#CLoud was not this extra in the original lmao
mushroom-for-art · 2 years
Thank you to @mewtales and @bbubbles-mewtopia for the mew designs they made for me during their free mew events! Here they are with my Mewtwosona :) the light blue Mewtales design is gonna be called Cloud while the darker blue baby in the sonas arms made by Mewtopia is called Curls.
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The original sketch just to show how accidentally ginormous I made Cloud XD my Mewtwosonas only 5'4!! An alpha. Had to shrink
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dollfaced-erin · 1 year
do you mean like requested scenarios in dragon's cradle? i do have one in mind though
cuz i was thinking what if dan jia (yes we going for the past setting) who likes to make use of her tail at it's fullest like poking someone, waving, comforting someone but instead of a back rub using hands, she uses her tail, it's like a third arm without fingers lmao
like imagine seeing the high cloud quintet finally coming home after a long arduous battle with the denizens of abundance and she just ran to dan feng for a hug after seeing him safe and sound but with the addition of her tail also wrapping around him so it's an extra tight hug i think it's just so cute 🥺
though if you do have other plans or dislike this idea you can just ignore this no pressure
sure !! i can do this one !! i dont mind if you want to use the past setting, i can always change dan jia's name to (y/n) because its a scenario, not part of the original plot. plus, it makes it more comfortable for readers !!
This honestly is very interesting for me to read ! Thank you for the suggestion anon !!
So lets get on with it !!
Taglist ! : -
@rebeccawinters , @nayukiyukihira , @pix-stuff , @fluffy-koalala , @swivy123 , @starxao , @kaoyamamegami , @kimura-uzuri , @rsvye , @seikouryuu , @just-here-reading
Reminder ! This is set in the past setting ! But instead of using Dan Jia, I would be using (Y/n) as an easier way for you to immerse yourselves ! I would also be renaming Blade to Yingxing ! But if you want me to change that, i can do that too !
Like Dan Feng, (Y/n) does have her tail which she keeps hidden. but from time to time, she does let it out for funsies ! It was a pretty blue color, like the color of her horns on her head and the fur is the same (h/c) color ! But she prefers to keep it hidden because its hard for her to sit down, and walk without realizing the presence of the darn extra limb. It even drapes to the floor !
Poor (Y/n)'s always so worried when the High Cloud Quintet go out to fight against the Denizens of Abundance. And as she is a healer, she is required to stay back and help with the numerous Cloud Knights that had retreated to seek medical attention from her.
Her worries usually intensifies whenever Jing Yuan comes back from battle, looking horribly injured and scratched up, bleeding here and there. Even for a general, he can still fall in battle, and that worries her alot ! She would push him to lay down on the stretchers she had prepared on the ground as she goes get some ointment.
But when she returns, he lays there perfectly fine, his hands behind his head and that playful and lazy ass smirk on his face. Jing Yuan would tell her the wounds were fake, even getting up and stretching to show her. (Y/n) would grip at her qi pao, trying to contain her anger, with a kind smile on her face when she was seething inside. Though she can hide her emotions from her face, her tail would pop out and give him a good smack in the side to show her annoyance.
Of course, Jing Yuan would merely laugh and apologize to her.
In a similar situation, Dan Feng would return to the battle unscathed. He didn't want to worry his sister unlike that jerk Jing Yuan who loved teasing (Y/n). After a long and arduous battle against the Denizens of Abundance, there was nothing more relaxing then just spending the night, staring at the moon.
Dan Feng would bring (Y/n) along, holding her hand tenderly as he lead her up the grassy hills, finding the perfect spot to admire the moon in silence while the others were wasting themselves away with alcohol. He loved that (Y/n) shared the same interest of watching the moon in silence, as they pointed out constellations of the stars.
They would then begin to talk while sitting up, to remove the sleepiness. It wasn't always that they had time like this, since Dan Feng is a High Elder and is always on the battlefield, while (Y/n) is in the backlines, healing the casualties of war. And as he told her he missed these peaceful and tranquil moments between siblings, he couldn't help but tear up.
(Y/n) would of course be saddened too. This was all stressful for the two of them. Since birth they have been burdened with heavy responsibilities, there was little to no time they had to spend on themselves. It was understandable why Dan Feng would breakdown from time to time.
Her little hands would hold his larger and calloused own, while her tail would gently wipe away Dan Feng's tears and rub at his back, earning a soft giggle from the latter.
During days when he wasn't at war, Yingxing would stay by the fire of the furnace he had installed is his home. He was indeed adept at creating weapons of war, sacrificing day and night as he shaped the weapons tirelessly. He never complained, but rather found his passion in creating such arts.
But whenever he wanted to take it easy, Yingxing would resort to making little things he adored. And that was beautiful little glass art or making accessories out of crystals. He always found them to be beautiful whenever they would shine like rainbows when hit with light from certain angles.
Once, he had invited (Y/n) out to hangout, Yingxing brought a little surprise with him. As she walked out of her home, he held her hand tenderly as he brought her to a beautiful lake, beneath the moonlight. And he surprised her with a bouquet of glass flowers that shone beautifully beneath the soft gaze of the moon, shining in different color.
(Y/n) eyes would immediately widen as she took the bouquet carefully in her hands, as if they were as fragile as glass (which they were, by the way), and set them aside tenderly. Then she would wrap her arms around the short-lived mortal tightly in her arms.
Yingxing would laugh as he looked down at the smaller dragon woman in his arms, wrapping his arms around her form. His aging grey hair began to cascade to the front of his face, obstructing his vision a little.
But Yingxing would closed his eyes and held the dragon lady close in his arms, chuckling, loving the warmth she exuded. The addition to the tail that slithered around his form wrapping him tighter to his beloved.
Outside of war and training, even Jingliu had a life of her own. She was a much more laxed individual. Some would even say she was too relaxed. She would stroll the streets, going on shopping sprees every so often, go cafe hunting, and trying out food. Of course, she would drag along the little princess of the Vidyadhara clan with her.
Jingliu loved bringing her to walk around the Exalting Sanctum. especially when there was a hot sale for dresses and shoes. Every time there was a new opening, or a new sale, Jingliu would be the first out of the five of them to pay a visit with beaming eyes and a large dreamy smile on her lips. She was the trendiest out of all of them, like, even her battle dresses are so elegant !
During the weekends, vendors would open up little stalls around the plaza and leading all around the area, lighting them up with friendly paper lanterns. Children would run around happily and couples would walk around, filling the night market with chatter and laughter, bringing warmth all around. And Jingliu loved bringing (Y/n) around every time they could, just for a little relaxation.
She was relieved that the uptight Imbibator Lunae would allow his little sister to go out for fun with her friend every once in a while, with the same old condition. Never let (Y/n) out of sight. And Jingliu was tired of hearing the same thing over and over again even though she was sure (Y/n) was able to take care of herself pretty well.
With their hands full of purchases from the market, ranging from snacks and delicacies to clothing and accessories, they had no hands free told hold hands in case they got separated. Every so often Jingliu would look next to her, just to make sure (Y/n) was there beside her.
But with the tail wrapped firmly around the sword master's waist, Jingliu had nothing to worry about. She was just looking to admire the soft smile and the gleam of happiness in (Y/n)'s eyes.
Starskiff watching...how she loved to roam the galaxy once more. This was a constant thought of the Foxian with purple hair that laid on the lap of her friend. Baiheng would bring (Y/n) starskiff watching every now and then to unwind, finding the latter's presence to be quite soothing.
Was this the effect of all healers ? To be this warm and nurturing ? Baiheng didn't know. But she did like the feeling of (Y/n)'s hands running through her fluffy purple hair.
Once in a while, Baiheng would even sneak (Y/n) out to bring her starskiff flying. She knew that the grumpy older brother would never let (Y/n) out to play in the sky because as he said, 'It was too dangerous for her ! What if she gets hurt?' she would mimic. And (Y/n) would laugh along, and follow her to the jetty.
All Foxians were a little daring to their short lives compared to Vidyadharas, and Baiheng was no exception !
But one time they snuck out successfully, both of them were already seated in the airship, excited for their little fly in the sky. Baiheng would show her a toothy grin, revealing her sharp canines, excited to bring (Y/n) on a wild ride. They soon landed perfectly after showcasing a number of tricks, yelling in excitement and thrill.
That was, until someone knocked on Baiheng's side of the starskiff, only to be met with the furious eyes of teal.
The two were seated on the wooden floor with Dan Feng lecturing them to no end. Despite their heads bowed in shame, they were actually trying to hide the happy smiles on their faces. No one could remove them of those gleeful smiles as they experienced the endeavors in the blue sky.
The wagging of Baiheng's fluffy purple tail and the constant slithering of (Y/n)'s own did nothing to cover up for them. Dan Feng just sighed in return, finding it futile to reason with the two girls in front of him.
End note : THIS WAS REALLY FUN TO WRITE ! i honestly dont mind if you guys want a past setting, present setting without the fights, modern day AU, or separate scenarios ! just specify them, and I'll try my best to fulfil your requests !
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“What hair product I think each svt member is”
Summery: a holiday fic that has absolutely nothing to do with the holidays! Wanted to try my hand at writing something a bit different and thought this was a good idea to start. Not really comedy but amusing none the less! (idk if what I wrote makes sense hopefully yall are picking up what I’m putting down) approximately: ten minute read
A/n: THIS IS NOT MY ORIGINAL IDEA! (In a way it is buuuutttt still) I can’t find the author who wrote the “what piece of furniture svt are” or something to that effect so they’re the ones who gave me the idea so if yall find them please tag them unless I do first!
warningz/info: mentions of pain, mentions of chocolate, I think what, three curse words? y'all let me know if I should start keeping them to a minimum or remove them entirely because I know some people are uncomfortable with them! I feel like the spacing between paragraphs is weird in this fic but oh well. no idea how this is gonna go over and im scared that I tagged it with "x reader". plus I dont know if anyone would read/enjoy it but I had loads of fun writing it! as always, if you did like it, please leave some love like comments and or reblogs!
~this is simply a piece of fiction. My imagination onto “paper. This is in no way is mean to be taken as an actual and real representation of anyone.~
gel. Sticks to you like glue once you find each other (romantic music starts playing in the hair care isle when you pick up your favorite gel) everyone has their preferred brand/ look they worship. Thicc. Either smells putrid and chemical like or good enough to transport you to a magical land of chocolate, pink grass and purple clouds
he is a Bobby pin. And I will provide no further explanation on this except that he holds you together but will stab you lmao
an Afro pick/ hair pick. Its what everyone’s looking for: that little somen’ somen’. That little poof we all desire. Also scalp massages :)
wide tooth comb. My fellow thick haired/ curly haired people will know about this one 😭 this shit can be mean to your scalp tugging on your hair and UGH helps you greatly and is a necessity but damn… that’s all I gotta say
Refresher product/ moisture product. wakes you up in the morning. Gives you a reason to NOT look like you just rolled outta bed even though you did. For most this is one ofthe holy grails in life. What would I do without it? Makes us all smile even at 4:00 am because oh my god I look better after I slapped this in. Just all around a day-brightener
curl cream. Grounding. Has many different looks n stuff
a rat tail comb. Everyone should have one. Versatile, used for many different things. Good for every sort of job and is a natural to be honest and is small but mighty lol
a satin/ silk bonnet. And no, not one of those that most  moms wear with the lace trim. Those end up at the foot of your bed by the morning. The ones with the thick elastic. I choose this cause it goes by many different names, just like him lol just has that comfy homey feel to it
hair mask. Made at home with some questionable ingredients. Seriously sometimes I don’t think he’s real lol 
a denman brush. It sounds to helpful and great. And it is great!…. When you figure out how to use it. Hard to figure out but once you get the hang of it you’ll never go back (another thing my fellow curly haired babes will understand)
co wash. A little something extra, a boost of energy, if you will. a well kept secret but also a well known fact 
hair tie. Easy to loose but also easy to find. especially in places where youd think: “why the fuck would it end up here?” Like idk man, but you should definitely check the dark corner collecting lint— that’s where they always are
leave in conditioner because with use over time it makes your hair (you) healthier
a/n: annnnnnnnddddd thats it! hope y'all enjoyed this disaster of a fic lmao if you liked it, please leave some love like comments or reblogging!
stay safe, y'all!
