#CPR Instructor
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timecapsuleonfire · 26 days ago
I taught 18 people how to save a life. And made a spreadsheet worse than how I found it
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universalinfo · 11 months ago
HLR instruktörens utmaningar och framgÄngar: Personliga erfarenheter
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VÀlkommen till en vÀrld av hjÀltar utan mantlar. Som en "HLR instruktör" stÄr man inför mÄnga utmaningar, men ocksÄ mÄnga framgÄngar. Att undervisa andra i hjÀrt-lungrÀddning (HLR) Àr inte bara ett yrke, det Àr ett kall. I detta inlÀgg delar jag med mig av mina personliga erfarenheter, bÄde utmaningarna jag stött pÄ och de framgÄngar som följt med att vara en HLR instruktör. LÄt oss dyka in i denna hjÀrtevÀrmande resa.
Utmaningar som HLR Instruktör
1. Att bemÀstra konsten att undervisa
Som HLR instruktör Àr det första steget att bemÀstra konsten att undervisa. Att överföra kunskap pÄ ett effektivt och engagerande sÀtt till mÀnniskor frÄn alla samhÀllsskikt Àr en stor utmaning. Det krÀver inte bara djup förstÄelse för HLR-tekniker, utan ocksÄ förmÄgan att anpassa undervisningsmetoderna efter varje individs behov och förstÄelse.
2. Att hÄlla sig uppdaterad
En annan utmaning Àr att konstant hÄlla sig uppdaterad med de senaste riktlinjerna och teknikerna inom HLR. Medicinska riktlinjer och bÀsta praxis utvecklas stÀndigt, vilket krÀver att jag som instruktör Àr pÄ tÄrna och kontinuerligt uppdaterar min kunskap och mina fÀrdigheter. Detta krÀver en betydande investering av tid och energi.
3. Hantera emotionella situationer
HLR-utbildning kan ofta vÀcka starka kÀnslor, sÀrskilt bland de som har upplevt en nÀra och kÀrs hjÀrtstopp. Som instruktör har jag stött pÄ mÄnga emotionellt laddade situationer dÀr jag behövt visa empati och förstÄelse samtidigt som jag bibehÄller en professionell standard. Att balansera denna emotionella aspekt med att lÀra ut tekniska fÀrdigheter Àr en av de största utmaningarna.
FramgÄngar som HLR Instruktör
1. Att se elever vÀxa
En av de mest givande aspekterna av mitt arbete Àr att se eleverna vÀxa och utveckla sina HLR-fÀrdigheter. NÀr en elev gÄr frÄn att vara osÀker och tveksam till att bli sjÀlvsÀker och kompetent i HLR, kÀnner jag en enorm tillfredsstÀllelse. Att veta att varje person jag utbildar har potential att rÀdda liv Àr otroligt belönande.
2. Att bidra till samhÀllet
Som HLR instruktör har jag ocksÄ möjlighet att göra en positiv inverkan pÄ samhÀllet. Genom att öka antalet personer som kan utföra HLR, bidrar jag till en mer hÀlsomedveten och beredd befolkning. Det Àr en stolthet att veta att mitt arbete hjÀlper till att skapa en sÀkrare miljö för alla.
3. Personlig och professionell utveckling
Yrket har ocksÄ erbjudit mig en betydande personlig och professionell utveckling. Varje utbildningssession Àr en möjlighet att förbÀttra mina pedagogiska fÀrdigheter, öka mitt tÄlamod och förstÄelse, och utveckla min förmÄga att hantera olika situationer. Denna stÀndiga utveckling Àr inte bara tillfredsstÀllande, den har ocksÄ förstÀrkt min karriÀr som HLR instruktör.
