfinished but the concept is really strong and I absolutely can't wait to see how it will turn out on release!
The only things I ask for level 5 is to please add 2d cutscenes for the most important moments! Look at how amazing the 'puzzle success' and the 'thank you for playing the demo' artwork is.... can you imagine how beautiful this art style would look animated???? Of course I am biased, but I think I will cry if there are zero on release...
....and please reverse Luke and Layton's botched rhinoplasty 😭😭
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101flavoursofweird · 11 months
Title: Starting Over
Description: Espella reunites with Carmine in London… Eve is also there.
Spoilers: For PLvsAA
Set: A month after PLvsAA
Warnings: Mentions of the Great Fire and Espella’s catatonic state following that, but not in much detail… Vague descriptions of a car crash (of course) and a broken leg.
Note: For Day 2 of @layton-npc-appreciation-week - I went with V.S Phoenix Wright. Not sure if Eve and Espella count as NPCs, but you don’t get more NPC than a character who appeared for like 2 minutes in the opening cutscene.
Carmine hadn’t seen Espella Cantabella since he’d crashed his car into the Riverside Park, one month ago.
In Carmine’s defence, they had been pursued by witches… or rather, what Carmine had perceived to be witches.
It had been nothing more than an illusion evoked by a mind-altering drug, according to Professor Layton.
The Professor had also revealed that Labyrinthia— the medieval city plagued by magic and witches— did not exist as Carmine remembered it.
All of it had been a facade— a story— constructed to help Espella live with the trauma of a devastating fire from over a decade ago.
The Legendary Fire that had consumed a town and the majority of its inhabitants… except for Espella, Arthur Cantabella, Newton Belduke and his daughter.
A young Espella, convinced she had destroyed the town after being possessed by the ‘Great Witch Bezella’, had entered a catatonic state.
It seemed nothing could break the spell that had fallen over Espella… but then, Arthur Cantabella had written her a story about the banished witches and the triumphant townsfolk. 
More stories had followed, until Labyrinthia came to be.
Carmine had stumbled into Espella’s story by mistake. He had been extremely lost and subsequently, stupefied by the events he’d witnessed in Labyrinthia.
At the best of times, Carmine was strapped for cash… How was a detective meant to survive in a medieval town when he couldn’t tell fact from fiction? The illogical court system had made his head spin!
He had wandered through the streets— penniless and hungry— until he’d bumped into a girl who took pity on him. 
She had brought him to a bakery and given him of a loaf bread for free…
The bakery owner— upon discovering this transgression— had decided Carmine would work at the shop to pay her back, and she would put a roof over his head in the meantime.
And so, Carmine had found himself living alongside Espella Cantabella, Patty Eclaire and Eve the Cat.
What had started as repaying a debt became Patty and Espella patiently teaching him how to bake (and forgiving Carmine’s many mishaps!), listening to the neighbours’ gossip, exploring the Great Archive with Espella, learning the history and the strange customs of Labyrinthia…
Hurrying home with Espella and avoiding the Order of Knights’ hard gaze…
Laughing with Espella and Patty during a flour-fight—
Getting interrupted by the intrusion of five knights, who accused Espella (kind, gentle Espella) of being the Great Witch…
Defending Espella while Patty warded them off with a rolling pin… 
After that, Patty had begged Carmine to take Espella and flee— far away from Labyrinthia. Carmine had agreed.
But he and Espella had been followed, and  knocked off the road.
(Curse his terrible luck and his last name…!)
Carmine had been injured, of course, but Espella could still run. He had urged her to go without him— to find Professor Layton and deliver his letter.
Much to his relief, Espella had obliged; she had left him to traverse a city she didn’t even know the name of.
Carmine didn’t blame Espella. Not for anything at all.
He’d wanted her to be safe and he knew Professor Layton would ensure that.
And the Professor had succeeded! He had solved the puzzle of Labyrinthia! (With some help from his assistants and an American defence attorney…)
Most importantly, he had helped shed light on Espella’s troubled past.
Espella was free now. Free to be herself. Free to process her trauma. Free to leave Labyrinthia, at long last…
She was meant to be visiting Carmine today, at the hospital. 
(He’d recovered from the injuries he had sustained during the car crash, but since then, he had broken his leg while trying to escape out of a window on the ward.)
