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soccomcsantos · 1 year ago
Mobilidade com futuro mais sustentável se transporte individual e público forem complementares
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A presença da Sociedade Comercial C. Santos no Salão do Automóvel Híbrido e Elétrico do Porto foi mais do que exposição e test-drives. A mais recente edição das SocTalks, conversas da empresa sobre o setor, decorreu no certame, com vários especialistas e uma conclusão: a mobilidade será tão mais eficiente e sustentável quanto mais complementares forem transporte individual e público.
Com o tema “Impacto da eletrificação no automóvel e na mobilidade”, esta SocTalks (que pode ser vista na íntegra aqui) contou com a presença de Rodrigo Ferreira da Silva (presidente da ARAN – Associação Nacional do Ramo Automóvel e vice-presidente do CECRA – Conselho Europeu do Comércio e da Reparação Automóvel), de Carlos Ferraz (diretor da mobilidade elétrica da Prio), de João Moreira (gestor de frota da Living Tours) e de Álvaro Costa (especialista em mobilidade da FEUP – Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto).
A conclusão geral é que a eletrificação ainda tem um caminho a fazer e que o carregamento doméstico e rede pública são temas essenciais. A principal conclusão é que a mobilidade será mais eficiente e sustentável se transporte individual e público forem considerados complementares e não antagónicos.
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Rodrigo Ferreira da Silva, que representava o setor automóvel na mesa-redonda, salienta essa complementaridade. “Agora, pode ser quanto mais complementar quanto maior for a oferta de qualidade e fiabilidade do transporte público. E todas as estratégias devem procurar essa complementaridade. Com certeza que ao longo dos próximos anos o crescimento das populações urbanas irá levar a que a necessidade de automóvel seja menor”, considera o presidente da ARAN e vice-presidente do CECRA.
Para essa complementaridade é importante, também, a existência de estruturas como parques de estacionamento à entrada dos centros das cidades, assim como cuidados relacionados com a urbanização e as frotas de autocarros. “Com grande parte das pessoas a viverem em apartamentos, a questão do carregamento é essencial. Mas há que esperar, até pelas políticas das cidades em relação à entrada dos automóveis no perímetro urbano. Mas, repito, o transporte individual e o coletivo não t��m de ser antagónicos, mas antes complementares, sendo, também, importante, que haja investimento na renovação do parque de pesados de passageiros”, afirma Rodrigo Ferreira da Silva.
Álvaro Costa, um dos maiores especialistas portugueses em mobilidade urbana, considera que o divisionismo é, aliás, um obstáculo às soluções. “O problema é um pouco esse: as pessoas ou assentam no transporte individual porque querem usá-lo ou pensam que o transporte público é a solução para todas as necessidades. O transporte público é a solução para espaços de congestionamento, mas em todo o interior é impossível viabilizar a mobilidade das pessoas pelo transporte público”, salienta.
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O especialista da FEUP é da opinião que no Porto e em Lisboa as pessoas deveriam usar mais o transporte público do que fazem, mas nas outras cidades o cenário é diferente. “O problema é que em Portugal a mobilidade individual é muito cara, o que faz com que os territórios em que a mobilidade mais racional deveria ser o transporte individual percam competitividade, dado que é muito caro andar de carro para a maior parte das famílias”. A mesma fonte defende que Portugal tem um sistema “desadequado de toda a taxação, o que faz com que as opções de mobilidade também sejam desadequadas e haja desequilíbrios na forma como nós nos movimentamos”.
Eletrificação é desafio à rentabilidade no setor
A eletrificação tem vários impactos na sociedade, a começar pelas empresas ligadas ao setor automóvel. “São grandes, transversais e a diferentes níveis”, atira Rodrigo Ferreira da Silva. “Até ao nível da distribuição, até porque muitas das marcas novas que são full electric escolheram um modelo de negócio de entrada no mercado de vendas diretas, diferente do modelo tradicional da distribuição, com importador e concessionário. Falando também da concorrência chinesa, estamos no início de uma onda de novas marcas a chegar. Algumas procuram grandes grupos, outras procuram um modelo tradicional, até aproveitando algum desinvestimento de redes tradicionais. Por exemplo, o crescimento da MG em França é feito muito à custa da retirada estratégica da Mitsubishi”.
O presidente da ARAN acrescenta que no após-venda, “ainda é difícil de prever qual será o impacto” da eletrificação no negócio, porque esta alteração tecnológica diminui as intervenções, “mas ainda há um parque de cinco milhões de automóveis a combustão em Portugal. Esse impacto ainda não está a ser sentido ainda, mas sê-lo-á no futuro”.Rodrigo Ferreira da Silva não tem, de resto, dúvida que se trata de “desafios em termos de rentabilidade para as empresas do setor automóvel”.
