#But those require acidic soil
cozmicclown · 11 months
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Welcome Home Secret Audio Tapes Transcribed (Accurately): Tape #4 Frank & Barnaby
Still posting these because the secret invisible transcripts under the audio tapes aren’t 100% accurate, and I like things to be exact. I may be motivated to post more of these if I spent less time doing them up nice. I’d also be WAY more motivated if I could find that special specific American typewriter font with the rounded Tuscan serifs used in the real WH script pieced together on that secret page. I’m beginning to suspect that’s a CUSTOM font.
Yes I know the last one I posted was audio tape #2, I’ve got #3 written out but not done up/aged, but I had this one finished and if I didn’t post it now it would be harder for me to get to it later.
Full Written Transcription Under Cut
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“Blue, don't actually have any blue pigmentation. They have to grow in soil that is basic as well, so the pine straw should be left for the other beds-“
“You're tellin' me that these flowers are liars, Franky?”
(Exasperated sigh as he notices Barnaby approaching.)
“Urgh, I'm not telling you that these flowers are liars, Barnaby. I'm talking about how these flowers are specially selected to look this way.”
“Eh, bein' blue isn't anything special, pal. Don't ya know that blue is all the rage nowadays?”
“I don't think people are painting themselves blue, frankly. Are you saying your fur color isn't natural?”
(Feigning insult.)
“I beg your pardon!? I'm a natural beauty, as far as you know.”
Page 2
“Heh. I doubt you're any sort of beagle. I've never seen any blue dog before in my life! Now, if you don't mind, we'd like to continue tending to my flowers in peace.”
“You're gonna have to do more than tend to 'em if you want 'em to grow up nice and big. You know what they say: you gotta entertain your plants to make 'em happy.”
“Heh, That's true... but I'm not going to let your snappy patter poison my petunias
I'd hardly call your material entertaining, much less fertilizer.”
(Subtle standup tone.)
“Oh, don't you worry, Frank. The last thing I'll do is overwhelm your orchid. Your plants all seem clover it.”
(Annoyed groan before taking a deep breath.)
“Uuurrggggh. Not with these puns again. You're going to make all of my hard work wilt! Your humor is too dry for my impatiens.”
“Hey, hey! Not a daisy goes by where you don't get impatient... but hey, I'm just pollen your leg.”
(Another deep breath and annoyed groan.)
“Uuurgggg. Will. You. Just. Get. Out of here!? My plants don't need your ridiculous jokes to grow; go find an audience for your silly gags somewhere else.”
Page 3
(Starting walking away backwards.)
“Alright, alright, I'll grow... But every dogwood has his day! I'll still poppy in from time to time, even if you're still a little rough around the hedges!”
“Hrrrrr, hm. Urgh, honestly with him! I don't know how you can stand to be around him, Wa//=Y.”
End Scene
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flowerishness · 7 months
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Bryophyta (moss)
Fresh water algae first ventured onto dry land maybe a billion years ago. 470 million years ago, the earliest true plants, mosses and liverworts, covered the earth's surface. Today there are over 12000 known species of moss and to be this successful they had to solve some fundamental problems - How do you avoid drying out? How do you reproduce? How do you obtain nutrients?
Some desert mosses can survive a hundred years without rain but give them a few drops of the wet stuff and they green up in a few days. Mosses reproduce with tiny spores carried by the wind for hundreds of miles. In comparison, green algae can't stray far from the river's edge. They require water to transport their spores.
These photos demonstrate another bryophyte super power. There is no soil under this moss, just a piece of volcanic lava. This moss secretes organic acids that dissolve rock thus freeing up those valuable nutrients. Imagine living happily on a bare rock requiring nothing but the occasional rain shower for survival. Now that's what I call a relaxing lifestyle!
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bonefall · 11 months
Moorland Research Notes
I usually let these sit in my drafts because they're kinda messy, but no one actually knows anything about moorland, including myself shortly before starting this deep dive. So I'm just going to post this in the hopes that it's useful in some way
This post is about moorland in the UK, I have not done any research into moorland in other places, and then I focused more specifically on lowland heath.
Feel free to use this information for anything you so desire, and check out the sources I put at the bottom of this list if you'd like to learn more. I really hope this helps out WindClan Fans in particular
I do plan to condense what I've learned and chosen into a "Welcome to BB!WindClan!" type post at some point, but this is a REALLY broad post on what moorland is.
What is moorland?
Moorland is a broad term that lumps together several completely unique biomes, most of which are partially or completely reliant on the management of human beings. They are defined by low-growing flora and acidic soils, which makes them difficult for non-specialist plants to grow in.
These can be sorted further into upland or lowland, dry or wet.
Because many types of moorland are dominated by heathers, they are also called heathlands. Though the terms Moor and Heath are sometimes used interchangeably (and this is where a lot of confusion comes from), usually, Moor refers to upland/wet, and Heath refers to lowland/dry.
I have to stress a that LOT of the confusion is coming from this. Heather will grow in both, and the terms get used interchangeably, but an upland/wet moor is FUNDAMENTALLY different from a lowland/dry heath, down to the very soil.
Most specialists will open up an explanation by defining how they're using the Moor/Heath distinction, and will stick to those terms, but just keep in mind that in casual language, ALL of these biomes get called moors, and places without any heather will get called heath.
They can also touch. There are locations where upland moor slopes into lowland heath, or upland heath kisses lowland moor, and there can be very special species that exist in the transitional space between these areas. This too is yuri.
It is not a prairie. It is not a savanna. Please for the love of god stop portraying moorland as prairies and savannas
lots of purple. why he ourple? heathers and purple moorgrass.
Common heather is also called ling, flowery bell heathers are sometimes called erica, and gorse can be called whin or furze
Maritime heath, dune heath, blanket bog, upland moor, transitional upland heath... these are all frequently lumped under the same term even though they are very different.
How are moorlands managed?
Above 700 meters of altitude and in harsh weather conditions, you get montane heath. Near coastlines, you can find maritime heath. These are the only two that are completely "natural" and require no human management.
In wet moors, the elements will beat the vegetation down into peat. Above the peat is turf, the top layer which grows the visible flora. Peat = below, Turf = above. Peat has historically been used as a fuel, and if that bottom layer catches fire, IT IS DISASTROUS.
Because of this, most upland moors (which are usually wet and PACKED with peat) are managed primarily through grazing. There are even breeds of sheep and cattle who have been specially bred to thrive in upland moors-- such as the iconic highland cow. (Though overgrazing can be a problem, too.)
Sheep are used to graze back the heather (sometimes called ling), and in good modern practice, goats are brought out along with the flock to eat pioneering shrubs and saplings. Pigs are also used to control bracken and combat ex-pine plantations with scattered needles, because of their ability to churn soil.
However, controlled burns are still done in some circumstances and when required (LIKE BEFORE A HEATWAVE). Because of the serious danger, it's considered inferior to good grazing management. It's done carefully, in controlled patches, both to not set the underlayer of peat on fire and to make sure there is differently-aged patches of flora in one area to support different species of animals.
If peat catches on fire, it will burn for days or weeks... and can even smoulder underground after you THINK it's been put out.
In DRY LOWland heath, proper burning is common. Gorse and heather grows strong, woody, and flammable, and the thin layer of peat below can combine to devastating results when a wildfire does eventually break out. Large swaths of dry heather and gorse is an ecological powderkeg, even if it was only growing on mineral soil.
Worse, the older heather gets, the woodier it becomes. Woody heather can cause high-temperature fires that absolutely devastates new growth, leading to a slower recovery and causing a controlled burn to become uncontrolled real fast.
Burns are typically conducted in winter, when it's cold, and grazing animals are deployed in summer.
Cutting is also important in lowland management, literally cutting out squares of turf to expose the ground. This is good for mason bees, specifically.
Moorland. Is. Flammable. Fire risk = HIGH.
If you do not manage the moorland, the moorland will manage YOU. with FIRE.
Do NOT set the peat layer on fire. Whatever you do, do NOT let the peat get set on fire. PEAT FIRE BAD.
The controlled burning of moorland is "swaling", or a "muirburn."
Pigs and goats have special abilities when used in grazing management
Pigs are a tactical nuke
Sheep will graze heather a lot harder than cattle, causing grassy "sward". They should be kept away from it in winter.
Cattle will graze moorgrass a lot harder than sheep and bite back any sheep-induced sward, but trample the soil with their heavy hooves.
Bones tell me about the funny cat environments
Victoria Holmes (the original writer of Warrior Cats, for those who have just walked in, still in your bathrobe and perhaps comically eating some sort of breakfast bagel, on a cat giving a detailed ecological lecture to a bunch of other cats) has spoken about how she based the environment of the Forest Territories on New Forest, Hampshire UK.
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[ID: New Forest's heathland on a misty morning. It's dominated by common heather with a few sparse trees, and a New Forest Pony grazing alone.]
That means that WindClan's moor was a lowland heath, characterized by sandy soils with excellent drainage. This is consistent with the thin layer of peat, deeper layers of sandy soil and clay (as encountered by tunnelers), and lush vegetation that's seen in DOTC and Tallstar's Revenge.
If that's not enough evidence, it's also described after its destruction in these terms;
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New Forest boasts some of the widest swaths of well-managed lowland heath in the entire UK. It's been managed collectively for hundreds of years, and exists in tandem with bogs and old-growth forest for miles. The heath is just as important as the trees, here!
In TNP, the forest is tragically bulldozed to create suburbs. While they were at it, they also bulldozed the geography of Great Britain because, suddenly, there is a MOUNTAIN in Southeastern England; a region notoriously flatter than the Onceler's ass
So once the Clan cats get to the Lake territories, we could be dealing with a completely different biome. They might have gone from dry, lowland heath, to wet, upland moor.