Carmine glanced at the clock on the wall of his hospital room. Espella had said she would arrive at 3pm… but it was coming up to 4pm now.
He frowned. Where was Espella? Had she simply been delayed during her journey? 
Had the boat ride from Labyrinthia gone smoothly…?
Or had something happened to Espella when she reached London? 
Was she travelling alone? Could she have gotten lost? What if she had been waylaid by some lowlife in a dark alley?
Just as Carmine was envisioning every misfortune that could have befallen poor Espella, he heard two tentative knocks at the door.
“C-come in!” Carmine exclaimed as he leapt out of bed. His left leg, wrapped in a cast, crumpled under him as soon as he tried to stand. “Ahi—!”
He landed on the floor just as the door opened…
Espella was standing in the doorway. 
Her beaming smile faded when she realised Carmine had collapsed.
She let out a cry that sounded both ecstatic and concerned.
Carmine was nearly bowled over again as she caught him in a hug.
Somehow, with her arms locked around his neck, Carmine choked out a laugh. “You made it, then?”
Espella’s grip loosened. She looked at him and nodded. “Made it.”
He smiled. “I’m so glad!”
“There’s someone I want you to meet…”
Espella’s head turned towards the door, where Carmine noticed a figure waiting in the shadows. 
The figure glided into the room and Carmine recognised her.
“You—!” Carmine gasped. He pushed Espella behind him, but he kept glaring at the intruder— the one who had once posed as the ‘Great Witch’. The one who had caused Espella so much grief. “Stay back, you…!”
“Carmine— it’s alright!” Espella protested, gently moving him aside. “This is—“
“Are you— being influenced again, Espella?” Carmine peered at her. (She seemed lucid…)
There was a sigh from across the room. “Espella… Haven’t you explained everything to him?”
“I did, in my letter!” Espella insisted. She pointed from Carmine to the purple-haired woman. “Carmine, this is my friend, Eve—“
“Eve?” Carmine repeated. He glanced around. “Where is Eve?” Aiming another glower at the purple-haired woman, he demanded, “Have you done something to Eve?”
The woman rubbed her forehead with her hand and huffed, “I think you’re confused—“
“Eve the cat is fine and she’s back home,” Espella clarified. “Eve Belduke, my childhood friend, is here.”
Eve— the woman, Newton Belduke’s daughter— gave him a small wave.
“Ah…” Carmine cleared his throat. “I’m sorry— can we start over?”
“I believe I’m the one who owes you an apology,” Eve Belduke said solemnly. 
Espella gave her a reassuring smile. Carmine hummed.
Eve exhaled. “But yes, let’s start over…”
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makeitmakefolsense · 3 months
Fan comic directory follows below. I will update as I post more.
Initial letter:
Pages 1, 2, and 3.
Pages 4, 5, and 6.
Pages 7, 8, and 9
Pages 10, 11, 12
Pages 13, 14 and 15.
Pages 16, 17, 18, and 19.
Pages 20, 21, and 22.
Pages 23, 24, 25, 26.
Pages 27, 28, 29, and 30.
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psagent · 26 days
Escape to paradise with this best Priced $299,900 - furnished 2 bed, 2 bath private end unit with stunning lake and fairway views. Live the resort life year-round with included ultra-fast internet, premium (HBO-Showtime, expanded package) cable, access to swimming pools, spas, tennis courts, pickleball courts, and a fitness center. Relax on your large, private patio and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
28930 Isleta Ct Cathedral City CA 92234
This unit comes with a one-car garage, laundry room, built-in storage, and high ceilings that create a light and bright atmosphere. Enjoy the convenience of an on-property restaurant & bar and on-site golf at an attractive rate.
Desert Princess is a gated, guarded community with 24/7 security, offering easy access to shopping, dining, entertainment, and everything the desert has to offer. MLS# 219115277
>>>Text 28930 to (760) 210-8537 for Details and Photos<<<<
Michael Layton/Marcia Francois
CADRE #01342880/01402100
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Mobile Car Detailing in Layton Utah | Book Now for a Fresh Look
Get your car looking brand new with our mobile car detailing in Layton. Fully trained Professional team, premium products, and convenient pricing. Whether it is a deep interior clean or exterior shine, we ensure your car looks brand new. With convenient pricing and flexible scheduling, keeping your car in top condition has never been easier. Book now for exceptional service and results!
