the-stove-is-divorced · 6 months
For the celebration, congrats by the way, what was your thought process coming up with "Hello Fellow Wartior?" Like, were there any things you were inspired by specifically?
Thank you!! And tysm for asking something! ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝
And oh! That was specifically inspired by the absence of a lot of venom symbiote & peter dynamics, funnily enough? The venom arc was always my favorite thing in any movie or episode it' appears in, but it always felt like never lasted every long or even felt off? Like it was just an obligatory addition to check off the list instead of a moment of character exploration like it should be.
Though, Specular Spider-Man is the exception for giving it the proper weight and focus! Like, you can see the slow changes beginning to take form including in his thought process / narration. It isn't just suit good! Suit bad! Get off! You can see the underlying horror.
I ended up rambling to a friend about my frustrations, or the potential for venom arc's in general, because yeah, we know how it always goes but Spidey has alternate universe's, is there any where he keeps it? Where their bond is healthier? And I didn't see jack shit. And I, pissed the fuck off there wasn't, realized if I wanted it I'd have to do the damn thing myself, and there we are! From there, since I was twisting some classic rules, I could twist some others, like fuck it, like both MJ and Harry find out!
And then trying to mold the symbiote into something well intended but still potentially harmful, so I could keep the classic aggression and hostility exhibited by black suit Spidey, but give it a different context. Plus something to challenge Spider's sacrificial streak by being nagged into a healthier life style, haha! I wanted to make it fun and different, basically.
All in all, I was pissed the fuck off there wasn't more venom and spidey content, then realized I could be as self indulgent as I wanted to be and explore "what if he kept it?" and it snowballed from there! The absence of what I wanted was so upsetting I needed to do it myself. Tysm for asking! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡♡♡
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bayofwolves · 4 months
rereading spirit animals and realizing that the devourer wars are so much more nuanced than i used to think
like, feliandor was definitely wrong for starting the first one in order to colonize land for his nation. but when it was over, the greencloaks -- the supposed good guys -- carried out a genocide on the people of stetriol.
and in the second one, shane had every right to feel how he felt. the greencloaks had abandoned his people to centuries of torment and i agree with him for fighting back. but once again, the conquerors' methods were inexcusable. the atrocities they committed were just as horrible as their enemies'.
but of course, even though both sides had their faults, the greencloaks were never held accountable for what they did to stetriol. they were persecuted for their involvement in the war with the wyrm, yes, but what about before that? when they wiped out a nation and continued to hide what they'd done? when they used the nectar to dominate the world, withholding its lifesaving power from anyone they deemed not worthy?
the greencloaks allowed stetriol to be forgotten, and forgotten it still seems to be.
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Title: || Lament of the Fallen || 
CW(s): yandere content, angst, reader briefly contemplates murder 
Prequel to this. You can honestly read these two in whichever order you want. 
I think I cooked with this one. Can you tell that corruption arcs are one of my favourite tropes? It’s part of why I like writing yanderes so much. 
If you were to describe your existence in this world with one word, it’d be “anomaly.” It sounded strange, but it just felt like the only right word to use. 
You were an anomaly; someone who couldn’t exist, one who shouldn’t exist by the laws of the world, and yet, you did anyway. A real Schrödinger’s Cat – that's what you were. Maybe that’s why you reacted the way you did. 
“Oh, hello.” The woman said surprised as she turned her gaze to you. “I’m sorry, I don’t think we’ve met.” 
You let out a nervous laugh, hiding the disappointment in your voice. “Yeah, I suppose not. I’m [Name]. I’ve been traveling with the heroes for some time.” 
She smiled. “Well, any friend of Time’s is a friend of mine. I’m Malon. Nice to meet you.” You shook her hand. It was calloused from hard labour, yet it was still as warm and gentle as you remembered. 
Of course she wouldn’t remember you. You were an anomaly in her– no, in everyone’s lives. This was your fourth time “meeting” her, yet she looked just as clueless about your existence as the last. It saddened you. But what did you expect? Did you think that she would retain her memories of you and jump out to greet you, like she did with her friends, even just once? That she’d happily tell jokes and stories with you over tea? 
It was in these moments when it became all the more obvious that you did not belong here. Not in this house, alongside the Chain, this whole world. 
But maybe it’s because of this fact that you were the one most likely to be able to change this world. 
Raindrops weighed down your hair, the locks sticking to your unfeeling face. You tried to not let any emotions show, but there was still a slight tinge of sadness in your eyes as you faced the people you once considered friends. 
“Tell them what you want to say, but don’t take too long. I don’t want to be kept waiting. Not in weather like this.” 
You said nothing, just faced away from Dark Link as he left the scene. 
“Welcome to the other side, [Full name].” And with that, he was gone, leaving you alone with a rather stunned group of your so-called heroes. 
“[Name], what is this? What is he talking about?” 
It’s ironic. For so long you’ve waited for a moment like this; where you could finally tell them off for everything they’ve done, the crimes you’ve seen them commit in the name of ‘protecting’ you, tell them how you’ve grown to hate them. Yet words failed you in this critical, seemingly once-in-a-lifetime moment. 
Somewhere deep down you knew that nothing you could say would satisfy them. They would never accept any of this. 
Still, you should probably say something as your final words for them before you disappear from their live forever. So you steeled your gaze and with a sigh you opened your mouth. 
“There is no point in you continuing your quest. Go home. Live long, peaceful lives.” You spoke clearly. “From now on, this fight is mine.” 
Confusion was clear in all of their faces and your words did nothing to alleviate it. If anything, it just made things worse. A hand grabs your shoulder as you try to turn away. It takes all your inner strength to not shudder at the contact. “[Name], what did he do to you?” 
“Don’t you dare touch me.” You spat venom at Time as lightning struck nearby, as if perfectly timed to highlight the harsh look on your face. That was seemingly enough to get him to back up a little. 
“This has to be a possession, right?” Wars muttered to himself as he looked into your cold eyes. You weren’t like this just a few hours ago. Sure, you looked tired a lot more often recently, but he had hoped that going to bed early would help. There was no other explanation. There couldn’t be. 
“[Name], you’re talking nonsense.” Twilight stepped forward to try and mediate. “You’re upset and tired, I get it. Let’s get you out of the rain, dry you off and we can talk this thr-” 
“I’ve made my choice. This journey ends here.” You shot back, silencing them all. “Leave. You’ve done enough.” 
What the hell had that bastard done to you? What lies did he feed you? Everything was just fine this morning, yet now that time felt like it was eons ago. Yet as they looked closer at you, they began seeing things they hadn’t noticed before. 
Had you always had bags under your eyes? When had you began to smile less? Was your posture always this stiff? When was the last time you gladly embraced any of them? Talked to them? They always kept a close eye on you, they should know the answers to these questions. Why couldn’t they remember? 
When did this aura of dark magic around you appear? 
Wind’s voice broke though the silence. “Give [Name] back!” The boy dashed forward, ignoring the orders to stop. Frustration and recklessness clouded his thought process, making it easy for you to deflect his attempted punches. So much like a petulant child; crying and resorting to anger when a toy is taken from them. 
Finally having had enough of him, you gathered energy into your leg. Might as well test out these new powers. With all the strength you could muster, you kicked the boy away from you. Fortunately for Wind, Hyrule was there to catch him before he could crash headfirst into a tree. 
“Let go of them! [Name] would never do this – any of this! They wouldn’t team up with that monster! They wouldn’t leave us! So give them their body back, you nasty witch!” Wind managed to speak despite having the air knocked out of him. 
“Maybe you just don’t know me as well as you seem to think you do.” 
Immediately a sword was pointed at your throat, kept just a hair’s breath away from cutting the skin. Clearly, you’ve managed to touch a nerve, given Legend’s reaction. “Enough. I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I’m not letting you leave with our enemy.” 
