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sj2d3d · 2 years ago
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thequeenofmyownscreen · 2 years ago
Graz'tchar, the evil sentient sword disguised as a kind and wise old king, whose objective is really to "sow chaos in the realm by telling lies about great leaders", basically, to Chetney : "The Voice of the Tempest cannot be trusted ! Be wary of her and her machinations ! BUT, like, be cool about it."
Chetney, being as cool about it as he can be, when he talks to Keyleth :
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topaz-mutiny · 2 years ago
On my Critical Role hyperfixation again. Just a little something I noticed during Episode 69 (nice).
Now Ashton's been through a lot in the past few hours learning a metric buttload more in one conversation than they've had in a while, and yeah, it's a little freaky and yeah, deserving to freak out over what it all means about what he is (unknowns are scary man. Being transmogrified to a thought-to-be-dead race of entities on the power level of dieties? extra scary)...
But he's still chatting with the rest of the group early on in the episode, and it isn't clear they're gonna have a panic attack shortly.
Until he makes the mean joke to Orym about the Crown Keepers. Which has some layers to it, too.
They immediately not only backpedal but shortly after a few quips about other stuff Taliesin rolls a die, and I think that roll was to determine if Ash was gonna have a panic attack.
They make one or two more comments before Tal makes the decision to have Ashton slip away from the group, quietly, without announcing he's leaving or going to get his new threads.
I don't think it's the entire reason he's having an attack, but I'm pretty sure hurting Orym's feelings set it off.
They're so not used to caring that it probably was a nasty shock to feel bad for being his usual rude self (in his own words: a fucker) with 6 Charisma. He insults and and makes jokes at the expense of the others all the time, and yet it was the one directed at Orym he seemed to regret.
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lordsalemander · 2 years ago
Imogen’s reaction to Laudna’s “cold” comment has me intrigued. Especially since Laudna hasn’t brought it up yet. Obviously there’s still time for her to bring it up, but I do think it’s interesting she didn’t mention it before they went to bed when she could catch Imogen alone or something.
With all of Laudna’s talk about utilizing Delilah to help them, it’d be so interesting to see if she stays more quite about Delilah’s messages from now on
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immeasurable-depths · 2 years ago
Well I am absolutely gonna have to write some unhinged jealous!Laudna fic after Imogen flirting with Dancer, Laura Bailey please I cannot cope
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themboification · 2 years ago
thinking about the possibility of having the drunkish cliffedge screaming at moonveaver laudna stealing a kiss scene being animated in the official show. literally running on walls rn
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salty-lemonss · 2 years ago
Ashton just saying, "Good morning, you sad fucks" They love these a-holes so much
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justalittlebluetiefling · 2 years ago
I'm going to start telling myself that everyone that hates me is either dead or on the moon and maybe it'll make me feel better.
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smallmight · 2 years ago
Critter Question
I roughly stopped watching CR3 round ep 25, ive tried to get back in a few times and had difficulty, especially now with it on 69 (nice).
Should i just, catch some recaps and start with the latest? Is there some particular special episodes between 25-69(nice) i should catch? Should i give up?
I still mostly like the cast and i have seen interesting spoilers that has me intrigued but i felt so turned off from the performative nature of it all.
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thequeenofmyownscreen · 2 years ago
*Pâté gets immediately attacked by the burning ray of Pussy the Second the moment Laudna gets him out*
Laudna, somehow delighted at the result of her experiment : "Oh ! Oh Pâté, you got burned by some Pussy !"
Pâté : "If I had a nickel... !"
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topaz-mutiny · 2 years ago
I figured the cursed sword was going to provide some entertainment, but what I didn't expect was Marisha's complete and utter dismay when the sword started shittalking and encouraging the killing of Keyleth.
Face in hands, the immediate "throw it. throw it off a cliff". I'm laughing and feeling bad for her at the same time. Because yeah Keyleth has been through a lot.
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revvethasmythh · 2 years ago
Keyleth of the Air Ashari = Kimothee Chalamet
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charmpersonified · 2 years ago
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I am really feeling Ashton’s transition from punk to goth
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littlepinksapphire · 2 years ago
I love the idea that Orym is having this sad, sweet moment talking to his dead husband and in the distance you hear Laudna screaming “WE’RE DOG FIGHTING!!!” as chaos ensues in the air.
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jazzapples3 · 2 years ago
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bjarkanart · 2 years ago
Watching episode 69 of campaign 3 of Critical Role and there's something that's been bothering me for the last couple of episodes
Am I going mad or did everybody really forget they already met Dancer before? Imogen was the one that went to talk to her first with FCG in tow the first time around as well, and everyone's acting like it's the first time they're meeting her? Sure, it's kinda funny in a way, I'll admit but it's a bit frustrating to see that they'd forget about a whole scene like, Imogen sent a message to Dancer saying she found FCG and was going to disassemble them and wanted to check with her if she wanted to get a few things back beforehand like, what the fuck is up with that?
I love those guys but this specific part is really bugging me right now. I'm not saying they can't forget things, with everything going on in the campaign, but it's pretty major in FCG's story and I don't really get how no one's picked up on this yet.
Oh and I'm not hating or anything okay? Just wanna know if I'm the only one who's noticed that particular detail
Other than that, that episode is wild, holy shit 😂
ALSO, they remember talking to Shithead but not what I've been rambling about. Amazing 😂
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