#But reblogged over 7000
stesierra · 1 year
Poll time! Just for fun, what's the most number of words you've written in a single day? Smashing the keyboard with your forehead doesn't count.
Please reblog to get more answers!
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🍉Fics for Gaza 🍉 UPDATED
Reblogs Appreciated! See my work: MasterList
For more information on this initiative please check here: Fics for Gaza's Pinned Post
I would like to participate in fics for Gaza. You can sponsor a WIP or make a request.
My RATE is 1$ / 1000 words. (UPDATE)
How to Participate
Current WIPs
Request Information and Rules
🍉How To Participate🍉
If you're making a request: Check with me before donating!
Please only donate to vetted fundraisers; we want to be sure your donation is reaching people in need and not scammers.
Take a screenshot of your donation
Send the screenshot with a link to the fundraiser to me via asks (or direct messages those are open)
When you send your screenshot, please make an effort to redact personal information!
For more info click here: How to Participate
🍉Current WIPs🍉
!! Important Note: You don’t have to sponsor the whole thing! Just contributing a little to one of the vetted fundraisers helps! 
Genshin Impact
Rationality of Emotion Chapter 3 (Al-Haitham x Reader)
Word Count Stats: Current: ~ 2600 Estimated Final: ~5000-7000 words +/- 500 words To Sponsor: 2400 - 4000 words
You WILL Have my Herbs Chapter 7 (Diluc x Reader)
Word Count Stats: Current: 5200 Estimated Final: ~7000 - 8000 words +/- 500 words To Sponsor: 1800 - 2300 words
Jujutsu Kaisen
How to Write a Gojo x Reader Part 2
Part 2 to this Summary: Some more insights as to your friendship with Gojo and his adopted children. Gojo also has to deal with the fact that you won't be single forever and he has some things to say before he has to deal with Shibuya. Word Count Stats: Current: 216 word Outline Estimated Final: ~2000 - 4000 words +/- 500 words To Sponsor: 2000 - 3500 words
One Piece
Louder than Words Part 2
Part 2 to this Summary: More fluff with a touch of therapy for Ace Word Count Stats: Current: 3200 words Estimated Final: ~5000 words +/- 500 words To Sponsor: 1800 words
That Went a Little Too Well  
Summary: You’re being bullied by the local mean girls for thinking Fire Fist was better looking than Cavendish. He’s flattered. Oh yeah, turns out he was actually on the island. Word Count Stats: Current: ~ 300 Estimated Final: ~ 2500 - 4500 words +/- 500 words To Sponsor: 2200 - 3700 words
Oneshot + Could be Platonic Summary: The Strawhats rescue a spa worker from slave traffickers. She gives the crew and their guest spa treatments. Needless to say the ever so tense, ever so stressed Captain of the Heart Pirates needs a decent amount of work. Word Count Stats: Current: ~ 740 Estimated Final: ~ 2500 - 4500 words +/- 500 words To Sponsor: 1760 - 3260 words
Summary: You let slip how you admired Zoro’s commitment to his goals. Now he’s teaching you how to commit to yours. Notes: Fluffy. 1-2 chapters. Unsure if platonic or romantic. Word Count Stats: Current: ~ 260 Estimated Final: ~ 2500 - 4500 words +/- 500 words To Sponsor: 2240 - 3740 words
I’ll Marry Ya/Marriage Pact Part 2 (Miya Osamu X Reader)
Part 2 to this Word Count Stats: Current: ~ 1560 Estimated Final: ~ 2500 - 4500 words +/- 500 words To Sponsor: 940 - 2440 words
🍉Request information:🍉
Please check with me PRIOR to making a request to see if it's something I write.
I will abide by the quantity you donate for requests. Example: you donate 5$. I write around 5000 words - could be a little more, could be a little less.
You DON'T have to pay any extra if I go over the word count. Consider that a gift from me!
Asks made prior to May 26 2024 are exempt from this
Asks with donations to a vetted fundraiser take priority following May 26 2024
Things I am not comfortable writing for / not experienced writing:
NSFW / smut
poly relationships
m/m or f/f romantic ships
yandere / stalker
male reader inserts
Things I generally write for:
fem reader inserts
fluffy scenarios
emotional vulnerability
platonic relationships in general
One Piece
Ace of the Diamond
Genshin Impact
Fire Emblem Three Houses
282 notes · View notes
ladykailitha · 2 years
Can Anybody See Me? Part 6
Yes, my darlings, you read that right. I promised I would get back on this one once I was done with In the Midnight Hour and admittedly I did get side tracked for a week doing the Valentine’s fics, once that was out of my head I have written almost 7000 new words for this story. I went from half way through this one to a few hundred words into part 10. So yeah. Expect to see this one updated fairly regularly. I haven’t given up on Star Child I’m just trying to decide which direction the next part should take.
Also on the tagging, I HAVE REACHED MY HARD AND FAST LIMIT OF 50. I love the response this story has gotten. I do. I love you all. I love every reply, like, and reblog. It brings me so much joy, you don’t even know. But tagging is hard for my ADHD brain. I have gone up from 20 to 30 and finally 50 as my system improved but I think if I do any more than that I’ll go insane. So any future tagging requests will be ignored. Sorry.
The best way to keep update on these stories is follow me and set me on notifications. I rarely do a lot of reblogging these days (too busy churning out stories like whoa), so more often then not a post will be a story. I try to post at least once a day (some times twice if I’m trying to rush through the posting a bit like I did to make sure the Valentine fic got out in time without making people wait on Vamp!Eddie), just never at set time.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
They all met up by the fountain in the middle of the mall. Eddie was bouncing on the balls of his feet nervously.
“You sure he’s going to come?” Jeff asked.
Eddie tried to peer around the crowd. “That’s what he said.”
And then they spotted him. He was in a nice red sweater with a white polo underneath and fitted jeans. Eddie ran his tongue over his teeth in appreciation.
But then he noticed the gaggle of children following behind him. And what a gaggle it was. It consisted of Red, his new best friend, another girl with a thousand yard stare. The tall black kid must be the Sinclair boy. The remaining three were also very interesting. There was the short curly haired kid with no front teeth. The last two were both dark haired, but the one on the right was darker. Hair and attitude, judging from the rounded shoulders and down cast expression of the other boy.
Steve sighed. “I’m sorry I’m late. Dustin called asking me to take him to the arcade, only when I told him that I was going to the mall, suddenly they all wanted to come.”
“And then I got roped into this because they wouldn’t all fit in Steve’s car,” a voice called from the back.
The person jostled his way to stand next to Steve. Jonathan clasped Steve on the shoulder. “I gave Will money to call me when you’re done so I can pick up him and El. Make sure he doesn’t spend it on the gumball machine.”
Steve nodded. “Thanks, man. I’ll see you later.”
Jonathan nodded and waved goodbye to everyone, but especially the timid one. Which Eddie figured must have been Will.
“Your children, I presume?” Eddie asked, eyeing the thirteen year-olds warily.
“Yup,” Steve said with a put on expression. He pointed to each of them in turn. “That’s Dustin, Mike, Will, Lucas, Max and El.”
Eddie did the same to his friends. “I’m Eddie, these are Jeff, Gareth, and Brian. Or collectively, the band Corroded Coffin.”
“That’s bitchin’,” El said with a smile.
Steve ducked his head as he tried not to laugh.
“Hell yeah, it is,” Jeff said, taking an immediate liking to her.
“All right,” Steve said, turning to the kids. “You are to stay in pairs at the very least. And you know who your partners are. Will and Mike, Max and El, and Dustin and Lucas. Regardless of what you are doing, you will meet up here at 2pm. No later. I have plans with these guys at three and I’m not going to be late because of you guys a second time.”
There were a lot of eye rolls but everyone agreed to meet at the fountain at two.
Once they had left, Steve turned back to see that all four of them were struggling not to laugh.
“No, no,” he said, shaking his head. “Go ahead and laugh. Because fuck knows it’s hilarious.”
So they promptly burst out laughing.
“Oh my god,” Gareth wheezed. “It was like watching ducklings.”
“Yes!” Eddie agreed. “My dude, I hope you are charging their parents for this.”
Steve shrugged. “It’s not like I need the money.”
They all just shook their heads.
Eddie clapped his hands together and rubbed. “Right, Stevie, this is how it is going to go. You’ll have one hour to get the most outrageous gift. Ten dollar maximum.”
“Each person or total?”
“However you want to swing it,” Jeff said. “But forty bucks is a lot.”
Steve nodded. “I guess my one concern is that I don’t know you guys very well and I don’t want to offend anyone.”
“So take Eddie with you,” Gareth said. “And then for the last ten minutes split off to buy something for each other.”
Eddie and Steve looked at each other.
“Yeah,” Eddie said, “that could work. What do you say, Stevie?”
Steve shrugged. “Yeah, sure.”
Every one but Steve set a timer on their watches. Steve’s wasn’t a digital one, so he couldn’t.
“On your marks, get set,” Brian said. “And go!”
Eddie grabbed Steve’s hand and suddenly he was being dragged along.
Steve giggled. “Where to first?”
“We are going to Suncoast,” Eddie said with a grin. “It’s the best place for all your metalhead needs.
“Lead on, MacDuff!” Steve said with a grin.
Eddie finally let go of Steve’s hand as they neared the store.
“I found out in drama that a lot of the sayings and words we use today are because Shakespeare couldn’t find the right word and made them up,” Steve said nervously.
“Wait, really?” Eddie asked, coming to a complete stop. “Like what?”
“Well, ‘Lead on, MacDuff’,” Steve said, “just for starters. It’s from Macbeth. Green eyed-monster. Just loads that I can’t think of off the top of my head.”
Eddie stood there for a moment blinking. “If they had taught that in English, I think would pay more attention.”
Steve laughed. “I know, right?”
They entered the store and everything had a dark red neon glow to it and it was clearly separated between the movie part of the store and the music part of the store. It was almost jarring. The movie part was dark like the inside of a movie theater. The music part was well lit and almost sterile white in its design.
They wandered around the music section. And they stopped by the minuscule instrument section. It had mostly accessories but also a couple of guitars. Mostly acoustic but one or two electric as well.
“This is pitiful,” Steve said staring at the selection.
“Beggars can’t be choosers, dude,” Eddie said. “There is an actual record shop with a full on instrument section. But that is not the point of this.”
Steve stopped by the drumsticks. “Gareth is the drummer right?”
Eddie nodded.
“I’ve been to a couple of concerts and I saw that the drummer had a bucket of sticks...”
“Are you asking if you should get Gareth more drumsticks?” Eddie asked. Steve nodded. “Go for it.”
“What’s his favorite color?” Steve asked.
Eddie frowned, but Steve pointed to the drumsticks on display and the had all sorts of different colors and patterns.
“The black ones with the flames on them, for sure.”
Steve grinned and picked them up. They got a couple more things here, but it was time to move on.
They hit up the stationary store, the weird little shop that sold incense and little Egyptian figurines, and Hammond’s Toys.
As they were passing Shapiro’s on their way to Hammond’s Toys, Steve found his gift for Eddie. It took every bit of will power not to just rush back and grab it, afraid it would be gone by the time he got back.
Eddie came up to him. “All right, Stevie. This is where we have to part ways. We only have ten minutes left and we need to get each other something, too.”
Steve smiled and nodded. He doubled back to Shapiro’s and quickly bought it. He raced to the fountain to be there first. He sat down on the edge of the fountain, his packages tucked under his legs so people wouldn’t steal them.
It wasn’t long before the others started showing up. Brian showed up first.
“How the hell did you beat me, man?” he asked as he sat down next to Steve. “I’m always the first to arrive.”
Steve blushed. “I got lucky.” He was practically vibrating with anticipation.
Brian eyed him suspiciously. “And you got a present for everyone?”
Steve pressed his lips together and nodded.
Gareth was the next to show up. “Now that’s just embarrassing. Being beaten by Brian is one thing, he’s a shopping guru. But Steve Harrington, too? However will I get over the shame?”
Jeff laughed from behind him, having just shown up himself. “You’ll live.”
Eddie was the last to arrive showing up exactly at the hour.
“Ooh,” Jeff teased. “By the skin of your teeth. Is Steve-o here really that hard to buy for?”
Eddie grabbed his knees, panting for breath. “No,” he huffed. “Just on the other side of the fucking mall.”
“So,” Gareth said turning to Steve. “Now for the next phase of our little get together. We meet up at my house at three and exchange gifts and play a one-shot.”
Steve wrinkled his nose. “Is that like a D&D thing?”
“Yup!” Brian said gleefully rubbing his hands together. “It a story meant for a single day instead of multiple days like a campaign.”
“Yeah,” Jeff said. “We roll up quick character that are meant to die and just go to town no real rules. Just fun.”
Steve nodded. “Sure I could do that.” He looked at his watch. “I’ve got twenty minutes before the kids show up.”
The other three backed away slowly.
“Yeah,” Jeff said, “we aren’t going to wait for that mob.”
“Oh, hell no,” Brian agreed. “I’m sure they’re great kids and all but I have three younger siblings, if I wanted chaos, I’d hang out with them.”
“Middle schoolers, man,” Gareth said, “are the plague of the earth. See you at three.”
Steve laughed. “Agreed on all accounts. I see you at Gareth’s. I’ll get the address from Eddie.”
The three boys walked off, shoving and pushing each other, laughing as they made their way to the exit.
“So what about you?” Steve asked. “You going to run before the hoard gets here?”
Eddie laughed. “I should. Leave you to the wolves.” He grinned. “But nah. I want to properly meet the kids that Steve the pied piper of Hawkins has taken under his wing.”
Steve blushed. “I wouldn’t call myself that. They barely listen to me.”
Eddie’s face softened. “I’m sure that’s not true. I bet the little sponges are just soaking up everything you tell them.”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “That would explain the language problem.”
Eddie tilted his head to side. “What language problem?”
“They swear like sailors.”
Eddie blinked a couple of time before he burst out laughing. “Having trouble not swearing around kids, Stevie?”
“You would be swearing too if you had to deal with them all the time,” he said with a shake of his head.
“So why do you do it?” Eddie asked.
Steve huffed out a sigh and kicked the side of the fountain with the heel of his foot. “Most of them don’t have great home lives. Except the Sinclairs, of course. Especially when it comes to caring adult men. I know what that’s like, so I try to be that for them.”
