#CH4 analyzer
Methane( CH4) Analyzer
The Methane (CH4) Analyzer by Enviro Solutions Technology is a cutting-edge device designed for highly accurate and reliable trace CH4 gas measurements, boasting minimal detection limits of 5ppb. Employing advanced technology, this methane CH4 analyzer enables healthcare professionals to detect remarkably low concentrations of methane in patient samples, ensuring unparalleled levels of accuracy and safety in healthcare settings.
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Experience Ambetronics Biogas Analyzer. Featuring infrared sensor technology designed. Analyzer offers a detection of CH4, CO2, O2, H2S, etc. For more information, Inquire Now!
Ambetronics Biogas Analyzer - BIO-400-S-PANEL
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wakacreations · 2 months
Zevlor's Bizarre Cocoa Adventure (Ch. 5)
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Author's Note:
I did not forget the plot of this story.
Prologue Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 Ch4 Ch5
Word Count: 3986
The boys share a heartwarming moment at the campfire. Zevlor, Blurg and Omeluum set off from Ebonlake Grotto. Will the three companions get along on this journey?
What was going on between his companions. He had no clue. The hobgoblin gathered the food stuff for tonight's dinner. “Maybe something light in case the paladin still has a light stomach” he thought. He understood there would be tension between Zevlor and Omeluum. He half expected as much. Omeluum had their quirks about them. One part being a mindflayer and the other their unbridled directness. For an intellectual being you would think they would understand social cues. “Maybe you are what you eat extends to mindflayers?” Blurg thought as he scratched his chin.
They did eat one too many cocky would be “adventurers” (too many foolish mercenaries looking to establish themselves). Maybe a change in diet would do them some good. Though Omeluum still seemed unfazed by Zevlor’s words when he followed behind to the tent. If anything they were still their happy cheery self busying themselves with analyzing their latest batch of cocoa. Blurg peered over the table within view of the campfire. The tiefling was busy with tending to the campfire. He himself questioned why they didn't just use the stack of firebolt scrolls beside the logs. Zevlor mumbled some words as the fire flickered to life.
The older tiefling was strange in his own right but maybe those are the habits of paladins. Sick one moment, deny they are anything but up and well. The next moment focused on their objective while they're mentally scrabbled elsewhere. At the very end worrying about things not within their power or control for the sake of others. Rolan was correct in saying Zevlor was a bit of a sensitive case. From what the Master of Ramazith tower was willing to tell of their tale of Elturel to Baldur’s Gate, the poor guy needs a break as much as the rest of them. Maybe even more so.
The tiefling stared intently on the blazing inferno. The tired lines of their face are more pronounced against the bright orange flames. Alone they seemed as the shadows blanketed their frame. Untouchable to those around but to only just gaze upon like a somber painting. “Whatever is going on in that mind of theirs, it was best just to keep an eye out.” Blurg thought, sharpening the blade of his butcher’s knife.
“You've been staring at that fire for quite awhile friend” a deep raspy voice called over his shoulder. Zevlor turned to his right only to be met by too close of a set of nostrils obscuring his view. “By the gods! Some personal space!” Zevlor stumbled back from his crate, poised ready on his feet. A fist clenching his chest and the other remains hovering over his blade on hip. When did they get so close?! “I didn't mean to frighten you, friend. I just needed to use the campfire.” Blurg held up his hands to the Hellrider, sweat trickled down their neck. 
“Easy there. So… Soup or a nice porridge would do for you?” the hobgoblin nervously chuckled. Zevlor blinked at the cook. The silence hung in the air as the question circled back around to his ears. “A porridge. Thank you. I didn't mean… I'm sorry,” the tiefling curled inwardly, dropping his blade hand. His face turned away. The hobgoblin placed a clay pot onto the fire. “It’s alright. Should of known better than to sneak up on a paladin. Not my brightest decision” Blurg gave a hearty laugh. They gestured back towards the crate. “I hope I didn't frighten you enough to not share in my company. Please come sit.” Reluctantly Zevlor sat back down on his seat beside them, tail laid limply on his lap.
“I won't trouble you for what's going on in that mind of yours. Because what goes on in there is your business but I will bother you to indulge in my stories. If you want to talk please interrupt my babbling” Blurg gave him a wink. What kind of company did I find myself with? The hobgoblin did know how to fill the air for one thing. They went on to describe their personal research outside of the Society of Brilliance. The topic of cheesomancy and its magical capabilities as a martial art. The topic of its combat prowess did peak his interest but only to humour the man. Blurg once recounted how a brawl broke out at the Blushing Mermaid. He summoned forth a round of Waterdhavian in hand to be met by the crown of a drunken oaf.
All of this harrowing tale started when Omeluum was smuggled into the tavern under the guise of Durinbold Cheese wedge. Blurg wished to see his cheesomancy brought to practical use. Second, he questioned whether it was possible for Omeluum to use his psionic ability while in the form of a cheese. The mindflayer agreed to his experiment. In exchange his partner wanted to observe the taven’s patrons (no matter what disguise they undertook, patrons would be drawn to the “psionic nature” of the illithid). Though the hobgoblin did mention that the illithid would always take an alluring form like some sort of dream guardian (Omeluum explained these were the forms they knew by memory). 
The hobgoblin came to the conclusion that the lich, Omeluum's past partner did have a specific “type” when it came to their necromantic subjects. It didn't help either that the “adventurers” who disrupted the encampment were easy on the eyes as well. Blurg questioned them why they didn’t just polymorph to be a fly or something of an equivalent stature. They didn't feel the need to know what a squashed insect felt like or equivalent (Omeluum would not admit they did enjoy the attention that came with their “alluring” forms. It was one of the few times they felt accepted outside of the Underdark and the Society of Brilliance. To be treated like an equal rather than an eldritch horror). 
Blurg and Omeluum were having a telepathic conversation when a drunkard grabbed the cheese cloaked illithid. "The damn fool was hungry!” Blurg slapped their own knee while their belly jiggled from laughter. “He said if you are so busy staring at the stinken cheese, I might as well eat it.” Zevlor's eyes watered trying to keep a straight face. “Then Omeluum was having none of their nonsense and began to transform back. I yelled at them to turn into a squid that would be easier to explain. So, they did. You want to know what happened next?” Blurg said letting the tension build. “What?” the paladin leaned in, now invested in the story.
“The guy that spat out Omeluum was truly gobsmacked to see the squid squirming about. He turned to me and said ‘What in gods names is that!’ and I said ‘Seafood?’.” Blurg cackled. Zevlor tried to breathe but his sides hurt and spasmed. “You know what the guy did?” the hobgoblin wiping away some tears. “What?” he smiled. “He swung at me.” They both collapsed in a fit of laughter. “The worst part. He missed. The damn drunken bloody buffoon missed” Blurg howled. Once the last of their shared cackles subsided, a comfortable silence fell upon the two men.
 “You know Zevlor, you would make a great practitioner!” Blurg clapped at his back when he took a spoonful of porridge. Zevlor coughed as he fought to dislodge the oats from his lungs. “Blurg… While I do enjoy your enthusiasm. Let’s keep the dairy wizardry to the professional chefs or the curious hungry wizards for that matter.” He resumed eating though kept a cautious eye on his companion. “If you ever face any trouble. Any at all just know that I'm armed.” The hobgoblin gestured their hand to their right bicep. “Please. If anything I would be expecting to save you on this journey of ours.” Zevlor scoffed. “And maybe even the illithid Omeluum” he shortly added. The hobgoblin gave him a wide toothy grin.
“There is that cocky vibrato I expected from a paladin. Then I'll be happily saved by you oh noble knight.” Blurg held his fist towards the aged Hellrider. “Well it is a kind gesture to know I'll have support for what trouble we come across,” the Hellrider bumps their fist with his own. “How are you so sure we'll be met with trouble? That is surely optimistic of you,” Blurg wiggled their brow. “From what you’ve told me of your shared ventures. Our journey won't be that far different from your usual tone of shenanigans,” Zevlor sighed as he rubbed his temple to subdue the yet to be migraine. His mind already conjures a number of scenarios their journey could unexpectedly encounter. 
“Well don't stay up too late with whatever what ifs or other unnecessary thoughts. We have a long journey ahead,” Blurg yawned, stretching themselves onto a bedroll. “Agreed” Zevlor still remained seated near the campfire. “If ya need anything. Just wake me up it's no bother at all,” as they turned in the bedroll,  waving the tiefling off. “Good night Zevlor,” the hobgoblin mumbled. “Good night, Blurg. I'll see you in the morning.. my friend.” The Hellrider was met by only the snores from his companion at that last acknowledgement. 
“It's good to know at rest the hobgoblin would scare off any beast that may be lurking,” Zevlor thought, chuckling to himself. I should probably take Blurg's and I's own advice. There will always be more time for I to be alone with these thoughts. The paladin made his way to his bedroll. “If only the view from here was better. I would imagine the summer’s night sky is beautiful tonight,” his mind drifted off as he laid on his bedroll. Embers now smoldered on their campfire. The myconids' psionic tune now muted. For once since the tiefling party Zevlor had a dreamless night.*
The sound of a roaring crackling fire stirred his slumber. The smell of sizzling pork belly wafting through the air. He was but greedy to attempt to linger back to bedrest. Try as he might, the discipline of a commander is too ingrained in his habits. Zevlor begrudgingly sat up from his bedroll and began his morning stretches. “Ah, good mornin Zevlor! Looks like the smell of food awoke your appetite.” Blurg beamed at him from the fire. “Good morning to you as well Blurg. Did you sleep well?,” as he finished the last of his exercises. “Slept better than a babe would you believe? How about you?” The hobgoblin slid the food onto the waiting plates.
