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Capítulo 7:Dimensiones...
Nota: Sí,básicamente mis dibujos de F.Warden eran unos spoilers de los próximos capítulos. Espero les guste este capítulo,es más que obvió que habrán más capítulos centrados en esto.
Perdón por tardar,últimamente e estado ocupada con mi escuela,pero al fin actualice >:)
PSDT:Ya no marcare con colores los nombres de los personajes,ya que ahora que lo puedo notar:Los colores se ven muy brillantes en ciertos fondos.Y puesto que a mí también me afecta un poco la vista el leer así.Editaré los demás.
Blog del fanfic: https://congratulations-you-are-recluse.tumblr.com/
El día iba bien,todo parecía ir excelente,bueno…dentro y lo normal en Superjail.Warden estaba en su oficina,firmando y archivando algunos documentos,a pesar de lo que se cree,realmente le gusta trabajar un poco.
Warden estaba dictando unas cosas a Jailbot,mientras caminaba en su oficina y movía algunas cosas.
Warden:Necesito que busques más reclusos,últimamente no has traído tantos y también necesito que limpies algunas celdas,los reclusos hicieron una fiesta un tanto…desquiciada-moviendo las manos mientras explicaba-
Jailbot dio unos pitidos,entendiendo las órdenes y saliendo,rompiendo la ventana de la oficina.Warden hizo un movimiento de manos,regresó la ventana a su normalidad.
Pero algo rompió la puerta de su oficina,asustando a Warden y haciéndolo voltear hacía donde estaba la puerta hecha trizas.Pensó que era Alice,hasta que entró él…
Warden:Aaaa!-apretando un botón de emergencia debajo de su escritorio-tú!
La alerta sonó en toda la cárcel,haciendo un gran ruido,alertando a Alice,Jailbot y Jared sobre esto,yendo atender la emergencia de su jefe.Once-ler también se preguntó de qué se trataba esto,así que fue a la oficina de Warden,para responder su curiosidad.
Los cuatro llegaron al mismo tiempo,entrando a la oficina de Warden,notando al instante la presencia de Warden,pero no como él normalmente…
F.Warden:Saludos-sonriendo maliciosamente-
Jared:Señor,está bromeando-confundido sobre esto-está usando un disfraz,o algo así?
F.Warden:Oh,claro no-recargándose en el escritorio-estoy aquí para poner un nuevo orden en Superjail!bueno,la Superjail de está dimensión-sonriendo con malicia-
Todos estaban confundidos,mirándose entre sí.No entendían nada de lo que estaba pasando,no sabían si era Warden bromeando al respecto.
Once-ler:Haber,haber…no entiendo nada ,y Warden,deja de bromear…hiciste un gran ruido en toda la cárcel solo para esto?-cruzándose de brazos y mirando al Warden-
F.Warden:Sigues siendo tan inocente al respecto…-sonriéndole y mirándolo-
De la nada algo subió escalando,sonando quejoso y adolorido.Entrando por donde la ventana de la oficina fue destruida.
Warden:¡No tenías que aventarme por la ventana!-subiendo y cayendo al suelo inconsciente-
Alice:¿Qué carajos?…-mostrando ese rostro neutral de siempre pero confundida-
F.Warden:¡Bienvenidos al nuevo orden!-riendo divertido y malvadamente-
Jailbot estaba listo para atacar y defender Superjail pero algo lo destruyó al instante,era Jailbot X.La versión mejorada de Jailbot era aún más destructor y salvaje que el Jailbot normal.
Todos estaban sorprendidos por eso y tratando de cuidarse.Warden los miró como seres indefensos,sonriendo con diversión.Ordenó a sus guardias y esclavos que encerrarán a todos.
F.Warden:¡Encierren a todos!bueno…excepto a Once-ler,tengo que hablar algo con él -sonriéndole y señalando al joven-
Once-ler con nervios vio cómo se llevaban a los demás,incluyendo a Warden.Pensó en que iba a hacer y por qué F.Warden lo necesitaba ahí.Warden con señas le dio a entender que se sentará en la silla que estaba frente al escritorio,sin pensarlo se sentó,esperando a que el otro le dijera algo.
F.Warden:Sabes…me recuerdas a alguien,alguien en casa-sonriendo pretenciosamente-
Once-ler:¿A sí?…supongo-nervioso,no conocía al tipo pero se veía peligroso y un tanto misterioso-¿Qué le harás a los demás?
F.Warden:¿Ellos?…pues nada,los convertiré en mis esclavos,y si hablas de la parte de la cárcel,pues es obvió!-moviéndose por la oficina-la convertiré en otra guerra y franquicia.
Once-ler:¿Tú no tienes ya una cárcel?-mirándolo y aún nervioso-
F.Warden:O,claro que sí…pero nunca es suficiente,¿no lo crees?-mirándolo directamente a los ojos y acercándose- tú eres el Once-ler,tú más que nadie sabe lo que es querer crecer…obtener todo lo que quieras y que mejor que sea algo más allá del propio plano,ir más allá y no solo quedarse con poco.
Once-ler sintió una punzada de culpa al mencionar su codicia,eso por alguna razón no le gustaba que se lo recordaran últimamente.Trato de sacarle más información,manteniendo la calma y mostrándose interesado.
Once-ler:Supongo,amm…¿Así qué vienes de otra dimensión?
F.Warden:Claro,trate de buscar la dimensión correcta para extender mi dominio.Busque y busque,hasta que la vi…una dimensión idéntica a la mía y es ahí cuando supe donde extender más mi dominio-mirando a través de la enorme ventana de la oficina-
Once-ler:Claro,y para qué me necesitas?
F.Warden:Tal vez me seas de ayuda,no te interesa ayudarme y tener más poder?
Once-ler:Supongo que no…no sé si esto sea de mis gustos,y para ser honestos…¿Qué tendría que hacer yo a cambio?-levantándose de su silla,dudoso-
F.Warden:Creo es obvió…
Once-ler retrocedió,no sabía exactamente a qué se refería pero no quería verse involucrado en esto,es obvió que no le daba buena espina.Warden se acercó amenazadoramente,luciendo un poco molesto.
F.Warden:Mmm…ok,te daré tiempo para que lo pienses pero por ahora no puedo dejarte pasear por donde tu quieras.Guardias,llévenselo y encierrenlo en una celda-ordenando con las manos y sentándose de nuevo detrás del escritorio-
Once-ler sabía que resistirse no era opción,se dejó llevar,¡claro!Esto no dejaba fuera el hecho de que tenía miedo y nervios.Viendo a su alrededor,viendo cómo los reclusos eran encerrados y algunos obligados a trabajar para F.Warden.
Once-ler fue dejado en una celda de máxima seguridad,siendo aventado ahí sin piedad,dejando que Once-ler caiga fuertemente contra el suelo.
Once-ler:Agg!-levantándose y sacudiéndose la ropa-gracias…,Warden?
Warden estaba ahí,sentado y luciendo sonriente,como si nada pasara.Once-ler confundido por esto pero sabía que así era el hombre.
Warden:¡Hola Oncie!-saludando con la mano-
Once-ler:¿Por qué estás como si nada?-viéndolo-
Warden:Pff,tranquilo.Jailbot nos ayudará a escapar y pronto esto será una aventura más de Superjail -acostándose en la cama y luciendo relajado-aunque está tardando…
Once-ler:Warden…Jailbot fue destruido y el otro Warden está cambiando tu cárcel…
Warden:Oh,bueno…¡¿QUÉ?!-levantándose de una y sorprendido-¿Cómo se atreven?…destruyeron a mi bebé y no les importa-cruzándose de brazos y haciendo un puchero-Voy a ir allá fuera y los voy a confrontar…
Warden:¡No me interrumpas!iré afuera y voy a confrontar a todos,necesitan una lección-luciendo enojado-¿cómo se atreven a hacerme esto?¡Soy el alcaide!
Once-ler:Warden…-frotándose el rostro con las manos-
Warden:Jamás me auto encerrará!todo mundo sabe que soy el mejor alcaide,nadie puede manejar está cárcel más que yo,ni yo con ese traje genial me puede sustituir y…
Once-ler:¡Mark Davis!-cruzándose de brazos y gritándole con irritación-
Warden se quedó quieto al oír su nombre real,sintió un escalofrío,se sintió como un niño regañado.Volteando a ver a Once-ler con los ojos muy abiertos y una cara asustada.
Warden:¿Quién te lo dijo?-dijo con una voz seria y un poco ronca-
Once-ler:¿De qué hablas?-confundido y mirándolo con un dramático-
Warden:Mi nombre…¿Quién te lo dijo?-con un tic en el ojo y acercándose al otro,tomándolo de los hombros-
Once-ler:Jared…eso no importa ahora
Warden:¡JARED!-gritando como un demonio y rabioso-
Jared:Lo siento señor-gritando desde otra celda-
Once-ler rodó los ojos,tratando de tranquilizar al otro de su drama.Se acercó al otro,tomándolo de los hombros.
Once-ler:¿Quieres dejar de hacer un drama?
Warden:¡NO!mi misticismo está roto…ahora he sido descubierto-luciendo dramático y acostándose en la cama como una reina del drama-ahora soy…soy Mark,agg…¡mi día se arruinó!
Once-ler:Deja de hacer un drama,señor misticismo,lo que importa es que arreglemos este asunto de Superjail y recuperar el control…ese tipo luce como un lunático,más que tú…y eso ya es preocupante.
Warden:Gracias … .¿Te preocupa mi Superjail?-sonriendo y pestañeando-
Once-ler:Lo que me preocupa es ese tipo,me ofreció ser su mano derecha en todo esto,lo cual no quiero,a cambió le tendría que dar algo…
Warden:-mirando al otro-Bien,amm…ya he visto a ese tipo en mi futuro y eso,me veo genial!debo admitirlo-sonriendo con orgullo.pero que le tendrías que dar?
Once-ler:-sentándose en la cama-Hizo un silencio sin mencionar qué,mirándome completamente,creo que es obvió…
Warden:-Sonrojado y aflojando su camisa-Amm…eso…-sin saber qué decir,había una fuerte tensión-bueno,tenemos que planear que hacer…¡mi Superjail será destruida!
Once-ler pensó en cómo escapar,F.Warden parecía un tipo poderoso y peligroso,así que esto requería un plan elaborado.Estos pensaron en qué hacer pero todo parecía no muy convincente.
Once-ler:¿No puedes usar tus poderes y sacarnos de aquí?-mirándolo-
Warden:Ammm,sí eso…-tocándose las manos y pensando-déjame intentarlo…
Esté se levantó,fue hacía las puertas,se subió las mangas y miró la puerta.
Warden:-Tomando aire,inflando su pecho y poniendo las manos frente a él,como deteniendo algo-¡Ábrete Sésamo!-Volviendo a la cama después,sin lograr su objetivo-hice todo lo que pude…
Once-ler:Vamos!tienes más que eso…¿no eres omnipotente?
Warden:Pues sí,pero así no funciona…-luciendo evasivo y nervioso-
Once-ler:¿No sabes usar tus poderes?-mirándolo,luciendo irritado y confundido-
Warden:Amm,sí y no…es solo que a veces hago las cosas inconscientemente,puedo hacerlo todo pero no sé cómo…-sonrisa nerviosa y encogiéndose de hombros-
Once-ler se acostó en la cama,tomando bastante aire y pensando.Warden se acostó a su lado,sonriéndole y mirando al otro.Once-ler se volteó al sentir la mirada,mirándolo y luciendo serio.
Once-ler:Mmm…¿Sabes cómo derrotar al otro?¿Alguna debilidad?es idéntico a ti.
Warden:Pues no,es genial…evidentemente no tenemos debilidades,¡somos dioses!-sonando presumido y ego alto-
Once-ler rodó los ojos,dándole la espalda,ignorándolo.Ciertamente no le parece divertido ni le interesa darle su amistad a ese Warden arrogante y egocéntrico,su amigo es ese Warden amistoso y sonriente,más amable.
Warden al ver que el otro lo ignoraba,intento moverlo para que volteará
Warden:¡Hey!no me ignores-moviendo al otro con fuerza-
Once-ler:Pues deja de ser tan presumido!-volteándolo a ver con el ceño fruncido-te vuelves arrogante así…
Warden:¡Yo no soy arrogante!solo digo mis virtudes…eso es todo-cruzándose de brazos y sonando “ofendido”-
Once-ler de nuevo se dio la vuelta,dándole la espalda.Estaba irritado de todo esto,el día parecía ir peor a cada minuto y tener que lidiar con el Warden presumido no está ayudando.
F.Warden ya estaba empezando a planificar todo para su plan de invasión.Tenía planeado hacer algo al igual que en su dimensión,solo que más sádico.Warden estaba en la oficina,dándole órdenes a su equipo.
F.Warden:Jailbot X,encargate de capturar a todos los reclusos,Jared,empieza a dirigir a los guardias y tú Alice,ayúdale a Jared -ordenando a todos,con esa voz seria y exigente-
Todos obedecieron,yendo a hacer lo que se les pidió.
F.Warden:Todo está saliendo conforme a mi plan-sonriendo con malicia y recargándose en el escritorio-¿Tú qué opinas cariño?
F.Once-ler:¿No crees que nos estamos pasando un poco?debimos quedarnos en casa y seguir con el desastre que construiste allá-luciendo tímido y cruzado de brazos.Veía toda está violencia como algo innecesario-
F.Warden se acercó al otro,sosteniéndolo fuertemente del brazo,acercándose a él con fuerza.
F.Warden:¡Sabes muy bien qué hicimos esto juntos!-sonando molesto-
F.Once-ler:Yo no quería,nunca estuve de acuerdo con esto…-tratando de zafarse y con miedo-suéltame,me lastimas!
F.Warden:Siempre has sido un cobarde-dejándolo ir,burlándose de él-ahora me ire a realizar un nuevo cambio,si me disculpas…
Once-ler solo se quedó ahí,mientras el otro se iba.F.Warden siempre lo trataba así,humillándolo y fingiendo que es el hombre ideal,aunque por dentro siempre ha sido un monstruo.
Esté fue a caminar por los pasillos,viendo todo con tristeza,le recordaba a cuando Warden empezó a convertirse en un dictador,empezó a cambiar totalmente.Sus días en la guerra son horribles,no quiere estar en esto pero Warden lo obliga.
F.Warden:Vaya,ya saliste…ven,necesito que me ayudes en esto-tomándolo del brazo y llevándoselo-Necesito que vayas con los nuevos esclavos
F.Once-ler:Warden,sabes que no…
El otro lo tomó de los hombros,viéndolo con una mirada asesina y clavando sus dedos fuertemente.
F.Warden:Tú sabes muy bien que no me gustan los “no” en ti…-mirándolo con una sonrisa macabra-
F.Once-ler:Es-esta bien…ya voy-temblando y con nervios-
F.Warden:Muy bien,ahora ve al patio y hazlo…
F.Once-ler se fue,aún temblando por el miedo de que el otro le hiciera algo.Su trabajo era guiar a los reclusos,darles las órdenes que F.Warden ponía y vigilarlos de que no desobedezcan.Claro,dejaba pasar algunas desobediencias mientras F.Warden no lo descubriera,aunque aveces F.Warden llegaba a descubrirlo teniendo que asumir un castigo.
Está más que claro que F.Once-ler odiaba a F.Warden,lo consideraba un hombre cruel y un monstruo,pero no puede escapar,F.Warden lo tiene bajo su control para siempre.Ya no es ese hombre de antes;cariñoso,amoroso y alegre,ahora era muy diferente.Parece que está destinado a estar con él para siempre y eso lo irrita y le duele.
Once-ler estaba pensando aún en cómo escapar de ahí,dando vueltas por la celda,intentando golpear la puerta.
Once-ler:¡Agg!-quejándose por el dolor de haber golpeado la puerta,sobándose la mano-mierda…
Warden:¡Hey,hey!tenemos un frasco para las groserías jovencito-sonando indignado-
Once-ler:Lo que nos ayudaría ahora,es un plan para escapar…no lo crees?-sonriendo con sarcasmo-
Warden:Sí,definitivamente!…Once-ler planea algo-sonando despreocupado-
Once-ler:Eres un idiota!-yendo hacía él,con el afán de tal vez ahorcarlo-
Warden huyó de él,convirtiéndose en una abeja,y volando lejos de él.
