badgorlcoven · 2 years
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breadbrobin · 4 months
the bet
part one.
cedric diggory x reader — harry potter
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[fem!best friend reader]
summary: you could turn down many things. good, romantic advances, friendship. but you could never turn down a good bet
warnings: quite a lot of swearing, betting/gambling, GOD they’re so in love it’s stupid, minor character death (sort of???), i think i’m a comedian (i’m not), switched from an x oc story so might have a few mistakes oops
word count: 1.1k
(this is the x reader version of this story! i figured i might as well put it out there. why not, ig? anyway this story is kinda old now but i love it sm it’s so silly and fun so enjoy!!)
(i’ll be posting part two and three anyway but lmk if you want them!)
part two
part three
The Inciting Incident
It all started when Lizzie Crawford entered the bathroom.
“God, Liz, do you ever knock?” You asked, mostly unfazed. You were used to her friend bursting in unannounced almost every time you were showering.
“No,” Lizzie said, perching on the edge of the closed toilet and picking at her chipped nail polish. “Now, I have a proposition for you.”
You poked your head around the opaque shower curtain. “Oh?”
She hummed absently, running her hand through her hair. “So you know how Diggory’s spending some of the summer with you, and then you don’t live that far away so you’ll probably be in each other’s pockets all break?”
“Uh… yes? Obviously, I know that? Why does that matter?”
“Well, I’ll bet you twenty galleons that you’ll get some action with him over the holidays.”
You turned the shower off and peeked around the shower curtain at your friend. “Come again?”
“I bet you twenty galleons that you’ll get some with Diggory over the holidays.”
“He’s my friend.”
“And? Do we have a deal?”
You paused, considering your options. On one hand, you knew you didn’t have feelings for Cedric. On the other, it felt wrong to take a bet like that. Finally, your lack of moral compass won. “Fine. We have a deal.”
“Great! I can’t wait to be twenty galleons richer.”
“Yeah,” you laughed, turning the shower on again and letting the water run through your hair. “Keep dreaming, Liz.”
“What are the conditions?” Camilla Maquez asked, leaning across the table at dinner.
“Conditions?” you asked, buttering a bread roll and handing it to her.
“Yeah, like, what constitutes as ‘getting some’,” she used quotation marks. “Because you two are so affectionate anyway, so Liz, you need to specify.”
You rolled your eyes and pulled a face at your friend.
“No, she’s right,” Lizzie cut in. “Kissing? That counts.”
“Only lips though right?” you clarified.
“Yes, babes. Holding hands romantically counts. Gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes.” she hummed in thought. “Hugs with romantic context.”
Camilla snorted into her bread. When the other two shot her a confused look, she raised her hands. “It’s funny because they do all of this anyway.”
“Not romantically,” you pointed out.
“Mhm,” she smirked.
“Piss off.”
“Anyway,” Lizzie continued. “Legs. Anything to do with legs. Touching your leg with his hand or leg or anything romantically.”
“Mm, that’s sexy stuff,” Camilla mocked.
“Like I said, piss off.”
“Obviously sex.”
“Which you probably won’t do, but I need to keep my options open here.” she rectified.
“I have a bet myself,” Camilla spoke up again.
You sighed. “Yes?”
“Not with you.” she waved you off. “Five galleons says Diggory makes the first move.”
“That is not fair. We all know Y/N’s a pussy.”
Lizzie laughed. “Just speaking the truth, hun. Oh! Pet names, but like, meaningfully, counts.”
“Are you taking my action, Liz?” Camilla implored, sticking her hand out.
She shook her head. “I guess so. You better prove me doubly right, Y/N!”
“Not planning on it,” you sang quietly, returning to your dinner.
The Cow Situation
Before you knew it, the school year was over.
You woke up around midday, that first day back, and stared at the ceiling, relishing in the silence that surrounded you. The birds chirped outside you window and a thin ray of sunlight peeked through the tan curtains, leaving a golden line across your body and room.
With a sigh, you rolled out of bed and rubbed her eyes. Your hair was a tangled mess around the back of your head, but you simply pulled it into a loose bun and headed downstairs.
A note sat on the kitchen counter.
Taken the dog for a walk, be back around 1:30. Hopefully you’ll be up by then…
Love, Mum
You smiled softly and put two pieces of bread in the toaster.
You leaned against the counter and stared out into the yard. A few chickens pecked and scratched the dusty ground and a pair of cows grazed in the field behind them. A small girl sat on the trampoline, not bouncing.
You frowned as you opened the door and walked over, scaring a chicken out of her way.
“Hey, Little C,” you called. “What’s up?”
Cordelia Ridge, your nine year old sister looked over her shoulder and looked back. “Hi.”
Your smile fell from your face and you climbed up onto the trampoline beside her. “Uh oh. What’s going on, Cords?”
“Mummy says Diedre is sick,” she pointed at the black and white cow.
“Sweetie, Diedre’s always getting sick.” you sighed. “Shoddiest immune system I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen you.” you poked her side, enticing a giggle out of the girl.
“So she’s gonna be okay?”
“Of course. It’s Diedre. She’s always pulled through before. Why not now?”
They were holding a funeral for Diedre the cow.
