satoru786 · 7 months
Its my first and last post...i made it cause i just want to warn u all
Ignore errors cause english is not my first language
Stop following anyone blindly
I am not that anon but i think she got some mind bjt she wasted in proving this much
I m not going to type so much cause i m super lazzzzy i am just going to attach some pics if u have mind u will get it i am not going explain everything cause i am not your slave...anyways lets start
I am not going to use word Proof cuz Olivia had already used it so much 🤣🤣.... lets go with confirmations .....
1. The profile pic of Olivia account that she claims is of mina *they are same person*
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Its from a girl name @melikesaygin11 on insta
Some of the post of her focus on the face and tatoo in pic 1
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I will show u magic... Ready... hope u r not blind
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2. As long as i remember Olivia said that she have some million followers on insta i found her account on friday 16 she have less then 50 followers but she deleted her account now but luckily i have taken screen shot of her all post (she claims that she posted her pic) and in the proof provided by her she have posted 88 topics letsssss seeeee......... Wait and watch
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The 1st pic in the set is presented by her as proof but she hides her face
These are the major proofs but if u want more i am guiding u..
He mercedes google lens the all the pic u will find that the car is own by girl name laporscha... maybe some spelling is wrong
All her post she claims with mina just focus on the locket and go to the saygin account u will find it
Her nickname is jodie she attached her fb account there
Her subliminals are not safe i am not forcing u can use at ur own risk ur life ur rules
All her proof pic u can find it on tik tok of the saygin i dont find it because it is banned in my country.. Just go for old posts
Maybe i even got the real account(confirm from my side) of Olivia aka mina aka jodie not going to mention it cuz dont want increase the drama... but it have around 4k followers.. Where the hell are other 49996000 followers are..
Some of u be like- Now Olivia is exposed wht about mina?
Hmmm ..good question..
Girl in profile pic and posts are same wht about claims of Olivia
.. And mina agreed with every post of Olivia even reblogged it.. so.. Hope u get it. ITS ALL FAKE..
The question arises why i m doing this...
I am sanatani and its my dharma to guide everyone but to be honest i am least interested to warn u all as the someone has said that“Never wrestle with a pig because you'll both get dirty and the pig likes it."  Positive energy is much more powerful than negative energy. If you stay positive, the negativity can't touch you...
Just little bit motivation for u all listen VOID is real and i m guarantee this because my religion is oldest and in vedas and upanishads they claims that one who attain shunyata or zero state aka void can manipulate the reality....***Even one of the holy book which is known as SHRIMAD BHAGAVAD-GITA it have divine knowledge given by lord KRISHNA who is the supreme power or almighty himself. If you will read it with perspective of void you will get the hidden message in few lines (***this is not proved cuz its my ideology).
U just have to let go everything
U dont have to listen subliminal or anything else just let go
Just in case If you are reading this i will think my energy is invested in a good place and my hour is not wasted..
Peace out..🕉️
@unicornjoking1111 @luckykiwiii101 dont be sad focus on ur self..
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hollow-keys · 10 months
Jodie Whittaker vs Russel T Davies.
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If you don't make a joke out of it, it won't be a mockery. It's that simple. The only way you could believe it was is if you thought there was something inherently insulting about a man wearing non masculine clothing.
What does him being straight have to do with anything? Can straight men not be gender non conforming?
I was going to ask what him being a Scotsman had to do with things, especially when they won't let him use his natural accent, but then I realised that makes it even more ridiculous because Scottish men traditionally wear kilts! And yes, they're not feminine within Scottish culture but they do look that way from an Anglo point of view, which is the viewpoint the press and probably RTD is taking (despite him being Welsh).
And about the press thing, that's not what would have happened and you know it. Source: David Tennant has already worn much more feminine clothes on Good Omens.
It's honestly ironic that Jodie specifically stressed that her costume felt inclusive and could be worn by anyone and RTD spat in the face of it.