“You’re always like this.” You couldn’t hide the frustration in your voice. “Even when I beg you, you never loosen your grip. You’ve completely isolated me from everyone who isn’t you. Despite everything, you still act like you’re in the right.” 
Sky spoke up after making sure that Wind was alright. “We’re just trying to keep you safe.” 
Oh, that’s the final straw. You grit your teeth. 
“Maybe you are trying to protect me. BUT HOW CAN I PRETEND THAT IT’S RIGHT?” You grabbed the sword’s blade with your hand, the tip scratching open a shallow, but long, cut on your neck as you tried to move the weapon away from you. 
“[Name], don’t-” 
“All I know is that deep down inside, nothing about my fate will change BECAUSE OF YOU!” 
Dark energy overflowing, despite your bleeding and hurting hand, you grip Legend’s sword so hard that it breaks. Rain began to swirl in the howling winds as thunder bellowed and lightning flashed all around. 
There was no avoiding this fight, either for you or them. It was obvious that they were a lot more apprehensive about this, but they still took out their weapons. In turn, you waved your hand and pulled a sword out of the aether. 
In a way, you had the advantage. Sure, they had numbers on their side, but their objective in this fight was to capture you, and yours was to escape. Meaning, they had to hold back, while you could be as lethal as you wanted to. Moreover, they were not aware of what new powers you possessed, and you knew all of theirs from watching them fight so many times. 
Blows were traded, arrows dodged, magic fired. All the while, each member of the Chain tried to “talk sense into you,” but you stayed silent and continued your attack. You knew that if you hesitated here – even for a moment – they would win. 
You were beginning to get tired, and the boys looked a little winded too. It was time to end this once and for all. Using the surrounding trees as makeshift stairs, you leapt high into the air, where none of their non-lethal attacks could get to you. The sword in your hands began to glow with dark magic. 
You could do it. You had the power. You had the advantage. They couldn’t dodge this, they couldn’t block this. You could do it right now. 
Make them pay for the suffering they caused. 
You didn’t know if these thoughts were your own or if you were being influenced by the Shadow. And that scared you. 
You weren’t a violent person; you always wanted the best outcome, you never wanted to assume the worst in people, you didn’t like fighting or getting hurt or hurting others. Has your time with these people fundamentally broken you? Has their twisted love for you changed you into someone you would hate? Would you even be able to recognise yourself in a mirror? 
You saw their eyes widen in horror as you took hold of your sword, ready to attack. Your iron grip on the sword faltered subconsciously. Still, you took a swing, sending a wave of dark energy towards your targets. 
By the time that the dust had settled, it had stopped raining. The Chain laid on the ground, unconscious, but still breathing. The least you could do was position their bodies so that they don’t wake up in unnatural positions. With effort you dragged them all into a pile, all of them holding each other up. 
You took one last sorrowful look at the people you once held so close. “Live. That is my final message to you.” 
“Farewell, Heroes of Courage.” 
And with a wave of your sword, you cut a tear through reality and disappeared into the portal. Anomalies shouldn’t exist. They couldn’t exist. And soon, they would believe so too. 
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gremlinmodetweeker · 21 days
You're A What Now?
Just some silliness and then angst with Ghostbusters König because I can't commit to one genre.
TWs: Discussion of Nazi occupation of Austria, Nazis, Graphic Descriptions of Violence
Wordcount: 1.75 K
Story Below the Cut
Visuals [1] [2]
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You're A What Now?
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You dropped to the floor with a thud as the phantom screamed overhead.
You could see the electricity arcing overhead in great bright branches of lightening, scouring the wallpaper a charred black as Horangi wrangled the proton blaster under control.
“Nikto she’s coming your way!” Roze screamed over the sound of crackling lightening.
“On it,” a heavy Russian accent called back as a hulking machine of a man barrelled down the hallway, “south entrance clear!”
Horangi spit and hissed like a barn cat as he leaped over a broken chaise-lounge to dart after the phantasmal spectre, nearly tripping over you in the process. He looked down at you and barked, “On your feet, recruit!”
You scrambled to get your limbs under you as you watched the posse careening down the hall. You leaped to your feet and ran up behind them.
Okay, so, as of your first day on the Ghostbusters team, you can officially say that you believe in ghosts. Damn your lifelong skepticism, you weren’t going to fuck around and figure out just how bad a possession was gonna be on your first day.
You slammed into the wall before crashing into the kitchen where Roze, Nikto and Horangi were all running around like they’re heads were lopped off. You nearly missed it, but König was ducked in the corner with a screwdriver in his hand, cursing under his breath in his other tongue as though he could peel wallpaper with his venom.
“König where’s the trap at?” Horangi ducked under a piece of antique china being thrown his way.
“I-Verdammt-There’s a problem!” he called back.
“We don’t got time for problems, big guy,” Roze bellowed as she zapped the ghost with another blast.
“Then make time!” he spat before turning back to his tech.
“I thought Germans were great mechanics!” you yelled as you joined Roze with your own proton stream.
For just a brief moment, everyone in the room stalled. A plate crashed against the side of Horangi’s head, breaking the tension.
“Did you just call me German!?” König rose up to his feet as though he were a wraith himself.
“No no no not the time König!” Roze growled as she wrestled with the ghost.
“Now’s the perfect time!” König crossed his arms as he widened his stance, “I will not tolerate this clear display of intolerance and xenophobia from our newest recruit!”
Nikto took the opportunity to snatch the trap from König and got to working on it himself.
“I am not a German! I am not of such inferior breeding!” König crowed proudly as Horangi jumped over a flying chair.
“I thought you said the recruit was the xenophobe over here,” Horangi ducked behind an overturned table.
“Germany is a country of thralls and ignoramuses! The entire nation is devoted to blood and genocide!” König stamped his foot for emphasis, “I will not allow such a people to overrule my homeland any longer!”
“It was a brief occupation during Nazi Germany,” Nikto was barely legible over the sound of the spirit being slammed into a wall.
“And we will never forget!” König pumped a fist into the air defiantly.
“I’m sorry!” you wailed as you threw yourself behind the table with Horangi.
“Sorry is not enough! What, do you think I am some sort of Nazi!?” König spat.
“Your grandfather nearly was,” Horangi drawled blithely as he ducked behind the table to avoid a flying toaster.
You, Roze and Nikto all stopped what you were doing to look at König. Even the spirit stopped her struggling to watch the 6’10 scientist turn redder by the second.
And with that, König vaulted the table to lunge at Horangi.
“Get off me fatass!” Horangi growled as he hoofed König in the gut.
"Shut up you slimy little shit!"
"Tasty," Nikto drawled sarcastically.
Seeing an opportunity, the ghost quietly phased through the back wall of the kitchen while Nikto and Roze were distracted. You only noticed because you were watching Nikto drop the trap to try and haul König off Horangi, only to trip on the slime left behind and fall face forward onto the others in a cluster-fuck of legs and arms.
“Get off of me you commie bastard!” Hornagi howled as he thrashed at the bottom of the pile.
“Stop your squirming, I can’t get up!” Nikto snapped back as he tried to extract himself from the group.
Roze dropped her proton blaster back into its sheath before lumbering over to help Nikto get back to his feet while you stooped to extract Horangi from König’s grasp.
Once the group had all gotten to their feet, Roze sighed and stepped back before tapping the side of her headset, “Okay so, we lost track of the ghost.”
“What?” Hutch’s voice came through the static, “how? You were right there.”
“König had a shit-fit,” Roze grumbled as she stalked down the hall, “can you follow the readings through the house?”
“I’ll get right on it,” Hutch replied before the line cut.