2023 ©️copyright for shutupheathersorryheatherr do NOT repost, steal, or translate my work even if you give me credit
taglist: @itz-yerin
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styxnbones · 2 years
7 9 29 38, and also A and D abt cass!! <3 (also this is the not-couples ask meme if it wasn't obvi c':)
7.What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling? Cass kinda has a weird relationship to nostalgia- I think I've mentioned before that she has the Eidetic Memory merit, so time doesn't cloud the less pleasant parts of her memories, it's all fresh in her mind like the day it happened. So to them, "nostalgia" is often a sort of uneasy or uncomfortable thing, and generally specific places are most likely to trigger it- like, for example, she might have to drive past her old middle school on the way to somewhere and be like "fucked up that this is a place that still exists"
9.Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word? lmao. as evidenced above- yes Cass swears, and they do it quite a lot. They started pretty damn young too- they picked it up from their grandma, who used to vaguely keep an eye on them as a little kid since their mom couldn't afford daycare, and whose favourite word in the whole world is "fuckdamn" (or "damn fuck/fucking" or any combination thereof)
29.Do they usually live up to their own ideals? Cass' ideological framework can be summed up with a very simple and all-encompassing "I Do What I Want." and on a nightly-basis she does a pretty good job of sticking to that. There have been more than a few egregious breaches in the past, (the life of a fledgling is not one filled with a great many choices, and neither is the life of a human child), but they do their best to leave those behind them and not dwell on it.
38.What memory do they revisit the most often?  At any given time, the memory she's going over is probably whatever is most pertinent to her job- their incredible ability to perfectly recall anything they encounter allows them to operate their business on the guarantee of "no trace left behind" both in regards to the information gathered as well as ancillary communication and records keeping (unless of course a client wishes to pay an extra fee for the acquisition of original documents) But, as far as "fond personal memories" go, probably the first time they left the apartment after their embrace. Sitting at the very top of the building's roof in the dead of night, staring out at the moon and the busy city around them, breathing air as fresh as it gets in LA even though they haven't needed to for years.
A) Why are you excited about this character? Mostly I'm excited to just be giving them a new lease on life. I'm not usually the sort of person who will like "maintain" old ocs- like I played her, and that game ended so her story was Over, and in situations like that I rarely think about those characters much ever again. But, in Cass' case, I stumbled across her old character sheet and backstory and some of my notes from the chronicle and realized that there was still a lot of good stuff there, and a lot more good stuff that I remember wanting to include in her story that I wasn't able to at the time, and I wanted to see what she would have been like if I could have. So now, even though I'm not in any active chronicles, I get to have the fun of reinventing her to show off to all my cool vtm mutuals.
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? Basically the only thing that's really changed about her visually since I rebooted her was that I now imagine her as just sort of like an average weight for her height, instead of the rail-thin anime-character looking physique I drew her with when I was 12
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sada-siva-sanyaasi · 2 years
red // ramaraju
capture you \ green \ blue
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@manwalaage @lil-stark @thewinchestergirl1208 @contemporarykafka @gauri-vishalakshi @maraudersfansassemble @idrinktea-darling @itsfookingloosah @rambheem-is-real @adrakchutneyofficial @nerdreader @mayuriebubblie @darlingletshurttonight @samairathewriter @redirection04 @reallythoughtfulwizard
(a/n- this went so so different from what I thought lmao. Enjoy folks, feedback is appreciated!)
"Come back to me and we will spend every second of our lives with each other, come back and I'll tell you everyday that I'm in love with you, more than anyone has ever loved anyone."
She knelt down too, bringing his face closer as she pressed a kiss to each tear that slipped out, before a final kiss to his forehead, her lips staying there.
"Come back to me," she whispered.
Ram woke up with a start, looking around wildly as he felt the ground around him. His fingers finally found the idol and he brought it close to his chest, breathing heavily. Y/N gave him an anchor without realising when she handed her idol of his namesake to him, the same idol that saved him from the storms brewing in his heart and the longing that clouded his mind. He stared at the idol as memories flooded his brain, a sense of comfort filling him as her voice rang in his heart.
“I didn’t know you’re devoted to Shri Ram,” Bheem said, trying to make conversation with Y/N who was still upset with Ram. “Oh well, I was originally much more devoted to Lord Shiva,” she mused, stirring the pot as the aroma filled the air around them. Ram paused, looking up from his book as she looked into the pot, frowning, before taking some spice and putting it in, stirring once and offering a taste to Bheem. Bheem tentatively put a spoonful in his mouth, his eyes lighting up as he surged forward for more.
“Not now Bheem, I’ll save extra for you later.” She chided, smiling to herself. “As I was saying, I loved Shiva a lot more. I think I still do; he feels real and grounds me a lot. But Shri Ram,” she spared a glance at Ram before looking back at Bheem, “I fell in love with him recently, and I really like the feeling.”
Ram’s uncle walked into his tent and sighed, looking at Ram’s state. He had been waking up panting and sweating ever since he left his heart in Hyderabad, and everyone could see how it had been affecting him. 
Ram walked slower, talked less and got more agitated than before. His eyes lost the glow, looking more and more like those of a sick tiger unlike the sharp ones they were before. More than anything, he looked scared all the time, his grip on the idol she gave him growing tighter each passing day.
“Ram,” he began, watching his nephew sit straighter and look into the fire burning, not acknowledging him. “You’re just killing yourself for no reason, and you know it. She wouldn’t want you like this Ram, none of us do.”
Ram rolled his eyes and stood up, dusting himself. He knew what he was doing, better than anyone else. But he also knew that everything felt absolutely pointless without her looking at him, sitting beside him, talking to him, just being near him. It all felt like it meant nothing. “Remember your promise to Baba, Ram.” His uncle tried again but Ram snapped. “Well I’ve fulfilled it, haven’t I? I did everything I could and got a gun in every villager’s hand to fight for our freedom. Baba never said I had to give up on love for freedom. He didn’t ask me to kill my spirit and live lifelessly for this fight for freedom, Babai.” Ram sighed, wiping the sweat off his face as he turned to his uncle.
“I will fight with every ounce in my being, with my last breath I will fight to do whatever I can in making sure the British leave our land and we get back everything that rightfully belongs to us. But for me to fight, I need her. I need her beside me to be able to breathe the way I did before. I just,” he sat back down, looking into the fire with hopelessness. “I want her, Babai. Nothing else.”
Ram’s uncle rubbed his face as he sat down beside his nephew, looking into the fire. “Then go get her.” Ram looked up from the fire, staring as his uncle patted his back reassuringly. “I can take care of things over here, Ram. You go bring my daughter-in-law home.” Ram turned back to the flames as they reflected in his eyes, and after a very very long time, his uncle finally saw his nephew again.
The Sun was just rising in Hyderabad when Ram finally got to Y/N’s house. The first rays of light hit Ram’s feet as he gazed at the mansion that belonged to his lady love, somehow completely dull. Something was wrong, he could tell as the mansion hollowly looked back at him, and he ventured in, looking for anyone at all. Since it was too early in the morning, maybe no one was around, Ram reasoned with himself as he looked around the spotless house.
A door creaked open and Y/N’s little brother walked out, rubbing his eyes. He was fully clothed in white, not any sign of the grand clothes he wore the last time Ram saw him, and panic began to set into Ram’s chest. The white clothes, no sign of people around, the talk of a plague going around in the city as bad as when Quli Qutb Shah ruled over centuries ago rang in ram’s brain as he staggered back, making Y/N’s brother finally notice him.
“Baava*!” He exclaimed, rushing to hug him, and Ram hugged the young boy back, tears already collecting in his eyes for multiple reasons. The boy pulled away and smiled wide at Ram, but frowned immediately, noticing his state. “Baava, what happened? Are you alright?”
Ram looked at him and ruffled his hair a little, turning around to the house. “Where’s everyone?” The kid sighed, sitting him down and offering a glass of water. “Amma went on a religious trip to Varanasi to pray and celebrate, and the house help will be here anytime soon.”
“Yeah,” he looked up at Ram with nervous eyes. “Akka got infected by the plague, and was suffering all alone for almost two weeks. She was in a lot of pain, baava, and none of us could do anything to help her out. She kept saying that nothing will happen to her because she still hasn’t seen her Ram even while her health deteriorated drastically.”
Ram stopped breathing, fear gripping him tight at the thought of losing Y/N. he had nearly lost her and he didn’t actually know, what if she-“Thankfully she recovered all by herself, the physician who came to see her said it was a true miracle.” The boy smiled wide. “I think you kept her alive baava, wanting to see you made her fight even death. Today is Holi, which is why I’m dressed in white, and- oh look, the house help got here too.”
Ram looked up as people filled the house, and sighed to himself, leaning back. ���Baava,” Ram looked up as the boy held out a set of white kurta pyjamas for him. “Get ready for Holi, it's Akka's favourite festival and I'm pretty sure she’s sleeping right now. She will wake up anytime soon and rush to get ready, so you should too. Wouldn’t want to miss your first Holi together, right?” Ram grabbed the clothes gratefully and began walking away but stopped at the last sentence. 
“Also please cut your hair and shave your beard, you look horrible. Akka likes finely groomed men so much more, trust me.”
“Yeah right, she likes me anyway.” Ram grumbled, but still scratched his beard thoughtfully as he walked to shower. Maybe the kid wasn’t wrong after all.
Ram watched all the colour trays lined up, foods and drinks splayed out as the young boy greeted guests, folding his hands and smiling at them. He didn’t want to admit it, but Y/N’s bratty little brother was already growing into a fine young man and the thought made him extremely proud. 
When Ram thought he wasn’t looking, he picked a tray full of various colours and slipped away, avoiding all the guests and help till he reached Y/N’s room. The door was unlocked and he smiled to himself, opening slowly and walking in, only to stop entirely as he took in the scene in front of him.
Y/N held a book in her hands, reading as she laid on her stomach, her legs in the air as they swung back and forth, occasionally clashing and her anklet music filling the air. Her delicate white lehenga made her look straight like an angel out of heaven, the fabric flying in the air and leaving little to imagination. Her jhumkas danced as she hummed and moved her head along to a song that played from her gramophone in the corner of her room, the language unrecognisable but exceedingly beautiful.
Ram set the tray down gently enough to not make a sound and walked forward slowly, before gently ghosting his fingers over the bottom of Y/N’s left foot. She shrieked and left her book, falling onto her back as Ram surged forward, covering her mouth and holding the back of her neck. He chuckled lightly as her eyes widened, taking him in. She blinked a few times, as though trying to understand if she was actually seeing him, before squealing under his hand and jumping onto him, hugging as tight as she could.
They finally pulled away after a few minutes, both of them softly looking into each other’s eyes and Y/N whispered, “So my Ram has come back to me, huh.” Ram smiled, and she continued. “I mean my idol. Where is my idol?” Ram softly tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled. “He’s resting, for now you’ll have to do with the Ram in front of you.” She hummed, caressing his jaw and raking her hands through his hair. “Where did your long hair and beard go? I loved them so much, did you tidy up for me?” 
“Wait, what? Your brother said you liked well groomed and clean shaved men, I will get hi-” “Of course he said that, but it’s quite alright. I love you however you are.”
Ram sighed, shaking his head as she continued to tug at his roots gently, the sensations sending shivers down his body. “You know,” she murmured, “I heard of a theory whilst studying in Cambridge that it’s a possibility that everything around us is in fact just a figment of our imagination. And if that is the case…” “Then you’re the most beautiful figment of mine.” Ram finished her sentence, cupping her jaw and pressing a kiss to her nose.
