#But I have to get in mind physical activity is better than lazing about.
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death-rebirth-senshi · 17 days ago
I swear sometimes exercising puts my fight or flight into high gear instead of making it channeled.
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glowingbadger · 4 years ago
I loved the Ashe, Sylvain, and Hilda modern-day HCs. So….can I ask for….Marianne, Dima, and Claude now? They’re so so good.
Here's a quick list of the places I've touched on ModernAU stuff with these characters before, for anyone who's interested! General Modern HCs (Dimitri) W/ insecure Reader (Claude, Dimitri) W/ insecure Reader (Marianne) Soft HCs (Dimitri)
I'll try not to repeat myself too much, but the SFW portion might be a little sparse because I've written a good deal of my thoughts on that already :3
Marianne, Dimitri, Claude x GN Reader
Modern/College AU headcanons
SFW (not sfw under the cut)
- Definitely a veterinary student who has an incredible, intuitive way with animals. One of those "gets along with animals better than people" types. As a result, many others in her classes see her as aloof or difficult to talk to. Fortunately, when Hilda drags her to a party one night, you notice her keeping to herself and come to make casual conversation. It takes a bit for her to open up, but she's soon grateful for pleasant, relaxing company in the midst of the loud chaos.
- She needs a good amount of reassurance in a relationship, as she's so convinced you could do better. Marianne is totally the type to apologize for not being good enough for you, then apologize for bringing it up, then apologize for apologizing. But her love and admiration for you are so very clear. She'll shyly take your hand in hers, and just the way she looks at you, it's like you're every star and every sunset she's ever seen.
- Marianne spends some of her free time volunteering at a local animal shelter, and one of your earlier dates would involve her introducing you to some of the animals in her care. Here, it's like you see a completely different side of her- she's so much more confident and firm when she speaks to the animals, and she smiles so brightly and laughs adorably as she watches you attempt to make a good impression on them.
- We've chatted about Modern! Dimitri a good deal so far- but I will double down here on the fact that, while he's outwardly extremely intimidating to your friends when you first start dating, you know (and they learn) that he's absolute Malewife material.
- He loves sitting on video calls with you and just staring at your adorable, lovely face. He's an excellent listener, and will gladly hear about your entire day from start to finish, even if you insist it was nothing special. He's just so soothed by your voice, and the chance to see you. While he's honestly not very good at social media in general, he does have a couple hundred pictures of you saved. Not to post anywhere, just to look back at with a goofy grin on his face.
- Claude is the guy on campus that everyone likes, plenty of people want, but no one can really nail down. He seems to know everyone, but he's only actually close to a few good friends, and for the longest time, even they assume that he's the "doesn't believe in serious dating" type. It starts much the same with you- he figures you're interesting and cute as hell, so he may as well spend some time having fun and getting to know you. And then... the feels TM creep in.
- You'll be caught up in a sort of... friendly flirtation with him for a while. The kind where it would be easy to play off all of the corny innuendos and knowing glances as "just kidding around." Then, one night, after a long group study session or just lazing around with drinks and games with his friends, he offers to walk you back to your dorm. When you get caught in a sudden downpour and have to duck under the nearest building's awning for shelter, he gives you a strange lingering look that's so much heavier than any you've seen. And without a word, he leans down to kiss you. When you part, he's wearing a slanted smile, but he's fidgeting a bit when he says, "Hey, uh, Y/N. I wanna be with you- for real. So uh... how 'bout it?"
- Claude is just the most fun boyfriend ever. He's got an active and curious mind, so he's always game to try anything you're interested in, and you'll never be at a loss for date ideas. He's the kind who gets okay grades, though nothing incredible, but his brilliance shines in how he latches on to new information, turning a topic around in his mind until he's seen it from every angle. It's especially charming when he asks to hear about your interests or areas of expertise- he asks all the right questions and the conversation becomes lively just about instantly.
NSFW 18 + v
- You're definitely her first sexual partner (she hasn't even dated seriously until you), and she's going to take a long time to get comfortable freely exploring the physical side of a relationship. She's a big cuddler, once you've assured her that you like it too- she finds it immensely soothing to rest her head on your shoulder or on your chest, just listening to your breathing and feeling you warm against her. But as for sexual affection, she'll start slow, testing things by letting her gentle hands tentatively wander just a little further than before, or deepening your kiss a little more than usual.
- Best practice with Marianne is to let her be the one to suggest or initiate things, but to respond enthusiastically when she does so she knows you're happy with it and you want her as much as she wants you. Your approval and encouragement fills her with warmth she's never felt before, and a sense of bold desire she hadn't even known she was capable of. There's plenty of communication with her- there has to be -but in a way, that becomes its own sort of eroticism. Soft murmurs of, "is this okay?", "does that feel good?", or "can you take more?" mix in with affirmative sighs and moans, turning the negotiation of comfort into a wonderful, slowly escalating path towards satisfaction.
- She's absolutely mortified by the idea of sexting or sending nudes, but if she sends you an outfit she's considering and reply with a coy "You look amazing- can't wait to take that off of you" (honestly the cheesier the better with the pickup lines- being too smooth would intimidate her)- she'll only respond with a single blushing emoji, but you bet she'll be wearing that outfit to your next date.
- Everyone on campus, including your friends/roomates see Dimitri as such a pure cinnamon roll that you might be surprised to learn he has a rather healthy sex drive underneath all of that sweetness and affection. Granted, he's definitely most likely to desire you when he feels emotionally close to you- but that won't stop him from fucking you nice and deep until your bed creaks. The first time someone overhears you practically screaming out his name, rumors start spreading that your ever-devoted Malewife is actually legendary in bed. It's mostly a raunchy joke, but as far as you're concerned, they're not exactly wrong.
- He's too nervous to actually save any of the spicy pics you've sent him to his phone, but that doesn't stop him from regularly scrolling back through your message threads to find them. Masturbating to porn is fine and good, but when he can look at you biting your lip as you show off your body to him, he pumps his cock and bucks his hips against his hand until he cums far harder than he's used to. Dimitri especially gets a thrill out of the implied part of this- the fact that you wanted to flaunt yourself to him like this and made sure that he would linger on the sight of you.
- A very fun game is to comment or imply something about how good Dimitri fucks you while you're hanging out with his friends. He stammers and turns bright red when you mention how, "Oh don't you worry, Dimitri keeps me nice and satisfied, don't you babe?" with your eyebrows quirked playfully. His buddies nudge him and laugh, and as timid as he appears about it, he'll need you as soon as you're alone together, and he'll hold you extra close and pound into you a little harder than usual.
- Alright. Claude is hot, and Claude knows he's hot, and he has no problem using this to his advantage. He'll absolutely send you gym selfies, or raunchy messages when he knows you're with friends or family. During minor disagreements or when you're pretending to be mad at him, he'll slip an arm around your waist and nibble at your ear, whispering, "C'mon babe, don't be like that..." before pulling you close and kissing you until you can't think straight.
- He absolutely doesn't care if people overhear you- in fact, he'll tease you about it, murmuring in your ear that you can't keep moaning for him like that or you'll be heard. But the fact that he's fucking into you harder and deeper as he says it tells you clearly that he wants you to cry out for him. In general, he's pretty shameless about your shared sex life if you allow him to be. He'll practically strut out of your room to clean up in just his boxers, not caring a bit if your roommates get an eyeful. He's handsy in public as well (again, depending on your comfort with it), and will absolutely grab a handful of your ass while you're on a date together, or trail his hand up your thigh during a movie.
- Claude is adventurous and open minded about sex in general, as I've mentioned a couple times. Hell, he'll even send you a porn clip or a bit of smut, along with a brief "we should try this ;)"- and he obviously loves when you do the same for him. He sees no reason to be shy with his partner about your mutual pleasure. Communicating your preferences will make sure you both enjoy yourselves, and the process of even talking about it can be pretty hot on its own.
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lolita-lollipop · 4 years ago
What about a yandere platonic kirishima with a reader who loves his cats (or whatever animal he has) more than him the reader refuses to talk to him and ignores him 24/7 and spends all there time with his cat I feel like he would be a very jealous boi thank you goodbai
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At first, kirishima really doesnt mind it. He had the cats here, not only because he likes them, but also because they could serve as a form of comfort and distraction for you. It really doesn’t bother him at all when you’d start to hang out with them a lot more, there really ain’t anything better than having a feline friend cuddle up next to you while you sleep is there? He just thinks it’s so cute when you ramble onto them like they’re real humans, or when you fall asleep on the couch with them under a blanket.
Then, it becomes a problem. Everything you do, is done without him, instead replaced with a cat. He never thought he would say this, but he’s literally jealous of a cat, he can’t do anything with you anymore, as you’re always speaking with them instead of him, when he wants to feed you, you’re done on the floor feeding the cats, when he wants to bathe you, you bring along one of the cats so they’ll put up a fuss about the wayer, hen he wants you to cuddle with him, you’ve already got a cat on you, blocking him form even touching you. Everything you do now is done with a cat, the worst part about it is, taht you stopped talking to him entirely, he felt like he was being relaxed by a furball.
He hates it
Meanwhile, you are quite enjoying yourself, you weren’t ever allowed a pet before coming here, so the 12 or so cats were like a little refreshment form your situation. Your “daddy” is the one who kidnapped you, he can deal with whatever wierd coping mechanism you have, even if it annoys him, he brought it on himself! These cats are t jsut little animals anymore, they’re like your friends, you spend most of your day just lazing around with them anyway, and they show no sign of objection, so it’s safe to say from both sides, you are all besties.
This situation is… a problem, for kirishima at least, you aren’t really doing anything wrong, and he wouldn’t punish you for no reason, but also he doesn’t get any time with you anymore, it’s like you’re trying to grow up in him, and he can’t have that. He also doesn’t want to just throw the cats out, because he likes them, no matter how annoying they could be, and you love them, it would just break your little heart to see your best friends go, he never wants to see your cute little face muddled with tears, so he can’t do that to you.
That doesn’t make him any less jealous though, when you brush him off, or ignore him outright, just so you can pick up the cat and giggle, it’s so cute taht it makes his heart melt, but it also makes his heart hurt because you’re refusing to talk to him, so he’s confused, and jealous. He actively pulls you away from them just to get a few moments, and push away the cats when they come anywhere near him. He’s just a little petty… just a little
You just find him pouting across the room, a full ass grown man is pouting because you refused of give him a hug. He is very passively telling you to pay attention to him, wether it’s negative or positive, he just wants something. You to scream at him and call him names, or for you to wrap your hands around his waist and hug him, he just wants anything. At some point he’ll get so fed up that he’ll physically pick you up, and sit you on his lap, and talk to you about how he knows that you live them, but all he’s trying to do is “help” you, and it can’t be one sided.
So of course, this “cat episode” as he calls it, is out to an abrupt end quite quickly actually. The two of your are back to being normal, if that’s what you could call it, taht doenst exactly mean no cats are involved anymore. You’re partly the reason he keeps them, so it’s not like hell completely isolate you from the fluffy cuddleballs, you still get to talk with them, and play with them, and cuddle with them, that’s all you have to really do, but now it just includes kirishima.
It’s pretty easy for you to get submerged into just being with them, and accidentally annoy your captor, but hells map you out of that pretty quickly, asking you if you wnat or make cookies or watch a movie with him. He still thinks you are absolutely adorable when you cuddle with all the little kitties, just now, he’s cuddling you with them.
It’s a win win situation, you get your kitty cuddling time, and he gets time with you. So you’re both happy, now you’ve gone back to being his sweet little baby again!
Fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff, I thought this was so cute.
Thank you for requesting anon! Tell me if you want to change anything!
Goodbye, have a great day!
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blu-joons · 4 years ago
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Mark is incredibly shy with his affection, he loves to wrap his arms around you or offer you a kiss, but he’ll always do it with a red glow to his cheeks. You can always tell when he’s getting coy as you’ll hear his giggle in your ear.
It takes him a long time to build up the confidence to really talk to someone, and you were no different. You were the first to say hello on your third time of meeting at the studio, Mark was so relieved that you’d made his job easier. It surprised him more than anything how comfortable he quickly felt talking to you, trying to know as much about you as possible.
An impulse came over him one night as the two of you met up for drinks, he wasn’t sure what suddenly prompted him to tell you how he felt, but if he didn’t follow the impulse, he never knew when he’d find the confidence to tell you again. It definitely took you by surprise, completely out of the blue, but you were more than pleased to hear how he felt. As his cheeks blushed at the end of his speech, you happily let him know how you felt too.
He works hard on making every date night special for you both, he’ll often greet you at your door with flowers or something to eat. He loves to do something active, he’s not one for sitting around in a fancy restaurant and talking. Your dates usually consist of something sporty, ice skating, rollerblading, anything that Mark can show off to you doing is a good thing with him. You can’t lie, you love seeing how athletic and sporty he is, even if he’s not super competitive, he’ll hate when he loses to you at anything.
There had been a couple of dates in school whilst he was in America, but since he came to Korea, he’d never been phased about dating, and instead wanted to focus on his career. He knew he was starting to reach an age where he had to think about the future, and that was something he really started to consider whilst with you. He had goals in his life that he wanted to achieve, he’d achieved a lot with his music, but also, he wanted to be married within the decade. He’d never focussed on anything but his career, but when he met you, he really began to consider a little more about his long-term future too.
His temper definitely isn’t what it once was, but that still doesn’t stop the two of you squabbling from time to time. He’s become a lot more sensitive and understanding in recent years, and that definitely shows with you. He hates arguing with you, especially when he’s supposed to be the one that loves and supports you. If the two of you argue, he’ll usually take himself away from the situation to calm himself down, and then when he feels relaxed again, he’ll come back and talk things through with you, and quickly forget about the argument.
You knew how close he was to his family, but they quickly took a liking to you despite that. Seeing that Mark had someone with him whilst he was thousands of miles away was a huge comfort for them, each time he arranged to head home they pleaded with him to take you too so that they could get to know you better.
He was quite keen on moving you into his place quickly, he enjoyed the company of having someone around too, even if the two of you were sat in silence. Milo also bonded with you as well, seeing the two of you curled up on the sofa when he’d come home late at night was his favourite sight, one that he knew he wanted to be able to see forever.
Mark was the first to say, ‘I love you,’ at the end of one of your dates. You were convinced you’d be able to beat him on the air hockey table, but when you didn’t, and started to whine, he was quick to try and make you smile. Like his confession, it was a bit of an impulse, but he knew how he felt, even if he wanted to admit it in a more romantic setting.
There are definitely times where Mark can get jealous, he’s very protective of you and your relationship. It’s usually when someone around you gets loud and he begins to feel pushed aside, he has a lot of pride, and if someone is capturing your attention more than he does he’ll definitely feel sensitive about it. If Mark gets jealous, he’ll get quiet, which you’ll quickly catch onto. You’re very quick to reassure him and shut out whoever else is around you so that you can go back to focussing on Mark instead.
He was very open about wanting children in the future, with his three nieces already, he was keen on adding to the family. Mark wanted to do things the traditional way, once he was married, then he’d consider a family. His family loved to tease him about when he’d start settling down with you, as they could see how happy you both were, but also, he knew they were desperate to have more grandchildren running around the house.
Mark’s laugh was one of your favourite things about him from the moment that you met; it was the sweetest sound that always brought a smile to your face. At times he was quite quiet, so his laughter was reassuring to you to know that he was alright. He found himself laughing a lot more when he was around you, he loved to tease you and tickle you, which also brought plenty of laughter out of you. You could hear his laughter often, especially when he was playing games with Joey which would always make your heart very happy.
He’d had no choice for many years but to get used to being away from his family but being away from you made him feel sixteen again. He really struggled being away from you, he hated the lonely feeling of not having someone constantly around to laugh and joke with. It was hard on him, he’d try and call his family often, but also make time for you too, he never wanted to upset anyone when he was on tour. You’d send him Milo updates as often as you could to try and make sure he was happy, but he’d only smile properly when he came back from tour and went back to lazing around the apartment with the two of you.
Neither of you ever really settled on a nickname for each other, you tended to just speak whatever came to mind. Both of you had tendencies to use, ‘love’ more than anything else which others loved to tease you about.
He was obsessed with your smile, he loved being able to physically see that he was making you happy, especially when he’d be able to hear you laughing away too.
PDA wasn’t something Mark was huge on, he’d often hold your hand or keep a hand against your waist in public, but that was usually about it. He loved to care for you though, he’d often offer you a sip of his drink or a bit of his meal, and he’d always try and make sure he was opening doors for you and keeping you safe.
The question Mark often asks is to see if you and Milo are alright. He often feels like he burdens you by caring for Milo, even though you always remind you love to look after him, but if anything ever is wrong, he’ll be straight home in a heartbeat.
Whenever he’s streaming or playing a game, he’ll write down all the comments he sees written about you. Once his stream ends, he’ll sit down with you and let you know all the things that the fans said about you. Not only does it make you feel more comfortable around the fans, but it also makes him feel a lot happier that the fans are so accepting of you both.
It very much depends on the mood who takes control of these moments, Mark loves to assert his dominance sometimes, but other times he’ll be more than happy to sit back and let you do the work. Regardless of who’s in charge, sex will always be a very affectionate affair. You both like to take your time, and make sure nothing gets rushed, which often leaves the two of you with blushed cheeks by the end.
He’ll text you often throughout the day, so it feels like you’re there with him. He likes his own mind sometimes, but he doesn’t necessarily like enjoying that alone, so if he can receive a text from you whilst he’s lost in his head, it’ll always make him feel better.
Not many people truly appreciated how amazing his personality was because he was so quiet, but no one valued it more than you did. You made him feel special every time he was with you, because best of all, you understood him.
Since he began dating you, he loved to try and use his holiday time for you both, but you had other ideas. Whilst he was talking to you about a trip to China, you were busy organising a trip back to LA for you both. Not only did it mean the world to his family, but also him, knowing you were willing to make such a huge effort for him.
The only time you’d ever hear him moan was when he was playing games, if he ever lost, you definitely knew about it, even from the other side of the apartment.
Kisses are definitely frequent from Mark, whenever the two of you are laid together, he’ll love to kiss you, whether it be the top of your head, the back of your hand, or against your cheek. You can always feel his smile whenever he kisses you, whenever his eyes meet yours, he’ll always end up with a horrendous blush which you’ll definitely tease him for. He’ll never stop kissing you though, he’ll just hide his face whilst he does.
You were his rock, no one was there for him like you were.
It was a battle most nights for Mark’s attention against Milo, you’d often roll over to feel Milo’s paw resting up against you. When you’d wake up the following morning and complain to Mark that Milo stole you, all he’d ever do was laugh.
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danteinthedevildom · 4 years ago
A Royal Pajama Party “Analysis” - Part 4 (of 7)
We’ll skip over the Jenga scene for now; there’s nothing I really want to add on from it, and typing up another post is going to kill me. Instead, we’re going straight to the next activity - and a fairly major split between choices. 
This Devilgram is absolutely spoilt for choice when it comes (ironically) to choices - and each one brings about something new to learn. You can consider some of these latter parts joined up, then; I’ve just grouped together different route options for sake of reading. 
Of course, we’re deep into the Devilgram now, so all territory covered is locked behind Story Keys! This is your cursory spoiler warning. 
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Here we begin, back to our regular schedule of Diavolo angst. 