Warden:En Superjail está estrictamente prohibido matar o dañar al alcaide,Aaa!-huyendo y volando lejos-
Once-ler:Oh,mira pues está ya no es tu Superjail…ahora es de otro tirano!-intentando aplastarlo o atraparlo-
Warden:Bien,ya que insistes en matarme-yendo hacía él con su aguijón,picándole en el brazo-
Once-ler:Aaa!eres un grandísimo idiota…¡duele!-tocándose cuidadosamente el brazo-por qué siento que todo está oscu…-cayendo inconsciente al suelo-
Warden fue hacía él,levantando al otro y poniéndolo en la cama.
Warden:Bien,amm…despertará pronto…creo-sentándose a su lado-recuperare mi Superjail,no te preocupes Once-sonriendo y sonando comprometido con salvar su cárcel-
Chapter 7: Dimensions…
Note: Yes, basically my drawings of F. Warden were spoilers for the next chapters. I hope you like this chapter, it's more than obvious that there will be more chapters focused on this.
Sorry for taking so long, I've been busy with my school lately, but I finally updated >:)
PSDT: I will no longer color the names of the characters, since now that I can see it: The colors look very bright on certain backgrounds. And since it also affects my eyesight a little to read like this. I will edit the rest.
Fanfic blog: https://congratulations-you-are-recluse.tumblr.com/
The day was going well, everything seemed to be going great, well… inside and as normal in Superjail. Warden was in his office, signing and filing some documents, despite what is believed, he really likes to work a little.
Warden was dictating some things to Jailbot, while he walked around his office and moved some things.
Warden: I need you to find more inmates, you haven't brought in that many lately and I also need you to clean some cells, the inmates had a bit of a… crazy party-waving his hands as he explained-
Jailbot beeped a few times, understanding the orders and leaving, breaking the office window. Warden made a movement of his hands, returning the window to normal.
But something broke the door of his office, scaring Warden and making him turn to where the door was shattered. He thought it was Alice, until he came in…
Warden: Aaaa! -pressing an emergency button under his desk- you!
The alert sounded throughout the prison, making a loud noise, alerting Alice, Jailbot and Jared about this, going to attend to their boss's emergency. Once-ler also wondered what this was about, so he went to Warden's office, to answer his curiosity.
The four of them arrived at the same time, entering Warden's office, instantly noticing Warden's presence, but not as he normally would…
F. Warden: Greetings- smiling maliciously-
Jared: Sir, are you joking- confused about this- are you wearing a disguise, or something?
F. Warden: Oh, of course not- leaning on the desk- I'm here to put a new order in Superjail! Well, the Superjail of this dimension- smiling maliciously-
Everyone was confused, looking at each other. They didn't understand anything of what was happening, they didn't know if it was Warden joking about it.
Once-ler:Okay,okay… I don't understand anything, and Warden, stop joking… did you make a big noise in the whole prison just for this? - crossing his arms and looking at the Warden-
F. Warden: You're still so innocent about it… - smiling and looking at him-
Out of nowhere something climbed up, sounding whiny and in pain. Entering where the office window was destroyed.
Warden: You didn't have to throw me out the window! -going up and falling to the ground unconscious-
Alice: What the hell?… -showing that neutral face as always but confused-
F. Warden: Welcome to the new order! -laughing funny and evil-
Jailbot was ready to attack and defend Superjail but something destroyed it instantly, it was Jailbot X. The improved version of Jailbot was even more destructive and savage than the normal Jailbot.
Everyone was surprised by that and trying to take care of themselves. Warden looked at them as defenseless beings, smiling with amusement. He ordered his guards and slaves to lock everyone up.
F. Warden: Lock everyone up! Well… except Once-ler, I have to talk to him about something - smiling and pointing at the young man -
Once-ler nervously watched as they took the others away, including Warden. He thought about what he was going to do and why F. Warden needed him there. Warden gestured for him to sit in the chair in front of the desk, without thinking he sat down, waiting for the other to tell him something.
F. Warden: You know… you remind me of someone, someone at home-smiling pretentiously-
Once-ler: Really?… I guess- nervous, he didn't know the guy but he looked dangerous and a bit mysterious- What are you going to do to the others?
F. Warden: Them?… well, I'll turn them into my slaves, and if you're talking about the prison part, well it's obvious!- moving around the office- I'll turn it into another war and franchise.
Once-ler: Don't you already have a prison?- looking at him and still nervous-
F. Warden: Oh, of course you do… but it's never enough, don't you think?- looking him straight in the eyes and getting closer- you're the Once-ler, you know more than anyone what it's like to want to grow… to get everything you want and what's better than something beyond your own plane, to go further and not just stay with little.
Once-ler felt a pang of guilt at the mention of his greed, for some reason he didn't like being reminded of it lately. He tried to get more information out of him, staying calm and looking interested.
Once-ler: I guess, umm… So you come from another dimension?
F. Warden: Sure, I tried to find the right dimension to extend my domain. I searched and searched, until I saw it… a dimension identical to mine and that's when I knew where to extend my domain the most - looking through the huge office window -
Once-ler: Sure, and why do you need me?
F. Warden: Maybe you can help me, aren't you interested in helping me and having more power?
Once-ler: I guess not… I don't know if this is to my liking, and to be honest… What would I have to do in return? -getting up from his chair, doubtful-
F. Warden: I think it's obvious…
Once-ler stepped back, he didn't know exactly what he meant but he didn't want to get involved in this, it was obvious that he didn't have a good feeling about it. Warden approached threateningly, looking a little upset.
F. Warden: Mmm… ok, I'll give you time to think about it but for now I can't let you walk around wherever you want. Guards, take him away and lock him in a cell- ordering with his hands and sitting back behind the desk-
Once-ler knew that resisting was not an option, he let himself be carried away, of course! This didn't leave out the fact that he was scared and nervous. Looking around, seeing how the inmates were locked up and some forced to work for F. Warden.
Once-ler was left in a maximum security cell, being thrown there without mercy, letting Once-ler fall hard to the ground.
Once-ler: Agg! -getting up and shaking his clothes- thanks…, Warden?
Warden was there, sitting and looking smiling, as if nothing happened. Once-ler confused by this but knew that this was the man.
Warden: Hi Oncie! -waving with his hand-
Once-ler: Why are you acting like nothing happened? -watching him-
Warden: Pff, calm down. Jailbot will help us escape and soon this will be another Superjail adventure -lying down on the bed and looking relaxed-although it's taking a while…
Once-ler: Warden�� Jailbot was destroyed and the other Warden is changing your jail…
Warden: Oh, well… WHAT?! -getting up in one go and surprised- How dare they?… they destroyed my baby and they don't care- crossing his arms and pouting- I'm going to go out there and confront them…
Once-ler: Warden…
Warden: Don't interrupt me! I'll go outside and confront everyone, they need a lesson- looking angry- How dare they do this to me? I'm the warden!
Once-ler: Warden…-rubbing his face with his hands-
Warden: I will never lock myself up! Everyone knows I'm the best warden, no one can run this prison but me, not even me with that cool suit can replace me and…
Once-ler: Mark Davis!-crossing his arms and yelling at him with irritation-
Warden stood still upon hearing his real name, he felt a chill, he felt like a scolded child. Turning to look at Once-ler with wide eyes and a scared face.
Warden: Who told you? -he said with a serious and slightly hoarse voice-
Once-ler: What are you talking about? -confused and looking at him with a dramatic look-
Warden: My name… Who told you? -with a twitch in his eye and approaching the other, taking him by the shoulders-
Once-ler: Jared… that doesn't matter now
Warden: JARED! -screaming like a demon and furious-
Jared: I'm sorry sir-screaming from another cell-
Once-ler rolled his eyes, trying to calm the other from his drama. He approached the other, taking him by the shoulders.
Once-ler: Do you want to stop making a drama?
Warden: NO! My mysticism is broken… now I have been discovered-looking dramatic and lying in bed like a drama queen- now I am… I am Mark, agg… my day is ruined!
Once-ler: Stop making a drama, Mr. Mysticism, what matters is that we fix this Superjail thing and regain control… that guy looks like a lunatic, more than you… and that's already worrying.
Warden: Thank you… Are you worried about my Superjail? - smiling and blinking -
Once-ler: What worries me is that guy, he offered me to be his right hand in all this, which I don't want, in exchange I would have to give him something…
Warden: - looking at the other - Well, umm… I've already seen that guy in my future and that, I look great! I must admit - smiling with pride. But what would you have to give him?
Once-ler:-sitting on the bed-He was silent without mentioning what, looking at me completely, I think it's obvious…
Warden:-Blushing and loosening his shirt-Umm…that…-not knowing what to say, there was a strong tension-well, we have to plan what to do…my Superjail will be destroyed!
Once-ler thought about how to escape, F. Warden seemed like a powerful and dangerous guy, so this required an elaborate plan. They thought about what to do but everything seemed not very convincing.
Once-ler:Can't you use your powers and get us out of here?-looking at him-
Warden:Umm, yes that…-touching his hands and thinking-let me try…
He got up, went to the doors, rolled up his sleeves and looked at the door.
Warden:-Taking a breath, inflating his chest and putting his hands in front of him, as if stopping something-Open Sesame!-Going back to bed afterwards, without achieving his goal-I did everything I could…
Once-ler:Come on! You have more than that…aren't you omnipotent?
Warden:Yes, but it doesn't work like that…-looking evasive and nervous-
Once-ler:Don't you know how to use your powers?-looking at him, looking irritated and confused-
Warden: Umm, yes and no… it's just that sometimes I do things unconsciously, I can do everything but I don't know how… - nervous smile and shrug-
Once-ler lay down on the bed, taking a deep breath and thinking. Warden lay down next to him, smiling at him and looking at the other. Once-ler turned around when he felt the gaze, looking at him and looking serious.
Warden: Hello…
Once-ler: Mmm… Do you know how to defeat the other? Any weaknesses? He's identical to you.
Warden: Well no, it's great… obviously we don't have weaknesses, we're gods! - sounding conceited and high ego-
Once-ler rolled his eyes, turning his back, ignoring him. He certainly doesn't find it funny or interested in giving his friendship to that arrogant and self-centered Warden, his friend is that friendly and smiling Warden, kinder.
Warden seeing that the other was ignoring him, tried to move him so that he would turn around
Warden: Hey! Don't ignore me- moving the other with force-
Once-ler: Well stop being so presumptuous! - turning to look at him with a frown- you become arrogant like that…
Warden: I'm not arrogant! I'm just saying my virtues… that's all- crossing his arms and sounding "offended"-
Once-ler turned around again, giving him his back. He was irritated by all this, the day seemed to get worse by the minute and having to deal with the presumptuous Warden isn't helping.
F. Warden was already starting to plan everything for his invasion plan. He had planned to do something just like in his dimension, only more sadistic. Warden was in the office, giving orders to his team.
F. Warden: Jailbot X, take charge of capturing all the inmates, Jared, start directing the guards and you Alice, help Jared - ordering everyone, with that serious and demanding voice -
Everyone obeyed, going to do what they were asked.
F. Warden: Everything is going according to my plan - smiling maliciously and leaning on the desk - What do you think, honey?
F. Once-ler: Don't you think we're going a little too far? We should have stayed home and continued with the mess you built there - looking shy and with his arms crossed. He saw all this violence as something unnecessary -
F. Warden approached the other, holding him tightly by the arm, approaching him with force.
F. Warden: You know very well that we did this together! -sounding upset-
F. Once-ler: I didn't want to, I never agreed to this… -trying to get away and scared- let me go, you hurt me!
F. Warden: You've always been a coward -letting him go, mock him- now I'm going to make a new change, if you'll excuse me…
Once-ler just stood there, while the other left. F. Warden always treated him like that, humiliating him and pretending he's the ideal man, although inside he's always been a monster.
He walked through the halls, seeing everything with sadness, it reminded him of when Warden started to become a dictator, he started to change completely. His days in the war are horrible, he doesn't want to be in this but Warden forces him.
F. Warden: Well, you're out… come, I need you to help me with this-taking him by the arm and leading him away-I need you to go with the new slaves
F. Once-ler: Warden, you know I don't…
The other took him by the shoulders, looking at him with a murderous look and digging his fingers in hard.
F. Warden: You know very well that I don't like "no" in you… - looking at him with a macabre smile -
F. Once-ler: O-okay… I'm coming - trembling and nervous -
F. Warden: Very well, now go to the yard and do it…
F. Once-ler left, still trembling with fear that the other would do something to him. His job was to guide the inmates, give them the orders that F. Warden gave and watch them so they didn't disobey. Of course, he let some disobedience go as long as F. Warden didn't discover it, although sometimes F. Warden discovered it and had to accept a punishment.
It's more than clear that F. Once-ler hated F. Warden, he considered him a cruel man and a monster, but he can't escape, F. Warden has him under his control forever. He's not that man he used to be anymore; affectionate, loving and cheerful, now he was very different. It seems that he is destined to be with him forever and that irritates and hurts him.
Once-ler was still thinking about how to escape from there, pacing around the cell, trying to knock on the door.
Once-ler: Ugh! -complaining about the pain of knocking on the door, rubbing his hand -shit…
Warden: Hey, hey! We have a jar for swear words, young man -sounding indignant-
Once-ler: What would help us now is a plan to escape… don't you think? -smiling sarcastically-
Warden: Yes, definitely!…Once-ler, can you plan something?-sounding carefree-
Once-ler: You're an idiot!-going towards him, with the intention of perhaps strangling him-
Warden ran away from him, turning into a bee, and flying away from him.
Warden: In Superjail it is strictly forbidden to kill or harm the warden, Aaa! -flying away-
Once-ler: Oh, look, this is no longer your Superjail… now it belongs to another tyrant! -trying to crush or catch him-
Warden: Fine, since you insist on killing me-going towards him with his stinger, stinging him in the arm-
Once-ler: Aaa! You are a huge idiot… it hurts! -carefully touching his arm- why do I feel like everything is dark…-falling unconscious to the ground-
Warden went towards him, lifting the other and putting him on the bed.
Warden: Fine, umm… he will wake up soon… I think- sitting next to him- I will get my Superjail back, don't worry Oncie- smiling and sounding committed to saving his prison-
#superjail#the onceler#the warden#onceler fandom#the warden superjail#onceler 2012#lorax 2012#Warden#Superjail!#Future#futureonceler#The Future Warden#Chapter 7#Capítulo 7#CYAR!#congratulations you are recluse#Fanfic#Warden-ler#warden ler#Wardler#Ship#shiping#adult swim#superjail warden#Futuro
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[ Cetare ]
#star wars#the mandalorian#din djarin#luke skywalker#dinluke#skydalorian#suggestive#sol draws the space gays#Din: cyare you got some gum stuck on your sha’nels lemmie get that for you#Luke: thanks pookie :3
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Gar Cyare Chapter Twenty
You and Alpha travel to Coruscant for the trial. Nothing is quite the same as you remembered it.
Alpha-17 x fem!reader
Word Count: 6,500
Warnings: Nervousness, descriptions of space flight, made up descriptions of space flight, made up judicial proceedings, descriptions of a planet at war, feelings of alienation and displacement, loneliness, price-gouging
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Coruscanta (Coruscant)
“Are you okay, neverd’ika?” Alpha asked, resting a hand over the fists you had clenched in your lap.
You mustered a smile. “Yes, I’m fine. This is just… the first time I’ve left Kamino since I got here. It feels strange to be leaving. To have left.”
Watching the water-covered surface of Kamino disappear into the distance had been a nerve-wracking experience. Alpha had asked several times if you were afraid of hyperspace travel, clearly picking up on your discomfort, but you had truthfully told him that you had no problem with hyperspace flights.
No, leaving Kamino made you think of a permanent departure. Despite your best efforts, it would probably happen soon. Jaiss had asked about scheduling a meeting when you were on Coruscant, and you were sure that she wanted to speak with you about finalizing the report.
The trip from Kamino to Coruscant was not quick or easy. There were numerous star systems that you had to skirt around, and the gravity wells would only grow denser as you approached the Core Worlds.
Fortunately, the Republic had authorized one of their faster ships, and you were granted access to the Corellian Run hyperspace lane. Even so, the trip would take roughly three days. You were scheduled to spend a full week on Coruscant, but with your own ship, that time could be lengthened or shortened as needed depending on how the trial went.
Your stomach twisted every time the word floated to the surface of your mind.
“Breathe,” Alpha murmured, thumb rubbing over the stark peaks of your straining knuckles.
The two of you were in the small seating area between the cockpit and the bunks. There were two pilots in the cockpit, which was designed to stay enclosed. You had been quietly amused by that when you stepped aboard - did the Republic think there was a risk that you and Alpha would have stolen the ship and disappeared if left to your own devices?
