#CSI s2
lilcathsmith · 5 months
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Greg Sanders in CSI Season 2 - Greatest Hits
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claudia-kishi · 9 months
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endless eric x calleigh gifs (18/?)
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polylabs · 2 years
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“You got this.”
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thelonelywriternl · 2 years
Recap: CSI Vegas // 201 - She's Gone
Here’s my small recap of CSIVegas S2 Ep1 She's Gone. Overall, it was interesting…
If you want to be spoiled, read further. (I like this function, Twitter and Instagram should have something a like).
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What is Catherine doing here?
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Catherine asking to be back at CSI. That room looks familiar, don’t you think?
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A mention of GSR. But seriously? The Grissoms back on a boat? With his condition? Makes no sense.
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I like Maxine and Penny scenes.
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What’s the importance of this?
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Awkwardness here…
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Someone knows there’s more to someone than meets the eye.
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Guess the importance was the photo, of the girl. I’m still not sure what the girl is to Catherine, other than a student, employee…
catherinewillows #maxineroby #pennygill #chrispark #joshfolsom #serenachavez
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fushigikage · 2 years
I was watching CSI again and it dawned on me that at first Greg was just as "annoying" as Hodges. As a lab rat, he also gave a lot of explanations (and, many times, annoying people with that) when handing over test results, telling terrible jokes and that sort of thing. When Hodges joins the team, Greg becomes more "hands-on" in his responses (although the jokes continue for a while longer).
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maturemenoftvandfilms · 7 months
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CSI: NY (TV Series) S2/E11 ’Trapped’ (2004) - Wayne Duvall
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kaseytoretto128 · 2 days
1: I have fallen down the top gun rabbit hole and now ship hangster,Icemav & Bob x Phoenix and live in denial, because what do you mean, Goose never died silly.
2: How did I not know freaking Val Kilmer was an Icemav shipper
3: I have finished CSI and it it now a new favorite, I liked the first 7 season (the Golden era) the best.
4: I also watched CSI:Vegas and am never watching that again. Itwas cool to see the original cast, I didn't know Greg was in it but the show was just mah, I got why is was not renewed.
5: I just realized that we may get a casted Thalia for the end of s2 and also if PJO gets green lighted for s3 we get Nico!!, Oh and also Grover in a wedding dress lol. So excited, can't wait, hopefully they have found there footing and the season will be great.
6:Less than a week until s8 premier of 911!!
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Hello! I’m sorry to bother you with this random nonsense LOL.
While I was watching CSI for the first time in a long time something started to bother me, I’m currently watching season 3, and oh boy really? The show runners want me to believe that nobody in one of the bests crime investigation labs of the country realized that Grissom was been jealous of Sara and her handsome dumb boyfriend ? Like for real?
My boy went from talking constantly to Sara about her lack of private life and excessive working hours to calling her on her days off and giving her punishment cases, calling her when she should have been in some seminar away and making her work in a case instead of relaying on the rest of the team (I think that maybe he was thinking she would take the boyfriend to the trip 🙊) He even acted like a meanie in front of the team, Nike was dying for some solo murder cases yet he called Sara away from the vineyard with the boyfriend.
So I get annoyed because there’s obviously something going on with them, he brought a CSI the same age as the Juniors of he’s lab saying that he trusted her, a man that doesn’t give his trust way easily and nobody on the lab or his team raised an eyebrow? He was mean with Greg when he had a crush with Sara, but as soon as he realized she wasn’t feeling anything for Greg he suddenly got nicer with him! An yet the show thinks that nobody knew anything about them or even suspected and it was surprise pikachu face when they found out they were together? I know that this is more a rant than anything and sorry again, but I would like to know what you think about it 😅
hi, anon!
so re: the issue of no one noticing grissom is jealous of hank, i think it’s helpful to keep in mind who all knows what and when.
by s2 and s3 of the show, no one on the team knows grissom and sara’s pre-vegas relationship history, and no one on the team has witnessed any kind of “incontrovertible evidence” that would prove for certain grissom and sara have romantic/sexual feelings for each other (i.e., no one has ever caught them in delicto flagrante or overheard them confessing their love for each other or seen photographs of them acting coupley pre-vegas, etc.).
that so, team graveyard’s individual levels of awareness range from “totally oblivious there either has been or is any romantic element to grissom and sara’s dynamic at all” to “convinced grissom and sara used to be fuckbuddies but are now awkward exes.”
however, given that sara is now publicly known to be dating someone else, i think all the other members of team graveyard would agree, at present, she and grissom are not carrying on any sort of sexual and/or romantic relationship (even if at some point they may have done so in the past).
moreover, even those teammates who may be convinced grissom and sara used to be somehow “involved” prior to and even shortly after sara’s move have by now witnessed developments suggesting that stuff is ancient history, such as some fairly public spats between them (see, for example, episode 02x15 “burden of proof”) and the fact both of them have pursued romantic entanglements with persons other than each other in the meanwhile (i.e., teri miller and possibly jane gilbert for grissom and hank peddigrew for sara).
that so, “i bet grissom is stewing over this” probably wouldn’t be anyone’s first thought upon hearing sara was dating hank; they would only “get there” if they were to witness some evidence to actually suggest such were the case.
the question then becomes: does anyone on team graveyard actually witness any evidence to that end?
and i believe not.
the first time grissom becomes aware of sara’s interactions with hank is likely during the events of episode 02x14 “the finger.” however, he doesn’t show any visible reaction to that news at that time as he is too busy trying to rescue catherine, so it’s not as if his team members see any signs up front to suggest he is at all thrown by sara starting to see someone new.
though we can perhaps read his subsequently dismissive behavior toward sara in episode 02x15 “burden of proof” as suggesting some hurt feelings on his part, it’s doubtful anyone else on the team—including sara herself—would see correlation between sara going out on a first date with hank one week and grissom keeping her out of the loop on his investigative activities the next.