Att vara en HLR instruktör Ă€r en resa fylld med bĂ„de utmaningar och framg Ă„ngar. Varje dag innebĂ€r nya möjligheter att lĂ€ra ut, inspirera och göra en skillnad. Att möta de utmaningar som kommer med yrket – att stĂ€ndigt uppdatera kunskap, hantera emotionella situationer och effektivt överföra kritiska fĂ€rdigheter – krĂ€ver tĂ„lamod, dedikation och passion. Å andra sidan Ă€r framgĂ„ngarna – att se elevers framsteg, bidra till samhĂ€llet och uppleva personlig tillvĂ€xt – oerhört givande.
Varje person jag undervisar tar med sig kunskapen om att kunna rÀdda liv, vilket ger en kÀnsla av kollektivt ansvar och samhörighet. Som HLR instruktör har jag haft privilegiet att vara en del av denna viktiga process. Det Àr inte bara en yrkesroll; det Àr en möjlighet att pÄverka mÀnniskors liv pÄ det mest fundamentala sÀttet.
Att arbeta som HLR instruktör Ă€r verkligen en unik och berikande erfarenhet. Det Ă€r en resa som krĂ€ver mycket, men ger Ă€nnu mer tillbaka. För alla som övervĂ€ger detta kall, kan jag helhjĂ€rtat sĂ€ga att det Ă€r en av de mest meningsfulla vĂ€garna man kan vĂ€lja. Att vara en del av en rörelse som arbetar för att göra vĂ€rlden till en sĂ€krare plats Ă€r inte bara ett jobb – det Ă€r en livslĂ„ng resa av lĂ€rande, delande och rĂ€ddande av liv.För alla frĂ„gor, kontakta oss för att fĂ„ bĂ€ttre insikter.
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ssecond-hand-faith · 7 months ago
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Doing great everyone, remember to stay on the beat!
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mrlesbian · 7 months ago
today my psychologist told me that my resilience is commendable and she is proud of me and i will be riding that high for many moons to come thank you very much
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rambling-robot · 8 months ago
Oh My God A Memory Was Unlocked And Fellas It’s Not A Good One
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aidenwaites · 8 months ago
Library training in comparison to every other customer service training I've ever had is so insane
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cowardstiel · 1 year ago
but don’t tell my fart, my achy breaky shart
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letsoulswander · 1 year ago
Honestly I've taken several first aid courses as well as uncertified first aid refreshers and no one EVER tells you to pack a wound. That's just... You're running a huge risk of infection and introducing foreign material to a place it shouldn't be. I resent being called an "idiot sandwich" by a haha funny big blog for saying this.
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tophatmouse · 3 months ago
I was today years old when i learned that in cpr training, they use the ah ah ah ah stayin alive stayin alive song.
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intraosseous · 7 months ago
boy nobody can kick a man down like bob parker 😭
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resqtraining · 8 months ago
TB Certification in Indiana | Resq Training
Resq Training offers comprehensive TB certification in Indiana, providing healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills to identify, prevent, and manage TB (Tuberculosis) effectively. Their training programs ensure compliance with state regulations and equip you with the necessary tools to safeguard public health.
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universalinfo · 1 year ago
Att bli en HLR instruktör: En steg-för-steg guide
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VÀlkommen till en spÀnnande resa dÀr du blir en livrÀddare! Att bli en "HLR instruktör" Àr inte bara en karriÀr - det Àr ett kall. HLR (HjÀrt-lungrÀddning) Àr en kritisk fÀrdighet som rÀddar liv varje dag. Genom att bli instruktör tar du ett steg mot att utbilda andra i denna livsviktiga kunskap. I denna guide gÄr vi igenom varje steg som krÀvs för att bli en certifierad HLR instruktör. LÄt oss börja!
Steg 1: FörstÄ HLR
Innan du börjar din resa till att bli en HLR instruktör, Àr det viktigt att först förstÄ vad HLR innebÀr. HLR Àr en nödprocedure som kombinerar bröstkompressioner och artificiell andning för att upprÀtthÄlla cirkulation och andning hos en person som har hjÀrtstopp. Som instruktör kommer din uppgift att vara att lÀra ut dessa tekniker pÄ ett effektivt och pedagogiskt sÀtt.
