#C'mon apologize-villain
jonathanbyersphd · 7 months
Jonathan pre s3 in my personal headcanon: Has had a locker assignment next to Robin since freshman year. Knows her name is friendly but doesn't considers her his friend. Possibly worked with her at the theater once. Definitely would let her sneak into The Hawk without paying.
Nancy pre s3 in my personal headcanon: I hate to say I hope I don't sound ridiculous I don't know who that girl is. I mean she could be walking down the street, I wouldn’t – I wouldn’t know a thing. Sorry to this girl.
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jinkoh · 1 year
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HDJKSHKJDHSAKDHLASKJ don't act as if you aren't my #1 enabler
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rosenecklaces · 6 months
Where's that one Logan Roy gif?.. Anyways, gwynriels and eluciens you are not serious people
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shiggyartist · 7 days
Bruh, Tomura and Deku could've been some real bros... And it's crazy cuz they are enemies. Tomura treated Deku with more respect better than Izuku's own middle school class and his damn childhood "friend" Bakugou who told him to kill himself and treated him like shit. I don't care for the "apology", Bakugou was simply being a "think he better than everyone" fucking bully and should've never done it at all, plus it took him how long to say it?- C'mon dawg... Ever since the mall scene , yea Tomura threatened Izu and held him hostage, ok? He a villain. It kinda proved they could sit and chat like friends. Tomura just simply wanted to talk, if he wanted Izuku dead he deadass could've killed him then and there. But he choose not to. Not Tomura's fault, dude was literally lied to and manipulated to do nothing but hate and destroy. In the end to me, Shiggy proved he had no hate towards Deku, telling him to do his best, and smiling to him through spirit. Obviously...Shiggy is chill and respectful af.
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camryn-haitani · 1 year
c'mon bugaboo
cat noir x reader
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'sentibubbler': season 4, episode 10
TW: angst and comfort, cursing, spoilers for that episode.
this is a little scenario I had in my head about him, so I decided to put it here. I don't know if this is really angst but I'm just gonna put it just in case. I'm sorry I've been gone for so long, here's my apology<3
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"b-but I wanna help. why can't I help?" cat noir asks.
"well, we really don't need your cataclysm so" rena says as she makes a mirage of ladybug. she runs off, rena following the fake ladybug.
"well.... there's nothing I can do now. I feel useless now ladybugs the guardian of the miracle box." cat sighs.
cat felt useless like he said. since ladybug can temporarily give people miraculous's, there was almost no need for him anymore. cat goes off with no destination in mind. he just jumps around from roof to roof. rena said their plan didn't require cat noir, so he walks around for hours. he sees the miraculous ladybug fix everything and sighs. by the time he's tired of running, he jumps down onto a roof and sits down, not knowing he's waken up someone.
y/n pov
"what the fuck, who or what is on my roof?" I get up from my bed to see what the noise came from.
I see that familiar black cat costume with the matching ears coming from that blond head.
"cat?" I walk up behind him and sit down.
"o-oh I'm sorry. I landed too hard and probably woke you up. I'll leave." he stands up to leave. "no no no, I was already awake. I've just gotta ask, what are you doing here? shouldn't you be with ladybug?" I sit down next to him.
he sighs, debating on whether to tell you or not. "well..." he goes on.
"ladybug hasn't really been needing me the last few missions. she's been asking other people for help. and...." he takes a breath, holding in tears, "it makes me feel like she doesn't need me anymore. like she's tossed me to the curb. like today, nino got akumatized into the sentibubbler by shadow moth. I was all ready to come and help, but rena said they don't need me..." I see a single tear fall from his eyes.
"ladybug has missed a lot of our nightly patrols. I miss it. I miss saving akumatized villains, I miss our patrols around Paris, I miss...." he takes a breath, "I miss her."
I look at him and hold his hand. I see him look at my hand on his.
"I'm kinda in the same situation, cat. but that's for another day. I don't wanna put this on you. do you wanna come in? it's kinda cold out here." I ask.
"sure... it is a bit chilly" he stands up and follows me.
we walk through my back door into my room. my room is quite big with the couch so it won't be too cramped with both of us in here(I know this is a bit much but just work with me please).
"hey cat." I look at him. "what's up?" he tries to say without breaking his voice. I hold out my arms to invite him in a hug. he looks at me with sad eyes, tumbles into my arms and breaks down crying.
he cries for a good while and when he calms down he asks, "am I just not enough?" he whispers. "oh cat, of course you're enough. I can't tell you why she gives other people miraculous's. but I do know that you're a great hero to Paris."
"I am?" he looks up at me. "yes cat, you're the best hero i have ever seen." I reassure him.
"thank you, truly. I'm sorry I was so loud on your roof." he apologizes. "no no it's ok, I'm glad you were because I wouldn't have met you" he smiles at my words. I hear faint beeps as cat looks down at his ring. "shit, I gotta go. it was nice meeting you......?" he pauses, not knowing my name. "it's y/n. is there a name I can call you instead of cat?" he laughs a bit at my question, "call me whatever you come up with, i don't mind." he answers.
"it was nice meeting you, kitty," I take his hand before he leaves, "if you ever feel like this again or need to talk, I'm always free. come by anytime." I smile.
"of course, cutie. I wouldn't want to miss any opportunity to see you again." he kisses the back of my hand.
"I'm see you soon, kitty." I kiss his cheek. he smiled at my kiss and went out the window.
'i hope I see him again. he's pretty cute.' I say to myself. I go back to my bed and drift off into sleep, thinking about a certain cat in mind.
