#Bryce open heart
gncrezan · 28 days
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that's right. bryce lahela in 2024 🙂‍↕️
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here's near incoherent comic thumbs about mal's overprotective family too. we're really back in it
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dwiankus · 1 year
The S-Tier LI *male edition*
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I am proud of my babies
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jerzwriter · 3 months
New Discoveries
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This fic is part of "MOC (Merida, Olivia, Casey) World," but it focuses on the guys! This is a dual ask from @annoyingmillenialnewbie and also prompts provided by @storyofmychoices. I love writing for these three together! Thanks so much for the inspiration!
Book: Open Heart (Post Series) Characters: Ethan Ramsey, Bryce Lahela, Tobias Carrick Rating: Teen Words: 2,099 Trope: There's just one bed.... Summary: A boy's weekend camping takes a few different turns (literally and figuratively), but they endure and make some new discoveries along the way.
A/N: This is part of the Merida, Olivia, and Casey world. Merida belongs to the lovely @lilyoffandoms, and Olivia belongs to our dear @storyofmychoices. The prompts can be found on this list created by @creativepromptsforwriting. (The prompts are bolded in text.) Participating in @choicesjunechallenge2024 - Beginning.
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The mountainous road was perilous, to say the least. Yet, if Tobias was fazed by it, it didn't show. The day was beautiful, with a brilliant blue sky stretching endlessly without a cloud in sight. They were the only travelers on the road, and the rugged terrain was no match for his new Range Rover. All in all, it was perfect.
The SUV jolted hard to the right... then to the left...
“Look out!” Ethan shouted.
Then to the right again.
While Tobias was living his best life, Bryce was left to wonder how much life he had left. He had to be cajoled to go camping in the first place, and now he lost hope of arriving at the cabin alive. Tobias glanced at him in the rearview mirror, smiling sardonically when he noticed his friend’s pale, green complexion.
“You all right there, buddy?” he bellowed.
“Of course he’s not all right!” Ethan replied from the passenger’s seat. “We’re both wondering how many more sharp turns you'll take before this tin can goes toppling over the side of the mountain.”
“For fucks sake, Ramsey,” Tobias chuckled. “Grow some hair on them. We’re absolutely fine.”
“We are not fine,” Bryce insisted. “If I don’t make it, please tell Olivia I love her.”
“OK, maybe you are being a tad too dramatic,” Ethan reconsidered, to Tobias’s delight.
“That’s better!”
Nevertheless, two of the three men couldn’t have been more relieved when they pulled up to the rustic cabin that would serve as their home for the weekend. Tobias stepped out of the car with his usual swagger. Black Ray-Bans in place and an Original Gourmet Lollipop in his mouth, he surveyed the land, filled his lungs with the fresh air, and smiled.
“Welcome home, friends!”
Bryce’s exit was a little different. Stumbling out the back door, he looked peaked, but the fear started to vanish from his eyes when he realized they were on solid earth.
“I would lean over and kiss the ground, but I’m pretty sure I’d throw up,” he announced as Ethan mumbled under his breath.
 “What was that, boss?" Tobias called out. "If you have something to say, you really should tell the whole class.”
“I said I don’t know how you convinced me to do this.”
With his hands in his pockets, Tobias rolled back and forth on his feet with a grin. “First, you love us, no matter how much you try to deny it. Second, Merida would have kicked your ass if you backed out.”
“Not to mention you would have never lived down the ribbing we'd give you if you admitted you couldn’t rough it for one weekend.”
“I can rough it, Bryce!” Ethan replied. “Make no mistake about that... I just don’t know if I can rough it with the two of you.”
Tobias clapped his hand against Ethan's shoulder before removing his backpack from the trunk.
“You’re full of shit,” he said, tossing Ethan his bag.
Bryce shielded his eyes to take a better look at the cabin. He had to admit that the bucolic setting was beautiful, ushering in a sense of tranquility that Boston could never deliver.
“The cabin does look really nice,” he observed.
Ethan shrugged with a wrinkled nose. “Looks smaller than I expected.”
Tobias pulled the lollipop out of his mouth, his face glowing like he had just won the jackpot. “Now, there are five words Ramsey has heard repeatedly throughout his life.”
He and Bryce broke into a fit of laughter while Ethan rambled about their juvenile behavior.
“Relax, old man,” Tobias teased. “It is small, but it’s not like we’ll be inside much anyway. Come on, let’s go set up.”  
Ethan and Tobias lingered on the porch as Bryce stepped inside, but he returned in an instant.
“Uh, Tobias, are you sure this is the right cabin?”
“Well, the keys I gave you just opened the door, didn’t they? Of course, it’s the right cabin.” Noting the look on Bryce’s face, he continued. “What’s the matter, Lahela? Did you see a mouse?”
