#Cadence Sinclair Eastman
froggos-are-superior · 9 months
you look just like your father
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it's the things we love most that destroy us
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fascinating, isn't it, how often heroic and foolish turn out to be one and the same
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what if we could stop being different colors, different backgrounds, and just be in love?
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there's always a choice. it's just that sometimes one choice is worse than another
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watch how quickly the supreme court can make an alien of you. watch how they light your skin on fire and call your attempts to breathe inhuman
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perhaps bravery is simply the face humanity wraps around its collective madness
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sometimes evil deserves a sorry
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but you're the good guys right? you're doing the right thing? you're the ones protected by the future authors of history. no one will remember your wrongdoings, so what does it matter?
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sorry but destiny doesn't exist in this world. it's just one person's circumstances colliding with another's
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jkriordanverse · 2 days
Cadence Sinclair but it's literally just "Take My Wallet" by Jack Stauber like
" Your mama's crying Your mama's crying for you Mama's lying Oh, what's she trying to do"
"What's the softest way to say You took away my friend, my buddy? What's the kindest way to say You took away my friend? What's the kindest way to say You took away my friend, my buddy? What's the kindest way to say The end?"
tagging my fellow wwl fans: @s-rosie @reyreadersblog
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You have no idea how it feels like to have headaches like this. No idea. It hurts. It makes it hard to be alive, some days. A lot of times I wish I were dead, I truly do, just to make the pain stop.
Cadence Sinclair Eastman, We Were Liars
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de-la-bibliotheque · 2 years
My full name is Cadence Sinclair Eastman, and contrary to the expectations of the beautiful family in which I was raised, I am an arsonist. A visionary, a heroine, a rebel. The kind of person who changes history. A criminal. But if I am a criminal, am I, then, an addict? Am I, then, a failure?
E. Lockhart, We Were Liars
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weltonboys · 3 years
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we were liars by e. lockhart
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bakedbookworm · 3 years
one thing i absolutely adore is the ambiguous ending. i cant stand when books or movies attempt to tie everything up into a neat little bow at the end of the story. epilogues that span decades, that box characters into picture perfect lives are especially irritating.
so, on the subject of ambiguous endings, i have to talk about ‘the miseducation of cameron post’. danforth leaving off where she did, after saying goodbye to her parents and embracing her friends, was perfect. i like not knowing how the great escape ends. i think it was the best way to end such an incredible book.
ambiguous endings are great ways to keep the reader or viewer thinking about the media well after they’ve finished reading or watching it. i have no doubt that as time goes on my thoughts will wonder back to cameron and jane and adam, wondering how their lives progressed. thinking about coley and irene, wondering if they ever acknowledged the sides of themselves that cameron brought out. i’ll think about them the same way i continue to think about oliver and james from ‘if we were villains’. the same way i think about cadence sinclair eastman from ‘we were liars’.
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incorrectgarette · 3 years
“Can I hold your hand?” he asked.
I put mine in his.
“The universe is seeming really huge right now,” he told me. “I need something to hold on to.”
“I’m here.”
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the-red-dagger · 4 years
For people who have read We Were Liars before, how did you cope after reading it for the very first time? I’m currently feeling empty 😩
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stumbleduponawhim · 4 years
did no one in cady’s family realize she was hanging out with imaginary people the whole summer???????
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tickletastic · 6 years
I Believe Submarines
Title: I Believe Submarines
Rating: G/SFW
Warnings: Possible spoilers?
Word Count: 1302
Fandom: We Were Liars
Ship: Gat + Cadence
Summary: With the Liars there’s no such thing as just a peaceful afternoon on the tiny beach. Cadence finds out her boyfriend is ticklish and shenanigans ensue. Ticklish!Gat
Notes: This is based around the song Submarines by The Lumineers. The song really reminds me of the Liars and there’s a line in it which actually really relates to the story (“Everyone thinks I’m a liar, no one knows the truth. If it was a bigger fire, I would be on the roof”). Anyways, this is an AU where Mirren, Gat, and Johnny don’t die in the fire, and this is set in Summer Seventeen.
The Liars had noted a particularly quiet day on Beechwood. It was a sunny afternoon and The Littles had taken the boat to Edgartown with grandpa Harris, while the aunties were enjoying wine and cheese in New Clairmont. After the fire all of the differences had dissolved and the aunties got along again, much like the days of their childhood. Grandpa Harris could no longer manipulate them into playing his games, so he found other, less harmful ways to entertain himself, like teaching the Liars how to fish, and guiding them with the redecoration of Cuddledown so the four of them could live together for the summer.
Currently, the four of them were lazing on the Tiny Beach, drinking various types of fizzy pop while they engaged in a heated debate.
“Now I’m not saying that sunscreen is useless, but if a ghost got a tan wouldn’t that make it visible to the naked eye?” Johnny yelled, making ridiculous hand gestures towards Mirren.
“Ghosts are just energy Johnny, they don’t even have skin to tan,” Gat calmly responded, looping his fingers in with Cadence’s.
