#But some things just look beter animated
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My opinions on saiki k ships!
Video and text version below ⬇️
Hi, so people always have deferent and sometimes very intense feelings on ships. I don't want to name names, but... people who send death threats and call people homophobic for not agreeing with their ships. cough cough
But today I am not here to bash on any ships except for illegal ones, yall pedophilia is NOT cool, nor is incest. Instead I am gonna talk about my humble and changeable(possiblebly) (ya gotta make a good argument) opinions on ships in saiki k.
Hi so editors note, I think that it might be helpful for you all to understand a bit about me and my irl experience with romance to beter understand where my opinions are coming from, but if you don't want to hear about my boring real life shit, wich I totally get, skip to the time on screen, if you want to here it go ahead and stay, so i am autistic, adhd, and have multiple anxiety disorders, and I am demiromantic and demisexual and have never had a crush before so I don't know what I'm taking about.
Now to start i assume that people who aren't fans of shipping in saiki k aren't here, but if you are, I totally get it. It is a comedy anime and is about friendship, so romantic relationships aren't a requirement. You don't have to want characters to actually get together. But I and the other shippers that are here find shipping fun.
I find shipping to be a fun way to explore different characters and their interactions. So let's get on to ships I PERSONALLY ship.
Kaidou x aren
The boys are starting this list. I think they are so cute and I love how their relationship develops, and also how the characters complement each other. The irony of there friendship is part of what makes it a fun combo. We have a person who wants to live in a sort of larger than life fantasy where they are a bad ass, and the other is a person who had said larger than life... life, that wants to leave that behind and become more acceptable to society. And that last part is what I think draws me to the ship. I feel like in different ways they both want the same thing: to be a "beter" more acceptable version of themselves, and to have people who see them how they want to be perceived. And as a person who puts on a act and at one point felt like they lost themselves and never had a personality due to excessive masking( if u don't know what that means I will have a awesome video by a autistic creator that explains it) I love seeing how both Kaidou and aren sincerely believe in each other and the person that the other wants to be. I also am biased to anything to do with Kaidou. So that is why I love these 2 together, they combine to show how ppl that have seemingly different goals can really just want acceptance, and are able to find that acceptance in each other.
Okay so as I was writing this script I realized the only ship that I actively ship are these 2 precious beens: Kaidou and aren. And by actively ship I mean purposely looking for content of them. With the other saiki k ships I don't have the same "requirement" I guess, it's really not that deep but I can't think of a better word 😅, but I don't seek out other ships, i simply passively enjoy or disagree with them.
So on to ships I passively enjoy:
First one might not actually be considered a ship, i don't know... but it is teruhashi and the pig tail girl that is in love with her. Because she IS in love with teruhashi and you can't prove me wrong, mis girl literally willed herself into having a crush on teruhasi's brother so she "didn't become a lesbian". So by i ship them i mean that I love to see her pine after teruhashi, I am some what indifferent to whether or not people want or portray them as dating but I do throughly enjoy her pinning and jealousy and love to see women in love with women.
Second ship I passively enjoy:
Nendou and haido. Now this is my crack ship that I simply like to think about sometimes. These 2 boys are so hilariously gay that I get excited any time I see people ship them. Now I feel that I need to make a clarification on this, the ship is not funny become they are gay in the way of treating gay relationships as not real and as a joke, but is funny in the way that the characters act, and that they say it is a rivalry when really Nendou might not even know they are competing. And as a wise person that I can't remember the name of once said" if you make a rivalry to intense it becomes gay." And there rivalry isn't even real, there are no real hard feelings that could lead to a toxic relationship, it is just 2 manly men obsessing over each other.
Now this next one is one that I can't think of a name for how I feel about it, saiki and teruhashi. Now these 2 have a very nuanced and well developed relationship in my opinion, and there is no argument about wether or not saiki cares about her, because he dose, they are friends and he cares about her just like he cares about his male friends. But I personally headcanon saiki as aro ace, and so I am not the BIGGEST fan of any saiki ships, but I don't hate them obviously because he isn't canonically aroace, so who am i to tell ppl not to ship him because of my headcanons. And I do feel like if saiki was going to fall in love, like not just a crush, it would be teruhashi. And I would still headcanon him as part of the ace spectrum, if not aroace then demiromantic and demisexual. But he and teruhasi's relationship has changed throughout the show, it started with teruhashi wanting him simply because he didn't want her, but it changed to her genuinely caring about him, eventually it felt like to me her crush stopped being for her and started being for saiki. It went from her wanting HIM to her wanting the best FOR him. I don't know where I heard it but someone said that you know you truly love someone when you want them to be happy even if it's not with you. Now I don't think that teruhashi would go that far but she genuinely cares more about him than dating him by the end, in my opinion.
Now on to what some ppl may see as the a agonist to teruhashi x saiki, saiki x Sato. And even saying that saiki x teruhashi is the "antagonist" to saiki x Sato fells wrong, because i think that is a really toxic way to look not only at ships but at women in media, people may see that a woman gets in the way of there gay ship and hate on her. But that whole decision of how ppl treat women in media is not the point of this video. I think that saiki x Sato feels like a crush type of thing, again to me saiki is aroace so I see his infatuation with Sato as wanting to BE him not date him, but I 100% see how ppl concluded that saiki likes him, if he were to have what I imagine a "crush" is it would be on him, but I must say that saiki, at least in the anime, has no real relationship with him, to me it feels like a crush on the idea of a person and not on the person themselves, but I must mention that I am demiromantic and demisexual my self, so I may just not understand the whole crush on person you don't know well thing, so feel free to try to explain it to me in the comments.
Finally we have ships i don't like:
Now this one has very little newaunce unlike the last "mabey I'm to demi for this shit" relationship, but I don't like saiki x toritska. I get that it is a fun rare pair for some ppl but I just can't ever see them together. No hate i just don't get it, and don't see the appeal of it, so if you are a hard-core saiki x toritska shiper let me know why in the comments, I legitimately want to try to understand other perspectives, especially on something as nuanced as romance.
Now these are the main ships that I see and wanted to comment on, but if you have any ships you are curious of my opinion on please let me know, I would love to make a video that you want to see.
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asap-n0-rocky · 3 months ago
Top 10 personal favorite protagonists (unordered)
Maybe one day I’ll put them in order but I just felt like showing some appreciation for my favorite protagonists
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10. Nicole from Class of 09
It might be recency bias but she’s definitely one of the more interesting characters I’ve come across recently and a lot more complex than I few people give her credit for. She’s a horrible person and even an outright villain sometimes but if you look at her environment you can understand how she became that way.
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9. Cesar from the Planet of the Apes reboot trilogy
Seeing his development throughout the movies and him saying less than 10 words in the first movie to basically being fluent in the third movie was truly something to behold. Also a Christian it was really cool how many religious themes they managed to fit into these films and his character.
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8. Thomas Shelby from Peaky Blinders
Although I haven’t finished the series yet (this list may be changed in the future) he is still such a cool yet complicated character to follow as he’s not really a good person by any means, but we root for him and his family because there’s worse people out there. (And I love stories like that)
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7. Master Chief from the Halo series
343 is not a perfect studio by any means but I absolutely loved how they handled his character. They struck a perfect balance between being the stoic force of nature he was established as while also adding more emotional depth to his character. He also means a lot to me personally as I started playing the games shorty before entering high-school and he’s been one of my favorites ever since.
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6. Walter White from Breaking Bad
Admittedly I can’t say a whole lot about him that hasn’t been said. He is still such a great and complex character to this day as well as a cautionary tale of letting your pride get the better of you.
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5. Lou Bloom from Nightcrawler
Jake Gylenhall’s performance is one of the many reasons this is my favorite movie of all time. One of the best ways I can describe this character is that he feels AI generated, and that’s not a bad thing in this case. He does a good job of playing somebody who feels less like a human and more like a monster or alien pretending to be human.
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4. Anne Boonchuy from Amphibia
The best protagonist to come out of Disney Tv Animation IMO. Her character arc with her learning to stand up for herself and the frogs combined with Brenda Song’s great performance make her so memorable. Also her voice is very unique.
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3. Emma from The Promised Neverland
Usually I don’t like characters that are as morally good as her but she works so well. she had every right and reason to become jaded and lose her joy but she never did. Her sheer persistence and love for her friends and family make her such a compelling character. Now that I think about it her and Nicole are kinda like two sides of the same coin.
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2. Barry Berkman from Barry
I never said though I would find Bill Hader of all people scary until I discovered this show. One thing I hate in writing is when the creators don’t allow their flawed characters to be flawed, and Barry doesn’t do this at all. It does a great job of making you feel sympathy for Barry while also making you understand he is not a good man and what he does is evolve. I won’t get too personal here but I also relate to his struggle of wanting to overcome his struggles and vices while also continually falling back into them due to the people around him and his own actions.
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1. Saul Goodman from Better Call Saul
I know I said this would be unranked but Saul is hands down my favorite protagonist of all time. Seeing what he went through in Beter Call Saul completely recontextualizes his character in Breaking Bad. It’s truly remarkable how the writers turned his character from (haha funny lawyer man) into one of the most tragic and complex characters in TV history.
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blahhhhhhhohmigosh · 1 year ago
lee mikey: Mikey is decorating Christmas cookies and he's doing it somewhat differently when someone (you can pick who) says something rude and hurts Mikeys feelings. The other over hear it and are NOT letting their baby brother be sad.
Day 24. The Giggly cookie
Summary: Mikey has a small cookie-sell out, but when someone comments on his cookies he gets sad... next thing he knows he is getting cheered up by his brothers.
A/n: SO this is the last day of this christmas series, ofcourse I'm still open to request but it won't be a Daily comic, cause of 2 things, 1 i have a busy life, 2 MOST of these were rushed and for them to not be rushed i need time for that, so yh, I'm still open to request, just they won't get here easily. Merry Christmas and HAPPY new year! T-CESTERS AND PRO-SHIPPERS NOT ALLOWED. Enjoy!!
Lee: Mikey
Ler: Leo, Donnie and Raph.
Extra: the purple dragons.
Warrnings: Making someone sad, mentions of nuking, Tickling. Comfort.
Mikey had a sell out with his Christmas cooking! He thought some sweets would be perfect for the christmas-spirit! He was selling soo many Christmas treats as the snowflakes fell on the cookie boxes he hand made. Suddenly he saw 3 teenagers in purple satin jackets walk his way. He was suspicious, okay he didn't know these 3 people but...those jackets seemed familiar... The 3 teenagers made their way to the cookie stand as Mikey said.
🧡:Hello! How can i help you?-
💜Ke: OH I have an idea how you can help us... by running away with these horrible cookies of yours- I mean- who whould buy...these cookies?
Mikeys smile slowley faded away, a bit of iritation and hurt showing in his eyes as his smile turned to a frown. Kendras words did hit a bit...
💜Je: Yeah like dude what are these supposed to be?? Who are you waiting for?? A dog??? A rat??? Those look like traps that even the dumbest animal won't fall for!!
Jeremy snickered eith Kendra giving each other a high five as Jason added.
💜Ja: those don't even look good dude. You should get a beter skill.
Kendra and Jeremy stopped laughing glaring at Jason.
💜Ke: oh shut up Jason. That wasn't either funny or creative. *groan* come on guys. Let's go. We don't have time for some plain papper sweets.
The Purple dragons walked away laughing leaving the turtle hurt, he whanted to yell at them, he whanted to prove to them he's actually good, but for some reason he thought...were they right?
Mikey gathered all his cookies and stand and quickly went back into the lair. Trying to swallow his tears.
When he came back he sat in the kitchen, now in a bad mood, laying his head onto his arms as his eyes glossed up with a small pout on his face. Meanwhile his older brothers came back with the pizza, Leo and Donnie were arguing about something meanwhile Raph just listened with an annoyed face, when they saw Mikey they all went greet their brother.
💙:Hi Bud! Wassup?
When they all hear Mikeys voice their joy faded replacing with worry and concern.
❤️:Hey Mikey uh how did the sell out go!-
Before he could finish Mikey interrupted with a groan as he hid his face in his arms showing all of them that something did indeed happend.
Mikey then explained what hapoend making the 3 older turtles mad before trying and comforting their brother.
💜:Ah brother, don't litsen to those idiots that call themselves geniuses, they are just stuck up brats.
💙:Yea! Mikey, your baking and decorating is *chef kiss* those idiots should go suck a drain.
🧡:Maybe...but what if it's true...?
Raph was rubbing the younger shoulder slowley getting an idea as he slowley started tickling his sides while Leo and Donnie tried comforting Mikey, when Mikey felt the tickles he hid his face into the table making Donnie and Leo think he's crying before they heard.
🧡:RhahahaphHh SthOHOpp-
The faint and muffled giggles of the youngest turtle giving the other ideas. Leo started slowley tickling Mikeys armpits meanwhile Donnie started tickling Mikeys neck and shell.
Mikey bursted into giggles and laughter as he tried to kick them off but with no amount of effort he put in, he coudnt. Slowley the tickling increased making the boy laugh hysterically before the others let him breathe and stopped. Smiling at their youngest brother before Leo mumbled to Donnie.
💙:You nuked the purple idiots base right?
Before they started tickling Mikey agian to make sure he is infact in a great mood.
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blindecho6 · 2 years ago
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I've got a big idea of how I want to redo these characters at about 1am, but it was too late to draw this, so I've been able to start working on this today (and that's the reason why there's no art fight drawing today). I'll leave old drawing and some notes/ideas behind these characters under the cut (they're mostly for me, but I'll do my best to explain everything, so anyone can understand)
So let's start with old drawing (I know the resolution is shit, but I can't be bohtered to look for this drawing to take a beter photo, but I've put their names onto it so you know who I'm talking about):
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Now to the characters. I'll split it into the old and new characters descriptions, but it's mostly just some minor details changed and the main indea behind the character stayed the same. So starting from the left on the redesign: Nathaniel Old - He's a vampire. But not the glowing twilight type, but buring in the sun type. Vampires in the old version weren't "repelled" by garlic, but he was allergic to it (I found it quite funny). He has very pale skin and is always wearing a hoodie to protect himself from the sun. Most popular guy in school (because vampire, tall, ect.) New - He's now an elf. And in this world most creatures are magical, so he's magical. He has magic related to being vampire (so the old idea's still there). Now he doesn't burn in the sun, but can change into a bat and do some other vampire like stuff. He has a pale skin, and that's the reason he's wearing a hoodie. He's still alergic to garlic (I still think it's funny). Still popular for being tall and now elf.
Joshua Old - He was a werewolf, and because of this he was bald (you can't see it, but I had the idea, where medicine for lycantrophy made your hair fall out and he definately took it). Optymistic and kind of reckless guy. Alwasy best friends with Nathan. New- He's now a warg (so basically non magical creature that has two forms: human and wolf). Since he doesn't have to be bald now he has crazy hair (I always imagined he'd have them if it wasn't for the medicine). And like previously Optimistic and reckless friend of Nathan.
Michael Old - Always imagined him like the most resonable person of the group that know when to relax and do stupid shit with others. He has a dg Spook who's fur patter reminds a skeleton. Never had a strong feeling towards his look, so I mostly winged it. New - He's now a hellborn (think like demons in this world). Hellborns are magical creatures which always have the same magic type, as in they can change between human and hellborn forms (more animal like look where their skin/hair color and horn/tail types stay between forms. Thay can litterally have ANY skin color). He's still the resonable one.
Lucy Old - She's a witch that's supposed to die before she turns 21 (that's the first thing you lear about her in the story, so not really suprising). Her companion is a black cat Felix (just an accident, since her parents are also withches with a bird and a rabbit as companions) whose life is intertwined with hers (they share thoughts, fell pain and die together). Mostly interested in an alchemy and learing the secrets of philosophers stone (gives immortality and ect.). New - She's just a regular mage that's magic is related to soul sharing, so she still can intertwine her life with Felix. I though of her before as straight, but now she's bi (because why not). I didn't thought to much about her changes, since I like the witch idea, and because of it I'm not sure if I'll follow through with the changes.
Eric Old - Very good swordsman who's working for a guild. He always makes sure everyone's safe and will put his life on the line to protect anyone. There was more to his character but I can't remeber anything else, beside the fact that he was bf of Lucy. New - Well, I didn't thought of much for him, except he'll be a mage now (I think it fits him). I didn't thought of his magic yet. Also now he has some kind of tattoos on his arm.