“Oh,” Bryce chuckled. “I wish.”
Ethan raised a brow at Bryce while Tobias stepped inside.
“Wait for it,” Bryce mouthed just before they heard...
“Oh, for fucks sake!!”
Ethan rushed into the cabin with Bryce trailing behind him, and his eyes went wide.
“Are you kidding me?” Ethan scowled. “One bed? What the hell did you do, Carrick? Rent the honeymoon suite?”
Tobias turned to his friend, lips twisted. “Who’d take anyone on a honeymoon here, Ramsey! Even you’re not that clueless.”
“You’re right, and I’m also not clueless enough to get us a cabin with ONE bed.”
Tobias ran his hand over his head with a sigh. “The listing said one single bed and two bunks!”
“Well,” Bryce simpered. “The listing lied.”
“I told you we should have just brought tents and sleeping bags,” Tobias admonished. “But noooo, you two couldn’t rough it!”
“Says the man with the luxury Range Rover,” Ethan smirked.
Ignoring him, Tobias placed his phone back into his pocket. “There’s no service here, but if you want, we can drive back down the to the main road. We passed a Motel 6; we could just stay there tonight if you like.”
“Yeah, I’m not about to head back down that death trap of a road in this weather!” Bryce stated.
“In this weather? It’s beautiful out,” Tobias said just before a loud thunderclap shook them. “Wait! What?” He gasped. “Where the hell did this come from! It was gorgeous out! There was no rain predicted, and... how?”
“What was that you said about not spending much time inside the cabin anyway?” Ethan mocked.
Tobias threw himself back on the bed. “This isn’t happening.”
“It’s all right,” Bryce said, trying to lighten the mood. “ “It’s just for two nights; we can handle that.”
“Maybe you can,” Ethan deadpanned. “I’m not so sure.”
“Well, unless you want to take my keys and drive yourself down the mountain in this monsoon, it doesn’t look like you’ll have much of a choice.”
The afternoon and evening looked different than they had anticipated. Envigorating hikes were replaced by several rounds of poker. An open campfire under the stars turned into hotdogs and baked beans prepared on the hotplate. It was as if a woodland fairy godmother had appeared and reversed her magic.
“I wonder what the girls are doing now,” Bryce asked forlornly.
Ethan pulled a chunk of fat out of the beans with a grimace. “Eating better than we are, that’s for sure!”
“All right!” Tobias snapped. “Enough of this. Hopefully, the rain will pass tonight, and we will have two days to enjoy the great outdoors. But tonight... let's make the best of it. There could be worse things than the three of us stuck in a cabin in the middle of nowhere with copious amounts of beer.”
“The beer will help,” Bryce agreed.
“As long as you two don’t overdo it,” Ethan said, popping a can open. “If either of you falls into a drunken stupor and pees in the bed tonight, we'll be returning to Boston with a lighter load."
“How are we going to sleep?” Bryce asked the question they had all been pondering. “What’s that, a full-size bed? How are the three of us going to fit on that?”
“It’s a queen-size,” Tobias corrected. “We’ll make do.”
“Do you have your sleeping bag, T?” Bryce asked. “Maybe one of us could sleep on the floor.”
“Negative,” he replied. “Once you two overruled tents, I had no reason to pack it.”
“I could just sleep on the floor anyway.”
“Bryce, you’ll freeze,” Ethan pointed out. “The temperature drops significantly during the night in these parts, and this place isn't exactly insulated."
“Yeah, and those cute little shorts and crop tops you bought won’t do a damn thing to keep you warm,” Tobias chortled.
Bryce let out a sigh. “I told you a beach weekend would have been better, but noooo....”
“Weren’t you the one saying it’s just two nights, we’ll survive?” Ethan yawned. “Look, it’s late, I’m exhausted, and I don’t want to freeze, so why don’t we just get this over with?”
“I’m with you,” a weary Tobias replied.
“All right, question. Who sleeps in the middle?”
Bryce's words stopped the other two men in their tracks.
“Well, I hadn’t thought of that,” Tobias snickered.
“This is going to be the longest night of my life,” Ethan groaned.
“Come on, princess,” Tobias winked. “You could do much worse than sharing a bed with two lookers like Lahela and me.”
“I mean, we’re all bi,” Bryce reminded. “It’s not like we’ve never shared a bed with a man before."
“That doesn’t mean I want to be sharing a bed with these two men,” Ethan said, gesturing furiously between his two friends.
“Look, I’m freaking tired,” Tobias interrupted. “I say we pick straws. Short straw gets the middle.”
“Works for me!” Bryce agreed.
