#Buttercream squad imagine
imagineabuttercream · 2 years
Josh's White Deep V Tee (Josh x Reader)
"Totally up to you if you want to write this or not, but possibly an imagine where the reader is friends with the buttercream squad and she films a video with Josh, Conor and Jack and they somehow ruin her shirt so Josh offers her one of his and she's a bit insecure because she's curvy that it won't fit but he encourages her to put it on and sure enough it fits, and the guys tell her not to be insecure about her weight :)"
"WRONG!" Jack yells, signaling that you and Josh have to do another forfeit and that Jack and Conor get another point.
"How am I supposed to know your family cat's name??" you complain.
"I'm hurt, y/n" Jack feigned "You don't follow me on snapchat, obviously, because I've only said it a thousand times."
On your trip to London you had tried to make the rounds to bank as many collab videos as possible. You had filmed a hilarious go-pro hide and seek video with you and Joe against Zalfie, a very dramatic nerd vs nerd video with Dan and Phil, a clothes swapping video with Louise, and you and Josh had just finished vlogging your first tour around the city. When you arrived back at the flat Jack asked you and Josh to film a video for his "Brothers vs _______" series.
"Drama queen. What is our forfeit?" Josh asked, knowing that there were only 3 or 4 left and they were all bad.
Conor pulled a piece of paper out of the hat and started laughing so hard he couldn't read it. Grabbing it from his hand, you read it out loud. "Oh, god. It says to let the members of the opposite team give you a Marmite face mask."
"Yes!" Jack cheered, leaving the room to grab the Marmite.
"Pleeeeeeeeease don't get this in my hair." you begged, knowing he was still going to get it everywhere, including your hair.
Sitting down with the brothers standing behind you two, Jack started putting Marmite all over your face while Conor started drawing a penis on Josh's face with the Marmite. "Jack! You just dropped it down my shirt! Ew! It's squidgy! And all over my boobs!"
Perfectly timed, all three boys moved so they could see where Jack had just dropped the Marmite. "Really boys?" you laughed, staring at the camera.
"Looks like we have our thumbnail" Conor laughed. "I think Y/n got the worst of this, though." He dipped his hand in the Marmite drenching Josh's hair and face in the rest of it.
Finally it was time to end the video. Jack and you sat in the middle with his arm around your shoulders. Josh on your other side and Conor on Jack's other side. "Subscribe to these three and give this video a thumbs up! I have to say, I've never seen Marmite look so good." Jack teased as he once more openly looked at your now very sticky cleavage.
Turning the camera off, Conor offered you his bathroom to clean up since Josh had just hopped in the downstairs shower. "I'll show you where everything is." he lead you up to his bathroom after you grabbed your bag.
"Towels are in there, use whatever you want in the shower, and the hair dryer and stuff is all under here." Conor pointed.
"Thanks. I cannot wait to not be sticky." you laughed, finally getting your face clean in the sink. Opening your bag, your stomach dropped. "Oh, shit. I don't know where I left my sweater." you said, realizing you'd have to hand wash your shirt in the sink and wait for it to dry.
"That's not a problem, I'll just grab one of my t shirts." Conor went to leave.
"No, no. I'll just hand wash this one really quick if you can throw it in the dryer while I'm in the shower?" you asked hoping he'd just do it and not argue with you.
"Y/n, I have more shirts than I can count. I can throw yours in the wash, but you don't have to wait for it." he replied.
Internally sighing and getting a bit anxious, you finally just said it. "Conor, your shirts aren't going to fit me. It's fine. Really. Just let me scrub this really quick and then I'll hop in the shower. it's not a big deal."
Conor's face dropped knowing he had just made you uncomfortable. "Hey, hey. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I wasn't even thinking about that. How about you take it off and hand it to me through the door and I'll take care of it while you're cleaning up." he cheesily smiled trying to fix the fun mood he felt he had just ruined.
Unable to not laugh at conor being a dork and relieved he didn't force you to try one of his shirts on, you agreed. "Thank you." you said, handing him your shirt through the crack in the door.
He went downstairs and started scrubbing the shirt in the sink. "What are you doing?" josh asked, seeing Conor in the kitchen when he came out of the bathroom.
"Scrubbing y/n's shirt. I fucked up and I'm trying to make it up to her." Conor said, focused on getting all of the Marmite out.
"How did you fuck up?" Josh asked, confused.
"She doesn't have another shirt with her so I told her to just take one of mine, but she kept saying she was fine and I just had to keep insisting not even thinking about it." Conor replied, adding more soap to the water.
"Thinking about what?" Josh asked, still not getting it.
"She finally just stopped me and told me she wouldn't fit in my shirts so I'm trying to clean hers. I wasn't even thinking about it, but I know I made her uncomfortable." Conor said, realizing the Marmite wasn't coming out of the shirt. "This is hopeless"
"Hey, don't worry about it. Put it in the washer and I'll bring her something she can wear." Josh replied, starting to walk to his room.
"Josh, she's going to kill me if I let you go try to convince her to wear something else again. She'll kill me for telling you it ever happened!" Conor started to worry.
"Really, I've got this. Just throw that in the washer with spot cleaner." Josh finished getting dressed and then grabbed his favorite white v-neck t-shirt, heading upstairs.
He could hear the blow dryer running in the bathroom, so he sat on Conor's bed until you were finished. Hearing the dryer turn off, he walked to the door and knocked. "Y/n?" Josh called.
"Yeah?" you responded, putting everything back on except your shirt.
"Can I come in?" He asked.
"Um....hold on." you grabbed the towel and held it to your chest, covering your stomach and bra. "Yeah, come in." you answered nervously.
"Hey!" he smiled. "Your t-shirt is in the wash so I grabbed one of mine so you weren't walking around in a towel."
"I'm going to kill Conor." was all you said, closing your eyes trying to calm down. The last thing you needed to do was have a full blown panic attack in front of the boy you actually liked.
Josh put his hand on your shoulder. "I made him tell me. He was down there trying his best to clean your shirt and I knew that mine would work just fine."
Looking up at him, trying to keep the water in your eyes from spilling into tears, you didn't know what to say. Do you wait in the bathroom for your shirt to finish being in the wash? Do you risk putting his shirt on and looking like a stuffed sausage?
"I know that you think that it won't fit or that you'll look horrible in it, but you're wrong. first, I know for a fact my shirt will fit you just fine. Second..." He paused blushing a bit. "Second, you look beautiful in everything you wear. Okay? I'm going to turn around and shut my eyes and you're going to put this on." Josh said, running his thumb under your eye to clear away a few stray tears before handing you his shirt.
'Did he just say what I think he said?' you thought to yourself, realizing you were just standing there instead of changing. Dropping the towel, you pulled the shirt over your head and turned to the mirror.
"Can I turn around?" Josh asked, looking adorable with his hands covering his eyes.
Laughing, you responded. "Yeah, you're good."
"See! I told you it would fit. It looks better on you than it does on me." Josh teased.
"Yeah, yeah. You were right." you felt relief flood your body. "I just get a lot of grief for being a big girl. Especially a big girl on you-tube. I avoid anything that would make it awkward for me or anyone else." you responded, looking at your feet.
"Y/n, there is nothing wrong with being a big girl." Josh replied, pulling your chin up so you were looking at him. "Now lets go watch a movie or something. I know Jack wants to order Chinese."
"Thank you, Josh. Really." you felt him pull you into a hug.
Grabbing your hand, Josh led you down the stairs to the living room. Pulling you down onto the couch next to him, he put his arm around your shoulders and you kind of snuggled into his side.
You noticed Jack walk into the living room with his vlogging camera out. Thinking Josh wouldn't want you two to look couple-y in the vlog, you went to sit up straight, but your efforts were met with Josh pulling you back into his side.
"Look at these two cuties." Jack spoke to the camera, panning over to you two.
Conor complained "Hey! I'm cute too!" throwing himself across your laps. Everyone laughed.
"By the way, Josh. You're never allowed to wear that t-shirt anymore. Once the world has seen it on those boobs, you'll never be able to make it look as good." Jack teased, having no clue that there was any drama behind you wearing it.
"I have to agree," Josh said, looking at you and trying not to blush.
"I don't know, I thought you looked quite handsome in it." you replied.
Your cute moment was interrupted by Conor yelling "I ship it!" at you and Josh. "And by that, I mean I ship Y/n and that t-shirt." he joked.
After everyone had eaten, Jack came up with the brilliant idea to film another video. "We should play 'Never Have I Ever'" he yelled. "We never have any girls in those videos!" Popping up to grab his camera.
"As long as there's no Marmite involved, I'm in." you responded, very happy with how your day turned out.
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Dating Caspar Lee might include..
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he’d be so cuddly
like literally cuddles all the time
arms sneaking aroung your waist from behind
kisses on the cheek
holding hands
you’d be his top priority
he’d always make sure to see you enough
wearing his hoodies
sometimes him buying a new one just because he’d know you’d like the design
romantic dates
like to the movies
or maybe a picknick in a not so crowded park
travelling together
taking cutesy couple pics for instagram
having matching phone backgrounds
if you couldn’t see each other in person for a few days, he’d send you voice messages and snapchats