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I will hopefully be doing a part 2 if y'all are interested<3
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tainted-liquor · 1 year
'You love me'✧˖°
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Arachkids x Reader! TWs: I don't think there are any Ingredients: Sugar, kisses, and a lil bit of smiles ! W/C: 1080 A/N: Sorry if Gwen is a lil ooc, I really don't write for her that much lol. FIRST REQUESTTTT EUUUGHH!! /pos
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Miles Morales
You watched as your boyfriend paced around his room, occasionally walking up the wall as he ranted about some sort of 'Villain-of-the-week", laying flat on your stomach on top of his bed as he hung upside down from his roof. You chuckled to yourself as an Idea manifested in your head, raising yourself up slightly. "Hey, Miles."
"Huh-...Yeah? You need something, love?" He snapped out of his trance and turned to face you as he dangled from the ceiling. You inched closer to him, analyzing his confused expression as you cupped the sides of his face within your hands, pressing a gentle and loving kiss to his lips at a slightly awkward angle. He may have been there physically in front of you, but as soon as he felt your soft lips on his he was gone. He quickly returned the kiss, gently cupping your face in the same manner that you had cupped his.
When you pulled back, Miles gave a small frown before quickly fixing his expression. He already felt himself missing your touch, quickly pulling you back in before you could even think.
"What was that for?"
"Cuz I love you, Miles."
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Hobie Brown
Now Hobie was a slightly different case. He more than likely preferred having two feet firmly planted on the ground, and was more than likely not home. Being Spider-Man and an infamous music artist took up most of his time, so there were some days when he really just...not home. So here you were in the middle of the night, bundled up in his bedsheets half asleep and missing your beloved boyfriend. You heard the front door to his canal boat open as you heard his familiar East London dialect muffle itself at the front door
"I'll see you guys later. Gonna check on the missus."
You heard him shut the door as quietly as the door would allow him, his heavy boots thudding against the hardwood floors. The bedroom door creaked open as I slowly rose up from my comfortable position on my side. His eyes widened a fraction when he saw that I was partially asleep, wasting absolutely 0 time in apologizing for waking me up. "Sorry, lovey. Didn't mean to wake ya." He beamed as he looked down at me from the side of his bed.
"You didn't bee...don't worry" you sighed while simultaneously leaning upwards towards the punk. "Can you do me a favor though? Pleaaaase~?"
"Yeah love whatever you-...No." Hobie immediately knew what you were talking about as soon as he saw your eyes gravitate toward the ceiling. Despite being the Spider-Man of his world, he was very afraid of hanging upside down for longer periods. He said it felt 'suffocating and made him dizzy.'
"C'mon, I haven't seen you in two days I wanna kiss my man." You pouted, turning away from him and crossing your arms against your chest. Hobie let out a long sigh before walking up the wall and standing perfectly still on his ceiling. "There. Happy?" He grinned as he placed both hands over his hips.
"Very." you smiled as you eagerly smashed his lips into yours, attempting to hold the kiss as long as possible due to the possibility of it never happening again.
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Pavitr Prabhakar
Your boyfriend, Pavitr is Spider-Man. Now of course he didn't tell you just yet, but everyone in Mumbattan knew. The hair, the clothes, the horrible faux deep voice, it was completely obvious to everyone but him. Not that you minded though, if anything you found his cluelessness cute. So when you sat on the ledge of a rather tall building fidgeting with your phone, In came your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man from above.
"Hey Mer-" He cleared his throat quickly, forcing his voice down an octave before carefully selecting his next few words. "Hey, you really shouldn't be sitting this close to the ledge! I think you might want to move back juuuust a smidge!" he reasoned, the white-painted eyes in his mask narrowing shut, indicating that loving smile you'd see every time he was out of his mask. You scooted back on the ledge slightly, looking up at the slowly spinning spider as he dangled from an even higher ledge. You fought back giggles at his slight hypocrisy, before answering with a small
"Why thank you, Spider-Man! What would I do without you here to protect me!" You joked with a barely concealed chuckle. You reached out towards him, gently taking his upside-down face into your hands. Pav didn't mean to lean into your touch so easily, it was just so hard to keep up the façade of not knowing you. It became clear at that moment that you knew who resided under the mask when you pulled the soft fabric up over his nose, pressing a small kiss to his lips before pulling back with your usual smile. His face grew slightly pink as he watched you walk back into your building, giving him a small wave and mouthing "Bye Pav!"
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Gwen Stacy
It was a relatively warm morning as you went for your daily walk on the streets of Brooklyn. Around this time your girlfriend would normally be on patrol, on the lookout for any crime or anomalies. So instead of dwelling on her abscence, you made your way to the nearby abandoned bridge. You made the space as comfortable as possible, kicking away any debris or stones before sitting on the ground and scrolling through social media on your phone. You heard a small thwip noise above you, looking up to see your girlfriend standing en pointe with her arms crossed on the side of the bridge above.
"Hey Gwennie!" You called as she walked down the pillar of the bridge, bringing herself closer to you so you didn't have to shout. "Hey!" She said as she pulled off her mask to reveal that beautiful smile of hers. "What are you doing all the way over here? Shouldn't you be on your walk?" She asked with a tilt of her head.
"Yeah, normally. Just wanted a change in scenery" you shrugged as you stood up, craning your neck to look up at the sideways spider. You beckoned her closer, giving a short and simple kiss as she looked at you with blown pupils and the most furious blush you've ever seen. You watched as she slung her mask back on, covering her face with her hands and webbed away. She was so adorable
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whump-in-the-closet · 9 months
“Come on, come on. Breathe. In and out. You can manage that.”
Field Whump Time >:)
Hero collapsed in the moss. The smell of grass rose up to meet him, new and green.
His leg throbbed. He didn't have to look to know that the soft ground was soaked with blood.