“What’s that song playing? I don’t think I recognise the language.” Ram murmured against her jaw as she closed her eyes, letting him explore her body with his arms. “One of my peers was from France and she gave me a set of beautiful songs from her country.” “Do you know the meaning of the songs?”
“Oh yes, the one that’s playing right now is called parlez-moi d’amour. It’s a beautiful song, Ram. it’s all about the sweet nothings of love, although it also speaks of disappointment that it may all not be real, but if her lover kisses her and whispers love into her ears, she will believe it all.” she hummed along as Ram gently lifted her in his arms bridal-style, standing up and dancing slowly to the tune. She smiled as he twirled her around, pressing kisses to her nose every time he could. He finally set her down as she pulled his head down, meeting halfway for a sweet kiss. 
The kiss soon got heated as Ram began walking forward, his grip on her neck slipping to her waist and tightening there while her arms wound around his neck, fingers pulling his hair. When they hit her table, the tray he set there clanked a little and Y/N pulled away to look down, only to gasp and push him away, stepping a few feet away.
“Why did you bring colours in here, Ram? Did my fool of a brother tell you I like Holi?” Ram nodded slowly while Y/N groaned, walking back. “I hate Holi, Ram. The mess, the colours, the wild behaviour like animals, I hate it all! Just get those colours out of here, now.” Ram scoffed, stretching his muscles and picking up red, walking towards her menacingly. “Ram, no,” she warned weakly, running around her room as he followed her calmly. 
“I can’t have my wife hate Holi, bangaru. It’s a major shame if you hate it, and it’s my responsibility to make sure you no longer hate this beautiful festival. Now come here, and I’ll go easy on you. But if you make me get you, there’s no guarantee as to what will happen next. And that is a promise.” Y/N shook her head rapidly, jumping onto her bed to get away when Ram smirked, grabbing her pallu and tugging hard. She shrieked as she fell down, landing on the bed groaning. Ram laughed at the look on her face while she tried to glare at him, still rubbing her hips. “You evil man,” she grumbled as he crawled on top of her, while he shrugged, grabbing her waist and pulling her to him. “Your evil man.” Ram corrected smugly, smearing the red all over her neck, before wrapping his hand tighter around her throat and pulling her in for a rough kiss.
Y/N gasped, trying to move away while he shoved his tongue down her throat, swallowing every sound she made with absolute delight. Wrapping his other arm tighter around her waist he moved back and stood up, walking her to her table. Setting her right beside the tray of colours Ram moved to her neck, kissing like a man starved. 
Y/N could only close her eyes and bite her lips to contain her moans as he picked another colour, this time blue, smearing it around her waist as much as he could. She slowly picked yellow, grabbing his hair and tugging him roughly away from her neck as Ram groaned, painting the right side of his face yellow. She smirked triumphantly only for him to grab her hair and pull her closer, rubbing his cheek against hers and spreading the yellow there too. “Ram, this doesn’t feel so Holi anymore,” she gasped into his mouth as he trailed his hands on her back, loosening the knots of her blouse to apply green all over her bare back. He smirked as she took pink and poured it onto his collarbone, opening the top three buttons. “I’ve never been a very holy man anyway mehbooba, who knows it better than you?” Y/N whined as he took her bottom lip between her teeth, whimpers leaving her as he coloured her white lehenga a beautiful red and pink. 
“I’ve never wanted you more, oh God,” she moaned softly, getting onto him as he walked her to the bed, throwing her onto it and climbing above her again. He held the bowl of red and smiled at her, kissing her passionately while throwing the colour in the air. “I have to say,” he mumbled as he pulled away, caressing her jaw gently, “red looks so so gorgeous on you, it’s taking all of me to not rip it off of you.”
She giggled and took some pink to swipe it across his nose, her smile widening when he sneezed because of the powder. “Only after marriage, janaab. I’ll let you do whatever you want to me the second you tie the mangalsutra around my neck.”
Ram pushed her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead, pulling her close to his heart as they both just laid on the bed. “What are we waiting for? I’m sure temples are open right now, let’s go.” Y/N sat up, looking down at him with adoration while he sat up a little, resting his head in his hand as he stared back. “You really want to marry me? There’s no going back Ram.” She said softly and he smiled, caressing her waist and spreading the colours over there slowly. “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life than you. You’re my deepest, truest and darkest desire Y/N,” Ram said, moving forward to press a teasing kiss to her hip. She jumped and smacked his shoulder as he sat up too, taking her hands in his. “We don’t look half bad, let’s go.” She smiled and set his hair, buttoning up his kurta gently and smoothing it out as he pulled her close, pressing soft kisses to her neck while he tied her blouse back properly. “Alright, let's get married, Alluri Ramaraju. I can’t wait to be yours.” He placed a swift kiss to her lips and gathered her in his arms, kicking the door open and running through the halls while she shrieked in delight, hiding her face in his chest. 
“And I absolutely can’t wait to be yours.”
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thehoundwrites · 2 years
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By Hound (18+ only)
CW: bars, dancing, shimmer, smoke, break up, angst, police violence mention, drinking, classism
Word Count: 1020
Notes: The next part is called "Blue" Mentioned here (Series is called "the colors of love") I LOVE FORGETTING TO TAG LMAO
Tagging: @nora-xox @colourfulkidglitter @midnightsk13s @petitepersephone @trashbod @biphrogg @thebleccbird
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There was something in the way she looked at you, her dark grey eyes dulled from their hardened demeanor. She'd watch you laugh with your friends all gathered around the booth entranced by your smile. Throwing quick glances here and there because if any of those idiots knew about your secret relationship with Silcos one and only Sevika. The right hand man. Or whatever. Both of your loyalties would be questioned or even tested.
It was hard to keep her a secret, your friends were her friends. Coworkers, drinking, buddies, rivals. And as much as you adored her most people avoided her. Talked about her very out of ear shot. Too afraid to be heard. You'd never thought the two of you could make it under such stressful situations. After the bridge, Vander, The kids, Powder turned Jinx. You'd think the two of you could be more open. But no. Love makes you vulnerable. Made you weak.
You couldn't help but to apologetically shrug at her as your teammates walked inside with you. The two of you were supposed to discreetly leave and go on your "after near death comfort night mission" (the name was still in the works) but instead they dragged you to dance with them then drink with them. You saw Sevika hands fly to the table to haul herself up from her game and head upstairs, and you followed with the lame excuse "I have to pee, if I'm not back don't call the enforcers please" luckily they hadn't noticed her brooding figure or they'd start to question.
They knew you were lying, but they wouldn't even if the enforcers ever helped Zaunites. But by now they knew where you were from. Your family was originally from Piltover where you lived as a kid. Only to move on to Zaun in your teenage years finding out the hard way what your people did to theirs.
Sevika was already upstairs, and you were clearly getting excited to see her, a dumb little smile playing on your lips. However Sevikas legs were longer so it took a minute for you to catch up, plus a few tedious moments spent with Chuck to tell him he was doing fine.
When you made it upstairs you already knew which door it was the same as every other visit. And you knocked softly and pushed. The old door creaked open revealing your partner's bare back leaning against the wooden frame of the other for right inside. The light was dim, a buzz of electricity from the blue led light beside her bed, usually it was red, but tonight felt calm, smoke blew from the silhouette of your lover.
A thick cloud of pungent smoke as she let out a "I was starting to worry if you got hurt sugar" she didn't turn to face you. So your eyes wandered to her back. Her normal blue scars that covered her face were fading back to the usual color. The fluorescent pink of shimmer that coursed through her veins slowly disappeared before your eyes.
"I can't get hurt when the scary lady herself is waiting up here just for me."
She'd never shown you just how bad they were, not by choice. You'd taken care of her while she was unconscious but she distanced herself since then. You took in the view getting traces of less magical scars covering her shoulder blades and ribs as you approached behind her wrapping your arms around her waist and pushing your face inbetween her shoulder blades.
The silence was comfortable until it wasn't.
So you cleared your throat, and let go walking past her a bit, grey hair peaked from the roots of her hair, whether she was extra stressed or just getting old or both was yet to be determined. You turned around to peek at her face. You noticed a lazily wrapped blunt pressed between her two lips black lipstick smeared a bit across her chin. And a fresh scar on her abs, a large piece of gauze duct taped to the skin.
"Sev" you whimpered so quietly, yet it felt like you dragged a fork across a plate to her.
"I don't want your pity"
"Great cuz I don't pity you." You replied rather bluntly, Sevika raised her eyebrow at you.
"Then what was that?" It was a genuine question but the way she said it was harsh and you got defensive.
"What, I can't be upset you're getting seriously injured?"
"Since when do topsiders care about us? About me?"
"Please sev? Tell me what's going on. You don't have to shut me out"
"No." She cut you off. Something was wrong. "You need to leave and never come back."
"get out"
"WHY ARE YOU SO AFRAID OF LETTING ME IN, even after all we've been through"
"Before I make you."
You stared at her in disbelief, eyes transfixed in hers that couldn't look at you. You got up to move past her tense frame, tears struggling to escape, the explosion rung clear in your mind but you knew this was different. Something was weird.
You couldn't help but to whisper what you normally did whenever the two of you departed.
A weak "I love you" fumbled from your lips a hot teae staining your cheek, grunge from the under-city washing away with the pain.
Only this time was your last, the last time this said those three impactful words.
You couldn't help but to have your long and complicated relationship flash before your eyes as your arm skimmed hers when you walked by. But you could've swore she said she loved you back. But now you'll never know. She's just a distant memory, a happy one. With a bittersweet end. If she said I love you that would've been her first time that's why it hurt. She was always too late. You'd stay awake hoping she wasn't dead. Waking up to hold her hand only to remember it's just another lonely night.
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konveeart · 2 years
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{2022生2月} February Screenshots // Spirit & Strife Zine
I watched Advent Children 5 times between end 2021- beginning 2022 and practiced on his outfit before finally deciding to draw CC Cloud instead. I usually tackle full-bodies for zines, it was a pleasant change to paint a portrait for once~ 
These are wip-screenshots from both painting and standee I designed (I think they look really cool, I’m happy to share hehe)! This standee is the first piece of merchandise I ever made and it holds a very special place in my heart! Thank you very much for the opportunity ♥ !!
I am currently uploading the timelapse of the painting and I should get to uploading the standee BTS once my package arrives *crosses fingers!* I’ve been keeping for so long, but I’d love to have the entire experience of traditonal-to-digital-to-final_product in one video so I’ll hold for as long as it needs..! ☆ UPDATE FURTHER DOWN, the video is mADE!!
As a surprise for being here, here’s the little eerie edit I ended up inserting in the timelapse as an add-on
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I had 2 files corrupted while working on this. I don’t remember what happened anymore (let me check discord).
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I don’t remember mentioning if I lost any work, but I will assume I lost a couple of hours (+2hrs of trying to restart my pc and make it work again 💀).. Gladly this time there was a very pleasant recovery file which I duplicated and feared every time I saved in PS //cries
Unfortunately file corruptions occur more often now, that's my signal that my poor pc needs an upgrade (who can afford one in this economy??? Prolong the lives of your machines, friends!). I'll live in fear and 5 backup files until I decide my hardware hates anything above 5000px+ files and I go smaller (which is not happening, sorry friend, we'll have to keep being fried a little longer.. hang in there..)