he’d introduce you to his parents pretty soon
meeting his childhood friends
getting along with them so well
him being so smitten
they’d call him whipped, but they were so glad that Caspar found you
loving the trip to South Africa so much that you couldn’t wait to get back
getting along with the Buttercreams and his other friends in England very well, too
he’d show you off so much
him asking if you’re comfortable to be in his videos
the fans would love you because of your chemistry with him
going to events together
feeling safe with him even when you’re going on the red carpet and the paps are going crazy
because you’d know he’ll always be there
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buttercreamscenes · 5 years
Boy After Summer - Jack Maynard
Smut: No
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: I hope you like it :)
Wiping the sweat from your brow, you let out a comfortable sigh as you sunk deeper into the lounge chair. Your hotel was full of people who seemed to be coming and going but their busyness never seemed to distract you from enjoying a relax summer holiday. London, England was always at the top of your travel list ever since your dad had taken a business trip there when you were ten and brought you back a skyline painting. The lights captured your attention and the rest was history. Now, fourteen years later, your dream had become reality and your graduation trip was one to remember.
You had been here for a month already and the thought of going back home after the summer finished was one you dreaded. The city had already begun to feel like home and you were surprised you had managed to meet as many people as you had. Feeling the vibration of your phone through the chair, you reached by your thigh to see who had messaged you.
“There’s a party tonight, I’ll pick you up at 9 for pre-drinks.” Smiling at the message, the butterflies in your stomach started as you thought about another night with Jack. 
Jack was the type of boy you knew very well. He had a reputation or at least tried to have one. His friends were always taking shots at his ego yet it always seemed to stay on the same level. He was confident; sometimes cocky but never pushy. You had met him in a club within the first week of your trip and he had been blowing up your phone ever since. You knew in your head it would only be a summer fling as getting too involved with him would only lead to heartbreak; you being the one who walked away worse than the other.
The car ride over to Mikey’s later that night was quiet but a comfortable quiet. You two had grown quite close within a short amount of time, which would only make the end result even harder. His hand was wrapped up in yours as the houses and apartment buildings passed by.
“Come on then, Mikey’s becoming impatient.” Jack said, sliding his phone into his pocket as he undid his seatbelt and began exiting the car.
The night went on as predicted; Jack was by your side, hand in yours as he directed you through the party, saying hello to people passing by. Spectators wondered if Jack had finally decided to settle down but both of you refused to acknowledge the questioning eyes. You were growing fond of Jack and you knew leaving at the end of the summer would only become harder but the thought of ending things with him now made you just as nervous.
The next two months were some of the best of your life. Both you and Jack had decided that exclusively dating each other would only make things harder. You had met a couple of other guys but no one seemed to live up to Jack. He was different and as cliché as it was, you just couldn’t let him go. You knew he was also dating around so when you were to see him, you made sure to only give as much as you got. 
Looking around the hotel room that had begun to feel like home, you tried to picture yourself living anywhere other than here but you struggled to create an in-focus picture. London had captured your heart, moreso than you thought it would, and the thought of leaving it behind pained you.
“I didn’t think it’d be this hard.” Jack expressed as he removed your suitcases from the back of his car. He made you promise you’d allow him to be the last face you saw in London and at the beginning of the summer, you didn’t think it’d matter that much but standing there, face to face, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
The area around you fell silent as Jack wrapped his hand in yours and pulled you towards him. You could have lived in this moment forever but time was ticking and your flight would soon be leaving.
“You know, this summer was one I never expected. I always think of summer as a time to mess around and something not worth taking too seriously. When I met you and we agreed to just have fun, I thought it’d be easy to date other girls as well but I’d sit there on the date, staring at a girl I knew would never be you. I know this is exactly what we were trying to avoid but (y/n), I don’t want to be a boy just for the summer.” You looked into Jack’s piercing blue eyes as he raised his left hand to your cheek. “I fell for you and I fell hard.” Wiping the tear that had fallen with his thumb, he placed his forehead against yours, wrapping his right hand around your waist. 
“I was really hoping you’d say that.” You said, letting out a smile as you pressed your lips against his and suddenly...everything seemed...perfect.
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calmasf · 6 years
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Being Joe’s best friend but having hardly any chance to talk to him over the past few months because of Strictly and tour.
As soon as he got home from a very long and exhausting tour, the first thing he did was FaceTime you, your face lighting up instantly as you saw his icon pop up on your screen. You answered immediately and was so relieved to finally see him; the two of you spoke for hours and had a great catch up on all the things you’d missed, you learning all about Strictly and Dianne while he listened intently as you told him about your life and work.
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Jack Maynard- Club Night
Summary- You meet Jack and his friends in a club and things get interesting.
a/n- I wrote this ages ago and forgot to post! Hope you enjoy. Feel free to send requests not just for the buttercream squad but for the Dolan twins too!
"Omg y/n look its Jack and Conor Maynard with all their friends!" Your best friend, Olivia squealed as she pointed over to a group of rather attractive guys.
You were out at a club called Drama having a bit of fun with all your friends. You didn't know much about this group of boys your best friend was currently basically hyperventilating over but you'd heard their names and been shown their videos once or twice by her.
"We've got to go talk them they're so hot! Oh my god, we're in a club with celebs!"Olivia screeched.
"Sure but I call dibs on Joe!" Your other friend announced.
"If they're as famous as you guys say why are they gonna want to talk to us-" Before you fully finished your sentence Olivia grabbed your arm and dragged the group over to them.
You were trying to act uninterested but as you got closer a blond boy with piercing blue eyes caught your attention.
Your friends rushed over to talk to them and ask for photos but you lingered at the back.
While Olvia and your other friend were gushing over two boys with curly brown hair the blond was slowly made his way over to you.
You looked down at your drink pretending like you hadn't noticed him.
"Hey, are you with them girls?" He asked, looking you up and down; you felt his eyes linger on your body.
"Yeh, I am" You smiled up at him.
"Don't want a picture?" He winked.
"Not to be rude but I don't really know who you are"
"Wow I am so offended" He said sarcastically and rolled his eyes, he nodded over at the bar "Come to get a drink with me?"
You hesitated for a minute but mentally said fuck it and followed him over to the bar.
"So I am Jack and you are?" He asked.
"Y/n and you're famous for what?"
"I'm a YouTuber, and my brother's singer."
"Ohh so you're known for having a famous brother and being hot?" You teased.
"Woah well I would be offended but you called be hot so I'll let you get away with it" He chuckled.
You two continued talking for a while, he was funny and easy to talk to. The way he watched you as you spoke made your stomach fill with butterflies and every so often you'd notice him biting his lip. You could already tell he was quite a flirt.
Awhile later your friends came over with each with a boy with his hand wrapped around their waist.
"Aye mate we're all heading back now," Said the one next to Olivia how you thought might be Conor, Jacks brother.
"Have a good night" Said the one next to your other friend, you presumed he was Joe; he looked over at you and winked.
You all said your goodbyes as they got in cabs, leaving you and Jack standing outside together.
"Want to come back to mine?" Jack smirked.
"Mmh okay but don't get any ideas!" You joked making him laugh.
Jack called a cab and you stood in the chilly weather waiting for it, you shivered.
"You look cold," He said as he took off his jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders.
"What a gentleman" You giggled "Thank you'.
Finally, it arrived and Jack held open the door for you to get inside and then got in.
You were rather excited to be going back to his apartment, he was a celeb after all and well he was .. attractive to say the least.
He sat close to you in the taxi, his knee gently brushing against yours every so often. You were pretty sure he was doing it on purpose.
When you got to the apartment Jack ordered pizza and you sat on the sofa eating it.
"Jesus have we really been out that long," He said and pointed towards the window.
There were deep orange colours beginning to appear on the horizon. You got up and rushed over to it.
Jack was watching, thinking how pretty you looked a the glow from the sunrise hit your face.
"Come, look at how beautiful it is!" You called.
"Sure the views pretty but you're prettier" He joked, causing you to laugh.
He turned you to look at him and tucked the hair that was on your face behind your ear. He wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned down slightly, bringing his face closer to yours. He lingered for a moment as if checking to see if you were going to stop him, you didn't.