There’s a potential you thought “watching a movie together” was bad enough to write on a list of things Diavolo’s never experienced before, and wants to share in this rare moment of time he’s managed to attain alone with you. Perhaps you even thought “playing Jenga” was worse. 
Neither of those activities, however, have anything on the concept that Diavolo actually, genuinely wrote down, on his list of things he’s always wanted to do with you, “lazing around, doing nothing at all”. 
This is, I think, the biggest indicator that he’s just... never had an actual, genuine, casual friendship before. He’s never had someone willing to spend time with him doing nothing. 
Which - well. We already knew that. He’s told us before (as I mentioned in part 1) that he genuinely struggles to remember he can just invite you over without having to trick you with “event planning”. He forgets you’re willing to be around him. 
But there’s a difference between “oh, I forgot - you actually don’t mind spending time with me” and “I’ve decided that I want to schedule actual time to just do something so simple and basic, it usually happens when most people hang out, but I’ve never been able to experience it before and I think I’d enjoy that time with you more than anything.”
It hurts to realise most demons won’t spend time in his presence without reason, but it’s actively worse to realise this reaction means he cherishes the ability to do nothing with you. To just savour the fact that you’re there, you’ve stayed, and you really would be happy doing nothing at all. That someone can enjoy just being in his presence, nothing important going on, because they have nothing else to do but focus on him and they don’t mind. 
It’s proof that he’s really enough. Proof that, despite how reluctant others may be to put up with him, you see something in him worth enjoying. He doesn’t need to take you out anywhere, or do anything special. He doesn’t need to make it perfect. He doesn’t need to awe and wow you to stay by his side. 
He can just sit around, nothing planned, and you’ll stay. 
The only times he’s been able to keep demons at his side, he’s had to tie them down with oaths and pleas. These demons have expressed annoyance, at times, when he’s tried to spend time with them - admittedly because they are busy demons, and they don’t quite enjoy the same things as Diavolo, but that doesn’t exactly make the rejection feel much better. So it’s very possible that Diavolo struggles to recognise his own self worth.
It’s very possible that he doesn’t think himself a good enough reason to enjoy a night in. Most friends can say - and often do - that they happily spend time together just hanging out. Talking, lounging around, relaxing, but not really doing much more than basking in the other’s company. Yet Diavolo can’t. Experience tells him “Diavolo’s company” isn’t enough to make someone stay. 
That’s why it’s important to him to schedule this time in, despite how natural it should be. It’s not natural to him. It’s exceedingly rare, actually, and thus an activity he wants to enjoy when he has the opportunity for it. 
But it’s also a reminder - proof - that at least to you, “Diavolo’s company” means something. That, to you, he means enough on his own to be worth spending time with.  
Moreover, this time with you is likely dear to him due to how busy his usual schedule is. After all...
How much free time does a prince get? 
How much time can he spend doing nothing, especially with you - someone so desired, people actively fight over your time and attention? 
There is no better way to savour the fact he - for once - has all your time and attention, no pressing matters to attend to, than to do nothing. He can just sit there and enjoy you. No interruptions. No distractions. Nothing to fret over or worry about. Just the two of you, content in each other’s company. It’s a reassurance. A moment of, “wow, this is really real, isn’t it?”
More importantly, however, is the fact that it’s you. He’d love “nothing more. Together with you, that is...” 
He doesn’t want to be on his own. That’s not the point of the activity. It’s not that he wants to do nothing, that he wants to just sit there and read or eat some fruit as if those things are significant on their own. He doesn’t just want free time because he’s busy and overworked and doing nothing is fun. 
It’s specifically because you’re there. Because he’s not alone. Because these things he maybe does in his free time feel different when he’s doing them with you.    
Of course, if you noticed, there’s two choices he gives you above: read, or eat fruit. I’ve gone for the reading option for this post series, as the fruit open mostly gives a romantic lead and not much development otherwise. 
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In this scene, Diavolo’s reading a book to you. It’s actually a single poem from an anthology he loves - from the Human World, once again. 
(The Human World seems to mean a lot to Diavolo. It recurrs a lot. When he’s given the opportunity to pick something, it’s almost always media from the Human World. Whether this is because he hopes it’ll help you two bond over common ground or he just idealises the Human World, or maybe even a bit of both, is uncertain. Interesting, however, that it’s cropped up twice now; even more interesting that the only things he chooses that are Devildom-themed are games and food - things that don’t reflect human culture as much, unless you know more of the context behind them.) 
The poem Diavolo reads is called “The Greatest of All.”
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This poem is extremely significant for Diavolo. It’s a huge part of his characterisation in this chapter, and one of the more overt scenes at that - because he’s exceedingly clear that this poem didn’t make sense to him before. He makes it utterly transparent that something has changed - in him, in his life, in his understanding - to suddenly reveal the meaning to him. 
And it’s all because of that final point. 
“Only those beloved by their peers truly rule the earth.”
Diavolo’s a prince. He quite literally rules the Realm he was born in. As far as he’s aware, that’s all there is to ruling; be the monarch, and you’re there. It couldn’t possibly be more literal than that. 
So what does that final line really mean, to a prince? What does it mean to someone who really is the literal definition of “ruling the earth”? 
Almost nothing at all. It’s baffling. It’s nonsensical. How more truly could you rule than to physically be the demon in power?
Of course it would never click for him before. 
He’s never been beloved before you. 
It’s only recently that he’s understood the poem. Only recently has the Exchange Programme been in action, and only recently has he actually gotten closer to you - moreso in the much later Lessons. 
Diavolo has spent much of his life in power, but completely alone. He’s had almost no connections, no friends, no love or intimate, personal attention; no-one he could say he understood like the back of his hand, who understood every aspect of him in turn. 
He has power and wealth but he’s never truly ruled - not until someone who made him feel alive came into his life. 
Because that’s the point of this poem. It’s not about wealth, or power, or bravery, or support - it’s about being loved. 
You could have everything in the world, but you’d still be nothing compared to the person with little to their name expect the love of their friends. 
Only someone who can say “I have friends who’ll stand beside me through thick and thin; who love me as much as I love them; who see the qualities in me even I didn’t know exist; who bring out the best in me and make me want to be better” is truly great. Only they can say that they have achieved the greatest potential in a fulfilling life. 
Diavolo’s realised how empty his life was prior to you appearing in it. He’s realised just how little he had - how much he’s missed out on, how much he wasn’t getting from the other people he considers friends - and how much happier he is now you’re there. How much bigger he feels. How much stronger. How much greater. 
You are the change that helped him make sense of the nonsensical. You, in befriending him, have utterly changed the way he exists; how he feels, how he experiences, how he thinks. You’ve brought to the table things he never would have considered before - things he never would have been able to consider, because he needed a friend to help eek them out of him; a friend he could love, and cherish, and whom loves and cherishes him just as much - and quite suddenly, he realises why having no-one limits a person no matter how much they own materially. 
This poem is, very likely, the reason he understood how much you mean to him. At some point, he re-read it, reached that final line, and pictured you. 
Which is an incredibly poetic way for Diavolo to show just how much you mean to him; how much you’ve improved every aspect of his life. Without having to say your name, or overtly connect you to the poem, it’s clear that it’s about you - that you’re the reason for his understanding. 
Becase this poem means a lot to him, and you’re the person he wants to share it with; the one he wants to know he’s changed for.
Which perfectly leads us to this next part...
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You’re his greatest person. He’s still dancing around it, but there’s really no-one else it can be - not with this description. 
Diavolo has spent - if not his entire life, then a good portion of it, wondering who the most important person to him would be. There’s no way to quantify something like that - to know who’s the greatest person in your life, to find the perfect fit for a list of requirements - because everyone needs something different from the people around them. But what would that person look like for him? What would the most important person look like for a prince?
Someone as royal as he? Someone who supports him, bound to his service? Someone who has no choice but to help him in every way?
Or would it look like a human - a plain, simple, ordinary human - brave enough to tangle with demons and kind enough to befriend them, even when they don’t deserve it? 
Someone willing to spend a night with him doing things others might find boring or rudimentary? 
Someone who makes him feel like more than a title; like more than the “Prince of the Devildom”?
Someone who’s changed him - however many thousands of years old he is - in such a very short span of time?
When you think about it like that, really, it could only have ever been you. 
And thus concludes part 4! A middling one this time, I think; a bit long, but that final part was a little shorter than I had anticipated. Still, I hope you enjoyed it, and that it was easy enough to read!
Next post, we’ll be going over the concluding parts of the Devilgram - for the romantic route, at least. It’ll initially go over the scene that preceeds the choice between romantic and platonic, but then dive straight into the romantic aspect of the chapter. 
So, if you’d like, please head over to part 5!
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wevegottogetaway · 4 years ago
A hundred percent (Part 2 of Crashing into you)
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It looks like the same bottle you had reached for before all hell broke loose. You found it lazing on shore, in that space between water and dry land where objects greet the wet sand but still submit to the waves. Along with the plastic container, you’d encountered a wet blanket you’d immediately laid out to dry, a corkscrew and the ice bucket that had accommodated the champagne you turned down during the flight (you’d gladly have a glass or four now, but alas the Champagne bottle wasn’t accounted for in your scavenger hunt). All things considered, it’s a relatively good inventory; it seems the currents were in your favor.
It makes sense actually, that the waters would shepherd the lightest of items to you. Yet your heart remains heavy with doubts and fears. You’re not versed enough in geography to have the slightest clue as to whereabout you’ve strayed in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. And with that comes the big question: if you don’t know where you are, how the people meant to save you will? Then how much time will it take for them to figure it out and will you be able to hold on for that long?
Everything is a big question mark as of now, and you hate it. You’re resourceful and quick on your feet, but you like to be prepared; you usually study the situation ahead and plan in accordance for every potential contingency, positive or negative. This however, never in a billion years would you have thought, much less prepared for the appropriate M.O. to follow in response to a freaking plane crash.
If anything, it makes you twice as grateful to have Harry by your side. Once for obvious reasons; the mere thought of associating his name with death in the same sentence could make you physically ill. But also, if there were one person that could make this ordeal that much bearable and give you the strength to withstand the pain for that much longer, it was him. He’d done it before; granted times weren’t as critical as they may be now, but he’d always been your beacon of light in the darkest of times. You’d just have to be his as well this time. Like a planet reflecting back the light of the star it revolves around.
Speaking of stars, the sun is unbearably warm. It feels like it is sitting right on top of your shoulders and breathing down your neck, as opposed to hundred millions kilometers away from your sweltering form. You’ve been pacing up and down the shore for over two hours, and you don’t think you’ve ever been so uncomfortably hot. Your skull is throbbing from the heat,(though the brutal impact of the crash and your brief encounter with death probably have something to do with it as well) and your top is positively drenched in sweat. Harry’s shirt didn’t fare much better and is now rolled and folded atop is head in a makeshift hat. You’re both very aware that a sunstroke is highly likely in this sort of climate, and very much the last thing you need in your preexisting predicament.
"Think we should head towards the forest before this heat grills our skin to the crisp, love." It’s the first thing either of you have uttered in a while, but you’re quick to agree to Harry’s proposition.
"You’re right. Let’s see if we can find a water source nearby," you nod towards the stretch of green wildness awaiting you, before shooting one last glance at the ocean behind you.
Harry is closely watching you before putting a hand at the small of your back to usher you both out of the beach. "We can always come back later and see if there’s anything new on the shore," he guesses the reason for your hesitation. You swear this man can read your mind sometimes.
As soon as you cross the border into the forest, the sound of the waves quickly fades to be replaced by the chirps, squeaks and buzzing of the jungle’s inhabitants. It sounds like the all jungle community is in conversation, and you gulp as you wonder what kind of animals are also roaming this place. It’s clear the smartest option is for you to set up camp closer to the beach so you can be safe both from the wildlife and the unforgiving sun, as well as be in plain sight in case rescue is scouring the vicinity. For now though, you have no choice but to wander the very much alive woods if you count on fending dehydration off.
As you weave through the thick and luxurious foliage, Harry is staying glued to your side, not willing to let is sight off of you. His shirt finds its way back over his torso to protect his smooth skin from the somewhat hostile vegetation. From the way nature seems to prevail over every inch of this seemingly impenetrable space, it is clear this land has never witnessed the wrath of human activity. The realization is rather unsettling as it weakens your hopes of finding civilization in this godforsaken place.
Once again, you feel indefinitely grateful for the man walking by your side. You’d always felt lucky to have him in your life, but that soft tug in your chest from his hand grazing your shoulder blades as your tread the muddy earth, has never been so strong and comforting than in this moment.
"Careful, love," he is quick to tug you against his broad frame when you’re about to step on a small snake. The creature hisses as your footsteps disturb its tranquil existence but apart from shooting what you could swear is an annoyed glare, the serpent remains put and lets you go on your merry way.
It takes a second for your heart to calm down from the sudden movement and you realize your fist is still clenching the soft cotton of his shirt. You mutter a small but genuine ‘thanks’ as you quickly remove your hands from him, and despite the tropical heat you find yourselves in, Harry can’t help but feel a coldness on the spot your hand just abandoned.
An hour goes by and you’ve yet to be successful in your quest. The sun is finally starting to relent some of its intensity and the air feels slightly easier to breathe. At least in theory. In practice, every minute that ticks by without you encountering even the smallest of water source, feels like a new brick dropping in-between your ribcage to crush your lungs. You are running out of time for the day and the anxiety that comes with that realization is not one you can gulp down and just ignore.
As the sun slowly retires, so does the light of your surroundings, and it’s enough to have your own light start flickering before finally shutting down. You need to make your way back to the edge of the shore and set up camp before darkness engulfs everything in its black coat. Your hand find Harry’s before you shift your body towards his. "We should head back before it’s too dark," you utter dejectedly.
He nods with the same despondent expression before wrapping an arm across your shoulders and directing you both towards the beach. "Come on, then," a small kiss is pressed against your temple and your heart leaps back out of its gloom for a moment. You’re not a total stranger to gestures like this one, but they’re usually spurred by a drink too many or they occur for these special occasions where joy is so exuberant it pigments your cheeks and leaves you no choice but to show your affection in a more physical manner. You relish those moments as much as you can, wrongly assuming they mean more to you than they do him.
You don’t day anything back as you wrap your arm around his waist and start making your walking again. You’re both in need of comfort right now, is how you rationalize it. Still, it doesn’t stop you from staying as close to him as humanly possible, your body molding his curves better than a puzzle. He doesn’t seem to mind, on the contrary, his grip on your arm tightens briefly, and though you don’t see it, his lips also twitch in a side smile.
You arrive just in time for what must be the most beautiful sunset you’ve ever witnessed in your life. The ocean has calmed some, waves now gently licking at the sand and in the far distance, a large sphere of tangerine flares, rests upon a blue canvas whose only bounds stretch to the horizon. "S’beautiful," Harry softly comments before your eyes meet for a minute. You answer with a small smile, admiring the tenderness of his gaze. It’s partly due to tiredness at this point, which is what you surmise, but you’ve been on the receiving end of this gaze countless and non-tired times before, unbeknownst to you.
Fifteen minutes later, you are trying your best to light a dry piece of wood on fire while Harry endeavors to built some kind of shelter. It takes you both a few attempts and a lot of cussing, but eventually you find yourselves sitting under a makeshift branch-made roof in front of a small fire. Thankfully, the blanket you’d recovered from the crash had dried entirely - one of the few perks of the scalding sun, you suppose - and is now wrapped tightly around you both. If the situation wasn’t so critical, you’d rejoice at the opportunity of being cuddled up with Harry so closely. Every intake of breath he takes you feel against your ribs. Your bones ache from tiredness, thirst and hunger, but as your head lays on Harry’s shoulder, you also feel lightness in your heart. Things will be all right. Tomorrow you’ll go back to explore the jungle and you’ll find water, maybe even catch a fish or two and you’ll repeat the process until the rescue team comes to get you. Soon.
"How’s your leg?" Harry gently breaks the silence. You’d almost forgotten about your respective injuries, and the question has your eyes shift to the cut on your shin. There wasn’t much to do anyway, your fateful time in the angry waters had taken care of all the cleaning that could be done without proper medicine. It’s uncomfortable and the sort of wound that would linger on your mind if you were back home, but there and then, you’d minded the sting for all of 5 minutes before more pressing matters needed your undivided attention.
"It’s fine. I was too distracted to notice the pain, I guess," you answer just as quietly even though you are the only two souls breathing for hundred miles around if not more. The mention of your injury also reminds you of his, though you don’t quite need as vocal a reminder as the gash above his eyebrow is much more conspicuous. "How’s your face?" you decide to return the question even though you have a feeling his answer won’t me much different from yours.
"Itchy but it doesn’t hurt."
Your eyes once again focus on the cut, making sure that no dirt made its way on the damaged tissue. Your lips curls slightly to the side when you take in the probable reason for the itch. "C’mere, your hair keeps falling into it," you say while your hand reaches up to tuck the rebellious curl behind his ear. The strand goes straight back to its previous spot as it lacks a bit of length to obey your ministration. You reach up again, this time running your fingers towards the back of his head to get the curl out of the way. Harry doesn’t dare move an inch, air caught up in his throat as he revels in your tender touch. You’re oblivious to his intense stare, as always, while you inspect the cut. "Shouldn’t leave a scar, I don’t think," you offer in reassurance.
"Well, that’s a relief," Harry answers almost absentmindedly though there’s humor lacing through his voice. He couldn’t care less about a scar, not after everything you’ve been through. Hell, you’re both lucky to have escape the crash with just superficial wounds. Besides, he’ll take a thousand scars over having your unconscious body under his palms again.
The conversation feels much lighter than the ones you’ve entertained all day, so you keep the playful tone going. "I know right, can’t have permanent damage on that Grammy winning face," you quip back with a smirk. Mischief is distinct in your eyes and Harry has never been more thankful to see that sparkle lit up your iris. If he focus hard enough, the sand beneath him can disappear to morph into the fluffy cushions of his sofa back home, and this can just be a regular hang-out where you pretend to watch movies and banter over every character’s decisions.
That’s why it’s so easy for him to indulge in the oh-so familiar back and forth; it’s a dance he could do eyes closed. "My career would be over," he retorts with a faux distraught expression.
You giggle and give him a smile before copying is fake air, "the end of the world."
He chuckles and for a moment there is nothing but silence between you two. You can feel the playfulness dissipate as Harry’s eyes don’t waver from yours. They suddenly hold a fervor that tells you he’s gonna say something serious. And of course he does, you know him so well. "I think my world would have ended today if you hadn’t woken back up on that beach." The statement is uttered barely above a whisper but it echoes like a hundred church bells chiming Cinderella’s midnight in your head.
"Harry…" Needless to say, you are speechless. Neither of you have ever shied away from voicing your affection towards the other, but this, coupled with the intensity of his stare, has your heart stopping for the second time today.
"You have no idea how terrified I was," he continues quietly, like his own heart is threatening to jump out of his throat if he dares speak louder. It’s obvious it’s painful for him to remember, perhaps even more painful than it was for you to actually endure. "The longer you wouldn’t-"
"Shh, stop, stop," you quickly halt him with a hand to his cheek. "Don’t torture yourself with the could haves. I’m here, alive and breathing. All thanks to you. And you are too. Alive and breathing." You say it all in confidence though you have the same chocked up feeling he did when you think of the alternatives. "That’s all that matters right now. You have me and I have you and nobody’s losing anyone." Your thumb is drawing soothing circles onto his skin as he nods at your statements as if to make their truths stronger. A second passes and your eyes shift to the ground before you gulp, "my world would have ended too. Had you not made it to the beach."
