#Cadence and Rhapsody
gender-thief2 · 2 months
sirius black heard “mama, didn’t mean to make you cry…i sometimes wish i’d never been born at all” and fell to his knees in a walmart
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messervixen · 2 months
Just listened to the lyrics specifically of Bohemian Rhapsody and 0/10 would not recommend. Absolutely awful. If you kin Sirius Black AT ALL do yourself a favor and never go with 500 feet of that song because it is rough. TCOPTP Sirius had every right to start sobbing the first time he heard it because it’s genuinely horrific.
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The Cadence of Part Time Poets by @motswolo Chapter 18: Remus and Sirius listen to the B-side of A Night at the Opera for the first time (on a very 70s rug.)
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asherashedwings · 9 months
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If you've been here for a bit, you may recognize these lil goobers. These are the lil music men ocs (?) I've made throughout my time in the FNaF SB fandom. For a while, they didn't really have names (besides, like, one of them) so I just referred to them by what spider I had based them on. But thanks to the help I received from a couple friends, they all have names now!!
They will be listed under the cut :3
Batch number 1:
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1: Hip Hop (already had a name) 2: Treble 3: Waltz 4: Cadence 5: Clarion 6: Legato 7: Jazz
Batch number 2:
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1: Cello 2: Coda 3: Lyra 4: Bebop 5: Melody 6: Tweedle
BONUS!! I've been working on a new batch of music men, and have already selected names for a couple, for here's a treat for reading this far :]
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sunnyghost07 · 1 month
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“It wouldn’t be until years later, during some talk-show interview that he was definitely too sloshed to remember, that Remus would name the evening of December 23rd 1975 as the first time he realised that he wanted to do music.”
The Cadence of Part-time Poets
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ohifonlyx33 · 2 months
Words that seem like they would pop up in a Taylor Swift song:
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kirbofoolinaround · 3 months
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noir-ish artfight dump!!
left to right, top to bottom:
Rhan Becker/Rhapsody - @b33tlejules
July and Angel - @snezenie
Riley and Storm - Nix_works on instagram
Cadence - @slugfishh
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feelinghaunted · 2 years
names masterlist.
here’s a masterlist of 75+ music - based names. names will be separated by music / musician / song. names based on music will specifically be based on musical terms or musical instruments. there will be twenty-five names (not including variations) in each section. if you found this at all helpful, please reblog / like.
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lyric / lyrik / lyrica.
lyre / lyra.
ben / bennie.
billy / billie.
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Frazzled & Frizzy
Ok. So, lack of sleep. Depending on the person the symptoms of sleep deprivation can differ greatly. Some people get tired, others get paranoid or grumpy, and quite a few get migraines. However, a select few fall victim to a specific symptom of sleep deprivation I like to call frazzled and frizzy. I am one such victim.
Frazzled and frizzy happens when your so tired the mind bypasses the need for sleep by substituting it with the manic need to do anything but. Everything is hilarious, you feel like you could run a marathon on your hands while singing Bohemian Rhapsody out of tune at the top of your lungs, and common sense becomes distorted. The moment you stop moving, however, you collapse into a pile of goo and bone-deep regret.
I can help but think of how beautifully this would work with Danny.
Here’s Danny. He’s fought ghosts the entire night before, he had a math test the following morning, interspaced ghost attacks in the afternoon coupled with detention for missing gym, not to mention homework and the various household chores his dad pushed off onto him. He’s been waiting to collapse on his bed and into sleep all day. 
Which he does. Right after dinner and Jazz-mandated family bonding time, he practically crawled up the stairs and down the hall to his room. At first Danny doesn’t even bother to brush his teeth. He puts on his PJ’s and curls up under the perfectly cozy covers of his space themed bed spread. 
Five minutes later he’s out of bed and brushing his teeth because his mom didn’t believe the dentist could do anything better than what she could do herself. Danny still had trauma from the last time his dad played nurse and whipped out the Fenton Instant Cavity Filler.