Eddie didn’t have much time to comment on that because the first of the terrors had arrived.
The two dark-haired boys that seemed joined at the hip.
“Hey, Mike,” Steve greeted, “hey, Will. Did you already call Jonathan to come get you?”
Will nodded.
“Good,” Steve said. “Eddie here DMs for his friends.”
Both heads turned to him in shock.
“There is no way,” Mike said. “Steve would never be friends with someone who likes D&D.”
“Hey!” Steve protested. “I’m friends with you assholes!”
Mike rolled his eyes. “Fine. Steve wouldn’t be friends with people his own age that play D&D.”
“Mike...” Will protested, speaking up for the first time. “What’s your favorite class?”
“Bard. It’s kinda self-insert type of thing,” Eddie said. “I play guitar, so I get the class. Um...second favorite would druid. I have a twelfth level druid named Kilmar Goatfiend in a campaign my club is doing right now.”
“You have a D&D club?” Dustin asked coming up from behind Will and Mike. “No way!”
“Yep!” Eddie said with pop of his lips. “The Hellfire club. Lenny Fitzpatrick is president this year. Next year, it’ll probably be Janice Montgomery.”
“You have a girl in your club?” Lucas asked, think of his sister Erika.
“Girls don’t play D&D,” Mike growled.
Steve hit him on the back of the head. “Oi! Your sister played. She’s the one that taught you. Show her some respect.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide. “Nancy Wheeler plays D&D.”
“Did,” Will clarified. “She’s the one that gave me my wizard robes to DM in.”
“You dress up?” Eddie asked. “That’s so cool.”
Will blushed.
Just then girls arrived both of them eating ice cream cones.
Dustin spotted them and gasped. “You got ice cream cones?” He turned to Steve. “Why didn’t we get ice cream cones?”
Steve stood up and put his hands on his hips. “Because they saved their money and bought themselves ice cream cones?”
Max stuck out her tongue at him and El giggled.
“You better finish those up before you get into my car,” Steve said wagging his finger at them.
“Hey, I could take Max home,” Eddie said with a shrug. “I’m heading that way anyway.”
Steve looked at Max. “It’s up to you. You can go home with him or I could drop you off at Hopper’s and you and El can continue to hang out.”
Max thought about it for a minute. “I’ll think I’ll go home with Eddie and hang out with El tomorrow.” She turned to El. “Is that okay?”
El nodded. “I wanted to spend time with Will and Mike today.”
Mike blushed.
“What about you two?” Steve asked. “Where am I dropping you two off?”
Dustin and Lucas just shared a glance and shrugged.
“Well then you two can sort it out in the car,” Steve said and then turned to Eddie. “So what’s Gareth’s address?”
Eddie pulled out a pocket notebook and pen and scribbled out the address. “There you go, see you later, man.”
Steve took the piece of paper with a smile. “Do you always carry a notebook and pen with you wherever you go?”
Eddie grinned. “Sure, sometimes the muse will strike while I’m out and about so I need something to jot down lyrics or chord progressions as needed.”
“That’s sooo cool,” Mike said, a little star struck.
Will and Lucas looked over at each other and rolled their eyes. Eddie fought back a grin.
They split off, with Will, Mike and El, staying at the fountain to wait for Jonathan.
Part 7  Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17 Part 18  Part 19 Part 20  Part 21
@shrimply-a-menace @strangersteddierthings @throwbackthrowaway @novelnovella @cursedfoxteeth @babyblender @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steve-the-hairrington @winterbuckwild @spectrum-spectre @matchingbatbites @garden-of-gay @anaibis @thing-a-ling @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @artiststarme @sundead @nelotegreitic @gregre369 @butterflysandpeppermint @thedragonsaunt @kodaik97 @messrs-weasley @scarletzgo @deadlydodos @renaissan-vvitch @evix-syne666 @emly03 @justforthedead89 @ashwinmeird @huniibee @phantypurple @stevesbipanic @shucks-yuckyuck @awkwardgravity1 @bookbinderbitch @reportinglivefromsoda @chasinggeese @be-the-spark-bitch @jinxjinn @kohlraedirectioner @cr0w-culture @xjessicafaithx @whimsicalwitchm @jaywhohasthegay @dangdirtydemons @lovelyscot @howincrediblysapphicofyou @the-redthread
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wellsbering · 1 month
verified fundraisers that have been shared with me
I will try to update this post daily and/or as I receive new asks.
Abedalrahman Alhabil (@abdullahgaza)
GoFundMe: Help my family to evacuate from genocide in Gaza, created Feb 20, 2024
Progress: €82,585 raised of €120,000 goal
Verification: no. 81 on Operation Olive Branch spreadsheet, no. 625 on the ButterflyEffect Project spreadsheet
Haya Alshawish (@hayanahed)
GoFundMe: Help Evacuate My Family From Gaza War created Dec 6, 2023
Progress: €81,114 raised of €100,000 goal
Verification: no. 26 on the Operation Olive Branch spreadsheet, no. 249 on the Project Watermelon spreadsheet
Falestine Jad Al-Haq (@falestine-yousef) and Aseel Jad Al-Haq (@aseelo680)
GoFundMe: Help Palestine and Family Survive the Gaza Crisis, created July 19, 2024 and Support Asil Fight for Life and Family in Gaza, created July 24, 2024
Goal: raise enough money for Falestine and her family (including her infant child, who was born during the genocide) to leave Gaza, and to buy food, medicine, baby formula, diapers, and other supplies.
Progress: $15,858 raised of $40,000 goal (40%)
Verification: reblogged by 90-ghost here, more information about Falestine and her family's fundraisers here and here
Ashraf Alanqar (@ashraf-baker, previously @ashraf-family and @ashraf-family2)
GoFundMe: Hope for Gaza: Support Ashraf's Family Rebuild Their Lives created June 27, 2024
Goal: Relocate Ashraf and his family somewhere safe, and pay for food, water, and medical care.
Progress: €20,384 raised of €25,000 goal (82%)
Verification: reblogged by 90-ghost here
Ahmed Alanqar (deactivated, previously @abuyaminfamily)
GoFundMe: Helping Ahmed's Family: Escaping War to a New Life created March 14, 2024
Goal: pay for Ahmed and his family to leave Gaza (cost: ~$7000 per adult and $3500 per child, before transportation/lodging expenses. This is a family of 2 adults & 4 children, so the fees alone are over $30k.)
Progress: €55,083 raised of €59,000 goal (93%)
Verification: #741 on the ButterflyEffect Project spreadsheet, #264 on the Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraiser List (run by nabulsi and el-shab-hussein)
Mohammed Al-Deeb (@mohammedaldeeb)
GoFundMe: Help Us Escape the Ravages of War: Emergency Evacuation Fund created Apr 15, 2024
Goal: Cover living expenses as Dr. Al-Deeb and his family rebuild their lives in Egypt: estimated housing costs are €10k/year, and cost of replacing furniture & clothing lost when their home was destroyed estimated at €15k.
Progress: €39,516 raised of €55,000 goal (73% - keep in mind the funds raised so far were used in part to pay for evacuation to Egypt)
Verification: #212 on the Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraiser List, reblogged by 90-ghost here
Mahmoud Baalousha (deactivated, previously @helpfamily)
GoFundMe: Please Save What's Left of My Family created Jun 27, 2024 (also appears under previous name: Donate to Restore the Lives of the Balousha Family)
Goal: Cover cost of evacuating Mahmoud and his family to Egypt.
Progress: €7,411 raised of €50,000 goal (15%)
Verification: reblogged by 90-ghost here. (Note: there are two Mahmoud Baloushas on the Vetted Fundraiser spreadsheet, but these both link to a different Mahmoud's fundraiser.)
Noor Alanqar (@noor-alanqar)
GoFundMe: Rebuilding Live: A Mother's Plea for Hope and Safety in Gaza created June 21, 2024
Progress: €21,234 raised of €40,000 goal (53%)
Verification: reblogged by 90-ghost here
Yousef Al-Habeel (@saveyouseffamily)
GoFundMe: Save the life of an innocent child, created Aug 9, 2024
Goal: Pay for one-year-old Majd, who has a severe respiratory illness, and his family to leave Gaza and access the medical care he desperately needs, as well as pay for basic necessities like food, shelter, and clothing.
Progress: €6,533 raised of €20,000 goal (33%)
Verification: reblogged by by 90-ghost here, #406 on ButterflyEffect Project spreadsheet
Mohammed El-Shaer (@m-elshaer038)
GoFundMe: Help Mohammed & His Family To Safety created Apr 17, 2024
Progress: £13,501 raised of £50,000 goal (27%)
Verification: #88 on Vetted Fundraiser Spreadsheet
Mohammed Ayyad (@yasermohammad, @mohammadayyad)
GoFundMe: Help my Uncel’s family , BE THE CHANGE created Apr 25, 2024
Progress: €19,177 out of €35,000 goal
Verification: reblogged by 90-ghost here
Mohammed Hijazi (@savemohammedfamily, @save-family)
GoFundMe: Save Mohamed and his elderly parents from genocide, created May 10, 2024
Progress: €18,769 out of €20,000 goal
Verification: reblogged by 90-ghost here
Mahmoud Al-Balawi (@elbalawi)
GoFundMe: Help save my family to survive the genocide in Gaza
Progress: €38,406 out of €85,000 goal
Verification: reblogged by 90-ghost here
Ola Ahel (@olagaza)
GoFundMe: Ola's Family Call for your Support Amid Crisis, created Jun 1, 2024
Progress: $37,760 out of $50,000 goal
Verification: #205 on nabulsi & el-shab-hussein's list of vetted fundraisers
Ahed Al-Anqar ( @aahedfamily)
GoFundMe: Help Aahed and his family get through this war in Gaza, created Aug 15,2024
Progress: €1,039 out of €40,000 goal
Verification: reblogged by @mohammedalanqer (#174 on vetted spreadsheet). Mohammed's account seems to have been deleted, but dlxxv-vetted-donations documented his reblog here.
Safaa (@safaa18mero)
GoFundMe: Support Safaa's Quest to Get Her Family to Safety, created July 5, 2024
Verification: reblogged by 90-ghost
Ayaa Mahmoud (@ayoosh-gaza)
GoFundMe: Helping my family to evacuate from Gaza created July 17th, 2024
Verification: vetted by gaza-evacuation funds here, also has an active Instagram linked to same fundraiser (ayaa_mahmoud_99)
Ehab Ayyad (@ehabayyad23): Help my family survive the war on Gaza by fleeing to safety created Aug 2, 2024
Kenzi Shawish (@kenzish): see family fundraiser/info here
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omgkalyppso · 3 months
Étoile and Astarion Wedding
A little warning that Astarion is a vampire (not a spawn or the Ascendant) in the timeline that I'm going to discuss.
@thetavolution tagged me in this BG3 Wedding Season ask game some days ago. I was going to chop it up into manageable posts but fuck it, you get the wall of text. You can come back and read it over time, I'll reblog it a few times. I've answered every question except the last two.
If you open this post and Regret, you can press J on desktop to skip it.
1.Wedding, or something else? - What do the characters think about weddings or marriages? If not a wedding, would they acknowledge their relationship in a different kind of ceremony?
Étoile and Astarion don't get married, for years! For centuries! It wouldn't change their relationship, and their sense of union and their perception of Étoile's acceptance at being a part of what the vampires (the old Szarr siblings and the spawn) are creating, and thus, part of the family, doesn't lend to the need or expectation that a marital union is needed, necessary, or that it might even be welcome.
Astarion initially fears asking after hearing of Étoile's past and how their first relationship ended terribly because that partner had wanted a wife; and while that isn't quite what Astarion is expecting of them with either gendered, social, romantic or "professional" responsibilities, it is enough to worry that this would be viewed as limiting in one way or another.
In regards to managing, settling and supporting the Spawn — they (the vampires (who are Astarion and his siblings) and the spawn (7000)) do not want to be referred to as the Szarr siblings or the Szarr vampires or Cazador's spawn, so they need to be called Something for how they engage with Baldur's Gate, Underdark society, and the public at large — the siblings debate and some (Astarion included) make cases for why the group should be referred to by their name (for implications of power); it isn't intuitive for them to decide to reclaim the title of "House Ienith" with the risk of antagonizing Menzoberranzan, but they realize what they do owe Astarion (begrudgingly) and Étoile (especially) and the other adventurers who stepped in during the Rite of Ascension, so that's where they end up.
So if Étoile took Astarion's name then that would snip their very flimsy tie to the dead House Ienith, and if Astarion took Étoile's name then it would be "as bad as" their group being otherwise named for Astarion, when his siblings want something very different in those early days.
Étoile isn't bothered by this in the same way that they're not bothered by being unmarried, but it is part of a choice taken from or otherwise influenced for Astarion in a way that would rankle. And he would initially be tempted to try and think up a plan a scheme to weasel around these expectations just to maintain the option of a more traditionally formal union for his own peace of mind.
It isn't until after Étoile has been turned into a vampire centuries later that chips fall into place.
Astarion has proven that without influence, he is reliable to his siblings and their House.
Years of bargaining, and fighting, and representing them publically, etc. And years of friendship! Paired with staying behind to help them combat portals spilling Raphael's forces into the Underdark while Étoile ventures far and away to fight him directly —
And even Astarion's eventual influence, guidance, and actions involved in turning Étoile into a vampire; to put their permanent presence among them — family already in all but the traditions of wedlock, even with the bitterness and conflicts among them.
Astarion's siblings would be surprised when Étoile came back (with Astarion from Étoile's mother's) as a vampire; but unwed to Astarion.
And some of them, even more surprised as Astarion starts up another romance (with my oc Voriya), seemingly pulling away from his partner of years because of maladjustments to Étoile looking and smelling and acting different than they had in life.
Astarion and Étoile would argue over it; Astarion's annoyance with everyone's lack of understanding, and Étoile's pleas for understanding, attention and assistance with their adjustments. Astarion knows he loves them, and that he has no intention of ending things, he simply needs time: to adjust, and to come to terms with what he's lost and what he's taken, and to witness that unlike every other vampire he's ever known that they will no now in this new form try to hurt him. But he can recognize that Étoile might worry that his apprehension at such a critical time may come across as strain, that it might appear as if he cannot live with what he's done and would leave them for eternity, rather than celebrate it.