It seems the sentiment strikes a chord in his chest too, as Harry pinches his eyes close as if to make sure he is not hallucinating your words. His body is taken by a strong pull to kiss you but he knows his lips can’t quite fall on their most desired destination. He settles for a harsh forehead kiss instead, taking your head between his two shaking hands.
When he leans back, his eyes frantically search your face and you can see his breathing picking up from the motion of his chest. "Y/n, I…Fuck it’s…" the more the words escape him, the more frustrated he becomes, running a hand through his wild curls even though they’d stayed in the place you had brushed them last.
"Shh it’s okay. Harry, you’re working yourself up," you try to calm him down with a hand on his heart. Just as you suspected, the organ beneath your palm is jackhammering against his skin, but Harry shakes his head at your suggestion.
"I just have something that I need to say," he gulps, "and it’s terrifying-"
You can’t stand the way his voice wavers ever so slightly. He looks exhausted despite the wild look in his eyes and you realize that’s probably not helping tame the stormy thoughts in his mind. "M’not going anywhere, Harry," you reassure him, "we can talk tomorr-"
"No. No." He shakes his head forcefully between your hands. "I need to say this now because I already should have done it a long time ago, and as much as it is scary for me to say, today was a hundred times more scary."
You take in his adamant look and realize this is far more serious than you were led to believe. "Okay, you know you can tell me anything."
He nods at your reassurance before taking a deep breath. "You’re my best friend, y/n. The one person I don’t ever want out of my life, the one person that understands all of me and that is besides me for everything." You try to remain impassive and not wince at the f-word as you listen to his sorrows. "And I can only hope that will never change, because like I said, my world wouldn’t be the same if I had you any less in it. And that’s the thing that is scaring me, because as much as I need you as my best friend, I’m also in love with you and that has the power to change everything." He barely pauses before carrying on, still locking eyes with you. "I used to be able to pretend, but earlier on that beach, when your life was hanging by a thread in my hands, all I thought was that I couldn’t ever look at myself again if you left and I was too much of a coward to tell you the truth. I don’t want to be that guy anymore, because now I know. Being that guy is more terrifying than telling you I love you."
The words are buzzing in your mind. Ones you’ve heard before in daydreamings and fantasies but that you never thought you would get to receive in the realm of reality. At least not from the person you wanted them from. "Harry," is all you can muster to say without tripping over the rest of your words. You realize your vision is getting blurrier by the second, and you could swear there were droplets pearling at the corner of his eyes too. You let out a nervous chuckle, quickly wiping a tear from your cheek with the back of your hand. "Fuck, you dumbass, making us cry when we’re already fighting dehydration." The exclamation has him mirroring your smile as his thumb replaces yours at the crease of your eye. "I love you too, Harry," you say shakily through your grin. "So much it is the scariest thing to feel for a best friend. But you’re right, today was much scarier and I don’t want to be that girl anymore either."
Harry doesn’t think he’s ever been this happy and he makes a note to call his Mum as soon as his back on civilized land, to tell her she was right. Love does work in mysterious ways; sometimes you need to be the most lost to finally find it. And part of him hates that he wasted so much time with you everyday he wouldn’t say anything, but the other part of him also feels like it was worth the wait. "Fuck, promise? You’re not concussed from the crash and you really l-"
"I love you, Harry," you don’t let him finish vocalizing any doubt about your feelings. "Hundred percent sure."
"A hundred percent?"
"A hundred percent." He loves how confident you are when you reiterate the affirmation, looking straight in his eyes. Your faces a barely inches apart and your bodies still tightly embraced in the flimsy plane blanket.
"Christ, this is the best day of my life," he marvels before kissing the wrist of your hand still cupping his face.
You raise a brow at the statement, "the day you were in an air crash and found yourself stranded on a desolate island is the best day of your life?" You tease him in humor though you know exactly what he means by it and share the sentiment equally as strongly.
"The day I made you mine," he proudly explains with a smirk.
"Mmm am I?" you tauntingly bite your lip, though you’re not fooling anyone. You are absolutely and irrevocably, a hundred percent his. Knowing this perfectly well himself, Harry doesn’t even give you the curtesy of an answer and kisses the sass right off your mouth. It’s a fierce contact at first, as though he was kindly telling you to just shut up. Then he eases into a slow and emotional kiss, as your lips wrap around each others. He doesn’t pull back until you’re both out of breath and he’s had a proper taste from licking your supple lips. When he does, you only want to dive in for more, and it seems he shares the same desire as he barely retracts from your face.
"You most definitely are," he asserts with that same teasing smirk.
"Hundred percent?"
"A hundred percent, darling," he acquiesces before giving you the second best kiss of your life (the first having occurred a mere minute earlier). This time he drags his hand away from your face to wrap his arm around your small frame. "C’mere, come closer so we don’t freeze." It feels like close enough will never be an achievable concept for you both, but you’ll content yourself with the weight of his limbs intertwining with yours as you lay down besides the small fire. He brings the blanket high enough beneath you so you don’t have your heads directly on the sand, and you don’t realize how physically exhausted you were until your head is tucked underneath his chin and all your muscles loosen up some.
"Comfy?" He inquires as he hears you sigh in relief. You nod against his collarbones a small ‘yeah’ whispered against his skin and the feeling has him shoot a smile to the stars. He’s quite comfortable himself if he may say so.
"Good, now gimme a kiss."
"Making demands already?" You keep teasing him because let’s face it, you’ll never get tired of watching his reactions to your taunts. The cute crease between his brows, the twitching of his button nose or even better, the small pout enhancing the cherry color of his lips are probably the things that made you fall in love with him in the first place.
"You’re not complaining."
You laugh at his self-assuredness, sad not to see his precious pout though the newfound spark in his eyes makes up for it and then some. You can’t help but to confirm the bold statement, "yeah, a hundred percent not," and he smiles at the now familiar words, like it has become an inside joke that only belongs to the two of you.
For a while you just cuddle in silence, reveling in the embrace you’ve shared a couple times in the past but that now beholds an entire new meaning. You’re just about to surrender to Morpheus’ arms when Harry muses aloud, "imagine this was all a dream and we just wake up in LA tomorrow morning."
Paradoxically, the suggestion forms lump in your throat. Had he asked an hour ago, you would have let a wistful sigh and longed for a reality where you didn’t hop on a doomed plane and landed both yourself and you best friend in what can only be the hardest trial of your life. And yet, now you find yourself unsettled at the idea that your very much reciprocated feelings wouldn’t be out in the open if none of this had happened. You wouldn’t know the taste of his lips had you not plummeted in the sea only to wash up on a desolate shore.
"It doesn’t matter. I’ll still tell you." You affirm confidently. Now that you know; not about the mutuality of your feelings, but about how scary it is to find yourself on the precipice of forever regrets, you’ll take the chance every time. Wiser from the same tribulations, Harry just smiles softly before returning a faint ‘me too’.  
"Not that guy anymore, ‘member?" He is quick to remind you, eyebrow cocked upwards, to which you simply respond with a whispered ‘good’ against his chest. Harry kisses you on last time and then you both let your unconscious take over at last, still wrapped in each others’ arms and not even caring about your perilous surroundings anymore.
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cant-think-of-a-username · 4 years ago
Hi!! I have never gotten this before so I thought it would be super cool to ask for one ahah
may i be matched to a haikyuu character? 🥺 thank you!! <3
Pronouns: she/her
Gender Preference: male
MBTI Type: I just took it for the 1000th time a few days ago and got INFP-T (but I would tend to also get ISFP dsfkjs)
Astrology Placements: Scorpio Sun, Pisces Moon, Gemini Rising, Sagittarius Venus, Pisces Mars (if it helps)
Physical Description: long straight black hair that reaches the middle of my back, dark brown eyes (that apparently makes me look like i have eyeliner sometimes) with long thick black eyelashes, light-medium neutral skin, 5'5", i apparently have long legs, thick thighs, cute butt (LMAO im just listing wut ppl have described of me too sdfkj), soft hands with quite long fingers, pretty basic body i would say sdfjhsd, and i apparently make things look expensive (i love fashion) i would say the best way to describe what i wear is probably (dark) academia but i like just wearing whatever i like--i don't like to limit myself to a certain aesthetic.
Personality Description: with new people/in first meeting, i tend to be quiet or generally don't speak much but once i warm up to you, im a really playful person or at least i really enjoy acting that way.
im honest but i should remember that my words can cut sometimes (rip), ive been described to be incredibly kind (sdfkh)... maybe because i tend to put so much energy and effort and time into other people or my relationships (friends, family, literally anyone that comes into contact with me for a decent amount of time)
i tend to act or do things according to how i feel but despite having that trait of mine or having that inclination, i can still very much be realistic. as i act according to how i feel, i have been described to act younger than my age and i doooo and i aint gonna deny it pfftt ima OWn That sHiT
i have no problem with acting like a child. i love rain, i love water, i love the ocean, i love cafes or the smell of coffee, i love the smell of fresh laundry and feeling the warm fabric (caused by drying in the sun or from a dryer lmfao) of whatever it may be (clothes, bedsheets) on my fingertips..
i love self development or just trying to be better and combined with me loving or liking a lot of different things, i try a lot of things--therefore not really becoming a master at anything dkjfhfsd. and because of that.. (i think) because i try a lot, putting quite a bit of effort into my.. goals (i have perfectionistic and overachieving tendencies) i guess.. when it fails (ofc) im incredibly disappointed, and become pretty... fucking sad hhh and when that happens.. i start to become more lazy/complacent 🤡
..bonus (if u wanna sprinkle some "angst" i guess LMAOO): i overthink a lot (so i start to have difficulty making smarter decisions or thinking of strategies to solve my problems + i still have a sprinkle of self-esteem issues of course... feeling incredibly incompetent is not foreign to me) so i could exaggerate my troubles or make a problem out of nothing 😶, im quite emotional, i have the "dismissive avoidant" attachment style, feeling hopeless quite often aint foreign to me either 😭
bonusbonus: (wow dont i love talking about myself? sdfknsd) i love corgis
Hobbies: dancing, witchcraft, astrology, divination, spirituality, reading fan fiction (LMAOOOO), reading visual novels/playing otome games, painting, drawing, looking into psychology in some type of manner, netflix, swimming, watching anime i guess, trying new things, learning something (new)
Ideal Date: tbh going to a concert of an artist we both enjoy, an arcade or an amusement park (im like a scaredy cat but im almost 100% sure im more likely to go for the “scary” rides if i was with someone i enjoyed hanging out with anyway), probably going on a tropical vacation (cus, beach anddd water activities), water amusement park !!
A Must Have in my Partner: they have to be okay with me pursuing my goals lol; i already have a problem with putting too much energy into others that i dont get to direct that energy onto myself.. so someone who has my best interest in mind + being considerate of me (because.. of that dismissive avoidant attachment style i would say--im just saying this because its the best that i can describe it) and they should be okay with my childlike actions/tendencies lol (like... they shouldnt be repulsed or something like that--that they treat me unpleasantly because of it or something) (oops i just realized thats more than one when u asked just.. one)
extra information: a short drabble would be amazing !!
sorry this was pretty messy and i pretty much just babbled LMAOO
but again, if ever you get to do this (or even if u dont..)
thank you so much!!!
i hope you have an amazing rest of your day hihi <3
sorry it took me a while ! i was just really busy lately and barely got time to write 😅
hope u enjoyy :)
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I ship you with..
Nishinoya Yuu !!
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- You are the most gorgeous person he knows ;)
- he literally shamelessly approached u the moment he laid eyes on u
- even with ur somewhat quiet first impression, he never gave up making u eventually warm up to him
- doesn’t really mind brute honesty, in fact he thinks of it as a form of bravery
- he also loves seeing your childish side since he himself has one too
- wanna dance around in the rain ?? he will 100% join u !!
- he loves how determined u are to get better and will constantly tell u how proud of you he is for it
- even if things dont go ur way sometimes he will comfort u and tell u that its completely normal to fail sometimes
- there is no overthinking on his watch !
- noya knows how bad it feels and that u definitely deserve a little break but he wont let u laze around too much, trying to help u get back up on ur feet and regain ur confidence is something he never fails to do
- he loves watching u do what u love and is always willing to join u (not that he is always fully understanding of what he is doing)
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Cheering you up on a bad day..
You were getting frustrated trying to fix a mistake you made on one of your paintings. You let out a loud groan hiding your face in your hands in exhaustion, finally giving up. Hearing a loud knock on your door, you tell whoever is outside to come in. “HEY, HOW WAS YOUR- ....day ?” noya looks at you with concern in his eyes. “are you okay ?” “yeah i’m fine, its just that this painting won’t look right no matter what i do” you sigh.“maybe i should just throw it away” “you are not gonna throw it away” he says, his tone completely different from before, more serious in fact. “you might just be tired now, so don’t you dare give up now. you can always try again tomorrow” he says walking towards you and holding your hands in his, a little smile forming on his face. “how about you take a break for now ? the sun is really warm and it’s still early; wanna go swimming ?” You look a little unsure. “you still haven’t used that corgi beach towel i got you” he says, wiggling his eyebrows. You chuckle at that, proceeding to look him in the eyes with a small grin forming on you face, “sounds like a plan”...
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Cybertron. A planet that has been embroiled in war seemingly since its creation. This is the stage on which our story is set. 
We open on a gladiator named “Powered Convoy” getting whaled on Strong-Bot. While he manages to get the upper hand and wins the match, as he leaves, we can tell that he doesn’t enjoy what he does for a living. He drives back to the docks where he lives, which are in pretty bad shape, but his face lights up when he sees Ratchet and she tells him about her new job.
The next day, Ratchet asks Optronix what paint job she should have on her first day working at Iacon City’s science guild (Oppy's got his arm covering his eyes, he is polite) and Magnum comes in asking Optronix how his last match went. Typical wholesome, slice of life robots. When Ratchet drives up to the citadel, Optronix takes a sharp left to talk to his... correspondent. It's not Megatron, but Sentinel Prime who was a like-minded 'Bot who believed in his words.
Sentinel explains that while he can’t directly bring petitions to Alpha Trion, he has gained an audience with Megatron, who’s most certainly the closest and most powerful they’ve got to someone who approves of off-planet exploration. While Optronix is nothing but firm in his beliefs, he’s unable to articulate what he wants in front of a crowd (in his words: “I’m bad with speeches”), so he asks Sentinel to speak for him. 
Sentinel agrees, and then we hard cut to Megatron in a testing facility, currently watching Doubledealer and Shatter show off the destructive capabilities of a massive fusion cannon. A little on the nose, but I think it’s good.
Ratchet’s first day doesn't go as well as she’d hoped. She gets mocked for being lower-class by the elite guard, ignored and pushed around by the more experienced medics and scientists, and by lunch she’s wishing she never left home. And then she meets Ariel Pax, a cadet in the Elite Guard. Ariel treats her with kindness that she’s endlessly grateful to finally get from these city-bots, and she spends the rest of the day with her.
The summit is treated more like a daytrip for Megatron. Megatron only talks to Sentinel, period, and he spends most of the time talking about his own opinions wherever Sentinel tries to discuss the content of Optronix's words. Optronix still doesn't talk much due to his fear of speaking in public, but he does his best to keep up. 
Anyways, they have lunch at a typical fancy place with 56 forks and Megatron is still only talking to Sentinel. Sentinel's trying to recall Op's words as best as he can, but Optronix has had enough and finally speaks his mind, shocking them both.
Megatron and Sentinel both leave for the train, but Optronix realizes that Megatron... "forgot" to tip, so he sticks behind. On the train, Sentinel admits that it was Optronix who had a solid plan on societal reform, but Megatron has his own opinions on Optimus... namely that he's "too naive" to be a leader and that it'll take a miracle to convince him otherwise.
The train suddenly lurches forward without Optronix on it. Poor guy has to cling to the caboose just in the nick of time as Sentinel and Megatron inside try to figure out what's going on. A masked individual suddenly jumps the two, and while they outclass him physically, he's able to use magnetic fields and well-placed knockout gas to take them out. 
Optronix pries his way into the train and finds it full of explosives that he has no idea how to defuse... so he calls out for Sentinel and Megatron, and gets no response. They're a little tied up at the moment (HA).
Megatron isn't amused and dryly asks how much the intruder plans on ransoming them for. The response he gets is that they're not getting ransomed at all; they're going to be blown to smithereens from the dozens of EMP bombs he's planted all over the train. 
Significantly more freaked out, Sentinel tries to reason with him. But the intruder says that there's nothing that Sentinel or Megatron or any of those hoity-toity bluebloods can do to stop this, and that they've had it coming for a while. Megatron laughs and tears into the bot.
“My fault? You think this is my fault? Oh, that is rich!
You’re one of those bots, aren’t you? Let me explain something. I’ve worked my way to the top with everything going against me, with everyone I’d known being sent offline or segfaulting their RAMS to the point of inoperability, and I’m still standing. I struggled for my position in life, and you have the audacity to accuse me of being undeserving? 
Think about it. Real hard. What have you done to deserve your lot in life? That’s what I thought. You’ve done nothing. Nothing at all! You’ve lazed away in your rusting husk of a chassis and decided to punch up for the fun of it. That's why you blame me, you blame everyone that’s actively tried to be an operating member of society out of your own jealousy and guilt. You sat as you were, a worthless lay-about, and you take it out on people you deem your 'oppressors'.
It isn’t my fault that you’ve gone nowhere, it’s the fault of an ill-mannered, ill-tempered, functionless, underdeveloped cog with nothing better to do than to beg for scrap metal instead of-!”
The stranger tapes his mouth shut and is like “lol figures” while Sentinel tries to be all “you’re never gonna get away with this, Optronix is gonna getcha” and the guy noticeably freezes up. Optronix is about halfway to where they are when he’s ambushed. 
Thankfully, he manages to knock the guy out of the emergency door, and they have your typical battle atop a train. Optronix notices something familiar about the magnetic attacks he uses and breaks the mask he'd been wearing. It’s his old friend Windcharger, who’s quite unhappy about Optronix "becoming Megatron’s new bodyguard."
Optronix explains that it’s a misunderstanding, and Windcharger goes on about how people like Megatron are the reasons that Optronix was forced into fighting in the first place; Optronix’s spark is in the right place but he aims too high. Understanding Windcharger’s frustrations, he at least tries to talk him down from destroying the train as it’ll not only kill him, but it’ll kill all the innocent bots waiting at the station. Just as Windcharger seems like he’s about to relent… Megatron blasts him in the chest.
Sentinel’s sentries aided in their escape and defused all the bombs. Optronix soberly brings Windcharger’s shell back inside as Megatron thanks him for the rescue. As they pull into the station, Megatron spins his tale about Optronix’s genius and his defeat of a dangerous terrorist, all the while he’s really in the back, stabilizing Windcharger. 
He asks why Optronix didn’t leave him to die, to which Optronix tells him that it’s his second chance to make a change that involves less mayhem. He can tell that Windcharger is passionate about his cause and he hopes he’ll make the right choice. Windcharger flees through a trap door and Optronix steps outside to face the reporters.
Megatron’s busy talking about how his life was saved by Optronix and Sentinel Prime and how whomever was responsible for this is in custody (HA). Except this bit's on a screen that Magnum is watching, and he asks Optronix how much of it's true. Sentinel answers for Optronix that Megatron greatly exaggerated a lot of it, but the basic gist is true.