No one waited for Ethan to reply, which was unfortunate since he picked the short straw.
“Motherfucker!” he cursed.
“Look,” Tobias pointed out. “None of us are going to sleep well tonight anyway, so what does it really matter.”
“Fine! You want the middle, then?”
“Nope!” Tobias said, claiming his spot against the wall. “I’m good.”
“Wait! That means I’ll be on the edge!” Bryce realized. “I’m going to end up on the floor!”
“Would you like the short stick?” Ethan offered.
“Mmmhh. Nah,” Bryce replied. “Just try not to push me off the bed."
The three men spent the next few minutes squiggling and shifting, doing their best to find a position that would be remotely comfortable for all, and the jokes kept coming, at least from Tobias and Bryce.
“Remember, Ramsey... if your hands get cold during the night, my butt cheeks are not pillows, all right?”
“Jesus Christ!” Ethan groused, rolling to his other side.
“What?” Bryce replied. “Do you think my butt cheeks are available? We can get you some socks for those hands of yours.”
Bryce and Tobias couldn't stop giggling as Ethan seethed between them.
“Come on, Ethan,” Tobias laughed. “You’re amongst friends, and at least you won’t freeze to death.”
“Sure won’t. You’re like a damn furnace! I felt like I needed to remove my clothes.”
“Oh, so you're getting fresh now?” Tobias teased, but Ethan wasn't remotely amused.
“Good night!!” He huffed.
“Sorry,” Bryce yawned. “But you walked right into that one.”
And then something miraculous occurred; against all odds, the men managed to fall asleep.
When the sun rose, Bryce was the first to wake. He was already sitting in a folding chair near the window, eating a container of yogurt, when Ethan and Tobias began to stir.
“Good morning!” He chirped, as buoyant as the birds flying around the sunny sky. “It’s about time you're awake.”
“Why are you already up?” Tobias said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
Ethan groaned as he threw his legs over the edge of the bed, attempting to stretch his sore muscles. “And how the hell are you not in pain!”
“The benefits of youth, old men!” Bryce laughed. “I really do need to get some friends my own age.”
“Yeah, screw you!” Tobias said, vaulting out of bed to prove a point, but he couldn't hold back an ouch moments later.
“You were saying?” Ethan mocked.
“Of course, I’m in pain!” Tobias shot back. “I can’t barely feel my arm anymore; you were lying on it all night.”
“Are you aware that you talk in your sleep?” Ethan snickered, completely changing the course of conversation.
"Wait... what?" Tobias turned around, the blood rushing from his face. “What...what did I say?”
“I don’t remember everything,” Ethan smirked. “But I’m pretty confident you proposed to me.”
“Yeah, right!” Tobias laughed nervously.
Bryce mindlessly scraped his yogurt container with his spoon. “Honestly, he’s not joking. You were going on and on about getting married.”
“Do you have something to share?” Ethan grinned.
“Well,” Tobias hesitated. “I guess if the cat’s out of the bag. I'm planning on proposing soon, just not to either of you fuckers.”
“You’re proposing to Casey,” Bryce gasped. “Oh my God, Olivia is going to lose her mind!”
“Yeah,” Ethan ran a hand down his neck. “Merida will probably be all over this, too.”
"If you wouldn't mind keeping this from them for the time being," Tobias pled. "It's not that I don't trust them, but..."
"No need to ask," Ethan smiled, shaking his friend's hand. "Congratulations, buddy. All joking aside, I couldn’t be happier for you.”
“Yeah,” Bryce agreed. “This is great news! When are you planning on doing it?”
“Next week, it’s the anniversary of the day we met. I don’t know if she remembers, but I do, so....”
“Do you think she knows?” Bryce asked.
“Nah,” Tobias smiled. “She doesn’t have a clue.”
“You're sure about that?” Ethan asked, preparing a cup of coffee.
“Pretty sure.... why?”
Ethan handed the steaming cup to Tobias with a wink. “Because, apparently.... you talk in your sleep.”
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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storyofmychoices · 3 months
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a father is a hero, a daughter's first love, and her protector forever
For his first father's day with his little girl, Bryce spent the day at the beach with Malia (and Olivia), enjoying the warmth of the sun and the cool ocean breeze. Malia absolutely adored watching her daddy surf the waves as he enjoyed the perfect day out with his girls.
Bryce may have not had the best parental role models growing up, he still has his own baggage to deal with, but he promised himself that Malia would know only love and acceptance for all she is and all she will be.
This absolutely beautiful and idyllic moment was captured by the incredible ArtbyAinna (Instagram)
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist] 
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bryceslahela · 1 year
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blackcatkita · 1 year
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"All I can think about is getting you home."