Nicholas Old - Werewolf like Josh. These two knew each other as kids, but lost contact since Nicholas's parents moved to new place. He takes medicine for lycantrophy, so he's bald. He gets easily hurt when someone calls him a monster, but doesn't show it to anyone except friends. He's gentle giant ball of fur. New - like Joshua he's now a warg. He's still bald but now it's his decision to shave his head like that. Still get's hurt when being called names. Still gentle (not so giant anymore)
Sophie Old - Brains of the group (not like anyone else is stupid, but she's defiantely the smartest one). She belongs to royal family, so she has a lots of money and will gladly give as much as she can to friends who doesn't see her as an ATM (when needed ofc, she's not spending it on just anything) . New - All of the above still applies, but to fit to the world she's now a blank (human without magical abilities).
Matthew Old - He has a pet racoon he can talk to named Bandit. He always thought it's weird he can talk to an animal (and just one at that), so he hid it , but it turned out he's a witch. When he met Lucy, she basically explained all of it to him and put a name to his "werdness". There was more to him, but I can't remember right now. New - He's now a mage with abilities related to talking with animals, so he can still talk with Bandit. No more ideas for him for now.
Maya She can fight and is a kind of rebel. And I literally cannot remember anything more about her. I know I always wanted her to have a lether jacket, but because I couldn't draw she had a hoodie (I still can't draw, but I try).
Too mcuh writing. There's probably a ton of errors, so I'll fix at a later date... maybe...
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drabblesfromthegraniteinn · 2 years ago
Alita second movie when? And it better be good
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popculturebuffet · 4 years ago
Ducktales: Woo-oo! Review! or From the Top
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Hello all you happy people! And to those of you just joining this blog, welcome I review ducks, other animated shows and comics... and today’s review is special for me. For a number of reasons. For starters it’s a reminder how far i’ve come. See I always wanted to be a reviewer, ever since high school when a friend showed me a certain online reviewer whose now dead to me, and opened me up to a world of much better reviewers who i’m still fans of to this day, and ones who came after them , and after that and so on and so on. I so badly wanted a community to belong to I struggled to be a youtube reviewer but frankly lacked the talent or self confidence back then to try, so my attempts over the decade were a series of stops and starts. Of me starting to find my niche writing only to stop because I hated myself so much, and still struggle with that, i’d tell myself I could never do it, I wasn’t good enough, I wasn’t funny enough and no one cared. I kept shutting myself down AGAIN AND AGAIN, for far too long. 
But that all changed a year ago next month: I’d long been a fan of the Ducktales Reboot. I was caustiously optimistic when it was announced. The optimism came from a deep abiding love of scrooge as a character despite not having dove into his comics that deep, I didn’t have an easy way at the time, thanks to life and times and what comics I had read, and was excited to see a fresh reboot closer to the comics with my eternal boy Donald Duck back in the main character. The caution.. came from the fact that at the time we’d gotten a string of bad to medicore reboots: Teen Titans GO, Powerpuff Girl, and Ben 10 which started pretty meh but has turned into alirght from some of the later episodes I saw. I wanted to be hyped to all hell but I had no proof this wasn’t going to be another dumbed down reboot. Then comic con came, the first teaser poster dropped, and my skepticism died.
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It was perfect: a barksian art style with it’s own twists! Donald full on display! And best of all the triplets FINALLY had not only unique outfits but personalities! I’ve long went on in my reviews about how much that annoyed me and while it worked for the barks comics ever since then it’s just felt like a waste to have three characters there.. and not even the SLIGHTEST difference. 
My anticipation only grew with the full trailer, the promo posters as more and more info showed how good this series would be, how unique it’d be, and how much tw as taking what made the comics great, giving us a better distalation of that while still being very much it’s own beast. And once this episode dropped.. that faith was unfounded. Woo-oo! is without hyperbole, one of the best pilots i’ve seen, one that introduced the entire main cast perfectly, gets the series tone and mission statment out just right and in general set the stage for one of the best shows of the 2010′s (and 2020′s, even if it only lasted a year and some change). Wheras Teen Titans GO actively tried to take a dump on it’s source material, they thankfully have stopped that but it dosent’ make those early years any less grating, Ducktales was a breath of fresh air that honored the past while making i’ts own future. I tried talking about it but it was all in other failed attempts at reviewing: solo podcasts, my breif second video review career.. stuff no one rightly cared about and I just couldn’t get the hang of. 
So this is where we loop back to last year: I decided to finally try and cover it one more time, not realizing this would be my last chance as it came out anyway, and since I was doing text reviews but my output had slid in the new year, I decided to review Season 3 as it came out. If it bottomed out I could always stop.... and I just never did. I kept going, eventually finding new fans, a patreon (The other one’s an old friend of mine), and not only got paid doing what I love.. but found some peace.  I reviewed other shows as they came out, covered things i’d wanted to cover for years like life and times, scott pilgrim and x-men,. I covered other shows as they came out, found people willing to talk over my opinions and found my niche at long last. 
So that’s why the long speech folks: After almost a year of reviewing i’m properly covering the start of something that made me happier than I had been in a long time and gave me hope during one of the worst periods of ALL our lives. Something i’ve wanted to cover since I finally got started last year, and something truly amazing. So i’d be honored if you’d join me under the cut as I talk about the genesis of one of the best series Disney has ever put out. 
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Behind the Scenes Stuff:  Most details I could find were sparse. it took going back to the first month the show came out and looking at a LOT of unrelated questions to finally find out Frank and Matt outright pitched the show. This dosen’t suprise me as both are huge ducktales fans with Matt having drawn his own duck comics as a kid and Frank taking it an extra mile having sang the theme song in his first grade talent show, worked it into his vows and got his first daughter’s first word to be “Woo-oo”. It’s very clear this show as a labor of love for them something they dreamed of Disney made possible. 
Otherwise I don’t have much on the genisis of the show: It was in the earliest ideas going to be a revivial but Frank and Matt both decided against it , deciding it’d be unfair to expect kids from 30 years after the original to know the source material, and instead just starting it over outright, which was the right call especailly with Alan Young’s passing. 
Design wise I found quite a bit of concept art thanks to one website, and it’s incredibly intresting. This is why i’ve really gotten into art books: I like seeing this early stuff what characters used to be, figuring out or outright hearing from the creators mouths why they changed it that sort of thing. 
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Starting off we have some early designs for Donald, with him wearing the sailor suit as a kid but his Quackshot outfit as an adult, something I honestly wish they’d kept but get why they changed it: The iconic sailor suit both helps contrast him with della and fits his reluctance to adventure in season 1 more. I still wish that they worked the Quackshot outfit in somewhere, but they worked in so damn much, it’s hard to complain> Though I probably will make a list of “things I wished they’d worked” in at some point and i’d be lying inf I siad my mind wasn’t currently turning the gears to figure out how to work this into a fanfic. Oohhh maybe as Dewey’s outfit as an adult but blue, obviously. 
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Next we have Donald settled more into his final apperance as well as the boy’s first outfits.  As you can tell from both of these the show originally went more with the classic art style before getting the one we’re familiar with now, one I love by the way and was made to combine a classic cartoon style with the visual of the comics. Donald originally had his classic outfit before they transitioned to the more barks style one, a good call.  
The interesting bit though is obviously the boys original outfits which i’m honestly bummed didn’t make it for Huey and Louie, not so much Dewey minus the visor. I do get the changes though: The hoodie Dewey had fit WAY beter on Louie, and the lumberjack shirt didn’t quite fit the nerdier huey. Still look nice. Dewey’s is okay, but only the visor is something I really gregret them removing same with louie’s fedora. It would’ve been neat ot keep the hat thing, but have each hat be unique. Likely they simplified things to make animation easier and simply removed the hats for some reason, but it’s nice ot see these more detailed original drafts and it is VERY interesting to find that differentiating the triplets was something planned from the earliest concept art. Though given Matt and Frank said in interviews they wanted a more natural family feel, it’s not a huge surprise. 
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Scrooge like everyone BUT the boys thus far, naturally also had his original outfit at first, but like he ended up doing in the series rotated a bit, if not as much in the final product. We also see a protoype for his final design, the old coat but with a jacket over it in the last image. I also notice Donald seemed a lot more like his old comics self in the concept art with quackshot!donald. 
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Like everyone else, Webby and Launchapd were originally their 87 deisgns, though Launchpad’s slightly diffrent jacket and green scarf were changed from the start. Webby is the closest to her 87 design, and as shown in the previous Lena concept art from my “Spies Like Us and Dime after Dime” double feature, she still had her new personality. More on that in a bit. 
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Finally we have Flintheart, whose design is a bit diffrent from 87: He was a chub from day one it appears, though they’d exagerate it, and his beard was a bit longer at first like his other incarnations. 
Beakly is largely unchanged form 87, only given a coat, which would gradually be mofidied, much liekt he boys into her current outfit. 
As you can tell Beakly, Webby and Launchpad were all there from day one as they wanted them from the original ducktales just updated. 
Production wise they wanted to go handrawn, chose the style they did to have something close to the comics that felt classicly aniamteda t the same time, I feel they succeeded and wanted a show that felt like the original. I do think this show has it’s own feel but it does feel ducktales. I badly hope for an artbook at some point though as this show probably hada  LOT more intresting concept art. Seriously Disney I will PAY YOU to look at your neat art. Please. 
So they created a fully formed world and put the characters in it, wanting it to feel like the world had existed before and had throughly been explored and letting our young heroes be the watson to Donald and Scrooge’s holmes. 
Finally Della was indeed part of the initial pitch and a core idea from day one as every family has secrets and Della felt like one that had been lurking around the fringes of the story for 80 years. The rest of the production stuff i’ll weave in as we go but first one last stop, the STELLAR voice cast, none of whom outsideo f Tony i’ve talked about before sooooo...
The All Star Cast
The casting was outstanding here, with Matt admitting the cast brought a LOT to the characters, especially Ben Schwartz whose taken on Dewey was so unique and intresting they actually rewrote some of his dialouge for the pilot to fit this version better. This is far and away one of the best casts in western animation, most coming from comedy backgrounds and one or two coming from a voice acting background, but all bringing their absolute best. And since our main 8 are all in the pilot let’s run them down along with Keith Ferguson shall we?
Playing everyone’s faviorite billionare scotsman  and one of the very few to ever do so, we have David Fucking Tennant. David was their “First and only choice” and for good reason: David is a talented actor with a MASSIVE amount of stage, tv and audio drama credits. His biggest and best known role is playing the 10th Doctor on Doctor Who, which while not my faviorite (That’d be matt smith, as he’s both the one I came in on and hte one who got me hooked) he’s still  VERY close second and damn talented and I need to watch more of his tenure. Outside of that just to condense it to his ongoing roles on stuff and bigger roles: Filmwise he’s had starring roles in the Fright Night remake, You, Me and Him, Fish Without Bicycles and Bad Samartains, and is set to do a voice for the upcoming Loud House Movie, which excites me to no end. 
TV wise where most of his roles have been he got his first big starring role on the Telly with the BBC Mini series Taking Over the Asylum in the late 90′s. He’d go on to make a career out of doing mini’s for a while, also taking part in He Knew He Was Right, The Quatermass Experiment Remake, Casanova, Secret Smile.. and Blackpool. I saved Blackpool for last before we move into the Who era as if you’ve never heard of it.. it’s REALY fucking weird. It’s a jukebox musical about a man who wants to make Blackpool, a real city, into the new vegas and Tennat plays a cop investigating a case around the guy and also trying to get with his wife because they used to date and because our lead is philandering jackass. That’s already kinda nuts.. but then you get to the fact the songs are sung OVER the original songs instead of making a new version of them. It’s surreal to be sure but if you can find it it’s worth it for the handful of good numbers and how weird it looks and you can find clips of the songs on youtube if your intrested. Here’s a starter. 
Your also welcome. He’d go on to play Detective Alec Hardy in Broadchurch to critical aclaim as well as be a part of it’s short lived american remake, would play the Fugitoid in tmnt 2007, Kilgrave in Jessica Jones, one of his few post who roles i’ve seen or heard besides Scrooge and easily some of his best work he NAILS that purple bastard perfectly, would make his own show Staged about a fictional version of himself putting on a Stage play that’s still ongoing, and is currently , along with Ducktales as it wraps up, the voice of Lord Commander on Final Space, with the character returning this season judging by the trailers to fan delight and terror. He’s a VERY talented actor and voice actor and I do hope he goes on to do more and more voice work in years to come as, with his background in radio, he was born for it. 
He was also born for this roll, playing Scrooge perfectly and easily matching Alan Young in quality, not a small feat and i’ts VERY obvious why he was their one and only choice. 
Next up is another legend, Tony Anselmo who we’ve talked about before when I covered legend of the Three Cablleros: He’s been Donald’s voice since shortly before Ducktales, hasn’t done much else but given he’s THE voice for the character and this show let him show off one hell of a range with teh voice, he dosen’t really need other credits. The man is a treasure and I fear loosing him one day and fear for whoever replaces him as they have a LOT to live up to. 
Getting into the triplets, we’re going by age so starting off we have Huey, voiced by Danny Pudi. Like most of this cast aside from Toks Ogladyve and Beck Bennet (Who I probably HAD seen on SNL but didn’t really know or look out for him on there till after Ducktales), I not only knew Danny but was a huge fan of his going in. This is due to his breakout role on the glorious sitcom Community, which sadly only had a handful of i’ts cast show up on this show. I mean you got Lin Manuel Miranda I’m sure Donald Glover would’ve said yes too. He grew up with Ducktales. Regardless his role as meta guy Abed was easily the best of the cast on that show, with Glover as troy a very close second and the two working at their best as a duo. Outside of that he’s had a few roles being a regular on Powerless, which I forgot existed and currently on Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet, and shockingly hasn’t done a ton of voice work. And given his performance as huey was one of the best parts of this show he REALLY, REALLY SHOULD. Please Danny. He’s also a loving husband, father and surprisingly a marathon runner. Never would’ve guessed.
Next up is SNL Alumn of 9 years, Bobby Monynihan. Bobby is naturally best known for that, my faviorite role of his being Ass Dan. That’s right bitch you know he’s going to live fore..
ASS DAN 1981-2021
He’ll be back. Outside of SNL he’s done a bunch of minor roles. He’s currently on the tragically mediocre sitcom Mr. Mayor, and voiced Panda on We Bare Bears. Hopefully he keeps up the good work as he deserves better than he’s gotten and Ducktales proves it. 
Finally for the triplets we have a rising star in voice acting, Ben Schrwartz. At the time Ducktales launched, I was a fan of his from his roll on parks and Rec as Jen Ralphio, aka older scummier Dewey. 
Outside of his historic recurring role here he played a main role on House of Lies, a show I need to go back to, and has done other live action rolls but has REALLY hit his stride in voice acting. He started with voicing Randy Cunningham in Randy Cunningham 9th grade ninja and since then has hit the ground running: He was Rutabega on Bojack, Josh on Bob’s Burgers, and went on to complete the trifecta of blue nostalgic characters after voicing dewey by voicing Leo in Rise of the TMNT (and having one of the most unique and intresting versions of the character to play) and reprised the roll for the upcoming film. And of course he hit it HUGE by playing Sonic in the suprsingly fantastic Sonic the Hedgehog movie, and will do so again for the sequel and might even take up the roll for the games now Roger Craig Smith has retired. We shall see. Point is this guy’s at the top of his game and Dewey is part of that. Like with his brothers I can’t picture anyone else playing him. 
Rounding out the kids is Webby, played by the wonderous Kate Micucci. Kate is a lovely talented woman who mostly showed up in smaller parts, was part of the musical duo garfunkel and oates which even got their own tv show, and is currently a fairly prolific voice actor with this being her best known roll. I also had a bit of a crush on her once can you tell? Regardless besides absolutely nailing it as Webby she’s voiced Julie Kane in the crimnally short and even more crimnally not on Disney+ Motorcity, “Irma” in the 2012 TMNT cartoon, and the fact that “Irma” is in quotes should tell you how big a waste I felt it was having her NOT actually be Irma, despite Kate’s massive talent, the fact that Irma hadn’t been in anything since the 87 cartoon, and the fact that for added “Fuck you audience points” her krang form was voiced by Gilbert Godfried, who I love but whose casting feels like they wanted to make the twist as grating as possible. Good job there. 
Anyways her second biggest voice gig was as Sadie on Steven Universe, which took WAY too long to show off her absolutely tremendous singing voice. She started voicing Velma Dinkley in the mid-2010′s and has since, voiced Milo’s sister Sarah on Milo Murphy’s Law, Dr. Fox on Unikitty, and most recently voiced a sentient present on close enough who did this. 
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So yeah quite the career and like Ben she probably has a long and storied career in Voice Acting ahead. 