His team caught up with him, their voices filling the air with anxious whispers. To him, it sounded like they were shouting.
"Are you alright?"
"Hey! C'mon mate, get up!"
Hero, with a desperate sound, put his hands beneath him. He pushed himself up on all fours and then, digging a hand into a tree trunk, stood.
The faces of his team blurred together. He blinked and they cleared. He shook his head, putting a hand out to wave them aside. "I'm...I'm okay." Breathing should not hurt as much as it did, but other than that...he was fine. He refused to look at his leg.
"Are you sure?" asked Leader.
Hero took his hand off the tree to prove exactly how fine he was doing. Putting weight on his injured leg sent a spike of pain up his entire body, fresh and horrific. "Yeah," he gasped.
Medic looked at Hero for a long moment, their expression unreadable.
Hero broke eye contact first and took a step forward, to further prove himself. "We need to keep going--AH--" Hero crumpled to one knee, his leg betraying him. His face went white.
Medic turned to Leader and shook their head. As quickly as that, his sentence was passed.
Hero struggled to stand, but Medic put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Lie down. We have to remove the bullet." They spoke like they were simply announcing the result of a calculation.
Hero looked from Leader to Medic, searching their faces for any way of escape, and found none. He turned to his teammates. Nothing. "No, you don't have to do this." His voice shook. "No, please."
Medic crouched down next to Hero, unraveling their pack. Hero caught a glimpse of shining metal and shuddered. Medic caught him looking. "We have to work quickly." They did not say don't worry, it won't hurt.
The air contracted around Hero as Leader gently pushed him to the ground. It seemed to shimmer, as unreal as this whole situation. He dug his nails into the soft moss when he heard metal clinking against metal.
"Please," Hero tried again. "Please--"
"Give him something to bite down on," said Medic. "You two, grab his arms, don't let him thrash around."
Hero tried to jerk upright at this but his teammates already had him pinned. One whispered an apology as they pressed him into the ground, the other said nothing and would not look at him.
Leader squeezed his hand sympathetically, then held up a piece of leather, waiting to see if he would take it.
Hero blinked.
He was back.
Villain standing above him, just out of his line of sight--
No, no, no, n--no
"Keep begging like the dog you are."
The flash of steel-- the sudden brightness of it inside him-- digging under his skin, biting deep. Deeper and twisting--
Hero was shaking, suddenly aware of Leader and the moss and Medic cutting away his pant leg to reveal not one, but two, bullets embedded above his knee.
He nodded. "Give it to me." He bit down on the leather and hoped it would muffle his screams.
Villain's favorite pastime had involved a knife and Hero under his blade.
Medic pressed cool steel against the wound and Hero tried to scramble away, back arching.
Through the roaring in his ears, he heard Leader telling him to breathe.
He dug his hands into the moss, green and white behind his eyes. The smell of iron grew stronger. He couldn't--
"Come on, come on. Breathe. In and out. You can manage that.”
Hero exhaled a shuddering breath.
Medic dug deeper.
He screamed into the gag.
"In and out!" snapped Leader. "Breathe in and out."
Hero was shaking. He inhaled shallowly, more out of instinct than obedience.
Then came Medic's clear voice, "Got the first one."
Leader patted Hero's shoulder in sympathy.
Hero exhaled. His breathing came at a quicker and quicker pace, hands buried in the dirt, as Medic dug out the second bullet.
The color green danced behind his eyes, dull and pounding. He tried to drown himself in it. It didn't help. The taste of leather in his mouth felt wrong-- like vinegar or something sour-- warning bells going off too late.
He didn't hear Medic's relief when they said, "We're done." He only felt the tight pressure of the bandages being wrapped. His teammates let him up and when he spat the leather gag out, he noticed, vaguely, the dirt under his nails was bloodstained.
He worked his jaw in a circle, trying to erase the taste of wrongness. "Fuck you guys," he muttered.
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cantstoplovingjude · 3 months
Maid for Your Command - Jude's Commands
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This is from Ikemen Villains EN, Cybird owns everything.
Jude: "So lemme get this straight. Some bloke ya barely know says 'Be a maid' and you go 'Yessir, right away, sir!'?"
Jude: "That the kinda thing ya into, huh?"
Kate: "That's not what happened!"
I let out a frustrated sigh as I argued with Jude yet again.
It all started as I was accompanying him on a mission as Fairytale Keeper.
A woman who appeared to be a maid accidentally bumped into me and dropped the clothes she was carrying.
The man beside her looked to be her master and tried whipping her right there and then.
I immediately intervened to protect her, only for Jude to get irritated with the "negotiations" that took place between us.
Kate: "I thought it would be better to help her with the laundry, rather than let her get abused."
Jude: "Real impressed by your integrity, I truly am."
Jude: "But there's no guarantee all ya gotta do is wash it 'n be done."
Kate: "I know there's no way to confirm that, but still..."
Her master has said, "If you want to protect her, then be my maid in her place and wash my dirty clothes."
But then he saw Jude before I could say a word, and all the color drained from his face. And then he just ran off somewhere.
Kate: "At least I'm not such a terrible person that I scare people off with just a glance at my face."
Jude: "Yeah, 'cept thanks to that 'terrible person' ya don't gotta play maid no more, do ya?"
Kate: "Well-"
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Jude: "Shouldn't ya be returnin' me the favor?"
My body froze as if it were a reflex.
I already knew what owing Jude a favor meant, and it wasn't pretty.
(But I can't deny that him being there helped me out...)
Kate: "I'll treat you to lunch in order to say thank you."
Jude: "Nah, don't want that."
He flatly refused and stared at me with the eyes of a predator.
Jude: "Let's see, what should ya owe me..."
A cruel, cold smile spread across his face.