However, descriptions of the new territory are scarce, to put it lightly. In spite of the Lake Territory being the setting for the past 20 years, WindClan's land is rarely shown. When we do get a glimpse of it, like in Crowfeather's Trial, we only get told about the presence of certain species such as gorse. Because of there being no tunneling, we don't know what's exactly below the surface, either.
Occasionally though we are made aware of the presence of "moorgrass" (possibly Molinia Caerulea) and the smell of peat, pointing towards it probably being upland moor. The bigger question is actually where all the sheep are? There should be a lot of sheep here, but instead, there only seems to be horses.
Aaaaand lastly before I close out on canon material, Lungwort.
Lungwort is a herb that becomes a plot device in A Vision of Shadows. ShadowClan becomes sick with a variant of greencough, and it is said that Lungwort would be its only cure. However, it "only grows in WindClan" and the leader, Onestar, has refused to let them have this medicine.
But lungwort doesn't grow on moorland. ESPECIALLY not wet, upland moor, which we might maybe possibly be dealing with now.
Lungwort is a FOREST plant, it needs the absolute opposite conditions of a moorland. It requires moist but well-drained ground, FERTILE soil, and full or partial shade. There's no way that WindClan has it and ShadowClan doesn't, OR its neighbor ThunderClan, in the WOODS, who Onestar has no power over.
It would also poison a cat but honestly 75% of the plants they use in canon would also do that, so, whatever.
What they SHOULD have gone for is great mullein which prefers full sun and well-drained soils, so it could feasibly be found best in some parts of WindClan, regardless of which sort of moor or heath primarily makes up their territory.
What sorts of plants are found in moorlands?
In moorlands, you'll find plants that can withstand poor soil quality and full sun. In upland moors, they also have to be hardy in frequent heavy rains and high winds. Because it has conditions that so few plants are able to handle, moorland is chock-full of specialists and unique species that aren't found anywhere else!
Historically, moorland could not be used for agriculture exactly because of this. With the invention of artificial fertilizers and introduction of (invasive) pines from America, moorland is under serious threat. Even if it's just next to a pine plantation, the trees will attempt to spread.
COMMON HEATHER, also called Ling, is the big bad boy associated with most moorland, and used for a bajillion different things. First of all, it was used in construction for thatching. Second of all, it can be used as a yellow dye, especially on wool. Third, honey made from heather pollen is as thick as jelly. It's found on all sorts of moorland, and is an extremely hardy species.
BELL HEATHER, sometimes called Erica, is more commonly associated with lowland heaths. It's one of the best flowers for pollinators in the entire world, and attracts tons of insects.
GORSE, also called Whin or Furze, smells overwhelmingly like coconut. It is also covered in wicked thorns. It's highly flammable and can burn ridiculously hot, making it excellent to collect as kindle.
PURPLE MOORGRASS is associated with upland moor, but will grow basically anywhere nothing else could. It's scary hardy, surviving in acidic soil down to a PH of 2 (THAT IS THE SAME LEVEL AS YOUR STOMACH JUICE), and can grow as tall as 4 feet (and even taller, apparently, next to its bestie girls heather and gorse).
In heath, tormentil, milkwort, and heath bedstraw are indicator herbs, and wavy hair-grass, bristle bent, and vernal grasses are found here and there.
PLEASE remember that moorland is not grassland. When grasses go from sparse to common, it's a very bad sign. It means the soil is losing its acidity, and converting into a different biome.
Bramble, bracken, nettles, perennial ryegrass, and broadleaf plantain are some of the species that can indicate that a heath is becoming a grassland. A few patches or examples are fine, but if they're eating into the gorse/heather/moorgrass, it's time to call in some management.
There's also the fascinating, parasitic plant called dodder. Dodder likes to twirl around heather before suffocating it to death. Cool plant! I don't know where else to mention dodder. I just think it's neat.
Threats to Moorland
I mentioned the problems in passing through this whole post, but to restate, these are some of the major problems that moorland faces.
AFFORESTATION: When trees are added.
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[ID: A sitka spruce plantation on upland moor in Scotland, followed by a clip of Markiplier who condemns it in no uncertain terms.]
American pines, such as the douglas fir and sitka spruce don't belong here. These are commercial plantations and they exist to make money, but are touted as "eco friendly" because uneducated rubes think 1 Tree = 1 Ecology Point. They provide diddly or squat to native wildlife, destroy valuable moorland which can negatively impact carbon capture, and let fools pat themselves on the back for doing nothing but put government money into a logging company's pocket.
(there are also only 3 native conifers to Great Britain-- the scotch pine, the common juniper, and the yew. All others are introduced.)
But even worse than being a wooden blight, these are wooden blights that spread. If there's a plantation nearby, it WILL begin to encroach on the surrounding moorland, and the traditional sheep and cattle will not eat the saplings. GOATS are being added to herds in modern grazing management to combat this new problem.
The native birches (silver and downy) plus the scotch pine will also move in when moorland is not managed! They are pioneer species, which success the moor into secondary woodland.
OVERBURNING: When moorland is burned too much.
Even if you don't set the peat on fire and cause an even bigger problem, too much burning is bad for the biome as well. This is often done to serve hunters, who want to perpetually keep common heather in the youngest state possible to support grouse populations... and grouse populations alone.
Properly managed moorland will be burned in sections, NOT all at once, so that there's a healthy mix of plants in different ages to provide shelter and food to the animals that live in the environment. Too much burning will decimate the insect population, and prevent peat buildup.
("Hold on Elder Bones, why is peat good?" Carbon capture and soil acidity! It's super efficient at combating global warming, and peaty soils will prevent the moor from quickly succeeding into a grassland.)
NUTRIENT ENRICHMENT: De-acidifying the soil and making the soil welcoming to other species
Specifically from dog and horse droppings, but also from the addition of fertilizers. The biggest thing that can be a problem here is how conservationists try to balance public access to these spaces with the "recreation pressure" from having too many visitors.
I have had to do SO MUCH READING. OH my god, this was not easy research, please appreciate this big, beautiful list of resources I am giving to you
GREAT BRITISH LIFE: A really good intro to heathland (This article was written by Katie Piercy from the Cheshire Wildlife Trust)
WILDLIFE TRUST: Heathland and Moorland, Moorland, Lowland Heath, Cheshire Heath, Bell Heather, The Roaches
BUGLIFE: Upland heath as it relates to insect populations (website contains insect-centric guides to many unique UK biomes)
NEW FOREST: Heathland information and history
NATIONAL TRUST: Bickerton Hill and the Restoration Work
WIKIPEDIA: The Roaches, Yorkshire Dales, Heath, Moorland (listen kids, wikipedia is always a great place to start. Just make sure to double-check the claims you see there.)
COUNTRY LIFE: A flowery article that describes the North York Moors (this one's just really pleasant!)
AN ACTUAL LOWLAND HEATH ECOLOGIST: Dr. Sophie Lake's Presentation for the NPMS (This is the most detailed and proper source on this list, if you want to learn some serious info, PLEASE check this one out)
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sirenjose · 9 months
Oracle, Orpheus' Drugs, and Yidhra Theory
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Adding this here due to a curious comment I received regarding Oracle and Yidhra on my previous theory.
"Oracle" is technically a drug, as that is how it is described in the "medicine test records" and owner's diaries in the 2nd anniv pack, but it's interesting to connect the effects with Yidhra. Based on what I can find, she is described as being able to project thoughts into the minds of others that can create "dream-like worlds" and humans can mistake for reality, as well as manipulate the mental states of her victims so they're rarely aware of what's happening. So the similarities are pretty good.
And Yidhra's letters are always pretty curious, considering it keeps talking about abnormalities in the water, soil, and plants. The investigators refer to it as something like "pollution". Some of the plants are said to have "wilted", dried up, the soil is said to be "strongly acidic" in at least 1 area, and the "algal content" of the water is higher than normal lakes, They also mention strange "unidentified microbial deposits" in the water and soil, but their investigation is forced to end due to various reasons (missing records, destroyed environments, etc…).
Yidhra's 4th letter also mentions that the "edge of the forest" was withered, but the plants within the forest were "teeming with life". It is unknown whether the soil was acidic here too, but we do see Yidhra causes the investigator to blur "dreams and reality" as well as how the investigator "cannot seem to remember" if there was "an ending to last night's dream".
I did see that at least some ferns like acidic soil, in which case the soil by Lakeside would be good for them (or at least Orpheus could take some of it to grow the ferns in his greenhouse).
I also saw that ferns require organic matter (like decomposing plant material) for growth. From what I found, microbial deposits consist of accumulations of microorganisms and their byproducts, which can help decompose organic matter and contribute to the nutrient cycle to make those nutrients available to plants, including ferns. So it's possible all these things in Yidhra's letters are related to the ferns.
I also did see that supposedly she can provide "bountiful crops and healthy livestock", so it'd stand to reason she can also cause the opposite to happen. In which case, that could tie to the dead part of the forest vs the flourishing part of the forest. Within the forest we know is the Forest of No Return/Darkwoods, where we can find the bonfire that Yidhra's form can appear in after eliminating 4 survivors by it (which ties to the part where she can provide those healthy crops and livestock if she is worshiped). We also know Marjorie likely saw Yidhra's form in the fire based on Yidhra's 2nd letter.
The issue with Oracle specifically is Netease seems to have decided against it to instead do something else, as we can see we have 4 different drugs, but they seem to at least do some similar things to what Oracle did, meaning the fern could still tie to Yidhra.
(Least this whole idea would tie Yidhra to the lore somehow + make some sense out of her letters)
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the-nosy-neighbor · 7 months
Who is alive?
This all feels very much like the rumors that swirled around the Abbey Road album by the Beatles.  There was a whole lot of speculation that Paul McCartney was dead because he wasn’t wearing shoes in the picture, among other details.  