—and particularly not when grissom and sara then spend the next several months on something of an upswing (see episodes 02x16 “primum non nocere,” 02x17 “felonious monk,” 02x21 “anatomy of a lie,” and 02x23 “the hunger artist”), with grissom unaware sara continues to see hank following that initial date.
then even come s3, when grissom learns for the first time sara is still seeing hank and starts actively punishing her for it (see episode 03x01 “revenge is best served cold”), the other members of team graveyard don’t necessarily have an unobstructed view of what’s going on.
they all have themselves known sara has been seeing hank ever since january ’02, so they probably assume grissom has been privy to this same information—not realizing he has, for whatever reason, “missed the memo” on what is currently going on in sara’s love life.
come september ’02, they have no clue when grissom hears hank send sara his salutations via warrick, that interaction marks his first introduction to the fact that maybe ~something~ is going on between sara and hank; that so, they don’t realize his heavy-handed management of her throughout the duration of that case represents him punishing her.
they likewise are unaware grissom learns the full truth of sara and hank’s relationship a week later during the events of the tom haviland case. while we as viewers are present to hear phillip gerard actually deliver to grissom the devastating news, no one else on team graveyard save sara herself is in the room then—and it is supremely unlikely either grissom or sara reports on these happenings to them subsequently.
the case itself is then so whirlwind no one probably realizes grissom’s pissy behavior throughout the middling parts of the investigation has anything to do with him having recently had his heart stomped on; they just assume he, like everyone else, is stressed and flustered by the aggressive legal tactics of haviland’s defense team.
though grissom eventually addresses sara directly regarding what he has learned, again, that moment is a private one, so all in all, the events of the haviland case probably pass without anyone on the team besides grissom and sara themselves having any awareness of grissom’s big “oh my god! the woman i love is having sex with a beefy, blond ken doll!” freakout.
two weeks then pass in show-time between the events of episode 03x02 “the accused is entitled” and episode 03x03 “let the seller beware.”
maybe grissom mistreats sara for their duration or maybe the poolside incident represents a discrete occurrence. either way, i don’t believe the other members of team graveyard have much reason to connect sara having a new boyfriend to grissom chastising her.
the way they see things, grissom calls sara in on her day off to work a solo case, then gets peeved with her for taking too long to respond to his page. once she finally shows up to accept the assignment, he dresses her down a bit for being slow to answer his callout but still ultimately grants her a primo 419 scene to herself. she is herself annoyed with him for having unreasonable expectations regarding her availability when she is supposedly off the clock.
neither nick nor warrick has any reason to read romantic jealousy into grissom and sara’s confrontation; it just looks like workaholic grissom is vexed not everyone on his team is as singularly devoted to the job (and lifeless outside of it) as he, and sara is resentful of being scolded even though she did ultimately come in at a time when she technically didn’t have to.
for nick, there is also the added wrinkle that even though he officially outranks sara, grissom seldom gifts him the kind of interesting solo homicide investigations he does her, and he is himself jealous sara keeps getting all the cool assignments. he feels he would gladly come in during his off-hours if he got some hot murder case all to himself and so is reproachful of sara for acting put-upon in that same situation.
while to us as viewers, there is a very clear “grissom is jealous of sara’s relationship with hank” throughline running through these first three episodes of s3, to the other characters, there isn’t.
it just seems like grissom is being a grump with sara because she took too long to show up at a crime scene—which is not behavior they would consider “out of character” from him just generally.
sara is certainly not the first csi grissom has ever faulted for having a better a work/life balance than he does!
all of the above said, i think it makes sense no one on the team realizes grissom is jealous of sara’s relationship with hank. i can believe nobody actually makes the logical leap from “sara shows up a little bit late to a crime scene and grissom seems mad at her” to “he’s smarting because he feels like she’s slipping away from him and doesn’t know how to cope in a healthy way so he starts lashing out with her, using his supervisory position as leverage.”
there just aren’t enough dots outwardly visible for them to draw that particular connection, you know?    
as for the larger notion of why i'm okay with the idea none of them notices anything romantic going on between grissom and sara until s7:
while there is perhaps enough evidence on the table for certain teammates to suppose one of them might be attracted to the other or both of them might be attracted to each other, there is nevertheless no singular instance which would by itself prove they are (eventually) carrying on a secret long-term committed relationship.
and absent incontrovertible evidence of that nature, i think there are several good reasons why the members of team graveyard wouldn’t necessarily realize grissom and sara are a secret couple prior to episode 07x24 “living doll.”
for one thing, there is perhaps more nuance to the situation than there might appear to be at first blush.
while it’s true until the s7 finale, no one on team graveyard knows with 100% certainty grissom and sara have been in a committed romantic relationship for two years, everyone does have their own perceptions of grissom and sara’s dynamic and different levels of insight into what exactly their history is together leading up to that point.
though some members of the team are almost entirely clueless grissom and sara have had any kind of ~thing~ going on over the years, others possess slightly more canny views.
catherine is probably the team member who is most aware of gsr out of anyone, possessed of some “close to the truth” insights into early gsr, though she becomes less accurate in her reads on them over time.
her initial impression when grissom first hires sara to the lab in 2000 is seemingly they are sleeping together (see episode 01x03 “crate n’ burial”)—a notion she may or may not be right about.
however, just due to their age gap and her own baggage regarding romantic relationships, she also seemingly misjudges the nature of their bond, assuming what they’re doing is rooted solely in sexual attraction rather than love: an older professor in midlife crisis falling into bed with his much-younger student, who is herself either using him to work through her daddy issues and/or trying to “sleep her way to the top.”
and in fairness to catherine, in s1, grissom and sara are often overtly horny for each other on the main in her direct presence (see here and here).
she then seems to think they continue to carry on a sexual/romantic relationship for the first few months sara is in vegas, only to suffer some kind of nasty sara-initiated breakup circa mid-s1 (see episode 02x15 “burden of proof”). from there, she observes grissom apparently becoming interested in teri miller and later heather kessler, while sara moves on to dating hank peddigrew.
though catherine surmises, based on grissom and sara’s weirdness around each other for the next couple of years, there are still some sticking points between them even after their “break-up,” she also supposes, since “things ended badly between them previously,” there is no real chance for reconciliation—hence why she advises grissom to try to make peace with sara at work and learn how to manage her as an employee rather than an ex-girlfriend.
by s4/s5, she is convinced they’ve finally gotten over their past fling and are able to work with each other sans lingering resentments. and by s7, she is sure enough there is no longer anything going on between them romance-wise she even feels comfortable gossiping to sara about grissom’s other supposed romantic prospects (see episode 07x23 “the good, the bad, & the dominatrix”).
she is then thoroughly surprised when she learns, contrary to her assumptions, grissom and sara have actually been a couple—and living together (see the deleted scene from episode 08x12 “grissom’s divine comedy”)!—since 2005.
meanwhile, warrick appears mostly oblivious regarding grissom’s feelings for sara (see his comments about grissom’s supposed singledom in episode 06x23 “bang-bang” and his failure to notice the romantic nature of grissom’s gesture of bringing sara the veggie burger in episode 07x01 “built to kill” pt. i); however, he does seem savvy from the very beginning to sara’s attraction to grissom, as we can infer from his comments regarding her jealousy toward grissom’s interactions with jane gilbert in episode 01x20 “sounds of silence.”
we don’t know if his sense of sara “having a crush on her boss” continues past s1 or if he ever develops any notion her feelings for grissom may go beyond a more superficial level of attraction, but we do know he is surprised to learn about gsr overall in s7.