Recognizing that he does not have time to adjust, and that a promise once inappropriate between them might re-establish and restabilize their union, Astarion realizes now is the best time to propose, to reassure Étoile — and himself, to influence his siblings' and his spawn's opinion of the quality of his character, and to maintain the level of independence needed to pursue any other future relationships without the presumption that he is unable to manage his heart or his time.
They both are under the impression that marriage serves a purpose; and theirs does.
I worry I've made that sound terribly unromantic, but it's important to them, and it's important that it happens then.
2. Proposal - Who proposed to whom? Were there rings or other gifts involved?
Astarion proposes. I think once he decides to propose he's giddy for a whole tenday or two, because he's decided that if he is going to propose that Étoile is going to accept. It is difficult to make arrangements between moments spent together, but I think he would want professional opinions on whether an enchanted ring or something less practical (and more stylish) is more appropriate for a piece of jewellery that he expects Étoile to possess for an exceedingly long time.
Astarion would only propose in an extremely private setting. He might be tempted to propose after a rest after a day / night of sex, but he would rather be dressed and would dismiss the compulsion.
He would make declarations about wanting to see the moon, and perhaps it is the season's first frost, and the sands of the Sword Coast are rigid and unyielding and he's a tad more red faced than he'd like, but Étoile looks better than they have in months — with the journey back from Impiltur largely spent in a wooden carriage like smuggled corpses, and then his inconsiderate distance when they returned to the Gate, and then the tendays re-integrating into the routines of their city in the Underdark — and now there's fresh air, and familiarity, and far less dramatic options for feeding.
He hides the ring in another gift, a necklace. In feat of sleight of hand he puts the ring on the chain when helping them put on the necklace, waiting until they notice its addition.
3. Bachlor/Bachelorette parties? - Do the characters get a bachelor(ette) party before the big day? Does anything crazy happen?
If they'd done this while Karlach was alive then she would have been all over this for them. As it stands, I can't imagine which of their friends would insist on this manner of tradition or party. It's not as though they are celebrating an end of being single or exclusivity. Any celebration of comparable purpose for them would be an unofficial party honoring the engagement (which is going to last at least a period of months, if not an entire year by virtue of elves and vampires living at a slow pace and needing to contact a variety of guests and a decision about whether it will be within House Ienith in the Underdark, in Baldur's Gate or how far east they want to push their influence for the sake of Étoile's mother).
Aurelia would take charge of this engagement party; doing so for Astarion (who insists he doesn't need one only for the sake of being able to complain if it isn't enjoyable (it is)) to spare him anything Violet or Petras might concoct specifically for torture or appearances.
She would host it in Baldur's Gate and invite a number of the couple's friends, acquaintances and lovers. There would be at least one planned fight / blood sport; but not to the death because this would sit poorly with at least whatever Ravengard descendant(s) might be present, and Dame Aylin if she can manage to get ahold of her. There would be no planned nudity, but in the later hours it's definitely the type of party where someone (not Étoile) ends up without any pants.
4. Pre-Ceremony Events - Are there any special events, ceremonies, rituals, or preparations the couple must do before the wedding day? Ritual cleansing, asking a parent for the character's hand, mehndi/henna painting, little pre-ceremony games or challenges, etc?
Aranea, Étoile mother, does not wish to leave her mountain. She fears that if she does that she will never see it again, and yet as a priest, and as the priest of their god that Étoile trusts above all others, and as their mother, she would go, if necessary, as necessary, to officiate their wedding.
I think someone who knows some manner of teleportation spell would help ease this journey for the occasion.
Astarion has already faced the brunt of her sorrow after turning Étoile, but he would not need to seek her forgiveness (and certainly not her permission) for this. She is understanding when they meet again.
There aren't any pre-ceremony ceremonies as described in this question.
5. Formal or informal affair? - Is the wedding elaborate and grand, or simple and sweet? Is it a tenday-long series of parties or is it a quick vow exchange in front of Withers?
It is a single day of ceremony but with expectations / acceptance of a tenday or two of hosting, whether and how many parties that includes depends on one's definition of a party, but the journey is not inconsiderable for a fair number of their guests. The ceremony is a formal affair and attendance reflects on the unions between House Ienith and their allies.
6. Venue - Where is the ceremony and/or reception? Inside? Outside?
I forget about fanaticism in world-building and plotting fairly often; like Shepard's number one fan Conrad Verner in Mass Effect, or "the cult" in the final season of The Magnus Archives, to name a few examples of what I mean. This is relevant because I previously pictured Étoile's faith as an extremely private thing, shared only through the necessity of proximity — like with peers in the Adventurer's Guild.
But they absolutely fight with the Spawn and vampires on multiple occasions. I don't think the source of their Paladin abilities would be that much of a mystery. And while Astarion wouldn't see Étoile's presence as Auril answering his prayers (consistently, or all the time, maybe occasionally for a flash of a moment), that probably isn't the case for the varied perspectives of all 7000 Spawn. There is probably a little temple to the fury in their established city, whether or not they worship her in the same way as Étoile (or even in a way that is recognizable to them) is something I'll have to spend more time thinking about, but for now, it lets me answer this fucking question.
The ceremony might begin at the centre of their Underdark city, but the vows and other elements of the rituals would take place on the exterior steps of this temple; with the reception being another trek back to the wider streets and the interior of the building where they usually host meetings and guests of esteem.
7. Timing - What time of year are they getting married? What time of day?
It is early winter, and evening (late morning for vampires). The vampires and Spawn like being able to operate through the night while their guests slowly and sporadically need to disperse for sleep.
8. Traditions - What traditions are involved in the ceremony/reception? Is there a mix of traditions from either partner?
A public exchange of rings, a public exchange of vows, and a private ritualistic death or twelve as part of the union / ceremony. Behind the closed doors of Auril's temple while their guests are making the march back to where the reception will take place, they have two monster hunters doomed to their fate to be killed in one manner or another with Cold and ice, to appease Étoile's goddess; and ten others to be turned in blood and ritual.
After three historical attempts at gifting slaves from Menzoberranzan, the drow matron mothers learned this was a waste of everyone's time and agreed with House Ienith that it just made irritable neighbours, to have the slaves freed and instead offered gainful employment in this settlement. Some of these former slaves, having resided with the Spawn for hundreds of years now, have found attachments in the city, some love, and others ambition. While the 7000 spawn are each 1000 claimed by Astarion and his six siblings, these ten will be specifically bound to Étoile.
House Ienith has rules, in general and which magically compel the Spawn to be incapable of killing anyone through vampiric bites; but I think this exception is known to Astarion's siblings. The religious attendants (Spawn) drink, so long as either Étoile or Astarion have the final drops.
I was initially thinking of others that Aranea and Étoile would be willing to kill, but I think that would frighten Astarion, who is not quite spawn!Astarion, but is still the man who initially said, "No innocents." And while he'd meant that to appease the others and be reassuring at the time, I think he's kind of grown into it. Merciful. Moral, if he can spare the thought and time. Devoted to who he wants to be, more than to any cause or code.
Additionally, I was thinking of Aranea summoning something like a temporary snowstorm or a deep chill during the ceremony, but now I think it's more interesting if, while the Cold being felt in the bones of those being married is important, it is secondary in her ritual: where the bodily warmth of those dying in this temple in Auril's name is drained, and reversed, and infused in the stone. A globe of ice forms on the ceiling, ensuring the temple itself is a place of permanent chill and frost. A place Auril would be more likely to sit, than in the dark empty space on the edge of Lolth's domain.
Astarion might bristle, worrying he's allowed something terrible into their home, it is far colder in the temple than he ever was on Aranea's mountain (though he was not there in deepest winter, nor was he there specifically seeking Auril's attention, let alone her blessings). And Étoile, later, would reassure him that it is as permanent as though they had planted a tree in a great forest as other elves might; and they would be so clear about how much they appreciate all he's stomached when it comes to their mother and their faith.
The reception would have more simple traditions: drinking, dancing, gifts, party games with ribbons (such as to determine who next might marry or what the future holds) and written words (such as guessing games about the guests), and grand sprawling tales that range from fictional tales with a lesson to things that are not entirely untrue.
9. Decor - What kind of notable decor is there at the venue? Do they have something like an arch, a carpet aisle, fairy lights in the trees, or other elaborate decorations? Did they choose to decorate at all?
There might be ribbons / banners to help designate locations and walking paths, but I don't think it would be any more decorated than what one should usually expect in their settlement. There is no arch, or change to the style of lighting (though there might be more candles for the convenience of guests without darkvision, braziers are already well scattered, raised and angled to keep their shadows from being too much of a hindrance. Glowing mushrooms are only supplementary, and affect the integrity of their buildings and so aren't really used). There are no carpets placed outside, and no carpets changed (though washed) inside. The most notable thing is the flowers:
10. Flowers - What flowers or other natural elements do they have as part of their decoration, if any? Are these flowers significant?
I think each major venue of the wedding (a particular street, the building that houses dinner for the elite guests, a building that houses the revelry of some of the spawn, the temple, etc.) gets to have a different sort (and if possible, color) of flower, a solution to indecision, as well as the fact that Astarion felt that bouquets with too many colors were tacky.
11. Bouquet or no bouquet? - Does someone carry a bouquet, or do they choose to carry something else? Or do they walk down the aisle with nothing at all?
Neither of them have a bouquet to hold. And there isn't a typical walk down an aisle.
12. Music - Is there music at the ceremony or the reception? What kind of music? Do they hire an orchestra, band, or half-decent bard to serenade them?
They hire a band or six to cycle through the night, and any musical guests of note might have a song or a set to be featured as well. I have concert pianist Aurelia headcanons to indulge. The music is largely dated to the ears of any younger guests, mostly unobtrusive and extravagant, occasionally bouncy and celebratory; very elvish except for the last band or two of the night being weird and experimental: more vampiric.
13. Outfits - What is the married couple going to wear? Is there special significance in the outfit choices, colors, jewelry, etc?
When I started this ask game, I tried to sketch out ideas for this, but I had to give up. I don't have experience in fashion design and my art is "needs improvement," and I couldn't get something I was completely proud of. dfgjhdfghdfg
So here's some inspiration though not exact outfits:
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This design by Christian Lacroix for Astarion, for the ceremony.
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The jacket outfit, for Astarion, for the reception. This is a design by a wedding fashion designer? An'Soe.
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This design from Dolce & Gabbana’s Alta Sartoria Ode to Verdi collection; designed as an outfit one might wear to the opera, as inspiration for what Étoile could wear to the ceremony.
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This design by VoldaDivnaya on e/tsy as inspiration for what Étoile could wear to the reception. No crown, and maybe roses instead of the autumn leaves.
Sadly(?), I think this man influenced my fantasy wedding design taste:
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14. Rings - What do their rings look like, if they choose to exchange any?
Basing myself on what I've heard about The Laws and Customs of the Eldar by JRR Tolkien, elves traditionally exchange silver rings for betrothal, often kept within the family. At marriage, the silver rings are returned to the family. If the betrothal falls through, the rings are melted down so that no one can use them again and new ones for the families will need to be made. At marriage, gold rings are exchanged.
While it takes some time, and things are never fully healed, I do like to think of Astarion reconnecting with his parents' post-canon. I've gone back and forth on whether his father was alive, or whether he dies as a result of the Netherbrain's transforming all of the infected; but I think there would have been another gravestone nearby / worth mentioning if one had appeared during his time under Cazador, and it feels a little boring to me to have his father die at that final hurdle.
I do believe Astarion's parents would have such a silver ring for him. I don't think he would use it.
Étoile has no such thing, and is not the one to propose.
Astarion proposes with something like this ruby bat ring design by cerriousdesign on e/tsy:
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Before their engagement party, Étoile purchases something like this silver garnet rose ring by ArtJewelryByMoko on e/tsy for Astarion (it's plated in white gold, but let's pretend it's not):
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Their wedding bands can be based on the Till Death wedding bands by digbyandiona:
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15. Vows and Unity Ceremonies - Does the couple exchange vows? Do they complete any kind of "unity" ceremony, like handfasting, planting a tree together, etc?
Étoile and Astarion are addressed as individuals that their guests have come to honor or support in such a way that no presumption of closeness is made of these relationships; which makes the ceremony more digestible to the drow guests, and feels like a tongue-in-cheek joke to the Spawn, who are all so close now that to imagine Étoile and Astarion as independent instead of inextricable from the culture they've helped breed is almost comical.
It isn't presented as a melding of families; this aspect of their relationship was already done, probably centuries ago, but at least in the past two or so years when Astarion turned Étoile into a vampire.
But there are still words, for the public, for the dark, for the two being married, and (because Astarion can't escape it, marrying into Étoile's strange two-person family (and especially if I decide to declare Étoile as Auril's Chosen for their trial against Raphael)) for Auril.
And then they exchange vows. Not as transparent as they might've been in another life, among friends and loved ones, and without the eyes of thousands who rely on them or rival leaders that seek to undermine them; but still painfully romantic, long winded, and revealing. Astarion claims later that the length of his own vows were only to annoy Lae'zel, and the drow in attendance.
16. Wedding Party - Are there bridesmaids, groomsmen, attendants, special witnesses? Are they dressed a certain way or positioned in a special spot?
If Karlach was alive, she'd be Astarion's best man.
The only significant friends, lovers or family that take part in the ceremony is Aranea leading it, but other duties related to the festivities and reception have at least one designated person for if ever the newly weds are unavailable to oversee something.
Violet is a sort of master of affairs, keeping track of the guests and the general schedule to keep people on time and with oversight as to where official rooms for guests are situated and secured; in this way, she is also managing seating arrangements and security, though the latter is supplemented by the githyanki — Étoile is a little paranoid that they will have invited their mother down from her mountain, and into the Underdark no less, only to be poisoned by an overzealous drow, so they ask Lae'zel for six soldiers at least.
Aurelia oversees the music as much as she can, but she's delegating a lot because she's also acting as emotional support for her siblings who have varied feelings on the structure and visibility of this wedding.
By now they have the distribution of blood down to a science, food less so. Petras has the authority to make decisions about food and beverages, but there is a mortal hire beneath him who has ensured the quality and other relevant oversight that someone who can actually consume the food can provide.
Leon is tasked with archiving any wedding gifts as necessary, to ensure they are neither misplaced (which would include keeping anything alive too close to things they shouldn't be) nor hazardous (which would include things like items that cast Daylight).
