#joe sugg fanfiction
notearsruel · 6 years
Hate | Joe Sugg
Summary: The one where the hate has been getting you down and Joe cheers you up.
A/N: This is my first time writing an imagine, so I hope you enjoy! My requests are always open to anything buttercream related.
Clicking off your latest youtube video and closing your laptop shut, you sighed. Usually, you could handle the hate that came along with being in the public eye. However, it had been getting to you recently. Maybe it was a combination between the crappy week you’d had or the fact that you hadn’t slept in three days trying to think of a video that would be good enough for your viewers, but somehow, along the way, it had all become too much for you.
You let out a shaky breath you didn’t know you were holding as you looked up to see Joe enter your apartment. Over the course of the past three years, the gang had become your family, so it wasn’t unusual for Joe or the others to show up uninvited. Heck, they practically lived here some days.
“Y/N, I’m back-” his words cut off as his eyes met yours, instantly making his way towards you, a slight frown appearing on his face.
“What’s wrong love?”
At this point, tears were making their way down your face as you looked down, not knowing where to begin.
“I just- I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I try my hardest to please everyone but it never seems to work. Nothing I do is ever good enough.” You sobbed, all of the frustrations from the past week finally coming out. 
“Babe, you know that’s not true.” He began softly, his voice gentle, as if to not set you off any further than you already are right now. 
“You’re more than good enough. In fact, I feel like we aren’t enough for you sometimes. You’re so very special. I wish you could see that too. Where’s this coming from, what’s happened?”
“The hate I’ve been getting...” is all you managed to choke out before another sob formed it’s way up your throat. You didn’t trust yourself to say another word, in fear that you might drown in all the reasons why you’re not okay.
“Babe, it’s okay to feel like this. I wish you told me sooner because I would have listened. I would have helped you” he replied softly.
Holding your face in his palms, you had no other option but to meet his gaze. You glossy eyes matched his which grew more and more broken at the growing sight of seeing you so hurt. 
It was no secret that Joe loved deeply. Whether it was his friends, his family, or you - his girlfriend, nothing hurt him more than seeing the people he loved unhappy.
“I understand why you’re upset, I would be too, but they’re irrelevant comments, love. They don’t know you personally.” His index finger reached up to quickly catch the tears that made their way down your soft, rosy cheeks. “They don’t know how hard you work on these videos.”
“Those comments aren’t from your fans; I know that because your fans appreciate your hard work and love you for who you are. They would never take the time to hurt you like this.
I know everyone says this, but they really are just jealous of you and your success. They don’t see you as the talented and beautiful person that you really are. And if you are starting to believe them, then you need some reminding about how special you are too, babe”
You couldn’t help but smile at his kind words. He always knew exactly what to say and how to make you feel better. How did you get so lucky as to have the best boyfriend in the whole world?
“There is so much to love about you; from the twinkle in your eyes to the way they light up when you’re talking about something you’re passionate about, everything about you draws me in and I feel like I can’t cope with all the happiness you bring me. You’re the love that came without warning, Y/N, you had my heart before I could say no.” Joe added, not taking his eyes off you once. 
“Thank you, Joe.” your eyes finally filling with hope again. “For everything. Those comments don’t mean anything as long as you’re there with me. I love you”
“I love you too, babe”.
And with that, he laced his fingers between yours as you lay back on the sofa, your eyes fluttering closed. The tears had you exhausted, and all you needed right now was to be with Joe, which is how you spent the rest of the night - in complete harmony with each other. With him, you were complete and nothing could hurt you.
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iwritetrashimagines · 7 years
Best Friend’s Brother - Joe Sugg
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Rating: FLUFF
Warnings: None really
Request: an imagine where you’re best friends with Zoe and she introduces you to Joe because he thinks you’re cute. some celebrity crush kinda stuff.
A/N: requests are open
[outfit: https://www.polyvore.com/m/set?.embedder=2857073&.svc=copypaste-and&id=222370252 ]
Zoe holds a shirt against my chest, another in her other hand as she compares the two. I’m standing topless in the middle of my own bedroom as my older sister tries to figure out how she wants to dress me. She asked me to lunch today and said there was some surprise, but she’s left me clueless as of what the surprise could be.
“Will you at least give me a bloody idea? As lovely as this is, I feel like a child. I know how to dress.” I speak, running my fingers through my hair as Zoe starts going through a pile of clothes she’s already pulled out. “And you’d better be putting all this up, you’re trashing my room.”
“Calm down, I’m getting you a girlfriend.” She throws a top at me. “Wear that one.”
I sigh and pull the shirt over my head. “What are you on about?”
“You made a comment about how you thought (Y/N) was quite fit. Luckily for you, you have a wonderful sister like me to put in a good word. We got together not too long ago for a video for her channel and I asked her what she thought of you. ‘Course the girl got a little pink in the face, she said you were cute.”
Zoe winked at me as my face heated up slightly. I’d only seen the girl a few times, but I knew she was great. She was gorgeous, her smile could light up any room, and her sense of humor was something out of my dreams. The last time I'd seen her was at Playlist, but she announced that she'd be moving to London. Now, we live in the same city and I've been too nervous to hit her up. She's been a youtuber about as long as I have and she's quite successful. I've been working up the nerve to ask her to collab with me, but I guess Zoe playing matchmaker works too.
“Okay, you're going to meet her at that cute little cafe a block away in 20 minutes. Don't be on your phone, keep the conversation alive, and flirt with the girl! She likes you, show that you like her.” Zoe threw a pair of shoes at me before looking me over, making sure that I was Zoe-approved for my surprise date. As I put my shoes on Zoe walks out of my bedroom. “Thank me later!” She yells before I hear my front door close.
I run my fingers through my hair nervously. I finish getting ready when I hear my phone ring. Checking it, I see that it's Zoella wanting to facetime me.
I answer. I hear the excitement in her voice when she replies and the smile she's wearing covers her face cheek-to-cheek.
“I just left Joe’s house. He’ll be there in about 20 minutes. Show me the outfit.”
I stand in front of the mirror in my bedroom and show her my look for today. “Zoe, you picked this out. Why do you want to see it?” I hear her giggle before she answers.
“I just wanted to see the finished product. I love it! I'm gonna let you go, go woo my brother. Actually, I'm going to forget that those words came out of my mouth, but go have fun!” With that, she hung up. I grabbed my phone and headed out the door.
I make it to the cafe within minutes and I take a seat by a window looking out on London. Zoe said that Joe would be here in the next few minutes, so I might as well take a seat. I check my phone to see a text from Zoe. 
“Good luck with the date, call me when you get home. I want all the details.💖”
I heard the bell above the door ding, causing my curiosity to peak. There he was. Joe Sugg himself, walking into this little cafe in search of me. Our eyes met and I sent him a smile. His face lit up as he made his way to where I was sitting.
“(Y/N), is this seat taken?” He asked with a cheeky smile.