“I am surprised a paladin would dare to sleep in for a change” they heckled, setting down the cutlery. “Such a thing is not far from the imagination Blurg. From the snores you were producing, I almost assumed a bugbear had infiltrated our camp.” Zevlor quipped, taking a seat at the table. “Coffee or tea, Zevlor?” Blurg held up a kettle. “I am well rested. Coffee if you will. Our journey will take some time and I fully intend for us to make some good progress.” The tiefling neatly places a rag onto his lap. Zevlor began to eat his breakfast but paused for a moment. “Will Omeluum be joining us for breakfast, Blurg?”, the Hellrider eyed the hobgoblin curiously. Blurg sat down across from them, indulging in their breakfast. 
“Omeluum is finishing up with the last minute tasks to maintain the grotto” they said in between their swallows of food. “They are currently speaking with the myconids as we speak. To check to see if there are any anomalies they have noticed as of late.” Zevlor’s ears twitched at that last sentence. His tail brushing up against the blade at his hip. “What kind of anomalies? If you do not mind enlightening me” he took a sip of his coffee. Best be prepared for anything. The hobgoblin took a swig from the carafe of water. They raised an eyebrow in contemplation then closed their eyes. “Supplies have been going missing as of late. You've heard the stories from Baldur’s Gate,” Blurg sighed.
Shipments had been attacked traversing the Underdark he knew. The Baldur’s Mouth Gazette made sure everyone within breathing distance heard the news. Zevlor didn't think much was out of the ordinary. Stretches without shipments weren't unheard of. “We have been speaking with the myconids. They were unable to commune with these beings.” Blurg shutters at their own words.The Hellrider looked upon the hobgoblin puzzled. Blurg motion for the tiefling for their ear. “They repelled their psionic intrusion,” they whispered. His heartbeat seized, the world seemed to sway lightly. What creature could possibly do such a feat? “Were the myconids able to give a general description?” Zevlor tensed. “Let’s wait to see what Omeluum has to say. Maybe we’ll receive some good news. Even a perpetrator if we're lucky.” The hobgoblin smiled but it didn't reach their eyes.
As we arrived at the entrance of the grotto, the drum beat of psionic pulses reverberated the ground. There laid in wait was a group of myconids huddled together obscuring the path. Something sweet and pleasant drifted in the air. “The faint fragrance of? Vanilla? That can't be right..” thought the Hellrider. “Good morning Blurg Zevlor. Were your provisions satisfactory?” The illithid floated before them from between the clustering mushrooms. “It was quite lovely Omeluum. Thank you for asking! Wouldn’t you agree, Zevlor?” The hobgoblin patted their stomach. “Yes, of course. It was a wonderful breakfast. Thank you again for your hospitality.” Zevlor gave a courteous nod. “Then do you have all that you acquire?” Omeluum glanced at the rucksack and satchel their companions were wearing. “We have all that we need for our journey ahead,” the Hellrider said, adjusting their pack. “The myconids have reported no disturbance as of late. Now then shall we begin?” The illithid gestured to the path before them.
What laid before them was a field of mushrooms. One looks as if they originated from the sea. “Timmask. The spores will leave you disoriented” Omeluum chimed. Another pulsed with a reddish glow. They seemed to grow in size as we circled around the fungi. “Watch out for that one. Torchstalk. I've seen a number of creatures blown to bits” Blurg pointed back. “What of those smaller uniformed mushroom clusters?” Zevlor said, his eyes gazing at the small yellowish mushroom before them. “Swarming Toadstool. Drow poison. You could pick some if you would like,” the hobgoblin eyed the plant. With a delicate hand, the tiefling safely wrapped the mushrooms and stored them in his pack. “It's unlikely I'll need to use some but you never know,” Zevlor thought.
The Underdark was beautiful in the otherworldly sense. Where you would expect trees you would find crystals that rival their size. Instead of the dazzling rays of the sun, you'll find mushrooms dotting the lands like the torchlights of a city. The usual warmth from overhead is replaced by the suffocating warmth from being so far down below. Though the humidity was the same no matter if you were above or below. “As for the wildlife we are of yet to encounter. It is unnerving to not have come across,” his mind wanders, hand resting on the handle of his blade. The sound of the shifting rocks that echo off these walls was unnerving. Was it natural or something lurking just over the cliff faces? His companions did not seem too phased to all the sights and sounds around them. How much did they grow accustomed to the noise? Could they still detect if something were to be amiss? “If something were to be. I would assume they would know,” Zevlor glanced at his illithid companion. 
He did not know much about them other than their devotion for peace. Their motivation to do so was beyond him. It's such a strange concept to think about. In just months prior, their kind would come to bring chaos to the world but for one to wish to champion unity well… Now that he thought about it more thoroughly they were no different from them. The tentacles that move of their own accord. Their tall imposing stature that eclipses whoever they spoke to. Whether they levitated or remained grounded, their presence was chilling. Their four clawed hands and two toed webbed feet that used to be bloodied when they first transformed. Their soulless piercing eyes was a reminder these were beings far from human or anything within our comprehension. These beings originated beyond where deities stake their claims among the realms. The gods don't watch over these beings.
Mindflayers still yearned to be one. If that meant becoming one of them or one with them it doesn't matter to them in the slightest. What mattered is if you were one of them, of the same side. “Too many of those who befallen didn't meet their arbitrary requirements. Even then, if you were for their cause,” his grip tightened over the handle. Their devotion was nothing if you weren't chosen. “You are unworthy of being a true soul,” a female voice whispered in his ear. It couldn't be. “Hellrider,” she teased. “Zevlor,” they inquired.
“When we reach the beach. We shall sail to the Baldur’s Gate in the morning,” the mindflayer turned towards his companions. “Sounds good to me. What about you Zev?” the hobgoblin asked. “Zevlor?” they prompted again. The paladin snapped back into focus. “Oh, yes. That should be fine. How far are we from the point of departure,” he awkwardly scanned about. Omeluum extends a finger before them. The rocky shores were further down below from where their perch was on the path. “Ah, thank you,” he coughed, venturing forth. That was.. something.
A rickety suspended bridge came into view. “It’s safe,” the hobgoblin said as they confidently walked to the other side. Blurg waved him on to follow. The wooden boards swayed under the tiefling's feet. “Steady,” Zevlor reminded himself, slowly crouching across. When he began to put his weight on the board before him, it splintered from the pressure. His leg hovered over the new opening. The sound of a high pitched thud echoed as the board fell down below. The paladin looked up at Blurg. “It was safe enough.. to hold their weight?” they answered sheepishly, shrugging their shoulders. “Good to know,” Zevlor answered as he patted them on the back. He looked over his shoulder to watch as Omeluum flew to meet them.
The village around them was dilapidated. No signs of life as far as he could discern. For whom might have lived here he was unsure. “This village” the hobgoblin began. “Used to frolic with deep gnomes from what the myconids have told me. It's still such a shame really.” Blurg look on at the broken in doors. “When I arrived at Ebonlake Grotto the duergar had already took over. There were no deep gnomes left,” the hobgoblin smiled bitterly. The evidence of their words became more apparent as they continued onwards.
Some light blood splatters lined the exterior walls and on the wooden boards beneath their feet. Broken bottles on the ground surrounded by ash now grew small shrooms. They passed by the front door of one of the homes, a meal sat unfinished on the table. “What of the duergar? The deep gnomes?” Zevlor asked somberly. “The duergar enslaved the gnomes in the Absolute’s name. Though from my understanding such events would have taken place even without their cause,” Omeluum answered. “The myconids were kind enough to allow us to tend to the survivors or any runaways. As for what happened to the duergar or what’s left of them… Tav had come through,” the hobgoblin chuckled. Zevlor raised a brow in a curious surprise. 
He knew their band would be far behind them but he never expected... They would make their ways through the Underdark to reach Baldur’s Gate. To go on such a journey right after defeating the goblin camp, would be ill advised from his perspective. Though he had a feeling the Archdruid Halsin had an influence on the matter. Maybe things would have been.. more safer on the road if Tav were there. No. They held faith he would be fine and able to lead his people to Baldur’s Gate. If Tav were to travel with their caravan, they would bear witness to his betrayal.
The hurt look of utter disbelief upon their face. The anguish from their voice as they plead and beg for him to see reason. The shakiness of their form whether to slay I, the heretic before everyone could see. “They should never have to make that decision,” he winced, his tail scraping the ground. Maybe it’s by Tymora’s grace Tav was spared such a fate. Maybe it’s by Illmater’s suffering that he was freed from the mindflayer pod. No matter what divinity that fate took the form of, he had to repent for the souls that were lost under his watch. It was by Tav’s kind hand that spurred on this journey. To follow along their same path to the surface was quite a strange feeling.
“Tav spared the duergar they could. They slain those who chose violence in the end. For those who harmed the gnomes you could well.. figure out the rest” Blurg continued. “That's very in character for them,” Zevlor nodded along to the hobgoblin’s words. They were not to be trifled with, especially in the need of others. It made him question if it were compassion for those before or their spite against fate that led them to be so empowered during battle. Maybe both were the answers. “As for the deep gnomes, they stayed at our encampment to recuperate and resupply. They made a safe passage to Baldur's Gate the following day,” Omeluum reassured the tiefling. 
