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userlaylivia · 6 months ago
a ship so good it permanently alters your brain chemistry.
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ohitsmsn · 11 months ago
I don’t know what I would do without fanfiction😭
That’s it.
That’s the post.
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brucashub · 5 months ago
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every episode of season 3 ft. brucas: 3/22
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forbescaroline · 10 months ago
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 52. brooke davis and lucas scott - one tree hill
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nostalgicninjas · 6 months ago
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starryeyesxx · 2 months ago
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paceypeternathanslawyer · 1 year ago
LOL How is this the purest yet also messiest wedding party ever. I love the mess 😂😁
The best man is the ex boyfriend of the bride.
The maid of honor is the ex girlfriend of the groom
The best man slept with the maid of honor many years prior while he was with the bride (thus cheating on the bride with her best friend)
The bride and groom starting dating after the groom cheated on the maid of honor twice with the bride
Now the best man is married to the officiant who he started hanging out with just to screw with the groom. Now they are the love of each other's lives.
They went from the messiest group to the most pure friend group.
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othsource · 2 years ago
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lalosalamcnca · 2 years ago
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“I miss the girl behind the red door.”
Sophia Bush as Brooke Davis & Chad Michael Murray as Lucas Scott in Season Two of One Tree Hill (2003-2012)
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maya-matlin · 6 months ago
it's sort of ironic that lucas and brooke had more in common later in life then him and peyton they had their own separate goals dreams and wanted a family their relationship matured over time where his and peyton stayed stagnant in a superficial happy fake bubble as soon as realty and communication needed to happen there was always issues nether character could grow together and honestly I don't see them endgame in the long run lucas actions showed he was in awe and had more respect for brooke as a separate person where as peyton he saw as a fantasy not who she really was that's why he just expected her to just want to jump and marry without any depth or conversations about where their relationship is not just some we are meant to be nonsense or the pressure of what other people perceived their relationship everyone constantly went on about him wanting peyton and they are meant to be I think that's just because they have to justify why he and peyton hurt other people and themselves together they had to be different people then who they was around each other
Yeah, the way Lucas and Peyton's relationship developed did not work for me at all. So much of it revolved around LP having to be together in the end to come full circle from the pilot or the fact Lucas repeatedly saved Peyton. Their goals didn't necessarily align unless you consider that Peyton wanted Lucas to be happy, and Lucas wanted the same thing. They both put his wants and needs ahead of Peyton's. Brooke at least felt like a person who independently of Lucas wanted similar things while also going about them differently. Peyton was just.. extremely desperate for Lucas during seasons 4 and 5. Sure, she also wanted to run a record label and discover new musicians, but it honestly came across like Peyton was extremely fixated on Lucas and had it in her head that she could only achieve happiness if he married her. So because she couldn't afford to have Lucas walk away again, she literally jumped at a mediocre proposal without the awareness that she was one of three potential wives. And like, on Lucas's end, his dream didn't necessarily include Peyton. He had a desire to start a family and post Brucas 2.0, the woman in his life didn't need to be a specific person. She just had to be willing to say yes when he needed her to say yes. I truly feel like a part of Lucas settled in a big way after losing Brooke. As for the communication problems, I agree. Nothing was resolved because Lucas had a lot he wasn't willing to voice and things he absolutely refused to hold himself accountable for. Unfortunately, Peyton was not going to be the person who fought Lucas on this. The narrative during season 5 was that Peyton telling Lucas she wasn't ready for marriage at nineteen years old forced him to break up with her and then apparently hide his heart for years after that because the pain was that severe. Bullshit, but whatever. In season 5, Lucas doesn't seem like he's suffering without Peyton. He's literally fine and happy to marry Lindsey, and then again when he makes Brooke a priority and chooses to be her emotional support system with Angie. Like, Lucas holds a grudge against Peyton and keeps her at a distance, but in my opinion the writing was telling us through multiple other characters rather than showing that Lucas still loved Peyton and that a Lucas/Peyton endgame was inevitable. Lucas essentially bumbles his way to "realizing" that he should marry Peyton after all, and I'm sure the fact only she would have jumped at that dead eyed airport proposal had nothing to do with it.