Open Heart's Bryce and MC (Kayla in my case) commissioned by me from the wonderful, talented, marvelous @pilitella
Isn't it beautiful?!?! The detail, their gorgeous faces, Bryce's smirk, his creeping hand... ugh, these two, I can't.
Please do not use or share without giving credit to the very talented artist @pilitella
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 4 months
bryce quit complaining people would pay to be in your spot
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Sent by anonymous
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aces-and-angels · 5 months
i love the self-reflection going on in regards to checking yourselves for your own internal biases and in the spirit of that- i want to address one last thing.
the FIRST step in taking accountability is admitting what you've done is wrong. fully and transparently. apologies are a commitment made to those who have been wronged that you'll do better. they need to explicitly showcase what was wrong and who needs to own up to their wrongdoings (if you know anyone who needs to, ofc). otherwise it's only an apology made to save face so you can feel better and move on. not for the people affected.
so as someone done wrong, hear me when i say this:
whitewashing any canonically poc character is racist. supporting content that whitewashes poc characters is racist. and if you genuinely want to take accountability, you'll need to admit this out loud. fully and transparently for everyone to see:
bryce lahela from open heart was whitewashed. bryce lahela is an indigenous hawaiian person. [insert your name here] endorsed/supported fanart that whitewashed bryce lahela by [insert what you did here].
and before y'all start with the "i want to protect people's privacy" or "allow people the opportunity to acknowledge it themselves"--
being vague in your apology does no one any favors. it gives people an out. a reason to believe that whatever it is you're saying sorry for doesn't involve them. if they genuinely are unaware, you saying it out loud point blank period will go a long way.
thank you for listening 🖤
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peonierose · 3 months
How are Bryce and Luna coping during the first month of being parents, and to twins no less?
”Love Me Tender“
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Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Bryce Lahela (M!MC) x Luna Auclair (F!OC)
Words: 2,428k
TW: None. Mentions of breastfeeding.
Summary: Bryce and Luna are newly minted parents and weren’t prepared of struggling to put their twins to bed. Will they succeed?
A/N: Thanks so much for your ask @liaromancewriter it inspired me for two fics actually. ”Love Me Tender“ is one of them 🥰 The Title was inspired by one of the greatest artists and hot guys who’s ever lived, Elvis Presley 🩷
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It was 4:35 in the morning, and both Lunes and I were still awake. Trying to put the twins to bed. 
I sighed. 
How‘d my life come to this? Don’t get me wrong. I love our girls more than anyone I could ever love, but getting them to sleep is a real struggle. 
We put them to bed hours ago and put them on the mobile, letting pretty stars and moons go by, but their sleep didn’t last long. 
They woke up two hours ago and won’t fall asleep.
What happened to peace and quiet? One week prior, everything was great. They didn’t mention this quick transition in the pregnancy books I read. Maybe I read the wrong books? 
Well, I guess they covered other stuff, but not what to do when your kids wake you up at 4 a.m.
Luna suddenly sits up with Kehlani and walks her around the room. With Alaia in my arms, I go and get the bunnies they got from Ethan, their godfather, hoping that’ll soothe them into sleep. 
They hang onto the bunnies for a few seconds, but they’re still fussy. It didn’t work. Alaia's little face was still red from crying. 
So maybe plans c or d could work? Damn, we could really use Keiki’s help, but she’s on a field trip with her study group. 
Luna’s voice brings me back into the moment. 
”They’re not hungry, right? We changed them, and now what?“ Luna asks while I’m holding Alaia close to my chest. As I place kisses on top of her head, her soft blonde hair smells of lavender shampoo. 
I read somewhere that babies like skin-to-skin contact. So that’s why Lunes and I are basically standing in the middle of the room in our underwear. 
”I don’t know. Honestly, I’m close to crying with them. Then it’ll be a duet.“ Luna says it with a sigh. 
I exhale a long breath I’ve been holding in because I’m frustrated too. God, I‘ve never appreciated sleep more than I do now.
”What if we show them a video with marine animals? They seemed to love that last time.“ I suggested it, and I could see Luna’s shoulder droop in relief.
”Let’s give it a try.“ Luna adds, and we walk downstairs and sit down with the twins as I turn on Disney+ and select a nature documentary about marine animals, one that’ll last for at least two and a half hours. 
Soon, both twins' eyes are glued to the screen. 
We didn’t want to start them too early on screen time, but sometimes you have to in order to function as a human being and get some rest. 
After 30 minutes or so into the documentary, I saw both their eyes drooping, and they fell asleep.
”You’re a genius.“ Luna whispers, scared to wake them up.
"Well, this genius is too scared to move.“ I say frozen in place.
