#Cannibal Corpse: Live Cannibalism
haverwood · 2 months
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Cannibal Corpse: Live Cannibalism David Roth USA, 2000
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daughterofcainnnn · 7 months
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me praying for tongue (unreleased) to come out one day
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 10 months
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preciadosbass · 1 month
16/8/24 [3 DIYS!! key + significant photos at end]
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woke up at 10:10, said goodmorning to boris and gave him his breakfast. i think he seems a bit better today, and he’s letting me be as affectionate as i always am. stayed scrolling on band/interest/scenemo related tiktoks and pinterest posts until i went to out to the living room to see boris. he was walked along the top of the sofa and settled onto my mum’s lap while me and her fussed him. i took a few photos because he’s just so cute. i went back in my room at 11 and continued doing my own thing. [scrolling on socials & went through my tiktok favourites] i watched true crime videos i’ve been saving up [because i always tend to find them when i’m falling asleep, and i cant sit there and listen for 10 mins while i struggle to keep my eyes open] and saved a few max green edits to my phone.
while going through my feed, i saw a post HMV made about falling in reverse’s new album. i then went onto spotify to check if it was out and it was!! when i listened to it; it seemed like it went by so fast, but maybe that’s because i’ve listened to quite a lot of the songs on there already. anyway, i really like it. i must’ve just assumed that it’s coming out in a few more weeks, because when i last looked at the countdown, the release date was ages away. i finished doomscrolling at 11:50 and made a couple of drafts to schedule for later today/tomorrow. once i was done, i wrote up to this point of this journal [all while listening to to popular monster of course]. i cant wait to hear the songs live HEHEHEHEHEE
i think i’d say trigger warning and ronald [obviously] are my favourites off the record. i really love the piano part on tw, i find it really cool when percussion instruments/[and other things like violin] are mixed into alternative songs. i don’t really expect the album to be the way it is, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, i like how deep the lyrics are and the theming of them. and i like how there’s a mix of different genres in there. i then went on pinterest to look for diy inspiration, although i’m usually just like - ah a bottlecap, i could make [X] out of that. i saw an apple cut into the shape of a crab and my first thought was i need to make that.
i went out into the kitchen, and before actually making it, i checked if boris was okay and on the driveway. i couldn’t see him so i checked the garden, the hall outside my room, and anywhere else i could think of. i ended up resorting to opening the front door and he was just stood on the doormat, staring at me. it was funny in a way because i was panicking and he was just relaxing. after seeing he was alright, i started cutting up the apple while listening to my main playlist. i finished and he looked nowhere near the photo i copied but he tasted good. [photo at end]
after eating him, i scrolled on my phone some more and then had the bright idea to make a kandi gecko [that i’ve already made multiple times, the last time on tuesday.] into a tiny beaded gecko. it was really hard to make as all the beads i used are different sides and i used clear elastic reel but i think he’s sweet looking. [photo at end] after putting him in my mcr trinket box i decided to get dressed so i could sit on the driveway with boris and not be overwhelmingly conscious. i took the outfit i ‘made’ from yesterday and changed the shirt up, along with a couple other things like how far down my undershirt went down on my arms.
i needed to get dressed for youth club anyways. i wore my silent hill shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, a studded belt, a raccoon tail on the side of my belt loop, my kellin quinn necklace, a ying/yang necklace, knee high converse, those spiral earrings that are usually worn on stretched ears, and almost the same bracelets from yesterday [sleeping with sirens bracelet, mini spiked bracelet, can tab bracelet, panic! at the disco bracelet, crystal ball bracelet, a single row studded ‘cuff’, and a wooden bracelet.] [photo at end, ignore the blur at the top, my hair wasn’t straightened yet.] while getting ready i listened to my ‘the haunted’ cd. [one kill wonder] i’ve had it out on my desk for absolutely ages, meaning to listen to it, but i kept on forgetting.
i was speaking to myself while it was on so i wasn’t able to track my favourite song, but what i did hear was amazing. i admittedly haven’t listened to that kind of music in a while. i took a photo of my outfit for this journal and then went outside with boris at 3. like i’ve already mentioned, he seems okay as in he’s letting me stroke him now, but he keeps on flinching and ducking when there’s no sudden sounds. its really worrying me because it’s odd he’s walking so slowly and low to the ground. at 3:30 i started listening to a patrick stump podcast and took some rocks painted white and my paint pens outside. i saw someone had drawn on rocks to make them look like eyeballs and decided to do the same, but with boris.
