the-briny-bulletin · 1 year
Cryptid fish that has only been seen once and never again that may or may not exist but well never know my beloved
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Check your conspiracy theory. Does it sound anything like this?
There is an ancient global conspiracy plotting to create a one world government.
The one world government will be headed by a single leader.
The conspiracy intends to make everyone follow a religion it created.
The conspiracy is trying to destroy all true religion/spirituality.
The conspiracy deliberately stirs up conflict and starts wars.
The conspiracy deliberately does whatever it can to confuse, exhaust, and demoralize the people.
The conspiracy creates and/or manipulates art and entertainment to control and brainwash the masses.
The conspiracy uses mind-altering substances to manipulate and control people.
Liberal politics (EG, religious tolerance, equality) are part of the conspiracy.
Communism and collectivism are part of the conspiracy.
The conspiracy manipulates the economy to our detriment.
The conspiracy wants to do away with the gold standard.
The conspiracy wants to do away with the free market.
The conspiracy intends to tax the rich, which is bad because taxes are just legal theft.
Teaching people about the mistakes and atrocities committed by governments is part of the conspiracy.
The conspiracy creates new religions and spiritual movements to further their agendas.
All secret societies (EG, Freemasonry) are part of the conspiracy.
Presidents are manipulated puppets of the conspiracy.
The conspiracy manipulates anyone with a high political position.
The conspiracy grooms world leaders.
Agents of the conspiracy are planted everywhere, in all levels of society.
The conspiracy kills anyone who might expose their plans in ways that no one would suspect are actually murder.
The conspiracy follows/uses the Kabbalah.
Literally all of these were claimed in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, an antisemitic hoax used by the Okhrana to justify violence against Russian Jews. It was used by Nazi Germany to justify the Holocaust, and today it still serves as the blueprint for most conspiracy theories - even if modern conspiracy theorists try to hide it, downplay it, or rationalize it with another, equally absurd conspiracy theory.
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thegoodmorningman · 4 months
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oasisr · 10 months
yes i am a prude, and hypersexuality is ruining friendships, relationships and society as a whole.
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It's the domicilegate
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sjw-irritant · 14 days
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rejectingrepublicans · 3 months
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one-time-i-dreamt · 5 months
I lived in a narrowly pre-apocalyptic America that existed in a state of Cold War-type political tension, and Roman Catholic nuns were held in general suspicion of involvement with Soviet conspiracies.
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kittygrimm88 · 3 months
I have a theory about who MC shouldn't trust as Taiga told her.
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Instead of anyone from the ghouls, the ones she shouldn't trust are the professors like Hyde. The theory that goes with this one would also be that she isn't actually cursed but something completely different. After seeing how the academy was doing with Lyca, it would make a lot of sense.
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nocternalrandomness · 6 months
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trainer0084 · 2 months
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Priority time, folks: TikTok witches being kinda shallow with their craft is a threat to no one. TikTok witches spreading recycled Satanic Panic/NWO conspiracy theories is a threat to everyone.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 2 months
Guys, I'm literally begging you to not make me the "Um, actually" guy right now.
Atlantis is not and has never been a real actual city.
There is literally no historical or anthropological evidence that it ever existed. It was an entirely made up city that Plato created to illustrate his point about the very real threat of political corruption and how if left unchecked, could lead to the absolute devastation of an entire nation and its people.
It's also a fucking Nazi conspiracy theory. I shouldn't have to explain how "a secret advanced ancient civilization whose people were inherently superior and able to dominate all of the Ionian, Aegean and Mediterranean seas" is an absolute red fucking flag.
I'm going to jump out a window omfg a;lsdfj;alkgja
Here's a fun video for anyone who is still doubtful that explains in more depth how fucking bonkers the Atlantis conspiracy theory actually is.
I promise ACTUAL Greek history is extremely fascinating. Please stop buying into literal conspiracy theories, I'm going to lose my fucking mind.
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notwhatiam · 2 years
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With this amazing gift from @missroserose, plus the Shakespeare magnet poetry set I already had, I can finally achieve my goal of writing conspiracy theories in iambic pentameter.
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“One can understand why they initially thought this—there were shots, people were killed, Trump was injured—but it has led to confusion and speculation because, while the video and photos clearly show blood around his ear, his ear remained completely intact—not even a hole. If a bullet from an “AR-style” weapon had made any contact at all, it likely would have caused a rather visible wound, perhaps even tearing the ear off.
But some authorities, such as the Pennsylvania police, are now saying that Trump was hit by glass (perhaps from a shattered teleprompter), rather than a bullet. Whether it be from a teleprompter or something else (I was unable to confirm exactly where they were all located, or whether one was damaged), the hypothesis that Trump was hit by glass, or some other kind of shrapnel, aligns much better with the nature of the wound Trump received.”
The shattered glass does not meet the criteria of a conspiracy theory because it is more plausible than him being hit with a bullet and it has been confirmed by the state police and secret service.
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It's terrifying how accurate this is.
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