Luna sighs.
”Is now a bad time to have to pee?“ She says it with a guilt tinge in her voice.
I close my eyes. 
"Oh, come on, Lunes. Couldn’t you have peed before they fell asleep? What if we wake them up? Look how long it took before they fell asleep.“ 
Luna softly moves around.
”I’ll be quick, I promise.“ She says this and gently places Kehlani on the couch. As soon as her feet hit the floor, Lani stirs and starts to cry. Rosie isn’t far behind. 
”I hope your pee is worth waking the twins over.“ I'm trying to massage their little backs, hoping it’ll soothe them. 
Twins are funny in that regard. They have a special bond, especially if they’re identical twins, like our girls. 
But the downside is that as soon as one is ill or cries, the other does as well. 
They’re creepily in sync. Hopefully, it won’t stay like this forever—the crying, I mean. I know Kehlani and Alaia will turn out wonderful.
I turn to my wonderful girls.
”Why don’t you stop crying? Daddy would really like to get some sleep. So I can wake up pretty.“ 
They look up at my words and then continue crying. 
That’s when it hits me amidst the crying. I remember when Keiki and I were little, my mom used to sing to us »Love Me Tender« by Elvis Presley; it always calmed us down. Maybe we can try it with the twins. 
As soon as Luna is back from her bathroom break, I gently take the twins into my arms.
”I think I have an idea.“ I say the idea for the song is taking root. 
We walk upstairs, and Luna eyes me skeptically. 
”You know how to brew a potion that will make them sleep for seven hours straight?“ She asks excitedly. 
I gave her a sideways look. 
"Yeah, that was a little bit unrealistic.“ She shrugs, and I laugh softly. 
”Let’s try singing »Love Me Tender« by Elvis Presley.“
”Why that song?“ She asks as we reach the twin's bedroom. 
I breathed out, and as I laid the twins in their beds, I turned towards Luna, who never looked more beautiful. 
With wild hair, just in her underwear, illuminated by the light from the hallway. 
I put a strand of her hair behind her ear, and she smiled tenderly at me. It’s these moments I treasure the most, even with the twins crying. 
I pulled her closer as I told her about the idea I had. I want to reveal a bit more about myself and my childhood, which I don’t talk about nearly enough, but I should, because whether it was good or bad, memories are important to talk about. 
”My mom used to sing that song to me and Keiki all the time. Whenever we were sick, or when we were sad and had a hard time, it just always made things a bit easier.“ I explained.
Luna‘s smile reached her tired eyes, and she cupped my cheek to give me a soft kiss. 
”Let’s give it a try. I think I’ve still got my ukulele somewhere. Let me go grab it, and we’ll try singing that song. To be honest, it’s one of my favorite songs by Elvis. He was such a hot guy and so sweet. And what a voice, my god! They just don’t make them like that anymore.“
"Hey, I’m trying to save the world, and you’re calling another man hot? Shame on you, Lunes.“
”You didn’t let me finish. They don’t make them like that anymore, but you are the exception.“ She grinned. 
”You were always my favorite.“ I smiled and slapped her butt, making her laugh out loud as she went to look for her ukulele. Her laughter was still echoing from the walls, making me grin too. 
After a minute or so, Luna came back with her pink ukulele, adorned with flowers, hearts, and moons. She sat down in front of the twin beds and played the first tunes.
”I had no idea you played the ukulele.“ I was surprised to see her play the ukulele like a pro.
”I learned it along with Hula dancing.“
“Can I get this as a late birthday present?“ I imagined her in a hula get-up. The best image ever. 
Luna sighed.
"Really, that’s where your mind went to?“ She chastised me.
”Don‘t blame me. I’m tired and horny. And I’m not sorry.“
She shook her head, grinning. Soon the first tunes of the ukulele joined with her soft voice, and the twins stopped their crying. Too fascinated by what’s going on to keep crying. 
Yes, I pump my fist in the air; it looks as if the plan worked. Luna and I fist-bumped each other because our plan turned out better than expected. 
As the last note echoed in their bedroom, they soon fell asleep, and it looked as if we could go and catch some sleep too. 
”Thank God for our parents, who had good ideas.“
Luna nodded. 
We put on the mobile with the moon and stars spinning around softly and didn’t close the door entirely as we went to our bedroom. 
When we were lying down in bed, Luna turned to me, and I put an arm around her to pull her closer to me. 
”Let me guess you have a million questions.“ I said, and she elbowed me in the side. I laughed and kissed her on top of her head. 
”You miss her, don’t you?“
I don’t even try to act as if I don‘t know who she’s referring to.
"Yeah, I do, more than I care to admit.“ I turn around, so we’re lying face-to-face. 