Jude: "How 'bout ya pay me back by bein' my maid, huh? If ya can do it for a stranger, ya can do it for me, can't ya?"
Jude: "Ya ever hear of a contract of obedience?"
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Jude: "Huh? Can't hear ya. Say it again, louder this time."
I tried to gather up my voice, but every time I opened my mouth to speak, the words came out shaking.
Jude: "Next time if ya talk too quietly, I'll shove a rag in your useless mouth. C'mon now, speak up."
Jude had taken me to one of his company warehouses.
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And I stood there trembling with anger at his humiliating order.
Kate: "...I pledge obedience to my master."
Jude: "Sit."
Kate: "...Excuse me?"
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Jude: "What the hell happened to obedience, huh? I said, sit!"
I gritted my teeth as I obeyed Jude's ridiculous order while he crossed his arms and leaned against a packing box.
The floor of the warehouse was so cold it made me shiver.
Kate: "You're not treating me like a maid. You're treating me like a dog."
Jude: "If ya listen to every command I give ya, what's the difference?"
He stood up and stepped on the hem of my dress with his stylish black shoes.
(How am I supposed to stand up now?)
As I watched him looming over me, my heart started pounding even louder.
(Who knows what he might do if I don't fulfill my debt to him...)
(I don't know if I want to find out what else that twisted mind of his could come up with.)
Jude: "How 'bout I strip those annoyin' clothes off ya, slap a collar round your neck 'n take ya for a walk?"
Kate: "Absolutely not!"
Jude: "Did I ask the dog to talk back to her master?"
Jude: "Apparently, ya got no intention of obeyin' me, so I guess ya don't need that mouth after all."
He reached out and tried to cover my mouth with his large hand, but I jerked back and hurriedly apologized.
Kate: "A-all right, I'm sorry! I apologize for being careless!"
Jude: "Oh yeah? Prove it. Get on your hands 'n knees and bark. Then I'll forgive ya."
Blood rushed to my face when I heard his command.
I started to protest instinctively, but then quickly shut my mouth.
(...I might as well just do it. Make him happy, and get out of this situation as quickly as I can.)
I glared at Jude, getting down on my hands and knees like he said.
Kate: "...W-woof."
Jude: "So vicious. Looks like you're 'bout to tear your master to pieces!"
Jude: "And look at those rebellious eyes of yours. Hah, yeah, I like that."
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Kate: "Wha-?!"
Jude: "Wasn't intendin' on playin' with a lil bird like ya, but..."
Jude: "Now I wanna know what you'd look like when ya scream 'n cry for me."
Kate: "...Ah?!"
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He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet, then roughly pushed me up against the wall.
He pinned my arms to the wall, his grip so trong I couldn't fight back.
Kate: "Let me go! ...Ah!"
I struggled in vain as he wedged his knee between my legs, then my body began to tremble as a strange heat rushed through me.
(He's got to be kidding... He can't be serious!)
Jude: "Hmm..."
I couldn't read the expression on his face as he stared at me coldly.
Kate: "Ahh, J-Jude...!"
As I shifted, his knee rubbed against the sweet spot between my legs and a thrilling, throbbing sensation overtook me.
My mind was a mess of fear, frustration, shame, and... pleasure.
Jude: "What're ya gettin' so excited 'bout, huh? I'm not doin' nothin'."
Kate: "Please move... your leg."
Jude: "Ya could get fired for tryin' to do somethin' that indecent with your master's body, ya know that?"
Kate: "I am not!"
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Jude: "How 'bout I leave ya here all alone as punishment then?"
(Oh, to hell with it. He is the absolute worst!)
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I wanted to say that to him, but the sound of his whisper against my ear sent another shiver down my spine.
I desperately tried to stand my ground, but my legs began to tremble and grow weak.
Jude: "What would ya do if ya saw another woman bein' treated the way ya are right now, right in front of ya, huh?"
Kate: "What? I-I'd call for help, of course!"
Jude: "Tch. You're a right idiot, ya know that?"
Right now, he looked more angry than mocking.
Jude: "You're supposed to ignore it. Haven't learned your lesson one bit, have ya?"
Kate: "Ahh...!"
Now his leg which had pressed me against the wall started rubbing against me with purpose.
The hot, grinding stimulation I felt between my legs was too much to bear and I couldn't help but moan.
(I-I didn't mean to make that noise...)
Jude: "Ya really think ya can 'help' anyone with that tiny, weak body of yours?"
I flushed with embarrassment as he immediately released me.
Jude: "If you're gonna follow me 'round, ya gotta ditch all the niceties 'n goodwill."
(He really is... something else entirely.)
Jude: "Or if ya don't wanna get tossed aside, then forget the damn mission 'n go back to sleep in your castle, princess."
I bit my lip, trying to calm my breathing.
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(Even if that was his way of warning me, he could've done it in a different way.)
(And I'm not going to stop being kind to people. But I don't want to give up on my mission, either.)
(Besides, why is he trying to make me learn a lesson by being so malicious, anyway?)
(I wish I could understand his way of doing things better.)
I took a deep breath and stared at him.
Kate: "I refuse both."
Jude: "...Hah, should've stuffed your mouth shut, after all."
He gave me a very displeased look and then sauntered out of the warehouse.
And I still chased after him, dragging along my throbbing knees and aching body...
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Reader // Stim critic - 1 // Dr. Facilier
A few words from author: Hello, guys!
So here I am with some new content for Disney villains after a really long time.
Today I don't have much to say, it's pointless anyways cuz I doubt anyone reads these.