by his own admission, nick remains pretty “in the dark” regarding all things gsr from start to reveal—a source of embarrassment for him once their relationship becomes public knowledge come s8 (see episode 08x02 “a la cart”).
while he does realize grissom will sometimes “rush cases” for sara’s sake (see episode 01x16 “too tough to die”), he apparently never alights on the real reason why, and not only does he have no notion grissom and sara have a romantic relationship ongoing between s5 and s7, but he also appears to be largely oblivious to any pre-vegas history they may have shared, as we can judge from his seeming incomprehension when the day shift trace technician dorsey makes oblique mention of it in episode 04x11 “eleven angry jurors.”
further evidence of nick’s total lack of insight into gsr can be seen by the absence of certain behaviors in him: you can bet if he, like warrick, had any idea sara had feelings for their boss, he would likely tease the hell out of her about it, as he does once grissom and sara are married in the later seasons of the show (see, for example, episode 11x03 “blood moon”); the fact he never does give sara a hard time over her and grissom’s dynamic can be taken as proof positive he reads nothing romantic into it.
the same can also be said for his persistent jealousy over the special treatment grissom proffers sara during the early seasons of the show: his consistent failure to realize why grissom so often allots sara primo cases while simultaneously denying them to him suggests a lack of comprehension on his part. he doesn’t understand grissom is playing favorites based on his romantic feelings for sara; he just thinks it’s bad management—and maybe indicative grissom holds some kind of grudge against him.
finally, greg’s level of relative awareness or unawareness regarding gsr is harder to place, as there isn’t really much direct, unambiguous evidence to go on.
on the one hand, greg is sometimes the object of grissom’s jealous behavior regarding sara early on in the show (see, for example, episodes 02x11 “organ grinder” and 05x16 “big middle”), so he could have some clue grissom carries a torch for sara, same as he. however, on the other hand, since one could also interpret grissom’s antagonism as having more professional motivations—i.e., as grissom, as greg’s boss, being annoyed at greg for goofing off—it’s also possible greg doesn’t catch on to the fact that grissom actually considers him a romantic rival.
likewise, while greg, who pays close attention to sara’s behavior, may at some point pick up on the fact sara shows signs of attraction toward grissom, he also may view her effusive, eager, “pick me!” behavior in grissom’s presence simply as her being a suck-up rather than as her wanting to marry grissom and live happily ever after with him.
ultimately, greg could fall anywhere on our spectrum of awareness from “knows next to nothing” (like nick) to “has a good idea there’s something going on but just isn’t 100% sure of exactly what” (like catherine) before grissom’s big s7 reveal.
when taken altogether, i find these various levels of awareness regarding gsr among the team members plus the relative accuracies and inaccuracies of their assumptions fairly realistic.
it makes sense to me the characters wouldn’t necessarily be able to figure everything out, let alone get all the details right. it also makes sense to me some people’s perspectives on the issue—like catherine’s and maybe greg’s—would evolve over time, given grissom and sara’s relationship itself evolves, too.
—which brings me to the next reason why i'm okay with the “no one figures everything out pre-s7” going line:
because of how “economy of information” works within the narrative.
even for as little as we as the viewers see of grissom and sara’s relationship as it plays out on screen, we ultimately see way more of their romantic development cumulatively than the other characters on the show ever do.
while each member of team graveyard has witnessed at least a couple instances of ~telling~ interaction between grissom and sara, no single one of them has witnessed all of those moments combined in the same way we as the viewing audience have.
moreover, even for what moments the other characters do all individually witness, they also don’t get to see the “connective tissue” between those moments in the same way we viewers do, either—i.e., the solo scenes, like the ones where the viewer is “alone in the room” with grissom and sara as they reckon with their feelings for each other.
all of the “between the lines” and “inside the character’s head” stuff that informs our senses of how much grissom and sara love each other and what pathways their relationship takes over the years is inaccessible to them, so while it’s easy for us as viewers to see the bigger picture, it’s much harder for them to do so.
—which brings us to another reason i can buy them all not knowing:
because of the preconceptions they all bring to the table.
each member of the team has their own ideas of who grissom and sara each are as individuals, including what their social, romantic, and sexual inclinations might be; what actions they each would and would not be likely to take in any particular circumstances; what their dynamics are with each other; etc., etc.
for example, while catherine seems to view grissom as reclusive (see her comments about his “hermetically-sealed condo” in episode 01x04 “pledging mr. johnson”), she nevertheless also seems to believe he has what she would deem a healthy interest in women, dating, and sex (see her exposition to sara in episode 07x23 “the good, the bad, & the dominatrix”).
in her view, for as geeky and antisocial as grissom is, it’s still not necessarily unthinkable he would be attracted to sara, much less act on his attraction to her—as, after all, he is, underneath all of his bookishness and introversion, still your “average red-blooded american man,” who is not above being sexually interested in the attractive young woman at his office.
meanwhile, catherine probably considers while sara is attracted to grissom on a surface level, she also, as catherine sees things, broke up with him not long after moving to vegas (see episode 02x15 “burden of proof”); that so, catherine likely believes after mid-s1, any interest grissom might have in “rekindling” things with sara would most probably be unrequited, as while sara is seemingly—in catherine’s view—comfortable accepting the favors come of grissom’s attraction to her, she doesn’t necessarily want a romantic relationship with the man (see, for example, sara and catherine’s conversation at the beginning of episode 04x02 “all for our country”); she will, catherine believes, happily string grissom along without any intention to ever gratify his desire.
by contrast, nick likely initially believes grissom has little to no interest in women and is far too much of a workaholic to even consider carrying on a dating life. then, even once he starts to suspect grissom might have a girlfriend come s7 (see episode 07x11 “leaving las vegas”), he probably is of the belief grissom would never date someone from the lab, because to do so would be against the rules.
the same guy who gets after nick for the kristy hopkins debacle of s1 (see episode 01x13 “boom”) wouldn’t likely date his own subordinate, right?
as for sara, if nick is at all aware of sara’s sometimes flirtatious interactions with grissom—which, honestly, he canonically encounters fewer of than other members of the team do—even so, he probably doesn’t read too much into them, as, from where he’s standing, sara seems to flirt with all of her male coworkers, himself included (see, for example, episode 06x21 “rashomama”), to generally harmless effect. the sara he knows is a natural tease who likes to rile the guys around her up, but she seldom ever means anything by her coquetry; if anything, she uses it more as a defense mechanism to cover up her insecurities than to actually form romantic connections.
if he had to say what sara’s “type” was when it comes to men, he would probably describe some traditionally handsome meathead who sara can boss around; he wouldn’t expect she was into grissom—and especially not because he himself views grissom as something of a father figure and may implicitly assume sara, who is his same age and at the same place in her career as he is in his, feels the same.