You thought he was going to kiss you but instead, he planted kisses up your neck and just under your ear. You pushed your body close to his, closing what little space there was left between you. As you tilted your head slightly you crashed your lips into his.
The kiss got heated as he ran hands down your ass and grinded his hips into yours. You two ended up making out more on the sofa.
And let's leave the rest to the imagination shall we, hah.
If you’d like to read some more of my work my masterlist is here!
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oh-ishouldnt · 6 years
02. all you had to do was stay
This is 1989 series imagine
It was like a movie scene fading in. First, all black, then, the sound kicks in and there is a heated discussion, and finally, me and Joe in a car, going down a narrow road.
“Oh no, love, you didn’t just say that.” We both forgot how the arguing started; however, we wouldn't take back what we screamed.
“What? What is wrong with my sentence?” Joe snapped back. “Are you bothered with the truth? I can’t change the facts, Y/N!”
I was in his passenger seat, didn’t even know where we were going, but the drive was too dark to be interested in finding out. The car threw a yellow light on the pavement and I could see the wood that surrounded us, no car by our side or coming in the other way.
“You call this bullshit the truth?”
This made Joe angrier and he started speeding up the car, we weren’t fast enough to the adrenaline in our veins. I could even feel my cheeks getting red because of our rage.
“It is the truth, Y/N.”
“For fuck’s sake, stop calling me Y/N! You never call me Y/N! And, yes, Joseph, this is bullshit! You are just saying this because, in your crazy, stupid mind it is payback time!”
“What?” He looked at me surprised for a moment and put his eyes again on the road “Payback? What do you even talking about?”
“Payback for what I said to your sister sooner!”
“Of course it isn’t payback, Y/N. You know that I am not you and I don’t play your little mind games. I was thinking about getting angry with you for what you said to Zoe later tonight, but good that you remind me that now.”
“Mind games? I play mind games? Are you insane? Did you lose your mind? Maybe you forgot your brain in your apartment when you left there this morning! This would explain a lot.”
“Here you come with your sassy words. You think you are so fucking smart when you say this kind of thing, don’t you?” Joe looked at me again “What about you use all this energy you have to think that to actually do something useful instead?” He asked, “What about you-“
Another bright light washed the driveway and my first instinct was to see what it was. I screamed “Joe!”, interrupting my boyfriend, as my heart raced, nevertheless it was too late, the other car was heading straight to us.
Joe tried to avoid the crash and threw the car out the road. The time slowed down and I heard the wheels making its loud shrill noise, felt my body getting flung against Joe.
We were getting upside down and I understood the car was flipping around. The side airbags explode, silly and useless; the safety belt pressed my lungs and one of my ribs cracked inside me. Something told me that it wasn’t the worst part of my future state.
I couldn’t scream, I couldn’t take Joe’s hand, it was crazy slow and crazy fast at the same. The broken glass surrounded me when we all hit the floor. We didn’t stop flipping and the car turned around again. And again.
That is when I open my eyes and my white ceiling starts to focus.
I am sweating as I never did, out of breath on my bed. I stare at the whiteness, terrified with my nightmare and waiting for myself to calm down. The dream didn’t make sense, still, the feeling of getting shot against death is scary enough for me.
I take my phone to check the clock and the alarm starts to ring just as my hand touches the device. Time to get going. I get up, my feet touch the floor that got cold throughout the night and go to my bathroom.
I need to work today, however, it’s Friday so it’s better than Monday. I shower, forgetting to put some music to play, my mind is fixed on that crazy nightmare.
The worst part is not the nightmare itself; it is the fact that, when I woke up, I didn’t have Joe by my side to say it was all good. And I am not 100% sure that this is a bad thing, because he was the one who trusted and broke all we had for some mysterious reason that I want to say that is the fact he isn’t ready for a real relationship, for putting himself out in the world, for me. I need to make me believe in that so I can put myself together.
           Part of my recovering is giving all of me to the company I work in, so I get none left when I come home at the end of the day and I can sleep my troubles away. Obviously I am going to find out another solution as my day passes by since my dreams are turning into nightmares, but for now, I get ready to work.
           The metro is busy as always is, you can’t ask anything different from London by morning, and I live here time enough to know that I need to be ready for this little everyday issue. I get to my office building just when I planned to.
           I say hi to all my colleagues from work and wish all the staff a good morning, none of them believing my wishes since I have a face that I passed a tough night. One of my friends from here works on the desk by my side and she even gets a “How you doing?” when I go to my place.
           And casually resting on my desk there is a huge flower arrangement. My eyes wide and it melts my heart for just one single second, just one because I know who sent the gorgeous flowers.
           I take the golden little card that came with my beautiful arrange, I read it and let the card fall on my desk. It says “downstairs”.
           I watch the elevator metal doors opening and ignore my racing heart. It is the second time today it races like that and it isn’t even half of the day. I instantly see an anxious Joe waiting for me.
           My ex spots me and starts walking towards my direction.
           “What do you want?” I ask him before he can open his mouth.
           He looks at me and I know what he is thinking What do you think I want sending flowers and showing up, love?, this is what he would say if we were still dating.
           “Y/N, please, let me just talk to you.” He begs.
           My nightmare wasn’t a big surprise for me, actually. I’ve been ignoring Joe’s calls for the past week. I don’t know what he wants me to say, considering he dumped me like I was no one special, cutting me out of his life in the blink of an eye and it was hard enough for me stitching myself without him calling me all the time.
           “I don’t want to hear you, Joe.” I shrug. “Most of all, you don’t want to hear what I got to say to you.”
           “Look, Y/N/N, I know I messed up, okay?” He passes his hands through his hair “But I am suffering the whole Hell since we broke up and I am not a guy who gets back with someone but right here, right now, I am telling you that I changed my mind, I was stupid and please…”
           “Joe, stop,” I tell.
           “No, you do not understand…”
           “No, Joe, you are the one who isn’t…”
           “Y/N, please…” Joe gets closer and my air vanishes, I forgot how blue his eyes were those months we were apart.
           “Joe…” I am the one who is begging now, his left hand holds my arm.
           “I just want to say that I love you, okay?”
           He says he loves me looking in my eyes, making my whole body shakes and he thinks I will let him make this moment longer, however, a sudden rage burst insides me and my cheeks turn red just as they did in my dream.
I push him “Let me remind you: this was what you wanted.” Just as he did with me, I stare his amazing eyes, steady, I am not bonding here. “You ended it.” And now, to my humiliation, I feel the tears bursting as my rage did. “You were all I wanted…” I tell him “But not like this…” I admit, my shoulders fall and I face the ground. It isn’t fair to me. “Not like this…” I wanted him back for so long and I wanted him to say those words even longer. He never told me that loved me when we dated, how can he just shot at me those three words like that? In the middle of this situation? “Not like this.” I feel Joe’s arms around me and I let him do that, all that is left of my voice is a whisper and this is how loud I finally say the words I need to: “All you had to was stay.”
Joe only understands only now what I’ve been trying to communicate. I am hurt, I am in pain, I love him so much, since the first time I met him. I also love myself and this is why I can’t ignore what he did.
“If you need me to stay, this is what I will do.” He promises, then he kisses my forehead “I’m sorry.” And walks away, giving me space to heal.
I go back to the office with a ruined mascara and a running nose. I walk to my desk, the co-workers that actually notice me, leave me alone, the others keep their lives happening as any other day. The only one who speaks to me is my friend from the desk by my side.
“What happened?” She asks.
I face my flowers and they make me smile a little.
“Nothing” I respond and I turn around to go to the bathroom fix my makeup, I have a long day ahead.
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marvel-mendess · 7 years
Wrongful attraction - Byron Langley
Request: Heeey, can you please do a teacher Byron imagine, where he lectures at the reader’s college and they have to watch out to stay together. Thank you soooo much
Word count: 1,134
Smut: implied
A/N: I’m so sorry this is short & probably not the best, but if you want a second part please feel free to request it and I’ll write one! I hope you like it :) 
Pairing: Teacher Byron x Student Y/N
Requests are open!
Summer coming to an end means another school year right around the corner. In honor of our last weekend of freedom, my friends and I decided to go to the best bar in town to forget about the stress that is about to come. Wearing my favourite pair of black jeans with a low-cut navy one piece and my thigh high black boots, I felt great which meant for a good night. Applying the finishing touches to my makeup I hear my best friend (Y/B/F/N) yell at me to come outside as the Uber was already waiting for us.
After a couple badly sang songs, the Uber finally pulls up outside of DRAMA . After bidding thanks to our Uber driver, the girls and I make beeline for the bar.