Zevlor’s eyes wandered to the rows of houses as they ventured further down. Some buildings appeared to have been mended; damaged windows were boarded up, sections of exposed roof were sealed off, and scaffolding hugged the walls of some of the most damaged dwellings. “It seems this village is being repaired. Is this any of your doings?” Zevlor inquired. “We figured no one else would have. Besides, it would make traversing easier for those who wish to venture through the Underdark,” Blurg said. They were right. No one would care with the exception being them. “Not many are open to having their lodging and amenities close to the myconids,” Omeluum hummed disapprovingly. The hobgoblin and the tiefling shared a bewildered look at the mindflayer. That statement came to no one's surprise at all. 
"What is that?” Blurg pointed further on. Littered on the ground laid articles of clothing and rifled through trunks. Opened damaged crates appeared to have been thrown about haphazardly. The slight whiff of iron hit his nostrils. Zevlor readied his blade as they moved in closer. They came upon a large cart obscuring their path. “Omeluum?” the hobgoblin called to the illithid. “I don't detect any presence of any minds,” they confirmed. “That does not account for the bodies,” the Hellrider said, as he made for the left flank. He pointed to Blurg to make for the right. The lingering smell of blood and decay grew stronger. When they came to the front of the wagon it was a horrible sight.
Two heavily mangled corpses of rothe were smeared on the ground. Their entrails were scattered about. Zevlor kneeled before the animals. He ran his fingers through the damp bloodsoaked fur. It was still warm. “Stay alert. Whomever or whatever killed these rothe may still be in the area,” he commanded, scanning the cliff faces high above them. A couple of pebbles skidded down the rock walls. He heard an almost familiar young murmur. Rocks continued to trickle down. Suddenly the ground beneath rapidly violently shook. The rock faces surrounding them shattered. “Watch out!” Omeluum screeched as the boulders rained down upon them.
*If you're curious on how the tiefling party went, the party
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mayashesfly · 11 months
I am obsessed with this particular shot of Makoto
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Look at his shock upon seeing Shinigami help Yuma, hearing him thank her, and working together.
Look at his sinking realization that he has known for all long and allthis time and for all so long that he is all alone in this battle.
Fighting by himself, fighting against himself.
And how upon finishing his final stand against Yuma, his next... reasoning death match.... if you can even call it that.....
All of his words keep falling even before they even remotely reach Yuma.
He couldn't continue carrying the burden alone. The mysteries and lies he was carrying all alone upon his shoulders sapping away at the rest of his energy that he couldn't even continue picking himself up.
Losing his motivation and will to live keep going on as his words quite literally plummet into the ground.
That scene fucking HURTS when I knew what the fuck that meant in Graphology. And it already hurts even if you didn't know a lick of Graphology.
It's just, man.
This final Mystery Labyrinth always gets me.
I can't stop rewatching it and reexperience the rollercoaster of an emotional ride, every time I watch it.
(As well as take notes for my hypothetical posts analyzing the similarities and differences and symbolisms and whatnots between Ch4 and Ch5 Because i am Insane Apparently )
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kazinsblog · 4 months
Yuma Month Day 17: Moral Ambiguity
Was finding the truth worth it in the end?
Spoilers for the whole game
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Below are my personal thoughts, I’m not the best analyzer I just wanna say what I thought while drawing this prompt.
This was a lot more fun to draw than I realized! I enjoy seeing’s Yumas progression and mindset change a bit each time he uses the ML in each chapter knowing full well what’ll happen to the culprit. That is until Ch4 where Yuma really starts to doubt whether the truth was worth it or not.
Here I had Yuma hold Makotos teru teru bonzo is because I believe if raincode did wanted to do a bad end I suppose Makoto would be “boom killed” leaving Yuma with immense guilt in the end.
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literaphobe · 7 months
who does adrien love more, ladybug or marinette?
HELLO ANON. i honestly love that u sent this. hard hitting potentially controversial questions are fun to me. i love analyzing and breaking down my writing and characters. also this is about tvl adrichat to anyone who’s seeing this <- im assuming so bc u sent it after I posted ch7
anyway, based on ch1-7, but also how tvl adrichat is in general, id say in simple terms, He Doesn’t Love One More Than The Other
in general, he thinks he shouldn’t be in love with either of them. ladybug, he sees as a door that’s been closed since jubilation. he turns that doorknob open, takes a peek every now and then, heart tightens at the sights he steals. but he’s been under the impression that they are Just Friends. he set that very boundary on his own, on multiple occasions, not to reject her—because ladybug never Properly came clean about being in love with him—but to remind himself that they weren’t a line he should cross. that is, until she revealed her plans and repressed desires to sleep with him. and then black and white swirled together to burn and blare flashing red sirens
and then as of right now in tvl, he’s falling into her arms but still sort of wary about everything he gets to enjoy. he’s afraid it’s too much and that she’ll realize that soon enough, can barely believe it’s still happening/has happened in the first place, and the indefinite nature of the situation is read as Temporary to him. it’s why he acts/acts out in bizarre ways, and tvl ladybug winds up accommodating him in ways she THINKS is sexual, but for him is usually deeply emotional
a part of him in still in denial. his plan from the get go was to not fall in love with ladybug again. he’s admitted several times to the readers that he thinks he’s doomed. but he hasn’t exactly crossed that final line, seen his tragedy for what it was -> he’s been in love with her from the start, and it’s only getting worse, the worst it’s ever been
SO. that brings me to tvl marinette. how does tvl adrichat’s love for her compare? as it has been alluded to/straight up mentioned on occasion across the chapters, tvl marinette broke up with tvl adrien years ago, but never properly explained to him why. they also remained friends, however awkward that was, best friends you could say, enduring high school and university and now they are even navigating working life together!! by literally having their jobs be intertwined. in ch7, it is implied that tvl adrichat hates his job. he mentions wanting to quit for more time with her on several occasions. undoubtedly though, he was also not being too serious, because actually going through with it would mean leaving marinette jobless
no, tvl adrichat isn’t over marinette. he doesn’t really think he is, especially before the events of tvl, and those first few years of their breakup. because he never received an explanation, the uncertainty of the whole situation, and the lack of space or boundaries they didn’t bother to establish in their friendship, a part of him just HOPED she’d change her mind, come around, and take him back. especially since all those years had her dating No One, and he followed suit because he wanted to be with her (and more importantly he just wasn’t interested in anyone else. his life oscillates between Bug Lady and Clumsy Girl)
random tidbit. in ch1 tvl adrichat mentions that he forgets everything that happens when he’s drunk, and this is why he was confused that tvl ladybug Remembered what happened to her when she was absolutely hammered. I’ll let u all make of that however u will
with tvl marinette, as seen in ch4, through adrien’s perspective GETS JEALOUS and appears somewhat into him still -> which is absolutely torturous and difficult because he’s well aware most of her confusing signals ARENT synonymous with wanting to date him again. she has this power and ability to turn his world topsy turvy that she isn’t fully aware of, and what she IS aware of makes her severely guilty
if his situation w ladybug is a closed door that creaks open from time to time, marinette is a house they’re still in together, but every time he sees her in a room, she walks into a different one. so, in conclusion, they both devastate him, and any time he’s with either of them, things aren’t easy on his heart in any sense at all
WHOOPS! poor guy!!
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isabelguerra · 24 days
ik you’re having fun with this update but……… can you go back to johnnys yule outfit please 👀
why yes anon, yes i can.
here’s my moodboard for wizard Johnnys wizard prom outfit. The closest Look i’ve foubd thus far is from Balenciaga’s spring 2018 menswear show:
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Which is accurate in regards to the color patter of black on top of red with a black base; though it doesn’t match the textures i picture him wearing. The high waisted pants are perfect but the high waist with the subtle plaid……. He wouldnt wear that. Even as a wizard.
Wizard Johnnys entire Schtick is a balancing act where I analyze the points that ‘wizard society wizard prom yes it would be expected of an in character for him to wear that’ with ‘would he fucking wear that.’, which is a very enticing and compelling point of tension for me. Because it’s not just Does This Wizard Fashion Make Sense anymore, it’s Would Johnny As Zack Has Conceived Him Wear Fucking Formalwear. In Any Situation. What Situation Would He Need To Be In In Order To Make The Decision To Willingly Put Formalwear On His Body? Would He Know How To Do It Well? How Do I Define ‘Well’? etc etc etc.
And i balance that, plus a tiny dash of ‘well. i also Want to put him in a little outfit, though. Everyone is in a fun little outfit.’ Which is more self indulgent and fun.
So idk, maybe i dress him how he thinks a nice outfit would look. He doesn’t actually know what that looks like in wizard society. (He’s also 16 but we’re overlooking that.)
And I won’t lie, his look is heavily influenced by these two drawings of Hunter that Dana Terrace drew back in…. 2021 i think?
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Which is to say: basic simple and straightforward, but with a little style, flair, a few bold accents. Black high-waisted trousers, a red button up with some pattern on it ( 1) because he needs to keep some of his personality 2) because theyre wizards and wizard fashion is eccentric 3) its loud like johnny himself 4) pop of color and energy in the ensemble 5) he wants to impress the girl he likes) that he doesn’t know how to roll the sleeves of so he pushes them up to his elbows and calls it a night. Thats all. The idea of johnny going so out of his comfort zone that he puts on high waisted pleated trousers is very, very, extremely amusing to me. I wanted him uncomfortable but only barely.