i always struggle with drawing veins on eyes, although i’ve only done it once before for a pin. i ended up drawing way too many veins so they look a little odd but its whatever. i drew on them with the intention of putting them all in a jar and leaving it for display. [picture at end] i made ones with blue and yellow iris’s. i finished at 3:40 and then went inside to paint the pupil in with actual paint as my black paint pens dont work. then i went back outside with boris, and left for youth club at 5:20. nobody i recognised was there. i signed myself in and the people monitoring the sign in sheets asked me if i was okay and if i had any friends here. i said no and one of the staff started introducing me to people. which was kind of her, but incredibly embarrassing because i’ve been going for a while.
she showed me to a person who was coming for the second time. her and this other person ended their game of pool early because they heard that there was bingo being hosted. the girl sat down next to me and asked what bands i like. i said my chemical romance, paused, and then listed the bands that i have seen/am seeing in concert in the future. [somehow forgot to mention, but yesterday my mum secured tickets for me and my dad to see alice cooper. not at all my kind of music, but my dad wanted me to come with and it’s live music so why not.] she said she likes green day, and then something about a green day poster - and that was it. everyone came around the main table for olympic themed bingo. i didn’t speak to anyone for the entire 2 hours apart from that tiny interaction and when staff would make small talk with me.
the girl went off with another girl who was coming for the first time, and they did karaoke together. it was sweet but i felt so disheartened that i didn’t have more time to speak with them/the ‘conversation’ [if you can even call it that] ended immediately. i dont understand what i’m doing wrong, i was matching their energy. i wish people just wanted to be around me/speak to me. i left at 7:10 and was picked up by my mum and sister. once i got home, i stayed outside with boris until 8:30-40. i cant remember what i was doing on my phone in the meantime, but i highly doubt it was anything interesting. i know i did take a few videos of me cuddling him though because why not, hes my bestfriend.
once i got inside, i checked to see if the few rocks i’d painted were dry and then my parents left for a walk. i went live on instagram while painting the rest of the rocks + making this can room deco thing. it’s quite hard to explain, but its ultimately a stick with elastic hanging down, and the elastic goes into a coke zero and pepsi can. they obviously hang from the stick. once again, a useless craft, but its upcycling i guess, so. [picture at end] its yet to be hung anywhere so i’ll have to find a place on my wall for it which should be easy. while on live i listened to the rest of my the haunted cd, then a cannibal corpse cd, then danger days.
i was live from 9-11:20ish. there was two people there the entire time and one speaking in chat every now and then. i honestly just go live when i’m bored and cant think of a youtube video to watch that wont take my focus off whatever i’m doing. once it turned 11:20, i went off live and came outside to see boris. it was only brief because i didn’t fancy being outside in pitch black with those spiders around my feet. after i made myself some crackers and let boris inside at 12:15. by this time my sister was already arguing with my parents so i stayed out in the kitchen with him to make sure he was okay and not too overwhelmed by the noise.
i once again tried telling my sister to quiet down, but she ignored me. i stayed with boris until 12:50 and then went upstairs to my parents to ask questions about him. i did it as quick as i could because my dad agreed to letting me go to a bootsale tomorrow which means i’ll have to get up ridiculous early [for me, anyways]. i finished at 1:28, had a few naps, did my teeth, and said goodnight to boris at 2:15. i showed him what i’ve made today and told him about youth club. unfortunately his itchyness was really annoying him while i was speaking to him, but i tried my best to scratch whatever itch i could work out was causing him discomfort. i finished at 2:55, fed him, wrote this, and went to sleep at 3:30. im really on a diy grind right now.
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🗝️ — boris/my cat, questions [about boris]/i ask my parents questions about my cat to verify he’s okay + will be okay in the morning. its a compulsive thing and i’m hopefully going to be tested for OCD in the future.
have a good day/night O_o
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josielyndphotography · 11 months
Respect the Neck:
Cannibal Corpse in Louisville, KY
I recently had the opportunity to photograph a Cannibal Corpse show, and it was an unforgettable experience. From the moment they hit the stage, the energy in the venue was electric. The band's fast and loud performance perfectly emulated the crowd’s liveliness. The raw intensity of their music, combined with the charismatic stage presence of the band members, created an atmosphere of controlled chaos that had the entire crowd headbanging and moshing.
