emmajh97 · 3 years
RWBY V9 Teaser got me like--
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(I only had 10 minutes before work, but I needed to draw my feelings, so sorry for the sketchiness lol)
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rachetmath · 4 years
Have you learned nothing?
Jaune was trying to make a plan to stop Ironwood and Salem until team RWBY barged in with a serious look on their faces.
Ruby: Jaune? We need to talk.
Jaune: What’s wrong?
Cinder approaches the room.
Jaune: Ruby, what is she-
Ruby: Jaune, we’re teaming up with Cinder.
Jaune: I’m sorry, come again.
Weiss: We’re teaming up with Cinder.
Jaune: Have you lost your damn mind?
Blake: We need her.
Jaune: For?
Yang: To fight Salem and Ironwood and take the relic of creation. It’s not safe here.
Jaune: Wh- why? Why do we need to take the relic? We have Penny. Wasn’t the point of coming here was to keep the relic safe? Is she planning to give us back the relic for our service? Hell, what reason does she have to turn on Salem.
Ruby:  That’s not important!
Jaune: Red- hooded, worst silver eyed warrior, dumbass, want to be huntress ass bitch! Are you fucking crazy, that is very important!! How do you know she won’t turn on us?!!
Ruby: We’ll be fine.
Jaune: After all the crap she put us through and how our lucks been so far, I highly doubt it.
Cinder: Don’t worry, you have my word, I’ll only help as long as it fulfills my goals. O and Jaune, I’m interested in learning more about your semblance considering we’re a team now.
Jaune: How the fuck does she know that?
Weiss: We told her, and trust us, it’s fo-
Jaune: FUCK!!! Shi- Pyrrha give me strength. Give me strength, please.
Cinder: I can give you strength. And so much more. Oh so much more.
Jaune: Oh no, you heard that, right? Did you not hear that?
Yang:  Don’t worry.
Cinder: So, is that a yes on the alliance?
Ruby: Yes.
Jaune: NO!!!
Ruby: Jaune, please, just trust us. Give her a chance.
Jaune: Give me one. JUST ONE reason, I should team up with her.
Neo appears out of no where, gaining Jaune’s attention.
Neo: *waves hello*
Jaune: On second thought. I change my mind. I work with Cinder, as long I talk to her associate right there.
Neo points at herself.
Jaune: Yes. You. Can we talk for a bit? In private?
Neo confused, but still decided to take his offer, went with Jaune to another room.
Ruby: What’s that all about?
Weiss: He’s probably trying to flirt with her.
Cinder: Well, let’s start making a plan now shall we. (Yes, yes, this is my chance. Once we reach the vault, I’ll stab that little red in the back, take the maiden powers and the relics, and Jaune, once I give him a mental check and I will be unstoppable. *laughs*)
After everything unfolds, Cinder was lying on ground after being stabbed by two blades, front and back, and saw Jaune standing over her:
Cinder: *dying* How?
Jaune: I had a bit of help.
Neo appears and gives Cinder the bird.
Cinder: You bitch. Traitor. Curse you Jaune Arc *dead*
Ruby: Jaune, how you did know Cinder would betray us and how you get Neo to help you.
Jaune: I don’t know, because she’s crazy and has a habit of letting her ego get the better of her. Also, I talked to Neo. You know talking, right? You know where we learn more about someone and find out if their not as bad as we think they are. You know, like a decent human being. Neo was only loyal to Cinder  because their interest a lined with one another, which was killing you. So, through out the time I had, I was talking with Neo about anything she wanted to discuss like; Roman, her life, the time they spent together, what he meant to her, you know etc. We had in a lot common, we then started hanging out more, and I persuaded her to help us and let you off the hook, if-
Ruby: If?
Jaune: If I let her beat you to a bloody pulp.    
Ruby: Wait! Wha-*punched by Neo.*
Neo get on top of Ruby and continues to beat her face into next week, sending off a fury of punches to her face, then gets off her and proceeded in stomping on her every part of her body.
Penny: You’re really not going to stop her?
Jaune: Nope. Are you?
Penny: Cinder used Pyrrha to tear me limb from limb, and Ruby decided to trust her? No.
Jaune: *sigh* At least one girl in this group has brain, other than Nora, I guess.
Penny: You’re going to heal after this, right?
Jaune: Of course, I maybe mad at her, but I’m not a monster. Plus, I feel you’ll beat me up if I don’t.
Penny: Yes. Yes I will.
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Rosebud prep 5
[Tai’s home, evening]
Everyone is gathered around the table for an early dinner.
Yang:What!? You’re already trying to leave!?
Ruby:Yeah sorry about that, we only showed up for the opening event because we were invited.
Weiss:And then didn’t even do a speech because you were a crying mess. Everybody here owes me by the way. Glynda would’ve been furious without me and Tai around.
Blake:Not our fault things got really emotional. Life just happened to pull a fast one.
Yang:I bet if Neptune showed up with a ring and an apology you’d ruin your entire foundation.
Weiss:First of all, I don’t wear makeup; this face never needed it. Second, let’s not bring him up while I’m in a good mood. Things might be better between us when we’re not trying to get serious.