Then before he leaves he grabs the iconic ch4 leather jacket as a safety blanket.
Here are more images i grabbed off of pintrest
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^Button him up. Give that boy some sleeves. Its prom for wizard christs sake.
Anyway johnnys outfit is intentionally plain in comparison to everyone else’s to highlight his disconnect from wizard culture. He grew up in the muggle world so hes a little out of touch and out of his depth. His outfit is a visual manifestation and representation of the way he doesn’t really for in, how he sticks out even when he tries hard to do it right. Think of that time Bart Simpson studied really hard but still failed his test and felt really put out by it.
That’s all for now! Hope u enjoy :~)
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Near-term NASA Mars and lunar in situ propellant production: complexity versus simplicity
First, lunar ISPP is analyzed from aspects of lunar resources, near-term lunar processes, carbothermal process, polar ice, and reduction of iron oxides. There are basically 4 potential lunar resources: (1) Silicates in regolith containing typically >40% oxygen. (2) Regolith containing FeO for hydrogen reduction. FeO content may vary from 5% to 14%, leading to recoverable oxygen content in the 1 to 3% range. (3) Imbedded atoms in regolith from solar wind (typically parts per million). (4) Water ice in regolith pores in permanently shadowed craters near the poles (unknown percentage but possibly a few percent in some locations). NASA near-term plans for lunar ISPP appear to be based on H2 and O2 propellants. The carbothermal process (see Fig. 1) produces oxygen from lunar regolith. The plan is to have 2 ISPP modules, each operating independently in batch mode during a 7.4-month continuous sunlit period. The original plan called for each module to produce 8 tons of O2 per year, but a scaled-down version to produce 3.5 tons per year was provided instead. As for polar ice, the author imagines a system in which the excavator/hauler make 1200 trips, delivering 416 kg of water-laden regolith per trip, while the regolith processing station tankers make 37 trips, delivering 275 kg of water per trip. However, it should be noted that nobody has a reliable estimate based on in situ observation. The hydrogen reduction system operates by reducing metal oxides, mainly iron oxide, within the lunar regolith. However, Initial modeling exercises for predicting the overall system mass and power requirements for various oxygen production mass rates using hydrogen reduction which are developed by NASA yield impressively large figures.
Then, Mars ISPP is analyzed from aspects of Mars resources, electrolysis of atmospheric CO2, reverse water gas synthesis (RWGS), and water-based Mars ISPP. Mars resources for ISPP include (a) the atmosphere containing ~95% CO2 as an oxygen supply, (b) regolith containing minerals with water of hydration as a source of H2O, and (c) water ice embedded in near-surface regolith at higher latitudes. The simplest and most straightforward approach to ISPP is electrolyzing CO2 in the Mars atmosphere, splitting CO2 into CO and O2. The system is shown in Fig. 5. It seems likely that NASA could leverage the field of solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) technology with a relatively small investment, by continuing to adapt advances in terrestrial SOEC technology to space applications. As for RWGS, the efficiency is highly influenced by reaction temperature. It remains to be seen how efficient and practical this system will be when further developed. At last, argue that a water-based Mars ISPP is preferred rather than a process produces both CH4 and O2, because for the near term with a minimum of complexity, bringing CH4 to Mars is simpler than carrying water.
Finally, power for lunar and Martian ISPPs are discussed. Every form of ISPP is power hungry. Providing power for ISPP on the Moon or Mars is a major challenge. The power requirement for ISPP on Mars is roughly comparable to the power requirement for life support after the crew arrives. Thus, the mass, cost, and logistics of the power system is not attributable to ISPP. By contrast, the power requirements for lunar ISPP far exceed the power requirements for life support, and furthermore, the power dissipated in lunar ISPP is additive to power for life support, so the entire mass, cost, and logistics for lunar ISPP power is attributable to lunar ISPP, reducing the ROI. For Mars ISPP, recent studies concluded that use of solar power might be more feasible than previously thought. Compared to nuclear power, solar power might offer mass advantages. Nevertheless, a plan for use of multiple kilopower reactors appears less risky to us. In addition, recent research on Li-CO2 batteries shows promise, and CO2 is readily available on Mars. But this does not appear to be near term. Power on the Moon can be derived from nuclear reactors or solar. Current thinking for lunar ISPP seems to be that solar concentrators would be constructed on a crater ridge and beamed down to a receiver within the permanently shadowed regions of the crater where the concentrated solar flux would be partly converted to electric power. A simpler approach might be a kilopower fission reactor and a tether with a copper wire to the water processing unit. An alternative approach is to beam power down from a satellite array. All in all, the author comes to the conclusion that despite the ongoing mission to return to the Moon, NASA might be best off bringing propellants to the Moon from Earth, while pursuing far more feasible Mars ISPP at a moderate level.
TOP IMAGE: Flowchart for carbothermal process. Credit Space: Science & Technology
LOWER IMAGE: The end-to-end CO2 ES. Credit Space: Science & Technology
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holly-fixation · 2 years
Three... Guards? Ch4
Summary: Tifa finds Cloud at the train station in Sector Seven. It’s the first time she’s seen him in seven years. But he’s not alone. Three silver haired boys protected him. Three silver haired boys that triggered memories of her hometown. Of steel through her chest. Of SOLDIER First Class. Of Him.
Still, the boys always managed to make mistakes.
Inspired by this prompt by @im-totally-not-an-alien .
Please enjoy!
Chapter 4: Anxiety
Big Brother was different in this world. They just knew it. His lack of strength was expected, but his personality seemed to change too. He used much more emotion. He lied about the planes. He lied about being an ex-SOLDIER. The remnants had no idea why. But that didn't stop them from practically attaching to his hip. 
Yet his annoying friends kept trying to separate them. 
Jessie, Wedge, Barret, and Marlene all left after settling on a plan to find Biggs and find a new mercenary if Cloud could not fill the role. Jessie would work on 'circuitry' while staying with her parents to heal, a well hidden mission under those words that would easily fly past the boys if they truly were the age they seemed. None of the adults seemed too concerned for Biggs’ safety, especially considering the runaway mercenary wasn’t even strong enough to help Jessie. They just wanted to confirm he was okay and see if he was willing to join the next job. 
Now the five of them remained, the two childhood friends and the three children that brought them together. It felt weird to Tifa, so many people in her bar long after closing with no place to stay. Cloud insisted he could make due and find a place to sleep for the night, but Tifa refused to let him. She made a phone call to the landlady and all of a sudden Cloud had a new apartment. 
But where to put the boys. Tifa couldn't just leave them in the bar. And they didn't have nearly enough gil for any kind of inn even if they would leave Cloud's side. Her face scrunched in thought as she watched them analyze Cloud. Something about them, beyond their looks, just felt wrong to her. Something about their silence. Something about their mannerisms and determination. Something. 
“We're okay with sleeping on the floor,” Loz stated for the group, both others nodding in confirmation. 
Tifa gave Cloud an almost begging look to make the boys give him some space. But he didn't. Why didn't he? Why was he like this?
“They can stay in my apartment.”
The glint of concern in Tifa’s eyes nearly broke him. 
Thankfully, he turned and addressed the brothers. “If, you stay in my room while I talk to Tifa.”
They stared daggers at him, the youngest nearly igniting a flame with his glare alone. 
“I will come right back. Promise. Okay?”
They kept their glare for another second before looking at each other and silently communicating an answer. 
“Okay…” The eldest agreed for them with genuine sadness in his voice. 
Finally, Tifa thought, a moment alone. 
Another quick walk to Stargazer Heights and the boys visibly relaxed upon learning Big Brother’s apartment was right next to Tifa’s. This meant they could still protect him, clearly hearing everything beyond the thin walls due to their superior bloodline. Of course they did not tell Big Brother or Tifa any of this. They simply sat on the far side of Cloud’s apartment to keep suspicion low. 
“Cloud,” Tifa called in the calmest voice she could, but her heart was pounding and anxiety slightly muffled her control. “I know you feel obligated to help them since they helped you, but how long do you plan on allowing this?”
He took a breath before answering, “Tifa, you should’ve seen them. They did more than help. They gave every resource they found towards my recovery. I don’t know where I would be without them.”
“Are you trying to repay a debt? Or get them back home? Is there a goal or are we just waiting for them to end up in mortal peril and save them before we let them go?”
He shook his head. “I just don't want to abandon them. They're weird, and they're afraid. But I don’t think they have a home, Tifa...”
A shaky exhale left her lips. “Cloud…” fear leaked into her voice and she nearly whispered as if hiding from them even now, “They look like Sephiroth…” 
Before she continued, Cloud cut her off. “I know.” He seemed sincere. “I know what he did… I remember the fires the same way you do. But can we really blame them for something they definitely did not do? They’re kids.”
‘Kids’. Gods they were tired of people calling them that. 
“How do you know about Nibelheim?” She questioned breathlessly, terrified of the answer. 
“Because I was there?” He answered with slight confusion. “…Are you okay?” 
Tifa did not answer, probably frozen by Cloud’s knowledge of memories he should not have. 