Fortunately, you had thought better of it before you pointed that out to Alpha. The idea of being a suspect for desertion probably wouldn’t have struck him as being as funny as it did to you.
There was a small kitchen opposite the seating area. It was little more than a flash-reheater, a conservator, and a sink, but it meant that you wouldn’t be eating ration bars for the entirety of your journey, so you thought it was beautiful.
When you had peeked into the barracks, it had held four bunks, but Alpha had already informed you that the pilots would switch off. Each one would get eight hours to sleep, then they would share the cockpit for another eight before the cycle continued.
You had been a little awed when you asked Alpha how he knew. He had scoffed lightly. “Standard troopers are trained to follow orders, not to think for themselves. Pilots can be a little more difficult to anticipate, but not much. They’ll stick to that schedule because it’s how they were instructed, and how the regulations say to work a flight of this length.”
There was a lot in that statement that made you want to ask questions, but you were preoccupied by other matters. All you had caught was that they had a definite routine, which meant that you and Alpha were free to spend as much time together as you wanted. As long as you tracked when the pilots were due to be passing through on their way to the bunks, you would probably be fine.
“Are there recorders on Republic transports?” you asked suddenly. It was such a natural continuation of your internal thoughts that it seemed plain to you, but Alpha gave you a strange look. “Visual or audio?”
“Of course,” he confirmed. “The Republic wants to know everything that happens aboard one of their ships, and if the ship is attacked, they want to know what happened.”
“Do you still have your disruptor puck?” you asked, much quieter.
Alpha nodded. “Never go anywhere without it.”
“I’m surprised they haven’t figured you out yet,” you said, unable to keep the note of admiration out of your voice.
“They may have,” Alpha said with a shrug. “But no one wants to formally call me out on it. If they did, they would have to admit that there is a way to disrupt their recording devices. The damage that knowledge would do is much worse than anything I might be doing while they can’t observe me.”
“You know, we have several days with nothing else to do,” you pointed out, watching the shadows cast by hyperspace form under Alpha’s raised eyebrow. “You could teach me how to make a disruptor of my own.”
“I could,” Alpha agreed, in a leading tone that made you narrow your eyes at him. “But you’ll have to do something for me in return.”
For a wild moment, you thought Alpha was going to say something lascivious. Admittedly, you were intrigued, but it would be tricky to avoid the pilots…
Then he said, “You have to show me civvie life on Coruscant.”
The surprise made you blink at him, but you valiantly tried to recover. “Civilian life, really? I thought you weren’t interested.”
“I don’t trust you to choose a holofilm anymore, but the rest of it?” Alpha shrugged. “You’re the expert. And you lived on Triple Zero for a while. I trust you to show me what I should see.”
Possibilities raced through your mind. It had been a while since you were last on Coruscant, but it would be nice to show Alpha some of your favorite places… “Okay, that sounds like fun! It’s a deal.”
Alpha nodded, but his eyes were fixed on yours with an intensity that made you nervous. “What did you think I was going to ask?”
You felt your face heat and reflexively looked away. “Nothing.”
That, of course, didn’t work. With a renewed interest sharpening his voice, Alpha leaned forward and pressed, “Didn’t seem like nothing. Seemed like you had something very specific in mind.”
You shook your head, still refusing to look at him. “Nope, it was definitely nothing.”
Alpha gave a skeptical hum, letting his thigh press more heavily against yours. “Too bad. Though you were gonna be brave. Tell me, me’copaani?”
Alpha must have influenced you more than you thought. Being lightly accused of cowardice put you on-edge, and then the soft entreaty to tell him what you wanted? You couldn’t help but respond.
You rested your hand on Alpha’s thigh in a way that could have been casual, if it weren’t so high up toward the juncture of his legs. He gave a low groan.
You met his eyes and lifted a brow, your lips curving into a playful smile. “Maybe it’ll be another fun civvie thing to show you once we get to Coruscant.”
Alpha’s spine stiffened slightly as you leaned into his lap to give him a kiss, but he returned it eagerly. When you pulled back, he tried to follow, stopping only when you turned your head away teasingly.
“Anytime,” he growled fervently. “Just tell me where and when. I’ll make it happen.”
You laughed, giving his thigh a squeeze and a pat before you removed your hand. “For now, let’s just focus on those disruptors.”
That work kept you busy over the next few days, especially since you could only work on it while the pilots were in the cockpit or the bunks. They didn’t spend much time in the common areas of the ship, but they emerged for food or to use the ‘freshers fairly often. Alpha had been right about their schedules, though, and avoiding them was easy enough.
By the time you were warned to strap in for the descent into Coronet City, you had created an array of three disruptors. The largest one was for your room on Kamino, the second largest was for your office, and the smallest was for you to carry on your person.
Alpha had been a remarkably patient teacher, but he had insisted that you learn how to do everything yourself. He hadn’t taken over, even when you were stuck on a step and frustrated about it. But he had taught you how to get past every problem and fix every mistake you made along the way. You had even made your last disruptor while Alpha was sleeping, as a way to test yourself.
When Alpha had examined the finished product, he had announced that he was proud of you. He had also added that he would have you make disruptors for him in the future, but you mostly focused on the pride.
The sight of the spires and lights of Coronet City made your stomach twist in a combination of nerves and excitement. The landing was steep, but smooth. Since both pilots were in the cockpit to assist with landing, you held Alpha’s hand during the whole process. You really weren’t scared of ships or flying, but you were starting to wonder if you were afraid of Coruscant itself.
When you were safely on the ground, the pilots announced that you and Alpha could gather your belongings, but that they had to be the ones to release the locks on the doors.
You had packed light, but Alpha’s bag was little more than a backpack. He was wearing full armor, with the exception of the helmet he carried beneath one arm. He had already explained that he could go to retrieve an extra body glove if necessary, and he needed very little else. Even so, he slung his pack over one shoulder and pulled your larger bag free before you could even reach for it.
“Don’t leave the hangar yet,” one of the pilots said, pausing on his way off of the ship. “Commander Fox needs a word with you both.”
You managed to wait until he had left before you turned to Alpha, alarmed. “Fox? The commander of the Coruscant Guard needs to speak with us?”
Alpha’s brows quirked. “How do you know that Fox is the head of the Corrie Guard?”
“I was a Senatorial aide,” you reminded. “Some of the Senators had to have security escorts if they were threatened. I only met Commander Fox once, but I’ve worked with the Coruscant Guard quite a bit.”
Alpha nodded slowly. “Good man, Fox. I’m not sure what he needs from us, but I trust him.”
That was high praise, coming from Alpha, but your shoulders were still tight with tension as you followed him off the ship. You relaxed when you caught sight of the commander. Fox looked vaguely irritated, and you could see why - Nora was standing beside him with an impish look on her face.
“Nora!” you greeted.
The lawyer beamed, stepping forward with her arms already open for a hug. You stepped into them gratefully, happy for the familiarity of someone you already knew.
“It’s so great to see you in person!” Nora gushed when you pulled back. “And Alpha, of course! He’s a big guy.”
The last part had been delivered in a whisper, and you nodded emphatically. Sometimes, it was easy to forget how much larger Alpha was than the standard clone troopers, but the difference was especially striking when he was standing next to Commander Fox.
Fox wasn’t a small man, himself. He was the same height as all of the other troopers, with a sturdy build that spoke of hours spent working on his strength. Fox had always exuded an air of competence, and the sense of authority he carried was noticeable enough to make even hardened criminals think twice about testing him.
“Fox,” Alpha greeted simply, jerking his chin in recognition.
“Alpha,” Fox returned. He glanced over and, seeing that you were looking back at him, greeted you by name as well. “I don’t know if you remember, but we met a while ago.”
“I definitely remember,” you agreed, half-laughing at the idea of forgetting a meeting with Commander Fox. “It’s been a while, though. I’m surprised you remember.”
Fox’s lips twisted into a wry grin. “I had a vague memory of you, but we’ve gotten more than a few shinies from Kamino since you started working there. They have plenty to say.”
Your spine straightened reflexively, not sure whether or not that was a good thing.
“The pilot said you needed something from us,” Alpha said, subtly redirecting the conversation. “What is it?”
Fox nodded slowly. “I thought it would be a good idea to let you both know the expectations for your time here. I’m not sure what she’s doing here.”
Nora met his sidelong glance with a broad smile. “I heard that Commander Fox would be debriefing you both, so I decided to come along in case there are any questions or information that your counsel should be aware of.”
“Again, this isn’t a debriefing,” Fox said, sounding tired. “Second, you aren’t their counsel for this trial. They don’t need counsel since neither of them are defendants.”
“Well, I’m already here,” Nora said bracingly, shooting you a wink when Fox turned away to roll his eyes.
“Captain, you’ll be staying in the GAR barracks,” Fox started at last. “Since court isn’t in session until tomorrow morning, you have some meetings scheduled for this afternoon. I’ll escort you to them personally. Advisor, the Senate has reserved a hotel room for you near the courthouse. They will update the reservation as needed for your testimony. I’ll transmit the details to your comlink.”
He glanced back and forth between you and Alpha. “You are both expected to be in the courtroom at nine tomorrow morning. I cannot stress enough that you do not need legal representation.”
“They’ve already tried to pin this osik on her once, Fox,” Alpha reminded lowly, tilting his head at you so Fox couldn’t possibly misunderstand. “I don’t trust that they won’t do it again.”
“Much as I hate to agree with the commander,” Nora interjected. “I have to say that Fox has a point. If you come in with obvious legal protection, it could make you a target if their charges against Brid don’t stick.”
“Could you just be… around?” you asked.
Nora shook her head regretfully. “The proceedings are closed to the public since the trial is an internal Senate and GAR affair. I will give you some pointers about questions you should and should not answer, though. We’ll go out for dinner tonight, the three of us. After Alpha’s meetings, of course. Unless you’d like to come along, Fox?”
Fox gave her a dry look, but didn’t offer any other response. Instead, he said, “The captain’s scheduled meetings will run fairly late in the evening.”
“Oh, no…” Nora lamented, grinning all the while. “However will we find a Coruscanti restaurant that’s open after sunset?”
Fox shook his head and looked back at you and Alpha. “Nine tomorrow morning. Alpha, let’s go.”
Alpha’s eyes were on you and he stepped closer in an effort to speak more privately. Nora cleared her throat and hastily engaged Fox in conversation - and you were fascinated to see that he went along with it.
“I’ll see you tonight, neverd’ika,” he promised. “Go get settled in the room and I’ll meet up with you and Nora as soon as these meetings are finished.”
“Are you sure they’ll let you leave?” you asked. “Sounds like they’re trying to keep you occupied.”
Alpha’s grin held an edge of violence. “They can try all they like. I’m an expert at keeping meetings brief. One way or another.”
“Okay,” you agreed. “Be…”
You trailed off. ‘Be safe’ seemed nonsensical. Alpha was going to the GAR headquarters. He would be surrounded by his brothers, many of whom he had worked with in the past or personally trained. Arguably, Alpha would be safer there than anywhere else, but you still fought not to tell him to be safe.
Alpha seemed to understand. He rested his hand briefly on your shoulder. “You too, little one.”
The warmth and solid weight of his touch stayed with you long after he had left with Commander Fox.
You did as Alpha suggested, checking into the hotel room. It was… fine. Nothing fancy, but it was clean and quiet, near enough to the courthouse that you could easily walk there when it was time. You unpacked your outfit for the next day, hanging it up to avoid any creases. You were back on Coruscant, which meant that appearances were everything.
You found enough to keep yourself occupied for almost an hour. But when your toiletries were arranged and your personal datapad was charging on the bedside table, the room started to feel… wrong. It was too small, and dark, and cluttered. It was hard to to breathe.
Minutes later, you had gathered your wallet, comlink, and room key. A walk through the city was exactly what you needed to keep your mind off of the stress.
You set a course through a familiar section of the city, waiting to feel the peaceful sensation of homecoming that had been lacking up to that point. In a perfect world, you would have commed some of your Senatorial aide friends to meet up. But the last you had heard, most of them had left Coruscant. Some had moved on to new jobs while others were part of personal staff for Senators. Since it was currently outside of the Senate’s season, they would only meet up on Coruscant if there was an emergency motion. For the moment, the Senators and their staff were on home planets and estates, or traveling reelection circuits.
It was startling to realize that you didn’t know many people on Coruscant anymore. It was even stranger to realize that you hadn’t lived on Coruscant for well over a year.
The second realization became more and more apparent as you wandered through Coruscant. When you had left, the discussions of bringing in a clone guard force to augment the Coruscant Security Force had been raging, and there hadn’t been any sign of a consensus. To the displeasure of the CSF - and its union - Chancellor Palpatine had overridden the objections and pushed through a clone regiment. Now, the red-armored Coruscant Guard seemed to be everywhere you looked.
The war had taken its toll on the city in other ways. Every advertisement board switched between ads and governmental PSAs. Announcements about rationing and decreased utilities blared from assorted street corners. Graffiti splashed the walls - usually anti-war or anti-Republic, but you saw a few anti-trooper tags.
Public services had clearly taken a hit with the budget constraints of waging a war. Every drinking fountain you passed was broken, street lights were out more often than not, and the duracrete sidewalks were starting to crack and crumble along the more popular streets.
Most notably, plenty of businesses were closed. Some of the places you had loved when you lived on Coruscant were shuttered, a few of the doors bearing announcements that they hadn’t been able to compete in the wartime economy. One of your favorite restaurants had closed and your heart panged. You had planned to take Alpha there during your time on-planet.
Your already-low mood plummeted and you morosely turned back toward the hotel.
With your inevitable expulsion from Kamino coming up as soon as you submitted the report, you had wanted this trip to be more than it was. You hadn’t realized it at the time, but you had pinned your hopes on Coruscant feeling like home, and using that feeling to bolster yourself about the possibility of returning to a life of semi-normalcy.
Instead, it was growing more and more apparent that Kamino wasn’t allowed to be your home and that Coruscant no longer felt like the exciting surroundings they once had. Nothing was going as planned, and that made you feel irritable and off-balance.
And since you were already thinking of unplanned things, it seemed entirely fitting that you didn’t recognize where you were. A combination of closed businesses, changed facades, and partially closed walkways made even the most familiar of streets seem utterly strange to you.
You swore softly and tucked yourself off to the side, leaning against the railings to avoid passersby while minimizing how much Coruscant grime came away on your clothing. You might be able to find a comlink-accessible map, assuming that the frequencies hadn’t changed…
The sound of your name called in a familiar voice made you turn. When you glanced behind yourself, there was a tall, broad figure cutting easily through the crowd. You smiled. “Alph-”
You cut yourself off, frowning at the approaching trooper. His armor was red, and he made no move to take off his helmet as he stared down at you. More importantly, there was something about his bearing, the way he moved…
This wasn't Alpha.
At last, the trooper repeated your name and you nodded. “Yes. I’m sorry, have we met?”
“I’m here on my brother’s behalf.”
That didn’t directly answer any of your questions, but there was a suspicion forming in the back of your mind. You had never seen another trooper who could compete with Alpha's height and build, but this unfamiliar armored man was an exact match.
You tilted your head at him, studying the blank visor of his helmet as if you could see his eyes behind it. “You're another Alpha-class trooper, aren't you?”
He touched his gauntleted hand to his visor, giving a short nod. “Alpha-26, ma'am.”
“Do you have a name, or do you prefer Alpha-26?” You did your best to ask the question without any inflection that could be misconstrued as derision, but you really hoped that he had a name. Preferably not ‘Alpha’, either. That would simply be too strange.
He watched you for a moment, visor unmoving. You did your best not to fidget under the pressure of his hidden gaze. At last, he said, “Maze.”
“Maze,” you repeated with a smile. “It's nice to meet you.”
He tilted his head in acknowledgement, but gestured for you to start walking. “Let’s get you out of here.”
“Is everything okay?” you asked, already hurrying in the direction he had indicated.
Maze was a solid presence behind you. He followed a little further than Alpha usually did, but the similarities were uncanny. “You’re getting ready to testify in a Republic case, possibly linking to Separatist conspiracy. Wandering around in the depths of the city isn’t a smart idea.”
The idea seemed laughable at first. After all, you were still on the surface of the planet. Things didn’t usually get dangerous above level seventy or so. But you remembered how the Separatists had planted detonators in the Coruscant power grid. You had been on Kamino when it happened, but the news had rocked the galaxy. Coruscant hadn’t been successfully attacked in over a thousand years.
Maybe you weren’t as safe in the city as you had wanted to think.
You walked a little faster. “Did Alpha send you?”