all of the above said, i think a big reason why no one on the team sees gsr for what it is despite it staring them in the face is because they’re all looking through colored lenses of one type or another that camouflage the view.
if you don’t see grissom as the kind of guy who has any interest in women, then it’s easy to explain away his weird behavior around sara as him just being an overbearing boss or having paternal protective feelings toward her. if you think sara dumped grissom years ago, you wouldn’t expect her to be his live-in girlfriend at present.
and that brings us to the final reason why i'm okay with no one on team graveyard knowing about gsr pre-reveal:
because we all tend to ignore that which we are accustomed to.
beyond the ambiguous nature of grissom and sara’s interactions themselves or any knowledge gaps or presuppositions in play, i think one of the main things which prevents catherine, warrick, nick, and greg from recognizing grissom and sara are an item prior to the end of s7 is, frankly, grissom and sara have been grissom and sara since day #1, and everyone’s used to them, to the point where a lot of the ~weirdness~ doesn’t even register anymore.
those two geeks have been standing way too close to each other, finishing each other’s sentences, staging uncomfortably intense staring contests, lobbing strange innuendos, having weirdly charged tiffs, being way too openly defensive of each other, etc., etc., since the very first day sara walked through the door to the las vegas crime lab.
and maybe initially their teammates wonder if anything ~more~ is going on between them than just “friendship,” but then over time that bizarre intensity between them just becomes a baseline.
while particular interactions might temporarily resurrect old suspicions for various team members, nothing to definitively overturn the “it’s just platonic weirdness” assumption ever occurs.
so eventually, everyone becomes inured to gsr.
—hence the shock when grissom finally reveals their relationship to the team at the end of s7.
anyway, i've long overwritten the point now, but suffice it to say: of all of the unrealistic aspects of csi, to me, the idea grissom and sara manage to keep their romantic relationship a secret for as long as they do isn’t necessarily one of them, even given their teammates are trained observers. they're essentially able to “hide in plain sight,” using their teammates’ blind-spots and misconceptions to their advantage.
could they have kept their relationship a secret indefinitely, had natalie davis not forced them to “come out”? probably not—and especially not given how their relationship was trending toward the end of s7 and beginning of s8 anyhow.
those kids wanted to get married.
but i can buy they managed to do so for a couple of years—and especially because they were undoubtedly super careful about covering their own tracks.
your mileage may—and from the sounds of things probably does—vary.
but i can believe the byline here.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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shrinkthisviolet · 5 months
do you have any headcanons, old or new, for the kf!Barry possibility? i am so intrigued by it, fascinated even and i'm curious about your own takes, or what's the most interesting thing about it to you?
Ahh I love this question! It’s an idea I periodically get obsessed with from time to time, and I’ve talked a bit here about how I’d write it. And to expand:
I’ve never been a fan of Killer Frost’s split personality thing in the show, and it’s not comics accurate, so I’d probably do away with it. It’s just the general colder body temperature affecting his mind (chronic cold effects are terrifying, and that wouldn’t even be as bad as this, because this is inside him), not to mention his constant hunger for body heat to try to reach homeostasis (comics-based and…also, given biology, makes sense)
There’s a few different times I could give Barry powers, though I love the idea of them manifesting during s2 and him using them to defeat Zoom, freezing and shattering him to pieces
On the other hand, I also love the idea of them manifesting during s3, the way KF’s do in canon, maybe after he’s already met his frosty E2 doppelgänger. I doubt he’d team up with Savitar…unless Savitar was Iris and they became a genuine evil duo (not the leader-subordinate dynamic that Savitar and KF had in canon, but a true equal partnership)
He could also get powers in s1, and they start to affect his mind. He’s snappish, more irritable…and most of all, he doesn’t trust Eowells (especially if Iris is the Flash, and CSI Barry’s hero worship for Eowells is overridden by suspicion and worry…especially as he starts noticing more things off about Eowells)
And, to slip in a little Barrisco, I think KF!Barry and Reverb might’ve been the dynamic duo on E2. So KF!Barry on E1 might be very keen to recruit Cisco and replicate that…👀
Maybe he becomes an anti-hero like KF does in canon—still with villainous tendencies, but using them in service of the heroes (I do usually love that trope 💞)
I also have quite a few thoughts about “what if I wrote him in the Morgan AU as a spinoff AU” (4 additional headcanons for anyone interested in that):
He gets powers from the accelerator in s1, and they affect him as per the first headcanon outlined above. And, ofc, no split personality
He doesn’t fall into a coma, and instead, decides to use his powers to protect Central City. He doesn’t tell anyone—and if Iris is the Flash here, he ofc can’t tell her. While out on patrol one night, he meets a young hero who calls themself “Sentry”—definitely a kid or young adult, and definitely in need of guidance. Barry might not know how to be a hero, but he knows how to guide people. Probably (and their powers certainly make them useful…even if he’s horrified at that fleeting thought)
Barry and Morgan’s dynamic is thus pretty different. It’s less equal from the start, and it never really approaches that. Morgan looks up to him, and Barry…doesn’t quite look down on her, but as time passes, it gets close. Even as they become friends outside of their superhero identities, she’s still very much someone he needs to protect, not so much someone he can count on to protect him
He also notices some things are up with Eowells and Morgan. Some…not so great things. As time goes on, a picture starts to form in his head—abuse? Neglect specifically? Something. He’s only a CSI, he can’t investigate that…so he drops anonymous tips to CPS. Eowells gets out of all of them, and Morgan is visibly much more anxious after that, so Barry takes the hint and stops, but he’s still pissed that his effort was futile. But also…maybe it’s for the best. Where would Morgan go? Tina raised her for a little while but gave her back to Eowells, she can’t be trusted. (Maybe the only person he can trust for such a job is himself—and he should be horrified by the thought, but…he’s not)
send me an au and i’ll share 5+ headcanons about it!
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laylajeffany · 4 months
So an observation…. Please don’t try to write short. We love you work for its complexity and uniqueness, don’t cut squash and homogenize it please, just be you!
Thank you so much for this - I appreciate the note and hearing that you think my work is complex, and that it stands out! I suppose my writing style is a bit unique, as recently discussed , you don’t often see stories where very little time has passed between scenes and events that cover a year’s worth of time. There are some chapters of CftF that barely make it through 48 hours of Wednesday’s life and are 48k lol. I don’t even know how to describe the style of writing except for “excessive narrative” lol.
More thoughts behind the cut (not actually mostly about my writing lol just me complaining about production).