“Hey…” The care in his voice almost made the boys gag. “Are you alright…? …Should I stay…?”
“Y-yeah…” She lied again. What was with these people and lying to each other? The remnants guessed they shouldn’t complain. They were certainly using it to their advantage. “Just… are you sure we can trust them? What if they’re his kids? What if they snap like he did? What if they’re lying to us and they’re actually super strong and they burn down Sector Seven-?”
They didn’t know what they heard as Tifa suddenly started sobbing and Cloud moved towards her. They had no idea he was holding her in a caring hug against his chest. Cloud stayed quiet to try to let her process her emotions, but he couldn’t deny the hell that was her pain. He would do anything to make it go away. 
“Kadaj already talked about burning monsters to the ground,” She stumbled through tears. She was holding it back all day, damming every shard of trauma stabbing at her sides each time she saw one of them. Every time they entered her gaze, no matter what they were doing, she saw him. She saw the man that killed her father. “What if- what if-”
Cloud only held her close and listened to every pained gasp. He didn't shush her. He didn't mumble breathless 'it's okay's. He didn't feed her any comforting lies. He just held her through the horrible wave that finally crashed against the shoreline. 
He did, however, hold her too tight, but she only told him when her breathing finally began to regulate. Though he completely let her go, she kept her hands on his biceps, trapping him close to her for a bit of balance as her body shook from the exertion. She didn't know what to say. 
Thankfully, Cloud finally found the right words. He spoke softly, his voice barely moving through the room to keep the calm silence undisturbed. “Worst case scenario, they're other experiments on the run from Shinra. Even if they are, they were hiding in the planes. They have no resources and no assets. I can't just abandon them. They haven't done anything. Not yet at least.”
She tightened her grip in silent protest.
“If they're too much and we can't find them anything or anyone, we bring them to an orphanage. Okay, Tifa?”
It took everything they had to growl low enough that Big Brother couldn't pick up on it. They couldn't leave his side until he found Mother. They would hunt him down if he abandoned them. 
A finally shaky sigh left Tifa's lips. “Okay… Okay…”
With hesitant agreement, the childhood friends stayed in silence for a bit before finally heading their separate ways. When Cloud finally entered his room, all of the boys visibly relaxed. 
“What did you guys talk about…?” Yazoo questioned shyly to hide their enhanced hearing. 
“Just what we're going to do tomorrow and how we'll handle it,” Cloud lied. He didn't want them to know the truth, but they recognized that immediately and said nothing. 
Without many more words, Cloud gave them the single bed sheet the apartment came with, besides the fitted sheet compressed to the mattress. Surprisingly the boys didn't fight for it. The youngest grabbed it first, and the two others shrugged before simply adjusting to the floor using their leather coats. for comfort and pillows.
* * * 
Each of them slept soundly before waking all at once to the sound of something collapsing to the ground beyond the wall, literally jumping to their feet. Cloud slowly placed the Buster Sword on his back. The brothers simply held their degrading knives at the ready as a pained groan followed. They looked to Cloud for what to do next. 
“I’m gonna check on them,” He spoke calmly. “You guys-”
“Are coming with you,” Kadaj interrupted and finished without missing a beat. “I saw him earlier. He’s very weak. Probably injured.”
Cloud was thankful for the advice. “Then just stay behind me.” All of them knew they wouldn’t listen, but they nodded anyway before their current party of four left the room. Even in the little time it took them to reach the neighbor’s door, more groans slipped through. Cloud practically scooted them out of the way when they tried to turn the handle. The blonde knocked. “Hey. You alright in there?”
Nothing but the same rough moans responded. The youngest looked up at Cloud and lined himself against the wall near the opening of the door. The other two stayed behind the adult.
He took a breath. “I’m coming in.” Carefully, slowly, he opened the door, scanning the apartment from the bed to the floor. But when they all looked up they saw him. 
Black leather coat. Perfectly long silver hair. Silver bands around gloved wrists. All of him stalking towards them with a menacing stare and a smirk on his face. 
Cloud tried to slash the threat with the Buster Sword, but it was immediately stopped by the doorframe. When he looked back at the enemy, it was tackled and pinned to the ground by the three brothers. The distraction gave him just enough time to readjust the blade and swung forward. 
Tifa’s voice knocked him out of his terror just long enough, but the blade slashed against the floor before he could stop it completely, just missing one of the boys that saved him. All of a sudden, the man before them blinked away, a tattered black cloak on a weak body remaining behind. 
What the hell just happened. 
Cloud didn’t get the chance to answer her coherently, stuttering through an attempted response. The boys went quiet as Tifa rushed to the doorway and saw her neighbor pinned to the ground. 
“What did you do? Get out,” Tifa commanded as she helped the man up, the boys scattering and reforming around Cloud. “This is Marco’s apartment. He’s got a few problems, but he’s not a bad guy. What did you do?” 
Cloud stuttered a response. “W…” his panic was still flowing through his veins, lessened but present. “We heard him fall and…” He couldn’t explain what he just saw, especially not to her. The boys didn’t aid him either with their silence. 
Tifa took a deliberate breath. “The landlady asks me to check on him every once in a while. Can I ask you to do the same?”
They all nodded. 
“Sure…” Her friend was the only one to respond. 
It didn't take long after that to settle Marco back into his apartment and get Tifa into hers. However, sleep was the last thing on Cloud’s mind as he herded the children back into his room. This time, he made absolutely sure his door was locked, and when he turned to face them, each one was rigidly flat against the back wall, glancing at each other out of the corners of their eyes for any kind of help. If these ‘kittens’ had tails, they’d be puffed beyond belief. 
They knew exactly what they did, and though Cloud desperately did not want to bring this up, their similar appearance to the war hero of his nightmares was far too great to avoid now. “What happened back there?”
They didn’t know how to answer. They just locked eyes with him and stayed silent. Was Tifa right? But if they were like him at all, why would they save him?
“Just…” He tried a calmer tone. “Guys, just tell me the truth. What happened?”
They shook their heads.
“What happened to you?” Kadaj countered. Both remaining brothers gained a sinking feeling in their stomachs at the challenge.
“This isn’t about me; this is about you.”
“Clearly, this is about Marco.”
“You said you saw him earlier,” Cloud stated sternly. 
“And when I did he didn’t look like that!” 
All eyes landed on the shortest brother. He didn't mean to say that. Why was he slipping up?
“Keep your voice down,” The ex-SOLDIER commanded. They already proved what could happen with such thin walls tonight. “What did you see?” 
“What did you see?” 
“Stop trying to turn this on me-”
“I'll stop if you stop.”
He crossed his arms. “I will if you answer my question.” 
“You know the answer already-”
“I need to hear it from you.”
He violently shook his head of mercury hair. 
“You saw something too! Why don’t you tell us what it was then?”
Yazoo silently vowed to never let his brother answer anything ever again. 
“Well I figured you’d know considering what he looked like.”
“What he looked like doesn’t change anything.”
“Clearly it does because you all attacked a man that looked exactly like your father-”
The air froze and deathly silence claimed them all. The entire sector could’ve heard that boy’s scream. Now they could hear a pin drop a block away. 
Cloud stared, completely confused by the outburst and trying to find an explanation. 
The youngest brother’s hands were shaking and he crossed them tightly over his chest, his head bowed towards the ground and his bangs blocking his eyes. He was trembling, clenching his teeth, and when the middle brother tried to place a hand on his shoulder, he batted it away and curled further into himself. They already lived with the pain of being unwanted. They already failed Her once. They didn’t need more constant comparisons and constant reminders of what threw them in this world in the first place. “He is not our father…” He repeated with panting breaths of rage and containment. He wanted to run, but they needed to stay by his side. They couldn’t risk leaving now. This was his idea. 
Finally, the brother's came to his aid, Yazoo immediately spinning a tale to cover them. “Our father left Mother just after we were born…” They needed to use Big Brother's heightened emotions against him before it was too late. “Mother’s from Nibelheim…”
Cloud’s eyes widened. 
“We never knew our father… But we know what he did…” Yazoo continued as Loz tried to comfort Kadaj. 
All Loz got in return were more snippy reactions. Eventually he gave up on attempting soft touches and hugged him so tightly and so suddenly he couldn't wriggle out no matter how much he physically and verbally protested. 
“We don't care what Shinra tells us… We get that comparison a lot… Forgive us for our reactions…”
They all looked up fearfully. Loz dropped Kadaj instinctually.
“I don't forgive you because you have nothing to apologize for.”
All the boys breathed a sigh of relief, but Kadaj was still trying to calm his emotions. 
Cloud exhaled and looked at them softly. “It’s been a long day for all of us. We should get some rest.”
They all agreed and returned to the same places as before. Cloud stared in confusion because he absolutely could not justify why any group of people would sleep like this. Loz was under the end of the bed. Yazoo slept diagonally in the middle of the floor like a psychopath. Kadaj had stolen the only sheet and burritoed himself literally along the bottom of the front door. The blonde found himself shaking his head softly at their choices. He could only assume it was a result of being on their own for so long, taking up sleeping shifts and covering every angle they could for protection. That at least seemed a little reasonable to him as he finally made his way to the bed and rested the buster sword back against the wall. 