A couple of hours have passed by and (Y/B/F/N)’s idea of making us take shots after shots was probably not her brightest idea as I’m now experiencing the room spin.
Waking up the first thing I noticed was my head pounding, the second was that I definitely wasn’t in my bed and the third was that I was definitely naked. Slowly looking to my right I realized that I was in fact not alone either. Reaching for my phone I see that (Y/B/F/N) has sent me 17 “where are you text” as well as some texts wondering if I was in fact still alive. Shooting her a text reassuring her that i am still alive & breathing, I decide to order myself a Uber back to my flat, before mystery man wakes up. I did not want to do one of those awkward “hello” after a one night stand. Getting out of bed was a struggle as this man’s tan arm was around my waist yet, after many attempts I finally manage to wiggle my way out and start collecting my clothes while quietly putting them on. Slowly but surely I make my way outside in the hall of his apartment without waking him up. Letting out a breath of relief I walk towards the elevator to reach my Uber driver that is waiting for me outside.
As soon as my Uber driver reaches my flat I start rushing to get ready for my first class of the day; History. Pulling my hair in a messy bun, taking off last nights makeup off of my face and dressing in leggings and a sweater with my trusty pair of vans I look at myself over in the mirror and consider myself presentable (enough) for the day. Grabbing my backpack and my laptop I go outside and start speed walking to school. Good thing I only live 1 block away from my university if not I definitely would be late.
Looking at my phone it's now 10:10am which means i’m officially 10 minutes late so that calls for some light jogging. Bursting through the doors of my first class I realized that i didn’t even need to speed walk as the teacher himself was late. I search for (Y/B/F/N) as I reckon she sent me a text saying she saved me a spot. I find her in the mass of students and start walking towards the seat she reserved for me. I hear doors opening behind me which means only 1 thing; the teacher has finally made an appearance. 
Deciding on ignoring wha was happening behind me and making my way towards my friend without tripping over someones backpack, I don’t realize the look of shock she sends my way.
“ Hey sorry I was late, I was at this-“
“(Y/N)!” (Y/B/F/N) says in a tone of panic
“ wassup? what? do you think your pregnant again? oh no don’t tell me you hooked up with Johnny again!”
“No, it's even worse!”
“Well what is it?” I saw slightly getting annoyed
“Look in front of the class”
And that's when my whole world stopped for what seemed like forever.
In front of the class was the guy I ended up in bed with, naked.
I slept with my History teacher.
Bloody hell. That was the first thought that went through my mind when i woke up this morning. My head was pounding and I had the biggest hangover of life. My eyes are wide open as soon as I realize that today was monday and I had work to go to. Turning over to apologize to the girl I brought back with me last night I came face to face with an empty & cold bed. Lifting myself up a little and looking around my room I realize that she in fact left this morning without even saying anything. Bloody hell, I didn’t even have the chance to get her number. “I’m a mess that cant even do hookups right” I say to no one in particular as I lived alone.
Looking over at my alarm clock, I realize that I have 10 minutes to get up and leave for work or else ill officially be late for my first day of work.
“Being late on your first day of work is so classy of you Byron” I said to myself out loud with a long sigh following right after. 
Getting up I decide that a shower and then coffee would be the best decision to do now even if it does make me late. Rather look awake then go to work looking like I just rolled out of the bar.
Walking towards the University I realize that I am officially 20 minutes late and that my students are probably already annoyed with me or even gone at this point. Speed walking a little, I finally make it to the front of the building. I take in a huge breath of air in a way of mentally preparing myself to see all my students gone and that’s when I decide to walk in.
All talking stop as many pairs of eyes stare at me while I walk to the front of the class. The students must have put two and two together and realize that their teacher finally showed up which prompts them to start taking their writing utilities out of their book bag and get ready to listen to the first lecture of the semester. 
After settling myself in, slowly but surely as i’m hungover and completely unprepared for this first day, I look around the classroom to see what I will be working with this semester and I am met with a class full of third year students, yet my breathing stops at one student in particular.
The girl from last night. Oh no. My eyes widen a little and my heart goes to my stomach, she was the girl I ended up with last night.
I slept with one of my students.
I stare at her a little longer and watch as her friend from last night starts talking to her in a panic. She must know who I am which is definitely not good. The girl I brought back to my flat turns around and looks at me with the same shocked appearance I was sporting a couple of seconds earlier.
Oh fuck this won’t be good…
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supernaturalisbae1 · 7 years
Jack Maynard-Having Fun
Requests are still open guys let me know if you have any I really enjoy writing these! Also check out my wattpad. I write things on there!
Thank you for the request I changed it a wee bit but I hope you like it!😜 This is a lot fluffier than I thought it would be😂
Jacks POV
“Okay guys I gotta go, I’m starving and my wonderful girlfriend is in the kitchen, making me dinner. See ya later MERRY VLOGMAS!” I said to my camera. “Say bye y/n.” “Bye guys merry vlogmas.” Y/n my lovely girlfriend yelled from the kitchen.
I turned off the camera and set it on the charger in my room. After that I found my way to the kitchen smelling y/f/f (your favorite food) cooking.
I stopped in the doorway just watching y/n. I love her more than anything, we’ve been dating for almost 2 years now. She was staying with Conor and I at our flat for the holidays, and she’s been cooking all day for a dinner we’re having tonight with all the boys.
Y/n’s POV
I giggle to myself after I say bye to Jacks camera, he is really excited for Christmas, lord I love that boy and I’m glad to be staying with him.
I hear the door open pulling me out of my thoughts as I stir some of the food for tonight, but I don’t here footsteps afterward so I assume Jack stopped in the doorway.
It’s been five minutes and Jack still hasn’t said anything so I speak up. “Just gonna stand there and stare all day?” I ask as I glance back to see Jack smirking.
He shifts his weight to lean on the wall instead of the doorway “Maybe I like view,” he says cockily.
I giggle as the doorbell rings. “The boys must be here early can you get the door Conor is napping.” Jack groans deeply turning me on a little, but he does it none the less. I sigh and get back to work.
Around 10 minutes later Joe comes into the kitchen. “Hey y/n I figured you’ve been in here all day cooking by yourself so I came to help since they’ll burn anything they touch.” Joe says as he points at the door, talking about Jack and Conor.
“Oh thank you Joe that’s really nice, if it’s not to much trouble can you cut the carrots?” I ask him while handing him a knife. He nods his head and starts helping.
Not long after Jack comes in and hugs me from behind. “Hey sweetie,” I giggle. He kissed my lips then proceeds to say, “Oh come on Joe really you’re making me look bad in front of my girlfriend!”
“Hey back off, least I won’t make a mess everywhere like you would,” Joe fights back jokingly and we all laugh. The doorbell rings again. I just look at Jack and he goes to get the door.
Joe chuckles from the other side of the kitchen, “You’ve got that boy whipped y/n, he is wrapped around you’re finger.” I playfully glare over at him. “Don’t give me that look, you know it’s true.”
I laugh it off as Jack and Casper walk in the door carrying food. “Here’s the turkey, you asked for and Oli is right behind us with the potato salad.”
“Thanks Caspar, Oli set that on the table please. And Joe will you check the casserole?” Caspar and Oli put the food that’s done on the table, Joe nods and checks the casserole and I go wake Conor up while Jack goes to call Mikey to see when he’s getting here with the drinks.
Jacks POV
It’s busy here and I feel bad for not even thinking about helping y/n when all the boys brought food and Mikey bringing drinks while Conor sets the table.
I’m trying to help the best I can now but I’ve never really cooked before and I don’t want y/n to get frustrated from my constant questions.
Y/n’s POV
It’s been really busy around here. When I woke Conor up I put him straight to work setting the table, Jack was trying to help with the cooking but kept messing up or asking a lot of questions, and as adorable as I thought it was I sent him out to finish the Christmas decorations I never got to so I wouldn’t be distracted.
Mikey and Josh rode together to get the drinks and as soon as they got here I put them to work. Joe helped me prepare the last bit of food and we started chatting.
“You know what y/n, I’m glad you’re here because if we didn’t have you here it wouldn’t be a big party like this, we would have just gone out clubbing. Since your here, we really have a woman to set things up and make it feel like Christmas.” He quietly chuckles and continues. “And you know you’re just like a mother ordering all of us around. You’ve got Oli and Casper cleaning the the dining room and setting out food. Conor setting the table. Mikey and Josh getting the drinks, Jack putting up Christmas decor and me helping you cook. I never thought I’d see any of these guys doing stuff like this for anyone but you’ve rounded us out.”
Joe smiled at me, when he finished. I smiled back very big and genuinely. “Thank you Joe so much for helping me with everything.” We washed our hands and I hugged him.
*Skip to Dinner*