Disponibilidade dos veículos é desafio no turismo
O operador turístico Living Tours conta com uma frota de cerca de 50 veículos, entre tuk-tuks, viaturas de passageiros até novel lugares e autocarros de pequena dimensão. Os tutk-tuks já estão eletrificados e alguma da frota de viaturas ligeiras também já é elétrica, mas o processo levanta alguns desafios para uma empresa desta área, que efetua deslocações rápida ida e volta num raio superior a 200 km da cidade do Porto.
“Se nos dissessem que amanhã teríamos automóveis com grande autonomia e postos de carregamento com elevada disponibilidade, trocaríamos já a frota toda. Infelizmente, isso ainda não é possível, mas estamos a dar passos no sentido da eletrificação. Já temos em frota várias unidades elétricas, temos as nossas instalações preparadas com carregadores e estamos a formar os nossos guias/motoristas, dado que a condução também é importante no processo”, refere o gestor de frota da empresa.
“Ainda temos de caminhar, dados que vamos a destinos a alguma distância, onde, muitas vezes, não temos tempo nem disponibilidade de carregamento, pois os nossos parceiros no destino ainda não conseguem ter essa infraestrutura disponível para os vários operadores como nós que os visitam diariamente com grupos”, salienta João Moreira.
“Universalidade” do carregamento é processo em curso
O diretor da mobilidade elétrica da Prio avisa que “estamos a falar de um processo” que ainda vai demorar ano. “São cinco milhões de veículos a combustão a circular em Portugal e se dividirmos esses cinco milhões pelas cerca de 200 mil unidade de automóveis novos que são vendidas todos os anos, temos 25 anos para a renovação – isto partindo do princípio de que seriam todas eletrificadas essas viaturas, o que aumenta a gradualidade”.
Carlos Ferraz avisa que “a utilização de um veículo elétrico é muito diferente da de um a combustão. O veículo elétrico obriga a mudanças na forma de conduzir e de ’reabastecer’. O que se deve fazer é aproveitar as situações em que o veículo está parado para recarregar. Isso é uma mudança de mentalidade”.
Depois há a questão da disponibilidade de infraestrutura de carregamento, o que “é uma dificuldade”, de acordo com Carlos Ferraz.
“Portugal é um bom exemplo a nível mundial, dado que independentemente do fornecedor de eletricidade, o cliente tem acesso à rede pública de carregamento, a qual compara bem com a de outros países em termos de disponibilidade, dado que, atualmente, conta com cerca de seis mil pontos. No entanto, é insuficiente, dado que o crescimento da rede é inegável, mas não tem acompanhado o crescimento ainda maior da venda de veículos eletrificados”, nota o diretor de mobilidade elétrica da Prio, antes de salienta que nos veículos pesados o cenário revela “ainda mais trabalho” a fazer. “Temos de ter alguma paciência”, avisa.
Portagens e incentivos
O especialista em mobilidade urbana Álvaro Costa considera que “em Portugal temos um problema de taxação das estradas, que se agrava no Porto e em Lisboa”. O docente da FEUP defende que se deveria portajar considera um erro a opção por as “circulares externas serem mais caras do que as internas (aqui no Porto a VCI nem se paga) e as radiais não se pagam. Deveríamos inverter a forma para gerir o congestionamento”.
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O grande motor do crescimento das vendas elétricos são os incentivos fiscais à compra e utilização. Após o caminho feito pelas empresas e pelos particulares com condições de carregamento, pode haver o risco de um abrandamento do mercado no futuro, devido à falta de forma de carregamento doméstico da parte de alguns particulares, avisa Carlos Ferraz.
O diretor da mobilidade elétrica da Prio avisa que o preço dos veículos ainda é um obstáculo à aquisição pelas famílias e que no que toca ao carregamento em casa os 54% de famílias que têm acesso a garagem (contra 80% na Noruega, por exemplo) é outro desafio, mas não o único. “A possibilidade de termos nos nossos edifícios um carregador para um carro é perfeitamente possível. Se quisermos colocar lá 10 carros a carregar, na generalidade dos edifícios é impossível. Também aí é preciso avançar. As comunidades de energia, quando pudermos ter produção de energia renovável descentralizada nos edifícios empresariais e habitacionais, serão uma ajuda, assim como os carros, que poderão fazer parte do ecossistema, com reintrodução de energia na rede. Temos de trabalhar todos em conjunto”, refere.