You watched as Horangi wiped himself down as he shook the dust from his back. He looked at you, one of his spectacles cracked but somehow miraculously intact. He looked at König, who was doubled over wheezing while the adrenaline left his system and the pain from Horangi’s kick sunk in.
“You owe me a coffee,” Horangi joked, clapping your shoulder before following Roze and Nikto to the next room.
This, of course, left you alone with König.
You awkwardly nudged over to the door, worried that the man would clobber you next but he stopped you with one raised hand.
“Ah, recruit, I’m sorry you had to see that,” König huffed and puffed as he slowly drew himself to his full height again, “Gott in Himmel I’m getting too old for this.”
“I mean, you still seem pretty young,” you offered him politely.
“You’re too nice,” König hacked and heaved, “mein Gott, I thought he was a physicist, not a damn kickboxer!”
“Yeah, it looked like it hurt pretty bad,” you chuckled.
“I think I might need a minute,” König righted a fallen chair and plopped down onto it. Without a word, he pulled up a second and patted the seat, leaving it empty for you. You tentatively took the seat, a bit concerned the man beside you might keel over any minute.
“Sorry about getting so upset,” König sighed, “I just… Ever since coming to America, everyone here calls me German! Everyone! It’s not too hard to notice the difference, is it?”
“I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever met an Austrian before,” you told him.
“Really?” König sat up to look at you, “how long have you been in this city?”
“Long enough to know there’s not many Austrians here,” you laughed.
“Well, then consider me your first,” König determined, “but yes, um, I’m sorry about making such a fuss. I just… I cannot stand being called a German. Those damned Germans…” he shook his head, “never forget.”
“Never forget what?” you asked.
“The occupation,” König said, “Austria used to be a part of Germany, but it separated in 1866. Then Hitler comes around and he drums up all this Nazi support and tricks my people into falling for his lies. Then, he comes and steamrolls my country.”
“So there’s still a lotta tension, I’m guessing?” you tried to make a joke, but it fell flat on its face.
“Like you wouldn’t imagine,” König said, “but I guess I don’t hate them that much. I just hate how everyone calls me German! I’m not a damn German, I’m an Austrian! My family’s been in Austria for generations! It’s like no American knows how to look on a damn map.”
“Maybe,” you shrugged.
“And how would you feel being called a citizen of a country that once tried to crush you beneath its boot? My poor Opa… Well, you heard Horangi,” König spat.
“He was a Nazi?” you cringed despite yourself.
“Nearly a Nazi,” König swiftly corrected you, “he was a good soldier once, but he didn’t respect the Germans or what they stood for, so he broke his own leg to stop Hitler's men from sending him to war.”
“Wait, really?”
“Oh ja, but he was worried that might not be enough. So, he took on a new identity and moved across the country,” König explained, “he first tried to be an accountant, but he couldn’t do math so good so he went to go be a mechanic in my village. He used to be a panzermensch, so he was able to take some of those old skills he learned to get by.”
“Did anyone ever figure out who he was?” you asked curiously.
“Only one person,” König shrugged, “my Oma.”
You chuckled, “So he married her to keep her quiet?”
“Not then and there, but he did promise her that he would one day,” König snickered, “so they stayed low until Austria became independent again. Then my Opa took back his old name and married my Oma.”
“That’s really cute,” you smiled brightly.
“They were very cute,” König agreed, “but ja, if it weren’t for the Nazis, my Opa could have been a much richer man. The work in the village did not pay well, but he could have earned good money in the army. Mein Vater did not grow up with much, and he didn’t make much more for us when he married meine Mutter.”
“So Germany really fucked up a lot of your life,” you concluded.
“And then people go and call me German! It’s…” König sighed, “I do not like it very much.”
“Makes sense,” you nodded and leaned forward on your knees.
The silence between you stretched on forever, but a part of you never wanted it to end. There was something comfortable about being able to just enjoy the quiet with a man like König. Something about how he filled the space of the room left little space for conversation to try and shake the solid grounds you both stood on. It wasn’t like you often had a chance to talk, and when you did it normally was curt and strained in tone. This moment was a welcome break.
“Alright you two,” Hutch’s voice crackled through your headset, making you nearly jump a good five feet out of your seat, “the other guys need some help setting up that trap.”
“On it,” you replied as you dusted yourself off.
König stretched up beside you, hitting the ceiling with his hands before slumping back down.
“You ready?” you slipped the safety off your proton blaster.
König nodded and pulled his goggles back over his face.
“Alright,” you grinned, “let’s go bust some ghosts.”
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AU Masterlist
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
Request for an aizawa angst to comfort fic ❤️
Safe & Sound (Aizawa Shota x you)
summary: you have a quirk that heals people as long as they focus on the people they love; it becomes a struggle when the man you love is fighting to stay alive (1.3k words)
cw: CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR LoV WAR ARC, angst to comfort, happy ending but really stressful beginning, descriptions of injuries and blood, profanity, arguing, mentions of ambulances
note: hi anon! thank you so much for your request, i hope you like it! this is my first time writing for aizawa, so my sincerest apologies in advance if he's a little ooc. also this takes place during the initial battle between the heroes and the villains after shigaraki wakes up to give a little context for when this takes place <3 thanks so much again for the request!
as always, likes/reblogs/feedback is appreciated!!
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“I need you to look at me, Shota. Shota, Shota, please.” You cupped his face in both hands, urging him to stay awake. The scorching temperatures of Dabi’s wild blue fire breathe down the back of your neck and particles of dust rub against your throat, but all you can see is him. A blinding ache throbs in your forehead and your limbs were covered with scrapes from pulling people from the rubble. It didn’t matter; nothing else mattered but him. 
“Stay with me, darling, stay with me.” Exhausted, bloodshot eyes blink back at you and a calloused hand brushes up to cover yours. You push your quirk to work faster, faster, but Aizawa’s fading consciousness made it difficult as you could only heal while the recipient thought about something they loved. He’d coached you through powering your quirk solely on your own thoughts, but the progress was nowhere near what was needed to heal his broken body. For his survival, you needed him to stay awake. He’d lost dangerous amounts of blood after severing his leg, and you silently cursed him for his selfless heroism. “Damn you and your commitment to justice,” you sob, voice breaking but unable to muster any tears because it would break your concentration. 
“Ambulance ETA five minutes; just hold on a little longer,” Manual reports, kneeling at your side and pulling beads of sweat from your face and out of your eyes. You nod in assent and whisper your gratitude to him before he leaves again to search for survivors in the city’s rubble. 
Something felt wrong from the moment you parted ways with Shota, who refused to let you accompany Team Endeavor when they raided the hospital. In all the years of your private relationship, you’d never fought over something as significant as this, so significant that you’re screaming at the top of your lungs at him. You’d shook your head in disbelief when he turned his back on you, arguing that Team Endeavor needed to have a healer with them. You’d seen the damage Nomus had done firsthand, both to the city and to the man in front of you. Frustration met indignancy in your mind like tectonic plates, slamming into each other and lacing venom in your voice. 
“You don’t think I can do it, can you?” 
“Stop it–”
“No, I won’t. You don’t think I’m strong enough to be out there with the pros,” you continue, hissing the word like it was wrong to have in your mouth. “God forbid you forget that I’ve healed every single one of those assholes at some time or another, whether they knew it or not. And you still think that I can’t handle this, Shota?” 
He won’t look at you. He still won’t fucking look at you. “Darling–” 
“Don’t ‘darling’ me. I’ve proved on two fucking thousand occasions that I can heal at a level pros need, so why don’t you think I can do it? Because you’re embarrassed by me? Because you’re embarrassed by us?” His head finally snaps to look at you, eyes glistening. 