Type: Scenario
Scenario summary: Introduction to how Facilier decides to start rating your autistic stims as if he were a... well... stim critic
Settings: Can be read as both platonic and romantic, although there are some romantic vibes cuz c'mon it's Facilier,
Genre: Fluff, lighthearted
!TRIGGER WARNING!: Aside from typical Facilier stuff (like voodoo etc) there should be none!
Sidenote: Reader's gender is not specified, but if reader description leans more towards feminine sense then it's purely unintentional and I apologize!
Sidenote: This specific scenario will have more parts, so expect more of "Stim critic" to come!
That's all,
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Rambling like there's no tomorrow,
You stand in front of Facilier,
Your body moving on its own accord,
You don't take much notice of how you begin to sway,
But someone else does,
And he watches you with pure adoration before suddenly speaking,
"Five stars," Facilier says, making you stop in your rambles and swaying,
"What?" you say with your brows furrowing, confused,
And Facilier smiles slyly, his shadow matching that,
"That swaying thing you have going on, chérie/chéri," he address casually, making you realize you were, in fact, swaying the whole time you spoke,
"What about it?" you ask anxiously, worried your stimming left a bad taste in Facilier's mouth,
Just like it always is with your family, and well most people,
But the voodoo man surprises you greatly,
"I give it five stars, it's very endearing, very innocent looking," he tells you, making your eyes widen,
And as you look at Facilier, your brows furrow and you ask: "Did you just rate my stimming like a restaurant?",
And Facilier hums, smirking: "Mhm, that I just did, dear,",
That response makes you playfully roll your eyes before you shake your head and laugh,
"You're unbelievable, Faci," you say, shaking your head, unable to not smile at the silliness of your companion,
"What?" Facilier gasped, dramatically putting a hand on his chest and feigning a hurt expression,
"But ma chérie/mon chéri, I'm just stating what's true, you can't blame me for that, can you?" he told you, giving you the innocent act,
And his words and way of speaking make you playfully roll your eyes yet again,
"Okay, okay, stim critic," you chuckle, shaking your head at how funnily obnoxious he was being,
"while you're at it you might as well rate my other stims, no?" you suggest jokingly,
But that wasn't the best idea,
Because the suggestion has Facilier's face light up, but in the worst way possible,
That grin of his isn't a grin of an innocent child being invited to play,
It is the grin of the devil being set free,
"Why, I very much could do that, now couldn't I darlin'?" he draws out, and his shadow quite literally grows horns as both of them grin wider,
And only then you realized what your lighthearted invitation has just gotten you into,
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Propaganda under the cut.
Princess Entrapta:
- A girl - A boss - She's good... generally. But more than morality, she cares about ROBOTS and SCIENCE. She provided a lot of help to the bad guys because of SCIENCE. But she's not fundamentally bad. She cares about good, but this is accessory.
Princess Azula:
homegirl was only 14 and scarier than her dad but let's be fr, her mum saw her as a monster back when she was a kid bc no one taught her how to be gentle. she was ozai's golden child born and raised to be his puppet. sure she's not a good person nor did she do good things but c'mon she was never given the chance or space to be good. the amount of unexplored potential in her is astronomical. also her lines are just iconic
She tries to kill people with lightning, and is controlling/manipulative of her friends and Zuko. However, she is very cool, so I think this should be allowed.
honestly what do you even say about azula that *hasn't* been said. she's a psychologically fascinating villain, evil yet so complicated and interesting to watch, she's so intriguing and well written. her immoralness mixed with seeing her Feel made her so so interesting to watch. she's an excellent cautionary tale and just a wonderful antagonist. definitely one of the most memorable parts of the show for me
She has never ONCE genuinely apologized for anything in her entire life. Everything she did was on purpose and with the direct intention of furthering her own goals and fucking everybody else over. Firelord of my heart.
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starsfic · 8 months
spicynoodles but its just whatever the frick “I’m in love with the Villainess!” has going on
So this was the weirdest day he had ever had.
For one moment, Qi Xiaotian had been looking down the headlights of a truck as he tried to make deliveries. The next moment, he had woken up... here. Where here was, he wasn't sure, just that it was a palace in a weirdly bright landscape. According to the girl showing him around, Long Xiaojiao, it was the Royal Academy.
Something about her and that felt familiar.
"C'mon, MK!" The girl glanced back at him, the green of her hair providing a banner. "We're gonna be late-"
Whatever they were going to be late, he never heard.
Hands shoved him in the back, hard enough that Xiaotian went flying. He let out a loud grunt as he hit the marble floor, the breath being knocked out of his lungs. "MK!" Xiaojiao's hands gripped his shoulders, helping him sit up. "What was the big idea?!" she called, somewhere behind him.
"Oh dear, I'm so very sorry." A warm mocking voice chuckled. "You were just staring into space so I thought you were just a decoration!"
Wait. He knew that voice.
"We were walking, Red," Xiaojiao said, sizzling green sparks of electricity darting around her. "He wasn't exactly staring into space."
"Whatever. Butt out, Dragon Horse Girl."
Footsteps clinked against the marble floor. Xiaotian didn't dare look up, however, because shock was overtaking him. If he looked up, he would see the most divine character that had ever graced video games. It also explained why this place and Xiaojiao felt so familiar.
He was in Revolution!, his favorite video game (besides Monkey Mech). Set in a fantasy kingdom, it was a romance game where you had to romance one of three princesses while also choosing whether to help a revolution change the government or stand with the monarchy. Xiaojiao was your best friend and your guide. And the first villain was...
"Don't waste your time waiting for an apology."
Xiaotian looked up and his heart almost stopped at the vision of divinity.
Gorgeous red hair, tied back with a purple ribbon, flowed down an elegant back. Amber eyes, alit with delight like miniature fires, stared down at who he thought was nobody. A delicious smirk, revealing sharp teeth, lit up that handsome face. Two others flanked him, but Xiaotian was only focused on him.