“He mentioned that you were here,” Maze said vaguely. “He was kaden because they have him in di’kutla meetings for the whole day.”
“Yeah, Commander Fox said someone had made sure he had a full schedule.” You glanced around when you got to the next intersection. “Where are we going?”
“Up to you,” Maze said. “But wherever we go, we need to take the long way. I need to check for tails before we get anywhere important.”
“Is that necessary?” you asked, fidgeting uncomfortably with your wrist comlink.
Maze alternated between walking beside you and behind you. Since he was currently beside you, you could clearly see his nod. “There’s a humanoid following you. Has been for the last half-hour. I want to check it out before you return to your lodging.”
It was idiotic to glance behind yourself, but you tried until Maze physically blocked your way. In a dry tone of voice you had only heard from Alpha before, he said, “The idea is not to tip anyone off that you see ‘em.”
“Sorry,” you apologized reflexively. “Instinct, I guess.”
Maze hummed noncommittally. “How did you know I was an Alpha-class trooper?”
It was your turn to answer in a dry tone. “Just a feeling.”
From the tilt of Maze’s visor in your direction, he wasn’t impressed.
You waved a hand. “Alpha is the only trooper I’ve ever met who is so much larger than the average. I know he’s not the only Alpha-class trooper, so it was pretty easy to guess.”
Maze was quiet beside you. You had honestly assumed that his attention was on whoever was following you, until he said, “A civvie with critical thinking skills? Wish there were more like you.”
“That was… almost a kind thing to say,” you replied.
He shook his head. “Kindness isn’t really what I’m known for. The same used to go for Alpha, but looking at you… apparently, that has changed.”
The idea of anyone but you calling Alpha ‘kind’ was too funny. Maze shushed your laughter. With a stern look, he warned, “You’ll draw attention.”
“If someone is tailing me, I think I already have their attention,” you countered.
Maze’s sigh reminded you so strongly of Alpha that you laughed again.
“Doesn’t matter. I was trying to get him close enough to get a good scan of him, but if he gets a look at me, he’s more likely to hang back and blend into the crowd.” Anything you had planned to say in your own defense was cut short when Maze straightened, pushing you onward as he disappeared into the swarm of people surrounding you. “Keep moving. I’ll find him and catch up.”
Even with his considerable height and the breadth of his shoulders, Maze disappeared into the crowd within seconds. You caught the eye of several curious onlookers, but they lost interest when you just offered them a bewildered shrug.
You kept going in the vague direction of your hotel, walking alone for long enough that you started to wonder whether Maze had been injured. For a moment, you hesitated, ready to turn back, but a gruff-sounding sigh at your side made you think better of it.
“Keep walking, civvie,” Maze ordered.
You did, aiming a curious glance in his direction. In answer to your unspoken question, Maze lifted one armored shoulder. “We’re all good. It was one of Obrim’s boys. Apparently, you’ve been labeled a flight risk.”
“Obrim?” you repeated. “A flight risk? They think I would run?”
“Apparently.” Maze seemed unconcerned. “But if it makes you feel better, Seventeen is marked down as the one they would send to retrieve you. So whatever you’ve got going on, you’re keeping it reasonably ranov’la.”
While you were happy that Maze thought you and Alpha were being subtle, you weren’t entirely sure that Alpha would want his brother knowing about his personal life. He could be strange about things like that, and you didn’t officially know how Alpha felt about Maze.
“Alpha's a great friend,” you said carefully, “but he's a loyal Republic soldier. I'm sure he could find me easily if I decided to do something as foolish as running.”
Maze gave you a look that strongly implied you were losing grip on reality, but he just snorted instead of actually saying anything.
“Did he send you?” you asked at last. “How did he know I had left the room?”
“Comlink,” Maze said succinctly. “But Seventeen didn't send me.”
A sense of foreboding tightened your stomach. “Oh.”
“I've heard about you,” Maze said, after giving you a minute or two to scan for possible escape routes. “Not from Alpha, but others. Vode who came from Kamino. You're important to him. So you're important to me. I got your comm frequency from one of them.”
“Really?” you asked, forcing yourself to relax as you feigned curiosity. “Who was it?”
Maze snorted. “Trying to check whether I am who I say I am? Clever civvie. Seventeen didn’t send me. He didn’t have to. He mentioned that you were wandering around the city while he can’t be nearby to keep an eye on things. Seventeen doesn’t do small talk. He mentioned it because he was worried about you. So I came to find you.”
That made a lot more sense, and your wariness faded. Maze eyed you, shouldering through a group of beings who were blocking the pathway and keeping you falling victim to their disturbed centers of balance.
“Still don’t trust me?” he asked after you had made it through the crowd.
“It’s not that I don’t trust you-” you argued.
“But you don’t,” Maze finished, nodding like he had made some kind of decision. “Hold.”
You were trying to figure out whether to offended by being given a single-word command like a trained massiff while Maze typed a message into his comlink. You had decided to overlook it just as he lowered his arm to his side and watched you expectantly.
A moment later, your own comlink chimed. When you checked it, you had a message from Alpha:
I see Maze found you. He’s a di’kut, but he’s not dangerous. You’re in good hands.
You chuckled at that as you glanced back up at Maze. “Fair enough. You’ve been vetted.”
“What a relief,” Maze said, tone dry. “Let’s get you back to your hotel.”
A nearby chronometer caught your eye. “I’m supposed to meet Alpha for dinner. Is that something that is still happening, or will his meetings take the rest of the night?”
“They’ll keep him busy for a while longer,” Maze explained. “But if you don’t want to go back to the hotel, we can go to the GAR headquarters. Alpha can meet you after he’s done.”
“The GAR headquarters?” you asked, perking up a bit. “Can I take a look around while I wait?”
“Absolutely not.”
You must have looked disappointed, because Maze sighed. “Not without an escort. And I suppose I’m not doing anything important right now.”
The GAR headquarters were dull at first. Everything was painted in varying shades of tan and gray, laid out in a grid pattern that left you both bored and utterly dependent on Maze to lead you through the labyrinth.
But when you actually paid attention to your surroundings, you found that they were far more fascinating than you had believed at first. Beside every door was a neat little label explaining what you could find inside, and you had read through enough GAR documents to understand the enormity of the operations that were housed in the unassuming building. People you passed in the halls ran the gamut from shiny trooper to famous general, all of them greeting Maze with a salute or a kind word, respectively.
Maze wasn’t much of a conversationalist. You couldn’t bring yourself to be surprised by that, but it made the trip less of a tour and more of a fun experiment in keeping pace with someone whose legs were so much longer than yours. But he mentioned things here and there, and when you asked him a question about something you saw, he always knew the answer. He reminded you a little of Alpha.
Then, when one trooper stopped to make conversation with you and got flirtatious, Maze reminded you strongly of Alpha. If that trooper ever spoke to another woman inside the GAR headquarters, you would be surprised.
“That was a little harsh,” you remarked as the trooper rapidly disappeared from sight.
“A little?” Maze repeated unhappily. “I’ll have to do better next time.”
You didn’t actually see Alpha’s approach. You were watching a group of troopers approach from the opposite direction when you saw their eyes slide past you and widen. You turned, horrified that there was a general behind you, someone who would object to a civilian in GAR headquarters regardless of who was accompanying them, but when you turned, it was your boyfriend.
“Alpha,” you greeted happily. “I was starting to worry that they were never going to let you leave.”
“They did their best,” he agreed, looking irritated.
Maze glanced down at his comlink. “That why there’s an announcement to keep lookout for you? What did you do - walk out?”
You gaped while Maze gave an appreciative chuckle. “Good on you - they’d have kept you all night, otherwise.”
“Aren’t you going to get in trouble for that?” you asked.
Alpha’s mouth stayed pressed into a grim line, but the corners of his eyes crinkled the way they always did when he was trying not to smile at you too obviously. “I can handle it.”
Maze scoffed. “You two are disgusting. Get out of here before I report a sighting of you.”
Alpha nodded, but stepped close to Maze before they could split too far apart. Alpha spoke lowly in Mando’a, far too quickly for you to keep up. But he clapped Maze on the shoulder when he was done, so you assumed it wasn’t anything too negative. Maze gave him a shallow nod in return.
Before he could completely turn away, you called, “It was nice to meet you, Maze. Thank you for showing me around.”
Maze froze, glancing back at you for a long moment. Then he offered you a nod, too, and left.
You smiled up at Alpha. “Ready to go? I can comm Nora about where we’re going, but I’ll need you to lead me out of here. I have no idea where the exit is.”
Alpha chuckled lowly. “Follow me, neverd’ika.”
Nora had chosen a lovely restaurant for the three of you.
It was small, especially by Coruscant standards. There couldn’t have been more than a dozen tables in the building, but the atmosphere managed to be cozy and intimate rather than cramped. The effect was helped by plentifull windows that displayed the lights of Coruscant’s cityscape to best advantage. Inside, small lights hanging from the ceiling mirrored the lights outside, giving the impression that the city extended even into the restaurant itself.
You weren’t shocked when the owner came out to speak with Nora personally, greeting her by name.
You were shocked by the amount on the bill. It was going to take a substantial chunk of your savings to cover the meals that you and Alpha had enjoyed, but you valiantly grabbed the check anyway.
Nora snatched it from your hand in an instant. “Oh, no. I chose the restaurant. This is my treat.”
“I can’t let you do that,” you argued. Alpha watched the discussion with an inscrutable look in his eyes. “It’s too much-”
“If you think that’s too much, you should have seen how much I charged the owner of this place to get out of their legal troubles,” Nora informed you with a smirk. “I think he overcharges me in revenge, but the food is so good that I come back anyway.”
When you left the restaurant, Alpha said goodbye. You stared up at him, dismayed, but he shrugged and explained, “I was given strict orders to stay at the GAR barracks tonight, and I would never disobey a superior officer.”
Nora snorted, but Alpha looked sincere. You may have even believed him if he hadn’t snuck a wink in your direction and tapped his comlink.
As Alpha’s hovercab disappeared among the swarming traffic of the Coruscanti skies, your comlink chimed lightly.
I have to check in at the barracks, then I’ll be at the hotel. ETA one hour.
You didn’t even realize that you were smiling until Nora cleared her throat lightly. “So,” she asked leadingly, “how long have you and Alpha been dating each other?”
Stars, how did this keep happening to you? And why did it always come up when Alpha wasn’t around?
“I’m- We’re not-”
If Nora’s eyebrows arched any higher, they would levitate from her head. “Please. Anyone who has seen the two of you in the same space knows better than that. And, honestly? If you weren’t dating, you would be the biggest idiots in the galaxy. It’s obvious that you both care about each other.”
You sighed. “Are you going to tell me it’s a terrible idea?”
“Why would it be?” Nora’s tone was genuinely curious, which lowered your hackles a bit.
“Well, he’s a trooper, permanently stationed on Kamino and I…” You shrugged. “The process of writing that report isn’t going to last forever. I’ll have to leave Kamino eventually, then we’ll never see each other.”
“I mean, would leaving Kamino be the worst?” Nora asked gently. “I would think you’d be a little happy to come back home.”
You rubbed the back of your neck. “Is it strange that this doesn’t feel like home anymore? I’ve been gone so long and so much has changed…”
“That makes sense,” Nora agreed. “Would you stay there if it was an option?”
“In a heartbeat.” You laughed ruefully. “But I haven’t exactly made friends with the Kaminoans. At this point, I’ll be lucky if they don’t permanently ban other Republic officials from the planet.”
Nora gave a thoughtful sort of hum. “What if you could stay?”
The simple question sent a wild wave of hope through your chest. “What do you mean?”
“Did you know that parts of your report have spread outside of the Senate?” she asked instead of giving a direct answer.
“My- It has?” You shook your head, befuddled. “I can’t imagine who would be interested in reading it outside of the Senate. It’s a little… dry.”
“I agree,” Nora admitted, “but certain parties would beg to differ. Including a group I work with often, Sentient Rights.”
Your heart was racing.
“They think you’re doing important work on Kamino,” Nora continued without prodding. “When you’re finished with your report, they want to make sure you stay on Kamino, to prevent any sentient rights violations. What do you think?”
You hesitated. “Why did you wait until Alpha was gone to bring this up?”
Nora smiled, shaking her head. “The last thing I want to do is pressure you to stay somewhere you don’t want to be, even if the company makes it tolerable. If Alpha was here when you answered, I’d never know for sure whether you really wanted to stay on Kamino or if you just didn’t want to hurt his feelings.”
“Fair enough.” You thought about the resignation on Riptide’s face and the corresponding helplessness on Colt’s. You thought about the horror and devastation in the voices of Riptide’s squadmates, then about the way Alpha described reconditioning. You gave Nora a firm nod. “Give me their frequency. I’d love to talk with them.”
“I had a feeling you would,” Nora said with a smile. “Just like I have a feeling that a certain captain will be very unhappy if you’re late to meet him at your hotel room. Have a good night and we’ll talk after the trial.”
You agreed, thanking Nora for dinner before calling a hovercab. You were still worried about the trial, but the day had given you plenty else to think about.
Author's Note - This is the chapter that Tried Not To Be. It was a struggle to write, and I've been trying to post it for three weeks now. Then tumblr and AO3 both tried to get cute when I finally had a chance to work on it. Anyway, sorry for the wait. Hopefully this monstrous chapter was worth it!
If any Legends fans have opinions about how I did with Maze, please feel free to let me know! I tried not to make him an exact copy of Alpha, but I see them as being very similar.
Thanks for reading! The next chapter is still planned to come out at the end of this month, so I'll see you soon!
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Gar Cyare Chapter Twenty-One
You and Alpha make up from your fight in the Coruscant hotel room.
Rating: NC-17, Lemon, etc. Minors, DNI!
Word Count: 3,600
Warnings: A heavy makeout session, dregs of an argument, stripping, clingy sex, desperate sex, unprotected piv sex, creampie
*The title 'Run Ashore' is Mando'a/GAR slang, referring to a night out on the town, according to the Republic Commando books.
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Briikasak (Run Ashore*)
Alpha kissed you hard, feasting on your lips until you were breathless and dizzy. You were engrossed, enough that it took a moment for you to understand when he pulled back and said, “You know you can tell me anything, neverd’ika. Right?”
You blinked at him, dazed, but he didn’t move a muscle. Under the weight of his gaze - and the clear message of his lack of movement - you struggled valiantly to scrape together a few brain cells.
“I… Yes, I know, Alpha. Is that really what you want to talk about? In the middle of- this?”
His kiss-swollen lips quirked up at one corner. “I needed to be sure that you knew. Felt like I didn’t put enough of a point on it earlier.”
“Alpha-” You cut yourself off while you pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I- I care about you. A lot. I promise, I know that you’re there for me.”
“Most of the time,” he corrected, a dark look crossing his face. “I couldn’t stop that chakaar Vau from trying to grab you. Maybe if I’d seen the threat sooner, we could have avoided running into them-”
“You stop that right now,” you told him, voice as stern as you could manage. You felt remarkably like the professor who had taught you galactic geography, but it was effective - Alpha stopped short, expression shifting rapidly between surprised, regretful, and abashed.
“Alpha,” you started, stroking his cheekbone with your thumb. “Being there doesn’t necessarily mean you’re physically here for every moment of every day. I appreciate that you know I can take care of myself.”
His huff sounded remarkably like a chuckle, but you decided to graciously ignore that. “I handled everything just fine. With the possible exception of the Nulls, of course. I don’t think of our relationship of being strictly you protecting me while I wait helplessly on the sidelines. I like to think we’re a team. You have strengths that I don’t just like I have ones that you don’t. We complement each other.”
Alpha’s face softened a little for you even as his hand tightened around yours. “We are a team. But I wanted to be here, to back you up instead of watching from a distance.”
“Does ‘watching from a distance’ mean keeping the other fully-armored Mandalorian from attacking us at our unguarded backs?” You laughed. “There wasn’t a good way to handle that situation, especially since we didn’t know who they were.”
“I’m still not sure you know who they are.” Alpha shook his head, cupping a hand over yours. “They aren’t good men, ner karta. Skirata is a bleeding heart for his boys, but he’ll take down anyone in his way, usually ruthlessly enough to make a Hutt worry. And Vau won’t forget the hurt to his pride. You did well, but I don’t want you to get the wrong idea…”
“I’m not going out to pick fights with strange Mandalorians,” you promised teasingly. “I know we got lucky. Really lucky. And I know that Skirata isn’t necessarily a good man. Believe me, I got that impression. But I don’t think you understand that I share his determination. I’m using every skill I have to protect my own boys. Skirata’s skills are just a little more murder-heavy than mine.”