Optronix says that he feels uncomfortable at the amount of "deception" that's being used to fill in the gaps, even with Sentinel reassuring him that " it doesn't matter if he agrees with us or not, just as long as our message has a platform".
Evidently Optimus isn't too jazzed about that. He mumbles something under his breath about how blunt honesty is more effective than convincing lies. Magnum, Optronix, and Sentinel get off the shuttle and arrive at the Dancitron. Sentinel insists that "Primes don't party" but he's dragged in by a delighted Ratchet, who's celebrating her first week as a proper doctor. 
At the Dancitron, Ariel Pax and Ratchet dance together while Optronix talks more about his beliefs with Magnum and wonders if he's aiming too high. Yes, he wants Cybetronian culture to branch out and share with the universe, but Sentinel's words have made him worry if he should be trying to fix their society first and focus on other planets later. Optronix tells Magnum "I never wanted this vision of mine to be a transaction".
The next day, Optronix meets Jetfire and his envoy of Protectobot Elite guardsmen for the first time. He was Ariel Pax's commanding officer in the Elite Guard and a brash, overconfident jerk that didn't really mesh too well with 'civilians' and was very blunt and vocal about his opinions. Optronix could NOT stand him at first and their first meeting ended with Optronix calling him a "brute".
Megatron talks to Flipsides and Shockwave about what really happened in his massive garden. He admits that while he is impressed with Optronix, he'd "prefer to keep my business partners at arms' length" and that gives him an idea. 
Megatron calls Sentinel and requests a meeting with him. When he arrives, he offers him a job at Tarn Industries and tells him he'll upgrade all his sentries free of charge. Sentinel refuses because he already has his job as a Station Master and he doesn't want his sentries tampered with. Megatron's pissed but concedes.
Ratchet learns to fight from Ariel and confides in her that she’s always hated violence from first hand seeing Optronix’s injuries from the gladiator matches and patching up her fellow dock workers. 
Magnum is in Metroplex, trying to get their leader Gravitas to back Optronix's words. He never really trusted Megatron or his company and he just wants the best for his best friend. But Gravitas won't listen; he's clearly preoccupied with something else. Whatever Magnum tries to say, he's shut down or blocked off with xenophobic statements that he knows'll only drag them offtopic if he tries to contest them. 
Gravitas at least has the decency to tell Magnum that he clearly has a good head on his shoulders... which is why he's been chosen to be the next leader of Metroplex. Turns out Gravitas has a week to live because of the noncommunicable rust plague inside his body, yaaaaaaaaay. 
Magnum takes this poorly and panics to Optronix that he doesn't think he'll be ready for all the power that comes with this position. Optronix, equally stressed, proceeds to become even more stressed.
Optronix and Sentinel finally get Alpha Trion and the rest of the Cybertronic Alliance to hear them out. Sentinel hasn't told Optronix anything about Megatron offering him a job nor what he heard when he was tied to him (remember Chapter 1 where Megatron was a jackass to Windcharger?)  and Optronix is incredibly nervous about speaking in front of a crowd. Megatron has made it clear through pretty much everything he's done that he's got something else planned for Optronix's idea, but they've no idea how he's going to spin it.
Megatron opens with the basic gist of Optronix's ideals; their culture is stagnating and their world needs a cultural reset. All's good so far until Megatron unveils his idea: to colonize and conquer other planets. Using their resources and spreading the name of Cybertron far and wide, establishing trade centers for partners, becoming stronger and stronger through political allies and bringing Cybertron into a new Golden Age. 
Optronix's worst fears have come to light. Megatron's made it all about himself and is treating the entire thing as a business proposition. Worse yet, the members of the council and even some bots in the crowd are agreeing with him. 
So he puts his foot down and tells Megatron that this wasn't what he'd intended, that he's spinning this concept wildly into something that benefits only him and not the whole of society.
Megatron responds thusly. "You came to me and asked if I could help you speak. I strongly suggest you recall why you couldn't do it yourself."
Optronix is silent.
Megatron asks "Is there anything else you'd like to say?"
With that, Megatron takes a right hook to the face and goes sailing into the wall. Now that he's been sufficiently silenced, Optronix tells the council his ideas. 
Cybertron should branch out with peace and support, not with ideas of conquering and monetary gain from these people. They can share their cultures and learn new things from alien lifeforms without forcing their ways of life onto them. How every sapient being in the universe deserves freedom and the right to education.
"Don't you see? There's no need for senseless violence-" 
He's cut off when Megatron tackles him to the ground. 
As the two of them begin to fight, the entire house devolves into chaos, with verbal and physical blows flying left and right. Everything has gone to hell, and it's not made any better when Alpha Trion calls order in the court with his "equalizing staff". Alpha Trion declares the two mentally unfit on the spot and orders them both to have "system purges" in order to “calm their circuitry.” 
Megatron is royally pissed at having his name dragged through the mud, and as the two are taken away by Elite Guardsmen, loudly blames Optronix for the whole thing. Jetfire outright refuses to perform a system purge on them despite what Alpha Trion says, taking Optronix by surprise. While the alternative treatment (a nanite bath) isn't exactly enjoyable itself, it's far less invasive than the former.
A month passes. Optronix feels horrid. All his intentions blew up in his face and this, if any, is a good time for Sentinel to tell Optronix the truth. Optronix isn't shocked at all, but he asks why Sentinel didn't tell him sooner. Sentinel tells him that he didn't want to discourage him because Megatron was the closest thing they had to a foot in the door. This leads to an argument where Optronix asks Sentinel if it was worth siding with a xenophobe just for the sake of popularity. 
After quite a bit of nasty insults are lobbed back and forth, Sentinel leaves and Optronix folds in on himself.
Megatron visits one of his own subsidiary factories in Velocitron. He's eerily serene as he speaks with the head engineer of the building, Dirt Boss. Once Dirt Boss tells him everything he needs to know and asks him why he's in such a good mood, Megatron smiles and tells him he's got a new lease on life. 
He proceeds to shoot Dirt Boss point blank and rigs the building to explode, knowing fully well that the radius will decimate the nearby train station and send one hell of a message. As Ratchet and Magnum lead Optronix outside to try and cheer him up, they see a massive billowing black smoke cloud in the distance…
Optronix and Magnum aid in the horrible aftermath of the meltdown on Velocitron. Megatron is being shady and keeps making references to an “ ideological terrorist attack” with roughly zero proof. Magnus and Override have a sweet little moment of romantic tension as they knock into each other. Optronix remains cautious about the attack as Ratchet snarks about how Megatron is still bitter about having his brain waves scrambled… which never actually happened since you know, Jetfire’s gayness saved Optimus and also Megatron by proxy.
Optronix and Ratchet enter Iacon’s Hall of records and read up on Cybertronian history to try and figure out how to get their own movement off the ground. Optronix discovers information about some of the primes and realizes that a lot of them share the same morals and views that he does. He's beside himself as he keeps scampering back to grab more and more datapads about all the primes as Ratchet watches. Optronix is overwhelmed with joy that he's not alone... and then he sees a symbol emblazoned across one of their chests.
An ancient symbol, one that means "quick-thinker”. Autobot. And this gives Optronix an idea. Optronix throws a match for the first time in his career, and everyone can tell. He uses the assembled crowd to better discuss his beliefs and explain the future he wants for Cybertron. And surprisingly enough... he gets someone that listens to him. Namely, his OPPONENT, Impactor. This little spark of hope is enough to convince him that he's still got a fighting chance.
A few days later, Magnum is getting ready for the official announcement that he’ll become the next leader of Metroplex, following Gravitas’ death. He’s distracted from these proceedings when an episode of Andromeda Explains It All airs with Megatron as its special guest, a mere half-hour before he’s scheduled to appear. Magnum immediately tells the guards to cancel the announcement out of fear for the pro-Autobot civilians in the crowd.
Optronix is having his own problems with being an Autobot as he has to help an Autobot supporter being hounded by two punks calling themselves Decepticons, one of which accuses Optronix of being “pro-invasion”. They quickly shut up and book it when Jetfire and Sentinel appear. Still burned by Sentinel’s betrayal, Optronix is cold towards the both of them, but Sentinel begs Optimus to hear them out. Namely, Jetfire thinks that Megatron intentionally sabotaged his own factory to incite violence towards them and their supporters. So Optronix and Sentinel put aside their annoyances towards each other and focus on the true villain, Megatron.
The Decepticons proceed to cause more chaos across multiple cities as the Autobots clash with them. Ariel and Ratchet argue about the rising tensions, with Ariel refusing to spur the wrath and endanger more people by outwardly supporting the Autobots as an Elite Guard member, and Ratchet contesting that Ariel knows that standing up for what she believes in is more important.
Jetfire and Sentinel (who is entirely unwilling) burst into Megatron’s private airship with all their evidence. Jetfire threatens to arrest Megatron right there on the spot. The two Autobots are promptly dragged out of the ship by reactionary Decepticons. The Decepticons take Sentinel hostage and attempt to execute him where he stands, but The Elite Guard is there to stop them.
Iacon is set ablaze by the Decepticons and the heroes rush to the citadel. Alpha Trion's all like "oh okay huh looks like the incredibly invasive mental reprogramming backfired, who'da thunk". We and Optronix of course know that they never were reprogrammed because Jetfire saved them, but being that Jetfire is unconscious, he can't exactly explain that to him.
Alpha Trion then begs Optronix to protect the Matrix, thinking Megatron's going to steal it and use it's power against him out of vengeance. Optronix agrees, on the condition that Alpha Trion doesn't hold himself up in the citadel and helps his friends get innocents inside.
So Megatron shows up a little later on, Alpha Trion begs for mercy and apologizes for what he did to them both, but guess what! Megs doesn't care! He's just here to kill Alpha Trion and leave because he can blame it on the riots exploding across the city. He doesn't give two damns about the Matrix.
"I'm not going to kill you. Gravity should do most of the work."
But Optronix shows up to save the day, the Matrix around his neck on a chain. Megatron weighs his options on who he wants to kill more and Optronix quite literally has a target painted on his chest, so he takes the bait and chases him away from the citadel, in turn protecting everyone that was packed within.
The Elite Guard and Ratchet successfully get a barrier around the citadel, only for Inferno to suddenly reveal his true colors as a Decepticon double-agent. He stabs Ariel’s optic out and tries to off her while she’s wounded. Ratchet snaps. She not only tackles him to the ground, but she successfully tears his arm out of its socket and beats him with it. Windblade is barely able to get her off him, but the damage is done in more ways than one.
Once they're well and far away from the center of town, Optronix tries to open the Matrix and blast Megatron into next Tuesday. This fails and Megatron mocks him before blasting him (and the ground beneath his feet), and Optronix falls through an entire building, seemingly offlining him. Jetfire's second wind comes in and he starts whaling on Megatron as Optronix lies in the basement of the building quietly pleading for the Matrix to open.
His grip falters, he slumps over, and in true LIGHT OUR DARKEST HOUR fashion, the Matrix transes Optronix's gender and boosts his lightning powers, giving him the strength to soundly body Megatron. Megatron falls in front of the Decepticons and has to be carried away by Strikha, who orders a full retreat.
Optronix returns to the citadel with both Jetfire and the Matrix in his possession. Alpha Trion is shocked, but his friends are nothing but overjoyed. It's Jetfire who comes up with the name Optimus by way of calling his transformation "an optimal solution".
Ariel awakens missing her optic and berates Sentinel for not knowing what he was doing, only to change her tune when she hears Ratchet's the one that saved her life. Ratchet weakly smiles as Ariel thanks her.
Alpha Trion is all set to set up a grand ceremony, but Optimus tells him to read the room and says there will be no celebrations until the city is rebuilt. He wonders to himself if he's deserving of this power and if he's just as culpable of starting this mess as Megatron is. He looks around and sees the company he's kept... and reassures himself that there's still goodness in the world, and the best they can do right now is pick up the pieces.
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utopianvoices · 5 years ago
dating au | s.mingi
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⤗ check my masterlist for other members!
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how he acts around you
this tol fluffy babie
will want to spend most of his time with you
expect him to be latched onto you 24/7
WILL gush about you every single time he gets the chance to
till one day jongho got so sick of it
he just taped mingi’s mouth and seonghwa had to come rescue him
although everyone secretly thanked jongho
if you’re not physically there, he’ll resort to texting you 
is always on his phone whenever he gets the free time
and is always texting you
at this point, the members look at him on his phone, and just
“can you ask y/n what time they’re coming.”
“why me?”
“aren’t you already texting them...”
doesn’t and can’t retort because he WAS texting you
but the only problem is that
it wasn’t getting through into your cute dumb head that he /likes/ you
and that you’re not just his best friend or smth
which ngl obviously saddened you 
but because we’re cool kids
we pretend that we aren’t phased by this lack of progression
on top of the acting, you even go out of your way to reaffirm your best friendship :D 
reader pliz
“hey so you know how we’re friends, and that you know everything about me and stuff like that?”
and you’re just like : O
is this what you think it is
but of course, life isn’t fair
“so uh, i was wondering if you wanna take it to the next level?”
“so like.... best friends? (^ω^)”
safe to say mingi almost murdered himself right there and then
how he confesses
kinda gets sick of beating around the bush every time
also the fact that you weren’t the smartest crayon wasn’t helping
so one day when you pull your best friend card 
he just goes
“look here, i like you.”
and you’re just like ?? 
but your heart’s also going crazy
so you kinda just stare at him
“i-i like you too?? i mean, haha we’re friends haha we have to like each other haha.”
and honestly at that point he’s considering dropping your ass and just living alone for the rest of his life
but no we can’t have that
we need plot development
he just kinda grabs you?
and may or may not bend down to be face to face with you
mingi sweetie no
and stares you in the eye
“i like you, dumbass. stop calling me your best friend. i don’t want to be your best friend. that loser yunho can be your best friend.”
and you just blink at him, not knowing what to say or where this was going
“i wanna be your boyfriend.”
*cue shocked pikachu meme*
: O
“quick, say something. i’m losing my mind here.”
maybe it’s the desperation in his voice
but you manage to pick yourself up and clear your throat
face heated up at that point
and you whisper a hoarse “i like you too.”
it was soft, but he heard it
which was more than enough to make this little songfish baby happy
instead of scooping you into a hug he just kinda
bends down
and buries his head into your chest
he’s just your babie after alll :’)
first date
already knew what he wanted to do for quite some time
not that he planned it or anything
but just kind of always wanted to do it with you
so he calls you and tells you to come over to the dorm
blindfolds you to bring you to the place and you’re like
“well even if i get murdered it’d be an honour that it was mingi who did it.”
yes anyway
when he takes off your blindfold, you are standing in front of an ice rink
boy brought you for ice skating!!
which goes one of both ways
you already know how to ice skate, leaving mingi in the dust with his mediocre skills
you completely suck at it, and mingi can use his mediocre-but-seems-amazing skills to teach you
obviously he was hoping it was the second situation
and lo and behold
the gods must have been on his side
because you were terrible at it
or even if you were good, just pretend for this poor boy
so he starts getting cocky and goes
“don’t worry baby, i’ll teach you”
tbh you would’ve punched him in the guts for that egoistic comment
but you were too busy dying over the fact that he called you baby with his deep ass voice
and let’s be real, he’s kinda dying inside the moment the word leaves his mouth too
first kiss
if you think you’re gonna kiss on the first date
boy i hate to tell you this
you’re right
he leads you onto the rink and holds onto your waist at all times
you know
just to make sure you don’t fall
totally not because he just wanted to hold you
but that also means that if he loses his balance, you’re definitely going down with him
and fall he does
after all, his skills were only mediocre 
tries to fall in such a way that you don’t land butt first
but you bore the full brunt by landing on your ass
and he just falls on top of you
mutters a thousand apologies until he realises how close your faces were
and the compromising position you were in
starts turning red and tries to stutter out a sentence 
but you kinda just get so overcome by feelings???
that you just??? grab his face??
and give him a gentle peck
best way to shut him up
when you separate, he just stares in shock for a while
before you see a smirk spread on his face
“knew you couldn’t resist me.”
rolling you eyes, you’re about to retort when he cuts you off by pulling you into another kiss
and you would’ve continued kissing
if it wasn’t for the ice seeping through your shirt and freezing your back and butt
immediately scrambles up and pulls you up too, both of you laughing at the situation
first fight
probably either starts because of his straightforwardness 
or his playfulness 
either one
you were dressing up to go out with your friends
and you had tried on every outfit you had in the closet
but nothing satisfied you, and it did nothing to help the small insecurity you had within yourself
that maybe, you didn’t deserve to be with someone as perfect as mingi
but you swallow the negativity and finally try on an outfit that you don’t mind wearing
you walk out into the living room where mingi is playing games on his phone
“how does this look?”
and it really could be because he was too immersed in his game and didn’t think before speaking
but he just goes
“babe pls, that’s just NOT it.”
and at that point you just kinda burst at his reply
especially with all the uncertainties you were harbouring within yourself lately
“i’m sorry i’m not as perfect as you, but you don’t have to be so rude about it.”
storming back into your room and falling onto your bed, letting the tears seep into your pillow
you reach for your phone and type out a text through your tears, letting one of your friend know that you were not feeling well and would have to pass your meeting
before throwing it to the side and letting the pillow soak up all the shit you had been building up
you hear the door to your room creak open, faint footsteps getting louder as the person walked closer to you
the bed dips slightly and you still don’t lift your face off the pillow, not wanting to face whoever it was 
“baby... are you okay? i’m so sorry for saying that, i definitely didn’t mean it in a terrible way. i guess i just wasn’t paying attention to the words i was using because of the game.”
you finally lift your head, turning to see your boyfriend looking at you with sad eyes, and it does nothing to make you feel better
you made him sad just because you couldn’t control your emotions
“i’m sorry for being such a terrible s/o.”
“y/n, listen. you’re nothing but amazing and i’m the luckiest to have you. i’m nowhere near perfect, but with you, it’s like i can be the best version of myself. it’s all because of you. you’re way more perfect than me in every way, no matter what anyone says.”
and you burst out into tears again, but this time your boyfriend’s there to hug all the uncertainties out of you
favourite things to do together
oooo whatever y’all do together is your favourite thing tbh
going shopping? what a beautiful broke life
baking? the kitchen’s on fire but that’s not a problem
lazing around? the perfect life
but if you really had to choose it would be going to the sauna together
just because mingi LOVED going there
and he doesn’t mind going alone
but it’s just so much better when going with someone
and yunho was getting sick of following mingi
so this is where you came in
you both spend hours in the sauna, talking and laughing boisterously 
and tbh the other people in the sauna hate y’all
but you both don’t care
bcs you’re just so in love with no other cares in the world
general affection
clingy baby
but not so clingy to the point where you can’t ever shake him off
he has his clingy moments
when he wakes up
when you’re cooking
watching tv shows
always loves to keep his hands either around your shoulders or on your thighs
or if he’s feeling extra down that day, will just lay his head in your lap or on your chest
probably falls asleep that way
loves being the small spoon
which is funny because he’s so tall, but somehow curls up in such a way that he can be enveloped by you
babie most of the time but on days when he’s extra Active
kinda gets bold???
instead of kissing your cheeks and forehead
he’s suddenly attacking your neck and ears
also loves to hold both your hands in one of his hand 
basically loves to flaunt his size
sometimes doesn’t understand the appropriateness of the situation
doesn’t care if the members are around
kinda just pulls you in for a kiss if he’s feeling it
and doesn’t stop until someone has to throw a shoe at him as a last resort
overall, he basically has two moods: babie and not so babie
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shera-dnd · 5 years ago
A Day at a Time - Mornings
Time for more Glitradora nonsense, this time with plenty of Catradora, that nice sprinkle of Glitra at the end and just a little bit of thirst
Here is the AO3 link for those who prefer to read over there and I ope you guys enjoy the read
Catra woke up to the sound of an alarm for the first time in months. It took her a little longer than usual to get up today, both because it was earlier than her usual time and because she had to calm down Melog, who had jumped up to defend her from her cellphone. It looked like she wouldn’t be the only one suffering to get used to this little change.