So, let’s look at the crackpot details:
Barnaby is dead. (theory)  details taken from r/welcomehomeneighbor or r/welcomehomearg (I will post the user details when/if I find them.)
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In the first image, Wally is sitting on a rock.  The rock is blue, and appears to have a hand and arm.  The colors on the hand are similar to the drawing of Barnaby’s paw that we see.  The paw is open with the palm up, based on the art of the paw and the color of the pads.  It looks like Barnaby has a red slash across his wrist.  There is a tic tac toe board on what would either be his back or belly.  I haven’t gotten to the tic-tac-toe parts yet, but my assumption is that the colors of the tic-tac-toe marks tell us something as well.  Using that theory, this game would be between Frank and Julie.  The colors kind of blend, so it is hard to be certain here.  
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Then, we have a drawing of Wally on the News page, which seems on the up and up.  It’s a news page, everyone loves Wally.  So we have a drawing of him sitting in an armchair, reading a paper.  The armchair has a detail that is very suspicious.  The patch on the chair has a polka dot pattern that is closely associated with Barnaby.  Could this be Barnaby’s skin?  When you look closer, you can see that Barnaby’s face is on the newspaper.  I have seen speculation that this is a missing persons type article or death announcement, but Barnaby could very well be included in some Welcome Home paper for about anything.
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The clothespins in a secret video:  the Barnaby/Frank video.
There are a row of clothespins that look like people.  I’ve always thought those type of clothespins look like people.  It looks very much like they are made up of a head, trunk, and legs.  There is a row of pins, almost like a semicircle, around one pin (upside down), and a destroyed tomato.  (Barnaby gets tomatoes thrown at him.)  
In the video between Frank and Julie we have dialogue about bugs eating the vegetables and what should be done about it, but in this video, Frank and Wally are having some garden time together (with Wally’s view very low, as if he is laying on his belly while looking at the tomatoes) as Frank teaches Wally about how these blue flowers require a basic soil, and how pine straw shouldn’t be used for these flowers.  I think these are hydrangeas, as they appear pink, purple, or blue depending on the acidity of the soil.  (according to google, hydrangeas are unique in this way.  Blue equals higher acidity, pink equals lower.)  According to The Spruce, the idea that pine needs lower ph or acidify soil is a myth (I don’t know if that is relevant.)  
Frank and Barnaby have an unfriendly conversation here.  Granted, these characters are foils, with Frank being meticulous and fussy and Barnaby being super casual and joking all the time.  It appears that Barnaby’s only activity that gets discussed throughout the website so far is that he goes around telling people jokes, hanging out with Wally, and chasing Eddie around the neighborhood.  The chasing thing, at least, could be a reason for Frank to be put off by Barnaby, but it could just be the fact that they are so different.
Frank is so done with Barnaby from the beginning, (which I totally get because pun runs are pretty much the worst) and it quickly devolves into Frank being catty about the color of Barnaby’s fur, and he actually seems to kind of take offense.  Barnaby continues to punish us all with puns until Frank makes him leave, and says “I don’t understand why you like him, W…”
During the video clips so far, we have seen Barnaby interacting with different people.  He and Howdy get along because of the jokes, but I don’t trust either of them, especially given the way Howdy sells fake food to Sally (I will discuss at some point.)  Barnaby is pretty awful to Julie, telling her that her joke is terrible and she can’t tell jokes.  Barnaby chases down Eddie to get his packages, even though Eddie has apparently told him time and time again that he has to put it in the mailbox (I don’t know whose policy, maybe just Eddie’s?”  And in the final clip of the day, Barnaby is talking to home about everyone, being snarky and unkind, to the point that home seems to be disapproving.  
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Back to some non-canon art.    
As an early representation, we only see five colors on the phone:  Wally, Barnaby, Julie, Frank and Poppy.  The covered entities could potentially be dead/gone/erased.  Home is not included as a neighbor, which continues.  Two options on the phone dial are blanked out, as well.  
It could be that color nuance is removed in the grainy footage, but it might mean something specific that those colors are there.  If the video goes back up, I will get the full order of colors.
The tomato in our video image have been demolished.  They are completely open and spread out on the ground.  The tomatoes behind the row of figures are whole and look healthy enough.  This could be pointing to the death/destruction of our upside down clothespin friend and the neighbors being the line of defense between certain destruction and safety. 
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aisling-saoirse · 8 months
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Eastern Camas - Camassia scilloides
Eastern Camas/Wild Hyacinth is a lesser known relative to the famous western species C. quamash. While this plant is native throughout the Midwest, especially around the Mississippi river, it is generally restricted to wet meadows, stream banks and the occasional open woodland with moist acidic rich soils.
The Eastern Camas is a perennial bulb forming member of the asparagecea family, unlike the Hyacinth which the common name derives this species only really propagates via seed. In terms of appearance the plant typically holds a single raceme (think stalk) that ends in 30-40 flowers. As for size of the plants scientific studies have found a noticeable morphology in appearance between where said seeds are sourced. Seeds collected from the Ozark populations tend to have taller individuals than those found in Illinois bottomlands, this study suggests that Camas populations found further south adapted without glaciation and inhabited a location for a much longer time period without physical change. What an interesting hypothesis!
Camas are well known for their edible bulb, the western 'common Camas' is famous for its ethnobotanical use amoung indigenous peoples, the Eastern Camas is no different. The Camas bulb is edible, when eaten raw it can be gummy but sweet, indigenous methods of preparation require a slow cook over 48 hours which render the bulb to a flavor reminiscent of chestnuts. Bulbs can also be dried and made into flour as well. I would never remove camas from their habitat personally: I enjoy their beauty, I'm not indigenous and have heard members of eastern tribal diaspora upset over the removal of their ancestors' foodway, and most importantly beginners often confuse this species with the death camas: Zigadenus venenosus.
So if you live around the Midwest, look for beautiful fields popping up around April-May, you may get a chance to see something wonderful.
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lorei-writes · 1 year
Library Quiet
Chevalier x OC (OC Chart: Esther) Fluff Word count estimate: 1.1k
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(Edit by @drewadoodle ; Full picture below the cut.)
... Dear Drew dropped the edit at me, and when I asked how to thank him, he said to make it happen in a fic. So he's part-responsible for this cavity-inducting story. *gestures vaguely, incomprehensibly*
Content Warnings: none
Rows of volumes lining the shelves in the royal palace library seem endless. They stretch from the very floor up to the ceiling itself, each wooden case yet another wall to the alphabetically organised labyrinth that coils through and warps the space. It is quiet there, and the further in one goes, the quieter it becomes… until the silence grows thick to the point of being suffocating, ears ringing due to the absence of even the faintest noise.
Rows of volumes lining the shelves in the royal palace library seem endless. They stretch from the very floor up to the ceiling itself, each wooden case yet another wall to the alphabetically organised labyrinth that coils through and warps the space. It is quiet there, and the further in one goes, the quieter it becomes… until the silence grows thick to the point of being suffocating, ears ringing due to the absence of even the faintest noise.
However, there is a certain place of refuge from this ink-smelling acidic void: the inconspicuous door right at the back of the library, an oaken gate growing from the oaken floor. It is uninviting, perhaps even threatening in the way its handle seems to bare its teeth, as if warning those who reach it not to seek the things they may find behind it. It is best to retreat, of course – after all, it has never been the room itself that mattered, no. The quiet scratching knitting needles produce as they slide against each other was the goal, the nourishment necessary for one to just about make it out of the depths of the library and escape into the corridor.
Some, however, thrive in such an environment, their footstep the only sound needed to carry them down the aisles upon aisles of ever-towering shelves. Chevalier is not affected in the slightest by the quiet of the place. In fact, he even prefers for things to be this way, the absolute peace offering him a momentary respite from the endless stream of information that the world is.
Nevertheless, he still finds himself in front of that oaken door. The handle does not dare glare at him, not even as he presses it down. Just like so, the needles stop.
Chevalier steps inside the room.
Esther’s eyes are dark, much unlike his own; if his were ice, then hers would be sun-warmed soil, made only warmer by the soft glow diffused by the lampshades. He meets her gaze, briefly so, his attention darting towards the volumes climbing up the walls.
“Long day?” she asks from her place on the windowsill, needles resuming their task – knit, knit, purl, purl, knit… “How did the negotiations go?”
“I had to intervene,” a sigh spills from his lips.
Esther requires no further explanations, her brow furrowing as the situation unravels before her. If neither Prince Nokto nor Prince Clavis could sway the emissary’s views on the trading rights… She should consider herself quite fortunate to have avoided the talks. But she can’t.
“I see,” she replies eventually, although he doesn’t seem too preoccupied with the fact. A book snaps open in Chevalier’s hand. A few long strides later, he is seated comfortably over the sofa (the new addition to his private library, alongside a large wicker basket filled with skeins of various colour and texture). He needs a moment – she is not one to deprive him of that much…
… Knit, knit, purl, purl, knit, knit…
The silence within Chevalier’s private library is different than the one outside it. Perhaps the devil lies in the miniscule disturbances that linger just below its surface: pages turning, clothes rustling, quiet breathing, needles gliding, or shy humming… Chevalier raises his eyes for just a moment, Esther counting stitches of her handiwork, seemingly unaware of the tune played in her throat. A crease has formed between her brows, blond curls falling over her shoulder. However, she is too preoccupied to do anything about the fact, even as they make her task all the harder – she merely frowns more profoundly, and he is so close to getting up just to brush them back… But she smiles. At first it is just a twitch, a bud that unravels a second at a time, before finally blooming in full might. For but a moment, Esther is light, a star from the sky, so satisfied with herself even though the work in her hands is not meant to ever serve her. Another favour, if he were to guess, or possibly a gift.
Chevalier returns his attention to the ink. He has already committed the image to his memory; he is not as kind as to let himself be caught staring. The page turns.