So he goes back to bed. This time the covers don’t feel nearly as cozy and his pillow seems to have developed an unpleasant lump. By the time he finds the perfect position he can’t stop thinking about how he hasn’t gone pee yet. He doesn’t actually have to pee. Danny knows he doesn’t.
One bathroom trip later, his eyes had adjusted to the light and his blankets been tangled from the last time was in bed. After several moments of wrestling the comforter into submission, he finally gets comfortable again and closes his eyes. 
For quite awhile he lays in the quite darkness of his room. He hardly moves until the last glowing star on his ceiling has lost it’s splendor.
Danny’s eye twitched. He felt a shiver roll down his spine. With starbursts exploding out his chest, he launched himself out of bed and immediately turned on the lights to his room in order to recharge his stars. Speaking of which, has his room always been this messy? 
Danny eyed the pieces of the rocket Skulker had shattered that time he broke into his room. His eyes flickered over to the clock. 
Well, it wasn’t too late to put it back together.
There was a noise. It was low and rumbling. Sleepily, Sam rolled away from it, dipping quickly back into silent dreams. 
The sound continued its rolling cadence. Sam, it seemed to whisper. She burrowed deeper into her pillow. 
Sam, it called again. Gradually, she peeled an eye open to catch something glowing and green. The blob released a hysterical giggle.
“Danny?” She questioned, sitting up and rubbing sleep from her eyes.
Once her vision was clear, she was better able to take in his appearance. His hair was sticking up in ever direction more than usual with twigs and leaves interwoven into the white strands. There was an unnaturally long grin spread across his face with a gently green tint across his cheeks. His hands where splattered with something green.
“Sam! You won’t believe what I figured out!” He laughed hysterically, “So I was trying to fix my rocket, you know, the one that Skulker broke, and I started thinking about how nice the stars are outside. So naturally I jumped out the window-”
“You want!? You went ghost, right?”
“Don’t worry about it, I landed in a bush,”
That explained the leaves.
“Anyway, the stars where cover in clouds because October weather sucks, so I started to wander around and ran into the Red Huntress!”
“What!? Did she shoot at you?”
“Only a little, I defeater her by forgetting to go intangible though a tree and face planting into another bush. She totally missed me, and then-”
“Please just tell me what you figured out so I can go back to sleep.”
Danny blinked at her blankly for several minutes before a look of recognition flew over his features. Reaching intangibly into his stomach, Danny pulled out a tiny green blob ghost. The tiny thing blinked tiny black eyes at her. 
Sam watched as Danny proceeded to ring the blob ghost out like a towel. Quite a bit of green liquid poured out of the little creating, staining he rug in the neon color. Once he was done the blob ghost popped back up into it’s normal shape.
Danny looked at her with a big smile, “Isn’t that neat?”
“What the fuck?”
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iambecomeyourvillain · 6 months
You started cadence !!!! send me your reactions I need to see your notes on the plot
i did!! i was sick last week and needed coping mechanisms. I'm sure you can understand. i don't really have any big opinions on anything yet 😭😭 just enjoying remus and sirius being bitches to each other but begrudgingly forming a bond. i LOVE how music connects them <3 oh and remus lending sirius his christmas gift record of the new queen album and them listening to it together <33 i went back and listened to bohemian rhapsody after i read the part where sirius where sirius was actually crying after listening to it. I'm always going to associate it with him now
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wtficedance · 1 year
what's the difference between tempo and rhythm in ice dance? like when for the rd it says that the stsq needs to be skated to a different rhythm than the pattern does it just mean a different tempo or a different song?
Q #207:
Hi anon,
So, there is very little difference between the two. I use them practically interchangeably. Generally, refers to the beat and cadence of the beat in a program. I would say tempo is slightly more specific, e.g. a tempo of 110 bpm vs. saying “rhythm of 110 bpm.”
Just for an example, the song Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen has a ton of different tempos, and definitely satisfies the “change in rhythm” requirement if you were to skate the PSt on one section and the MiSt on another.