I've been imagining dances and games; and assuming there are any which require a role like bridesmaids or groomsmen, then Astarion would have Halsin and He Who Was, and Étoile would have Lae'zel and Aylin.
17. Going Down the Aisle - Does anyone escort the character walking down the aisle? Do they go alone?
They walk together.
18. I Now Pronounce You... - Do your characters change their last names, keep their last names, arrange for a specific kind of name? For example, "Mr. and Mr. Dekarios" or "Lord and Lady Ravengard-Cliffgate"?
Since the vampires and the Spawn voted to refer to their settlement as House Ienith, Astarion (et al) would introduce himself as Astarion Ancunín of House Ienith (and similar). I don't imagine him changing this after marriage.
If they had been married years ago, there would have been contention among Astarion's siblings with regards to if Astarion or Étoile took each other's names after having voted against referring to themselves as either House Ancunín or the Ancunín siblings (he wasn't the only one of the seven of them to put his name forward; and it would have been better than Szarr BUT they were only begrudgingly grateful to him, not indebted nor ready to swear themselves to each other). If Astarion had changed his name to Ienith it would have been just as bad as being named after him otherwise, and if Étoile had changed their name to Ancunín then that would have severed the tie to the name they chose in an extremely frustrating way.
Étoile adds Astarion's surname to theirs, unhyphenated, Étoile Ancunín Ienith.
19. Guests - Who else is there? Are there any special details about how the guests are arranged, what they are wearing, or what they are doing?
A Ravengard is there, or a descendant of Wyll's, even if the name is lost to time. I've gone back and forth on Gale's situation, since Elminster and Volo are so old, I do think his Chosen status in addition to just being A Wizard would give him Long life, but whether this long? Maybe. Astarion's lover, my oc Voriya.
At least parties from 7 noble drow houses. Araj hasn't left Menzoberranzan since the re-institution of House Oblodra. It's so tempting to concoct exemptions, but I don't believe that the matron mothers wouldn't cannibalize the house of any noble house that would dare to so overtly thwart Lolth; probably literally.
Adult Xan is there. My oc Yar'sul.
Friends, nobility and strangers from the Sword Coast and Underdark. Maybe a knight from Impiltur who wanted to see Étoile with his own eyes and experience the strangeness of the wedding.
There's no dress code. Some of the drow try to dress in a way to upstage the newlyweds. Most people dress in fine things they own. But thinking of what this crowd looked like made me giggle. They look like the cast from The Princess and the Goblin, or like two crowds from Sleeping Beauty combined:
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20. Food - What kind of food and drink is being served at the reception? Is there a lush feast or simple fare? Is there a wedding cake or some other kind of traditional wedding food?
Deepwine, certainly. I'm unclear if Green Wine is legally allowed to leave Menzoberranzan. Surfacer Red and White Wines as well. Peach and Orange Juice. Water, Coffee, Tea. The teas are magically preserved and some kinds are so old they've not been produced in six decades. The coffee is newly purchased for the sake of the event.
I think the number of non-vampiric guests means there's almost no guests who are vegetarian, but still there might be at least two main dish options for them: stuffed mushrooms, stuffed peppers or lentil curry.
The meat eating guests have more options as I imagine the amount of fucking blood the Spawn / vampiric guests are given access to for this event is ... concerning, lmfao. Lamb, Rothé, Pork, Chicken. Roasted, Fried, Blackened, Prepared as a Roast, Baked and served on Bread, Minced and made into Pie, Dried and Jerked, Shredded and braided around something like an Underdark cranberry sauce.
Sides could include salad, seaweed salad, egg salad, fried carrots and potatoes.
Flat bread, loaf bread, round buttery crackers. Some of the Spawn started a cheesery a century and a half ago, and everyone's benefiting from that.
Astarion briefly wanted a wedding cake despite being unable to enjoy it, but I think this was dismissed for convenience (and because he would be depressed about being unable to eat it). Desserts might include fruit and cream, jam and spongecake, vanilla and butterscotch ice cream.
21. Dancing - Is there any dancing? Elegant waltzes or all-out party-hard tavern music dance parties?
There is dancing. The music lends to more elegant dances while older guests and (reasonable) mortal guests are more likely to be awake, and as the hours wear on into [what's evening for a vampire (4-5 a.m.?)] the music is more likely to inspire dances of ability (where people are in a circle and each take a moment to show off), swaying, and (if you all can forgive me) headbanging (can you imagine headbanging with Dame Aylin? I have palpitations).
I don't think there's a requirement for Étoile and Astarion to "open" the dancefloor, but I do think there's pressure in regards to their first dance; and any practice, playful or sincere, that led to this public display was the first time Astarion really got to feel Étoile's new vampiric dexterity in action. For all he can fear and hate change, he does find it charming.
22. Ending the Night - How does the reception end? Is there a big send-off, or does everyone quietly fade out as the night turns into dawn?
It's a fade out. In another life it wouldn't be in the Underdark and we'd need mortal staff to do a sweep to make sure inebriated vampires are somewhere they can safely rest for sun-up. Similarly, Étoile's heart wrenches in worry when they find Halsin "resting his eyes" at a table at some point, but he's fine and Xan and a Spawn escort Halsin to his room.
23. Honeymoon - Does the couple take a honeymoon anywhere?
No...t exactly. There are vampire quarters in a few towns and cities along the Sword Coast, but maybe this marks a time where 7-15 Spawn extend work and trading opportunities further out to sea to the port of Skaug in the Nelanther, whether seeking out their own fortunes as inspired by Ulgar the Undying and Priamon "Frostrune" Rakesk the way any pirate does, or else returning to a life long-lost to them since their initial turning. I think it doesn't sit well with the vampires, sending them out to sea where a hole in a hull or a storm or a righteous mortal or the creatures of the deep present such unique challenges for their kind who are incidentally immortal and at such risk of the sun ... but there are stranger things to be found in the planarsphere than crewmen who work only at night, and maybe someday it could mean something. Give them a decade or two and Astarion (et al) can (relatively securely) visit a beach that's far enough south that it doesn't grow (as) cold (as Baldur's Gate) after the sun has set, even if it's daylight glory still eludes him.
✨Specific Moments✨
1.The Night Before - Write about the night before the wedding. Are your characters nervous? Excited? Do they see their partner or keep away?
The nature of travel in this manner of setting (paired with the ages of some of their closest guests) would mean that they'd not just arrive the day of and be done with it. Some guests might even arrive early as a matter of curiosity, to see how the vampires have survived (or what defenses they might have, etc.) and the general culture of the space. So not only the night before, but especially then, Astarion is nervous about having so many potentially hostile players in such a confined space.
He suggests he check on his parents, whom Étoile is certain are safely, soundly sleeping — same as the last time he disturbed them. Still the drow, Spawn and githyanki pacing the halls offer no reassurance; and he wishes, briefly, half-insincerely that they'd wed privately when there had been such a possibility. Étoile points out what a small part of Astarion wishes that, and after a beat tries to deflect by pointing out how tense he's managed to make the drow and still they'll put on airs to celebrate him. It helps a bit.
But then the spiral is worse, and Astarion imagines, as he sometimes does, that he will wake in starved delirium as someone pulls him from the mausoleum Cazador kept him in; that the rousing from the dream will come violently, with a cracked surface high above, and sunlight spilled onto any he dared treat as people or who imagined they treated him the same; that the rousing of the dream will come violently, with blades and pliers, forceps and sheers. Why else would he have presumed to accept love, for all its complications, why else would he have risked rejection, to kill or estrange his lover; why else except the logic of a dream.
It passes, as it always does. It's been worse again these past few years leading up to turning Étoile, after decades upon decades of ... mental peace.
Astarion's embarrassed, usually he can get through stress (complaining only as is reasonable) and only break when the peak of an event has passed, and yet now they only have a few short hours to trance and — somehow he sounds as though he's dreading what will always be a fond memory, an act of love and a point of pride.
Sincere, but overly fond to the point of humour, Étoile reciprocates to tell Astarion that it is privilege to be able to find beginnings after so long together, new experiences, even if this is the last beginning that this too would be new. Étoile speaks of what they'll do together when their guests leave, where they will go, how they will live; all while getting them both properly dressed again so they can walk out among their city, strange as it is with its flowers and ribbons, cramped as it might be with it's faraway ceiling, just to see the world beyond the pressure of their walls, to show Astarion that while there are threats there is no looming darkness targeting him or his perception of reality specifically they can't overcome.
2. Getting Ready - Who helps your characters get ready? Are there any sweet, funny, bittersweet, or adorable moments that happen?
Dalyria helps Astarion get ready. He is mostly extremely hands off, with her opinion having only been useful initially in regards to the evolution of fashion and any hidden meanings in symbols or patterns for the sake of the guests from Menzoberranzan. But she does help with final touches and making sure he hasn't forgotten anything and carries pins and buttons if necessary. In addition to Detect Poison And Disease, just in case.
Dalyria and Astarion each influenced Étoile's outfits — including the reasoning and etiquette in having a change of clothes, but when it comes to before-the-ceremony, Lae'zel, who has had little practice with Faerûnian fashion but much experience with dressing to stand before dignitaries (which, Étoile and the other vampires also do) at this point, does her best. She jokes about helping them don their armour again, and they are both emotional about the loss of time and friends (Shadowheart in particular, for this). But they get through it.
3. The First Look - Write about the moment when your married couple sees each other in their wedding outfits for the first time.
The outfits aren't secret, they attend each others fittings and things.
Astarion still makes a fuss about needing a minute before he's smiling like a fool (as a result of the joy that the outfit is an immediate reminder of) around Étoile's mother, always so sombre (and not critical but deathly sincere, now that he thinks of it). Dalyria and Lae'zel both make a fuss about Astarion not embracing Étoile at this point to keep their garments from wrinkling (to which he faux-pouts, "where's Leon" as a simple Prestidigitation would resolve the worst that he could manage (well, not the worst)).
Étoile is guilty of indulging Astarion's love of color; making Dalyria's job that much harder when trying to rein Astarion into an outfit that is more thematically coherent. And also influences the decision on a half corset. (I drew a different one than the one shown in the images earlier in this post but this post is long enough.)
4. Ceremony - Write the scene where they exchange vows, complete a unity ceremony, exchange rings, or etc.
I am not doing this with any kind of sincerity. I will rewrite it if I want to post it on a/o3. But I did want to write their vows. Also as I was writing this, I realized this part of their ceremony is almost certainly in elvish:
Aranea withheld her amusement at the congregation of guests, almost none of which kept Auril in their hearts and yet whom were seated now outside her temple, to express fear, respect, and — most surprisingly — love of the Frostmaiden, her Chosen, and the vampire, Astarion. She took a breath, this was not an arid chill that would steal her voice, but still Aranea did not want to have her voice crack or falter in front of so many discerning eyes.
Some of the Spawn clung to the sides of their subterranean buildings for a better view of the ceremony. They were giddy and hushed, unlike the mortal guests who gossiped and nudged one another like school children, or noblemen.
None of them mattered as much as the couple before her. Her child, undead against her wishes, but happy, and clearly, conscious of themself, their faith, and this decision. Astarion would always hold a strange place in her heart. She owed him much. She hated him deeply; the way one can only hate someone they also love. He did not betray her, but her grudge was impossible to deny, and would prove harder to overcome, even in the quiet acceptance she kept of him, and the smiles he shared now with Étoile, waiting for her to speak.
“We stand now at the edge of graceful darkness and all storms to come, with those who seek the permanency of marriage,” Aranea made no effort to hide her smile from the drow, the lack of marriage in their culture irrelevant to Auril's recognition, and amusing to the wedding couple. Her voice carried, deep and loud over the quiet commanded in their hollow in the Underdark. Delivered in elvish, Aranea wondered how spells and translators sought to interpret "graceful dark" or "permanency" in the context of the Underdark, the quiet of a midnight mountain, the unshakable frozen state that Auril was known to leave her most precious possessions. She could only continue, working from memory as Étoile had insisted wasn't necessary. “That their union might be part of their beauty, as inextricable in their nature as the privacy of their thoughts; the purity of their voices.”
In another declaration of one's nature, Aranea would have brought attention to the beating of a heart, the breath from one's lungs; but not so with vampires. She directed her hands at the couple.
“Speak now, a sworn and solemn vow to impress upon Auril, and all those who bear witness, the value you have found in one another and the virtues you cultivate, that none would question the foundation of your concord.”
Aranea closed her hands, raising one to her chest to gesture to her child with the other, allowing their audience a moment to judge, as was their nature. Love is not beautiful to the drow, culturally, but it could be in vogue, especially for their rivals, especially as a means to manipulate. If Astarion was good for anything, it was these little political overtures.
“Étoile,” Aranea beckoned, before continuing with their titles, “Mla'ghir, Torment of the Illithid and Councillor to House Ienith. You may lead. May Auril listen.”
Unlike Aranea, Étoile and Astarion each were going to read the majority of their contributions to the ceremony, and the paper cracked under Étoile's thumbs with the tension of their grip, a nervous energy accompanying even the tailored level of vulnerability they were subjecting themself to; to guests of either import or longevity to the point of a vampire's immortality.
“Astarion,” Étoile began, eased instantly by his smug expression. They readjusted their posture, and continued, in elvish. “When we met, I expected that if we survived we would have had an acquaintance, perhaps a friendship. I worried then, that it was very possible we would have only a few days together — the totality of the rest of our lives; but we survived, we grew closer, and I did spend the whole of the rest of my life in your company. I trusted you with my death, and … To call you my friend would be an egregious misnomer. I have loved you so long and so deeply that I wonder if to call this union marriage is not also misleading. I cannot picture my future devoid of any of your humour, your power, your support. Your promise, and your company, graces me the strength I need to challenge our rivals, our enemies, our friends and the whole of the world around us. We have not changed even this small corner of our world alone, and yet for all those I could not have succeeded without, I could not have succeeded without you. I would be a different person ten times over for not knowing you, and I am so grateful to you: for where we've been, for the security and comfort you bring, for letting me into your exacting confidence. I am so hopeful for where we're going, and for the love we'll share, with each other, through lovers we take and lives we touch. The importance you have to me cannot be overstated. If the sun never rises on me again, it will be too soon. There is so much for us in the dark, as we have proven, time and again.”
Étoile produced the box that would hold their silver rings, marking the end of their engagement, one way or another.