“Because I need you safe!” His blank face finally breaks, twisting in emotional anguish. “I need you safe; I need you alive. I need you to be okay because I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t.” 
He’d held you so tight on the last night you spent together, like if you two just stayed there, time would stop and the morning wouldn’t come. Then, he was gone, slipping on his boots and wrapping his shoulders with binding cloth. You watched him get ready from your bed while the sky was still dark outside, and he kissed you on the forehead before walking out the door, whispering a promise to come back to you. Halfway between sleep and awake, you didn’t tell him to promise to come back in one piece. 
And now, here he was, missing the lower half of a leg and still losing so much blood that the ground beneath your knees was starting to soften. Your shoes dig into the earth, tattered and bloody after your desperate sprint from the backline evacuating citizens to the heart of the conflict. You risk a look over your shoulder and see Best Jeanist straining against Gigantomachia bathed in the light of red and blue fire. The Nomus continue their assault on Best Jeanist, but you barely make out Lemillion and Nejire pushing them back. You caught flashes of blue, recognizing it as Shota’s student with the engines in his legs, and made note of a boy with a mop of green hair who looked in worse shape than his teacher.
“Ambulance! Clear out, clear out!” A hand came to your shoulder, ushering you back and away from Shota. You dodge the arms guiding you toward a separate ambulance, limping across the battlefield to the kids you recognized as Shota’s, the green-haired one, the spiky-haired blonde, and Endeavor’s youngest son; you push your quirk past its limit, conjure an image of Shota feeding a stray cat a potato chip, and heal the three boys as much as you can before paramedics catch you as you lose consciousness. 
You’re awake much sooner than the rest of those involved in the battle and within hours can visit hospitals and heal others critically injured. When you receive word from Hizashi that Shota was finally conscious, God help any hospital staff that tries to stop you as you storm into the lobby and insist on seeing him. One more “Visitation is only permitted for family members, ma’am” away from throttling the lady at the front desk, someone calls your name from the hall, waving excitedly. It’s Sero, who spouts some bullshit story about being yours and Shota’s adopted son and drags you down the hall before any of that information could be verified. 
“He’s in here, Miss Aizawa.”
“Oh, no, we’re not–”
“Oh, right. Well, not yet at least,” Sero smiles and then leaves you to enter Shota’s room. 
And then there he is. 
He’s wrapped head to toe in bandages and his eyes look a little worse for wear, but he’s alive, and the corners of his mouth turn up when he spots you frozen in the doorway. 
“Hey, baby–” is all he gets out before you stumble forward and bury your face in his bandaged shoulder. His arms wrap gently around your waist and he takes a deep breath, more at ease than he had been since he woke up. You pull away slightly and scan his face through watery eyes, mentally verifying that he’s real and that he’s okay. Brushing a stray hair from his face, your fingers linger on his stubbly cheek and he leans into your touch. 
“You promised to come back, but you didn’t come back in one piece, you foolish man.” 
“Would you have preferred that I not come back at all–” he deadpans, but you place a finger on his mouth to shush him. “Right, touchy subject. I’m sorry, love… for everything.” His voice trails off and he looks away from you, face taut with guilt. “We lost. The heroes, the people, the students. I can’t express how angry I am at you that you dodged an ambulance and went to heal my students, and how grateful I am that you still healed me too.” 
“Of course, love. And I’m sorry that I thought you didn’t believe in me. I know you do, and I’m sorry for lashing out. Plus, your students are really good kids, but if some of them are already starting to call me ‘Miss Aizawa,’ I think we might have to talk about going public with this whole thing sometime soon,” you reply, pressing your lips softly to his forehead. He closes his eyes and sighs, looking back at you with so much exhaustion in his handsome features that you wanted to murder anyone who got close. You must have looked terrible too, you realized, as Shota drew his eyebrows together in concern and moved you to lie with him on the hospital bed. 
“Rest now, darling, I promise I’ll still be here when you wake up.” 
“You better be, or else I’m dragging your dumbass out of the beyond and killing you myself,” you whisper before putting your head on his chest and relaxing into safety.
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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darkveracity · 1 year
Tsukihime's cast rated by how mad Akiha is about Shiki falling in love with them from best to worst
Sacchin: At a fundamental level Sacchin is just an ordinary girl. There's nothing objectively wrong with her. Akiha is never going to be happy about Shiki falling in love with anyone but there's very little she can object to here without looking insane. Also being a cute girl who's easily flustered, fun to bully, and has a bit of the vibe of a small scared animal makes her very much Akiha's type if she were willing to be honest with herself.
Hisui: Akiha's primary problem here is the status difference (which is fake but she'll never admit that). If the relationship progresses to the point of talking about marriage it will become an enormous issue. However in the near term this has a number of advantages for her - first, she genuinely likes and trusts Hisui, second falling in love with her instead of an outsider keeps Shiki trapped in the incestuous tidepool of the Tohno mansion where he'll also pay a lot of attention to Akiha, third she has no high ground to stand on considering her own relationship with Kohaku. She can't push too hard on this one
Arihiko: Akiha is homophobic. Full stop. She was raised in an intensely conservative environment and does not have enough self-awareness to understand that she herself is gay. She's going to ruthlessly bully Shiki about this and also every other one of the reasons Arihiko is an inappropriate partner - an unserious delinquent with dyed hair who skips school and stays out late at night. Absolutely unacceptable company for the eldest son of the Tohno family. The only thing that mollifies her is how genuinely happy he makes Shiki
Ciel: Ciel checks most of the boxes. She's serious, reliable, extremely talented, a good student, pushes Shiki to be better. She has everything Akiha would want in a partner for her useless brother except for status. However she has the enormous dealbreaking flaw of being an executor and any long term relationship with her is inevitably going to result in Shiki pursuing the same career. She and Akiha do not like each other any of the times they meet in canon but those are all under unfortunate circumstances - showing up in a combat habit with a comatose Shiki, trying to hypnotize her at school, sneaking into the mansion and getting into a fight to the death in the manga, etc. If Ciel were to properly visit the mansion and get introduced to Shiki's family as his girlfriend after her route then Akiha might be able to tolerate her a little better
Arcueid: Akiha absolutely cannot handle Arc. Their personalities are incompatible. Arc is an airhead who doesn't understand human norms and doesn't get subtlety and every word out of Akiha's mouth is a venomous barb that flies completely over her head. This relationship is the absolute worst case Akiha can handle before she starts physically trying to separate Shiki from his new lover
Ready to commit homicide
Noel: Noel has no redeeming qualities whatsoever (and is also my favorite near-side remake character). She's flighty, unreliable, selfish, petty, unprofessional, a coward, works for the church, and most importantly is an adult woman leveraging her position of power as a teacher to pursue an inappropriate sexual relationship with a student. Akiha is going to do everything possible to get rid of her from threatening her to destroying her career to sending her to jail to if worst comes to worst outright murdering her. She will never accept this relationship
Kohaku: This relationship drives Akiha completely insane in canon. The spectre of the abuse Kohaku has suffered, Akiha's intense guilt about it, and her own possessive pseudo-romantic feelings for her make her never want anyone else to lay their hands on Kohaku and also simultaneously her possessive pseudo-romantic feelings for Shiki make her never want him to fall in love with anyone else. The two people she loves most leaving her to be with each other double-cucks her and pushes her so far she tries to murder both of them. The only way she could ever be okay with the two of them kissing is if they're doing it in front of her for her entertainment
SHIKI: I do not think the city of Souya would survive Akiha's reaction to this
Len: What's wrong with you, Nii-san????
Extremely Pleased
Akiha: At long last you've seen the light, Nii-san. Why would you ever choose anyone else when you have the perfect younger sister right by your side who loves you very much. Please never look at any of those other wretched women again
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ynbabe · 1 year
Titans x Male reader
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Dick: Every time I hear someone talking about updog, I’m torn between not wanting to fall for it and wanting to help them complete their joke.