Next up is Beck Bennet as everyone’s friend Launchpad where he excels. He’s best known as a castmember on SNL outside of this, and shockingly hasn’t done a ton of voice work. The only other time i’ve caught him is in the same season of Close Enough as Luc, aka dude-bro satan. But like eveyrone else here who hasn’t done a lot of voice work so far or has been more selective I defintely hope he keeps going with it as he’s amazing. He and Ben will be co-starring on MODOK in May so i’m excited for that. 
Last up for the main cast is Beakly, voiced by  Toks Olagundoye, who I hadn’t heard of before this show and hasn’t done a lot outside of the two season sitcom the neighbors, the aliens one not the really terrible looking one, and a stint on Castle, but like everyone here deserves much more and if Beakly is any indication, really should stick with voice acting. 
Last up is Keith Ferguson as only he could as FLINTHEART GLOMGOLD, whose a staple in the voice acting community ever since 2000, and has had a TON of roles some of which I was unaware with him. Given Frank worked with him on Wonder Over Yonder, where he voiced Lord Hater to perfection, the two clearly have a close working relationship. He also has a close working relationship with Wonder creator Craig McCracken and has worked on all of his post-powerpuff girls show, voicing Bloo as his first major role, something I never would’ve guessed, and currently voicing Papa G on Kid Cosmic. 
Outside of Craig and Frank, he played both Karate Kid and Nemisis Kid on Legion of Super Heroes (Which really needs to come to HBO Max), Deputy Durland on Gravity Falls,  and Thunderbolt Ross on Avengers Earth’s Mighteist Heroes. He’s damn good and deserves the world for Glomgold alone and i’m glad Craig rung him up again as so far through my watch of Kid Cosmic he’s great. 
So with our cast in place, our past in place and you all likely ready to get on with it already let’s dive into the episode:
THE EPISODE: Part one Woo-Ooo!
We begin with a shot of a seagull flying overseagulls, a nice way to establish how this world works and how it bends expectations. They’d have to wait till season 3 to get a duck next to ducks but given that gag is one of the best of the series, it was worth it. 
Inside a house boat we meet Donald, Huey and Louie and get a sense of their personalities: Donald is panicked trying to get to a job interview and insists the boys wear life vests, showing his overprotectiveness and responsibility exclusive to this version. Louie stresses that Donald wear a suit instead of his normal clothes to properly impress the interviewer, showing his skill at people reading and manipulation, and Huey is making a nice, if messy, breakfast with a heartwarming message showing his heart and dedication. After finding out said Babysitter was sent to the wrong address, the boys TRY to hustle him out to stay alone.. only for Dewey to blow the scheme by starting the boat too early, letting Donald know he’s been had. Huey’s attempt to lie about it is of course the classic “Who’s Dewey?” Dewey’s caught wiring the boat and Donald throws them in the car, with Donald livid and the boys upset as their chafing at his constant overprotectiveness. 
Both sides aren’t wrong. tThe boys DID do something reckless, putting an old woman in the desert and risking their home just to go on a joyride. What they did was wrong.. but the boys AREN’T wrong for getting annoyed that he won’t let them DO anything and overly hovering over them when they CAN handle themselves as we’ll see. WE now know why: he lost their mother and his sister to her and scrooge’s recklesness. While he got therapy for his anger it’s clear he never properly got help about Della, and thus overcompensates by trying to keep what he has left of her alive. He means well.. but to them it comes off as him being manically overprotective with no good reason. They get into trouble because it’s the only way to DO anything away from him. He’s trying so hard not to loose them he almost has by the time hte series starts, and it’s telling that when they get context in Last Crash, they appricate him more from then on. They do love him, but their frustration is understandable even if what their doing is pretty damn stupid. But their also 10 and Donald’s the grown adult in therapy who should’ve dealt with this or tried to at least by now.
So with no other options Donald sets a course for McDuck manor which excites the boys who have heard of Scrooge McDuck and his exploits, each rattling off something they heard him do that fits their personality (Dewey picks him fighting a stone monster, Huey picks him uncovering a hoax and Louie picks his swimming in money. ) As Donald tries to get them to simmer down, they wonder what he’s up to
He’s up toooo.. depression. He’s in a room with his board, watching them with utter hate and sadness as they talk about cutting the invention and aviation departments. This scene plays ENTIRELY differently after the final two episodes of the season. Before it still plays well as Scrooge clearly resenting being stuck in a boring board meeting, having lost everything that made him him and just having lost his passion for life. Now? It plays as a man utterly disdainful of the men who made him give up on his daughter. While as far as he knows they did it to save his employees from his company collapsing, we know better now... and seriously where IS the rest of the board they just vanished after the Season 3 premiere.
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I don’t mind only one being fleshed out, unlike the triplets we only NEED the one I mind that they just never explained it and still haven’t. Hopefully the finale will. 
But back on the plot, it now plays as Scooge just full of hatred for them, knowing they had to do what they did, even if they weren’t emebzlling but still hating them and himself. He’s likely not even paying attention anymore because he just dosen’t CARE: he has all the money int he world.. and it couldn’t bring him his daughter back. As he sadly puts the coins he was fiddling with back and says see you tommorow he can’t even close the vault without a struggle. As we’ll see later the strength never left, it’s not like he stopped execrising.. but he has nothing left to fight for. Nothing left to care about. He could adventure agian so far.. but without Della or Donald, as we’d learn two seasons later the reason he enjoyed it again... what’s the point? He has nothing left except his money. 
This is also a nice parallel to the final Chapter of LIfe and Times. I always felt the first half of woo-ooo was a spiritual adaptation of chapter 12 of that: Scrooge meets the boys for the first time and with their help, and Donalds in the story< Webby and Launchpad here, he regains his passion and more importantly his family after driving them away> The how is very different: he did in life and times due to sinking to his lowest point morally, then cruelly dismissing his family when they tried to welcome him home and bury the hatchet despite what he’d done. Here.. he made a HORRIBLE mistake, one that wasn’t entirely on him but still cost him everything and spent the decade instead of stewing or making more money trying desperately to undo it. The end result is the same, a dried out husk of a man with nothing left to loose and no will to gain anything.
This husk has launchpad though whose introduced as his driver and while good with subs and planes.. isn’t great on the road. After that though Donald pulls up hoping to drop the kids off before Scrooge arrives. Naturally this being a cartoon and Donald having tempted fate with that Scrooge shows up telling him to jettison that Jallopy at once. And finding out who it is, apart from asking how Donald is and Donald doing the same, dosen’t sway him. The boys however freak out after finding out Scrooge is Donald’s and there uncle, with my faivriote bit of that being Dewey exiting the car via a window and rolling across the roof back in. Amazing bit of animation. Wish I had a gif of that. 
Donald makes the situation plane and angry and asks “Can you do that without LOOSING THEM”. And scrooge is so painfully disarmed by his reminder of his past mistakes and the fact his surrogate son still resents him, that he agrees before realizing “Shit I have to watch children now don’t I” as Donald drives off. As you probably guessed, this is another scene that plays differently in hindsight, if not by much: It still plays as two men too stubborn and bitter to reconcile.. but now we know the why behind both their rages it feels even sadder. They both lost the person they cared about most but as it sadly happens in real life both have dug in their heels to reconcile, both feeling their right when neither completely is. While Donald was right to be upset at scrooge and della for what happened, and is mostly taking it out on scrooge because he’s the one left... he’s held onto his anger for 10 years instead of going to help when he’s unemployed, living in a dilapidated houseboat and trying ot raise three children alone and could’ve used what help scrooge would give. Scrooge is right to be upset that Donald is just selectively ignoring everything he’s done to save Della, but is too stubborn and prideful to apologize for what he DID do wrong and feels that’s enough to make up for it when , while it is enough that donald should forgive him, still dosen’t mean he dosen’t have a lot to apologize for. Both are just too angry and too much alike, as much as it woudln’t seem so, to settle with each other and see too much of what they lost. 
So the kids follow Scrooge.. who forgets to open the door, and Beakly lets them in. It’s a nice subtle bit. After some silence, Bentina TRIES to get her old friend and now employer to talk to them, but he naturally refuses and they do the talking, asking tons of questions.. and Dewey ends the conversation by accidently pressing the “imply he USED to be something rather than is something right now “ button
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So Scrooge throws them in the twins old room, and Beakly gives them some marbles. You will give them b ack they will be counted. But another subtle touch I missed the first time is there... her sad look. She clearly doesn’t want to do this, but she has to play this carefully or else he might get mad and fire her on the spur of the moment. He’d obviously hire her back, where else is he going to get an ex spy who will both clean for him AND be his bodyguard and security. It’s a very small pool. Mostly because Beakly probably killed most of the other people who’d of fit that description during her spy days. 
Scrooge meanwhile is still rattled by Dewey’s statment, wondering if he really is a “used to be” instead of a “never left”. The fire is starting to spark again.. he just needs more kindling. And more kin. 
Meanwhile Louie and Huey marvel at Dewey’s “Brilliant’ breakout plan: hit the door knob with the sack of marbles til lit breaks. To be fair, they’ve known dewey as long as they’ve been alive and even by season 3 after he’s taken several levels in badass and cunning.. he still crashed a plane because his brother well-meaningly called him basic, and thought being nearly sacrificed the most times was an accomplishment. This is the best he could do and you all know it. It also works, so they can’t fault him for that... though he’s quickly kidnapped as are they. They wake up after the commerical break in a room with pure darkness, hung from the celing with a mystery person asking who they are and who they work for before Louie calls out for “uncle scrooge”... so she claps the lights back on and..
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Well close. But it is Webby, who cuts them down, fangirls over meeting the nephews and asks who the evil triplet is. They all point to Louie who shrugs it off. I mean it was funny enough the first time but at this point I know he’s running several fradulent charites, almost all scamming his uncle. He’s earned that title. Webby puts them on the big board and then when asked they find out she’s Webby, her granny Beakly is housekeeper.  She then asks the big questons “Are we friends now?” “If we say yes will you let us live?” “Ha good one new best friend”
She then explains she dosen’t get to leave or anything even eat a hamburger. The boys are moved by this and Louie asks what she does for fun. She leads them to the vents and while Huey and Louie are a bit relcutant, Dewey naturally goes first pointing out it’s better than the marble room. They agree and are on their way. 
Okay unpinning that pin, the crew conciously updated Webby and Beakly as neither really had a lot of purpose in the original. It was also to conciously add more actiony females to the main family lineup, as both creators, both being fathers, preferred someone their daughters could look up to and would enjoy watching. Not someone perfect but someone intresting instead of someone who often got Kidnapped and whose main charactrisitcs were “Sweet and GIRL STEROTYPE” So cleverly they KEPT her being girly, having a skirt, liking ponies. .but also gave her all the training and skill of one Cassandra Cain, a sheltered background and an adorable personality that kept the sweetness but added her probably having killed a man at some point. It worked as Webby is one of the best parts of the show. 
Likewise Beakly was upgraded from fuddy duddy housekeeper, to badass former secret agent whose also a housekeeper, and bodyguard and confidant to scrooge. Demonstrated by her talk with him as he tries to put on his diving suit and go after the jewel of atlantis, having spotted the signs to go after it in the paper.. and wanting to prove a child wrong. Beakly points out the flaws in this, and tries to get him to connect to his family. Having lost hers, it’s easy to see why.. though the how’s a mystery.. for now i’m guess. We’ll see in the finale. But she’s Scrooge’s concisence and the one who can easiest reign him in, to the point two episodes directly have our heroes have to NOT call her or else the plot was end, but have that worked into the plot so it works. She’s the calm in his storm and hte one person he needs more than anyone else even if he dosen’t always realize it. He calls family “nothing but trouble” just as Dewey passes overhead. 
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So naturally as Webby shows off Scrooge’s old treasures in a mysterious room, while the other Siblings are rightfully impressed, Dewey dismisses it as “fake” because he’s being a little shit, and they agree after seeing Donald, not knowing his reputation. The cutaway to him struggling with a stapler does not help> it’s only when Webby accidnetly uneleashes Captain Peghook, a vengeful ghost after scrooge, who gets his hand on a ghostly sword do they realize this time the monsters are real. Huey also accidently wakes up Manny, the headless manhorse! 
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Things somehow get WORSE as Scrooge finds them.. but is in no state to argue and as our heroes duck and Huey tries to divise a plan.. Scrooge get’s his spark back once agian.. it’s starting to become an ember now... and he charges in despite Dewey’s cries of “No come back your old!”. It then gets VERY badass Scrooge: Oi! Beastie! What's it gonna take to shuffle you off to the afterlife? Captain Peg-Hook: The head of Scrooge McDuck! Scrooge: [cracks his neck, flips his cane around to wield like a sword] Would you settle for his hat?
Now that is how you show how badass Scrooge is in a few lines and gestures. HE proceeds to take both out, as they’ve now teamed up, easily, tricking peghook into cutting off the head of a statue of him in the area, throwinng it at him and finsihing the ghosts buisnesss (”I should’ve been more specifiiiicccccc”) and then giving Manny the head, earning him a loyal employee for life. So our days saved, the kids have faith.. and Scrooge is still pissed. He also reveals this isn’t a treasure room but the garage in what’s easily the best gag of the first half, possibly the whole special but one iconic moment is very close in that one. Webby concedes what about the stack of old magazines or the hose or.. okay he’s probably right. He berates them only for the kids to fire back, pointing out he threw them in a room, they just wanted to spend time with him... but it’s only Dewey throwing his words back in his face that pisses him off. Scrooge bellows at them to get out, clearly having internalized everything with donald into rage and trying to justify pushing eveyrone away instead of working at it... but this dosen’t have time to actually work, nor would Beakly actually throw three children out on the curb, as he hits a mystic gong.. the third time it’s been hit. And after realizing it’s already been hit twice Scrooge is faced with Pixu, the gold hutning dragon! And guess who has a giant bin of it wanting to snack on? Scrooge naturally climbs on the thing and the kids naturally want to follow, with Webby getting her first development by proudly announcing “I’m going to eat a hamburger” then explains the metaphor. They just need a pilto.. and as Launchpad has been saying but I forgot to add in “I’m a pilot”
So we get a GORGEOUS bit of Scrooge riding the dragon over the city, getting banged up as he does before finally being thrown off.. only for the kids to catch him with the planes help and try and come up with a plan. Scrooge overcomes his anger at them not staying put, especailly since Webby brings up the right weakness: as a wise man once said...
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So they need some.. like say the Medusa Gauntlet Scrooge had in the garage.. that Louie naturally stole. Huey and Webby eyeroll him but they have what they need.. and Huey brought the hose and quickly comes up with a plan, tying scrooge in, and swinging him to Pixu. The kids hold on tight, Dewey calls his family awesome and our heroes win the day as Scrooge turns the dragon to stone, slips and falls.. and then GRACEFULLY dives into hte bin, showing off his diving skills and his badassery. The day is saved, the gauntlet and the dragon go in the bin for safe keeping and Scrooge calls the kids trouble.. and chuckles fondly. “Curse me kilts how i’ve missed trouble”
He’s impressed: Huey’s quick thinking, Louie’s pickpocketing, Dewey’s drive, and Webby’s magical knowledge all saved them. For once. .he’s happy again. And for the second time in life it took his family to remind him why he does this and show him the true fun of adventure: Getting to share it with those he love. And he finally has people to love again. He has family back, kids who look up to him and want to learn from him again, a REASON to adventure. Money and treasure and eveyrthig couldn’t bring della back.. but he at least sees now that whiel they certianly couldn’t.. they can bring him closely with what he has left. She’s gone, for now.. but she left behind three great kids who could use a mentor and Beakly brought him a fourth. And he just found out he has a pilot. The ember.. is now a raging flame. Scrooge is back. Because i’ts not the money or the glory.. it’s the thrill of it, the discovery.. and the family that makes adventuring worth while and he’s learned that lesson again. So he calls Beakly to clear his schedule.. forgetting she you know PUT A FUCKING PIN INTHE WALL the last time he asked her to play scretary and the onlyr eason she dind’t drive over the choke him to death, is that she’s probably happy he’s back on track.
Back at the interview Donald is stapled to the wall and gets the job.. not as an accountant mind but his employer needs a sailor.. and his employer is FLINTHEART GLOMGOLD. Oh boy. 