Cordelia was absolutely beside herself. You stood behind her, a hand on her shoulder, the other hand holding a bouquet of long grasses, hand picked and arranged by Cordelia that morning.
It was a dry day, and the sun was shining, and Cordelia was glaring up at it like it was personally offending her.
“Don’t look at the sun, Little C. You’ll go blind,” you chided, pulling your sunglasses off and slipping them on your sister’s face.
“Maybe I want to,” she sniffed. “Maybe I deserve it.”
Your face contorted in confusion. “What?”
“I should have realised sooner,” she wept. “I should have given her the love she deserved.”
You stared down at your younger sister, whose bottom lip was wobbling precariously. You crouched down and tucked her wispy hair behind her ear. “Listen to me, Cordelia. There was nothing you could’ve done. The animal doctor said that it was just time for her to go. Like Grandma.”
That apparently did not help.
The floodgates opened and the sunglasses fell off. Cordelia planted her face in your shoulder and wailed.
As the young girl cried, your eyes caught onto two tall figures walking towards the family.
Your mum smiled softly at you before walking over to the people.
The larger of the two hugged her and she led them over to you and Cordelia.
You saw it was Cedric and waved slightly.
He raised his brows at the crying girl you held before crouching down beside her and tapping Cordelia’s shoulder.
“Hey, Dells.” he said quietly, making her sobs quieten and her head turn towards him. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
She sniffled once, then twice, and detached herself from you. You breathed a sigh of relief, believing the worst to be over, when the nine-year-old launched herself onto Cedric, crying into his black shirt.
He shot you a small smile, reaching out and patting your knee gently as he comforted her sobbing sister.
Your stomach lurched.
That should have been your first sign.
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The topic will be N/JD, but I would like to venture into the topic of friendship... (opinion blog)
First of all, I'd like to say that I'm closer in age to Nic than Luke or even JD, but of course I'm past all that :) And like N, I'm a Capricorn (8th January) so I think I know what makes them(Capricorns) tick.
I don't think N is playing games or trying to make someone jealous, or deliberately putting a fake relationship under the public's nose.
But what I can imagine is that she would accept it if the public/the fandon assumed it. I don't think she feels the urge to put things right. What would be the point?
N is very aware of what's going on in SM and the fandom BUT she's a very normal young woman who, by all accounts, is very down to earth. She can't spend her life on tiptoe, that would drive you crazy. Like most other people, she needs social contact. And N paints the picture of herself that she likes to communicate and that it's important to her to socialise. She also needs to be allowed to be herself, we all know that she is obviously very touchy, which I for one can understand very well. I also make contact through touch, I hug most people I meet to greet them, when I speak to people I know I touch them on the arm etc.
So why shouldn't she hold a close friend in her arms at a concert? You have to assume that her friends know the whole situation very well, which means they will also try to protect her. They will want to make sure that she is okay, that she feels safe. (As we saw in the pap pics with Camilla)
My best friend and I (as an example) met during a difficult time in our lives. We cooked together in the beginning, watched a film, cuddled to keep us both sane. We still treat each other very lovingly today, are very close and often have a sense of whether the other person is doing well or not, even if we don't hear each other for a while. His wife doesn't know our friendship any differently and is completely fine with it. What I want to say is that friendship can look like this (you could project all this onto L/N but THAT is a completely different matter. If you're interested in what I think about it, feel free to ask a question, or wait, maybe I'll feel like summarising it all at some point.
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I can see friends in the picture of N/JD. I don't sense any sexual tension. And even if there was something, shouldn't she just be allowed to be happy? As much as I love the LUKOLA idea, some things don't happen the way or at the time you want them to. Things like that take time, especially as the situation here is anything but simple. There's so much in the dark that we don't know and probably never will. LUKOLA is and will remain a long-distance run, I was aware of that from the start. Have faith in the universe if they are meant to be together, they will be together at some point. Always think positively because the positive comes to people who are open to positive change.
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thisislittlerunaway · 2 months
My take on Nic and word play:
Given that Nic has praised her fans on being great detectives I think it is quite likely that she chooses what she posts on SM wisely with different layers of message for the GA, casual fans and hardcore fans to interpret.
It is obvious she has posted cryptic messages before, the Ratatouille being one of them - to this day no one seemed to have offered a convincing enough interpretation of this very random post.
Furthermore, Nic also has a passion for words and the English language (don’t forget her university degree), and we have seen how exceptionally eloquent she is during interviews. Her choice of words are well considered, requiring lots of thoughts and showing great awareness of what’s going on around her.
Finally Nic is known to be chronically online and she keeps up with all the latest trends and gossip on the internet, including what her fans are talking about.
With these in mind, one definitely should not overlook her SM posts and just read them for what they are, especially when there have so much dramas going on lately (papgates, HBS, L’s PR disaster and the hatred he faces).
So let’s have a look at her recent insta posts in the past couple of days and try to add some layers of meaning to them, perhaps we might be on to something? 😉
First, while we know that Nic was advocating for a good movement by reposting this in her story, could this at the same time be a plea for fans to stop the hatred towards Luke?
