#Bruce Mulder
starlightseraph · 8 months
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i keep my amazon prime account solely because of the trivia section gems
(series 5, episode 3 • “unusual suspects”)
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ligercat · 5 months
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jondoe297 · 8 months
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did the meme with my favorite costumed weirdo an my favorite non-costumed weirdo.
the dialogue actually makes sense too cuz Mulder would be annoying like that after learning about Batman's code.
i have some ideas for a few different ones i think i'll do later(he says,lying. knowin he'll probably never do it)
also click here to read about the meme's origin an the original image's artist
ID/image description: ink drawing of Agent Mulder from the X-Files and Batman,from the chest up standing next to each other,drawn in a classic comic book-y style. Mulder has an annoying smirk on his face and a speech bubble reading 'i think we're gonna have to kill this guy,Batman'. Batman has one that reads his signature 'hnh' and he has a characteristically annoyed frown. he is wrapped in his cape. both have a moderate light source hitting their right side. end description.
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x-files-scripts · 1 year
The X-Files - “Terms of Endearment”
Written by David Amann
September 28, 1998 (GREEN)
Cut lines: a what in the what now?!
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Cut lines: Wayne and Laura wanted the same thing...
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Betsy is indeed a promising young woman...
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“I’m Only Happy When It Rains...”
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soupinaboot · 3 months
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jayselegy · 6 months
I love duos that are basically just: competent and put together x equally competent but a fucking mess
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lifewithaview · 6 months
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Signy Coleman and Bruce Harwood in The X Files (1993) Unusual Suspects
The origins of the Lone Gunmen and their relationship with Mulder are revealed. All three were at a computer and electronics trade show in Baltimore in May 1989 when they put their antagonism to one another aside to help a woman, Susanne Modeski, who claims her boyfriend kidnapped her daughter. In fact, she's a government scientist on the run from security officers. She tells them about a massive government conspiracy and they inform their new found friend Mulder, who finds it all a bit far-fetched.
*This episode - a Lone Gunmen centric one - came about because David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson were still involved with shooting The X Files (1998).
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typingtess · 1 year
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"Terms of Endearment" - When Mulder and Scully met Bruce Campbell (in a very non-Bruce Campbell role)
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klessard · 1 year
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The Truth is Out There I must confess that I didn't watch much of The X-Files in the nineties because the little I saw of it scared the crap out of me. But I would have loved it had I had more courage, because the paranormal intrigues me and I've researched it a good deal since. I remember how popular the series was in those early years and how often I'd hear "The Truth is Out There" slogan. My friend Marie-Eve even had a sticker with that phrase on one of her binders.
It was in 2012, when Netflix added the show to its selection, that I became fascinated with the X-Files universe and all the questions it asked. I was braver and more informed then, and could appreciate it fully. I discovered that the first five seasons had been filmed in British Columbia and featured many Canadian actors. I ended up traveling to the province in 2014 and it is the most beautiful place I ever visited. For the record, I have read most of Jacques Vallée's work and embrace the inter-dimensional hypothesis.
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starlightseraph · 7 months
three men i would feel completely safe with:
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Hello lovely! I was wondering if I could maybe get a Kingsman, Batman, and x-files romantic matchup? I’m 20 and use she/her pronouns. I’m bi so any gender is fine. For personality I’m creative, introverted, and individualistic. Though I’m introverted, around my friends/when I’m comfortable I can be quite talkative and humorous. However, I definitely treasure my alone time the most. Im a very big homebody and can be very hermit introvert sometimes. As for bad traits, I am sometimes the worst pessimist when it comes to myself. I’ll be fine motivating others but then when it comes to me I live by the “be ready for the worst and you wont be disappointed��� As for hobbies escaping to new worlds while reading books/comics, watching movies, and playing rpg video games. My favorite genres are fantasy and sci-fi, though I do love a good classic from time to time. Apart from that, I love working out. My interests on the other hand are art focused. I’m currently in art school working with mostly digital mediums, though I sometimes work with traditional. I love my practice and everything including, game, web and interaction design, video art and visual effects, 3D modeling and character design, and digital illustration. Sometimes I whip out graphite and ink.
A list of random likes: coffee, chai tea, dark chocolate, rock/blues/jazz/80s pop/soundtrack music, statement jewelry and accessories, cafe art shows, arcades, comic book stores, purple, thai/Indian/Chinese food, roller blading to classic rock, quality alone time.