Veja a SocTalks “Impacto da eletrificação no automóvel e na mobilidade” na íntegra aqui: https://bit.ly/46BgEvS
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joelemacleod · 5 years ago
Steve Paikin had a great conversation about the plight of restaurants. Take a look.
.@theagenda had a great conversation about the plight of restaurants I had written about these issues before #covid19 #onetable #savehospitality #onpoli #cdnpoli
I came across the link below yesterday. Steve Paikin once again manages to get to the crux of the issue. The conversation summarizes precisely my arguments here and here.
Take a look:
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indocanadiannews · 5 years ago
Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) for small businesses provides relief for small businesses experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19.
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allthecanadianpolitics · 5 years ago
Landlords in B.C. who are eligible for emergency federal rent relief and choose not to apply will not be able to evict businesses that aren't able to pay rent, B.C. Finance Minister Carole James announced Monday.
The emergency order restricts lease terminations, rent-repayment lawsuits, and repossession of goods and properties, and will stay in place until the end of June, when the federal relief program is currently set to end.
James said the order is meant to protect small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic and to encourage landlords to apply for the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA), which aims to reduce rent owed by small business tenants by 75 per cent for April, May and June.
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada @abpoli
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urban-daddy · 5 years ago
Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA)
Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA)
What is the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance Program (CECRA), and how does it work?
The CECRA program will provide forgivable loans to qualifying commercial property owners to cover 50% of three (3) monthly rent payments that are payable by eligible small business tenants who are experiencing financial hardship during April, May, and June.
The Program
The loans willbe forgiven if the…
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ruth9989 · 3 years ago
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SHINee nos recuerda que Jonghyun siempre está presente ❤️ En un lado de el escenario se pudo observar una lámpara en forma de "Luna 🌕" Stream a "DICE"🎲 https://youtu.be/xYth9NVvuPo Replay✨: https://youtu.be/VTASffPQGhY RousyTaem 💎🐰🌙??🔥🗝️💎 ##JONGHYUN #종현 #SHINee #샤이니 #돈콜미 #ONEW #온유 #KEY #키 #MINHO #민호 #TAEMIN #태민 #shawolsforever #shineeisfive #shawol #ShineeWorld #별하나 #DICE #ONEW_DICE https://www.instagram.com/p/CeCRa-BveArCW4tqqMvy3G_LVF2bpz_CzDvh4w0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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swarajya7793 · 3 years ago
What Impacted COVID-19 on Ghost Kitchen in FMCG Industry ?
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Impact of COVID-19 on Ghost Kitchen in FMCG Industry
A ghost kitchen is a professional food preparation and cooking facility, which is designed to prepare meals for delivery alone. Some ghost restaurants offer takeout or drive-through services but lack a storefront or interior seats for clients. Ghost kitchens are those restaurants, which do not have a dining room that sell and fulfil online meal orders for delivery. Several independent brands may use a shared cooking facility at the same time, or a single management team may develop and operate numerous in-house brands.
The outbreak of coronavirus pandemic has brought ghost kitchens and virtual restaurants to the public's attention, although these concepts have been expanding in the restaurant business for the last two years. During COVID-19, ghost kitchens, pop-ups, and other food-industry innovations have emerged to a huge extent. The demand for ghost kitchens proliferated during 2020, when the cooks make meals for delivery or takeout only.
The pandemic has only increased the success of ghost kitchens, making them one of the industry's only growth areas and a lifeline for many failing restaurants. The government has taken a number of efforts to encourage small food delivery systems, such as ghost kitchens, to adopt digital technologies and plans in order to enhance the ease of doing business. Also, the governments of various countries have provided short term business loans to different small scale restaurants to set up the business with new and innovative machineries and equipment for preparing foods and strengthen their distribution network. Besides, the players of the food industries were also provided with subsidized raw materials for preparing foods and deliver them to their proper destination.
For Instance,
§  The Government of Canada announced about the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) program ‘Dunzo’ for food industries in 2020.
§  In 2020, the Government of San Francisco announced to limit the cost of food delivery apps and may charge restaurants at 15%, causing third-party delivery services to face continuing opposition.
The Covid-19 pandemic has destroyed the restaurant sector, creating a large demand for meal delivery. It is causing an increase in ghost kitchens, or cooking facilities that exclusively prepare meals for delivery and takeaway, with no dine-in spaces. The crisis has provided an opportunity for digital revenue sources, including ghost kitchens, to accelerate expansion. Although millennials were the major users of technology-enabled food services prior to the pandemic, however, in the post pandemic period, the ghost kitchens grabbed attention of a whole new group of customers.