”Maybe you need some love me tender too.“ Luna says this as she’s leaning into me. 
”That would be nice.“ I smiled against her lips.
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Two days later...
We’re both leaning on the kitchen counter, bleary-eyed, and with our eyes half closed. 
”This is the second time in a row we haven’t slept.“ I mumbled. 
Bryce doesn't even look up from his coffee. 
”I mean, we knew this was going in, but it still stinks sometimes.“ 
I nodded and almost missed my mug in front of me.
”Damn. I never appreciated coffee as much as I do now. I love our kids, but I’d give my left kidney for two hours of sleep. Not even night shifts are this bad.“ 
”Come on, we'll get through this.“ I tried to sound more cheerful but just ended up sounding tired. But from the smile tugging at Bryce’s lips, I could still make him smile, which is a win in my book.
I’m about to take another sip from my juice since I‘m nursing when our doorbell rings, and I just grumble. 
”I’ll go get it.“ I said, and Bryce just mumbled incoherent words. 
I opened the front door, seeing my cousin Skyler, or Sky for short, stand in front of me.
”Good morning, sunshine.“ He looked well rested, with no dark circles under his smooth tan skin. His piercing dark blue eyes shone as if he sprang from the youth fountain. It’s so unfair how good he looked compared to my tired self. 
I groaned again and shielded my eyes from the glaring sun coming inside our house.
I stepped aside, and Sky walked in. 
”Is it a good morning? Huh. It’s already morning, and the sun is shining. Gosh, I’ve lost all feeling for what time it actually is or what day.“
Sky turned my way and only raised his eyebrows.
”You’re being weird.“
I sighed and joined Bryce in the kitchen. I grinned as Bryce held on to his steaming coffee mug, half asleep. 
”I came to the rescue. I thought I’d have to send a search party after your radio silence.“ 
”Please make him stop saying words.“ Bryce groaned.
”Come on, I’m good with kids, and I’m offering to help.“ Sky grinned. 
”So they sent you?“
”B!“ I exclaimed.
”Look, man. I’m really sorry. I’m just so fucking tired.“ Bryce sighed.
”Me too.“ I joined in while taking a sip of my mango and pineapple juice. 
"Yeah, Luna too.“ Bryce said while smiling tiredly. 
”No hard feelings. It’s all good. You‘ll get a free pass. This once. I know mom and dad struggled with us; you know, we're triplets, so I thought I’d help you out.“ Sky explained. 
Bryce’s eyes were tired from being up all night helping me change the twins and trying to make them fall asleep. 
We’re exhausted, and it’s only been four months since we brought the twins home. 
Sky looked from me to Bryce.
”You guys look as if you’ve partied all night. And it was a weird theme party.“ He teased. 
"Yeah, if you count changing, breastfeeding, and getting the twins to sleep, and it takes almost all night? Yeah, then we partied real hard.“ I sighed.
And then I added. 
"Damn, breastfeeding really hurts. Who knew? I really hope the pain lessens a bit.“
”I’m even too tired to make a dirty joke about breasts and make you feel better.“ Bryce sighed and smiled softly but tiredly.
”I don’t need to know about your…uhh…anatomy. Or your female body parts.“ Sky winced. 
”Who’s being weird now?“ I smirked.
We were all startled when we heard the baby monitor on the kitchen counter squeak. 
Both Bryce and I groaned.
Sky smiled.
”You know what? Why don’t I check up on the little angels? While you guys do whatever it is you do, make out or something.“
”We’re way too tired to make out.“ Bryce and I said it at the same time. 
The fog in my brain lifted, and it hit me. 
”Wait, are you here to babysit?“ 
Sky shrugged. 
"Yeah, why not? I have the next two days off, so I thought I’d take over, and you can go and do whatever it is you’re doing.“
”You’re an angel, and I love you.“ I smiled and hugged him tight. Sky grinned and hugged me back. 
Yep, he’s my favorite cousin. At least right now. 
”She doesn’t mean it.“ Bryce commented with a mischievous glint in his eyes. I grinned, so that’s where Lani and Rosie got it from. 
”Stop being mean.“ I said this to Bryce without any real heat behind my words. 
”Sorry. If you’re true to your word, I’ll go take a nap.“
I stopped hugging Sky for a minute to give B a look.
”Not even showering?“
”I love my bed more than my shower right now.“
"Well, I don’t. So let’s hit the shower.“ 
Sky looked from me to Bryce.
”You are weirding me out. I’ll go look after the twins.“ 
”Thanks Sky.“
”You got it.“ He yelled. 
Bryce and I walked outside to our shower while Bryce mumbled and was grumpy until the water hit his face. 