Cadence and Mirren giggled at the odd topic of conversation, but they didn’t question it, knowing that their cousin was probably saying some things to rile Gat up. Gat was always all about philosophy and logic, so Johnny’s new hobby was to begin a conversation about a completely ridiculous topic to see how logical of an explanation he could receive. The conversations usually ranged from silly to intense, but when they got too serious Cady would sneak in a kiss on Gat’s cheek to calm him down. Today’s conversation was growing in heat by every passing word, but today Mirren decided to interject.
“Hey look Johnny! It’s a submarine!” Mirren screeched, pointing out into the vast blue sea.
“There is not!” Johnny got on his knees, leaning closer to the water in order to get a better field of vision. As children, they would always go to the tiny beach and play pretend, imaging submarines and giant ocean creatures, so Johnny played along. Johnny opened his mouth to respond once he had fully leaned forward, but he was interrupted. Mirren placed her hand on the back of his head and dunked him in the shallow water of the shore. Gat smiled at the scene as Cady and Mirren laughed hysterically, watching Johnny spit sand out of his mouth. He choked for a second until the rest of the water and sand had evacuated his lungs. Mirren helped by patting his back, but it didn’t aid much due to her constant laughter.
Johnny grabbed out for her, wiggling his fingers over her sides that were exposed due to the lack of cover her bikini offered. Mirren threw her head back and fell to the sand beneath her.
“Johohohohony stahahahahahap,” Mirren giggled, pushing at her cousin’s hands. Johnny quickly stopped, feeling as if Mirren had enough.
“Mir’s ticklish? No way,” Gat inquired, having never known the sensitivities of his friend.
“I don’t know why you’re so surprised, you’re basically a tickle-me-elmo,” Johnny teased in response to Gat’s curiosity. Gat blushed a deep red and looked down at his hands. Cadence looked over at her boyfriend, putting her hand softly against his cheek and forcing him to look up despite his avoidance of eye contact.
“That’s so cute,” She spoke softly, scratching lightly at the boy’s ear. Gat frowned, trying to keep his stoic nature despite the tickly touches gracing the tip of his left ear. Cadence cooed slightly at the sight of her grumbly boyfriend slowly losing it under her slim fingers.
“D-don’t Cad, tickling’s i-immature.” Gat stuttered through his gritted teeth.
“Really? You didn’t seem to think that a few minutes ago,” Cadence noted in response to her boyfriend’s needy pleas.
Even though Mirren had been joking, Gat became suddenly hyperactively interested in the make-believe world she had created in her false game of pretend. “I see the sub too!” He shouted, literally jumping up and away from Cady’s hands.
The eldest of them certainly wasn’t finished her investigation, shooting up like a rocket when the warmth of her boyfriend left her side.
“Gat even I think we’re a bit too old to be playing pretend,” Johnny began, looking up at his friend, “Marco polo on the other hand, not it!”
The other three called out and argued over the subject of who would be it in one of their endless games of marco polo, until it was decided that Cady would be the seeker. Everyone scattered as she loudly counted to ten, spinning in circles within the waist-deep water.
“Marco!” She cried out, slightly dizzy from counting.
“Polo!” Cried out only two voices in response.
“Gat, you have to say polo too!” Johnny snickered at Cadence’s words, basking in the glory that was the absolute fear in Gat’s eyes.
“Polo,” The boy whispered, a single foot in front of Cady. She acted as if she was going to reach out in front of her in order grab her boyfriend, but instead she stuck her arms out to the left of her, knowing exactly which way her boyfriend would turn to flee.
Cady caught Gat from behind, wrapping her arms around his body, successfully trapping him in her hold.
“Cady, no! Let me go!” Gat struggled to get out, making ripples while he flailed his arms.
“Did you know,” The low whispers sent shivers down the boy’s spine, “The tickle monster lives underwater?” Her fingers dug into the vulnerable ribs at her mercy.
“Ehehehehe Cahahahady dohohohohont!” Gat squealed, throwing his head back into his girlfriend’s chest.
Cadence’s fingers against his abdomen were clumsy, probably due to her lack of siblings and the rare occurrence of seeing her cousins, but somehow that made the unknowing touches far more sensitive against Gat’s bare skin. He felt as nimble fingers counted every single one of his protruding ribs. Each touch, no matter how small, felt like agony to the boy as he helplessly giggled and squirmed about in the water.
“Aww, tickle tickle baby boy, coochie coochie coo!” Cadence teased her typically stoic and serious boyfriend. “You don’t laugh enough, thanks to Johnny I know just what to do to hear you.”
“Stop Cahahady! Ihihihim nahahat a bahaby, leheheheheave me ALOHOHOHONE! STAHAHAHAP!” Gat shrieked when a single finger wiggled its way into his belly button.
“Aww lovely, you’re sure just as ticklish and cute as a baby, are you sure you aren’t one?” Cadence giggled when she noticed her boyfriend’s ear had turned a darker shade of red. Mirren and Johnny just laughed at the sight unfolding in front of them.