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Then there’s the Wordle post which showed Nic is clearly proud of her achievement (she should be - that’s impressive), but has anyone looked up all the meanings of the word ‘anvil’? There’s one that sounds… really interesting:
‘You can refer to a difficult experience that changes someone or leads to something good as a particular type of anvil.’
Is it Nic’s way of assuring fans that this difficult period will lead to something good eventually? One can even interpret this further as Nic sympathising with Lukola fans who are starving in the restaurant, and promising them they will get well fed soon once S4 filming starts.
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Following her Wordle post Nic posted a photo of her playing Scrabble at the pub with some Guiness coasters on the table. As any Lukola fans and they would know Guiness is Luke’s favourite drinks Is she suggesting that she is with Luke? Or is she subtly hinting that Luke is in her mind? To be fair, just the idea of entertaining these possibilities in our head is enough to lift our spirit. Maybe Nic knows the impact the post can have on us and deliberately staged her photo a certain way to keep us happy, how kind! 😉.
The words seen on the Scrabble board are also interesting. Maybe they mean something (lots of drama-triggering words: fate, dead, lied, dirt) but I try to not overthink this because with Scrabble you play what you pick so can only make certain words each round.
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Finally, Nic made a rare grid post earlier today to celebrate her best friend Camilla’s birthday. This immediately made me think about Luke’s first pap walk. While L seemed to be ignoring A, refusing to hold her hand and running away when the paps appeared, Nic praised her best friend on covering her face and protect her from the paps. It seems she’s trying to tell Luke: ‘see THIS is how you treat your loved one during a pap encounter’ 🤣. Another way of looking at this post is Nic trying to tell us Luke isn’t serious with his alleged gf. Otherwise he would have protected her from the paps like Camilla did to her. So Lukola can just chill now and don’t have to worry about a L&A end game.
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cringelordofchaos · 1 month
top 3 of your biggest kins and why!!
Yayayay someone sent me an ask !!!
Sorry for my lack of response! Will get to it now!
Also I assume you mean fictionkin - sorry if you didn't!
Luz Noceda
Dvdhnfjdjd WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN? I've been so fucking obsessed w her and could relate to her WAYY too much since I started watching. Just... Ugh. So much of it. Being "the weird kid", inconsistent and lackluster grades / performance, being overly obsessed with a specific franchise (though mine come and go and return every few weeks lol), having a mom who really cares about you and wants the best for you and has had similar experiences growing up and being isolated or cast out but accidentally made you feel like you had to conform because that's what she kinda had to do??? idk but still encourages her child's true self and feels super guilty Abt it all yada yada. having little to no friends (I have one! (Speaking of offline) before visiting the demon realm. Fanfic writer (I never have the patience or motivation to finish anything I start though), being impulsive, not knowing whay you wanna be, being into witchcraft, feeling like you're somewhere where you don't belong (the human realm) and would gladly escape into a whole different realm, Bisexual (I'm questioning this though), gender nonconforming, being told that you just have to "apply yourself", insecure, similar clothing style, considers herself a "dummy", poor attention span for things she's uninterested, indecisive, etc etc, THIS SCENE THIS SCENE THIS SCENE
(ps the way camilla hovered her hand above the screen / luz when she saw how sad she was 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺)
It's just. Everything.. I remember the first time I watched it I was like "Luz is so me in almost every single way. Except she makes a ton of eye contact, I don't rly do that" lmao... I would rewatch s1 and S2 on loop every day for the whole summer, I am NOT exaggerating. I rly love TOH I'm so.glad I got the opportunity to watch it and it means sm to me and I keep rewatching the scene from thanks to them and auhggjt.
"all I ever wanted... Was to be understood!" HEJDJFJDIDJRUJDJEKF DJJFFJNFB FIKF
oh my GOD when I saw this movie for a few days I'd cry sm just bc of how much I related.to him. He chews his shirt. I used to do the same when I was twelve and a bunch of my shirts had holes and still have holes but I stopped and now I just grid my teeth instead lmfao and they hurt ouch. a piece of gum is a lifesaver for.me. He's OBSESSED with dinosaurs - for me it's not dinosaurs specifically but like I've said earlier I tend to get OBSESSED with things way too much to the point everyone knows me for that thing. He's implied to have ZERO FRIENDS before meeting Abby who shares his obsession w dinosaurs (just like me and my one n only friend fr) (why do I keep getting attached to characters who previously had zero friends wtf.) LOVES to talk Abt his interest. Obsessive. Shy. Awful social skills. Takes things too literally sometimes. Calls his dad father sometimes cuz why not ("Thank you, father." after he gave him his phone back "just as promised" (except he broke it in pieces but he.kept his promise so aaron doesn't care lmao.) carries a notebook and pencil w him randomly?. his older sibling and parent argue abt the siblings college choices and you're just forced to watch and the tension is rising and you're feeling anxious and Uhm yeah. SOMETIMES KINDA ROBOTIC IN HIS SPEECH? I've noticed? Blunt. Has a TON of things related to his obsession. (For me I have primarily a tonshit of sonic themed things.) dislikes being alone. Dislikes admitting his feelings. Nerd. Uses obsession as a way to understand, contextualize and communicate with the world and his surroundings. Also chews his fingers. Always wearing sweatpants. Fidgety. Ect etc. Just lile arhghfhfng. HIM.
