#But!! Been having a lot of fun finally solidifying The Them. Helping me get back into the comic making drivers seat
miisfits-toys · 2 months
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Ironing out some world-building things...
Spring's Herald being the oldest and longest established of that divinity has a vicious claim on how fae appear to the common man, (pretty, harmless, fanciful,) and it's something she'd like to keep!
Her primary aides in this are: Her enforcer, keeping people in check and the tune to be pure; Her representative, secondhand, and automatic authority wherever she may stick her nose; Her groundskeeper, keeping her domain tidy, by any means; and Her propagandist, an attentive, dutiful host who welcomes all to the mirth.
Do not mind the veneer of glitter and pomp, do not mind the untamed chaos behind the mask, ok?
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thecryptidzenith · 4 months
I was thinking today about a timeline where Midnight Oil Riz gets back to his mom and somehow ends up in a party with the rest of The Bad Kids in Junior year (ignore the logistics). Thinking about him having to interact with the Rat Grinders is so funny; I feel like he'd see Kipperlilly being mean to Kristen, immediately try to find something to blackmail Kipperlilly with to force her to drop the election, and accidentally uncover Porter's whole plot in approximately four days.
First of all, I'm delighted that my silly little fic lives in your brain enough that you're thinking of alternate timelines, that's incredible. And thanks for sending this to me! I love excuses to procrastinate and excuses to yell about my guy.
So obviously, I'm God, and there's a lot of stuff prior to where this would be on the timeline that would have an impact, but I'm going to keep my cards as close to the chest as possible, however I think the thing that would impact this the most has already happened: which is that Poxson Tiktaalik is a student at Aguefort. On that, Kalina says "I have contacts at Aguefort." and "There’s more than one conspiracy going on at Aguefort," (to which Riz's internal response is 'what a fucked up school,' a sentiment made extremely funny both because he's an Aguefort student in canon and because he'd be an Aguefort student here.) This will be said directly soon, but Riz has met Eugenia, he's passing rogue class. Logistics aren't a problem at all.
But here's the fun part: the second conspiracy Kalina's referring to is Porter's plan to take Ankarna's place in the pantheon. Him and Jace are her contacts who take care of the administrative aspects of Poxson Tiktaalik being a student there. And Riz has already passed freshman and sophomore year with flying colors, and Eugenia knows who he is. The only thing that would need to happen would be changing his name in the system, and that's not technically necessary. Porter knows Kalina, and he knows Kalina wanted Riz in Aguefort's system for some reason. Throw in anything he may have heard about Poxson from Eugenia or any other networks he may be a part of, and suddenly, he looks like an incredibly useful ally with a high likelihood of helping them. If Kalina did, surely her protege would too, right?
Plus, this is a super tumultuous time for Riz. His living situation has changed drastically, his mom is alive, and he only recently found out that his godmother--his closest confidant--kidnapped him as a child and groomed him to be her actor in the physical world. Kid's not doing great as a baseline, and this makes everything so much worse.
How much does he really know or care about the Bad Kids? He's not exactly a team player here, and these kids are directly responsible for his ability or lack thereof to go to college. In canon, Riz doesn't have any resentment for them, but here? That's likely to be a different story. The two people he actually cares about are his mom and Aelwyn, the later of whom is working for Kipperlily Copperkettle.
Would it be so wrong of him to be a little angry? After everything he's been through, would it be unreasonable for him to get a little mad?
This isn't to say he'd join--there's no way he wouldn't despise the Rat Grinders, especially Kipperlily. He'd find them incredibly entitled, petty, and incompetent. Porter and Jace would probably annoy him too, their final goal is just to make Porter a god, and that's not something Riz would find worth it. Maybe his complicated feelings about Cassandra/the Nightmare King have solidified into hatred and he just wants her to hurt when her wife's domain is given to a new god, but that's the strongest motivation I can devise. Compare this to Kalina, who gave him a personal reason to help her in bringing his parents back and a societal reason in using the Nightmare King's power to fix the ugly parts of the world Riz got to know all too well in Gravalvia. Porter and Jace just aren't that good. Sorry to say, but nobody's doing it like Kalina.
And then there's the Kalina of it all. Does he want to help them because it seems like the thing she would have wanted him to do? Or is he spiteful and works tirelessly to destroy them instead? There's no way he isn't curious about what in the hells she was up to with them, but what does he do with that curiosity? Maybe he plays both sides until he knows exactly where he stands. He could pretend to infiltrate the Rat Grinders for the Bad Kids and the Bad Kids for the Rat Grinders. It'd be hard to pull off, but he's Riz 'Poxson' Gukgak. He excels at hard things.
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dallonwrites · 2 years
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[image description: a photograph of a wave crashing against the ocean. to the right, in a bold serif font, reads “2023 writing update” /end id]
dallon’s 2022 year in review + 2023 plans 🧍
Hehe so. I went back and forth on whether or not I’d make a “year in review” writing update because whilst I’m proud of what I achieved, this year SUCKED for my personal life and I had to sacrifice a lot of writing goals because of that (which also like, doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. But it still bummed me out lol). Writing did help me cope though. It’s funny because on paper this would be one of my more “successful” writing years, but really all my writing had to do this year was help keep me going lol, the rest feels like a bonus. I did want to honour what I did achieve though, because writing is one of the few positives of this year and I’m trying to be positive!
Learnt to prioritise my personal projects. Finding joy in WIPs that I write  that nobody will see, or WIPs that I’ll never publish but find joy in sharing my journey with it, has really been the most valuable part of this year. Made dealing with submissions and rejections and self doubt much easier and reminded me why I write in the first place
Got my first publication! I had two short stories and one flash piece published. Getting to walk into a store and pick up a magazine that had my work in was so surreal and cool. I also got my first writing grant (love The White Pube x) and my first award nomination (the Pushcart??), two things I did not expect to happen in my first year of submitting lol! And, more importantly, I put myself out there in the first place, and let myself be rejected 
I won NaNoWriMo, something I thought was totally inaccessible to me before. I’ll probably never write 50k in a month again, but it was a super fun experience and I learnt a lot from it! 
I think 2020-21 was my “growing pains era” with writing and in 2022 I finally solidified what I want to write, figured out how to fix WIPs I was struggling with. 
If you’re curious about the projects I’m working on in 2023, there’s a very long ramble about all of them under the cut!
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[image description: a shot of two hands against a dull purple background, reaching for one another from either ends of the image. their index fingers are almost touching. in the top left corner, in a bold serif font, reads “revelations, revelations” /end id]
Love of my life, bane of my existence for so long, I spent basically all of 2021 fighting with this project. In 2022 all I did was brainstorm and oh, oh I brainstormed. 
The most important parts of saving this project was realising that 1) I will never publish any RR novel (That being said I did publish two short stories inspired by the RR verse LOL. But that’s all the world is getting unless I write a secret Beaulix or Dorothy/Jolie short story) and 2) This is not one novel, this is just a whole universe that lives in my head rent free and sometimes I feel less like the author and more like I am merely observing it like a medieval scribe. I call it the RR Verse because RR is still what started it all, but I’ve had so much fun writing stories beyond this novel. I have like, five novel ideas within this universe LOL! Help! This is intentional because, for now, I can’t imagine ever being done with this world 
I really do think that RR and the RR verse is like My Special Project. It’s my baby even though it caused me so, so much trouble for so long lol. I just can’t let go of it and whilst I love all my projects, I have a special love for this one. Like it just enamours me in a certain way and the characters and world feel so real to me. Love having your own work be part of your special interest! I can hyperfixate on all my projects and feel that deep, probably-autism-fuelled loved for them, but I need have projects that purely exist to indulge in that, which for me is the RR Verse and Winter’s Slaughter. This is not a project I’m trying to finish any time quickly or get “perfect”. In fact, I’d happily start the novel over and over again, I love Felix and Dorothy LOL 
I also think writing The Rabbit Knows How To Bury Itself, a short story about Felix and Dorothy, helped with RR because that short story is very much the darker pushed-to-their-limits imagining of both of them. Felix at his lowest, doing drugs in the bathtub, and Dorothy wanting to be the only one capable of hurting him but only hurting herself when she realises she can’t not love him. I almost feel like that short story is like, Dorothy’s worst nightmare scenario of what would happen to her brother so writing it was like a psychoanalysis project which I seriously recommend! I don’t think you have to push a character to their deepest, darkest limits for their arc to be compelling, but knowing how far you could push a character, how dark their story could get and what it could look like, imo informs how you write them in their actual story. 
2023 plan for RR the novel is to just. Write it! See what I get out of it! I’m in my RR hyperfixation era so this is what I’ll start the year with, especially since my priority right now is writing short fiction to submit, so it’d be nice to have a fun little hyperfixation moment on the side. And I’ll definitely share a lot about it! It’s so fun now! Dorothy and Felix are more weird and off-putting than ever!  Dorothy likes to break into rich people’s houses just to look around! Felix ruins her vibe by actually stealing shit! Normal sibling behaviour. NGL I still don’t know how to explain what this story is “about” plot wise, but this is part of a basic summary I wrote:
About trying to process and heal from trauma but being terrified of it because you don’t know who you are without your trauma and coping mechanisms. About realising that you can’t truly detach yourself from those things. About being terrified of the theoretical violence you perceive yourself to be capable of. About re-understanding what love can look like. Also about the moon, space travel, cold coffee, parties, blue hour, piano music, blurry film photos and birthday cake.
I love these two. Their love for each other endures everything, even the times they want to kill one another. Nobody is doing it like them. Also their birthday is on Jan 11th so happy early birthday <3
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[image description: a cropped image of two arcade machines. in the top right corner, in a bold serif font, reads “lover boy” /end id]
AND WE ARE NOT DONE TALKING ABOUT THE RR VERSE! Lover Boy is technically Book #2 if you consider Revelations, Revelations Book #1. It’s set just under a year later and is technically the Beaulix Novel (who break up at the end of RR, surprise! But it’s because they both are like “I’ve realised I love you and that is terrifying me because I don’t think I’m in a place where I can love like this”), but sometimes it just feels like the Beau Novel! Beau is like a best friend to me and I love him so much, I had so much fun writing in his POV in Winter’s Slaughter that it just solidified my need to let him have His Moment. He’s sweet, funny, stubborn, emotional, confused, anxious, sleepy, he’s everything to me. I’m so obsessed with his narrative that I have barely figured out how he and Felix actually get back together LOL. We do get Felix’s POV too, but I won’t know exactly how that’ll look like until I’ve written more of RR. All I can say is he’s a bit more Normal in this one lol! He’s experienced growth <3 He finds himself <3
A big part of Beau’s narrative is reconciling with his need and yearning for romantic love. That yes, he doesn’t need romance, he can find love and fulfilment in other parts of his life, and he does! But that doesn’t take away from his yearning for this specific type of love. And it’s important to remember that Beau is a character who grew up gay in the 60s-80s. For him to yearn for, to reach out for romantic love in spite of everything is super important! He’s the type of person whose biggest dream as a kid was being prom king and his first heartbreak was realising that he couldn’t be prom king in the way he truly wants to be. Personally I think he deserves the world and more. He also has a little brother with a 15 year age gap, and their relationship warms my heart and tears it in two at the same time. 
Revelations, Revelations feels like a night time novel and Lover Boy feels like a daytime novel. This novel feels like a hug, but like a hug after crying. Part of the summary:
1987-1988. Follows Beau and Felix when they decide to rekindle their friendship after time away, and the ways they’re too scared to rekindle the relationship part. Also follows Beau as he tries to navigate moving away from home, tries understand why sometimes colours are too loud and sounds are too bright, tries to get some sleep and get better at breathing techniques, tries to spend as much time with his little brother, and tries to maintain his Donkey Kong high score. Also Felix has a “mild” gender crisis. About healing but we jump right into the middle of it. About how it feels to reach out for romantic love when it’s almost always felt unreachable. Also about karaoke, arcade games, bowling alleys, home videos, golden hour, glitter, the ocean and blue raspberry slushies.
My 2023 plan for this one is that I am not waiting to finish Revelations, Revelations to start Lover Boy. I wanna work both on them at the same time depending on which one compels me the most in that moment. Will I finish either of them? No! Am I gonna have fun? Hell yeah 
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[image description: shot of a clear, starry night sky, with silhouettes of trees on either side. on the left hand side, in a bold serif font, reads “winter’s slaughter” /end id]
Not gonna lie I still haven’t read most of the 50k I wrote in November and I’m undecided on if I want to return to it via editing first or just pushing through with the draft. I’m conflicted! But I have lots of fun plot ideas and oh, this book is gonna be a giant and there’ll probably be a book #2 oops! The 2023 plan for this one is just “whenever the apocalypse hyperfixation hits”. Which I don’t know when that’ll happen, but it more than likely will! Once I actually look at the manuscript again I’ll do a proper update because oh there is plot to update on! Mainly using this section to highlight what is one of my favourite passages I wrote not just in Nano, but the whole year? 
When Valentine found the collection of half-empty perfume bottles he had to take them. He likes to look at the empty space in the glass and wonder what stories could fill it up, maybe dinner dates or graduations or weddings or funerals or high-effort grocery store trips. What drew him to the train station were the ticket stubs scattered under the benches, on the ground of the decayed platform. He tried to explain this to Klaus, once, who looked at him, that glint of childhood wonder in his eye. Well, he’d said, nobody got rid of dinosaur bones just because there were no dinosaurs left to grieve them. And for Valentine, exploring the skeleton buildings that dot the world, specifically for what was left behind, is an act of deviance against the Devouring. This is how he remembers people, even if he never knew them. He once found the rib cage of a girl in the violet roller skates she left under her bed. Found the lungs of her mother in the attic, the box of forgotten goggles and swim meet trophies from 1986. So many people want to forget what the Devouring left behind; too many people want to forget the parts of themselves they let be devoured.
Also going to take the chance to soft launch one of my favourite characters I created this year: Cal, my emotionally volatile, traumatised, slutty transmasc king. He is everything to me to the point where I had planned for him to die and now I don’t know if I can bring myself to do it. He also has a ~messy emotionally intimate friends with benefits thing~ with Felix (this does not conflict Beaulix at all. We are not about that over here!), which is unsurprising considering their first meeting is literally them fighting in a Church but then it gets kinda homoerotic? And then kinda tender? Like look at this shit
“Sorry about the cheek, Felix.” It doesn’t sound genuine. Cal says sorry like it’s a stalemate. But they also reach out, wipe the blood off with their thumb. And the scariest part is how gentle it feels, against all his sharpness.
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[image description: a photo of ocean waves against a cliffside. in the bottom left corner, in a bold serif font, reads “ammonites for eyes” /end id]
Ammonites For Eyes is a novel I introduced on here earlier in the year under the title I Am Made Of Indigo, about a trans man who moves back to his coastal hometown and has to reckon with his closeted identity when he becomes a new maternal figure for his younger sister. I actually started it in the summer and was super excited by it! But you see, this is where all we can do is laugh, because this novel is about the protagonists grief after the death of his mother, and guess what happened to me three months after starting this book! I had planned my whole second half of the year around writing this and had to immediately stop because, oh my god is this novel Apollo’s curse of prophecy?? I considered shelving it for a while which was a massive bummer because I am enamoured with the story, the world, the characters, and want this to be my debut. But I’ve gotten to a point where writing this feels like a necessity and I can’t see anything else being my debut. This is absolutely going to be the one project where I let myself claw out the deepest parts of grief and yeah, absolutely wish I wasn’t able to do that but I know that the final project that comes from it is gonna be something special. This will probably be my main project for most of the year, but also the one I talk least about because 1) planning to publish it and 2) those writing updates would not be fun to read lmaooooo. But super excited to write this! Definitely won’t be able to write it for long periods of time, but I hope to get a good chunk of it drafted, and if I end up doing my MA this year I’d like to work on this for it. 
I don’t have a lot to say about the story itself, but my favourite little detail is that the protagonist works at a fossil shop that has a T-Rex skull displayed in the window who ends up becoming? A whole character? The protagonist talks to the skull and low key treats it like his therapist. So maybe this book IS about the horrors, but it’s also about the T-Rex skull. There’s a balance here 
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[image description: a close up image of the top of a persons back, with their hand holding their left shoulder. the image is tinted blue and green. in the left corner, in a bold serif font, reads “eulogy for the burnings” /end id]
What’s this!! I’ve only talked about this novel once, on my old blog, at the end of a writing update, but this is an idea that’s been slowly marinating in my brain for a while and in 2023 I’d like for it to marinate more, maybe even write some of it. This follows a man who tracks down his distant half-brother and becomes obsessed with him, whilst said brother is a pyromaniac who “hires” him to photograph the buildings and things he burns. Messy! Definitely one of my darker projects. It’s compelling me.
Other projects that I have less to say about but hope to work on in some way: 
I have a novel reimagining of my short story How Does An Orca Pray, which I’m obsessed with conceptually but have no idea what to actually do with it as a narrative. I call it a reimagining because it’s conceptually the same but the details are different, like the characters are much older in the novel than they are in the short story. But fun fact! The novel is in the RR Verse! The religious commune in HDAOP is the same on in RR and in the RR Verse, the narrator and Josiah running away is a massive #scandal in Felix and Dorothy’s childhood. So I think it’d be fun to write that scandal from their POV and have it be like a little prequel. It’s fun! It has summer road trip vibes with dark undertones and the playlist is full of 70s bangers 
I really would like my novel Life Cycle of Massive Stars to have a similar reboot to RR. I love that novel and it’s like a love letter to transness, autism, and my University city. Also a contender for what I write during my MA, so I’d like to start both this and Ammonites For Eyes and if I do my MA, I can present both of them and be like “help” 
Also continuously going to be working on short stories. I’d like to grow my collection since I have a title that I love now, Swimming Pool Prayers, but also I don’t want to force myself to only write stories I think could fit into the collection. I struggle with collections because the minute I write a story I don’t think fits the collection or develops the collection, I’m like oh well that was a waste! So trying to unlearn that. Also want to write more flash fiction and more poetry. I don’t consider myself a great poet, but I’m attracted to the abstractness I find in it atm. Also I keep impulse submitting messy first drafts of poems to litmags OOPS! 
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seviinoxiel · 2 years
Pokémon Violet Complete Thoughts
I just finished the main story of Pokémon Violet and it is honestly the best experience I've ever had with Pokémon, at the very least storywise. This game probably is one of my favorite Pokémon stories, maybe even topping my love for DPPt and BW. Like it actually got me sheeding genuine tears to a fucking Ed Sheeran song.
Among the three stories presented to us at the start, I loved Starfall Street the most because it presented a more character-centric narrative, its main focus is on the tight relationships between Team Star and also Director Clavell's interpersonal struggle to find the best course of action for his students. However, the other two questlines were amazing still and offered nice setups and payoffs.