… Knit, knit…
The row ends. Esther’s hands stop. She pushes the stitches back, stabs the needles through the skein, and now she is the one to watch. She dares not move – it is not often that her love is that absorbed in a book. She knows it won’t last long, that he’ll feel her gaze, that he’ll notice the slight change in the silence between them. Until then, however, she wants to see him for herself: his eyes hurrying from word to word, the barely visible quiver to his lips, the way he stops himself from snorting at some thought she could only theorise about… The few strands of hair that have dared to fall just – just – a bit out of their usual place.
Esther stands up.
She’ll berate herself later for her selfishness.
The floor creaks meekly. Chevalier does not look away from the volume in his hand – what for? He knows it is her. She probably wants to stretch her arms, or to read herself, or…
Her fingers comb through his hair, her lips brushing just – just – briefly against his forehead. Esther pulls back. She sits next to him, but it takes Chevalier a second to register the fact, an oddly disarming sensation spreading through his body. It is warm and relaxing, almost like a drug that lures people into dreams, little different from the precise moment when one can still lie in bed before having to wake up. It is safe, profound… Not unwelcome, by any means, not unwelcome.
Chevalier turns to face her, eyes searching her face for answers. Esther, however, does not seem to realise what she has caused – and what is worse, he does not understand the reaction he has had, nor does he know how to ask about that of all things. Instead, he strokes her hair, this time brushing it back into its place.
Esther grows red in the face.
She is just about ready to get up, when he catches her hand.
The world turns, the one permanent axis being the heat over her cheeks. Esther blinks in surprise, her back resting over the sofa as her lover moves over her, the book he has so enjoyed waiting on the floor.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Chevalier asks, his lips upturned in a smug smile.
“Now… Nowhere,” she replies. No other words can make it out of her lungs.
Esther closes her eyes, just as the world is about to stop.
Not that she would complain about that.
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Full edit by @drewadoodle .
Q: Esther, what have you done to get that reaction?
Esther: Hmm... Huh?!
Chevalier: (... She's missed it. Good.)
Esther: (... I haven't done anything unusual... What could they be referring to...)
Esther: (... We generally spend evenings in the library, so that's nothing worthy being called "a reaction". They don't seem to be asking about the chat we had either, it was fairly normal... The kiss? But it was nothing out of the ordinary... Although I suppose Chevalier is generally at least half-asleep then... ! I've missed something, haven't I?)
Tag List: @cilokgoang @violettduchess @pathogenic @fang-and-feather @tele86
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granvarones · 3 months
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A song about the end.
Ain’t it funny?
I always thought “End of the road” was a funeral song, as it blasted on radios in 1992.
“Although we’ve come to the end of the road, still I can’t let go.”
It was about the end of a relationship.
What songs are sung about the start of a connection that happens long after death?
On Monday October 26, 1992 Melvin Winfred Dixon “a professor of English at Queens College whose works on African and African-American literature were widely praised, died” his New York Times Obituary read. This was published on October 29, 1992, that was a Thursday. Further, “Professor Dixon died of complications from AIDS.”
How many times have we heard those words echo within our bodies?
AIDS complications
Complications from AIDS
Complicated AIDS
AIDS complicated
AIDS is so complicated.
Our relationship to AIDS is complicated by the histories rendered muck
By the moral antagonism of the time. As Mariah Carey sang in 1990, “love takes time.” They just couldn’t “see” they “treated you wrong.”
Plural you. Big wrongs.
That same day that “Professor Dixon died” I turned 9 years old. I was born in Philadelphia on October 26, 1983 and Dixon died on October 26, 1992 in
Stamford, Connecticut.
Nine, the number of completion.
Melvin died on my birthday.
Big head me, running into the gaze of those who beheld me at a tender age, much to be joyous about. Surrounded by the possibility of the world. Loved on, poured into, not fully seen.
Him, held in the memory of the loved ones gathered to see him depart us earthlings. At rest and filled with the rhapsody of everlasting life in the after. Seen fully, fully loved without question or requirement. I imagine he is not hurting, not overinflamed from a viral death.
I imagine his family still can’t let go.
Do you see him in the Pantheon of AIDS heroes? Or are his glowing bones lodged in a blind spot.
Bright like a stolen diamond, captivating as a Pearl necklace.
“Then there is the chilling threat of erasure.”
After death the archives speculate our disremembrance by suggesting white time.
Because love takes time at the end of the road.
Because you have to first be a person; to be a person living with AIDS.
Because you have to first be a person; to be a person who died of AIDS.
Who died of AIDS?
How many can you count?
Love takes time.
Love takes our time.
Our time is love. A loving time.
Gone & For Ever
The pain feels like shards of glass in your feet, the milked honey turned into clotted cream.
Wafts of your smell lingers in air, eroding acids enter soil near the disturbed earth you were meant to lay.
I guess this is what it feels like to be dangerously in love, close to you, yet deathly far.
A box on shelves with you inside.
A body to ash, magnificent dust of glittery magic, these bones live and dance their demands of respite.
Melvin transitioned celestially, his words as pillows, his heart bleeding love.
I am here dancing in the practice of making sounds with my quiet anger, forming shapes out of his legacy.
To return to him his body, made home for the spoil of the grid.
The lights out, party floor, quilt made of red ribbons swimming in the sky, a memorial to a full-blown possibility of being.
A cake made of sweet taboo, topped with candles burning rush, eats itself.
As the Pantheon of decadent forebears watches the folding onto each other for the love of sexual rapture.
These lovely bones hold heaven in its gristle. Parts of your world unearthed, saponified remnants of old grudge made new beef.
So I creep to waterfalls made of sand, fisting the stream with calloused hands, I make sculpture out of pounded yam.
I see your silhouette and then this song plays “can I call you Rose (Can I call you Rose?) ‘Cause you’re sweet like a flower in bloom.”
Roots, sacred acre that is washed with the squeeze of one lemon.
They got the juices drooling on mucosa kissed by a bug.
Time after time, making bread out of yeast.
“We got everything to lose with you” like Gary Clark Jr. said.
To lose all of Shange’s stuff, left discarded on Avenue unknown, drenched with rain water and some sweet tea.
A teddy bear ripped open, its insides like cotton clouds of regret lay bare the truth that we are Gone & For Ever.
A body that dies
A body is born.
Then a body grows.
A body is loved.
Then a body hurts.
A body dies.
Then a body is mourned.
Then we are bones.
I love us bone-in.gristle love.fat love.
fall off the bone Black love.
I love you in the Mournin’. salt taste love.
I love you like love ain’t never loved before. futurity love. like we ain’t ‘spose to be here love.
that love.
A body to love. When you have nobody to love.
The reanimated body whispering:
“I am soot-made-mud into moons.”
“If i had the spoons I’d be a glowing red balloon.”
“I am in your stories deeply buried.”
“made to glamor in vanishing rooms. Swept under your feet.”
“I am sweet.”
“I live in the phantom times. when macrophage and dendritic cells were in me.”
“I am memory, come to reflect on the boundless archive of neglect.”
“I caught your eyes gazing on me.”
“Love on me.”
“I Tended the cells of my rebirth.”
“Take pride in my bloody ways.”
“I never hid love’s tapestry.
“My body changed territory.”
“I was washed with the glitter of a thousand Black faggots”
“Hung in the cold of past-ness”
Time has a way of looping in the cold, the warm, and the hot.
“Hot like fire”
Our work burns hot into the minds of the possible you.
Tell the truth,
grief is HEAVY like Effie’s Dream—
gurl, bulbous and magnificent.
“I’m magnificent.”
all you can do is wrap your arms around it.
feel its warmth enrobe you.
let it live in you.
the aliveness of sorrow. the sorrow of being alive.
the salt.
the sweat.
the wail.
Like Rivers
All I see are faces.
What is there to be done about memorial, exalted death mounted on blue clouds, the death rattle now. Our “double cremation” caused by the sexual and gender subjugation in our Blackness, the white supremacy of the maelstorm of gay normativity binds us. Our collective resistance to Black deviance has de-remedied freedom. Has displaced us from the recordkeepers’ gaze.
There is repair in water.
Streaming the hearts of our wayward ancestors, coming together a mighty river of magnificent energy.
We are the water that washes the pain away.
We are the water that remembers their joy.
We are the water of ceremony.
“Like rivers remember source”
We remember them.
And Melvin is somewhere listening for his name.
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aAliy A. Muhammad is a poz writer born/raised in Philadelphia. In their work they often problematize medical surveillance, discuss the importance of bodily autonomy and center Blackness. aAliy is the creator of Black Reverence Chair, a joy and affirmation ritual. With Dr. Lyra D. Monteiro, aAliy is a co-convener of Finding Ceremony, a descendant community-controlled process, restoring the lineages of care, reverence, and spiritual memory to the work of caring for our dead.
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Monster Spotlight: Giant Sundew
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CR 12
Neutral Huge Plant
Bestiary 6, pg. 258
It’s nice to do a simple monster now and then, isn’t it? Especially after the 3000 paragraph monstrosity I recently posted! And so we have the Giant Sundew, a creature just complex enough to be interesting but simple enough that I can write a succinct article in the haze of manic energy I find myself in.
Like many, many, many examples of Golarion’s carnivorous flora, the Giant Sundew’s primary divergence from its tiny and mundane kin are sturdy roots that have evolved beyond the need to try and scavenge for nutrients in the soil and instead let the thing crawl around like a spider. While most flesh-eating flowers crawl at glacial paces, the Sundew is surprisingly speedy at 20ft/round, downright lightning fast compared to the 5ft or 10ft speeds of lesser plants! There’s also its space and reach being a step above other meat-eaters, too, at 15ft each, giving it an impressive threat radius that a party may just blindly bumble into.