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noro-noro-noro · 3 months
first in the dream I was at a kind of crappy beach I'd been to in other dreams. it was a bit cloudy & more than a bit gray, but I was with friends. there was a strong horizontal current pushing you towards a soft wall & this was like "the network flow". you could overhear a lot of gossip floating down that way.
there was a door that opened to various slices of time & one was the historic stadium victory announcement from the president from monsters vs aliens. enough people had access to this door that it was a well known meme to interrupt the main song with a badly shouted rendition of YMCA song.
then something happened & we'd been pushed through to the stadium after the announcement. there was a bomb threat from an unstable young anime adult ..? mr layton from mysteries was there & so was my dad & sister also Percival & also this guy will i was friends with in highschool. we couldn't figure it out so far so we went to a separate building still part of the convention like event. we were getting chinese food.
something happened & people started dying. I think something(s)? were trying to escape from downstairs, & then a bunch of incompetent cops showed up & got mauled but the ??? was driven back or escaped? it was no longer an issue here. anyway the beige cops took my dad & Percival prisoner. I found one beige boy surviving with his legs gone below the knees & he was freaking out, so I tied his legs up & started carrying him to outside bc I knew there was an achievement for saving him + I thought by having him in my party I'd be able to use cop cars. he'd lost the keys but I couldn't just put him down in public, could I? I did and went back to the building.
I saw will & 2 o his friends being interviewed next to a large portal, but I wasn't interested & snuck past that to the completely unguarded second floor holding cell & freed everyone else.
scene shift: first some ??? where this insane woman with short brown hair & very blue eyes insisted she could remember and bind across dimensions. I guess she kind of could since the people she attracted to her with hrr magnetic charisma were all people who'd been in a relationship with each oyher in their alternate dimensions. this one girl I was with remembered her alt partner immediately and was really happy to embrace them. my apparent partner was some white dude with longisg hair who like seemed chill but was a stranger to me. he was less cute than the guy from my dream yesterday who was also placed as a love interest. I didn't mind the attention though.
smth happened & now I was on the way to a camping location with a large group of people including tgat guy. we'd told the people who owned the place that we were meeting with later that we'd buy some camping supplies. we stopped off for a bit to buy cloyhes. clothes buying was a funny minigamr I can't remember the details of, but my supposed love interest jept pulling out clothes that weren't completely my style.
then when we got back we were on a long train on crumbling tracks driving to ?? the end of the world maybe. the train itself was a bright coral pink color inside. yellow tracks had a time stop ability that meant only we'd move. and there were threats approaching us. the most recent was a wavelike array of people (not like us anymore) hand in hand like a chain moving with purpose on the track parallel to ours. intention to impose over our track to damage our train. we installed another turret in the back tho it was somewhat futile since this wave was faster, but the plan was they wanted me to open the door & clip them down somehow?? I wasn't sure what to do so I picked my nose & reached through the doors to wipe boogers on them & then woke up.
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angelbellelc2 · 1 year
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Oh stars and moons! How adorable is this mini Lu just peaking over the back button? I didn't notice this mini Lu until I saw a Twitter post pointing it out and I wanted to see if it was true.
And yeah he's definitely there just watching us players through the ds screen. But for real I think he's really just playing with his toy car from Unwound/Lost Future. It's such a cute little detail that I wished I noticed earlier. I hope we can continue having these cute little sprite chibis in Nwos as it wouldn't be the same without them. They provide so much charm to the Professor Layton series even though they aren't that important but to me they are.
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frozaru · 2 years
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Hello and welcome!
A lot happened yesterday in the new Nintendo Direct from many of the big franchises. It had started off weak imo but credit where it's due, got better as things went on! I have much to talk about so let's get on with the show.
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The game to kick off this direct. I will admit that it does look visually pretty, and the new pooch is certainly cute! There's chances for a lot of chaotic fun no doubt. I've never tried a Pikmin game before, and whilst it does not interest me enough to say "buy now", I hope people will enjoy this game. We already know a certain blue puppet went crazy over this. 😉 Perhaps I'll take another look when Pikmin 4 goes on sale one day. The game releases on July 21st, 2023.