[9月2日Update] I have uploaded the second (and final) timelapse with a little assembly video at the end and some extras~
I have the habbit of working at least x2 bigger in file than what goes into print. First lesson learned was this is unnecessary in merch-making of small sizes (I actually worked x3~4 times bigger and it shows in the video why it was a bad idea //wheeze) especially since my lineart is very thin and it gets lost if shrinked. I’ve watched so many merch-making vlogs in the past years, print-test got drilled in my brain and forced myself to test it at least once (gotta be professional about it, right? ;3) It wasn’t too early on, but it was early enough to change the composition of the piece as it set realistic expectations to what would work out or not (the size was so important, I hadn’t realised it would shrink so much because I obviously read very well and was fully aware of the OG size provided by the lovely mods). From the original design to the final I made a lot of changes and I was too obsessed with the meteor to let go. I cut at least 5mins (already sped-up) of me trying to lineart it and failing miserably so I switched back to PS and did it there. I cannot watch my own timelapse anymore without feeling dread and bored lmao, my convolution makes my skin crawl, so meticulous.. If it’s interesting to anyone I’ll be happy, if not then I am not surprised, I am not either! It made a beautiful base regardless, so it was worth it~ On a final note, no I did not 100% forget what kind of idea I had for the flaming buster sword (the meteor was supposed to reflect-in-tiny over it) and completely ignored my initial sketch to polish something I wasn’t sure what it was. It works out in the end so we’re good ok.
If there’s one thing I am taking from working on this is; don’t experiment when merch-making, it will make your life so much easier to stick to a process but knowing myself this is not happening. It’s just not me lol //runs
I am in denial that the zine is finally wrapping up.. It’s been such a wonderful experience sharing the Cloud love between us (for ~7 months?? time flies ;;;;;;!!) //is emotional.. I am very grateful and honoured to be part of this wonderful project ♥ thank you everyone for your lovely company during this time ;; I will always hold our little chit-chats and cloud-love-sharing dearly in my heart. Mod team, you are STELLAR and I hope one day our roads cross again💫!! ---
Thank you for making it this far 🌦️
Leftover sales will be up soon, so follow @strifezine​ // Spirit & Strife zine as it’s your last chance of grabbing a copy or merch item if you missed out on the first round!
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frogtanii · 4 years
embarrassed ft. matsukawa issei
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wc. 2.7k (???)
warnings. SMUT, not proofread lol, mutual pining (??), friends to lovers (???), cunnilingus lmao, no dom/sub dynamics, well actually dom&sub issei if you squint rlly hard hehe, kinda cute, embarrassed issei <3, also one (1) WAP reference
an. it’s 2:30 am and i have no idea why i wrote this and who for???? i got the idea from a 🦋😳🙈✨ audio and was immediately inspired idk, sorry if it’s bad i lichrally have no idea since i didn’t read it after it was done :p
( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
it wasn’t like matsukawa issei to be embarrassed.
he was handsome, intelligent, and funny, not to mention he never left women wanting after a night with him.
issei was the entire package and he knew it.
beyond superficiality though, he was happy with his life. he had a great group of friends, a nice apartment all to himself and a completely normal job.
yes, being a funeral home employee wasn’t the most glamorous career a person could have but he was happy. besides, it never deterred him from getting a warm body to sleep with which was a win in his book.
all in all? his life was great!
so why did he have to go and screw it all up?
issei blames makki and the dumb flyer for the reason his life went to shit. (maybe he’s being a little dramatic, but let him have his oikawa moment.)
he was minding his own business when his best friend (recently turned enemy) burst through his apartment door with a piece of paper in his hand and a fire in his eyes.
“dude, look at this!” issei rolled his eyes, putting down his casket catalogue and turning to meet takahiro’s gaze.
“why hello to you too. remind me why i gave you a key again?”
“because you love me and because i bring shit like this to you. look!” with another long and suspiciously tooru-like sigh, issei took the crumpled paper from makki and immediately stopped in his tracks.
“makki... what the fuck is this?”
written in large pink letters and a flowery, borderline illegible font was the name, coffee and cunnilingus. upon further inspection and careful reading, it revealed itself to be a little cafe opening up about 10 minutes from issei’s apartment complex who were looking to hire “young, attractive men who are proficient at eating pussy.”
issei could feel his eyes narrow and his mouth drop open in shock as he repeated his question. “the fuck is this?”
makki shook his head excitedly, tapping to another portion of the flyer that matsukawa had not yet read. “no, no dude, just look at how much they’re paying per hour.” issei begrudgingly obliged but the minute his eyes touched the (Massive™) number, he felt a little faint.
it was a lot of money. more than the funeral home was paying, that’s for sure. with that kind of money he could move out of this suddenly dingy seeming apartment and into a nice flat in the city were he’d always wanted to live. maybe he could buy himself a nice watch or even a high-end suit to replace the one from his highschool graduation (aka the only suit he owns). with that kind of money, he could erase his student debt 3 years ahead of schedule and get his mom into a nicer place.
it was these thoughts that clouded issei’s head as he found himself standing in front of a cute looking building, matching the address on the flyer. i’ll only be working part time, he thought as he pushed the door open to reveal an equally impressing interior with curtained booths and a wide variety of coffee on the menu. i’m only doing it for extra money, he thought as he shook the owner’s hand after he finished his successful interview. no one can ever know, he thought as he dressed himself in the uniform on his first day.
thus began issei’s super secret side hustle where he ate women out for cash.
sounds worse when you say it outright but it was just working. he was good at it, the women liked him, and he was making BANK. still, there were challenges. some women refused to bathe before coming and he would have to send them to the restroom to freshen up which absolutely ruined his chances for a good tip. some women would become heavily infatuated with him, believing that they were in some sort of forbidden romance. he learned to turn them down quick and easy to avoid conflict in the workplace which furthered his space as a boss favorite. but his hardest challenge by far was meeting you.
you were one of hanamaki’s friends, having met him at one of his brief stints in retail on his search for a job. he had gotten fired but you both stayed in touch after he left, becoming really close, really fast.
issei had met you first when takahiro had invited you to the biweekly seijoh third-years movie night. at first, he had been pissed as an “outsider” had never been invited before and he was worried you’d ruin the vibe, especially since it was the first time in months that oikawa would be able to join them. makki vouched for you through and through and the other boys were okay with it so you were in. the second he met you, all his fears of awkwardness and discomfort faded away.
you were great.
you were hilarious, pretty, and could keep up with makki’s harsh jokes, tooru’s diva attitude, iwa’s tendency to hit (hard), and issei’s original disdain. by the end of the night, he had completely forgotten why he didn’t want you there in the first place.
from then on, you were a staple in their little friend group. you were added to the groupchat where you balanced memes with spouts of deep wisdom and you were ever so reliable, always there if any of them needed it.
yeah, you were great. that’s where the problems started.
issei’s feelings for you quickly went from platonic to romantic, faster than you can say godzilla. he hadn’t even recognized that he was falling for you until it was way too late. normally, he wouldn’t have a problem confessing to you but because of his newly found ...occupation, he was too nervous. how would you take it that he was basically a glorified prostitute? ok, that wasn’t exactly what he did but still! you’d probably find him disgusting and horrible and leave the friend group forever. then he’d have to deal with oikawa’s senseless whining and makki’s subtle digs, blaming him for your departure. yeah, he wasn’t going to put himself through that so he decided to keep his mouth shut.
too bad he didn’t have any control over makki’s.
you and takahiro had been on a little friend-date at mcdonald’s after you’d had a long and frustrating shift. you just wanted to vent, expressing your general hate for your job and desperate need for stress relief.
that’s when makki opened his (big, stupid) mouth and suggested that you visit a little place called coffee and cunnilingus. you nearly choked on your fries at the title before quickly pressing him for details. thankfully, he had the decency not to expose that issei worked there but he had not done a good enough job convincing you not to go there. not that it would’ve mattered. your curiosity was peaked and your libido was high so why not try out the weird cafe where you let a complete stranger stick his tongue inside you?
it was settled. you were going to go and you were going to get eaten out and you were going to like it!
or at least that is what you repeated in your head as you walked to the address on your phone before taking a deep breath and walking inside.
“hello, welcome to coffee and cunnilingus, how might i pleasure you this afterno— yn?” issei’s eyes widened as they met your equally bewildered ones, the both of you staring at each other in shock.
“matsukawa-san, is everything alright?” a large hand rested on issei’s shoulder, startling him out of his thoughts and forcing him to break (horrified) eye contact with you and move it onto his boss who was now looking down on him menacingly.
“y-yes sir, everything is fine!” he squeaked out, hating the way his voice cracked on his first syllable. his boss looked at him suspiciously but thankfully didn’t press.
“well, since nothing is wrong, take this beautiful young woman to a booth where you will assist her!” the hand resting on issei’s shoulder slowly squeezed, making him wince in pain. the pain was only an afterthought though to the larger implication of his boss’ words. he’s going to assist you. assist as in pleasure. pleasure as in eat you out.
holy shit, you were going to pass out.
apparently, issei had the same thought process as you, his face whitening like a sheet. “m-me? but sir i-“
“do your job matsukawa-san!” his boss cut him off with a forced smile. all issei could do was nod and silently lead you off to a closed booth near the back or lose his job. you stayed close behind him but remained quiet, absolutely terrified of breaking the silence and ruining the bubble you had created.
you finally reached the booth in question. issei gently opened the curtain and motioned for you to get it, to which you obliged and he followed just behind.
the moment the curtain closed, you were enveloped in an awkward silence and tense atmosphere, neither of you speaking or looking at one another for fear of one of you running out. after what felt like hours, you opened your mouth to speak, not realizing issei had thought the same thing.
you finally made eye contact with him and burst into the laughter, the tension quickly broken. it took a full minute or two for the both of you to calm down, the absurdity of the entire situation finally catching up with you.
“you first,” issei said, wiping tears from the corners of his eyes while fixing you with an intense gaze swirled with an emotion you couldn’t quite place but it made butterflies bubble up in your stomach. you quickly turned your gaze to the comfortable seat beneath you, your fingers playing with the red stitching while you thought of what you had wanted to say.
“are you any good?” your hand flew up to cover your mouth as your cheeks filled with heat, the embarrassment of your words catching up to you. you hadn’t meant to say that but when you opened your mouth to apologize, you were stopped in your tracks by the lovely sound of issei’s full-bodied laughter filling the tiny booth.
you had heard it just moments earlier but without the sound of your own giggles drowning it out, you couldn’t help but think that he sounded beautiful. you basked in the sound as it slowly trailed off back into silence. now it was you doing the staring making issei look off with a red face and a heart threatening to pound out of his chest.
“y-yeah i’m pretty good. you want to try? me, i mean?” his words nearly leave you gasping, your brain working overtime to try and comprehend what he was saying to you.
“only if y-you want to? what do you want issei?” you whispered, suddenly unable to find your voice. you wanted this to be okay for him too; you didn’t want him to be uncomfortable even though you wanted him more than you could verbally express. despite the embarrassment and fear of rejection lingering under your skin, you stared at him, awaiting his answer. a tiny minuscule nod came from him and you internally shook your head. you needed to hear him.
“i need you to say it, issei.” your words, while quiet, were firm and issei felt himself hardening in his uniform slacks. he swallowed in his increasingly drying mouth before opening his mouth to respond.
“i want to eat your pussy. can i?”
your own voice was stolen by his words and all you could give him was a nod before he was on you.
issei didn’t waste any time falling to his knees, pulling your panties down, and hiking your skirt up to your stomach, revealing your glistening folds to his hungering eyes.
“fuck, you’re so wet,” is all the warning you get before he’s licking a long stripe up you from entrance to clit before he’s sucking the hard, sensitive nub into his mouth. your eyes immediately rolled back into your head, your hips instinctively bucking up into his mouth while a gasped moan of issei left your lips.
if he could bottle your moans and use them whenever he pleased, he would, the sound sending another pulse of arousal to his already hard cock. he was tempted to reach down and pull himself out of his trousers but he denied himself. this was about you; you and your wet ass pussy.
issei continued his ministrations on your clit, circling it with his tongue before pulling it into his mouth while his hand was ready to get busy. it crept up your thigh, sending shivers down your spine until it reached your sopping entrance, two of his fingers teasing the slit before delving in to the third knuckle.
the moan you let out is borderline animalistic as your body sends another wave of slick pulsing out over his hand. he groaned into your cunt at your tightness, his mind only imagining him deep within you while you squeeze him for all he’s got.
the amount of slick you produced made it easy for him to add a third finger, thrusting them in and out while also crooking them upwards in search for your special spot that would have you seeing stars. it took him a little prodding but he knew he found it when your back arched, your hand came down into his hair, and you whimpered out a string of curses.