Though it has no Stealth capabilities, almost every Plant monster that’s “mundane plant Except Bigger” relies somewhat on fading into the background of their homes right up until they lash out with their vines and leaves, but this trick can’t be pulled on an attentive party more than once or twice in a campaign. Eventually they will catch on and start making Perception checks specifically to watch for plantlife that’s more mobile than it should be. Those vines moving without wind? Those leaves closer than they were a minute ago? Time to start burning them on the off-chance they’re hungry.
... pft, “off-chance.” of course it’s hungry! everything on golarion wants to eat delicious human flesh!
Sundew aren’t particularly picky, though, which is a refreshing change of pace from the man-eating menagerie. They’ll eat just about anything they can catch, from giant bugs to birds to any wildlife that’s drawn in by the tantalizing aroma of honey that they exude, to any adventurers drawn in by the tantalizing sparkle of loot among its leaves from past victims. Most of them, of course, will just end up joining the bones of the past.
That 15ft of reach is put to good use by the Sundews, having two slam attacks they can make, each one dealing 2d6+10 damage... or more, if the plant elects to use its Power Attack. Yes, a Giant Sundew has just enough Intelligence to have access to feats, including Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, and Lunge, extending its reach ever-so-slightly further when it needs to. The Acid of the Giant Sundew deals 1d6 Acid damage to any creature slammed by the plant, grappled by it, or otherwise touching it, but it affects only organic substances; it has no effect on metal or stone. Interestingly, Sundews can recognize if a creature isn’t being affected by its acid and will refuse to attack such creatures--especially when more vulnerable prey is nearby--not wishing to waste time and energy on a creature that it cannot digest. A party wishing to avoid combat with a Giant Sundew can buff themselves with Communal Energy Resistance, dissuading the creature entirely after the first round! So long as the party doesn’t force it to defend itself, the Sundew will wallop everyone once or twice to see if it can get a taste, and will wander off once it confirms it can’t.
Everyone else, though? Hoo boy. Hooooo boy. The highly Adhesive dew on the Sundew’s arms isn’t just for show; that stuff is top-shelf sticky, glomming onto anything it slams automatically without needing a grapple check and quickly becoming a hold that is literally impossible to break without killing the plant or neutralizing the Adhesive. I’m not emphasizing that for dramatic effect, the ability literally states any creature grappled by a Giant Sundew cannot get free without removing the goo, which requires potent alcohol or Universal Solvent. If the Sundew takes 10 or more points of Cold damage, the Adhesive freezes and cracks away 1 round later as well, but it renews the round after unless the chill is re-applied. Just... try to be careful with AoE Cold damage. Wouldn’t want to freeze your poor Barbarian, right?
Any creature grappled by the Sundew can not only be slammed repeatedly, but suffers 2d6+10 + 1d6 Acid in constriction damage as well, which is typically enough to spell the end of anything caught in its grasp... especially since that grasp is inescapable, letting it take its time beating the victim to death. Any weapon brought to bear against the plant is similarly stuck unless the wielder succeeds a DC 23 Reflex save after every attack, so an especially unlucky party may be bereft of their best weapons after a single round, severely limiting their ability to fight back or free their stuck allies. Maybe shoot it from a distance?
A long distance, preferably around 40 feet away, because once per day, a Sundew brought to half HP or lower immediately releases a cloud of Stupefaction Pollen in a 20ft radius around it. Any creature caught in this cloud must make a DC 23 Fortitude save or take 1d6 Intelligence damage and become staggered for 1d4 rounds. It’s not particularly dangerous on top of what it can already do, but when you’re already being eaten by a giant plant, being staggered for a few rounds just feels insulting.
You can read more about them here.
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aquaticlifes · 1 year
Top 8 Substrates for a Healthy and Vibrant Aquarium Tank
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Understanding the importance of aquarium substrate is crucial when creating a thriving aquatic ecosystem. What is Aquarium substrate , it refers to the material placed at the bottom of your tank, providing a foundation for your plants, facilitating nutrient cycling, supporting beneficial bacteria colonization, and enhancing the overall beauty of your tank. In this article, we will explore the top eight substrates that can help you create a healthy and vibrant aquarium tank, ensuring the well-being of your aquatic inhabitants and the visual appeal of your underwater paradise.
Gravel stands as a versatile and functional substrate choice. Available in various sizes, colors, and textures, gravel allows for creative aquascaping possibilities. It provides stability for plant roots, promotes water flow, aids in filtration, and prevents debris accumulation. When choosing gravel, ensure it is appropriate for your tank inhabitants, avoiding sharp or overly large pieces.
Sand, a natural and visually pleasing substrate, replicates the appearance of sandy bottoms found in aquatic environments. With different grain sizes, from fine to coarse, sand creates a soft and comfortable substrate for bottom-dwelling fish, facilitating their natural behaviors like sifting and burrowing. Consider the compaction potential of sand types, as it can affect water flow and filtration efficiency.
Plant-Specific Substrate:
For planted aquariums, selecting a plant-specific substrate can be highly beneficial. These substrates are specially designed to provide essential nutrients and minerals that promote optimal plant growth. They create a nutrient-rich environment for robust root development, vibrant foliage, and help maintain proper water chemistry balance. Plant-specific substrates are ideal for aquarists aiming for lush and thriving aquatic plant displays.
Aquatic Soil:
Aquatic soil, also known as planted tank soil or nutrient-rich soil, is a remarkable choice for planted aquariums. Packed with essential nutrients, organic matter, and beneficial bacteria, aquatic soil nourishes plant roots, supports healthy growth, enhances nutrient absorption, and creates a fertile substrate for demanding plant species. It is crucial to closely monitor water parameters when using aquatic soil, as it can influence water chemistry.
Crushed Coral:
Crushed coral serves as a substrate option suitable for aquariums requiring higher pH levels, such as those housing African cichlids or saltwater tanks. It gradually releases calcium carbonate, raising and buffering pH levels accordingly. Additionally, crushed coral contributes to natural aesthetics and provides a suitable environment for certain marine organisms.
Clay Balls:
Clay balls, also known as clay substrate or laterite balls, are excellent additions to planted aquariums. These porous balls are rich in essential minerals and nutrients, acting as a long-lasting source of nourishment for plant roots. Clay balls provide stability to the substrate, support beneficial bacteria growth, and contribute to water clarity.
Peat Moss:
Peat moss serves as a natural substrate option suitable for specific aquarium setups. It has the ability to lower pH levels and soften water, making it appropriate for aquariums housing species that prefer acidic conditions, such as certain Amazonian fish. Peat moss adds a natural appearance to the aquarium and can benefit certain plant species as well.
Bare Bottom:
In certain situations, a bare bottom aquarium may be preferred. This substrate-free option is commonly utilized in breeding tanks, quarantine setups, or tanks with specific cleaning requirements. A bare bottom allows for easy maintenance and prevents debris buildup.
Selecting the appropriate substrate is pivotal in creating a healthy and visually appealing aquarium tank. Whether you choose gravel, sand, plant-specific substrate, aquatic soil, crushed coral, clay balls, peat moss, or opt for a bare bottom, each option offers unique benefits and considerations. Consider the specific needs of your aquatic inhabitants, the desired aesthetics, and the requirements of your aquatic plants when making your substrate selection. With the right substrate in place, you can achieve a thriving and visually stunning aquarium that will delight both you and your aquatic friends.
ALSO VISIT : The Perfect Foundation: Unveiling the Best Substrate for Your Tank
Creating an Aquatic Paradise: Discover the Best Substrate for Your Tank
From Gravel to Sand: Exploring the Best Substrate Options for Your Tank
Achieving Optimal Health: Selecting the Best Substrate
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
A bit different from what I meant to write. Somehow the tiny gays superseded the decking of the scrublord.
Parfait giggled as she and Florabelle walked through the streets of Prettiopia, her tail wagging fast enough that there was a light breeze as she passed by. It was their one-month anniversary, and she had reservations at a little cafe Lemon Chiffon recommended. Once she told them who it was for, they had been more than happy to accommodate the two girls. It was just for the two of them, and absolutely nothing could ruin this day.
She said as much to Flo, who giggled and nuzzled into her side. “So long as we’re together, I think everything will be great.”
Parfait’s heart fluttered. She loved Flo so, so much! And she wanted to give Flo everything, even if it was selfish, because Flo deserved it.
There was a ruckus up ahead, and the two girls looked at each other. “That’s where we’re supposed to be heading,” Parfait noted, worry stilling her tail.
Florabelle smiled softly and gave her hand a squeeze. “We should check it out. Together.”
Parfait felt her cheeks heat and she threw her arms around Flo’s shoulders, hugging her tightly. “Yeah! You and me, let’s get our reservations!”
They charged forward, coming into the outskirts of a crowd. There stood Sugarcoat on a crate, a bright smile on his face and a graph on his right. “And as you can see, by bulldozing the empty stores and planting flowers, we can turn wasted space into a beautiful walking path for all our citizens! Any questions?”
Parfait stumbled forward into the crowd, narrowing her eyes at the graph. “Wait, that’s Gilded Row.”
Sugarcoat grimaced when he saw her, but quickly turned it into a cheery smile. “Ah, Princess! How lovely to see you here! I’m starting my campaign for representative, would you care to stay and watch?”
Parfait traced her paw over the map. “The stores in Gilded Row are empty because the water supply was found to contain high amounts of arsenic. It’s not safe to build there.”
Florabelle tutted softly at the flowers drawn on the projected path. “If you wanted to plant flowers there you should start with sunflowers, not azaleas. Those require really acidic soil and won’t do well with chemicals in the water. Sunflowers are hardy and seep up chemicals better than most other plants, and so long as they’re properly disposed of come winter you’ll have much healthier soil for the next season.” She patted a quivering Sugarcoat’s hand gently. “It’s okay, not a lot of people know that.”