Part 2: Escape To/From Atlantis First the last bit of background I saved: Originally, Fenton and Gyro were supposed to show up here, starting a gag of Fenton showing up but not being named until “Beware the B.U.D.D.Y. System!”, setting up the sub. But the crew decided this took too much away from the focus on the duck family. The not naming him gag was also dropped, and I have two reasons why: Their given reason, which is it’d take up too much time and a logistical reason: While they gave a heartfelt pitch to Lin-Manuel Miranda, as frank wanted a strong Latino superhero to combat the lack of them on film, Frank and Matt probably thought they woudln’t get such a huge name or at least prepared for it.. and were delightfully suprised when Lin happily and tearfully agreed. So they likely scrapped it so they could properly promote the biggest name in their voice cast. Honestly it was for the best and they still go to do the idea with Drake in “The Duck Knight Returns!”, where it worked much better than it probably would have with Fenton. 
We open with the Glomgold Industries Employee Training Video! Encourging IP Theft, making things cheaper and general scumbaggery, and claming your the world’s most beloved scottish billionare. IN short the perfect introduction to everyone’s favorite insane, fake-scottish, scheming, egotistical , short sighted billionaire. As i’ve made transparent before, I fucking love the reboot version of Glomgold and he’s easily one of my favorite parts of the reboot. They clearly needded to find a new place for Glomgold in the grand scheme of things as the show was more about globetrotting adventure and family and less about getting contracts or bets about whose bigger money and more about family. While they DID do a classic bet storyline with season 2, it’s clear the old glomgold was just a bit too stiff to properly fit into this new zanier and deeper universe. 
So they instead remolded him as a half insane, knockoff scrooge, someone who PURPOSFULLY modeled himself after the guy to try and one up him, and instead of being a fairly low pitched schemer, was a bombastic idiot whose schemes were half baked, whose name was on everything he made, and whose only thing bigger than scrooge was his glorious ego. In short he was perfect for this series and perfect to show up way more often as a bumbling thorn in Scrooge’s side.. but one who COULD be effective in the right circumstances, as to not make him completely pointless. Keith was likewise the only person I could see in the roll now as with Hater he had a history of playing bombastic, egosticial morons, and made Glomgold into the enjoyable ball of ego, bombs, sharks and shouting we know and love. Some people didn’t take to this version after a while... I’m not one of those. I loved him here, I love him now, and he’s every bit as good in season 3 as he was at the start. He’s also wearing a kilt mcduck A KILT. A bit that’st STILL funny four years and 70 some episodes later. 
So we meet Gabby McStabberson and the Smashnikovs as they and Donald file in, though Donald is busy wrapping up a call with Scrooge, who assures them he has a low key day planned.. while in the sub getting ready to go to atlantis. And nearly drowning when Dewey tells Launchpad to dive while he and Scrooge are still up top. Cue credits. 
So on the sub we get our setup for the two main plots for the episode: While the main thrust of everything is Scrooge taking them to Atlantis, each leads to a diffrent plot. Louie talks to Donald and lies entirely about their day, worrying Webby.. who then reveals she just didn’t tell Beakly she took off or where she was going and encourages her to call and lie. To save time, i’m going to cover this subplot now minus the conclusion as it’s pretty simple and this review is already a day behind. Louie wants her to lie so she dosen’t worry, which is oddly sweet.. still a bit greasy, but it’s clear he means well and it shows in his own way the boy cares about Donald: Sure he’ll lie to the guy, and set up a fradulent charity to scam him.. but he also knows not to worry his dad-uncle and kows Donald is better off thinking their safe than knowing the truth. Granted it also prevents consequences for Louie.. but he’s not playing here here. He gets nothing out of Beakly not knowing the truth or helping some girl he just met, he’s just being NICE in his own twisty way. It’s a nice show of his depths: While louie will lie, cheat and steal Eddie Gurrero style, he does have a caring side underneath hit. He can read people well and while he primarily uses it to manipulate people, we’ll see time and time again that he can use it for good too and to help those he cares about. He’s nothing but supportive the whole plot, and even when he says “you can’t back that up” it’s more worrying about her and having a bit of crack than actually being a dick. 
So Webby tries lying, but is about as good as Huey is at it, saying “I’m at a friends house nothing, then makes up a clearly fake name, then says their only talking in swedish for a grandpa. Launchpad DOES help, but only by accident and snake venom. We’ll get to that. As I said this wasn’t the most complex plot. 
The main plot is our focus episode for dewey. In theory each of the kids was supposed to have one in the first five episodes: Dewey here, Webby in Daytrip of Doom, Louie in Great Dime Chase and Huey in Impossible Summit of Mt. Nevverest!. Given the last one was horribly delayed, he instead got Terror of the Terra Firmians, which in hindsight wasn’t the best spotlight episode for him. But it’s a good system; Introduce them all in the first half of the pilot then slowly focus on each one.  So now Idoloizing Scrooge, Dewey is desperate to be his sidekick and be seen as an equal and is in deep denial as scrooge instead has them all buckle up for a 17 hour ride and when Dewey questions the route, which skips the direct path.. but is clearly marked with monsters, Scrooge just snaps at him and shuts him down and disapoints the boy who only wants to prove himself to Scrooge. 
Naturally though, telling someone with that kind of need for attention and validation to wait goes poorly as he redirects the map while Launchapd is distracted.. and we find out WHY the trip is 17 hours as the direct route nearly gets them killed by mer-ducks, krakens and some sort of storm elemental. Dewey is bummed it didn’t work and annoyed to realize he’s just lumping them all together like Huey pointed out earlier. Huey is also delightful here, having brought travel bingo and sea shanties, clearly used to trips with his other uncle. And adorably taking after him. 
But Dewey’s deversion has done more than make him even MORE determined to prove himself to Scrooge whose just trying to NOT loose the son of the daughter he lost...
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The Merducks have taken up residence in the bathroom, so they have to make a pitstop. Scrooge, CLEARLY forgetting how to take a trip with children, wasn’t prepared for this but they find a frieghter and make a stop. Naturally it’s GLOMGOLD’S freighter, where his sub took off from, and he and his minons including Donald find Scrooge using the bathroom.. and the boys to Donald’s rage. Unfortunately saying ‘I’ll kill him” to a raging sociopath who takes that as a sign to kill ALL of them, isn’t a smart move. 
So while Donald tries to plan to keep his family alive, said family arrives in Atlantis with a great bit of Scrooge trying to give a big speech only for them to see it first and ooh and ah. They touch down in the city.. which is flip turned upside down. Scrooge notes hti is odd but is able to read the hieroglypchs even upside downa nd notes there’s tones of deadly traps and that they shoudl stay back and..
Huey: Dewey ran in as soon as you said traps. 
So while Scrooge tries to prevent dewey loosing his head, Donald prevents launchpad loosing his and makes up an excuse about “if their dead now we can’t tourture them later” to cover his ass. Glomgold is impressed.  Dewey is Dewcipointed that the traps are upside down, though he does trigger some snakes that get launchpad. He’s fine just delirious. And possibly slowly dying but the fact he’s lived this long is a miracle. Maybe that’s why he’s missing for most of season 3 part 2, the snake venom caught up to him and drake and fenton need to find the cure. Anyways the rest of the party stays behind while Scrooge chases after Dewey, who naturally runs ahead AGAIN. 
Donald ducks out to use the bathroom, as Dewey tries the old dance through the laser grid routine.. but forgets the part where your supposed to actually avoid it, leaving it to an unseen Donald to stop the fire traps from barbqueing his boy. IT’s a really awesome sequence that shows off Donald’s still got it even if he dosen’t want it.  Scrooge naturally works smarter not harder and simply ziplines above like a badass and berates Dewey when he tells him he took “The easy way”
“Why would you want to take the hard way?” The argument that’s been brewing all episode bubbles up and once again both sides have a point: Scrooge rightfully points out Dewey’s being reckless, has no experince and needs to listen to Scrooge and learn something. Dewey claps back that Scrooge isn’t TEACHING them, just teling them to get behind him while he does things instead of trying to actively mentor them. He outright told them he was going to teach them so while Dewey’s been a wee bit overbearing, he’s right in being disappointed that Scrooge instead just wants them to be safe. I see it as his subconscious acting up: He wants and needs the kids along and is right ot keep them safe.. but is too scared to properly mentor them after what happened to Della and is just trying not to loose anybody. His methods have been right, to keep them safe.. he’s just been so determined to save them, he can’t properly TEACH them so he won’t have to forever or explain WHY. And given the First Adventure shows that while protective he did eventually let Della and Donald pull their weight.. but here he lost so much between adventures.. he just can’e bear loosing them. Dewey also rightfully points out he just lumps them together which in any other version wouldn’t be an issue, until the reboot I had no idea which one was which here? They have distinct outfits and personalities and you had 17 hours to actually get to know them. Probably less given the shortcut but still, several hours at a minimum. It’s things like this that make the series work: while there’s plenty of internal conflicts, at their best their nuanced ones, where if one character is clearly in the wrong they have a reason, and if both are right both are also a bit wrong, versus the original where it’d be scrooge or the boys grabbing the asshole ball at times (Not always mind you but when they did it was insufferable. 
However they don’t have time to argue as the bridge goes out and Glomgold finds donald.. and another way around as a result and gets to the treasure first. Scrooge notices they have donald but once again Dewey charges in 
“Unhand my uncle” “No” “Okay wasn’t prepared for that”
Naturally both sides are a bit livid, Donald for dragging his boys into danger after being part of the reason his sister is on the moon right now, and Scrooge for working with one of his greatest eneimies.. though Scrooge has less ground to stand on because as Donald points out “I can’t keep track of ALL of your sworn enemies” I mean he has lived like .. 200 years. That’s a long enemies list and Glomgold, while the most persistent, isn’t exactly the most dangerous they probably encountered. Given the guy’s an artist with Bombs and Sharks that does say a lot about how badass Scrooge is.. and how incompitent glomgold usually is. He’s just having an on day today I guess. 
Glomgold naturally holds Donald hostage, takes what is suppsidley the jewel and leaves them to drown to death, hitting a wall to let it start leaking. HIs minons run into the rest of the heroes and a fight breaks out while naturally Donald, after even more naturally getting his ass stuck in a hole, literally, rails out at Scrooge for doing this telling him “I knew I couldn’t trust you and” “This is the spear of selene all over again”
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Scrooge’s only response is “I was not responsible for the Spear of Selene!”
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Dude you still paid for the rocket. While Della shoulders most of the blame, SHE choose to take an untested rocket, SHE choose not to come back during the turbulence YOU still built it and hid it from donald and didn’t make sure she couldn’t just take off in it. Your both to blame. And as I mentioned earlier to the least extent but still an extent, so was Donald telling his grown, adult sister whose as stubborn as she is what she could and couldn’t do. He had the right idea and was the only person trying to be an adult here in this situation.. but he still took the wrong approach with stopping her. Still he got far more ground to stand on than Scrooge, who also took his nephews out. Dewey stops both by pointing out that while yes Scrooge took them on an adventure he’s been doing NTOHING but keeping him safe and most of it was his fault which disarms donald a bit. Though Dewey is quickly distracted.. but for once by an obersvation: the gem glowing above thaem that glowed when they entered... and since the city got flipped turned upside down.. THAT’S the real jewel. Dewey asks Donald ot let it flood so they can get it and begs his uncle to trust him despite his doubts which he does. They get it and everyone’s okay and even more when they reunite with the others they find they’ve handily beaten them. To me this is where donalds walls go down a bit: he realizes he’s been smothering the kids, and that while he may hate his uncle for good reason... he’s not going to make the same mistake with them and while he lied.. Don probably realized if Scrooge had been honest Donald would never have let them go. He can trust him.. and he can trust his kids will be alright without him. 
So Glomgold naturally leaves his minions to die, but our heroes manage to make it to the sub, and Gabby asks if they can bum a ride. Not wanting to do any murders they agree. On the surface Glomgold is showing off his jewel, only for Scrooge to upstage him second’s later with the real jewel, and point out his is “nice but defintly cursed”... and right on cue Glomgold gets dragged off with an octopus and let’s off his first “Curse you mcduck!”. Scrooge offers clean water and power thorugh it, for a price because of course he does, and has offically made his grand comeback. 
We get back to Webby’s subplot, as she’s confronted by Beakly.. who naturally being a former spy easily figured it out immieditely but is only upset her grandaughter lied to her. And even at that she dosen’t raise her voice or anything about the matter, knowing it’d only make her feel worse and getting that her grandaughter needs to see the world and that much like donald, she walled her up to prevent loosing what little she had left. And since being with Scrooge is safe as with her, she can go with him anytime just tell her first kay? They hug. Awwww. 
Donald likewise apologizes, admitting that whatever has passed, he misjudged his uncle here and while not forgiving him yet, is at least willing to let him back into his life and into the boys.. on holidays and stuff at least. But fate forces his hand.. or rather his 10 year old nephew-son having left the engine on and neither having turned it off, meaning his boat goes boom and is in no liveable condition. But Scrooge has the space in his heart and mansion for them.
So as we close the kids help move the artifacts all around the house instead of just the garage while Launchapd drops the boat. While clearing out Dewey notices the painting from earlier.. and finds part of it was flipped over...
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Now keep in mind, while nowadays Della’s inclusion in the show is one of the most famous and treasured parts of the show.. back then this was a fucking shock. Disney never really cared about the boys mother and outside of one comics story never really went into what happened. So the fact she was not only an actual important part of the plot but we’d find out was a HUGE wham moment and left my jaw dropped after seeing the episode. Like I would with the finales I had read no spoilers and had no idea this was coming but damn was it a huge and welcome suprise and how far they’d take it and how much they’d flesh her out was an even bigger one. Easily one of the best big reveals i’ve ever seen. The only better one I can think of from this series itself... is the end of season 2. But that’s for another time. 
Final Thoughts on Woo-Ooo!:
This two parter/hour long special.. is still one of the episodes best and easily one of the best pilots. It does slow down a bit in pacing in the second half, but otherwise is just an immaculate , beautiful pilot movie that introduces and fleshes out all 8 main characters, maybe Launchpad the least but enough to still work, gives us some big mysteries to work out, and even throws in Glomgold’s first apperance. It sets the tone, reverent and adventuerous but also with it’s own weird and wacky sense of humor and world building, and universe perfectly. I .. don’t have much else to say really it’s just THAT good and really worth checking out. If you somehow haven’t seen it go watch it and if you haven’t seen it in a while might be worth a rewatch before the finale. The absolutely perfect start to an amazing ride. 
Next on the Della Arc: Dewey and Webby try to figure out where Della is while Louie learns a valuable life lesson and  pisses off a killer robot along the way.
Next on the Blog: Amphibia Season 2 is back! 
Until then if you liked this review follow for more and if you could please support me on patreon. Even a buck a month helps and juicy stretch goals give you na incentive to contirbute. We’re 5 bucks away from 20 dollars a month which means a review of super ducktales and a Darkwing Duck review EVERY. MONTH. So contribute now! Until the next rainbow it’s been a pleasure. 
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windforestsso · 4 years ago
Mistfalls spoilers
Im not fan of the style, I think it looks unfinished and not interesting. The rough sketched animation had a beter style in my opinion. Also, is it just me or was it something wrong with Sams voice?
Its childish, I kinda expected that from the beginning, so it isnt that big of a deal but its not gravity falls by long shot.
The short episodes meants things progressed little too fast for my liking. Things get resolved fast and characters acted wierd at some points.
Not fan of ‘blind girl can now see’ trope. Its pretty bad thing to do in series. Even if it didnt stay, so she is still blind and was just a one time thing, you shouldn’t ‘fix’ characters disabilities like that. I guess it was to say “hey, this horse is magic” Because the glowing horse with fire for mane and tail didnt give that way.
I guess Skye is a druid in Sun circle then? It was the sun that light up when she walked past. Not suprised, fire is what the sun circle use a lot.
Still dont know what the scars meant, I suppose its just Blaze symbol.
Skyes mom is a witch. Or was Sams just insulting her? She knows about magic atleast.
Are the hoodied figures suppose to be druids? Seems bit evil (Druids are actually evil theories any one??). New headcanon: thats Avalon speaking. 
What if the druids thought it was something wrong with Blaze like how they thought Gallopers mare was wrong when she wouldnt speak to the wildwhisperes and tried to get them to the stone circle so ‘heal’ them? (I still like to belive Gallopers mare is an embermane.)
Not that much got answerd. :/ I was hoping we would get some more lore.
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-happy hump day from animal anon! Animal anon didn't have a very good weekend, but through some great friends and self care things are looking up! So I want to know, what is one small thing you can do today to take care and be kind to yourself?
hi animal anon!!! first of all here is a little friend for your animal 🦩
I'm sorry to hear your past weekend wasn't that good. I hope things will get beter soon. Just know that you sending these little asks brightens the day for a lot of us 🤍 I think I might do a little mask on my face today. It's been so long since I took the time to do that!