The Path of Legends had its own strong emotional core with Arven and his motivations to help out his beloved Pokémon while also giving glimpses on the narrative at large. Victory Road may be the typical progression of Pokémon games but it showcased to us the endearing designs and personalities of the gym leaders and the Pokémon League itself while also solidifying Nemona as one of my favorite rivals.
Heavy spoiler territory incoming!
All that is to say that all three of those paths were perfect setup for the final part of the main campaign. Hard spoilers from here on out so do turn back if you haven't finished the game yet.
Directly following from Path of Legends, the final story the game presents is the one surrounding the huge crater in the middle of the region and our good boy Miraidon. It also delves deeper into Arven's character and had us group up with all three main characters from the paths we did earlier. It was fun seeing Arven, Nemona, and Penny interacting with one another and it felt really rewarding getting to know them separately beforehand.
The core of this final story lies within Professor Turo, the absentee father of Arven who we first assumed to be simply too busy with his work. We find out that he has been dead for a long time and that the appearance of certain futuristic Pokémon and the Terastallization phenomena can be attributed to his work in Area Zero, the area within the crater. As it also turns out, the Turo that had been interacting with us the whole game was simply an AI. Arven confronting all of this knowledge about his dad and AI!Turo confronting his humanity made me so emotional it's unreal. Not to mention that the music during the final couple of battles was just amazing. Side note: AI!Turo also got really sexy when the original Turo's command override him.
Anyway, there was a lot of important lore tidbits dropped throughout our expedition in Area Zero, but the most important of them all are the subtle hints of Turo having a more insidious plan regarding the Time Machine and that the Terastallization phenomena was simply adapted from a mysterious creature they found at the very bottom of the crater. I'm sure this will be explored later in a DLC and I cannot wait for when that arrives because I am hooked.
You are now out of heavy spoiler territory!
In conclusion, I love this game. It may be one of the most technically horrible and unpolished games ever but it was nice that it still managed to carry itself through its story, at least for me. I hope more future Pokémon stories can be handled like this and also that future Pokémon games can be made with more time and care for its performance. The glitches can be funny sometimes but come on we got to fix this shit.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 days
Wait…hydreigon kinda goes hard (im biased because i like dragon types) but also if it can’t learn pursuit that’s a good amount of uprooting esp with the whole mega thing but it does give more avenues for the dragon on dragon hate crimes final battle stuff….this has me scratching my head LMAO hm
Wait that’s actually really don’t now that you mention it because I actually forgot Rin existed like we’ve even mentioned CHARLES in the pokemon au but not once have we felt the need to bring up Rin LMAOOOO
With those big ass chompers there’s no way raticate can’t…right…but LMAO karasus ptsd has him auto sending out garchomp like against readers joktik (imagine he LOSES LMFAOOOOO)
ANOTHER DIAGRAM YIPPEE wait on that note how do you imagine her hair color being like? Do you think she has that same fade Karasu (or ig Tabito LMAO) has? But your comments LMAOOOOO they always crack me up
AHAHAH hiori and Karasu pokemon swapping is so funny nidoqueen would fr be so good at helping Karasu with the daycare (also when I thought about teams myself way back when I lowk saw Karasu with a nidoqueen LOL) also wtf it can’t have eggs?? Ig that’s pokemon logic for you smh AIKU WINGMAN LMAOOO oaeu aiku pulling up the pokemon au is just an interconnected web of all the other miraverses
I love how the ridiculous scenarios can double as both really deep and serious but also crack like we talked about regarding wb it’s so tear jerking when you read but when you think simply you’re like wait he built a whole ass house instead of just trying to get her number???
Nagi making you a cup of instant coffee is his form of “marry me and stay with me for the rest of your life” LMAO I need some yuki fan who actively thinks of yuki tropes to come through and drop a req LMAOO but I was actually thinking that too like there’s quite a few types I wonder what Mira’s gonna choose
Pause imagine ponysonas for them LMFAO not to plunge myself back into mlp but I definitely occasionally see ocs floating around (probably because of the whole viral infection trend going around?) and some designs kinda slap
TABIEITA TRIANGLE wait that’d be so interesting but also means we’d have to split the duo up SHSHSHS ok but BAROU REPRESENTATION LETS GOOOOO your blog is fr a safe haven for Karasu fans we come here to escape the dudebros dragging him SJDHSJ imagine people think it’s supposed to be threesome they’d be in for a surprise but I think generally people know triangle means there’s competition for being the male lead and esp since you asked for second lead specifications that probably solidifies that…THE “haha…nice” HAS ME CRYING actually now that I look there’s a lot of pretty recent gen pokemon lowk more than I expected? Like fire dragon my first guess would’ve been reshiram or charizard x maybe im just too out of touch with the latest games
SHSHSH FR I looked it up like “WHAT IS THAT??” (Yk that one tiktok audio…oh my god… what IS that??? Yeah that one) ok im ngl wtf is scovillain I do NOT fw the design im sorry SHSSJJSHSHS “sae it is…” PLEASE real though omg have fun with that one LMAOO OOOH wait ykw is funny j actually thought “lmao what’ll happen if Mira gets a ness request” LMFAOOO Karasu ftw I saw those tropes too and agree that fic is gonna eat!! Very curious to see what those last three slots will be! I’m also kinda surprised Rin hasn’t found a home there yet
I SAW THAT POST AND THAT WAS MY FIRST THOUGHT I was looking at it and saw seabird and fr was like WAIT surely there’s not many fics names seabird (I also looked to see if any of your other fics were there too I was kinda expecting cherry tree but maybe they just read the sae fic on Ao3 and didn’t scour your masterlist) that seabird anon fr having a snowball effect LMFAO NOOOO STAY STRONG (I will hold you to that and laugh if you swerve but feel free to do the same LMAO)
- Karasu anon
HYDREIGON IS INSANE LIKE I LOWKEY LOVE IT i just think it’s so cool plus like the vibes of reader being this sweet looking girl and then she tosses out this villainous looking dragon vs nagi being all cold and intimidating but then his main pokémon is just a cuddly squishy pink blob of a dragon LMAOAO it’s so cuteeee plus lowkey since hydreigon are supposed to be super territorial and hate each other maybe aiku’s studying how much trainers’ feelings impact their pokémon?? and that’s why the two hydreigons are hesitant to fight even though it’s characteristic of the species (because reader and barou love each other #siblinggoals) also i think hydreigon would cook in the sense that there are some RANDOM characters that have pseudo legendaries when reader herself does not…like okay i can excuse nagi “main rival” and noel noa “the real number one” but KARASU??? CHIGIRI??? HIORI??? none of them have any business with pokémon like that /hj
okay wait i did a lot of reworking to make things work with hydreigon as a starter (it was not fun because pursuit is built on the barou cousins + houndooms bonds) but i just deleted it all because i realized that i didn’t need to…LMAO okay hear me out we keep houndoom as the starter and have the houndoom v houndoom family plot as well as the houndoom/arcanine parallels because i’m attached to that and houndoom is just iconic to reader at this point!! instead we change the two most irrelevant (sorry) members of her team: dragalge and donphan 😰 so the entire reason reader seeks out dragalge (as a skrelp) is because she needs a poison type to defeat pablo c because none of her pokémon are strong against fairies right…so replace dragalge with a nidoran that eventually evolves into nidoking (replace luna’s nidoking with muk or smth idk) and then you have a ground type on the team, making donphan (who’s only a ground type) irrelevant!! so then donphan can be replaced with hydreigon and that way the type composition of the team is still the same just spread out differently (instead of ground and dragon+poison it’s poison+ground and dragon+dark but the dark type is irrelevant because houndoom) but we get to keep houndoom and arcanine as the starters hehe…lowkey this makes reader’s and nagi’s teams correlate super well too like houndoom/arcanine, goodra/hydreigon, clefable/nidoking, snorlax/galvantula (they’re literal opposites in terms of size), reuniclus/gyarados, and whimsicott/aegislash SLDKJFN reader’s team is giving nagi’s team if it was evil (number one gender stereotype defying couple for LMAOOO yes nag does have all squishy cuddly pokémon and yes reader does have a team of monsters + one insect what about it)
HELP to be fair charles doesn’t show up until pursuit boruto but agreed we’ve fr discussed everyone BUT the itoshis lmaooo this is so on brand of us i’m proud…itoshis can have many things but they can NOT have pursuit ‼️
hm i think in bfb i described both karasu siblings as having hair like crow feathers?? where it’s still black but almost iridescent in a purplish greenish way i think i’ll stick with that in pursuit because purple hair is so not karasu LMAOO but that’s an explanation for why it’s drawn purple?? like it just looks purpley when the light hits it but it’s not actually purple…i think bfb also has yayoi with very very blue eyes whereas tabito’s are more of an indigo bordering on violet so i’ll probably stick with those descriptions!!
pokémon logic is so interesting sometimes LMAOO but agreed i feel like nidoqueen + garchomp are giving that one audio that’s like mama y papa HAHA like they’re def the ones running the place lowkey (imagine an ova that’s just nidoqueen and garchomp dealing with the baby pokémon) actually lowkey nidoqueen’s just glad to be away from swanna for a bit HAHAHA omg aiku channeling his oaeu self just to help karasu out LMAOO pursuit is actually just every other fic i’ve ever written but with pokémon and barou angst
NO YOU’RE SO RIGHT like when you actually think about it it’s truly the most ridiculous thing he could’ve done but when you’re reading it’s just angsty and hopeful and SLDKFJN all in one
nah because honestly just being in a relationship with nagi is basically him confessing his love because he’d never get with someone unless he was down BAD (@ peregrine reader)…too real though we need a true yuki stan to show us the light the way we show everyone the karasu vision
BRO I WAS LIKE DO YOU WANT ME TO MAKE TABIEITA BEEF???? HELLO??? jkjk i love some good old angst (karasu in love with otoya’s gf and he knows he can treat her better but he’s just mediocre so she never looks his way af) but BAROU REP so real so important so necessary (and speaking of which…hehe smth’s abt to drop hopefully by the time you’ve read this you’ll know what i mean)…my blog is home for all karasu lovers and honestly real LMAO i’m happy to do it anything for my man 🤩 THE “haha…nice” IS SO ISAGI SOMEHOW I’M CRYING i think the vibe i’ll go for is reader doing increasingly insane things to attempt to confess meanwhile isagi is just determined to view things platonically and that way it’s still “unrequited” without being angsty yk?? more humorous than anything
the scovillain design is so ugly i was reminded of why i don’t get the new games DSLKFJSH anyways…yeah haha i technically did get a ness req but karasu for LIFE LMAOAO my fyp has been trying its best to convert me to itoshism i keep getting sae tik toes on my FYP and i’m like NOOO GET BACK I DON’T WANT HIM!!! agreed i’m interested to see what the last three slots are as well…i was lowkey hoping they’d fill up before i started writing so i can make sure not to repeat ideas but tbh i think the rest of the spots will only be filled once i’ve posted the first request or two for the event 🙂‍↕️ or maybe not we’ll see!!
HHAHAAH I WAS TAKEN ABACK LIKE SEABIRD??? MYYYYY SEABIRD?? i think all of their reqs are from ao3 and cherry tree isn’t on ao3 HAHA of my 500 event only seabird, the instrument, and the first part of fwtkac are also on ao3 (and then all of my long fics plus karasu’s bfb [not otoya’s] and freaky friday) so it makes sense that only seabird was included!! fr flattering either way but like…come on now y’all why does NOBODY know me for liking nagi 😭 sae fans and karasu fans after finding my blog not even realizing i’m a nagi fan first and foremost: 😛
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voyeuristicvixen · 1 year
Capt’s Log No. 41_ FrEeEeEEe
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Meroe’s Juneteenth Jam was a great success! Lots of people came out and enjoyed the festivities and all the performances were so inspiring! One day we had 100+ people touching down on the sim and at the end of the event, Strawberry Linden herself came through, it was a highlight of my whole SL experience not gunna lie. Strawberry is a humble and gracious person and Secondlife featured our event on their socials the next day. It was all just really fun and it also happened to be my first time helping to plan and execute an event for the museum in my pops Ras’s absence. It felt really good to know I made him proud. .
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H.E.R performed! I absolutely love the messaging in her songs, it was the perfect way to open up the festival and to solidify the vibes of Meroe moving forward. Juneteenth is not a holiday that my pops, or I, celebrate like that... for us, the movement is a constant endeavor. We dont stop with juneteenth in the unifying of our people and diaspora, or in the upliftment and teachings. Its something that has to continue until we are truly free in mind and spirit. We are almost there! But there is still a ways to go.
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Father’s day was a difficult day for Yemi and I, her dad has not been able to get online and I honestly didn’t feel or think he would care anymore about us or her. We talked today though and are friends so when he gets back on the grid, he will spend time with her. He said she will always be his daughter. That made me feel good, I told him that now Yemi feels more like mine than before because we get to spend more one on one time together. Lol But shes still a daddy’s girl at heart.
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We still in our pink lady era though, I feel like since I lost my old IG page and went through the break up with Wav, people who were following our work and union have since been on different vibes with me. LMAO. I resonate with the pink ladies because they have rumors spread about them and reputations that are controversial or tarnished in some way by the general public and yet they give no fucks and they continue to do what they do regardless. Thats how I feel. People will talk and say whatever they want, FUCKEM.
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We got a new dog, Orion! It took me forever to settle on a pupper that fit me and finally found this guy. My first choice was so opposite him, was a doberman! But I love Orion’s personality! It shines through more than any of the other pets I saw in the RezzRoom!
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I usually write my little caption paragraphs under the photos and I realize these have all been above. I wonder which flows better. So I got accepted as a Secondlife Mentor! \o/ I literally signed up as soon as I saw the flyer I wasted NO TIME. Its something I was already doing on my free time anyway, so to be official with the tag and training it means so much to me, manifested that shit!
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Last week I also got to witness my first probate, I have never been to one before and I know so little about SL greek life. It is a whole other world to me. I like how they raise money for RL causes. I think that is really dope and powerful thing that a virtual roleplay organization can still create real life change through their endeavors. It was such a honor to be asked by Gigi to witness that momentus occasion in her SL journey.
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I legitly cried IRL. Anything that has to do with sisterhood, it hits home for me and triggers me deeply. I wish that someday I can be apart of that but I wont hold my breath! lol
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I think its really cool that I am suddenly apart of a SL family, we’re so chill laid back and unofficial with how we do things. We dont all have to share the same last name we just uplift and support one another. I got my pops and my brother and my mama bear, DONT MESS WITH US!
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The closing ceremony of juneteenth featured this great “Enter the diaspora” exhibit which is still up and you should go see it this week! This was curated by Valentine and she did an amazing job on it! I ended up DJing the party, and it gave me a chance to get in some much needed practice. I look forward to collabing with Jamrock and building up the mystory connections to its best!
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The theme was comics, black and queer. I dressed as Nubia! Did you know that Nubia is a lesbian? I did not know that till I came to this exhibit. Theres so many hidden gems here!
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Storm block the wind so I can light my joint! XD
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rommahh · 3 years
Love On Tour…Actually
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{Im sorry for how late this was. I went to the show Friday and honestly, it was the best day of my life. I had a little PCD which made me super unmotivated but I’m back. I love you all, R}
You woke up a little grumpy, you won’t lie. You didn’t like waking up alone especially on a show day. It made you uncomfortable to be left to your own devices without any structure or schedule. You understood that Harry was a busy man but it would’ve been nice to receive some text so you could plan your day accordingly.
Sitting on the couch in the lounge of your hotel room, you chowed down on leftover pasta while watching Netflix on your iPad. You had yet to receive a text from Harry even though you had texted him hours ago when you woke up. It was hard to tell if he was ignoring you out of anger or if he was simply just lost in track. Either way you felt dejected.
On the other hand, Harry hadn’t even noticed that he iced you. He was busy running around Nashville trying to get things ready for tonight’s show. He bought you a new dress and shoes, and got the ring fitted. It was hard to figure out your ring size but he end up measuring your finger when you were passed out asleep in bed last night. When you slept, you slept and he knew that would be the perfect time to measure your finger.
Harry was so busy that morning, that by the end of his errands he realized he didn’t even have time to go back to the hotel before rehearsals. He was sporting a small cough and his vocal chords felt overworked but that’s all apart of tour.
Pulling his phone out of his back pocket as he walked into the arena, he dialed your number quickly. He had people trying to talk to him but he paid them no mind.
“Oh? Would you look who’s here?” Harry’s head shot up to the sound of your voice. There you sat on his dressing room couch, arms crossed over one another as you glared at him. Your gaze burned through him and he could just tell he was in trouble.
“Hello lovie.” Harry rasped.
“Harry you sound like shit but here you are up and about running around. You should’ve slept in this morning.” Scolding as you stand up to walk in front of him. Harry could feel the anger radiate off of you but you hid it well. He melted into your hands that cupped his warm cheeks.
“I had a lot of errands to run and I didn’t want to wake you. Also it’s just a sore throat from singing and traveling- comes with being on tour.” He mumbles dropping his head into your neck. You caress the hairs on the back on his neck and massage the tense muscles.
“You’ve got to think about yourself more, Harry. You have a show to put on but you can’t put on your best show if you’re not at your best. I am not happy with you at all.” Even though your words were scolding him, you held him your arms in the most soothing way. That’s what Harry loved about you, you cared for him like no one else could (aside from his mom). You could tell him off with your harshest words but he’d always feel your love from miles away.
“You’re right love, sorry for not keeping in touch today.” You hum in acknowledgement. You both pulled away from each other when his driver walked in with Harry’s abundance of bags. “Thank you, sir.”
“What all did you buy?” You ask walking towards the bags. Harry’s arm shot out in front of you making you stop. You looked up at him in shock. “Fine be secretive.”
You huffed before making your way back to the couch. Harry rolled his eyes at you, making way to his shopping bags. Plucking the bag from Nordstrom he plopped it down on the table in front of you.
“I just didn’t want you snooping at some other stuff. I bought you this, for tonight.” He sat down beside you, thighs touching leaving no room between you two.
“Im not trying to be mean. Just a little peeved that you left this morning without telling me. You also have a cold and I wanna take care of you since you won’t do it.” A hand rubs his forehead luring his eyes shut.
“Sorry baby, I thank you for caring so much.” He whispers sleepily.
“Im always gonna care for my bubs.” Kissing him on the lips, your turn your attention to the bag. The small grey bag had light tissue paper covering the product within the bag. The tissue falls to the floor as you dig into the bag. A silky champagne dress, folded neatly to decrease wrinkles, sits in the bag. The dress was soft and you knew it was loose enough to give you the room to dance. Soft snores escaped the boy beside you- the exhaustion evident on his face.
You pull the dress out of the bag and walk over to where his outfit of the night hung. The dress was hung beside his to be steamed for later. Turning around, you smile at the sight of your curled up boyfriend. Your heart hurt knowing that in a few minutes he would have to go rehearse.