Kory: Okay, but what is updog?
Rachel : Updog is a long sausage in a bun, often served with ketchup, mustard, onions, and/or relish.
Gar: Not, that’s a hot dog. An updog is when a new version or patch of an application is released.
Jason: No, that's an update. You’re thinking of the fourth largest city in Sweden.
M/N: Surely, that’s Uppsala, where’s updog is the giant spider in Harry Potter.
Dick: That’s Aragog. Updog is a symbol conventionally used for an arbitrarily small number in analysis proofs.
Gar: You’re thinking of epsilon. Updog is an upward-moving air current.
Rachel : No, that’s an updraft. An updog is the modern version of a henway.
Kory: What’s a henway??
Dick: Oh, about five pounds.
Dick: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous.
Kory: What if it bites me and it dies!?
Rachel : Then you’re poisonous. Jesus Christ, Kory, learn to listen.
Gar: What if it bites itself and I die?
Jason: That’s voodoo.
M/N: What if it bites me and someone else dies?
Kory: That’s correlation, not causation.
Gar: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die?
Jason: That’s kinky.
Dick: Oh my God.
Dick: I CAN'T DO IT!
Kory, laughing: I CAN'T EITHER!
Dick: I appreciate it,
Gar, was the man in the chair: Dick-
Gar: Dick we gotta-
Dick: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What am I willing to put up with today?'
Dick, motioning to M/N and Jason covered in blood, standing in his room’s doorway like the shinning twins: NOT FUCKING THIS
*Jason is cooking*
M/N: Any chance that’s for me?
Jason: It’s for Gar. I’m planning on making some bad choices tonight, and I need him on my side.
Kory, preparing the med bay: I never realized the forethought that went into being a disappointment.
M/N: I just ended a two year relationship.
Jason: Oh, fuck. You good?
M/N: Hm? Oh yeah, I’m fine. It wasn’t my relationship.
*Gar and Rachel fighting from across the room*
Jason: Do you think different paints have different tastes?
Gar: They do.
M/N: ...Why did you say that with such certainty?
Jason: Come on, I wasn't that drunk last night.
Gar: You were flirting with M/N.
Jason: So what? He’s my boyfriend .
Gar: You asked him if he was single.
Gar: And then you cried when he said he wasn’t.
Jason: What if mayonnaise came in cans?
M/N: Well, that would suck because you can't microwave metal.
Gar, trying a new recipie: Please bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste
Jason, being a bastard: We got spring water
Gar: NO.
M/N, bastard^2 : with EXTRA minerals
Jason: it's like licking a stalagmite
M/N: Mmmmm cave water
M/N: Awwww, you're so adorable! Give me a hug~
Jason, recording: This is so cute.
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GUYS!! I just rewatched Titans after a yearrrr and I swear to god idk why Gar is so underrated. He has such a great character arc and he is absolutely HILARIOUS. also I just realised he became like all the male role models he had in his life, like when he used to live with the Doom Patrol, Larry and Cliff were the primary caretakers, they would make the food and give emotional support and then Dick, he was basically a dad to him and Rachel
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richincolor · 21 days
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Book Review: The Blonde Dies First
Title: The Blonde Dies First
Author:  Joelle Wellington
Genres:  Thriller/Horror
Pages: 336
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Review Copy: ARC by publisher
Availability: Available now
Summary: A group of friends fight to choose their own fates in this trope-savvy, self-referential young adult thriller from the acclaimed author of Their Vicious Games , about a demonic force that acts according to horror movie rules in the spirit of the Scream movies.
Devon is always being left behind by her genius twin sister, Drew. At this point, it’s a fact of life. But Devon has one last plan before Drew leaves for college a whole year early—The Best Summer Ever. After committing to the bit a little too much, the twins and their chaotic circle of friends learn why you don’t ever mess with a Ouija board if you want to actually survive the Best Summer Ever, and soon find themselves being hunted down by…a demon?
But while there’s no mistaking the creeping, venomous figure is not from around here, their method doesn’t feel very demonic at all. In fact, it’s downright human—going after them in typical slasher movie kill order. And that means Devon, the blonde, is up first and her decade-long crush, Yaya, is the Final Girl who must kill or be killed to end the cycle.
Devon has never liked playing by anyone else’s rules though, not even a demon’s, and the longer this goes on, the more she feels Drew and Yaya slipping away from her even as she tries to help them all survive. Can they use their horror movie knowledge to flip the script and become the hunters instead of the hunted? Or will their best summer ever be their last?
Review: If you read Joelle Wellington’s first book, Their Vicious Games, you know that she can do thriller extremely well. Now with her sophomore novel, she cranks up the thriller aspect, throws in some supernatural horror and takes the reader on an even more intense journey. Once the action of the story gets moving, it is fast-paced all the way to the end. Amidst all of this action is a story that focuses on friendship and sisterhood. 
Even though she feels betrayed by her twin sister who graduated high school early, Devon tries to make amends by creating a list of things to do before her sister leaves for college. The problem - they don’t really have much in common anymore so Devon makes a list based on the activities they used to do. It all falls apart after they play with a Ouija board at a party and now their friends are being hunted by a demon. Luckily the demon doesn’t seem to be too particular about its kills, so if it can’t have one of the friend’s group, it will take someone near them that “somewhat” fits the bill. This is where the novel gave me the giggles because the group of friends realize they are playing out the plot of a horror novel so they develop a plan to defeat the demon. Like all plans this one falls apart, which as an avid reader I knew was going to happen because I was only about a third of the way of the book but what I loved was how all of it played out, especially because it came through a very cool plot twist. And if you’ve read any of my reviews before you know I love a plot twist that I didn’t see coming. 
While the thriller of the story was fun, the heart of the novel is the relationship between Devon and Drew. At the beginning of the novel, while Devon is trying to make amends with her sister, the relationship between the two is antagonistic. Devon feels like she doesn’t know her sister anymore since they attend separate schools and is a bit insecure about herself due to being compared to her sister. It is a complicated dynamic and one that many of us could relate to - anyone with sisters would. The horror plot they find themselves in brings them together in a way they haven’t been in a while and through the events they learn more about each other and an appreciation for each other. While the novel is told through Devon’s POV, Drew is such a strong character that she almost feels like a protagonist as well. Both grow through the novel as they learn to open up and trust each other. 
The Blonde Dies First is a fun ride of a book and because you get so drawn into the story, it’s a fast read. With school starting and all the stresses that come with it, Wellington’s newest book is a perfect book when you need a break. 
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…ok, so you mentioned ‘tome of the Seussaverse’, and im immediately intrigued just by the name. What is/was that?
Tome of the Suessaverse was a thought experiment my boyfriend and I get into on and off
The original idea was "so many creators are so desperate to be cool and edgy and liked by Twitter brats that it almost feels like they make every bad call on purpose...so what if we did that for real”
So we took a property no self respecting person would genuinely want to edgyify-Dr. Suess's work-and went to work on Suessaverse: A shared universe multiarc fanfiction where every character, plot, and relationship idea is done the worst it could be done while still being Twitter desirable
Some features included:
-Onceler and Grinch being in an abusive "marriage story" type romance that's problematic elements are always brushed over because it's gay
-Cindy Lou Who being confirmed bi by flirting with Sally from Cat in the Hat exactly once, while also being hypersexualized (we're not total weirdos, there's no children in this it's a real Riverdale "were actually all 25 now")
-The Cat in the Hat kills the main characters of his books mom in an effort to combine the four fish (one fish two fish red fish blue fish) in the foxes sock to create the bat from the live action meme
-The lorax has magic tree powers for fighting and dies in the first arc. He appears as a force ghost pretty regularly
-Jojo from the speckworld in Horton escapes his abusive mayor father as he is the chosen one to wield the Tome of the Suessaverse
-Horton has a human form that he stays in the entire story. And is dating Cindy
-The boy from Cat in the Hat is also secretly Ted from the Lorax universe and he's been dimension hopping (speck hopping) before the events of the story
-The gang stops Yertle the Turtle from committing genocide and he becomes a soft old man member of the team
-Oobleck is venom from Spider-Man
And that's just scratching the surface
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soodoonimin · 2 months
Billy Butcher, Eddie Brock, Joe Kessler and Venom.