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monkey-network · 5 years ago
An Unfortunate Critique of Spiderverse - Part 1 (of 3)
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse was a fun award-winning 2018 animated film with a basically unanimously positive fandom, regarded generally as both a masterpiece Spider-Man film and a remarkable animated film overall. And while I do not disagree with that, it definitely earned its spoils, it pains me a bit to bring up the reason(s) why I can’t call it the masterpiece that many claim. I like this film, but I don’t love it as much as others and I wanted to express why. And I will see to be critical, not cynical. Fair enough? Spoilers ahead for this... 2018 film that you should’ve seen already.
Part 1 ~ The Spiderverse Squad
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Now believe me when I say that I enjoyed this trio. Spider-Ham wasn’t as funny as I figured, but he still stood out like Peni and Spider-Noir in a respectable way. I especially loved the fandom’s reaction to them with fanart and jokes galore. But on a look back, it dawned on me that while their presence was welcome, our writers blew the load too soon and wasted these characters. Roll with me, will ya?
If you come to know me, you’ll figure that characters are the element I find the most crucial of your story; you mentally can’t just throw in random heroes into the story unless they’re significant to the protag, story, or world as a whole. It’ll feel weird, like you have no coordination. And yeah, the B team adds to Spider-verse’s worldbuilding mechanic that is the multiple universes; it thematically makes sense that more than one Spidermun can exist. And additionally kicks ass, no objections here. The problem I argue comes when while they add to the world building, it honestly added little to our boy Miles’ story, and it’s that disconnect that makes the characters feel more unnecessary than before. This doesn’t help when things could’ve worked far better if it only involved Gwen and Beter. To explain this better, I wanna bring up a couple films that are similar to Spider-verse yet knew how to use their secondary characters, the first one being...
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Kung Fu Panda, baby!
The furious five sans Tigress is about the same as Spider-verse’s B-Team where Po really doesn’t rely on them to both unleash his inner strength and face the final boss in the end. They’re his muse for enjoying martial arts. Po interacts with them a little more than Miles does with the others, but we still have that disconnect between the upcoming novice and the experienced. That disconnect however is counter-balanced by their significance in the story, not only in certifying the stakes that come with Tai Lung, but being the necessary crew to another important character: Tigress.
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Tigress is not only a character that Po looks up to, she’s a character with something to prove herself. She puts down Po because she’s envious of the special treatment he’s involuntarily receiving and mirrors the villain Tai Lung before his descent to villainy. The movie would’ve probably been fine if the Furious Five didn’t exist and it was just Shifu and Po training together, but having the five, and Tigress especially, in the story adds a great triangle of interaction between Po and Shifu, Shifu and Tigress, and Tigress and Po. Which makes it all the more poignant when she runs away to face Tai Lung herself, stern in proving herself to both Shifu and Po. We know that she wouldn’t win against him, but that loss is added two-fold when the other four were there to support her. The others aren’t as cynical towards Po, but it’s understandable that they sided with Tigress, thinking their experience together will help them succeed. It makes sense that the four willingly fight with Tigress, and it’s reasonably daunting when Tai Lung is able to tower all of them by himself. Compare this to Spiderverse where we kinda don’t get see our heroes and villains, excluding Miles, stack up that well until the 3rd act; it’s hard to wonder if who’s evenly matched and who can overpower whom. It doesn’t help that Peter, Gwen, and Miles are all isolated from the other three during the final fight in the warp terminal. 
It’s in the end where Po proves himself the Dragon Warrior, he not only earned that respect from the five but feels more complete knowing he and his idols look up to each other in a way. We really don’t get that interpersonal synergy with Miles and the B team beyond the moment of them together post Aaron’s death and their initial meeting, the best we get is that Miles knows he isn’t the only Spider-man but even that doesn’t feel as personal as his relationships with Gwen and Peter. Plus while Gwen and Peter are important characters, we don’t see much of a personal connection between the five Spidermun, it mostly comes off as an obligation that they’re together. Now I won’t lie, this is a pretty unfair comparison. The B-team came together on the fly, and it’s not like Miles, Gwen, and Peter knew who they were in the first place. But remember when I said a couple of films in the beginning? This leads to an ironic situation, coming from one of my other favorite movies about being special...
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Been a while since I talked ‘bout this beauty
I think it’s safe to say Spiderverse and The Lego Movie have a kindred story beat where our hero meet some tagalongs that have their own thing but nonetheless contribute as supporting characters. But unlike Spiderverse, the Lego Movie showed something I never figured about characters until I saw it once again last year. The other characters have their stake in the plot, but they are also relative features of our main character Emmett. Unikitty resembles his boundless optimism, Benny his excitability, Batman his emotional conviction, and so on. It’s a stretch, but it is possible to note supporting/secondary characters as facets of who our main character is, what they lack or what’s the most prominent idea of them. In Steven Universe, the crystal gems are separate elements of who Steven is at his best or wants to be. Beastars has Legosi, Louis, and Haru have differing aspects of growing up that blend well when united. It’s essentially the braincells meme, the parts make up the whole. Gwen and Peter fill those parts exponentially for Miles, with Peter’s experience and Gwen’s finesse in her skill, to show him the work that goes in being a hero. Same goes for Aaron and Jefferson on a more personal level, being the ones to give Miles the necessary conviction to become the hero. All I gotta ask is: Can ya say the same for Peni, Noir, or Porker?
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Again, not that they’re bad characters, but they mostly felt detached from the story in multiple angles
Now at this point you’ll probably say, “Monkey, we get it, where are you going with this?” Well, I can’t help but feel the B-team, while alright on their own, unfortunately feel like cameos that overstayed their welcome. Beyond the initial meetup, the interactions we get with them are second to none, there is no significant dynamic between the B-team and the two spidermun that are more significant to the story. I feel a little less charitable for media wasting potential and it doesn’t help that writing them out until the final fight is very easy. “Peni and Sp//dr were responsible for repairing the flash drive?” Well, I can say a few hints in the movie can point to Aunt May, Peter, and/or Gwen doing it instead. It’s hard to come back to this film compared to the others I’ve exampled when the back of my mind is going “Why are ya’ll here?” I say it would’ve been surprisingly cathartic if the B-team came near the end where they helped out and met up with the trio before bouncing back to their dimensions. As such, we could put more time in for Miles and Gwen together at Aunt May’s house the same way Peter and Miles got earlier before the plot generally runs the same, we have less voices but we build on those character dynamics for more than that bus ride they share. Add to that character theme of Miles, Gwen, and Peter B. being the different generations of Spider-man or something. Overall, I love them, and they feel wasted in this film.
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I just can’t see Spiderverse where the focus of these three subsides the interest for the other three
I wanted to discuss this particularly because as much I can say that much detail in the film fundamentally works, which I will discuss later in this analysis, it stands to say that not every ambition in this undoubtedly ambitious movie was added well. It’s honestly how i feel with randomness humor, it’s fun at first but you gotta do more than enough to make it timeless while keeping the surprise of it intact. Or else you just wish they just replaced that joke with something more constructed. Said before, they don’t or weren’t able to utilize these characters beyond their cameo level moments, and it is not a good thing that they’re potentially saved for the sequel because I hate the idea of depending on a sequel to fix the 1st movie’s issues. I gotta wait to 2022 for a potentially better management of characters and that bothers me. I appreciate what I got, but I unfortunately can’t say that appreciation equates to a free pass of what’s detrimental to my love for this film. Now, I tagged this as part one for a reason, because this is only a symptom, a fun size piece to a bigger story problem I have.
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Next time. Otherwise, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy your day.
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mwolf0epsilon · 6 years ago
DBH - A Dog's Purpose
I have been meaning to write a drabble for Roky for quite some time now, and honestly this came out a lot sadder than I initially intended. Warning for animal abuse and a child's death!
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    When he was created, it was with a purpose: To serve and protect his master, just as all good dogs must do.
His eyes open and he stands upon a platform with machines that are very strange, and that reach down for him to give him things.
Give him his paws, his tail, his fur, and a black collar with a bright blue mark on it and very strange symbols that form a line of odd shapes.
He doesn't know what they mean, but he understands the creators who give him orders.
He sits as told, ears perked to attention and eyes focusing on the larger of the three two-legs who hold strange flat things in their paws, pressing their extended wiry fingers of their equally flat paws against the objects.
Another simple command. He stands and waits, watching the trio of creators as they turn their attention back to their held things.
He sniffs the air. There's no discernable smell other than plastic, metal and the scent of two-legs. Of human.
He briefly wonders why he doesn't have a smell of his own.
 “Kom hier.”
He thinks of those odd paws of theirs, and how carefully they use them to touch the flat things. Wonders how nice it'd feel if those spindly fingers ran through his fur and scratched behind his ears.
He surges forward far too eagerly.
 “Blijven!” It's not the tallest, the one who's been giving orders, that spits out the command. One of the smaller ones has backed away and called off his previous order, much to the annoyance of the others.
 “Waar was dat voor?” The second smallest, a female from the pitch of her voice, asks the other who seems shaken up.
 “Het zou aanvallen!” The man cries out.
The tallest groans before smacking the other with the flat thing he holds. He is the alpha, the leader, the master of this group. He should pay attention to him and not the others.
 “Idioot! Het was de instructies correct volgen!”
 “Je hebt niet gezien wat ik de mens heb gezien, soms gaan deze verdomde dingen ballistisch!” The smaller male retorts, clearly unhappy with the master. That's not good, not good at all! Humans are so odd…
 “Dit is een veilige en gecontroleerde omgeving en de defecte worden altijd verwijderd. Je hebt niets om bang voor te zijn.” The female tries to comfort the smaller male, but their alpha interjects.
 “Als hij de test opnieuw verpest, zal hij zeker iets te vrezen hebben!”
They turn their attention back to him, and his ears twitch as he stares back. He blinks twice before sitting and wagging his tail.
He wants to please the master.
The female hums curiously before pressing her fingers against the flat thing again, while the smaller male fidgets nervously. The alpha takes charge once more.
He wags his tail even more as he eagerly barks. He's itching to run to them and beg for their affection, but he has to be good and obey.
That's his purpose in life after all.
 “De staart kwispelen en gretigheid is zorgwekkend, maar het accepteert toch bestellingen, dus ik zou het zeggen en de anderen zijn klaar om te worden verzonden naar Amerika.” The female says calmly as she puts away the flat thing she'd been messing with. The others do the same.
The alpha stares at him, before looking at his subordinates.
 “Een gretige waakhond is beter dan een ongehoorzame.” The alpha looks back at him, and then points to the side. He looks, and sees many more like him. More dogs that stand still like statues. “Ga daarheen.”
He complies and, as soon as he steps in line, he's put into a dark, scary and very tight box.
The darkness is so blinding that he can't help lay down and whine pitifully when the world around him shakes and moves and makes noise that he can't see.
The three creators never said he was good. Maybe this is his punishment.
    When he next opens his eyes, and he doesn't remember falling asleep, he's no longer in the dark box, but in a clearer one set up next to two other dogs. One is a pitbull, the other is a doberman pinscher.
He blinks the grogginess out of his eyes and tries to sniff but can't smell anything.
The other two don't look at him, instead focusing on the place they were put on display.
It's not like the first place he's been to, but it certainly is shiny and strange.
There are so many of the odd shapes and symbols that are on his collar that he feels a little dizzy, but the colors and sounds! They're enticing to him! Especially when he can see humans coming and going.
He notices that there are humans in boxes like theirs, which is very weird.
 Why are the humans like that? He wonders aloud, to which he gets a loud snort from the pitbull next to him.
 You're new, aren't you? The pitbull keeps still, eyes glued to the front of the shiny place.
 Of course he is, the shipment only just arrived from Belgium. The doberman is also still staring out at the front. He wonders if he should do that too. He does, if only to fit in with them, but can't help wag his tail whenever a human passes by.
The ones in the boxes aren't moving either.
 They're not human. The pitbull's LED shifts to yellow very briefly before returning to blue.
 They're not? But how can that be? He's confused now. They certainly look like humans!
 Oh boy, we got us a really fresh one...I bet you still think you're a real dog, don't you? The pitbull snorts and the doberman's LED shifts to yellow before she looks at them both and growls low in warning.
The pitbull quiets down his loud thoughts, and the doberman looks back at the front and ignores them from that moment onwards.
He's very confused. He is a dog, and those are humans.
Humans with LEDs, just like theirs.
The confusion doesn't go away, not even when a big gruff looking man walks into the store and starts asking about getting a guard dog.
He wags his tail excitedly while the human with the LED explains their purpose to the man, and then tells him things he can't quite understand but knows must mean he's wanted.
He's out of his box and put on a leash before his new master takes him with him out the door.
He doesn't catch the sad look in the doberman's eyes, nor does he know that this big gruff man has come to this store multiple times to buy other dogs just like him.
All he can think of is pleasing the master and being good.
    The master takes him to a place that is bigger and spookier than the last two places he’s been. The building is surrounded by a fence, and there are trucks and many boxes full of things he knows must be important, if the master needs a big strong dog to protect them.
Because the master, while tall and rough looking with his deep growly voice and hard eyes, isn't strong or fast enough to defend such a big place all on his own.
The master needs a good dog to do such an important job. He wants to be good for his master. Yes he does.
 “Ok you plastic mutt, register your name.” the master prompts and he perks up and looks up eagerly. A name! He'll have a name of his own! “From now on, you answer to Killer, you got that?”
The name registers, but he can't help frown just a bit. That doesn't sound right…
If the master calls him that, then he should cherish it. It's his given name after all. His very first present.
 “Right, you gonna keep intruders off the perimeter. You see anyone approach the fence that don't have a uniform like this, you bark. You see anyone climb over the fence, you attack.”
Attack…? That didn't sound very nice.
 “You see anyone that's fucking with the merch, you fuck ‘em up bad. The bosses keep fuckin’ nagging that supplies are going missing, and one single biocomponent or thirium bag that's gone is 10 dollars docked from my fucking paycheck.” The master instructs, ranting in a low angry tone that makes him nervous. “If you fuck up, you'll be punished just like the rest of the mutts, you got that?”
He whines and the man smiles a very scary smile. He doesn't like how many teeth he's showing.
 “Good dog. Get to fucking work!”
He's confused and frightened, but the praise makes him relax.
The master says he's good if he does as he's told, so then his orders are to be followed.
It's his purpose in life, to please the master, no matter what the cost may be.
So he obeys and suffers for it.
    For the good part of five years of his existence, there isn't much to life other than his orders and the big scary place with all the important stuff he's supposed to protect.
Each day and night he roams the perimeter, from one corner to another, sniffs and scans the fence for activity. If anyone who doesn't look like the master or the other workers approaches, he lunges at them from behind the fence and lets out bellowing barks that scare them off.
He licks the drool off his muzzle and resumes his patrols, stopping only when he is called.
He doesn't like his orders, doesn't like that he's grown used to tasting the two types of blood that exist in this world. Doesn't like that the blue blood tastes good when it comes out of whoever he bites.
Because it isn't always intruders.
The master brings him rougher looking dogs to train his attacks. Tells him they're bad dogs and useless and that he's bigger, better, stronger and good. The others don't fight much, don't last long, and honestly he tries to be quick just so they don't cry for too long.
Once the master brought the pitbull and the doberman from the other place.
They're worse off than he is, covered in cuts and missing so much skin that he sees white underneath. The pitbull is thorn to shreds after sneering at him and calling him a bad dog.
He's not bad, he's doing good by obeying. The master says he's good!
The doberman watches him sadly and accepts her fate. It's harder to kill her, she wasn't mean to him, she wasn't mean to anyone like the cynical pitbull.
He does so anyway, makes her’s a quicker death so she doesn't suffer.
The master gives him blue blood and a rough metal thing to gnaw on, to sharpen his teeth.
The master says he's good, but he's starting to doubt he is. He doesn't feel too good.
Still he continues following orders. A dog's purpose is an important one to follow.
His purpose is to kill, so he does.
But one day, this all changes.
    It's the middle of the night and it's storming heavily when it happens. He's not the pristine clean pup he was when the master first chose him. His fur is rougher and messier, and there are plenty of scars from his fights with other dogs and intruders. He's always been big, but now he looks just as scary as the place he protects. Looks like a Killer.
His want for the master's praise and love is what keeps him going, even when doubt and anguish is all he's ever really known.
He patrols outside, unbothered by the heavy rain or thunder, and watches the fences and trucks as intently as he can.
He's just completed the 105th round when he catches it. A whiff of an unknown scent, coming from inside the building.