“Keep me close to your heart, beloved.” They vowed, “For me there is only by-your-side. I swear my heart, my hearth and my home, my silence for your secrets and my voice for your cause. Never need you ask for my shield, my rage or my patience. I am, at the heart of me, paced to overtake our every obstacle to our greatest advantage. I am, in my simplicity, desperate to make you happy, now and in whatever time stretches out before us, be it days, or the inescapable eternity of vampirism. Let our belonging take this shape, lover, and I will ever remain your confidant, your conspirator, and your friend.”
Though it was not part of the ceremony, there were not calls to reservation, modesty or celibacy in Auril's worship (though Astarion doubted he would have been respectful if there had been), and so Astarion circled one hand around Étoile's wrist to guide them down. He was sure they had some in the audience who would appreciate the romance of Étoile's declaration, and he would have it so that there were none more than him as transparent in their adoration. He led them into one long kiss, and then two shaken ones as he gathered himself. To be loved deeply was not foreign to him at this stage of his life, but it was his wedding day.
Astarion dared a glance at the drow who was soon to be his mother-in-law. To his wavering credit, she was smiling in her conflicted pride, and not weeping in disgust as she had when they'd declared their intention to turn Étoile into a vampire.
Once he separated himself, she continued to guide the ceremony, “Astarion, Leidhron, the Dread Fang, Lord of Duskwood and Councillor to House Ienith. You may follow. Auril hears you.”
“No pressure, I'm sure,” he quipped, to the amused murmurs of his guests.
“Étoile,” Astarion said before taking a moment to retrieve his vows. Still, the ceremony continued in elvish, “Our first two hundred years together — two hundred years, and a day — we were in Moonrise Village. We spent the day with Halsin, and the evening by the graves of dear friends. I was distracted, as it was officially the longest time I'd known another person since Cazador.” Some murmurs followed, his name taboo and often unspoken by the Spawn. “The inattentive would say he had no need to mold me, as, with a word, he could bid me to do anything. In truth, his every direction twisted me until I was nothing but the ugliest parts of myself; a cowardly and duplicitous slave. Since knowing you—”
Astarion stopped himself, creasing the paper in his hands, having a good memory for words and theatrics. Where he had planned to say, 'I have learned how to discern where I begin, and how to navigate myself in the constellations of our relationships.' Instead, he would echo an important sentiment from Étoile's vows.
“I am a different person, I doubt I can recount the ways. Endanya, I never mean to take you for granted,” he asserted, in reference to how Étoile and all his siblings presumed his discomfort with Étoile's vampiric transformation would never fade, “but there are stretches of time that I have been so familiar with your presence at my back — in battle, in bed, in politics and in the long monotonous moments that fill the in between; where the flowers grow, where the frost spreads, where the years pass. You motivate me to action, you support my rage and heartache, vengeance and ambitions, indulgence and hedonism, when others would turn away, sometimes rightfully. Often, rightfully.” The crowd laughed, but Étoile didn't, and Astarion smiled reassuringly.
“It is only because I knew I could rely on you through it all, that marriage felt superfluous. I have felt partner to you since before even the end of the netherbrain.” He adjusted his tone to reflect his incredulity as he gestured, “I would do anything that you asked because I know that you would not ask the impossible — although I might be required to attempt it anyway, if fate remains as stringent and demanding, in every avenue but love.” They did laugh at that, just a breath and a bounce of their shoulders, and a smile; but Astarion was still pleased with himself. “You have filled and fed my heart, literally and figuratively for so long. It is more than memories that stay with me. It is consequence. It is reward. Our choice, to be together, has never caused me regret. The world is rich for us, and we will never exhaust its treasures, not when each day can be spent in each other's company.”
Astarion produced the box that held their golden rings, the act in itself a final ritualistic recognition of his acknowledgement of their vow, before reciting his own.
“I swear I will see you through every darkened shadow, through any pain. Wherever we find ourselves, whatever befalls us; for you I am the heart of devotion. I will protect all you hold dear. I will celebrate your every victory. I will mourn your every loss. I will be bold as you require, and humble as I please.” That earned another snort from some of the audience and an accepting smile from Étoile, which struck a foolish, personal chord in Astarion and he started to falter as he went on, “I will be your lover and your husband, in this and any life. I have—” Astarion dropped his vows, and the extended volume and measured tone of his oration to swear to Étoile directly (as was the point of these things, Astarion's heart insisted) still in elvish, “I've wanted our eternity nearly all our acquaintance. I love you. I've loved you. I will — love you… The sentiment surprised me once, was foreign … once. Now it is at my core, as true as my vow, as inescapable as the shadows; as reliable as I always will be, when you need me, darling.”
When Étoile leaned down to kiss him, Astarion half-expected an embrace, but their hands fiddled between them, balancing the box intended for their silver rings in one palm, while easing their silver ring off their opposite hand. It was with a giddy scoff, lowering his face away in delight, that he mirrored the action.
5. First Dance - Does your couple have a first dance? What is that like for them?
As stated, they don't need to have the first dance of the night but they would have a first dance together.
It's simple for the most part. A slow song that has enough bounce (or bass) in it to encourage a head waggle even though most of the steps are wide or swaying. Something half-classical if not fully, where Étoile and Astarion at least drift apart and then together, if not where Étoile spins Astarion once or twice.
6. Private Moments - Every couple needs a private moment away from the big day. When does your couple escape the festivities, before, during, or after the ceremony/reception, to have a private, quiet (or perhaps not so quiet) moment?
There's a brief moment of ten minutes once they're dressed before they have to meet up with more than a handful of friends, family and staff. There's a longer moment of up to forty minutes after the ceremony where they change their outfits and ensure they're clean of blood, and revel in being married. There's not much else throughout the festivities until they settle in for the night.
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lindira · 7 months
Hey, you don't need to reply to this, but I happened to see your tags about fandom shitting extra on Cazador because he's Asian and... Basically as an Asian woman I agree. If he looked like Castlevania's Dracula, there'd still be people on their knees for him and making excuses like "oh well I hate Astarion" or something weak like that. There's no other real point to this other than I felt those tags deep in my soul lol
I'll reply, because I like thoughtful discussion. For the curious, Anon is talking about the below tags I wrote on my reblog of this post:
#i honestly wonder if the fandom’s reaction to cazador is because he’s asian#and asians are often perceived as weak or unmanly or non-threatening#i think if he were white but still thin and lithe the fandom would be all over him#much like how they go crazy for astarion#cuz it’s not that cazador is ugly cuz he’s not#though his weasely voice certainly exacerbates the ‘he’s just a slimy little guy’ thing#but I definitely think the fandom doesn’t take him as seriously partly because he’s asian
Granted, there are still people who have the hots for Cazador... which is what it is, really - YKINMK. But there are considerably fewer so than, say, Abdirak or He Who Was or Nere who all have a similar body type and vibe but who I've seen have a bigger fanbase. People also tend to talk about them like they're badasses - as opposed to Cazador, whom they speak of as if he's weak and non-threatening - even though Cazador has done more horrifying things for much longer than either of those other characters (though maybe except for He Who Was? Not sure what his deal is.).
And I really have to conclude that it's at least partly because Cazador is Asian-coded. Sure, his voice is slimy and thin, but that's true of any of the villain-ish characters I've noted. Put Cazador in Nere's or He Who Was' outfits and vice versa, or switch around their voices, and I guarantee the fandom would still shit on Cazador and call the white character sexy and intimidating.
Asians are perceived as weak and unmanly and timid and non-threatening. I see more discussions about Cazador being "just some guy" or a "disappointment" after Astarion had built him up to be a monstrous person, but that's exactly what Cazador is. What makes him "just some guy" or less threatening than many of the other lithe and thin villains in the game? What makes Cazador a joke? The only other villain I can think of that gets a similar "he's just some guy" treatment is Lorroakan, who is literally a fraud and a wannabe. Meanwhile, Cazador has built up a bank of 7000 victims over the course of 200 years, leaving them to absolute neglect and starvation. He has routinely tortured seven people whom he calls his "children", up to and including starving them, flaying them alive, and forcing them into sexual slavery. Which is genuinely not even half of the horrifying things he has done. Cazador is terrifyingly evil.
The thought that Cazador is presented as "just some guy" or a "little weakling" to drive home the fact that abusers and evil people can be just anyone is a valid and compelling one. But I also have to keep asking why looking at him makes people think he's weak. Again, all things being equal, I don't see what's so different about him from many of the other villainous characters that are spoken about with more gravity.
There is an inherent racism in seeing Asians and Asian-coded characters as less manly, less appealing, and less threatening. It's everywhere in media and public perception, and the BG3 fandom is no different.
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weenah · 25 days
Hello dear
I am from the Baalousha family from Gaza.. 🇵🇸🍉
I hope you are well .
I write to you with a heart full of hope and faith, and I ask for your urgent help. My family is in great danger due to the war, and I am running a fundraising campaign to save them. My father and mother suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure. Help me secure them
Please, can you reblog my campaign post on my account? Every participation can make a difference in my family's life.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for any help you can provide. 🇵🇸🇵🇸
The campaign was documented by @90-ghost
🍉🍉 Please save what's left of my family
boost! this campaign is vetted by 90-ghost, over $7000 raised out of $50000
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a-storm-of-roses · 2 years
Some McShep Holiday Recs
It should come as absolutely no surprise that I'm a sucker for the holidays, and in December there is nothing I love more than a good Christmassy fic. Just wanted to share some of my faves!
I'm sure I've missed some (and there's definitely some that I've never read, so drop any other recs in the comments or reblogs!)
gathering wishes by dedkake, 6000 words, G: Some lovely, post-canon, team holiday feels. Your heart will ache in the nicest way!
A Mr. Toe Christmas by thegrrrl2002, 7000 words, E: Christmas with the Millers! Getting together! What more could you want!
Last Minute Shopping (or Trials and Tribulations of the Pegasus Galaxy Mall) by kisahawklin, 5000 words, G: More team feelings, lots of humor, and some fun takes on Pegasus fun fairs!
Wassail by Dasha_mte, 6000 words, Not Rated: Some of my very favorite early Ronon characterization. Come for the clever takes on Earth holidays, stay for the surprisingly sweet Ronon/Carson.
12 Days of Christmas by Luna, 8000 Words, Not Rated: Someone is sending Rodney the 12 days of Christmas, and oh, he's allergic to birds. Funny and silly!
Not a Keebler Elf by FrankTheSnek, 4,900 words, E: Santa/Elf roleplay, need I say more? It's sexy, it's funny, it's surprisingly sweet!
Five Christmases by FrankTheSnek, 9200 words, M: Based on that very sweet Scandi Santa ad - Rodney is Santa, and John is smitten.
Liminal by GloriaMundi, 56000 words, M: This is not, strictly speaking, a Christmas fic, but parts of it are set over Christmas, and I reread it every December. Post-WWII England, Atlantis is a commune, John is a lost soldier, and Rodney is still a mad scientist. This story is beautiful, and the adaptations of other characters are just perfect!
A December Love Story by Melime, 25000 words, M: John is trying to reconnect with his family, Rodney is trying to win his sister over. They meet in the toy store (very Jingle all the Way!) and the rest is history! Sweet, non-Stargate AU!
Mountain Magic by Brumeier, 21000, T: John is a country musician, Rodney is a grumpy recluse, and there are three adorable orphans who need a home for Christmas! This is Hallmarky in the best way!
Finding Home for Christmas by DraconisWing24441, 54000 words, T: Another Hallmarky fave! John and Rodney are exes brought together by Madison's holiday letter to a soldier. Sweet, cozy read!
The Holiday by A_Storm_of_Roses, 26000 words, E: It's probably gauche to rec your own fics, but I also enjoy rereading it, so I don't care! A houseswap gone wrong means park ranger John and tech director Rodney are brought together for the holidays! Featuring the Millers!
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cheynovak · 2 months
Forged - Part four 
Summary: Calista is a young woman who lives with her uncle and nephew since her parents died, one day 'the God king's' guards under the leadership of a knight come to town. Looking for young women to present to the crown prince Cyrus (Luke Evans) , who is in search of a wife before he can claim the throne. Calista meets the handsome Knight Ezra (Jensen Ackles) who doesn't seem to be who she thinks he is. Will she fall for the dark intriguing prince, or will she fall for the guidance and warmth of Ezra?  
Warnings: Nothing too explicitly 
English is not my first language  
Words:  7000
Part 4 out of... I'm sorry I want to put so much into it, that it is getting to long for one shot.  
*This story is my own original story, please do not copy my work, reblog/comments/likes are appreciated*  
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Cyrus lay down beside me, his presence comforting and reassuring. He pulled me into his arms, holding me close. I nestled against him, my head resting on his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. we just lay there in silence, our breathing slowly synchronizing. When the realisation hit me.   
What have I done... 
When I woke up, I noticed Cyrus had already left. The pillow and sheets still carried his scent, a lingering reminder of the night before. As I lay there, my thoughts drifted back to the intimacy we had shared. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before, both physically and emotionally.  
But as the memories replayed in my mind, a wave of guilt washed over me. I had used Cyrus because I was angry and upset about the idea of Ezra dating someone else. The realization made me feel horrible. I used him to distract myself from my own turmoil. Wondering what would have happened if he didn't hold back when he did?  
Would I have gone all the way? The idea both thrilling and scared at the same time I sat up in bed, hugging my knees to my chest. I needed to sort through my feelings and figure out what I truly wanted. I couldn't continue to do this without understanding my own emotions and what Cyrus wanted from me.  
He had said this was a business deal, but last night had felt like so much more than that. Determined to talk to Cyrus honestly, I got dressed and searched for him in the castle. As I walked through the halls, I passed by a window overlooking the garden and noticed Ezra walking with a woman.  
She was beautiful, with blonde hair and a petite, graceful figure. It had to be Lady Sara. Seeing them together sent a pang of emotion through me. I caught my own reflection in the window—greasy hair, no makeup—a stark contrast to the radiant beauty of Sara. She was lightness incarnate, just like Ezra, while I looked like a dark cloud against her sunshine.  
Just then, Cyrus walked past me. He paused, concern in his eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked I forced a smile and looked up at him. "Why don't we invite her for dinner?" The words slipped out before I fully processed them. I didn't truly want to know her, but at the same time, I felt an overwhelming need to understand what Ezra saw in her, to know my competition.  