The first villain was Red Son, a prince from a neighboring kingdom and a simple bully.
And, if Xiaotian played his cards right with this chance, his husband.
"That was magnificent!"
The smirk disappeared.
"...excuse me?"
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
For dorm leaders, a so that sleepwalks and scares the living crap out of them. Dorm leaders are aware of the problem, but only realize it one night their walking and they see reader in a horror movie like way and think they're a ghost!!! ;) Headcanons please, I love you blog!
Hi, thanks for the ask! This might be sort of short but here's what I think would happen (I changed a bit of the plot too, but I hope you like it nonetheless)
Dorm leaders x s/o who is sleepwalking
He really shouldn't have read that horror book right at 11pm, but here he is trying to navigate the halls for something at 2am and the last thing he wanted to see was you also roaming around
You probably didn't hear it but he swore (the only time he ever will), made a little "yelp" and then nearly offed your head. However, upon looking at you more closely, he realizes it's just you
Wakes you up immediately, tapping you on the shoulder and asking what you are doing so late (basically early in the morning?). Riddle will probably tell you softly (slightly annoyed) to go back to bed, walking with you to your room
He's pretty nice about it, not scolding you for sleepwalking (he knows you can't control it) but he will never tell you he got startled by you haha
He doesn't get scared easily, most of the time he's pretty immune to horror. However, this was the one night he wasn't
He wasn't thinking of anything scary, nor was he really expecting anything to jump out at him. However, he just didn't expect to see you walking around in the hallways when he was sure there was no one out.
"Herbivore, what are you doing walking around like that?" he shakes you a bit, but realizing you're sleepwalking he probably just carries you back to your room and gently places you back into bed. He's surprisingly gentle about it
Will Leona ever tell you he did all of that? No. Will he tease you about sleepwalking? Yes. If anything though, Leona is pretty chill about it too, as long as you don't hurt yourself he's fine
Got scared bad haha. He listened to a horror podcast because that's just what he does now when he's doing work (multitask enjoyer right here) and here you are walking around at night like a ghost
He literally screams, waking you up and you screaming as well because you got jumpscared by your bf and he's all like "what are you doing here?!" while you're like "what are you doing here!"
You two probably spend a few minutes drinking some tea together and then sleeping in his office since you two are tired. He's understanding of sleepwalking, he just didn't expect you to scare him that badly haha
He knows about your sleepwalking now, so that means he won't have to get startled in the night if he sees you. Also, he's switched back to jazz music instead of podcasts while working
This poor boy got scared badly too, but it was because he was reading a horror story from Jamil's bookshelf. He really thought it wouldn't be that bad but then boom one of them stories shook him badly
He probably woke you up since he shouted "GHOST" really loudly. But when you wake up and he realizes it was you, he's immediately apologizing that he got scared by you. "Didn't expect you out here this late, c'mon, I'll help you back!"
The next morning, he'll ask about what happened and learns about your sleepwalking habits. Kalim's super open to any possibility, so you sleepwalking won't be an issue to him (as long as you are safe)
Kalim is super imaginative, which didn't help him that night. But looking back at it, he probably laughs about it since it was a little funny how you sleepwalking scared him
Probably didn't get scared, just a little startled but nothing too noticeable. He probably doesn't care too much about ghosts or scary stories (he's had to play villain roles so much and because most of them happen to be the scary thing in scary stories he doesn't find them frightening)
You sleepwalking was more concerning to him than anything. He'll gently wake you up and ask you if you're alright. If there's anything that he can do to help, he'll try his best. However, if it's nothing bad to your health or if it's just something you don't worry about, he'll just brush it off
He might've been a little annoyed at how he nearly dropped his perfume that night, but he won't blame you for it. Sure there might be some scolding about getting a healthy amount of sleep on your bed
Overall what matters to Vil is your health. If you are healthy, then no worries. If it's something that you feel needs to be checked on, he'll support you. Whatever you decide to do, he'll be by your side
Didn't think you were sleepwalking, honestly thought you were roaming around the halls like he does looking for snacks haha
However when he tried to talk to you, he realized that you weren't responding and you looked more like you had just woken up after he tapped you on your shoulder. "Omg were you sleepwalking? Sorry for waking you up." "What do you mean?" you look at him puzzled
He apologizes for waking you up, but if anything you two probably just go to sleep right after that. He doesn't really worry about you unless it's something you worry about as well. He probably got startled after realizing you weren't responding, but he wasn't frightened
Ortho on the other hand might've been scared when he just saw you in the hallway with white sleepwear, which he then told Idia was you being a "ghost." That was probably the closest time he was super scared of you
He's the least scared out of the dorm leaders, he honestly just saw you, picked you up, walked to your room, and placed you back in your bed. He likely doesn't sleep much (for preference or for other reasons) so seeing you up so late was more of a "I hope you're getting enough sleep" than anything
He was more surprised to see you walking around in the late hour. At first he tried to strike up a conversation like Idia, but upon closer look he realized you were sleeping. He probably lightly teases you about the incident the next morning, but he says that he's glad you didn't get hurt last night
Similar to Vil, he's more concerned about your health. If it's a habit that you worry about, he'll try his best to help you out. Besides, somethings aren't solved by magic, but he does his best to support. If it's something you don't worry about, then he won't worry about it either
He actually liked picking you up and dropping you off at your room, sort of like a prince in one of those fairytale stories. However, Sebek could've been startled badly by you haha
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fansids · 2 years
Alright, I gotta lotta thoughts on s4, but this is the main thing I'm not particularly happy with.
It's not very organized, I'm writing as I'm thinking so I apologize beforehand.