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Things I don't relate to - wearing shoes in bed. What the actual fuck Aaron. Also he wears socks. I don't do that unless I'm nailed down to the floor until I succumb to their nonsensical rules. Ok they KINDA make sense but I don't like them. I don't care that my shoes or feet will smell afterwards get those fucking socks away from me.
. anyway sorry. There's probably more but yeah I forgot. I actually got the urge to cry when just thinking about him a couple of times. Like wowza dawg he's just like me fr and I mean it. I can really really relate to him and I act a lot like him and I acted even more like him when I was about his age and was obsessed with exclusively sonic for like a year straight. lol
Ok this one's a short one but yeah I can relate to them. They're just minding their own business, in their own piece, picking random things off the ground (or ground itself..), DESPISE eye contact and will get really violent if you make eye contact with them (I am not exaggerating I actually get really angry and uncomfortable with uninitiated eye contact from ppl I'm not comfy with like don't look at me stop looking at me stop looking at me.) makes random sounds sometimes, such as screeches and hisses. Unlike them I DO like water and I LOVE rain HOWEVER I DO NOT LIKE touching smaller amounts of water on surfaces where I don't expect water to be and get really grossed out and uncomfortable from it. Unless they're with their own kin they're just kinda going around, alone, minding their peace unless provoked. Like most mobs - both hostile and peaceful - acknowledge your existence, hostile ones attack you, peaceful ones like horses and sheep and pigs and wolves and cats and whatnot may look at you if you look at it and pay attention to you and some can be befriended, enderman is neither like them, they're minding their own business, they don't initiate contact like, ever, and only engage w the player when having to defend themselves... when feeling threatened EVEN if the player didn't mean to scare them, like idk I'm.noy.really used to strangers having good intentions with me so I get defensive easily .... that is irl, on the internet I definitely don't get ever scared from social interactions ahaha 😎 yeah.
So yeah the only thing I KINDA can't relate to is not liking water - I only dislike water in a very specific context so yeah. And I do make eye contact w family members usually like I've mentioned earlier - I don't know, do endermen make eye contact with each other? I'm not sure, I don't remember. There might be more to them that I relate to but I can't recall anything at the moment
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Everything I've mentioned about these characters in This post - I can relate to. These are just my feelings put imperfectly into words.... but I feel a lot about them and have felt a lot about them for quite some time.
Ducbfjrj there's also a list of characters I relate to (link in intro post) but these were the ones I related to the most
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i feel like i keep coming back
tw: rape, SA, alcoholism, abuse, drugs
before i stop posting completely about tsh i feel i need to do the ethical thing and post the bad things about the characters so we don’t romantasize them, which is literally the point of the book (morbid longing for the picturesque at all cost)
Richard: literally fantasized about raping camilla
Francis: kinda SA’ed Richard in that one scene and everyone kinda brushed it off as oh, gay moment when Richard was telling him to stop
Charles: oh boy was he an abuser. he cared about his friends a lot but he was an alcoholic abuser who never addressed his behavior
Henry: Extremely problematic, literally the catalyst for the whole thing murdered two people and loved it even though one was his “bestie.” also highly manipulative and uses people for his own causes
Bunny: the list goes on and on, racist, homophobic, hates catholics (idk what that’s called but it’s not cool), antisemitic (hates jews), misogynistic woman hater, hates his girlfriend, makes fun of his friends, gold digger, manipulative, etc etc
Camilla: my bbg she did nothing wrong they were so bad to her i love her sm
and Judy did drugs but like she’s a college student in the 80’s so it’s not good but it was acceptable
and to lighten the mood
Richard: changed colleges and majors bc of pretty pictures in a brochure from 4 years ago
Francis: thinks smoking isn’t bad for his health
Charles: Blond Bitch
Henry: dog killer, was probably the one who bit Charles at the baccanal
Bunny: likes marches (jps in the morning???)
Camilla: didn’t lose her shit and kill that entire group
as you can see i love Camilla
and i have a love hate relationship with the rest of the characters bc they’re so problematic but so interesting at the same time
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sapphosdickandballs · 2 months
My most queer known poet,
How does One begin this sort of thing? By quote, apparantelly.
Anyways! Give me Janis. From The original musical. In case you haven't seen that, The New version will suffice.
Your thoughts on Cady and recent Cady would also be much appreciated. Also I require your thoughts on one Gus porter. And hunter. Grant no mercy, give no quarter. Obliterate.
Yes, crams has tried to sell Me that book. You can try as well, though :3. Also I'm gonna need your thoughts on Camilla noceda.
My regards to the most decaying thighs of sapho,
Kiekebe .
PS. spot the Time war references!
You are such a dork /pos :]
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Janis (gonna have to be the new one 😔 haven’t seen the musical.)