Steg 2: Skaffa GrundlÀggande Certifiering
Ditt första steg mot att bli en HLR instruktör Àr att sjÀlv bli certifierad i HLR. Detta innebÀr att du mÄste genomgÄ en HLR-kurs som erbjuds av en erkÀnd organisation, sÄsom Röda Korset eller HjÀrt-Lungfonden. Dessa kurser ger dig de grundlÀggande kunskaperna och fÀrdigheterna i HLR. Det Àr viktigt att komma ihÄg att denna certifiering mÄste förnyas regelbundet, vanligtvis vartannat Är.
Steg 3: FĂ„ Erfarenhet
Efter att ha blivit certifierad, Àr nÀsta steg att fÄ praktisk erfarenhet. Detta kan innebÀra att du frivilligt hjÀlper till i HLR-utbildningar eller att du praktiserar HLR-tekniker regelbundet. Erfarenhet Àr nyckelntill att bygga förtroende och fÀrdighet i att undervisa andra. Att observera erfarna HLR instruktörer och fÄ praktisk erfarenhet Àr ovÀrderligt för din utveckling.
Steg 4: Avancerad Utbildning
För att bli en HLR instruktör krÀvs mer Àn bara grundlÀggande HLR-certifiering. Du bör ocksÄ övervÀga att ta avancerade kurser, som HLR för vÄrdpersonal eller pediatrisk HLR. Dessa kurser ger dig en djupare förstÄelse för olika scenarier och tekniker, vilket Àr avgörande för en kompetent instruktör. Dessa kurser ger ocksÄ en bredare kunskapsbas som du kan dela med dina framtida elever.
Steg 5: Instruktörsutbildning
NÀr du har den nödvÀndiga erfarenheten och utbildningen, Àr nÀsta steg att anmÀla dig till en instruktörsutbildningskurs. Dessa kurser, ofta tillgÀngliga genom samma organisationer som erbjuder grundlÀggande HLR-kurser, Àr specifikt utformade för att utbilda framtida instruktörer. I denna kurs lÀr du dig pedagogiska metoder, kursplanering och hur man effektivt kommunicerar och engagerar dina elever.
Steg 6: Certifiering och Ackreditering
Efter att ha slutfört instruktörsutbildningen, kommer du att behöva genomgÄ en certifieringsprocess. Detta kan innebÀra en kombination av skriftliga prov och praktiska demonstrationer av dina HLR-kunskaper och din förmÄga att undervisa. NÀr du har godkÀnts, fÄr du din officiella ackreditering som HLR instruktör. Denna ackreditering Àr bevis pÄ din kompetens och kvalifikationer att undervisa HLR.
Steg 7: Starta Din KarriÀr
Med din nya certifiering i hand, Àr du nu redo att starta din karriÀr som HLR instruktör. Det finns flera vÀgar du kan utforska, frÄn att arbeta med privata utbildningsföretag till att samarbeta med hÀlsovÄrdsorganisationer, skolor, och företag. Skapa din egen nisch genom att anpassa dina kurser för specifika mÄlgrupper, sÄsom idrottsledare, förÀldrar eller arbetsplatser. Marknadsför dina tjÀnster genom sociala medier, nÀtverkande och samarbeten med lokala organisationer.
Steg 8: FortsÀtt Utvecklas
Som HLR instruktör Àr det viktigt att kontinuerligt hÄlla sig uppdaterad med de senaste riktlinjerna och forskningen inom HLR. Delta regelbundet i fortbildningar och nÀtverkstrÀffar. Var öppen för att lÀra frÄn andra instruktörer och dela med dig av dina egna erfarenheter. En del av att vara en framstÄende instruktör Àr att aldrig sluta lÀra och utvecklas.