In the FD, teams must have a change in rhythm that has both a change in tempo and a change in expression/mood. So you can use one piece of music provided it does so. A composer like Stravinsky for instance, has a lot of musical compositions which change in time signature throughout.
Hope this helps!
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leahsfiction · 1 year
i relistened to hadestown (the concept album) while trying to eat dinner [overstimulated & house was too hot]
only then consciously realized how much epic i & ii influenced my cadence in afang palace rhapsody lol
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gorbajorp · 4 months
Summer's Song
I feel the late July heat flood the humid room I take refuge in; still the scorching waves dance to an unknown song. Next to me the cheap electric fan sings as it weakly alleviates my heat-stricken body, The pores on my body cry sweat from the sensation in brief respite. The bed holds my back, wth the duvet strewn across my floor as an act of desperation and disgust, I can’t help but stare at my chipped ceiling; off white from cadence of smoke from previous tenants, I see the particles of dust pirouette delicately to the aria of the inescapable light.
Outside I can hear the melodies of insects reclaiming their land as people seek shelter from the rampant sun, The smell of smoke and fire from poor attempts at barbecues suffocate the melancholic air, Distant whispers of indistinguishable echo across the cloudless skies. The summer rhapsody chants in dominance, overwhelming any who dare to listen.
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eunoiareview · 5 months
Other Music
I hear it in the graveled cadences of his voice, the rests which are no rests, but the pulsations of my blood, caught up in a recapitulation of our summer rhapsody, long ago, his words, circling around, strange pattern strange melody, still sung in my far country, arias, recitatives, resplendent cadenzas. What is this other music, that begins in him and ends in me? I try to name it, to draw…
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polybplumbing · 8 months
What do you need to Become a Journeyman Plumber?
Your Pipes and Dreams: Journey Beyond Journeyman Plumbing
Your Pipes and Dreams: Journey Beyond Journeyman Plumbing
If you've ever pondered over the intricate networks of pipes that make modern living a breeze, you know plumbing isn't just a trade; it's an art. A journeyman plumber is the virtuoso behind those quiet melodies of water running through your walls. But what happens when the tunes turn to trouble?
At Urban Piping, we look beyond the routine fixes; we're the maestros behind the curtain ensuring the symphony never stops. We understand the overture of a perfectly piped home and the crescendo of a job well done. With our extensive Poly B plumbing knowledge, we harmonize the past and present to safeguard your future.
Plumbing Par Excellence: The Urban Piping Edge
Why settle when you can have the maestros of Urban Piping handle your plumbing concerto? Licensed, professional, and insured, borrowing heavily from a grand suite of experience, our pitch-perfect plumbers hit every note of the Poly B replacement service with grace.
Have a crescendo of concern in Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, or Kelowna? No fret; we hold the baton at the ready, conducting flawless poly b replacements across western Canada. From the diminuendo of a leak to the forte of a full-blown re-pipe, we're the ensemble you need.
Fine-Tuning with Polybutylene Plumbing
You may wonder why a specific mention of Polybutylene? Over time, the pitch-perfect Polybutylene plumbing system can lose its harmony, leading to a rhapsody of repair needs. Our Polybutylene Plumbing services hit every note, delivering a comprehensive overture of replacement—drywall and paint repair included—using only in-house virtuosos.
The Urban Piping promise hits a chord with our glowing repertoire of reviews and an A+ Better Business Bureau rating. We don't just replace pipes; we compose peace of mind.
The Case Study Cadence
Curious about our past performances? Our Poly B Piping Case Studies are the vinyl records of our work, timeless classics that showcase our skill in returning harmony to households. These are tales of success, crescendos of challenge turned into harmonious living spaces, all thanks to the deft hands of our expert plumbers.