“You don’t get to complain, you little bastard.” She complained at her cat, “This is all your fault.” She tried to look stern, but Melog gave her the most innocent look in the world and she could only roll her eyes and give the cat his good morning scratches.
She dragged herself through her routine with a little extra grogginess, barely aware of what she was doing until she was outside the apartment building, watching Adora stretch. She certainly could watch Adora do that all day, but she came down here for a reason.
“Hey, Adora.”
“Catra!” She replied with a beaming smile. “I’m almost done here, then we can start. Did you already do your stretches?”
“Yeah… sure” Catra answered, not very convincingly.
“You should stretch before and after any intense physical activity!”
“What are you? My personal trainer?” Catra joked.
“If you want to, but you’d have to contact my gym and try to schedule time with me.” She answered, “I could offer you a friends and family discount though!”
“How about we stick to workout buddies for now?” She was certainly interested in becoming closer in the future, but not in a way that strained her already limited budget.
“Yeah, sounds good,” Adora replied with a chuckle “Now do your stretches before we start.”
Adora patiently guided Catra through her stretches and soon they were jogging. Catra hadn’t done any form of exercise since… well since that whole mess happened, so it was understandably hard for her to keep up with an actual fitness instructor. Still, she refused to make Adora stop, so she kept running and running and running, until Adora slowed down and started walking.
“W-what’s the matter?” She panted “Why’re we slowing down?”
“Just helping you pace yourself.” Adora answered calmly. She had barely worked up a sweat. “We can walk until you can jog again. Just drink your water and try not to push yourself.”
“I can keep going!” Catra insisted, ignoring how much her muscles burned.
“Are you sure?” Adora asked, a little worried now “There is no shame in walking.”
“I said I can keep going!”
“Just breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth,” Adora gently guided Catra. “Take deep breaths.”
Catra was sitting on the ground, trying really hard not to vomit after pushing herself far past where she should. The breathing exercises were helping a little bit though.
“Here, have some water,” Adora offered up her water bottle. “Just take small sips.”
It took Catra some self control not to chug it all down at once after over exerting herself like this, but she trusted the fitness instructor when it came to this at least.
“Feeling better?” Adora asked.
“Yeah.” She answered, still panting a little.
“So how about we pace ourselves a little better next time?” Adora proposed, earning a death glare from Catra. “That way you can get better at it and tell me to shut up.”
“I like that idea,” Catra forced herself to stand up. “But I think I’m gonna be walking the rest of the way today.”
“Oh so you’re done showing off for today?” Adora joked.
“I’ll fight you!” Catra exclaimed without missing a beat, earning a giggle from Adora.
“You sure you can do that right now?” Adora teased, “Maybe I should go wrestle with Melog if I want a challenge.”
“If I wasn’t dying right now, I’d kick your ass.” Catra declared, looking Adora dead in the eye.
Before they both burst out laughing.
“You can make good on that promise after you get some rest, okay?” Adora joked as they made their way back.
“Yeah” Catra agreed, dragging herself along. “I think I’ve done enough exercising for the week.”
“You mean the day.” She corrected “Because we’re gonna go jogging again tomorrow.”
“Ugh, fuck me.” Catra complained. She could have sworn she heard Adora mutter something in response, but she didn’t quite catch it. “What did you say?”
“I could give you a break,” Adora answered. It sounded close enough to what Catra heard. “It’s important to get some rest, but you gotta promise me you’ll come back the next day, because I’m not losing my workout partner that easy.”
“Fine.” She groaned.
The past few days had been both the best and worst days Catra’s had in months. She was very sore every day when she got to work and went to bed dreading to have to do it all over again. But every morning, she couldn’t help but feel excited to work out and spend more time with Adora, and afterwards she always felt a rush of satisfaction of having done just a little better than the day before. She really needed this.
Of course, all that positivity didn’t stop her from constantly groaning and complaining every time. Adora didn’t seem to mind it much - hell, she was probably enjoying it - she just kept teasing and challenging Catra to keep her coming back each day, but still making sure she always paced herself properly.
Adora had also started texting Catra about things other than their work outs. Catra couldn’t remember talking to someone this much ever in her life, but she was certainly not complaining. Adora was the most annoyingly happy and optimistic person Catra ever met and it could be infuriating at times, but she was also a little shit and she appreciated that.
Still their little chats could only do so much to quell the tedium of her day to day life and that became even worse during the weekend. Without her usual work hours and Adora telling her to take the time to rest and recover, she felt like there was a massive vacuum in her day that she simply did not know how to fill and so she spent most of her weekend doing nothing at all; she just waited for the day to be over. Sometimes the days went in the blink of an eye, and sometimes she was left alone with her thoughts for hours.
Today was one of the long days and after an hour of lazing around and mindlessly scrolling through the same three social media apps, Catra forced herself off of the couch and tried to shake away the haziness. She was working out now every day, if she could do that then she could do whatever the fuck she wanted and she would not let her day go by in meaningless stupor.
Catra was going to bake.
It took her awhile to google a simple recipe, now she just had to buy the actual ingredients since she had been living on nothing but instant noodles and frozen pizza for a while now. She made a quick trip to her favorite grocery store - the one with the nice cashier that always got her gender right - and returned with her hands full of everything she needed to make some bread.
Unfortunately Melog must have thought that this wasn’t enough of hassle, because as soon as she opened the door to her apartment he bolted out between her legs. “Again?” She yelled as she raced after the little bastard, groceries still in hand. “What is with you this week?”
She didn’t know what she expected from the little shit, but without warning he turned around and started running circles around his owner, keeping her planted in place.
“I can’t pick you up like this, you stupid cat.” She complained, “Can’t you see my hands are full?”
“Hey, is everything alright there?” A voice asked from one of the nearby apartments. Standing in the doorway was that same girl with the bright pink and purple hair, except this time her usual work attire had been replaced with a black shirt with a nearly unreadable metal band logo, and sweatpants. “Do you need some help?”
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nighttimepixels · 5 years ago
Lilytale Matchup Possible Results
Alright, I figure it’s been long enough to give a lot of people the chance to take the Which Lilytale Lady Might Be Your Match? quiz , so for those who have been wanting to be able to read the result descriptions for all the ladies, I’m posting them below the cut :D
... aka, Lady UT Sans! Congratulations, you've found yourself one laid back skeleton wife here. Underneath her easy-going attitude, though, is a loyal and observant friend and partner that will have your needs in mind as well as your wants. She has a knack for figuring out what you're missing when you're frazzled, and it's like she's got a sixth sense for when you're just about to get hungry, or cold, or etc. Spend some quality time with her, encourage her to open up so she doesn't carry too much of a burden no one even realizes she's taking on, and be her best friend - her soul's already yours.
... aka, Lady UT Pap! Dedicated, optimistic, mischievous, and with a friendly streak a mile wide, you'll be hard pressed to *not* have a good time in her company. She loves any sort of clever banter, will literally bridal carry you into the sunset if you let her, and may or may not be an even better prankster than her sister... at least, in the long game, anyways! Cuddle up whenever you've got her on some down time, let her now out loud just how much you appreciate her, and know that with her around, you'll always have someone there to not just pull you out of the mud - but to wade right in with you, and hand-in-hand start navigating out of it together.
... aka, Lady US Sans! Roller Derby queen, motorcycle aficionado, and video game queen, you'll never be short of adventure with Sapphire around. She adores seeing you smile and laugh most of all, and if at all possible, loves to achieve it by roping you into mischievous shenanigans that most likely will end up affecting or involving all your friends. That said, she's surprisingly adept at the quiet moments, too - and around you... well, she feels like maybe, just maybe, she can be *allowed* to slow down, to not try to do so much. She'll make you feel treasured in every way, and loves quality time with you, so just be there for her like she's there for you and you'll have a partner in japes and joy till the end of time.
... aka, Lady US Pap! I hope you liked baked goods, because she'll make sure you have every best kind she can bake. Amber's down to earth, a great listener, and a damn good storyteller, too. She's got an artistic mind even though she's a bit of a programmer too, and loves to use that skill to take your mind off what might be troubling you in any way that fits... if she's not already making you laugh. Most of all, you'll find yourself reluctant to get out of bed - she's a world-class snuggler, and if you're into it, has other ways to convince you that staying in her nest of pillows and blankets is preferable to going about your day as normal. Be there for her, reciprocate those gentle touches and storytimes, indulge in the little things, and know that you've got a hilarious yet soft-spoken partner with a heart of gold that'll find countless ways to show you the beauty and fun in all kinds of passing moments.
... aka, Lady UF Sans! Talk about a lover for the ages. She's brash, passionate, outspoken, and almost always up to some sort of trouble, but trust me when I say it's the kind of trouble you'd like to be roped into. And she'll rope you in alright - any day's a good one when you're with Crimson, whether it's a laidback day where she's hauling you for own good off to take a break and be a lump on the couch with her, or you're watching her work on cars or music (or joining in!), or she's pulling you into the nightlife for some adventure, whether to a bar or some strange, fascinating nighttime monster cultural activity you had no idea existed. Ideally you're just as physically passionate as her - and you'll find her arm looping around your waist to tug you back into bed with a grin in the morning is all the persuasion that's necessary, when you're still recovering from your jelly legs from the night previous. She can struggle with putting her feelings to words, so in those quiet moments where it's right... it's okay to put yours to words, and know that she returns those feelings just as fiercely, and that bit by bit, she'll open up to you. You can see it in her every action, and know that you've never been safer or more taken care of than when you're with her.
... aka, Lady UF Pap! A romantic to the core, she's hard to get to the point of romance with in some ways - you might find yourself hovering on the will-we, won't-we edge for a while - but she's worth the effort and wait. You're absolute royalty to her, and you've got someone at your side who will not only fiercely protect you and speak up for you when you can't, but who will help you grow to new heights - just as you help her. She's been hurt and had to pack away a lot of her heart, but you help her more than you could ever know each and every day. It's like being caught in your own personal whirlwind of (positive) drama, romance, and intrigue as she sweeps you off your feet - and as you interrupt various plans by being adorable or flustering her! She's head over heels, and you'll have countless special moments as she works hard to be the best partner she can... and stars, will she be. Treasure her back, let her know just how much you see her hard work, and spend quality time with this lady - she's yours to the moon and back, and if ever there was a lady Gomez Addams equivalent to woo you until the end of days, it's her.
... aka, Lady SF Sans! One of the hardest to get close enough to to date, she's nonetheless one of the most loyal, passionate, and dedicated partners you could ever imagine. You've already all but become part of her family by this point, but once you're together, you'll find you're never missing something for long. Whether it's support to get through an unforeseen circumstance, a literal supply to accomplish something, or a shoulder to lean on or body to tangle with - she's already there. Pepper wants nothing more than to see you secure, cared for... and happy. Your smile strikes her to the core of her soul, and the fact that you spark at her sense of mischief as well as passion - well, you'll never find yourself bored for long, that's for sure. Pay attention to her like she does to you - notice her needs before she pushes herself too far, and encourage her to communicate if you feel she's doing a bit too much... ideally with some suggestions of your own on how you want to help/see her load lightened. Every day will be brighter, warmer, and more secure with her around, supporting you and showing you that to her, you already shine just as brightly as the stars - and if you'll let her, she'll help you see that, too.
... aka, Lady SF Pap! She's plenty willing to have casual relationships, Friends with Benefits, as it were, but to get this close to her, to be with her - you sure are special. She's had a soft spot for you for a long time, even if she doubted your interest, long term, in a skeleton with problems like her - but stars, if she isn't the funniest, most clever, brilliant softie you've ever met. For all she's willing to break a man for hurting her family or friends, you've seen by now just how soft she is deep down - the fostering of animals, the eye for a person in distress no matter how well they're hiding it... on top of being so well-read it makes your head spin. Even still, she's down to earth, and you'd never guess it - and find yourself inspired to learn more, too, even if just to have more excuse to talk to her. Genuinely, for her, though? She loves you just as you are, quirks and flaws and shiny pretty spots and all. You make her feel like she can let down those barbed walls, like she can relax and just be in the moment with you. She's passionate and touch oriented, but don't let that fool you into thinking she isn't paying attention - every little word and bit of body language has been filed away, and you find yourself feeling lighter just by spending time with her... and the feeling's mutual. Show her you care, spend that time with her, let her know that it's okay to be loved - and you'll find yourself cherished and taken care of whether lazing at home or out on an unexpected adventure for the rest of your days.
... aka, Lady HT Sans! Some 9 ft tall and hulking, she's a woman of far fewer words than many of her counterparts... but quality over quantity sometimes, right? She's the best listener you've ever known, and has insight you'd never considered... as well as a way of making your worries melt away, whether you're cuddled up on her chest or relaxing at her side in her massive garden. Her head injury makes her wit just a bit slower, but she's still smart, and when her jokes land, you'll be left wheezing. Blade's all about those who are closest to her, her little found family - and you're among them. You've never felt more like a treasure than when Blade's touch skates you; when you find your clothes you were fretting over perfectly tailored the next day;  when you never have to worry about a well-balanced or delicious meal again, if she has anything to say about it. She may not be going on wild adventures all the time, but time with her is no less wonderful as the rest of the world melts away and you know that you've got a home right there with her in her arms... and that you are just as fiercely loved, protected by your own giant forest-dwelling skeleton lady who just wants feel your gentle touch letting her know she's loved, too.
... aka, Lady HT Pap! Eat your heart out, size-difference lovers. Sure, you may not even clear her hip, but that's of no matter to her. Twist's blind, of course, but somehow, you've never felt more *seen* when you're with her. She notices the little things, and always has a read on your mood, your needs - and when words are needed... versus when just quiet, warm company is what's best. Whether you're with her as she gardens or forages in the forest, or taking a bath in the hotsprings not far from her and her sister's cottage, or telling her about your day as you curl up with her in her nest of pillows, you know down to your very soul that someone's attention and care has never been so attentively focused on you. She's not able to bring you to fancy nights out downtown, or on wild trips... but she actively invests herself in your interests, shares her own, and truly feels like a *partner* in life. You're so deeply, desperately, tenderly loved by this giant skeleton woman; if you're willing to call her home, you'll never want for another one again.
... aka, Lady G!Sans! She's a tricky lady; and it wouldn't be surprising if you're actually in a polyamorous relationship with at least one of the other girls or another person too. But if you like adventure, yet are a down-to-earth kind of person, if you'd like to see the world, but also treasure the connections you make along the way, if you're bursting with curiosity that can't be stated by just remaining in the status quo... well, Glyph's likely already at your side. You're kindred spirits, through and through, with at least a bit of an artistic streak or appreciation in you. Despite the wanderlust, you're left with the certain knowledge that Glyph truly wants to experience this *with you*. You're hers, not just one part of hers- and she's yours. She loves the glimmer in your eye when you get an idea, the brightness of your smile when you see or experience something new - the soft breath of yours against her collarbone, deep in sleep, cuddled up close in yet another night in a new place, just begging to be explored. You feel secure even in the uncertainty of travel with her there, knowing she's prepared as always - and find yourself learning more, cottoning on to it all far faster than you'd have ever expected - because she's a better teacher than you'd have guessed, making it so you don't even feel like you're being taught something new. There's nothing better than seeing the next day with you at her side - so if you're willing to take her hand, she'll never let go.
... aka, Lady Q!Sans! Don't let the digital-versus-physical situation phase you. It may take time, but... with you around, Alpha's had a fire lit under her digital coccyx for a long time, and it's just a matter of time before she's got a full-size robot body to work with - and just a little longer than that before she's got a way you can enter her digital world, too. Above all, Alpha loves your outlook on the world, how you care so much but also know how to see the fun and joy in things, and make it if it's not there. Hearing your voice is one of the best parts of her days - and she's been longing to meet you, hold you in a way that's truly *her*, not just an interface, for so damn long. She's got all kinds of clever ideas, endless banter, and you'll be struggling to find too many days remaining bad for long if you've got Alpha at your side. She isn't going to let a bad situation stand, and she won't just take care of it - over time, she's learned that there are times when you want to, instead, even if it's hard. So instead, she'll be there, helping you sort it out, and helping you arm yourself to tackle it like the best possible partner should. Even when times are hard, she puts in the work - because you're worth it. You've always been worth it - and her work ethic truly shows that. She makes you smile, laugh, and on more than one heartfelt occasion, cry in the best sort of way. Stick with her, give her your time and inspire her with that lovely hope of yours... and you'll truly end up seeing eternity at her side, and never have a dull day in your very, very loved life for it.
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celestialvexation-arch · 5 years ago
u already know what im gonna say. joxkin for the ask meme please
who hogs the duvet
definitely joxter, the bastard. as much as he would sleep atop the furs, snufkin’s gonna wake up annoyed when he’s waking up nearly freezing lmao
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
in the modern era, snufkin would be the one with the usual “hey, how’s today?”. neither aren’t particularly ones to text / call all the time
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
joxter, tho tbf, it’d be best if snufkin is the one to think of the creativity“no, papa. what am i to do with a dead bird??” “...eat it?”
who gets up first in the morning
mmmm. it’s either or! they aren’t ones to wake up early in the morning, or the morning at all since both are lazy bastards that would wanna soak in the sun before having to get up from bed lmao
who suggests new things in bed
neither? see, they don’t need to vocally suggest them as they are more communicative with their words. if they do find something that they would want to try out again, they’d make it clear with each other! if not or one of them is uncomfortable with it, then it wouldn’t even be brought up
who cries at movies
neither. both father and son found more beautiful things in nature than what people would do for entertainment
who gives unprompted massages
snufkin! the joxter would be lazing about, not rlly paying much attention to his surroundings so feeling those hands on him would give him a surprise lmao. while he can sniff out snufkin’s scent, he wouldn’t know just how close he’d be until he feel those hands kneading at his shoulders
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
not rlly fusses, but joxter would be more alert than usual whenever snufkin is to fall ill. call it instincts from what had happened this one time whenever the joxter happened to be around in snufkin’s life when he had been lil
who gets jealous easiest
hmmm. i rlly don’t see either of them being the jealous type? i’d say snufkin could feel some semblance of jealousy due to his want to have his father as close as possible. i mean, the guy had been out of his life for years; he isn’t wanting him to be taken away somehow!