“that’s it baby, cmon, you’re doing so well, wanna see you come apart for me,” he all but growled against your clit before delving back in with a higher intensity, his desperation for you to come winning out his desire to tease you and drag this out as long as possible.
with his incessant pressure on your g-spot and his lips suctioned around your clit, it wasn’t long before he got what he wanted.
“isseiisseiisseiissei, i’m coming, i’m coming-oh fuck!” you screamed as you clenched and gushed all over his fingers, your entire body caving in with the intensity of your orgasm. his fingers were practically forced from your spasming cunt but they quickly found a place rubbing your nub side to side as fast as possible. the overwhelming urge to pee came over you and you shook your head, trying to push his hand away.
“no, no, give it to me, i know you can,” issei groaned, his eyes locked on your dripping pussy. the pleasure he was giving came to a head at his words and you felt a clear liquid escape from your tired, overstimulated cunt, your mouth opening in a silent moan before collapsing back on the seat.
the sight proved to be too much for issei as he felt his body tense, his own orgasm washing over him as he emptied himself into his boxers. he fell back onto the ground, in shock of himself coming entirely untouched. he’d never done it before but of course it was you that would bring it out of him. a smile spread across his face at the thought, his head tilting back as he laughed, catching the attention of your worn body.
“what’re y’laughing at?” you slurred, cringing a little at how fucked out you sounded but issei didn’t seem to mind, his face glowing while covered in your slick and cum.
“nothing, nothing, but uh, i have a question.” you felt your heart leap to your chest, your mind already racing with the possibilities. he’s going to say this was a mistake, that we’re just better off as friends. oh god, what if he says i stunk? or the worst pussy he’s ever had? or what if—
“want to go and get a coffee?” he asked, the smile still plastered on his face but with an uncharacteristic hint of shyness. the butterflies were back in your stomach as you shyly nodded before allowing him to help clean you up and standing, not missing how he slipped your lacy underwear deep into one of his pockets.
issei’s hand found its way into yours as he said goodbye to his coworkers and boss before leading you out of the cafe, watching you tell an animated retelling of the bullshit that occurred at your job with a warm grin on his face and pink cheeks.
it might not be like matsukawa issei to be embarrassed but if it resulted in getting you by his side? he would do it again and again.
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lavenderdaisyhoney · 3 years
Holiday In Handcuffs
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Levi Ackerman x Y/N
word count: 5k
warnings: kidnapping, mentions of blood, kisses, emotional, the use of handcuffs (let me know if I’ve missed any)
Hello everyone! So uh I may have girl bossed a bit too close to the sun as I had originally intended this to be a very short sweet fic but it somehow turned into five thousands words I?? I guess we ending the year this way lmao. ANYWHOSIES, This is my part for @ghost-party Christmas movie remix collab! I used the movie, Holiday in Handcuffs. If you haven’t seen it, please do. It’s super cheesy but fun to watch.
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Nobody expects to start their holiday by being dumped. Over text. Right before heading back home after gushing that you’ve found the one. You’ve always been the chaotic member of the family and because of that, your parents often worried about you. For once you thought you could show them that you did have everything together and they didn’t need to worry about you.
“What am I going to do now?” You whined to your friend Sasha, who also happened to be a waitress at the restaurant you both worked at called Niccolo’s.
“Ugh, I’m sorry Y/N. That’s so brutal.” Sasha quipped as she wiped some glasses with a towel. “Maybe just be honest with your parents. Tell them your ex is a douche and you’re much better off without him.”
You shook your head. “You don’t know my parents. They’ll be super disappointed. My mother sent me a text of matching sweaters she got for the both of us. She’ll be crushed.” Guilt ate you alive at the idea of being honest with your parents.
“Hmm. In that case, maybe you should hire an escort or something? You know, as a fake date over the holidays?” Sasha suggested.
That wasn’t a bad idea but you hardly had enough money to cover rent let alone pay a man to play your perfect fake boyfriend in front of your parents for an entire weekend. Sasha tapping on the bar pulled you from your thoughts.
“Oooh look! Mr. Ackerman is back! Do you want to take his table or should I?”
You begrudgingly grabbed the menu off the counter. “I’ll do it.” You took a deep breath and forced a smile on your face, entering your customer service persona. You approaches his table and passed the menu to him.
He doesn’t look up at you as he’s texting on his phone so you took a minute to observe him. Pale skin. Black hair that’s parted down the middle. His hair looks soft. What? Come on Y/N. Get it together. You just got dumped.
He finally looked up at you after sliding his phone in the inside pocket of his suit jacket, gray eyes meeting yours. “I don’t need a menu. Just get me my usual. You should know that by now.” His deep voice cuts right through you, his words short as usual.
You cleared your throat. “Right away, Mr. Ackerman.” You grabbed the menu back off the table and head to the back of the bar to punch the order in. Once the paper is printed, you take it to the kitchen and stick it on the shelf.
The owner and head chef, Niccolo, smiled as you entered the kitchen. He was at the far counter, kneading some dough. “Who’s order is that?” He asked. He could always tell who ordered what as he had a perfect memory.
“Mr. Ackerman’s.” You replied.
“Ahh. The onion soup.”
You clicked your tongue. “Onion soup.”
He pointed to his sous chef, Floch, and wordlessly told him to get the order started. “So, Y/N. Excited to go back home for the holidays?“
“I think excited is an overstatement.” You mumbled as you leaned against the door.
“Come on, why so glum? It’s the season of cheer.” Niccolo clapped his hands, a cloud of flour dusted the air. “You need some cheer.”
“I need a bubble bath, some food, and my favourite holiday movie on repeat.”
“Tsk tsk. Keep talking like that and I might keep the restaurant open with you as my only waitress.”
You widen your eyes in mock horror and ran out of the kitchen. To be honest, working through Christmas wouldn’t be so bad. You could use the extra cash.
You go back to making sure the bar is kept clean when Floch called out your name.
“Order up, Y/N.” He gently placed the bowl with the onion soup on the counter between the bar and the kitchen. You grabbed it and walked carefully towards Mr. Ackerman. He was on his darn phone again. You placed the bowl on the table. You stood there for a few seconds, hoping for some acknowledgment but he continued to focus on his phone. He must be married to the damn thing.
As you walked away, Sasha’s words kept running through your mind. Hire an escort. Hire an escort.
You know you can’t afford to pay for one but what if you just put out an ad? Maybe he’ll let you pay in installments? Was that even a thing? You glanced back at Mr. Ackerman. If only someone like him was your boyfriend. Your parents would leap with joy. They wouldn’t be worried about you nor would they doubt you. A crazy idea started to weave in your head.
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The Kidnapping:
It was only 20 minutes later when Mr. Ackerman stood up and tossed a couple of bills on his table. You quickly moved to grab your jacket. Now or never. You clocked out and followed him out the door.
“Mr. Ackerman I-“
“Shit. My tire is flat.” He grumbled. A look at his expensive black car confirmed that one of his tires was indeed flat.
Looks like things were going your way. “I could give you a ride if you want. It’s gonna take forever for a tow truck to come out.”
He ran his hand through his hair, messing the perfect locks. He looked at you. “If you don’t mind, that would be kind.”
Yes! You unlocked your car and quickly tossed some empty wrappers to the back seat. “Sorry about the mess.” You gestured for him to sit down and ran around to the drivers side. Once you were buckled in, you started the car and carefully backed out of the parking lot. “Where are you headed?”
“Uh, my office. It’s about 10 minutes from here, over on Main Street.” He replied curtly, eyes glued to his phone.
You tapped your fingers on the wheel as you thought of how to ask him to be your date for the holidays. “So uh, are you married?” You asked as you pulled out into the open road.
He glared at you from the side of his eyes. “That’s quite the personal question but no.” He looked back at his phone. ���You?”
“Never married but I was in a relationship until recently. He actually dumped me over text.” You revealed.
“Why would you date someone like that in the first place?”
“Well, he charmed me. He used to work here but then he got some fancy office job and apparently I was holding him back.” Your hands tightened as you thought of your ex.
“Sounds like a charmer.” He absently replied.
You coughed out a dry laugh, hoping the sound would ease the tension. “Any plans for the holidays?”
“Just some take out and paperwork.”
Your mouth dropped open. “Wait, you’re working during the holidays?”
“I always do.” He finally put his phone away. “I don’t have a family and my friends are other workaholics.”
“Wow. Sounds very festive.”
“Indeed.” His short reply indicated he wanted the conversation to end.
“Well, I have to go back home to visit my family. Except they think I’m still bringing my ex. I haven’t had the heart to tell them that he dumped me.” You turned onto the street that would lead you to his office.
“That sounds unfortunate.” He said while looking out the window.
“So while we’re on the topic, since you have nothing to do, would you mind playing my fake boyfriend?”
Silence filled the car as you waited for him to answer. “Why would I do that?” He asked after a couple of seconds.
You winced. “Out of the goodness of your heart?”
“Also, I told you I had paperwork to do. I wouldn’t classify that as nothing.” He shifted in his seat.
“It’s kinda sad though. So what do you think?”
“I think you should pull over and let me out of this car. I can walk the rest of the way to my office.”
You clicked the locks and drove a bit faster. “I’m really sorry Mr.Ackerman but I need you.”
“Listen, I’ll call the cops if you don’t pull over.” He held up his phone.
You grabbed it, rolled down your window, and tossed it out of the car. “With what phone? I haven’t charged mine since this morning so don’t even try.”
“Are you crazy?!” He hissed. “My entire life is on that thing!”
“Well, sounds like you need to get out and live a little, which is exactly what you’ll do at my parents house in the mountains.”
He attempted to reach the wheel but you jerked the car so he would be shoved back in his seat. “Sir, no, Sir.”
“This is illegal. It’s kidnapping. Think clearly.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Ackerman, but it’s looking like you’re going to visit nap-town.”
He titled his head in confusion, eyebrows scrunched. You quickly jerked the car, harder than before, and he hit his head on his window, effectively being knocked out.
You felt guilty as he slumped over in his seat, a bit of blood on his forehead. You made a note to stop by the gas station and buy him some bandages.
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The Handcuffs:
You stopped at a gas station to grab the bandages and a couple of snacks. You were at the counter to pay when you noticed the stuff hanging behind the cashier. One item in particular caught your attention.
“Sir, how much are those?” You asked, pointing to the item.
The cashier looked behind him and looked back at you with a smirk. “Ten bucks.”
“I would like one please.” He nodded and grabbed one and slid it in your bag along with your other items. “That’ll be twenty bucks. We take cash only.” He mumbled.
You grabbed a crumpled twenty from your pocket and placed it on the counter. “Thanks a lot.” You quickly left the little store and ran to your car. You opened the door and hopped in, a sigh of relief left you as you noticed Levi was still unconscious.
You opened up the bag and ripped one bandage open and leaned over to him, gently bandaging the little cut on his forehead. That’s gonna bruise for sure. You pulled out the item you bought and took it out of its packing. You grabbed one of his hands, the sleeve of his jacket slid down, revealing a slender but pale wrist. He has pretty wrists. You shook the thought from your head and clipped the handcuff over his wrist, clipping the other cuff to the handle attached to the roof of your car.
You sat back and observed your work, nodding in satisfaction. You had just started the car when you heard him mumble.
“You’re awake! How was your nap?” You excitedly asked.
“Oh you mean the nap where you knocked me out? Great. Thanks for asking.” He groaned and tried to sit up, finally noticing that one of his hands was handcuffed. “What the hell is this?”
“That’s just my insurance. So you don’t try to escape. Maybe jump out of a moving car.”
He shook his arm. “Do you know how easily I could get out of these?” The pink fuzzy cuffs rattled.
You rolled your eyes. “Come on! I’m really desperate!”