“Not currently. Take a seat.” With that said, Joe sat down. He looked at me for a moment before opening his mouth. Like he wants to say something, but he can't find the words. Instead of saying something, he stuck his hand across the table. Laughing a little, I shook his hand.
“You look wonderful.”
“As do you Joe, you clean up nicely.”
“Thank you. Have you ordered yet?”
“I haven't. I've only been here a few minutes, actually.” The smile on his face was enough for me. His light hair was perfectly tousled and his eyes were brighter than the sun. He nodded his head towards the counter as he stood up.
“Alright. What do you want? I’ll go order.”
I watched him walk away after I answered. Joseph Sugg is unbelievably attractive, even when he's walking away. He was wearing his glasses, which only made him more attractive. How one can be so perfect was something I don't know. As Joe spoke to the woman behind the counter, I watched as his jaw moved with every word that left his mouth. I watched how his arms looked as he pulled his wallet out to pay. I watched as he thanked her when she handed him the drinks. I turned away as he faced me, hoping he hadn't noticed how I stared.
“Here we go.” he spoke, placing the cup in front of me before sitting down. I placed my hands on the warm cup, hoping that it would keep me from grabbing a hold of his, which happened to look very holdable.
“Thank you.” I sent him a smile, which he returned.
I worried that this would be awkward, but it was far from it. I realized fairly quickly that it was impossible to be awkward with Joe. The boy in front of me dropped the ‘first impression’ nerves and became everything you'd expect him to be as soon as he sat back down. I found myself laughing at joke after joke, and just loving being in his company. The obvious icebreakers like youtube weren't necessary. By the time we were getting ready to leave, we were deep in conversation and 10 minutes till closing.
“Wait, how many impressions can you do?” I laughed. If there was anything considered most attractive about Joe, it would be his humor.
As our laughter quieted and we stood outside the cafe, I found Joe looking at me, only a small smile on his face as I wiped away the small tear falling down my cheek.
“You know, you're gorgeous.”
It was almost as if he didn't want me to hear it his voice was so light. I felt my face heat up slightly and hoped he couldn't notice.
“Thank you.” I smiled softly. The sun was getting ready to set, but I didn't want to leave him just yet. The skies were clear, so what was left of the sun shone around him, highlighting his face.
“When Zoe told me about this, she waited until last minute to tell me it was a date. I'd like to think that this went very well.” As he said this, he grabbed my hand, just enough to intertwine our fingers.
“I think it did.” I promise you that no matter how hard I smiled, it still wouldn't be enough to show how happy I was in this moment. Before today, I'd only seen Joe a handful of times. An Upload event a while back. A music festival we both went to. Maybe a party or two. Before today, I didn't know him.
We stood there in silence for a few moments, just looking at each other with the biggest smiles on our faces that we could muster.
“May I walk you home?” He broke the silence, and the question almost sounded shy. His cheeks grew the slightest pink tint. I nodded my head and turned from the cafe, pulling him in the right direction. In the short walk back to my flat, I kept feeling like I didn't want to ever make it back. Conversation kept flowing as we timidly flirted, seeing how far we could go. Then, suddenly we were standing in front of my door. Joe and I took a second to exchange numbers, each of us secretly hoping that this would go on. We stood outside my door for 15 minutes. I wondered what would happen. How would he leave me tonight? I got my answer when Joe's phone rang.
“It's Zoe.” He chuckled before rejecting the call and placing the phone back in his pocket. “I guess I need to head home. I didn't realize how long I've kept you to myself.” He winked at me, and it was easily the highlight of my night. Or, I thought it was, until he was leaving. He stopped about 10 steps away from me before turning around. Suddenly, he was back in front of me, his warm hand pressed against my cheek.
“Can I kiss you?” His breath was warm and smelled of mint, despite the tea he'd drank earlier. All I could do was nod. The close proximity we were in was intoxicating. I wanted to be this close to him forever. Then his soft lips were on mine and all thoughts left my mind. Fairy tales and romance novels don't prepare you for what I felt. They felt sparks or fireworks. I felt happiness beyond comparison. It was over as quickly as it began, and I felt myself missing it.
“I'll call you?” It sounded like he was asking me for permission, so I nodded my head. I couldn't wait to do this again, but I tried to hide my excitement. He kissed me once more before leaving. As I entered my apartment I felt my phone buzz. When I checked it, I could see that it was a text from Zoe.
“So, did you woo him?😉”
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jackmaynard23 · 7 years
#24HourJoe - Joe Sugg Imagine
A/N: I know I’m a little late on this one but it’s really long so I guess that’s my excuse. Basically, this was inspired by the fact that we can’t see the rest of his livestream footage yet. Enjoy!
Word Count: 1.7k
“Alright I’m gonna take a quick break from the livestream here,” Joe was saying to the camera. “And when I get back it’ll just be me so everyone say goodbye to Y/N!”
“Thanks for having me and good luck with the next 15 hours!” You said to Joe, then turned to the camera and waved. “Bye everyone!”
Josh, Joe’s cameraman/tech guy gave the signal that you two were no longer live and you stopped waving.
“Actually though, thanks for coming,” Joe said to you, giving you a kiss on the cheek. Now that you were no longer live there was no need to hide your relationship from anyone. You and Joe had been dating for a few months now but had decided not to tell Joe’s fans, knowing that being open could potentially be detrimental to your new relationship.
“Of course!” You said smiling back at Joe. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” With that you stood up, and stretched. It was 3 in the morning and you were definitely starting to feel tired. “I should really go to bed now though.”
You unfortunately had a meeting tomorrow morning at 9AM. If it were up to you, you would absolutely stay up the whole night, watching Joe’s livestream from behind the scenes (of course the fans would be suspicious if you were the only one of Joe’s friends to spend the entire 24 hours with him). But since you had work to do the next day, you needed to get some sleep.
“Are you sure it’s okay if I spend the night?” You asked Joe. Spending the night at Joe’s place was certainly not new to you, but you were still nervous that the fans would somehow find out that you hadn’t really left.
“Yes of course!” Joe said, reassuring you. “Besides, there’s no way I’m letting you walk home by yourself at 3 in the morning. As long as you don’t walk into the livestream at like 7 AM tomorrow we’ll be fine!“ He joked.
“I think I can handle that.” You said rolling your eyes at him. Joe gave you a kiss goodnight and you headed to bed.
The next morning, you realized you had forgotten your toothbrush in a bag at the front door. You were still wearing the t-shirt Joe had given you to sleep in when you wandered down the stairs. Someone had brought in pigs for Joe to play with on the livestream and as you reached the bottom of the stairs, one of them ran towards his office. Before you could react, Josh panned the camera to follow the pig and accidentally caught you making your way through the house.
You and Joe both froze in place.