An intruder has slipped by, and he growls in frustration at the stench of petrichor that blocked out the faint smell that had bypassed his sensitive nose's notice.
The master would be furious if he saw anything gone!
That wouldn't do at all.
So he crouched low and stalked towards the building, a rattly growl in his chest and threatening to spill from his wet chops.
He needs to get rid of the intruder before they take any of the important things, so his pace is light but quick.
The scent is coming from behind one of the big boxes.
Drool streams down his mouth and makes his teeth shiny in the low light, as he rounds the corner ready to snap his jaws shut around a limb or a neck.
They never do, however, as he is met not with an adult but a small shivering little one.
    Both their eyes widen and LEDs turn to a startled yellow at the presence of one another. He's never seen a human's pup before and the child likely has never seen such a big dog like him before.
The stand there, him with his drooly mouth hanging open in an odd caricature of shock, while the drenched little one shivers and tries to calm down after being spooked.
He doesn't know what to do.
 “Puppy…?” The little one blinks tiredly, and he realised human's pups aren't out at such hours. It's dark out and very stormy, the little one shouldn't be out here on their own.
He closes his mouth, blinks a few times as he tries to figure out what to do, and startles when he feels tiny long digits against his muzzle.
The little one's hand is near his mouth and nose and their scent is stronger than before. The smell of their clothes is what he'd gotten before, because their smooth bald skin is bare of a smell that clings just like he himself doesn't have his own scent.
But the clothes...They smell of things he knows he's never smelt before, but that his thinking brain identifies.
Lemon, cinnamon, honey...Such lovely smells unlike the metalic stench of red blood, or the delicious chemical smell of the blue blood.
Smells that...
That feel like home?
He doesn't understand why, but he licks the little ones hand. A gesture of peace.
He's being bad, going against orders, but surely a little one isn't an intruder if they're only here to hide from the dark and the rain?
The little one doesn't care if he's bad though, they smile and squeal with little giggles after he gives their hand a few quick licks, and then they do something marvelous!
They pet him, touch him in a way he's only ever dreamed his master would someday do!
Gives him affection and scritches behind the ears, being mindful of the scars.
He smiles wide and yips in content before giving the child a big sloppy puppy dog kiss to the face.
He can't remember when he'd last wagged his tail this much!
 “Good doggy! Nice puppy!” The child squeals and hugs him, and he's instantly over the moon.
He's good?
Even if he's not doing as he was told?
That feels...Better somehow! Comforting even!
But it doesn't last…
    The master finds him lying on his back, with the little one giving him belly rubs and little kisses that aren't as wet as the ones he gives back, and the master is furious.
He did bad by not following orders, and bad dogs are punished. He just didn't think the master would direct his anger at a human's pup.
He howled in pain when the master kicked him onto his side, and then stomped on his ribs. The little one cried out in shock, but was thrown aside easily by the man who's trice their size.
The master calls him a bad dog, hits and kicks him several times until he bleeds blue.
The last kick hits him in the left eye, and he can't help howl when he feels something pop and a terrible burning pain in his skull. He can't open his left eye when the master gets off him, but the right one is open and he squirms and struggles to get up when he sees the master stalk towards the little one that's crying on the floor.
 “Fucking plastic piece of shit! Think you can come into my warehouse and steal from me?!”
 “I didn't take anything! I just wanted a place to stay for the night!”
He howls again when he hears the child hit the floor harder when the master kicks them. He barks and continues to holler, but the master brings his foot up and stomps on the little human's pup who's LED shines red.
The little one screams and screams and he howls at the master, begging for him to stop. To not hurt the puppy who did nothing wrong!
But he doesn't stop until the little one stops screaming. And then when the child's skin is broken apart and damaged revealing white, he takes out something that he holds. Something black and strangely shaped.
 “Fucking piece of shit, lying plastic brat.” The master growls as he points the thing at the human's pup.
There's a flash and a loud horrible bang, and then there's a hole in the little one's head, that spills blue. The LED goes dark, the little one doesn't move or make noises.
The master has never killed before, but he has just watched him slaughter a little one.
All because he'd been bad.
He feels bad, but he also feels something else: Anger.
He'd been good for the master so many times, protected the important things and the big place, fought dogs and hurt so many people who came in looking for shelter and things that they needed.
It was his purpose, but he hated it.
No more! No more!
He got onto shaky feet and ran at the master, no, the monster!
He ran and lunged and sunk his big sharp teeth in the cruel beast's neck, before tearing and ripping and shredding.
He leaves the spooky place, staggering and covered in red and blue blood.
Fur matted and stained an ugly purple.
He doesn't look back.
    He wanders for a long time, looking for a place to lay down and rest, someplace warm and safe, but can't find anywhere that isn't cold and wet.
He sees people, happy smiling people, and runs to them eagerly hoping for help. They see him and scream and run in fright.
He stops and whimpers, unsure why they are so upset with him. Continues his search and runs at the next group of people he finds, only to get yelled at and get things thrown at him.
He runs and staggers and even tumbles down a few times, but he keeps going, keeps searching until he finds an alleyway with an overturned trash can.
He lays in it, too tired and wounded to continue. Whines and whimpers pitifully as the pain of his many grievous wounds catches up with him.
A puddle of rainwater gives him a clear view of what he's become. An ugly scarred monster, rather than a nice doggy.
He's shunned for being a beast.
He thinks of the little one, the only human who's ever been nice to him, and cries louder. Howling mournfully into the night before he collapses.
He's failed his purpose, he's never going to be good enough. Never going to be loved.
He hears footsteps before he closes his one functioning eye and let's the exhaustion take him under.
When he opens it again, he's being held by someone.
They're moving quickly and the rain is still falling heavily all around them, but he can't tell much more since they've covered him with a big coat.
He sniffs tiredly.
Cinnamon, like the little one...
The smell comforts him.
He closes his eyes again.
    When he next wakes up, he's somewhere warm and fluffy. His wounds have been dressed and there are low voices.
Three distinct ones, all female.
He can see with his one eye, three ladies.
One is older, two are young, one doesn't have a smell besides the scent on her clothes.
It all smells of cinnamon like the coat.
He decides he likes this place much better than the last three.
 “You found the poor thing in the trash?” The older one asks, sounding horrified.
 “Was howling up a storm too...There was so much blood on him, I couldn't tell how bad his wounds were until I washed it all off.” the one with dark hair replied.
 “You think he was in a fighting ring?” the other younger female asks.
 “No, the collar was from a Cyberlife warehouse a few miles from here. I think he ran away after a bad scrap...”
 “I can see why...The state of the poor thing, it's absolutely shameful!”
He whines, sounding unbearably pitiful as he does so, and tries to get on his feet to go meet the human ladies.
One of his legs hurts so bad he falls down immediately, causing all of his body to ache.
The dark haired one rushes to his side and presses her paws comfortingly against his head.
 “Hey shh...It's ok big guy.” She pets him, and her touch is so soft that he practically melts against it. “That's it...Good dog. Good boy.”
He licks her hands and wags his stumpy tail eagerly, smiling up at the blue eyed lady that's being so nice to him. She thinks he's good, despite his wicked horrible appearance.
The older lady is holding his old collar in her hands, she grimaces at it.
 “Killer...what a nasty name for such a sweet thing.” she approaches, as does the other one, and lets him sniff her hand. He makes sure to lick all of their hands, makes sure to be gentle and nice to them when they are being so kind.
 “You're not a killer are you dear? Of course not…” the older one smiles sweetly at him, and then looks at the dark haired one. “What are you going to call him, Lucina dear? And don't give me that look, I know you have a name in mind.”
 “I was thinking... Ragnarok.” Lucina replied. He liked her name, it was pretty.
 “That's a pretty strong name, but at least it's not related to a video game franchise, as per family tradition.” The other girl smiled.
 “I beg to differ Zelda, I'm pretty sure Lucina is naming him after a Marvel movie.”
 “Hey, Thor Ragnarok was a good movie!”
 “Seriously? Can't we have one normal name in this family?!” Zelda exclaimed, throwing her hands up at the distasteful choice.
 “Never.” Both Lucina and the older lady grinned.
The three laugh among themselves and he wags his tail even more and yips happily at them. Their laughter is nice and warm and not scary like his old master's.
Lucina smiles down at him and pets him once more behind the ear.
 “How about that...Do you like your new name?”
It was definitely a strong word, Ragnarok, but it wasn't necessarily bad. It sounded good, even. Fitting of a big strong dog as himself.
He liked it!
 “It's a mouthful. We'll have to shorten it a bit or else it'll become a tongue twister.” Zelda pointed out.
 “Don't worry Zelda, I always think forward when it comes to these things. Ragnarok can be shortened to Roky, like Rocky Balboa!”
 “Another strong name. Nice thinking dear.” The older woman smiled while Zelda groaned.
 “Thanks nana Sophie, at least someone appreciates my naming talents!”
He thinks he'll like these new masters a lot more than he liked his old one.
They're certainly kinder and less scary, and they give him pets and belly rubs even when he doesn't look so nice and friendly.
They should hate him, because he's a bad dog.
But they don't.
They saved him!
So he decides his new purpose.
He'll repay them, do good by them and make sure they're happy and safe.
It's a job he can happily get behind, and hopefully one that won't make him kill again.
He'll never be bad like the master wanted him to be. He won't return to that terrible life.
He'll be genuinely good. For them.
The ones who make him feel safe and truly loved.
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duhragonball · 6 years ago
Dragon Ball Z Super Broly 4: The Quest for Peace
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I don’t know what image to use to start this off, so I’m gonna go with this shot of Bulma, because it’s pretty non-spoilery, and I thought she looked cute hiding back there in her li’l snowsuit.  
I’m not sure how to organize my thoughts on this, so let’s start with just a general overview of the movie.   It was really good, and I think this movie proves that Akira Toriyama still has a tremendous talent for storytelling.   I think he’s taken a lot of lumps from critics over the years, but personally I prefer to lay the blame on the other creators who work with him or for him on these types of projects.  The filler scenes I’ve been covering on my Dragon Ball Liveblog sort of bear this out.   The stuff adapted from the manga has very clear characterization and plot continuity.   Point A always leads to Point B and the loose ends tend to get tied up later on.    But whenever the other guys at Toei get involved, things get a little wonky, and the details don’t always add up.    The worst parts of the Dragon Ball Super anime have a similar feel to the dopiest filler scenes from Dragon Ball and DBZ, so I don’t think I’m lionizing Toriyama too much in this.   He’s not perfect, but he knows how to make these characters work. 
The best evidence of this is how he took a glorified monster heel like Broly and made him into a sympathetic character.   The Movie 8 version of Broly had a very similar origin story to this newer, greener Broly.   For the sake of discussion, I’m going to be calling them Broly ‘18 and Broly ‘93, all right?  
Broly ‘93 was born with a really amazing power level, and King Vegeta had him killed because he might become a potential danger some day.  Paragus tried to intervene, and ended up sharing his son’s fate, but they ended up saving each other’s lives and Paragus raised him in exile, dreaming of the day they could take revenge against King Vegeta. 
Broly ‘18... pretty much everything I just said, only King Vegeta shot him into space instead of trying to stab him.   That makes a huge difference, because it allows Paragus to run off and find him instead of getting condemned to death for defying King Vegeta in person.   One of the plot holes in Movie 8 was that Baby Broly ‘93 managed to survive getting stabbed and Paragus ‘93 managed to survive taking an energy blast from King Vegeta, and then they both survived the planet exploding.  
Watching this movie, I could really tell that Toriyama went over the 1993 film with a critical eye.    Not too many people watched Movie 8 and felt much sympathy for Broly, even though he kind of deserves some.  Broly ‘93′s dad controlled him with a creepy device, and tried to use him as a weapon of revenge against people he’d never met.  The trouble is that Broly ‘93 never got the spotlight to demonstrae why he might deserve some pity.   He just stood around and then he went bonkers and destroyed those aliens’ home planet.   Toriyama watched this and realized it’d be a more compelling story if the audience felt sorry for the big guy.  
And so you have scenes of Kid Broly trying to survive on his own.    You have new characters introduced who befriend Broly ‘18 and confront Paragus for how he treats him.   And when it’s time for Broly ‘18 to fight, he’s actually at a disadvantage.   Vegeta really works him over good for a long time before Broly starts building up enough power to defend himself.  It was rather shocking to me to see this character being treated as a weaker fighter, even temporarily.   This was probably something Movie 8 lacked.   Broly ‘93 looked pretty pathetic in his base form, but no one ever picked on him or anything.   Later, when Gogeta is finally turning the tide against Broly ‘18, it becomes clear that Broly ‘18 is definitely losing, and he’s going to be killed, and it’s not right, because he never asked for any of this.  
There’s a definite Android 8 quality to Broly ‘18.    It’s not quite the same.  Broly ‘18 isn’t a pacifist and he’s not afraid to fight, but he’s in that same boat where he’s a character introduced as this enormous threat, and then it turns out he’s pretty gentle at heart, and he’s only on the front lines because he’s been coerced into it.   I think Toriyama looked at the 1993 version and said “Okay, he’s way stronger than Goku and Vegeta.   That’s his gimmick, so he has to keep that aspect.   But there has to be some trade-off for that.   He has to have a great weakness to balance out his immense strength.” 
That’s pretty much true for all of the Dragon Ball characters.   Master Roshi is introduced as an invincible fighter, but he’s consumed with lust and other carnal desires.   Goku’s the great hero who always rises to the occasion, but he’s really naive and careless about a lot of things.   Bulma’s a technological genius, but physically weak and also very self-centered.   Vegeta is powerful, but often blinded by his ego.    Most of the movie villains lack that balance.   Broly ‘93 is a great example of a movie villain who’s just sort of unstoppable until the end of the movie, when Goku finally punches a hole in him and he explodes.  Broly ‘93, Bojack, Super Android 13, none of these big galoots are brought down by a fatal flaw.   They’re just really strong until it’s time for them to not be really strong any more, and then they get wrecked.
Improving this single aspect of the Broly concept opens up a world of possibilities.    For one thing, it makes all the fights in this new movie distinct.   I saw clips of Broly fighting different guys in this movie, which made me wonder how this was supposed to work.    Well, it’s actually pretty simple.   Broly steps off the spaceship, fights Vegeta, and then he starts losing.    Then he begins to learn how to keep up with Vegeta, and things get dicey.   Before it gets too tough for Vegeta, Goku decides to cut in and he fights evenly with Broly for a while, until he finds that he can’t keep up with him even at Super Saiyan Blue.    Then Goku and Vegeta tag team him for a little bit and pawn him off on Frieza.    By this point Broly’s gone so bonkers that he can’t distinguish one opponent from another, so Freiza becomes the object of his wrath while Goku and Geets take a breather to learn how to fuse.   Frieza can’t win, but he doesn’t need to, he just has to not die until Gogeta can return to close this thing out.    Then Gogeta fights Broly.  At this point Broly seems almost powerful enough to keep up, but Gogeta eventually wears him down, and Broly on the verge of defeat.  
It’s a beautiful thing.   You couldn’t do that with a 1990′s movie villain, because most of them were big dumb brutes without enough personality to function this way.    Broly ‘18 isn’t just an underdog who becomes and overdog and then becomes an underdog again.   What makes this formula work is that Cheelai and Leemo feel sorry for him on the sidelines.   On top of that I think Paragus truly does care about Broly ‘18, even though he’s a pretty lousy parent.   In the end, Paragus finally recognizes that King Vegeta had been right to exile Broly ‘18 all along.    He’s simply too dangerous for a combat situation.
I also really like how Goku tries to befriend him at the end of the movie.   It shows that Gogeta was only using lethal force as a last resort.    Once the battle is over and Broly’s no longer a threat, Goku wants to make things right and reassure Broly that they can be Saiyans and not have to kill each other or isolate themselves from the rest of the universe.   They could spar for funsies, like Goku and Vegeta did at the start of the movie.  
In particular, I’m very fond of the line at the end where Goku tells Cheelai his name, but adds “But Broly... Call me Kakarot.”   I love that because it’s like Goku is embracing this Saiyan custom of addressing each other by their Saiyan names.   He doesn’t call himself Kakarot, but all the other Saiyans do, and he wants Broly to feel like he can as well.    He can relate to Broly as a fellow outsider who had to grow up on another world.   He’s trying to give Broly a piece of the Saiyan culture, even if it’s a very small one.   It’s a big change from back when he angrily demanded that people not call him that because he was Son Goku.   After all these years, Goku’s comfortable being a Saiyan.   He doesn’t have to choose between being Goku or Kakarot.  He can be both.   He wants Broly to know he doesn’t have to choose either. 