We all sat down with dinner finally ready and I decided to make a toast. “Before we begin eating I have a toast to make. I wanna thank all of you. Starting with Joe, thank you for showing up two hours early to help me finish cooking. Caspar thank you for taking the time to make a turkey to go with the Roast I made. Oli even though I know you just went to the store and bought it thanks for bringing the potato salad.” Oli blushed. “Conor thanks for setting the table just the way my picky self asked you to, Mikey thank you for buying the drinks, and Josh thank you for babysitting Mikey to make sure he didn’t spill them everywhere.” We all laughed and I finished my speech. “And thank you Jack, my best friend for trying to help cook and running around doing everything I asked of you, I don’t know what I would do without you. I love you.”
That was the end of my speech and I kissed Jack as they all cheered. We had a good laugh and everyone dug in.
Later on we all sat in the living room singing along to cheesy Christmas toons and Conor showing off with his lovely singing skills. I was sitting with Jack on the couch my legs draped over his with my head on his shoulder. “I’m gonna go clean up the table a little.” I whispered to Jack who nodded and kissed my lips before I got up.
After I’d taken all the leftovers and put them in containers I started washing the dishes. Shortly after that Jack came to hug my waist from behind. I dried my hands and turned around to talk to him.
“Hey, baby, need something?” I asked him still tightly holding on to me.
I looked up into his eyes and he seemed upset. He tried to hide it with a smile but I could tell he wasn’t okay. “Hey Jack what’s wrong? Don’t say nothing because I know you.”
“I don’t know I guess I just feel kinda bad for not helping you as much today. I heard you tell Joe thanks so much for everything and I just started feeling bad that you made all the boys help you and didn’t even ask me to. It made me feel useless so I tried helping you and Joe cook but I don’t really know how and you sending me out of the kitchen made me feel even worse.” He admitted.
“I feel so bad now this is all a big misunderstanding sweetie.” I tried to jump up on the counter behind me but I’m kinda short so I missed. Jack chuckled lightly and grabbed my waist to set me up there.
I pulled him in between my legs and made eye contact. “Jack what you heard me say to Joe earlier today was me thanking him for saying that he was glad I was here and said that I was the reason you guys had a real Christmas, and I asked all the boys to help me because none of them were doing anything I didn’t know it would bother you but I wanted to give you a break from all the stress of trying to make your new songs with Conor perfect.
And when you tried to help cook I loved that you were trying to help even though you didn’t know how it was adorable but I sent you out because I was getting distracted watching you. I’m so sorry I never realized that I was happy and all day and you were suffering, baby next time please say something. I’m so sorry please forgive me.”
“There is nothing to forgive. God how did I end up so lucky. I don’t deserve you. I love you so much. You didn’t do anything wrong it was just a misunderstanding as long as you were happy that’s all I need to make me happy. I love you so much. Please don’t ever leave me.”
*Waring making out beyond this scene but nothing more than that*
“Never.” I whispered and kissed him passionately. It started out slow but got increasingly faster and more intense. Jack had one hand on my cheek and the other holding my waist. I had my legs tightly wrapped around his waist and my hands on his neck, because I was still on the counter.
We continued kissing and he bit my lip and I granted him entrance. At that exact moment Conor walked in the door. “Hey guys need any help.” Jack and I pulled apart just in time for me to see Conor’s eyes widening.
“Having fun I see,” Conor said before turning around and walking out.
Jack started trying to kiss me again then moved to kissing my neck. “Jack come on if we don’t go out now they’re all gonna think we’re having a quickie.” I tried to reason. “So,” he mumbled into my neck. “Jaaaaaaaaack,” I whined. “Okay Okay,” he quite kissing me and helped me down.
When we walked back in everyone started teasing us. I ignored them and sat on Jacks lap on the couch and stayed there until after everyone left. “Now can we go have sex?” Jack asked. I giggle loudly. “Bro I’m still in the room!” Conor yelled.
Jack picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed loudly and Jack took me to his room.
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buttercream-me-up · 7 years
Skydive // Jack Maynard
Word Count- 874
Summary- Ever since a young age, you’ve wanted to go skydiving. Now that you finally are, Jack isn’t too fond of the idea.
Warnings; N/A
A/n; uM SO LIKE WOW IT’S BEEN A WHILE. I’ve decided that while I hardly find inspiration to write anymore, I’m probably not going to delete this blog, because I’ve put time & effort into this blog and even though my posting will be rare, I’ll still try to finish all my requests as they come. So sorry this has taken so long, but tbh, I’m surprised I wrote it at all.
Requested; Yes
req;  One of the Maynard's, "just... come back alive, okay?" And "please, you can't die now" idk if it sent but I wanted to add to the one I sent earlier..... 😬
prompt 1;  "just... come back alive, okay?" 
prompt 2;  "please, you can't die now"
“Oh please, Jack. I’ll be fine.” You said, rolling your eyes as you slipped your arms through the sleeves of your jacket. “What if something goes wrong, Y/N?” He asked, worriedly. “Jack, honestly, these people do this for a living. I highly, highly doubt anything will go wrong.” You said, exasperated. “That’s not certain, Y/N!” You ignored him, rolling your eyes and zipped up your jacket. “Don’t go..” He muttered, defeated, and you whipped around, angrily. “What is your problem? I’ve been talking about doing this for ages, since we were 9 years old, Jack! Why does it matter so much now? Why didn’t you say anything before, I’ve been planning this for 12 years, why bring it up now?!” You yelled, annoyed. He stayed quiet.
You and Jack had been friends since your early years; 5 or 6, maybe. Ever since you were young, the sky had fascinated you. It was something you could never truly understand; and it intrigued you to no limits. It called to you, in a sense. Some said you were crazy for thinking so, but you knew what you truly wanted to do. When you turned 9 years old, you promised yourself that one day, you’d satisfy your burning desire to explore the sky.
Jack, on the other hand, wasn’t as excited as you were. He trusted flying, of course, he flew on planes all the time, it was a huge part of his job as a youtuber. This was different. It wasn’t the fact you were going to be in the air on a plane travelling to a nice, safe location. No, it was something else that was bothering him. It was the part about jumping out of a moving aircraft several thousand feet above the ground and falling at an alarming rate towards the ground, that was worrying him.
You’d vowed to yourself from the young age of 9 years old, that on your 21st birthday, you were going to Skydive.
Your best friends refused to let you go at it alone, of course. They said they’d come as well, and you’d have a party of sorts. Jack was invited too, and you’d even paid for a ticket for him, though he refused to jump out of a moving plane. He thought it was ridiculous- but you brushed it off. Twelve years of planning and waiting later, it was the big day, and nothing would ruin your mood. When you’d woken up, you could hardly contain your excitement, the smile on your face the brightest it had been in years. The morning could not have been more perfect; Jack had made you breakfast, but only as you’d mentioned today’s adventure, did the day go sour. Hence why you were fighting with Jack now.
You turned and grabbed the doorknob, opening the door gently. You stepped out, about to close it behind you when Jack began to mutter. You had to pause and take a minute to register what he’d said. “I’m just worried about you.” You sighed, pushing the door open and meeting Jack face to face. He took a deep breath, looking you in the eye, and you could see just how scared he was. It made your heart wrench in your chest. “Just... come back alive, okay? Please, you can't die now.” “I promise you Jack, I’ll be fine.” You assured him, pulling him in for a gentle kiss.
“I’ll text you when we get there, and when we land, okay?” You told him, caressing his cheek gently. He nodded, and smiled. You could see it in his eyes he was still nervous, but trying to be strong for you. “Have fun, love.” You smiled too, and gave him one last quick peck on the lips before grabbing your bag and heading out the door. You’d made it to the parking lot, and decided to text your friends, letting them know you were about to leave. ‘Leaving now. See you in 15.’ You’d sent, the smile never leaving your face. This was it, you were actually doing this. You couldn’t believe it.
You’d climbed into the car, and began to pull out of the lot, when you heard him. “Wait!” Jack called, running out after you with his coat and shoes on. “What are you doing?” You asked him, surprised. “Do you still have that extra ticket?” He asked, slightly out of breath. You furrowed your brows in confusion, “Yeah?” “Can I tag along, then?” He asked, a cheeky grin on his face. 
You blinked, not expecting that. You didn’t know what to expect, but it certainly hadn’t been that. “I thought you didn’t want to risk your life jumping out of a plane?” You asked, smirking in amusement. “Yeah well, I’d be a pretty shitty boyfriend and best friend if I didn’t help my girlfriend fulfill her lifelong wish- and on her birthday, nonetheless.” “Hop in, lover-boy.” You said, unlocking the door.
You were ecstatic, and as you drove to the takeoff point, you absolutely couldn’t wait. Finally, after 12 long years, you were going to skydive, and you got to do it with all your best friends and your loving boyfriend. You couldn’t have asked for a better birthday present.
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Ditched || Joe Sugg Imagine
Hey you guys! I’m back and at it again! ------------ The third time the waitress comes over to take my order and I decline I notice the many pairs of eyes on me.  My H/c hair falling in loose curls over my shoulders and back. My fingers toy with the hem of my lilac dress. I pull my phone out of my matching clutch, unlocking the screen and clicking open my messages app. I press my finger down on our message thread. 