Alpha smiled despite himself at your description.
You smiled with him, leaning up to press a kiss to the tip of his nose. “Are we good? Want to break in the fancy bed in my Republic-funded hotel room? It’s really nice.”
“Glad to, little one,” Alpha agreed. “I do miss your quarters, though.”
“My quarters?” you repeated, amused. “Not your own?”
He shook his head slowly, his expression open and soft as he admitted, “I like being surrounded by you, neverd’ika.”
That, more than anything else, told you how badly Alpha needed the reassurance of being together. Your conversation may have helped him take a step or two back from the edge, but he was still staring down at the drop of your earlier argument.
Thankfully, he had taken a moment to get rid of his armor before joining you on the bed. That allowed you to grab two fistfuls of his body glove and drag him down so you could kiss him with a fervor bordering on desperation. He returned it in kind.
The kiss was hard and searching, firm lips and insistent tongue and more teeth than one usually found in a kiss, but it was different. Kiss was almost the wrong word for it. This was less of a statement and more of a plea. Not a declaration of affection so much as it was a plea to know that each other were there.
It was perfect.
You met him beat for beat, returning every request for validation with eager fervor until you were both breathless and clutching at each other. Honestly, Alpha got more out of that than you did, since his body glove let him feel every touch of your wandering hands while your semi-professional outfit shielded some of your more sensitive spots. Before you could pull away and ask for a chance to remove your clothes, Alpha broke the kiss.
He didn’t go far, though, squeezing you tightly enough to speak directly into your ear. “I need you. Need to be inside of you. I’m- I’m sorry…”
You pulled back far enough to see his face. “Alpha, it’s been an incredibly stressful day.” That reminder seemed to deserve more affection, so you indulged in a lingering kiss before you concluded, “I need you, too.”
The hint of trepidation wrinkling Alpha’s brow eased into something like relief. “Are you ready?”
“Let me up for a second?” Alpha rolled to one side, freeing you long enough for you to stand. Feeling uncharacteristically bold, you pushed your trousers down, kicking them away even as you pulled your shirt off over your head. You tilted your head at him as you started to remove your underclothes. “Closer to it than you are.”
Alpha seemed to take that as a challenge, standing up in order to remove his body glove even faster than usual. Fast enough, in fact, that the near-invisible seams whined and popped under the pressure of his hands.
“You sure you’re ready for me?” he asked as he bent to remove his boots.
In a heartbeat, you had decided to see how far your newfound confidence would really take you. You widened your stance and dipped your hand between your thighs. When you held up your glistening fingers in his direction, Alpha’s gaze was rapt, hands pausing in undoing the closures on the lower half of his body glove. The intensity on his face made your voice shake, but it definitely wasn’t from anything fear-adjacent. “I’m pretty sure.”
If you thought Alpha had been moving quickly before, it was nothing compared to his speed as he stripped off the rest of the body glove, scooped you up, and situated you on the bed with himself on top of you.
Your gasp of surprise had hardly begun to fade when Alpha’s lips closed around your fingers. When he started cleaning them off with gentle suction, your gasp turned into another sound entirely.
Your position meant that he was already between your parted thighs. In a moment, he had resettled himself and was pushing into the cradle of your hips.
Even with your body’s excitement, the stretch was still intense. The stress of your trip so far meant you hadn’t taken full advantage of your newfound privacy, and you hadn’t had much time together before you left Kamino. The pressure of him was less intense than when you had first been together, but you still dug fingernails into Alpha’s shoulders when he finally came to a rest inside of you.
“Give- Give me a moment,” you requested. You could hear the tension in your own voice as you rode on the razor edge between pleasure and pain, sensation and overload.
Alpha pressed his forehead to yours, and it eased you slightly. “Don’t worry, neverd’ika. I’m not going anywhere. This is perfect.”
You had to agree, and things were only getting more perfect as time passed.
You weren’t so far gone that you didn’t know that made no sense. Perfect was already an absolute statement. Something that was perfect could, by nature, not become any better. But your body didn’t seem to care about linguistics at the moment. The feeling of Alpha was heavenly, but even more than the stretch of him inside of you was the feeling of closeness, of oneness, that you were together and you were both safe.
After everything that had happened, that wasn’t a feeling you were willing to take for granted.
When you and Alpha were together, it was frantic - understandable, since you had so few chances to be together. But this was something different. It was like he couldn’t bear to be away from you even for as long as it took to pull out and thrust back in. You felt exactly the same way.
Instead, you reveled in the sensations. The warmth of his skin against yours, the solid curve of his back as you wrapped your legs around him, the sound of his breathing as it slowed into something almost meditative. Everything seemed close, amplified. If you focused, it seemed like you could feel Alpha’s length throbbing inside of you.
That soon became its own reward, since the searching grip of your muscles around him made him shiver. He retaliated by skimming his hands over your torso, rough calluses teasing you deliciously.
“So soft, little one,” he murmured as you tipped your head back. You wanted him to have all the room he could possibly need. In response, Alpha brushed the pads of his thumbs over the beaded points of your breasts, drawing each one even tighter with the touch. “Sometimes you don’t even feel real.”
“You’re too far away,” you grumbled even as you arched into his grip.
Lowering himself to press his chest against yours was Alpha’s only response. That worked well enough for you, and you eased some of the desperation rising in you by latching onto the place where Alpha’s pec met his shoulder, sucking a rapidly-darkening mark into his tanned skin.
Neither of you seemed able to stand the stillness then. Admittedly, you had started it, arching up and down in a way that dragged him ever-so-slightly out of you before pushing back inside. But Alpha was quick to pick up what you were doing, countering your thrusts in a way that deepened the motion. It was only a fraction of a change, but after such a span of time with no movement at all, it felt like your universe was being shifted.
You felt… disconnected from yourself. In fact, if someone were to hold up a mirror for you to see your reflection, you weren’t sure whether you would actually recognize yourself. Everything you were was wrapped up in the way Alpha felt pushing infinitesimally into you. You could feel the parts of yourself that pressed against him, but everything else seemed to be made of amorphous smoke.
But you could feel him and gasp his name, return his stares and kisses. Nothing else mattered.
Alpha’s hands were traveling over you still, sweeping carefully from the lines of your neck down to the sharp angles of your knees as you used your legs to clutch him closer. He was murmuring softly all the while - almost more to himself than to you. “I’ll keep you safe, cyare. Safe from the Seppies, safe from the kaminii, safe from the Nulls, safe from Skirata… No one is gonna touch you. Not unless it’s me. And never unless you want to be touched.”
When those reverent hands were on their way back up, they teased at your clit and plucked at your nipples, teasing until you made small, wordless, pleading sounds for him before they moved on. As soon as his fingers were back at your shoulders, Alpha planted both hands firmly on either side of your head.
The sudden determination on his scarred face should have been enough to warn you about it, but you were still shocked when Alpha jerked himself out of you. The surprised shout you gave was cut off with a deep groan as he slammed himself back in, jarring you so hard you were worried you would bite your tongue.
It was rough, far more so than Alpha tended toward with you. But it was also perfect. Everything else had been ethereal, a soothing balm against the tensions of the situation. But this was sharp, enough to force you back to the moment. It was exactly what you needed, and your body began a loud and insistent demand for more.
Alpha - not being psychic - didn’t know the tone of your internal monologue. He paused, watching you with concern written clearly across his face. “Was that… okay? I can-”
“Move, Alpha,” you demanded, the need clear in your tone. Even if it hadn’t been, your clutching fingers and squeezing thighs probably would have gotten the point across. “More, harder, faster…”
No one could ever say that Alpha didn’t follow instructions.
He didn’t even ask you to repeat yourself. Instead, he took you at your word and began a rhythm so rough that you could hardly remember to breathe. Those thrusts felt like they were going through you, traveling upward until you could swear the tip of him was hitting the bottom of your throat. It was hard and it was desperate and it was the best you could remember feeling.
You were chanting as you tried to ride those thrusts. Most of what you were saying was gibberish, but there were more than a few recitations of his name and variations on please thrown in for variety.
Every stroke seemed to make the room tremble, your teeth chattering with the force of Alpha’s hips against yours. You didn’t notice the way the top of your head had been inching toward the headboard at the top of the bed… until Alpha wrapped his hands around your thighs and dragged you back down to him, adding a firm, “Get back here.”
That tone left you tightening around him even further - though you were already tight enough that you wondered how he could possibly still fit inside of you - and Alpha decided to adjust his position. Instead of staying in his place balanced between your thighs, he shifted until he was nearly lying on top of you. When you were fully surrounded by the scent and heat and bulk of Alpha, his hips picked up speed. If he had left you any space, you would have been writhing beneath him.
Still, something was hanging at the back of your mind, bothering you just enough to pull your focus away from your gorgeous lover: there was still an undercurrent of tension in Alpha’s expression. You knew him well enough to know that it wasn’t from his current exertions.
You teased fingertips through the surprising softness of his hair, tugging just enough to guide his mouth to yours. Alpha went willingly enough, and you weren’t surprised to find that his kiss was just as intense as the sex. You let your hands drop, stroking them up and down the rhythmically tensing muscles of his back. The speed of your touch was so counter to his frantic pace that Alpha’s hips actually stuttered for a moment. Even when he regained his composure, Alpha began to slow.
“Are you okay?” he murmured, breaking your kiss to press his forehead against yours instead.
Your eyes searched his, bouncing back and forth in a careful study. Did he mean just then or everything that had happened before? There was no way to be sure other than asking him, but you scraped all of your remaining brain cells together and answered, “Of course, Alpha. Thanks to you.”
When you pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, Alpha’s eyes squeezed shut for a moment.
“Neverd’ika,” he whispered. “I would do anything for you. It’s like breathing, to me. I can’t help it and I wouldn’t want to.”
In that moment, you realized that you and Alpha had never said I love you to each other. But then, it felt as if Alpha had just done exactly that.
It may have been that realization, or the eye contact, or the way the coarse hair on Alpha’s chest brushed against the sensitive peaks of your breasts, but you were coming, so suddenly that you couldn’t hope to warn him.
The orgasm was strong and desperate, leaving you feeling almost raw as it swept through your body, stemming from the place where you and Alpha were joined. Thankfully, Alpha’s slamming thrusts had slowed to a gentle pistoning into and out of you. The motion was smooth enough that it didn’t aggravate the sparking nerves of your core. In fact, it prolonged your pleasure, leaving the waves rippling over you for what felt like an eternity.
When you could see again, Alpha was watching you. His dark eyes were soft and a small smile curved his lips. “You’re so beautiful.”
In the stupor of your post-orgasm haze, all you could do was look up at him and smile, giving the occasional sigh as he continued to move inside of you. Normally, you were pushed quickly into overstimulation with any touch after you came, but this was a welcome exception to the rule. You simply enjoyed the contact and closeness with him, intermittently squeezing around his length whenever an aftershock rolled through you.
Alpha expression tightened and his hips slammed more firmly against yours. “Do you think you can come again, cyar’ika?”
“No,” you told him. You couldn’t summon the energy to sound disappointed about that. “I think that was the only one for me this time. Are you close?”
“Have been,” he muttered. “Trying to push it off.”
You could feel the frown crinkling your brow even before Alpha’s eyes traveled upward to study it. “Why?”
“So perfect,” he told you. At first, you thought it was just an extension of his earlier praise, but he continued into an explanation. “Don’t want this to end.”
“Who says it has to end?” you countered. Alpha’s eyes found yours at that, his expression one of mild surprise. It turned to sudden and overwhelming need when you cupped his cheek and said, “Come inside of me, Alpha. We have all night to be together.”
Apparently, that was an incredibly convincing argument. Alpha’s face went taut, along with every muscle in his body. He ground himself into you, thrusting so hard that the top of your head really did brush the headboard. But that was the least interesting part of the moment, and your focus was firmly held by the way it felt to have Alpha empty himself into you.
When the pulsing finally slowed and stopped, Alpha’s orgasm ebbing away, his arms were trembling with the effort of holding himself over you. With gentle hands, you guided him down beside you as you rolled to your side to accommodate the movement. He was still inside of you, though there was no telling how long that would last.
You were entwined with him already. It was a well-practiced arrangement, since it seemed to happen every time you two were lying down near each other. Your top leg was tossed over Alpha’s hip, his arms wrapped around and holding you close. Your head was nestled against his shoulder while his jaw rested half on your temple and half on the pillow.
Something about hearing his heartbeat and breathing soothed you, and you knew he felt the same way. It never took long for both of you to fall asleep.
This time was different - Alpha spoke. “It isn’t going to be enough.”
“Give me a little more time to recover and we can start back up,” you offered, grinning despite yourself at his voraciousness.
A laugh rumbled around you. “Not what I meant, neverd’ika. I meant the night. You said we had all night. That isn’t going to enough time.”
Something told you that the conversation was about more than sex then, but you were always afraid of being too openly caring. “Someone has a high opinion of their abilities. Not that you’re wrong about them…”
Alpha didn’t laugh at your joke. In fact, he pulled back. It was just enough that he could see your face, but you felt the small distance keenly. “I’m serious, little one.”
For someone who had always said that he was in this as long as you wanted and that he needed no assurances about how long you would be together, Alpha looked… nervous. His eyes were wide and concerned as they searched for any hint of a timeline he could glean from your expression.
It seemed like a bad idea to pledge eternity to someone who had rejected you for liking him. Still, you couldn’t leave him dangling, hoping in vain for any hint of whatever sentiment he was searching for.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you told him. The assurance was simple, almost trite, but you meant it with every fiber of your being. All you could do was hope that he understood that.
Whether he did or didn’t, Alpha pulled you close again. You relaxed against him, drifting to sleep as his heart went back to its steady rhythm.
Author's Note - This is a bit more plotty than most of the spicy chapters for this fic (not really, just more conversation at the beginning of the chapter than I usually include for a spicy chapter). But I thought the pacing needed it.
Anyway, thanks for reading! I'll be back soon with another (non-spice, plot-adjacent) update!
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they've stolen my heart again...
Cody: Okay, truth or dare? Obi-Wan: Truth Cody: How many hours have you slept this week? Obi-Wan: Obi-Wan: ...Dare Cody: Go to bed. Obi-Wan : I don’t like this game
#codywan#commander cody#obi wan kenobi#incorrect star wars quotes#incorrect quotes#“Get some sleep ner cyare”#Obi-Wan and I have one thing in common#We're both sleep deprived
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/e3a6dbd02d3c6d7b80609187aa3d6afc/287c0b6588513c1b-bc/s540x810/94f41c950b75b98730fe7a75cec0a37dd54f4c92.jpg)
Here's some Tech for moral support
#tech heals all wounds#GIVE ME MY CYAR BACK#tech of the day#tbb#the bad batch#star wars#tbb tech#delulu is the solulu
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So I'm having thoughts, or maybe thots. And someone put this idea in my brain.
Fox is a soft Dom, praises as easily as he breathes, and his touch is always borderline reverent.
Wolffe is a rough Dom, degradation is his thing, and the more bruises he can leave after a night of passion, the better. Even more so if his partner bruises him as well.
Fox and Wolffe have no qualms sharing their partner with each other. They also have no qualms with inviting someone else to share their partner.
(They already share everything anyway, so why not?)
Most of the other CCs are hella possessive, so they're out. So they turn their attention to the CTs.
Because this is my fantasy, they choose Jesse
Anyway, like Wolffe, Jesse is a rougher Dom. Though he bounces between praise and degradation depending on his mood.
The only time there's any real conflict is at the beginning, when they're trying to figure out who's taking the lead.
Spoiler: it's almost always Fox
Fox is sneaky and subtle. He'll goad Jesse or Wolffe into picking an argument with the other one, and when they're distracted, he'll slide over to his cyare and get started.
"You can't keep doing this." Wolffe bitches after everyone's sated their desires, and their pretty cyare is curled up on the bed listening to them.
"Doing what?" Fox asks with a sly grin as he lightly kisses the bruises on his cyare's wrists.
"Sneaking in while Wolffe and I are discussing." Jesse says with a roll of his eyes as he contemplates the easiest way to pull his cyare away from Fox.
Fox rests his chin on his cyare's shoulder, a vulpine smirk on his lips, "You snooze you lose, vod. And I never lose."
His words spark another argument, and his vulpine smirk never wavers.
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Captain Alpha-17
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/4f88582c17419f29b6351a3f380fc002/b64fa878a0763376-26/s500x750/2e6493a7f81b51e8598cb9f707d80449e508e1e9.jpg)
Alpha-17 is part of the original batch of clone troopers. Trained by Jango Fett himself, the Alpha troopers are more intense than many of the following generations. After a few successful missions with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Alpha-17 was assigned to train ARC troopers on Kamino.