Harry sleepily went through rehearsals sitting in a chair the whole time. He knew his stage cues and performance, he only had one more thing to rehearse but it required for you to not be in the room. He gave one look to Jeff to signal him to get you out. Jeff made up some excuse saying that he needed help with some social media post for the show.
Before the show, there was a catered dinner from some local restaurant. Harry ate a light meal of fresh vegetables and a sweet iced tea which has grown on him having lived in the states for some years. You ate grilled chicken and fries enjoying the free food. The two of you ate alone in his dressing room- wanting a moment of piece before the crazy.
“How are you feeling?” You ask Harry. He shrugs, he was more nervous than anything but you wouldn’t understand why if he had told that to you. He felt floaty. Tonight would be a game changer, a step in a whole new direction. This is something he’s wanted to do for years now but it’s finally happening, and he’s scared.
"Im ok, a little tired but what else is new. I can't wait to sleep all night and cuddle with you." He grabs your hand from across the table. you squeeze it, frowning at his revelation.
"I don't like that you're so tired." You worry, his hand squeezes yours in reassurance.
“Im ok, it’s all apart if the job.” He looks down to your bare ring finger, thumb brushing over the empty spot. Your nails were done in your favorite way, some funky pattern you found from Pinterest all painted on short coffin nails.
“I love you Harry and I’m so proud of you. I know that these years put us both in a bad place mentally but I’m happy of where we are now.” Harry could almost tear up to your words. They settled into his mind, resonating. He was making the perfect decision and you solidified that ideal.
Harry didn’t know how they did it. A show every night, a new state everyday, a new country every few months- he was burnt out. He was tired of shared tour buses and the lack of autonomy. Last nights LA show was amazing, the crowd was amazing, the energy was amazing- so why did he feel so horrid?
He walked around in The Grove, security guards walking in front and behind him. He wanted a peaceful day alone but here they were. Fans watched suspiciously trying to decipher if it was Harry or not. His hat and sunglasses were obviously not the disguise he thought they would be.
As the whispers got louder, his heart started to flurry more. Panic seeped into his veins as he looked for an escape. Bolting in the Barnes and Nobles- security guards close behind- Harry asked for the employees to close shop just for a moment. Harry only needed a moment to get a car near by to escape to. Feeling overwhelmed, Harry hid.
In between the historical fiction and romance aisle is where he sat. Head between his knees, trying to catch his breathe.
“Are you ok?” A voice asked from above him. His head whipped up in shock. Standing there was you, three books clutched between your arms. Adjusting your dress you dropped down to the floor in front of him.
“I-im fine, tired but fine.” He replied. He looked different than he did the night before, you thought. Last night, he was energetic and full of life and now, now you saw a boy whose exhaustion overpowered him.
“You here for any books?” You were just trying to change the subject, something you did with yourself when you had panic attacks.
“Oh no, I don’t-“ he stuttered shaking his head. You smiled at him before pulling a book from your stack. The fault In Our Stars, your new favorite.
“I love this book, one of my favorites. Heard a movie is coming out too so that’s fun.” You joke. Harry’s relaxed slightly, you nestled closer to him. Opening the book, you began reading, your gentle voice calming Harry.
At the start of chapter four, an interruption pulled you both away. Harry’s security guard told Harry that a car was waiting and the perimeter of the store was clear. Harry nodded telling the guard to give him five more minutes.
“I guess this is it.” You mumble closing your book. Harry nods but makes no move to leave. Something clicks in him as he looks at your face again.
“You were at the concert last night, meet and greet?” He muses.
“Yeah, One Direction is my favorite band. My friend bought our vip tickets for my birthday. Best night ever.” You say quietly, scared that he might think that you’re some obsessed fan.
“Oh, well I’m glad you enjoyed the show….so why didn’t you freak out today or- or expose where I was?”
“You’re a human being, just like me. You get nervous, frustrated, and sad just like me. You get panic attacks just like. Who am I to treat you differently?” Your words did so much for Harry. “Now don’t get me wrong, you’re my favorite in the band, but I don’t idolize you nor do I wish to be in your position cause I know it must be hard.”
“It is. Hard, I mean, really really hard. I love my job but I’m tired.” The silence you two shared burned a connection between you two. “This may be weird but could I have your number? I like talking to you and I wanna hear more of this book.”
Placing your hand made bookmark in the book, you closed in and gently placed it on Harry’s lap. “Have it. I have one at home and if you still want to talk about it- I’ll give you my number.”
Harry stills as the book sits in his lap. “I want to talk to you about the book.”
After exchanging numbers, Harry was urged by you to go. Walking side by side to the door, you were separated by his security.
“Harry, don’t let this keep hurting you. Find the joy and grasp on to it.”
You turned out to be his joy. Calls every night after shows and different books being read together, you both gravitated towards each other. Everyday was a new day to grow closer together. He invited you to more concerts, paying for every ticket because he just needed to be with you.
The show was going beautifully. Harry looked amazing in stage in all white and most fans were captivated by your outfit too. It worried you to see Harry so exhausted on stage but you knew he would stick it through like he always does. Proud was an understatement in your eyes. Harry made you more than proud.
You stood in the back of the watermelon pit at the end of the aisle where his stage stopped a few feet away. Jeff stood beside you like he normally did but he was acting suspicious. You two never stood on the side of Harry’s exit but this is where Jeff said you’d get the best view tonight.
Harry sang his final ‘we’ll be alright’ before doing his stage stroll and bows, but instead of finishing in the middle of the stage- he went down stage to the place he normally exits to at the end of the night. You watched in confusion, along with the crowd, as he walked down the steps to you. The crowd erupted in screams as the lights focused on where you were standing.
“What are you doing?” You asked with large eyes of shock. You felt your heart stop in your chest. The crowd getting louder by the moment. Harry walked closer to you, one hand digging into his pocket while his eyes focused on your face. You couldn’t place what was happening but you’re eyes welled with even more tears nonetheless. Jeff was to the side with a huge smile and his phone out to capture the moment.
“Y/N, my love, my light, the best thing that has happened to me,” he didn’t have his mic on so the crowd couldn’t hear him but you could hear him perfectly. As if you two were the only ones in the large arena, you could only see Harry. “From the moment I met you in the bookstore, I knew you were meant to be in my life. Somehow you took me from my darkest place and guided me to my lightest.
I know our lives have been hard but we’ve always found a way to be alright. I want that for the rest of my life. I want you to be by my side for the rest of my life, so will you please, my love, marry me?”
You gave him no time to answer as you yanked him up by his arm. You wept as you exclaimed loud yeses, yeses that could be heard by a few fans who screamed in excitement igniting the rest of the crowd to scream. Harry picked you up in his arms, throwing one arm out to wave at the crowd before bounding backstage.
“Oh my god Harry!” You exclaimed as he set you down. He only had a few minutes to talk so you kept it quick. You pulled his face down to your kissing his lips. This kiss pulled you both deeper into each other.
He pulled away making you whine. “I gotta go back but I promise you’ll get it all tonight. I can’t believe you said yes. I love you so much.”
Harry’s energy multiplied by 100 going back on stage. He even went as far as to explain what watermelon sugar was about. Remembering when the song was made, it made your legs clench together- a pulse overwhelming your lower regions.
Looking down at your hand, you could feel yourself tear up again at the ring he bought you. It fit perfectly in your hand, you remember him measuring your hand that night even though he thought you were asleep. The thought of your future made your heart swell. A future with new music, a wedding, a nice house, and babies made your heart swell. This was something you couldn’t wait for.
Harry found his joy in you but he never knew about the joy he was to your dark life.
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catinfroghat · 2 years
Decided to finally write some tomgreg S4 thoughts/predictions 😌 Like my tomshiv thoughts it's quite long so most of it is under a readmore.
As romantically framed as their "wedding" scene was in the finale, I think the choice of words Tom used to describe what Greg could expect if he came with him (Sporus and attack dog specifically) were very enlightening. Tom doesn't want them to be equal partners going forward, he doesn't want their dynamic to change. He's terrified of abandonment and he has seen firsthand how disloyal Greg can be (To him, Kendall, his grandfather, his political beliefs, even his girlfriend). He has no reason to believe that Greg would stay with him once he is no longer obligated to.
In season 3, Greg is moving up and moving on from Tom. His Nero and Sporus breakdown was as much about Greg considering a management position of his own without needing Tom's help as it was about his prison fears. So Tom is trying to take their relationship back to safety, back to tried and tested employee and employer, slave wife and emperor, dog and master territory.
But Greg is ambitious. He's been trying to get out from under Tom's control since season 1 now and he was so close to achieving that. When he reminds Tom that he is soon going to have a theme park of his own, Tom belittles him and tries to convince him that he would be nothing without him. It worked temporarily, but his attempts at manipulation were transparent and desperate and won't keep Greg subservient for long before he starts looking for better opportunities elsewhere.
And there is the conflict: Tom unable to let Greg grow and be his own person because he is afraid of being left alone vs Greg desperately wanting to break free from this unequal dynamic. Greg's dissatisfaction with being under Tom's thumb will make him disloyal, which in turn will solidify Tom's fears of abandonment. And on and on the cycle will go until Tom either learns to let Greg go or Greg finds a way out himself (Guess which one is more likely in a show like Succession where no one ever changes for the better lmao).
The idea of Tom sabotaging any potential for a reciprocal and equal relationship between the two of them due to his lack of trust in Greg is very compelling to me. The tragedy is that a lot of his insecurities are founded, from both Greg's past betrayals and from Shiv's. Not to mention, Greg is his only real ally, especially with the expected fallout with Shiv still to come, so keeping Greg close will be of vital importance more than ever. He really can't afford to lose his only support.
I've been toying with the idea of Greg giving Tom an ultimatum at some point in the next season. I think at this point Greg does know that Tom has feelings for him and I don't think he would be above using them to his advantage, even if he does reciprocate them. If Greg were to float the idea that he will only allow anything romantic to happen between them once Tom is no longer his boss, citing the terrible optics of a boss employee relationship in the midst of a sex scandal, I think Tom would have a very difficult decision on his hands. He has no guarantee that Greg will follow up in his promise once he does get a promotion away from him or whether he will lose him for good. There's also no guarantee that Tom will still have the same interest in Greg once their dynamic becomes more equal since, despite Tom having a lot of genuine affection for Greg, a lot of that is undeniably based on the feeling of control he gets from their relationship.
With this ultimatum in mind, if Greg were to become more openly affectionate with Tom, neither the audience or Tom would ever be able to be 100% certain whether Greg does truly reciprocate Tom's feelings or whether his actions are solely driven by a desire for a promotion.
It would be a very fun way to build on their already very complicated dynamic to have Greg become increasingly aware of the emotional power he has over Tom and knowingly using that against him. Or alternatively the audience becoming increasingly aware of Greg reciprocating Tom's feelings, only for Tom's insecurities to win out and prevent any romance from occurring between the two before Greg inevitably gets sick of being Tom's lackey and ends up betraying him and leaving him behind for real, a self-fulfilling prophecy of abandonment.
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lonely-lost-soul · 4 years
Of Immortality and Nymphs
(Philza Minecraft x Reader)
Request 2: Just c!philza simping over reader!!
Requested by: Anonymous 
(Okay maybe I got a little carried away with this one...) 
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     He met her for the first time when he was a young man, who barely understood the world around him. Messing with things he shouldn’t was his specialty so when he heard there used to be Nymphs in the nearby forests, he just had to find out if they were extinct or not. Phil flipped through his worn journal and tapped his quill on the paper, he wanted to document his journey to finding the supposedly mythical creature. After all, this was one of his first real adventures all by himself he wouldn’t accept any form of defeat. He popped the cork off the invisibility potion he had and downed it with one swig. Phil, now hidden, wandered into the forest of the last known location, of the last recorded Nymph. Not being visible to the creatures in the forest allowed Phil to take in the beauty of nature around him, he could get close to the animals and see them in their natural habitat. The forest was beautiful, sunlight peeking in through the leaves of the trees, it was magical. He placed his hand on the trees running his hand over the bark with a smile, Phil heard a soft twinkling in his ear, and his head shot up. Always trigger happy he put his hand on his sword, in the middle of a nearby clearing stood a beautiful woman with gorgeous (h/c) hair. Flowers and leaves seemed to be interwoven within the strands, her ears were elf-like in appearance adorned with gold piercings. Her dress flowed in the wind, it was a soft almost translucent green decorated with leaves, in her hand was a baby chick. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, it was clear she was the Nymph that the old stories were talking about, thank god for the invisibility potion. 
Pulling out his journal once more he began to sketch a picture of the elegant woman, he didn’t want to forget her face. The man looked up once more to finish up the sketch and the Nymph was gone, he frowned sadly, he did hope he could get to talk to her. 
     “What’re you drawing?” Phil snapped his notebook shut letting out a startled yelp, he turned to look at the figure beside him. The potion must’ve worn off when he wasn’t looking, however beside him was said Nymph. His jaw almost dropped open, did she have no self-preservation? “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you!” She stepped a few steps back and he held out his arm to stop her. 
     “No! No, you’re alright!” He put his hand to his heart, “I’m Phil. and you are?” 
     “(Y/n). Are you human?” 
     “Tragically,” Phil gave her a little smile as she tilted her head curiously. “Are you a Nymph?” You looked a little hesitant, he watched as your ears twitched in an undeniably cute way. He felt himself melt a little as you gave a nod,��
     “A Meliae if you want to get specific,” you smiled fondly giving him a teasing wink. Opening his notebook again he scribbled that down next to the figure drawing of you, you sat down in front of him watching in awe, “Is that your language’s written system?” Looking back up at her curious expression Phil once again felt his heartbeat speed up in his chest. 
     “It is. You’re very clever,” He hummed and was delighted in the way you flushed up to the tips of your ears. You waved him off, 
     “I’m not that clever. When you’ve been around as long as I have you pick up on certain things,” He watched you carefully as you sat down beside him resting on your knees. Curiously Phil tilted his head,
     “How long have you been around?”
     “Don’t you know it’s rude to ask a woman her age?” She shot back a grin on her features, oh Phil was in love. Nymphs did tend to have that effect on people, people fall hard and fast for them, but Phil didn’t care. 
     “My apologies, that was rude of me huh?”
     “Very.” She teased with a snicker, “I’ve honestly lost count at this point.” 
     “You’ve lost track? So you’re immortal then?” Phil’s entire face lit up the excitement prevalent on his features, “Tell me everything.” He pleaded, with a soft laugh you began to share your tale with the man in front of you. Phil was enamored she had lived more lifetimes than he could begin to comprehend, what he wouldn’t do to have that gift. The duo talked long into the evening and well into the next morning, Phil knew he had to head home soon. Not that he had anyone waiting for him back home, but he couldn’t stay with her forever as much as he wanted to. “When can I see you again?” He whispered taking your hands within his own, he couldn’t help but notice how soft they were for someone living in a forest. You hesitantly pressed your finger to his earring, 
     “They’ll start to glow whenever I’m near. So you can always find me,” You whispered cupping his cheek in your hand, he felt himself lean into it. “I’ll see you soon Phil,” You leaned forward pressing a tender kiss to his lips before disappearing in a flurry of flowers and leaves. Phil let out a shaky breath bringing his fingers to his lips a wild smile appearing across them. He opened his journal one last time adding ‘great kissers’ to his list of things about the Nymph of the forest. 
They met many more times after that, and with each meeting, Phil only fell more and more in love with her. He wanted to protect you and keep you safe especially after telling him that Nymphs were hunted for their tears that give immortality but now without the expense of the Nymph. Yet even with his pleading, you wouldn’t leave the forest you called home. You told him maybe one day you could, but you were the only Nymph protecting the forest and you had to stay to protect your home. Ever the gentleman Phil would drop the conversation and steer it into another direction said direction ended with a lot of kissing. 
As the years flew by Phil found himself growing older and you remaining the same and as beautiful as ever, he wanted to be immortal with you. He never wanted to lose you, so he made a deal with the God of undying, sacrificing his three lives for one immortal life so he could remain by your side forever. He’d also have to give up part of his humanity, he was bestowed giant black crow-like wings. But he’d do anything so long as he got to be by your side for the rest of eternity. Phil didn’t want to tell you at first, afraid you’d be mad but it was hard to hide giant black wings and the man could never stay far away from you. When he finally saw you again you knew what went down practically immediately. Surprisingly you took it much better than he originally thought, you seemed to flattered beyond belief but also pissed as hell. Desperately you tried to explain to him that immortality wasn’t a gift but a curse, seeing the world change around you while you stay young forever wasn’t as fun as it sounded. The man scoffed, shooting back a comment of his own about how he didn’t want to imagine a world without you by his side. You didn’t deserve to lose someone you loved just because they were mortal and he stood by that.
He watched your face scrunch up, cheeks turning pink at his sentiment. Mostly because you were melting around his words and he knew it too by the smirk evident on his features. Phil locked eyes with you and smiled endearingly, 
     “I love you.” 
     “I’m pregnant.” 
     “Fucking what-” He choked on his spit any argument that started before fizzled out the minute you had told you said those two words to him. He felt his features morphed in surprise before wrapping you in a tight suffocating hug. That only solidified his choices, he made the right decision, he needed to stay by you and your child’s side so long as the universe allowed him to. 
However, things weren’t all peaches and rainbows as the world changed to a dark and dismal place once more. Forests were being burned and destroyed and humans once again discovered the existence of Nymphs and wanted to hunt them down for sport. Things were dangerous, way too dangerous for you and the newborn son you shared with Phil. Reluctantly you and Phil came to a decision, to protect your baby you needed to leave, it was the only way to keep them safe. You held the baby close to your chest, tears swelling in your eyes as Phil kissed your cheeks trying to shush you softly. “It’s alright…” His voice was gentle, his big hand caressing the boy’s chocolate brown curls. 
     “It’s not alright. Phil...I don’t wanna leave you or Wilbur.” Your voice quivered and Phil’s heart shattered in pieces, “But his safety comes first.” You brought the baby up to your lips and kissed his forehead, he giggled sweetly trying to squish his mother’s cheeks. You laughed as he did so, “My sweet, lovely boy. I’ll have to leave you for a while, I don’t want to but you need to be kept safe. I…” Phil frowned watching as you choked up once more, “I’m not safe.” Even through your tears, Phil thought you were beautiful, “You can’t tell him about me…” 
     “(Y/n) I can’t- That’s just not fair-” You shushed him with a kiss to his lips, passing Wilbur off to him. 