For Instance,
§  In 2020, as global lockdowns intensified consumer desire for convenience, they also expedited the shift to an on-demand economy, which had previously been anticipated to take years. Third-party delivery apps have all seen a significant growth in partner restaurants, with online deliveries exceeding $45 billion — a figure that was projected to be reached no sooner than 2025.
Despite the fact that the pandemic allowed restaurants to start in more industrial and inexpensive sections of cities without the requirement for front of house furnishings and fixtures, there were some disruptions in supply chain operations which restricted the smooth functioning of the ghost kitchens. The scarcity of raw materials affected the ongoing functioning of many small scale and local food contractors. Also, the food production process came to a halt due to the shortage of laborers in almost all the manufacturing sites. The shutdowns of distribution and trade routes have affected the supply channel, resulting in the rise of the operating costs of various raw materials and consumables which are used in kitchen.
The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the steps done in reaction to it moved food consumption from restaurants to homes in March 2020, when stay-at-home orders went into force. During the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic, internet food orders reached an all-time high in several nations. Price hikes for certain high-demand food products, such as prepared foods, occurred more often during the lockdown period. Furthermore, fewer promotional rates were communicated. As this adjustment had no effect on the overall price level of food products, it can be assumed that such promotional pricing were employed as a marketing tactic to enhance the sales of the ghost kitchens.
The spread of COVID-19 had positive affect on the global ghost kitchen market. As due to lockdowns in several nations, people were unable to go out of their homes, which forced them to order food through online delivery system, thereby boosting the sales of the ghost kitchens. The chefs of the ghost kitchens were operating their business according to the safety rules and regulations given out by the governments of different countries. Several domestic players in the food industry emerged during the pandemic, supplying foods door to door. Also, the government has provided aid to the small scale business of the food industry in order to support them in terms of making and delivering food.
For Instance,
§  AI-enabled contactless self-checkout solutions, such as Fasto, are assisting restaurants and other food establishments in carrying out their normal operations with zero touch and 100 percent safety.
§  In 2020, the government of Canada announced that the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy will be continued into 2021, and its scope will reflect a long-term recovery
The proliferation of Covid-19 has increased the appeal of ghost kitchens. Ghost kitchens cater to the needs of a new generation that relies on meal delivery services. These kitchens provide higher output for 24-hour food preparation since they have more cooking space for back of house equipment than typical restaurants. When the epidemic struck, the ghost kitchens were joined by a whole new group of customers. Though the demand of the ghost kitchens experienced an upward trend during the pandemic, but still the supply chain faced some issues regarding the timely delivery of the raw materials for preparing food items. However, the government has implemented a variety of measures in order to strengthen food suppliers and improve supplier diversification, new innovation for decreasing the demand for specific resources, and circular economy approaches to boost global economic activity.
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freenewstoday · 4 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2020/12/27/small-businesses-getting-creamed-by-ontario-wide-shutdown/
Small businesses 'getting creamed' by Ontario-wide shutdown
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TORONTO — For many small businesses in Ontario, the province-wide lockdown that began on Boxing Day is the last straw.
One business that couldn’t survive another lockdown is the Pickering Flea Market in the Greater Toronto Area. After almost half a century, the large indoor market with hundreds of vendors is closing its doors.
“The COVID outbreak has made it very, very hard to operate,” Erik Tamm, general manager of the Pickering Markets, told CTV News.
More than 400 vendors will now have to find a new outlet to sell their goods.
“I’ve grown up with a lot of these people,” Tamm said. “These are people we consider family here that are small business owners, and it’s absolutely devastating to them.”
The lockdown is a move to fight against COVID-19, which has been showing no signs of slowing in the province. But it’s also a blow to many small retailers.
In December, ahead of the province-wide lockdown, the Ontario government announced a new small business support in the form of a one-time grant between $10,000 and $20,000, which businesses can apply for.
A federal program to assist small businesses, the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA), was extended three times, in July, August, and September. This month, the Ontario government also extended the ban on commercial evictions until Jan. 31 for any businesses that were eligible for CECRA.
But with rent still piling up, and businesses facing fewer sales due to the new lockdown, it’s still not enough for many small retailers.
“For some of them, this will mean the difference between staying in business and going out of business unfortunately,” Bruce Winder, a retail expert, told CTV News.
The lockdown will be in place in southern Ontario until Jan. 23. Provincial measures will lift for northern Ontario on Jan. 9.