Josh immediately realized his mistake and panned back towards Joe, who snapped back into character, trying to cover for the last second of live footage. You quickly grabbed your stuff and scurried back up the stairs, hearing Joe awkwardly try to find a way to cut the stream in the background.
“We’ll uh… be back in just a sec…”
A few seconds passed.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry, I didn’t see her there.” You heard Josh’s voice.
“It’s not your fault mate.” Joe replied. “Did you actually catch her face in it? We may be able to pass it off as someone else.” You realized they must not be live anymore and cautiously started making your way back downstairs.
“I have no idea but since the stream’s been cut, the footage won’t be available until the whole thing is over, maybe even longer. I really am sorry.”
“No it’s my fault.” You said as you entered the living room. “I should have been more careful.  What are people saying in the comments?”
Joe walked over to his laptop and peered at the screen for a few seconds. You chose not to look yourself, nervous that you might see a negative reaction.
“It’s a mix.” He reported back. “Seems like some people caught it and others didn’t.”
“Dammit.” You ran your hands through your hair, a nervous habit of yours. You and Joe had worked so hard over the last few months to keep up the façade of “just friends,” all for you to just toss it away by walking into the livestream.
“Hey, it’s okay.” Joe said, noticing that you were upset, and walked over to rub your back. “We’ll figure it out.” Joe turned back to Josh. “You said the footage isn’t available yet?”
“Definitely not.” Josh replied reassuringly. “We can even go back and delete that bit from the footage that’s going be available on your channel.”
You weren’t sure if that would help or make things worse. Since some of the fans may have already noticed you, it would be very suspicious if that was the only bit of the livestream they couldn’t watch back.
“Well we’ll have to figure it out later.” Joe said, his tone back to business. “I really need to get live again and you have a meeting in twenty minutes.”
You sighed. Work was the last thing you wanted to think about right now but Joe was right. The fans would only get more suspicious for each minute Joe wasn’t live.
“You’re right.” You said, putting on a brave face for Joe. If you thought work was hard to focus on right now, you couldn’t imagine going live for another 8 hours. You kissed Joe goodbye and headed out the door.
When you got back from work later that day, Zoe and Alfie were on the livestream with Joe. You sat well out of view of the livestream this time and watched for a while. You’d always admired the close relationship Joe had with his sister. It was truly a special bond they shared, telling each other nearly everything, and you’d quickly grown close with Zoe yourself.
When they had finished up on the livestream, Zoe and Alfie came over to say hi to you.
“Joe told me what happened with the stream this morning.” Zoe said to you. “Do you have a minute to talk?”
“Yeah sure!” You replied, and followed her into the guest bedroom where you could talk without worrying about disrupting the livestream.
“What’s up?” You asked once you were both seated comfortably on the bed.
“When Alfie and I started dating, we decided together that we wanted to keep it a secret from our viewers. We were both a little nervous about how people would react and even more nervous about how it would affect our relationship to be public. We were so happy with what we had and we didn’t want anything to mess it up.”
“That’s pretty much exactly how Joe and I feel about the whole thing.” You laughed, just starting to realize how similar your situation was to where Zoe had been just a few years ago.
“Exactly. So when Jim accidentally outed us on that Vidcon vlog, you can imagine we got really, really scared.” Zoe paused. “But being forced to be open with our fans about our relationship was honestly one of the best things that happened to us. We didn’t realize how much our relationship was hurting from having to hide our feelings for each other. Every time we were out in public, every time we were around friends who were vlogging, or when we filmed videos together, we weren’t ourselves. I mean just look at Alfie’s vlogging channel now; it literally couldn’t exist if the fans didn’t know we were dating.”
Zoe paused again and smiled softly at you.
“Now I’m not trying to tell you and Joe what to do here, obviously it’s entirely up to you to decide since this is so personal to your relationship. But, I just wanted to tell you my story, since you’re in such a similar position now, and back then I would have given anything for someone to tell me everything was going to be okay.”
“Wow, thanks.” You said, a little speechless, wondering for the thousandth time how Zoe always knew the right thing to say.
“That’s what friends are for, right?” Zoe said, smiling brightly and giving you a tight hug.
Shortly after that, Zoe and Alfie left, and just an hour later, Joe’s 24 hours of livestreaming were finally done.
“Congratulations!” You said, giving Joe a big hug and a quick kiss once you were finally alone. “I kind of can’t believe you did it.”
“I definitely can’t believe I did it.” Joe replied. Although he hadn’t slept for more than 24 hours, Joe somehow looked better than ever.
“Are you up for deciding what to do about that pesky bit of footage?” You asked.
“Sure, now’s as good a time as any.” He replied.
“Okay…” You took a deep breath.
“I think we should keep the footage.” You said, almost at the exact same time as Joe said:
“I think we should delete the footage.”
“Oh.” You said, kind of surprised by Joe’s stance on the issue.
“For me, it’s not really about whether or not I think our relationship could handle the viewers knowing,” Joe explained. “It’s more about protecting you.”
“What?” You asked, now even more surprised. Joe wasn’t really the over protective type and you definitely never thought of his fans as dangerous.
“I remember what it was like when some of the fans thought Caspar and I were dating. It was crazy, and we were both already used to being in the limelight. And I have no idea if any of them are going to be jealous of you or mean to you. I just don’t want you to get hate from anyone.”
“Joe, your fans have always been so nice to me! And besides, I’ve got thicker skin than you might think!”
Joe still looked a little uneasy so you took a step towards him, wrapping your arms around his waist, and looked into his eyes.
“And, if things ever do get bad I promise I’ll talk to you about it.”
“Are you sure?” Joe asked you. “Once we release the footage, there’s no going back.”
You laughed. “Well then I guess it’s a good thing I don’t want to go back. I’m happy right where I am.”
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vintagesugg-blog · 7 years
our last night
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so I really like this one, hope you do too!!
Word Count: 1,605
Rating: PG-13
It wasn’t hard to say that you were really going to miss Monaco. Even though you’d only spent a few days here, and you weren’t exactly a car fiend, the F1 races had been incredible. From the boats to the scenery, the races to the parties, the entire experience had been breathtaking. Joe had been on cloud nine the whole trip, with the mixture of the cars and the constant sunshine, plus the fact that he was finally over his illness. It had truly been the perfect weekend getaway for the two of you, and your first trip away together as a couple. But as with all great things, it had to come to an end eventually.
Sighing, you zipped your suitcase back up, wheeling it towards the door. It was around 6 in the evening, and although sunset wasn’t for a little while, the city seemed to become more peaceful around you, relaxing after it’s days of squealing tires and yelling fans into the cool light of the falling sun. You liked it better this way, with its high cliffs and calm waters. It was a nice way to say goodbye.
You didn’t even flinch when Joe’s arms wrapped around your waist. You’d heard him come in, but you couldn’t quite take your eyes away from the view out your window. His lips were warm when he pressed them to your shoulder, holding you tightly. His thumbs found the small cut outs in the sides of your sundress, and he let them glide over the skin there, feeling the warmth that it had gained from the past few days in the sun.