My love for Venom cannot be understated. I might not be actively in the fandom right now but I love Venom and more importantly I love the themes that come with some of Venom’s stories. Love. Self discovery. Inner demons (both literal and metaphorical), learning to move past the pain of your past, and learning to forgive. I love Venom and though I have a slight bias towards Flash, but I can’t deny that Venom’s stories (especially their stories centered around love) are best when they’re with Eddie.
Spoiler for The Boys S4 below cut:
So to start I want to say that I didn’t hate Billy Butcher but I also didn’t love him. He occupied this kind of strange space for me where there are times where I was like “Yeah that kind of needed to happen and he was the only one willing to do it” and others where I was screaming “Why the fuck does any continue to associate with you?” Season 4 Billy rode that line all the way up until the end when he killed Neuman and said his last words to The Boys and found himself firmly in the camp of “Why the fuck didn’t Frenchie pull that trigger? 😡” (am I really mad? No, but damn that was cold blooded).
I don’t think the reveal that Kessler was “in his head” was that big of a surprise BUT the reveal (more or less) that he is basically Venom??? EDGE OF MY SEAT.
Because this is The Boys. It isn’t just a show that critiques politics, it’s also a show that actively puts the “super hero” under a microscope. And the fact that they used Billy Butcher as parallel to Eddie Brock? God help me if I wasn’t already writing up the ten million ways these two were similar (and annoyed at myself for not seeing it sooner).
Abusive father
Revenge driven
Cancer (though Eddie’s was kind of given to him by Venom) and in a way you can say Kessler (the V) gave it to Butcher.
Meet their respective partner at their lowest point.
Kessler’s blood thirsty nature to match Venom’s own violent tendencies.
Almost obsession with a past lover whom they had a rocky relationship with
But move past the relatively superficial and you almost see a reverse of Eddie Brock’s usual arcs. In the more modern iteration of the comics Eddie and by extension Venom want to be good people. Eddie is kind of established to be kind of a selfish guy (little more than kind of but I’m being generous) he is a hurt guy who hurts people around him, he’s kind of arrogant, a little twisted and just over all a bit of a dick. When he’s fired from his job his subsequent divorce or break up with Anne it’s not just a punishment for the actions in and of themselves but it’s a little more divine, like a punishment for everything he’s done up and to that point.
He goes to the church is going to kill himself and meets Venom was just spurned by Spider-Man (who Eddie also blames for his misfortune). The two enter a very unhealthy relationship based in this mutual hate, and bond to try and kill Spider-Man (a genuinely good hero who may have hurt Venom didn’t do so with malice) many times & fail many times. This essentially sets off a confluence of events that more or less ends with Eddie taking responsibility for his actions and Venom finding new love (also finding a desire to be *good*) in Eddie thus they attempt to be hero’s themselves despite the numerous crimes they’ve committed and reputation they have occasionally getting in their way. (Not the most accurate but the general summary of Eddie Brock).
Billy Butcher on the other hand has a different set of events that I believe is going to end with him being one of the villains by the end of the show: See while Butcher is never really a “good guy” he’s definitely a better guy in comparison to Homelander, Vought, and most of the Supes in general. His campaign for revenge, is fueled by a wrong that was truly committed (not to him but to someone he loved) and his program (The Boys) is a relatively legitimate government funded program meant to basically hold Supes accountable whenever they can.
But even if it wasn’t the case, Becca herself has said before that his rage and need for blood isn’t unusual for him and that it was only relatively recently that he got on the straight and narrow (before Becca disappeared and he fell off again). Personally I believe that Butcher would have found himself a White Whale of sorts even if HL hadn’t assaulted Becca and that it was only a matter of time. I think part of the reason I didn’t really see Butcher’s story going the Eddie Brock route was because one (there was no obvious way to expect a second consciousness in his head considering The Boys is mostly grounded in reality) and in this season the most, you see glimpses of a character arc. You see him grow past the Butcher we knew in season one (not screwing over Hughie again, being gentler with Ryan, TRUSTING Ryan, and even letting The Boys in on his plan) and so I thought in S4 that he was not long for the world.
But nope was I wrong. They did a complete 180 back to season one, fuck the world Billy Bloody Butcher. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not mad, I’m actually pretty excited to see what happens especially because I don’t think Butcher is necessarily the one behind the wheel anymore.
See one of the questions I’ve always asked about Eddie and Venom (and now I ponder with Butcher and Kessler) is who is in control? In the comics, when Venom leaves Eddie after the cancer thing, Eddie is a HUGE anti-Venom (lmao pun intended) proponent before he even get the suit. He’s angry at Venom, calls them a parasite and the “true cancer” or something to that effect, before he even knows Venom gave him the cancer. And when Mac Gargan has Venom a lot of his rhetoric sounds a lot like Eddie’s when he has Venom. He proclaims to love Venom and says that the only reasons he doesn’t kill Eddie is because Venom still loves him, even Tel-Kar, Venom’s “first host” repeats this same kind of reverence for Venom, even going so far as threatening Sleeper to get them to agree to go with him. Hell, even Flash Thompson describes it being painful being away from Venom for so long after bonding with them (and yeah I know they were trying to do the addiction parallel with him but the point still stands). My theory has always been (if it hasn’t already been confirmed) that to some extent Venom and maybe even symbiotes as a species manipulate their host on a physiological level into “loving” them. In order to survive, basically how do you ensure your host will never leave you? People don’t leave the ones they love.
And for Kessler I think that instead of manipulating Butcher into loving him, he’s instead taken over Butcher’s amygdala. Basically Kessler is ensuring his survival by feeding on Butcher’s anger and giving him just enough control to think he’s in charge and this in turn gives him (Kessler) a vessel to be safe in. Kessler is powerful as fuck, he killed Neuman, he took a bullets to the chest like it was nothing and look at how he fixed Butcher up (like how Venom fixes Eddie up). I think Becca was right in some sad way, that even when Billy does kill HL, it won’t be enough and maybe it won’t be because Butcher is an angry person but because Kessler won’t allow it to be enough. Because the only way he’ll be able to keep Butcher from seeing him for what he is (a parasite, literal cancer) is by keeping his rage and anger focused outward and into the world. And isn’t that fucking tragic?
Sorry if this wasn’t the most accurate when talking about the Venom stuff, I haven’t read the comics in a bit and I was doing this all from memory 🥲😅
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Round 1 - Side B
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Propaganda below ⬇️
tw unreality skip to eddie
His feet are washed in a scene very reminiscient of Saint Peter being washed by Jesus, his leitmotiv is stronger than ever in the scene in front of the church, and his whole arc is about forgiving those who sinned against him.
I'm pretty sure he's actually russian orthodox but rules say that's allowed. His conversation with Katya Jesus told them to turn his cheek literally made me cry ahhh greatest mafia movie of all time
Eddie (tw mentions of suicide)
He meets Venom (the alien goo parasite that inhabits his body) in a church. Eddie is depressed and about to end his life and just before he does it goes to church and prays to God to forgive him because suicide is… y’know, a sin. Anyway Venom possesses him and saves his life and they have a crazy relationship/love story and the stained glass window in that church becomes important symbolism for them <3 He is the most catholic man ever
Admittedly, most of Eddie's insanity has little to do with Catholicism, he's just a deranged weirdo (affectionate) but he was suicidal once and went to a church to ask forgiveness before killing himself. That's where he met the symbiote and their relationship has parallels to both marriage and religion.