“I knew that!” he snapped, before composing himself. “Ah, eh. What I meant to say was that the plan is just in the development phase!”
Parfait hummed softly. “We could actually do with some more pollinator-friendly plants! If you spread out the flowers across the blocks, it would help our local hives.” She gave Sugarcoat a big hug. He was stiff, so she quickly released him and gave him a solid clap on the shoulder instead. “You’ll do a great job, Sugar, I’m sure of it!”
“I will? I mean, of course I will!” Sugarcoat beamed beatifically. “Glad to hear your support. And, might I ask, where are you going?”
Parfait giggled and took Florabelle’s paw in her own. “We’re on a date! Actually just behind you, could you move a bit please?”
Sugarcoat didn’t move. “You? A date?” He laughed haughtily. “What’s the point of dating now when our wonderful King will pick the perfect spouse for you when you’re older?”
“Because I love her!” Parfait insisted. “She’s my girlfriend, and I love her so so much!”
Flo blushed and hid her face in her paws. “Fayfay…” she mumbled.
“I love you, and I’ll tell you again and again!” She nuzzled Flo’s cheek until the other girl started giggling.
Sugarcoat rolled his eyes. “You’re eleven, what do you know about love?”
There were some hushed whispers in the crowd, but Parfait ignored them. “I know plenty, Sugarcoat. Don’t you have someone like Flo in your life?”
He choked and stumbled back, limbs stiff. “THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!” he roared, electricity crackling across his fur. Someone screamed, and Parfait realized it was Florabelle, cowering behind her at the mouse’s outburst.
Oh, that’s it!
Parfait growled, flames alighting on her arms and in her eyes. “Apologize to my girlfriend, Sugarcoat.”
Sugarcoat yelped in terror at the blue flames coming off the princess. “Eek!” His own sparks snuffed out, he bowed at a sharp ninety degrees (Papa had been very specific in instructing her how to bow and who to bow to, when to curtsy and the difference, and she knew that this was one of total submission to be given only to the King and Queen). “I- I am so sorry, dear puppy. And to everyone, I’m afraid my own temper got the best of me.”
“We have reservations,” Parfait told him, her flames climbing higher. “You are in our way. Move, and take your presentation somewhere else.”
Sugarcoat swallowed. “B-but!”
“No buts!” Parfait bared her teeth. “I won’t let you scare Flo again. Now scram!”
Sugarcoat laughed nervously. “A princess really shouldn’t throw her authority around like this-”
Sugarcoat squealed and ran, his presentation tucked under his arm. He left a trail of dust as he fled, and the crowd watched him with various levels of amusement.
Parfait sighed and smiled, pulling Florabelle forward a little. “It’s okay, I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.”
Flo nodded. “I- I know. And don’t worry, I’ll protect you next time.”
“We’ll protect each other!” Parfait promised. The crowd “aww”-ed, but Parfait only had eyes for the other girl. She leaned forward and rubbed her nose against Flo’s, giggling softly. “We’ll be there, no matter what!”
Flo blushed and hid her face in Parfait’s shoulder. “Fay!” she mumbled. “People are staring at us.”
“Oh!” Parfait looked out at the crowd, who were watching with expressions of warmth or, in a few cases, envy. “Eh, sorry folks, but we really do need to get to our reservations.” She ushered Florabelle inside the cafe. Only once they were in their seats did she put her face in her hands, groaning. “Oh, that was so unladylike of me!”
Flo patted her arm gently. “If it makes you feel any better, I felt really safe behind you.”
“Really?” Parfait mumbled, poking her head out just slightly. “Even though I was all flamed-up and angry?”
“Well, yeah.” Flo looked over the menus on the table. “Because you were angry for me. You wouldn’t have yelled if Sugarcoat didn’t scare me. And I knew you wouldn’t hurt me.”
“But… what if I do? What if one day I lose control and hurt you?”
“You won’t,” Flo told her gently. “Do you wanna know how I know that?”
“Because we have each other. And nothing will change that.” Flo pointed to a carrot cake. “Do you want to share that?”
Parfait grinned. “I would love that.”
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graha-stan-account · 2 years
FFXIV Write Day 15: Row
Row: informal n. 1. a noisy acrimonious quarrel.
2. a serious dispute.
3. a loud noise or uproar.
Emet-Selch has been summoned - or dragged along - to assist Azem in one of her many schemes as a thrifty do-gooder. Why draw territorial lines when you have the means to multiply precious natural resources? Instead, Emet-Selch would rather fight about it.
Emet-Selch stood at Azem's elbow at the summit of a great cliff. The wind spun errant leaves into whorls at their feet. Emet-Selch looked up from the valley below to glimpse her expression, but he was distracted by the tempest which had become of her hair. It seemed to roil and crest with the breeze and gusts, and at its center, as she turned her head to meet his gaze, two nebulae which burned bright against the dark clouds.
"This is a fool's errand, a waste of time." He groaned.
"Now is the perfect time, Hades. The wind is in our favor, the skies are ready."
"You cannot hope to bring Amaurot's strength to bear each time some tribal quarrel reaches your ears."
"I don't. And I am yet listening for a better idea from Amaurot's finest. This, as far as I can tell, is the most expedient solution."
"Fertile soil is your big plan? Why did you need me again?"
"I want to channel the ambient aether to the ground. Having taken the calculations, they're roughly correct, what's required to rebalance the acidity here is a dose of Astral-aspected aether, and lightning should do the trick."
She cleared her throat. "Will."
"'Roughly correct'?"
"My calculations are correct, Emet-Selch. Now will you assist me with the conduit or are you here only as the Convocation's spy?"
"You wound me, Astrea."
"I know well you're expected to handle me. 'Civilize' me." A smile crept across her face. "As though you could. The Great Barbarian from Without."
"Well that is a fresh turn of phrase."
"Barbarism is what your lot practice each day. Preserve the star, to hell with those on it. Is that it?" A growl was boiling in Emet-Selch's throat. He would not tolerate another jab.
"Take heed of which you speak. Your own recklessness has not only put precious many lives at stake, but imperil the good of all Amauroti--"
"Amaroutines. There it is again. There is always space for Amaurotines in the Convocation's plans, nary else." She turned away, taking in the valley below. "Amaurotines may not take notice of those outside the city proper, apart from your facilities which blot out the sun and disturb the soil, but those small beings are the soul of this star. They don't scheme or plot to secure some great future scores alive now will never see. The powerful and the gifted live a long time, yes. We choose when our work is at its end. But it is not so for all and everywhere. Our long lives breed hubris. If we truly are so powerful, if it is within our purview to create and shape reality, should we not shape it to be kinder? Should we not do all we can not only to preserve the star, but all those lives on it? Lives and deaths we sterilize with words like 'unmake,' 'concepts,' and the like."
"You lecture endlessly. You talk of preserving culture and fauna and yet in our city you offend us. You face censure time and time again because your greatest skill is your inability to learn! Once more you demonstrate that you do not belong!"
"Perhaps I don't!" but the wrinkle in her brow betrayed how his words wounded her. "You are a tiresome fool, indolent, mired in a smoothed-over reality! Haughtiness and exceptionalism disguised as stewardship. I'll have none of it! Such beliefs I would offend a thousand times and more!"
"You speak like a child! You do not understand- you're unwilling to understand- the sacrifice needed to guide civilizations. To nurture the best of what the star has and can offer! You would instead invite chaos, a life ruled by folly and selfish desire!" Emet-Selch face blazed with the sigil of his office, with wild eyes still behind.
"Is this it?" Her voice was small, calm and tucked behind a wry smile. "Such words loose the fetters of restraint which bind the mighty Emet-Selch? You'll transform here, hm? To prove a point? That I am the affected, broken one?" She scoffed, a sound somehow thick with melancholy. "May you never know the pain of loss, Hades, for I fear you could not bear it."
The glow ebbed away.
They were silent a long while, seething long enough for the wind to build to a raucous howl. Finally, Emet-Selch drew his hand above his head, as though ready to away. Azem's shouting broke his focus, her eyes remaining on the tiny huts spread across the arid land.
"You were among the few who stood for me at my confirmation hearing. Why?"
"Why what?" Emet-Selch's fingers relaxed, surprise overtaking him.
"Why did you stand for me?"
"Venat was set on retiring. She was a thorn in my side. Why would I not be glad of it?"
"From the day I met you, you had taken your measure of me. So again: Why, Emet-Selch?"
"Because of all, you have a right to the mantle, Astrea. If this star requires its most capable hold these fourteen seats, for precious few could I get to my feet."
At last she turned to face him. "Then trust me when I say this will work."
He sighed. "Give me the conduit."
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unzipcraft · 6 days
Pink Teddy Bear Sunflower: Twist on Garden Elegance
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Definition and Characteristics
What is Sunflower Teddy?
Sunflower Teddy is a specific variety of sunflower, renowned for its compact size and distinctive flower shape. Unlike traditional sunflowers, which often feature a single, large flower head, Sunflower Teddy produces smaller, multi-branched heads that resemble a teddy bear’s face due to their fluffy, round appearance. This unique look, combined with its vibrant yellow or golden petals, makes it a standout in gardens and floral arrangements.
Unique Features of Sunflower Teddy
Sunflower Teddy is characterized by its bushy growth habit and striking flower heads, which are typically about 4 to 6 inches in diameter. The petals are densely packed, creating a fluffy, almost pom-pom-like effect. The plant itself grows to a height of about 3 to 4 feet, making it suitable for a variety of garden settings, from flower beds to containers.
History and Origin
Historical Context of Sunflower Teddy
The development of Sunflower Teddy involved selective breeding to create a variety that combines the classic beauty of sunflowers with a more compact and unique flower form. This variety was bred to appeal to gardeners looking for a charming and visually interesting sunflower that differs from the traditional tall and single-headed types.