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raemeh · 2 years
Actually the more I think about Jodie is probably pinning for Morgan because he misses scam.
cause presumably they would’ve already been divorced for Jodie to be dating scam in the first place.
and we don’t have a conformation for how long they dated but I’m pretty sure they started dating before they initiated code purple so they were probably going strong for a few years.
When he left Jodie couldn’t really go back to Morgan because she moved on. (honestly good for her)
he thinks if he gets back together with her he’ll be complete but really he just misses his boyfriend and son
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y2ksnowglobe · 8 months
Anyone up for hearing my theories on who and when and how the portals in Dndads can kind of make sense maybe?
Well, start of the season, Sparrow, Lark, Grant, and Terry clearly can't portal between realms. My theory is that they kinda depended on Nick, Glenn, and Jodie for that sort of thing pre-betrayal. But this inability to portal is how they get stuck on Earth and the teens need to save them. However, we do see them using portal guns and whatever later, so what happens?
Now at the start we don't see portalling between the two realms until Nick shows up, but we do see the FBI create a portal into Taylor's room, and we see the mayor have the ability to portal around the Forgotten Realms when she appears under Taylor's bed (later we get the conformation when they visit city hall, but we're not really there yet.) The point is though, these two entities are clearly limited to the plane their already on at this point. The FBI might be looking for a way into Hell, but they don't have it yet.
Now...should Sparrow have Plane Shift when they go to earth? Yes. But I'm going to say that either the kiddads got split up and he didn't want to abandon Grant and Terry, OR somehow he got really unlucky and "How to cast plane shift" was a memory that got stolen or wiped away by Doodler aura almost immediately. It's not too egregious.
Once everyone gets back from Earth, the next portal usage we see is Nick coming out of Hell to kick Willy's ass, and the next thing we know, the FBI has found their way into Hell. I theorize that, since Agent Shmegan basically told Taylor he'd be following to see when Nick showed back up, that Nick got caught by the FBI at this point, and they managed to create their tool to cross through to different planes, and since they already had the tech to portal around one plane, it's not a stretch to think they could apply it in such a way that it could go between realms.
Now, who is in cahoots with the FBI? Willy. Him helping them get Nick probably actually made that easier actually. So now Willy has portal guns developed by the FBI. He doesn't need them himself, but once he gets the collars on the kiddads, he needs them to have a way to easily get through the realms so that they can do their jobs and hands them off.
In regards to Nick, my thoughts are that whatever demons use to make portals requires somatic components so having all his limbs cut off ruined that (and I know I said maybe portals don't cost spell slots for Demons) but I wonder if while he was hanging around the ISS, he just thought if he couldn't use the spell, why bother prepping it, and replaced it with something else, but then forgot to re-prep it once he got his limbs back.
The only thing I don't really have an explanation for is why Lark can summon the cat bus via whistle. But I also think I've just thought about this for more than I already should have, so...I can just let that one go. Like...maybe the catbus has a portal connection that's whistle based, I dunno. OH!!!! THAT'S IT!!! Maybe like the bracelet that was set to open the portal from Taylor's room to the FBI base, he has a bracelet that opens a portal from the cat bus to wherever he is when he whistles!
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tigerrsmn · 4 months
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TIGERRS is celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month by highlighting an outstanding member of the GNC and Asian American communities!
Born to immigrant parents from Malaysia and India, Alok Vaid-Menon (ALOK) is a gender non-conforming poet, comedian, public speaker, and actor. They have made a name for themselves as an artist and an activist, sharing their work and their experiences with the world. They have received global recognition for their literary works Beyond the Gender Binary, Femme in Public, and Your Wound, My Garden. Their acting credits include roles in Complicated Order, HBO Max’s SORT OF, and upcoming film Absolute Dominion. They were also the subject of the Sundance Film Festival docu-short ALOK executive produced by Jodie Foster. For their work and contributions, they have received the ACLU of Southern California Bill of Rights Award and the Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment Trailblazer Award.