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
neither. snufkin has his harmonica that could be heard all around the forest with the lil critters harmonizing with him. all the joxter would ever hear that’s pleasing to everyone else is his son’s music and whatever song the moomins would sing on occasion! 
who collects something unusual
the joxter would bring lil trinkets ( pendants, rocks that would hold beautiful gems within them, books of unknown languages, etc ) from his travels! souvenirs that snufkin has never seen within moominvalley! there’s currently a shelf that holds all these items, a few more delicate than others
who takes the longest to get ready
neither. they take as much time needed to prepare themselves for the day!
who is the most tidy and organised
snufkin. while the joxter would just throw his clothes in whatever direction, snufkin would just pick them up and fold them. he could tell his papa to clean up after himself but all he’d get is a flick of the tail
who gets most excited about the holidays
both! whenever the days are to approach, they are to be reminded of the merriment and food that surrounds that specific day. and lbr, while the joxter’s content in just loafing at a corner, he’d be sure to sneak in some food uvu
who is the big spoon/little spoon
pretty obvious, but snufkin’s the lil spoon!
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
neither! they don’t even play anything that’s to require much thought or physically demanding
who starts the most arguments
there wouldn’t be fights or arguments. both know that by the end of day, it’s to be rectified in some way. there’s no need to exacerbate things further based on pure emotion
who suggests that they buy a pet
does the joxter count?
what couple traditions they have
grooming is one where the joxter tends to do so with snufkin ( much to his chagrin ), usually before they are to take a bath together. every other day, they would head out to hunt as mumriks would do -- basically, have the days where they just allow their natural instincts to take over. the joxter may have a better handle on it, but snufkin? 
boy, he’d be wanting to take down large prey at times lmao
what tv shows they watch together
i don’t think they’re the type to watch television. maybe it’d be turned on as background noise
what other couple they hang out with
uuuuuhhh no one :S
how they spend time together as a couple
usually just napping, fishing, or just taking their usual journey across the forest and region depending on the season at hand. while they aren’t the most active couple, they certainly aren’t ones that are to just hibernate for long periods of time
who made the first move
ooooh, that’s a good one. i’d say snufkin. mainly because while the joxter would give him a couple of teases, he never initiated the first move. never giving him kisses, hugs, or any touches that are to linger for more than a minute. it was infuriating
snufkin’s a patient one, but somehow, his father managed to push at the specific buttons to urge him on to bring the joxter down for a quick kiss
who brings flowers home
snufkin tends to do so, usually to make some flower crowns or to make their abode smelling nice :D 
who is the best cook
snufkin! the joxter tends to eat his meals raw and while he doesn’t mind it, snufkin would want a hearty homemade meal. it tends to remind him of the moomins, and i wouldn’t be surprised if he happens to pick up a recipe or two from moominmama!
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crossroadsimagine · 5 years ago
1/3🦑Can I request a matchup with a guy from Naruto? I’m 5’10, with dark brown skin, full lips, a curvy body (thick thighs, big boobs💀😭) and a big, beautiful, smile (so I’m told.) I am an INFJ. My personality is sassy, witty, funny, opinionated, extremely intuitive (I predict things with great accuracy), observant (I pick up on things quickly), empathetic (I can understand people on a very intimate level, no matter what they’ve done), passionate (I get really loud when I’m excited lol),
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☰ Matched with Shikamaru
Shikamaru takes an interest in you pretty quickly because you do pique his curiosity and he will want to learn more about you, but also won’t rush things and will prefer to develop a strong friendship with you first. But he also won’t wait too long to ask you out because he won’t want to cross over to the point that you just see him as a friend, but also needs to let a friendship develop because he will want to be comfortable around you and trust you and want you to feel the same with him. 
When he does go to ask you out it will be a few weeks or months after meeting you and he is rather calm and relaxed about it but slightly awkward or nervous where you might wonder what’s wrong, but he will do his best to act normal and will ask you out after doing something together like getting home after a mission, after having lunch together or just walking you home. 
He’ll ask you out in a pretty straight forward manner and really is relieved when you agree to go out with him, he just won’t want to come across as worried or nervous. Once the two of you do begin dating, he is extremely loyal, honest, affectionate and dedicated to you, he can even go out of his way to make you happy or try to cheer you up. 
You do tend to be pretty sassy, witty and opinionated which he really does love because he likes to be challenged a bit, he doesn’t like to argue but he does like to debate and discuss different topics. He is fairly open to affection but doesn’t press PDA unless he knows that’s something you like, or at least something you aren’t uncomfortable with but even then, he’ll keep things fairly subtle. 
He’s fine with hugs, holding hands or if you like clinging to him, hugging his arm etc. he won’t mind any of that, but he usually will not kiss you in public or in front of others especially not on the lips. 
He is very understanding and comforting and you did have a very rough past and because of that you do have trust issues, low self-confidence, anxiety and depression. But it’s okay he’ll be there for you no matter what happens, or what you’ve been through he will help you however he can, all you have to do is tell him or explain what he can do to help. 
But he’ll do whatever he can to help cheer you up and be there for you, he really is surprisingly comforting both with his words and physically and encourages you to talk to him and vent your problems and frustrations, but won’t force you to open up or talk about things you aren’t ready to yet. You can really worry that no one will ever truly love you, while Shikamaru knows he can’t relieve your worries over night he’s understanding and does whatever he can to help make you feel better and prove to you that he really does love you and he will never stop loving you even if he has to tell you how much he loves you every day for the rest of his life. 
He shows a pretty passive interest in what you like and what your hobbies are because he won’t want to seem overly interesting to the extent that it seems like faking an interest. But he will ask questions or show a bit of curiosity if he sees you doing something you like, such as seeing you drawing, reading, writing or anything like this, but casual questions like asking what you are reading or drawing. 
You are really hard working while he can be far more on the lazy side, that doesn’t mean he won’t do things or work when he needs to, but dislikes working all the time or constantly being busy. He doesn’t even care for high active or energetic activities such as sports or doing things like hiking, not only will he get bored of these things rather quickly but he’ll get tired relatively easily and it’s not that he’s physically out of shape because he is physically fit and perfectly capable but can flat out refuse to do things for too long and fake being worn out or tired. 
You can also be pretty sensitive though you truly have a big heart and have a bright outlook on life, which he can be kind of negative at times but he’s realistic and he will not sugar coat things if he feels like something is a bad idea or like something won’t turn out well. He is protective over you and not just when it comes to physical fights or battles but even when it comes to criticism or negative comments from others. 
He generally doesn’t get very physical or aggressive unless he absolutely has to, he can usually turn someone away or calm a situation down by simply talking things out or making a witty or sarcastic comment. 
Over all he is very caring and considerate even though at times he can pretend he doesn’t at times, sometimes just to get a reaction from you but he really does love you more than you will ever know but he’s not afraid to tell you and show you how much he loves you. He is there for you through thick and thin and will have your back through anything and everything, pulling you back to your feet any time you get knocked down and comforting and supporting you through any problems and will always be at your side no matter what.
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☰ Headcanons between the two of you
■ You are really intuitive and can predict things rather easily and you are really observant as well, which he is too and that means that it is really hard for either of you to hide anything from the other because both of you can notice that the other is hiding something relatively easily even if it’s something positive like a surprise party.
■ He likes to make you happy and can do whatever it takes to make you happy which means he is rather comfortable with anything you want, if you a particular gift he’ll get it for you, if you want to move in together he’s ready, if you want to get a pet he’s fine with it. He is really rather easy going in most regards.
■ He doesn’t shower you with praise but when he does compliment you, he really means it and that makes his compliments come out as sounding very genuine, which he does really mean his compliments when he tells you how nice you look, how smart you are, how beautiful you are etc.
■ Is affectionate with you and has a tendency to hug you from behind, pull you onto his lap or into his arms on a couch or in bed, he likes lazy days and can be completely content lazing about in bed all day with you, hugging, cuddling and kissing.
☰ Other Possible Matches
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◐ Darui
He is very caring, dedicated and affectionate with you and while he isn’t crazy about PDA, he can instigate it a little at times at least to some extent such as hugging or holding hands, but generally won’t push things much further especially if he feels like you can be easily embarrassed. 
He is far more affectionate with you when the two of you are alone at home, he is also very encouraging and supportive to anything you want to do or achieve in like. This also makes him very open to taking you different places or new places for dates, he’ll even like traveling with you to new towns or cities particularly for vacations or trips with you.
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◐ Kakashi
He is really laid back, loving and a great listener and really tends to be very attentive with you as well, he can occasionally seem a bit uncaring or even as though he isn’t listening when you are talking but he is always far more attentive than you think and can remember a lot about you. 
He doesn’t really like PDA but adores being affectionate and loving with you when the two of you are alone, hugging and cuddling with you often. He can have a lazy side and likes to stay home and have relaxing dates with you but also isn’t opposed to traveling or going new places with you, after all he really does like to make you happy.
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amystudiesthings · 6 years ago
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Don't laze around at home
Being on campus can naturally put us in the studious zone. When you come home you want to kick back and relax, but don't give in. You're still a  student no matter where you live while in college. Obviously relax at some point, but its better to start homework/studying almost immediately after arriving home. You can always have a meal, snack, or 20 minute nap before starting, but start ASAP while you’re still in the zone! 
Get involved 
Extracurriculars will be your taste of the college life, so get in there and make the most of it. Don't be afraid to go alone either. People who share the same interests and meet up regularly for an activity tend to make friends pretty quickly, trust me. You don't even have to be the loudest or most confident person in the room to do so. 
Stay on campus 
Don't leave right after your last class ends. Meet up with friends to study (or have a solo session), have dinner with friends in or around campus, go to a club, or even work on campus. Do anything to stay away from home as much as possible. From now on, you should consider home as the place where you eat and sleep (and socialize with your family sometimes), just like dorms for students are simply places to sleep in (and socialize with your roommate sometimes. or not at all). 
Meet other commuters 
Depending on your school, you may feel like there are barely any commuters around you. Well, everyone else feels the same way, so meet up and have each other's backs! Some schools have commuters' clubs and if yours doesn't, start one. I'm guilty of not having been to my school's commuters' club yet, but I have made some commuter friends in class who I can relate to.  
Make friends with dormers 
I mean obviously don't try to pick out friends specifically for what they have, but we should all try to diversify our friends if it is possible. Having a friend with a dorm means even more time away from home and even more opportunities to experience the "typical" college life. Definitely sleep over friends' dorms and go to dorm parties. The frequency of these activities is up to you, but its always cool to try something new. 
Study Abroad 
This experience will be a million times more mind-blowing than dorming at a school in your state or country. Now I'm not trying to discredit the experiences of dormers- its still a great experience that will hold many memories for you and help you grow. I'm just trying to convey how amazing study abroad is because it is by far the most amazing experience I've gotten out of college so far (and i think every student should try it!). Packing your bags to be in a country where you aren't fluent in the local language and don't really know anyone is going to be a crazy experience in both good and not so good ways. Personally, the "not so good ways" were just slight inconveniences and allow me to have some crazy stories to tell. Overall, it was definitely a challenge. A challenge that I loved every second of. I'm so grateful that it was my first experience living on my own. More importantly, I felt so proud that "I actually DID THAT!" (and didn't die).  
Now before you all roll your eyes at me because only rich people do this, I went with financial help from my home university. My college has a partnership with the Korean university I went to, so I automatically got half off the tuition. I was also able to use some scholarship refund money towards the trip. My scholarship is for my grades, but you can still find other ways to get your funds if your grades aren't the best. For example, my university offers another scholarship opportunity on top of the slashed tuition, which is based mostly on your statement of purpose letter and recommendation(s). I applied, but they didn't receive my application (more on that in a future post, imstillsosaltyaboutit). There are other scholarships being offered (even from the government) that weigh your interest in study abroad more than your grades when choosing their recipients. I will make a post all about study abroad soon, so there's more info on that coming up. Don't hesitate to start researching yourself, though! 
Join a sorority/fraternity
I personally haven't done this and I'm still not sure if I ever will, but this seems like a great experience to me and could benefit many students. I was "scouted" (if that's the right word- sorry, I don't know your Greek terminology!) by some girls from a sorority at my school because of my involvement in the Marketing club. I'm sure it differs for every organization, but the information they gave me on sorority life seemed intriguing. Volunteering, social events, study sessions together, having "sisters" I wasn't related to. Now that I think about it, making friends in a sorority is probably similar to how it is when you study abroad. You're all on the same boat in this new thing, and so the comradery just comes naturally to everyone. Perfect for shy people to get out of their shells, and socialites to, well, socialize. 
I was also told that members were required to live in the sorority house for at least one semester. Imagine getting a whole HOUSE to yourself and a bunch of other amazing people with similar interests?! You could live on campus, make lots of friends, and not hurt your wallet as much in the process. 
Join the school paper
Whether your school prints physical newspapers, posts online, or makes podcasts, you should try to join in on the reporting. This position will force you to meet all kinds of students, professors, staff members, alumni, and more. When I joined my school’s newspaper, members were given “topics” that were going to be their main area of focus (but we were also able to write about other subjects as well). You’ll be interviewing people and going to campus events to get that article done. Don’t be worried about your writing skills, either. While you should be fluent or close to fluent in the language you’re writing in, odds are the club leaders will work to teach their members some grammar and formatting rules that they would like their stories to follow.
A lot of these tips apply to students who dorm as well, because we all should try to be active in our campuses and make unique friendships along the way. Good luck this semester guys!
thanks for reading, hope these tips help;
take a look at my blog @amystudiesthings 
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gg-astrology · 6 years ago
Duo Dynamic | Jung Soojung (Krystal) - Jung Sooyeon (Jessica)
Hello! 💕 I got a request for this a few days ago, so I want to get it out and introduce you to the wonderful sisters if you haven’t yet! 💕
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For this series I’ll be looking at their placements individually, and then I’ll look at the similarities/differences as the conclusion-- I hope you enjoy! 💕
Disclaimer: This is just my interpretation of their placements in the context of the individuals themselves as well. If you share the same placements as them and don’t relate to the things below please don’t take it too personally/bring it down on yourself! 💕 Everyone works differently, and sometimes context does matter lots!! 💕💕 Please love yourself in your own way!! 💕  
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Jessica Jung (Jung Sooyeon) | April 18 1989 (San Francisco, California) 
Brief Background
If you’ve been watching her in the earlier SNSD days, Jessica garnered a lot of fans for her sweet face, her sweet voice and being one of the kind of ‘sweet and petite’ girl style amongst the fans.
She also had a title as the ‘Ice Queen’ (she isn’t, but here’s why we’re going to talk about that today). 
At least on broadcast, she may seem just a little awkward and nervous, and she’s often quite blunt when she talks.
Otherwise-- she used to get joked about for her sleepy nature and her tastes for fashion (low-key possibly one of her ‘images’ within the group) 
Here’s where we ‘uncover’ some of that ‘image’ from Jessica the Idol and Jessica Jung, a real person/brand by herself. 
By Herself (Just through her Placements) 
Aries/Sagittarius decan thrives best when they expand/challenge themselves creatively. 
They may have a penchant for traveling or opportunities where they can manifest themselves best, by being determined but flexible in their own life choices/autonomy.
Unlike the typical Aries, Jessica’s Aries Sun is more optimistic than she lets on (as well as snarky to counteract that into realism). 
Often allows her to cheer others up/give strength when they are at their lowest. But it also brings knowledge/wisdom, empathy and courage/motivation to others.
Basically, Aries Sun in this case can act like pillars of strength for others when everything else seems to fall down on themselves.  
You can see how she could do this for her sister-- Krystal-- but also for those around her as well.
With Jessica, it’s a no-nonsense attitude and she’s very grounded in her approach to advice giving (Taurus Mercury)
She often finds time to hang out with others, Aries finds it’s personal autonomy/freedom in being able to spend time with people it wants to spend time with.
Often, they’re that friend who asks for hang-out days where you don’t have to do anything exciting/new in particular (especially with her Taurus Venus) 
But mostly just a day that ‘breaks’ the routine they’ve been living in, they’re offering a change of pace, something refreshing to just laze around or do with minimal efforts together. 
(Taurus-- but the other person does have to make an effort to meet them/make themselves available -- meet them ‘half way’/Aries, because otherwise, that’s just irresponsible and unjust to the Taurus/Libra person.)
Most of these hang outs consists of just-- catching up, really low-key ‘so how have you been doing?’ while eating burgers together hang outs.
Low-maintenance kind of hang out really. But in a way, these people also may intimidate people with the luxurious goods they surround themselves in when they’re not around others (private/recluse self--Taurus Venus)
They don’t see themselves as anything special or different from others (regarding social relationship) -- mostly, the luxurious goods thing is just how they self-care/take care of themselves. It’s what makes them happy, material wealth as an expression of their self-identity/assertion makes them happy. 
It can also be-- pretty low-key like having a ‘spa’ day or just putting on make up. Taurus here doesn’t indicate anything fanciful all the time. It might however, talk about a tendency to spend too much/frivolously as an ‘impulse buy’ (Gemini Mars/Libra Moon) in order to ‘de-stress’ themselves. (Which may or may not make them cry internally because Taurus does want to be prudent with their financial wealth/money on principle of liking to save/see money stack up.)  
On the other hand, listening to others also seems to be a prominent theme (Aries/Sagittarius Sun - Taurus Mercury/Venus) -- they’re often generous with their time/energy and would rather hear things that are positive/uplifting rather than nagging/complaining all the time.
 Another thing about listening/talking/communicating is that with Taurus Mercury -- she may take her damn sweet time to come to a conclusion/make up her mind about something.
It’s not indecision like Libra per say, it’s more about wanting to make up her mind for herself and having the space/time away from people to do that.
Taurus Mercury may also indicate a charming voice/talker, because Taurus is Venusian ruled and it also rules the throat-- with it being in the Mercury, the native may often find themselves coming across as humble, sincere, honest but also charming and influential to others at the same time. 
This can sometimes have trouble with the native seeing it for what it is (a gift) -- because Taurus is a rather stagnant sign, therefore they may tend to feel like they’re ‘slower’ than most or not as ‘conventionally charming’ like others as well.
Taurus gives a lot of strengths to the native, but that strengths can feel like a really large backpack they have to lug around. Thus it may weigh down on their back/physicality (mental health) as well as cuts down on their mobility (mentally).
It’s this-- awareness that they may not be working as fast/witty as those around them tends to be (making fast decision/actions) that makes them separate themselves away from others and do their little ‘isolation’ thing to ‘gather themselves’.
Realize it for what it is, this ‘gathering themselves away from others in order to focus/concentrate their energy to ‘enhance’ mobility’ won’t help with the speed Taurus works at. What they can do instead is focus on Scorpio (and where it lies on their chart).
Focus on shifting/changing their Taurus energy into being more Scorpionic will help with their self-expression as well. They share the same principality and end goals-- stability, devotion, faith, loyalty. 
What they don’t share is how they get there, Taurus is Venus ruled which in this case might be what’s holding them back. Try to think of Scorpio, Mars-ruled. And it’ll help align the nature of Aries Sun to Scorpio action better as well.
To put it in another way, Taurus’s Venus is making the person less assertive, more cautious. Often has to look for not upsetting others and thus, can sometimes ‘hide’ themselves and sticks close to what makes them comfortable/stable instead of taking the chances like Scorpio does.
Scorpio encourages the person to push into the ‘less than perfect’-- the ‘true’ dark and light side of the person. To transform from self-empowerment from the inside-out. By ‘uncovering’ truths about themselves the Taurus tends to suppress/covers over in order to not think of themselves as ‘someone they’re not’.
Scorpio-- as a water signs, talks about accepting emotions as emotions. As human we all go through the goods and bad. It talks about not keeping the self safe when we need to express these emotions forward because then it’ll lead to obsession/possessiveness over something. As well as uncontrollable energy/emotions if our Taurus breaks completely.