Att bli en HLR instruktör Àr en resa som krÀver engagemang, utbildning, och en passion för att lÀra ut livsrÀddande fÀrdigheter. Genom att följa dessa steg kan du göra en verklig skillnad i mÀnniskors liv och bidra till en sÀkrare vÀrld. Lycka till pÄ din resa! För alla frÄgor, kontakta oss för att fÄ bÀttre insikter.
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thefreakandthehair · 1 year ago
I am a river / I am your river
written for ‘pool’ | wc: 442 | rated: m | cw: fake drowning (for training purposes) | @steddiemicrofic
It’s stupid. 
Steve’s been a lifeguard every summer since landing his teaching gig four years ago. He was co-captain of the swim team in high school, he’s spent more time in the water than he has on land since he was old enough to doggy-paddle, and he teaches basic CPR to the junior lifeguards. It makes no sense, then, that he’s wasting a valuable mid-summer Tuesday at the community pool for his biennial CPR certification class. At what point does experience trump arbitrary certification renewals? 
It’s stupid– until it’s not. 
Steve sees the fake-victim he’s supposed to pretend-rescue walking toward the pool and his own heart skips a few beats. Long, dark, curly hair sits in a messy bun on top of his head, tattoos litter his arms, chest, and torso visible with no shirt to cover them, and his swim trunks are just short enough to tease Steve with defined, hairy thighs. 
His immediate thought is a desperate need to bite them but he doesn’t have time to unpack that before the instructor starts barking instructions. 
“Rescuer, ready?”
“Ready.” Steve replies, trying to focus on the goal here. The goal being Rescue the fake drowning victim as much as Do not pop a boner mid-pool.
“Victim, ready?” 
“As ever.” Fake Victim’s voice is deeper than Steve expects and that does Steve zero favors in the way of his secondary goal.
“Go ahead and get ready to submerge, all the way to the bottom.”
“Alright,” the instructor turns to Steve. “Get him out onto the concrete and start CPR procedures. Thirty seconds. On my whistle.”
The whistle blows and Steve reacts immediately. It’s second nature, jumping into the pool and into action. He’s done this dozens of times between training and real emergencies, so swimming out to the center and pulling Fake Victim up onto his back at the surface takes no time at all. 
He must be an actor, or maybe a former theater kid, because he’s limp in Steve’s hands, complete dead weight. Steve would be concerned he’s actually nearly drowned if not for the one eye that cracks open and smirk that stretches across his face. 
“Hi handsome, come here often?” He teases with a wink before Steve reaches the edge and hauls him up onto the concrete, laying him on his back. 
Steve leans over and tries to focus, water falling from his hair in thick droplets as he gets in position for faux chest compressions and grins. “Oh, you know, just when I need to rescue pretty boys.”
Fake Victim’s eyebrows shoot up beneath his bangs as he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth. “I’m Eddie.”
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yawneneteyam · 1 year ago
ALL THINGS CONNECTED | j. flatters chapter seven — give us some commentary
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summary: growing up on the set of avatar: the way of water was a dream. your friends had become your family, all except for one. jamie was the one person you always found yourself drawn to, in ways more complex than the title of 'best friends' [1.6k].
pairing: fem!reader x jamie flatters
notes: based on jamie flatters documentary: all things connected. co-stars/friends to lovers. inspired by @cacapeepee. shorter but I wanted to get something out. mentions of blacking out underwater.
⌙ pairing: jamie flatters x fem!reader
masterlist ⎾ chapter six | chapter eight
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your eyes were closed, the numbers in your head going up and up every second you held your breath for longer. usually, you could feel your heartbeat in your chest, but today, you were so zoned in you didn’t take notice of it. 
you were all in the tank, seeing who could hold their breath for the longest. jack had already come up, around 43 seconds in. he was watching intently from his place, now, outside the tank. it had been four months since you and jamie last had a competition to see who could hold their breath for the longest. you didn’t even care for the competition anymore, the fact of proving to yourself you could do it, mattered even more than beating jamie. 