Spoilers obvi.
I really don't appreciate how Sun Wukong's character has been treated up until this point.
Look, I don't mind the "perfect, heroic mentor is actually not always so perfect and heroic and made mistakes that are still effecting the world now" like fine. Fine. But the way the show goes about it makes SWK look like a worse and worse person. It crosses the line of him making mistakes, to just being generally careless and not learning.
I mean: leaving Xiaotian in s2 and inadvertently neglecting him in the process, keeping the 4th ring a secret in s3 until it's too late, being the reason there was a fourth ring to begin with, the whole Macaque thing that the show seems to be leaning more towards SWK being in the wrong for, and his whole deal with his sworn brothers in s4.
It was already irritating in season 3, especially when he's shown to get yelled at by Xiaotian & Zhu Dachu then continues his usual way, often being unhelpful. I get that Xiaotian is the mc, but like c'mon. SWK is depowered, there are like a million ways to sideline him without doing that.
Season 4 is especially egregious as someone who's read jttw because the Lion, Elephant, and Peng are all terrible villains who spent a good amount of their time eating innocent people. I'm not sure why the show especially seems to be insistent on making the Azure Lion sympathetic and one that feels bad for trapping SWK...then again Macaque exists. You know what no, I don't see why they are insistent on doing that when Macaque exists. He may be one too many times, but once was enough.
Jttw aside, if in Azure Lion's point of view SWK willingly betrayed them and all the "good" they stood for, then trapped his other brothers for thousands of years, and before that was happy to join heaven's courts for like 20-30 years, then I don't know why he'd ever show that level of concern for him. If that happened to me, it would be monkey season, straight up.
(also the fact that he said he'd let SWK go when they completed what they wanted to, I call absolute bullshit. Even if he did feel bad, releasing SWK at any point in time would be a god awful idea)
From what s4 has shown, I think what the show writers wanted to do was build a parallel between Xiaotian and SWK, both having made mistakes that endangered the world and their loved ones as well as Xiaotian learning that his hero is just as human (for lack of a better term) as him. But the execution is lacking as a lot of Xiaotian's mistakes are not really his fault.
DBK taking his staff? It's not like he handed it to him.
Spider Queen using his hair? Is he supposed to stop shedding?
Red Son getting the skeleton key? Again, it's not as if he handed it to him. Also, wouldn't that make it the Bull family's fault, since they opened the coffin?
It wasn't him being careless it was him losing 2 fights and a bit of his hair. Whereas with SWK, it's implied these things happened because he didn't think about the consequences of his actions. They don't really seem comparable.
Also, if you've read jttw (and even if you haven't, but I think the context makes it worse), then lmk SWK is a very miserable character right off the bat. As we can see, he never became a Buddha, his friends are heavily implied to be dead, there are no monkey yaoguai on the mountain, or even a nation anymore, implying that his subjects left, died, or both, and in the midst of all of this he has no support system. Nor does he ever seem to obtain one in the show.
And I think some of these issues could be remedied if he was given the opportunity to tell his side of the story. Everything wrong he does is seen told through the perspective of another person. Not to say they shouldn't be upset, but the fact that SWK just absorbs whatever blame is put on him, never really giving any fair defense doesn't sit right with me. It wouldn't change any of the things he's done, but it would make him a lot more understandable as a character, instead of him consistently being some form of a fuck up.
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m-n-m-s · 1 year
Hiiii, could you please write headcanons of 1610!Miles having a younger sibling? Not a spiderperson tho. Also pretend that his younger sibling was also in ITSV and ATSV movies! 😄 (fun fact, Miles actually had a little baby sister in the comics)
1610! Miles with a younger! sibling
1610! Miles Morales + Gn!Younger!Sibling Reader
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red: miles
green: you
ok so depending like how much younger than him you are
it would be a lil different
let's say you were like a decent few years younger, not rly close in age
y'all would be pretty chill ngl
"can you help me with my drawing?"
"ok fine. just stop with the puppy eyes."
if you're like way younger than him and you give him your best puppy eyes that man is a goner.
if you guys are like similar in age, with you being a few years younger
the two of you will be switching between:
i hate you.
"wow, this is actually a great drawing."
"...thank you?"
*literally five minutes later*
"get your arachnid-looking ass out of my way."
"extremely unnecessary. but okay."
you found out the fact he was spider-man relatively quick
yk that one scene in itsv when he gets everything in his dorm room stuck to him?
that happened once at home
you just strolled in and he's standing on one of the walls sideways
attempting to un-stick several drawing tools off of his hands.
one of which was also stuck to the ceiling, may i add.
you kinda just stood there for a moment
both of you engaged in like a staredown typa thing
"i can explain."
"why the fuck are you standing parallel to the floor??"
"you spiderman or something?"
you were originally joking with that sentence, but okay
anyway from that point on you had to restrain yourself from using the "miles is spider-man!" card with your parents
forced him to swing you around the city once
big mistake!!
miles will insistently claim that you were clinging to him so hard that you cut off his blood circulation.
"you really don't need to yell in my ear. maybe i should drop you-"
"do not."
miles will literally never admit it but he was ridiculously worried for you while he was with the other spiders during itsv
the same in atsv
but both of you would rather eat the dust beneath the other's bed than admit that you missed each other
the most you would probably do when he came back home would be like this sad shoulder pat
"good on you for not dying."
"thank you for not getting kidnapped by a random villain dude."
"aww, were you worried about me?"
"nah. did you miss me?"
"no. i finally got to take my time in the bathroom in the morning."
this is a lie.
if miles wasn't preoccupied with trying not to die, he would be picking at his nails, hoping you were okay
meanwhile, you were almost missing the annoying knocks on the door and the accompanying "god, hurry up!"
when gwen finally visited him in atsv, you were so prepared.
subtly embarrassing your older brother in any way possible
for funsies!!