Encore! Financing Your Future Comfort
We believe everyone deserves the concert hall experience in their home. That's why we offer a standing ovation-worthy call to action: finance your poly b pipe replacement for only $150/mo. Let's chat about how our services can compose a better tomorrow in your home. Begin the overture to a secure, sound space with our financing options.
When it's time to turn the page on your plumbing's concerto, invite the maestros of Urban Piping to lead the orchestra. We'll ensure the pipes play in perfect harmony, so your only worry is what to whistle while you work.
Bravo! Here's to striking the right chord in your home's plumbing symphony!
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womensecretinfo · 1 year
Heavy Metal Detox
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In the symphony of life, our bodies dance to the rhythm of countless celestial and earthly elements. Yet, amidst this grand performance, a dissonance often lingers in the form of heavy metals, casting a shadow on our vitality. This ethereal journey is dedicated to uncovering the harmonious tune of heavy metal detox. This process transcends the physical and delves into the realm of spiritual purification. The Alchemical Artistry of Detoxification The Alchemy Within: In the heart of our being, heavy metals secretly find their way due to modern life's intricate cadence. Lead, mercury, cadmium—these alchemical agents disrupt the balance of our organic composition, a discord that impairs vitality. The Symphony of Symptoms: As our bodies whisper the language of distress, we often overlook their subtle cues. Fatigue, brain fog, and skin afflictions are notes of an underlying symphony, an orchestra of imbalance orchestrated by heavy metals. The Cleansing Elixir: Just as a river seeks to cleanse its waters, our bodies possess innate pathways to purge the unwanted. The liver, gallbladder, and kidneys are the alchemical crucibles that transform toxins into liberation. Nurturing these pathways is the art of self-care. Embarking on the Voyage: Practical Steps to Detoxify Holistic Harmonization: In the realm of nutrition, every morsel is a note in the melody of health. Organic greens, antioxidant-rich berries, and omega-3 serenades compose the symphony that harmonizes the body. Sacred Sweat: Within the sanctum of sweat lies a transformative ritual. Engaging in regular exercise, saunas, and mindful movement orchestrates a dance of detoxification. The pores become portals to release and renewal. Herbal Rhapsody: The earth's garden yields remedies in the form of herbs. Chlorella, cilantro, and spirulina are nature's lyrical allies, binding to heavy metals and guiding them towards exodus. Awakening the Spirit: Embracing the Journey The Soul's Echo: The journey transcends the human, intertwining with our emotional tapestry. Forgiveness, letting go, and embracing joy compose the melodies that cleanse the spirit, releasing the weight of past burdens. Meditative Melodies: Within the silence of meditation, the soul hums in resonance with the universe. Mindfulness and meditation weave a poetic thread that connects us to the cosmos, offering a space for rejuvenation and clarity. FAQs 1. What are common sources of heavy metal exposure? Heavy metals can be found in various sources such as contaminated water, certain foods, household products, and even air pollution. 2. How does heavy metal detoxification affect emotional well-being? Emotional detoxification is intertwined with the physical process. As heavy metals are released, emotional healing follows, often leading to a greater sense of inner peace and clarity. 3. Can meditation alone aid in heavy metal detoxification? Meditation complements the detoxification process by reducing stress, which in turn supports the body's innate healing mechanisms. However, a holistic approach that includes nutrition and other practices is recommended. 4. Is heavy metal detox a one-time process? Detoxification is an ongoing journey. Continual exposure to pollutants requires consistent efforts to support the body's detox pathways and maintain overall well-being. 5. How does heavy metal detoxification connect us to the cosmos? By purging the body of toxins and releasing emotional burdens, heavy metal detoxification aligns our physical and spiritual selves with the universe's harmonious vibration, fostering a profound sense of interconnectedness. Conclusion In the embrace of heavy metal detox, a transformative odyssey unfolds. Through conscious choices, harmonious nutrition, and soulful cleansing, we unfurl the wings of our true selves. Once weighed down the symphony of our being now soars in liberation, resonating with the cosmos and dancing to the rhythm of vitality. Read the full article
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