#Cain Rose Up
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moviesiverecentlywatched · 5 months ago
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920: Cain Rose Up [1989]
And God must eat.
Halloween Horrorfest 2024:
31 Days of Stephen King in Chronological Order:
Watch this here:
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noirecheris3 · 1 month ago
pretend that rose’s eyepatch goes on the left and that this pose makes sense
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micaerula · 2 months ago
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For @casscainweek day 1: flowers
VERY heavily inspired by David Talaski's cover for batgirl #5 hehe
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bellart · 2 months ago
The thing abt DC writing parental relationships is they’ll always make u want to kys
Mothers and daughters are like you are me and I am you and we are doomed and blessed with each other forever my rock my core the only one who can hurt me so deeply
Fathers daughters are like I don’t need you I needed you my knight in shining armor the sickness in my brain my little princess I wish you never were I wish you were everything
Fathers and sons are like you’re everything I want to be and I hope to god I’m never like you my hero big and strong smaller everyday than I’ve ever known you
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sunshiny-rants · 11 months ago
Crush by Ethel Cain and My Kink is Karma by Chappell Roan are the same cinematic universe to me, like do you see the vision?
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leoruby-draws · 17 days ago
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Decided to dump a bunch of drawings, mostly just random characters I've drawn. Most of these are the young heroes the batkids hang out with, like with Lorena and Cass up in the left corner. Wonder what their talking about, maybe roast Jason and Koryak off-screen perhaps.
Couple of doodles of Carrie as a sweetie-pie and then in her warbird form, I like to think she got some help with this and is able to control it to an extent (she mostly transforms when super angry). Random doodle of Jessica Cruz, I've said this before but she used to be my favorite before I got into Jason Todd. Sorry Jess lmao!
Up in the right corner is Jenni excitedly telling Cass about the Legion in the far future, its her dream to join them. I guess they started out much younger, also I made Imra resemble her cartoon design, loved how alien but pretty she was. Bottom corner is Danny acting like a spy and exchanging the latest titans gossip to Jason. They were friends in canon, so they' be friends in my au. I thought about making Danny join the kiddie outlaws but I kinda like the thought of him being more of an ally to all the kid hero teams.
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Some drawing of Steph and friends, her and Kara hang out all the time, we also see Kara with her cat Streaky. Also there's Steph meeting Prism aka Audrey Spears, I don't think she'll join Steph's team fully but she'll probably be like an auxiliary member of sorts.
There's other members of Steph's team Eliza Harmon, Bobby Barnes and Miri Raim. Look at Miri bothering poor Carol Ferris, she just loves her mentor a lot, Carol just want's some peace and quiet lol.
Also I already posted the Cyclone and Stargirl drawings in other posts while back, just putting the full drawing her.
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More doodles, there's Tefe and her plant friend 'playing' with Eddie, Jason doesn't approve lol. Below is Lori Zechlin showing off to Owen Mercer and Jack Moore, seems like the 2 oldest members like to indulge Lori, the baby of the team, in her antics.
Top right corner are 3 random heroes being friendly, Courtney Mason, Miguel Devante and Anita Fite. Miguel Devante is also known as Vulcan, a suuuuper obscure hero who's also a legacy character of Son of Vulcan. He's have very few appearances, I thought his mini was ok I did like his costume a bit even if it was kinda over-designed. Hope DC gives this character a chance someday.
Also check out the Batkids playing some card games, looks like Jason's a bit of a sore loser (also Steph did cheat, she's loves causing trouble.)
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Back to Miguel, part of his backstory involves the White Martians, its part of his mission to fight against him. This gives me the idea to have Miguel be an ally or auxiliary member to Steph's team actually. The reason is to create comedic drama with M'gann, who's also on the team, try to make sure Miguel never finds out that she's actually a white martian herself. A pretty funny scenario I think.
Anyways, hope you liked all that.