Malls and retail stores are closed for in-person shopping — although they can provide curbside pickup — while restaurants can only provide takeout, drive-thru and delivery orders.
“Small businesses are getting creamed here,” John Borsten told CTV News. “Like, it’s bad.”
Borsten is the owner of five restaurants in Ottawa, and believes it’s “non-sensical” for his city to be under restrictions as stringent as places in Ontario with much higher case levels.
“Just because Toronto has high cases, I don’t understand why they would do that,” he said. “We were happy with [the earlier] system, at least we can see where we can prepare — this came out of nowhere.”
During the lockdown, essential businesses such as supermarkets, pharmacies and retailers that sell primarily food can stay open.
It’s dealt a blow to sales across the whole province.
“Typically on a day like today we would have seen 25 million transactions take place,” said Marvin Ryder, a professor at McMaster University’s Degroote School of Business. “We don’t think we’re going to see half of that, and that’s really going to put a damper on retailers.”
Gyms and fitness facilities are also forced to close their doors.
That has prompted one gym owner to push back against the Ford government, saying fitness is even more important right now.
“We have a role that we can play, to actively help in the fight against this pandemic, by making sure that people in our community are staying healthy,” Pete Shaw, owner of CrossFit NCR, told CTV News.
Some small businesses are trying to adapt by shifting their sales online, something that has been good for Dr. Disc’s business, a record store in Hamilton.
“We interacted with the community, we have a lot of community support, so I can’t thank our community enough,” Mark Fukawara, owner of Dr. Disc, told CTV News.
For small business owners impacted by business closures, the new COVID-19 vaccines being approved in Canada are the light at the end of this very long tunnel.
They hope that by the summer, life — and business — will be back to normal. 
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soccomcsantos · 1 year ago
Exposição, test-drives e mesa-redonda: Soc. Com. C. Santos com presença abrangente no Salão Híbrido e Elétrico
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O Salão do Automóvel Híbrido e Elétricos de 2023, em sétima edição, levou milhares de visitantes à Alfândega do Porto. A Sociedade Comercial C. Santos voltou a ter uma presença global no evento, com exposição e test-drive de eletrificados Mercedes-Benz e smart. Também uma mesa-redonda reuniu especialistas sobre o tema.
As atrações do stand da Sociedade Comercial C. Santos no Salão Automóvel Híbrido e Elétrico do Porto foram várias. A antestreia do novo Mercedes-Benz EQT (ver artigo aqui) foi um dos destaques, mas não o único.
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A empresa mostrou vários modelos da gama de automóveis de passageiros 100% elétricos da Mercedes-Benz: EQA, EQB, EQE, EQE SUV e EQS foram os modelos presentes, a que se junta o híbrido plug-in Classe A 250 e. Para test-drive estiveram disponíveis EQA e EQE SUV.
A Mercedes-Benz Vans esteve ainda presente com, além da novidade EQT, o recém-lançado eCitan, no caso na versão Furgão. Esta última versão pôde, também, ser experimentada pelos interessados.
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Por fim, a equipa da Sociedade Comercial C. Santos marcou, também, presença no stand da renovada smart. A marca está a estrear em Portugal o smart #1, SUV de cinco lugares que oferece o habitáculo mais espaçoso dos 25 anos de história da marca.
Eletrificação em conversa
Nem só de exposição e test-drive de viaturas eletrificadas se fez a presença da Sociedade Comercial C. Santos. A mais recente edição das SocTalks, conversas da empresa sobre o setor, decorreu no certame.
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Com o tema “Impacto da eletrificação no automóvel e na mobilidade”, contou com a presença de Rodrigo Ferreira da Silva (presidente da ARAN – Associação Nacional do Ramo Automóvel e vice-presidente do CECRA – Conselho Europeu do Comércio e da Reparação Automóvel), de Carlos Ferraz (diretor da mobilidade elétrica da PRIO), de João Moreira (gestor de frota da Living Tours) e de Álvaro Costa (especialista em mobilidade da FEUP – Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto).
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joelemacleod · 5 years ago
The Rent is too damn high...
The Rent is too damn high...With CECRA starting to accept applications on May 25th, all levels of government need to use their powers to ensure small businesses have rent protection. #cecra #covid19 #cdnecon #cdnpoli #onpoli #savelocal #svhospitalityca #onetable
Yesterday the Prime Minister stood outside the cottage at Rideau Hall to encourage landlords to participate in the CECRA program. In order to protect both their investments and small businesses from going bankrupt across the country.