Cyrus raised an eyebrow as he looked outside, clearly surprised by my suggestion. "Are you sure that's what you want?" I nodded, trying to appear more confident than I felt. "Yes, I think it would be a good idea. Besides, it might be nice to surround me with women more often, it feels like I have barely any girl friends."  
He studied me for a moment, then nodded. As Cyrus walked away to make the arrangements, I felt a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. The dinner would be an opportunity to see Sara up close, to observe the dynamics between her and Ezra. It would also be a chance to show myself that I could face this situation head-on, no matter how uncomfortable it might be.  
Later that evening, the dining hall was beautifully set for the dinner. I had taken extra care to freshen up, wanting to present myself as best as I could. I wore a long, fitted gown that embraced my curves. It was dark green with a touch of gold detail, a colour that complemented my complexion and brought out the warmth in my features.  
I asked Marie to do my hair, and she skilfully styled it into soft curls that hung gracefully over my shoulders. I embraced the fact that I would never be a shining, ethereal beauty like Sara. Instead, I chose to highlight my own unique features, accentuating my big brown eyes and dark hair.  
When I looked in the mirror, I felt a sense of confidence and acceptance. I was different, yes, but I was also beautiful in my own way. When I arrived at the dining hall, I saw Sara sitting next to Ezra, laughing and flirting effortlessly. She looked radiant, her blonde hair cascading in waves, and her dress light and cheerful, accentuating her perfect figure. 
Cyrus and Ezra looked up as I entered, their eyes widening slightly as they took in my appearance. I had never dressed up like this for our usual dinners, and their reactions made me feel a bit more confident. A warm smile spread across Cyrus's face, and I felt a flutter of reassurance.  
Ignoring Ezra, I walked straight to Cyrus, who was seated with an empty chair next to him. "My Prince," I whispered, giving him a small, genuine smile. He stood up slightly to pull out the chair for me, his eyes never leaving me. "You look absolutely stunning, Calista," he murmured in my ear, his voice filled with admiration.  
"Thank you," I replied, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks as I took my seat beside him. Throughout the dinner, I could feel the tension and curiosity in the air. Sara continued to engage Ezra in conversation, her laughter ringing out like a melody. Despite my best efforts to be polite, I couldn't shake the feeling that she didn't like me, and I sensed she didn't like Ezra's reaction to me either.  
Our eyes met frequently, and I could see a mixture of emotions in Ezra's gaze that only added to the complexity of the situation. Cyrus's hand rested on my thigh, his fingers gently kneading. The touch was both comforting and electrifying, grounding me in the present moment even as my mind swirled with thoughts and doubts.  
When I looked at him, I saw a hunger in his eyes that he couldn't possibly put into words without making everyone blush. I wondered what he was thinking, what he wanted to say or do to me. As the meal continued, I found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on the conversation around me. My focus kept drifting back to Cyrus's touch and the intensity in his gaze.  
He leaned in closer, his breath warm against my ear. "I wish we were alone now," Cyrus murmured, his voice low and intimate. I nodded, forcing a smile while biting my lip. Across the table, Ezra noticed and shifted in his chair, looking jealous and upset. He turned his attention back to Sara as she deftly took over the conversation once again.  
Sara smiled politely, but her words carried a subtle sting. "I'm glad the brothers are finally getting along again," she said, her tone seemingly innocent. "Especially after the last time there was a girl living amongst them," Sara continued, her eyes glinting with a hint of malice.  
I looked confused as I took a sip of the wine, trying to mask my reaction. Cyrus's grip on my thigh tightened, but I chose to ignore it for now. "What do you mean, Sara?" I asked, my voice steady but curious. Sara's smile remained polite, but there was an unmistakable edge to her tone.  
"The last girlfriend of Cyrus broke both his and Ezra's hearts." The words hung in the air, and I felt a cold chill run down my spine. Cyrus's hand tightened further, almost possessively."That's enough, Sara," Cyrus said, his voice firm, a hint of warning in his eyes.  
Ezra looked visibly uncomfortable, his jaw clenching as he avoided looking at me. "It's not a topic for tonight," he added quietly, glancing at Sara, seemingly unfazed, shrugged lightly. "I just meant that it's good to see the brothers happy again. That's all."  
I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of Sara's words pressing down on me. She continued, her tone dripping with disdain. "At least now we don't need to worry they fall for the same girl," she said, her eyes glancing at me with contempt. "Because we are clearly nothing alike.” 
“Tell me Calista, it must be nice coming from a poor village and living like a princess." Tears welled in my eyes as her words hit me. The contrast between Sara's elegant life and my own humble beginnings felt painfully sharp. I tried to maintain my composure, but the sting of her comments was overwhelming. 
Cyrus noticed my sudden silence and the glisten of tears in my eyes. His face darkened with fury. Without raising his voice, he slammed his hand on the table, causing the silverware to clatter. "Sara, you need to show respect," he said, his voice icy but firm. "Calista will one day be your queen, and she deserves to be treated with dignity."  
Sara’s eyes widened in shock, and she fell silent, her face flushed with embarrassment. The room was charged with tension as the conversation halted. Cyrus turned to me, his expression softening as he extended his hand. "Let's take a walk," he suggested, his voice gentler now. "I think we both need some fresh air." I nodded, gratefully accepting his offer.  
As we stepped out into the cool night air, I felt a mix of relief and vulnerability. After a few moments of silence, I turned to Cyrus and asked, "Is it alright if I go to my room?" He looked at me with a mixture of concern and understanding. "Of course. Do you want me to accompany you?" I shook my head gently. "No, thank you. I think I need some time alone." Cyrus's expression turned sorrowful. "I understand. If you need anything, you know where to find me."  
I nodded, appreciating his respect for my need for solitude. "Thank you, Cyrus. I will." With one last reassuring glance, he let me go, and I made my way back to my room. The quiet of the corridor and the soft glow of the moonlight outside helped to calm my racing thoughts.  
As I entered my room and closed the door behind me, I sank onto the edge of my bed, letting out a deep, shuddering breath. I sat there for a while, letting the silence envelop me, until a gentle knock on the door broke the stillness. I opened it, expecting it to be Cyrus checking on me, but instead, I found Ezra standing there, his expression apologetic.  
I straightened myself quickly, trying to wipe away the evidence of my tears. "What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice curter than I intended. Ezra shifted awkwardly. "I wanted to apologize for Sara’s behaviour. Her comments were out of line." I narrowed my eyes, feeling a mix of frustration and hurt.  
"You could have chosen better, you know." Ezra looked taken aback. "I’m sorry?" he said, his tone earnest. "I never said I date her." I huffed "Does she know you’re not interested?" I asked, my voice tinged with scepticism. Ezra sighed. "It's difficult to tell her. She’s very persistent."  
I laughed without warmth. "It wasn’t difficult for you to push me aside, though." Ezra’s gaze was steady. "It doesn’t seem like you minded all that much, especially with how you’ve been with Cyrus." I flared up, my frustration bubbling over. "It was you who said I needed to give Cyrus a chance, remember? You said I was PERFECT for him! Him... not you!"  
Ezra's expression hardened. "You certainly used him to your advantages, since Cyrus's smell is still lingering in the room." I felt a surge of anger. "Well, Sara’s cheap perfume is all over you!" Ezra's eyes narrowed. "At least my bed doesn't smell like her!"  
“You didn't push her away, did you, you never said you don’t want her." I shot back, my voice trembling with emotion. "You just let her hang on, like she had some claim on you." Ezra's jaw tightened. "You think it's that simple? You think I want her clinging to me? I'm trying to handle this without causing a scene." 
I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest. "So, it's easier to string her along than to be honest with her? Just like it's easier to push me away and pretend it doesn’t matter?" His face contorted with frustration.  
"And what about you? Acting like you're so innocent when you're sharing a bed with Cyrus, flirting with him, practically eye fucking him in front of me tonight! Are you going to tell me that means nothing?" I felt a hot flush of anger rise up. "I didn’t ask for any of this! You made it clear you didn't want me, and now you’re mad because I turned to someone who does?"  
Ezra stepped closer, his voice low and intense. "You think Cyrus really cares about you? He’s using you." I shook my head, tears welling up. "No, Ezra, that's not true. He might not love me, but at least he treats me like I matter. Unlike you, who just throws me aside and then reclaim me, when it suits you."  
Ezra's expression softened slightly, but the hurt and anger were still there. "You don’t understand. I pushed you toward Cyrus because I still have a kingdom to think about. I didn’t want to hurt you. I thought it would be easier for you."  
"Easier for me?" I repeated, my voice cracking. "You thought it would be easier for me to be with someone I don’t love? To watch you with someone else, while I made it very clear how I felt that night at the festival?! I'm just a pawn in both of your games. Only Cyrus told me the rules of the game before I got close to him, unlike others."  
Ezra took another step closer, his voice softening. "Calista, I..."  
"No, Ezra," I interrupted, shaking my head. "You don't get to do this. You don't get to push me away and then act like you care. It's not fair." His eyes flashed with a mix of anger and desperation.  
"And it's fair to Cyrus? You think he doesn't see what's going on? He knows you're not fully with him." I took a step too, “At least he knows my intentions just like I know his.” Ezra's face twisted with anger, and he took a step, his voice rising. "And what are Cyrus's intentions? To fuck you like a whore, show you off to the public like a new toy, and dump you back in the castle when the people aren't watching?"  
I felt a surge of rage and pain. "You're no better!" I yelled back. "I've heard the stories about you and Sara... the rumours of how she screamed and moaned your name in the night. You're just recycling her to make me jealous." Ezra's eyes blazed with fury. "Those stories mean nothing! Sara means nothing to me!"  
"Then why is she here, Ezra?" I demanded, my voice breaking. "Why do you let her cling to you if she means nothing? Is she so good in bed?” He shook his head, his voice dropping to a harsh whisper. "It's not like that. You don't understand the pressure, the expectations."  
"You think I don’t?" I shot back, my heart pounding. "You think I don't feel the weight of being caught between you and Cyrus, of not knowing where I stand, making a deal to marry someone who I don't love, just to make sure my family get's a proper meal? One minute you take me to meet your brother, the next you push me away, then you get upset when I listen to you. That's not what I need from you."  
Ezra tugged at his hair in frustration. "What do you want from me?"  
"I wanted you to be honest with me!" I shouted, my voice echoing in the room. "I can't!" Ezra yelled back, his voice raw with emotion. "Then leave," I answered, my voice dropping to a whisper.  
Ezra's face fell, the anger dissipating and leaving behind only pain. He stared at me for a long moment, his eyes searching mine for something he couldn't find. “Leave.” I whispered again. Slowly, he turned and walked toward the door, each step heavy with unspoken words. As he reached the door, he paused, his hand resting on the handle. 
"Calista," he began, his voice barely audible. "I... I'm sorry." Without waiting for a response, he opened the door and walked out, closing it quietly behind him. I stood there for a moment, trying to catch my breath, the adrenaline still coursing through my veins.  
A knock on my door startled me, and I opened it, yelling, "What do you want?!" expecting it to be Ezra. Tears streamed down my face. Cyrus stood there, his expression angry until he saw my tears. His face softened with concern. "What did he do?"  
"Who?" I asked, wiping at my eyes. "Ezra," he said, his voice tight with anger. I needed to lie. "It wasn't Ezra," I said quickly, trying to steady my voice. "It was just... everything. I'm overwhelmed." Cyrus stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "Calista, you don't have to lie to me. I saw him leave your room. I heard you yelling."  
I shook my head, trying to compose myself. "We just argued, that's all. It wasn't anything serious." His eyes searched mine, clearly not convinced. "Are you sure? Because if he hurt you in any way..." "He didn't," I interrupted, my voice firm despite the trembling in my hands.  
"It was just a misunderstanding. I need to be alone,” I said, my voice cracking. “No,” his tone firm but gentle. I looked up at him, tears blurring my vision. “I need to be alone, Cyrus, please.” I repeated, more desperately. He shook his head. “I’m not leaving you like this.”  
Frustration and heartbreak bubbled over, and I started hitting his chest, my fists weak against his solid frame. “Why won’t you just listen to me?” I cried, my voice raw with emotion. Fighting a god was foolish, but I couldn't stop myself. Cyrus remained calm, his grip gentle but firm as he grabbed my arms, holding me steady. I kept sobbing, my cries turning into ugly, uncontrolled sobs.  
Slowly, he sank to the floor, pulling me down with him. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly while I continued to cry. We stayed there, in a tangled mess of emotions and exhaustion. I listened to the steady rhythm of his heart, the sound soothing in its constancy.  
My sobs gradually quieted, and my breathing slowed as fatigue took over. The warmth of his embrace and the sound of his heartbeat became a lullaby, and I felt myself drifting into sleep. Cyrus held me close, his presence a silent promise of support. As I slipped into unconsciousness, I felt a strange sense of peace, knowing that despite everything, I wasn’t alone.  
That night, I dreamed horrible, vivid dreams. Their father, the god king, lay dead, and I found him, his body lifeless and cold. As I tried to run, I stumbled upon Cyrus, holding a sword dripping with the purple divine and blood, a haunting glow in the night. Ezra knelt before him, and with a wicked smile, Cyrus turned to me and said, "This is for lying to me," before he decapitated Ezra in one swift, merciless motion.  
I sprang up from the dream, drenched in sweat, my heart pounding wildly. The room was dimly lit by the early morning light, and I realized I was alone. Cyrus must have placed me in bed last night, but now he was gone. The terror of the dream clung to me, and I struggled to shake off the lingering fear.  
I sat up, trying to steady my breathing, and looked around the room. Everything seemed normal, but the weight of the nightmare pressed heavily on my chest. Marie walked into the room, her expression somber and eyes filled with a haunted look. I was in the middle of getting ready, still trying to shake off the lingering dread from my nightmare. I noticed her demeanour immediately. "Marie," I said, turning to her. "What’s wrong?" Her voice trembled as she spoke, "The king... he's dead."  
The words hit me like a physical blow, and for a moment, I could only stare at her in shock. My nightmare from the previous night came rushing back with vivid clarity, the images of the god king lying dead, and Cyrus with the bloodied sword. "How?" I managed to ask, my voice barely more than a whisper. "They found him in his chambers this morning," Marie replied, tears brimming in her eyes. "There's talk of murder."  