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An unexpected surprise from Sega happened! This will be the first Samba De Amigo game since 23 YEARS AGO (as of Dreamcast release). Dancing games are not really my thing but hey, maybe this one will be unique enough to consider me giving it a shot! It releases sometime this summer.
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If anything, this announcement was the main course for me! Just...wow. ♡ As someone who started within Splatoon 2, it's going to be so fascinating to explore Inkopolis Plaza for my very first time! Also SQUID SISTER SPLATFESTS ARE BACK! I already know @atlantisportal2 is about to have a nostalgia trip. I'm so freaking excited! 😁 Not only that...but Side Order is looking VERY intriguing for me.
Could this be a corrupt version of what happened if Team Order won Splatoon 2: Final Splatfest? Also Pearl and Marina baby, woohoo! Very glad seeing them back along with what looks to be Agent 8. Also you better believe I purchased it ASAP! With that said, wave 1 is set to release sometime in Spring with wave 2 inkcoming (haha) somewhere on the holidays (according to placeholder dates).
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I haven't got much to say about these games, however, I did like what they've shown so far and looking to pick it up sometime in future if reviews are looking good. Like the artstyle they're going for! They will be avaliable on April 21st.
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More games for the service? Yes freaking please! It took a while but now they're here. The games really whizzed by and it would be impossible to put them all here, so if you'd like a glimpse of what I'm personally interested in, take a look. Take your time. 😊 *Tick tick tick* Oh, you're back? Lovely! Nintendo really popped off with the choices imo (looking at you Wario Land 3 and Mario+Luigi Superstar Saga). Some of these games are being released today with others being added in the future.
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A miracle has happened!! After tragic events with both Level 5 and the original creator years ago, Professor Layton is looking to make a return. I've not played any of these games yet which judging by general buzz, I'm missing out! Hope to see more details soon as they come and maybe look into this considered-to-be underrated series in future. A release date has not been confirmed yet.
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GANON IS BACK AND MORE TERRIFYING THAN EVER! With an amazing reveal of more info, this game is shaping up to be something great already. The visuals, music, and maybe even voice acting...it leaves me impressed. The gameplay could even be a step up with new weapon types and tools among other things (we can make our own cars legit now!?) However, it also reminds me that I need to finish BOTW someday. 😅 I'll be sure to look into this game at some point. Sharpen your blade and prepare for adventure on 12th May, 2023...
(Tysm for getting up to this point reader, it's been wonderful writing it all. I'm still not done yet though and might do part 2 in future. Take care! 👋
🎴My Carrd
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disizletzi · 2 years
Day 3
Well, not much today.
I've had the violent urge this afternoon to buy a Nintendo Switch. I just want to play Professor Layton and Pokemon again!! But with the car to repair and also the dentist I keep putting off because of money stuff, I guess it'll have to wait.
My computer is also very old and I need to put some money aside for that too. Oh well. That's what emulators are for, right?
(In reality I am very stressed about the car because I'm currently off from work to take my exams. My dad will lend me his car for the exams but I need a car to go back to work. This is a lot and it's all I have on my mind so I won't bore you with the details :p I guess wanting to play some nostalgic childhood games only comes strongly when I have to deal with adult stuff I don't want to deal with!) Positive note: I saw my dad today. It was short but it was nice!
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wingsofhcpe · 3 years
For the prompt thing if it's alright:)
Melanie & Ruth reunite fluff and maybe angst after Mel comes back and they end up making out in the end?
Me: this is gonna be a small drabble
Me, more than 3k words later: ....yes.
Melanie thinks she's dead, at first. Her eyelids flutter open and her pupils, so used to dim emergency lights and the flickering glow of white snow for months on end, contract painfully at first. She cannot make out much but blurry figures and distant, echoing voices, but she thinks she's somewhere warm, that the voices belong to people she knows. Well- she once knew.
She must truly be dying, then, and this is just her life flashing before her eyes. It truly is like the movies, she thinks, and is struck with the absurd urge to laugh. She forces it down, because if, by some inexplicable miracle, someone is listening, she doesn't want her last moments of this earth to be sarcastic self-depreciating laughter. She's desperate, but not mad- laughing now would surely convince whoever's watching (God? The ghosts of the people she had killed during her reign as Train Leader?) of her failing sanity. No sir, none of that. Melanie Helene Cavill won't go down a madwoman.