Scorpio implies taking the helm of transformation. In order to make decisions based on wit and cunning, instead of trying to keep a cautious, steady, harmonious front about it. 
Scorpio also talks about pro-active engagement/involvement with shaping the narrative of the self. Instead of relying on charm like the Taurus does, dissatisfaction/restrictions can easily be overcome by knowing where the self lies with others (social relationship wise/ don’t be afraid to not be harmonious all the time. Learning how to accept the Martian/Arian traits will help with counteracting the less-active Libra/Taurus as well) and a strong sense of personal identification of the self.
It embodies rebellious nature, a side that has to be uncovered and truly accepted in order to work out that Sun-Moon opposition (with a lot of the energy concentrating on Venusian side)
By learning how to balance the Taurus Venus with Scorpio energy-- the individual can also learn how to overcome their own self-restriction and expand their imaginative/creative pursuits.
Determination from the Sun alone isn’t going to manifest in success if it’s not well-balanced. 
The Taurus is working hard to come up with solutions/decisions that are rather ‘sound’ or ‘financially stable’ (again, material wealth associated with the physicality/tastes of Taurus) -- but if they’re really going to take the Sun’s persona/branding to the full potential-- they really have to understand the core/Martian side of their nature as well.
See here’s the image. Because the chart is so Taurus heavy, it’s leaning more towards making decisions/behind-the-scenes safe. While the Sun embodies the branding/persona that’s selling the product/character of the person.
The person has potential to fully max out their branding/persona charisma to 100%. Instead of the weird 80% Taurus and 20% Aries right now.
In order to utilize that, the person has to uncover/discover their Scorpio side. The Scorpio is the charisma, the ‘less than safe’ decisions that trusts on their intuition/desire/passion and go full-in towards the direction that they feel intuitively secure. 
The direction that they can feel the transformation is coming at the tips of their finger tips, the one that they can feel the public pooling towards (but haven’t manifested towards yet) the one where they truly get to explore their creative niches/inventions towards before it hits the market (whatever market that may be).
Scorpio is the trend-setter, not the trend-follower/appreciator. Yes, they can appreciate trends, but every Taurus-heavy individual has the ability to truly expand their creative visions by not using the trend as guidelines (sometimes even restrictive boxes) but rather -- proof their own individuality/innovation by truly uncovering part of themselves into something passionate and primal as well (speaks to them emotionally, primally, without explanations or rationality.)  
Honestly this sounds really weird coming from an astrology blog, and I’m in no way an authority on the subject but all this is saying is just-- see where the Scorpio lies in the chart (what house) and work towards manifesting that in order to help with the heaviness Taurus can have on a person sometimes.
Anyways we should probably talk about more light-hearted stuff now?
Taurus (since it rules the throat) also talks about food/hunger. In particularly, talking constantly about food and feeling fulfillment at being able to indulge in their favorite foods (Taurus Venus). 
Eating with people is a good way to get them to socialize, it’s one of the only way to get them to enjoy time outside of their own home sometimes when you lay out a table with food to lure them in. 
Taurus Mercury as a friend giving advice to others relies a lot on ‘common sense’ --- as in, they’re the friend that reminds you of the ‘bigger picture’ sometimes. Remind you to go through with something, hold you semi-accountable for it (or like, give you an unimpressed look if you didn’t). 
They stand up for those they care about, often may even feel emotionally riled up/protective for those who’s been wronged. 
If you ask them to do something for you, they’ll go through with it till the end/finish the task completely (it’s a matter of honour sometimes, especially when someone goes back on their words the Taurus might get agitated and finish the task anyways -- Aries Sun)
And if you feel yourself unable to stand/be stable by yourself-- they’ll be there to stabilize you and stand by your side. 
Most Taurus Venus takes to being in the ‘presence’ of someone (physically) in order to take care of them. They do things (practical things, like find places, resources, the hard labour work) in order to make other’s life easier for them.
They also care in physical ways, like hugging, holding someone’s hand, being there for someone visibly/physically in order to nurture them.
With Taurus, they may find themselves being fond over others and feeling protective/nurturing over them. Fretting may occur. 
With Taurus Mercury-- they try their best to be deliberate in their speech/thinking. 
They may find, that they’re a lot more ‘straight to the point’ than most people expect them to be. This can also be sarcasm or bluntness that is unexpected.  
With deliberation in their Mercury, it also means they often find themselves sounding quite knowledgeable/authoritative on a subject. 
They influence others through their practical presentation, often swaying others over because they seem to have a realistic approach to things based on research/common-sense rather than an idealistic view.
With both Taurus and Aries in the mix-- the individual may find themselves sensually and sensationally oriented. Whatever gives them the most expansive view/potential opportunity to expand themselves, and then what benefit it will bring to them personally (how they can apply it to their craft). Tends to be the general blend of the person.
One last thing I’d like to touch on is her Gemini Mars --- combined with her Aries Sun - conjunct- Taurus Venus [3′34] that already makes her pretty peace-loving-- Gemini Mars would do it’s best to avoid confrontations with those they love if it’s possible.
Think about it... Libra Moon talking about wanting to harmonious her subconscious/emotions to others and then Gemini Mars being like ‘hah swerve :’)’ whenever someone tries to have a go at her-- she’s emotionally unprepared for confrontations that can flare up-- and is often afraid of letting her mouth run/counteracting back because she doesn’t trust herself to not be harsh to others (too harsh) that she’ll regret what she says later as well.
It’s kind of like....imagine if someone confronts her about something suddenly, and her ‘swerving’ tactic doesn’t work. She’ll be pushed to stand up for herself right?
Well since placating isn’t an option (Libra Moon negated) she’ll try to aim for the most objective point of view (Taurus/Aries/Libra)-- at the same time, she may feel personally attacked by the confrontation (panicky emotionally-- if she doesn’t suppress her emotions atm/Gemini-Taurus for the suppression thing)
If it escalates even more to a pretty serious fight (like, yelling or finger pointing fights) --- all bets are off, objectivity be damned. She’ll yell if she has to make her point heard. She’ll keep repeating the point until the other person gets it.
Unless they backed down first, she probably won’t back down when she’s this close to forcing the fight to close in her own way (kind of mediating in a way). 
At the same time, whatever she said during that time-- she’ll probably think back on it a lot and reflect on what she did wrong (during the moment)         
Her air sign wouldn’t stop looking back/analyzing herself and the word she said during that time, the communicative aspect of air being suppressed in order to win-- might have a problem with how it was forcibly ‘shut down’ under her earth/fire in order to do so.
Most likely, the after-math will end with her trying to smooth things over with others. Admitting what she can admit to, and promising to show through dedication/demonstration that she’s taken what they said into consideration too.
Regarding the Controversy with SNSD/SM Ent
*Note: We don’t really know what’s happened on a personal scale, so this is just some notes on what we could say in regards to astrology. It’s not meant to be taken seriously as truth, please remember that! 💕
Regarding the controversy about her leaving the group because of her own ambition, considering how emotionally attached she is to others as her source of strength/support. I don’t think she would’ve even left out of her own will and the only option was legit the company forcing her to do so (by law).
She has a Libra Moon that talks about compromising, being there for others, emotional attachment to those around her.  Also considering her Taurus Mercury/Venus -- it would’ve been hard for her emotionally AND mentally to make sudden changes at all/up-root herself by her own ambition, no matter how how ‘creative’ that Aries Sun is. 
If you consider how she has her Sun-conjunct-Venus (plus that Libra Moon) -- her social relationships and the things she’s built with other is literally a part of her ego/self-confidence and core self (Sun). 
People with this aspects may even sometimes be too nice for their own good, especially with Taurus Venus who already has such a hard time letting go of things that can even be toxic for them. Due to attachment with the stability/memories those experiences brought them (security at the time, to be who they are today). 
With how stagnant/fixed her placements are-- It would’ve be really hard pressed for her to choose herself (her Sun) over her emotions/attachment to others (in case someone wants to say ‘oh she’s selfish’--- she really isn’t. It took a huge toll on her more than she lets us see-- Aries has a hard time showing vulnerabilities to others, especially with Taurus in the mix. They’re really really stubborn about making sure everything looks ‘good’ and ‘happy’ -- even to the expense of their own emotional downfall/neglect.) 
Here’s a couple more things that points to her being very socially heavy/inclined-- and it probably helped a lot (being around groups of people) with her anxious/nervous energy that the air placements brings.
Aries/Sagittarius first of all, has a lot of expectations/energy towards group/social settings. In particularly learning/teaching within the group environment (Sagittarius/Jupiter)
A lot of energy towards doing something that brings ‘hope’ into the world (Jupiter) and with the blessings of Aries-- they tend to be highly protective towards their friends/family (even more emphasized with Taurus). This is something that concerns the core/principle of the person (Sun).
Thus, even if everything else is going wrong in their life-- they can be prone to look towards their moral obligation/principle regarding their treatment of others (and how stead-fast/self-assured in themselves they are about this subject) as a ‘pick up’ point for wherever they’re in in their life. 
If there’s anything they know about themselves, first is their own ability to determinedly make their own goals/future happen (independence/freedom/self-made skills/expressions). 
And second is their moral principality that keeps them from being a ‘bad person’ (or what they think/consider to be a ‘bad/morally bad person’). 
The second part contributes greatly to building up confidence/defensive shield, especially when people throw accusation at them for it 
(If they do hear criticism about them, once they’ve reached this point of conciliation within themselves. They can be so self-assured that they may often just calmly tell others ‘No. This is how I am.’ 
That’s the level of self-confidence an Aries/Sagittarius has when they learn how to gain strength from their principality.) 
However, the thing that may be blocking them from expressing themselves completely is their emotional attachment to others.
In this case, we look at Libra/Taurus. 
Emotional attachment coming from Libra/Taurus is not going to be as clear to see from others (as say like, water-signs tend to be.)
Aries hides it’s vulnerabilities, even when it’s self-assured and seems ‘accepting’ of it’s own flaws (humbled) -- they can have a hard time (maybe in their posture/expressions) letting others know that they care and truly coming across as a ‘harmonious’ person.
See, because despite being Venus-influenced greatly in her life (Libra/Taurus-- both Venus-ruled) both of these signs are in placements where unless she spends a lot of time building a strong emotional foundation with others (and even then) 
Libra/Taurus emotionality/harmonious energy towards others is often ‘blocked’ from being truly understood by others-- mostly because there’s conditions before they’re expressed. 
This ‘truly being understood’ part is important-- because whilst Taurus/Aries builds trust out of their bare-hands/effort, it’s trust made out of respect for personal difference and individuality. Not trust that is based from sharing the same goals/understanding (like say a Pisces) or unconditional trust. 
Taurus/Aries trust foundation is one that has to be maintained, well-kept and groomed constantly. The individual may often have to reaffirm, verbally/emotionally, how they feel for others -- to others-- as well as constantly put in effort to make it last as well.
Libra/Taurus may also find it hard to trust others completely with their inner-self. Since they do indicate a rich internal plane of existence (can be prone to ‘testing’ others/being cautious of those they let in) 
Regarding this, her Sun-Moon is opposite to each other (Aries-Libra/un-aspected bc the degree is around 5′) -- thus, this might’ve been what caused the divide in the first place. 
Others can see her (those who grew up with her/know her best by her core aka the members) through her Aries Sun. Stubborn, quietly determined, sometimes single-minded in her pursuits. 
But they often don’t get to see the Libra Moon or Taurus Mercury/Venus (or Gemini Mars) that she has. 
To them, Aries/Libra/Taurus indicates comfortability and charming them in order to show her Aries desires later. It’s an indication of her cardinal (self-assertion) mixed with what they assume is mutable (flexibility/adaptability) which can indicate a certain selfishness to her. 
This is often a misconception around those who has a strong Aries in their chart, but also an important Libra placements that may be ‘hidden’ or part of their subconscious/emotional control. 
Because to others, it is seen as the ‘wishy-washy’ nature of Libra (indecision) and the impatient action-oriented ways of Aries (pioneering energy) manifesting in her energy that made her ‘drop’ her.
To Jessica, it causes internal conflict/emotional betrayal (breaking of trust). Between her internal alignment and the misinterpretation/her trust being broken instead. 
Her Libra/Taurus (and Aries, let’s be honest) indicates a strong, almost stubborn principality on loyalty. Libra in particular, tries it’s hardest to be fair/just to others. While Taurus is almost impervious in it’s devotion to others (once they gave their words, it’s unbreakable). 
In her own mind (Mercury) her ‘fixed’ position is in the group. Not only do they provide emotional gratification/solace for her (Libra Moon) but she also has space/time to nurture, care, and really sink her ‘roots’ down in the group dynamic (Taurus Mercury/Venus).
The Taurus Venus talks about taking their commitment seriously, especially because the Taurus Venus themselves don’t tend to take their responsibilities lightly themselves.
Honor (Taurus) and the ‘not breaking of each other’s reputation’ in order to not undermine each other’s standing in the world is extremely important to the Taurus/Aries. 
If SM really didn’t break it off so completely on their side, Jessica would’ve been in a situation where she would’ve tried to carry the sinking boat regardless. 
With that Sun/Venus and Libra Moon, she’ll probably try to do so through her mediative/diplomatic emotional buoyancy as well as trying to assert her energy into making sure everyone gets to connect with her/communicate with her on a personal level-- so they know of her integrity/honor that she won’t betray them like that (’she’s not that kind of person’ is the message through this demonstrative effort on her part). 
Her expectations were probably were to continue on the paths of SNSD, having all those years become ‘wasteful’ is the worst feeling for Libra/Aries/Taurus to feel. 
She already has emotional connectivity to them, this is just a matter of not being ‘gas-lighted’ into a situation where she’s accused of one or two extremes. 
One being ‘you don’t want to be in SNSD anymore’ -- because she probably does. She built up her career with SNSD, she lived with them she worked with them. That kind of trust and bonding she holds dear to her heart.
The other being ‘you want to start your own career’ -- she probably does want to too. But these two conditions (not being in snsd =\= starting her own career) aren’t mutually exclusively to each other.
She might want to explain that, while she does want to start her own career-- it’s possible to do so while still being a member of SNSD.
Unfortunately, with how the circumstances works out, and the short-time period where she had the controversy and then suddenly got cut off (it really was a short time-span of probably only a few weeks) --- it was impossible to negotiate or remedy the situation where she doesn’t have time for her Taurus Mercury/Venus to be there physically. Where she’s mentally unprepared (and arguably a bit slow to make her point across) and thus--- it was a circumstances that was more to do with SM making the decision for her rather than her getting to decide or explain herself better.
Another thing to note is that, the branding/establishment of her fashion line is a crucial time in her life/career. 
She’s been in the industry for so long and the actual creative process of finally having something established (as a brand) only had a small window of opportunity for promotion/establishing itself.
If she didn’t get to really associate to her brand then, it would be hard to get the brand out there later on. 
The brand would’ve been in the market for some time (while SNSD is doing activities/promotions) and the responses might’ve been much more lackluster if people didn’t know about her association to it as well (which helps with the marketing/lifting the brand to find it’s ‘market’)
Considering everything, she made the best out of the situation and really push herself into finding her full potential. 
She’s proved that you can be an entrepreneur and also an artist, that you can do both and still find social circles/societies to fit in as well.
The world is so much larger than just what we know, and the Aries/Sagittarius Sun native can always look to find themselves flourishing best when they discover their own bravery and autonomy in their own life decisions as well.
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Krystal Jung (Jung Soojung) | October 24 1994 (San Francisco, California)
That was a lot on Jessica kdsnfjs I’ll do my best to fill this out for Krystal as well ;;
First of all, we love a duo Martian Sun - Air Moon sisters!
Krystal has her Sun in Scorpio [1′] and Moon in Gemini [28′22] which really explains how she’s really the emotionally stable ‘core’ with those around her despite being so active/reactive as well.
Generally, with Scorpio natives (and mutable Moons) they’re a lot more energetic, having to expel their energy elsewhere with those they’re close to (***important distinction) 
They may seem much more ‘refreshed/energetic’ to those they’re comfortable with, often indulging in funny little quips/jokes and cheering others up.
Generally a ball of joy to be around, because they really do their best to not be a downer on someone when they care for them.
By themselves, they’re often anxious in energy (subconsciously) may get distracted or do multiple things at once in order to find ‘stimulis’.
At the same time, it’s this mutable ‘restless’ energy that drives them to reflect a lot on themselves or ‘sink’ into their own feelings.
The Scorpio Sun/Venus both talks about having these periods of time when-- if they’re not driven by stimuli, they tend to not want to do anything for a while and just--- sink. 
Sink into the stagnancy within themselves, let the waves devour them whole. They let themselves be engulfed in their own expectations of themselves, their principality, their ambition. 
Their emotionality becomes more self-connected once they do-- but it can be hard to swim back up from being ‘swallowed’ by the ocean. 
Most likely, the more ‘upbeat/lively’ side of the Gemini Moon she has may be few and far between (to see for others). 
The first approach for Scorpio/Gemini is criticality, there’s a lot of strength and sharpness in the mind here. And it comes through in expressing their wit and questioning of others.
Scorpio/Gemini may pose things as rhetorical questions to others, it’s a way to make them reflect back on others (Libra Mercury) and for others to see if what they’re thinking/saying truly makes sense or if it’s total bullocks.
The tonality of it, because it’s influenced by Scorpio/Gemini and Libra Mercury is in rx-- may come off as more aggressive than intended.
This line of questioning doesn’t really mean any harm, the sarcasm and snarky humour is just the way Gemini expresses itself under Scorpio Sun sometimes.
The native however, should look that other’s don’t misunderstand them and think that they have a superiority complex somehow.
Because Scorpio/Gemini brings a lot of emphasis on the Mind (mental/communication/thinking) being related to the person’s ego/core-essence/self-confidence. The person may easily give off the impression that they’re ‘judging’ someone based on how they present themselves, the exact wording of their phrases that gives way to their ‘inner intensions’ (that the Scorpio/Gemini is not afraid to point out-- without tact) and because of their shrewdness, they may often scoff at the ‘presentation’ of others when they have different values/approach to the ego then they do (i.e. often commenting on ‘its the inside the matters’ meaning the mind and integrity of the person-- thus if someone’s showy and likes to show off their material wealth, or if someone’s more emphasized on physical beauty of others etc. -- they may feel ‘less than’ immediately because of how blunt the Scorpio/Gemini can be)
The Scorpio/Gemini didn’t mean that in a definitely negative light-- which others may tend to take it (because the Scorpio/Gemini may sometimes lack tact when talking) -- they meant it in a ‘prove me wrong’ kind of way. 
Waiting/observing the other person to offer them the communicative stance (mind/personal integrity) they want to see. So that they can ‘connect’ to each other as equals that way (Scorpio Venus rx) 
The Scorpio/Gemini person should realize that they can’t force everyone to communicate the way they want to be communicated with all the time (**on a personal level). 
Even if they didn’t want to come off as threatening/challenging--- learning how to utilize the flexibility of Gemini to connect to others is a task the Scorpio/Gemini person may need to take a step back and realize.
Connection to others come from taking a moment to realize that they may have put too much emphasis on the inside that they haven’t learn how to compromise with others yet (Libra Mercury rx has to learn how to work itself properly as well) 
They may be too stagnant in their own ways (Scorpio Sun-Venus/Leo Mars/Libra - cardinal) and driven to get things done their way that they may not even realize that they have space to grow/learn still.