Alpha-17 + “Hey. Look at me.” + Dark - gn!reader - 5.1k words. You have information about a new Separatist weapon. Alpha is assigned to deliver you to the Republic.
Alpha-17 + Plus-Sized Reader - gn!reader - 2.2k words. An ill-advised scrolling session leaves you feeling insecure about your appearance. Alpha has some thoughts.
Alpha-17 + Sick Reader - gn!reader - 4.2k words. You’re on a mission and don’t have time to be sick. Even if everyone in the running bet wants you to be. Fortunately, Alpha isn’t willing to let you be sick, either.
Series: Alpha-17 x fem!reader
Gar Cabur - 94k words. You are sent to Kamino to compile a report on the clone troopers. You find more than you bargained for with a compound of flirty cadets. Alpha decides to help you out.
Gar Cyare - 63k words (and ongoing). The early days of your relationship with Alpha are filled with challenges - both external and between the two of you.
#star wars#star wars the clone wars#star wars republic commando#star wars legends#star wars fanfiction#captain alpha-17#alpha-17#alpha 17#alpha 17 fic#alpha 17 x reader#alpha 17 x you#reader insert fic#reader insert#gar cabur#gar cyare#wanderinginksplot's masterlist#masterlist#masterlist update#ink's fics
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tagged by my most beloved @rorohara!!! thank you so much because i was DYING to do this lmao
challenge: make a poll with five of your all-time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favorite
@soartfullydone @editoress @sycamorre @serpenthyne @hanalghilan
#the first three were a shoo-in but the rest i fucking STRUGGLED because i love SO MANY#about me#tag game#my darling aldish captain#zack fair did nothing wrong#ner cyare#patron saint of nope#one winged angel
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Star Wars Headcanons
Fox and Corde are good friends, and their friendship started out because the two mutually disliked her master (Kel, not Obi Wan).
Anakin and Ahsoka regularly build stuff together.
Obi Wan regularly dyes his hair because Anakin keeps giving him gray hairs and he has to keep up his appearances.
Barris, Ahsoka, Maris, and Corde are also friends and they regularly exchange gossip and help each other train.
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A Sky of Honey inspired me to also write Omegaverse, but I keep forgetting that I am writing Omegaverse.
See, I keep having the opposite problem. I'll be writing borderline or another fic and all of a sudden I'll be describing their scents and have to backtrack.
Or, as has been happening more frequently since I started writing borderline and bloodletting, I keep accidentally adding in mental conversations and mando'a respectively into the wrong fics.
#asks#anon#like seriously#it's so easy to call some a dikut#or cyare#they're top tier words#that don't belong in other fics#and sadly mental bonds and scents are not applicable to other stories either#writing am I right#myfic#theresurrectionist#good luck with that anon!#the best a/b/o fic imo is the one where it's not the constant focus#I say writing a fic where it is lol#a/b/o mention#a/b/o tw#a sky of honey#a coral room
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Chapter 6:
#superjail#the onceler#the warden#onceler fandom#lorax 2012#onceler#the lorax#the warden superjail#onceler 2012#lorax#Wardler#Warden-ler#XDD#congratulations you are recluse#Cyar#My history Warden-ler
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Luke: “For the last time, I’m a Jedi, not a wizard.”
Din: “But you make things float.”
Luke: “Yes. With the Force.”
Din: “And you’re literally wearing wizard robes.”
Luke: “I get cold okay :(“
#star wars#the mandalorian#luke skywalker#din djarin#dinluke#incorrect quotes#sw incorrect quotes#Luke 100% gets cold easily#Din fights literal battles for his riduur but the bravest thing he does is let Luke warm his ice-cold feet on his tummy#Mhi me’dinui an / we will share all#so gimmie some of your body heat cyare
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Gar Cyare Chapter Eighteen
You come across a new arrival on Kamino
Word Count: 7,400
Warnings: Missing a friend, stress, lies, threats, mentions and discussions of reconditioning, investigations, conspiracy, war crime mention
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Traat'Aliit (Squad)
It was strange, the difference that one person could make in something as big as a city.
When the original ARC class had left, Tipoca City had felt empty. You hadn’t spend much time with the ARCs-in-training outside of mealtimes and the occasional training you attended, but the whole planet had felt a little colder without the boisterous troopers hanging around.
You had expected something similar with Limit gone from the planet, but you hadn’t expected that it would hurt just as badly as the ARCs. Sheer numbers would suggest that it wouldn’t, but Limit had been such a large part of your life on Kamino. You felt his absence every moment and each one took your breath away.
Alpha had done his best to help fill the void Limit left, but he had his hands full. The new ARC group had arrived, and they were at the stage of their training that needed the most attention. You still saw Alpha regularly, but that was largely because he always found his way to your quarters at the end of the day.
None of that helped take your mind off the most concerning thing for you: the report was essentially complete. You had purposefully left a few sections unfinished so you would have something to work on, and you still had to proofread everything and organize it into the Republic’s desired format, but none of that would take longer than a month. Jaiss’s polite requests for updates had turned into more urgent reminders that your extended deadline was coming up quickly.
You were, undeniably, running out of time on Kamino.
And that was why, unable to bear the idea of staying trapped in your office for another moment, you had found your way to one of the break spaces deeper in the interior of the stilt-city. If asked, you would claim it was because the caf there was better, but you needed to be somewhere else. Somewhere you couldn’t see the datapads and report notes.
To your surprise, you had been in the break room for less than ten minutes before you were interrupted by the arrival of Commander Colt.
“Oh,” he said, pulling up short. It seemed that you had surprised Colt just as much as he had surprised you. “I wasn’t expecting anyone to be here. Everything okay?”
You started to give a rote assurance, but something about Colt seemed… off. There were stress lines etched into his face, which was filled with an expression of weariness. Even his posture was less perfect than usual, and you started to worry. “Is everything okay with you?”
“Avoiding the question isn’t going to do you any favors,” Colt lectured.
You crossed your arms, unintimidated by the way he was looming ominously over you. It was easy to do, since you were sitting down. “Back at you. I’m fine. And you?”
Colt rolled his eyes at the pointedness of your question, but relented a moment later. He pulled out another chair at the table, slumping into it and rubbing at his forehead. “We have a new arrival on Kamino.”
“You mean the new ARC trainees?” you asked, befuddled. “They arrived a few days ago. Are they making trouble?”
“No, Alpha’s already got them in line,” Colt said, the ghost of a smile passing over his tired face. It faded quickly, leaving you concerned and watching him closer than ever. “This one is… something else.”
You leaned forward, scarcely aware of the motion. “Something else. Can you explain how?”
Colt eyes you in weary amusement. “You and your tionase. He was sent here by his general for disobeying an order.”
“They sent him to Kamino for disobeying an order?” It came out as a question, but you weren’t really asking. You had understood Colt, but the reasoning behind it was a mystery. “Why wouldn’t he go to Coruscant to be held accountable by the GAR? If it was that serious, why isn’t he facing a court-martial?”
“It’s not my story to tell,” Colt told you, looking away in apparent discomfort. Before you could apologize for upsetting him, he stood, muttered a goodbye, and left.
Maybe this was exactly what you needed, you thought with a twinge of guilt. If the Senate wanted a report about the clone troopers, surely it couldn’t hurt to include an example of a time when a trooper didn’t obey orders.
You hopped to your feet, discarding your caf and snatching up your datapad before hurrying out of the room. You had to find the trooper before anyone could stop you.
At last, you located him. Kamino didn’t have much cause for a jail, but one of the smaller instruction rooms had been turned into a makeshift holding cell. The single clone trooper inside looked almost comically small, a single dot of color in the blank white expanse of a Kaminoan space meant to hold dozens.
Then you stepped in the room and he looked over at you. He looked resigned, and weary enough to give Colt a run for his credits.
Internally, you reclassified the unfamiliar trooper from ‘almost comical’ to ‘gut-wrenchingly sad’. There was something so desolate about him in that space, something that looked like a human version of a plaintive cry. Your heart ached just looking at him, especially when he struggled to his feet and offered a salute made clumsy with bound hands.
“Sergeant Riptide, ma’am,” he reported.
“Please, don’t…” After a moment of hesitation, you remembered the words. “At ease, trooper.”
Riptide’s posture moved to something less formal, but he didn’t look any more relaxed.
“Riptide?” you mused, trying to find a way to make him feel less worried. “Are you a SCUBA trooper?”
He blinked, looking like you had thrown him off for the first time. “No, ma’am. I wanted to be, but I wasn’t chosen for the training. The name stuck, though. I hoped to get certified eventually, but…”
The hopeless gesture at himself made you frown. “Well, I’m going to be honest with you, Riptide: I’m not officially part of this investigation.”
“I figured that out, ma’am,” Riptide said slowly. “If you were, you’d have read about me in my file. You’d know I’m not a SCUBA, and you’d know that this isn’t an investigation. I won’t get one of those.”
If ever there had been a phrase designed to make you want to fight, Riptide had found it. “I’ll have to disagree with you on that. I’ll make sure you get an investigation, even if I have to conduct it myself. But I need you to start by telling me what happened.”
Riptide’s story was hard to listen to, but it was made worse by the detached tone he used to tell it. He didn’t sound uncaring, simply numb and resigned to facing the consequences of his actions.
And what actions they were.
Riptide had only just finished speaking when the doors opened to admit a small group. Nala Se was at the front, head swaying gracefully as she crossed the distance between you. Kaminoan expressions were notoriously difficult to read, but you didn’t believe she was pleased to see you.
Behind Nala Se - and partially hidden by the Kaminoan’s height - was Shaak Ti. She looked serene as ever, though her expression was serious as she glided behind the Kaminoan.
At the back of the group was Commander Colt. His eyes were fixed on the group ahead of himself, and the weary lines of his face seemed to be etched even deeper. He was nearly halfway across the space when he glanced up to find you standing beside Riptide. He didn’t pause, but you could see the instant of confusion that flashed across his face.
“Administrator,” Nala Se greeted when she had approached. Her voice was gentle and polite as ever, but there was a coldness to it that gave you a glimpse of her true feelings. “We were not expecting you here.”
“Really?” you asked, pretending to be confused. “But how can I write an accurate report for the Republic if I don’t see how the clone troopers behave when they are not performing to anticipated standard?”
The skin around Nala Se’s large eyes tightened. “Like any product, the clones can contain aberrations that make them function less effectively, but such incidents are rare.”
“I agree,” you interrupted. “Even more so since I don’t believe that there is any reason for Riptide to be here at all.”
“Is that so?” Shaak Ti asked, watching you consideringly. “And what brings you to that conclusion?”
“Riptide refused to follow an order issued by his commanding officer,” you explained. “But that order itself goes against the laws of warfare as determined by the Republic. All soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic must recognize Chancellor Palpatine - and the Republic by extension - as the ultimate authority, superseding even their generals and others in their direct chain of command.”
“And what was the order you believe he disobeyed?” There was something pointed in Nala Se’s tone, and it was enough to put you on-edge. Maybe this wasn’t a simple misunderstanding, as you had hoped.
Still, you forged ahead with the explanation Riptide had given you. “His general ordered him to burn a village filled with Separatist sympathizers.”
“We were given a different version of events, from a far more trusted source,” Nala Se countered. “CT-6287 refused to pass on his general’s order to retreat. His stubbornness and inaction resulted in the deaths of several clones. His general was disappointed and reluctant to send 6287 to Kamino, but he ultimately agreed that the clone’s continued presence on the battlefield was a risk to his entire battalion.”
There was a finality to Nala Se’s tone, as if she had given a recalcitrant child such a logical explanation that the conversation could do nothing but end.
She didn’t know you very well.
“As admitting the truth would mean immediate jailtime for attempting to commit a war crime, I’m not surprised that Riptide’s general shifted the blame. But there are a half-dozen witnesses who saw what really happened. What have they said?”
Nala Se blinked. “They were not asked for their statements. Due to their enhanced loyalty, clones would be far too willing to lie for each other-”
“Even if asked a direct question?” Shaak Ti asked incisively. “Because that would also constitute an unwillingness to obey orders. That is a far more serious problem, and one that may dissuade the Republic from making further orders from the Kaminoan laboratories.”
“General, I must protest.” Nala Se’s head bobbed more rapidly, her long fingers clasped together tightly. “You have seen many clones and work with one on a daily basis. Surely any true reason for concern would have been apparent far before now.”
“I agree,” Shaak Ti said with a nod. “So I agree with the administrator: it is odd that this clone trooper would struggle with orders when so many of his brothers do not. Upon reflection, I believe it would be wise to dig into the accounts of the incident more thoroughly.”
Nala Se straightened, drawing herself up to an even more impressive height. “And who will be responsible for the investigation? You are quite busy and I certainly do not have the time.”
“I’ll investigate,” you volunteered. “I already have the names and comm frequencies of Riptide’s squadmates. That will be a good place to start.”
“I would think your focus would be on finishing your report so you may leave Kamino,” Nale Se said, sounding the closest to impatient you had ever heard from a Kaminoan.
You lifted your chin stubbornly. “This is more important.”
“And what about you, trooper?” Commander Colt asked, speaking for the first time since he had entered the room. “Anything to say for yourself?”
“The only order I disobeyed was the order to kill civilians, sir,” Riptide said, voice quiet at first, but gaining strength as he spoke. “We clones only have our honor, sir. As you taught us.”
Colt nodded.
“One more thing.” You were reluctant to snap the tension of the moment, but you needed to get started contacting Riptide’s brothers. “I want Riptide to get food and water. And a blanket. And a place to sleep.”
“One more thing?” Nala Se asked waspishly.
“Haven’t you had any food, trooper?” Shaak Ti asked, kneeling in front of the low cot where Riptide sat. The motion put her on his eye level.
He shook his head slowly, staring at her as if transfixed. “No, General.”
She patted his knee kindly. “We will remedy that. Give us a few minutes to get the items you require.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
With a gentle gesture, Shaak Ti ushered everyone out of the room, closing the door behind herself. She faced the door for a long moment and you wondered if you were still supposed to be standing there. You leaned away from the door, ready to start walking back toward your office as soon as you gauged the tone of the conversation and whether you were going to be reprimanded.
“Mistress Se,” Shaak Ti started as she turned around, fiercely glinting eyes contrasting against her otherwise peaceful expression. Nala Se straightened, seeming almost nervous… even to your human eyes.
Suddenly, you decided against leaving. There was nowhere in the galaxy you would rather be at that moment.
“Yes, General Ti?” Nala Se asked.
“Why is it that clone trooper Riptide was deprived of food, water, and basic comforts?” Shaak Ti asked, going immediately for the verbal throat. “That is now how we treat detainees of any sort, and especially not those who belong to our own army.”
“There is a perfectly reasonable explanation,” Nala Se assured her. “Riptide has been scheduled for reconditioning. The procedure is safest if there are minimal contents in the stomach. And it is far simpler if the clone’s body temperature is lower. It is customary for them to wear only their body glove in a cool chamber in the time leading up to the process.”
You had to look away from Nala Se or you were going to get violent. Instead, your eyes went to Shaak Ti - who looked more than a little capable of violence, herself - then to Commander Colt.
The sight of him made you twitch. Colt was always strong, ready to take charge and lead, especially if it meant protecting his brothers. But an unfamiliar man stood beside you. The discussion of reconditioning had made him draw into himself, as if he were creating a smaller target by instinct or design. His expression was miserable and haunted, eyes fixed on Nala Se as if she would turn her intentions to him, next.
You took a slow step closer, subtly lifting your hand to press it against Colt’s back. He twitched hard, gaze shooting to you in shock and defensiveness. You offered an apologetic smile and lightened your touch in a silent offer to break the contact. Colt shook his head and leaned back slightly, pressing your hand against his back once more.
“And you intended to… recondition this man without any approval from the GAR, the Senate, or the Jedi Order?” Shaak Ti asked, her voice dangerously polite.
“If our product does not perform to expected standards, we reserve the right to correct the issue,” Nala Se reminded her. “It is part of our continued contract with the Republic.”
“It sounds as if there may be cause to believe that Riptide’s actions were correct,” Shaak Ti countered. “I propose we allow the administrator to proceed with her investigation. We may make our decision when she has found any additional information that may prove Riptide’s case against his general.”
Nala Se silently swayed her head back and forth as she worked through that. “No, CT-6287 is a defective clone. He is our responsibility. The Republic has no say in this matter.”