Okay maybe it’s my intense love for auli cravahlo but I actually liked the new one a lot more. I feel like she was more like able (tho she still doesn’t get condquenses)
Her and Regina always. Even more so in the new movie
Her and damian again I fear. I also feel like she’d vibe w Karen were she not a plastic
She’s literally an idiot. Idc what canon or anyone else says. She’s stupid and a dork and i love her
Wish she would’ve bitch slapped Cady across the face
New Cady-
She fucking SUCKS. She can’t sing she’s boring she is allergic to serving cunt it’s tragic.
Nobody I hate her ass. Don’t inflict her on anyone
Her and White Boy can be friends ig. Can be boring together. Eat plain white bread or sm
That her and White Boy don’t have any chemistry (too lazy to google his name) like. He had more chemistry w Regina who we know is a lesbian
That she would’ve been hit by a bus
Old cady -
Lindsay Lohan always slays so like. I’d say I can tolerate her. I still don’t like the character but I can deal with it as long as Lindsay’s there
Kevin G. Fight me. I think they would’ve been good together.
I think her and Karen should’ve been friends
Hrmmm. She wasn’t on Regina George’s level and idk how erryone decided she could fill Regina’s shoes. Also goes for new cady too
🤷‍♀️ her and Kevin G together ig
Gus Porter-
My boy! I love him! He was such a king I think.
I didn’t like him with mattholomew but they should’ve made him a boyfriend. With cat ears. That’s the vibes I’m getting.
Him and Luz are adorable. I think he should’ve been friends w the twins too they can wreak havoc 2gether
Hes gayyyyyyy. His ass is gayyyyy. You can’t tell me otherwise that boy is gay
Wish he would’ve used his illusion magic more
Hunter (Hunter fans look away. Heart I’m sorry)
He’s boring. He’s not interesting enough for the anntetion y’all give him. The clone stuff was interesting but idk him as a character just didn’t compel me
No one
Him and Willow could be good friends I think
i dont like huntlow as a ship.
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primaviva · 1 year
personally i think a modern camilla vampire au situation with gwen would go CRAZY.
and everyone LOOK!
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i logged into my old wattpad once this idea hit me and i have the whole story board down alr i even have intro, soundtrack, etc like yo my aot phase was crazy but this concept has sm potential i can’t…
for those who don’t know, carmilla is considered one of the first even before dracula vampire stories in which this female vampire preys on young women as victims (for blood) and has like a desire to eat them and the main character, laura lives alone with her dad and she’s basically really lonely and carmilla shows up injured near her home and she takes her in and cares for her and it just…spirals
it’s basically those type of stories where cannibalism is symbolic of love but also it’s a genuine lesbian love story of like loss and understanding but also it has like some crazy erotic parts and i mean CRAZY
(this isn’t in relation to spiderverse gwen btw but even if you don’t know comic spider gwen well or haven’t read any of her stuff id say you cold prolly still enjoy the fic cus gwen personality is pretty universal except comic gwen is just turnt to the max…)
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storytellersumayyah · 9 months
hi!!! I'm so proud of u for this and for everything just in general and ily.
🥀 the characters as... cm characters!!
🌼 for Jonathan pls because I love him sm
and 🪐 please :)
hi i love you so much too please ignore how late these are it was one thing after another but better late than never...
🥀 the characters as... criminal minds characters!!
going right back to the things that started it all! i will touch on my reasons (but this is based on my memories, which as we all know, are far from perfect) and i am sticking to our core six (+ mr carter) this time
tristan as aaron hotchner. sometimes, bad things happen, and you have to live with them, and you tell yourself they weren't that bad but then you hear about it from someone else and the entire world comes crashing down because things could have been different and they should have been different and they weren't and they were never right.
camilla as derek morgan. the anger isn't really anger, it's fear and it's a shield to cover for the fact that she thinks she may not be good enough to do what she does and also that she thinks everyone else may realise. she is soft. she will be soft. but she will be fierce and she will try and do the right thing and she will be good at what she does, no matter how much she struggles to find her footing.
jonathan as jennifer jareau. no matter how many bad things happen, no matter how many times he has to sit back and watch things explode with the knowledge that there is nothing that he is able to do to stop it, he doesn't turn away. and he doesn't lose his humanity. his hands keep going cold at the sight of the horrors, but he tries to find the light at the same time.
adelaide as emily prentiss. she knows what people want to hear, and she's very good at telling them that with a tone of voice that makes it impossible to doubt what she's saying. but at the end of the day, she's just a child, and she wants to laugh. she wants to love like it's breathing because she knows she can do it. she'll run- she's always been a runner- but maybe she could slow down. maybe she should.
viola as alex blake. she's confident in herself, and she should be. she knows what it's like to be labelled as the one that should have taken a different route, or the one that had the potential to be great, and to turn it all down to do the thing that is right. she would take the fall if she knew it would guarantee better things. she know how to love, but she knows when to walk away, and she will never regret the things she did. not forever.
ellias as spencer reid. he's the baby, but he's not a baby. he misses things sometimes, but he isn't stupid. he's never been stupid. he just trusts the wrong people sometimes, but he's never allowed to forget the consequences of doing so. all he wants is somewhere where he belongs and where he fits in, and for those people to accept him without looking at the things he cannot change.
mr carter as jason gideon. he's unhinged. he, sometimes, has good intentions, but the delivery is simply awful. he knows when he's putting students in dangerous situations, but he also doesn't care enough to stop them from being in them. it's always about what's best for their images. never what's best for them, and when things get tough and people get closer to the truth, he will hurt them and run away without another word.