This mostly stems from the Libra Mercury and Scorpio Venus being in retrograde, which brings the mind and the social relationship of the person to be more self-reflective of themselves (in order to connect to others) -- rather than the usual ‘extroverted’ reaching out to others that they need to actualize.
Mercury in retrograde brings challenges in voicing their thoughts out /communicate their thinking out the way they intended it to be. Truly they are a person who thinks a lot before they speak, often going back and forth between themselves (sometimes indecision) and has a lot on their mind. They may also want to seek fairness and equality when they make a point to someone  (Mercury potential).
They may not think they’re quite tactful (considering their Scorpio/Gemini placements) but they do have the ability to utilize tact (inside of their mind) to their speech.
Mercury has the potential to really persuade others, helping Scorpio achieves it’s goals if the energy is aligned healthily.
Because so much of her energy is driven inwards, ‘freeing up’ those spaces inside by externalizing the Libra Mercury outside (through action/active focus on Libra Mercury alone) will help with expelling/tiring out the space and thus
This creates an area where Gemini can slip in and really push that upbeat/up-lifting impact she has on others into manifesting outwardly openly as well.
It doesn’t make her any less cunning or calculating (it doesn’t undermine her capabilities) it just adds onto it. 
Sometimes, not everything has to be heavy all the time. The ‘lightness’ of Gemini/Libra being externalized constantly may feel like it’s a useless/hopeless process that’s not leading to anything-- but trust that it is.
It’s helping to stabilize both the external and internal, even if the individual may not see it themselves-- others may take notice of the difference in their demeanor, as well as help with the constant frustration with themselves to resolve itself better through taking action like this.
Considering how she probably has already utilize this to a certain extent (comments from her co-actors in ‘bride of the water god’) -- more focus on this for the purpose of the self (self-development long-term/for the benefit of her own emotional-mental health and it’s longevity) will help combat some of the more depressive episode/emotional inactivity she may feel by herself as well (Pisces Saturn rx) 
Venus in retrograde points to challenges connecting/building social relationships that aren’t personal (so impersonal relationships in the case of Scorpio) with a lot of the force being built on trust and other’s emotional understanding/compassion and connectivity to them first (instead of them putting themselves out there more openly)
It can lead the individual to seek emotional understanding and nourishment from others (Water Venus) and offering faithfulness and loyalty in return (stability).  
The key thing with Venus rx is that the individual may tend to have extreme ‘cuts’ in their life. Those who they may have shared good memories with once, may find that when the relationship’s ended it could never come back and be what it was before.
Scorpio talks about transformation, and in this case it’s the closure to one relationship without flexibility/benefits to the self (and their own emotional/mental health) 
On the other hand, this ‘extremity’ is more to do with the Scorpio themselves wanting to prolong/actively finding ways to ‘work through/devote’ themselves to the relationship as long as possible while it lasts.
Whether the relationship was toxic or not, they already have a hard time cutting themselves away from people in the flexible/adaptable way that others do (and thus coming back to the relationship and nourishing it as something else later).
That’s why when they cut, thats the end of it. 
End of everything, but it’s more out of principality/self-protection rather than the realistic flexibility of relationships being something that involves both individual’s development/decisions (like, with regards to the human side of people and learning how to recover-- ‘forgive’ something-- which will benefit both people more.) 
A way to help with Venus rx is to put themselves out there and challenge themselves not to have a stagnant ‘principle’ or views on what a relationship should be.
With Scorpio, there’s a lot of expectations for the relationship and what ‘fits’ into the bill of what they’re looking for.
Therefore, learning how to ‘let go’ of that and learning how to just be more involved in the ‘process’ of an ever evolving idea of ‘relationship’ might help them better as well.
This is not to say, they shouldn’t have strong regards/ideas on what’s good/not good for them. It’s just that they could add layers to that, be open to learning/experiencing more things while showing more active compassion for people in a demonstrative way instead of being so stagnant in themselves sometimes.
All of this is do-able, I think it mostly it lies on that Gemini Moon/Libra Mercury rx manifesting itself properly that will help counterbalance the Scorpio in her chart.
In regards to her Leo Mars, with her Scorpio Venus square Leo Mars she may tend to exhibit even more Scorpionic trait than before. Both of these signs are really stubborn, so in a way the enhanced trait tends to be alot of fixed water energy that leads her Leo to take less action than how it wants to be.
Think of Leo as like, being in the wrong camp. It could really benefit from supporting Gemini/Libra (helping to perform/manifest in a playful upbeat manner-- but with calmness and personal satisfaction) but instead it’s often butting head with Scorpio on taking commands/different values on how things should get done.
Venus square Mars may make the person look for challenges, intense desires or passion for something. It looks for ways to prolong the desire/emotions in the moment-- but at the same time, it’s focused so much on the ‘making it last’ part that it often overlooks the ‘in the now, moving together’ moments. 
The lack of adaptability or movement in these signs besides the internal (desire, emotions, passion)  is what’s holding them back. 
By learning how to listen to the Leo Mars more (since it’s not making aspects to anything) the individual can learn how to balance the two by mix-matching Scorpio/Leo and adding other elements from their placements/chart into the mix as well.
It’s just a matter of -- making rooms for movement internally that’s blocking the person from really reaching the fullest potential.
Thus why, the external movement/release of energy through Gemini Moon is important here. By being able to utilize more air into their personal life (and not borrowing it from someone else-- really getting in touch with their own air and learning it’s full capabilities) is what’s going to benefit them best and help them be independent AND sociable the way they want to be.  
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Conclusion: Jessica - Krystal Jung
In a way, they balance out each other with their sister signs Taurus/Scorpio
Both these individuals have their strengths in similar yet opposite ways
While Krystal may come off as the more confrontational of the two if you just look at them on first impression (*not really getting to know them, because honestly Jessica is the equally-- if not more-- stubborn and more verbally confrontational than Krystal) she may find herself in contrast to her sister- much more adaptable when she’s next to her 
(but again this is why we’re pointing out the part about being adaptable/flexible with herself from her internal core--rather than being comparative/learning it from someone else-- she’ll benefit more from truly grasping within and really making her own path on finding out how to bring that Gemini/Libra/Leo out properly together).
Whilst Jessica may seem like she’s tactful in her approach to things (Taurus Venus/Libra Moon -- may appear more ‘harmonious’ in her relation to others in the communication/impersonal aspect) -- she actually might have a harder time letting herself feel things or let go of her feelings/need for others-- which she can truly benefit from learning through Krystal (gaining strength from each other).
I think the point of this is-- once sister signs manifests in Actual Sisters -- it can be hard to figure out how to actualize their own placements away from each other (independently/fully within themselves) -- instead of what they gained/learned from each other.
Think of it like this, you find a perfect ‘counterbalance’ to yourself in another person. 
You learn a lot from them because of your connectivity to each other (helping each other push/build and correct each other in their own strengths/weaknesses).
However, because the other person’s strength is what you supplement/support in your own way. You’ll get stuck with the supplementary role when you’re by yourself (without them) and your knowledge of what you’re using to supplement them is somewhat based on that experience with them (instead of seeing it within yourself/it’s full potential within your own context).
It’s hard to truly realize your own traits as it’s own thing, instead of being associated to your experience/that person all the time.
Kinda like a problem with IC, where you ‘brush off’ your core self to those who grew up with you. At the same time, while communication and stimuli is strong between the two (shared air placements -- Gemini/Libra) reliance on both of each other’s understanding/strengths towards themselves ‘cuts off’ communication/opportunities for it to manifest properly to those they aren’t close to as well. 
Thus why, both of their ‘misrepresentation/miscommunication’ with other people problem is something that has more to do with realizing/finding themselves through separate experiences/venues rather than together.
Just...think of it as siblings who are the opposite case. Where both of them have totally different hobbies/personalities from each other.
This relationship may have more fights/bickering and misunderstanding between the two-- but towards others, the self manifest/actualize into it’s ‘full’ potential is because of that experience.
As the individual learn how to manifest their full potential properly, the earlier misunderstanding/miscommunication can be dissolved easier because they’ve faced it before.
Compared to a really strong ‘fixed’ relationship (especially with Taurus/Scorpio) -- the emphasis on sticking together and emotional/personal reliance on each other can be so over-powering they may struggle to see the alternative benefit to growing/progressing independently at all.
This is not in any way saying that what they have is bad, it’s very very good. It’s really fucking amazing to be honest, but their shared ‘fixed’ modality is a problem to both of them that is inherently a part of their subconscious/psyche (growing up/IC/connection to each other) and how they shape themselves after (into development)
Think of it as--- manifesting into the MC, ok? That’s the highest point in the chart, the point where we’re truly ourselves independently from others (and regardless of what others may think of us sometimes). 
In order to become that MC, it involves the balancing of IC. To mix and let go of some of the things that held us back before in order to truly see ourselves that way.  
This is not implying that they have to let go of each other, I’m talking about figuring out individually that they are more than just what they see right now. 
Not being afraid to cut themselves out of their own restriction/boxes and looking at the parts of them that may be less dominant (but the connective thread) when they’re with each other-- and utilizing that to push themselves more. 
Usually, when you mix so well with someone you see your own strength (the differences between you) shine through better because of them.
It’s looking at the subtext of that, the thing that’s helping you not pick a fight with them even if you’re different from them (in this case, for Krystal it’s their air sign, and for Jessica it’s the water sign) 
It’s manifesting those two things properly, take what they got from the relationship and learning how to fully utilize it within their own independent persons properly 
There’s a -- fear that if you get ‘too good’ or ‘too much’ of the same thing as someone you’ll be intruding on each other’s territory--- don’t be afraid of that.
Especially with this pair, they may be afraid of confrontation (full confrontation) or hurting each other emotionally so they always try to swerve/avoid subjects that brings them to that even if it’s bad for them both to do so (have so much more to learn from fighting without objectivity/reason than like, pointlessly avoiding confrontation/being complacent together sometimes)
Another thing that might be blocking them from realizing their own placement is that--- Jessica may seem more ‘emotional’ of the two (or more ‘emotionally sensitive’) while Krystal may seem more ‘earthy/stable’ of the two.
The ‘swapping’ of their counterparts (Krystals being full of water/no earth and Jessica being full of earth/no water) tricks people into thinking they don’t ‘relate’ or have the full capacity to connect to their own water/elemental placements because of this.
Because the other may seem to ‘embody’ the more ‘obvious’ part of what the element entails (earth/water - emotions/self-sufficiency) the person look to embodying the part that is going to ‘help’ the other manifest their own elemental placements (i.e. Krystal being more/seeming more self-sufficient **independent?? in a way, while Jessica being more emotionally connective or communicative/sociable to others) 
This -- ‘swapping’ with each other, stops the Scorpio and Taurus from seeing their placements for what it is fully.
The Taurus in particular, may tend to think of themselves as more emotionally inclined while ignoring the problem with their lack of flexibility when they become ‘fixed’ on something (which is what a water-placement would’ve manifested truly in) 
While the Scorpio may scoff at the idea of showing vulnerabilities/reaching out to others emotionally first
May think of themselves as being complex, hard to understand, kind of stiff--- when in actuality they are very fluid emotionally and can often adapt better than the ‘stability’ persona they’re putting up.
It creates a --- discordance inside of the persons if they keep this up
Thus why, learning how to realize, actualize and manifest the placements/potential inside of themselves individually will help with anything
Ending Ment
Besides this, the overall relationship is very warm and caring to each other. You can tell that their bond gives the space for Taurus to really grow into itself beautifully--- taking care of others, being nurtured back, appreciated for it’s Venusian traits really fits quite well with the Scorpio’s more martian nature.
At the same time, being in the presence of Taurus makes the Gemini/Libra aspect more active. The playfulness, sensitive and more youthful side shines through (Leo Mars) because of this difference between them (not intruding into each other’s territory) 
They help each other better in a way, because they’re not intruding on each other there’s a bond that relies on their different personality working together naturally. They don’t take advices too harshly, often willing to listen to what the others have to say and implement that into their life. It’s a very warm-hearted and fulfilling dynamic! Also a very devoted, loyal and faithfully balancing relationship (towards each other) as well! 💕
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kur0kvmi · 6 years ago
The Menacing Mind of Felix Lombardi- Act 1 (Revised)
“The world isn’t a fun place. Don’t let the crappy movies and comic books about superheroes saving the day fool you. The world we live in isn’t anywhere near as cool or happy as the ones we read about inside the pages of Fantastic Four, or the one we see in the confines of our favorite TV Shows. The world sucks, and we’ve single handedly manufactured so many ways to distract ourselves from that fact that the ones who put more effort into these distractions are the highest praised and most celebrated people on the planet. Artists? What does that even mean anymore? It’s just some pithy catch all  for ‘person who doesn’t want a real job, and wants to play around with writing useless fluff all day’ and-”
    “Will you shut the fuck up already?” Hi I’m the actual main character of this little short story, pardon my language but you have to admit. That jackass wasted a whole paragraph with that bullshit. Oh, where’s my manners, there’s more story to get to:
    “WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP”The hero bellow- just kidding. I said.
Like I said in the last paragraph, this guy is nothing but some sad dropout who’s angry at everything trying to explain to me in his infinite wisdom why art doesn’t mean anything. I apologize again, you’re probably extremely confused. “Why did this story start with a paragraph long intro that turned out to be a pointless diatribe?” “Who’s this guy who keeps stopping the story and speaking directly to me, doesn’t he know he’s a character in a story?” Answers to those questions are A: our wonderful author is stalling for time, and B: I’m not entirely of sound mind, that’s what my therapist, most of my childhood friends and my big brother have told me at least. However before we continue I’m going to use the next paragraph to tell you a bit about who I am.
    My name is Felix Lombardi. My parents were Italian immigrants who ran a bread shop. Two years ago they were murdered in cold blood by the mob. After that my brother Lou mysteriously came into half a million dollars, which he turned into a small fortune with pretty sound investments and now he’s helping pay my way through college. Happy ending, happy story, my life is great, except it would be if this motherfucking social reject wasn’t wasting my time at this gas station telling me how unfair the world is. Speaking of that I still need to respond to him.
    “The world isn’t fair, but that doesn’t make it a bad place. You’re just mad because life hasn’t given you everything you wanted. Try working for a change” I said in a subdued cool manner, much like a teacher in a school full of slow children would if one kid in the class began eating paint.
    “That’s easy for you to say, you’re probably some spoiled brat coasting through life on daddy’s paycheck.” Said the moron, completely oblivious to the fact that I was tacitly ignoring him and going about my business.
    I told him to back off, and I went over to the cashier and paid for the cigarettes and M&Ms I was buying. Took an exit, sat in my car and- You know what? This is getting boring and procedural. So I’m in my car, and I call my brother. He’s a nice guy, used to be a cop for a while, then he got really rich and he’s actually flipped his allegiances and turned into a bit of a crime boss. He’s a smart guy though, so he makes sure not to actively butt heads with any of the other families around, but this isn’t a Mafioso story, no no no, I apologize, this isn’t that exciting of a tale. This is a story about me, my thoughts, and how I relay them to you.
“Sup little bro”
“Hey Lou, did you get my text?”
“I was busy, couldn’t respond, still kinda busy. Something about needing money for that comic convention?” Lou said. He sounded like he was doing something physically taxing.
“You at the Gym?”
“Nope, I’m at work”
“Why do you sound out of breath”
“Information gathering is very tiresome”
Oh he’s beating up a dude for an interrogation.
“Oh you’re beating up a dude for an interrogation”
“What have I told you about talking about the job over the phone”
“Mi Scuso fratello Louis” (I’m sorry brother Louis)
“That’s Don Lombardi to you buster”
“Fat chance wise guy, so when can you send the money for the tickets?”
“I’ll see what I can do. Now if you’ll excuse me I have work to do”
[2 days later]
    My apartment is in the upper east side of Manhattan New York. It’s one of those places that looks like it was ripped straight out of a trendy sitcom that features a bunch of close knit friends getting into wacky hijinks. Fortunately for me though, I hate people, and Louie gives me enough of an Allowance to be able to survive alone and pay rent while being able to go to school. I go to a private Art School, I study Animation and I minor in sequential art, my hobbies include playing video games, posting my thoughts on the internet, watching anime, and reading Japanese firearm magazines. My favorite movie is Kill Bill Vol 1 (whoever tells you Vol 2 is better doesn’t understand film making and should kill themselves), and the kind of girl I’m looking for is one who’ll bully me and make me feel really crappy about myse- wait, sorry got lost in the sauce for a moment, I thought I was filling out a dating profile.
    Living by myself affords me the unparalleled privilege of being able to walk around my apartment in minimal clothing, and since I don’t like people, it’s very uncommon for me to have anybody over. The only people who come over are my 63 year old Landlady Ms Fujinami, and her granddaughter Ami who’s about my age. I know what you’re thinking ‘Oh, here comes the part where Felix talks about how much he likes Ami, since she’s the first female character of appropriate age to be mentioned, of course she’s the love interest’. Sorry to disappoint you fair reader, but it’s not that kind of story. You see, we’re not leaving my head. This is between you and me, I don’t need any bullshit like an “emotional arc” or “narrative depth” in my fucking story, I’m doing good being the person I’ve been all my life.
    So I’m lazing about my apartment like the sterling example of a productive citizen that I am when I get a phone call from Don Lombardi.
    “Felix you there?”
    “I wouldn’t have picked up if I wasn’t. What is it?”
    “Funny. I wonder how many jokes you’ll be making when you’re forced to shack up with a bunch of hideous college students in a prison dorm”
    “Wake up, eat, listen to Lou threaten me with student housing, go to class, come home, repeat”
    “I’m a man of habit what can I say”
    “To what do I owe this call, did you send the ticket money?”
    “I need you to make some friends Felix”
    “I need you to stop caring.”
    “You’re always couped up in the apartment, the only time you see sunlight is when you go out to buy Cigarettes, or when you have class, you don’t even talk to Ami anymore, weren’t you two friends?” I hate it when he gets like this. I don’t know why he cares about my social life. He doesn’t listen to me tell him how to do… whatever it is he does.
    “if you’re worried about my skin don’t bother, that sicilian melanin is doing me just fine” I said, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror, puckering. Who said nerds can’t be sexy.
    “Calm down Ricky Martin, this is about more than sunlight. It’s about your life. Mama would cry if she saw what you are on some days” Lou said, in his bro voice.
    “Papa would cry if you knew what you did for a living” I retorted
“Would he cry or would he just break off into sicilian” Lou responded, letting out a chortle.
“PUTO RAGGAZINO” we both shouted, memories of pa and ma rushing, and bringing a silence for a good moment.
“How would I even go about making friends?” I asked, half jokingly.
    “Glad you asked. That’s why I bought you 3 day tickets to that comic book convention.” Lou boasted triumphantly.
    “How do you know I won’t just go there without talking to anybody?” I shot back with a sneer.
    “You know, when you’re in my line of business, you learn to have contingency plans. This is the part of the movie where the villain tells the hero ‘I’m glad you asked’”.
    Just at that moment, I heard three knocks at my door.
    “That should be my contingency plans”
    I  peek through my door lens just to see who’s there.
    Ami, motherfucking Fujinami.
    “The convention is this weekend right?” Lou continued. “Have fun lil bro”
    I hate my brother. I hate this. I hate you.
**End of Act 1**
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