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fairyysoup · 2 years ago
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glitter-stained · 3 months ago
Something I deeply deeply love about the team-up from hell is how collective an initiative it is. Like I know this is just how tumblr works, but as someone relatively new to both tumblr and comics, I'm still so amazed and in awe about it.
Someone had a thought, and someone followed that up with an idea, and then someone chimed in and all of a sudden everyone's adding their own stone but we're not building a house, we're gathering a group of characters together and then stoning them. This is a group of fans gathering and saying "hey i love these characters what if we destroyed absolutely everything they have left and ruin their lives" and also "what people can we squeeze together for maximum torture and tragedy" and it's a group effort to make it as fucked up as possible. Collaborative creative genius of the terrible variety. It's perfectly cruel. It's beautiful. These are the man-made horrors they were warning us about
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galaxysharks · 1 year ago
Jason: hey, can you stop flirting with my sister?
Rose: Can you stop flirting with my Father?
Jason: telling Slade to come stroke some death was the gold standard of comedy. I'm just saying Cass is a little old for you.
Rose: My Father, Jason. And she's two months older than you.
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r0semultiverse · 11 months ago
Rose & Kanaya as Castiel & Dean Winchester from Supernatural sprites
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rosemary but it's destiel
Feel free to use these for whatever you want or for edits, just credit me for these outfit designs &/or sprites! It took a lot of hours to come up with these! 💜
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celestiall0tus · 1 month ago
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One Night Stand
Alright, this is the last one. I had a few others drafted, but don't feel like doing them anymore, so enjoy!
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roseworth · 11 months ago
oo who are your top dc picks for rapunzel?!! mine are raven from teen titans, wally west, halo and jason todd (in an unhinged way where he leaves the tower to commit murder)
cass cain is my #1 forever dc rapunzel <333 the way she never got to experience the world outside of the narrow view she was shown by the person who raised her, then got a glimpse of the life she wanted and chose to leave said parent and experience it for herself. soooo rapunzel-coded <3 plus the way she believes in the best for everyone and refuses to see people as evil or irredeemable <33333333 theyre the same character to me
also!!! mia dearden!!!!!!! trapped in a life by someone who claims to love her, then some guy (with a goatee) comes along and makes her realize that theres a life outside her "tower" so she fights the person trapping her then leaves to hang out with the guy that saved her :') obviously not a one to one comparison because i am NOT saying that mia & ollie are the same as rapunzel & eugene since. ollie is her dad. but the idea is there
and im giving rose an honorable mention because shes not as much of rapunzel as the other two but if you don't think about it too hard nightwing #112-115 can be tangled with rose as rapunzel, dick as eugene (PLATONICALLY), and slade as gothel 🥰
anyways thats all i have to say but im using this opportunity to go on a new rose tangent
rose can also be eugene-coded. take my hand. sort of an orphan (both technically have alive fathers but their fathers didnt raise them) that turns to a life of crime because they feel like its the only thing they're good at (and in fairness they ARE really good at it) and they like doing it. theyre selfish and kind of an asshole but they have so much love in their hearts and genuinely want to help people but they look out for themselves first. then theyre given a chance to have a family & leave it behind so they do but no one trusts them bc they've hurt everyone around them before even though they've changed now </3 they also cover up every feeling they have by being an asshole and the only people that get to see their actual emotions are the people close to them. then once they show a genuine emotion then the dam is broken and they can never stop
all this to say. cassrose tangled au now please
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dark-orca-dynasty · 8 months ago
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Finally, my OG emo boy! I should have drawn him in a The Smiths t-shirt but NIN is sooo much easier. Yes I have drawn Alpheus in more or less this exact same outfit. Don't @ me, it's easy and I could not be bothered drawing a second pair of boots. Maybe both the Aronnax and Alpheus' squid sub just have floors designed for wetsuit boots, who knows! Also I didn't bother flipping his hair around like I did for Alpheus because at this point Cain does not care about how he looks. and I also just could not be bothered.