🌼 a song i associate with jonathan
jonathan doesn't have a full playlist yet, but because it's you, you can have two (also i couldn't pick)
the exit- conan gray
i mean, it was never going to be anything else. tristan, jonathan and adelaide entered eros academy together. they were supposed to do everything together, but when push came to shove they left him because they didn't know how to defend him. and he forgave them, but he was the one that had to work harder. he was the one who got pitying looks and whose abilities were questioned from the start. he was the one who dreaded going to school and to home, whereas they only ever had to dread one.
it's not a competition, but sometimes he feels like he's the only one losing.
candles- daughter
the funny thing is, you were the one who said this reminds you of me first.
he never really got to be a child. even when he was, he was learning to be a socially acceptable one. the only people he ever got to let go with was tristan and adelaide, but then they were only ever there during the holidays and by the time they started at eros academy, he couldn't quite place what was real and what was fake.
but then he was a teen and he was an adult and he wasn't supposed to be scared of anything, not when there was someone younger than him he was supposed to be shielding, so he stopped thinking so much about himself.
he should have though. and he does. eventually.
🪐 the character you would be if i wrote someone inspired by you
have some personality, and also a little scene
the thing is, you had the capacity to be a heartbreaker. it wasn't exactly difficult. you knew what answers they were looking for the aptitude test. or some of them at least. enough to at least be in the lower threshold.
but that was boring. and it meant doing so much stuff that you just didn't have the energy to. so you lied. ish. not on every question. just enough to score in the heartbroken, but not so much that it looked intentional.
and after that, you got to live your life. sure, some of the teachers could not care less about what you were doing, but then you couldn't care less about their classes so really, it was a win-win situation. the heartbreakers are taught to accept no as a full sentence, so even when they did approach you, it was never an issue.
there's one very memorable occasion where you befriend one of those heartbreakers on the cusp of being a heartbroken and you agree to let them break up with you. it's funny- if the teachers paid more attention, they'd realise a lot of the relationships they herald as perfect were actually heartbrokens doing people favours.
but even if it's not real, you're not going to let it be boring. oh no. the break up is a mess. it's such a mess that even the heartbreaker is confused as to what exactly you both did to bring the relationship to an end.
it gives you three days off to sit and do nothing, so you just let whatever tales they wanted to be spun. after all, something more exciting happens the day you return so everyone forgets about you and your dramatic exit.
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emsprovisions · 1 year
camilla for the ask game
Send me a character
character: Camila: I LOVE HER SM
ship with: no one currently alive, Manny was her one true love imo :) and I think she's a bad bitch who don't need no man!
brotp: again, no one really? I am very excited to see her finally meet Eda, but we've never really seen her interact with any other adults. But I absolutely love how she adopted Vee and Hunter. And I love her bond with Luz. She's such a good mom.
general opinions: I love Camila so much! She reminds me a lot of my own mom and I'm sad by how much more we could have seen her if we had a full third season. But, I think parents can learn a lot from her. She obviously makes mistakes, I mean she was dealing with her own grief from losing her husband and now being a single-parent, and she isn't perfect. I really think she felt like her daughter was too much like herself at that age, and she knew what she went through as a weird kid and just wanted Luz to have friends and not be bullied, but she later realizes how wrong she was to try and "fix" Luz, which leads to Luz finally feeling understood and her palisman hatching. I think that it's amazing that Camila learned from her own mistakes and even changed her perceptions; like her reaction in Yesterday's Lie to now wanting Luz to be able to stay in the BI. It really helped that she got to spend so much time with Luz's friends and see how much these kids loved her and took care of her. Something humans have never ever done for Luz. But this is about Camila 😂 she is great and wonderful so accepting, not only of her daughter's sexuality, but of her daughter in general! Like I said, more parents need to take a page out of Camila's book, and let their kids exist and be weird and be themselves, and embrace them as they are, rather than resent them for it. Sorry this got so long lmao, thank you for asking me to ramble about Camila!
blog rate: 10/10
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francis-cherry · 1 year
the last few pages before i finished Donna Tartt’s ‘The Secret History’
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i liked the cat part<3 + francis’ letter broke me
a ‘brain dump’ kinda review(?)
i did like the twins at first but after the you-know-what incident i was disturbed. i still feel bad for Charles after everything though. he had it the worst out of all of them. and i cant for the life of me make myself like Henry & honestly i was very happy when i found out what he did in the end.
this book was satire. i realized that when i thought back on some stuff that happened. they were all so pretentious & through richards lens everything they do was romanticized. julian fed into that as well. they were outcasts who were so detached from society & common morals.
also my entire body boiled with anger when i read the part where richard realized that henry initially wanted to frame him, and was so close to doing so if the snow hadn’t melted in time. i read somewhere on tumblr bout how henry wanted richard to write how much of the mushroom it’d take to kill bunny so he had evidence to frame richard. that made me audibly gasp i-
francis was honestly the only person i could like. i rooted for him since the beginning & i was so glad i did. i thought bout whether francis felt bad after killing bunny. i guess he did when bunny’s dad cried but im not sure.