Introduction and Adoption in Different Regions
Since its introduction, Sunflower Teddy has gained popularity worldwide due to its distinctive appearance and ease of care. It has been adopted in both home gardens and commercial settings, appreciated for its ability to add a whimsical touch to landscapes and floral arrangements. Its popularity continues to grow as gardeners seek out new and interesting plants to enhance their gardens.
Botanical Characteristics
Physical Appearance
Sunflower Teddy plants typically reach a height of 3 to 4 feet and feature a bushy growth habit. The flower heads are smaller than those of traditional sunflowers but are densely packed with fluffy petals, creating a unique and eye-catching appearance. The petals are usually a bright yellow or golden color, and the centers are dark brown or black, providing a striking contrast.
Growth Habits
Sunflower Teddy follows a similar growth cycle to other sunflowers, with a relatively fast growth rate. It is an annual plant that completes its lifecycle within a single growing season. It is adaptable to a range of soil types and climatic conditions, making it a versatile choice for various garden settings.
Climate and Soil Requirements
Sunflower Teddy thrives in full sun and well-drained soil rich in organic matter. It prefers slightly acidic to neutral pH levels and can tolerate a range of soil types, though it performs best in loamy soil. Adequate sunlight is essential for healthy growth and vibrant flower production.
Planting Techniques
Plant Sunflower Teddy seeds directly into the soil after the last frost in spring. Sow the seeds about 1 inch deep and space them 12-18 inches apart to allow for their bushy growth. Ensure they receive plenty of sunlight throughout the growing season to support healthy development and flowering.
Care and Maintenance
Regular watering is important, particularly during dry periods, but avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer to encourage vigorous growth and flowering. Sunflower Teddy typically requires minimal staking but may benefit from some support if the plants become top-heavy. Monitor for pests and diseases, and address any issues promptly to maintain plant health.
Popular Varieties
Overview of Notable Sunflower Teddy Varieties
‘Teddy Bear’: Known for its classic teddy bear appearance with fluffy, golden petals and a compact growth habit.
‘Sunny Teddy’: Features bright yellow blooms with a slightly more pronounced fluffy texture, perfect for adding a cheerful touch to gardens.
‘Mini Teddy’: A smaller version of the classic Sunflower Teddy, ideal for container gardening and smaller spaces.
Pests and Diseases
Common Issues
Sunflower Teddy can be affected by common sunflower pests such as aphids, spider mites, and sunflower beetles. It may also face fungal diseases like powdery mildew and rust.
Prevention and Treatment Strategies
Preventive measures include proper plant spacing for air circulation and regular inspection of plants. Organic treatments like neem oil and insecticidal soap can manage pests, while fungicides may be necessary for controlling severe fungal infections. Integrated pest management (IPM) practices can enhance overall plant health and productivity.
Uses and Benefits
Ornamental and Aesthetic Uses
Sunflower Teddy is an excellent choice for garden design, providing a unique and whimsical touch with its fluffy flower heads. It is also ideal for cut flowers, adding a cheerful and distinctive element to floral arrangements and bouquets.
Environmental Benefits
These sunflowers attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies, contributing to garden biodiversity. Their deep root systems also help improve soil structure and prevent erosion.
Commercial and Agricultural Uses
In addition to its ornamental value, Sunflower Teddy is used in specialty flower markets for its unique appearance. Its compact size and distinctive look make it a popular choice for floral designers and gardeners seeking to add a special touch to their collections.
Cultural Significance
Symbolism and Meanings
Sunflower Teddy symbolizes joy, cheerfulness, and a playful spirit. Its teddy bear-like appearance represents warmth and friendliness, making it a popular choice for events and occasions that celebrate happiness and positivity.
Sunflower Teddy in Art and Literature
Sunflower Teddy has inspired various artworks and creative projects due to its unique appearance. Its charming look continues to capture the imagination of artists and writers who incorporate its playful essence into their work.
Festivals and Celebrations
Sunflower Teddy is often featured in flower festivals and garden events, where its distinctive blooms are showcased as part of displays and exhibitions. These events may include flower shows, gardening workshops, and family-friendly activities.
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When Is the Best Time to Plant Black Roses?
Planting black roses is a delicate and rewarding process that requires careful planning and timing. Whether youÕre a seasoned gardener or a beginner eager to try something new, understanding when and how to plant black roses will ensure that your garden flourishes with these striking blooms. This guide will explore the best time to plant black roses, considering various factors such as climate, soil conditions, and seasonal nuances.
Understanding Black Roses: Are They Real?
Before diving into the planting process, it's important to clarify that true black roses donÕt exist in nature. The term "black roses" typically refers to deep burgundy or red roses that appear almost black under certain lighting conditions. Varieties like 'Black Baccara' or 'Black Velvet' are popular choices among gardeners who wish to achieve that mysterious and captivating appearance in their gardens. While these roses may not be truly black, their dark, velvety hues make them an attractive option for those looking to create a unique garden.
The Ideal Climate for Planting Black Roses
Black roses thrive best in temperate climates where they can receive plenty of sunlight and moderate rainfall. They are generally hardy in USDA zones 5 through 9, but the timing of planting depends on the specific conditions of your location.
Spring Planting: For most gardeners, spring is the best time to plant black roses. As the soil begins to warm up and the risk of frost diminishes, spring provides the perfect environment for the roses to establish their roots. Planting in spring gives your black roses enough time to grow strong before facing the harsher conditions of summer.
Fall Planting: In regions with mild winters, fall can also be a suitable time to plant black roses. The cooler temperatures and increased moisture in the soil allow the roots to develop without the stress of extreme heat. However, itÕs crucial to plant them early enough in the fall to ensure they have time to establish before the first frost hits.
Avoiding Winter and Summer Planting: Planting black roses during winter or summer is generally not recommended. WinterÕs cold temperatures can be too harsh for young plants, while the intense heat of summer can stress newly planted roses, making it difficult for them to establish.
Preparing the Soil for Black Roses
Once you've determined the right time to plant your black roses, itÕs essential to prepare the soil to create the optimal growing conditions.
Soil Type: Black roses prefer well-drained soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH (between 6.0 and 7.0). If your soil is too alkaline or compacted, you may need to amend it with organic matter like compost or peat moss to improve its structure and acidity.
Location: Choose a location in your garden that receives at least six hours of sunlight per day. Black roses need plenty of sunlight to develop their deep, rich colors. However, in hotter climates, providing some afternoon shade can protect the roses from scorching.
Spacing: Proper spacing is essential when planting black roses. Allow enough space between plants to ensure good air circulation, which helps prevent diseases like powdery mildew and black spot.
Step-by-Step Guide to Planting Black Roses
Now that you have the right timing and soil preparation in place, follow this step-by-step guide to successfully plant your black roses.
Dig the Hole: Dig a hole that is about twice the width of the rose's root ball and deep enough to allow the graft union (the swollen area where the rose was grafted onto the rootstock) to sit just below the soil surface.
Amend the Soil: Mix the soil you removed with compost or other organic matter to enrich it. This provides the young rose with the nutrients it needs to establish itself.
Place the Rose in the Hole: Gently place the black rose plant in the hole, spreading out the roots. Fill in the hole with the amended soil, firming it gently around the roots to remove any air pockets.
Water Thoroughly: After planting, water the rose deeply to help settle the soil around the roots. Keep the soil consistently moist, especially during the first few weeks after planting.
Mulching: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to help retain moisture and regulate soil temperature. Mulch also helps suppress weeds that may compete with your roses for nutrients.
Artificial Flowers: An Alternative to Black Roses?
For those who love the look of black roses but donÕt have the ideal conditions for growing them, artificial flowers can be a beautiful alternative. Artificial black roses can add elegance and a touch of mystery to your home or garden without the need for constant care and maintenance.
Advantages of Artificial Flowers: Artificial flowers, particularly black roses, offer several benefits over real plants. They are maintenance-free, immune to pests and diseases, and can be placed in any environment, regardless of sunlight or soil quality.
Decorative Flexibility: Artificial black roses can be used in various decorative settings, from indoor arrangements to outdoor displays. They maintain their color and form indefinitely, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of black roses all year round.
Blending Artificial with Real Plants: For a unique and lasting garden design, consider blending artificial black roses with real plants. This combination can create a visually stunning effect while reducing the overall maintenance required for your garden.
Caring for Your Black Roses After Planting
Once your black roses are planted, proper care is essential to ensure they thrive and bloom beautifully.
Watering: Black roses need consistent watering, especially during dry periods. However, avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot. The soil should be kept moist but not soggy.
Fertilizing: Feed your black roses with a balanced rose fertilizer during the growing season, typically every 4 to 6 weeks. This helps promote healthy growth and vibrant blooms.
Pruning: Regular pruning is essential to maintain the shape and health of your black roses. Remove any dead or diseased wood, and cut back the stems to encourage new growth. Pruning also helps increase air circulation around the plant, reducing the risk of fungal diseases.
Pest and Disease Management: Keep an eye out for common rose pests like aphids, spider mites, and rose slugs. Regularly inspect your plants and treat any infestations promptly with organic insecticides or horticultural oils. Additionally, practice good garden hygiene by cleaning up fallen leaves and debris to minimize the risk of diseases.
Seasonal Care for Black Roses
Different seasons require different care practices to keep your black roses healthy and vibrant.
Spring: Spring is the time for planting and feeding. As your roses emerge from dormancy, provide them with a boost of fertilizer to encourage growth. Keep an eye out for any signs of pests or diseases, and address them promptly.
Summer: During the hot summer months, focus on keeping your black roses hydrated. Water deeply but less frequently to encourage the roots to grow deeper into the soil. Provide some afternoon shade in extremely hot climates to prevent the roses from wilting.