(text used in the background of the graphic comes from Alok’s blog:
“I would rather be a soul than a body. I would rather be fluid than frozen. This is why I share when I am hurting. Because I am alive. And it is terrifying and brilliant. It is the most profound argument for love I have ever known.
How ironic that they think my queerness is what made me want to die. When it is the very thing that reminds me why I live.”)
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tvmigraine · 1 year
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Before we begin! Remember to get a copy of the Forgotten Lives Omnibus at this link! We're six Doctors in now, if you're interested, then preorder at the link before the end of August - that's only a few more days!
One Doctor is down for the day, we're onto the Doctor I shamelessly admit to find the most fascinating. By this point we've started in a supernatural world and taken a walk back into stories like we'd expect from Doctor Who, returning to sci-fi. Aditya Bidikar takes us back to the fantasy genre that the Barry Doctor started us in through more than just the setting, but through a Doctor that walks in the realm of fables and grandiose concepts... and comic books.
Graeme Harper (1945) is currently the one and only director for Modern and New Series Doctor Who. With his earliest credits being The Caves of Androzani and Revelation of the Daleks before returning for the RTD era for events like Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel and The Stolen Earth / Journey's End, no doubt we're all familiar with their work in some way.
Aditya Bidikar brings a unique side of the Doctor out, I'd argue one of the more standout incarnations overall. While still noticeably and clearly the Doctor, there is a presence that I haven't seen since Sylvester McCoy's portrayal. The Harper Doctor very well may be the other side of the coin that McCoy portrayed - where one is a dark trickster in an unsuspecting from, the other is a wanderer in the unknown that marvels at every step. The pair are the only Doctors that I could picture being able to talk to higher concepts such as Death, which both incarnations prove to do.
While I've focused a lot on the main authors in these posts, I have to give great credit to Cody Schnell and their story - "Scene to Uncover" steps up to Bidikar's universe flawlessly, showing a moment we don't often get to see in Doctor Who while feeling right at home. They take full opportunity of the themes and fairy-tale like stories to paint their own fascinating glimpse of greater beings at work.
Even the TARDIS, designed as always by Paul Hanley, perfectly captures what this era could be. The darker blues and purples of the interior make it feel relaxed and cosy, while the library at the back could practically sum up this entire Doctor. Their adventures feel exactly like what "Forgotten Lives" should be, stories pulled off of a dusty shelf that haven't been read in so long that it's like you're experiencing them for the first time all over again.
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One interesting note of design involves the Doctor's ambiguous gender. There are multiple references throughout their era about how this Doctor must be a man because they've got a beard (which may not be entirely accurate). Apart from just adding some well needed variety to the Morbius lineup and unwittingly making Graeme Harper a gender non-conforming icon for the book, this feels very in line with what could've been done at the time. Considering the disgusting reaction that Jodie Whittaker's debut as the Doctor caused from certain corners of the internet, having a woman debut as the Doctor over sixty years ago could've led to an equally gross reaction. One way that it might've been worked around is by simply implying the Doctor had become a woman while presenting as a man, an implication carrying a hundred words and a dozen queer readings as a result (I personally love how older media would get around harsher reactions by simply implying what they wanted, so this detail grabbed my interest quick).
Graeme Harper was a fun roadbump when it came to the Morbius Doctors as his photos wasn't taken with everybody else, instead being retrieved from elsewhere. What went into designing this Doctor is too much for me to shorten and sum up in a single post - Paul Hanley managed to crack the long standing mystery of where Harper's Morbius photo originally came from and you can find that in his post detailing how he made the outfit. Of course, the outfit of this Doctor would've ended up quite different if they had used the one in the actual photo - an Adjudicator costume. So instead, Paul Hanley had the unique chance to design his own outfit befitting of this Doctor specifically. This, of course, leading to the ultimate addition to an outfit - a psychic beard.