The younger boy’s head was so far back that it nearly looked painful, so Cadence stuck her cold lips into the crook of his neck, blowing slightly.
“CAHAHAHADY! Stahahahp juhuhuhust lehehehet mehehe behehehe!” A stream of almost incoherent chuckles. Cadence was basking in the joyous, childlike laughter of the 17-year-old that she was taking apart with just her fingers.
Gat felt completely silly because of his extreme sensitivities. Cady was completely disassembling him and she made him feel like he was a child again. Despite his constant protests he couldn’t help but enjoy letting loose like he was. At this point, he was giggling so quickly and uninhibited that a series of snorts fell out of him.
Cady’s fingers stilled, and she ran her fingers over spot again, receiving the same reaction. She stopped again and watched as Gat turned as red as possible.
“You’re so cute,” Cady leaned over to press a sweet kiss on her boyfriend’s cheek. She only received a whine in response. “You’re cute, but you’re it.”
She ran as far away from him as possible as he attempted to quickly recover from her onslaught.
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To #ELockhartinPh, that one book signing I woke my dad in at an ungodly hour (3AM) just so I could get the first spot
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jellybeanbeing · 6 years
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
A beautiful and distinguished family. A private island. A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy. A group of four friends—the Liars—whose friendship turns destructive. A revolution. An accident. A secret. Lies upon lies. True love. The truth. 
I don’t know how to feel about this book. I don’t love it but I also don’t hate it. I DONT KNOW. I just kinda felt like I was just breezing through, not really pulled into the story but I did cry at the end. The ending was so sad! Well, at least to me it was.
I think this book lacks plot and character depth. I wasn’t so invested in any of the characters or the plot. Okay but for the plot, I blame it on myself. One thing I can’t stand about myself is that I tend to spoil books for me and I HATE IT! But I always itch to fully understand a story before reading it which is stupid. 
Anyways, I went into this book already knowing that there were “ghosts” so the whole time reading it, I was just thinking, “Who’s the ‘ghost’?” At first I thought it was Cadence who was dead because she was found in the water. I thought that she died and she was a ghost walking around. Also while Cadence was talking to her grandad, he kept saying Cadence is this, Cadence is that, instead of saying “you” to Cadence. That’s why I thought she was the dead one. But then, when she went back on the island, she interacting with everyone so I was like, “okay, she’s definitely not dead. THEN THAT MEANS THE OTHER LIARS ARE DEAD.” 
It sorta clicked when Mirren, Johnny, and Gat said they weren’t going to New Clairmont for dinner and how the three were all living in Cuddledown and didn’t go anywhere else. For a moment, I thought that Cadence had schizophrenia because she was seeing the dead Liars but no one even knows. They could’ve been ghosts or her hallucinations. 
I didn’t really care for Cadence and Gat’s relationship that much. I think I was just too invested into knowing what had happened to Mirren, Johnny, and Gat. It doesn’t mean I didn’t like the romance. I thought it was cute but the way their relationship worked just confused me so much that I just didn’t really care for it.
The ending where Cadence finally remembers everything was so heartbreaking. AND THOSE DOGS! Oh my god, those poor dogs. I was so baffled at how the Liars planned to burn the house down. The entire thing is made of wood! Douse the m basement and the main floor and then throw a match FROM THE OUTSIDE! And I swear Cadence had no common sense here! SHE WAS LITERALLY ON THE MAIN FLOOR WHERE THE DOOR LEADING OUTSIDE WAS! DID SHE NOT THINK SEE OR EVEN HEAR JOHNNY AND MIRREN WALK DOWN AND SHOUT FOR HER? This whole thing was just so stupid... and yeah, they were a little drunk but you do not lose all your brain cells while being “a little drunk”. EVERYTHING COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED IF EVERYONE HAD JUST A BIT MORE COMMON SENSE.
Anyways, when Cadence went back to Cuddledown for the last time, I cried so much. When she and Johnny were talking about them leaving, god, that broke my heart. And when they went into the ocean... FUCK. But from here until the very end, I was bawling my eyes out. It’s weird because I wasn’t even all that invested into this story or it’s characters but the thought of you and a bunch of friends talking about the future and your life goals, and then you taking that away from them is so hard to think about. 
Also, is it just a rich people thing to name their kids abnormal names? I mean, come on. Cadence? Mirren? GATWICK? Johnny is probably the only normal name from the entire Sinclair family, let’s be honest here. 
All in all, I thought this book was good, not mind blowing fantastic, but just good. I liked the plot twist it had and I so wish I didn’t spoil it for me. Gave it a 4.5/5 stars for me!
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wewereliarsbook · 7 years
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The WWL Deluxe Edition is more deluxe than you might think. 
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pinkbabo · 4 years
I made a playlist inspired by we were liars because I am very sad after reading it 😌
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rihardgansey · 8 years
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hundred badass ladies ➼ cadence sinclair eastman
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bakedbookworm · 3 years
the starless sea may have officially taken we were liar’s place as my favorite book ever.
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