When we came back from our shower and were settled in our bed, Bryce checked the baby monitor, but the monitor was quiet. It looks as if Sky is a wizard when it comes to calming down kids. 
”It’s so quiet.“ I turned to Bryce.
”What did we do before we had kids? Look at me, sounding pathetic.“
”You don’t sound, and you aren’t pathetic. It’s a new routine for us. And I guess we just have to find our balance.“
We both nodded.
Bryce drew circles on my skin, and I curled up into him, and seconds later we were already asleep while holding hands. 
Life is good when you’re with the people you love. Whether you’re blood-related or not, cherish those moments. 
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gambit-blogs · 1 month
Continuing the relationship with Ethan Ramsey
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Takes place in the second half of book 2 and book 3
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thefirstcourtesan · 10 months
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This is one of my favorite scenes in all of Choices. The way Bryce’s legendary cool falters because Mc is in danger and then the way he pulls off the surgery and the rushes straight to her.
Bryce Lahela is a God-tier LI.
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jerzwriter · 1 month
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OK, it took a little over two months, but I actually finished a fic request list, and as someone with far too many items in my inbox, I'm proud of this! lol What better way to end than with "One Bed Fic Prompts" than with Merida, Olivia, and Casey on a road trip? II hope you enjoy it!
Book: Open Heart Pairings: Ethan x Merida (MC); Bryce x Oliva (F!OC); Tobias x Casey (F!MC) Rating: Teen Trope: There's Just One Bed! Words: 1,175 Summary: Merida, Olivia, and Casey's weekend adventure is off to a rainy start, but they always manage to find their own sunshine.
A/N: Based on the prompts below from @storyofmychoices. Also, participating in @choicesaugustchallenge Prompt 14 - Road Trip. Merida belongs to the amazing @lilyoffandoms and Olivia belongs to the wonderful @storyofmychoices. It was fun to write for our girls again!
MOC World Masterlist || Open Heart Masterlist Full Masterlist
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Merida always knew how to play it cool. As the rain hammered on the roof of their car, she convinced Olivia and Casey that she had it totally under control. They never suspected that she had been white-knuckling it the whole time and was the most relieved of all when she saw the small motel they were staying in overnight in the distance.
The Snugglin' Inn looked nothing like it did online. The -g was missing from the neon sign flickering ominously in the night. Its garish pink light reflected in the dozens of little lakes that had formed in the potholes in the parking lot. But after hours on the road in treacherous conditions, the women were willing to stay anywhere... except for maybe Olivia.
“Are you sure this is the place?” she asked nervously.
“Yep, this is it!” Merida smiled. “Rustic charm! Just like the website said!”
"Ah,” Casey said, stretching her arms over her head. “If by charm they mean probably haunted, then yeah, no false advertising claim here! But as long as our room is dry... I’ll fight off the resident ax murderer for one night."
“You don’t really think there’s an ax murderer,” Olivia swallowed. “Do you?”
“Of course there is,” Merida winked. “All motels in Pennsylvania have one. Didn’t you know?”
Casey nodded in agreement. "Yep, state code!"
They rushed to the trunk to grab their bags, then dashed to the tiny lobby dripping wet. The clerk barely glanced at them as she handed over a room key while half-heartedly warning about the air conditioner being on the blink. Normally, faulty air conditioning would be enough to make Casey sleep in the car, but between the rain and talk of murderers, she was eager to get to their room.
“What’s the likelihood that this place has room service?” Olivia asked as they made their way down the outside corridor, her stomach growling.
“About as likely as it is to have comfortable beds,” Merida chuckled.
“Hey,” Casey laughed. “These places are known for being rented by the hour... the beds are what they’re all about.”
“You would know that,” Olivia grinned as Merida pushed the door open.
"Well, this is cozy," Merida said, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she tossed her bag onto the bed. The sole queen-sized bed in the tiny room.
Olivia looked around, nervously biting her lip. "Uhm, where are the other beds?"
"There aren’t any," Casey sighed. “It’s OK. One of us can sleep in the bathtub.”
“No one is sleeping in the bathroom; that’s ridiculous!” Merida insisted. “Have you not seen Psycho? No one goes in the bathroom! If we have to pee – do it in the corner of the room.”
“We probably wouldn’t be the first ones to do that,” Casey observed.
“Guys! Are you sure we should stay here?” Oliva worried.
“We’ll be fine,” Casey assured. “It’s just a night.”
Ever practical, Merida was already looking for solutions to the sleeping arrangements. “If we push the bed against the wall, that should prevent at least one of us from falling onto the floor. It might be a little crowded, but it will do.”