the part where richard was shot was insane. no one paid attention to him like wtf.
people seem to rlly like camilla but i cant stand her sometimes. because it’s richard’s narrative he romanticizes everything bout her, everything but her personality so im really curious bout her. but still idk why i don’t like her that much. she showed no remorse & she loved henry (huge red flag lmao). honestly i dont know much bout her, so i cant judge. also, since henry and camilla were in love, camilla would do anything henry told her to. and that makes me mad because why tf does everyone do what henry tells them. idk… cant judge camilla still.
the twin thing… you know what im talking bout is so disturbing honestly. it’s so sad bc they lost their parents and they had to stick together so that happened… they were both jealous of each other as well. im glad she ended up w henry but i cant stand henry ugh. and charles story is so sad… ig theyre all living in their hells according to bunny.
i wish richard ended up with francis. like the way he describes francis all the time is… it’s cute really. like before they kissed and after. he was attracted to francis i could tell. and i love francis and richards dynamic sm. they way francis would always ask richard whether he was mad after francis jokingly said something outrageous lmao.
this post is what im gonna use to continue my rants/random thoughts that pop up whenever i think about TSH<3
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jadeisbetterrrr · 2 years
amity finds the twins !
(right after thanks to them)
Amity POV
It was another day in the boiling isles, although, it felt, different, everything had stars and puppets everywhere. The Hexaquad and Camilla walked through the forest for amy kind of people.
"Hey Willow?" Amity asked. "Yeah?" Willow respnded. "Where do you think we are? i know this place at the back of my hand but i dont even know where we are." "Me neither, i'd say we're probably around the Night Market." Willow answered.
Everyone stayed quiet, since they didn't know where they were and they all felt this was surreal. but then they heard a male voice. One that was too familiar to the youngest blight. her ear perked up as she stopped walking.
"Amity?" Willow asked her. "I heard something, someone." Luz then turned around to check. Then a female voice followed suit. "There it is again." Amity said. "I heard that too" Gus responded. Amity then began slowly walking toward the voices. "Amity what are you doing?" Luz asked her. "I just wanna check, maybe they can tell us where we are." Amity then continued walking as she heard steps and she quickly pulled out her staff and peeked through.
"Amity don't get hurt." Luz said. "I wont, i know this voice." Amity responded not keeping her eyes off as if she was looking for something.
Then her face dropped. She dropped her staff as her eyes widened. "Amity?" Willow asked, everyone was worried now. "MITTENS?" Emira said, turning her head around. "What Em? Amitys not here she's- Edric said before stopping in his tracks after they all made eye contact. Amity then ran towards them as if she was crossing a finish line.
"AH MITTENS!!" Amity couldn't speak, she felt she was dreaming. She had completely forgot about the 6 people behind her. "Amity? you okay?-" Luz said before stopping in her tracks, she then signaled everyone to just wait till they were done. Seeing as they needed a moment.
Amity laughed, like a real laugh, one that came natural and wasn't forced. Emira and Edric both hugging their little sister who they hadn't seen for MONTHS. "H-How are you here?" Edric said feeling as this wasn't real. "and your hair! its long!" Emira added. "Its a long story, but are you the only ones here?" "No, most kids are camping out at Hexside.
"GUYS!" Amity yelled for them. They walked over as Luz handed amity her staff. "most kids are camping out at hexside." "do we go there?" Everyone agreed very quickly they then followed the twins while amity stayed next to them, her guard down, she felt this was quite a peaceful moment. One that she wouldn't have again for a while.
a/n : _AHHH im so excited for the new owl house episode!! this one made me happy !! okay okay, i'll stop talking. i love you guys sm have a great day or night 🫶🏽
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luvrhyune · 2 years
elle. Elle. elle. it's 12am. it's midnight. i was screaming over the sound and then love of my life appeared on my dash. im Not ok. just sent crying pics to bff. playlist went frm shaking ass songs to sad songs. im in my feels. havent read a good angst in a while so THANK U i'm gonna be rereading that before sleep. i love it sm i hold it dearly to me
oh rin :((( i’m so glad you like it!! bc it’s actually flopping so bad and it’s my favourite atm🥲🥲 BUT FUN FACT it was actually inspired by camilla cabello’s shameless,, like it wasn’t supposed to be THAT angsty.. IT JUST HAPPENED 😭😭
thank u for reading and for your feedback it means so much to me :((🫶🏽🫶🏽
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spushii · 2 years
LITERALLY SO GLAD THAT THE FEELING INSANE OVER THIS SERIES IS MUTUAL FR ITS BEEN ABSOLUTELY TEARING ME APART id love to hear your thoughts!!!! *_* I have been itching to read more posts about it but also trying to avoid spoilers rbdbdbjf
I just started nona yesterday, I finished harrow few days ago but god that one fucked with me good I needed a bit to just let everything that happened sink in. like ITS SO GOOD it’s so much darker than the first book and I still don’t have the words to express how much I genuinely enjoyed the second one it’s literally so fucking great. I was almost tempted to reread harrow after I finished it but I wanted to read all three before any rereads lol but the attachment I have to these characters is insane I just fucking cling to them so badly I am so unwell. love gideon, my best friend gideon I miss her sm…
SQUEEEEEEEEEE IM SO HAPPY YOU LIKED HARROW!!! its such a phenomenal book its so. um. Harrowing. lol. im going to have a really hard time articulating just all of the Shit That I Think About with this book series because there really really is so much.