you could feel your heartrate beginning to quicken. you opened your eyes and tried your best to try and slow it. you looked at jamie, who was ahead of you, the vision of him blurred by the water- but you could make out his silhouette anywhere. 
 157... 158... 
you saw his figure jerk a little. you furrowed your eyebrows and tried to make out what he was doing, but it only made sense when you realised he was beginning to sink. 
he had passed out. 
your heart was racing now. you heard splashed from above and saw other figures coming to help, but you got to him first. you tried your best to pull jamie up to the surface, but his unconscious frame was heavy underwater. you silently thanked the free-dive instructor for helping you pull him up. 
time slowed as the rest of the diving team hauled jamie out of the tank. bailey and duane had broken the surface, noticing the commotion. bailey asked you what had happened, but you didn’t register what she was saying; too busy trying to catch your breath, and watch the instructor get jamie to consciousness. 
he didn’t wake up instantly, or maybe he did.. you couldn’t tell. you weren’t sure if you were waiting for five seconds or five minutes, but jamie eventually came to when they were starting to contemplate cpr. 
you pulled yourself up the ladder quickly, realising he was waking up, but you kept your distance, not wanting to be in the way. 
“is he okay?” jack asked from against the railing. no one answered him, too busy trying to make sure jamie was okay. 
it all went really quick after that, jamie was with the medical team for a while before he was sent back to his trailer to rest. you ended up in there only 10 minutes after they cleared him. he had fallen back to sleep on the couch, his head fallen back completely. 
you rushed over to make sure he hadn’t become unconscious again. you said his name a few times but shook him when he didn’t respond. 
jamie took a deep breath before opening his eyes and letting out a groan. “y/n?” he asked.
“im sorry i came in,” you said quickly, “i was worried.. e-everyone was worried. i said i’d come check on you”. a lie. 
“it’s okay,” he gave you what you would pass as a tired smile, “i’m glad you’re here”. you tried to ignore the butterflies that let themselves into your stomach, especially at such an inconvenient time, but you couldn’t help it. 
“i wanna hang, but i don’t know how much longer i should be awake for. they told me to sleep it off,” he chuckled. 
“you’re so stupid for not coming up,” you shook your head, ignoring him. “why wouldn’t you come up?”.
he sighed, “i thought i had it,” he shrugged. jamie cleared his throat before readjusting his position on the couch, making room for you next to him. “i wanted to do well,” he admitted shyly, almost embarrassed. 
you shook your head softly, looking at him. you took in his tired demeanour; you could imagine that he would be wrecked after everything that happened. you were keeping him from resting, you knew that, but you were selfish in the fact that you just wanted him with you, so you could keep an eye on him.
“come on,” you stood up, holding out your hand, “lets get you back to bed.. in a real bed” you chuckled. jamie laughed along with you, if you could call it laughing. he felt like a shell of a man after the last hour. embarrassed he passed out, tired from the rushing and intensity of the situation, but happy that you were here. 
since your kiss, jamie couldn’t stop thinking about you. he felt helpless in a way he hadn’t felt before in his nearly 18 years on this earth. all of his thoughts were consumed by you, the thought of your lips, your laugh, your hips. he couldn’t help himself. 
if anyone came to check on him, he would want it to be you. 
“i’m not that tired, y/n. i’m fine,” jamie tried his best to reassure you, but there was an unspoken truth that you were aware of. 
“there is no way that you’re ‘fine’ after that, jamie” you shook your head, “you don’t need to lie to me,” and he knew that. out of everyone on this set, jamie knew that you were the one he could unapologetically tell the truth to, every single time. 
“i just would rather stay up with you,” he chuckled, resting his head against his knuckles. you both sat in silence for a little while longer, before you stood up and held out your hand to him. 
jamie raised his eyebrows at you, a little suspicious. you moved your hand at him again, showing your growing impatience, he haphazardly grabbed your hand. you pulled him into the back of his trailer and sat down on his bed. jamie didn’t let go of your hand as he sat next to you; he was drinking in your touch for as long as he could. 