“Tch.” His eyes turned into slits. “What does your desperation have to do with me? I’m starting to see why your boyfriend broke up with you over text.”
“Wow.” Tears formed in your eyes but you sucked them up as you refused to cry in front of him. “That was a really harsh thing to say and for that, you will not be getting any beef jerky.” You angrily took a bite out of the jerky and tossed the rest of the pack to the backseat, resuming the long drive back home.
You pulled up in front of your parents, the large house stood quiet and tall amongst the trees. “Wow, you’re rich?” Levi asked as he looked over at the house. Great, maybe I can get a hefty sum when I press charges.”
You looked over at him as you cut the ignition. “My parents are rich, not me.”
“Tch. That’s something only rich people say.” He responded. “What do your parents do?”
“Uh? Well, I guess that’s important for you to know. My dad was a lawyer and my mom was an English professor. They’re both retired now.”
“A lawyer's daughter committing a crime? How fitting. The apple fell way too far from the tree.”
You glared at him. “Yeah yeah. So, when we get inside, my parents will probably hound you with questions. Just be short and courteous with your answers.” You sighed, anxiety hitting you full force. “Wait here, I’m just going to tell them we’ve arrived.” You opened the door and got out of the car. You rubbed the sweat of your palms on your jacket and headed up the steps towards the front door.
You had barely knocked when the large oak door was flung open, your mother dragging you into her arms. Your father stood behind her, glasses resting on his nose, hands in his pockets. “You’re here!!!! I’m so happy. How was the drive?” She asked as she hugged you.
“It was okay. I’m fine, Mom.” You stepped out of the hug and focused on your father. “Hi, Dad.”
“Hello. You have your winter tires on, right?“
You smiled. “Yes, you made sure of that two weeks ago when you called to remind me. Anyways, I wanted to let you know, I have my boyfriend with me but uh, it’s kind of a sensitive topic. He suffered a brain injury not too long ago so he tends to be confused most of the time.”
Your parents both nodded sympathetically. “So uh, if he happens to say something about being kidnapped, just ignore him. It hurts to see him this way but the doctor said he would get better.” You wiped a fake tear from your eye.
“Say no more, Y/N. Go grab your things from the car and meet us in the kitchen for some hot cocoa. It’s quite chilly out here.” Your Mom said as she stepped back inside the warm house.
“Thanks Mom. I’ll see you in a bit.” You hopped back down the steps and ran to your car. You unlocked Levi’s door and pulled the keys to the cuffs from your pocket.
“Okay so I told my parents everything. Just be cool, okay.” You unlocked the cuffs and threw them onto your seat.
“Oh I’ll be cool alright. Surely your parents will be more sane than you.” He glared at you while he rubbed his wrist.
You stepped out of his way and dragged a hand down your face. “I know that once we get back, I’ll probably be arrested just please. Please help me out just this once.” You pleaded.
He looked you up and down and rolled his eyes. “I’m not making any promises. I’m rather excited to see the interior of the house.”
You smiled weakly and headed to the back of the car to grab your bag from the trunk. “Uh, can I call you by your first name?”
“Whatever. It’s Levi.” He replied as he still rubbed his wrist.
“Levi. It suits you.” It’s actually a perfect name for him.
“Just like how an orange jumpsuit will suit you when you’re in jail.” He replied, a fake smile on his face.
“Very funny.” You closed the trunk and walked towards him. “Well, here goes nothing.”
He’s swept his hand through the air dramatically. “After you, criminal.”
Oh, dear.
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Day One: I’m a Victim!
Levi was in bed, arms crossed angrily while you sat at your old vanity, in the midst of your skincare routine.
His eyes met yours through the mirror. “I can’t believe you told your parents I suffered through a brain injury. They don’t believe a single word I say.”
“I’m just covering my bases.” You replied while dabbing some serum underneath your eyes.
“Also, this really is the middle of nowhere.”
“Uh huh.” Levi had tried to run away the minute you let him out of the car but he quickly discovered how cruel the mountains can be when you’re not prepared for them.
“How long do I have to be here?” He asked as he uncrossed his arms.
“Just for two more days.” You replied. Now, it’s time for moisturizer.
“Don’t think just because I’ve been quiet that I’m letting this go. I hope you don’t forget that I’m the victim here.”
“I know. I get flashes of the police dragging me out of this house. Don’t worry. I won’t forget.” You put some lip balm on and popped your lips. There, all done. You turned on your stool and faced Levi.
“Do you want some of my skincare stuff? It’s all organic and cruelty free.”
He glared at you.
“Okay never mind then.” You clap your hands on your knees and head to the makeshift bed Levi so thoughtfully made for you on the floor. It consisted of blankets and pillows. You slide underneath the blanket and pulled it up to your chin.
“Don’t even think about crawling into this bed with me, brat.” Levi threatened as you heard him shift around, getting comfortable.
“Please. I have my limits.” You replied sarcastically.
It had only been half an hour of silence when you heard Levi’s voice. “What was that at dinner about an interview?”
“Oh, my father wants me to work at his old law firm.” You turned over to the other side.
“Why don’t you want to work there? Surely you’ll make more than you currently do now.”
You sighed. “Not everything is about money. Happiness counts too, you know. I don’t want to end up some old sad mess who works 9-5 in a job they hate.”
“Like me?” He asked, his voice softer than you’ve ever heard it.
You blinked your eyes. “You hate your job?”
“Yeah. I’ve realized since I’ve been kidnapped that I haven’t thought about my phone even once. I don’t even remember why I started working in business. It was what my uncle did and since he raised me, it only felt right.” You heard the rustle of bed sheets as he too turned over.
“What happened to your parents?”
“I never knew who my father was and my mother died when I was young. She was very ill. We didn’t have much but she always made sure I was happy.”
You felt guilty at his answer due to the fact that you had a pretty good childhood filled with happiness with both your parents. “I’m sorry.” You whispered.
“I didn’t tell you that so you would feel pity for me so quit it.”
You laughed. “Okay. Get some sleep, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.” He growled.
As you tried to sleep, you pondered what a young Levi was like. Maybe he was cheerful. Less curt. More adventurous. You made a note to ask him tomorrow just as sleep finally caught up with you.
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Day Two: Crazy Eights
“Ah ha! I won.” Levi shouted while throwing his last card on the table and jumping up out of his seat, arms in the air.
You looked over at him in amusement. “I thought you said you’ve never played crazy eights.”
“I haven’t.” He pulled his sweater down. “I guess I’m just lucky.”
“I refuse to believe you’ve never played this game, Ackerman.” Your father replied, salty that he had lost.
Over the weekend, you’ve noticed the relationship between Levi and your father growing. He helped him shovel the driveway, run out to the grocery store, and hang all the lights outside.
You tapped Levi on his arm. “Hey, darling, a word?” You don’t give him time to answer as you practically dragged him out of the living room.
“What? I was having fun.” He crossed both arms across his chest. You try really hard not to notice how good he looks.
“You gotta quit being so likable! It’s gonna crush them when they realize this is fake.”
“I’m not following. You forced me to be here so I could impress your parents but now you’re telling me not to do that?” He does that eyebrow lift thing he does when he thinks something is incredibly stupid.
“Yes, exactly. Just chill out, maybe go take a nap or something.” You suggested while keeping an eye out for any lurking family members.
“No can do, Y/N. I promised to chop some wood with you father.”
You groaned and moved to bump your head on the wall but Levi placed his hand between the wall and your head. “Can’t have you losing the few brain cells you have left.”
You glared at him. “Very funny. Go have fun chopping wood while I try to help mom cook with the fridge brain cells I have. Oh dear, however will I be of use?” Without a look back , you head to the kitchen, a proud smile on your face.
What you didn’t know was Levi was also smiling. Maybe at you instead of with you but he was smiling nonetheless.
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Day 3: The Truth Comes Out
The hum of conversation filled the dining as dinner was served. You glanced over at your mother, a smile on her face as she looked at your father. She looked content and comfortable. She always had so much love to give. Why did you do this? How could you lie to her? Guilt rears its ugly head inside of you as it tells you what to do. You stood up quickly, chair dropping behind you. You couldn’t do this anymore.
Levi looked over at you as he was in the middle of grabbing another bite of lasagna. “What are you doing?” He whispered.
“I have to tell the truth.” You whispered.
He dropped his fork and fixed your chair, pulling you back into your seat. “No you don’t.” He warned. “Let’s talk about this.”
“There’s nothing to talk about, Levi.”
“What’s the matter, dear?” Your mom asked as she looked at you over the rim of her glass. She set it down gently. “Is everything okay?” Her voice was filled with concern.
“Everything is not okay, in fact. I’m a terrible person.” You took a deep breath, knowing once you spit everything out there’s no going back. “I kidnapped Levi so he could pretend to be my boyfriend.”
Silence filled the room as your parents look at you as if you’ve lost your mind. Maybe you have. “I’m a mess. Dad, I sabotaged the interview at the law firm because I don’t want to be a lawyer. Mom, I forced Levi to pretend to be my boyfriend over the holidays so you wouldn’t be disappointed in me. I was dumped over text and I just didn’t want the holidays to be ruined. Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going back to my lonely apartment so I can cry into a tub of ice cream.” You dabbed your lips with the red napkin and rushed out of the dining room, heading up the stairs and ignoring the protests of your family.
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Day Four: Bittersweet Goodbyes
You were in your room, packing the little amount you brought with you when you heard the door open behind you.
“Don’t say anything. I’m leaving.” You threw a sweater into your bag and angrily wiped the hot tears from your face.
“Y/N.” Your father’s voice filled the room. You turned around to face him.
“What? Are you here to tell me how disappointed you are in me? If so, save it.”
“I’ve never once been disappointed in you. Believe it or not. I’ve had high expectations, sure, but never disappointed. I always knew you were special ever since you were born.”
“Special or stupid?” You sat down on the edge of the bed. “I try. I really do but it’s hard to live up to the expectations you set for me. I’m not you. I’m my own person, that’s why I moved out.”
Your father sat next to you and placed his hand on your knee. “You're right. You’re not me. I apologize if I ever made you like you had to be me. I love you because you’re you. I will try to not be such a helicopter parent.”
You laughed. “Where did you learn that phrase?”
He sighed. “Your mother has me watching these segments on TV, I might’ve picked up a few things.”
You leaned your head on his shoulder. “Did he leave?”
“I gave him the keys to my mustang. It’s the least I could do after my daughter kidnapped him. He also agreed to not press charges.”
So that was it, eh? Sat in your old room, hugging your father, regrets started to fill your thoughts. Did you like Levi? You weren’t sure. One thing was clear though. You needed to stop this continuous cycle of hurting yourself and the people around you. You had to do better.
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It’s been two months since the whole kidnapping of Levi thing. You’re back to work at Niccolo’s but you’ve been promoted to manager. You deleted all the dating apps from your phone after you promised to put yourself first.
You were in love with Levi. You figured this out pretty quickly because of many sleepless nights. You wondered how he was. What he was up to. Who he was with. If he thought of you. You shook your head. No. You’re not doing this. Putting yourself first, remember?
Sasha’s voice pulled you from your deep thoughts. “Are you excited to be off for the next couple of days?” She asked as she cleared some plates off a table.
You looked up from your binder of paperwork. “Very. Gonna run some errands, grab groceries, clean.”
“Okay, Grandma. You’re really calming things down after your little kidnapping stint.”
You sarcastically laughed. “Yeah, turns out it’s not for me.” You shut the binder and walked around the bar. “I’ll see you in a few days, Sasha.” She waved goodbye and resumed cleaning the table.
You grabbed your essentials from the office and dragged your coat on. You clicked the light off and waved goodbye to everyone before you headed out the door, focused on digging in your purse for your keys.
Ah ha! You found the keys. You finally looked up and leaning against your car was Levi. He had on a long peacoat, his hair effortlessly styled. How could someone be so beautiful? Once he spotted you, he spood up straight and walked over to you.