“You’re going to miss it, aren’t you?” He murmured.
“Of course. It’s beautiful here.”
“Are you up for one more surprise?”
You turned to him, eyebrow raised. He didn’t let go of your waist, only let his hands move with you as you turned. “Joe, we’ve already done so much this week. What else could you possibly surprise me with?”
“I’m glad you asked. Come on.” There was a familiar gleam in his eyes, a glint of mischief that you’d come to love. You followed him out of the hotel room, suitcase in tow. You were a bit surprised when he handed your baggage off to someone else, but you knew he’d planned out something, so you let it slide. You walked the city streets, hands swinging lightly between the two of you, intertwined comfortably. There weren’t many people here who knew who Joe was, so you didn’t get stopped, and it was nice to just wander about and talk about all you had experienced over the last few days.
“Favorite part?” He asked.
“Probably the yacht if I’m being honest. Yours?”
“The night after the yacht,” he grinned at you, flinching away as you went to playfully smack his arm, blood rushing to your cheeks. Not that you hadn’t enjoyed that night.
You went on talking about the races and the trips you wanted to take in the future, and of course the next time you two would come back to this beautiful place. You hadn’t even noticed where you were until Joe gently brought you to a stop. You were at the ocean’s edge, and the street was still bustling with people, but not nearly as many as the past few days.
“Right on time,” he grinned, leading you a bit further down the street. He held open a small gate for you, leading you to the docks. The massive boats had pulled back up, close enough to let their small plank bridges touch the docks and accept passengers. However, there was only one boat with its bridge down; the very one you had been on the day prior.
“What’s this about?” You asked quietly. You had a suspicion, but you couldn’t imagine he’d actually managed that.
“It’s ours for the night. Don’t worry, I’m not driving,” he grinned, leading you to the bridge, his eyes wide with excitement. You shook your head in disbelief. How he had arranged this, you would never know, but you didn’t want to spoil the moment by gawking. You took a deep breath; the wood looked a bit flimsy to you, and a bit too narrow for your liking.
Joe saw your apprehension and smiled, taking your hips in his hands and guiding you in front of him. “I’ve got you, go on,” he said, keeping a reassuring grip on you until you stepped down onto the deck of the boat. There was a deck hand there who helped you down the steps and brought the bridge back onto the boat, unhooking it from the dock. You thanked him and he nodded before disappearing into the center of the boat; the Captain’s quarters, you could only assume.
“Wait here,” Joe said, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before following the man into the room. You waited for a moment, but as you saw the sun beginning to set, you eagerly went for higher ground, heading up the stairs to the third deck of the ship. There were luxurious couches on either side of the deck, ice buckets stocked with champagne more expensive than you’d like to know, but you ignored it all and headed for the railing at the front. There was a small platform there, designed so people could have their Titanic pose moment, you were sure. But you simply sat down. Your torso was just tall enough so that you could rest your arms on the top of the rail and watch the sun begin to fall below the cliffs. You hadn’t felt so peaceful in a long, long time.
“This is a big ship you know. I could have gotten lost trying to track you down,” Joe’s voice came from behind you, and you turned to see him grinning. He looked beautiful, as always, but there was something else. He was dressed in nice shorts and a shirt adorned in a pattern of whales, which was definitely something different, but it wasn’t that either. He was glowing in a sense, in a way you had never seen. It was breathtaking, and you were sure you’d never seen something as beautiful.
You spun around and dropped down from the platform, walking quickly to where your boyfriend stood. His arms opened for you automatically, as they always had, and you kissed him. It was always nice to kiss Joe, that was a given. He always tasted a bit like mint with something sweet, like honeysuckle, or sunshine if it had a taste. This time was no exception, but there was something different this time round. You couldn’t put a finger on it, but it was an overwhelming feeling that spread all over you, making your hands tremble a bit and your heart take off in your chest.
“Are you alright? You’re shaking love,” Joe said, his lips still close to yours, but you could hear the concern in his tone.
“I’m in love with you. I love you,” was your response. It was as if Joe had rocked back on his heels a bit at your words. It was the first time you’d ever said them to him. That was the feeling you’d felt just then – it had been there from the beginning, but in a diluted version. Now it was full force as it washed through you, a current as strong as the one the boat was moving on now, and you had no intention to stop it. You weren’t sure you’d be able to anyways.
And when he said “I’m in love with you too”, the wave broke over the both of you, and you pressed your lips to his again, and it was the most powerful kiss you’d ever felt – the ocean crashing on the rocks, beating them to sand. You felt as if you might melt right there if Joe’s arms hadn’t been around you back, practically lifting you off the ground.
You weren’t sure how long it lasted, or how it lulled down as if low tide had come in, but you both found yourselves on the couch when you finally parted. You were sat sideways on his lap, one of his hands on your thigh, the other on your back. You brushed your thumb over his cheek and the warm skin there with a smile.
“I’ve never said that to anyone you know. I’ve never been in love with anyone before you,” Joe murmured, looking up at you as if you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. You couldn’t find words, so you just kissed him again with a smile.
The stars were beginning to pepper the sky as the sun had fallen below the water, kissing a farewell to Monaco with its final rays of gentle pink light. Joe left you for a moment to grab his jacket after he felt the goosebumps rise on your arms. When he returned, he sat down on the end of the couch, helping you into the jacket before leaning you back against his chest. He laid out along the cushions, making room for you between his legs as you rested back on his chest to watch the stars.
You spent the rest of the night in peaceful conversation, watching the stars twinkle above you, and smiling every time he said I love you in your ear, between kisses to your temple and in your hair.
“I’m really going to miss this place now,” you sighed, toying with the ends of the jacket, which reached to your fingertips. 
“Me too. We’ll have to come back to this place. It’s kind of going to be our place now, isn’t it?” Joe pondered.
“Yeah. It’s our place,” you said with a smile, cuddling back up to your boyfriend and watching the stars, already planning out your next trip here in your mind.
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I’ll Always Be There <3
Pairing - Joe Sugg x Reader
Warning - Mentions of virginity
Word count - 1031
Short A/N - My first fanfic/imagine, please message me some requests of plots and YouTubers <3
Joe's POV
"Joe, do you remember {Y/N}" Zoe yelled from the other room.
"Like {Y/N} {Y/LN}, {Y/N} " I yelled back.
Zoe marched into my room where I was sitting editing tomorrow's vlog.
"Yeah, the  {Y/N} you lost your virginity too when you were 19" Zoe pointed out.
"Shut up, but go on," I asked.
"She is like, hot now, she has a youtube channel, she sings, dances, games, things like that".
"Show me" I begged
Zoe handed me her phone that showed her Instagram. She really has changed for the better. She has 1.2 million Instagram followers. I opened her youtube and she had 3.7 million subscribers. How had I never seen her since? I haven't seen her since I was 19. She just disappeared but I guess she is back now.