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For more insight into the creative process of every author that worked on Forgotten Lives, you can go to @forgottenlivesobverse and find interviews from everyone involved across the books. If you're looking for the incredible journey of finding an obscure photo of Graeme Harper, you can go to Paul Hanley's Patreon and find what went into designing each Doctor.
Prepare to watch the Doctor embrace the birth of the known universe and choose to go against Death itself in the following stories.
VALHALLA MUST FALL! by Aditya Bidikar
RETROGENESIS (Part Six) by Philip Purser-Hallard
SCENE TO UNCOVER by Cody Schnell
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Our next Doctor will be Robert Holmes, with a series of stories that best shows how cruel the Time Lords can really be when they want to. Enjoy a darker period of the Doctor's life when we dive into this next time!
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bcntbouquet · 6 months
new, test muse
Jody Xander Robicheaux. 22, original character.
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Primary Motivator: PLAY
Impulsiveness: SPONTANEOUS Emotional Disposition: CALM
Boldness: INTREPID
Agreeableness: AGREEABLE
Interactivity: ENGAGING
Gender: CIS MALE
Pronouns: HE/HIM
Sex && Romance: PAN
face claim: Finn Wolfhard
Family -
Father: Troy Robicheaux, police detective
Stepmother: Trudy Lynn
Half-Sister: Splendour Lynn-Robicheaux
Mother: Jennifer Halliday, author
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ososimilar · 8 months
Chapter 4- Sam
AUTHORS NOTE: I cant figure out how to put italics on tumblr so if you want proper format go to AO3
He let me win, why? Sam stood there dumbfounded. Maybe I should just drop it. He tried to shake it off and think about something else. BUT WHY! His thoughts were racing eating away at him. After standing there looking stupid for an embarrassing amount of time Sam began cleaning up. He set up the table, and the pool cues away. Then he put his can of joja cola in the recycling. Before rounding up the 3, 4, 5 empty glasses Seb had drank.
He brought the glasses to the counter, setting them all down with a thud. “Here Gus.” He said as he sat down.
“Thanks bud.” Gus looked at Sam with a warm smile. “Say, Sebastian and Abigail rushed out of here quickly. They grow up so fast. But y'all are about the age to be getting up to stuff like that.” He looked at Sam. “Just be careful.”
“Oh.” Sam hadn’t thought of that. “I will. Its late so I should head home.” He waved goodbye and turned to leave, nodding to Willy and Clint who were sitting at the table by the door. As he pushed open the door he felt a blast of cold wind hit his body. He stepped outside into the moonlit snowy street. What'd he mean by “getting up to stuff like that?” What are they doing? What's happening? Should I go check it out? He turned around and looked in the direction of Sebs place. No, no, he was mad when I worried this morning I should just leave him alone. He turned back and walked home. Gazing up at the stars and looking at the snow covered bushes near the path.
He stopped in front of his house. The lights are still on. If I go inside mom will ask me how things went. He stood there contemplating his next move. Should I sneak through the window? Maybe this is a sign I should go investigate what Seb and Abby are doing. But I trust Abby. He scolded himself for not trusting his friends. Then he spun himself around and trudged off in the other direction. I want to hear the ocean. He trudged down the beach, reaching the point where the snow turned to sand. He took a breath and stepped into the sand. Then walked onto the dock.
He sank into the bench next to Willys boat house. Gazing up at the stars. He began a rhythmic tapping on the bench with his left hand. He took a deep breath. Why do I feel this way? Why am I jealous? It's none of my business what Sebastian does. But why does he let me win? “Ugh, this is exhausting.” Sam let out an audible groan with his frustration.
“Then maybe you should get some sleep, kid.” It was Uncle Willys voice from around the corner. “What are you doing out so late? It's cold out here.” He walked closer to Sam and gestured to the empty spot where Sam had been tapping. “Can I sit here?”