“why are you looking at me like that?” you chuckled, suddenly getting nervous under his gaze. he noticed your change in demeanour, this was the first time you had ever acted like this when he looked at you. even in the dim lights of his trailer, jamie could swear your face grew a faint blush.
“i’m not looking at you like anything,” he smirked, shrugging his shoulders. a blatent lie from him, and jamie knew it. he was looking at you like he always does, like you hung the moon and the stars. 
you shook your head, trying to ignore the butterflies that were making their presence known in your stomach. “you need to rest, flats” you said. 
he knew you were right, but he wanted this time with you more than he did sleep. “we have the entire weekend to rest,” he rebutted, “i can relax at the beach with you tomorrow.”
“you’re crazy,” you laughed.
“how so?” 
you didn’t respond, just shook your head at him. “you need to let go of my hand so you can get into bed,” you suddenly took note of his fingers that were still intertwined with yours. jamie pulled away rather quickly, afraid he was making you uncomfortable. 
“we can lay down,” he said, shuffling himself towards the top of the bed, “but i’m not sleeping yet,” 
“you say that, but i know you” you laughed, switching the tv on, “you’ll pass out, flats.”
and that he did. you and jamie watched around twenty minutes of some movie he claimed was a ‘cinematic masterpiece’ before he dozed off before the plot could even move along. “night flats,” you whispered, pulling the covers over his body fully. you knew the medical team would check on him during the night, so you thought it would be best to head back to your trailer. you managed to slip out of his trailer, after picking up for a little while and leaving jamie a note. 
you went and saw bailey for an hour before you went back to your trailer, falling asleep, ready for your first free weekend in a while.
jamie was up with the medical team at two, four hours after you left him. he was so tired when they came, he was eager to go back to sleep. but when he woke up properly the next morning, he was finally in the right mind to have a shower and get ready for the day. 
jamie knew filip and duane wanted to go to manhattan beach again, spend their day lounging away in the sunshine and the sea. he wondered if he could rope you into coming with them, but he remembered you mentioning seeing your parents this weekend. 
he was about to head out to see filip, when a note sitting on his kitchenette caught his eye. 
“next time you’re up for it we can actually finish a film together. see you in the morning, superstar”
he couldn’t help the involuntary smile that found its way to his lips, or the way that his cheeks suddenly felt hot. he really was wrapped around your little finger, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
with a shake of his head, jamie quickly made his way over to filip’s trailer. 
“bro, what’s the rush?” filip asked from his couch after jamie barrelled his way into the trailer.
“i think i’m in love with y/n..” he blurted out. 
he and filip sat there in silence for a while, jamie being completely checked out after the realisation of how intense his feelings were for his castmate. 
“well..” filip sighed, “congrats on being the last one to find out,” 
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thisiswhereikeepdcthings · 1 year ago
So apparently first-aid classes aren't mandatory in the rest of the country? I was talking about my sophmore year with a friend, where we handled triage and life support (sidenote, did anyone else get a complimentary thing of NARCAN upon completing their cpr courses or was it just my district?) and she seemed completely baffled by the idea that learning medical skills was mandatory, let alone at every level in school. Like I don't even think this is a "Gotham Is Dangerous" thing, it seems like such an obvious and useful class to have, but she kept saying that it was weird and that no one else she knew learned this.
Although that one demonstation where Scarecrow fear-gassed our instructor and taught us how to splint the guy's broken arm was strange, I'll give her that.
Gothamites looking at the rest of the non-FAST* trained country: You guys are weird.
*(First aid for severe trauma)
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wrenhavenriver · 15 days ago
arrived for my “in-person” CPR course and it’s just an empty room with the mannequins and a tripod to hook your phone up to so you can connect to a zoom call with the instructor 😑
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