Listen listen he is the epitome of Catholic trauma. He’s got the angst. The repression. The je ne sais quoi. His whole story is basically very dependant on churches if that makes any sense. Like he tried to kill himself in a church and that’s when he bonded with the symbiote. They stopped a symbiote invasion by fu̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ crying out in agony in a church. EDDIE AND VENOM GOT MARRIED IN CANON IN THE CHURCH WHERE THEY MET. He also has so many breakdowns in churches and we love that for him.
He meets Venom in a church and has a lot of religious moments connected to Venom. They also sort of get married in the church they met at? It's gay. Eddie is catholic and in a committed relationship with an alien and it's gay.
(Cw suicide mention) He's canonically Catholic and has such a funky (read: kinda fucked up) relationship with it. When his life fell apart he went to a church to pray for forgiveness for the sin of committing suicide and to ask God to kill spiderman i think but then before he could actually do anything an alien came down and connected with him (in a gay way) and he was like "are you an angel". Also his sense of morality is totally fucked, its like "if you've done something bad once you deserve to die" and I like to think that's related to the specific brand of Catholicism
killed a cop in church (amazing spider-man 1963 comic, issue 300), had a homoerotic rebonding moment with his symbiote in church (venom: planet of the symbiotes comic), asked jesus to carry out a hit on former coworker peter parker (spider-man 3 movie)
more here
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ash-and-books · 2 months
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Rating: 2/5
Book Blurb:
A group of friends fight to choose their own fates in this trope-savvy, self-referential young adult thriller from the acclaimed author of Their Vicious Games, about a demonic force that acts according to horror movie rules in the spirit of the Scream movies.
Devon is always being left behind by her genius twin sister, Drew. At this point, it’s a fact of life. But Devon has one last plan before Drew leaves for college a whole year early—The Best Summer Ever. After committing to the bit a little too much, the twins and their chaotic circle of friends learn why you don’t ever mess with a Ouija board if you want to actually survive the Best Summer Ever, and soon find themselves being hunted down by…a demon?
But while there’s no mistaking the creeping, venomous figure is not from around here, their method doesn’t feel very demonic at all. In fact, it’s downright human—going after them in typical slasher movie kill order. And that means Devon, the blonde, is up first and her decade-long crush, Yaya, is the Final Girl who must kill or be killed to end the cycle.
Devon has never liked playing by anyone else’s rules though, not even a demon’s, and the longer this goes on, the more she feels Drew and Yaya slipping away from her even as she tries to help them all survive. Can they use their horror movie knowledge to flip the script and become the hunters instead of the hunted? Or will their best summer ever be their last?
Talk to Me-esque teen horror featuring complicated sisters, a summer that was meant to be perfect, and a demon hunting down a friend group. Devon and Drew are twin sisters, yet they couldn't be more different, from the way they have different styles to their opposing personalities... and the fact that Devon is the artsy wild child and Drew is the academic genius. Devon is determined to have one last great summer with Drew before Drew goes off to college.. but the more Devon tries to force it the less Drew wants to be a part of it.... yet everything goes wrong when Drew invites Devon and their friend group to meet Drew's friends at a party that ends with them using a ouija board and summoning a demon... that just happens to start hunting them down. Now Devon has to find a way to get rid of the demon chasing her, save her friends, save her relationship with her sister, and finally confess her feelings to the girl she's in love with. The story follows a complicated sister relationship and has a touch of Talk to Me, when a group of friends unknowingly summon a demon at a party and must find way to banish it before it gets them. This one was a bit of a miss for me unfortunately, I really wish I did like it more as its a sapphic horror story but I found myself not at all that interested in the story and I didn't really like Devon that much as a protagonist. When it comes to horror final girls its always hit or miss and this one unfortunately was a miss for me. I do think however that if you liked Talk to Me then you will like this one.
Release Date: July 30,2024
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
*Thanks Netgalley and Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing | Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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{{ *cackles in sailor moon villain*
Remember our convo???? Well, now we can rewrite the arc to have Trunks be the focus- 😂😂😂😂 also rip to your boi, first Maiz comes to bully him, now Black-
"Oh, Trunks. . . I hope you aren't RESTING, little timeslip. That's very rude of you. I thought you wanted to kill me? Unless, that is, you want me to kill YOU instead? How, oh so, noble of you-- it is the only correct answer of course. Now, stay still while I punish you for your crimes."
Of course it was now that he had found Trunks when he had managed to find some semblance of rest; the monster in the skin of a friend, someone he had once looked up to and admired had been undoubtedly replaced by something so vile and cruel- For Trunks could never believe that any version of Goku could commit the atrocities that Black had so callously committed. This was nothing than insanity in a humanoid body. A vicious murderer attempting to pretend he was anything but.
All in the name of his so called "justice".
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"Bastard--! The only crime here is that fact you're still breathing!!"
His voice was laced with venom, anger clouded his thoughts at the very sight of the other saiyan, there was not a single word more he wanted to hear escape the other man's lips unless they were his last. His grip on the handle of his sword tightened, there wasn't any barbs he wished to trade with the other, not a single action to be dedicated to anything but the death of his long standing foe. This would be yet another of many battles that had required all his strength and wits to stay alive another day, but he could only believe that this would be the time where the other would finally be put down.
And with a single yell, he would dash forward, immediately attempting to bring his blade down and split the other in twain.
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jodjuya · 10 months
Just finished the David arc. Oof.
- I wonder what he did with Saddler's corpse. Just left it stuffed into the hospital's elevator shaft, or on top of the elevator? :/
- jfc, David really was the most punk ass little bitch to ever be a punk ass little bitch. God I hate him so much.
- what, exactly, was he planning to do with the proceeds of his diamond heists? Dumb kid would have been busted the first time he tried to fence anything. 🙄
- I wonder how he would have successfully stolen Saddler's identity, given that his Saddler morph wouldn't age over time. Everyone would have found it pretty dang suss for this guy to be permanently 15 & not aging a day in his life... 🤔
- I guess after a while he could stop his morph at 90% Saddler, and then a few months later 80%, and so on and so forth until everyone sees his David self as Saddler and they'd be all like "that wacky puberty thing sure did a number on you! You look like a totally different person now."
- zero doubt in my mind that if he had escaped the Animorphs and gotten away free to live out the rest of his sick little life as a Shapeshifting Sociopath, he would have 100% become a rapist.
- and not even primarily for sexual gratification. He'd do it to ruin the lives of anybody who crossed him or insulted him. Morph into the guy he's "getting revenge" against, to commit crime/s as that guy for the sake of intentionally framing him.
- I'm low-key disappointed that Marco didn't use the cobra's venom-spitting ability to blind anyone
- man, the Animorphs were pretty fucking brutal to those human-Controllers when they were raiding the triple-holographic banquet hall, weren't they? Sure, Applegate was spinning some bullshit about the Animorphs attacking them "non-lethally", but seriously, dive-bombing them with terminal-velocity lead fishing sinkers to the head? Those two dudes have cracked skulls; they're not surviving without prompt medical attention. Not to mention that third guy, being kept unconscious by way of _multiple_ ""non-lethal"" cobra bites. He's dead as a fucking doornail 😂
- David was so damn lucky the Animorphs are far too squeamish for cold-blooded murder. They could have just picked up that rat trap with him inside and dropped it into a bucket of water... 😕
- I really really wonder how tf he was able to obtain the box in the first place! Did the Crayak plant it for him to find??