Sam moved his hand and watched Willy sit next to him.
“You know,” he looked at Sam. “Yer pops and I used to sit here and fish every morning when we were yer age. I know it's hard, him being away and all. And yer pals movin’ along without you.” He put his hand on Sam's shoulder. “Yer dad used to sit here, yapping away about this girl he liked. Name was Jodi.” He chucked. “He thought I was trying to date her since our parents were close. But whenever we were together she’d just ask ‘bout him.” He sighed and looked at Sam. “‘ventually he signed up for the military. Jodi was heartbroken and confessed to him. They got hitched and moved away to a military base somewhere, where you were born.” He looked at Sam trying to gauge if Sam understood his point. “Look all’m tryna say is that ya shouldn’t wait till she makes a move, ya gotta do it yourself.” He looked at Sam, hoping for conformation.
Sam nodded. “I understand. Thanks Uncle Willy.” Does he think I like Abby? Is that why I’m jealous? No, I've never thought of babies that way.
“Well, don't stay out too late pal. Im gonna hit the sack.” He stood up, patted Sam on the back, and walked toward the door. “Goodnight.” He walked inside and closed the door.
Sam sat there in silence. Listening to the waves, and the wind. Taking in the sounds, and the moonlight reflecting off the ocean. Someone could write a song about this. He resumed rapping his fingers on the bench. Just describe the environment, the story. He reminded himself of the advice Penny had given him when he asked for advice on songwriting.
In the silence I can hear the waves
But they are drowned out by my thoughts of you
The waves reflect light, from the moon and the stars,
Though they're not the brightest thing in the night
My thoughts of you, the Image in my head
Of the boy that I want in my bed
You were there the other day and we laughed about
The size of my bed and the the stupid action movie I put on
Sam tapped away, as he thought of these lyrics. It wasn't the type of music he thought he'd wanted to write, it was… what did Penny call this type of song? Free poetry? Free verse! That's it. He continued.
My uncle told me to confess
But I can't even confess it to myself
I should tell my father, in the church on sunday
The boy that took over my thoughts, turned my brain to a warzone
Hey there, boy in my head
He's real I think
My childhood friend
Not the one I thought it'd be
The boy
Who opened up to me
He stopped tapping. Do I like Sebastian? Is that why I'm jealous? But I used to have a crush on Emily, I can't be gay. He shivered and stood up, running home to write down the lyrics he'd just come up with
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mightyflamethrower · 11 months
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A painting of Noah’s Ark. The Old Testament story has not only inspired countless generations of artists, but also more than a century of “scientific” attempts to find the remains of the legendary ark.
For a long time, people have been searching for the ark that scripture says survived the flood. Archaeologists say it is a fruitless task.
Noah’s Ark is one of the best known and most impressive of all Old Testament stories: God was so displeased with humans after creating them that he sent an all-encompassing flood on Earth to destroy them – with one notable exception: one man and his family, accompanied by pairs of each of the planet’s animals, survived the flood in an enormous wooden ark.
For people who accept the religious text as a historically accurate account of actual events, the search for archaeological evidence of the ark is equally fascinating, prompting some intrepid believers to search for traces of the wooden ark on the slopes of Mount Ararat and beyond.
In 1876, for example, British lawyer and politician James Bryce climbed Mount Ararat, where biblical records say the ark stood, and claimed that a piece of wood “conforming to all the requirements of the case” was in fact part of the ark.
More modern ship “discoveries” are happening regularly, from the report that someone else saw it in a rock formation high on the mountain in the 1940s, to the claim by evangelical pastors in the early 2000s that they found petrified wood on the summit.
But the search for this ship has drawn all sorts of emotions from academic archaeologists and biblical scholars, ranging from outrage to scorn.
“No legitimate archaeologist would do that,” says Jodi Magness, an archaeologist at the University of North Carolina, about the modern search for evidence of Noah’s Ark.