A random list of dislikes: people i am unfamiliar (I have trust issues oops) with and have to make small talk with, the biting cold, rain, non fiction, staying too close to reality and not being allowed to daydream/imagine/roam freely in my thoughts, physical touch, overly crowded areas. I think that’s it thank you!
Heyy! Thank you so much for requesting!! I hope you enjoy your matchups!!!
Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale);
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🦇 You first met Bruce when you were at an Indiana restaurant with a close friend, almost bumping into him as you were both heading to the restroom; you were embarrassed and for Bruce... It was love at first sight (and let's just put it out there that your friend was pretty hyped that you encountered the playboy billionaire)
🦇 You didn't 'run into' Bruce until a couple of weeks later, your friend invited you as their plus one to one of the said Billionaire's parties, you didn't really want to go, but your friend insisted that you'd have a good time ("No hiding, time to have fun!")
🦇 You, dressed up to the nines, hated how crowded the place was, yet it was less intense than Free Comic Book day, but that didn't stop you from staying by your friend's side; wishing you brought a book or something, you couldn't even have a drink of champagne and you doubted the bar served chai tea, which you were craving
🦇 But, against your better instincts, you decided to try and see anyway, going up to the bar and asking for anything non-alcoholic, only to get a shrug from the bartender and a new presence beside you
🦇 Turning, you were instantly greeted by Bruce Wayne himself as he turned to the bartender and asked for water for you, surprising you completely
🦇 With a soft 'thank you' to the man before you as you grabbed your water, Bruce gave you his charming smile, "I'd like to apologize, my staff are usually better at their job." Only for you to rapidly shake your head, "Oh, no it's fine!"
🦇 Bruce only shook his head back before speaking, "Still, I feel terrible. Let me treat you to breakfast tomorrow, here's my card. I'll have Alfred pick you up. Now, you two enjoy the party." And with that, he left
🦇 You, shocked and with your jaw slightly dropped, you turned to your friend with Bruce's card in your hands, your friend was basically jumping for joy as they exclaimed, "I think you just got a date with the Bruce Wayne!"
🦇 The next morning, at nine sharp, a nice polished car pulled up along your apartment, and off you went to your date with Bruce; which surprisingly enough... Was at a cafe
🦇 Bruce, standing when noticing you, was a complete gentleman, pulling out your chair, and offering a smile; the breakfast though a bit nerve-racking, was actually a lot of fun, and the both of you wanted to go out together again... You even got your chai tea
Roxanne "Roxy" Morton;
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🐩 You met Roxy when being recruited for Kingsman, alongside her and Eggsy; though it took some time, you and she bonded quite well
🐩 You started off as friends at first, motivating each other up during training and reading together during free time; drinking tea in the peace and quiet
🐩 You were also usually teamed up together for missions, which worked out perfectly each and every time, Eggsy was always jealous of how smoothly your missions went
🐩 When you weren't working, besides reading and drinking tea, you and Roxy would watch movies together such as fantasy movies and even some sci-fi; on occasion the both of you would watch a classic movie, dating back to the 40s or 50s
🐩 Having the best tech in the UK, you often used your work tablet for your art, digitally drawing and sketching things you enjoyed like coffee, your favorite fictional characters, and even Roxy, (but you won't ever tell her that)
🐩 In your free time, you had also found out that Roxy didn't know how to roller skate, so you decided to teach her; using the Kingsman Mansion ballroom as a practice rink, you helped Roxy skate, fall the right way, and even a few tricks; by the end of the week, she's a natural and the two of you skate to your favorite pop and 80s music
🐩 You also love your alone time, and Roxy respects that, she also loves her alone time; so you always make sure to make time for your own personal alone time
🐩 Roxy would also plan the cutest dates for the two of you, and every time she "picked you up" from your dorm bedroom in the Mansion, she always had a small bouquet of purple Verbenas ready for you
🐩 Roxy would also go to comic book stores with you, even though she didn't really care for comics that much, she knew they made you happy and that's all she could ever ask for; though if you go to a regular book store, be sure to be prepared for all the books she is going to purchase
🐩 On anniversaries, the two of you go to a Chinese restaurant, but most of the time you just get Chinese takeout and enjoy each other's company while watching movies together, falling deep into the fantasy or sci-fi world that played on the screen before you
Fox Mulder;