“Looks like you’re making an honest living.” His gray eyes ran over your form, finally meeting your eyes.
“What-what are you doing here?”
“What does it look like? I’m here to press charges.” He pulled a white envelope from the inside pocket of his coat.
What? Seriously? Your heart sank at the thought of being arrested. “Oh. I mean, that’s only fair right?” You held out your hand, looking anywhere but him.
Expecting to feel a cold piece of paper on your hand, you felt warmth and comfort. You looked at your hand only to realize Levi was holding it. You looked at him in confusion.
“Is this what people mean when they joke a lot? If so, I should do it more often.”
You were so confused. “Huh?”
“I was kidding. I’m not pressing charges. This envelope is empty.” He shoved the envelope into his pocket. “I came here to let you know that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” He pulled you closer, until your shoes met his. “We had the most unconventional and very illegal start but it was the most fun I’ve had in years.”
You started to cry, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. “I really thought I was going to jail, you jerk.”
“Maybe next time don’t kidnap people?” He sarcastically responded while patting your head. “Hey Y/N?” His slender finger guided your face towards his. “Would you go out with me? I heard you have the next couple of days off.”
“How did you know that?” You mumbled.
He took your joined hands and pointed behind you. You turned and saw Niccolo and Sasha standing at the door of the restaurant, cheering.
“I may have asked them to play with your schedule so you would be free to go out with me.” He admitted.
You turned back to look at him and stepped closer. “What if I said no?”
A rosy hue started to appear on his face. “Then I would’ve begged until you said yes.” He pulled the same pink handcuffs you used on him out of his pocket. “Maybe even use these.”
You laughed and shook your head. “I don’t think you have to use those.”
He held a hand to his chest. “Thank God. I don’t think I’m cut out to be a criminal.”
You bit your lip and stepped even closer. “Levi?”
“Hmm?” He tossed the handcuffs onto the roof of your car.
“You don’t have to use those because you’ve already cuffed my heart. I love you.” You whispered right before you kissed him. It felt like time stopped when your lips met. Your heart pounded loudly in your chest, knees going weak. You could only focus on how soft his lips felt against yours. You wished this moment wasn’t a fragment of your fragile imagination as it felt too good to be true.
Levi pulled back for air. “Thanks for kidnapping me.” He slid his arms behind your body, caressing your back, each touch giving you the butterflies. “I love you too.” He kissed you again, hugging you close to his body.
Only you would be confessed to in the same parking lot you kidnapped an innocent man to bring back home to your family.
It really was a holiday in handcuffs.
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taglist: @porcoqalliard @coffeeforday @lue-arlert @fierydiamond @sinnerofthewalls @reiner69er @usernamehere91 @fairyfuyu @sashatanaka @daichisbunny @therealbisexualjesus @pockcock @maddieschai
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lilac-vode · 3 years
putting a bunch of my chiss hcs in one place :-)
going to go ahead and say that platonic cuddle piles are an extremely common thing in chiss society. it probably originated because csilla is so cold that you basically have to sleep in a pile of friends and family to survive the night, but now it’s just a thing that pretty much everyone does everywhere
after trying my best to figure out their facial ridges in a way that makes sense...my guess/headcanon is that they’re cartilage based and start out very small/hard to see under the skin and then grow and take shape throughout a chiss’ life. i feel like it’s reasonable to see them as roughly similar to noses compositionally
actually i guess that also opens up the options for facial ridge piercings which is fun
the ridge shape is highly variable between individuals and genetic to some extent
thinking the ridge areas are also vein heavy, they’re cooling surfaces for venting heat quickly and easily. makes for dramatic potential of enraged chiss and also really extra blushes lmao
also on the subject of drama, take a moment to consider the potential of chiss eye glow refracting through tears lol
their eyes are adapted largely to csilla’s constant heavy snow cloud atmosphere, so they can be a bit (or a lot) sensitive to planets with brighter ambient light
this could be another reason dark eyeliner is really prevalent in chiss culture (the first being that it looks absolutely killer) since it absorbs environmental light around the eyes and reduces glare (:
i feel like their tongues and gums should get to be at least a little bit purple. because why not
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
I saw your reblog about the bunnies and how cql changed their whole meaning (I agree 100%).
And I need to ask.
Is Lan Yi an invention of cql? We know she was the one who created the chord assassination technique, but did she appear at all on mdzs? Did Lan Wangji tied his wrist with Wei Wuxian's using his forehead ribbon, did it happen on the cloud recess arc, did it happened other time, did it happen at all?
Is my life a lie? So many questions lol.
Re THIS post. Lan Yi exists in the novel but she doesn't appear, she's just mentioned. Since the Yin Iron arc is purely Yang Xia's invention there was no sucked down in a vortex, iron handover, bunny cave moment. We hear about Lan Yi in the the Xuanwu cave instead:
"Lan WangJi retrieved the chord. The bowstring broke with a sharp cry through the air.
Wei WuXian, “Chord Assassination?”
Chord Assassination was one of the techniques unique to the GusuLan Sect. It was created by and passed down from the granddaughter of the sect’s founder, Lan An—the third sect leader, Lan Yi. Lan Yi was also the only female sect leader of the Lan Sect, cultivating with the guqin. Her guqin had seven strings that could be joined and dismantled within moments. The seven strings were arranged from the most slender to the thickest. One moment she’d be playing noble melodies over them with her soft, fair fingers, and one moment later they’d be able to cut through flesh and bone as though cutting through mud, transformed into lethal weapons within her hands. Lan Yi created Chord Assassination originally to assassinate dissidents, which was why she was often criticized. The GusuLan Sect was also quite ambivalent on its comments of such a sect leader. Undeniably, though, Chord Assassination was one of the most powerful, most versatile fighting techniques of the GusuLan Sect." (Chapter 55)
WWX mentions her again when he's trying to give jiang cheng the ill fated Two Prides pep talk:
Even the GusuLan Sect had an outlier like Lan Yi, but who would deny her position and her abilities? When talking about the famous cultivators of the Lan Sect, who could skip over her? Who could skip over her Chord Assassination technique?”
Lol Like yes WWX, but she was actually talented and created something monumental unlike jc who only shit on his Clan's motto & ethos. *sigh* WWX was really reaching trying to boost jc's confidence too bad all that jc registered is "servant 4 lyfe" lmao
There's no cave forehead ribbon scene because that scene is done cuter and better in chapters 43/44. LWJ ties WWX up w his forehead ribbon whilst drunk (voluntarily) and then shows it off for everyone to see:
“Lan SiZhui was beyond shock, “HanGuang-Jun, your forehead ribbon…”
Before he could finish his words, he saw Wei WuXian’s hands.
HanGuang-Jun’s forehead ribbon was tied around Wei WuXian’s wrists.
As though he felt that not enough people noticed this fact, holding the ends of the ribbon, Lan WangJi held up Wei WuXian’s hands and displayed it for everyone to see.” (Chapter 43)
It's done again in the extras but that's another story... lol
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k-rising · 3 years
Lisa's natal chart analysis
DISCLAIMER: This is just a part of the analysis of the idol’s natal chart, which wants to show a deeper perspective on the idols life. This analysis is carried out thanks to the data that appears in the birth chart. These are my interpretations of the signs and how they work based on my experiences with them. Everyone has different opinions and all interpretation and experiences within is valid. The point of this post is to entertain. [This idol hasn’t confirmed her birth time, so I used the standard 12pm time to calculate her natal chart].
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𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐮𝐧
always involved in some kind of projects
a natural leader
Sun conjunct Venus
hella creative
lisa beautifies everything she touches
tends to say 'yes' to everything
Sun conjunct Saturn
she's a very serious person
tends to isolate herself often
slow when making decisions
lisa is also very hard on herself, tho
tends to feel inferior :(
lisa may have a constant feeling that fate is against her because, no matter what she does, she's always working and trying extra hard to achieve what she wants
Sun sextile Uranus
open-minded and fair
express herself in a very inspiring and unique way
likes defending her loved ones
she's original, creative and unique without even trying
lisa might also question rules and traditions that doesn't make sense to her
values honesty and truth
she tends to make ties with people from all walks of life's
Sun trine Pluto
at first lisa doesn't seem like a very intense person, but once people starts to know her well, they will be impressed on how passionate she is!
𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧
doesn't allow herself to be vulnerable
can also be very manipulative
it's hard to get to know lisa completely, since she opens up to a few people
l o y a l
her feelings are INTENSE
Moon square Jupiter
there's a tendency to go to excess here
realism isn't her strong side
takes decisions based on her emotions
lisa may swing from periods of excess optimism to disappointment when things don't meet her expectations
it can be hard for her to make promises she can't keep, not because of bad intentions but simply because of her lack of realism, as I said before
it can also be hard for her to be consistent
'everything will work out in the end'
emotions can cloud her perspective
lisa needs independence and she also needs to develop a balance between realism and optimism
Moon square Uranus
naturally energetic
craves for intimacy, but once she gets it she feels uncomfortable and wants her freedom back
lisa will not share her feelings unless she feels like it
she also hate routines
lisa always wants to do something new... but once she starts something she will never finish it lmao
𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲
speaks in a very vibrant and youthful way
talks really fast
makes quick decisions
she will ALWAYS speak up her mind
𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬
daring in love
likes telling people all of her achievements
wants an honest and open person by her side
likes being the dominant one in the relationship
Venus conjunct Saturn
late marriages
she might have difficulties to express love and security
tends to attract mature/grounded people
actually, maturity can be a big topic around her love life
maybe she will be with a partner that will make her mature OR maybe it's going to be the other way around
Venus sextile Uranus
independent in love
can attract unusual relationships
Venus sextile Neptune
hella compassionate and caring
a wonderful artist
Venus trine Pluto
drawn to intense and lasting relationships
will not accept superficiality
embraces changes
people view lisa as very attractive and mysterious
𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬
hella critical
pays a lot of attention to details
a perfectionist
likes order and solving problems
very helpful to others
Mars trine Neptune
hella creative
brave with her imagination
𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐮𝐦
very energetic
𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫
this position brings lisa good fortune when she's inventive and cooperative
her mind is always ahead of others
very willing to try new things
works well in groups
interested in music
works better when she has freedom to choose what to do and how to do it
likes breaking the rules
Jupiter sextile Saturn
this aspect expands optimism, confidence and luck towards her goals and her career
Jupiter conjunct Uranus
visionary thoughts
desires for freedom and exploration
tends to always see the big picture
has a positive outlook on life
embraces the unconventional
𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
this aspect can cause a delayed development of her ambitions
asserting her rights can cause lisa a lot of anxiety
she have assumed a great responsibility from a very young age
this position creates a sense of responsibility for herself, even if her confidence is lacking!
afraid of rejection and failure :(
she's a very capable leader!
Saturn sextile Uranus
wishes to work in a changeable environment
likes working in groups
wants to be a leader
Saturn trine Pluto
power comes naturally to lisa
people respect lisa and sees her as someone very powerful
𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐔𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐬
changes expand her way of seeing things
Uranus conjunct Neptune
intuition and intellect brings a powerful connection here
Uranus sextile Pluto
brings transformation and change into people’s lives
tends to enter people’s lives unexpectedly
𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧/𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐍𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐞
business and success are idealized here
always trying to fix things and create peace
Neptune sextile Pluto
lisa has a natural ability to transform
has a strong desire to realize her dreams
might be fascinated by secrets and mysteries
Neptune trine North Node
lisa has a strong sense of destiny
she already started her destiny, yall
𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐨
she may like experimenting and exploring herself
can be very spiritual
𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞
lisa's life lesson is to learn to stand up for herself
has to learn to be a leader and take responsibilities
needs to stay healthy
has to learn to say ‘no’
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dream-dust-things · 2 years
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canongf-archive · 3 years
ALSO just so u know it’s still 🥮! im not pretending to be them i just changed my acc a bit more lmao
IGHT i just wanted to gush about victor von doom a bit!! he’s so amazing!!!!! i didn’t originally plan on shipping with him but i am so glad I did omg. he’s so wonderfully smart and charming, n so amazing. he’s the leader of latveria in marvel’s 616 universe, and its incredible reading about the place itself i just 💕💞💘💞💖
AND I WANTED TO GUSH ABOUT STEVE A BIT 😭😭😭 ik i said in my og ask that i didn’t plan on gaining a crush on him but!!!! it happened!!! it was FATE? we are so incredibly different from eachother and I ig kinda like that we don’t match like a pair? we pull out different sides of eachother n it’s so nice. that’s all i have 😭 U BETTA TELL ME ABOUT U N BUCKY MORE!!!! n what else is the wedding going to include!! u don’t have to spill all ofc im just nosy 🧐
💗 DO NOT FRET, I PUT IT TOGETHER !!!!! no one else could ever pretend to be you successfully anyway, you are one of a kind!!! 💗
VICTOR SOUNDS SO INTRIGUING... smart AND charming is such a nice combination, and the fact that he’s the leader of latveria TOO... like... he is IMPRESSIVE. and i love that for you. i’m so glad you ended up shipping with him TOO because like... you and him... the power couple of the century. i am simply calling it like i see it !!!