“I would argue that he is property of the GAR and the Republic.” Shaak Ti straightened even further, tucking her hands behind her back. “And as I am the liaison for both of those groups on Kamino, I am the one responsible for Riptide.”
“Perhaps I should contact Senator Tohu,” Nala Se threatened.
You were at a total loss on that name until something clicked in the far recesses of your brain. Lon Tohu was the new senator for Kamino, replacing the likely corrupt Klaanuc Dralnulo.
“You may certainly try.” Shaak Ti’s customary smile looked sharper than you usually saw it. “Given that it is shortly after midnight on Coruscant, I fear you may have to wait for a response.”
Nala Se didn’t answer. Instead, she stalked away, headed toward the section of Tipoca City that housed the long-range comm system.
“I believe you should start your investigation sooner rather than later,” Shaak Ti told you. “I cannot claim to know what hours Lon Tohu keeps, but he will answer eventually. Thank you for bringing all of this to my attention.”
You frowned. “Your attention? I thought you were aware of whatever the Kaminoans were planning. Why else were you down here?”
“Nala Se told us that someone had broken into the holding cells,” she said, shaking her head. “If I had known what sort of conditions they were holding Riptide in, I would have been here much sooner. Please trust that I will take a keen interest in any troopers returning to Kamino in the future.”
You nodded and turned away, but paused at Colt’s soft voice. “Go get ‘em, ad’ika.”
Tracking down Riptide’s friends had been trickier than expected. His general clearly hadn’t expected there to be any repercussions after he sent Riptide away, so the rest of his battalion remained intact. However, no one seemed inclined to answer their comms.
The last comm frequency you had belonged to Stick, Riptide’s second-in-command. “You’re who? No, Riptide isn’t here.”
You patiently explained the situation to him again, hoping the connection would be stronger the second time. It would be easier to use the official long-distance comms, but you didn’t trust Nala Se not to interfere somehow. If she even allowed you to use them while she was trying to contact Lon Tohu.
All you could do was hope that Alpha’s illegally modified long-distance wrist comm would last until this investigation was over.
“Sarge is on Kamino?” Stick asked, sounding horrified. “The general told us that he had requested to be transferred to another unit. Did they-? Are they gonna-? Is he okay?”
The hopelessness in Stick’s tone made your heart pang. “He’s fine, but not for long. I need some kind of proof that your general asked him to burn the Separatist sympathizer village. Because the general is saying that Riptide ignored an order to retreat. Says a bunch of troopers died.”
Stick swore vividly, some of it in languages you didn’t even recognize. “That liar. The only men who died on that mission were the ones who listened to the general instead of the sarge.”
“Do you have any proof of that?” you pressed. “I’ve stalled them for now, but I don’t have long.”
“I don’t,” Stick admitted. “But if anyone has some kind of proof, it’s Holo. The man records everything. Maybe he got something without the general knowing.”
“Can you give me his comm frequency?” You hoped the urgency in your voice carried over the comms, but you could never be sure. “Or I can give you mine to pass on to him. But I need to speak with him as soon as possible.”
“Give me two minutes,” Stick said, and the line cut a moment later.
You were anxiously counting the seconds when your comlink rang again. “The general sent Holo out on a mission yesterday evening. He’s in hyperspace right now and I can’t get through to him. How long does the sergeant have?”
“Not long,” you replied, biting your lip. “I’ll do everything I can, but the Kaminoans are fighting to keep him, and I don’t know how much longer Shaak Ti and I can fight them off. I guess there’s something in their contract that says they get to deal with troopers however they decide is best.”
“Karkin’ long-necks,” Stick said grimly. “Let me keep trying. I’ll contact some of Holo’s squad-mates. Maybe he sent them something.”
“Can you give me a frequency?” you asked. It was pushy, but there was only so long you could keep Riptide away from Nala Se and her reconditioning. Especially if Tohu got involved. “We can contact more people if we’re working together. Besides, this is my only focus for the day. I’d rather not just sit here wondering…”
“I understand,” Stick agreed, and there was a weary understanding in his voice that said he understood all too well. You wondered how many times he had been stuck wondering about the safety of someone he couldn’t protect, but had to stop thinking about it. You didn’t have time to feel sad and hopeless. Not when there was a chance you could still save Riptide. “I’ll send you Dex’s frequency.”
“Thank you.” The gratitude rang out over a line that had gone dead. Stick’s comm manners were a little rough, but he had other things that were more important.
By the time you pulled the comlink away from your mouth, it was chiming with an incoming message. You called the frequency as soon as you could enter the proper commands and listened with your heart in your mouth as it rang.
The voice was rough and slurred with either sleep or alcohol. You hoped it was sleep, or Dex may not be the resource you needed. “Is this Dex?”
“Hi, I’m an administrator on Kamino and I need-”
A loud sigh interrupted you. “I don’t have any money. Di’kutla scam comms…”
There was a pause that made your fingers twitch - Dex was getting ready to end the connection. “Dex, wait! Please! It’s Riptide, Stick gave me your number because we can’t get in touch with Holo and I need-”
“Hang on, hang on,” Dex ordered, sounding more awake than he had during the rest of the comm call. “Sarge? Thought you said you were on Kamino. Riptide is with his new battalion on Geonosis. Something about those bugs coming back for another round.”
“Riptide was never assigned to a new battalion,” you explained quickly. “Your general sent him back to Kamino for reconditioning.”
The silence stretched long enough that you thought Dex may have severed the connection after all. When he finally did speak, Dex’s voice was unsteady. “Is he already gone?”
“He’s still here, for now,” you reassured him. “The Kaminoans are trying to send him for reconditioning. I’m working with Shaak Ti and Commander Colt to prove that Riptide didn’t disobey an order, but I need proof.”
“Riptide did disobey an order, though,” Dex told you, sounding wearily resigned. “The general ordered him to do something and he refused. We aren’t allowed to do that.”
“From what Riptide told me, the order needed to be disobeyed,” you countered. “But your general says Riptide disobeyed a retreat order, which got several troopers killed. Stick said that isn’t true, and his version of the story lines up with everything Riptide told me. I need proof, though. Otherwise, it’s Riptide’s word against the general’s. Stick seemed to think that Holo might have recorded it.”
Dex swore. “The general must have thought the same thing. He ordered a total wipe of all HUD records and storage a week after the mission. Anything Holo might have had is gone now.”
Your shoulders slumped and you had to bite back tears. You barely knew this trooper, but you hated to admit defeat. How could you look Riptide in the face and tell him that you had failed? That he was going to be punished for doing the right thing, and there was nothing you could do to stop it because the party who was actually in the wrong was untouchable?
It… wasn’t fair. Few things were - and even fewer in a warzone - but that didn’t cut through the bitterness on your tongue.
“But wait,” Dex said, perking you back up. “You said it was the sergeant’s word against the general’s. I’ll vouch for Riptide, and so would half the men in the battalion. We all heard the orders, and heard him refuse to follow them. We can tell whoever we need to that there was no retreat order.”
The hope melted away faster than an ice shard on Batuu.
“It won’t work,” you said mournfully. “The Kaminoans have already said that they won’t believe the troopers. They think you’ll all stand up for each other, even if that means lying about what really happened.”
Dex swore again, and you half considered joining him.
“I’ll reach out to some of the other men in our battalion,” he promised. “Maybe someone has something. And I’ll keep trying Holo, just in case.”
“Good luck, Dex.” You grimaced. “Let me know if you find out anything. Stick is also comming everyone, so you might come across some troopers who already know what’s going on. I’ll stall the Kaminoans as long as possible.”
“Thank you.” Dex’s voice was tight with emotion again. “He’s a good man and it isn’t right, what they’re trying to do to him. It’s a battle worth fighting, I promise.”
“You don’t have to convince me of that.” You smiled sadly. “I knew as soon as I spoke with him that I couldn’t let this happen, not if I can help it. Just hurry, please.”
Dex agreed and severed the connection.
Unfortunately, that left you in a lull. Stick hadn’t give you anyone else’s comm frequency, and you didn’t want to comm him back and interrupt more productive conversations. Besides, if Dex had been anything to go by, there were good odds that the next trooper would sever the connection before you had a chance to explain yourself. It was asking a lot, to talk to a stranger and take their word on an internal event that had seemingly been handled.
Something felt off to you, though. You managed to put your finger on it after a few minutes of soul-searching - the general had lied about where Riptide had gone.
It could be that they weren’t very popular with their troops. Maybe it was easier to mislead everyone about where their sergeant had gone. But it could also be that the general didn’t want anyone to know where Riptide really was so they couldn’t try to interfere. With, say, some evidence that things hadn’t gone exactly how the general said they had.
No, you refused to believe that the evidence had been fully destroyed. You refused to believe that someone so corrupt could be allowed to continue acting against everything the Republic stood for. You refused to believe that the situation was hopeless.
You just needed to buy Stick and Dex the time they needed to follow up on leads. With nothing else to do, you started back for Riptide’s holding area. You sent a quick message to Stick on the way - written, so he could see it between calls:
Stick, I got in touch with Dex. The general had Holo delete his files a week after the mission. Dex is following up now in case anyone had copies. I’m going back to Riptide now. Contact me with any news.
You had signed the message with your name, though you weren’t actually sure whether you’d given it in your conversation with Stick. If nothing else, you reasoned, there were plenty of context clues for him to pick up on.
Before you put the comlink away, you called Commander Colt. “I’m headed back down to Riptide. Have you heard or seen anything?”
“Nala Se hasn’t been back there.”
You frowned. “Good, but did they give him a blanket and some food?”
“He has a blanket and a ration bar,” Colt reported. “It’s not much, but he’s better off than he was earlier.”
“Thank you, Colt.”
You detoured on your way downstairs, picking up two more blankets and a pair of fuzzy socks you had ordered for Alpha (he had steadfastly refused to wear them). The mess hall wasn’t serving food at the moment, but you knew where the previous ARC groups stored their treats. If this group missed the handful of snacks you had taken, you would restock the stash yourself.
Riptide was asleep by the time you arrived. He was curled on the narrow cot as best he could be, huddled under a blanket that looked like it would be too small for a much younger trooper. The remains of a ration bar wrapper rested neatly under the cot. It looked as if he had all but licked it clean.
You carefully spread the blankets over Riptide, moving gently so you didn’t scare him awake. The socks and snacks ended up next to the ration bar wrapper. You sat on the floor, carefully angled so that you could see Riptide and the door, as well as block any intruders’ immediate view of the trooper and the gifts you had brought him.
And then you had nothing left to do but think.
That was a bad thing, since you immediately fell into ruminations about your report. You weren’t going to include Riptide’s story in it. You had decided that much within minutes of meeting him.
Which brought you right back to where you had started: the report was done. Yes, you could stretch things out for a while by working on the editing process, then making sure it was properly formatted, but Jaiss would probably offer to help you with all of that. You needed to figure out what your next steps would be. You needed to talk to Alpha.
A low groan came from behind you, followed closely by the sound of someone trying to carefully turn onto their side.
You turned, finding yourself face-to-face with Riptide, who watched you with surprise. When he finally looked away, he glanced down at the blankets. The way he rubbed them between his thumb and forefinger bordered on reverential.
“Thank you.”
With a grimace, you shook your head. “You’re welcome, but I would prefer you didn’t thank me. The blanket they brought you was an embarrassment.”
Riptide snorted. It was the first time you had seen him smile, weak as it was.
“I also brought you some food.”
He blinked at you. “I already had a ration bar.”
With effort, you managed not to make a rude noise in response to that. Instead, you said, “Yes, well… If you decide you want something with a bit more flavor, everything is under the cot.”
Riptide lasted all of three seconds before he glanced under the cot. “Oye! You brought the good stuff.”
“I did my best,” you agreed.
He ate in silence for a minute while you kept an eye on the door. Eventually, Riptide asked, “Did you manage to get in touch with any of my men?”
“Some of them,” you explained. “I spoke with Stick and Dex. Everyone is trying to reach Holo, but he’s in hyperspace right now and no one can tell me when he’s supposed to be back in range.”
“They can’t,” Riptide answered automatically. “Confidential information. It would be a breach of Republic protocol to give away details like that.”
You didn’t answer that. It would be cruel to remind him that the current breach of Republic protocol was what had left his life hanging in the balance.
Well, probably. If you were being honest, Nala Se had never said exactly what reconditioning was, but you had gathered that it was surgical in nature and - by her own description - ‘corrected’ the problem of troopers disobeying orders. It sounded suspiciously like they were killing troopers who they thought weren’t performing to expected standards.
And it hadn’t escaped your notice that the troopers from Riptide’s battalion seemed to dread the idea of reconditioning.
When the door opened again, you were on your feet quickly enough to disorient yourself slightly, but the sight of Nala Se’s cold gray eyes brought you back.
“Well, administrator?” she asked, voice as dispassionate as her gaze. “What have you discovered about CT-6287’s mission?”
“I have plenty of people who support Riptide’s version of events,” you told her, lifting your chin even as you wondered where Shaak Ti and Colt were. “None of them have even referenced an order to retreat, much less that Riptide refused to follow it.”
“But do you have proof?” she pressed.
“Not yet.” You took half a step forward. “But I will soon.”
“It does not matter,” Nala Se said. “I have received confirmation from Senator Tohu that we have a contractual right to correct any manufacturing flaws that we discover.”
“But the clone troopers belong to the Republic,” you argued. “The GAR and the Jedi Council are the ones who have to agree before you can make any ‘corrections’. If Tohu answered your comm, that means that the others should answer soon. Where are General Ti and Commander Colt?”
“They have not come to find me since our earlier conversation.” Nala Se’s head bobbed thoughtfully. “You could always go discuss the topic with them personally.”
Something in her inflection made you want to lift your arms to shield Riptide. “No. I have no guarantees that you won’t try anything if I leave.”
“You do not,” she agreed. If Kaminoans made a habit of smiling, you thought she would have done so.
Your comlink buzzed and you glanced down long enough to see a short message:
I always make copies of everything.
There was a file attached.
“Am I keeping you from something?” Nala Se asked, voice silky.
“It was Commander Colt,” you lied, meeting her gaze. “He and General Ti are on their way.”
You forwarded the message to Colt, keying a quick request for him to remove any identifying information. You would not be responsible for any other troopers getting in trouble.
The silence was uncomfortable, and Nala Se didn’t seem inclined to make it any less so. The air seemed thick with tension, almost difficult to breathe, and every time you or Riptide shifted, it felt like the loudest sound ever made.
It was almost a half-hour before Commander Colt arrived, slightly breathless. “We’ve received the transmission. It shows all the proof we need. I copied it onto a data stick.”
He handed it to Nala Se and you tensed, somehow sure she would destroy it. Colt glanced at you, a hint of a smile on his face. “And I took the liberty of creating an additional copy to display here.”
Colt lifted his forearm, flexing his fingers to start a small holographic projector in his vambrace. A tiny pair of figures appeared, caught in mid-argument.
“I can’t do that, sir,” the holographic Riptide said.
“You can and you will, trooper,” the general ordered. You could see that he was humanoid and wearing a full uniform. Probably not one of the Jedi generals, then. “I gave you the order once and I do not appreciate repeating myself. Burn it down.”
Some of the troopers around Riptide shifted uncomfortably, glancing at each other. Riptide spoke again. “Sir, there are civilians inside. Only civilians. No military leaders or targets at all.”
“You think i don’t know that?” the general snapped. “Nothing but Separatist sympathizers in there. The galaxy is better off without them.”
“No, sir,” Riptide said firmly. “That is against the Republic’s Articles of War and therefore runs counter to the orders given by Chancellor Palpatine at the start of this conflict. I won’t burn it, and neither will any of my men.”
The general snarled, but before he could reply, shots started firing from beyond the scope of the recording. Cries of the injured rose in the air and the general heaved an irritated sigh. “Retreat to the ship!”
“Retreat!” Riptide echoed. “Stick and Justice, grab a few men to help the wounded. Let’s move!”
The recording cut, leaving the room quiet once more.
“That does seem fairly conclusive,” Shaak Ti said from the doorway.
You hadn’t heard her approach, but you were indescribably relieved that she and Colt were there. You had never trusted Nala Se, and you certainly hadn’t decided to start now.
“Should we start an investigation, General?” Colt asked.
“Absolutely,” Shaak Ti confirmed. “In fact, we should go now. Mistress Se, please accompany me to the long-range comms. The Jedi Council has gathered, along with several key representatives of the Grand Army of the Republic. They are waiting for our report on this incident to open the investigation. Commander, please release Riptide and arrange for his transport back to Coruscant, then join us at the comms. Thank you. And thank you for your effort on this matter, administrator.”