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Cannibal Corpse's setlist was a great combinatorial of their classic tracks and new album. The way they delivered each song with precision and power was a testament to their status as legends of death metal. The lighting and stage effects added to the overall ambiance, enhancing the visual aspect of the show, as seen in these photographs.
Other than the showmanship, what I adored at the show was the fans. Despite the aggressive nature of the music, there was a sense of unity and shared enthusiasm among everyone in the audience. Metalheads of all ages came together to celebrate this iconic band. I saw children no more than ten years old head-banging in the crowd.
In summary, Cannibal Corpse put on a performance that was nothing like I’ve seen before. If you're a fan of heavy music and intense live shows, seeing Cannibal Corpse live is an experience you won't want to miss.
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Life imitates art, etcetera etcetera...
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I have come across way too many people defending cannibalism on Tumblr since I have been there. Wtf
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gbhbl · 7 months
Live Review: Frozen Soul with Creeping Death, Foreseen and Overthrow at The Underworld, Camden, London (12/02/2024)
Its a chilly Monday night in London and things are about to get a lot colder as we head to The Underworld to check out the icy death metal outfit, Frozen Soul. The Texas based band are a few dates into a huge European tour and this is the first of 5 shows here in the UK with Bristol, Manchester, Glasgow and Birmingham next in line before they head to mainland Europe. Well known for their…
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ironstringlikesmetal · 11 months
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kendrahaley · 4 months
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nanoa1foryou · 2 years
You know that time Corpse had to improv a western character? And he chose cannibal called Crops? Who eats heads? And then he judged the other guy for eating lanterns?
Truly TFTSMP was a different vibe.
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bitchinlyras · 1 year
no but there has literally never been a character more traumatised than shauna shipman
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 10 months
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saevus-brutalis · 1 year
𝐧𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐠 —
tagged by @pinkyjulien @katsigian and @noirapocalypto 🖤🩶 thank youu
▶ RULES: bold what always or almost always applies, italicize occasional or situational, strikethrough never applies.
𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐄. 𝐕𝐚𝐡𝐧
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aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hardened | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
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i’m not gonna sit here and try to excuse any of Vincent’s bad traits or explain them with his tragic past, because he’s just a genuinely bad person who gradually got worse overtime. so when i say he’s a walking red flag i really mean it.
unresolved rage from the very early age, the powerlessness behind it turned him into a very angry and bitter man; he sees things for what they are – a realist – who lives in a really angry and brutal world and so he acts accordingly, assimilates, naturally picks up the characteristics of the cruel city and nasty people living in it.
not saying he’s easily manipulated or influenced, it’s just his ability to adapt, find balance, a solution to living in such harsh conditions. and the longer he lived, the more desensitized, emotionally-stunned and cold his mind and heart became, the more irritated and impatient he was with people.
his brutal nature fully surfaced in his late 20s while in the army, where he’s been praised and encouraged, congratulated for a slaughter well-done. years of lies, deceit, secret military operations and shady dirty work only gave him trust issues, caused him to become more guarded, mistrusting; but on the other hand forced him to vow never to lie himself, deeming liars the worst sort of humanity.
proud and controlling – traits he developed as a way to feel in control of his own feelings, of the things and people around him.
while envious of other people's happiness, achievements greater than his he never let money get to his head. he does not kill for monetary value, sees it rather as any other job just much more risky than a regular 9-5. he lives rather humbly, spending his earnings on his job – to better himself, his equipment, his work. while he allows himself to splurge on expensive items he values the quality of the product or service over the price tag and the right to brag about it.
years of mercenary work turned him very critical and patronizing towards young mercs – kids, as he calls them – especially those who foolishly try and follow in his footsteps, too blinded by the glory and fame that comes after. truth be told he’s scared of losing his position on the top of the food chain, fears being forgotten and thrown into the gutter, dying of old age with no memory of him imprinted anywhere. he hates the idea of all his hardships, years of gruesome work going to waste.
not that he aimed to change anything in this world, but he doesn’t want to be a Mr. Nobody, not in a city where being Somebody means dying satisfied, without regrets.
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tagging (if you haven't done this yet or wanna do this for another character); @spicyraeman @a-pirate @ne0n-rust @hydrasshole @arczism no pressure tho ✌️
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tranakin-skywalker · 1 year
vibrating out of my seat in excitement over pt 2 of Singularity because it means I get to introduce carnivorous Jedi Temple
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livmorbid · 2 years
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i’ve lost control i’ve lost control
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