I opened one of her videos. She was singing a P!nk song. Her hair was shorter than it used to be, she wore glasses and a flannel. I handed Zoe her phone back and checked  {Y/N} youtube channel on my computer. She still updated daily. She recently uploaded a Q&A so I checked it out to get to know the 'new' her.
She was sat next to a taller guy. I recognised him, it was her older brother. He was asking her the questions. She had a much thicker, almost American accent. General questions came up like;
Favourite singers = P!nk, Ed Sheeran and Take That Favourite Instruments = Ukulele, guitar, drums and piano (she likes her music) Favourite story based game =  Undertale Favourite game = Overwatch
One question that interested me was "What places have you lived" she answered with, "well I was born in Ireland and when I was about 12 I moved to England and at the age of 18 my older brother and I moved to Austin, Texas"
That's where she was getting her accent, she has been living for about 5 years. She was really funny, she always has been, that's something I really liked about her.
A question came up "when did you lose your virginity" I knew she had lost her virginity me so I was wondering how she would answer this.
"Uhhh, I was 18 so like 5 years ago, It wasn't anything special, I think his sister was in the room next door" she giggled at the thought which made me laugh a bit too.
"Did you like it?" her brother asked
"I don't know, he was fucken hot, though, he still is, I found him on Instagram". That made me really surprised, she still knows me. Should I message her or something, I feel like I should. I looked her name up on twitter and she already followed me! I don't know whether to be excited or nervous about that. I went to DM her something. I didn't really know what to say.
Joe - Hey, Zoe just showed me your Instagram and we really haven't talked in a while, if you don't want to talk that's perfectly fine but I thought I would at least try!
I didn't know whether that was too pushy or not, I was cringing at the message when she replied
{Y/N} - Hey Joe! I guess your right we haven't talked in awhile, I'm guessing about 5 years. Since then I've moved and I have a really busy job I guess I haven't thought about talking to some old friends  
Joe - If you're ever up in London or something, please message me, I would love to meet up with you, of course, if that's okay with you.
{Y/N} - Lucky you asked that now, I'm going to London next week to a convention with my job I'm sure I can get some time away to meet up with you, that would be amazing, I would love to catch up with you.
I left it at that, was I really gonna get to meet up with her after all this time.
-=A Week Later=-
{Y/N} told me where she was staying. It was a really nice hotel close to the convention centre where she was going. I walked up to the room she said she was staying in and knocked on the door. She opened the door, the same girl I saw on the youtube video.
"Oh my god Joe!" she squeaked and engulfed me in a hug.
"Hey {Y/N}!" I said in the hug.
She walked me into the room where there was a young girl sitting on the bed, staring at a phone. She looked to be about 5.
"Well who's this?" I asked, the girl not looking up at all.
"Uhhh, this is Aiden, my d-daughter"  {Y/N} stuttered.
Daughter? She has a daughter.
"She is beautiful, how old?" I asked.  {Y/N} seemed really nervous.
"Nearly 5" she seemed really nervous.
Then it clicked. I know why she is really nervous.
He looked up at me. I know that he knows. I didn't know what to say.
"I'm so sorry Joe".
"You didn't even tell me, you just left!" his voice was getting louder, he was clearly getting really mad.
"I was scared," I told him.
"Of course you were scared, I would have helped you, In would have been there," He said. I brought him into the hallway of the hotel, away from Aiden.
"I know you would have help Joe, I made a stupid mistake and I'm so so sorry". I started tearing up.
"What did you tell her about her father, does she know who I even am". He was also tearing up. I nodded telling him no.
"Who does she think her father is, what did you tell her when she asks". He was furious.
"I just told her you died, that you were a police officer saving people. She calls you a hero" Now I was really crying.
"But that's not who I am"
He was right, I should have told him. I was scared so I left with my brother. I was 18, I thought Joe would hate me forever if I told him but now him being here, I think I made it worse. I fell to the floor and Joe just covered me with a hug.
"I will always be here for you, through everything, I'm going to help you raise her". He said staring into my eyes. Then suddenly his soft lips were pressed up against mine. This is how I wanted my family to be.
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leiraelysia · 4 years
I usually don’t post shit like this but returning to tumblr after a few years feels like home. Reading again, scrolling to oblivion makes me feel so at ease. Once I get my new phone I’ll be returning to making stories, poems, and fan edits! My service in my fandoms is not needed but I don’t give a single shit eat my edits
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jackstarlight · 5 years
oh shit i love jack maynard 🤭
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fictionallybliss · 7 years
Joe Sugg x Reader - Coat Lending
Joe had a bunch of meetings beginning midday and ending in the evening. I, of course, accompanied him watching my boyfriend being fully focused in excitement for his new projects. It was always adorable how his light blue eyes would widen and face would light up, as he smiled nodding with the people in the board room. I loved going along with him and seeing his element on the business side of his YouTube career, so I always tried to go when I had a free day. But now it was nighttime in London with the cold and frost already catching up to us. We had a car drop us from his management office near the river because Joe and I wanted to do some shopping. Joe clogged a little bit of the day in morning, partial at the meeting and in taxi, so I’d say he’d have 12 minutes of footage.
“The meetings today looks like everything sounds good.” I say looking over at my boyfriend proudly. “Yeah, yeah I know. I’m really excited, they’ve been wanting to do more things with Caspar too. But I have to get these vlog and gaming videos up. Oh and edit my main channel…” Joe started to ramble with slight concern. I gripped his hand firmer to calm him, “Hey.” He stopped and began to take a breath, walking slower, he gave a cute bittersweet smirk on his face. “Stop worrying okay? You need to relax Joe. You’re working yourself too hard.” I tell him carefully as he pulls me into his chest for hug. He’s wearing many layers, a beanie along with a hoodie, yet I can still smell his sweet fragrance mixed with his natural scent. He feels (and smells) like home. “I love you y/n.” Joe says as he kisses me atop my forehead, “You always know how to handle me.” I giggle as does he, and we point to a Nike store. I buy some new sneakers, then Joe runs to the Adidas one. I roll my eyes, “Adidas is obviously better y/n.” I laugh as both are fine and he knows that, but Joe loves to banter. After we go to Topman and Joe gets a few more things, I a top from TopShop and Joe vlogs a bit more. It’s now about 7PM and I feel the London frost really coming down. I had about 3 layers on, but my smaller hoodie wasn’t enough nor the jacket above it. Joe and I walked hand in hand to a part of the London bridge because we figured it would look pretty and be relaxing, but I was shivering. The site of Joe illuminated in front of all the lights on the city were beautiful, but I couldn’t help the fact I was immensely cold. After Joe filmed a bit of me and it for the vlog, he quickly set the camera down as he saw me.