     “If he’s anything like his father he’ll lose his mind searching for his mother. He needs to live his life.” You reached up holding Phil’s chin on your pointer finger, “He has to live life to its fullest, Nothing can hold him back. It has to stay this way until I can come back. Which I will...hopefully it won’t be too long.” You smiled up at him and Phil took in a shaky breath, 
     “What if I ruin him.” His voice was painfully tight holding his grip on Wilbur tightening as well, it made the baby squirm. You shushed him softly, pressing a kiss to his lips, his scruff tickling your chin. To him the kisses always felt electric, never devoid of passion and adoration, he leaned forward to chase those addicting lips as you pulled away. 
     “You won’t ruin him, you’re the most gentle and kind man I’ve ever met. You took care of me all these years, you’ll be amazing for Wilby.” Phil watched as you kissed Wilbur one last time before stepping away with a shaky breath. “Just be as good to him as you are to me,” You both heard the crunch of leaves, it caused you to jump a little looking around the forest frantically. 
     “Go. We’ll be fine. Just stay safe and come back to us okay?” You could only nod at him before disappearing in a gust of leaves and flowers. Phil felt his heartache and he jolted as Wilbur began to cry seemingly already missing the presence of his mother. “Oh Wilbur hush, hush for me please,” His father pleaded as he began to rock him gently this was going to be a lot harder than he would ever anticipate, but to keep you safe he’d give up the entire world. 
Decades went by, Phil had not only Wilbur to watch over but three more idiotic kids, others adopted of course. Wilbur had grown up into a strapping young man, got married, and had a son, you would be so proud of him. You’d spoil Fundy rotten, he just knew you would, he was sure you’d also spoil Tommy and Tubbo. Not to mention you’d force your motherly affection all over Technoblade and he wouldn’t have a choice but to open up to you. 
However, none of them even knew you existed, lies were told about who Wilbur’s mother was when any of them asked and it killed him on the inside to lie about you. Eventually, Wilbur just stopped asking, most likely assuming something bad happened that Phil never wanted to discuss with him. Something far too painful to even tell his son about,
 Which was half right he supposed. 
It started like any other day, Tommy and Wilbur were messing around with Dream, something about discs and war that Phil didn’t particularly care about. Wilbur had come over once again to plead with Phil for aid in the war, but once again he refused him. This time he even brought Fundy along thinking that seeing his grandson might change the older man’s mind. However, he still refused knowing it wasn’t going to end well in the long run even if Wilbur did win. Sometimes kids had to make their own mistakes to learn about the future. It’s not like he hadn’t told Wil it wouldn’t end well, he did multiple times, but the kid was just as stubborn as he was and wasn’t going to back down. 
“Dad, please. If you’d just join in we’d slay Dream and his team, all the fighting will come to an end. The nation I’m trying to create would finally be free and safe. Just help me.” Wilbur pleaded, a small whine slipping into his voice as he followed Phil and his son into the forest, “We can establish our new nation and be free from tyranny. No more war, isn’t that what you keep advocating for?” Wilbur continued to rant, not helping at all with his chores, his voice grew soft suddenly, and Fundy grabbed onto the sleeve of his jacket. 
     “What is it, kid?”
     “Your earring’s glowing pops.” Fundy pointed to his ear and Phil froze in place the wood that he collected falling out of his hands, scattering all over the forest floor.
     “Dad?” Wilbur repeated his voice growing louder in concern, Phil looked around the clearing frantically before bolting in a random direction. 
     “Grandpa!?” Fundy yelled chasing off after him, his tail puffing up anxiously, 
     “Fundy don’t just run off!” 
Phil didn’t stick around to hear them, you were around here somewhere the question was where. His heart was beating erratically in his chest, please, please god let him find you. He didn’t have to wait long, he’d recognize you anywhere you still looked the same. Standing in the middle of a flower field you looked over your shoulder, “(Y/n)! Darling!” He called out choking a little on his words, your (e/c) eyes blew wide and he heard you laugh. You ran up to him flowers growing in your wake, you launched himself at the man and he lifted you in his arms. He spun you around laughing in disbelief, using his wings you both floated in the air, he cradled the back of your head with his hand, “I can’t believe you’re here.” Phil whispered, pulling away to cup your cheeks with your hands, “you’re real.”
     “Of course I’m here silly goose. I told you I’d come back didn’t I?” You laughed fondly as he began to pepper your face in kisses, “Even if it is way later than I intended…” You trailed off with a small wince, 
     “Who cares. You’re here now and you’re safe.” He landed a kiss on your lips as you kissed him back. You tasted just as he remembered like fresh air and oranges, he wanted to swallow you whole. He never wanted to let you go again, and he never would if he had a say in the matter. 
      “Dad? What the fuck?” Wilbur blurted as Fundy and he came upon the clearing, you pulled away from Phil. Tears filling your eyes, your hands coming up to cover your mouth, Phil rested a hand on the small of your back. 
     “Wilby…” She whispered, stumbling towards the man reaching out towards him, he raised an eyebrow and flinched away from your touch. You pulled your hand back taking a little breath,
     “I’m sorry. How do you know my name?” From behind you, Phil flinched; he knew that’s what you wanted, for him not to remember you. But, fuck he felt guilty about it, he was about to feel even more guilty in a minute. 
     “She’s your mom Wilbur.” 
     “Fucking WHAT.” Wilbur sputtered taking a few steps back from the woman, “You told me my mom was a fridge!”
     “You told him what.” You turned towards Phil, eyes blazing with annoyance, he held his hands up in surrender. “Why would you tell him his mother was a fridge! I know I told you to lie but a fridge! Phil that’s not even physically possible!” You scolded the man crossing your arms over your chest, his face flushed a bright red. He even missed you yelling and scolding him, he was down bad. 
     “(Y/n) I panicked-” Phil started to explain and you cut him off with an eye roll. “I’m sorry okay, I love you.” 
Meanwhile, Wilbur and Fundy looked in between the two adults rapidly as they talked. Both equally shocked and at a loss for words, Wilbur took a step forward and grabbed your wrist. 
     “Please continue your explanation,” He commanded softly, “If you are my mom why did you leave? Why haven’t you been here?” Wilbur frowned as he watched you look away from him, 
     “How much do you know about Nymphs Wilbur?” Wilbur turned bright red and the color reached up onto the tips of his ears, “What?”
“My mom’s a Nymph.” Fundy spoke up in place of Wilbur, “her name’s Sally. I...I’m Wilbur’s son.” He watched your face melt and mouth a broken ‘son?’, Phil noticed and walked up to squeeze your hand. You had missed so much, you hoped you didn’t blame yourself, you and Phil lived too long to live with that many regrets. 
     “What happened to her?” You asked tenderly, 
     “Killed.” Wilbur said bluntly, “by hunters. Don’t worry, I made sure to dispose of them.” 
     “I-I’m so sorry.” You spoke and Wilbur couldn’t help but feel compelled into your arms. Something about you just made him want to melt into your body, he knew Phil was right in the end. You were his mother through and through, I mean the shared pointed ears said enough. 
     “Is that why you left?” Fundy asked walking over to stand beside Wilbur, Fundy’s ears pressing against his head. They both watched you nod and Phil tightened his grip on your arm, you took in another deep breath. His hand moved to wrap securely around your waist, he was here for you. He’d always be here for you.
     “When you were born, the hunters were far worse, there were much more of them. Greater numbers and they sniffed out Nymphs like hunting dogs to a rabbit. I couldn’t keep a newborn baby safe, especially one that was half Nymph...Which probably explains why Fundy’s part fox, he has more Nymph in him.” The fox hybrid seemed to light up at even the inclination that he was special in any way, shape, or form. “It was safer for me to be as far away from the both of you as possible, and I was right considering you grew up into a handsome young man with a family of his own.” You chuckled fondly leaning into Phil’s touch. “But I can understand if you don’t trust me or want to get to know me,” You smiled sadly at the man Fundy spoke up before Wilbur could. 
     “No! We want to get to know you grandma!” He blurted taking your hands in his own, you melted at the adorable way his eyes lit up. You glanced up at Wilbur who Phil totally wasn’t threatening with his eyes, 
     “I…” The man looked hesitant, but as he stared into your warm eyes once more he felt encapsulated within them. His longing for a motherly figure in his lips came back at full force and washed over him like a tidal wave. He had a mother and she was safe and here and willing to come back into his life if he was ready. 
Was he ready? Why did he feel ready?
     “Fuck that hesitance she’s grandma,” You let out a delighted laugh ruffling up Fundy’s hair, his tail wagging elatedly behind him. 
     “Don’t spoil him, love.”
     “Fuck you, I’m spoiling the hell out of my grandson. Gotta make it up to him somehow.” Fundy’s tail only wagged harder as he wrapped you in a tight hug, you hugged him back just as tightly. 
     “Hey, Hey move over champion. I get to hug my mom now.” Wilbur snapped defensively, as Fundy snickered only looking up at him mischievously hugging you tighter. You laughed in delight seeing Wilbur huff, Phil melted against you in relief. Wilbur’s face was scrunching up the exact way you do when you’re pissed, he smiled against the side of your head. Wilbur pushed his son to the side gently and wrapped his arms around you in a hug, he towered over you but couldn’t help but bury his face in your neck. You cooed softly and ran your fingers through his hair, he was gone the moment you did so, melting in your arms completely. 
Without you noticing Phil took a step away from the group just to admire the moment from an outsider’s perspective. For what felt like the hundredth time that hour Phil felt light, he felt like the weight of the world was off his shoulders. Everything was right in the universe again, you were finally holding your not-so-little boy in your arms again after all these years. Even if you did have a fox hanging off you as well, Phil let out a soft chuckle looking at the three with adoration. A long time ago he gave up his mortality and humanity for you, after you left he had pleaded to the gods once more, he swore he would give up anything for just one more day with you by his side. They had ignored his wishes, they knew without a doubt you’d be back in his arms again, and this time he wouldn’t have to give up a single thing. 
Okay but actually I had so much fun writing this??? Maybe even a Pt. II?
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a knight in shining armour
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word count: 2,676
pairing: iwaizumi hajime x fem!reader
warnings: reader gets stood up by an asshole, some swear words im sure 
a/n: faohdsiofhsdf yall cant believe how long this idea has been sitting in my drafts. iwaizumi gives me such protector,hero vibes, i coudln’t not write this lol. i hope you guys like it :) it was a lot of fun to write and i reallllyyyy enjoyed writing it. love you all! (ps thank you all for the request! i’m working on them promise!)
haikyuu masterlist
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You couldn’t help but kick yourself a little. You had known that this whole idea was too good to be true. The funny quips he sent over text, his too-suave-to-be-real demeanor, the way things just seemed to be going too smoothly. You should’ve known, you kept telling yourself you should’ve seen it coming.
This whole online dating scene was really not for you. You hated the idea of meeting up with a total stranger, but your friends had downloaded the apps for you quicker than you could’ve argued all of your points. He had been cute - brown hair, soft brown eyes that made you feel like he had to be a catfish. You teased him endlessly about it, asking him what KPop idol he had stolen pictures of off the internet to create his profile and he had insisted you trade numbers so he could prove he was real.
You had hesitated. Maybe that had been your chance to back out. He really was way too charming and way too good-looking - there was no way a guy like that was even remotely interested in you right? You must’ve just been a way to pass through boredom. A way to get through boring lectures or just give his mind something to do. Right?
Right. You knew that now. You knew that because here you were, dressed up in an outfit you felt far too cute in, in a café halfway across your campus, twiddling your thumbs and playing with the glass your hot chocolate had come in... and this boy was no where to be found.
You checked your previous messages with him again, for the third time, solidifying what you had already checked and double checked earlier. This was the right place, the right time, the right date... so why wasn’t he here?
You shifted awkwardly in your seat, wondering just how long was too long to be waiting for a boy. It had already been half an hour, you had sent him 2 texts, and even tried to call him. You wondered if this made you look desperate - had this all been a ploy? A prank to make some idiot feel better about himself? Was he laughing somewhere knowing that here you were, thinking you were about to get swept off your feet, only to realize that no one was coming?
“Excuse me,” a tall dark-haired boy stood in front of you, shifting awkwardly in his heels. “Is this seat taken?” He gestured to the seat in front of you and you shook your head slowly.
“N-No, it’s free,” you admitted quietly, feeling a little bit of defeat. Why did he have to ask you about this chair? There were plenty of other chairs, why didn’t he just go get another one?
But rather than drag this chair over to the group of boys you had previously seen him sitting with, you watched as this stranger sat down in front of you, pulling his bag off of his shoulder and placing it around his seat. He gave you an awkward sort of smile, as if waiting for you to say something first.
“Um... do I know you?” You asked finally, unsure of what was happening. You could’ve sworn that the guy in the pictures looked much different than this guy here... was this actually a catfish situation? After you had demanded so many photos, playfully teasing him for being a fraud, did he actually get you to put your guard down? Had he actually lied about what he looked like?
“Oh no, sorry. I just...” the boy cleared his throat a little and you watched as a dark red colour climbed up his neck and flushed against his ears. “I noticed you were sitting by yourself and I thought maybe you’d like some company.”
You couldn’t help but feel more embarrassed than you had 5 minutes ago. At least sitting by yourself, you could’ve gotten up and pretended like you had actually wanted to come to this cute café on your own. But now with him sitting here, you had to awkwardly excuse yourself to both him and anyone else listening in.
“I’m sorry, this probably seems really rude of me,” the boy groaned, shaking his head. He held out his hand abruptly, a determined sort of look in his eyes, “My name is Iwaizumi Hajime. I think... I think your date is just outside... with his friends... being an ass.”
Your jaw dropped just slightly, your breath hitching in your throat and making you almost choke, “S-Sorry?”
Iwaizumi sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, taking away the hand that you ignored, “I’m assuming you were here to meet some guy for a date... I think I know him. He’s in a few of my classes - real jackass. A couple of days ago, I heard him joking about with his friends in our class about how... he was going to go on this date with a girl. He actually seemed kinda excited about it too, but his friends said something about staying single or... I dunno ‘playing the field’ and basically convinced him to just stand you up. They joked about just coming by to see how long you’d wait around for him. Something about... about how the longer a girl waits, the more she wants it,” Iwaizumi’s whole face was red now, his eyes awkwardly staring at the table in front of you two as he tried to explain. “I... I didn’t say anything cause I didn’t know what to say. But I figured I could come down and maybe save you the embarrassment or something I dunno.” 
You just stared at him, unsure if you wanted to thank him or cry, or both. It really had been just a massive joke to some idiotic boys. You should’ve seen this coming - what kind of guy like that would be interested in you?
“I’m sorry I didn’t come explain earlier,” Iwaizumi continued, shifting in his seat. “I didn’t want to just randomly approach you and make you feel awkward, or approach some random girl and have her actual boyfriend show up, ya know?” He gave an uncomfortable sort of chuckle, though his expression told you he didn’t find this situation funny at all. “Anyways, he’s a major ass and I think you should just get up and leave. Block his number, make him regret it.”
You nodded slowly, your chest still feeling a little too tight for you to think of anything proper to say. What was the proper thing to say in these situations? Thank you? For not letting me embarrass myself an hour later? Thank you for taking time out of your day to come help me? You couldn’t help but feel your whole world start to spiral, the heat of embarrassment flicking at your neck and cheeks, making you feel like you were sweating buckets.
“Oi, don’t cry,” Iwaizumi suddenly said, his hand shooting out and reaching up to cup your cheek. You jumped a little, feeling his thumb flick away a tear that you hadn’t even realized had been falling down your face. “Assholes like that don’t deserve your tears, okay?” He told you, squeezing your hand with his other. 
You nodded again, firmer this time because there was something just so convincing about his tone. Iwaizumi gave you a little smile before sitting back for a moment, unsure of what to do next. He started to stand up, grabbing his bag when you finally spoke up, “Y/L/N Y/N. Just call me Y/N though...”
His eyes met yours, a smile slowly growing on his lips as he looked at you, “It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.”
You looked over at the front door of the café, nervously biting on your lip as you realized if that boy and his friends really were out there, waiting to see how long you’d wait here... that means you’d probably have to pass them, “How am I supposed to walk out of here like there’s nothing wrong?” You sighed, shaking your head as you pushed your hot chocolate away from you. “I feel like such an idiot.”
“You’re not an idiot, he is. It’s his fault for letting his friends talk him into something as stupid as this. And he’s stupid for having friends like that anyways,” Iwaizumi huffed, shaking his head in disappointment of the male world. His eyes suddenly shot over to you, a smirk on his lips, “Do you wanna make him regret everything?”
You probably should’ve asked Iwaizumi, this stranger you had literally just met, what he meant before agreeing. But as soon as you nodded, Iwaizumi helped you up and took you by the hand with a smile, “Fucking idiot,” he laughed to himself a little as you gathered your things. “He has no idea how pretty you look too.”
A few sounds left your lips in surprise as you shot over to look at him, a huge grin on his face as he let his eyes glaze over you. “Come on!” He grinned, tugging you towards the door.
You watched as his friends tried to ask him what was going on, all of them sharing the same confused look that you had on your face, “I-Iwaizumi, where are we going?” You asked with laugh as he just pulled you out of the store. He smiled to himself, stopping in his tracks right outside of the door, letting his fingers intertwine with yours as he pulled you closer. “W-What’re you doing?” You hissed, your heart jumping into your throat in surprise.
“Just trust me okay?” Iwaizumi chuckled, reaching up to pat your head gently. “There’s no way he’s not watching. I know if I had any chance with a girl like you, I’d be going mad knowing some guy is making her smile the way you are now.”
You couldn’t deny that your cheeks were starting to hurt, the smile on your lips tugged and tugging on your face but you just couldn’t stop. Who was this mystery boy? The hero of your café story?
Iwaizumi gave you a cheeky sort of wink before twirling you around with a grin, “I’m sorry you had such a shitty date,” he stated before pulling your hands to his lips and pressing them against your knuckles. “You deserve better than that.”
You tried to remind yourself that this was clearly all fake for Iwaizumi - that this knight in shining armour (who was insanely handsome now that you were staring at him so closely) was just trying to be nice and make some asshole feel like shit. This wasn’t anything special to him. Because this kind of stuff just didn’t happen in real life - this was something that happened in animes, drama shows, exaggerated reality tv, but real life? No way. You tried to repeat that yourself over and over again, your whole face feeling warm against the cool air around you, “I-It’s fine. Thank you for helping me,” you gave a little awkward laugh, because man were you already falling hard. The natural light out here really helped accentuate his eyes and sharp features, not to mention the muscles that were doing a terrible job of hiding under his clothes. 
Iwaizumi just smiled down at you again, fumbling in his pockets and fishing out his phone, “Do you think... Maybe I could take you somewhere sometime? We could... I dunno just do something?” He asked you hopefully, his tongue stumbling over the words a bit but his eyes and smile looked sincere.
You blinked for a moment because again, this shit doesn’t happen in real life. Not to people like you. “Iwaizumi, I don’t think he’s listening in that closely,” you whispered harshly. “You don’t have to do this.”