Cain: Yeah so I have a job now, but the bloke who arranged it for me warned me that my boss would absolutely feed me to the sharks if I did anything to her daughter Finn: lmao, what's your job anyway? Cain: I'm interning with Kaiko Nekton on the Aronnax Finn: [✓ seen]
Cain was the edgy bad-boy love interest in my favourite book series in high school, and much like with Tallulah, I have just been sticking him wherever he fits in everything else I've gotten into since then. I've even managed to fit the two of them in a HTTYD AU that I never got around to writing.
Anyway he's the other friend mentioned in Finn's bio, the one whose mother walked out on him. He's the youngest of three brothers, and about a year older than Finn. The two of them wavered between inseperable and estranged depending on how recently Finn had talked to his mother and therefore how jealous Cain was feeling about her continued if distant presence in the younger boy's life. Later, once Tallulah showed up and befriended Finn, Cain alternated between being jealous that she spent time with the younger boy and desperate for an in with her because he himself continually managed to offend her.
He eventually manages to win her over with Finn's help, as just a friend, but his ex takes offense to that and turns out to be a far better shot than her mother was when she was chasing after Cain. Finn had already made plans to leave Heckmondwhite at that point, but Tallulah gets pulled from school after being shot leaving Cain with no friends in town and only Finn messaging him. He is not doing so great emotionally at this point, and his father manages to get a friend (Tallulah's dad, who canonically is something of a naturalist and studies mollusks) to figure out a way to get him out of town. Cain does not realise his father's friend is Tallulah's dad because the man is built like comic book wolverine and Cain was picturing someone more along the lines of Loki.
Kaiko agrees to take on an intern because she could use some help keeping her workspace in order and doesn't want to force her kids to do it and end up making them hate the lab. Someone who signed up for it, however, is free game. She's not exactly happy that Liam told the kid about the assault charge, but she did kind of owe the man a favour after how often he covered for her in Uni.
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smutdefender · 2 years ago
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Strangers by ethel cain meets ACOTAR in Schrödinger’s Ship Art
Alrighty- lets start off with this warning: I have no endorsement of any ship, and as a GayLain truther I personally hope she gets a lady love BUT that is not where the Spotify Playlist drew me today. I'm working through Preachers Daughter by Ethel Cain and started subconsciously mapping the idea of cannibalizing lovers onto our two very controversial characters.
I just got so interested in the idea of eating/being eaten the person you desire because you’re desperate for approval and touch. Az and Elain are both utterly consumed by their initial love interests - with Az burning for Mor for over 500 years, and Elain severely morning Greyson to the point of becoming a shell. SO I thought to myself "how interesting would it be to see that energy turned towards each other, and what kind of fireworks/dumpster fire would it result in?" The answer, dear reader (to me, inmyownpersonalopinion) is emotional cannibalism (and maybe some lightly implied literal cannibalism? Who knows! I don't even know and I drew the damn thing!)
Ethel sings "I tried to be good - am i no good? I just wanted to be yours - can i be yours? Just tell me I'm yours. With my memory restricted to a Polaroid in evidence" which to me resonated so much with both characters striving to be good and useful to others at the expense of their own happiness, which we see in ACOFAS with Feyre clocking Elain's hollow smiles, and Az's extra chapter of ACOSF attempting to feeling nothing.
So, my lovelies - is it a piece of ship art that answers the question "should these two should be together?" Nope! That's why it's Schrödingers ship art. There's all mixed emotions and readings galore, and ain't that just what we're here for on this here blog while we wait on the next book?
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tastycitrus · 1 year ago
in scribblenauts unmasked, batgirl cass is scripted to spawn a rose to hold after a short period of time. she seems to prioritize holding this rose over anything else, but uh...
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fairyysoup · 2 years ago
gator tillman gives southern religious boy who was raised to be innocent but turned into a freak as soon as he lost his virginity vibes. like he's a religious hypocrite. he goes to church and then rails you in his truck in the parking lot. he says grace at the neighborhood potluck but he's letting you feel him up under the table. he's ethel cain coded
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