“y/n?!” I turned around looking to Joe and felt the cold air hit my face. “You look freezing! Oh my gosh are you okay?” I don’t know why but I just shrugged, “Yeah, fine.” Joe practically ran over to me the few feet he was away, and touched me by the arms and face. I chuckled a little at his fitness and the surprised look on his face when he felt my cold surface. “You’re freezing!” He proclaimed and I hid myself grinning from the people looking at us from his loud action. “Babe, take my jacket.” Joe said very protectively, but the causality of the sweet British accent was clear. His jacket was halfway off in a matter of seconds. I tried to ignore the gesture, “No–no it’s fine…” Swiftly Joe’s warm long black coat was draped over me with the lion like hoodie. I laughed and Joe smiled at me in satisfaction. It did feel amazing warm and I felt fine again right away. “Thanks baby.” I say kissing him as he fixes my good admiring me with his pretty eyes. “You look better in it that me anyways.” Joe flirtatiously says smoothly. He draws me in for a kiss on the lips, on top of the bridge with the pretty view behind us. London might be freezing, but we were hotter than ever.
After a little awhile longer, I tap on Joe. “I’m hungry, can we go eat?” I ask and he nods. “Oh yeah. I need to my girlfriend warm and fed, of course.” I giggle at his dorky statement and he walks me back vlogging as the two of us laugh and talk to the camera. We reach a restaurant we both like and walk in. I feel warm and fuzzy inside, and it’s all thanks to my favorite person in the world, Joe Sugg.
— Bonus Part!
I woke up the morning after we went home, to see a bunch of twitter messages and notifications more than I usually get. Confused I rub my eyes to look and see a sleepy Joe beside me. Obviously he went to sleep later than me as always, probably staying up to edit a video; always working this one. I scoff and when seeing the explanation for my Twitter going nuts, my assumptions are right.
“JOE GAVE Y/N HIS COAT IN THE VLOG LAST NIGHT” I scroll to see the pictures posted of the one frame where I’m coat-less and the other one not. “@joe_sugg & @y/t/n ARE SO CUTE. LOOK SHES WEARING HIS COAT” “@joe_sugg he’s so slick. bruh we see you giving @y/t/n your coat.” “JOE AND Y/N ARE RELATIONSHIP GOALS!!!” Even Zoe caught it and replied, “Ok, but look how cute my brother and his girlfriend are!! @Y/t/n & Joe_Sugg love you two Xx”
I respond with emoji hearts to Zoe and laugh to myself at the numerous reactions. We didn’t even think to mention the coat ending up in the vlog, it was so random but yes, ridiculously romantic. Leave it to Joe to stay up all night editing and uploading a vlog early, I admire the gorgeous sleeping man in bed and see his coat in the corner of my eye just hung up in his closet. I giggle and put my phone down. I lay back into bed and beside Joe’s shirtless chest as I feel his peaceful breathing. Since when did everything become so perfect?
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Dating Conor Maynard might include...
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cheesy pick-up lines
like literally all the time, if not in person than via whatsapp or snapchat
weird snapchats in general
tagging you in funny videos
him always making you laugh
him laughing even more than you, because we all know he’s the one who laughs most at his jokes
but he’d love to see you laugh, even more if it was because of him
sometimes he’d even blush because of that
when you first started dating, he made sure that you only got to see his best side
although you guys got intimate in the sexual sense pretty quickly, he didn’t let you in at first
but deep down, you could feel that there was so much more that you hadn’t seen yet
patiently waiting until he was comfortable to share that with you, too
because you were here to stay, and he knew it
it just took him a bit longer to fully get comfortable
you respected that, knowing that he would do the exact same thing
but when you were on that deep level, there was so much to discover
working through issues together
because you were a team, and he made sure everybody knew that
getting on really well with the other boys, especially Jack
hanging out with him a lot
always cuddling when you were watching movies or a series
cheeky slaps on the butt, because he just loved your butt
you’d slowly learn to return them
him giggling in the most adorable way when you’d smack his bum
loving glances
like you could be at a party, chatting with different people and you’d feel him look at you
feeling all warm and bubbly inside
him giving you compliments all the time
because he wanted you to see yourself like he did
him being called whipped because he was so infatuated with you
but he didn’t mind being whipped for you
hugging the other from behind
him singing softly into your ear, just for you
helping him through his creative phases
being one of the first people to hear his new music
making sure he’d eat enough when he was writing music, because he would often forget that
generally taking care of him
sometimes feeling like you didn’t have a boyfriend, you merely got yourself a five year-old child
him being so attentive
like he would always get you something special when he was away
“I spotted this in a shop, and it made me think of you”
long-distance-relationship when he was away in LA
he still made sure that you wouldn’t feel lonely though
still managing to speak to each other at least once a week
facetiming until one of you fell asleep
checking the time-zone where he was in
goodbye-kisses that turned into a severe make-out session in the hallway when he was leaving
sending good-morning and good-night-texts to each other
him spending the first two days (at least) only with you when he was back
not letting go of each other until you really had to
reunion sex
at first having real passionate and eager sex, getting all the frustration out from being apart for so long
round two was much more vanilla, with slow kisses and loving glances
generally having sex on almost a daily basis
giggly sex in the bathtub
shower sex, although one of you almost always gets hurt
buying a non-slip-mat for this purpose only
morning sex
drunk sex
showering together afterwards
eating breakfast together
being the fan’s otp
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maynardtrash · 7 years
Fanfic possibly maybe??
so i really wanna do a full length fanfic like multi parts but idk what you guys would want or who it would be about so you can either tell me on this post or send me a message with ideas i’d really like feedback kthnx4urtym
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riarocksspots · 6 years
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crinkled-emotions · 5 years
Hey everyone! As you know I was looking for someone to beta JUST my One Chicago series but I’ve decided to get someone to also beta my 5sos works when I get back to them, my Jyron posts, and of course my Bondi Rescue posts.
It’s okay; you can choose what you want to beta if you’re interested. If you want to just beta Joe Sugg/ Byron Langley (Jyron), then let me know! If you’re up to doing a couple fandoms and you’re passionate enough to put up with my constant fangirling that would be great too! Whatever help you can offer would be great :)
ALSO; I’m turning eighteen in a few months and once that happens I’ll be pre-releasing works to my Patreon users about two weeks before they make it to Tumblr/AO3/ Wattpad. I’ll probably only be charging $3 per work, give or take depending on how long it is.
If anyone is interested in giving me a hand and giving me some feedback on my works- not just I love it! (although that’s appreciated too) I want to know why you loved it- was there a particular scene? Was there something that happened and you were like YAS, or was there a scene and you were like rippppp? - message me on Tumblr for my email and we’ll go from there :)
Writers need to hear things like this sometimes, but we also need criticism (as long as it’s said nicely, us writers can be a little soft haha). As a beta, I also need you to keep an eye out for any typos, misspellings, missed words etc. 
Ookay I think that’s all from this starved for attention writer. Rip.