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"Through enchanted lands she roams with glee, Emera, the spirited elf, forever free."
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Name: Emereuda 'Emera' Florenzia Emoji: 🪻 Age: 19 Birthday: 19th of EllarRon Pronouns: she/her Species: Wood Elf [Heuchera Obsidian] Profession: Wandering Traveler Orientation: Demi-Pan Residence: Brontdale City (birth place), Lightbarrow (current residence) MBTI: ENFP Role: Main Story (Deuteragonist) Status: Alive Goal: Wants to help Kain find his long lost parents while trying to find a way to stop the civil war Flaw: Can get too excitable to the point she unintentionally crosses boundaries and annoy others. Also has a habit of asking too many questions and people pleasing at the expense of herself Playlist: Gonna Be My Day · Vanessa Hudgens
Emera, a former graduate student in botany who has now embraced the life of a wandering traveler, derives immense satisfaction from extending a helping hand to those in need. Previously residing in urban surroundings, she made a deliberate choice to relocate to lightbarrow forest upon completing her botany diploma, driven by her desire to make groundbreaking discoveries about plant life, even though her progress in this endeavor has been somewhat limited.
Her decision to move away was also influenced by her longing for independence, as her excessively affectionate parents had fostered a sense of insecurity within her. Nonetheless, she still maintains a degree of affection for them. In addition to her botanical pursuits, Emera possesses a deep fascination with history, particularly with regard to the Keyynore royal family and the pre-war state of old Lestania.
Following her move to Lightbarrow for research purposes, she would cross paths with Kaindephr, the lost prince of Lestania. Eventually, she successfully persuaded him to venture back into civilization in search of his missing parents, and she accompanied him on this transformative journey.
Kaindephr Keyynore [Travel Companion]
Kain is the travel companion of Emera, the two first encountered one another in Lightbarrow when Kain became ensnared in one of her animal traps, eventually leading to their partnership as travel companions. After discovering Kain's identity as the long-lost prince of Lestania, she persuades him to embark on a quest to reunite with his parents, accompanying him throughout the journey. Emera consistently provides Kain with unwavering encouragement and support, leaving no room for hesitation in her commitment to his cause.
Periphtheus [Travel Companion] Periphtheus is the travel companion of Emera. The two would meet along with Kain and Kareem after freeing her from her seal. A deity revered in Lestania, Emera is well-acquainted with the stories surrounding this goddess. Initially, she harbored great anticipation and eagerness to encounter Periphtheus in person, but with the passage of time, Emera would come to view her as an equal.
Kareem Farran [Travel Companion] Kareem is the travel companion of Emera. The two would meet along with Kain during the Eleysall Express arc. Kareem and Emera are both optimistic individuals, making them easy to get along with to one another. After Kareem and Kain began dating, Emera would show her utmost support for them.
Viper Venom [Travel Companion] Viper is the travel companion of Emera. The two would meet along with Kain, Kareem and Periphtheus during the Circus arc. Originally annoyed with Emera's sense of optimism, Viper would come off as blunt and reserved to Emera. However over time, the pair would get along on good terms.
Severnn Marshstar [Travel Companion] Severnn is the travel companion of Emera. The two would meet along with Kain, Kareem and Periphtheus while running from bounty hunters. Emera is fond of Severnn’s charismatic comments and finds herself being extra goofy when around him.
General Velkov [Enemy]
General Velkov secretly orchestrated the Lestanian Civil War, and initially, Emera was thrilled to witness the reunion between Kain and his long-lost grandfather, the former king. Her initial perception of him was one of admiration, shaped by the stories she had read about their family in history books during her childhood. Nevertheless, her viewpoint took a dramatic shift when she discovered his true identity. Learning that the person she had idolized was actually malevolent left her deeply disheartened.
Cecilia Lemay [Former-Classmate]
Cecilia is a former classmate of Emera's. The two are not particularly close but are acquainted with one another well enough to be on good terms. Cecilia would go on to work as a protege for Amaryllis in Bronzewick's botany research facility after graduation, earning her connections with other botanists that she's happy to acquaint Emera with.
Talon Harpwing [Ally]
Talon is the mastermind behind the Rogue Factions Resistance (RFR) Movement. Similar to Kain, Emera was originally skeptical due to his status as the leader of the Resistance. But overtime, she was able to come to trust him after realizing he has Lestania's best interests at heart.
Alignment: Ranger
✦ [Telekinesis]
Ability all Elves have with the ability to cast magic through their minds
✦ [Cross-bow summoning]
Able to manifest a crossbow to use for self defense and retract into thin air when not in use
✦ [Chlorokinesis]
Able to control plants, however Emera's form of chlorokinesis is at a really basic level and not as powerful as other elves due to lack of training
Headcanon Voice: Haley Tju
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I’ve done some thinking about the southern raiders episode and I realize that Aang is ultimately in the right.
Katara chose neither revenge nor forgiveness but that choice can only work for so long.
It’s not just Yon Rah who’s done wrong, it’s the entire Fire nation military, each soldier has done worse than the other. Zuko was given the most difficult task he could’ve imagined, he is to redeem his warmongering country, his family name and make peace with the other nations he went to war against.
One of the main themes about ATLA is redemption. Some of the writers wanted Azula to have a redemption arc with Zuko as her Iroh, her upcoming solo comic having that chance. While I am always down for that along with Azulaang endgame, I say that she’s done a little bit worse than Yon Rah. By the time of season 2 finale, Aang and Katara were practically family. Watching Azula zap Aang in front of her clearly devastated her and she most likely had a flashback of watching her mother die. The fact Aang was the world’s only hope for ending the war and the only who can possibly match Ozai only added insult to the injury. Azula’s devilish smirk doesn’t help either. She was the one who suggested that Ozai commit the same level genocide as Sozin on the earth kingdom, an act Sokka considered pure evil. She tried zapping her in agni kai, only for Zuko to jump in front of her and she acted vicious and maniacal to both of them. albeit also slower and sloppier.
Iroh has done even worse than Azula.
To see Katara willing to forgive them both would make her choice to hold a grudge against Yon Rah for all time seem utterly pointless and tiring. I’m not saying she should search for him again and say she’ll forgive him. I’ll let circumstance determine their reunion.
Forgiveness isn’t something that should be scoffed at. While, on hindsight, its one of the actions that is considered to be almost impossible to do, regardless of the circumstances. Forgiveness is one of the greatest and humblest actions to commit due to the fact it removes transgressions and guilt from individuals and remedies the venomous state of rage and hatred within oneself or others. Another important factor is that forgiveness can aid individuals to grow and escalate into happiness, as well as helping the person move forward without any anger, especially without the need of seeking vengeance. In fact, it can also heal both the person's mental and physical health.
We can’t deny that Katara and Zuko acted disrespectful to Aang and looked down upon what he’s ever known. Sokka was more respectful and even agreed with Aang but Katara had the audacity to accuse him for not loving their mother.
Where Aang falls short, however, is the fact that Sozin, the man who singlehandedly slaughtered most of Aang’s people, is already long dead, and the sandbenders only kidnapped Appa, they didn’t kill him. He had no real reason to feel what Katara felt. There’s also the fact that Katara is the one who’s indirectly blocking his final chakra, she’s the reason why he can’t control the avatar state, and he’s not used to seeing Katara’s angrier side and probably wanted Katara to forgive for his sake but not her own and Katara knew it.
No one can change the past. The way I see it, if wrong-doers are no longer a threat but are still alive than all we should do is pray for them, hope that they can do better, be better. If we treat them like animals they’ll gladly be animals, we treat them with respect, we’ll get respect back.
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