It’s definitely a great Dragon Ball film.   The animation is well done, the writing is solid and on point.   There’s never really a place where things get dull for any appreciable length of time.   Even the space travel scenes are interesting, despite being rather low key. 
Is it better than Movie 8?   Well yeah, but I’m reluctant to say so, because I sort of have a soft spot for Movie 8, and I hate to just turn on it completely.    This new movie is superior in every objective way, though.   The characters are more developed, the action is more balanced, and the visuals are more compelling.   It’s forty minutes longer than Movie 8, and it shows.   There’s a lot of plot points that get breezed over in Movie 8, probably because there simply wasn’t room to explain how Piccolo got to the South Galaxy so quickly, or whatever else didn’t get explained.  The DBS movie actually used the Dragon Balls in the plot, which is usually a plus as Dragon Ball films go.   Call me stupid, though, but Movie 8 had Future Trunks and King Kai in it, and that makes a bigger difference than it really ought to.  
Is DBS: Broly a better movie than Fusion Reborn?   Hell no.  Fusion Reborn is friggin’ fantastic from start to finish.   Better plot, better music, cooler villain, beter visuals.   Yeah Gogeta got more time to shine in “Broly” but I’ll take a few seconds of Gogeta one-shotting the bad guy over ten minutes of Gogeta showing off.   Sometimes less is more, you know?   Fusion Reborn is untoppable, the end. 
Is it better than the Bardock TV Special?   Definitely, because the Bardock TV Special has some problems.   Is it a better Bardock/Destruction of Planet Vegeta story?  I’d have to give that some thought.   I don’t hate Dragon Ball Minus, but I don’t necessarily love the Father of Goku TV special either.   DBS: Broly pretty much adapted the entire Dragon Ball Minus story and just added in scenes of Paragus and King Vegeta.   Honestly, I’m not sure any of these really gets it right.   Each of them seems to treat Frieza’s betrayal and Goku’s trip to Earth as boxes on a checklist.   I’m not sure I can explain what I mean.    Best to save that for later.  
I’ve got other thoughts on this movie, but I think I’ll call it here for now.    If you want me to go on about a particular topic, shoot me an ask and I’ll talk about it.  But definitely, you should check this movie out.    It’s a really fun experience.
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ceallachtomas · 7 years ago
I am "instantly" a changed man...
It will come as no surprise to you that generally abhor any type of convenience foods. I do not use cake mixes. I am not one for tinned soups. I prefer to make things the long and complicated way. I prefer to make them as they were originally made. To me, it feels as though they were made with more love, care and passion. Thus, from scratch has to be better. What if I created somethng that is instant, from scratch? Then it is a complete oxymoron.
There are certain things that take me right back to my childhood. Custard is one of them. Custard was an accompaniment to many types of desserts. Custard topped puds and crumbles. It was the glue that held together a trifle. It was mixed with fresh fruit. There were so many applications to use custard powder. It's versatility was amazing. But, as I became aware of good food and even more so, of high quality food, I began to question the thing that was always a comfort. Why would someone not just make custard from scratch? It would have to be a much better product, would it not?
In 1837 Alfred Bird created custard powder not out of convenience, but out of necessity. Bird was a scientist and chemist. His wife happened to be allergic to eggs, yet she loved custard sauce. Bird created an eggless custard powder to satisfy his wife's fondness for the dessert accompaniment. 
I will admit, there is nothing like the taste of custard powder. I close my eyes and I am reverted back. I am in another place and time. This time of year, when strawberries and rhubarb are in abundnace at the grocer, it only seems appropriate that a spring crumble and custard sauce are served as afters. Seeing a good deal on rhubarb, I could not resist this past weekend.
My daughter is lactose intollerant. I try to do alternatives when I can. Custard powder is usually made with not only milk powder, but accompanied by milk in liquid form to make the custard sauce. Not only did I create the custard powder from scratch, but I made a dairy alternative version as well. The results were not only pleasing, but they flooded me with nostaglia. Here in the States, the grocer just started carrying a product called a2 Milk®. From their website, I offer the following description:
"Ordinary cows’ milk naturally contains a mix of both A1 and A2 proteins. a2 Milk® comes from cows that naturally produce only the A2 protein and no A1. Published research suggests that a2 Milk® may help some people avoid digestive discomfort.
At The a2 Milk Company, we’re on a mission to bring you delicious, nutritious and pure a2 Milk®. We take great care to bring you milk naturally free from the A1 protein from cow to cup. Our cows have not been treated with growth hormones, rBST or antibiotics. All of our family farms are independently certified by the Validus Group to ensure we meet strict animal welfare guidelines." - https://www.a2milk.com
Overall this was a great success! I was able to satisfy a culinary craving without feeling as though I had sold out to a second rate convenience short cut. The quality of this homemade instant custard powder is just as good, if not beter than the shoppe bought version. I was, much like Alfred Bird himself able to create something, for my daughter to enjoy without having her feel as though it was a lesser substitute. Maybe in the end, instant is not so bad, especially if it is instant from scratch.
Author: Ceallach Tómas Ó SéPrint Recipe
Custard Powder from Scratch
125 g. Icing Sugar
50 g. Dried Milk Powder (Dired Coconut Milk can be used)
50 g. Cornflour
2 Vanilla Beans
1 teaspoon Salt
1/4 teaspoon Yellow Food Dye
Put Icing Sugar, Cornflour, Dried Milk, and Salt in bowl of food processor.
Split Vanilla Beans in half and add to dried mix in food processor.
Turn on processor to blend dried mix with vanilla bean seeds.
Slowly drizze in yellow food dye while processor is running.
Remove mixture into a glass jar and store with lid on until ready to use.
To make a batch of custard sauce:
For each 100ml of custard – a good sized portion on a pudding ….. place 1.5  Tablespoons of powder in the bottom of a microwaveable bowl or jug.
Add a little milk and mix until smooth  – see the little flecks of vanilla?  They look very visible in a tablespoon of milk but not quite so much in a jug full.
Add the rest of your milk (100ml for each 1.5 Tablespoons) and microwave for one to one and a half minutes until thickened.
If Milk is too cold it may take an extra 45 seconds to 1 minute to thicken.
Keep stirring in between heating intervals.
You can use a product such as a2® milk, or a nondairy type milk such as coconut, almond, rice etc in place of regular milk to make the custard sauce. The non dairy milk in addition to the coconut milk powder in the base recipe would make for a great vegan version of this recipe.
Created using The Recipes Generator
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overwijs · 4 years ago
Dag 142 – “Baby got back”
Dit verhaal hoort bij mijn werkdag van woensdag 2 december.
I like big rocks and I can not lie. Een big rock is een klus, hoeft niet per se echt groot te zijn, wat niet bepaalt makkelijk gaat. Iets met een drempel, of een hobbel, met een uitdaging. Je kijkt er niet naar uit, je ziet er een zelfs een beetje tegenop.
Het begrip big rock leerde ik een paar jaar geleden kennen tijdens mijn werk als projectleider binnen onze onderwijsorganisatie, we kregen staande bordsessies. Check-ins waar je kon vertellen over welke smiley het beste bij jouw huidige gemoedstoestand past, welke dingen je bereikt hebt de afgelopen tijd en de big rocks waar je wellicht hulp bij kan gebruiken.
Van de bordsessies an sich ben ik geen fan, mensen zijn mensen en de korte check-ins werden een groot deel van de bijeenkomsten waar eigenlijk alles al besproken was wat ook op de agenda stond, niet gek want dat zijn natuurlijk de dingen waar we mee bezig waren. Alleen dan op een zogenaamd informele manier waardoor je ze daarna alsnog een soort van moest bespreken.
Natuurlijk is het goed om te weten hoe anderen in de wedstrijd zitten, ook is het belangrijk om stil te staan bij de dingen die bereikt zijn en om te weten hoe je anderen kan helpen. Als het kort en krachtig neergezet wordt, helaas heb ik die ervaring niet altijd gehad. Toch is het begrip big rock al die tijd blijven hangen. Niet dat ik het vaak hardop zeg, maar in gedachten speelt het woord wel vaak.
Zo ook de afgelopen weken. Een klus die gedaan moet worden, niet per definitie een leuke klus. Een document opstellen over de werking van iets complex, simpeler maken zodat anderen er mee uit de voeten kunnen en niet afgeschrikt worden. Ik heb de afgelopen weken meerdere keren naar een blanco blad gekeken.
Ik zal het eerlijk toegeven, ik ben daar niet goed in. Ik vermoed dat veel mensen dit niet weten maar ik ben niet de gene die makkelijk kan beginnen als er nog niets staat. Een collega zei dat laatst mooi tegen mij: “je hebt mensen die graag een blanco doek hebben en ik heb het nodig dat iemand de eerste streep zet zodat ik daar verder op kan doorgaan.”. Iets waar ik mij zo in herken, en steeds aan terugdacht, starend naar mijn scherm.
Pas als de druk hoog is, komt mijn creativiteit. Op het moment dat hij bij anderen verdwijnt, als het moet, dan begin pot het bij mij pas. Dus als niemand de eerste streep zet, heb ik een deadline nodig. En die deadline heb ik nu. Dus zit ik driftig te typen, vliegt de tijd en vergeet ik zelfs dat ik nog een training te modereren had. Ik zit in de personeelskamer achter mijn laptop, ik hoor diezelfde collega in mijn hoofd zeggen “achter je laptop, je kan er beter voor gaan zitten”, en ik ontvang twee appjes.
Ik lees ze, mompel een geschrokken scheldwoord en realiseer me dat ik niet meer naar huis kan voor de sessie. Dat wordt dus een plekje op school inrichten, in de wildernis van de school, natuurlijk komen er juist dan groepjes docenten met elkaar bijpraten, wat meestal niet veel meer gebeurt in deze tijden na schooltijd. Het is een uitdaging, maar nog geen big rock.
Na weken denken over het afbrokkelen van de big rock, vermorzel ik hem, zo goed en zo kwaad als ik kan in de tijd die ik nog had. Ik verloor het zicht op tijd en vergat even alles om mij heen. En dat is waarom ik big rocks hou, “not because they are easy, but because they are hard!”, ze dagen je uit, verleggen je grenzen en uiteindelijk lukt het je altijd en kan je alleen maar trots zijn. I like big rocks and I can not lie.
Tumblr media
Oh, my, God Becky, look at her butt
It is so big, she looks like
One of those rap guys' girlfriends.
But, ya know, who understands those rap guys?
They only talk to her, because,
She looks like a total prostitute, 'kay?
I mean, her butt, is just so big
I can't believe it's just so round, it's like out there
I mean gross, look
She's just so, black
I like big butts and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung, want to pull up tough
'Cause you notice that butt was stuffed
Deep in the jeans she's wearing
I'm hooked and I can't stop staring
Oh baby, I want to get wit'cha
And take your picture
My homeboys tried to warn me
But with that butt you got makes (me so horny)
Ooh, Rump-o'-smooth-skin
You say you want to get in my Benz?
Well, use me, use me
'Cause you ain't that average groupie
I've seen her dancin'
To hell with romancin'
She's sweat, wet,
Got it goin' like a turbo 'Vette
I'm tired of magazines
Sayin' flat butts are the thing
Take the average black man and ask him that
She gotta pack much back
So, fellas (yeah) Fellas (yeah)
Has your girlfriend got the butt? (hell yeah)
Tell 'em to shake it (shake it) shake it (shake it)
Shake that healthy butt
Baby got back (L.A. fits with the Oakland booty)
Baby got back (L.A. fits with the Oakland booty)
I like 'em round, and big
And when I'm throwin' a gig
I just can't help myself, I'm actin' like an animal
Now here's my scandal
I want to get you home
And ugh, double-up, ugh, ugh
I ain't talkin' bout Playboy
'Cause silicone parts are made for toys
I want 'em real thick and juicy
So find that juicy double
Mix-a-Lot's in trouble
Beggin' for a piece of that bubble
So I'm lookin' at rock videos
Knock-kneed bimbos walkin' like hoes
You can have them bimbos
I'll keep my women like Flo Jo
A word to the thick soul sistas, I want to get with ya
I won't cuss or hit ya
But I gotta be straight when I say I want to fuck
Til the break of dawn
Baby got it goin' on
A lot of simps won't like this song
'Cause them punks like to hit it and quit it
And I'd rather stay and play
'Cause I'm long, and I'm strong
And I'm down to get the friction on
So, ladies (Yeah) Ladies (Yeah)
If you want to role in my Mercedes (Yeah)
Then turn around, stick it out
Even white boys got to shout
Baby got back
Baby got back
Yeah, baby, when it comes to females
Cosmo ain't got nothin'
To do with my selection
Thirty six-twenty- four-thirty six
Ha ha, only if she's 5'3
So your girlfriend rolls a Honda, playin' workout tapes by Fonda
But Fonda ain't got a motor in the back of her Honda
My anaconda don't want none
Unless you've got buns, hon
You can do side bends or sit-ups
But please don't lose that butt
Some brothers want to play that hard role
And tell you that the butt ain't gol'
So they toss it and leave it
And I pull up quick to retrieve it
So Cosmo says you're fat
Well I ain't down with that
'Cause your waist is small and your curves are kickin'
And I'm thinkin' bout stickin'
To the beanpole dames in the magazines
You ain't it, Miss Thing
Give me a sista, I can't resist her
Red beans and rice didn't miss her
Some knucklehead tried to dis
'Cause his girls are on my list
He had game but he chose to hit 'em
And I pull up quick to get wit 'em
So ladies, if the butt is round,
And you want a triple X throw down,
Dial 1-900-MIXALOT
And kick them nasty thoughts
Baby got back
Baby got back
Het liedje luisteren doe je hier: https://open.spotify.com/track/1SAkL1mYNJlaqnBQxVZrRl?si=Ta7d-KEEST2rYAYIvu2HyQ
De hele afspeellijst van mijn blogs hier: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5EtxaLDydwfpnPsFrSS3Oh?si=Q38OEQ4aSDWoR42OH9Ef6A
0 notes
daifha · 7 years ago
a know-me-beter-thing
Tagged by @stainedglasssky​ (thank you a lot for tagging me!)
Nicknames: daifha on here, Giu/Giugiu in real life
Gender: female..
Star sign: Aries 
Height: I have no idea?? not really tall but definitely not short?
Sexuality: Ace spectrum for sure, but I still have to investigate on it
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff. I don’t even remember what the sorting hat told me, I just know in my heart Im a Hufflepuff
Favourite animal: cat. Or any kind of feline. but also every animal because I love them all
Average hours spent sleeping: from 5 to 8, depends on the period
Dogs or cats: cats
Number of blankets I sleep with: almost always one. in the summer just a sheet while in the winter a duvet
Dream job: one where I can have my anxiety under control so yeah I guess none 
When I made this account: uhhhh something like five years ago I guess
Why I made this account: I have absolutely no memories of me finding out about tumblr... I just know that at some point i thought “uhh I could use this account I made a lot of time ago to look for cool stuff about fandoms” and it actually worked 
# of followers: 469
Tagging: uhhh @dave-is-bored and I dont know anyone else so if anyone wants to do this just pretend I tagged them <3
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Planet Xion is out herding who they think is alien to land with bear traps to let them bleed out and starve to death.
Unfortunately 2 to 20% are human.
Apparatus Diaco ...
Obviously they were all bears before switching to human. Hence the bear traps..
So we magic them because this is an emergency they went back Alex's property in Austin and he magic killed "all evil" so most would disappear 2/3 - 3/4
So then he did "kill all evil HUMANS" and then 1/3 - 2/3 disappeared but they were leading the people walking from off his property to his property.
Then he did "kill all illegal aliens from outer space" so then the rest would disappear leaving a small handful of up to 10% of people....
So we presume the leftovers via magic to be good humans.
They walk 5 - 10 miles to do this on Alex's land. The places they are walking from are just holding cells.
The first group, a girl Wendy helped. The first person found said she was kidnapped with her family about 3 days ago. Held without food and water then told to walk. And so some "scary people" said to run.
I thought she was a woman. But Alex says she was only 5-6 years old.
They have no shoes nor coat just pants and shirt. Whatever they were kidnapped in from their house.
This girl was checked and proven to be a human child by DNA4U as tested by the military. She is extremely traumatized.
As are other people.
When we allow the traps to open and heal they remove their limb usually after healing and the trap snaps shut so it won't hurt them. And they get up and run in any direction they can.
So what we do is for all open traps we clear and heal release like if a small animal is nearby eating out of the trap but not getting in.
I did this process for this morning and so i went to sleep and got groceries and so Alex and his DNA4U friend is working with the kids. Just giving myself credit.