That “slice of life” is what I always LOVE if it’s actually portrayed in any series. I think it’s really important for ensemble pieces, particularly. To not have filler is to lose characters - and we see that with Wednesday in S2 already, having actors who refused to sign on because their story wasn’t important enough to the main narrative. It’s the consequences of reducing television "seasons" down to EIGHT episodes. 
We used to have 22 episode seasons and I MISS that so much. Having rewatched CSI (the first VEGAS one of course, the only one worth watching) and House in the last 365 days, I can say that I truly prefer the 44 minute, 22 episode season with less effects/budget/set compared to these over-blown budgeted, insanely produced eight episode “seasons.” You would have 968 minutes of plot/development versus 416, for probably half the cost even if translated to today’s dollars because it was shot on a backlot in LA. 
I really think that Wednesday could have been just as successful, commercially, with a Once Upon a Time level budget for costumes, effects and sets, if filmed in LA on a backlot for more episodes. It probably would have been a better show because we would have had more time to develop everything. Maybe even the stupid love triangle wouldn’t have been so god awful because at least they would have had the time to make it make sense. One of my previous fandoms Naruto I know I know people were so mad for so much filler over time but I LOVE FILLER. I LOVE TO SEE THE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AND EVERYONE JUST LIVING THEIR LIVES. It’s not all about the big, massive events. I think plot can be a nice slow climb. That is truly how I prefer to write. The only reason that I want to keep chapters short for Murder, She Woe is to 1) practice shorter narrative and 2) it’s not my main fic - it’s my side fic, lol. KiGS will continue to be my main monstrosity that I get to make so big and complex (the only limit is the character limit on AO3 - I did break it once in CftF and had to reduce content 😭).
Thank you again, though. I really appreciate the compliment!
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lilcathsmith · 5 months
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Greg in every episode of CSI (31/328) • Identity Crisis •
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codename-adler · 6 months
nine people you’d like to get to know better 💕
i was tagged by @stick-ball & @qizibans thank you for thinkin’ of lil ole me 🥹
last song i listened to: only i will remain by hans zimmer
favorite color: pastels
currently watching: rewatch of jjk S1 so i can watch S2 and continue the manga. also watching csi: miami since S1E01. finished a documentary (👍) on Raël (🤢) yesterday as well as don’t look up. i’m really not a consistent watcher :/
sweet/savory/spicy: SWEET with a lil savory in between
relationship status: single since birth
current obsession: so i’ll get specific in aftg bc that has gone on for 4 years now –> Kathea 🌺 & non-sexually intimate Kandrew. i’m getting there with Kerejean 👀 also my PiPs obviously! oh and Dune. goddamn dune. (physically: strawberry matcha, fringeTM notebooks, sonny angels, cheesy scrambled egg sandwiches)
last thing you googled: where to watch the old Les 12 travaux d’Ast��rix
@givemethedamnflowers 💕
@merceyca 💕
@dvrcos 💕
@bienmoreau 💕
@jeremy-knoxs-on-wood 💕
@fandomnerd101 💕
@cultpastorkevin 💕
@stabbyfoxandrew 💕
@chronic-optimistt 💕
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claudia-kishi · 1 year
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endless eric x calleigh gifs (14/?)
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esterzach · 10 months
Who are you, Moiraine Sedai? Part II
Whatever is happening here, it was before S2, and it was written before S2, so it doesn't make much sense. Also... might contain dark subjects. No, it will definitely contain dark subjects. Mentioning of things... that are not quite nice. Violence! Look, some parts are disturbing so, if you are a child or this isn't your thing, stay away. Gory images, scenes of ugly things, psychopaths, and all in all CSI meets The Wheel, and it's not pretty.
NO this is not a crossover, I don't do shit like that. I don't even know how people... Nevermind. AGAIN, STAY AWAY. K? If You are anything like me, keep eating, drinking and if you take a look, you'll be fine. *****
Fear. The cold fingers crawled over her skin, creeping inside her, slowly, with a force she didn't know how to stop. She didn't even know what was the reason for this, what was the source. But it was there. The look in her eyes has changed, her posture, even her movements. They became restricted, sharp, and short, far from her usual confidence and smooth-flowing way of moving around. As if a whole other person emerged from inside her and she didn't like this person. She didn't know this person, who seemed to be afraid of her own shadow. Who used the worst words pointing to every weakness and every negative outcome possible, just to torment her. 
She became familiar with the nightmares. It was just darkness, nothing else. And words whispered here and there. And fear. Not that there was anything to be afraid of in them. But they were horrifying anyway.  Darkness around her and in her, darkness she was falling into, trying to reach toward something and always missing it. This wasn't worth screaming in horror, but the screams came anyway. This wasn't worth crying over, she knew that, but the tears came anyway. And right before them, the attempt to breathe as well as the tired stillness of despair after was maybe worse. 
It was as if someone was beating her over and over again. But this time it was her soul who went to bed sore and woke up stiff and in pain.
The first time Moiraine woke up from the sound of someone's screams she was confused. A bone-chilling sound came to her ears and she felt bad for the poor soul who was screaming in terror for mere moments before she realized that it was her who was making those sounds. She was the one gasping for air, she was the one who broke into sobs after the reality sunk in. There were hands holding her steady, in a firm embrace, slightly swaying back and forth until her breathing calmed and the shaking stopped. And a voice. Deep, soothing voice, that touched her very soul. Simple "I'm here."
Over and over. "You are safe. I’m here. "
Lan hasn't abandoned her. Lan was still here. Lan is still on his post. 
Her body grounded to him, the sense of the presence of another human being, of someone who she could trust, maybe, most probably saved her. Deep down she knew it. But the torture has just began. 
The mist in her mind, in front of her vision, in her thoughts led her to bizarre places. Parts of her which she had been holding hidden, small ugly monsters of emotions and thoughts that were held at bay for a long time, were now growing tall and big. The woman was aware of them, and she was fine with them, she never allowed them to speak, because she knew they were parts of her human side, normal, but beaten into submission, in chains, surrendered to her control. Now as if something was feeding them. And these monsters were about to take over. 
She needed a guard, a sword of light against them. 
And he was there. 
Once it was Siuan. She provided comfort and strength. Light, how she missed her. Only days ago in her arms. Glimpses of pure pleasure and sheer happiness, of the inevitable torture and pain that will follow... Siuan was the calm and the safety amidst the storm of whatever entangled emotions were raging in her, Siuan was the taste and colour of life, she had the ability to make her laugh, an almost forgotten sensation in the last years.