Boyfriend <3: I’ll see you later.

I scoff and place my phone back into my purse and stand up from the table. 

“Are you okay, Ma’am?” A feminine voice asks with a hand placed on my shoulder. I shake my head ‘no’ and shrug off her hand and make my way towards the exit of the restaurant. 

“They don’t deserve you,” A soft voice says as I reach the door. I turn around to face the voice. My E/c eyes meet with those of the waitress. 

“He’s been working really hard,” is all I say before I walk away from her. 

Hours pass and I continue walking aimlessly through the streets of London. I allow my feet to carry me along the roads and before I know it I’m outside of Joe’s apartment and have begun the journey up to his place. 

Suddenly my phone starts buzzing and ‘I’ll Be’ by Edwin McCain starts to echo through the empty halls. I answer the call knowing that it was Joe. 

“Y/n? Baby, I’m so sorry,” He says as soon as my ears to the phone. I let out a choked sob. “I’m so sorry.” He says through the phone. I hear a loud bang on the other side of the line and realize that Joe has punched something. “It’s our one year anniversary. I love you so much.” 

I keep walking and stop outside his door, I press the buzzer and hear him curse over the phone. 
“Who the fuck is at my door at the hour?” He shouts over the phone. Me you idiot, your fucking girlfriend. 

The door opens and Joe’s demeanor changes. He looks awful, his hairs a mess and his clothes are wrinkled. My eyes meet with his blue orbs and his arms reach out to touch me. I move back before he reaches me. He growls in frustration, “Please just let me hold you.”

I shake my head no roughly, “I can’t.” Tears fall down my cheeks like water down the face of a cliff. “You left me there for hours, I walked around London for hours.” 

“Come inside,” He says opening the door wider. 

“Do you still love me?” I ask suddenly, our eyes still connected together. I watch as his eyes become swallowed with desperation. Desperation to touch me, to show me how much I mean to him, I knew that what I was doing was torturing him. 

“I love you so fucking much,” He says, his voice thick with determination. I launch myself forward and into his arms. He wraps them around me tightly, almost as if he’s afraid I’ll disappear. I bury my head into his neck, breathing in his cologne. “Happy one year my gorgeous girl.” 

Joe picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as he moves us through his apartment, before finally placing me on his kitchen counter.

“You look so beautiful,” Joe says leaning away from me to assess my appearance. 

I let out a watery chuckle, “Mhm, my makeup is running down my face if it's there at all. My dress is wrinkled. I look like crap.” 

Joe looks taken aback for a moment before he says, “You are the most beautiful person on this earth.” He presses a kiss to my lips to shut me up. My arms wrap around his neck and pull him closer to me, my legs tangle themselves around his waist once again. We fit together like some kind of puzzle. My fingers run through the hair on the back of his head. One of Joe’s hands comes up to rest on my jaw as our mouths continue to move rhythmically against each other. This is the thing that we did best. Neither of us was good with words, we were better with showing each other how in love we are. 

Joe pulls away and continues to press kisses down my jaw, to just before my ear, “I love you.” He presses a kiss to just below my ear and down my neck. He stops and sucks, bites and kisses the same spot to create a hickey. I am his, he is mine. That's just the way we are. I moan loudly into his ear, to let him know I approve of what he’s doing. 