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Needless to say, I also think divorce is probably an inevitability with them. Once you peel back the idea of how epic the relationship is supposed to be and both of their separate issues, there isn't a lot there. At first, I'm sure they were blissfully happy because they finally got their dreams. But after that, day to day, I don't think happily ever after is going to feel as satisfying as they'd hoped. I choose to believe Peyton is eventually going to realize how much she compromised for Lucas and (sadly) I get the feeling Lucas will just end up cheating again because he can't admit out loud that he's not happy. And if he can cheat on his serious girlfriend of three years, he's going to cheat on Peyton too now that she's no longer the forbidden, easy option. I hate thinking so lowly of Lucas, but Lucas towards the end of his time on the show was a selfish guy who lost any bit of character growth he'd had during the high school years. Until he manages to work through his own shit, things won't get better.
Needless to say, I agree 100% about Brooke. It sounds ridiculous considering his messy history of breaking her heart back in high school, but during seasons 2 and 3 I truly think Lucas had good intentions and loved and wanted Brooke over Peyton. Lucas fought for Brooke and put himself completely out there in a way that he pretty much never does with Peyton past season 1. Lucas loved Brooke's independence. He loved her bravery and her soft side. There were times when he underestimated how much she needed his emotional support because unlike his relationship with Peyton, it wasn't so reliant on Lucas rescuing her. But we see by the end of season 5 that Lucas has become more in tune with Brooke's emotions and once again found a way to be her friend without any agenda much like during season 2. Whenever I try to imagine Lucas and Brooke in a similar position as Lucas and Peyton during season 5 including the missing years, I literally can't. I don't believe that Lucas would have ever held a years long grudge against Brooke for rejecting his proposal or that Brooke would have come back to him in such a way where she was handing over all of the power in their relationship. Why? Because Lucas and Brooke were so much more than an idea of how life was supposed to play out or something the people in their lives spoke of with such reverence than never quite lived up to expectations. It sounds simple because it really is. Lucas and Brooke were in love, and that was that. At its best, their love inspired some of the best in each other. They were truly equals with both similarities and differences. Plus, the passion. Even during season 5 where he's supposed to be harboring this deep love for Peyton, there are still moments with Brooke that outshine them and make zero sense if there aren't still romantic feelings on Lucas's end
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Or this entire scene
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I don't know that any of this reply had a point or even a coherent idea, but all I can say is that Lucas and Peyton being endgame hurt both characters. Peyton becomes weaker. Lucas is more selfish. It celebrates this idea that everything that happened was worth it because they got a happy ending, even though they to had to crush Brooke, Jake, Lindsey and Julian in the process. The relationship isn't exciting. The chemistry is severely lacking during most seasons. The entire Lucas/Peyton relationship is endlessly frustrating to watch because I like both Lucas and Peyton separately and time and time again, I revisit this show and watch them ruin their best chances of true happiness with other people all because of Lucas's savior complex and nostalgia for the pilot.
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userlaylivia · 5 months ago
I'm not including steroline because in my mind they are endgame same with jax/tara and merder because whenever meredith dies she'll be with derek!! I didn't include barchie or bhva because all were endgame imo and didn't include klamille or klayley or haylijah because I ship all three and didn't want competing ships lol and spuffy was endgame in the comic books lol in my mind karamel is endgame because she can go where he is anytime but I included them anyway lol and handon is endgame in my mind as well because they would've been!! I included brylan because even though I consider them endgame because they were supposed to be and now luke/shannen are gone I consider them to be but I needed to fill a space lol
@makeyouminemp3, @nikkiruncks, @bellamyblake, @okmcintyre, @stydixa
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zeroandvoid · 9 months ago
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💌 Brucas moodboard 💌
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brucashub · 6 months ago
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#brucas being cute as usual
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dayas · 3 months ago
brucas + 37
Drabble Prompts
37. “Wanna Dance?”
She is so beautiful.
The thought compounded itself in Lucas Scott’s brain, wormed its way through soft tissues and grey matter until it was firmly lodged inside his head. He knew it was rude to stare (one of the many lessons his mother had taught him), but he couldn’t help himself.
“Who is that?”
Hayley James, his best friend and resident Jiminy Cricket, peered over his shoulder.
“Brooke Davis. She’s new here, I think. Just moved back from New York.”
He repeated her name in his head a few times over, so he’d have it freshly in his mind when he went up to talk to her. Haley flicked the side of his arm and he frowned.
“Dude. Are you gonna stand here and keep staring at her like an idiot or are you going to actually go up to her and talk to her?”
She made a small shoo-ing motion with her hands, and Lucas sighed, putting his hands up in the air with a shrug in response.
“Alright. I’m going, I’m going.”
He made his way through the people scattered around the beach where Nathan Scott was hosting a summer blowout, the last big party before their senior year officially began.