* * * 
The next morning, Cloud proved how much he recovered by taking out the monsters within the garbage heaps. Now finally making some gil, he gave a share of it to the boys that definitely should not have followed him into monster infested mounds of trash with nothing but pocket knives. Surprisingly, they did manage to hold their own with the tiny and absolutely unprepared weapons. The brothers immediately spent all their given gil on new weapons. Kadaj bought a short sword. Yazoo purchased a gun. Loz struggled to force adult sized martial arts gloves onto his hands but eventually made it work. 
Cloud found himself thinking back to how they slept the previous night. Even the way they fought picked up where the others’ styles left off. They genuinely fought well together and Cloud found himself a little impressed, and a little afraid, of what they could do. 
The three remnants tried to act like perfect little angels when around Cloud. Well, to the extent they understood. At his side or in battle they listened to his every command, but asking them to go anywhere just resulted in angry glares and hidden hisses. It… could be worse. Both Tifa and Cloud were relieved they at least let him use the bathroom alone. 
Still, they were weird and did the strangest things sometimes, the most miniscule situations getting stuck under their skin. Well, Kadaj’s skin specifically since he was always the first to react, to impulsively react. 
The first time they showed it was when the entire group returned to the neighborhood watch. For reasons no one understood, they hated Chadley. 
“Cloud. You were the first to gather the data I requested. Here is the rest of your payment. I have developed new materia. Would you like to see it?” Chadley was certainly a weird teenager, but he was chipper and seemed willing to help. Though he said he was working for Shinra’s Research and Development department, he claimed he was working against them. 
Cloud observed the new materia for himself, rotating the orb in his hand before agreeing to purchase it. All three boys glared cautiously at the glasses wearing one. 
“I plan to develop more materia in the future. Together, we can harness enough power to take down Shinra. I'll be preparing more battle intel reports, which I hope you will assist me in completing,” He spoke in his naturally excited voice. 
“Thanks,” Cloud spoke a bit more indifferently. He was finally sounding closer to the Big Brother they knew now that they’d taken on a few monsters. 
“You talk weird,” Loz pointed out with scrunched brows, the other two waiting for a response. 
“Hey,” Tifa scolded, “what did I say? Be nice.”
The teen in question simply waved the statement away. “It's not a problem. I'm still perfecting my speech pattern. Thank you for your valuable feedback.”
Yazoo tilted his head. “Something is… off… about you…”
Again, Chadley showed almost no change in emotion. “I assure you, I'm only here to aid in your progress and test out more effective magic.”
Kadaj glared hard. “If you do anything to hurt Cloud-”
“You're all perfectly capable of defeating me here if you wish. If you were old enough, you'd all be perfect SOLDIER candidates.”
“You analyzed us?!”
He nodded simply. “Of course. It merely determines your strength and abilities. You may even purchase materia if you wish.”
“And how do we know this information doesn't go straight back to Shinra?”
“If you doubt me at all, you can take me down.”
Now they were talking in circles and they absolutely had better things to do. Cloud grabbed the youngest's arm and began dragging him along. “We're done here. Let's go.”
Kadaj angrily reset his steps and walked alongside Cloud normally, and Loz followed behind immediately. 
“You're not human…” Yazoo stated before suddenly being yanked away by Tifa. 
Thankfully, nothing like that happened again. The rest of the day consisted of nothing but more hunts, destroying any monsters in their path. All of their skills certainly grew throughout the many battles, including the efficiency of the three boys with new weapons. By nightfall, Tifa returned to run the bar, but Cloud and the boys nearly cleared the bounty board. Cloud wanted to be absolutely prepared for tomorrow's mission. 
Before heading back to his apartment late into the night, Cloud asked Tifa for one final update. Biggs was found in Sector Four safe and sound, claiming the mercenary wouldn't be a problem anymore, and that they should not hire anyone they don't absolutely trust for the next mission. Jessie decided to stay with her family on the upper plate while her leg healed. But both Biggs and Wedge worked on her orders, and they had the materials for the next reactor mission. Everything was ready to go.
Tomorrow marked the start of the Mako Reactor 5 bombing mission. 
Thanks for reading!
Author's notes: Welp. It got angsty. Why? Because it's me. Also I am swamped with exams so life is just doing its thing. Thanks for reading! 
Next up us Damaged Doll or the second half of a one shot I should have finished months ago. See you then!
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yomiurinikei · 2 years
What would you say your favorite chapter of sdra2 is out of curiosity?
hmmmmmmmm…….. okay fr i’ve been sitting here trying to think? as much as it pains me. it might be ch6? i dont.. like it as a final chapter, i have issues with how the plot was. “resolved,” but some parts of it is rlly fun!!!!! the desired reality scenes were cool to see, and i liked getting to see akane and utsuro interact again. having players investigate the crumbling virtual world was cool, and seeing the victims in their vr pods where they died was neat! i just have issue with it when i remember it was the final fucking chapter and linuj had mikado going jojo-mode instead of…. creative ways of wrapping up the plot.
buuut. past my issues with sdra2, i do enjoy all the chapters to a degree- ch1 serves as a rlly nice first chapter imo, i liked the murder case in ch2 against its… semi-ridiculous moments, ch3 is infamous for a Reason, ch4 is hilarious when u realize it’s p much dra ch2 all over again, just twisted (that’s a joke. i haven’t genuinely analyzed their plot similarities and made a formula out of it. lol. as if.) and tho the trope of “voted for the wrong culprit” is common place now, seeing it for the first time in ch5 was insane. i rlly do think that. past dra being the first fangan ever, sdra2 took off for a reason, it’s just… when u look at things all together and poke at it, the flaws can rlly jump out.
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labtrocom · 17 days
Gas Analyzer 500 mL
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Labtro Gas Analyzer detects CO2, CO, CH4, NOx, and SO2 using electrochemical/infrared methods. Features include pump suction, ±3% FS accuracy, 20 sec response, LCD display, audible/visual alarms, 500 mL/min flow, sensor self-detection, and alarm record function.
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carboledger · 2 months
Understanding the Product Carbon Footprint
In today's environmentally conscious world, the term Product Carbon Footprint has become increasingly significant. As businesses and consumers alike strive to reduce their environmental impact, understanding and managing the carbon footprint of products is essential. This blog delves into what a Product Carbon Footprint entails, why it matters, and how it can be measured and mitigated.
What is a Product Carbon Footprint?
A Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) measures the total amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted throughout the lifecycle of a product. This includes all stages, from raw material extraction, manufacturing, distribution, usage, and finally disposal or recycling. The primary GHGs considered in this measurement are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), all of which contribute significantly to global warming.
Why is the Product Carbon Footprint Important?
Understanding the Product Carbon Footprint is crucial for several reasons:
Environmental Impact: By quantifying the GHG emissions associated with a product, companies and consumers can better understand the environmental impact of their choices. This awareness can drive efforts to reduce emissions and mitigate climate change.
Regulatory Compliance: Governments worldwide are enacting stricter environmental regulations. Knowing the carbon footprint of products can help businesses comply with these regulations and avoid potential fines and sanctions.
Consumer Demand: As consumers become more environmentally aware, there is increasing demand for sustainable products. Highlighting a product’s low carbon footprint can enhance a company’s marketability and reputation.
Cost Savings: Reducing the carbon footprint often goes hand-in-hand with improving energy efficiency and resource management, leading to cost savings for businesses.
Measuring the Product Carbon Footprint
Measuring the Product Carbon Footprint involves a comprehensive analysis of all stages of the product's lifecycle. This process is often referred to as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The key steps in measuring a Product Carbon Footprint include:
Goal and Scope Definition: Clearly define the purpose of the assessment and the boundaries of the product’s lifecycle stages to be considered.
Inventory Analysis: Collect data on the inputs (e.g., raw materials, energy) and outputs (e.g., emissions, waste) associated with each stage of the product’s lifecycle.
Impact Assessment: Evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the emissions and resource use identified in the inventory analysis.
Interpretation: Analyze the results to identify significant sources of emissions and opportunities for reduction.
Reducing the Product Carbon Footprint
Once the Product Carbon Footprint is measured, the next step is to implement strategies to reduce it. Here are some approaches:
Energy Efficiency: Improving the energy efficiency of manufacturing processes can significantly reduce emissions. This can include upgrading machinery, optimizing production processes, and utilizing energy-efficient technologies.
Sustainable Materials: Using sustainable or recycled materials can lower the carbon footprint associated with raw material extraction and processing.
Renewable Energy: Switching to renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power can drastically cut down the emissions from energy use in production and operations.
Supply Chain Optimization: Streamlining logistics and reducing transportation distances can decrease emissions from distribution.
Product Design: Designing products for longevity, reuse, and recyclability can reduce the carbon footprint over the product's lifecycle.
The Product Carbon Footprint is a vital metric in the quest for sustainability. By understanding and actively managing the carbon footprint of products, businesses can not only comply with regulatory demands and meet consumer expectations but also contribute meaningfully to the fight against climate change. Through diligent measurement and strategic reductions, the goal of a lower carbon footprint is achievable, leading to a more sustainable future for all.
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Unveiling the Power of Carbon Accounting Tools
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In the realm of sustainability and environmental consciousness, the term "carbon accounting tools" is making waves. But what exactly are they? How do they operate? And why should we pay attention? Don't worry, fellow eco-enthusiasts! We're delving into the world of carbon accounting tools to unravel their mysteries, understand their functionalities, and appreciate their significance. Join us on this journey as we explore how these tools are transforming our approach to environmental responsibility!