getting right into the meat of my thoughts i guess. i really love how Gideon's bit with Ianthe at the end of HtN recontextualizes the bit of the pool scene where Harrow talks about the first time she saw The Body. where it really does feel like in that moment Gideon simultaneously realized that she was in love with Harrowhark and that Harrow would never feel the same. And i think it allows you to glean some of the genuinely a little bit selfish motivation behind Gideon's suicide. There were a lot of things that motivated Gideon to kill herself so Harrow and Camilla could live, but i think a significant portion of it was her not wanting to live a life indebted to Harrow in a way she would never be content with (Connecting mostly to Harrow asking her to return to the ninth house and care for it ((and by extension, The Body)) in her stead, in the event of her death), which is to say in the grand scheme of things, the choice between Living for Harrow and Dying for Harrow was a very easy one to make for Gideon Nav.
I dont have as much analysis for this but god i think all the fucking time. About Gideon the First attacking Harrow in the bathroom. and the subsequent Everything. It's just so fucking. Bleak. Reading it is physically exhausting. It's so. oh my god. I don't even know what to say. Fucking "Harrow, do something normal." I'm Going To Kill Myself. Im Going To Kill John Gaius. The fact that she KILLS him and it doesnt even KEEP. THE FUCKING. THIS. HARROWWWWW
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I do love John. as much as i hate him i love him as well. He's such a fucking coward. such a worthless piece of shit. such a suffocatingly interesting character. I love when Harrow tries to ask him about Alecto and he goes on about fucking "You'd make a hell of a daughter, Harrowhark. I sometimes indulge in the wish that you'd been mine." LITERALLY FUCKING WHAT. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOTU WHERE AM I.what if you had a crush on a girl but you had an even bigger crush on her dad's dead ex-girlfriend and then her dad told you that he wished you were his daughter. i feel so fucking abnormal
EDITING THIS POST BECAUSE I FORGOT I WANTED TO TALK ABOUT WAKE. WHAT THE FUCK RIGHT???????????????? god i think forever about how much Gideon Nav loved her mother. how much she clung to the belief that she was loved. Has Gideon Nav ever been knowingly loved by anyone, in her life? Maybe Aiglemene loved her, in a way. But Gideon wouldn't have known that until it was far too late to treasure it. Harrow certainly loves her, but Gideon can't believe that. Not with The Body in the way. Not with Harrow, to Gideon, seeming so disgusted with her final act of devotion that she destroyed her own mind to be rid of the knowledge of it. Magnus treated her kindly, but kind is a far cry from love. But she loved her mother. Held the belief so desperately-yet-gently close to her chest, that her mother loved her too. Loved her enough to come crashing and burning through the Ninth planet's atmosphere and dying herself on the way down. Loved her enough to protect her life at the expense of her own. Imagine, then, for Gideon to learn that she was a tool. A key. Her destiny in life was to die within the first days of her birth; a blood sacrifice, as her mother willed it. Her mother hadn't brought her to the Ninth House in an attempt to save her, she'd brought her there on her way to kill her. Its So. God. Fuck this fucking book. Has Gideon ever been loved? Every truly been loved by anyone in this world? If she has, she doesn't know it.
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fishedeyelenz · 1 year
Hi!! I’m sooooo sooooooo obsessed with your art…Honestly you got such an interesting artstyle and your capability of drawing adult men is fascinating😩 AND AGNES!!! AGNES IS SUCH A CUTIE IN YOUR ARTSTYLE LOVE HER SM! I wish bc fandom payed more attention to her
Camille is precious too! It’s also really funny how my name is Camilla and in French it sounds like Camille. Seeing my name in posts is a really rare thing for me lol
Ahhh hehehehe thank you so much <333 yeah, that is what happens when the only models you have in your drawing classes are middle aged men heheheheh it's okay, now I can draw Billy as a dilf with ease <3
Agnes is my fav honestly, fascinated with her, and you're so right she deserves so much attention!!! Ough Aggie my beloved <3333 And thank you, I like drawing pretty women as well <333
Hehehe funny thing about Camille is that she got her name from a poll here on tumblr, so basically my mutuals named her lol Camilla is a very pretty sounding name, and both versions remind me of a Chamomile flower ough <333 hehe I hope it's not too weird seeing your name on here hehehe
Thanks for writting to me dear! I'm glad you like my art :O !!!
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scalierpepper · 2 years
hi!! i was wondering if you take commission or were open to people using your art for profile pics with credit? i’m in love with your tlt art (esp camilla) thank youuuuu!!!!
TwT thank you sm!! I have no problem with people using my art as a pfp as long as there's credit!
I hope to open commissions around the end of december (beginning of the new year latest) - currently in the process of getting together commission info and passing finals lol. I will make an announcement when that happens <3
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