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Flood or fiction?
Stories of devastating floods and their survivors predate the Hebrew Bible, the earliest parts of which are thought to have been written in the 8th century BC.
Legends of a flood destroying civilization at the behest of a supernatural deity can be found in numerous Mesopotamian texts, from the Epic of Gilgamesh, written in the early 2nd millennium BC, to a recently deciphered Babylonian cuneiform tablet from 1750 BC on how to build a ship.
Could these flood myths be based on reality? “There seems to be geologic evidence that there was a major flood in the Black Sea region about 7,500 years ago,” says Eric Cline, an archaeologist at George Washington University.
But scientists disagree about the scale of the event, just as historians of the period disagree about whether writings about a flood were inspired by real life. It seems more likely that the floods happened in different places and at different times, and that these events naturally entered the oral and written lore of the world.
Further complicating the matter, scholars differ on the precise location of Noah’s Ark according to the Hebrew Bible. In the Book of Genesis, the ark sat on the mountains of Ararat in the ancient kingdom of Urartu, a region that now includes Armenia and parts of eastern Turkey and Iran.
“We have no way of determining exactly where in the ancient Near East this occurred,” Magness says.
Both Cline and Magness say that even if artifacts from Noah’s Ark have been or will be found, they can never be definitively linked to historical events.
“There’s no way we can place Noah, if he really existed, and the flood, if it really existed, in time and space. The only way you can determine that is if you have an authentic ancient inscription. And even then, such an inscription could be referring to another Noah or another flood.”
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Same evidence, very different results
Such groups use material archaeological evidence to support their literal interpretation of scripture and simply ignore or try to refute evidence to the contrary. But not all share the same tactics.
A ministry called “Answers In Genesis,” which focuses on scientific issues and even runs a Noah’s Ark-themed amusement park in Kentucky, acknowledges that myths about the flood are ubiquitous beyond the Old Testament story of Noah, and even concedes that the ark may never have been found.
“We don’t expect the ark to be alive and ready to be found after 4,350 years,” says Andrew A. Snelling, a geologist and Director of Research at Answers in Genesis who has spent decades proving the Earth’s youth.
Snelling differs from archaeologists on why the remains of the ark may never be found. “There is every reason to expect that Noah and his family would have dismantled the ark to salvage timber from it (since they no longer needed it), since there were no mature trees from which to build shelters after they got off the ark.”
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“We are not like Indiana Jones, this is a scientific procedure”
Part of the problem, Cline says, is that society has unrealistic expectations of the discipline, and popular media emphasize the thrill of the chase rather than the slow growth of archaeological knowledge.
“We’re not like Indiana Jones. This is a scientific procedure. It takes time. But what excites us doesn’t have to excite other people.”
Cline says that in his younger years he spent considerable time and energy debunking the so-called biblical evidence that captivated the public year after year. He eventually gave that up, though, and now focuses his time on both expeditions and translating his research for those willing to accept the results of the scientific process. “People will believe what they want to believe,” he sighs.
That’s not going to change anytime soon, which is why Cline is currently focused on unearthing an 18th-century BC Canaanite palace at Tel Kabri in northern Israel. After a pandemic-related pause in fieldwork, he plans to return next summer to continue excavating a painted plaster base at an Old Testament site.
“For us, this base is incredibly important because it shows international relations and contacts from almost 4,000 years ago.”
“It’s not Noah’s Ark, but it’s a painted base. And that’s good enough for me.”
I think there is enough solid evidence to support the idea that there was a great flood. Virtually all cultures refer to it in their cosmologies. That being so, it's not hard to imagine a man predicting it's coming and responding accordingly.