Understanding Carbon Accounting Tools
Let's start from the beginning: what are carbon accounting tools? Think of them as the detectives of the environmental landscape—they track down carbon emissions, analyze their sources, and quantify their impact! These innovative tools assist individuals, businesses, and governments in measuring and managing their carbon footprint. From assessing emissions to identifying areas for improvement, carbon accounting tools are essential allies in the fight against climate change.
How Carbon Accounting Tools Operate
But how exactly do these tools work? It's quite fascinating! Carbon accounting tools utilize advanced algorithms and data analysis to calculate all the carbon emissions associated with a specific activity, product, or organization. They consider various factors, including energy consumption, transportation, and production processes. Essentially, they provide a comprehensive snapshot of an entity's environmental impact, empowering stakeholders to make informed decisions and take meaningful action.
The Importance of Carbon Accounting Tools
Now, why should we care about carbon accounting tools? The answer is clear: in a world grappling with the consequences of climate change, every effort to reduce carbon emissions matters. Carbon accounting tools enable us to take proactive steps towards sustainability, whether we're individuals striving to minimize our carbon footprint or businesses aiming to enhance their environmental performance. By harnessing the power of these tools, we can make a tangible difference in safeguarding our planet for future generations.
Advantages of Carbon Accounting Tools
So, what are the benefits of incorporating carbon accounting tools into our environmental management strategies? Let's delve into them:
Enhanced Transparency: Carbon accounting tools offer transparency by providing detailed insights into an organization's carbon emissions, enabling stakeholders to gain a comprehensive understanding of their environmental impact.
Cost Savings: By identifying inefficiencies and areas for improvement, carbon accounting tools can help organizations reduce energy consumption and operational costs, leading to significant savings over time.
Informed Decision-Making: Armed with data from carbon accounting tools, organizations can make informed decisions about resource allocation, investment priorities, and sustainability initiatives, resulting in more effective environmental management strategies.
Demonstrating Commitment to Sustainability: Utilizing carbon accounting tools demonstrates a commitment to environmental responsibility, enhancing an organization's reputation and credibility among customers, investors, and other stakeholders.
FAQs: Addressing Your Burning Questions
Q: Are carbon accounting tools only for large corporations?
A: Not at all! While larger organizations may have been early adopters, carbon accounting tools are increasingly accessible to businesses of all sizes, as well as individuals interested in tracking their carbon footprint.
Q: Do carbon accounting tools solely focus on carbon dioxide emissions?
A: Carbon accounting tools typically consider a range of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), providing a comprehensive assessment of an organization's environmental impact.
Q: Can carbon accounting tools truly make a difference in combating climate change?
A: Absolutely! By providing insights into emissions sources and opportunities for mitigation, carbon accounting tools empower organizations to take targeted actions to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change.
Conclusion: Embracing the Future of Environmental Management
And there you have it—the essence of carbon accounting tools! From unraveling their workings to exploring their benefits, these tools are instrumental in shaping the future of environmental management. Whether you're a business leader, a concerned citizen, or somewhere in between, incorporating carbon accounting tools into your sustainability efforts can yield significant benefits for both your organization and the planet. So, let's harness the power of carbon accounting tools and work towards a more sustainable future together!
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The ESE-IR-600 model H2 gas analyzer by Enviro Solutions Technology offers precise measurement of hydrogen in five-gas mixtures commonly found in various industries. These mixtures typically include oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, and hydrogen (O2 / CO / CO2 / CH4 / H2). Our hydrogen analyzer employs a sophisticated measurement/correction methodology specifically tailored to ensure accurate calculation of hydrogen concentrations within the gas mixture. This ensures reliable performance in diverse industrial settings, providing essential data for safety assessments and process optimization.
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anqelically · 7 months
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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Amaya is given the task of helping Okkotsu train in order to free Rika, a goal he had set after the elementary school incident
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A whole 3 days passed since the elementary school incident. After Okkotsu had gotten everyone to safety, you were left to recover in the hospital after being healed. You and Maki were now fully recovered, so you students didn't waste any time and got to training immediately.
You, Maki, Inumaki, and Okkotsu were running laps around the large track as Panda counted your times. Panda had an out because his physical stamina did not have to be tested. He was a panda (and not even a real one— a stuffed one), after all. You were on your way to finishing your fourth lap while Okkotsu was about to end his third.
"Not a runner?" you slowed down to jog at the same pace as the boy.
Okkotsu tried to control his breathing to not sound heavy, "No, I can't... do athletic... things."
He was not built for this type of exercise. The noirette was used to running away from others, not running laps. His chest hurt from how much he was doing so suddenly.
"I couldn't before either," you smiled. Panda called for Maki and Inumaki as they were on their final lap. "But I'm alright now. We'll train together, okay? Maybe I can help you since I used to be you. For now though, we've gotta catch up!"
You ran faster and looked behind, watching as Okkotsu pushed himself to run faster too. You were glad to see the boy become so motivated after the short time you knew him. It was as if the incident at the school had lit a flame inside of him.
It wasn't long until you finished your running and sat down with the others to watch the special grade sorcerer finish his laps. You and Panda cheered him on while Inumaki and Maki kept silent.
"Yay! You finished," you walked up to the boy and held up your hand. "Good job."
Okkotsu stared at you for a moment before hesitantly raising his own hand and high-fiving you. You smiled at the quick progress of how he was getting less nervous around you.
"C'mon you two," Maki called, "we're not done."
"They actually are done for now," Gojo came out of nowhere and walked down the steps.
Both you and Okkotsu tilted your heads at the same time, "We are?"
"Hah, you two are coordinated already!" Gojo hummed as all the students circled around him, "I have to give Yuta something and I need you, Y/N, to come with us."
"Oh, okay."
You two first years followed behind your tall teacher, asking one another if you had any clue where you were going. Neither of you had an answer, so you just continued on until you reached a building you were familiar with.
'The cursed tool warehouse?'
Gojo unlocked the locked door and slid it open before he stepped to the side and gestured, "Alrighty, you two head in first."
"Okay," Okkotsu stepped in, and you followed behind him.
Your teacher turned on the light so you both could see the cursed tools displayed. Polearms, swords, and other weapons of sorts had the noirette gawk.
"It's nearly impossible to exorcise a curse as strong as Rika is, but unraveling that curse is a different case," the white-haired main went forwards and looked at the katana on the wall. "Analyze the millions of knots made from cursed energy and untie them all one by one. You're the only one who can do it as the cursed one."
"You're trying to break Rika's curse? That's great," you looked at the boy, who only meekly nodded.
"Use this," Gojo suddenly threw a weapon back that the boy nearly dropped.
He blinked, "A katana...?"
"A curse is most stable when possessing an item. Your connection to Rika came about through that friendship ring of yours. Think of it like a pipe that's already there. Invoke the curse of Rika, channel it into the katana, and control it. Then you repeat the process, increasing the energy and mastering it. Do this and a bright, free future awaits for the two of you."
"Master channeling the curse into my katana..." Okkotsu trailed off.
Gojo then walked up to the boy and got close to his face. The teenager could only shrink back because of how close his teacher was. He held the katana closer.
"...While learning to sword fight, okay? You're super weak so we really have to put ya through it," Gojo stood back and flashed a thumbs up.
You asked, "So why am I here?"
"Because you'll be helping Yuta-kun here. I mean, you two are good friends already, right? You should've seen how hard he was trying that day at the elementary school to make sure you were alright," Gojo's hands made it to your shoulders.
The said boy only blushed, "I-I was trying to help everyone!"
"So you're not friends?"
"No, I didn't mean it like that! We are! Or... I-" Okkotsu went silent to save himself from any further embarrassment.
You only gave him a reassuring grin, "It's okay, I know what you meant. Just ignore Gojo-sensei, okay? He likes to tease people often."
There have been countless times you’ve seen Gojo tease and play with others. You’ve seen it mostly with your little brother because he was one of the people who got the most annoyed at his antics.
He ignored the comment, "I trust that she'll do well, Yuta-kun. Don't go giving her too much trouble though."
Both of you deadpanned, however, 'You're the troublemaker'
You decided to call off training for the day and told Okkotsu you were both going out. He was already preparing to train when you did, leaving him only the slightest bit disappointed. After all, he had been building up the courage he thought he needed to talk and train with you alone.
"W-where are we going, Fushiguro-san?"
Kiyotaka Ijichi, one of the assistant managers at the school, dropped you off in town. The dark blue-eyed boy followed the you as you walked down the concrete path. He yelped when he was suddenly pulled to the side.
"You should be more mindful of your surroundings," you reminded Okkotsu. You was the one to pull him closer. "You almost bumped into someone."
"Ah, sorry."
"No need to apologize. And to answer your question, we're going out to eat at one of my favorite diners."
Okkotsu tilted his head, confused as to why they were going out to eat instead of teaching him to be a swordsman. The noirette voiced the concern to you.
You replied, "We've known each other for 4 days. I was thinking that we should get to know each other a bit more so you're more comfortable training. It also lets me know what ways are better to teach you! After all, I don't know what kind of learner you are."
"How thoughtful..." Okkotsu muttered under his breath as you entered your shared destination.
"Table for two," you asked before you both sat down at the appointed table. "Sorry I didn't ask if you wanted to go anywhere specific before. Is this fine for you?"
The blue-eyed boy only shook it off, "It's okay. I've never been to Tokyo so I don't know any good places anyway."