“I love you so much, Joseph.”
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Comfort - Conor Maynard
Based of this prompt from this list:
After sex kisses: Lazy, slow presses. Limbs pressed together, chests heaving. Soft murmurs about what to do for dinner later, fingers trailing down backs, tracing lazy patterns. B rolling onto their back and A trailing their lips down their neck, kissing their shoulder, their chest, anywhere they can think of, memorizing B. 
“I love you”, Conor whispered as he brushed a strand of hair from Y/N’s sweaty face. She smiled up at him, enjoying how good his flushed face looked. Her chest was heaving from their previous action, so her reply was rather breathy.
“I love you, too”, she said and pressed her lips lazily on his before he laid down next to her. Y/N immediately cuddled up to him, draping her arm over his tummy as he held her by the waist. She started to trace invisible patterns over his soft skin and giggled lightly as she heard him humming.
He gently pulled at the back of her thigh to place her leg between his. She loved how they laid even closer after that. 
“What do you want for dinner, baby?”, Conor quietly asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
“Oh, someone’s hungry”, Y/N giggled against his chest.
“Maybe”, Conor said, although his voice sounded a bit muffled since he had burried his head in Y/N’s hair and inhaled her scent. He started to press soft, slow kisses on her head, before he gently touched her chin to turn her head in his direction.
“I was thinking we could order some take-out?”, Y/N asked as she looked up at him.
“Mmh”, he hummed while placing a kiss at her forehead, “Chinese maybe? Haven’t had that for a while.”
“That sounds nice, Con”, Y/N whispered as he continued to press slow, lingering kisses to her face. They definitely weren't planning on getting up soon. She started to place some kisses on his skin, too. Partly, because she wanted him to feel as comfortable and warm inside as she did, but also because she knew he had to leave for L.A. in a few days time, so she tried to remember every part of him as well as she could. She brushed his collarbone with her lips, stopping briefly at the love bite she had given him before.
“Feels nice”, Conor said contently and started to rub her back up and down. “I could stay like this forever”, he hummed.
It looked like they had to postpone their dinner plans for a little.
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buttercreamscenes · 6 years
Despite the Feelings - Joe Sugg
Request: No
Smut: No
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: I hope you like it :)
“Have you heard about Joe?” Cam asked as she sat down next to you on the couch. “We never saw it coming.”
Strictly Come Dancing had just finished and unfortunately Joe, doing his best, didn’t win. However, the announcement he made afterwards shocked, not only the world, but you as well. You knew he was getting close with Dianne and you loved her as a person, but any time you asked Joe if there was anything more between them, he would deny it.
“Why didn’t he tell me about it?” You asked, looking over at her. “He’s supposed to be one of my best friends and he let me find out with the rest of the world.”
“Babe...you didn’t tell him you were dating Jack.” 
About a year ago, you and Jack became really close and eventually, the friendship changed and things became romantic between you. You both found it was best to keep it from the group in order to figure out if it was more than a fling.
“Yeah, but I told him I was seeing someone.” Any time Joe would ask about your love life, you’d tell him there was a guy but you would refuse to give details. “I’ve got to talk to him.”
Walking into Joe’s place, you felt a weird tension in the air that you had never felt before and although you two had gone through a lot together, you never felt space between you...until now.
“Want a cup of tea?” Joe asked, already heading towards the kitchen, knowing your answer. After a couple of minutes, he joined you on the couch, placing the tea on the table in front of you.
“Why does it feel weird?” You asked, looking down at your intertwined fingers, beginning to play with them. 
“I don’t know...” 
“Why didn’t you tell me? Why did I have to find out like everyone else?” You began, turning around so you were now sitting cross-legged facing him.
“You didn’t tell me about Jack.”
“So what!?” You yelled without even realizing you had done so. “I told you I was seeing someone and I never lied to you. You straight up lied to my face, Joe.” The room fell silent as you both tried to take in what was being said. “I just...feel weird.”
“You know,” Joe said, his voice a little more quiet than before. “when I woke up next to you that very first time, I swear to you, I could have lived in that moment forever. There was a time where I wanted everything with you and it killed me to hear about you getting with someone else. I will always have a place for you, no matter what. But you’re with Jack and I’m with Dianne. You’re happy, I’m happy. We finally have with someone else what we never had with each other. You’re my best friend, despite how we feel about each other, and you’re always going to be my best friend. Come here.” Joe instructed, taking your wrist in his hand and pulling you towards him. “I love you.” He whispered, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I love you too.” You said. Tightening your grip on his body, you dug your face deeper into his neck but as he began to pull away, the distance between you began to decrease as his eyes flickered between yours and your lips. 
Placing a soft and gentle kiss upon your lips, you realized it was his way of saying goodbye to whatever feelings that might have been lingering. 
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calmasf · 6 years
Tumblr media
Living with Joe and Byron would include...
- Byron making you a cup of tea every single morning.
- Joe telling you his video ideas because he knows you always tell him your honest opinion.
- You met Joe when he was living with Caspar but you moved away to South Africa to work there
- You were a photographer in South Africa and met Byron at a shoot
- You quickly became friends and stayed in touch.
- Not long after Byron moved to the U.K. you decided that it was time you went back to England
- Joe had told you that you could stay with him until you got your own place
- You knocked on the door, excited to be reunited with Joe when Byron opened the door.
- “Byron?”
- “y/n?”
- “What are you doing here?” You asked
- “I live here. What are you doing here?”
- “I live here too” You laughed
- Introducing Byron to all your fav British shows that he’s never seen.
- Mario Kart tournaments
- Taking their insta photos
- Pretending to get offended when Byron’s girlfriend takes a photo for his Insta instead of you
- Moving out because they both got girlfriends and the house is too full
- Coming back for movie nights with the guys
- Finally having girls to hang out with too
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Debating starting writing again. Send requests? X
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oh-ishouldnt · 6 years
01. we never go out of style
This is a 1989 series imagine 
          I look at my cellphone so I can guarantee the minutes didn’t stop passing or something like that. I know Jack is awful with schedule stuff, but as soon as the white slim numbers change from 11:59 to 00:00, I hear knocks on my door and I know it is him.
           I open the front door and he gives me that smirk of his, leaning on the doorframe, his blue eyes just sparks and, that easy, I am lit.
           “Hey babe,” he says.
           I roll my eyes a bit because he knows that “hey babe” doesn’t work to me anymore. He tries anyway in the hope it begins to move me like it used to.
           I tell him to wait for me to pick my purse and he snaps back the fact that I won’t need a single thing to where we are going, to what we are going to do. The fact that I know he is right is ignored by my pride and I go back to my bedroom to do what I said I would.
           “Let’s go,” is all that came out of my mouth, worried that my roommate will wake up with my little activity.
           I wish I could say that Y/R/N is one of my best friends, but we both know that we are not some of those “I live with my bestie” cases that everyone seems to enjoy. Bullshit. We just live with each other because we need to and most of the people who have a roommate just do it because they need to. And I know that if I say my thoughts out loud to Jack, he will point out that he had a pretty good experience with his former roommates, also remembering me that Joe doesn’t need to have Byron. Maybe he would let a “you know” slip out of his mouth at the end of his sentence, just to make the whole thing a bit more “Jack Maynard” and maybe I would shut my mouth and roll my eyes again.
I’m playing hard tonight, something that me and Jack know that is just an act. I don’t care that he disappeared for a few weeks, he doesn’t care if I care as well. We pretend we do so I can hold my pride up high, what we know that makes sex a lot more interesting.
“Where are we going?” I ask him, watching all those London fake lights slipping outside the car.
“Where you wanna go, princess?” Jack gives me a side look.
I give a little laugh. “Does it even matter?”
“Of course it does,” is what he answers and I couldn’t be surer that he only does that to please me. He knows he fucked up and he continues our little play. I love it.
I stare at my driver and give a dirty look. “Heaven, Jack.” I shrug. “I wanna go to Heaven,” I look away as I laugh again “but we both know I can’t go there anymore.” And the lights continue to pass by us.
“Well, you can be an angel…” he tells me as he stops the car in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant. A romantic choice, I could say.
This time, I laugh out loud. What the fuck? “Since when you are so cheesy, Maynard?” I open the car door. “What did you eat those days you didn’t call me?” I begin to step out of the car, but Jack grabs my waist.
“Y/N, listen…”
           He is holding me tight, however, where he chose to grab is the exact spot he knows that drives me crazy.
           I look at him over my shoulder and I can see his odd expression. I don’t want to do this right now, we gotta go.
           “C’ mon, Jack,” I take his hand out of my waist. “I want some French fries before you fuck me again.” I hear Jack sigh as we get out of the car.
We enter the place with his hand around my waist, placing it there just to announce we are together. All the people with faces washed by the terrible fluorescent light look at us. It is always an impression wherever we go, especially because of the continuous tension we have. You can’t ignore it, it catches your attention without your permission, just as Mr. Jack Maynard.
I order my fries and a soda, I don’t mind to notice what Jack is having. We wait for our dinner and eat it just making small talk. I ask about Conor and Anna, he asks me about my grades at university.
I was a good girl, a smart girl before I met Jack. It is really easy to be one without meeting the Devil himself, but once he puts his hands on you, you are doomed. It is something he knows it’s going to happen and you do as well, but it is irresistible. All the sins mark your skin and you fall in the blink of an eye. Jack Maynard fucked me in all the possible ways and, if I could, I would do it all over again. That’s why I picked his phone call sooner this evening, that’s why I accept whatever he says to me.