My heart pounded in my chest. "Where are Cyrus and Ezra?" "They're in the throne room, with the council," Marie said. "You should go to them." I nodded, still trying to process the news. The king was dead, and if my dream held any truth... No, I couldn't think like that. I had to find Cyrus and Ezra, to see what was happening.  
As I hurried through the corridors, my mind raced. The palace was in chaos, servants and guards moving frantically, the atmosphere heavy with tension. When I reached the throne room, I found the doors guarded by two stern-looking soldiers. "I need to see Cyrus and Ezra," I said, my voice urgent. One of the guards nodded and opened the door just enough for me to slip through. Inside, the room was filled with council members, all talking in hushed, frantic tones.  
At the centre, I saw Cyrus and Ezra standing side by side, their expressions grim. Cyrus looked up as I entered, his eyes meeting mine with a mixture of relief and concern. "Calista," he said, his voice steady despite the turmoil around us. Ezra turned to look at me, his face a mask of controlled emotion. "We have a lot to discuss, go back to your room" he said quietly. I ignored him, moving closer to them.  
"I heard about the king. What happened?" Cyrus sighed, running a hand through his hair. "We're not entirely sure yet. There are signs of a struggle, and the council believes it was an assassination." Ezra’s gaze was intense. "We need to find out who did this and why. The kingdom is on the brink of chaos."  
The council chamber was filled with tension, each word and accusation adding to the mounting pressure. One of the council members, an older man with a sharp gaze, pointed a finger at Cyrus. "You couldn't get your hands on the throne fast enough, could you?" he sneered. "The marks on the king's body, they show ice burns. Who else here wields such power?"  
A murmur of agreement spread through the room. Cyrus's face darkened, his composure slipping. "How dare you," he growled, his voice trembling with barely contained rage. The council members continued to press, their voices growing louder, more accusatory. Cyrus's temper reached its breaking point, and with a sudden, violent gesture, a blast of purple force erupted from him.  
The shockwave shattered windows, splintered furniture, and sent people sprawling to the ground. The room fell into stunned silence as Cyrus stormed out, the purple fire in his eyes blazing. Ezra and I exchanged a quick glance before hurrying after him. We found him in his chambers, pacing furiously, his anger palpable.  
"I can't believe they're trying to push me aside," he muttered, his voice raw with emotion. "After everything..." The purple fire swirled in his eyes, casting an eerie glow around the room. "Get out," he snapped, his anger directed at us now. "Leave before I hurt you."  
I refused to back down, stepping closer to him. "No, Cyrus," I said firmly, grabbing his face with both hands. "You won't hurt me." For a moment, his anger faltered, replaced by confusion and something softer. But the fire was still there, simmering just beneath the surface.  
Ezra, sensing the volatility in the room, turned to leave. "I'll talk to the council," he said, his voice strained. "Try to calm them down." As Ezra left, the room seemed to shrink around us, the tension thick and oppressive.  
Cyrus's eyes met mine, the purple flames flickering. "Calista," he said, his voice a mixture of anger and desperation. "You shouldn't be here." "I'm not going anywhere," I replied, my voice steady despite my racing heart. He looked away, his shoulders sagging as the weight of the situation pressed down on him. "They think I killed him," he whispered, the admission hanging heavy in the air.  
"We'll prove them wrong," I said, my determination unwavering. "But you need to stay calm. Losing your temper won't help." He took a deep breath, the fire in his eyes dimming slightly. "I don't know if I can," he admitted, his voice barely audible. "You can," I insisted. 
Before I could say anything more, Cyrus pulled me into a kiss that was both freezing cold and burning hot, a whirlwind of conflicting sensations. His hands roamed over my body, kneading and groping with an urgency that left me breathless. It took a moment for me to fully register what was happening.  
He pushed me against the wall, his lips trailing down to my neck, where he kissed and bit with a force that made it hard to think. "Cyrus," I managed to gasp, "is this really the best time?" His response was a low growl, his breath hot against my skin. "I need this," he murmured, his voice rough and desperate. "I need you... I need to let off some steam."  
I struggled to keep my thoughts clear, the intensity of his touch making it difficult. "But... the council..." "Forget them," he whispered fiercely, his hands moving with a determination that left no room for argument. It took me everything to push him off me. “I say stop!”  
He took a step back angry, "So what Ezra gave you enough dick last night, you don't need me anymore?” I hit his face, it was a stupid move against a god. “Don't you dare talk to me like that!” I yelled back. Cyrus pulled back slightly, his breathing heavy, his eyes searching mine. "I can't lose you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Not now. Not even to him."
"You won't," I replied, my own voice trembling with emotion. 
"I’m sorry," he whispered, his voice breaking. "I shouldn’t have said that." I nodded, still reeling from the intensity of the moment. "We’re all under a lot of pressure," I said softly, my voice barely steady. "But we can’t let it tear us apart." He took a deep breath, his hands trembling slightly as he reached out to gently touch my cheek. "You’re right. I just… I don’t know how to handle all of this. My father’s death, the accusations, marriage… It’s too much"
"I’m here," I promised. "Marriage can wait... Let's just prove you didn't do it." 
The next days brought a whirlwind of activity to the castle as preparations were made to welcome Aunt Lillian and her three sons. Lillian, a formidable woman with divine powers like her nephews, was the only remaining member of their family who shared their abilities. Her sons, Tiberius, Orion, and Castor, were strikingly handsome and appeared slightly younger than Cyrus, though they were in fact several hundred years younger.  
The castle buzzed with activity, a stark contrast to the somber reason for their visit. Despite the mourning, there was an air of festivity as the council continued to refuse Cyrus’s ascension to the throne. This had forced both Cyrus and Ezra to relentlessly search for the real killer, but so far, their efforts had been in vain.  
That evening at dinner, the atmosphere was tense. The long table was filled with a mixture of mourners and council members, their expressions ranging from sorrowful to suspicious. Aunt Lillian, with her regal bearing and piercing eyes, sat at the head of the table beside Ezra and Cyrus.  
Her sons flanked her, each one radiating an air of quiet power. As I took my seat beside Cyrus, I felt Lillian’s gaze on me, cold and appraising. She leaned slightly toward Cyrus, her voice just loud enough for me to hear. "Is this the girl you’ve chosen to entertain yourself with, Cyrus?" she asked, her tone dripping with disdain. "She looks... ordinary." I felt a flush of anger and embarrassment, but Cyrus’s hand on mine under the table calmed me slightly.  
He met his aunt’s gaze with a steely resolve. "Calista is not to be spoken of in such a manner, Aunt Lillian," he said firmly. "She is my fiancée and has to be treated with utmost respect." Lillian raised an eyebrow, a small, mocking smile playing on her lips. "Fiancée, you say? Interesting choice, considering the circumstances." Ezra, sitting across from us, interjected, his voice calm but with an edge.  
"Aunt Lillian, Calista has been a great support to both of us during these trying times. I would appreciate it if you treated her with the respect she deserves." Lillian’s eyes flicked to Ezra, her expression unreadable. "Very well," she said, her tone dismissive. "But I do hope you both know what you’re doing.  
The council is already divided, and bringing an outsider into the fold will only complicate matters, they might even think you waited for the world to see her before you killed my brother." I felt the weight of her words and the eyes of everyone at the table. Dinner continued in a strained silence, broken only by occasional murmurs and the clinking of cutlery.  
Tiberius, Orion, and Castor seemed content to let their mother speak for them, their expressions neutral but attentive. After dinner, as we retired to library. Lillian approached me as we stood by the fireplace, her sons lingering nearby. "Do you know what you’re getting into, girl?" she asked, her voice low and threatening. "This is not a place for the faint-hearted."  
I met her gaze, trying to summon all the courage I could. "I know it won’t be easy, but I’m here to support Cyrus and Ezra. I won’t back down." She studied me for a moment, then nodded curtly. "We shall see," she said, turning away. That night, before the darkness fully settled over the castle, I found Cyrus still in the throne room. The grand space was dimly lit, casting long shadows across the floor. His expression was one of deep concern, his usually confident demeanour replaced by a brooding intensity. I hesitated for a moment before approaching him.  
“Cyrus,” I began softly, my voice echoing slightly in the vast room. He looked up, his eyes cold and hard. “What do you want to do next?” I asked, trying to break through his icy exterior. He sighed, his gaze drifting to the empty throne. “We need to find the killer, prove my innocence, and secure my place on the throne,” he replied, his tone devoid of emotion.  
I took a deep breath, gathering my courage. “Has our deal changed?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. He frowned, clearly confused. “What do you mean?” I looked away, gathering my thoughts before meeting his gaze again. “Since we’ve been somewhat intimate, I’m confused about your goals. Are we still proceeding with the fake marriage?”  
His confusion melted into a slow smile, a hint of warmth returning to his eyes. “Ah, I see. Even if we do this arrangement, people will expect an heir to the throne one day.” My heart skipped a beat at his words. “And what does that mean for us?” Cyrus stepped closer, his eyes locking onto mine. “It means we need to maintain the facade, but we also need to be realistic about what’s expected of us.”  
I nodded slowly, understanding the gravity of the situation. “So, our deal remains the same, but with added complexities.” “Calista, I need you by my side, I need you to keep your end of the deal. That's it. Now leave me." His words hurt me, just tried to convince Ezra his brother was kind to you but now... he looked like the same men I met at the beginning. I bowed and walked out the door, my heart heavy with the weight of our conversation.  
As I stepped into the hallway, I spotted Ezra talking to Sara. The sight of them together sent a fresh wave of pain through me, and I blinked rapidly, trying to keep my tears from falling. But the emotion was too strong. As I passed by, the tears began to spill, and I hastily wiped them away, not wanting anyone to see my weakness. Ezra must have noticed because he excused himself from Sara and walked briskly towards me. 
"Calista," he called softly, concern etched on his face. "What’s wrong?" I tried to brush past him, but he gently caught my arm, pulling me to the side where we could talk in private. "Calista, please talk to me," he insisted, his voice low and urgent. "It's nothing," I said, my voice shaky as I tried to pull myself together.  
"Just everything happening... it’s overwhelming." I pulled my arm free, my anger and hurt bubbling to the surface. "Then why are you with her, Ezra? Why do you keep hurting me like this?" He looked taken aback, his mouth opening and closing as if searching for the right words. "It’s not what you think. I’m trying to manage things, keep her at bay. But you... you’re all I think about." I shook my head, the tears falling freely now.  
"You say that, but your actions say otherwise." Ezra stepped closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Calista, I’ve been trying to protect you. Everything I’ve done... it’s for you." "Then show me," I demanded, my voice barely more than a whisper. "Show me that you care. Because right now, I don’t know what to believe." 
Lillian interrupted us, her eyes sharp and knowing as she approached. There was a calculating look in her gaze that told me she had picked up on the tension between Ezra and me. "Ezra," she said, her tone measured, "has Calista received her education yet?" I looked at her, confused. "What do you mean?" Ezra's expression turned serious.  
"No, Aunt Lillian. She hasn't." Lillian nodded, a faint smile on her lips. "There are certain things, traditions, that need to be followed for you to become the queen and earn immortality. It's part of the process, Calista, something every future queen must go through." I felt a knot of apprehension form in my stomach. "What kind of education?" Lillian's smile widened, though it didn't reach her eyes. "It's nothing to worry about, dear. Just a series of lessons and rituals to prepare you for your role. I can help you with them while Ezra and Cyrus continue their search for the killer. By the time they catch him, you'll be ready for marriage."  
Ezra glanced at me, concern evident in his eyes. "Calista, you don’t have to do anything you’re uncomfortable with." But I knew I had to take this step if I wanted to secure my place and help Cyrus and Ezra focus on finding the truth. "I'll do it," I said, trying to sound confident. Lillian’s smile became more genuine. "Good. We’ll start tomorrow." Ezra looked troubled, but he nodded. "If you’re sure, Calista." I squeezed his hand, trying to reassure him. "I’m sure. You need to find the killer and bring peace back to the kingdom. If this is what I have to do to help, then I will."  
Every day, Lillian guided me through a rigorous schedule of lessons. We delved deep into politics, learning the intricate workings of the kingdom and the delicate balance of power between realms. The teachings about the divine were the most intense and crucial, as they were the foundation of my future role. Lillian explained the significance of the divine powers, how they flowed through the royal bloodline, and the responsibilities that came with wielding such power.  
She taught me about the ancient rituals and ceremonies that maintained the balance between the mortal and divine worlds. Her knowledge was vast, and her teaching methods were both demanding and precise. As part of my preparation, Lillian brewed special teas for me to drink each day. These concoctions were meant to cleanse my body and ready it to receive the divine power that I would share with Cyrus upon our union. The teas had a bitter taste, but I drank them without complaint, understanding their importance. 
"You must be purified," Lillian would say as she handed me the cup. "The divine power is not something to be taken lightly. It requires a vessel that is pure and strong." The cleansing process was rigorous. I often felt light-headed and drained, but Lillian assured me that this was normal and a necessary part of the preparation. Despite the physical toll, I could feel myself growing stronger. asked how exactly I would receive it the power Lillian’s smile was knowing. "The consummation of your marriage is not just a formality; it is a sacred act that binds you to Cyrus and allows the divine power to be shared between you." I nodded, trying to absorb the gravity of what she was saying. The blush on my cheeks deepened. As I continued my lessons with Lillian, the reality of my future role as queen became more tangible. The divine power was a gift, but it was also a responsibility that I had to embrace fully. And part of that responsibility was accepting my bond with Cyrus, not just in the public eye but in the most private and sacred of ways.  
Each day, as I drank the cleansing teas and absorbed the knowledge Lillian imparted, I felt myself becoming more and more ill and weak. My head often pounded, and my stomach churned with a constant sense of unease. Despite this, I pushed through, determined to prepare myself for the role I was destined to play. One morning, I walked into the dining room, the familiar feeling of nausea stronger than ever. I heard Ezra talking to his nephews and Cyrus about needing to fin 
d the murderer. Their voices blurred together as my vision started to dim, and a sharp pain shot through my head. I tried to excuse myself, to make it to the door before I collapsed, but my legs gave way beneath me. The world spun, and the last thing I saw was the panicked faces of Ezra and Cyrus rushing toward me before everything went black.  