Fall: In the fall, start to reduce feeding and watering as the plants prepare to go dormant. Fall is also the time to give your roses a light pruning to remove any spent blooms and dead wood.
Winter: In colder climates, protect your black roses from winter damage by mulching heavily around the base of the plant. You may also want to cover the plants with burlap or rose cones to shield them from harsh winds and frost.
Conclusion: The Best Time to Plant Black Roses
The best time to plant black roses depends on your climate, but generally, spring and fall are the optimal seasons. By planting your black roses at the right time and providing proper care, you can enjoy these stunning blooms in your garden for years to come. And if growing black roses isnÕt feasible for you, artificial flowers offer a beautiful, maintenance-free alternative. Whether you opt for real or artificial black roses, their deep, dramatic colors will add a touch of elegance and mystery to any space.
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handwrittenwines12 · 8 days
How Does Napa Valley's Terroir Influence Cabernet Sauvignon Wines?
A single story can be told in a million different ways. So too, can a single grape taste, smell, and feel differently from place to place. Napa Valley is a historical place for American wine; it was the first to show the world that terroir is not exclusive to France. The wines here express a sense of place unlike any other in the world. 
For winemakers here, growing Cabernet Sauvignon in Napa Valley is a lifelong practice and each vintage is a new chapter.
Soil sets the scene
Winemaking requires the right kind of soil. The vineyards of Napa enjoy a combination of soils that all make a different impact on the overall expression of the wine. The volcanic soils found here provide good drainage and high mineral content. As a result, the wines are mineral-driven with racy acidity.
The alluvial soils of the valley, made of sand, gravel, and silt, are also rich in mineral deposits and make elegant, aromatic wines. Sedimentary soils also provide good drainage but crucially retain water in dry weather. These soils, often containing marine fossils, create complex wines with intense structure. 
Microclimates throughout the valley
Napa Valley is shaped like an hourglass, with the southerly regions enjoying the moderating effect of the nearby sea and cool breezes from the bay. The wines here are balanced and cool-headed. Moving inland, temperatures grow warmer, and fruit ripens to higher intensities. The valley’s hourglass shape creates diverse microclimates, from the cooler, coastal-influenced southern regions to the warmer, sun-soaked northern areas. This variance influences ripening patterns, where the grapes achieve different levels of sugar and acid, creating a spectrum of flavor profiles.
The valley's latitude positions it closer to the equator than Bordeaux, allowing it to benefit from a Mediterranean climate with warm days and cool nights—ideal conditions for growing Cabernet Sauvignon. Temperatures in the region can range from 50°F (10°C) to over 90°F (32°C) during the growing season, with Napa Valley enjoying an average temperature that is perfectly situated for Cabernet cultivation.
Along the valley, the varying topography offers different aspects of sun exposure to the grapevines. Throughout Napa, vineyards are planted along the valley floor, benchlands, hillsides, and mountaintops, and with each difference comes a unique Cabernet. Higher elevations, such as those found in the mountain vineyards, expose vines to more intense sunlight and cooler temperatures at night, fostering a balance of acidity and tannin that defines some of Napa's most celebrated wines.
The Many Clones of Cabernet: Choices by the Winemaker
Terroir extends beyond the land to the winemaker. That includes choosing which of the 60 Cabernet Sauvignon clones to plant. When it comes to clones, diversity is key, and each clone responds a little differently to each microclimate. Some clones are known for making tighter bunches, while others yield larger bunches and berries. Some clones emphasize fruit flavors, while others are known for their structure.
Through the valley, the varying winemaking styles are plenty. The choice to age Cabernet in oak is always considered. But the question becomes: to age in new oak, which will impart more pronounced oaky flavors, or to go with neutral oak, which is more subtle? To use French, American, or another type of oak? To ferment the wine in oak or to age it in an oak barrel after fermenting is done? Each of these choices creates a new wine.
Fermentation practices also vary, with some winemakers opting for wild yeast to add complexity, while others use cultured yeast for consistency. The fermentation temperature and duration, whether a few days or several weeks, influence the extraction of flavors and tannins, which ultimately defines the wine's structure and aging potential. Napa’s winemakers often pick grapes at a specific Brix level—a measure of sugar content that varies from region to region—to ensure the desired balance of alcohol, acidity, and flavor.
The Napa Valley Advantage
What sets Napa Valley apart in the world of Cabernet Sauvignon is not just the terroir but the dedication to excellence at every step. The region's winemakers are known for their meticulous approach, with dedicated vineyard and cellar teams that focus on every detail. This includes picking grapes at the perfect moment of ripeness, often at a Brix level unique to Napa, and employing winemaking techniques that emphasize the region’s strengths. Napa's Cabernet Sauvignons are celebrated for their aging potential, complexity, and the way they capture the essence of the valley's terroir.
Time is the secret ingredient to all of Napa’s Cabernet as it develops complexity as it sits in the barrel or bottle. It’s up to the winemaker to decide how long that should be. For those interested in a deeper dive into winemaking techniques, from fermentation to aging, and the impact these choices have on the final product, be sure to check out our dedicated blog on Napa winemaking.
Cabernet Sauvignon & Napa Valley: A Legendary Duo
Can you name a more legendary duo? We’re reminded of Dr. John Watson's devotion to his friend Sherlock Holmes. Napa is the Dr. Watson to Cabernet’s Sherlock—endlessly loyal, emphasizing its genius, and providing an anchor for expression. After all, the Napa Valley terroir is the storyteller we can count on, through which we happily delight in the tale of Cabernet Sauvignon.
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tradehubdubai · 9 days
The Impact of Dark Brown Cocoa Powder, Premium Cocoa Powder, and Ghanaian Cocoa Beans on Chocolate Production
Cocoa is the backbone of the chocolate industry, and the quality of its key ingredients can make or break a product’s success. Dark brown cocoa powder, premium cocoa powder, and cocoa beans from Ghana are all significant contributors to high-quality chocolate products, influencing everything from flavor to texture and color. These ingredients are favored by chocolate manufacturers looking to create rich, flavorful, and visually appealing chocolates, baked goods, and beverages.
Dark Brown Cocoa Powder
Dark brown cocoa powder is a versatile and essential ingredient in chocolate and confectionery production. It is created by grinding roasted cocoa beans into a fine powder after removing most of the cocoa butter. This type of cocoa powder is typically Dutch-processed, meaning it has been treated with an alkali to neutralize its acidity. The result is a smoother, milder flavor and a rich, dark color, which makes it ideal for recipes requiring deep chocolate flavor and visual appeal.
Dark brown cocoa powder is often used in baking, where it lends a bold, rich chocolate flavor to cakes, cookies, brownies, and other desserts. Its deep color enhances the visual appeal of chocolate-flavored products, making them look more indulgent and luxurious. In beverages like hot chocolate or mocha, dark brown cocoa powder dissolves easily and provides a smooth, rich chocolate taste. Additionally, its slightly bitter undertones make it perfect for pairing with sweet ingredients, balancing out sugary flavors for a more refined and complex taste.
Premium Cocoa Powder
Premium cocoa powder is another essential ingredient in creating high-quality chocolate products. It is made from carefully selected, high-grade cocoa beans that have undergone controlled fermentation, roasting, and processing to maintain the beans' natural flavor profiles. Premium cocoa powder stands out due to its superior taste, purity, and richness compared to standard cocoa powder.
The quality of premium cocoa powder directly affects the final product's flavor and aroma. Manufacturers often use this type of cocoa powder in gourmet chocolates, desserts, and pastries, as it provides a more intense chocolate flavor with complex undertones. Premium cocoa powder is also finely milled, ensuring a smooth texture in any application, whether used in baking, beverages, or chocolate bars.
Another key aspect of premium cocoa powder is that it typically contains fewer additives and fillers, ensuring a purer cocoa flavor. This makes it a favorite among consumers and chefs alike, who are seeking to create and enjoy products that deliver authentic, high-quality chocolate experiences.
Cocoa Beans from Ghana
Cocoa beans from Ghana are highly prized in the chocolate industry for their exceptional quality and rich flavor profile. Ghanaian cocoa is often considered some of the finest in the world, known for its consistent quality and unique taste, characterized by a balanced combination of fruity and nutty notes. This distinct flavor is the result of Ghana’s favorable growing conditions, which include rich soil and a tropical climate ideal for cocoa cultivation.
The country has a long history of producing high-quality cocoa beans, with farmers following traditional practices of fermentation and drying to preserve the natural flavors of the beans. As a result, cocoa beans from Ghana are sought after by premium chocolate manufacturers who value the complex, robust flavors that these beans contribute to their products.
Using cocoa beans from Ghana elevates the quality of any chocolate product. These beans contain high levels of cocoa butter, which enhances the texture and melt-in-the-mouth experience of chocolates. Additionally, the flavor depth provided by Ghanaian cocoa beans ensures that chocolate products made with them are rich and satisfying, standing out from those made with lower-quality beans.
The use of dark brown cocoa powder, premium cocoa powder, and cocoa beans from Ghana is essential for producing high-quality chocolate products that satisfy consumers’ growing demand for rich, authentic, and indulgent chocolate experiences. Dark brown cocoa powder contributes a deep, rich color and smooth flavor to baked goods and beverages, while premium cocoa powder offers unparalleled purity and intensity in flavor. Cocoa beans from Ghana, with their robust and balanced flavor profile, are the cornerstone of many premium chocolates and confections.
By utilizing these superior ingredients, chocolate manufacturers can create products that are not only visually appealing but also deliver an exceptional taste experience. Consumers increasingly seek out premium chocolates made with high-quality cocoa, and ingredients like dark brown cocoa powder, premium cocoa powder, and Ghanaian cocoa beans play a pivotal role in meeting those expectations. These ingredients ensure that the final chocolate product is both luxurious and flavorful, providing a rich and satisfying indulgence.
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