Siuan was her freedom. The only person she trusted enough to be herself around, to be truly free, with no games, no masks, no fear. Siuan was also the thrilling arousal of the forbidden, a danger, sweet enough to make things even more intense, and her deepest secret. A secret she doesn't allow anyone to come close to. Anyone, except Lan. Land feels her joy and sorrow, her exhilaration and excitement when she is around, and this odd feeling, she lacks words to describe - the one on the edge between sweetness and torture, that sometimes becomes too much to bear. Lan knows the absent look on her face when she allows some distant bittersweet memory to invade her mind for a moment while on the road in some strange place with people, where she would feel the loneliness taking over. He is familiar with the ache in the pit of her belly when the doubt settles in her mind that she might never see Siuan again. 
Lan knows. Lan understands. Lan likes Siuan more than the vague idea of mighty The Amyrlin throne. He likes her because she is brave and tough, because of her twisted sense of humour and because she makes Moiraine bubbles with joy. When Siuan is around Lan is calm and gets to feel the sweet sensation of someone being loved. 
The last memories of Siuan resurfaced, to bring sadness and longing. She is there adoring her, holding her, and trying to fight the tears. Her look changes into questioning. What would she think of Moiraine now? How would she see her, an Aes Sedai without power, a channeler who can not channel - hollow titles, emptied of meaning. Who is this woman, a stranger to herself, would she even recognize her… Shame and regret filled her, old demons born out of insecurities started a forgotten fight within her. The familiar image of the woman's face appeared in her mind eye, bright smile and beautiful eyes, who watched her with pure love.
 For a brief moment. And was gone again. Like a dream. 
Her face was wet again. Somehow everything in her mind came to this cycle of torture, screaming, and tears. At one of those waking moments, she remembered a conversation with an unpleasant individual from years ago, which turned into something else...
The man had blood on his fingers still when he sat against her in the dirty inn.  He reeked of the smell of death and human filth.  Moiraine remembered the sheer panic of Lan - through the Bond he had somehow sensed how disgusted and terrified she was by this person. And he knew why. He resisted the instinct to grab her and run away from this place. But it was only because her face didn't give away anything and somehow she managed to calm herself enough to send the message through the Bond. He was leaning on a wall a few feet away from her, ready to leap, his eyes narrowed, scanning the area around. There was something about that place, which made both of them uneasy.
Men sitting around, drinking, people from different places if she was able to tell from the way they were dressed. Some of them were even wealthy, she caught glimpses of an expensive weapon, a dagger with a golden handle attached to someone's hip, a ring, or a part of leather and animal fur on clothes, things people cannot afford to demonstrate, let alone travel that far away from for a town if not absolutely secure about their ability to protect themselves or be protected. It was odd that there were so many people, and from so different places, as the building was standing alone in the middle of a forest too far from any main road.
There were almost no women, with a couple exceptions. Near the innkeeper, a step behind stood a girl. No more than fifteen, with black eyes, messy short hair, and tattoos on her indicating she wasn’t from here. No one else looked remotely like her. Moiraine heart clenched. She had recognized her tattoos. She knew exactly where this girl came from and she knew she didn’t belong here. They were too far away from her homeplace. But there was something about her that would make anyone look twice - the girl's eyes. As pretty as they were, they looked like they stared into an abyss, lifeless and unfocused. Moiraine thought for a moment that she saw fear in them, but her second glance showed her that whatever was once there, had vanished. The other woman was serving drinks, with a smile, that was plastered on her face, a mask, that held no warmth or sincerity. Cold blue eyes on a face once may even be considered beautiful, now in her fifty or more, she walked way too comfortably in this place. 
The young Aes Sedai needed to speak to this person, to know something. She paid him for the information with the sole intention of leaving as quickly as possible, cursing herself for trusting whoever sent her this way. 
And it would have been the end of it, common sense would prevail, and they would have left if his nature hadn't overcome him. 
He reached out and grabbed her hand. And all hell broke loose. 
The man never noticed Lan sitting in the shadows of the inn, he didn't know that the woman in front of him was Aes Sedai or was stupid enough not to care. 
 For days, even weeks after that the woman would stop and use every river, lake, or even a puddle on their way to wash her hands, trying to remove some invisible dirt on them, scrubbing them until they bled. She almost felt it on her, some irrational instinct driving her to try to get rid of it.      
Lan was worried. For the first time in years, he had that helpless sense that this was something beyond his knowledge. And he was right. It took her months to come to herself again and not to flinch every time Lan was reaching out to her or touching her. 
She remembered what was left of the building. Ruins, burning, and pure devastation. Thanks to her. Lan couldn't stop her. And he didn't really try. After all, he saw the deeds of the man, he saw his "art" in the basement below. He saw the bodies. Young men and women were slaughtered and chopped in pieces, tortured before their deaths. 
This was what the Aes Sedai had sensed. This was the filth she was trying so desperately to forget. It wasn't some unknown evil, it wasn't creatures created by a force of darkness. This was also a part of human nature - twisted, grotesque, and ugly, but human. The dark side of people, Moiraine always knew existed. Seeing it though... was something else entirely. She knew people could go insane during a war, or a desperate situation and commit horrible crimes. But there was no war, nor desperation. It was something planned, thought of, intentional, and cold. Somehow it has stuck with her, as well as the guilt.
 Not because of what happened. But for the poor people who lay dead in that basement. 
She didn't remember how it happened exactly. She only remembered the fear, the rage, and people rising fast from their chairs, the sound of drawing weapons, Lan taking out his sword, and the horrifying smile of the man in front of her. Someone grabbed her and she instinctively reached for Saidar. Later on, there were bodies, blood everywhere on her clothes, on her face, and the smell of burned-out flesh. Smoke... And that odd feeling as if she was missing something. 
There was a door that led them down to a big room under the building. 
In a few minutes she was throwing up violently through tears. On her knees in front of the inn, she was trying to breathe fresh air and to forget the smell. Lan was holding her. 
She stood up after a minute or two, took a few steps, and stopped. Sobs shook her body just for a moment, tears blurred her vision and rolled down. She stood there. Silent. Tears had stopped fast, she wasn't sobbing anymore, and she could hear the birds from the nearby forest, the noise of the wind, and the leaves of the trees. Nature didn’t care and after every storm, it continued its normal life, guilt-free. She didn't understand how a person could do that. There was a child down there. His big questioning eyes were open, his naked little body spread on a table. She would never forget those eyes. 
“We should go.”
Her voice was calm, as if nothing happened. 
“Moiraine…” - he looked at the direction of the building as if asking her what to do. 
“I will take care of it.”
She stood up on her feet. Silently her hands went up and started to move. Slowly, deliberately. It took a while, much more than usual, but this would take time. Wave after wave were combining with each other spreading, reshaping, and combining again. A fire broke somewhere inside the building, then another, and another. It licked the outside walls and created black smoke from inside. It was getting bigger with every passing second. The noise was deafening as if a storm was swirling and swallowing everything. The flames rose high as the age-old pine trees nearby. But she was still channeling. The structure made a sound like a monster dying groaning defeated. She needed to know that nothing would remain from the place. A small figure emerged from the inside - the strange girl, with the dead eyes. The girl had disappeared when the whole thing started, she was nowhere to be seen. They assumed she escaped. Moiraine gasped. She let go of Saidar and froze in her shock. She saw the girl, who stopped, just mounted her a silent “Thank you”, then turned around slowly and got back inside the burning building.  