-- KD
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13docwriting · 10 months
I'M GONNA BE THAT PERSON... Because it's been bugging me since I saw it and I can't contain it. And by all rights, I'm a human and I can make mistakes, this post may be one of them. I am so, so happy the Doctor is confirmed as nonbinary. I've already considered them nongender conforming so to have it said so plainly is just so beautiful. But... BUT... We pick RIGHT AFTER A FEMALE PRESENTING DOCTOR TO MAKE THIS POINT? I wanna bite my own arm off. I've cried big tears upon learning they chose a woman to play the Doctor. I cried even more upon realizing how much I related to a character like her. She changed my life because she understands my experiences. And to have the episode RIGHT AFTER JODIE'S EXIT be this whole revelation that gender has never mattered? That the Doctor's gender has never mattered? I've fought too damn hard for the thirteenth's Doctor's story to have my struggles be erased. I'm also reasonable. I am more than happy to step to the side and have a big cry over the Doctor being nonbinary. Really, what an amazing and beautiful win. I'll never get over it. THANK YOU RTD.
But, shit, why do I have to put aside my own struggles as a woman and how important it was to have the Doctor be a woman upon the first episode of RTD's new era? I'm fully aware that I should shut the fuck up. Seriously. I know that already. But I don't often post opinions like this and I'm looking for others that feel like this. There may not be many but I'm here!
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menalez · 1 year
Your anon who said about her LGB friends looking back at when they were kids, and they dressed gnc so their parents knew - I'm wondering whether a factor of that is more to do with fashion for kids has changed.
I grew up in the 90's/2000's and most of my clothes were gnc (only really party clothes weren't). This was normal. If you go further back still to my parents era, this applied even more. We talk about it all the time how 13 year olds now look older and dress older than I ever did. Look at what they've put young celebrities in (eg stranger things cast) compared to young celebrities 20, 30, 50 years ago! Especially with young girls - the hyper sexualisation has gone off the walls. Overalls, sweat pants, jeans have all been replaced by clothing that makes them look twice their age. There was a new Kpop group that debuted recently. The youngest member was 16, and she looked older than me and I'm in my late twenties.
Sure I had friends growing up who were 'super girly' but mostly we all ran around in comfy clothes to roll in the mud in.
hm i agree its even more sexualised now but i disagree that overall young celebrities werent sexualised back then.
brooke shields in the late 1970s:
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she was between like 10 and 15 in these pics. i havent shared the worst of it bc u get the idea with these.
natalie portman at 12-13:
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u can look up the films leon the professional where she was further sexualised bc i dont wanna share it here either.
britney spears' hit song hit me baby one more time was when she was 16
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jodie foster when she was 12 in taxi driver where they cast her as a child prostitute and sexualised her
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these are just famous examples but young female celebs have been sexualised since forever and honestly, there was fewer barriers and they were more exploited when it did happen. at least now the media has SOME criticism of it when it happens. in the 2000s and before, male celebs would openly be dating underage girls and the media wouldnt even care for it & would glorify those relationships. 2 of the women i mentioned were cast as child prostitutes and sexualised heavily in the movies that got them known, one was even posing nude in hugh hefner's magazine as a 10 year old. these arent necessarily the worst examples but it shows enough for u to realise this issue was always concerning, just in different ways. comparatively this is millie bobby brown when she was 13:
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besides i think when gay ppl say that, theyre referring to themselves as being more gnc than whatever the current gender norms are. i do think femininity nowadays has become even more restrictive compared to the more recent previous decades (which werent necessarily liberating either) tho and i do think a certain level of gender non-conformity was more stylish in certain years
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jessicatates · 2 years
(Original post)
Yeah, I totally get what you're saying, but I also understand, as a trans person myself, why someone would look at Jodie and say he's trans. All the points you brought up are important, I think the way it was written has a lot to do with the fact that it's the 70s and the show was being written by cishet people and therefore they weren't clear on the difference between sexuality and gender. The way Jodie seems excited about the potential effects of 1/?  Hormone Replacement Therapy ("my hips will become ROUNDED!") and the way he talks about feeling feminine as a child both speak to the trans experience. What was said in the video about how a cis person wouldn't just say "I'll change my gender to be with you" is true, I don't think we would have gotten this story line if it weren't for cishet people writing it. At the same time, 2/?  It lends a lot of emotion to what Jodie is going through when we read it through the lens of him being cis, which is what you have done. I think both perspectives are valid, and I personally view him as genderfluid. I think it gives us the best of both worlds with him still making a big sacrifice to be with the person he loves (getting this surgery, ect) but also with the gender feelings he states not being invalid  (Oh I forgot 3/3 on that last one. Sorry for rambling on an older post of yours but I'm really into Soap rn)
Hey, no worries! I’m always down to talk about Soap and I love the enthusiasm. I hope you’re ready for mutual rambling 😂 I could honestly go on about this show and this particular storyline for ages.