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diaspora9ja · 4 years ago
Positives and gaps in federal government’s Fall Economic Statement, say business groups | Local-Business | Business
As P.E.I. companies proceed to face COVID-19 financial uncertainty, they received some encouraging information within the federal authorities’s Fall Financial Assertion on Monday about applications that may assist them within the months forward.
Even so, enterprise teams are retaining a detailed eye on the main points of these applications and what we’ll finally see within the subsequent federal finances.
“Positively the autumn financial assertion offered some optimistic alerts for what’s to return within the finances and past by way of stimulus funding. However with an announcement like this, the satan is within the particulars and we’re actually digging in and chatting with our members about any gaps that also exist,” mentioned Penny Walsh-McGuire, CEO of the Better Charlottetown Space Chamber of Commerce.
“We wished to see focused and tailor-made applications for the toughest hit industries, and we did see a few of that. As we glance to the longer term, we might want to transfer from a subsidy-focused financial system to a private-sector pushed financial system. (I am) to study extra concerning the $100 billion, three-year stimulus bundle, and the way that can goal development in our financial system as we transfer to the longer term. However there’s nonetheless a whole lot of unknowns. In fact, everyone seems to be ready on particulars of the vaccine rollout. But it surely’s fairly unlikely that we will see restoration in these hardest hit industries in 2021 in the way in which we’d hope. It should extra probably be 2022 that we’ll begin seeing the restoration that we have to occur.”
Within the fall financial assertion (referred to as “Supporting Canadians and Combating COVID-19”), the federal authorities indicated that it’s planning to spend $70 billion to $100 billion over three years, or three to 4 per cent of GDP.
Some applications have already been in place, and modified and prolonged into 2021, such because the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy and the Canada Emergency Lease Subsidy (and Lockdown Assist), the Canada Emergency Enterprise Account (CEBA) mortgage program (expanded from $40,000 to $60,000 for eligible companies) and the Regional Reduction and Restoration Fund (RRRF) program.
A brand new program — the Extremely Affected Sector Credit score Availability Program — includes a low-interest mortgage of as much as $1 million for impacted companies in sectors like tourism and hospitality and humanities and leisure.
Specifically, the wage subsidy program’s extension to June and improve to 75 per cent of wages is a optimistic, mentioned Walsh-McGuire, because it helps each enterprise house owners keep open and staff keep employed.
“It is fairly essential, so good to see that prolonged,” she mentioned. “Hopefully, we’ll have extra updates as finances time comes within the new yr on possibly how which may help the uncertainty for the tourism season within the spring and summer time of 2021.”
Lease Subsidy
One other essential program to native companies is the Canada Emergency Lease Subsidy, which is an enchancment over its predecessor — the Canada Emergency Business Lease Help (CECRA), says Louis-Philippe Gauthier, director of provincial affairs for New Brunswick and P.E.I. for the Canadian Federation of Unbiased Companies.
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Louis-Philippe Gauthier of the CFIB says the federal authorities did not do sufficient for brand new companies. – submitted
  A few of the greatest adjustments between the applications is that the newer model not requires the involvement of landlords within the software course of, which was a serious concern for some companies, and a decrease income loss requirement.
The earlier program required companies to indicate no less than a 70-per-cent income loss in comparison with earlier than the pandemic whereas the newer program has no minimal income loss requirement.
As an alternative, industrial lease or property bills for eligible Canadian companies, non-profit organizations, or charities can obtain 65 per cent of prices for 70 per cent or extra income loss whereas quantities beneath 70 per cent are calculated on a sliding scale utilizing a few completely different strategies.
Gauthier mentioned the CFIB is encouraging members who did not see the earlier lease help program as a match to try the brand new model, and if it is sensible, reap the benefits of it.
The CFIB additionally helps this system updates in Monday’s announcement, however there have been a few areas that weren’t addressed which might be a priority.
For example, the CFIB was searching for the federal authorities to delay Canada Pension Plan contribution will increase from enterprise house owners for a yr, much like how employment insurance coverage contributions have been frozen for the subsequent couple of years.
Gauthier notes that delaying CPP contributions will not be simple because it requires the settlement of the provinces and doubtlessly includes laws adjustments.
Gauthier additionally wished to see provisions to assist newly opened companies which might be equally struggling in the course of the pandemic, however in contrast to different companies, haven’t got annual income loss numbers that some applications are searching for as an eligibility requirement.
“That is one thing that we’re nonetheless persevering with our advocacy on as a result of the fact is these companies ought to have entry as properly,” he mentioned.
Terrence MacEachern is The Guardian’s enterprise reporter.