She screamed and tried to go towards the inn, but couldn’t make a step. A hand, an iron grip over her elbow had caught her and didn’t allow her to move. She tried to pull, but her strength was no match for the man. She turned toward him, furious, screaming in his face. He didn’t move. His face showed no emotion, he just watched her, with no intent to let her go. Behind her something roared, loud crack woke up the whole forest. Moiraine turned around just in time to see the whole structure collapsing into a burning, smoking pile. She could just watch. They were close enough to feel the heat and the horrible smell of smoke. It was over. She swayed a bit, but he was still holding her and didn't allow her to stumble or fall. When she turned to look at Lan, her face had streaks of tears, mixing with droplets of blood from someone who had the bad idea to get too close to her. Her shoulders dropped as if her whole body suddenly lost whatever strength it had left. He finally let go of her arm. She took a step to him. Slowly her head fell on his shoulder. His hand cradled her. They just stood there, listening. The birds started to sing again.
This event took a toll on her. But she felt safe. She had him. His confidence, his strength, his calm and occasional care. A soft side of a man who almost never smiled, who rarely spoke. After this, it was the first time that she and Lan shared a bed. He held her through the night. The bond had its benefits. His worry and his love for her felt like a warm blanket, wrapped around her on a chilly night. But his physical presence was even better. 
That night she woke up from her dreams in the darkness, and she immediately felt his arms around her. She knew he was awake. He had felt her fear, and although he had seen and felt the same, his calmness overtook her. 
It was that knowledge, that he was always there and she had someone to lean on when she was about to fall, that had saved her. Now the weirdest of memories, long buried under the immediate necessity of her mission, were resurfacing, reappearing, as if to relive them in their pure horror. Her mind was a mess for days, priorities pushed aside, logic crumbling, grasping for straws or drowning. And there was no one in the back of her mind to bring her calm. But the screaming had stopped. Eventually, she somehow knew, the tears would stop too.
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thelonelywriternl · 2 years
Recap: CSI Vegas // 202 - The Painted Man
I've been so extremely busy this week, I didn't manage my recap of last weeks episode sooner than today. But here it is...
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Someone is getting a chainsaw massacre. Oh, wait, it's a place to get scared.
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A painted body. Who paints the body of the person who he'd just killed?
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Catherine is getting herself in trouble. Not really something new.
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Scary Guy Alert.
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I miss Hugo...
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I like how Josh doesn't even need to think about helping Catherine finding her friend.
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Someone is happy he didn't actually screwed something up.
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Scary doesn't necessarily means evil. Wait, I'll take it back. That last shot... That look...
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hippo-pot · 4 months
American Sign Language media content for receptive skills practice
Made this list because I really could have used it earlier on! My rubric is that it needs to include Deaf people signing, and that SimCom doesn't count (it may be present, but it can't be all there is).
This only includes stuff I've actually seen (or partially seen). Also, I'm including some warnings about what you may *not* want to watch, because again, I really could have used those warnings myself.
Easy (i.e. has subtitles and/or voiceover available, IIRC)
Mostly speaking:
CODA (movie; comedy/drama; on AppleTV+)
Kinderfänger (scary movie. Note that it has a 3.7/10 on IMDb. I personally liked it fwiw. not sure if it's streaming anywhere)
CODA (short film; on Kanopy)
Master of None S2.E6: New York, I Love You (TV show episode, currently on Netflix)
Wild Prairie Rose (drama/romance, currently on Peacock)
Queer Eye S8E4: Protect the Nest (reality TV, on Netflix)
CSI S11E13: The Two Mrs. Grissoms (crime show, Hulu)
ANTM Season 22 (the one with Nyle, obviously. I had to get this from the library on a DVD that, get this, had NO captions available. Not impressed. (The ASL was voiceovered))
CSI NY S3E12: Silent Night (crime show, Hulu). I found this one pretty ableist/audist (but it's hard to explain why without spoiling the whole thing - here's the summary if you're fine with spoilers: https://csi.fandom.com/wiki/Silent_Night) also the camera work sometimes seemed more interested in making the signing look artsy rather than making it legible lol
Sue Thomas, F. B. Eye (Peacock) - some episodes have lots of signing, some have none or close to it. Honestly it's pretty racist (the show came out 2002-2005. A lot of episodes are about terrorism, and they're constantly justifying racial profiling). If you can stomach that in exchange for surprisingly decent Deaf rep, here's a (probably incomplete) list of the ones with at least one non-Sue Deaf character, with a * if there are multiple: The Signing, The Heist*, He Said She Said, Girl Who Signed Wolf, Homeland Security, Bad Hair Day, Into Thin Air*, The Holocaust Survivor*, Elvis is in the Building*, Did She or Didn't She, The Fraternity*, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, Troy Story*, Endings and Beginnings*. But yeah, I can't exactly recommend it, just trying to be honest about the pros and cons.