"Crowding is inevitable,” Casey smiled. "But we’re all friends, and it’s not like this is the first time we’ve had to share a bed. Remember the time we stayed at that place in The Berkshires?"
Merida couldn’t help but giggle at the memory. "You mean the time you woke up spooning Olivia, and she nearly had a stroke?"
"Hey, I was asleep! I can’t control what I do in my sleep," Casey defended, although her playful grin betrayed her. "Besides, Olivia was fine with it. Being spooned by Casey is kind of a badge of honor!”
"She’s not wrong," Olivia blushed.
After changing quickly, they all settled into bed with Casey in the middle, Merida against the wall, and Olivia on her other side.
“If I fall on the floor during the night, do you think I’ll catch anything contagious?” Oliva asked.
“Liv,” Merida said pointedly. “We're all doctors. Even if you do, we should be able to cure you.”
Just as they were beginning to get comfortable, Merida’s phone buzzed. She glanced at it and rolled her eyes.
"It's Ethan. Look what he sent me.”
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“Again? What does he mean again?” Olivia asked. “He never bailed us out before!”
Merida and Casey exchanged sheepish grins, and Oliva was too frightened to ask.
“Tell Ethan to bite me!” Casey laughed. “Tobias would bail us out in a heartbeat. In fact, he’s probably home looking forward to it right now.”
“Speaking of Tobias,” Olivia smiled, handing Casey her phone from the nightstand beside her.
“Oh, my husband thinks he has jokes,” Casey chuckled, showing her friends her phone.
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“He's calling me an octopus! He's seriously like an octopus! I mean it! Those arms go everywhere."
Merida let out a groan. “For the love of God, Casey... if you start talking about your sex life, I will make you sleep in the bathtub with the ax murderer... and I might sharpen his ax."
"Well, tell Tobias not to get too jealous," Olivia giggled. "We’re just here to sleep, not to, you know..."
“Speak for yourself,” Merida laughed, playfully pawing her friend. "You never know what kind of mischief we'll get into!"
Olivia’s phone vibrated next. “It’s Bryce!” She beamed, handing her phone to Casey. “My boyfriend has a warning for you.”
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“You know our three idiots are sitting in Donahues Googling memes, believing themselves to be much funnier than they actually are!" Merida insisted.
But Casey didn't hear her; she was too busy shaking her head in righteous indignation. “You spoon a person one time!” She lamented. “One time! I don’t know how I got this reputation!”
“Really?” Merida chortled. “We could give you examples, but I'd like to do other things this weekend, and that would take all our time!"
“Yeah,” Oliva laughed as Casey feigned horror.
“Et tu, Brute!”
With that, Merida hopped over her friends, pushing Casey against the wall and leaving Olivia sandwiched in the middle.
“Hey, what are you doing!” Olivia hollered.
“Tell Bryce you’re safe from Casey on this trip,” Merida laughed, holding her from behind. “But not from me.”
“Hey!” Olivia blushed.
“Sorry! I can't let Casey be the only one with the depraved reputation!" She teased.
Olivia and Merida turned to Casey as she giggled in delight.
“What are you laughing at?" Olivia asked.
“Since Merida is spooning you, I told Tobias I'm forking you. Of course, he wants photos!"
“He wants photos?” Merida chided. "Give me your phone. I’ll give him a photo!"
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The friends descended into giggles as they recalled stories, blissfully unaware of their less-than-perfect surroundings. By the time they finally fell asleep, daw was already starting to break, and before they knew it, Merida's alarm went off.
Casey groaned as she snuggled closer to Olivia. "Can we delay getting up for a few more minutes, please?"
"I'm with Casey," Olivia mumbled, resting her head on Merida's shoulder.
Merida shook her head with a grin. "Fine," she said, setting the alarm for fifteen minutes later and then getting back under the cover with her friends. "This is actually kind of nice."
Olivia nodded. "Yeah, I think so too."
"Best road trip ever," Casey yawned. "Now, back to sleep!"
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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storyofmychoices · 3 months
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Bryce & Olivia enjoy a quiet moment at an afternoon picnic 💙
This absolutely precious art of my forever otp is by the lovely @whispersleo.
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist] 
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cashweasel · 1 year
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miss u scalpel jockey 😔❤️
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lilyoffandoms · 3 days
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Go Edenbrook!
Thanks for the idea @peonyblossom! Went with vintage baseball cards for the design.
In the chaos that my life became at the beginning of September I now realize I never posted these 😬 Better late than never? Maybe? How late is too late?
Event Tag: @choicesaugustchallenge (take me out to the ball game)
My Art Ish Thing Tag (Choices Edition): @storyofmychoices @aallotarenunelma @twinkleallnight @thosehallowedhalls @dutifullynuttywitch
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