We finish eating and go to his apartment. He promises he had another plan, I don’t buy it. He looks in my eyes to say “I really did” and I can feel he is being honest, but I don’t want to be a fool who trust in feelings.
The yellow lights on his hallway light up his dark apartment, which I know the map by heart, so I won’t trip.
I know I have a red mark on my neck already because of the kisses we had in his car in his parking lot and my hair is probably a mess since Jack pushed me against the mirror on the elevator. Our clothes begin to fall on the floor before Jack turns around to close his front door.
It clicks and now we only have the London lights that come through his window. I bit my lips when a thought passes through my mind, remembering something that someone said to me in one of those weeks we’ve been apart and Jack thinks I am biting my lips is because I want him to kiss me (it is something I tend to do a lot, the biting and the wishing), so he puts his hands on me again, but I turn my face to stop him from kissing me indeed. He frowns and steps away.
I say: “I heard that you’ve been out and about with some other girl.”
He says: “What you heard was true, but I can’t stop thinking about you”
And I say “I’ve been there too a few times”. I give a little smirk and go put my hands around his neck again to go back to our business, but, to my surprise, he is the one who pushes me away.
“No, you didn’t understand, Y/N” he announces and passes his right hand through his hair. “I don’t want anyone else.”
“Jack, it is fine,” I say, just wanting to put the whole thing aside. “I’d never demand you to be faithful to me.” We all know it wouldn’t work out, he wasn’t made to be tamed,  that is why we keep playing all those little games, we keep rewinding the song, we tried each other taste for real once and we got used to it.
Jack stares at me and I have to trust my feelings, because those blue eyes were never ignored, now that I can see they are tormented, my emotions scream inside me, urging because of his pain. He is being honest, he is hurt.
It isn’t an act anymore.
My mouth opens and he can see I’m shocked. “Oh.” I can’t move, I barely can breathe.
Seeing I won’t respond to his statement, he goes to his sofa, sitting on it tired. It takes me a few more seconds, but I go sit beside him. Jack hugs me with his right arm.
I thought we were pretending to care because we were over each other, we were still “together” because it was convenient, but we were actually pretending to not care.
I can see it now, the way I fell so hard that I thought I need to protect myself so I tricked me to believe I was sheltered against Jack. I never was, I never will be.
“I want you.” He whispers in my ear.
And I know I want him back.
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iwritetrashimagines · 7 years
Best Friend’s Brother - Joe Sugg
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Rating: FLUFF
Warnings: None really
Request: an imagine where you’re best friends with Zoe and she introduces you to Joe because he thinks you’re cute. some celebrity crush kinda stuff.
A/N: requests are open
[outfit: https://www.polyvore.com/m/set?.embedder=2857073&.svc=copypaste-and&id=222370252 ]
Zoe holds a shirt against my chest, another in her other hand as she compares the two. I’m standing topless in the middle of my own bedroom as my older sister tries to figure out how she wants to dress me. She asked me to lunch today and said there was some surprise, but she’s left me clueless as of what the surprise could be.
“Will you at least give me a bloody idea? As lovely as this is, I feel like a child. I know how to dress.” I speak, running my fingers through my hair as Zoe starts going through a pile of clothes she’s already pulled out. “And you’d better be putting all this up, you’re trashing my room.”
“Calm down, I’m getting you a girlfriend.” She throws a top at me. “Wear that one.”
I sigh and pull the shirt over my head. “What are you on about?”
“You made a comment about how you thought (Y/N) was quite fit. Luckily for you, you have a wonderful sister like me to put in a good word. We got together not too long ago for a video for her channel and I asked her what she thought of you. ‘Course the girl got a little pink in the face, she said you were cute.”
Zoe winked at me as my face heated up slightly. I’d only seen the girl a few times, but I knew she was great. She was gorgeous, her smile could light up any room, and her sense of humor was something out of my dreams. The last time I'd seen her was at Playlist, but she announced that she'd be moving to London. Now, we live in the same city and I've been too nervous to hit her up. She's been a youtuber about as long as I have and she's quite successful. I've been working up the nerve to ask her to collab with me, but I guess Zoe playing matchmaker works too.
“Okay, you're going to meet her at that cute little cafe a block away in 20 minutes. Don't be on your phone, keep the conversation alive, and flirt with the girl! She likes you, show that you like her.” Zoe threw a pair of shoes at me before looking me over, making sure that I was Zoe-approved for my surprise date. As I put my shoes on Zoe walks out of my bedroom. “Thank me later!” She yells before I hear my front door close.
I run my fingers through my hair nervously. I finish getting ready when I hear my phone ring. Checking it, I see that it's Zoella wanting to facetime me.
I answer. I hear the excitement in her voice when she replies and the smile she's wearing covers her face cheek-to-cheek.
“I just left Joe’s house. He’ll be there in about 20 minutes. Show me the outfit.”
I stand in front of the mirror in my bedroom and show her my look for today. “Zoe, you picked this out. Why do you want to see it?” I hear her giggle before she answers.
“I just wanted to see the finished product. I love it! I'm gonna let you go, go woo my brother. Actually, I'm going to forget that those words came out of my mouth, but go have fun!” With that, she hung up. I grabbed my phone and headed out the door.
I make it to the cafe within minutes and I take a seat by a window looking out on London. Zoe said that Joe would be here in the next few minutes, so I might as well take a seat. I check my phone to see a text from Zoe. 
“Good luck with the date, call me when you get home. I want all the details.💖”
I heard the bell above the door ding, causing my curiosity to peak. There he was. Joe Sugg himself, walking into this little cafe in search of me. Our eyes met and I sent him a smile. His face lit up as he made his way to where I was sitting.
“(Y/N), is this seat taken?” He asked with a cheeky smile.
“Not currently. Take a seat.” With that said, Joe sat down. He looked at me for a moment before opening his mouth. Like he wants to say something, but he can't find the words. Instead of saying something, he stuck his hand across the table. Laughing a little, I shook his hand.
“You look wonderful.”
“As do you Joe, you clean up nicely.”
“Thank you. Have you ordered yet?”
“I haven't. I've only been here a few minutes, actually.” The smile on his face was enough for me. His light hair was perfectly tousled and his eyes were brighter than the sun. He nodded his head towards the counter as he stood up.
“Alright. What do you want? I’ll go order.”
I watched him walk away after I answered. Joseph Sugg is unbelievably attractive, even when he's walking away. He was wearing his glasses, which only made him more attractive. How one can be so perfect was something I don't know. As Joe spoke to the woman behind the counter, I watched as his jaw moved with every word that left his mouth. I watched how his arms looked as he pulled his wallet out to pay. I watched as he thanked her when she handed him the drinks. I turned away as he faced me, hoping he hadn't noticed how I stared.
“Here we go.” he spoke, placing the cup in front of me before sitting down. I placed my hands on the warm cup, hoping that it would keep me from grabbing a hold of his, which happened to look very holdable.
“Thank you.” I sent him a smile, which he returned.
I worried that this would be awkward, but it was far from it. I realized fairly quickly that it was impossible to be awkward with Joe. The boy in front of me dropped the ‘first impression’ nerves and became everything you'd expect him to be as soon as he sat back down. I found myself laughing at joke after joke, and just loving being in his company. The obvious icebreakers like youtube weren't necessary. By the time we were getting ready to leave, we were deep in conversation and 10 minutes till closing.
“Wait, how many impressions can you do?” I laughed. If there was anything considered most attractive about Joe, it would be his humor.
As our laughter quieted and we stood outside the cafe, I found Joe looking at me, only a small smile on his face as I wiped away the small tear falling down my cheek.
“You know, you're gorgeous.”
It was almost as if he didn't want me to hear it his voice was so light. I felt my face heat up slightly and hoped he couldn't notice.
“Thank you.” I smiled softly. The sun was getting ready to set, but I didn't want to leave him just yet. The skies were clear, so what was left of the sun shone around him, highlighting his face.
“When Zoe told me about this, she waited until last minute to tell me it was a date. I'd like to think that this went very well.” As he said this, he grabbed my hand, just enough to intertwine our fingers.
“I think it did.” I promise you that no matter how hard I smiled, it still wouldn't be enough to show how happy I was in this moment. Before today, I'd only seen Joe a handful of times. An Upload event a while back. A music festival we both went to. Maybe a party or two. Before today, I didn't know him.
We stood there in silence for a few moments, just looking at each other with the biggest smiles on our faces that we could muster.
“May I walk you home?” He broke the silence, and the question almost sounded shy. His cheeks grew the slightest pink tint. I nodded my head and turned from the cafe, pulling him in the right direction. In the short walk back to my flat, I kept feeling like I didn't want to ever make it back. Conversation kept flowing as we timidly flirted, seeing how far we could go. Then, suddenly we were standing in front of my door. Joe and I took a second to exchange numbers, each of us secretly hoping that this would go on. We stood outside my door for 15 minutes. I wondered what would happen. How would he leave me tonight? I got my answer when Joe's phone rang.
“It's Zoe.” He chuckled before rejecting the call and placing the phone back in his pocket. “I guess I need to head home. I didn't realize how long I've kept you to myself.” He winked at me, and it was easily the highlight of my night. Or, I thought it was, until he was leaving. He stopped about 10 steps away from me before turning around. Suddenly, he was back in front of me, his warm hand pressed against my cheek.
“Can I kiss you?” His breath was warm and smelled of mint, despite the tea he'd drank earlier. All I could do was nod. The close proximity we were in was intoxicating. I wanted to be this close to him forever. Then his soft lips were on mine and all thoughts left my mind. Fairy tales and romance novels don't prepare you for what I felt. They felt sparks or fireworks. I felt happiness beyond comparison. It was over as quickly as it began, and I felt myself missing it.
“I'll call you?” It sounded like he was asking me for permission, so I nodded my head. I couldn't wait to do this again, but I tried to hide my excitement. He kissed me once more before leaving. As I entered my apartment I felt my phone buzz. When I checked it, I could see that it was a text from Zoe.
“So, did you woo him?😉”
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