Iwaizumi’s cheeks burned as he realized you thought he was doing all this just as a prank, clearing his throat awkwardly as he continued to hold his phone out to you, “It’s for not him... it’s for me.” He nodded slightly towards the window of the café where his friends were practically pressed up against the glass to watch, eager eyes bobbing between the two of you. “They’re always telling me I need to be as determined in my love life as I am on the court... if you’re not interested that’s totally okay, or if you just want to stay in contact as friends, that’s cool too but-”
“N-No no,  I just thought that you... I didn’t think that I was your type or anything,” you explained nervously, all thoughts of that other boy cleared from your mind.
Iwaizumi let out a laugh, shaking his head, “When I came here, I was really just hoping to save some poor girl some embarrassment... I was so nervous, I was going to send one of my friends who’s a lot better at talking to girls than I am but... when I saw you...” he swallowed hard, his anxiety making his whole body feel like he had just played a full match with no rest. “I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to get to know you better.”
You bit down on your lip, mostly out of nerves but also to try and shock yourself awake in case this was a dream. It had to be a dream right? You glanced around quickly, making sure no cameras were watching so ensure you weren’t on some sort of awful prank show... but you weren’t waking up and there were no cameras so... could this actually be real?
Iwaizumi noted your pause, his hand that was still holding his phone out slightly pulling back slowly, “Again, I don’t mean to capitalize on a really awkward and embarrassing situation for you, I just thought-”
“Yes,” you exclaimed quickly, looking up at him eagerly. “I’d love to go out with you sometime.” You grabbed his phone before he could pull it away, typing out your number and name into his contacts before handing it back.
Iwaizumi held the phone in front of him, staring at the number like it was a cheque for a million dollars, a grin growing on his face, “Oh! Here, I’ll text you so you have my number,” he mumbled, waiting for you to receive his little hello it’s Iwaizumi :) text message.
“Thanks,” you smiled, looking down at your own phone for a moment. Your fingers were tingling in some odd sort of sensation - you still couldn’t get over this feeling like this couldn’t be real. But it wasn’t like talking to the other boy - that was more paranoia and anxiety that ended up being a good intuition anyways. This was like... like all those songs and all those movies were all real. Like they all got it right.
After a few more minutes of conversation, Iwaizumi excused himself to head back into the café before his friends broke the glass that they were all shoving each other over to try and get a good look at this pretty girl that Iwaizumi had fallen so quickly for. You nodded, a warmth still on your cheeks as you said goodbye, walking briskly to the bus stop. It didn’t matter if that asshole was watching you leave, or if he had left moments before. You were still annoyed that this whole situation had to happen... but maybe the god of love had a funny way of placing people exactly where they needed to be.
You knew falling in love with someone you had just met didn’t really make any sense... but this time, you had a gut feeling that you and Iwaizumi’s story together wasn’t over just yet.
And after months of him getting to know you, taking you out on little dates and making your heart swoon, asking you to come watch his games and offering his jacket for you to wear on the stands, you realized there might be more to the story of you and your knight in shining armour than you had ever thought was possible. 
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haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added/removed!)
@sgue0s @aurumk @neko-chii1 @thisnoodlewritesao3 @satan-ruler-of-hells @trashy-simp @jeppiet @tobi-momo @darkvadeeer @haikyuutothetop @livy384 @babyshoyo @jesssobs @b-bakana @tsukkimoonbyeol @moonlightaangel @crystal-lilac @random-734 @sophiemess @bbyhaji @pansexualproblemchild @mystic-poteto @kaleidoscopekai @cuddlysoftbear @cheeseriz @ur-local-reality-shifter @kawaii-angelanne @ushijimacentral @elkawholeek @ur-local-anti-hero @tirzamisu​
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kiridarling · 4 years
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[a/n: is this a week late? yes. happy belated-valentine's day angels <3]
—ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴀɴ 𝟷𝟾+ ʙʟᴏɢ. ᴍɪɴᴏʀs ᴅɴɪ
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𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮; 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥
→ Definitely went to work that day
→ Not a huge romantic but wake up to find a hot breakfast with a note left on the counter.
Happy Valentines Day, dumbass. Love you.
— k.b
→ When he returns from work, Katsuki buys you roses and shoves them into your chest with an eye roll. You thank him and he responds with a grunt before insisting you put on something nice because he’s taking you out on a dinner date whether you like it or not.
→ Katsuki takes you to the fanciest restaurant—so fancy you feel a little bad that he has to pay, even despite his Pro Hero status. But you’re his, and spoiling you might as well be his love language.
→ Halfway through dinner, Katsuki starts getting a little frisky. Sliding the rough leather of his oxfords up the inside of your thigh, winking and biting his lip. You tell him to stop but you only half-mean it, and the knowing grin on his face lets you know he knows.
"Careful, baby. You don't want the waitress to know how much of a dirty slut you are, do you?”
→ He’s condescending as fuck but you’re totally here for it, and the second he pays for the meal you two are speeding down the highway to a love hotel (per Katsuki’s plan, apparently). You barely make it to the bedroom before you’re all over each other, and if it weren’t for that family of four in the elevator, you definitely wouldn’t have.
→ He tells you to get on the bed and strip, and who are you to deny him of such a luxury? He pulls a plastic black bag out of a different bag—it’s clearly full. With what, you may ask?
→ Sex toys!
→ Katsuki’s endgame is simple—make you cum until you can’t anymore. Not that he’s told you explicitly, but he’s got a Hitachi pressed to your sex and two fingers slamming into you just the way you like it. With your wrists comfortably tied above your head, it doesn’t take him long to bring you to your climax, cheeks burning and thighs shaking.
→ Peering at you under the sweaty mess of ash-blond hair, the fire in Katsuki's eyes only adds fuel to the burning of your gut as the vibrator continues whirr. The realization settles in with a shiver. Oh. Oh fuck, he's not stopping.
→ So, you cum again. And again, and again, and by the time you’re on the fifth it gets a bit hard to feel your toes and you’re so sensitive your thighs burn. All you want is his cock, but for some reason, it’s fucking impossible for him to give it to you.
→ Upon voicing your concerns, Katsuki’s devilish smile only grows wider.
“You want this cock that bad, slut? Yeah? Fine then, fuckin’ choke on it.”
→ It’s basically cannon that one of Katsuki’s favorite things to do is watch you struggle to take all of him, but in this position, all you can do is lay back with bound hands as he fucks your face. It’s sloppy and your eyes and throat burn, but it's totally worth it to hear Katsuki fall apart in your mouth.
“S-So good—fuck—such a good whore, taking all of me, aren’t you?”
→ Katsuki pulls out before he cums in your throat in favor of flipping your limp body into downward dog and stuffing you full of cock in one swift move, the bastard.
→ Katsuki’s never been one to take things slow in bed—to him, it’s all hard and fast and now. You’re scrambling for purchase in the sheets as he pounds into that sweet spot he knows you love, and you feel your fully spent sex twitching back to life anyway. Fuck, fuck. Are you going to cum again?
→ Katsuki seems to catch onto this as well, sweaty chest dropping against your back and the cool of his dog tag tickling your neck as his hand rubs between your legs, muttering dirty nothings in your ear.
“You gonna cum for me, baby? Yeah? Gonna make a fuckin’ mess all over yourself like the slut you are? Fuckin’ do it. Fuckin—fuck—”
→ You two cum at the same time, toes curling and ribcage shuddering, and then—
→ Darkness.
→ You wake up in a few hours, properly clean in fresh sheets. Turns out baby boy fucked you so hard you passed out, but it's okay because he’s found reruns of your favorite show on and is fully prepared with water and snacks.
→ (And he’ll never tell you, but he fully panicked and called Eijirou. Obviously, he knew you were alive, but…what if you passed out because of a problem? A concussion? Internal bleeding, maybe?)
→ (Eijirou ensures him that though this should NOT happen every time, it can happen from exhaustion. To say Katsuki relaxes after that is an understatement.)
(Stay safe angels <3)
And speaking of Eijirou...
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𝐄𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐮 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚; 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐤𝐞
→ Definitely did not go to work that day.
→ Today, Eijirou plans to treat you like the princess you are. Cooks you breakfast in bed (after almost burning down the kitchen trying to make bacon but shhh we don’t talk about that) books you a full day spa and has Mina take you shopping for a new outfit for your "fancy date" that night.
→ The location? A surprise.
→ It’s dark by the time you and Mina pull up, but the moment you hop out the car she speeds away. Um. She could’ve at least said bye.
→ Looks like Eijirou brought you to a lake. You wonder who helped him bundle the fairy lights in the trees and set up the picnic because knowing your man and his coordination, it would’ve taken a forever for him to set this up.
→ But all those thoughts shatter the second you see that he’s on his knees, clutching a velvet box with a gorgeous diamond ring sat in the center. Not too flashy, but not too dull.
→ Eijirou swallows then blinks, the only sign that he’s the least bit nervous for this.
“See…I swear I had planned something to say, but you look…holy shit, um—stunning, you look stunning.”
→ His compliment goes over your head though. Of course it does, he’s holding an engagement ring. He chuckles, averting his eyes to the ground.
“Listen, um, you can say no...B-But uh, I love you a lot—obviously—and I’ve been thinking about this a lot, kind of, because you’re like…the love of my life, ya know? I mean, I know everyone says that and everything but like, I really mean it? But if I’m going too fast o-or you just don’t wanna get married or something, I totally get it because obviously this is outta the blue and everything b-but um…yeah.”
→ You let him stutter through the whole thing because, well. It’s cute.
→ ...And then you tackle Eijirou to the ground with renewed passion and slam your lips onto his. His “babe! The ring!” is muffled but you snort anyway, blindly groping for it through the grass. The moment you find it, you shove it into his palm and stick your hand in his face, and with a (very sexy) chuckle, the redhead slides it onto your ring finger.
“I’ll take that as a yes then?”
→ No shit, Sherlock.
→ Either way, the picnic in the dark is abandoned in favor of yanking Eijirou's pants off and giving him the best head of his life. Because goddammit, you love this man so much and he needs to feel it.
→ Afterward, he insists on returning the favor. A wild Gentle Dom Kiri appears and as he eats you out, he mutters a deadly combination of the sweetest and dirtiest things you’ve ever heard.
“Fuck, you feel so good. So tight and wet. And it’s all for me, isn’t it, baby?"
“You’re gonna cum, angel? Do it. Cum all over Daddy’s face.”
→ Once you semi-recover from your orgasm, he flips you on your hands and knees and slowly pushes inside of you (though not without putting on a condom because safety first, angels). You tell him to speed up, but he denies your request. This time around, Eijirou's going to take the time to love you.
→ As he slowly fucks you under the stars, he dips his chin into your neck as his bigger hands encompass your own. As he starts to play with the ring on your finger, you watch something wet hit the picnic blanket, followed by a sniffle.
“Gosh, fuck—I love you so much. A-And I’m really happy you said yes. I…”
→ You cum first and Eijirou isn’t far behind, shuddering against your spine. Your fiancé unceremoniously rolls onto the picnic blanket next to you, his temple kissing the crest of your skull as the two of you use the comfortable silence to cool down, half-naked under the milky way.
→ In your comfortable silence, you lift your left hand to the stars, fingers splayed to reveal the twinkling diamond solidifying the bond between the two of you. Eijirou hums, hooking his chin on your shoulder.
"Pretty, isn't it?"
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𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐤𝐢 𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢; 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲
→ Both of you are painfully single and most importantly, strangers. Strangers who think alike and had the glorious forethought to drown your sorrows at a nightclub with a lot of alcohol.
→ Denki, as he does, accidentally knocks over his liquor-filled cup, completely drenching your bottoms. He apologizes and insists on helping you clean up though getting awfully close to your crotch, but both of you are too tipsy to notice.
→ After the liquor spill, you swap embarrassing love stories and lament over the “hardships of being single.” (Denki’s words.)
→ A few hours pass. You’re tired and ready to go home and Denki requests to walk you home to make sure you get back safely. Not that you live far, maybe ten minutes, but by the time you reach your door, you feel like you've known the electric blond your whole life. After saying goodbye and almost closing the door, Denki blurts out a half-drunken confession...or something like that:
“I—uh, y-you are—uhm, no…this is—“
→ You give him a look, a half-smile at best, and it seems to churn the gears in his brain again.
“This was uhm, really fun and uh, I think you’re really cool.”
→ So naturally, when you invite him inside, he squeals.
→ After a few more drinks and a few more spillages (Denki’s never been a deft drunk), you two finally get over your inner thoughts and start kissing on the couch. It’s hot and messy, and the alcohol in your veins makes it oh, so hot.
→ Denki doesn’t expect you to offer head but when you do he nearly cries, scrambling to pull his pants off while you make space for yourself between his thighs.  Due to the fact that there’s alcohol pumping in Denki’s veins and he hasn't been touched by someone else in at least a year, he’s extra-sensitive. And vocal. 
"F-Fuck gorgeous, you're so good at this...o-oh shit, do that again—yeah, yeah just like that."
→ His hips quiver, and he bucks into your mouth on accident. It earns him a glare and a light slap on the thigh, and you make a mental note to unpack the broken moan that interrupts his apology later. 
→ It doesn't take Denki a long time to cum—five minutes max. He plans to give you a warning but his orgasm runs up on the electric blond so quickly he doesn't even get a warning. When Denki orgasms in your mouth with a choked moan, it's only natural that you pull away in alarm, ribbons of semi-translucent cum flying just about everywhere.
→ To say you're pissed is an understatement (because your poor, poor carpet), but Denki feels terrible and is already reaching for the roll of paper towels you left on the coffee table from your cleaning spree this morning, apologies flying out of his mouth like an auctioneer.
→ Obviously, he's going to make it up to you. Not only for making an absolute mess in your living room (seriously, Denki doesn't know if he's ever come that much in his life) but for the bomb head, and he wants to make you feel just as good as you made him feel.
→ Both of you stumble to your room, the mood miraculously rekindled, and you're not sure what to make of Denki's desperation as he claws at your bottoms, pupils blown to the size of dinner plates. And though it's cheesy, you can't help but shiver when he finally gets eyes on your sex, wetting his bottom lip and the grip around your thigh tightening as he catcalls the apex between your thighs before diving in.
"Hello pretty~"
→ Like any pervert with a vivid imagination, Denki's got a mental warehouse of sex tips and tricks and burns to watch you squirm from his touch. He wants you red-faced and breathless and isn’t shy about it, actively paying attention to your reactions when he curls his fingers or uses his tongue just right.
"Oh, you taste so good sweet thing. So pretty and wet...did I do all this, gorgeous?”
→ Also, electro-stimulation? Yes please.
→ Denki's tentative about it at first because he’s not sure how you’ll react, but once you give him that pretty little moan you've been holding back all evening, you two are going nowhere but hell.
→ His dick hurts from being hard for so long and the second you cum, he’s practically begging to fuck you.
“Please? Please gorgeous? Shit, you felt so good in my mouth I just wanna—I need to—please?”
→ Like you needed any convincing in the first place.
→ You ride him per his request—and will definitely make you repeat things back to him, just because he likes how embarrassed and blushy you get. If you refuse? He’ll be an absolute tease about it. (But only for a bit, because we all know his patience isn’t that great.)
"Yeah? You like this cock? Tell me. Tell me how good my cock makes you feel, gorgeous."
→ There's no way Denki lasts very long (again)—definitely with you in his lap. When he cums, it’s cute and breathless, and his nose scrunches into his eyes. But if he came twice, you should too right?
→ The next morning, Denki's gone. But in his place, there’s a note with his number and an explanation:
had to go to work! lol i have the fattest hangover kill me now ty. either way, you should text me. i wasn't kidding when i said i thought you were cool lol.
— kaminari
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[a/n: gah XD my brain melted from writing that um-
also don’t worry about the family of four at the love hotel...they were...um...forced to stay there due to an emergency...lol :) see you soon, angels <3]
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jiminrings · 3 years
bestie what if jungkook finally finds out that jin’s friends with y/n 😭😭😭 he’d live in embarrassment for like eight business days
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cold senior!y/n x stem major!koo masterlist :D
jungkook wants to crawl in a ditch for bADLY misjudging a situation he should’ve foreseen in the first place
yoongi has never been this dedicated to curing his hangover
well actually, nO ONE was really forcing him to pick you and taehyung up anyway
you didn't even ask!!! you could 10/10 just call for an uber to bring back taehyung to his place
maybe, just maybe, it's your fault that when yoongi asked you where you were when he's just woken up from a long night of partying, you mentioned "i'm with taehyung" and hospital and go home in the same sentence so that's why he went to overdrive
did he process what you said correctly?? probably not <3
that's the whole reason why yoongi had wasted sIX eggs this morning!!
he read somewhere in passing and watched song-hwa from hospital playlist enough to know that drinking eggs apparently helps you with your hangover and some other things
first, he wasted tHREE eggs because apparently, you're not supposed to drink the eggs !!! whisked !!! because it "defeats" the whole purpose
but it's still an egg whether you whisk it and no one's sane enough to drink raw eggs unprovoked
yoongi nailed it on the second try and he might have gagged a few times but the important thing is, his hangover is all-cured from the stress of digesting raw eggs :D so now he can safely drive at a borderline dangerous speed to pick you and tae up
"hey kiddo."
you peer your head up to see yoongi looking down at you, ruffling your hair in greeting
you've been held up here for less than five hours anyway, and it's not that yOU look tired,,, it's just that maybe you could use a little more sleep
lol you got yoongi thinking for a second that you're the injured on
"hey champ," yoongi acknowledges taehyung who's smiling from his bed, getting a forehead flick from his senior to which he rolls his eyes to
taehyung's... dressed up already in his normal clothes?
he already has his shoe on too so yoongi doesn't quite get why the two of you still aren't standing up
"you're lucky you just got a flick," you add helpfully, yawning in remembrance, "he punched my arm when i fell down the stairs at the dorm."
and wHY is this conversation all pointing to him now??
"because the both of you did stupid things that landed you in the ER!"
"i was just trying to see if i can go down the stairs three steps at a time!!"