Or, apparently, she won't go down at all, not yet.
Because the next thing she knows, her vision clears and she can make out her surroundings in more detail than before. She's in a small, well-lit cabin of some sorts. There's a circular window on one side, and she can see the snowy fields racing away as the train -she knows she's on one, she would have known even in death- gobbles up the miles, swaying ever so gently. The hum, the constant whir of the engine ... it's so familiar. Like a lullaby.
No, wait, that doesn't make sense. She was lost, stuck out there in some other half-assed engine car, barely hanging on as the hunger and cold slowly ate at her for months and months. However did she end up back on-
The voices she's been hearing for hours. They've been familiar too. Layton... Was that Andre Layton she'd heard? And- and Alex, her Alexandra... Could it all have been a dream? A hallucination?
No, she doesn't think so. Using whatever little strength she has she lifts an arm, studying the intravenous tube strapped to the side of her wrist. It's real enough, she decides as she tugs carefully on the cable and receives a slight sting at the entry point on her skin as a reward. Okay, then.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A voice says, familiar as well, and Melanie's head snaps up as the sliding door on the other side of the cabin whirs open. Her eyes widen in disbelief.
"Ruth...?" She asks, voice scratchy from disuse, as soon as her eyes meet the newcomer's -which is a dumb thing to ask, really, that's Ruth alright, in her stupid teal uniform as if not a day has passed ever since the last time they saw each other. She quickly snaps her mouth shut when Ruth raises an eyebrow in a perfect judgmental frown that Melanie knows all too well.
"Well, hello to you too, miss Dead Woman Walking." Ruth walks up to Melanie's bed (she's realised by now she's in the Second Class med bay of Snowpiercer) and meticulously inspects the IV cable for a few moments, then lets go when she ascertains nothing's been pulled askew because of Melanie's fussing. As she draws her hand away, her fingers brush Melanie's, and both of them look at each other, then away, in the span of a millisecond.
"So...." Melanie clears her throat after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence. "You found me."
"Wilford found you, if we want to be precise." Ruth says with a slight scowl, immediately piquing the other woman's attention. Wilford? Not Mister Wilford. There's no hint of reverence in Ruth's voice when she speaks the name- no, there's even a hint of reprimand, which, to Melanie, is more shocking than even the fact she's alive and back on Snowpiercer.
What in the seven hells happened while I was gone?
"Wilford, huh." She sighs, deciding not to ask questions yet. She and Ruth did not depart in exactly good terms and, although the latter doesn't seem angry anymore (just a little bit ruffled, which makes sense, Melanie thinks, when you have a chat with someone who's supposedly been dead for eight months), but she doesn't want to press the issue yet.
Ruth hums, and settles on a chair next to the bed. "Yes. Wilford. That... ugh. I'd rather not speak my mind on him right now."
Melanie smiles a little at that- yes, well, Ruth rarely spoke ill of everyone, and even when she did she refrained from using vulgar language.
"What, he demoted you?" She asks with a slight tease to her voice, which she immediately regrets when Ruth pins her with a glare that could incinerate the entire Ag-Sec. "Sorry, sorry. That was uncalled for."
Ruth sighs after a second, and her expression mellows a little, which makes Melanie feel more at ease too. "It's alright. I suppose I deserved that. But, ah- no, he didn't demote me. Well- no, he kind of did. But... Look, Melanie, I'm really sorry."
At that, Melanie blinks, confused. Ruth's not looking at her, her eyes skimming all over the cabin's walls and ceiling as if looking for something to latch on. Probably anything other than Melanie.
"For what?" Melanie asks, incredulous, then regrets it when Ruth's shoulders slump just a little (she would never allow herself anything more, that woman, always looking picture perfect like a soldier set up for inspection).
"Really? You're going to make me say it?" Ruth shakes her head. "Fine, I probably deserve that, too. I'm sorry for... not listening to you. For everything that happened. For believing in a man I hadn't seen for seven years rather than you, my friend, who I spent almost every living moment with. And- well. Frankly I was being quite the little bitch about everything. Real petty of me, huh?"
That's another thing about Ruth; she will not use vulgar language on others. On herself, though? She's probably the runner-up for Snowpiercer's Most Self-depreciating Passenger, after the ruling champion, Melanie herself. Maybe that's why they were so close, among other things.