-G x
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oh-ishouldnt · 6 years
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Joeck on “From the best day to the worst day!”
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vintagesugg-blog · 7 years
stag do
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this is pure fluff :’) my sweet lil bean
Word Count: 1,645
Rating: PG-13
hope you enjoy!!
It was very weird to have Joe away from you. Sure, you two were apart sometimes, usually for work, but he didn’t go on holidays very often, so going back to an empty bed at night was quite odd for you. You had to remind yourself not to go to his office and try to coax him away from his computer and into bed. He had only been gone for a few days, but the flat felt so empty without him that it felt like a lifetime. You had done your best to let him have his fun with his mates from back home; it was Ben’s stag-do and Joe rarely got to see him alone, much less all his old friends at once.
He had been really good about checking in and sending you lots of pictures, showing you that he missed you too. He even managed to sneak in a facetime call between the bars they were going to, and it warmed your heart to see him on your phone screen.
However, his little reminders didn’t keep you busy at home for long. You had spent the whole of the last few days deep cleaning the whole flat, washing all the sheets and remaking the beds, unpacking a few boxes of stuff that just needed to be put away, and even assembling a new table that arrived for the guest room just to keep yourself busy in your down time. Still, you found yourself bored without Joe beside you. So to say you were excited to have him back home was an understatement. You answered on the first ring when he called that evening.
“Ello love, we’ve just landed, I’m getting off the plane in a few minutes and then I’ll catch an uber home!” He updated you, and he sounded a bit tired, but also happy to be back on the ground.
“Okay! I can’t wait to see you!”
“Same here. Do you want me to pick up a Waga’s on my way in? I can’t be bothered to cook.”
“I can order it and then you can just come straight home,” you said a bit too quickly. You heard him chuckle into the speaker.
“Baby, it’s on the way and it’ll take five minutes. I’ll call it ahead so that it’s quick and then I’ll be home as soon as I can.” You could hear the smile in his voice, and it made you blush. You always got overexcited to see him, and he thought it was the cutest things. You were still shy about it, because a few of your exes had found it annoying.
“No, you don’t have to call ahead, don’t rush. Sorry to be pushy, I just miss you,” you mumbled.
“Hey, none of that, nothing to apologize for. I like pushy, and I miss you too. Were about to get off the plane, so I gotta go. I’ll see you soon. Love you.”
“Love you too. Hurry!”
And with that he hung up, and you began to wait again.
Your feet were on the floor before he had even opened the door all the way. Lucky for him, you were upstairs in his bedroom, so he had enough time to drop his bags and stow the food safely on the counter before you emerged.
You paused at the bottom of the stairs, a huge smile on your face. Joe was in a hoodie and jeans with a backwards hat on, and the skin you could see was far tanner than when he left London. He heard you coming and turned around, arms out expectedly; you were known to ambush him.
“There you are!” He grinned, and he motioned you to him. You grinned and ran over, latching onto him in a tight hug. His arms locked around your back, lifting you up a bit. Your legs wrapped around his waist instinctively, and he spun you around and sat you on the counter, pressing closer to you.
“I missed you,” you smiled, pressing a kiss to his hair.
“Missed you more,” he murmured into your neck. He was radiating warmth, and you pressed yourself closer to him. He leaned back slightly, puckering his lips at you. You put your lips to his quickly, backing away with a grin. He pouted at you and you giggled, kissing him seriously. The kiss turned into a bit of a make out that lasted a few minutes until Joe leaned back from you by a fraction.
“Our dinners gonna get cold. We have all night,” he murmured. You sighed a bit, pressing one last kiss before hoping down from the countertop to make you both drinks.
“The flat looks incredible. Did you clean?” Joe asked as you passed him a water.
“From top to bottom,” you smiled.
“You didn’t have to do that you know. I would have helped had I been here.” He began unpacking the food, separating it between the two of you.
“I got bored without you here,” you explained, tucking into your dinner.
“So you decided to clean?”
“Desperate times, desperate measures man. I even assembled some furniture whilst you were away.” He raised his eyebrows at you and you nodded at him, making him smile, even though his mouth was full of food. You couldn’t help but think it was cute.
The rest of dinner consisted of him talking all about his trip and all the adventures he’d been on, along with how much alcohol he consumed.
“I don’t think I want a drink, or another lad’s night out for another year.”
“Hey, then I’ll get you all to myself,” you teased, getting up from the bar. You cleared the trash while he took the plates and put them in the dishwasher before you both headed for the couch.
“Have we got any aloe vera? I burnt my back pretty good.”
“I think we put some in the fridge before you left, just in case. I’ll look, find something for us to watch.” You peeked him on the cheek and went back for the aloe.
By the time you found the bottle and returned to the couch, Joe already had his hoodie off and had Guardians of the Galaxy on the projector. You sat down on the couch and patted your legs, prompting him to lay down across them. He grabbed a pillow and rested his head while you squeezed some aloe onto his back. He hissed a bit at the cold gel, but you felt his muscles relax below you as you rubbed it in a soothed the red skin on his back, which had a few white finger prints from where he managed to reach.
“Remind me to never let you put sunscreen on our kids,” you teased, rubbing the knots out of his muscles.
You continued to rub his back for a while, drawing pictures with your fingers on his warm skin with a smile as you both watched the movie.
“C’mon then, your turn.” He sat up, switching you spots. You laid down across his legs and his hand ran up your back underneath your hoodie, rubbing out each knot he found. He was quite good at massages, and they always managed to lull you to sleep. But you fought your dropping eyelids, even when he began to play with your hair.
Half-way through, he leaned down and pressed a few sweet kisses to your cheek.
“What were those for?”
“Just cause I love you. I really did miss you this week. The boys gave me shit for moaning about it.”
You sat up, rearranging yourself so you were cuddled up to his side. “I missed you too. But hey, next holiday I get to tag along!” You reminded him. You and Joe were joining Zalfie on a trip to Mykonos, since you’d all finally managed to get time off work.
“That’s definitely going to be more fun.”
You frowned at him and the change in his tone. “Did you not have a good time?”
Joe’s mates from Wiltshire were great, but they didn’t always understand Joe’s life as a youtuber. From the fans coming up to meet him everywhere he went to him constantly having his camera and laptop, they sometimes liked to pick fun at him. It worried you sometimes.
“No, no I had a great time, really. It was great to see all my mates and stuff, it just made me realize that I like my life a whole lot better when you’re around. It also made me think about where I would wanna have my stag-do.” He toyed with your hair as he spoke, something he did when he got a bit sappy.
“You know, to go on a stag-do you have to be engaged.”
“Yeah, I know,” he said simply, twirling your hair round and round his finger. You blushed deep red, your heart feeling as if it would burst. You had so much love for this boy it was unreal. Unable to find the right words, you simply cuddled up next to him, turning your attention back to the screen until the credits rolled. Or at least you tried – gentle hands woke you up as they lifted you off the couch.