"i just wanted to embrace y/n!!!"
very stoopid decisions if you ask him
yoongi shifts his weight from one foot to another, still a little lost because he's already here, and the two of you are all-ready to go, and he's not really a fan of the smell of the hospital —
oh wait
"has the bill already been settled?" he asks in curiosity, fishing out his wallet from his pocket
"mhmm. already did," tae answers instantly, nudging yoongi to put his wallet back where it came from
uhm wait maybe it's the eggs that are talking but uh
..... if the bill's already paid-
"then why are we all just sitting here?"
taehyung opens his mouth but he cLOSES it shut the moment it all clicks in his head, belatedly looking at you whose face screams conflict
yoongi's eyes turn to you on instinct, narrowing his eyes because you're choosing not to meet his eyes
"we're uh, we're waiting for jungkook to come back from the restroom."
yoongi's quiet, almost like he's calculating the variables in his mind
his mind's working harder rn that it did on his finals last week
"so jungkook is here?"
he gets war flashbacks every time he hears his name
he just shudders at the thought of him and he doesn't mean it positively lmao
"y-yeah! did i not tell you that at the call? he helped me get taehyung here," you scratch your nape in explanation, not accounting for the fact that yoongi still vERY much loathes jungkook when you called him
tae's not actually sure if he's helping you when he opens his mouth but he's trying his best <3
"yup! his shoulders were my crutch for like, three blocks. he also bought us food from the cafeteria while we were waiting to have my leg cast!!"
he glances at the fancy paper bags from the cafeteria downstairs, even some take-outs in there that makes it look all-stuffed
how in the living hELL is yoongi suppposed to feel about all of this :|
"i'm back! should i call an uber now? sorry, i bought these tiny hand sanitizers because they were having a sale at the pharmacy. y/n what scent do you-..."
jungkook happily chirps as he rummages through the bag he was given, preparing to scoop all the different scents to present them to you when he jUST had to look down at a familiar pair of shoes
as in the same black converse that he had the relief of looking at when someone was particularly asking him if he ever had a knuckle sandwich
"h-hi yoongi."
yoongi narrows his eyes at the kid who just squeaked, mouth puffed-up in disbelief that he looks like he's hiding a hamster in there
"bye jungkook."
yoongi uses tae as an excuse to shoo jungkook off as fast as possible but that kinda bites him in the ass
taehyung's going through a learning curve with his crutches and yoongi's making him wALK faster!!!! he still needs a little-
oh wait a minute :-)
"jungkook! help me walk to yoongi's car."
there is nO way that even taehyung's conspiring against him now
first jin and now taehyung????
tae solidifies his point by winking at yoongi, leaving you alone with him as you carry the paper bags of cafeteria take-outs
he's not exactly sure if he's helping you out at this situation, but once again, he's just trying his best and having fun alright!!! he likes to be included in these types of things hee-hee
yoongi has no choice now but to aLSO drive jungkook home, and the thought just makes him grumble from thinking about it
he'll have to disinfect his seats ://
"i haven't fully forgiven him if that's what you're thinking about," you chime in with his thoughts, looping your arm around his to help quell the visible stress in his mind
"it's your life," he puffs out because he doesn't want to meddle with you, consciously trying not to be overbearing when it comes to your choices
"i know. i just want you to know that your closest friend has the pride and the brains to not forgive an asshole, a goddamn junior, who said really mean things to her," you add thoughtfully and transparently, making yoongi break into a smile
ok that's got the heaviness in his chest a little lighter
"we should probably talk to each other one of these days."
you haven't had a heart-to-heart talk with yoongi for quite some time now because there weren't really any pressing issues of the sort to make the two of you talk face-to-face, but now it's probably needed
"we should."
jungkook has never feared for his life in a car ride tHIS much before
and he's even wearing his seatbelt!!!!
you're sitting at the front seat and he's with taehyung at the back, the latter dozing off because yoongi indulged his request for sleep music with soft rain on the background (it doesn't make yoongi sleepy) in an attempt to make him feel better about his leg
the one-hour loop's working wonders because you're passed out on the front seat too
normally, this would also make jungkook sleepy
but how the fuck can he sLEEP when yoongi looks at him through the rear-view mirror like an apex predator??????
kook could take the easier route of pretending to sleep so he could get to avoid yoongi's gaze
but then if he pretends to sleep, yoongi would clearly see how his eyeballs are still very much trembling even when his eyes are shut and he's the furthest thing from being relaxed
don't get him started on stoplights too!!! that was just pure torture because jungkook was conflicted to whether or not he should look at him rIGHT back
taehyung and jungkook live in the same building anyway so that's more convenient because he actually wouldn't know how to act if he had to drop j-name (he honestly can't digest saying his name) separately
now that that's all over, jungkook feels oddly fulfilled in a way...?
fulfilled in a sense that even if partially, he managed to earn your forgiveness
he feels like he could sleep a little more peacefully knowing that he atleast did something right this time!!!
which is for the exact reason, he's gonna gUSH about this to mr. kim from student affairs!!!
it's uh the weekend and he walked to campus because he thinks that admin works even on weekends (mad respect)
it's noticeably a lot more empty compared to weekdays and it's just filled with freshmen with their hectic class schedules and some students who are just fulfilling units to graduate early
jungkook walks straight to student affairs and it instantly looks empty, the only familiar face in there being namjoon
as in mr. kim namjoon who's wearing a windbreaker rn and whose hair is dEFINITELY blonde than the last time (two days ago) that jungkook saw him
he's not here to work isn't he
wait is he here to rob the place ???!?#?!?
"and what are you doing here?"
namjoon is as confused as jungkook, his mouth opening and closing in dumbfoundedness
"o-oh! is mr. kim here? w-wait, you are here. i mean mr. kim seokjin, sorry. did he-"
"nope," namjoon shakes his head, putting his bucket hat back on to leave jungkook all by himself
namjoon from work and namjoon every other time besides work are TWO different entities
"we just came here to collect our paychecks. you missed jin by ten minutes."
oh well
his momentum's not entirely ruined!! jungkook just has to cram thinking of a recipe to put in your lunchbox by tomorrow and jin is his tried and tested saving grace
technically, jungkook already saw you this morning because of the whole taehyung in a cast thing, but he feels as if that the take-outs from the cafeteria aren't gonna cut it
he still needs to step up his game of course :D
so that's why jungkook forcibly enlisted jimin's help to make fish and chips for dinner and put them in two lunchboxes
one for you and one for yoongi!! he didn't skimp on the fish nor the chips and made sure they're still toasty and in peak-flavor when he delivers it to your dorm
is he intruding? is this a bad time? he didn't exactly know how to process when yoongi told him that he wouldn't stop him from making it up to you
he just iSN'T sure if delivering homemade lunchboxes at 7 in the evening to your dorm is optimal
oh good!! the door's opening :D
"good evening!! i uhm-"
... what
.......... WHAT
what the fuck is going on
seokjin is suprised to see that the guy at the door isn't from the delivery place he ordered from two minutes ago
... he may be disappointed
but what he is amused about is the way jungkook looks beyond confused and intimidated
jin's in a sleep shirt and some boxers and jungkook doesn't kNOW what to feel about all the variables present that he's trying to connect
"you look like you're hiding a goldfish in your mouth."
seokjin remarks and yawns when a fraction of a minute passes and jungkook's still frozen in his spot, his eyes darting to what the kid's holding
"oh c'mon! one for y/n and one for yoongi? you trying to make it up to him too? and none for me?" jin jives him further, leaning against the doorframe with a sleepy smirk on his lips, "i practically live here, and i gave you the tonkatsu recipe, and i'm the one who doesn't get a lunchbox?"
he eventually saw this coming lmao
jin knew that someway somehow, jungkook would come to know that hE's your close friend throughout the whole time
that he's been the sort of middleman all this time but nah he's on your team of course <3
that all this whining he's done to him has all been in the name of you and seokjin had to sit through ALLLL of that with his fists clenched underneath the table to calm himself down
"oh my god," jungkook's literally WEAK in the knees as it all connects in his mind, the gravity of this scenario kicking down on him
he really iS such a fucking asshole
how did he not hypothesize this????? how wasn't he able to connect you and yoongi and jin as each other's closest friends???
his legs are literally about to give out so that's why seokjin snatches the lunchboxes from his hands
"i am so, so, so sorry mr. kim. i-i really didn't-..."
jin pays him no mind, opening the lunchboxes slightly as he whistles at the sight of fish and chips
meanwhile jungkook is so sO close to crying both in realization and very very slight relief because he knows atleast one of your friends doesn't hate him that much
the door opens wider, the creaking getting both of his and jin's attention
"what's taking you so long? is the-..."
yoongi switches his gaze between the two lunchboxes on jin's hand and jungkook sitting on the floor looking like he's had the shock of his lifetime
wow this is really amusing
this is in fact so amusing that yoongi can't help but to snap a picture for him and jin to laugh at later
"bye, jeon."
yoongi grabs one of the lunchboxes from jin's hand and goes back into the dorm, leaving jungkook alone with mr. student affairs
seokjin chuckles as he outstretches his hand to make jungkook stand up and shoo him off sooner than later so he wouldn't look like a pebble in front of your dorm
he pats him on the back, only having to pull him slightly to get him closer to his ear
"we're still mad at you kid, don't get it twisted. you're lucky i didn't expel you."
jungkook pales at the realization overall, only weakly nodding his head as he attempts to take in everything while trying to look at the bright side
seokjin cheerily closes the door, waving at him who looks so close to passing out from hock
"bye jungkook!!!"
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professorrw · 3 years
Last Chance, a Remus Lupin One-Shot
Pairing: female reader x young Remus
Warnings: protected sex, loss of innocence, swearing, alcohol, partying
A/N: BOTH PARTIES ARE 18! This takes place during their graduation from Hogwarts, so May of 1978, which means Remus was 18. (This is a repost because the tags weren’t working)
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It’s graduation. Seven years at Hogwarts over in the blink of an eye. It felt like just yesterday when you met Sirius, Peter, James, Lily, and Remus. Oh Remus. You’ve liked him since third year. You’re about to graduate and he still doesn’t know. Merlin, what was keeping you from telling him? Pure fear, that’s what. Because what if he doesn’t like you? What if you ruin your friendship?
Maybe, just maybe, you could work up the courage to tell him today before it’s too late. 
You looked around at your friends at the Gryffindor table, waiting for Professor Dumbledore to begin the graduation ceremony. Lily could tell how nervous you were, seeing that your hands were shaking a lot. She was the only person that knew you liked Remus. She was also the person that encouraged you to tell him today. 
Remus noticed that you were shaking too, but assumed it was from having to walk in front of all those people. That wasn’t the reason though, you weren’t afraid of large crowds. You were, however, afraid of messing up a perfectly fine friendship. But were you content with just being friends?
The boys were chatting about their plans for the night. Sirius and James want to have a huge afterparty in the dorm as their last hurrah. Tonight would be your last night at Hogwarts, the last night in your second home. So many memories filled the halls you could write a book about all the mischief you six got up to.
The attention was drawn to the head of the room as Dumbledore began to speak. “My dear students, you have accomplished a great feat, school!” There were a few laughs from the crowd of seventh years. “I commend you for getting thus far. You have a journey ahead of you, and I would hope Hogwarts has prepared you to take on each and every one of them.”
Dumbledore got through the rest of his speech then called up each of the graduating students to give them a certificate and handshake. Lily was the image of grace as she walked through the tables and up to the front of the room. The claps from you and your friends were louder than the rest of the Halls.
Remus’ name was called a while later and when he was in front of everyone James and Sirius wolf whistled at him, causing a light blush to spread across his cheeks. You giggled at the sight. Godric, he was adorable.
The rest of the names were called and the rest of the professors spoke before everyone was dismissed. This last night was supposed to be for packing but that wasn’t what the Marauders had in mind. As soon as they crossed the threshold of the Gryffindor common room they bolted to their room, gathering up everything they would need for the party. It was yours and Remus’ job to get the word out.
While Lily, James, Sirius and Peter set up, you went down to the dungeons to tell the Slytherins. Most were hesitant when you invited them, but you left it to the more rambunctious of the group to convince the others. You arrived back at your common room door soon after. 
When you entered the common room was transformed. Red and gold streamers were everywhere, the couches and chairs were pushed to the side to make a sitting area sort of thing, and there was a disco ball floating around the ceiling. That had to be Lily’s idea. 
Peter was putting out drinks on the desks meant for studying. He had a small variety of alcohol already set out with plastic cups stacked next to them. Leftovers from the feast earlier were also splayed across the tables. Never underestimate the gathering abilities of Peter.
You went up to the girls’ dormitory to change clothes. Lily was already there, shuffling through her trunk. She was only half dressed, so she must have been looking for some bottoms.
You ruffled through the different outfits you had and decided on your favorite one. The party wasn’t going to be formal, that was for sure. You still looked good though, tonight you would confess your feelings toward Remus. He was your closest friend other than Lily. If he didn’t take your feelings well you didn’t know what you would do. You pushed that thought aside and decided to think positively.
You went back downstairs and helped decorate for a while before people slowly started to trickle in. First to arrive were the Hufflepuffs. Dispute their innocent image, they could really party. The Ravenclaws followed after, leaving the Slytherins for last, which was typical. No matter how many parties were held, they would always be reluctant to show.
The common room was soon packed and music swelled from the walls. The party was in full swing within minutes. Sirius was already on top of a table, swinging around his discarded shirt. James hollered at him from below, “Dance Black!”
Following orders, Sirius started to dance on top of the table. He pulled out all the moves, rotating in a circle for all to see. You and Lily laughed from the couch, sipping on some random beverage. It was only seven, and you didn’t want to drink so early. That wasn’t the case for Sirius, who already had a cup of beer before anyone arrived.
Two or three hours in, you had danced with everyone in the group, including Remus. It was amazing to feel so carefree. You didn’t know when you would feel like this again, so you relished the feeling. You didn’t have a set time to tell Remus, you were waiting for the right moment. 
After being on your feet for so long, you sat back down. Lily walked over with you and sidled up in the seat next to yours. She looked at you expectantly, “So how’s it going? How’re you feeling? Are you ready?” 
“I’m feeling great. I’ve danced, I’m loosened up, I think I’m ready.” You nodded your head to solidify your answer. Thinking too hard about what you were about to do would only make you nervous.
“Well go! There he is!” She pointed to the drink table where Remus was.
“I’m gonna do it,” you said. You got up and confidently walked over to where he stood. When you got next to him he looked over and smiled.
“Enjoying the party?”
“Yeah it’s super fun,” you paused before continuing, “Actually I have something to tell you.”
He raised his eyebrows to acknowledge he was listening. You weren’t going to tell him in the middle of all that chaos.
“Not here. Could we go to your room?” You bit the inside of your cheek, trying not to look as nervous as you were beginning to feel. 
Remus was visibly confused for a second, brows furrowing to give you a questioning look before he agreed. You followed him through the crowd and up the stairs to the dorms.
You closed the door behind you before sitting next to Remus on his bed.
“What do you need to tell me? Is it bad? Are you okay? If you don’t want to be down there you can stay up here, I’ll keep you company.” He was genuinely concerned at this point.
You let out air through your nose and shook your head. “No, nothing like that. It’s actually about you. Remus I- I have liked you for so long. I’m sorry I waited so long to tell you because now we’ve graduated and we’re about to leave and-” You rush through it a bit too fast, but Remus heard every word you said.
“Really? James didn’t put you up to this? Because if he didn’t, Y/N I feel the same way.” He basically whispers as his face moves towards yours. His lips are centimeters away from your when you answer him.
“James didn’t put me up to anything, he doesn’t even know I like you.” You speak in the same hushed voice as Remus did. Your gaze drifts from his eyes to his lips, anticipating what's about to happen.
He doesn’t even respond, instead closes the distance between you. His lips meet with yours in a kiss that makes you melt. You waited so long for this moment. All your worries slipped away, your mind focusing on Remus and the way you're connected. 
His hands go to your waist, pulling you into him. Your mouths mold and work together, tongues sliding against one another’s. When you finally pull away you're completely in awe. You had no idea how this night was going to play out, but it was fantastic so far. You decided to take a chance, “Remus I want you.”
“Are you sure?” Remus was ever the gentleman, he didn’t want to push you into anything too quickly. He looked at you with the same gentle concern that made your heart skip a beat. 
“I’m positive.” That much you were sure. You didn’t plan on taking things that far, but it felt right. Besides, it was your last night in Hogwarts. There was no telling where you guys were going to be next. You hoped you would all still be close. James and Lily were in a serious relationship so they would be together of course.
Remus nodded and unbuttoned his shirt. You took that as a sign to also start undressing. You stood next to each other, stripping until you were both naked. You admired Remus’ body, every single inch of it. Your eyes danced over the scars that littered his body. You stepped closer to him, hands around his shoulders while his hands rested on your hips.
You pressed a kiss to his cheek before sliding onto the bed. Remus’ eyes trailed after you before the rest of his body followed. Before getting in he stopped at his bedside table. He opened the drawer and pulled out two things. One was a little square packet, a condom, and the other was a bottle, lube.
“Has he done this before?” you wondered. He saw your questioning eyes and decided to ask the question that hadn’t yet slipped from your mouth. “I don’t- I- It’s from Sirius. I haven’t done this before.” 
That made you feel slightly relieved. He was a virgin. That meant you weren’t the only one that was inexperienced.
“Me either. I don’t think I would have if given the chance though. Not when I liked you so much. It wouldn’t have felt right.” While you talked he opened up the tiny packet and pulled out the rolled up condom. He sat on the bed in between your open legs. He put it on his nice sized cock. You watched his every movement with anticipation. You had no idea Remus could make you feel so riled up when he hadn’t even touched you.
He squeezed the lube onto his hand before smearing it on his covered dick. Your breath hitched as he slowly inserted himself into your pussy. Remus’ head lolled back as he began to move in and out slowly. Your eyes shuttered shut as he picked up the pace. For your first time, it didn’t hurt as much as you were told it would.
“Remus, you feel so good,” you breathed out. He groaned as his fingers dug into your thighs. You moaned as he hit a spot in you that sent ripples of pleasure throughout your body. His pace wasn’t perfect but it was enough to get you both close to your orgasms. Remus heard the difference in sounds when he hit your g-spot and tried to do it again. After multiple more thrusts you could feel your body reaching its climax.
Remus gave a particularly throaty groan as his dick twitched inside you. You couldn’t feel his cum but you knew what happened. Even after his orgasm he didn’t stop, wanting you to reach ecstasy as well. 
His next thrusts were sloppy but they still pushed you further nonetheless. It didn’t take much more. You gripped his forearm as your walls clenched and milked his condom-covered dick. You moaned one last time as Remus rode out your high. He pulled out after a few slow thrusts, collapsing by your side.
You were both breathing  heavily against one another. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you against him. Your cheek rested against his bare chest. The quick thud of his heartbeat was mesmerizing.
“I’m going to miss you,” you whispered.
“You don’t have to; I’m not going anywhere.”
Permanent Taglist: @bellamy1998​ 
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
Everything's Bigger In Texas
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Summary: You decide to drive up to Dallas to surprise your old high school buddy, Jared, while he’s there for a convention.
Pairing: Jared x Reader Rating: 18+ Tags: J2 convention hilarity, dick jokes, only one bed, high school friends, spooning, size kink Word Count: 3,504 Bingo Squares: @spnkinkbingo - Size Kink
A/N: Not set around any particular season. For the purpose of this story, Jared and Jensen are both single, non-fathers.