I’m glad you brought up Jodie’s apparent excitement over the potential effects of taking hormones because I didn’t address or examine that bit of dialogue before. We for sure have different interpretations of that scene. I honestly feel like him enthusiastically going into detail of what he expects to happen to his body (”My hips will become rounded! My facial hair will fall out!”) is him trying to get a rise out of Burt. In that particular scene he’s already been teasing him and I think he’s still playing that up. That back and forth of Burt being freaked out and Jodie confidently and playfully egging him on is pretty much their whole relationship in the first half of season 1. 
I can understand the references to Jodie being more feminine as a kid being relatable to trans viewers. I also can see, for example, the story about him shaving his legs with the toy razor as typical behaviour for a gay, gender non-conforming kid. Especially one that perhaps wants to be like his mother because he’s closer to her than he is to his father. (I mean we don’t know that for sure but I don’t recall him really talking about his dad at any point in the series.)  As a gnc lesbian that makes sense to me.
I still maintain that every scene where Jodie discusses his decision to transition with the family (the two aforementioned scenes and the one at the Tate house) he is keeping up the façade that it’s his own personal choice so as not to out Dennis. When he explains the plan to Dennis he never tells him that he feels like a woman. Jodie literally tells Dennis “I’m here becoming a girl for you” while in the hospital. And his gender identity is never brought up after he decides not to go through with surgery and leaves the hospital. (Yes, the transition storyline is brought up throughout the rest of the series. But more in a just a “Hey that’s something that happened” way). As you said, he could be genderfluid. Modern viewers are free to refer to him as such. But because that term originated in the 90s it would be anachronistic to do so.
To your point of “What was said in the video about how a cis person wouldn't just say “I'll change my gender to be with you" is true”, I kind of touched on this in my OP but I didn’t dive too deep. Yes, in modern day North America this is true. It’s easy to look at Soap with a modern, western worldview and think “There’s no way a cis person would do that”. But throughout history, including the time period where Soap takes place, and still in many countries today, this was and is a reality. In the past many people in countries where gay marriage is now legal did choose to (socially and/or medically) transition in order to marry or simply live and have a relationship with their partners. (I was honestly disappointed in Matt Baume for not addressing this in his video as he is a historian of gay rights and gay marriage). Today in countries like Iran where being gay is illegal, sometimes punishable by death, cis people do have to tell their partner “I’ll change my gender to be with you”. Iran currently has the second highest rate of sex reassignment surgeries in the world. 
Like I said before, everyone is free to read this character and storyline as they wish. But the more I reflect on it the more I think we should meet this show where it’s at. A lot of fans see Jodie as trans, but at the same time scoff at the writers for how this storyline is written. The way I see it you can either have a fairly well-written story about a gay, cis man, struggling with personal issues that were very real in the 70s, written by straight people who were still getting their footing with writing gay characters. Or you can have a confusing, sloppily written story about a maybe trans? person, written by cis people who just didn’t know what they were talking about. If we go with the former interpretation, is he no longer relatable to trans viewers? If we go with the latter, how far are we willing to go to find trans representation and how much credit are we willing to give the showrunners? 
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