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👽 You met Mulder when you were hired as a secretary for the extraterrestrial believer, and he quickly asked if you believed, you were too shocked by the abrupt question to answer properly
👽 Though you and Mulder had that awkward and rocky interaction, Mulder was quite nice when asking you to do anything for him, always saying please and thank you, while even sometimes letting you go home early some days
👽 As time went on, you noticed how awkward (and adorable) Mulder was acting, sometimes fumbling over his words or even walking into a closed door once after talking to you
👽 You grew closer to the man, to the point you knew exactly how he liked his coffee and you even got to the point where you could call him Fox, but only when no one was around
👽 Fox even surprised you one time, after having a rough day at work, he showed up at your desk with some chai tea, which made your heart warm and stomach flutter happily; it even started to become a habit for him to get you coffee or tea in the afternoon
👽 At this point, Fox knew you enjoyed fantasy and sci-fi movies, and he'd occasionally invite you to his place for an alien movie night; which also turned into a weekly event the two of you would do together, even Scully would join sometimes
👽 When you had nothing to do, no errands to run, or papers to file, you'd sketch in your notebook, sometimes unintentionally (intentionally), sketching Fox... And some aliens; that had become a habit for you at this point
👽 One time, when Scully had been out sick, Skinner had asked you to be a temporary agent/partner with Fox on a small X-File, nothing too big, he thought it was a hoax... But Fox knew there was something... Fishy going on ("Something fishy is going on." He's say)
👽 Turns out there was something fishy going on, someone or... Something had been mutating the local fish in Springfield Oregon; making the fish have three eyes, now you had never seen anything like that before, and it was an X-File mission success to put it simply in the end
👽 And, after a long work day, you and Fox would spend the time together watching movies or even just discussing the great unknown of space and aliens in general; you always loved those times, seeing how excited and interested Fox was about the subject, and Fox felt the same as you would sketch aliens beside him as he spoke
(Thank you again so much for requesting this matchup! It was fun to create <3 :) I hope you enjoy it!!!!)
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trans-spidey · 2 years
does anyone have any good podfic recs?
I typically read hurt/comfort and general/teen rated fics but I want to try get into podfics but idk where to start so I figured I'd ask tumblr for any recs
ships I typically read for are in the tags
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tasteslikeblueberries · 4 months
very random but i want to make a horror sideblog i think
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miggylol · 3 months
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pagannatural · 6 months
2.07 The Usual Suspects
-Sam being interrogated about Dean is so so good because we get to see Sam being told that his brother is a scumbag criminal and the way he reacts by rolling his eyes like he’s heard this before. It’s almost like seeing a teenage version of Sam. The detective keeps telling him to throw Dean under the bus and the whole time he’s just giving attitude and plotting how to help Dean and work the case. He keeps looking out the window. Some of his reactions are raw and some are fake and some are both and his mind is running through his options assessing what to do and how to get out of this.
When confronted with the cliff notes on his and Dean’s life, Sam runs the gamut of emotion from sad and grief-stricken about Jessica to defending Dean and acting all scandalized to being a smartass, to whatever the hell this is when she says “it’s not your fault he’s your brother, we can’t pick our family”
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The double meaning here. The not meeting her eyes, the tension on his face, the disdain. It’s giving Bitch don’t I fucking know it, yet I would choose him a thousand times and every time I would be a little bit miserable. “It’s not your fault he’s your brother, we can’t pick our [soul mates]” is probably what God tells him in his most comforting dreams.
-So the detective’s theory is what? That after a shared sordid serial killer childhood Sam escaped the life and then Dean murdered Sam’s girlfriend in a house fire to lure him back in and make him his crime wife?
Because I mean yeah I would read that AU. That fits their vibe pretty nicely.
-She says “Dean’s a bad guy….his life is over, yours doesn’t have to be” and Sam looks at her like that’s the dumbest thing he has ever heard.
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She doesn’t know that they become sickly and depressed when they’re apart like a pair of bonded sewer kittens.
When she tells him he can get on with his life and Dean’s as good as gone you can almost see him tuning her out and calculating how to lie about this.