Commissioned by: @jbbarnesgirl She had a great prompt that this has now spawned a sequel (which will be a member exclusive on my website)! Thanks for letting my mind run wild on this one babe ❤️
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You pull into the parking space the valet wrote on your ticket and park with a dramatic exhale of relief. You’ve actually gone through with it and made the three hour drive up to Dallas to surprise Jared at his convention this weekend.
It had been years since your last high school reunion in Austin when you’d run into each other and wound up drunk in a Waffle House at three in the morning, stuffing your faces with bacon and french fries. You and he were the kind of friends that were awful at keeping in touch but time traveled straight back to junior year anytime you ran into each other. You’ve always been able to talk and laugh like only a weekend had passed between visits instead of years.
You hope Jared’s happy to see you, because you’ve been bursting at the seams with excitement since you came up with your ‘surprise’ plan.
The hotel lobby is swarming with fans and you wonder how on earth you’re going to find Jared in all the bustle. Your plan is to find someone who looks like they’re working the convention and ask for directions to Jared and Jensen’s bodyguard, Clif, who you hope to God remembers dropping your drunk ass off at your apartment after the Waffle House incident. It’s not a very elegant plan but it’s all you’ve got. You spot someone with a lanyard and a walkie-talkie and beeline toward them, fingers crossed in your pocket.
Twenty minutes and several tiers up the convention staff hierarchy later you’re finally led to a service hallway and ushered towards a door, Clif standing guard stoically outside it. The employee escorting you speaks quietly to Clif while you stand there awkwardly, rocking back and forth, toes to heel, in an effort to contain your nervous energy. A look of recognition slowly dawns across the bodyguard’s face as he takes another look at you.
“Austin, a couple years ago?” he asks to confirm.
“High school reunion,” you nod in affirmation, relieved he actually does remember you.
“No getting Jared drunk until after the panel,” Clif admonishes, aiming a thick finger menacingly at your face, and you nod gravely before his face cracks into a grin and he swings the door behind him back on its hinges.
“Y/N?!” Jared’s facing the door and spots you immediately, his face breaking into a wide smile. The anxiety that had solidified in your chest with each passing mile on your way here disintegrates, carrying the tension out of your body as it melts away.
“Hey there, Hot Shot.”
Jared bounds forward and wraps you tightly in a hug, the muscles in his arms visibly bulging the sleeves of his t-shirt as he squeezes you against him, which you can’t help but notice because your eye level is at his bicep. You hug him back as tightly as you can manage, pressing your cheek into his chest.
“How ya doin’, squirt?” Jared grabs your shoulders and manhandles you away from him so he can get a better look at you, his eyes racing up and down your figure. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, Dallas is only a three hour drive,” you shrug. It’s no big deal really, you’d just wanted to see him. “Plus my mom cancelled our girls’ weekend, so I had nothing better to do,” you grin, your eyes twinkling up at him wryly. Behind you, you hear Jensen snort with laughter. Jared turns to his friend, giving him a withering look and Jensen chokes back another laugh, unable to hide his amusement.
“Dude, you were her back-up plan after her mom?”
“Shut up,” Jared rolls his eyes but you join in Jensen’s giggles.
“I’m Jensen, by the way,” the man in question raises a hand in greeting, and you smile back.
“Y/N,” you wave. “Went to high school with this nut case,” you jerk your thumb towards Jared.
“Feels like I do too,” Jensen laughs. “He still acts like he’s fourteen most of the time.”
“Hey!” Jared points an accusing finger at Jensen, “at least fifteen, thank you very much.”
“And what exactly is the distinction between fourteen and fifteen here, Jay?” he asks.
“He doesn’t pop a boner every time he talks to a girl anymore?” you offer, snickering. Jensen bursts out laughing, a full bellied, joyous sound that fills out every corner of the room. Jared is rolling his eyes again, but you spy the faint blush that’s started to creep up his neck, and based on the smirk Jensen’s wearing, you think he’s spotted it too.
“So,” Jared draws out the syllable, trying to change the topic. “Are you staying for the convention then?”
“Got my ticket and everything,” you wave your pass in the air. “But mainly I just wanted to see you, it’s been way too long.”
“Yeah, it has,” Jared squeezes your arm affectionately. “Where’s your seat? I think we’re getting called out soon.”
“Oh I’m with the plebs at the back, standing room. Seeing your ass is only worth so much money,” you tease.
“You’re standing?” Jared’s brow shoots up. “You won’t be able to see a damn thing,” he laughs.
“You’re tall enough to see from space, Bigfoot,” you try to hit him on the head but he easily stretches his neck so you can’t reach, illustrating your point.
“She’s gotcha there, J-Rod,” Jensen agrees, strolling forwards and smacking Jared on the back of the head for you, since your attempt was foiled. “But you don’t have to stand all the way back there, sweetheart,” Jensen adds. “Come out with us, we’ll have someone put you at the side of the stage.”
“Oh, no, it’s fine. I really don’t mind standing,” you protest. You didn’t want to take space away from the fans who had paid for the close seats. You’re only a casual watcher of the show anyways, ghosts and monsters aren’t so much your thing, you just watch it because of Jared.
“Nah, c’mon,” Jared ignores your protest, striding back towards the door and popping his head out to talk to Clif. “Can you have them slap an extra chair on the side of the stage? Y/N’s gonna stick around for the panel.”
“Sure thing,” Clif nods, and radioes a volunteer to get it done.
“Jared,” you roll your eyes at your friend.
“Too late,” he taunts. “You’re stuck with the fangirls now.”
“Just keep in mind all the shit I could tell them,” you threaten jokingly.
“Nah, you won’t do that.” Jared’s entirely unconcerned.
“Why not?”
“Because then I won’t pay for our drinks tab later,” he smirks.
You mime turning a lock and throwing away the key. “My lips are sealed.”
“You better tell me later though, sweetheart,” Jensen ducks his head to whisper in your ear as they usher you out the door.
“Buy me a couple cosmos, you can know anything you want,” you smirk, and let Jensen and Jared guide you out to the convention hall for their panel.
“I will definitely take you up on that,” Jensen’s breath ghosts ticklishly over your ear. He shoots you a wink as he ducks behind a dividing curtain and you wave back giggling, and make your way to the seat Clif is pointing you towards.
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The panel is a whole lot of fun, and you have to admit it’s definitely better sitting up front than it would have been fighting to stay standing in the sea of hormones jostling at the back. This close up, you can see Jared and Jensen’s reactions much more clearly, too; every secretive grin between them, every twitching laugh line, every aborted glance back in your direction. Laughter rings through the crowd and you refocus your attention on the questions.
“Which one of us is the biggest what?” Jensen speaks into his mic, asking the girl on the opposite side of the stage to you to repeat her question.
“Well I’m the biggest,” Jared cuts in smirking, and the audience cheers and giggles. Jared flashes them a bright, goofy smile.
“Well, that depends on what she’s asking,” Jensen smacks Jared on the arm. The girl tries to ask her question again but she’s laughing through it and the words come out garbled again.
“Which one of us has the biggest pants?” Jared’s brow raises as he incorrectly repeats the question again. You know there’s no way that’s what the girl asked. “That’s still me darlin’.” He turns to your side of the stage goddamn winks, and you flush just as deeply as the girl asking her question. You roll your eyes at him, glad that he probably can’t see you very clearly due to the stage lights shining in his eyes.
“That topic is still up for debate, actually,” Jensen protests seriously.
“No it’s not,” Jared scoffs.
“Uh, yeah, it is.” Jensen’s not backing down. “Costume department compared our measurements bro, they’re the same.”
“You and I both know that didn’t include the measurement they’re talking about,” Jared glares jokingly out at the audience.
There’s wolf whistles and shrieks of delight from the crowd and Jensen bursts out laughing. “You’re gonna give them all aneurysms, man.”
You certainly feel like you might be having an aneurysm. Your blood is pumping hot and hard through your veins. You can actually hear it swirling around your body, leaking out into your capillaries, carrying burning embarrassment and desire to the tips of each vessel.
It’s a running joke, the size difference between you and Jared. He towers over most of the people he meets, so it’s not unsurprising that he towers over you as well. He’s called you ‘squirt’ as long as you can remember knowing him, and you’ve called him every name you can dream up, from ‘sasquatch’ to ‘jolly green giant’.
As you both grew older, and Jared’s physique caught up to his height, and your mind started to take up a more permanent residence in…ahem… lower places than it had inhabited in your youth, you began to wonder just how big Jared would be if you ever… You imagine big. Proportional, at the very least. Though, Jared has always been an overachiever, you imagine it might extend to this measurement as well. You secretly hope, anyway.
You gulp nervously. There’s a reason you and Jared had gotten so trashed the last time you’d hung out, and that was so you could drown your burgeoning crush in some socially acceptable poison and hope it didn’t break its head through the surface. Jared looks back at you and flashes you a smile, probably in relation to whatever he’d just said but you hadn’t been listening, mind too preoccupied thinking about the size of your friend’s dick. You let out a sigh of resignation – you were going to have to get smashed tonight, too.
“Oh,” Jensen’s voice rings through the auditorium as he finally understands the question. “Which one of us did the biggest prank?”
“Uh, Jensen,” Jared answers after a moment of dramatised consideration, “just now when he told you all he has a bigger dick than me.”
There’s an echoing thud as Jensen smacks Jared’s head with his microphone and Jared and Jensen both double up laughing, covering their mics so it doesn’t reverberate around the room. When things settle down after a minute you see Jensen lean towards Jared to say something privately. The mics don’t pick it up, but you’re close enough that you think you hear him say, “later tonight, we’re getting out the ruler.”
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The hotel bar is basically empty, but you and Jared are still in a private room at the back so he doesn’t get mobbed by fans if they do happen to wander in. Jensen had joined you for a drink earlier, but he had to leave to perform at the Saturday night concert for the convention.
“Do you ever perform on Saturdays?” you poked at Jared, and both he and Jensen laughed wildly.
“Never in a million years,” Jared shook his head. “I just watch this guy give everyone in the room phantom orgasms all night.”
“Gross, dude,” Jensen shuddered as Jared guffawed but you had to agree, Jensen’s voice was orgasmic.
“Have fun with your ménage a several hundreds,” you waved Jensen off with a giggle.
“You’ll have to join in sometime,” Jensen backed out of the room with a wicked grin, wiggling his eyebrows ridiculously and leaving you and Jared laughing behind him.
“You want another one?” Jared asks, pointing at your nearly empty glass.
“If I have any more I’ll have to crawl back to Austin,” you hiccup, the alcohol making you giggle-y and unsteady despite your seated state.
“You’re not goin’ back to Austin, squirt,” Jared protests, drowning the remainder of his own glass.
“Am I being kidnapped?”
“Damn straight. You’re not driving anywhere tonight, don’t be stupid.”
“I was gonna dry out a little first,” you defend yourself. Of course you weren’t planning to drive home drunk.
“By the time you sober up it will be way too late to go back. Just stay the night here,” Jared shrugs, indicating it’s no big deal for you to crash. You think about it for a moment and then agree that staying over is a better plan. Besides, Jared will have a big fancy room since the convention is paying for them to stay here – he’ll have plenty of space for you.
“Fine,” you sigh dramatically but you aren’t all that perturbed, and Jared knows it too. “Thank you.”
“What are friends for?” Jared grins. “C’mon, I’ll grab a bottle from the bar and let’s go upstairs. I don’t want to get caught in the crowd after the concert finishes.” You also don’t want to be mobbed by hundreds of concert goers, so you happily follow Jared out of the bar and up to his hotel room.
Jared flops dramatically onto his bed when you get inside, but you stand by the door, taking in your surroundings. As you’d imagined, the room is lavish. Every piece of furniture is accented with metallics, and every soft surface is heaped with pillows, including the bed Jared is now snuggling back onto. But, you note with a bit of surprise, there is only one bed.
Apparently fancy doesn’t automatically come with multiple beds – and why should it? Jared hadn’t expected anybody to stay the night, he’d only needed the one bed. Had he known there was only one bed when he offered you a place to crash for the night? Or had someone else brought up the luggage that you could see piled at the foot of the bed, meaning he wouldn’t have known what the exact sleeping situation would turn out to be? You’re jolted out of your frenzied contemplation when Jared throws a pillow at your head, though it narrowly misses and hits the door behind you.
“Are you just gonna stand there all night?” he laughs, eyes crinkling.
“Uh, no, course not,” you scoff, hoping Jared assumes the flush creeping over your skin is from alcohol, and not embarrassment. Jared scoots over to one side of the bed and pats the empty space he’s just created. The bottle of whiskey he’d brought from the bar downstairs is propped next to him on the pillows and it bounces as you settle yourself on top of the covers. You reach for it and peel back the foil cap, pulling the cork free with a pop.
“Wanna watch something?” Jared rifles on the side of the bed, digging for his laptop in the bag on the floor.
“Whatever you want,” you shrug.
You inwardly hope watching something might help you control your drunk chatter. Your mind has been wandering to one specific place since the panel this afternoon and you’re hyper aware that when you get tipsy, your filter becomes non existent. You do not want to give Jared an unsolicited insight into your horribly inappropriate mind.
Your eyes shift from the bottle in your hands to Jared’s laptop, now open and sitting on his thighs while he surfs through movie options online. His hands overwhelm the breadth of the keyboard, the pads of each long finger almost bigger than the letter keys they’re hovering over. How far could those fingers reach if they were… No. You curtail that course of thought with a swig of whiskey straight from the bottle and flick your eyes away from his hands.
Jared’s legs are pressed together, gangly limbs and knees scrunched up and pushing the fabric at his hips into ripples. An unmissable bulge sits at the apex of his thighs, distending the denim so it’s stretched tightly across his cock while it’s bunched and wrinkled everywhere else. You swallow hard and tear your gaze away, forcing yourself to look back at Jared’s laptop. He’s stopped scrolling now, and after a moment you realise he’s asking you if the movie he’s hovering over is an okay choice. You nod mutely and take another drink.
“Woah there darlin’, save some for the rest of us,” he laughs, grabbing the bottle from your hands, fingertips brushing over yours as he wraps them around the green glass. You wonder if Jared feels the same pang of electricity that you do when you touch. He’s evidently curious as to why you recoiled so quickly, because he’s now carefully studying your hand and the fingers that had just brushed against his.
Your moment of thick silence is interrupted by the fanfare of opening credits as the movie begins to play, startling you. Jared smooshes himself further back into the feather pillows on the unfairly comfy bed and stretches his arms wide, patting the pillow he’s using as an armrest to summon you to him.
Nervous and giddy all at once, you tuck yourself into the crook of his arm, curling up against his side. Even laying down he feels so much bigger than you. Your eyes drop again, unbidden, to his lap and you rip your gaze away quickly. The whiskey must be settling in now, because you start to feel sleepy and because, for just a second, you think that the bulge in Jared’s crotch looks even larger than it had a few minutes earlier.
Jared pulls you close against him, offering you the whiskey bottle again, and you take it happily. The two of you lazily glug more booze and laugh along with whatever comedy is on the laptop, and you’re utterly content. At some point in time your neck loses its ability to support your head and you topple it sideways onto Jared’s shoulder.
“You comfy there, Y/N?”
“Mm-hmm,” you hum sleepily, snuggling even deeper into Jared’s chest, your arm winding itself around his waist of its own accord, and Jared squeezes you against him, laughing softly into your hair.
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You aren’t sure when you fell asleep – you don’t remember the end of the movie at all. You don’t even remember how you’d wound up under the covers, cradled snugly in the bend of Jared’s body. Wiggling a little to reintroduce feeling into your left arm, you shift backwards into his chest, secretly hoping the arm currently resting on top of the covers might drop around your waist as you continue to sleep.
Arching out to stretch your legs a little, you wind up nudging your hips back into Jared’s and you freeze in shock. Here, pressed close beneath the confines of cotton-swaddled feathers, you feel it… and you can tell – Jared hadn’t been kidding at the panel earlier. He must be bigger than Jensen, because there’s no way anyone could be physically larger than what you feel pressing into the curve of your ass right now.
Your whole body flushes, but you’re too scared to move away lest you wake Jared, so you stay. You try to breathe, systematically unclenching the muscles in your body from head to toe and allowing yourself to relax against your bed companion. Darkness settles around you when your eyes drift shut again but the light from Jared’s laptop still casts a faint blue tint against your eyelids.
That comforting blue morphs into a shocking orange, and your eyes squint against the unexpected source of light now coming from the open door. Seconds later it’s even brighter as the lights in the room are switched on to reveal Jensen leaning casually against the back of the door, smirking in the direction of the bed. Behind you, Jared has jolted awake, sitting up and pitching you forward into the mattress with the force of his disturbance.
“Jay?” he asks blearily, yawning through the word.
“Why did I have a feeling this is what I’d be walking into tonight?” Jensen answers with a laugh and a kind roll of his eyes. You look sleepily between both of the men, confused as all hell.
Finally, it occurs to you why Jensen must be in the room – and why there had only been one bed.
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Part 2 now up as an exclusive commission on my website!
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We’re All Mads Here: @vulgar-library @tintentrinkerin @negans-lucille-tblr @fandomfic-galore @petitgateau911 @schaefchenherde @kickingitwithkirk @little-diable @laxe-chester67 @kassyscarlett @austin-winchester67 @flamencodiva @katbratsupernaturalwhore
All SPN: @cemini-winchester @akshi8278 @stoneyggirl @deandreamernp @lyarr24 @lovealways-j @slamminmine @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @eddiesgirl @raidens-realm @tatted-trina6 @defenderrosetyler @delightfullykrispypeach @05supernatural20 @sams-sass @calaofnoldor @thinkinghardhardlythinking
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poptod · 3 years
Would u be up to writing a crack fic where Ahk eats some dodgy food and gets violently ill from it and in his food poisoning induced delirium starts to like hallucinate and think that gods are against him and hanging out with him and stuff. so yeah. (also omfg never noticed the ostrich part in NATM!!!)
notes: YEA that fucking ostrich is hilarious and YES this sounds fun. u didn’t say if this was xreader or if this was in egypt or in the museum so i took some liberties, hope that’s alright! i also really ran with this so apologies for the length WC: 2,222
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Now, now, that’s no way to refer to your husband,” he said matter-of-factly.
“You are not - we’re not married,” you hissed.
“Not yet,” he said with a grin.
You rolled your eyes, scoffing. Ahkmen wasn’t King yet, but you still held the position as his advisor, placed there by both Ahkmen’s choice and his father’s insistence.
Now, however, you were focused on a different, more pertinent issue. An entire bag of almond date rolls had been thrown away for Ahk to find, opening the sack to find them untouched. Since he had little to no self control—which was why you were there to begin with—he immediately began eating them.
“There isn’t anything wrong with them,” he said through a mouthful.