Switched at Birth - I really don't recommend this one either. I understand some people like it, but I have to give my disclaimer that if you watch a couple episodes and think "Well, I didn't like that, but maybe it will get better," lose that hope right now. To me, it only got worse. There is soooo much SimCom (yes, even later in the show when everyone should have learned to sign. Do NOT think there will be more or better signing later on). Daphne's actress has Meniere's disease; in a Reddit AMA, she said, quote, "Technically I am not deaf," so I really question why she was cast as the main Deaf character. Regardless of how she identifies, she is playing an experience she has not had; she isn't a native signer (she started learning in high school, not at age 3 like her character), and when she speaks in the show, she FAKES a "deaf accent". Also, this show is not as lighthearted as it looks, there are some truly disturbing plotlines that just get brushed over. Maybe you love this kind of drama - power to you. I'm just asking that if you watch a couple episodes and don't care for it, quit. Read some episode summaries on the wiki if you need to satisfy your curiosity, but don't hold out hope and watch almost 2 seasons' worth while feeling worse and worse about it l like I did. Moving on:
All or mostly signing:
Deaf U (reality show, on Netflix)
WHAT? (movie; comedy, silent movie; on Prime)
Blue Apple (creepy short film) https://media.gallaudet.edu/media/Blue+Apple+%281994%29/1_wke1swj2 also like. click around on the website. Gallaudet has soooooo much media available (plays, films, etc)
Scarecrow (creepy short film), also a Gallaudet production https://ssl.gallaudet.edu/videolibrary/?embed=16500 tbh there's not a ton of dialogue in this one, so maybe don't watch it if you don't like slow pacing
Don't Shoot the Messenger (raunchy YouTube series about an interpreter)
Barbie in ASL (On Max. It's the movie Barbie, but with a Deaf interpreter in the corner)
PBS also has some stuff with ASL interpretation. I didn't check everything so I don't know if they're all done by Deaf interpreters, but I recognized Jeremy Lee Stone as the interpreter for (at least some of) the Arthur episodes, and Lisa McBee for (at least some of) the Daniel Tiger ones https://pbskids.org/videos/american-sign-language-full-episodes
speaking of Jeremy Lee Stone, his Youtube channel is a great resource: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9HZ1JdV1Us
as are Nathie Marbury's storytelling videos https://www.youtube.com/@dawnsignpress/search?query=nathie
other kids' stories and resources for kids: https://www.youtube.com/@RMDSCO from Rocky Mountain Deaf School and https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhbEjnwOPpyIHotZrGLu68OGeEZlTuvbg from Texas School for the Deaf (some of these are captioned or follow along with a book that they show on screen, but some aren't)
a few nonfiction Youtube series: Daily Moth (general news), Atomic Hands (STEM education), Quantum ASL (STEM education - just a couple longer videos, the rest are basically dictionary entries), BEHEARDDC (prison abolition), Joel West Barish (travel), Rogan Shannon (queer topics), Melmira (interviews)
Sign with Robert (available for free on both Kanopy and Tubi): this is mostly just general ASL teaching, but there are some episodes specifically labeled receptive practice where he tells jokes and stories (25, 26, and 29 - for 26 and 29 they play the stories twice, with captions the second time so you can see what you missed, it's actually super nice haha)
her specific channel doesn't have much, but you can just look up Melanie McKay-Cody, who does research about Indigenous sign languages (she is herself Cherokee). Lots of videos from her all over Youtube
SoCal Stories (interviews with folks including Marlee Matlin, CJ Jones, Bernard Bragg...): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8T937th3Qg&list=PLwR2tgM-4_AYjBRvj3GWqWRjjMiZz_w8u this is part of the Youtube channel Convo Communications, which has tons of other stuff I haven't explored
ASL music videos: this list was curated by a Deaf person so I trust it https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx1wHz1f-8J_xKVdU7DGa5RWIwWzRWNVt
Deafies in Drag (Youtube comedy series)
Reverie (short film, drama. Heavy themes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiFWE6Mtpu0
Perfect Match (short film, drama / sci fi) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxE65yzMgyE
The Witnesses (short film, satire) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6u9iQ_hjXDg
4 translations of MLK's I Have a Dream speech: Richard Bailey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5H2-3O-NJFg (no captions or voiceover), JC Smith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUmdM965Si8 , Takiyah Harris (rough video quality on this one) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiyG_h1tnZE , Missouri School for the Deaf students https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mmxJByigac
Mostly Speaking:
Sound of Metal (movie; drama; on Prime) (the late-deafened characters are not played by Deaf actors, but there's still a lot of Deaf actors. Most of the signing is mid-movie, and if I remember correctly, some is not subtitled, while some is)
Children of a Lesser God (movie; available on Kanopy). The signing isn't subtitled (it's mostly voice-interpreted by another character) and also it was very hard to understand - I gather it leaned more toward SEE? So that's why it's in intermediate.
Star Trek TNG S2E5: Loud as a Whisper (on Paramount+): no subtitles; most of the signing is voice interpreted, but not all. All the ASL is in the 2nd half but there's still a good amount, I thought
All or mostly signing:
look up Gallaudet Theatre Arts on Youtube. There's actually a variety of levels here (of the two I've watched, Bunnicula has voiceover, but Midsummer Night's Dream doesn't. The audio/video quality isn't great on any of it). I'm listing it as Intermediate because for e.g. Shakespeare you can just look up the script of the play and have it in another tab to check what's going on.
Sign (short film; some sexual content) https://vimeo.com/157890479 I was able to understand most of this, which means it's a loooot easier than the Shakespeare, but yeah, no subtitles, no voiceover, no help
The Deaf Family (YouTube sitcom) (don't be fooled, only the first episode has subtitles) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1uuntQOPnw&list=PLx1wHz1f-8J9KzkK5lLO3z0wk64eUzo3Y
Not going to list anything hard because I haven't made it through anything hard, but bonus warning categories:
Doesn't have as much signing as you'd think
(ranked roughly from most signing to least signing)
The Circle, Season 5 (reality show on Netflix. I did really enjoy the Deaf contestant but I definitely wanted more)
Fargo, season 1-ish (show; horror? On Hulu) I only watched a few episodes but Russell was only getting like 5 min screen time per episode and i wasn't enjoying the show otherwise, so it wasn't worth it for me personally
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S1E9: Zoey's Extraordinary Silence (jukebox musical TV show. On Peacock)
Only Murders in the Building (mystery show on Hulu) - I did enjoy this show, so for me it was worth watching all of it, but if you're not interested, you could save time by only watching the 7 episodes with Theo in them
The Family Stone (I did enjoy the movie though tbh. on Hulu)
Curb Your Enthusiasm S12E3: Vertical Drop, Horizontal Tug (TV comedy, on Max) Troy only gets like 5 min of screentime 😭 he's an Academy Award winner...
Queer as Folk S1E4: F*ck Disabled People (on Peacock) (Nyle is in it but I don't think he even ever talks to anyone else who can sign? He's mostly communicating via writing)
Not Worth It
What the Bleep Do We Know: we attempted to watch this "doc" without realizing beforehand that it was all pseudoscience. Honestly, I'm not even sure there was signing in it? I think there was a little
Wonderstruck (2017). There are multiple Deaf actors on the roster. But not one of them gets to sign *anything* as far as I could tell. (One plays a character who hasn't learned to sign, I think at least two were playing hearing people (I do support Deaf actors taking hearing roles, but not if you're gonna take that as an excuse to do the reverse.... which this movie did.....), and some must have had barely any screentime). Two hearing actors get to sign (also the signing doesn't start til like the last 20 min of the movie), and two other hearing actors briefly fingerspell. 👎
Intentionally Didn't Watch (the summary was that bad)
These included Deaf people despite not really wanting them to exist!!!! (think along the lines of forcing ppl to get cochlear implants)
Scrubs S6E16, "My Words of Wisdom" https://scrubs.fandom.com/wiki/My_Words_of_Wisdom someone described this episode to me in a bit more detail than the summary here, and yeah. not good
House S5E22, "House Divided" https://house.fandom.com/wiki/House_Divided legit infuriating
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