-Sam starts on his cover story, using his trademark Sweet-Innocent face. He relies on his charms and on appearing helpless to manipulate people into doing what he wants. He would’ve learned to do this when he was a child as a survival skill, and I can just imagine how well this complemented Dean’s tough but earnest seduction thing. Acting sweet and helpless when you’re actually savvy and resourceful is a trope commonly used in female characters. These traits (innocence, sweetness, feigned helplessness) are associated with women gaining/utilizing agency in the ways available to them.
Because narratively, Sam is the girl. It’s stuff like this, plus the way he’s depicted as Dean’s tempting damsel in distress in other episodes. It increases the sexual tension between Sam and Dean when they rely on these archetypes because we know what it means when two leads are masculine and feminine, when they need each other and the plot hinges on their conflict. It means they’re the love interests.
-Dean makes a joke about Sam being Scully, and Sam’s like I’m not Scully you’re Scully, and Dean says “No I’m Mulder. You’re a red headed woman.” Really spelling it out.
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Dean is smirking and making prolonged eye contact and just— he’s flirting. There’s a Bruce Springsteen song titled “Red Headed Woman” about how “it takes a red headed woman to get a dirty job done.” I have no idea if this is what Dean’s referencing or if it’s just a Scully reference but it’s a very specific thing to say and Sam is brunette. The song is very suggestive.
-Dean HATES waiting around while Sam works. Within seconds he becomes insufferable and has to leave to go do something, flirting with Sam again on his way out.
-“Sam’s story matches Dean’s to the last detail” they didn’t even SEE each other before talking to police! They’re just so connected that they tell the same exact story. Then they both work on the case in their separate interrogation rooms using different methods and arrive at the same conclusion at the same time. They also make the same joke about their public defender.
-I keep seeing this post about who knew Dean better, Sam or Castiel, and I just want to point out that these two are so in sync they can essentially read each others minds.
-We have an outsider perspective on their lives and relationship a few times this episode, and the detectives comment more than once on how weirdly connected the brothers are. Like, Dean communicates to Sam via movie reference to escape and Sam is already all over that, he’s been assessing how to climb out the window since his first scene.
-Dean tells the detective to go to Sam so that Sam can save her life, giving her their info on “how we find each other when we’re separated.” That’s very practical. It’s also true that when they aren’t together they are obsessed with finding each other and making sure they know exactly where the other is at all times. They must have felt so untethered when Sam was at Stanford. I’m imagining Sam going on a little trip over spring break and feeling like he’s forgetting something really important and starting to panic only to realize it’s just that Dean won’t know where he is.
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viennafantasies · 8 months
𝜗𝜚- Character's I write for
Outer Banks: jj maybank, rafe cameron, john b routledge
The Vampire Diaries: damon salvatore, stefan salvatore, klaus mikaelson, kai parker, kol mikaelson, elijah mikaelson, jeremy gilbert, enzo st john
Pretty Little Liars: toby cavanaugh, caleb rivers, Jason dilaurentis
Glee: santana lopez & sam evans
Once Upon A Time: killian jones & peter pan
Brooklyn Nine Nine: jake peralta
Gossip Girl: chuck bass & nate archibald (for now)
Riverdale: archie andrews & jughead jones
The Office: luke cooper & jim halpert
Stranger Things: steve harrington & billy hargrove
Cobra Kai: miguel diaz, robbie keene & hawk aka: eli horowitz
The X Files: fox mulder
American Horror Story: tate langdon, kit walker, kyle spencer
Pen15: dustin long, brandt
Outnumbered: jake
Marvel: loki laufeyson, steve rogers, bucky barnes, peter parker
DC: bruce wayne, clark kent, dick grayson, joker
Hunger Games: finnick odair & peter malarky, ps. I haven't done cornelius bc I haven't watched the new movie :)
Harry Potter: ron weasley, draco malfoy, blaise zabini, mattheo riddle, tom riddle, lorenzo berkshire, theodore nott, lucian bole, james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, regulus black
Note: Let me know if you want any poly, my requests will be open by tomorrow. You can request whatever you want but it has to be x reader. I don't mind writing anything but be careful with warnings. I hope you have a great day!! mwah :) ps. tell me if you want fluff, smut or angst. I don't know how to do smut that well but I will try!
cba to do tags
still did it ...
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