"I..." Melanie swallows, thinking of what to say. She had not really expected Ruth to apologise so quickly and so honestly, not after all these months. "It's... understandable. I mean- I lied to your face for seven years. I didn't exactly have the moral high ground back there, so. I guess we both messed up."
"Yes, maybe we did." Ruth shrugs. "Still. I can't believe I trusted that son of a- ehem... that I trusted Wilford instead of you."
"What did he do to earn your ire, of all people?" She can't help it- she knows Ruth to be loyal to a fault (unless you lie to her for seven fucking years which Melanie can't exactly begrudge her for snapping at), so what could Wilford have done to piss her off that much?
As a response, Ruth huffs. "What didn't he do, honestly. He left you out there to die just because he wanted to preserve his little monarchy, for starters. Sure, I wasn't your biggest admirer at the time but it wasn't fair. Then he put Roche to the shelves, along with his family. He tried to sway the whole train against the Tail, again, and sabotaged anyone who stood against him."
"And I suppose you didn't stand for it?" Melanie asks when Ruth pauses to take a breather, which earns her yet another glare.
"No I didn't! I care for the people of this train." She stops, looks away, and sniffs self-consciously. "I... I know the Tail wouldn't agree with that right off the bat. I'm not perfect, you know."
"Hard to believe. You were the Little Miss Perfect of the Hospitality Department. Not a hair out of place, for seven years. Even I couldn't compete with that." Melanie says with a small nostalgic smile, sitting up. Ruth rolls her eyes a little, and Melanie changes the subject back to what they were talking about prior. "So, you went against Wilford. Then what? Sided with Layton?"
Ruth nods. "Mhm. Got sent to Compost along with him, in fact."
At that, Melanie's grateful she's sitting up, because she chokes on her spit and breaks into a bout of laughter loud enough to shake her whole body. Ruth glares at her -again, but that's probably deserved, too.
"What's so funny?" The blonde woman snaps, and Melanie sucks in a half-steady breath.
"You... in Compost?" She giggles, shaking her head. "How did you survive that?"
"What's that supposed to mean? I've survived a lot worse! Ran the rebel forces for six whole months, I'll have you know!"
And that, more effectively than anything else, shuts Melanie up. The grin fades off her strained features, eyes widening slightly. "Wait, what? You? Rebel commander?"
"You could at least pretend to believe half of what I just said." Ruth deadpans, misreading her expression. "I'm not a mindless sheep who doesn't know how to-"
"No, no, that's not what I meant." Melanie cuts her off, because she doesn't like where this conversation is heading, and she doesn't want to lose Ruth again, not so fast after getting her back (well, somewhat. They've been having a good talk. How did it get derailed so quickly?). "I was just... Look, I know you can be a leader, Ruth. You've acted as the Head of Hospitality even more than I had. I'm not doubting that."
"Maybe you should." Ruth snaps, and for the first time Melanie feels as if she no longer knows that woman, sitting across from her. She looks like Ruth, sounds like her. But... There's something off. Like a part of her has been broken and sharpened into a jagged blade. "My lead got people killed. If we could have just laid low... But no, I thought I could be Robin Hood or something, while we were waiting for Layton to come back."
"Come back- from where?" Melanie wants to comfort her more than anything, but she knows the price of leadership, and she doesn't want to lie again, even if it's for a good cause. So she focuses on the facts, which Ruth also seems to appreciate.
"We had a plan." She continues, her voice a little calmer. "To find you, when Wilford pulled us away from the meeting point. If we could just get the engine, circle back and get you, then reconnect to the rest of the train, we could solve everything. Or not. Anyway, Ben, Layton, Josie, Bess and Alex made it to the aquarium car. They'd break that off and separate the first few cars and the engine from the rest. I was supposed to be there, but well. Stuff happened, didn't make it, got stuck here with a revenge-crazed Wilford. Had to help everyone make it through the dark, you know."
"I see..." Melanie's brain is whirring already, calculating everything, the risks, the lives lost, what Ruth had had to deal with, Layton's apparent delay that cost everyone six months under Wilford's thumb. "How many did he...you know? Before you could stop him."