[email protected]
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from Diaspora9ja https://diaspora9ja.com/positives-and-gaps-in-federal-governments-fall-economic-statement-say-business-groups-local-business-business/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=positives-and-gaps-in-federal-governments-fall-economic-statement-say-business-groups-local-business-business
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luckygentlemenstarlight · 4 years ago
تفيد دراسة استطلاعية لوكالة الإحصاء الكندية أنّ نحو ثلث المؤسسات الكندية لا تعرف كم من الوقت ستستطيع الاستمرار في العمل في الظروف الراهنة التي فرضها الموجة الثانية من جائحة "كوفيد - 19". فقد أفاد التحقيق الكندي حول وضع شركات الأعمال (ECSE - CSBC) الذي نشرته وكالة الإحصاء أمس الجمعة أنّ 30% من المؤسسات غير قادرة على تقدير المدة التي باستطاعتها أن تواصل خلالها أعمالها بمستواها الحالي من الإيرادات والنفقات قبل أن يتعيّن عليها التفكير بتسريح المزيد من الموظفين أو توقيف أنشطتها أو إعلان إفلاسها.وقالت 17,5% من المؤسسات التي شملتها الدراسة إنها تعتقد أنها قادرة على مواصلة أعمالها خلال مدة تقلّ عن ستة أشهر. وقالت 40% من المؤسسات إنها قامت بتسريح عدد من موظفيها منذ آذار (مارس) الفائت، وهو الشهر الذي ضربت خلاله الجائحة كندا. لكنّ ثلاثة أرباع هذه الشركات تتوقع أن يبقى عدد موظفيها ثابتاً في الأشهر الثلاثة المقبلة.ويقول كبير خبراء الاقتصاد في غرفة التجارة الكندية (CCC) تريفِن ستراتون إنّ توقعات أصحاب المؤسسات قاتمة، ويطالب بدعم حكومي خاص لقطاعات الإيواء والفنون والترفيه.ومن جهته يقوم مجلس الشيوخ حالياً بدراسة خطة مساعدَة منقحة تهدف لمساعدة المؤسسات على اجتياز الأزمة الاقتصادية الحالية الناجمة عن الجائحة. ومجلس الشيوخ هو الغرفة العليا من البرلمان الكندي. وتتضمن الخطة تمديد برنامج الإعانة الكندية الطارئة للأجور (SSUC - CEWS) لغاية الصيف المقبل، وتوسيعَ نطاق برنامج قروض للمؤسسات يحظى بإقبال كبير، وإجراءَ مراجعة لبرنامج المساعدة الكندية الطارئة للإيجار التجاري (AUCLC - CECRA) المخصص للمؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة.وتعرّض البرنامج الأخير، الذي توقف العملُ به، لانتقادات واسعة لأنه نصّ على أن يقوم مالكو العقارات التجارية بتقديم الطلبات للحكومة الفدرالية كي تحصل المؤسسات المستأجِرة لديهم على إعانات الإيجار. وبما أنّ المالكين لم يكونوا دوماً توّاقين للقيام بهذه المهمة، لن يكون لهم دور في البرنامج الجديد الهادف لدعم المؤسسات في تسديد إيجاراتها.لكنّ البرنامج الجديد، "الإعانة الكندية الطارئة للإيجار" (SUCL - CERS)، ينصّ على أن تسدّد الشركات ما يتوجّب عليها من إيجار تجاري للمالكين قبل أن تتسجّل للاستفادة منه. وهذا سيحول دون تمكّن شركات عديدة تعاني من نقص كبير في السيولة من الحصول على هذه الإعانة المالية.وفي سياق متصل أعلن أمس رئيس الحكومة الفدرالية جوستان ترودو عن برنامج للتأهيل المهني بقيمة 1,5 مليار دولار مخصص للمقاطعات والأقاليم.ويهدف البرنامج بشكل خاص لمساعدة المواطنين الذين فقدوا وظائفهم بسبب الجائحة، كعمّال قطاعات البناء والنقل والإيواء على سبيل المثال، في العودة إلى سوق العمل من خلال تعزيز حصولهم على تدريب مهني، قال ترودو.(وكالة الصحافة الكندية / راديو كندا الدولي)
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danierchen · 4 years ago
加拿大政府全新租金补助绕开房东 工资补贴延长
 30 评论 加国无忧 51.CA 2020年11月3日 10:52 来源:本网编译 作者:思忆
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图源:Global News
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hodhodca · 4 years ago
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طرح کمک به اجاره بها مستاجرین CECRA املاک اداری و تجاری تمدید شد در طی بیانیه‌ای اعلام شد که این برنامه برای آخرین بار تمدید شده است و قرار است در آینده راهکارهای دیگری در جهت کمک به کسب و کارها ارائه شود. ~ #کانادا #اخبار_کانادا (at هدهد - رسانه فارسی زبانان کانادا / رسانه هدهد کانادا) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE7g_0UHrmO/?igshid=73z8pv96smq0
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tdsnews · 4 years ago
Feds answer the call for help from business owners, CECRA extended 1 month - https://www.thedailyscrum.ca/2020/09/08/cecra-extended-1-month/
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cristinagooge · 5 years ago
Minister Ng announces support for women entrepreneurs and visits Canadian personal protective equipment suppliers during tour of Markham, Cobourg and Peterborough
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Minister Ng announces support for women entrepreneurs and visits Canadian personal protective equipment suppliers during tour of Markham, Cobourg and Peterborough
From: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
News release
Small businesses across the country have stepped up in the fight against COVID-19, finding innovative ways to retool their businesses to produce personal protective equipment (PPE) and support Canadians through this challenging time.