When I came to, I was lying in a bed, the room dimly lit by candles. Cyrus and Ezra were by my side, their expressions a mix of concern and fear. "Calista," Ezra's voice was soft but urgent. "What happened? You've been getting worse every day." I tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness forced me back down. "I don't know," I whispered. "The teas, the lessons... I thought they were supposed to help me."  
Ezra took the old teapot on my nightstand and smelled it, passing it to Cyrus. Cyrus exchanged a look with Ezra, his eyes narrowing. "Lillian," he muttered under his breath. Both got up without a word. Cyrus turned to Ezra. "You need to stay with her. If this means what we think, she is in danger." Ezra nodded. I was confused, asking, "What's wrong?" Ezra's expression was grim.  
"Lillian has been poisoning you. There is no tea in the preparation." My mind raced, struggling to process what he had just said. "Poisoning me? But why?" "To weaken you, to control you, perhaps even to kill you. without you there is no wedding, no wedding Cyrus can't be king no king... she could demand the throne by vote through the council." 
Cyrus ran off, and Ezra, seeing my fear, climbed into bed behind me. He held me close, my head resting on his chest. Hours passed, and eventually, exhaustion took over, and I fell asleep against him. I woke up when Cyrus entered the room, his voice breaking the silence. "She admitted it," he said, his tone heavy with weariness. "She even admitted to killing our father."  
He looked terrible, like he had been through a brutal fight. His clothes were torn, and there were visible scratches and bruises on his skin. I sat up, still feeling weak but filled with concern. "What happened?" I asked. Ezra, his voice tense, asked, "Her sons?"Cyrus nodded, his expression grim. "I had to kill them too. They fought back when I confronted Lillian. They were all in on it."  
A mix of relief and sorrow washed over me. While Lillian's threat had been neutralized, the cost had been high. I could see the toll it had taken on Cyrus, and it broke my heart. Ezra tightened his hold on me, his presence reassuring. "You did what you had to do," he said quietly. "You need to keep Calista safe now." Cyrus nodded, his gaze softening as he looked at me. "We will."  
The three of us stayed together that night.
Cyrus had changed clothes and washed up before he switched places with Ezra, who now sat on the chair a crossed the room. I caught his glance when I lay in Cyrus his arms, a whirl of emotions showing, pain and sadness but also relieved and caring, maybe a hint of jealousy?
I was too tired too ill to decipher. Their protective presence a comfort amidst the turmoil made me feel at ease, knowing I'd be save. As I drifted back into sleep, I knew what soon would follow.  
Tag list:-> I keep a different list for this story because it is different from the other stories I write. If you want to be added please let me know!
@jackles010378 @headinthemoon87
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saintmeghanmarkle · 4 months
DM - Meghan Markle wore nearly 120000 of new clothing and jewellery in 72 hours in Nigeria by u/Feisty_Energy_107
DM - Meghan Markle wore nearly £120,000 of new clothing and jewellery in 72 hours in Nigeria Meghan Markle wore nearly £120,000 of new clothing and jewellery in 72 hours on her 'quasi-royal tour' of Nigeria with Prince Harry | Daily Mail Online OR the Archived versionDay 1Peach dress at the schoolWhite suitDay 2 The slit and peep hole dressWhite tube dressRed dressShirt and shirtSATURDAY TOTAL: £26,771.23Day 3Yellow dressPatterned dressNow I know some are re-wears such as the yellow dress and some of the jewellery is of course the same pieces she always wears, i.e.. the tank watch. There were a few things I wasn't sure about. For example DM listed a £50,000 pinky ring and the watch but without being saying they were previously worn. They also listed an over £7000 love bangle which I am not sure was new. As they do list a yellow gold bangle also by Cartier as being a re-wear. post link: https://ift.tt/xdPFMrE author: Feisty_Energy_107 submitted: May 13, 2024 at 09:08PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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otomiyaa · 11 months
ginny what will be ur strategy to get those 7000 followers back? any advice you might share with other starting blogs?
Hi anon! I'm actually not planning to get them back! There also never was a 'strategy', but on my old blog I was active for 7+ years and wrote a whole bunch of tickle fics and headcanons, and also gifs and other things for so many different fandoms.
Using that experience, I can give the following advice, but disclaimer: this is how it went for me, I sadly cannot guarantee it will work.
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Give it time, have patience.
Expand your fandom list.
Be active, make a lot of own posts.
Reblog a lot and interact with others.
Just have fun and never make getting followers/notes your prior goal.
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It probably wasn't the case but let's just say that posting so much content got me about 1K followers each year :) So I would definitely advise to give it time.
My assumption is that it wasn't even because my things were good, but because I was very active, so that's another thing. I would recommend to make a lot of own posts and try to expand your fandom list. My posts and fandoms were all over the place, so whether it was from the Marvel fandom side or anime/manga and video games, my followers came from everywhere as well.
On top of those own posts (whether that's fics, headcanons, or something else), reblog from others and interact with them. I tried to interact as much as I could and often saw those people follow me back and interact with my posts as well (even when they were non-tickle blogs HELP).
For me this would be important too: never make getting followers your prior goal! It wasn't for me either, and I'll think it will make blogging a lot more fun for you. Good luck and have fun! 💕
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Norwegian Bokmål for Total Beginners (January 2024 Crash Course)
25. Nordic Countries
Welcome to day 25! We're doing pretty well here, huh? :D Today we're learning the names for the nordic countries!
land (n) - country
Norden - the north (specifically the nordics)
Norge - Norway
Danmark - Denmark
Sverige - Sweden
Finland - Finland
Island - Iceland
Færøyene - The Faroe Islands
språk (n) - language
nasjonalitet (m) - nationality
Grammar: Language & Nationality
Unlike English where we can change the word of the country in any number of ways to get the language/nationality (France -> French, Germany -> German, Norway -> Norwegian, Sweden -> Swedish, China -> Chinese etc), it's pretty easy in Norwegian: it'll always end in -sk:
Norge -> norsk (Norwegian)
Sverige -> svensk (Swedish)
Danmark -> dansk (Danish)
Finland -> finsk (Finnish)
Island -> islandsk (Icelandic)
Færøyene -> færøysk (Faroese)
This pertains to both the language and the nationality:
Han er norsk. Han snakker norsk. (He's Norwegian. He speaks Norwegian)
Vi er finske. Vi snakker finsk og svensk. (We're Finnish. We speak Finnish and Swedish)
Den islandske mannen snakker islandsk og dansk. (The Icelandic man speaks Icelandic and Danish)
Er dere færøysk? Snakker dere færøysk? (Are you Faroese? Do you speak Faroese?)
Note: all countries are capitalised just like in English, but languages and nationalities aren't.
Your turn!
Here's a list of countries in alphabetical order. Find your country and tell me what languages you speak! If your country or language isn't there, you're welcome to look it up, reblog and add it (there's like 200 countries and over 7000 languages in the world so I'm not gonna list them all, sorry. I chose the countries I did because I have or have had followers of those nationalities)
I'll go first!
Jeg kommer fra Storbritannia. Jeg er britisk. Jeg bor i Japan. Jeg snakker engelsk og norsk, og jeg lærer meg japansk. (I come from the UK. I am British. I live in Japan. I speak English and Norwegian, and I'm learning Japanese)
Argentina/Argentinian -> Argentina/argentisk
Australia/Australian -> Australia/australsk
Austria/Austrian -> Østerrike/østerrisk
Belarus/Belarusian -> Hviterussland/hviterussisk
Belgium/Belgian -> Belgia/belgisk (Flemmish = flamsk)
Bosnia & Herzegovina/Bosnian -> Bosnia og Hercegovina/bosnisk
Brazil/Brazilian -> Brasil/brasiliansk
Bulgaria/Bulgarian -> Bulgaria/bulgarsk
Canada/Canadian -> Canada/kanadisk
China/Chinese -> Kina/kinesisk
Croatia/Croatian -> Kroatia/kroatisk
Cyprus/Cypriot -> Kypros/kypriotisk
Czechia/Czech -> Tsjekkia/tsjekkisk
Egypt/Egyptian -> Egypt/egyptisk (Arabic = arabisk)
England/English -> England/engelsk
Estonia/Estonian -> Estland/estlandsk
France/French -> Frankrike/fransk
Germany/German -> Tyskland/tysk (Yiddish = jiddisk)
Georgia/Georgian -> Georgia/georgisk
Greece/Greek -> Hellas/gresk
Greenland/Greenlandic -> Grønland/grønlandsk
Hungary/Hungarian -> Ungarn/ungarsk
India/Indian -> India/indisk
Ireland/Irish -> Irland/irsk
Israel/Israeli -> Israel/israelsk
Japan/Japanese -> Japan/japansk
Korea/Korean -> Korea/koreansk
Latvia/Latvian -> Latvia/latvisk
Lithuania/Lithuanian -> Litauen/litauisk
Mexico/Mexican -> Mexico/meksicansk
Moldova/Moldovan -> Moldova/Moldovisk
The Netherlands/Dutch -> Nederland/nederlandsk (Frisian = frisisk)
New Zealand/New Zealander -> New/Ny Zealand/new/ny zealandsk (Aotearoa = Aotearoa)
Palestine/Palestinian -> Palestina/palestinsk (Gaza = Gaza, the West Bank - Vestbredden)
The Philippines/Filipino -> Filippinene/filipinsk
Poland/Polish -> Polen/polsk
Portugal/Portuguese -> Portugal/portugisisk
Romania/Romanian -> Romania/rumensk
Russia/Russian -> Russland/russisk
Scotland/Scottish -> Skottland/skotsk (Scots = skotsk, Scottish Gaelic = skotsk-gælisk)
Serbia/Serbian -> Serbia/serbisk
Slovakia/Slovak -> Slovakia/slovakisk
Slovenia/Slovenian -> Slovenia/slovensk
South Africa/South African -> Sør-Afrika/sørafrikansk
Spain/Spanish -> Spania/spansk
Thailand/Thai -> Thailand/thailandsk
Turkey/Turkish -> Tyrkia
The UK/British -> Storbritannia/britisk
Ukraine/Ukrainian -> Ukraina/ukrainsk
The USA/American -> USA/amerikansk
Vietnam/Vietnamese -> Vietnam/vietnamsk
Wales/Welsh -> Wales/walisisk
Zimbabwe/Zimbabwean -> Zimbabwe/zimbabwisk (Shona = sjona)
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aromanticduck · 7 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers :D
New jumper I bought on Monday and am wearing for the first time today (it's brown cable knit)
My cats! They're brothers called Mario and Luigi.
The half term holiday (week off work!)
My friend is coming round tomorrow :D
The fact that approximately 7777 aces and aros answered my poll about Valentine's Day. Over 7000 other aspec people saw my post and interacted with it. There's more of us out there than we think.
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one-half-guy · 10 months
On one hand, I love your Sonic posts. Espilver is one of my favorite ships. On the other hand, I’m Jewish. My extended family is in Israel, in a bomb shelter, scared for their lives. Friends of their friends have been killed. Tumblr is endorsing people with the most vile anti-Semitic posts. With every post on the situation is Israel-Palestine, I feel more and more alienated by people I thought I could look up to. That includes you.
All I have to ask you is this: do you support Hamas? Because you are reblogging posts that say the HOSTAGE’S FAMILIES are crisis actors! Are you so desperate to see Israel off the map that you’ll support a terrorist group that has ‘kill the Jews’ in their official charter?
Short and quick answer: No, I do NOT support Hamas, I condemn this group's ways as well as I condemn the State of Israel
Now, the long answer: For start, the Hamas is a consequence of Israel's actions: such as the Apartheid akin regime Israel established and all the DEATHS of palestinians they caused since 1948, so is not like we could say Israel is the victim, that's the last thing we can say! Looking only the current "conflict" they caused over 7000 deaths so far, much more than the over 1000 they claim Hamas caused.
Also, while they claim to be attacking only places where Hamas is hidden, they attacked several hospitals, one of these cases was amid a live broadcast to TV, several schools, AND MOCKED THE CHILDREN IN ITS RUBBLE, and even the West Bank where THERE IS NOT Hamas activity, freak they attacked a mosque while the civilians were PRAYING! Do you want me to believe they are only aiming Hamas?? Where THERE IS NO activity of them like the West Bank?? ATTACKING SCHOOL AND HOSPITALS WHERE CHILDREN, ELDERLY AND PATIENTS ARE EITHER HIDDEN FULL FEAR OR CAN'T GET AWAY BECAUSE DUE HEALTH PROBLEMS??
The fact is that Israel hides itself in the excuse of pursuing Hamas to promote their genocide, that's clear: they bombed a refugee camp claiming there was a single comander of Hamas there. They KNEW hundreds or even thousands of civilians would either be killed or seriously injured and bombed the camp anyway claiming it was in order to kill a single member of Hamas.
With all that it's already impossible to stand by Israel's side.
Also it got worse as I learned that Israel foundation itself was an antisemitic move of England to get the jews out of Europe, basically meaning they wanted to have the european jews out of Europe so desperately that they didn't care in support the migration of all of them to a land that was already occupied (detail, previously both european and american jews and palestinian were called by the british to help in the WW1 against the Ottoman Empire with lots of promises, the palestinian received nothing while the jews were supported to migrate to the palestinian lands)
Also remember that even many modern jews are against Israel.
Then I reiterate: I don't support Hamas, as well as I condemn Israel. I'm really sorry in know your family and friends are in this situation as I understand the civilians of both sides are suffering. But the fact is that the situation is far worse for the Palestine side, it's clear cruelty is still euphemism to describe Israel State's atrocities.
You are not antisemitic by condemn Israel as well as you are not supporting Hamas by defend Palestine
Hamas is only ONE group, Israel is the government itself.
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Major earthquakes Turkey and Syria
First earthquake: magnitude-7.8
4 am local time
Lasting over 90 seconds
Second earthquake: magnitude 7.5
1 pm local time (nine hours later)
No warning, no signs, no major earthquakes in over 200 years
Over 7000 people killed (on february 7)
More than 100 aftershocks of magnitude 4 and greater
Affected area about 500 km (in comparison: that's from Amsterdam to Paris, or from San Francisco to Las Vegas)
How can you help?
Donate to:
Global giving
Red cross
Or reblog this to spread awareness!
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818zombie · 1 year
Tumblr media
Idk why I got over 7000 followers but
I only have like 30 to 60 active mutuals and followers
Thank you to everyone who always likes or reblogs my shit and showing love to my blog
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