"Oh, not many, actually. Not willingly I'd least. Although he let some die of an influenza epidemic." Ruth sighs again, looking so tired that Mel's heart constricts. "We lost a few good people during the epidemic, but... We lost more when word went out that there even was a resistance. I thought I could help, but people got caught and... Wilford did not want anyone dead. Layton had taken Audrey hostage, you see, and if he came back to find his people butchered there was no telling what he'd do to her. So he just had Kevin interrogate some people. And- he took it too far. People died."
She stops there, and Melanie knows just by looking at her that she doesn't want to say more, not now. Still, there's something... "Just them? Did something else...?"
Ruth runs a hand over her eyes, and nods. "It's a long story. Some people didn't want to follow Layton, and... There was- a conflict. Pike died. Because of me."
"Pike-" the rough, bloodthirsty-looking Taillie. "But why would he- ..."
'I led the resistance for six months.'
"Oh..." Melanie's mouth hangs a little ajar, as, somehow, perhaps because she's known Ruth for more than a decade and has spent seven years of it on a moving metal tube with her, her brain connects the dots even without having the entire picture. "Oh, Ruthie..."
She reaches out her hand -tube and all- and takes Ruth's in it, and although the other woman stiffens a little she doesn't pull away, instead slightly gripping Melanie's hand back.
"I just- I didn't think he'd go that far." Ruth whispers. "He said... I don't know, he said I would be a better leader than Layton, that I could protect everyone... But I can't, Mel, I'm not a leader. And now he's dead, and he died for me, and I couldn't even watch because of some foolish, barbaric Tail tradition-"
"Hey. Hey." Melanie's hand tightens around Ruth's, using whatever little strength she has to pull the other woman closer, just a little. "Slow down. It's not your fault, whatever it is that happened. I'm sure it's not. I... I don't know what happened that led to his death. Or what happened between you. And you don't have to tell me yet. But... Don't blame yourself. Please."
It's silly, hearing that from her own lips- Melanie is the one that blames herself for everything ninety-nine percent of the time, even for things out of her control. But somehow, she wants to protect Ruth from that. Ruth, who's always kept it together even in the toughest of circumstances. Who only thought of kindling the passengers' hope as the train spun and rocked, almost knocking itself off the rails and sending them all to their deaths. Ruth, who was so foolishly righteous and stuck to the rules even when they made no real sense, and even though she had devoted her very soul to Wilford she found the strength to go against him to protect the people of the train.
So she pulls Ruth's hand again until the other woman is forced to lean closer still, and then Melanie wraps both arms around her. It's the closest they've been in more than eight fucking months, and Melanie has forgotten how it feels to be closer to another human being, and she just missed this so much, she missed Ruth so much. So they hold each other, and Ruth even rests her head on Melanie's shoulder, and Melanie is reminded of a night long ago, when the train first departed, when she had to live her heart and soul behind for the good of humanity. Ruth had been there. She might not have known the real reason behind Melanie having to leave her daughter behind, but she still had been there, holding Melanie as she cried. And Ruth had cried, too. For Melanie, for Alexandra, for the whole damn world.
None of them had cried ever since, at least not within each other's vicinity. But now, almost eight years later, that unspoken rule between them finally comes undone. It's only human to cry, after all.
"I'm sorry." Ruth sniffs after a few minutes, although she doesn't make an attempt to move away from Melanie. "Look at me, crying about my love life while you literally just came back from the grave. I shouldn't even be bothering you with any of it, Dr. Pelton said to let you rest-"
"It's okay", Melanie says in a rush, because while she feels exhausted to the very bone, she does not want Ruth to go. Not yet. "You lost someone you loved. That's no small thing."
"Yeah, well. Maybe love's just not for me." Ruth mutters, which makes Melanie's hand on her back twitch a little.
"Did you love him?" She asks quietly, almost hating herself for the question but unable to prevent herself from asking it.
"I think I did. But it doesn't matter anymore. He's gone."
Melanie takes that as a sign to drop the subject, which she's more than happy to do for about fifty different reasons, and so they go back to silently holding onto each other, neither of them making the first move to let go. Melanie feels her eyes closing, and although it's not the most comfortable position in the world she feels like she's close to dozing off right there against Ruth's shoulder. But after a while she jolts completely awake, hearing Ruth whisper, "I didn't even get to say goodbye."
"To Pike?" Melanie asks, stupidly, which makes Ruth snort in exasperation.