“C’mon, up to bed.” Joe’s voice was soft and gentle as he carried you up the stairs. His skin was as warm as sunshine as you held onto him.
“Did you clean the sheets too? We just did that last week!”
You nodded into his shoulder and he chuckled, sitting you down in the bed. You both climbed under the covers, finding your way back into each-other’s arms.
“Remind me to never leave you alone again,” he mumbled, pulling you close and pressing a few kisses to your forehead.
“Sounds perfect to me,” you hummed in agreement, drifting back to sleep.
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The Coffee Shop | Joeck
A/N; I know tattoos are only briefly mentioned, but I hope the anon that requested this still likes it.
SUMMARY; Joe waits in the coffee shop every morning, hoping that one day, his soulmate will walk through that door.
REQUESTED; YES! "i was looking at a list of AUs and I found this one where you get a tattoo of the first thing you think about your soulmate? i hope that makes sense haha. could you do an imagine about Joeck for this AU please? thank you x"
Joe sits in the same coffee shop at the same table at the same time every day. He figures that, if he is to finally find his soulmate, it will have to be here. The place he’s waited every morning for three years.
Today is no different. He stares out the window, chewing his lip, deep in thought. Occasionally, the bell chimes and his head swivels to the door, praying that his soulmate will just come over and sweep him off his feet. One day, his luck will have to surface. One day, his soulmate will walk through that door. He asks himself the same question, like every morning: what if it’s today? But he doesn’t get his hopes up.
“What are you thinking about?” A familiar woman’s voice snaps him back to reality.
Smiling, he looks up, and sees Paula offering him an even brighter smile. Her hair is tossed up in a messy pony tail, as usual, and she taps a pen against a small note pad out of habit. A bright pink pencil skirt contrasts against the black blouse that is part of the employees’ uniform.
“Nothing,” Joe says.
She rolls her eyes, that infectious grin still on her lips. “I know when you’re lying, Joe. I’ve known you for three years.”
He shakes his head. “Honestly, Paula, it doesn’t matter,” he says firmly. Changing the subject, he asks: “How are you and Fred?”
Smile fading, she drops her gaze to the floor. “He’s been really busy this week. He’s been really stressed, and he point blank refuses to talk to me about it! I don’t know what I’ve done and I just-” Her bottom lip trembles as a quiet sob catches in her throat. “I just feel shit.”
He regrets asking now. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“The usual, then?” This time, it’s her who swiftly changes the subject.
“Yeah, thanks,” he smiles.
Sniffing, Paula scribbles it down in her notebook and hurries off behind the counter.
Returning several minutes later with a tray, she places it down. Joe picks up his coffee and sips it, then takes a bite out of his cookie. He puts the money for it on top of the receipt. She’s also got herself a coffee and gulps it down, her puffy red eyes gazing into its dark contents.
Joe decides it’s not the right time to talk, and instead eats and drinks in silence. He stares out the window and a man who he recognises walks past, holding a bouquet.
“Paula!” he exclaims, nudging her, and pointing at the door.
The bell chimes, the man enters, and Paula stands up, unsure how to react.
“Fred,” she says loudly, confusedly.
The cheerful chatter of the coffee shop turns to one of excitement. They turn in their seats to watch the confrontation.
“Paula,” Fred says dumbly, sheepishly.
Joe rubs the small of her back in an attempt to comfort her.
Fred passes her the bouquet. Lilies.
“My favourite,” she murmurs, all note of hostility in her tone vanishing at this simple gesture.
He gets down on one knee and coughs nervously. “Paula, two months is too long for us to be together without you officially being mine. I love you so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” He gazes up at her like she is the only reason worth living.
“Yes!” she cries. She flings her arms around him and he embraces her, holding onto her tightly. “I love you.”
Everyone cheers as the tension disappears and people yell their congratulations.
A bitter jealousy stirs inside him. Paula is going to get married, and he hasn’t even met his soulmate. But he claps along with everyone else, because she’s his friend. His best friend.
“Oh, wow!” Joe says as she shows him the ring. “It’s so intricate – wow!”
“It wasn’t cheap, but it shows how much I love her.” Fred smiles at her fondly. He, too, has a contagious grin.
Paula and Fred kiss and Joe looks around awkwardly. “Get a room!” he half-jokes, half-wishes.
They pull apart. “My shift finishes in half an hour,” she says. “Can I come back to yours after?”
“Ours,” Fred corrects her, squeezing her hand.
Joe feels sick. The green-eyed monster has sunk its teeth into his mind.
And half an hour later, Paula leaves, the biggest smile that he has ever seen on her face.
He decides to sit down for a bit longer, grumbling under his breath. His mind thinks about Paula and Fred – happily engaged, both younger than him. He feels old, unwanted. Everyone usually finds their soulmate by the age of twenty one. He’s twenty six, and he wants to give up hope, although he’s still holding onto the thought that one day he might meet his soulmate.
A strange emotion brews inside him as the bell chimes. His body twitches slightly and a shiver runs down his spine. Running his hands through his hair, he feels an ache in his heart. It feels hollow. His breathing becomes rapid and his gaze lands on the man who’s just walked through the door.
The man looks younger than him, with blonde hair that he could pull all day and blue eyes that he would volunteer to drown in. A soft sigh escapes his lips as the man looks around uncomfortably, a frown on his face.
He’s hot, Joe thinks, watching the man stretch awkwardly, his shirt riding up to expose his stomach.
Suddenly, the man lets out a yelp and grabs his finger, watching it with a mixture of horror and awe. A few people send him weird looks, but most ignore him. Joe realises what’s happening when the man turns to face him.
Joe’s eyes are wider than a planet and his heart hammers against his ribcage. He can’t stop staring at him and an agonising pain shoots up his forearm. It feels like it’s on fire as words brand his skin. Clutching it, he slowly lowers it onto the table as the pain subsides.
It reads: He’s cute.
The man walks over with a smirk on his face. His stride is confident, bordering cocky, and his lips are red, and he tugs at them with his teeth.
“I’m Jack,” he says. “You’re not too bad yourself.” He shows Joe his finger, which reads: He’s hot.
“You’re my soulmate,” Joe says, mouth gaping like a fish.
“I’d prefer it if you call me Jack, but that’s the gist of it,” Jack chuckles. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Joe,” he introduces himself, flushing with embarrassment. “Sorry, it’s just – you’re so hot!”
Jack raises an eyebrow. “You already can’t control your mouth around me, can you?” He leans closer. “I can think of something to put in your mouth that might stop that word vomit.”
Swallowing nervously, Joe attempts to talk. “Shut up,” he stammers, blushing again.
“Do you want a coffee?” he asks, although his gaze lands on the unfinished coffee in front of his soulmate.
And when their lips meet, Joe's heart doesn't feel hollow - empty - anymore. And neither does Jack's. Their lips pressed together are the final pieces of the puzzle.
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