STEVIE!!! I LOVE!!! listen. sometimes your head says “i’m not gonna crush on this man” and then your heart says “hmm. guess again, actually” and i think that is just FINE!!! it IS fate!!! you were meant to fall for him and he was meant to fall for you because. you are exactly what he needs and he is exactly what you need. it just WORKS !!!!! and it makes my heart so HAPPY!!! 
AND I AM WILLING TO SPILL A LIL ABOUT THE WEDDING!!!!!  ok. here are some deets. i cannot tell you all because that would ruin the surprises BUT!!! i know what song i am walking down the aisle to because i had it chosen before he ever proposed and it is THIS ONE from my favorite, favorite, favorite movie of all time. i am still deciding on a dress but bucky just decided on his tux!!! it is classic black which is a nice contrast to all the pastel colors we have!!! from the light pink and blue and white flowers to the cotton candy bar!!! there will be all kinds of flavors and you can even have some added to your cocktail or mocktail for some extra sweetness. we thought it was perfect because!!! our wedding theme is heavenly!!! and cotton candy is just like lil clouds. also!!! there will be a cloud machine to make it look like we’re actually in the clouds for our first dance... and i cannot wait!!! i cannot WAAAIT to marry him, i am so EXCITED!!!!! 💗💗💗💗💗
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shou7 · 3 years
Some disjointed thots on (PW+ML+AA) (single mix and everything else is just bloat to convince fans to buy copies so they don’t exist to me)
1. This is everything FP should’ve been. CB technology-related themes, nostalgic Game synths, ⊿ naming sense, the chic otona-pop of JPN, experimentalism of LEVEL3, world/concept-building of CE. Whatever Nakata was talking about back then about how everything Prfm does is future pop, and how their next work is gonna be their best.... THIS is what he should’ve been referring to. It took us 3 extra years but FUTURE POP is finally here...
2. What I really love about these new tracks is that they all have multiple layers of melodies that build on one another, and the tracks all go Somewhere, instead of feeling copypasted and one-note. But also not in a cheap lulz im so random and QuIrkY! way like in 7iro with an entirely different section that pops out of nowhere, never to be heard from again in any form. That new bridge in PW is a masterpiece (dare I say on the level of SOL’s). ML has this dissonant backward synth which sounds really out of place at first, but is eventually incorporated together with the rest of the song and resolved. And it does a really good job in creating tension in the song. The guitar from AA’s intro returns during certain sections of the song, as well as the outro (unlike PMU’s acoustic guitar).
3. And so I actually think this is Prfm’s most effortless and inspired-sounding release post-2013. Like... Nakata actually sounds like he enjoyed making these tracks, instead of trying to churn out commercial jingles and THEN extending them for release as soon as possible (to mixed results). The new tracks all have these flourishes and melodies and details added to them that’s been absent for a very long time (especially the distinct bridges!!!!). The lyrics actually have depth to them, and the tracks all have the required runtime to evolve and fully-realize themselves. Literally none of that uwu uwu DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY x 16. So shoutout to the CEOs of Tully’s and Levi’s for rejecting Nakata jingles two times each. We could not have done it without you....
4. On a related note, apparently Nakata has finally had an actual discussion with Prfm wrt music direction for the first time in almost 20 years. And the benefits are clear. These songs were tailor made for them, as they are NOW. No infantile tiny baby chipmunk voices. And no continuous throwing of shit on the wall (future bass, retro, Japamyu leftovers, other assumptions of what a US/global audience wants) to see what sticks.
5. Nakata’s mentioned several times that he doesn’t like looking back at his past works, and I assume being forced by his label to remaster his old tracks played a part in helping him recapture his spark. Covid probably also helped with getting him to stay tf home and reflect instead of getting high while DJ-ing at clubs. 
6. It’s hilarious how TW was released a year ago and yet the rollout of this single is still evidently rushed af. From the whole audio to video production timeline it’s all a hot mess lmao. But what’s new?
7. Wrt the video, it’s boring. The capsule references are cute but that’s it. Everything else is just dark. I think the dance set has the same issue with Everyday’s. A full CGI set from Rhizomatiks would have worked better and looked less cheap. But PW suffers even more because the set is so dull and static. At least Everyday had flashing and moving clouds, and flying and whatnot. PW had nothing lol. They should’ve just gone full vaporwave acid trip aesthetic like in the P Cubed tour interlude.
8. The Prfm budget being slashed is probably another major factor as to why their videos have been pretty tragic Saisei onwards. Their pull on the general public has been on a decline (being the most well-known girl group or whatever in Japan doesn’t matter when girl groups as a whole aren’t doing very well). So from a company perspective it makes more sense to invest in live shows over music videos. And they definitely are continuing to make money off their tours considering that every tour has seen an increase in ticket pricing...!!! Sad for their music video legacy but oh well.
10. FUTURE POP tracklist from another timeline: 1. Mugen loop 2. Android and 3. Polygon wave original mix 4. Time warp 5. If u wanna 6. Let me know 7. Tokyo girl 8. Houseki no ame 9. Mugen mirai 10. Toumei ningen 11. Everyday 12. Saisei
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bakugousbabygirl · 4 years
Tower Of Mistakes
pairings: bakugou x uraraka mentions, bakugou x ex!gf reader
genre: pure angst
word count: 1,623
cw: cursing|| mentions of self hatred|| jealously || self deprecation|| mirror punching
sypnosis: in which the reader realizes the split between bakugou and herself was her own undoing and she reminisces on where it all went wrong
short little song fic because i was bored also i didnt know how to end it so sorry that the ending is shit lmao😹😹
"Maybe you're better off with her?"
Her smile beamed brightening up the entire room, infecting everyone around her making them all smile and laugh also. She'd just given Bakugou a beaded bracelet for their 6-month anniversary making the blond boy blush and grow flustered as his friends gathered around to see the gift.
"Get the fuck away from us you dumb extras!" He yelled, but by now the "Baku-squad" as they'd been dubbed knew there was no real malice behind his harsh words.
"Cmon bakubro, let us see what Uraraka-Kun got you."Kirishima said playfully nudging him in an attempt to see the bracelet.
Behind Bakugou's yelling, you could see the slight smile that tugged at the corner of his lips. He was happy, he deserved it. She was good for him. So why do you still feel that sharp pang in your chest, the festering feeling of jealousy crawling through your veins?
Not being able to stand the joyous sight you get up from your seat trying not to make a scene calmly exiting the classroom. As soon as the door slides close behind you, you run. Tears cloud your vision-obscuring your view as you navigate your way to the bathroom luckily not bumping into anyone along the way.
Entering the restroom you slam and lock the heavy wooden door behind you making sure nobody can come in and ruin your pity party. God, you felt so pathetic like this. Crying over your ex who's obviously moved on. Raising your head to look at your reflection in the mirror you hate what you saw.
The bags under your eyes prominent and puffy due to the immense lack of sleep you've been getting and the constant crying in bed every night. Your skin was starting to break out from the stress and that glow you once held in your eyes was now dull. It angered you, what exactly? You couldn't pinpoint.
Was it the fact he was happy? Maybe it was that he got with Ms.Perfect and you felt as if you paled in comparison to her? How his face lights up every time he saw her approaching giving her a small smile that he never gave you? Or even the fact that this was all your fault? Yeah, that sounds about right. What angered you most is that you were the cause of this. You were the reason for the split. You're why he's with little miss sunshine and you're now left lonely and bitter.
" I had to use you to make me feel strong"
You were a leech, a parasite, nothing more than a pest who drained all of Bakugou's energy. While yes you were in class 1-A at the most elite hero school you were significantly weaker than your classmates. Your quirk was nothing to be scoffed at but by no means but you didn't know how to make it work efficiently and reach your full potential.
While your classmates excelled and grew it was like you were on the decline and Bakugou being the great boyfriend he was he refused to let you fail. Did you need help with your physical strength? Bet, he's waking you up at 6 am before classes start to workout with him. The physical recoil of your quirk wearing you out? No problem he's in your dorm room giving you a message to get all the kinks out of you back and brought over some food he cooked for you.
He saw no problem with doing any of this for you because he was your boyfriend but it was all give and no take for him. He was amazing for you but you were too consumed in your own need to get better you never paid him any attention unless you needed something.
He had an exam and he needed to stay up late to study for? You just gave him a kiss on the cheek and wished him good luck instead of bringing him snacks and water opting to sleep in his room that night like he would've done for you. The sweet caramel scent of his sweat after practice attracting bugs to his dorm room? You just laugh and tell him to "sleep tight and don't let the bugs bite" instead of getting him bug repellent like he would've done for you.
It was just the same level of effort he gave to you was never reciprocated. This frayed your relationship making you two grow more distant from one another as he stopped going the extra mile for you and returned the same amount of effort you gave him. That's when you started paying more attention to him. Vying for more of his time when one afternoon it all came to ahead.
Bakugou was getting ready to leave when you were pestering him to come to your dorm and cuddle with you when he snapped accusing you of only using him as your personal assistant and of course you clapped back with how he's been ignoring you lately.
"Duh, you fucking dumbass! I haven't been giving you any attention because that's what you've always fucking done for me! Nothing," He yelled in your face pushing your hand off him making you stagger back a bit. If looks could kill you'd be 6 feet under right now. The look he gave you was full of disgust and contempt.
"It's pretty fucking shitty that you only notice I'm gone when I'm not doing something that benefits you. you know what though (y/n) fuck you. I'm done with this shit." He said no longer yelling but the voice still full of anger as he shook his head exiting your dorm room.
" I see a tower built out of my mistakes and it all comes crashing down."
The realization hit you full force making a loud sob rack through your chest. It took you 6 months to realize you'd been a shitty neglectful girlfriend. Looking at yourself in the mirror only fueled your self-hatred and anger making you punch the mirror making it shatter and splinter into pieces as small shards broke off and fell on to the floor. The remaining pieces showing a broken image of yourself akin to how you feel inside making you give a small forced laugh. A sudden sting made you look down at your hand and see your knuckles were badly cut and oozing blood but you couldn't be bothered right now.
You stumbled back into the door of the stalls sliding down on to the cold tiled floor, the chill cooling down your burning body. Catching your breath from your previous sobbing you thought back on all the times he went the extra mile for you. He was a good boyfriend to you right down to the wire. You felt like such a fuck up and the worst part is you knew he didn't hate you.
After wallowing in your sadness you got up and went to your locker opting to just bandage up your hand instead of going to recovery girls' office and hear her nagging. With 30 minutes left of the free period you made your way back to class, you'd only been gone for 15 minutes but it seemed like an hour. Upon re-entering the room a few glances were on your hand but the demeanor you held stopped anyone from questioning you as you slowly sat back down in your seat.
Laying your head down on the desk folded your arms around yourself blocking out the rest of the world beginning to doze off.
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