“You don’t know that,” you said, still glaring up at him.
He swallowed before promptly stuffing another whole roll in his mouth.
“Stop that!” You said, and batted the sack out of his hand.
The cinch released and the rolls went flying down a sandy hill, reaching the river outcrop at the bottom. Ahk watched, miserably, as they disappeared.
“You have access to date rolls anytime you like in the palace,” you reminded him.
“But it’s such a long walk back, and I like it here,” he said, gesturing vaguely to the forested hill overlooking the Nile. Shade stretched over your bodies and the reed blanket beneath you, allowing the wind to cool your sun-beaten skin.
“You’re going to be the death of me,” you said, leaning back to lie down.
“How funny, then, that you are my life,” he said with a grin, following you till he propped himself up on his elbow, his free hand resting on your chest.
He stared at you, scanning you as you half-glared at him.
“What do you want?” You asked, looking up unimpressed.
“A kiss,” he said, puckering his lips.
“Shut up!”
You shoved him onto his back, laughter wracking his body.
A little while later you found yourself once more obeying Ahk’s whim, though his father had warned against that, and followed him in short steps down the tall dune. Solidified, plant-filled earth gave way for free falling sand that drifted off the slope and towards the riverbank.
The water during this time of year was at a steady but slow pace, flowing from south to north as the sun’s rising and setting indicated. Wind that once cooled you now brought hot air, exacerbated by the overzealous sun, who you imagined could burn even your ink-black skin. Sand avalanched around your still feet, landing you at Ahk’s side.
“Luncheon will be soon,” you reminded.
“I’m aware,” he said flatly. “Can’t I simply enjoy myself for once?”
He waded out into the water, his shoulders tensing at the chill and only releasing as he went deeper. Once the red water reached his knees, just barely soaking the edge of his skirt, he called to you.
“Come join me,” he said, offering you his hand.
“We should go back to the palace,” you said.
“Come now, it’ll be hours before lunch,” he whined.
“It’s one hour. And you can’t be wearing that,” you said, gesturing to his outfit that consisted of no more than a skirt, partially torn and covered in dirt.
“Then take it off me,” he said with a sly grin.
You scowled at him, going over your options for a moment before you acted.
Once you decided, you waltzed into the river, soaking your sandals as you approached him. Satisfaction filled his gaze as you came closer, his hand still outstretched to you.
At last you took his hand, tugging him forcefully towards you. He let out a grunt, but before he could say anything, you reached forward and released the clasp keeping his skirt on him, allowing it to fall in the running water and drift away.
“Hey!” He cried, attempting to go after it, but stopped by your hand still in his. He turned back to you, a shocked look on his face as he said, “what was that for?!”
“Dawdling. Let’s go back to the palace.”
“Like this?!” He yelled, gesturing to his naked body. You snorted.
“You don’t mind. I know you don’t. You just want to be mad at me,” you said in a definitive voice.
“I don’t-“
“Come on, Prince,” you said, tugging him past you so he stumbled towards the shoreline. As he just barely got his standing you slapped his butt, pushing him forward further.
Ahkmen fell silent—as he rarely did—after he’d been dressed and was on the way to the garden, where the Pharaoh had arranged a feast he made and placed for himself, his family, and the ambassadors visiting from Punt. You were not invited, but you watched from above alongside the youngest Prince’s manservant. Ahk’s room was placed right above the western gardens, large arches within allowing a plenty good sight out, which you and Naguib took advantage of.
“He’s squirming an awful lot,” Naguib noted after several minutes of silence.
Naguib laid on his stomach, his chin propped up on his palms, in turn resting on his elbows on the stone floor. You sat nearby, leant against one of the arch pillars with a tablet of baked limestone on your lap.
At his comment you looked over the ledge, easily finding the trademark golden crown Ahk bore.
“How so?” You asked.
“Look at his legs,” Naguib said, and your eyes turned to his fidgeting crossed legs, “and his hands.”
His fists were clenching and unclenching.
“Should we check in on him?” He asked gingerly.
“.... nah,” you said after a moment. “I’m sure it’s fine. He’s probably just upset I slapped him on the arse.”
Naguib choked on his own spit, bursting into manic laughter.
“You slapped the prince’s ass??” He asked incredulously through gasps of laughter. “How’d he react to that?”
“He stripped me,” you answered, returning to your tablet with little waver in your voice.
“What -“
“That might’ve been because I took away his skirt, though. In that case, he just looked at me really strangely,” you said.
“How so?”
You twisted your expression to reflect what you remembered, a strange mix of confused, angered, and one feeling that was almost always at the forefront of Ahk’s mind—horny. Naguib burst into another round of laughter.
Several minutes later, after your conversation died down, Naguib looked back over the ledge and frowned.
“He’s gone,” he said.
“Who what?”
“Ahk, he isn’t there anymore,” he said, pointing to the empty cushion where Ahk had been sitting. You shifted to see.
“Huh. What do you think happened?”
Bursts of metal latches and swinging hinges interrupted you before either of you could think of an answer, followed by the wooden frame of the door slamming against the other wall. Both of you darted to look behind you, finding several different servants entering, a limp Prince in their arms.
Instantly you jumped to your feet. Naguib joined you, though much slower, and you both made your way to his bedside once the servants set him down.
“What happened?” Naguib asked, a hand on the bed as he looked up to one of the servants.
You set your hand over his forehead, testing his temperature, and using your sense of magic to reach into his veins, searching for a perpetrator.
“He hasn’t got a fever,” you noted, earning a nod from the servant tending him.
You made to search again before Ahk moved, groaning softly as he curled into himself, clutching his stomach.
“Ahk? Are you alright?” You asked—probably too quickly—as you knelt at his side, panic pounding its way into your heart.
“Ugh,” he grumbled, just barely wheezing out his breaths. “Alive. Right now.”
“What are your symptoms?”
“Stomach,” he breathed, halting as he flinched, his hands moving to slap over his mouth.
“Bucket!” You said to the servant, who nodded and rushed for one of the buckets in the nearest closet. “You’re going to throw up, its alright. Get it out.”
“Ughhh...” he mumbled, convulsing forward again as he attempted to hold it in.
In a flash the servant returned, rushing to set the bucket down beside the bed. You held it up, helping him scoot dizzily forward before he hurled.
Things continued in a similar fashion until the setting of the sun, the western rays finally sinking beneath the distant mountain horizon. Crickets and firebugs chirped, bringing in the cool breeze of evening, sending shivers down Ahk’s sweat-sheeted shoulders and back.
You ran your fingers through his hair, hoping to raise the curls off his heated forehead, but he raised his hand to stop you.
“No,” he slurred, “too sick... repetitive.”
“Alright,” you said softly.
His dizziness persevered from the evening into the night, but his vomitting had luckily stopped, though he did try to retch on an empty stomach twice. By then he was passed out from exhaustion, still shivering in his sleep. You stayed at his side without fail, raising his sheets up to cover him, and removing them when he broke out into another sweat.
At midnight, his eyes fluttered open.
The first thing he saw was you—surrounded by a halo of brightly glowing stars, colored in red, yellow, and purple. His sickness had faded but the delirium remained, and he reached out blindly for your face.
His fingers dragging across your eyes and cheeks brought you back from your meditation, shocked at his consciousness.
“You’re awake,” you said with a relieved sigh, your knees digging into the cold stone beneath you.
“Hathor?” He mumbled weakly, his eyes still half-closed.
“No, no,” you said, taking his hand down from your face and clasping it in your own hold. “Piye. Remember? How do you feel?”
“Am I dead?”
“Not as far as I know. You exhibit all the tell-tale signs of being alive,” you said, chuckling.
“... Bastet?”
“Also no. Piye.”
“Peets....” he mumbled before promptly falling back asleep.
The next time he awoke was a little later on, towards the very, very early morning. He once again broke you out of your meditation, this time with words rather than smothering your face. His state of aberration had yet to improve.
“Piye?” He asked softly, a husk of a voice.
“Yes,” you said, smiling. He remembered your name. “How do you feel?”
“When d.. you’re... you’re glowing,” he murmured.
“I what?”
He reached forward, and you flinched away, stiffened by a soft touch that traced down your jawline.
“You’re... glowing,” he said, louder, drawing in a deep breath as sweat began to bead on his forehead.
“Calm down, Ahk,” you warned him, pushing the hair off his forehead. “You’re going to work yourself up.”
“No,” he said with a strange sense of urgency, holding your face in the palm of his hand. You subconsciously leaned your cheek into his touch. “No, I need to see you.”
“I’m right here, with you.”
“Not in my dreams,” he breathed out, the words brushing his parted lips, now paler than ever.
Gagging. Weakness. Dizziness. Chills. Sweating.
What would your father say?
He didn’t need to consult the numerous stacks of books shoved into his office to know what Ahk suffered from, but he was far away in Thebes, and you wouldn’t dare leave the Prince’s side, in fear of his condition and the wrath of his father should he suffer grievously.
“I told you not to eat those date rolls,” you chided, continuing to thread your fingers through his hair. That must’ve been the cause—sickness carried through infirm food. You could think of nothing else.
He didn’t say anything. Not for a little while, at least. He continued to blink, albeit slow, and stared unceasingly into you.
“He is in your eyes,” he whispered, his own eyes flickering between yours. “And... speaking.”
“Who do you see?” You asked softly, suddenly reluctant to blink.
Not a God of magic, but the personification of it. The genuine representation of healing and enchantments. His fertile, black skin made of the Nile’s silt was reflected in your own complexion—darker than night, flanked by eyes that appeared to glow against the midnight of you.
“What is he saying?” You said, readjusting yourself beside his hand, a seriousness edging your tone. Claims of Heka were not to be taken lightly.
“Pledging.. love.”
“For who?”
“... me,” he whispered.
“Beloved of...”
“Beloved of you,” he interrupted before you could finish your thought, a smile creeping at the edges of his pale lips.
You chuckled softly, reaching up to stroke your thumb over the back of his hand. He was returning to a saner state of mind.
“Perhaps so,” you murmured.
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lihikainanea · 3 years
Did tiger and bill ever go through like a phase where tiger kind of had to get used to bill thinking of her? Like she wasn't really used to being someone's first choice, like someone thinking about what she might like or want. To have someone frankly just think of you. I'm sorry to be a bother. Just feeling kind of bad lately, and could use some sweet bill. Sorry again.
First of all boo, please don't ever be sorry for sliding into my DMs. I love hearing from you guys, especially if you're not doing that well. I'm all ears, and this blog is a safe space for everyone--so pull up a chair and stay awhile. I, and our two favourite idiots, would be nothing if it weren't for all the amazing asks that you guys send to me <3
Secondly, I love this train of thought because I think it is very, very true. And it probably started back at the beginning of their friendship, right? Yes, it did. Follow me down this rabbit hole.
Bill doesn't make a lot of new friends because since the whole fame thing, he has trouble trusting people--and Bill, by nature, is a caretaker. He's extremely nurturing. He provides. He takes care of those close to him, in one way or another. But he knows his own empathic side, he knows its limits and boundaries, and one of the worst things he can do for his own well being is care about too many people. Get involved with too many people. Bill is happiest amongst his close group of friends, people he knows he can trust, people he can cook dinner for and host movie nights for and fly halfway around the world when he has a premiere.
And tiger, for her part--my girl tiger, she has zero self-preservation skills. Like, none. And Bill is fascinated by that. He's fascinated by this little fireball who not only has no idea who he is, but who subsequently really couldn't give a shit once she found out. He's enamoured with this little scrappy ball of ire who is convinced not only that she can start a bar fight with everyone in the pub, but that she can legitimately win. Bill's never seen anything like it. And once you meet tiger, she's impossible not to love. Or at least, it's impossible not to be intrigued by her, and to want to know more.
But the thing is, that firecracker personality and the massive chip on her shoulder doesn't come from nowhere--tiger's been hurt a lot. And it's because she never goes for the good guys. For as much as Bill has an empath side, tiger has the self-destructive kind where she wants to fix people. And she always goes for the dudes who will take and take and take, the dudes who play rope a dope with her heart, and who leave her shattered. Tiger gives her soul away too easily, and she takes it as a challenge when she's tossed to the side by some guy who was never worth her time anyway. She tries to prove she's worthy.
But then in comes Bill--this big, wall-eyed, kind of freaky looking dude who seems nice and kind and is moderately soft spoken. And when they hang out, Bill starts showing a genuine interest--platonically, of course--but it's genuine. He asks what she does for a living. He asks if she likes it. He wants to know where she went to school, what she studied. Does she have any siblings? Because he has a lot, and he knows how tough big families can make you. When tiger can't decide if she wants the chilli fries or the chicken wings one night at a pub, Bill tells her to get both--and that's when she knew they'd be friends.
And it slowly but surely escalated from there--still all platonic at the beginning--but suddenly, Bill was asking her how she was getting home, if she needed a ride. He was asking her how her week was, when everyone got together on Friday--and if she had mentioned something big previously, a meeting or a presentation or something--he'd remember, and ask her how it went. If he left the bar early, he'd politely ask her if she could text him when she got home.
"Why?" she scoffed.
"Because somebody needs to look out for you," he answered honestly. Tiger, in true fashion, balked awkwardly.
And this is where her defence mechanism started to fly up. Because when you're not used to being cared for, when you're not used to genuinely mattering to someone or hell even just getting the attention of a truly good person--it's weird. It's awkward. It's scary as hell and requires a level of vulnerability that tiger isn't ready to let exist--because it would mean that she would have to admit to herself that she is worthy. That this is the norm, and that she deserves this. That she knowingly let herself settle for being treated like shit for so many years.
And tiger's first defence is always anger. So maybe she started getting real snippy with him, probably well into their friendship by this point--so Bill was cooking for her, and if he wasn’t then he was checking in to make sure she ate at least one vegetable that day. If she had a date, he would wait until she texted him that she was in for the night--whether that was at the guy’s place or hers. If she needed a ride home in the morning then he would pick her up, in all of her walk of shame glory--but he’d pick her up with a few Advil, some big sunglasses, a huge coffee. And he would absolutely make fun of her nefarious, ill-fated decisions but he’d always wait at least 12 hours before he dared.
But to go even further--you are absolutely right. Bill does put her first. Once she is solidified as his best friend, then there’s no going back--she comes first. And part of it is Bill really is legitimately concerned because tiger has no self preservation skills and he worries that if HE doesn’t concern himself over her, then tiger will just like...her reckless decisions will be her undoing. He must look after Little Human, because Little Human’s self-destructive streak is far too prevalent. He has left dates in the dust when she needed his help. He looks out for her in group settings, and intervenes if some idiot is getting too handsy with her. If he has a boys night that night but tiger calls crying because some idiot broke her heart, or crying because it’s shark week and she’s out of gummy bears--then Bill is there. In a heartbeat, he’s there. She comes first.
And I’ll bet it’s all very nice, but it also kind of has tiger seething. Because she’s not used to this kind of...care. The genuineness of it. And tiger can’t be vulnerable enough to admit that part of her likes it, part of her feels safe knowing that even in the wee hours of the morning, Bill is awake and waiting for her to let him know she got in safely. Part of her kind of likes this idea that someone is thinking of her, that someone prioritizes her. But it’s still tiger, so she also gets hella mad. And she seethes--for a long time, she seethes. Quietly. And then maybe it all just comes to a head one night when she goes over to Bill’s place after work and he has a crisp glass of white wine waiting for her, a change of clothes, even her favourite make up remover--the kind that doesn’t sting, because she has sensitive skin. And all of that pisses her off, but then she walks into the kitchen as he’s deftly cleaning and slicing mushrooms.
“How did it go?” he asks casually. Tiger plays dumb.
“How did what go?” she swigs her wine.
“The meeting with your boss today.”
“...Fine,” she mumbles, petulantly. Of course he’d remember that, even though she told him two weeks ago. 
“We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” he offers kindly. Tiger sees an errant pile of green onions on his chopping board, and she eyes them wearily but somewhat triumphantly. Bill heads to the fridge, pulls out a bowl of salad, then he tosses the green onions in. Perfect, she thinks, and it gives her a weird sense of satisfaction. Mr. Nice Guy, Mr. Considerate, doesn’t even remember what she considers to be the most significant thing about her. That she hates green onions. She feels triumphant, renewed. Somewhat weirdly comforted to confirm that perhaps she doesn’t mean that much to him.
Until he heads back to the fridge, and pulls out another bowl of salad--one that he promptly dresses, salts and peppers, and tosses. One without green onions. One for her.
“Why do you do that?!” she explodes. Bill jumps in surprise.
“Do what?” he asks innocently, “This one has no green onions!”
“Exactly,” she continues, “Ugh, Bill. Just...why do you always...ugh, Bill!”
Bill is stunned, still holding his bowl of salad, trying to figure out what exactly is happening here.
“It’s too much,” tiger says, slamming her wine down, “All of it is too much.”
“What’s too much?”
“You! This. Why do you always just....think of everything?” she says, and she’s steadfastly working herself into a tizzy.
“How? How do you remember these things? How do you fucking remember that I had a meeting with my boss today, a meeting that I told you about two weeks ago? Why do you make a whole other bowl of salad for me, why do you remember that I hate green onions?”
“Because I care about you kid,” he shrugs.
Tiger is angry, but she’s also at a loss for words. Bill’s genuineness, his honesty, will do that. For as much as she struggles to be vulnerable. Bill shows that side of himself openly. She doesn’t even know why she’s so angry. Bill watches her for a minute, but she’s kind of just bug-eyed so he goes back to his cutting board and starts calmly chopping his little mushrooms again.
“I don’t like it,” she mutters after a long pause.
“Too bad,” he shrugs non-chalantly. Tiger glares at him.
“Too bad?” she seethes.
“Too bad,” he repeats.
“Stop it,” she says.
“Bill, I mean it. Stop always trying to--”
“I’m not finished,” she stamps her foot, “Stop being such--”
“No.” he says again, “Tiger, this is what I do.This is how I am. I care about the people that matter to me.”
“Well I don’t ma--”
“Yes you do. You matter to me. So I suggest you put on your big girl panties, and fucking deal with it,” he says. And that’s final. Tiger is taken aback at his tone, at the way his face suddenly got serious--but then in a heartbeat, it’s relaxed again.
“Now, do you want mustard on your burger, or ketchup?” he asks. Tiger is petulantly silent, glaring at him.
“Tiger.” he warns, holding up the hamburger bun.
“Shouldn’t you already know?” she huffs in annoyance, going to the fridge and grabbing the wine. She swigs it right from the bottle as she boosts herself up on the kitchen counter. Bill goes to the fridge and grabs the mayo--her favourite--putting a thick schmear on the bun.
“God, get fucked asshole,” she mutters. Bill just grabs her face, plants a noisy kiss on her cheek as she shrieks and swats him.
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