"To you, you absolute buffoon."
Melanie blinks, because she really didn't expect that. "Me?"
"Oh for God's sake, Melanie, should I have Dr. Pelton examine you for brain damage? Yes, you." She pushes Melanie away then, but her hands remain on the latter's shoulders so they can stare into each other's eyes. Melanie, unreasonably, feels a bit flustered. "You got lost into nowhere. We all thought you were dead, and I lived for eight months with the knowledge that I would never get to tell you how sorry I was that I... said and did all I said and did. You... mean a lot to me, Mel. And I'm... I'm very glad you're back."
As she finishes, Ruth smiles a little, which is infectious. Melanie can't help but smile too, leaning closer again.
"I'm glad to be back, too." She swallows, then decides to go for it, because at this point it's not like it's a secret to either of them. "Remember what I said the day the truth came out? 'I'll see you around'."
"...yes." Ruth nods, suddenly tense. Of course she remembers the Snowpiercer breakup line, as it is known; the two of them were never officially a "thing", not with their duties and everything, but it's not like they ever got to really talk about it, what with the Tail chaos, and the secrets, and then Wilford returning from the dead (Melanie is starting to see a pattern here), and then Melanie fucking off into nowhere to presumably freeze and die in the snow. But...
"What if I wanted to take it back?" She whispers, "all of it? The lies, the fighting, everything."
"Well..." Ruth is quiet and skittish, suddenly, which alerts Melanie to perhaps having completely butchered this whole thing (congrats, genius, your friend just told you about her dead boyfriend and you're already flirting again, good going Einstein), but then Ruth says, "I'd be willing to listen."
...oh. Oh, okay, then. That makes sense- it's not like Melanie herself is monogamous, anyway.
"Ah..." Good, now she's got nothing to say. "If you're still not over Pike then-"
"Pike's dead." Ruth snaps with enough ferocity to startle Melanie into silence. "But you're not, as it turns out. You're... here. And I... missed you."
Ah. Well, then. That's fine and dandy with her.
"I... I missed you, too. Very much." Melanie whispers, and then she's leaning in and kissing Ruth like it's their last day on Earth, which it might as well be with this train's abysmal track record (hah, funny), but Melanie wills the next upcoming end-of-the-world crisis to wait just a little while longer, because she's missed the taste of Ruth's kiss and the feel of her hair through her fingers. She realises belatedly Ruth's no longer wearing it in her signature crown updo but has let it down over her shoulders, only having pulled off a few of the front stands out of her face with a hairclip, and Melanie wants to tell her how beautiful she looks like that, that she should do it more often, but she can't very well speak right now, not with Ruth's hands threading through her own brown hair and making her moan into the kiss just a little-
"Wow, okay. Glad I didn't bring Alex with me this time round."
Both Melanie and Ruth almost jump away from each other at the remark, and turn in perfect unison to face a deadpan-looking Dr. Pelton, standing in the doorway with both hands crossed over her chest.
"I, ah, I was just coming to tell you Melanie woke up." Ruth stumbles over the words but manages to retain whatever's left of her dignity and composure, unlike Melanie, who's looking a bit like a fish out of water.
"Sure you were." Pelton fires back, but she's smirking. "Good to see you up and around again, at least."
That last part is directed to Melanie, who clears her throat.
"Uh... I feel fine." If only a little stiff and tired but, she supposes that's not so bad for someone who came back from the dead. "You mentioned Alex? Does she know I'm-"
"Alive? Yes, she certainly does." Pelton's voice has taken on a tone that says 'you're seriously asking that?', but she humours Melanie all the same. "She left a few hours earlier, actually. Didn't want to, but I persuaded her she had to get some sleep and that you weren't going anywhere. You can see her in the morning. Now, Ruth, out. I need to check her vitals."
Ruth blinks, glances between Melanie and Pelton, decides she very much does not wish to evoke the latter's fury, and with a small embarrassed smile in Melanie's way she makes for the door.
"You should see Alex first, tomorrow." She says quickly. "I'm, ah, on hospitality duty, so I'll see you in the afternoon?"
It's voiced like a question, and Melanie can't help but smile back, even as Pelton strides in in all her glory and begins tugging at her IV tube and prodding her here and there.
"Sure, Ruth. I'll see you tomorrow."
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