"I guess I'm your guide then," you flashed a grin as the menus were dropped off at the table. You didn't even need to look at the menu to know what you wanted.
"Most of the menu is sushi and steak," Okkotsu noted.
This resulted in a sheepish laugh from you, "Yeah... I come here all the time because of that and it's good. Oh, not to mention the prices. Do you see how low they are? I found this place with my sister last year after school one day, and this place has become my favoirte ever since. Do you have any siblings?"
Okkotsu put his menu down, "I have a little sister, but we aren't that close because of Rika."
Silence washed over you before a waitress came. Both of you politely ordered what you wanted. Once the woman left, you cleared your throat.
"That must've been difficult; to be cursed by someone you cared about and having to stay away from your family because of it."
"Actually, I think it was me who cursed her."
"Oh, really?"
"I don't know how I would've specifically done it," Okkotsu glanced out the window, "but I feel like it was my fault."
Rika's case was a mystery. A young girl, with no ties to the jujutsu world, who died in a car accident and became a vengeful cursed spirit before latching onto her best friend. It was an odd case, indeed.
"Well I'm sure that she doesn't blame you, however she became a cursed spirit. You two were children when it happened so it could've been anything. And even if it was you, I'm sure you didn't mean it."
Your words were so sure and supporting, Okkotsu noticed. He looked over at you, who started glancing out the window. When he did, he realized that you were the first person he could talk to like this after Rika's accident.
Okkotsu's cheeks flushed, "T-thank you, Fushiguro-san."
You only giggled, "No need to. Oh, and no need to be so formal. Just call me Y/N or anything like that. Didn't I tell you? I think I did... My memory is a bit fuzzy, not going to lie."
Your lips turned up, "That's still formal, but it's better."
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WRITTEN: 01/08/2022
sorry for the delay </3 will be editing the next 3-4 chapters to queue up since i have testing this week 😭
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spacenutspod · 1 year
In the past two and a half years, two next-generation telescopes have been sent to space: NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and the ESA’s Euclid Observatory. Before the decade is over, they will be joined by NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (RST), Spectro-Photometer for the History of the Universe, Epoch of Reionization, and Ices Explorer (SPHEREx), and the ESA’s PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) and ARIEL telescopes. These observatories will rely on advanced optics and instruments to aid in the search and characterization of exoplanets with the ultimate goal of finding habitable planets. Along with still operational missions, these observatories will gather massive volumes of high-resolution spectroscopic data. Sorting through this data will require cutting-edge machine-learning techniques to look for indications of life and biological processes (aka. biosignatures). In a recent paper, a team of scientists from the Institute for Fundamental Theory at the University of Florida (UF-IFL) recommended that future surveys use machine learning to look for anomalies in the spectra, which could reveal unusual chemical signatures and unknown biosignatures. The study was conducted by a mix of physicists and machine learning experts, including Associate Professor Katia Matcheva, physics graduate student Roy T. Forestano, Professor Konstantin T. Matchev, and Ph.D. student Eyup B. Unlu. A preprint of their paper, “Searching for Novel Chemistry in Exoplanetary Atmospheres using Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection,” recently appeared online and is being reviewed for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. As they explained, the central premise of their paper is that what constitutes “life” remains an open question for scientists, and it would be advantageous to expand the scope of our search. Spectra from the WASP-96b’s atmosphere obtained by JWST. Credit: NASA/ESA/CSA/STScI First off, it is important to acknowledge how far the study of exoplanets has come in recent decades. The first confirmed detection did not take place until 1992, which consisted of two Super-Earths (Poltergeist and Phobitor) observed around a pulsar (PSR B1257+12, aka. Lich) located 2,300 light-years from Earth. While scientists firmly believed that most stars had their own system of planets, they had no incontrovertible proof before this discovery. And until the Kepler Space Telescope launched in 2009, exoplanet discoveries were being added at a rate of a few per year. Since then, a total of 5,496 exoplanets have been confirmed in 4,096 systems, with another 9,820 candidates awaiting confirmation. In recent years, the process has shifted from the process of discovery towards characterization, where improved instruments and methods have enabled astronomers to analyze exoplanet atmospheres directly to measure their potential habitability. As Prof. Matcheva explained to Universe Today via email: “The instruments are getting better and better: better spectral resolution, exceptional signal-to-noise level, wider wavelength coverage. In addition to JWST, which has returned some exceptional spectroscopic observations of several exoplanets, ESA is planning a dedicated exoplanet space telescope ARIEL that will observe 1000 planets. Analyzing this data will keep scientists busy for a long time.” According to Matcheva, the fields of exoplanet studies and astrobiology are incredibly fascinating because of the sheer potential involved. Currently, the field is largely concerned with constraining “habitability” through the targeted search for biosignatures: evidence of life and organic processes. Using Earth as a template, the only planet where we know life exists, the most highly-sought biosignatures include nitrogen gas (N2), oxygen gas (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), ammonia (NH?), and water (H2O). This constitutes the “low-hanging fruit approach,” where scientists are looking for life that conforms to terrestrial standards. This is not an accident, nor is it a lazy approach. It’s simply because it is exceedingly difficult to search for signs of life that we are completely unfamiliar with. But this also presents an opportunity to contemplate the possibilities and expand the range of what we know. “Do we know what to search for?” Matcheva added. “Do we know where to search? Would we recognize it if we saw it? The exoplanet science community always works with these questions in mind.” For their study, Matcheva and her colleagues investigated how machine learning could be trained to look for “anomalies” in transit spectra. This refers to light curves obtained by observing distant stars for periodic dips in luminosity, which could indicate the presence of a planet passing in front of the star relative to the observer. This is known as Transit Spectroscopy (or the Transit Method), which remains the most effective and widely-used method for detecting exoplanets. In addition to detection, this method allows astronomers to occasionally observe light passing through the planet’s atmosphere. When measured with a spectrometer, these observations will reveal data on the atmosphere’s chemical composition, which could include telltale biosignatures! In the coming years, the combination of next-generation telescopes and machine learning (ML) will allow astronomers to more accurately determine the potential habitability of exoplanets. “We believe that ML methods in astrophysics can be a game changer in how we process data in terms of speed, volume, and methodology, said Matcheva. “And we see that across all fields of science.” For their purposes, Matcheva and her team used two popular anomaly-detection machine learning methods – Local Outlier Factor (LOF) and One-Class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM) to analyze a large public database of synthetic spectra. This database was developed by the ESA ARIEL science team in anticipation of the mission (scheduled to launch in 2029) and contains more than 100,000 computer-generated spectra signals of exoplanets. The team also used Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves to quantify and compare the performance of the two ML techniques. The process and results, as Matcheva related, were both fascinating: “The spectra are calculated with current models, assuming that the atmosphere of each planet is a mixture of 5 different gasses in different proportions. As an experiment, we treated one of the absorbers (for example, H2O) as a ‘mystery’ absorber. We trained the ML algorithm on a subset of the data that is deficient in H2O and tested if it will correctly flag planets with water as anomalous.” “We repeated the experiment for four of the gasses. We used both LOF and OCSVM. Both methods did an outstanding job in finding the anomalous planets when no noise or very little noise (~10 ppm) is present, even for very small amounts of the ‘mystery’ gas. Unsurprisingly, the ML model starts making mistakes when the noise level increases too much.” A major objective for next-generation space telescopes will be the search for signs of life (biosignatures). Credit: NASA As Matcheva indicated, their paper demonstrated that LOF and OCSVM methods are very robust, even in the presence of signal noise. These results offer a taste of what could be possible in the near future, where literally thousands of exoplanets can be analyzed rapidly and systematically using ML methods to identify anomalous planets for follow-up investigations. These examinations will likely be very educational, given that inconsistencies between theoretical models and observations are often how the most exciting discoveries are made. “Although looking for biosignatures was not a primary goal of this paper, it is a very interesting outcome, and we are very excited about the potential of the method,” said Matcheva. “Looking for signatures of life in the Universe is more like looking for a needle in a haystack rather than for a smoking gun. It is actually even more challenging because we do not know what the needle looks like. The novelty detection methods are designed exactly for that: rare events [where] we do not know what they look, smell, or sound like.” As noted earlier, the search for extraterrestrial life – and indeed, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) – can be summarized as searching for life “as we know it.” But if life is very rare in the Universe or very “exotic” in nature (meaning that it can arise from all sorts of chemicals and conditions), then it makes sense to cast a wider net. After all, if our frame of reference is an impediment to our astrobiology efforts (one could certainly argue as much), expanding it could be the difference between finding evidence that we are not alone and leaving the question unanswered for another generation. Said Matcheva: “The astrobiology community has been working on a definition of “life” for a long time, but we have no idea what aliens really look like and how they would interact with their environments. We are biased by our human experience, and the current strategies are to search for life in the “habitable zone,” which by definition is human (or terrestrial life) friendly. So how do you search for something when you don’t know what it looks like? That is where the novelty detection machine learning techniques come in – they can flag data points that are inconsistent with the training data, i.e., do not agree with the current theoretical models. So indeed, in that sense, our method is searching for life “as we don’t know it”.   As Isaac Asimov famously said, “The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not ‘Eureka!’ but ‘That’s funny.'” Further Reading: arXiv The post The Most Compelling Places to Search for Life Will Look Like “Anomalies” appeared first on Universe Today.
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