Brooke tipped the red cup in her hands back, taking a swig from it before continuing to survey the area. Lucas figured it was smart to take stock — there was nowhere better to get the lay of the land than a bash like this.
Not the smoothest opener in history, but the best broody Lucas Scott could do. He watched as her eyes flickered over him and back up again to his face, saw her back straighten and a megawatt smile appear on her lips.
“You’re — ”
“Brooke Davis.” She beat him to the punch, her smile shifting to a flirtatious smirk as she added, “And you’re gorgeous.”
Lucas laughed, ducking his head shyly. Obviously she wasn’t scared about being in a new environment.
“How are you liking Tree Hill so far?” His question was in earnest. It wasn’t his fault that his voice had lowered to the husky tone he unconsciously favored when he spoke with beautiful girls, or that he’d taken a step forward to match the one she’d taken when she complimented him. Brooke’s grin was conspiratorial as she hummed, “I already found it pretty cute, but right now, I’m liking it more and more.”
“I’m happy to hear that.” Lucas’s eyes had darkened slightly, his smile a touch more rakish.
“You got a name, gorgeous?” Brooke asked.
“Lucas Scott.”
“Damn.” Brooke whistled. “Is everything about you sexy?” She lowered her voice, a half giggle and the whisper, “Can I find out?” following. Lucas laughed again, his cheeks reddening slightly.
“Later, maybe,” was the answer he gave, if only to keep his head on straight at the thought of her proposition. He glanced around as a new song started blasting out, cheers rising from his classmates on the beach.
“Wanna dance?”
Brooke nodded eagerly.
“Yes. Let’s go!”
She took his hand, leading him through the beach to the center of the other dancing bodies. She kept her hands on him, another encouraging nod slipping from her chin when his hands gripped her waist.
Brooke’s smile flashed against his neck, her lips skimming his ear.
“You can touch me. It’s okay.”
Lucas was grateful she was close for a multitude of reasons, but especially because her current positioning kept her from seeing him flush. He tightened his grip on her, one of his hands traveling down to her hip.
“Better,” Brooke teased him, grinning when he squeezed her hip playfully. “Are you always this welcoming to new students?”
“Only stunning brunettes from New York.”
“You think I’m stunning?”
“I think I could empty a few dictionaries looking for the perfect words to describe you. Stunning is definitely one of them, though.”
Brooke’s giggle injected itself into his veins, brightening him as they danced together. Lucas swore he would hear it again, be the cause of it, too.
“You wanna get outta here?”
She moved fast. It wasn’t smart (he could already hear his mom and Haley’s voices echoing that statement), but Lucas was more concerned with making the right choice over the smart one.
“Let’s go.”
He’d taken her words and served them back to her with a picture perfect smirk.
“You gonna give me a tour?” Brooke asked once they were away from the crowd, heading back towards Nathan’s house. “Because if not, I have an idea for where we should start.”
“What do you wanna see?”
Brooke was straight faced as she told him, “Your bedroom.”
He could already tell, she was going to be hard to resist.
“At least let me try to be a gentleman, Brooke.”
“Gentlemen are overrated, Lucas. Besides, I’m just presenting an option. You can take it or leave it.”
He did take a moment to think about it, to actually weigh the pros and cons of her offer. His expression was genuinely regretful as he told her, “My mom’s home tonight.”
Again, Brooke didn’t even blink.
“My place, then. My parents won’t be here until Wednesday.”
“You are…” Lucas trailed off, impressed with her persistence.
“Something you’ve never seen before, I know.”
And just like that, he was smiling again. He was hooked without even knowing it.
“After you.”
He offered her his arm, even if she’d be the one leading the way. She took it with a smaller smile.
“Why thank you.”
Lucas had known his night was going to be interesting from the moment he saw her.
It was safe to say ‘interesting’ was about to become an understatement.
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nostalgicninjas · 6 months ago
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this isn’t really an anti brooke post because in general i really do love her so much. but the way a lot of her biased fans overlook and even justify the way she treated peyton for most of season 4 is just deplorable. apparently we live in a world where kissing your best friend’s boyfriend makes you the devil, but using your best friend’s pain as a punchline makes you a badass. i understand that brooke felt betrayed, but so did peyton when brooke made jokes about her mothers and when she found out about her sex tape with nathan. at the end of the day there are bigger things in life than boy drama, and brooke crossed the line multiple times by making fun of peyton’s worst trauma. 
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starryeyesxx · 7 months ago
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