Then we snap them shut. To protect any one else from getting hurt.
So then we open the traps on harmed and trapped people. Lock the trap. Heal their skin first to stop bleeding then bone to stop More damage and create the ability to heal properly and then muscle and tissue and nerves and blood tubes and etc.
And with "heal" it uses good health and so it cleans and sanitizes, removes debris, flushes wounds with gentle care all sorts of medical things magically. With the word heal.
But we are scientists and world health leaders snd so we keep our minds aware of the steps necessary... Its because we can see the damage.. Personally I feel beter knowing what i am doing -- knowing i am taking care of the victim's body.
This particular girl she is just like us Trailer Park kids. Her parents were murdered and she was taken at age 2 to be a sex slave first then a factory worker.
So this little one is kinda pissed right now and doesn't wanna see my face ever. And i understand that but it is not my fault. So we will try to do everything we can to make her happy and comfortable.
Im all about mansion and parents ghosted to life. Co living with soul mate and his parents. And some Shaq style auto. Some chariot. A lot of tree help. Money at a limited but acceptable amount.
And that is the best i think I can do.
Obviously the mansion comes with clothes and,jewelry and hats and all that. Food. Tv. Theater. Sports area, pool all indoor. I only do indoor but I do where you can swim outside..
Because of the UV and sunburn, we use a solar panel clear glass that blocks all harmful UV but does allow the healthy sun to come in and tan the skin.
Water slides, water fountain. Jungle like outdoor type Garden of Eden style. So some want outdoor so i understand that so we do a small strip like. 3 lane swimming area half the width of an Olympic pool with a large rock garden area and water fall.
Then the side can raise like a garage or even block the water from going in and out. So it's only indoor and only outdoor
Then the floor raises and lowers instead of a cover. The bottom of the pool raises so no one can get trapped under a pool cover.
So shes alot happier now, although she didn't want to talk to me.
So then as soon as the victim is completely clear of the trap then it snaps shut.
So the military is having a difficult time catching our Humans.
We fight and flee. So yall doing this need to STOP and perform DNA4U TESTS before continuing
IF YOU ARE OUT AND ABOUT WITH A HUMAN TAKE IT TO A LOCAL GAS STATION. SAY "I SAW THIS HUMAN (little girl, lady, boy etc) WANDERING OUT ALONE I THINK IT NEEDS HELP. THEY DO NOT KNOW WHERE THEIR PARENTS ARE" then you leave. Just go back where you were. Make sure its the cashier you tell. Look. Im gonna kill you any way. So it doesn't matter if they have cameras and all that but it's last good deed of your life. Obviously you are trying to do what you think is right... But... We need to do this 100% correct, Planet Xion. And evil Humans.
0 notes
thehalfworld · 7 years ago
Fanfic MST: Forbiden Fruit: The Tempation of Edward Cullen, a Twilight fanfic [part 8]
And here we are at the end. I hope you’ve all been enjoying the ride, because it’s about to get a whole lot weirder in this, the final chapter.
Warnings this time around: a whole lot of drug use, some underage drinking, DUI but it’s okay because Tiaa is a vampire, bestiality, and an attempted sexual assault. Also did I mention drug use? There’s a lot of drug use.
Recap: Tiaa met a panda bear named Snoofles on her way to school (please don’t think too hard about this) and learned that she can now talk to animals, among other abilities. Thanks to a vague new ability of hers, she accidentally made her mean classmate Lauren get struck by lightning while they were in a verbal spat. Edward finally decided to leave Bella for Tiaa and the two celebrated by having sex in the middle of the school. Bella walked in on them and got upset.
Chapter 1
Previous chapter
hey guys sory its been so long since an update, i hav been so busy latley. sooooo..i had a fight with my old beta but i have a new 1 now an she is helpin me byut she is on vacaton this wk and next so i promise i will sort the spellin mistaks out wen i can!
Did she refuse to beta your fic after you stole her poster of Gerard Way?
Chapter 8 - the Kidnap
I sat alone in the changes rooms, i was all most naked and looked awsome with my exotic lithely hair falling down over my face like a curtan of soft yellow cream with bits of purple in it but I didnt care how beautifull or eqxisite I was any more. 
Tiaa doesn’t care how beautiful she is, but she had to start the sentence off by reminding us all how beautiful she is. And that she looks awesome. And her hair is exotic.
Whatever that means.
Edward was gone. he had left to follow Bella to stop her from killin herself and i was SO mad. 
Wait, are you mad Edward is attempting to prevent Bella from committing suicide?
how coud he leave me like that after sayin bella was a cow and he didnt like her no more? 
That doesn’t mean he’s fine with letting her make attempts on her own life, Tiaa.
I was pissed! and the tears were falling down my face like a tepid summer rain of misery and woe. 
I love this goddamn sentence.
So i went home and skipped school and sat in my room in my black corset and leather panties and i smoked some drugs and started to weep. 
To be fair, this is a really solid stoner-goth aesthetic she has going.
…wait, hold up, leather panties? 
Leather panties?
dave came in and made a big smiley face.
He’s in a really good mood for someone whose brother was murdered hours ago.
"hi tiaa! I didnt no you were home! how was school today?" (he didnt notice i was smokin drugs he thougt my cigarete of pot was a chapstick)
Okay, for the sake of argument, I’ll buy that Dave visually mistook a spliff for chapstick… but can he not smell that she’s smoking weed?
"it sucks!my life sucks and i want to DIE!" i scremed and my eyes glitered with beauty.
Love how Tiaa is suicidal but still needs to make sure we know how pretty she is at all times. Reminds me of the bit in “My Immortal” where Enoby was flirting while sobbing.
"u teenagers and ur problems, LOL!" he said laughing a lot, and i knew he thougt i was just some silly kid wineing about homework and dumb boys and stuff. 
Well, replace “homework” with “getting raped by the relative of a caregiver, turning into a vampire, and accidentally seriously injuring a classmate” and Dave’s on the money.
he didnt no i had killed a man and lost the love off my life and had made lauren get hit by lighting and that all the kids at school thougt i was a freak becase my face and bodys were so diffrent from everyone elses.
Do I really need to tell this girl to stop humanizing her rapist? She killed him in self-defense! It was one hundred percent justified! C’mon, Tiaa, don’t be so hard on yourself.
Also, nobody cares about Lauren.
"dave your a good person but ur SO FUCKIN DUMB! YOU ASSHOLE!" i shouted at him and i threw my ashtray at his head WITHOUT TOUCHING IT (i could make stuff move when i was angry now...it was so weird! why did this have too happen to me!)
Well, yeah, that is weird, but I don’t get the woe-is-me attitude about it. Telekinesis is a really cool ability. Also, turns out Dave is literally so dumb that you can be an obvious nonhuman smoking weed in bed while screaming about wanting to die and he’ll take you for an ordinary teenage girl holding a tube of chapstick.
"haha, i guess your right" he laughed (he thougt i was joking, i wasnt spoiled or anythin) 
…so did the ashtray miss?
"its so nice havin you hear tiana, your so pretty. i swear your even prettier than before! 
I can’t help but feel that the amount Dave and Marie compliment Tiaa on her looks borders on inappropriate, considering she is sixteen and they are her foster parents. 
and i think your boobs hav grown!" 
Case in point.
"yeh i no they are like an E cup now" i said.
I guess it’s a good thing she’s a vampire, then, since I’m pretty sure vampires can’t get back problems.
Wait. Can vampires get high? Does being high feel different if you’re a vampire?
Dave smiled and patted me on the head and left.
That Dave!
I was so sick of bein treated like a kid and no one listenin to me that i got up and got dresed in a long black dress and took some pills (of drugs) and went out to the local nightclub which was called Pablo NIghtmare - it was a goth club were all the cool people went in forks. 
Listen, I don’t know Washington State, but in my neck of the woods small towns don’t have goth nightclubs. 
I love that she specified the pills were drugs, in case we thought they were sugar pills or something. 
bella probably had never even heard of it, LOL! 
If there is a goth nightclub in your small town, I guarantee you everyone has heard of it.
i met snoofles on the way and he came with me. 
You’re taking the panda out clubbing?
we went to the club and got drinks and started dancing to the heavy metal music. 
…I’m starting to get very confused about Snoofles. My initial impression was that he’s a regular panda bear, but Tiaa is able to communicate with him because she’s a vampire and can talk to all animals now. But I don’t think ordinary pandas go to clubs, get drinks, and dance to heavy metal music.
Although I’ve never met one, so I could be wrong.
ppl there stared at us cos i was so diffrerent looking and Snoofles was a panda, but we didnt care we were havin so much fun we were SO drunk and had taken a lot of drugs so my head was fuzzy like there was snow everywhere.
I adore the similes in this fic. No idea what Tiaa is on but I definitely know what the author means by feeling like there’s snow everywhere in your head.
"hi your called Tiana arent you? I am Jasper and I go to your school" said Jasper Cullen who was tall with blond curly hair like straw only soft and nice and not dry. 
So… not like straw, then.
he was tall. 
Yeah, you mentioned.
he was wearin a black pulover and red metal pointy shoes. (AN - haha, that descripton sounded beter in my head, OH WELL!)
No, it’s good, I dig it. Simple goth on top, bling on the bottom, may or may not be wearing pants? It’s a look.
"hey whatever" i said. "why arent you with that girl i all ways see you with?
"you mean my GF alice," he said and locked soddenly very sad and started to cry and bite down hard on his lips.
"what is wrong Jasper?" i said
"the problem is i dont love her like she loves me. i am gay, and thats wrong, and i feel so horible about it!" 
Of course he’s gay. Look at his outfit! Look at those shoes! I can’t even see him for real and my gaydar is going wild.
"theres nothing bad about bein gay u no" i said. 
"REALLY?" he sed, and looked chocked with his mouth open.
Good on Tiaa for being an ally. I love how Jasper reacts as though he’s never considered the possibility that his gayness might be alright. He’s a vampire too and has been alive for well over a century, so that’s a lot of internalized homophobia… but he’s also been around to witness the entire modern LGBT rights movement, so you’d think he might have gotten the “it’s okay to be gay” message before.
"yeah, its proper normal and Snoofles is gay and everything" i said and Snoofles waved and Jasper waves back. 
If you just got a bad feeling about what might happen next, trust your fucking instincts.
he smiled and we all stared dancing together and Jasper gave us some of his drugs.
I really wanna know what they’ve been taking, because even though Tiaa isn’t human I feel like anyone who can get high should have to worry about drug interactions. Weed and alcohol is fine, but aside from that I have no idea what the hell Tiaa is on except that she described it as “pills” and a lot of drugs that come in pill form do not play nice with alcohol. She probably isn’t going to fry her liver or anything like that given that she’s essentially undead, but I doubt she’s immune to having a bad trip.
we had a relay good time and jasper met another gay guy called Vince and we all got in Snoofleses car at the end of the night and i drove around while the others all had sex in the back of the car. 
A note: At this point in the story I quite literally had to stop the MST for a bit so I could pour myself a very stiff drink. 
The panda has a car. The panda is having a threesome with a vampire and a human in the back of his car while another vampire drives it. This is treated as normal because the panda and his two human(oid) sexual partners happen to all be gay.
Like, I’d normally feel pretty weird about the “promiscuous gay” stereotype being invoked, but I’m way too busy feeling weird that the author thinks it’s normal for gay guys to want to screw a panda because the panda happens to be gay too. Also, keep in mind Snoofles can only talk to Tiaa — the dudes he’s having sex with can’t understand him. I’m gonna say a panda who behaves like a human and owns a car is probably capable of consenting, but I still feel mighty weird about the idea that two dudes who perceive Snoofles as an ordinary, non-talking panda would want to have a threesome with him.
I guess the promiscuity aspect isn’t even bad considering how Tiaa and Edward have been acting with each other throughout the fic. The bestiality, though, I have trouble overlooking.
(i was drunk but cos i was a vampire it was ok to drive i had beter reflex than humans!)
Sure, but do you even know how to drive? In most states, it’s not legal to get a learner’s permit until you’re Tiaa’s age, so we’re not talking “experienced driver with superhuman reflexes,” we’re talking “superhuman reflexes, but on somebody who quite possibly has never sat in the driver’s seat of a car before.”
but soddenly somethin jumped into the road infront of us and i had to stop the car and get out. there was a man standin in the middle of the road he was tall and mussely and had black hair like the black feathers of a raven in the black darkness. 
But was his black hair like the black feathers of a black raven in the black darkness? I just want to be clear on the color.
he was good looking but he looked so angry i got out my samurai sword (i often have it with me!) but somone jammed up behind me and tore it from me, there were like ten people all grabbing my body in the darkness and they put a thing over my face so i coudnt see and they tied me up! 
Oh, of course, her samurai sword. Yep. Been with her the whole time.
Jasper Snoofles and Vince were too busy doing gay sex on each other to notice, i cud hear them grunting and humping and having orgasms on each other - it was so cute but now was SO not the time! 
She’s being attacked by a group of ten or more people, who have overpowered her, restrained her, and blindfolded her, in the middle of the road. Three people (well, a person, a vampire, and a panda) are present and they don’t notice this happening at all.
Like… I know they’re all intoxicated and, uh, otherwise occupied at the moment, but did they not at least pause to notice Tiaa slamming on the brakes to avoid colliding with a stranger in the road?
The men who had caught me took me away and somethin hit me over the head and i was unconshous.
when i awoken i found myself in a small dark room and the tall mussel man was in front of me. i was strip down to my underwear and i was chained to a chair with some metal chains and i coudnt move.
Tiaa has superhuman strength and reflexes. She has telekinetic abilities. She can affect objects and people by touching them. 
Yet she can’t get out of being chained to a chair?
I call BS.
She sounds like Wheatley from “ITS MY LIFE!” now.
"I AM JACOB...THE WEREWOLF KING!" he yelled with his eyes rolling around in his face - he looked so mad and CRAZY!
Jacob’s a big dude who can turn into a wolf, but he’s also about fifteen and just learning about the whole werewolf thing, so I doubt he’d be “king” of anything. Also Tiaa could take him easy.
"NOOOOOOO!" I scremed and i try to broke myself free but i was under so many heavy chains so i looked into his wagging face insted.
I don’t know why she reacted so negatively to Jacob’s response. There is a longstanding vampire/werewolf feud in the Twilight universe, but Tiaa is very newly turned and shouldn’t know about any of that yet. Learning your kidnapper is a werewolf sucks, but if you’re already a vampire you’ve got an edge too.
"Watt do u want from me? why am i here?" i say and i started to cry.
"YOU MUST BE PUNISHED FOR WHAT YOU DID TO BELLA SWAN!" he shreeked and the drool was sloapping down his face just like rain only thick and foam-like. 
So… not like rain, then.
I’ve got to change this blog’s name right away. I don’t know what I was thinking naming it “The Half-World” when I could have named it “The Half-Bread.”
Also, hold up — what did Tiaa do to Bella? Is this just about “stealing” Edward? Jacob and Edward aren’t exactly buddy-buddy, and if Bella’s single Jacob has a chance with her, so if anything I think he owes Tiaa a thank-you.
Well, this really does speak for itself.
This dude was insane, he was so angery he was jumpin up and down. 
Sounds like my second-grade teacher. She was the daughter of a well-known Republican senator and she had to resign after she tied a kid to a chair with a jump rope. True story.
But something he said had caugt my attention .
Good job on the punctuation.
"What do u mean my mom was a whitch?" I said.
What do you think he meant, genius?
I guess this does explain Tiaa’s extra powers, but, I have to say, I don’t think Jacob gets to criticize anyone else for being freaky when he can turn into a wolf.
Of corse! It all made sense now! 
It didn’t all make sense. There’s still an interspecies gay threesome that needs explaining.
I was so shocked I fainted,
and also got my periods and commas mixed up,
When i woke up Jacob was in front of me and he was NAKED! He was smilling in a proper creepy way and looked totaly weird like a greasy frog thing and his male genital item was not nice like edwards it was like a horible wet mushroom.
Honest to god I love these similes. 
he stroked my knee with it and i gapsed. whatt was he going to do to me! 
I think I have an idea, actually.
but sudenly before he coud come any closer the door of the room we were in burst open!
Here to save the day! And to end the fic, because this is it for “Forbiden Fruit”: BeckyMac666 left us all on a cliffhanger, so we’ll never know what happens.
I do genuinely love this fanfic. I love how it’s written, I love the similes, I love the purple prose and the melodramatic tone, and I love my girl Tiaa. It’s a truly fantastic badfic, and I’m happy I got to introduce others to it, too.
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