"yo, miles! why is your bright pink teddy bear in the middle of the fucking hallway??"
"shut up. that's not mine."
bro definitely apologized to the teddy bear afterward
you definitely tried to fight someone for miles at least once
he watched in amusement the whole time.
but if it actually started turning out to be a physical fight he would pick you up and/or drag you away
you're not gonna get hurt because of him
"let me go! i can take him-"
"sorry, no can do. mama would murder both of us."
there was one time when he almost got into a fight with someone because he heard them talking about you
you had to use all your strength and will to drag him outta there
"damn your stupid mutant spider strength-"
"i didn't ask. c'mon, spidey."
shenanigans aside, you were always there for him whenever he came back late after his spider duties
you didn't ask questions, because most of the time, he didn't look like he would answer them
so you quietly patched him up, cracking stupid little jokes to see him smile
if he wanted to talk about it, you would listen
maybe even give him a hug, which you never really do
the next morning he would let you steal some food from his plate to thank you
maybe even take you for a swing, only if you promised not to cut off blood supply to his arms
all in all, miles n his younger sibling's relationship would be very funny to watch but also very sweet <3
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his lil baby sis in the comics was so adorable omg 😭 🫶🏻
i was gonna make this shorter but it ran away from me 😦
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zagreuses-toast · 9 months
My moist playlist! This man has energy and pizazz and a whole lot of stress. This is probably the Discworld playlist I listen to most cuz it's got lots of fun songs in it. Good for walking at a quick tempo to. Reasoning for the songs under the cut
Moist has massive massive ADHD (and keeps getting handed random drugs because everyone can tell he should be medicated but no one knows what with):
A Song for Joshua Hayward by Jessica Law
Senses Working Overtime by XTC
Hyperactive! by Thomas Dolby
Endicott by Kid Creole and the Coconuts (in the way that moist can't comprehend or function in a "normal" life very well)
Don't Stop Me Now by Queen
Limelight cover by Ninja Sex Party
Seven by Sleeping At Last
Applause by Lady Gaga
Moist and Adora vibes:
Sweet Tooth by Scott Helman
One Week by Barenaked Ladies
Mexican Wine by Fountains of Wayne
The Villain I Appear to Be by Conner Spiotto and Molly Pease
Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At The Disco
Voulez-Vous by ABBA
Once In A Life Time by Talking Heads
Take a Chance On Me by ABBA
Short skirt/Long Jacket by CAKE (massive adora vibes, truly)
C'mon by Fun.
Problems by Mother Mother
The Masochism Tango by Tom Lerher
Moist is also incredibly stressed and freaked out all the time:
I'm Scared by bill Wurtz
The Show Must Go On by Queen
Old Pine Box by TMBG
Money!!! :)))) and the fact that Moist doesn't really understand it even tho he's so good at getting it:
Stress by Jim's Big Ego
Why am I anxious? By Tom Cardy
Money by Bill Wurtz
Redesign your Logo by Lemon Demon
Selling Out by Tom Lerher
Money Money Money by ABBA
Money by Pink Floyd
How Bad Can I be from The Lorax (not gonna apologize for this)
Crime and cons!!! :)))) and it's consequences:
Black Friday by Steely Dan
Facade from Jekyll and Hyde
I Fought the Law by The Clash
Fox on the Run by Sweet
A Crow's Trial by Vane Lily
Sinnerman by Nina Simone
Smile! No One Cares How You Feel by The Gothic Archies
Moist avoids identity issues by not staying in any one identity long enough to become attached :
The Next Day by David Bowie
All Time What by TMBG
The Bidding by Tally hall
A Mask Of My Own Face by Lemon Demon
Grace Kelly by Mika
The Great Pretender by Freddie Mercury
Liar by the Arcadian Wilds
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Something cold and hard and L shaped- A Loaded Handgun: Bill Sykes.
"... who do we have, here? Aww... how aboutcha give me that back, there, and I promise ta be nice to ya while we're in the dark? There you go, yeah... Now, after you."
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Something rounded, with a nice weight about it- A Hard-Boiled Egg: Percival C McLeach.
"Weeell! What do we got here, huh? Nice catch!, Joanna... Now get. This one and I've got a game to play. Shall we, eh?"
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Something light and fluffy!- A Large Birds Feather: Sir Gaston.
"Oh... what luck! You found the evidence of my last hunt! And now you get to go into that closet with me. Well, no one can say I'm not a great player- Here, I'll carry you."
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Something moving... - A Big Old Beetle: Oogie Boogie.
"Hahaha, don't worry about that little guy! He just likes you! And I don't blame 'em! C'mon, sweetheart, we'll have grande old time together~"
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Something small and smooth- but with a couple sharp edges- A Jewel: Mother Gothel.
"Oh darling! I was hoping you'd find that... now come with me. This isn't my first time playing this silly little game... I'll take good care of you, sweetheart. You're in good hands- I promise."
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Something very sharp and pointy- An Arrowhead: Shan Yu.
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"Did you cut yourself on my arrow?... Hm, my apologies flower... Don't worry, I can stop the pain. We'll fix it in the closet together... "
Something smooth... and gritty feeling, at the same time!- A Dirty Jewel: Madame Medusa.
"Oh! Aren't you a lucky thing? Well! Come on then! We've only got seven short minutes dearie- let's go! I find the dark just... invigorating, don't you?"
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Something long and smooth with an odd shape at the end- A Key (Not to the closet!): Lady Tremaine.
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"... Well well... Follow me, pet. This should be interesting... "
Comment who ya got and whether you were happy! XD
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