You returned Shaak Ti’s nod with a smile and watched as the Jedi and the Kaminoan swept out of the room.
“Old Holo came through after all, eh?” Riptide asked as Colt unlocked the binders. Riptide’s fingers were trembling, though he tried to hide it by gathering what remained of the snacks you had brought for him. “Good man.”
“Especially since the general ordered them to delete their HUD footage,” you added mildly. “Speaking of, did you..?”
Colt nodded. “Tech helped me anonymize the recording before I copied it.”
You relaxed at that. If Tech had removed any identifiers, you could be certain that there was no way to trace the recording back to Holo, not through electronic means.
“Want to come with us to the transports?” Colt asked.
You smiled, but shook your head. “I think I need a little time to relax. That was the most stressed I’ve been in a while.”
Before you left, Riptide shook your hand warmly. “Thank you, truly. I don’t- I’m not sure what would have happened if you hadn’t… Thank you.”
The immediate urge was to reject Riptide’s thanks, to insist that he didn’t need to thank you or that it had been nothing. But it hadn’t been nothing, and both of you knew it. He had almost lost his life because a general had lied about him and no one had searched for the truth.
So you simply nodded instead, wishing him the best.
By the time you got back to your quarters, Alpha was already there, lounging comfortably on your bed. You blinked at him, a little surprised before you realized exactly what the time was.
Alpha looked up as you walked in. “Late night, little one?”
“Long day,” you said. Alpha looked increasingly interested as you started stripping off your clothing, but you excused yourself to take a long shower.
He was still awake when you came back out, and it only took a little prodding before the whole story came pouring out of you.
To your utter shock, Alpha started to laugh.
“What’s so funny?” you asked frostily.
“You prevented a reconditioning,” Alpha explained. It wasn’t much of an explanation, and you gave him the evil eye until he continued. “That’s the closest thing the clones have to a horror story. Dying in battle is one thing, but reconditioning? And you just stopped one. Because you didn’t think it was fair.”
“What… is it?”
Alpha’s amusement didn’t fade immediately, but still faster than was typical for him. “We don’t talk about it.”
“Why?” You silently promised yourself that you would stop asking questions the instant Alpha started to look uncomfortable, but he looked as unbothered as ever.
“Because it’s something no one wants to think about,” he said. “Much less admit happens to our vode.”
That wasn’t any better an explanation than you had before, but you tried to keep any frustration out of your voice. “So they… kill you? That’s what Nala Se implied.”
“Did she?” Alpha leveled an arch look at you. “When have you ever known the kaminii to waste a perfectly good product?”
You made a face at that. “She said they had full rights to control the quality of their products. That’s why she was fighting to recondition Riptide.”
“No, his body was fine,” Alpha argued, despite never having seen Riptide before. “They control for that from the growth tubes on. But if a trooper’s mind is bad, there’s no use in wasting a perfectly good body…”
“So they… what? Brainwash troopers?” you asked with a chuckle. It disappeared entirely when Alpha didn’t join in on your amusement. “Wait, really? They brainwash you?”
“Putting it lightly,” he muttered. “The Kaminoans built us, shaped the way our minds developed. If they don’t like how one turned out, they can tear it back down to its base components. You still look like you and sound like you, but… it’s not you. And you can never know how much of a trooper will survive the process. Some of ‘em act like they’ve been reset, but others… Well, no one wants to imagine being trapped in their own body for the rest of their life.”
You had to try a few times before you could speak. “But… But Nala Se made it sound like it was some kind of surgery?”
Alpha tapped his temple. “Where do you think personality comes from? Remove the right part of the brain and you kill the non-spec parts of a person.”
“That’s horrible,” you said with a shudder, climbing into the bed. You weren’t tired in the slightest, but wrapping your arms around Alpha always made you feel better. You could use that right now. “You’re lucky they’ve never done it to you.”
Alpha snorted. “They could try.”
“No, Alpha,” you chided quietly. “I can’t- can’t even think about that happening to you. I would never recover.”
“Shh, neverd’ika,” Alpha soothed. “I’m in their good graces right now, and I don’t see that changing soon. Besides, if they reconditioned me, who would train their ARCs? No one else is lining up for that osik.”
“Just be careful,” you pleaded, pressing a kiss to his collarbone.
He squeezed you a little tighter, seeming content to cuddle you in silence for a while. You were almost asleep when he said, “You got a message on your comlink while you were in the ‘fresher.”
You rolled out of the bed instantly, heart stuttering with cold fear that Nala Se had managed to trap Riptide after all. Instead, you found a message from a frequency you didn’t know. Your eyebrows lifted as you scanned over it.
“What is it?” Alpha asked.
You read aloud, “You’ve been busy. If I’d known what kind of transmissions you’d be sending, I would have done more encryption. I’ll add some extra coding to it tonight. Power it off when you wake up tomorrow morning, wait five minutes, and turn it back on.”
As you read, another message came through. “Be careful.”
“I don’t recognize the frequency,” you said when you had finished reading.
“Ordo,” Alpha supplied immediately. “He’s the one who encrypted the comlink for long-range calls. He must have seen more activity than usual from you and decided to check it out.”
“He was listening in on my calls?” you asked, discomfited. “I don’t think I like that.”
“I don’t like it, either,” Alpha admitted. “But Skirata keeps the Nulls busy. I doubt any of them are listening to your calls. Ordo probably just saw more activity than usual and decided to check it out.”
You grimaced. “Still.”
“Would it help if I threaten him over comms?” Alpha asked. “It wouldn’t do anything for me, but if it would help you feel better, I’ll do it.”
His tone was longsuffering, but there was a glint in his eyes that said he was teasing you. It wasn’t enough to make you forget about the stress of the day, but it did make you bite back a smile.
You rolled your eyes at him and Alpha grinned, clearly proud of his ability to get a reaction from you. When you stuck your tongue out at him, his surprised laughter made you feel warm all over.
As Alpha recovered from the apparent shock, you crawled back into bed and cuddled into his side.
Author's Note - This was a really long chapter, but the next one will be fairly short. The two should even out nicely. Riptide is an OC and Alpha's definition of reconditioning is the fanon version. I'm pretty sure the canon reconditioning is just Kaminoans killing troopers, but this is somehow worse.
Thank you for reading!
#gar cyare fic#gar cyare#star wars fanfiction#star wars the clone wars#star wars#captain alpha 17#alpha 17#alpha 17 fic#star wars legends#alpha 17 x reader#alpha 17 x you#reader insert#reader insert fic#fem!reader
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Gar Cyare Chapter Thirteen
This is a continuation of Gar Cyare, a series typically posted under my main account, WanderingInkSplot. This chapter is here because it is NSFW and some of my typical readers prefer not to see NSFW works.
Alpha-17 x fem!reader
Rating: Explicit. Minors, DNI!
Word Count: 1,900
Warnings: Fingering, discussions of dangerous situations in the last chapter, references to desperation, mentions of protection, protected sex, fluff.
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Alpha’s lips were warm against yours, soft and insistent.
You smiled despite yourself, pulling back enough that you could have looked at him if any of the lights were on. “This? This is how you want me to take care of you? Seems a little sudden, since you just got back from your mission.”
“I’ll have you know that ‘return to planetside’ sex is a proud and honored tradition,” Alpha lectured, nibbling and sucking his way down your neck. “As is ‘we just survived an enemy encounter’ sex. Nothing like sex to make you remember that life is worth living.”
“Hmm,” you managed, skeptically. Alpha dropped a particularly stinging bite to your collarbone and your hum was interrupted by a gasp.
Since you were already facing Alpha in the warm cradle of his arms, it was a simple thing to wrap your leg around his waist.
Alpha growled, the sound rumbling deliciously against your skin. “Careful, little one. Keep going like that and I might not be able to control myself.”
“Not exactly a threat,” you told him happily. If he had been working up a reply, it disappeared when you angled your pelvis against his. You were both fully-clothed, but there was no mistaking the heat between your legs… or the hardness between his. “After all, both of your traditional methods of care sound like they would be better with a little desperation.”
A warm chuckle met your point. “You feelin’ desperate for me, neverd’ika?”
“Always.” Your mouth was dry, and that was clearly audible in the way you had to swallow before you said anything else. “Felt like you were gone forever.”
“To me, too.” Alpha plucked at the loose waistband of your pajama pants. “You sure you want desperate?”
You nodded, trusting that he would be able to feel the motion with the way his head was tucked partially under your jawline.
A moment later, Alpha’s hand had plunged inside of your underwear. You gasped at the suddenness of it, your hand wrapped around the strong column of his wrist. Tendons began to flex beneath your grip as Alpha started to work his fingers over you.
Your folds were already slippery, the sheer thrill of having Alpha home and in your bed providing plenty of inspiration even before he started kissing you. Added to the fact that he hadn’t even bothered to strip your clothing from you before fondling the aching place between your legs? You could only hope you hadn’t soaked your clothes down to the mattress.
Alpha’s fingertip rested against your entrance, and you stopped worrying about a wet spot on the mattress. Or the way your pajama pants were going to be permanently stretched by the bulk of Alpha’s forearm. Or anything other than the sudden spike of need that pierced through you.
“Please,” you begged, squirming your hips closer and canting them in an effort to drive his finger into you.
“Shh, ner karta,” Alpha soothed. “I’ll take care of you. I just want to make sure you’re ready for me.”
His finger sank into you at a pace that was achingly slow. You could feel your core parting for him, the walls of your body letting him in as deep as he cared to go. It was beautiful, even if it wasn’t as fast as you would have preferred. When his finger had reached as far as it could, you got a jolt of pleasure as the heel of Alpha’s hand pressed firmly against your clit.
Alpha took advantage of your parted lips to deliver a searing kiss. You returned it eagerly, though you got a little distracted when he began to thrust his finger inside of you.
Your entire body jostled back and forth as he stroked through your core - all of the motion stemming from the force of you trying to counterthrust against his hand. Alpha’s touch never stopped being gentle as he nudged you inexorably toward your orgasm.
“Alpha,” you gasped, trying to remember how to form words. “I’m getting close.”
“Mmm,” Alpha said eloquently. “Been dreaming about seeing you like that again, little one. Come for me. Let me watch you fly.”
That was enough to push you over the edge, and your head kicked back as you struggled not to cry out. Alpha nibbled a searing line across your jaw, fingers never slowing or stopping in their relentless drive into you.
The frantic squeezing of your internal muscles slowed as you came down from your high. The feeling of Alpha’s finger inside of you was somewhere between ‘too much’ and ‘not enough’, and your hand flew down to push him gently away.
“How do you feel?” Alpha asked.
You smiled, feeling the sultriness of the heavy-lidded look you gave him. “Empty.”
Alpha’s expression was too deep in the shadows of the room for you to see, but you could feel the way the smug anticipation spread across his face. “I’ve been looking for a new mission…”
“And here I thought you wanted to forget all about missions and orders,” you said breathlessly.
“I do,” he insisted. “I need to. When I think about how close I came to losing you… how many things tried to keep us apart…”
You had started to ask if he was okay, the latter sentence having faded into an irritated grumble, when Alpha surprised you with a blazing kiss. If you thought his desperation had eased, you were sorely mistaken.
His fingers reached between you, but paused when you gave a pitiful groan. “Please, Alpha. I’m ready, I swear.”
He chuckled. “I know, neverd’ika. I just thought a little protection was a good idea.”
You eased away from him slightly, giving him the room he needed to roll the condom over his length. He was back in a moment, pressing himself against you firmly enough to part your lower lips around him.
Alpha shuddered over you. “Already feel so good.”
“You, too,” you replied, canting your hips against him. “But it’ll feel even better whe-”
A gasp cut your wheedling short. Alpha pressed pushed into you, sinking deeper and deeper until he was all you could think about. Your fingers scrabbled at the broad stretch of his shoulders, trying to ground yourself against the onslaught.
When he was as deep as he could get, Alpha’s head dipped slowly until his forehead was pressed to yours. “Tell me if you need to wait.”
You shook your head, careful to hold the keldabe kiss as you did. “I’m ready, Alpha.”
He hummed softly. “If you change your mind, then.”
And then he took you at your word that you were ready. He stayed deep inside of you at first, doing little more than pulsing his hips against yours. But every time he withdrew, he pulled further out until the full length of him was slamming into you at every stroke.
It was exactly what you needed, and you weren’t the only one. Alpha was surprisingly chatty in the bedroom, but he was quiet tonight. He gave an occasional grunt or sigh, but his usual comments and compliments about your body were absent.
You found the brain power to ask, “You okay?”
The clipped quality of the brief answer would have thrown you off, but you had caught the unsteadiness in the single syllable. And that let you piece together the rest of it: the way Alpha’s hands were holding you tighter than usual. The way he kept starting to say something and letting it die on his lips without being vocalized. The way he would kiss you instead, like he couldn’t stand the distance between you even for as long as it took to speak.
You never needed much encouragement to indulge in Alpha being close. You sank into the touches and kisses and clinging arms, giving just as many as you received.
Somehow, you convinced your weak knees to wrap around Alpha’s hips, holding him a fraction deeper inside of you. Your hands mapped the muscles of his back, feeling them flex and bulge with the effort of holding himself up and over you without letting his full weight crash down. You kissed him like you were drowning, and when he pulled away to catch his breath, you kissed across his cheek until you were nuzzling into his short hair.
Alpha gave a disbelieving laugh. “I was teasing about you being desperate for me.”
You inhaled the clean smell of his freshly-washed hair, sighing in unabashed pleasure. “I missed you.”
Alpha bit back a groan, and the pace of hips against you increased. “I’m close… Gonna-”
“Come for me, Alpha,” you urged, rocking against him to push him closer to orgasm.
Because your faces were pressed so close together, you could feel the way Alpha’s jaw firmed. “Not yet.”
His hand dipped to your clit, dexterously avoiding your desperate writhing and his own pounding hips. Alpha stroked that cluster of nerves in quick, firm sweeps, making you keen for him.
Alpha choked. “So tight-”
And then he was surging as deep as he could get inside of you. The desperate pulsing of his hips against you kept those fingers from moving in their devastating rhythm, but Alpha’s hips took up the role instead. The push of him inside of you, the way the fullness seemed to reach to your depths… It dropped you unceremoniously over the edge just as Alpha’s stuttering half-thrusts began to slow.
Your legs had relaxed around Alpha’s waist, ready to drop away from him as you struggled to absorb all of the sensations, but they locked tight around him once more as you started to come. The press of your legs around his hips and the way your fingers sank into his shoulders were the only things that kept you grounded.
With the way your lips parted as you hit your peak, you probably said something. You had no idea what it could be, since the rushing in your ears deafened you temporarily, but judging from the satisfaction on Alpha’s face, it was probably his name. You watched him as you came, drinking in his expression the same way he was doing to you.
When you finally came down, Alpha had rolled onto his side beside you. His hands were wandering, gently stroking the muscles of your arm. “You okay, neverd’ika?”
It took you two attempts to speak, but you finally managed, “Better than ever. I’m glad you’re home, Alpha.”
He gripped your waist, cradling you close like something precious. “You can’t be real.”
“What?” you asked, already chuckling. “Alpha, what is that supposed to mean?”
“No one can be so perfect,” he insisted. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were something the universe invented to trick me.”
You shook your head even as you ran your fingertips along his jaw. “Trick you into what?”
“Whatever it wants,” he said with a shrug. “I would do anything for you, especially if you kept looking at me like that.”
“I don’t know what way I’m looking at you,” you admitted with a smile. “I’m just happy.”
“Good,” Alpha decreed. “I’ll keep you happy, you keep giving that look, and we’ll be satisfied for a very long time.”
You hummed, resting your head on his chest. “It’s a deal.”
Author's Note - That was much shorter than I'm used to writing, but I don't really want these chapters to be super plot-heavy. Especially since I want Gar Cyare to be readable for people who avoid smut.
Thanks for reading! The next chapter of Gar Cyare will be hosted on my writing side-blog. See you there!
#gar cyare#alpha 17#alpha 17 fic#captain alpha 17#alpha 17 x reader#alpha 17 x you#lemon#reader insert#reader insert fic#spicy#minors dni#not suitable for minors#reader insert fanfiction
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Any updates on the cyare cocktail?
So sorry for the delay, we realized we didn't ask for emails on the form looking for writers, we're gonna reach out to applicants on socials this week!
As for the game, we're slowly working on it! We're also preparing a discord server to keep updates!
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