Blake:Give him time, he’s just scarred of falling in love and how emotionally vulnerable it makes him. Sun and Ilia say he talks about you often still.
Weiss:*red*.........God he’s such a handful sometimes.
Yang:Anyways, you’re really trying to leave tonight? I miss my beautiful baby sister. I still can’t believe you’re going to be a mom. *sniffling* I know this kid is gonna be tough as nails with a kind heart.
Ruby:Please don’t make me ball my eyes out again. I wish Uncle Qrow was here so I could tell him the good news. When’s the last anyone’s heard from him?
Tai:He’s fine, probably found Raven and the tribe by now again. That guy never did know how to stay still.
Yang:I still can’t believe he’s trying to reconnect. To be honest I’m not sure there’s a point anymore. *slumps*
Tai:.....You know she’ll be at your wedding right?
Yang:She’ll show up. It doesn’t matter what’s going on or how far out it is. The moment she learns you’re getting married she’s gonna show up. I mean she showed up for Ruby’s.
Ruby:That’s true, her and Qrow were the ones that were spreading petals in the air remember.
Tai:Like it or not, Raven can’t stay away from this family. She’s the only one who would be upset with herself for trying to be apart of it after so long.
Yang:Hmmm........Well, I hope you’re right. I....it would actually mean the world to me honestly.
Blake:*holds her hand* I’m sure she will. The unexpected always happens around you.
Yang:Pfft, like you’re one to talk.
Jaune:Aw man, our house was almost completely done and now I have to think about what the babies room is going to look like. Hopefully she’s into red like you because the paint-
Ruby:She? So a daughter is on your mind?
Jaune:I have a pretty good hunch it’s gonna be a girl. I mean both of our family trees definitely favor them.
Ruby:Hmmmm I’m thinking boy; call it intuition.
Jaune:Either way it’s ours and I’ll smother it with affection. *hugging her* I wonder which one of us will they look like more. Oh, I guess we should make a list of names.
Ruby:*blushing* You’re already losing your head over this kid.
Weiss:He has a point. Let’s just throw out some names while we’re here. Nothing with “O” just imagine one day if the professor and them merged.
Ruby:Gee I wonder what he could be doing right now. Making the world a kinder place is probably boring alone.
Jaune:He’s the one that wanted to give us a life to live after beating Salem.
Yang:*Ozpin impression* “You children have done more than enough to last any of my lifetimes. Laugh, love, and live your life; I shall press on.” How was that?
Tai:Like he was in the room. *chuckles*
Weiss:It’s not like we’re not still helping. Building Vale back up, Ren and Nora are making orphanages, Schnee Dust Company and Menagerie trade..... this world is getting pretty damn peaceful. It’s a little bit unbelievable.
Yang:Especially with people like Cinder still out and about. I mean who knows what she could be doing; probably burning down those orph- *nudged* hmm?
Blake:*points to Ruby*
Yang:Crap, my bad. Didn’t mean to sound like I was ridiculing you or anything.
Ruby:It’s fine, till this day letting Cinder go is probably my biggest gamble. Ever since she ran off with Neo after we killed Salem I haven’t heard a word about them. Maybe they’re not around anymore or actually settled down.
Jaune:Gotta say the two of them screwing over Salem was probably the only reason we all made it out alive. Still it was a little shocking to just let them run off.
Blake:Beaten, betrayed, no aura, and truly terrified as we all stared them down. Can’t say I would’ve been proud of ourselves or okay with taking them out like that.
Ruby:Exactly why I let them go. Maria still chews me out for having such a big heart in such a dire moment.
Jaune:*kisses her cheek* It’s that big heart that keeps all of us together. There’s no huntress alive like Ruby Rose. You’re already legendary to us.
Ruby:*flustered* Stop being all cute in front of my team and family. I have an image to maintain.
WBYT:Of what? You eating cookies and being wild.
Ruby:You guys are the worst. If we’re going back to names then how about.....Dustin?
Tai:No color name?
Ruby:I’ve never been too good with that. Also it feels a bit limiting but if you all have any.
Yang:Garnet if it’s a boy, and you know.....Summer is always an option.
Ruby:I......think I’d have to decide that in the moment. That’s a lot of weight for a kid to carry.
Blake:When in doubt, go Scarlet. It can go either way.
Weiss:Personally a name like Winery sounds really nice. Jack was also a name that I always found pretty good.
Ruby:That doesn’t sound bad at all. Got anything in that brain of yours dad?
Tai:I think I used up all my brilliance naming Yang.
Yang:A wise decision.
Jaune:I’m really into Garnet like Yang said. If I had to pick a girl name though then.....Carmine.
Ruby:*eyes widened* That’s.....pretty good. It’s red, a common name, and not hard to mess up. Carmine Arc-Rose...... *sniffling*
Weiss:Are you crying?
Ruby:Shut up! I’m pregnant and I love all of you very much okay!? Always reminding me how lucky I am. Gosh my kid is gonna think I’m a wimp!
Everyone gets up and hugs her gently.
Everyone:We love you Ruby.
Ruby:*crying* I love you guys too.
Part 4
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