July 17, 2020 – Ottawa, Ontario
Small businesses across the country have stepped up in the fight against COVID-19, finding innovative ways to retool their businesses to produce personal protective equipment (PPE) and support Canadians through this challenging time.
This week, the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade, highlighted the Government of Canada’s ongoing support for small businesses during a trip to Cobourg and Peterborough.
On July 16, Minister Ng toured Markham-based PCL Graphics, a business that was able to transition its operations to supply face shields, barriers and floor signs to the community throughout the pandemic.
Today, Minister Ng visited Venture 13 in Cobourg, home of the Northumberland Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC). Minister Ng announced, on behalf of the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages, that the government is investing $4 million through the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) to support more than 700 women-led small and medium-sized enterprises in southern Ontario.
The Northumberland CFDC and the WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation will each receive $2 million to provide non-repayable contributions of up to $5,000 to support women entrepreneurs in purchasing reusable PPE, updating workspaces to keep their employees safe and shifting their business model online in response to physical distancing guidelines.
COVID-19 has disproportionately affected women-owned and -led businesses for a variety of reasons. Their businesses tend to be smaller and therefore more sensitive to changes in the economy. Women are more likely to be represented in the sectors being hardest hit by the pandemic, such as retail, hospitality and service industries. Women face greater barriers in accessing capital and financial services.
These investments will help ensure that women entrepreneurs continue to get the support they need as we work to rebuild the national economy.
Following the announcement, the Minister had a virtual meeting with members of the Burlington Chamber of Commerce to discuss how the government is supporting entrepreneurs through the pandemic.
Later in the day, the Minister toured BCM Biodegradable Solutions in Cobourg, a manufacturer of biodegradable chemical products that is now also producing hand sanitizer.
Minister Ng was then joined by her colleague, the Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister of Women and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development, to visit two local businesses in Peterborough that embody the resiliency and innovation shown by so many businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
They visited AVIT Manufacturing, which has helped lead the retooling effort in the area to support the COVID-19 response. To close, Minister Ng and Minister Monsef toured the Imprinted Apparel Store, a women-owned business that has added face masks to its product lineup and shifted much of its business online in response to physical distancing guidelines.
At every opportunity during her tour, Minister Ng highlighted the wide range of government supports that are available to help businesses keep their employees on the payroll, cover rent and keep up with their operating expenses during this difficult time and as they contribute to rebuilding our economy.
“This has been a Team Canada effort from the start, and our government will continue to support businesses every step of the way as together we navigate this crisis. Whether it’s family-owned businesses on main street, innovative start-ups or dynamic women entrepreneurs, our government is working hard to support Canadian businesses through the COVID-19 pandemic and to help them rebuild in the months to come.” – The Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade 
Quick facts
As of December 2019, there were 1.23 million employer businesses in Canada, of which 1.20 million (97.9%) were small, 22,905 (1.9%) were medium-sized and 2,978 (0.2%) were large.
To support Canadians and Canadian businesses as we fight COVID-19, the Government of Canada introduced the largest relief package in our country’s history, which includes these major programs:
The Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) is providing businesses with up to $40,000 in interest-free loans through participating Canadian financial institutions. If repaid by December 31, 2022, up to $10,000 will be forgiven.
The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) is helping businesses by covering a portion of their payroll, retroactive to March 15 and with the intention of continuing support into December.
The Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) program is providing relief for small businesses experiencing financial hardship as a result of COVID-19. Over the course of the program, property owners will reduce rent by at least 75% for the months of April, May, June and July for their small business tenants.
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